##VIDEO ID:dQ6FKli07hc## 2024 I will call the meeting to order Francisco do we have any Sunshine announcement uh yes in accordance with the open Public's meeting act notice has been given to the Jersey journal the Jersey City Reporter elito and posted with the city clerk on Tuesday July 23rd we have the notices to be marked this is B1 for the record okay can I can I have a roll call yes so I see uh commissioner zi here commissioner shadid yes commissioner Bole here commissioner Baron here commissioner Allen here and vice chair aruya here we have a total of six Commissioners tonight can we please stand for the UD to the flag Al the flag to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Iris can you please swear in staff your do you swear that ttim yes uh Francisco espanosa erley erley Sophia thank you thank you st okay Francisco you have any correspondence or German that you like to share yes so item or number six in ajans case z20 d43 the address is 2011 norc AV um they have requested to carry to the August 8th regular meeting with preservation of notice and all other items on the agenda will be moving forward tonight okay thank you okay i' just like to make an announcement um just to let everybody know we have only six board members so those that are anticipating to be heard with we may have to do that another time um if we're in the middle of a case and we will'll hear presentations and comments however we won't take any new cases after 10:00 okay okay with that said um we have old business it's um let me look okay the old business is 7 case z22 0791 46-1 152 Glenwood Avenue uh the attorney is Jose uh Steven Joseph good evening Stephen Joseph castano quickly TR me for the applicant um so this was carried from the last meeting with preservation of notices we did conclude direct testimony at the last hearing I I do see some different faces here tonight so I would just want to confirm that uh the new Commissioners here have watch the video or listen to the audio recording Mr Jose I've confirmed with commission wonderful thank you yes can't he you I'm sorry mic get the mic oh okay okay go okay okay we postponed this last time when we carried it because there were only six Commissioners again there's only six so you're going forward tonight to completion yes the would like to move forward great okay great all right um so I believe uh we we concluded direct testimony I believe next is uh public comment yes so is there anyone from the public who want wanted to comment you can just come forward and comment my writing I do is name sure my name is Eric Blake Carter Carter c a r t r 159 Glenwood Avenue Jersey City New Jersey 07306 that was hard um so I'm going to read a statement from the uh McGinley Square community board of which I am a member um our president couldn't be here tonight because it is July and people are on vacation so I'd like to read the statement that hello Commissioners I'm from ainley Square community board the new owner of 146 introduced himself to the community not by meeting with us but by getting busted for misrepresenting permits and illegal complete Renovations in May when they only had a permit for sheetrock they disrespected due due process the zoning board the community and the city laws but let's talk about the plans community community appreciates adaptive reuse plans for historically significant 146 Glennwood and the commitment to maintaining the existing structure size Community spoken support of the cousin project at 104 Glennwood on February 8th we look forward to welcoming hundreds of new neighbors here we do respectfully request a few reasonable conditions trees we want the four 30ft tall matriarch trees kept in their current home the historic architecture naturally includes a courtyard of equal historic Lush mature storm water mitigating magnificent M matriarch trees four are especially significant one is a cherry and three are dogwoods they are not Red Maple and Plum as the applicant believes we know this because we live here in March the community and councilwoman uh were told these trees would remain in place two weeks ago zoning was told that the trees will not remain and will be relocated Carolyn claimed the owner will reinvigorate the landscape destroying established trees can hardly be considered reinvigorating a sustainable uh or sustainable Amanda Diamond substan sustainability director confirmed that these trees while thriving do not stand much of a chance chance if relocated also five new sidewalk trees were planted in front of 146 last fall please require the owner to keep and carefully work around those trees and to plant the required five new trees Elsewhere on the Block and ensure the Courtyard remains open to the public one minute to go okay two Community from three groups the wsca the lpnn and the mscb met and requested a superintendent to live on them uh for maintenance key fob access installed in elevators and hallways for safety curb Cuts included for delivery vehicles uh for some condos not just Apartments to create diversity of Housing and long-term neighbors five only low down Lighting on the building buing fa facade lastly parking we would like off-site parking added they were treating the University's Z property as if it was a residential zoning which comes along with parking requirements as Tanya Marion wrote on 317 and I quote in instances where the buildings exist on on-site parking isn't practical an off-site area for parking is considered a reasonable mitigation on use variants if you cannot figure out how to accommodate parking offsite the project will be support will not be supported by the planning department thank you for your time thank you do we have another speaker please come up you have three minutes okay yes I do my name is dermit Ronan last name is r n n address please 159 Glenwood Avenue thank you thank you uh Commissioners I just just want to highlight the fact that the buildings as dorms did not have a tremendous use of vehicles obviously there were students going to school there changing the zoning to a a a dwelling um will necessitate I believe parking there is no parking on the Block irrespective of the fact that there's more Development coming online on the Block 104 is already online 850 Westside Avenue on the corner of of Westside in Glennwood is also having work done on it to be repurposed into dwellings in addition to other dorms on the Block that are as yet unknown so I feel strongly that we need a parking solution uh there are lots of new developments online around Westside Avenue and in general in the wests side and McGinley Square neighborhoods most of those buildings are supplying some level of parking to those residents and I think the same should be true here here so I I I stress again the need for parking and I do also stress and Echo the comments that were made regarding trees we don't have enough trees across all of Jersey City pulling up five mature trees is is is vandalism in my opinion and I don't think we should stand for that uh we need every tree we have in this city to stay and we need a lot more coming online which forestry are doing a nice job on I have to say so thank you for for my comments I appreciate it thank you I do full name SP your last Charlene Burke b r ke and your address please 56 Duncan Avenue thank you good evening Commissioners I'm the president of the Westside Community Alliance of which this neighborhood is a part of and one of the