meting is held in accordance with njsa 10 col 4-12 of the open public meetings act are these mics working I have it on Hello is yeah they working no okay you you want to use mine oh I I'll use this one thank you okay that's the one that deps I would like to call this meeting to order um Francisco are there any Sunshine announcements yes in accordance with the open public meeting act notice has been given to the Jersey journal the Jersey City Reporter lito and posted with the city clerk on Friday March 15th 2024 we have the notices to be marked okay B1 okay Francisco we please take roll call okay I see commissioner zi here commissioner do Bole here commissioner Baron here uh Vice chair aruo here and chair Cole present we have a total of five Commissioners tonight yes um do we have any staff that needs to be sworn in oh we do I'm thinking it stands you swear or affir the testimony or comments you're to make this evening the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth yes can we please stand for the flag solu I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty Justice for All okay since there are no no one else that needs to be sworn in at the moment is there um any adjournments or new business that we need to talk about yes so in new business item number n case z22 d79 the address is 146 152 Glenwood Avenue they have requested to carry to the April 4th meeting with preservation of notice and item number 10 case z22 075 the address is 850 wests side they have also uh requested to carry to the April 4th meeting with preservation of notice so both being carried to April 14th yes uh the April 4th meeting fourth fourth Fourth okay fourth okay okay so um we only have case z204 -005 and you like that about the pizza it's if it's not here in a second or two I I'll get a free pizza see flying through the window that's you look I didn't pop a hamstring okay um so you're a first and only case okay I thought that might be the case the one only do have notices to this as I underst and this application service notice ofation would you like The Originals I got to change CH wasn't working everyone yours isn't working I don't think either okay thank you for the record Charles Harrington of Connell Foley on behalf of the applicant uh we're we're here today seeking uh a three one-year extensions uh for this uh project uh which would carry the approval through April of 2025 uh the project was was approved in 2020 there was actually an initial approval in 2018 for six units we went back in in 20 uh 20 and it was approved for an additional unit so that was the new project so the the um initial two year sorry that's s right uh the initial two-year period uh expired in April of 2022 so we at you you're um permitted under the local ordinance and Municipal land use law to seek up to three additional years uh for the approval uh and that's that's what we're seeking for today uh or asking for today uh the reasons behind it is is are the obvious ones as to covid uh you know during 2020 uh 2021 2022 uh also my client um has a an approved project right down the street on the corner of goate in Delaware that is the second phase of um the refurbishing of the convent behind St ALS I don't know if you seen that but that was phase one of that project and then there is a second groundup uh phase on the corner there that his plan was to build these together um so for the same reasons that he didn't build this one he didn't build that one at 136 Delaware and that's actually um there's an application filed to make some some amendments to that project too so he's he's hoping to move them together uh once he's ready within the next year and that's that's it that's those are the reasons are these folks for this project um um are you IM no okay okay okay so we have no comments from the community do we have any comments from the board members from my only question is the only reason it didn't happen was because of covid right I mean it was already approved yeah it's already approved yeah there's so many projects that didn't go forward uh during Co okay okay um so if there are no other questions call you don't have any questions right okay Francisco can you please take somebody make a motion make oh yes I'm sorry will somebody make a motion to take a vote I'll make a motion okay will somebody second that motion second okay sorry the motion to approve assum it's for the extension for the year well the three three year whatever one year one year three year what it's called extension one year extensions at one guer Avenue case number z202 400005 we need what's his face he does it right away with all the motion okay Francisco okay on a motion to approve commissioner Baron commissioner Bole approved commissioner zi yes Vice Chu yes and chair Coy yes uh motion carries all in favor okay thank you that was a quick one tonight wow enjoy um do we have any resolutions to memorialize okay sorry so the first and the second uh occurred on uh February 8th presid on February 8th were chair Coy commissioners aroyo shadid Baron Allen Bole and Zi the first both passed seven in favor none opposed but for reasons I'll just tell you as soon as we go the first one is z22 d89 it was an application for a D1 use variance at 128 Glennwood Avenue the applicant was 128 Glenwood Holdings there was a motion to approve that but that motion failed uh zero in favor seven opposed so that's the first resolution to memorialize all in favor hi hi and the second one another Glenwood Avenue this is z22 d77 the applicant was Glenwood Manor LLC 104 Glenwood Avenue that was an application for preliminary and final major site plan approval with d and c variances the same name seven Commissioners but that application uh was voted in favor of seven in favor none oppose all in favor of approving that I I and the last occurred on March 7th it was z22 24-3 Jackson Towers LLC present on March 7th where chair Coyle commissioners aroyo Allen Baron and shadid it was an extension of a minor site plan approval with c and d variances the address was 573- 577 Jackson Avenue we've lost the audience this is really something I said no they love you that application was passed in five in favor and none opposed all in favor of memorializing that I and that's all the resolutions to memorialize that looks like I assume all the business we have we don't have to okay no to do session so then I make a motion to the meeting I get a second all