things I concur with those who live on the Block have since I have been part of this process going forward since St Peters had sold these properties is that excuse me they maintain a lot of parking lots and we had asked the developers who'd previously owned this property if in fact there could be some negotiation with St Peters about Parking Solutions so that it gives relief to the block given it's a small block and like I live on Duncan majority of apartment buildings it can it becomes very difficult to park so parking is a big big big issue for this block and this is a developer that can in fact negotiate with St Peters for some solution there um I agree even with uh I know that that's one of the variants is they're asking relief from the parking maybe they can expand their affordable housing which they've actually oved or are stating they will do five well let them do five more Workforce housing people who work in Jersey City who may not need a car so five more units that might be Workforce housing could at least give some relief to I don't think that's a big number to ask that would mean 10 units in total um that would be a wonderful relief solution at least the neighborhood would think you were working with them and um I really do believe that yes this developer can give many more trees to Glenwood Avenue in keeping those mature trees that's important because again Jersey City is so low in its canopy and we keep losing more with all of the zoning changes you have seen adus are wiping out backyards um they developers building bigger houses any of those mature trees that used to be in the backyards are gone and they are the ones that really do mitigate the air and absorb the most amount of water so here we are saying we're sustainable City and yet we do quite the opposite so if you can encourage them to keep those as well as add more as well as seek Parking Solutions and offering five Workforce housing that would be a great solution overall thank you you're welcome I do John hanac H N SS AK 24 Highland Avenue um just some additional comments on the parking um that there's a a large mindset with uh some transportation minded folks where they believe that uh we don't need as many cars as we used to um but I I got to say with 53 units um sure are 53 units each going to have cars probably not but even if you uh put a conservative number at half you're looking at somewhere between 20 and 30 cars um in my opinion minimum that you're adding to the neighbor Hood with this project so again Parking Solutions need to be part of the discussion here or else this is going to be incredibly detrimental to the neighborhood thank you thank you yes uh we asked if I could make a statement of my own because I read thank you yes go ahead I just want to say that before this developer took over the project we worked very closely with the previous developer on trying to do things so that we could all be nebor and you know we offered some things that we wanted and they told us some things that we were doing which we agreed with what I'd like to request um is that for condition for changing the zoning is that they continue to work with the community what's happened is this new developer has taken over the project and the only way that we knew that there was somebody new is when the illegal work was going on they still have not spoken to anybody on our community organization um I spent 20 years downtown we had a house on Montgomery between Grove in Barrow and I was part of the van vorce Park Association where I learned how to work with developers how to give them some of the things they need and as a result they would support the community that's all we ask for to get treated the same way that the neighborhoods downtown get treated and if they could come to us and let's talk about what we can do we've talked about trees uh you know could we do a playground what else can we do to work in Partnership so that they are good neighbors and we in turn continue to be good neighbors to them I thank you for your time thank you anyone else Mr Joseph do you want to respond to any of that um sure just get to the trees in the courtyard yeah so your presentation say that if you keep those trees you'd have to close off the street in order to construct did I remember that correctly that's correct so it was our testimony at the last hearing that the reason why the trees are being removed is to use it as a state area I I believe we also said we'll do whatever the board wants if the board prefers the trees remain we're happy to do that the applicant would agree to that as a condition um but the staging area would then need to be on the street yeah I mean um so that's up to yeah see what staff has to say about that um that's number one what about number two the parking how could the prior developer work out something with St Peters and you can't the prior developer did not work out something in St Peters um so yeah look this application's been carried many many many times um it was at the request of the community at the request of councilwoman and sometimes because there wasn't a full Board of Commissioners um we've had many meetings uh the prior applicant and this applicant has has agreed to do many many things including the the lowf facing lights that's something we brought up in our testimony last time the bird safe glass that's something we brought up in our testimony last time um parking is is one not possible because the building has been deemed historically significant but it's also not required under under any circumstance because of the affordable housing units um this is a university Zone but any other residential Zone in the city would permit exactly this development if this was an R1 Zone with this historic building here we can we can do exactly this density um I also want to point out we're not requesting variance for parking that was something that was brought up it it's we're not requesting a variance for parking um I can understand how parking would be beneficial to the developer you know whether it's going to be condos or whether it's going to be rentals if you can you know if you can have parking for the for the residents that would be great for the residents they also charge the parking wonder do it and and also miss Burke had a good suggestion how about a couple of apartment there as Workforce I I wouldn't be comfortable recommending my client do that um you know the city has an affordable housing Administration now we worked closely with them to agree to the number and type of units um and and I wouldn't want to change that sounded good okay so uh I I don't know if any of the Commissioners want to ask questions of Mr Joseph's uh experts yeah we do have our architect or planner back to see yes everybody is here I think so anybody have question any comments questions no no know my comment will be uh if you're going to go back to the developer and ask him about barin or try to solve that issue somehow um do want us why do want us to vote today can we wait until you ask yeah you got to go into the mic what I'm saying is that you said that you're going to go back to the to the developer to ask him about the Barking are you going to do something about the Barking is this going to happen to today or we so I I didn't say I was going back to the developer to talk about the parking what I said is the parking is not possible it's something that that myself and and our design team which has been the same through the prior owner and this owner has tried to do numerous times and it's so no way we can solve the barin issue no not not without demolishing the building yeah it's historical do we have any maybe we should hear from staff maybe staff has some comments that would help us so long okay so I don't I do want to be brief um I don't want to repeat too much of what Miss forstell said staff does agree with uh her testimony that was taken at the previous meeting however I just want to refresh everyone's mind um give me a second to see if my staff report comes up on the screen if and it doesn't um all right well I have it in paper form MH just do that all right um so I do want to remind everyone the variances that the applicant is requesting is a D1 use variance as well as two c variances one is for parking and one is for minimum buffer uh Miss worell did a wonderful job explaining that to the board however I do want to just uh hit a few points um it is the opinion of the staff that this is a this proposal advances the following purpose of zoning per the ml uh B to secure safety from flood or fire or Panic so the applicant is proposing new Landscaping as well as um which is in the rear as well as in the front yard including five new Street trees where none no trees exist today um in addition the applicant is installing excuse me the applicant is installing a green roof that covers 20% of the roof renovation of the existing structure will bring it to to current fire code standards as well as it promotes uh item e which is to promote establish an establishment of appropriate population densities uh the subject property no longer serves the university the Adaptive freeuse of the property as a multif family dwelling is consistent with the uses permitted in R3 which is the Zone uh right well it's adjacent to this lot um the proposed unit count is appropriate as well for the oversized nature of the lot um there are multiple uh buildings that are multif family use and they're consistent with the character and scale of the surrounding context and lastly it promotes item J um to conserve historic sites the applicant is proposing an element of historic preservation and will continue to work with City Planning as well as historic by adaptively reusing the exterior or sorry the existing structure which was formerly a dormatory the essence of the use is to House people that will not change with the proposed project most of the surrounding block is zoned as University due to St Peters being a major anchor in the neighborhood the area does contain large garden and mix uh midrise apartments with some one and two family homes towards the Westside Avenue area the applicant will not be providing parking the current structure will be rehabilitated and cannot be demolished or significantly altered due to its architectural significance in the neighborhood and City thus there is no way the applicant will be able to accommodate for the parking the applicant has provided bicycle parking at the rear of the building for residents um there Additionally the property is within a mile of the Journal Square Transportation Center with two bus lines on Westside Avenue and JFK providing Transit service to the Journal Square and other locations in addition as per chapter 187 inclusionary zoning Section 5 additionally excuse me additional standards for affordable housing subsection B it states a developer subject to the affordable housing set aside shall be afforded an exemption from any applicable minimum parking standards for the purpose of aiding in the construction of affordable housing units in which this developer is providing in staff's opinion the existing building can handle the proposed amount of intensity on the existing lot therefore staff sees no substantial impairment of the intent of the nearby Zone and master plan should the variances be granted and with that said staff does recommend approval with conditions outlined in my staff report as well as not sure if you were given or if you read through Maggie's uh memo for historic yes I did say that I also did want to say two things or two more points um I did provide in my staff memo there's a 1938 which I wish I could show you guys but it's not working um there was I did some research in 1938 there were two tax cars that I provided um and these buildings each provided 25 units in 1938 so the is meeting to what it was previously um in this case they're providing 53 units and in 1938 the buildings provided a total of 50 units okay thank you Francisco okay well with that said so first you had some of the you saw these Carl has a a question I was just going to say so are we making a condition to keep the trees there that is up to the boards of question okay so are we that has to be put in tonight if we're did we're doing it so yeah but I mean if if they put the tree if they leave the trees and that means their machinery and everything else has to go well I'm just one that's why I'm asking like we have to like say one way or another is a condition or it's not a condition I mean he said they could do it but they would have to close the street down to do it so I guess it's just weighing what the community ones do they want the trees at the expense of the construction period I mean that's really comes down to down the street or is it just taking a parking one side it's some of both so the street would have to be shut down temporarily to get stuff in there but it would be blocking off areas that are normally used as parking the reason why we suggested the courtyard for staging is because parking is so important in the area again the applicant will do whatever the board would like what would that period of time be um I could have the architect provide some testimony on that okay Dennis if you could just uh give the board some clarity based on your past experience on what shutting down the street would look like what construction staging looks like and about how long uh that would take for for a rehab project well yes yes thank you um it was our opinion that the courtyard would have best served the community uh if we relocate the trees uh and best serve the community if all the staging was done in the courtyard that just basically takes up one spot to get in and out of the courtyard and um between sight fence and um in in the staging area have minimal the construction process have minimal impact on on the community by leaving the trees not I mean you know you have to protect them so now you have to form an area around the trees so no um you know because there's still going to be um work in out of the courtyard and you can't avoid uh using the courtyard for some kind of a staging so all the trees will have to be um protected with some sort of barrier and uh it's um you know so it's not that they can't they can remain so now we're talking about put the all the work uh being done on the street so I'm probably at least four at any given time maybe four spots will be lost dumpsters have to be put out on the street um so it it just becomes um problematic for the community I mean we see what's going on in the city there's so much development I mean I I think there I was trying to cross town today where at least four or five roads that were closed just trying to you so these are the types of things that happen um and we thought that it would be best that we could so so Dennis four or five spaces on the street that's about approximately the area almost almost 100 feet how many trees what's the period of time that you're talking about um I probably this develop this this uh renovation is probably 6 to 8 months how many it's not going to take up four it's not going to take up that many spots the entire time but you know at any given time someone's going to have to have uh post the signs and take up those spots and and and uh dump and then the majority of the work it's going to the entire building has to be re sheet rocked so you have to load the building with sheetrock every everything's getting gutted it's going to be every subcontractor electricians they going to need a place even even parking uh for you know for all your subs you know Courtyard could could also serve as parking for for you know for construction uh personnel as well so if if um you know but like we like um Mr Joseph said if the board feels it necessary I honestly I believe those trees can be replanted elsewhere in the community and I believe that the landscaping design that we came up with will you know make a a much um interesting presentation into this into this building so so you intend to remove those trees and put them somewhere else yeah that was our testimony that those at the right time of the year and you and you you know use a a um the proper um landscape experts they can they can uh they can pull those trees and plant them elsewhere in in the Community that's what we testified last time da so but um you know the client did say he would you know I think and if the board and the community feels that it's really NE really important to leave the trees we would leave the trees and try to work around them thank you tennis okay any more comments questions Carl so it sounds like you want to try to if you can save the trees if you possibly could the question is how do we what if they try and then they can't like are they you understand my point like where uh it's almost like I want to make I would like to see it as a condition but if it becomes too crazy even for the community while they're doing the construction they might want to change that that game plan so it's almost like we're asking for a good faith effort really to try and save the trees is what it sounds like without putting it in like we could have a condition and and Council Maybe maybe this would work we we could say that that particular condition could be revised at staff's recommendation instead of coming back to the forge I mean can you once you start working on it can you put the trees not the the the trees you're taking out but maybe new trees or something in the place in place um yeah no we have a landscaping plant so our plant new the courtyard I thought it was quite beautiful design but um yeah we're just talking about the existing trees that are there now what to do with them okay okay well I I what kind of condition do you want that they work with you work with staff um sounds like a real burden it sounds like it's not going to work you know it just just Dennis testified it is a burden but you know we're we're happy we're happy to do that if if that's you know what the community wants and what the board wants well just out of curiosity how many workers would be using parking spaces on the street that would otherwise be able to park in the courtyard um I'm sorry how many parking spaces would the workers be using on the street versus how many would be able to use the court Courtyard well we did a quick little plan study we can get if if we had to try to get parking into that courtyard somehow it would be again keeping the trees makes it that much more difficult because the trees aren't evenly placed they're kind of scattered around if the trees were there probably 88 to 10 spots within the courtyard can be parked for the workers right and and it's they wouldn't be a normal parking lot you know they would be parking behind each other no understand tandom you know CU can I make mention something I wish I can see that again expert to to say we're work well commissioner what what do you think yeah okay that was another two request one about the blr and one about increasing the number of affordable housing uh so uh the affordable housing I think I responded to I said that um the city has this affordable housing housing Administration now and we worked with them um in detail on the number of units and the level of affordability and the size of the units yeah we talking about increasing it number can you do that I I I wouldn't recommend my client do that at this point because of the work we we did already with affordable housing okay yeah that's sounds like something that would have to be done at the council level to add something to amend that ordinance that deals with the affordable housing and I believe we do have two three bedroom affordable units in in this development which is beyond the requirement okay so my questions back to the trees I I don't I I want to help I mean I I like it it just sounds like it's going to be a major inconvenience I mean maybe there's a few trees that could be removed and others stay I mean do you want to try it but we just can't hold you again you know hold it against you and just try and see what happens I don't know what perhaps we should work with staff on that um I'll tell you I have I have one building that's going up on my block and you have the PSC you have the construction you have everything in there I mean they even Park in my front of my parking space so that's a lot of trucks for just one house and it's a little house this this one is really a big project and I assume it's going to take a lot of space in the street so I don't know you have to kind of consider whether you want your convenience or you want the the trees you know so maybe we make a condition that when we get to this when you get to construction phase you go back to staff and advise staff whether you can remove those trees or not construction wise because it sounds to me it sounds like such a bird not to remove them yeah you know it sounds like you're going to be having you dry wall up and down Glenwood a lot of a lot of trees also a lot of trucks yeah yeah and you're going to have the Street closed all the time cuz I know I have that right now and it's just two families okay so so with that said can we have a motion Francisco I was just going to add that I think it would make sense for for the applicant to work with staff as well as um the Forester to see if the trees have any viability at that point um we could cross that bridge when we get there um so that condition probably would make sense and and that's acceptable all right so with that said can I have a motion Madame Vice chair I like to make a motion to approve KZ 22-7 I'm Excuse me- 079 as presented to the board this evening with conditions MH second second on a motion to approve with conditions commissioner zooki yes commissioner shadid no uh commissioner Bole yes commissioner Baron yes um sorry commissioner Allen yes and vice chair aruya yes motion carries five in favor one CL thank you everyone thank you have a good evening okay yes good evening and good luck okay okay so our next case on new business the next case it's z i voted no for zimar um 20 24-37 uh 3443 John F Kennedy Boulevard attorney is Mr Ronald H John Salan okay all right yes can hear you to speak yeah you have to speak into the microphone hello is that all right yeah use the other one do matter no because it's almost the same okay that's better now okay okay um Mr Shan it's like your days at the uh the Disco you just remember those days yes very very foggy memory of those days Mr Sher before you start this is a notice case and Iris I handed you the notice the affidavit proof of service notice of publication and we'll mark it A1 for this application okay this is a site plan Amendment case only there are no uh variances that are being requested the building at uh this location 3443 Kennedy Boulevard was approved back in 2018 it's a six-story building 60 units and 30 parking spaces during the course of construction there were some deviations that the Builder did and when uh I I don't know if it was T I think Tanya came out and uh inspected the building and suggested that we come back here uh to get a site plan Amendment so the application is completely clean and we would get our permanent Co right now we have a temporary Co so uh I have one witness Mr Garber I'm sure you're very familiar with him he's going to take you through through uh whatever changes that that were made and how we going to deal with it okay great thank you so Mr Garber has been here many times we recognize his expertise and we assume his licenses in order so yes it is great I I do thank you we're just going to have a projection issue here we're going to try this do we the anything happen yet about it at the break oh yeah I just want to talk to you about first thank you so much for every what we have to have to charge us about that what are we going to do I'm afraid the something behind my back so because he asked me for din meeting or something like that for two people told remember two board member asked me for a meeting and I they didn't even confirm it so uh okay great so thank thank you members of the board for hearing this hopefully this will be a um a relatively easy um case it's it ends up being a a a a very nice building that that was built um and um ultimately Mr shalan talked a little bit about the you history here uh this was a zoning board application back in 2017 2018 2019 we started construction Co intervened and um because of that there were some changes in the field some of them we were aware of um admittedly and some of them we um we weren't and and uh we you know tried to work with the contractor so what you see here is a um rendering of the building which was approved by the zoning board and what you see on the right is the finished building and so um materials are consistent um the application of materials is more or less consistent but you see that there's some differences in the way that it got applied and um I would actually argue that it's a little bit more handsome the way there's more order to it in my opinion the way it is and I I will say you know as an architect when we're proposing multiple materials on a building facade it's quite easy to do that in design but it's sometimes more difficult to do that in execution and um I I would say that the changes that occurred here in no way um affect negatively the resolution and I think make the building a little bit of a better building um and so I have um another couple of um views here you can see it here uh there's some great drone photos of the building and you can see it uh in context where it Rel is relatively um in scale with some of the buildings around it and um now to go into some of the the different views uh that we are changed so um I'm going to take you through uh the approved plans and the um as built conditions or proposed plans and again there's no change in number of parking Etc there's a couple of doors that have been added on the ground floor there's been a reconfiguration as you see here of the trash room uh where instead of bringing the trash directly through the lobby the trash is accessed through the garage and there is a way to come out through the lobby and you can see here there's two addition egress doors that were decided to be put in um on the corners I've circled them in red that were not in the original plan um the floor plans are more or less consistent uh and you can see here I won't go through these um but uh it's a six-story building and the floor plans do change at the top floor where you can see there was a green roof proposed in the approved um want me to take a oh okay there's a green roof prop proposed in the approved board drawings and you can see that on the left that green roof ultimately wasn't built that was not something we were aware of um but um I do think that there when this project was actually designed we could have on-site um um collection like there's basically a sstn under under the building so the green roofs aren't as performative as they need to be today uh so we do have on-site collection so I'm not so worried about it decrease of what ends up being about a th square feet of green roof we did however try to add as much green roof to the roof once we were talking with staff about this and um what we do have here is um a net decrease of about I it's it's about 800 square feet it goes from 5255 that was approved to about um 4546 that was built um so we still would argue that there's a fair amount of green roof for a building of this size and then if you see the before and after elevations it admitt admittedly these were some changes we made architecturally during construction um we've just kind of reimagined the location of some of the window boxes and the panels uh these are a combination of fiber cement brick as well as the light gray is is ACM panel it's metal panel and um you know even proportionately the the amount of these materials are about the same they've just been kind of reordered and we think that that makes the building a little more more handsome um and you see that here on the rear also I am happy to say that there's ACM panel and brick on the rear not as much Stu we usually see stucco on the rear of these buildings so it is a a qual a little bit more of a higher quality material on some of the faces of the building that do not front a right of way you see that in the side elevations here and then I thought I'd finish with just a couple of of images you know the building is is occupied the building uh people are very happy with it and uh we are too um this is a 5 foot fence uh this was one of the questions that Mr Beasley had the height of the fence that was installed it's 5et you can see it here and I think I'll just end with that image so thank Youk very nice thank you Mr GL I don't have any other uh Witnesses okay thank you so much do we have any comments from the public no comment do we have comments from the U board okay so uh good evening I just my only question is are the top units duplex no okay they're not there if um um Mr Allan you may have even been on the board I I can't remember actually when we actually got this approved may maybe um maybe not but uh so um the way that this is designed and the way that we uh let me go to actually one of these images uh the way that we um sort of argued for a contextual relationship in this building is if you look and you blur your eyes we have some taller multifamilies we also have some one and two family houses so this is a very large Frontage um it's about uh the site is about uh almost 18,000 Square F feet we have a wide Frontage on JFK and so what we did was we sought to break up that Frontage with mass and color but you can see also that we we step from a six to a five to a six2 A5 to a 62 A5 right and so where the changes were made is some of those um areas on the roofs of the five stories that was designed to be green roof and I think as the as the Builder was building them he was he he said to himself well there's some really great views up here so those green roof areas actually became public Terraces that are um you know accessible from the hallway but there are um single floor units on every floor okay thank you um can I have comments from the staff I don't have too many comments I just ask that the applicant agrees to the conditions um within the original approval z18 d80 uh as long as well as the conditions enumerated in uh staff memo dated July 22nd 2024 um other than that staff recommends approval okay great thank you I I acknowledge receipt of the July 22nd planning memo and my client has agreed to be responsible to uh comply with the conditions of approval of this uh board tonight and the 2018 resolution okay thank you so much may I have a excuse me may I have a motion I'll make a motion to accept second okay on a motion to approve with previous conditions and the condition outlined in the staff report commissioner zooki yes commissioner shadid yes commissioner Bole yes commissioner Baron yes commissioner Allen yes and vice chair Aro yes motion carries all in favor thank you everyone thank you okay we have the um case z22 069 59 mantros um attorney is again oh see our team a bit tonight it's you again okay again Mr shagin we have your notices right your affidavit proof of service notice of publication so we're going to mark that as uh A1 Iris yeah they locked the okay um this application is for 59 Montrose Avenue it's a uh mixed use uh residential and commercial building that uh presently exists on the corner of Montrose and what's the the cross street man Manhattan Manhattan right and uh from what I understand I didn't attend the neighborhood meetings but there were at least two neighborhood meetings and and uh we obtained a lot of input from the neighborhood and based upon that input we did make some changes there was some issue about the historical significance of the building that too was addressed by the architect so we're here tonight uh seeking uh a number of variances and we have two uh Witnesses Mr Garber and we have our professional planner uh who's with us as well so I'd like to call Mr G Garber as the first witness again okay very good thank you very much yes thank you okay um Bard thank you very much this this project has also been um all the projects you're seeing tonight actually um have been with us for some time um and we've been working on this project on and off since I think the beginning of 2020 um it is a very in my opinion handsome building historically significant um right at the corner of of Montrose and Manhattan the address is 59 Montrose but what you'll see in my slides is it's really three buildings that have kind of been joined together through the years um we were very happy to work with um the hpo Maggie O'Neal in this case we understood that this was a a significant building and something that we really thought um about um restoring as part of proposing an addition On It ultimately we are proposing five five dwelling units two commercial units right so so we do need some relief for that but um uh I will tell you that in in working with the community we had originally thought that there would be six residential units One commercial and went to one of the community meetings and the community asked for a second commercial space thinking that it was really needed after speaking with planning staff Francisco worked with us on this um it was welcomed and so it was something that we we developed um now in terms of the sign significance of the building um it really is um it's it's a little beat up admittedly right but but it has some it has some good bones and and interestingly um you know so one of the community uh members who was very vocal is um Paul amuso who you know is um a long-standing commissioner on the historic board and Paul worked with us uh in in uncovering some of the history of this building and so for instance under the white that you see here here is actually a tin storefront right of the period right and so um while we may not be able to completely restore that tin we can replace it in kind right so we've done some forensics in and around the building and um I am a fan sometimes people don't like yellow buildings I think in this case it's very um appropriate for this building um and you see that it has some fairly modern kind of styling to it even though it's an older building and it is um very much ordered so that you can tell what the three stories look like and you see that as it continues around the side all of the blue and white will be replaced and you'll see that in our drawings so this is the front building building one building two also needs some love um is a um a little bit of a beat up um kind of brick front that also has some historic historically significant storefronts on it so this was also commercial right this will be the building Lobby right we're going to split um a commercial and then a commercial in the building portion that you're about to see and have a Lobby here now what this looks like is this and so what we're trying to do is or what we're proposing excuse me is that we're adding um in effect 1.5 stories right so we're maintaining proud that yellow stucco um uh element uh that will be restored uh new windows obviously double double glazed and so forth building an addition let's see if I can get my mouse up here back here that will match um through coloration what's below it and that's going to be restored brick and then we have a little bit more of a contemporary setback fourth floor and again and and oh and then I haven't talked about this piece yet which I am looking forward to speaking about this is a singl story garage we were going to put a live work unit in there thought that that might be appropriate it's on Manhattan Avenue going down the hill to Tunnell um but the community came and said you know we just need a coffee shop we need something like this basic service and we think that this is a perfect location for it and um after talking with the owner owner has owned the building for a long while by the way um it was something that we were able to do so this is the kind of vision and I'll take you through a little bit more of this so the site is here it's uh one of the five corner sites in Jersey City we don't have many of them as you know um and the the primary blocks are Montrose and Manhattan and you can see Manhattan kind of cutting on the diagonal here that goes right down to Tunnell Avenue to the Boulevard on the other side um we are squarely in the R1 and so this building is a previously non-conforming use in that it was already multif family and it already had uh a commercial at least one commercial space in it we're not sure if it was one or two we're proposing two and we're proposing the five units I think um there were three units in here originally so we are obviously um um proposing a little bit more and then this is that sort of existing condition axon which I I just had to kind of render uh in from this view so you do see that there are some taller structures down Manhattan right and you do see that um we have that beautiful wedge building at the five corner at the corners like sort of to to the left of us but this really shows in my mind the diversity of kind of building types that you still have in the Heights today right and so that this building can kind of capture some of that be a multif family have a commercial kind of element two commercial elements to it uh on a very prominent Corner we think is actually quite exciting um we spent a tremendous amount of time in this building uh really trying to figure it out and so you can see some of the um uh some of the some more of the photos uh inside it's not in very good shape I mentioned that uh so it it is going to respond well to the love hopefully we were about to give it um there is a determination of significance and it was dated um June I think 28th that says 2021 um written by um it wasn't by Maggie it was actually by a um third party I think if I remember correctly um but but says exactly what we thought that there was some significance to the building it obviously shouldn't be demolished we never thought we would demolish it we checked that with um tax records that we were able to find and that's when we know that it was originally used as at least a three family always had at least one commercial and then you can see here the relief that we're seeking um there's a minimum front yard setback that's a pre-existing condition to remain but we're listing that as a yes variance there's a minimum rear yard setback um that's an existing condition to remain still listing it as yes there's the max building which would be three stories and 35 ft now we are proposing four stories and 41t and that's the additional shorten story that I talked about and that um you know I think in some ways justifies economically the kind of up upkeep that we're we're bringing to the building um lot coverage is also an existing condition to be maintained but we are noticing for it uh as well as the density and as I said before I believe that there were three dwelling units and at least one commercial maybe two commercial now we are proposing five dwelling units and the two commercial um so here's just some building metrics that I can read into the record it's a 2500 foot lot typical R1 lot um we're proposing the total building of 8275 square ft it will be a mixed use building with both residential and mertile Retail uses uh it's zoned in the R1 the building height is four stories I think that's 41 ft um but there abouts you know it's four stories and 41 ft U five residential units 3 ones one two and 1 three so a nice integrated mix of units which we think is important we are proposing an elevator that elevator hopefully justifies the fourth floor um it will be a complete Ada building so that will be some of the um the Adaptive reuse that we provide to it um the first floor contains the two retail spaces that are split with one entry I'll show you the plans in a second on mantro is the other entry from Manhattan the residenti Lobby is um between them we do have a small suble there is an existing basement uh we'll use that for utility and storage bike storage for nine bikes and there's also a 560 foot roof deck so um this is our proposed site plan you can see the retail W in the retail 2 retail 2 is the retail that was added after the second community meeting we had and you see the points of entry and eess on that site plan um lighting we do have a series of refle uh re assed LEDs and um uh wall sconces that um that are along the facade and then the bike storage path you go right out to Manhattan which I think will be um well the bikes are in the basement actually but they come right up the elevator and can go right out Manhattan and then in terms of the seller comparison um you see that we're largely using the Sellar for um building infrastructure spaces um you can see the electrical and mechanical room and so forth down there um the ground floor this is the comparison of what is existing and that existing is as close as we can measure it was difficult to get all of that but what's proposed we think works quite well while doing the restoration I mentioned of the um of the facade the second floor plan contains the three-bedroom unit and a um private roof deck and you see that that's where that little garage unit that we're making the retail uh we could basically program that um that roof on top of it and so that will be a private roof deck for what is the largest unit in the building which is that three-bedroom on floor two um and then the third floor has a two-bedroom and a one-bedroom um I should say you could see there's uh two stairs we're doing a scissor type stair which is permitted by code as well as that elevator um and uh you could see that the third floor were really expanding from that existing to the um proposed were more than doubling it on the third floor and then the fourth floor which is new we have uh two one bedrooms um uh front and back and the front one bedroom has its own little private roof deck because we're setting it back and you'll remember that from that axonometric we showed and then um a 566 foot roof deck um that is um surrounded by about 500 square ft of green roof uh is uh on the roof of the building now existing elevations we've gone through and really kind of documented these based on the photo evidence we've shown you and then what we're proposing you can see is down below we think that we're really giving the building some new life while being very respectful of its history uh you can see that on the Montrose Avenue elevation the front the the existing and the proposed and interestingly by the way it's white window frames and I think that those are original I think they were wood windows that were painted but we're maintaining that with the exception of the kind of um frame that we're we're using to to sort of align on the left with the the door that you see um Manhattan Avenue elevation you see that we are trying to um um refresh the storefront all the way along Manhattan on the lower floor and then the front of the building is the kind of yellow stucco and brick um ornament that wraps it the framing we will then have um brick masonry here and then this is a cementitious fiber panel up top um and then you see the proposed um the proposed front and back elevations here um South elevation nothing going on there's just another building touching it fairly complex building section with all the setbacks I thought we would show that just to show how we're managing all the different levels uh as well as a a kind of um shortcut uh and then the enlarged details and and I won't go so much into these but um I will say that there was a tremendous amount of time that we spent with Maggie we enjoyed doing this um in terms of I mentioned that tin facade the tin storefront that would be um repainted uh where we can reuse it or replace and paint it in kind so you see some of the detailing that was submitted to um uh to the hpo and then we have a shadow study um you know fortunately we're not casting any more Shadow than uh the majority of buildings around us uh you do see the big the two big H buildings those are the um multifamilies that are a little bit further west down Manhattan those are doing the majority of the deep Shadow casting in December our building is certainly casting a little bit more Shadow than it did but it's really casting into the intersection of the five streets as opposed to on someone's yard because it's on a corner which is nice um and then I'll end with um that axonometric drawing that I showed again that um you know there's a lot of moving parts to this one I think um but I hope you'll find that we've kind of managed the um the good bones of the building and are giving it new life so thank you thank you very nice do you have another enjy no I enjoy your presentation beautiful great it's breathing in this place yeah I know chilling yes I do sorry sorry about that full name Katherine Gregory k a t h r y n Gregory g r e g o r y business address is 96 lumma Plaza number 350 in fortly New Jersey thank you Miss Gregory has been before us many times and we recognize her expertise than Gregory would you take us through your testimony concerning justification for the variances that we need uh absolutely uh Mr Garber did a great job explaining the project which always makes my job really easy um we're here tonight seeking essentially two new variances for this application uh we do have a number of existing conditions that are variances which uh Mr Garber did identify with you but I'm going to first talk about the ones that are the new variances the first of which would be the density variants or the D5 variance um we are proposing 87 dwelling units an acre where 42 dwelling units an acre is proposed um however um I did a density analysis and then your planner on page three of his report did a more extensive density analysis of the neighborhood um if you remember seeing the aerial photograph that Mr Garber had up before there really are a variety of building types from one to five stories we have those two H buildings that he talked about uh that are quite high in density um up to 23 dwelling units an acre but uh this uh area that your planner identified the average density is 92 dwelling units an acre so we are right in comport with that we're at 87 so we're actually slightly less um so I do believe that the density is warranted on this site just as well there are Transit options in the area we have the 82 83 and 87 New Jersey Transit routes on Summit Avenue one block to the east we also have uh the number 2 88 and 125 on JFK Boulevard uh so I believe that the density is warranted in this location a we also need a c or bulk variance for the number of stories I would say this is a C2 variance for the purpose of Zing zoning excuse me are Advanced and the benefits outweigh the detriments uh three stories is permitted four stories is proposed uh a couple of things I've already talked about the fact that we have these much larger buildings there are fivestory buildings that are located in the direct vicinity of this location uh but I think it's also good to note that our fourth story while that being a variance is actually set back from the facade of the building so it is less imposing than if it were to go to the actual property line um and then I'll relate that into the existing conditions where we do have a deficient front yard set back side yard setback and rear yard setback because we essentially have zero and on all locations but that's an existing condition and since this is an historic building and we're building on top of that we're not changing that footprint uh we and that also goes to the existing condition of Maximum lot coverage we have 100% lot coverage because we have no setbacks so in terms of the criteria I think that we do meet a few of the purposes of the municipal land use law which fall under the positive criteria I absolutely think we promote purpose a which talks about promotion of the public health safety and morals and general welfare um I believe that this project is going to benefit the community by refurbishing this existing historic building and building on top of that as well as provide some high quality housing which talks is talked about actually in your master plan I also believe that we are promoting purpose eye which talks about providing a desirable visual environment um I think Mr Garber always does a really great job with his projects I think that the design really helps to um kind of fit in with the neighborhood as well as bring out the historic character of the existing building in terms of the negative criteria I don't believe there's any substantial DG of the public good a number of the variances obviously are existing uh the other variances that we're asking for are found throughout the neighborhood in this particular neighborhood um not another area in the R1 Zone but this particular area of the R1 Zone I also believe there's no substantial impairment to the intent and purpose of your Zone planning zoning ordinance um I believe that we meet the purpose of the Zone the purpose of the RN district is to accommodate existing housing encourage compatible infill preserve the streetscape and utilize and preserve on street parking where lot Frontage is narrow um I believe that we are doing that here we are preserving the streetcape we are providing compa compatible excuse me infill um and we are revitalizing the housing that was located on this site and providing some additional new housing as well um I also believe that we promote uh two of the land use principles of the Jersey City master plan which is number one continue efforts to enhance residential neighborhoods I think we're doing that here particularly at a corner location and also number two uh ensure the city's housing Supply is balanced and meets the needs of all current and future city residents um so with that said simply put uh I think that we meet both the positive and the negative criteria for the granting of the variances associated with this application okay thank you so much thank you we have no further Witnesses um and I'd like I'd like to really compliment Mr Garber on this building I me know he's been working on this for a few years and it really came out absolutely abolutely spectacular reusing a building like this it's it is it's beautiful we really enjoyed everything no it is it's very nice beautiful but that's that's our case okay for Witnesses do we have any members of the public that would like to speak please excuse my hat it's so cold I'm trying to I know I know yes I do Patrick fuken I live at 194 Manhattan 193 Manhattan Avenue Jersey City Jersey your last name f i n u c a n e thank you my main concern is that there should be an environmental impact study on this property first of all I I've lived on this block for over 70 years when I grew up the corner was a candy store next to the candy store we had a barber shop next to the barber shop there was a liquor store and next to the liquor store we had a deli so there's there was way more than two tenants or PR tenants residentially speaking I only know of one family that ever lived there was never a three family and I don't think it's on the zoning book is a two even it's a one family now we're proposing to add five um the issue about the environmental impact study in August of 2021 we had the hurricane Ida I live in a a row of seven houses on the Block we were flooded first time in over 70 years we've never this was not we're on a we're in the Heights now water runs off the hill nobody has flood insurance on Manhattan Avenue on the top of the hill we didn't get rainwater in our homes we got sewage it was all backed up the block can't handle additional units I had an absentee owner on the Block he snuck in a in a basement apartment I contacted uh Tanya's office it was removed you can't add additional units if the sew if the sewage system can't handle a Vine uh my main complaint is could they reduce the number unit there were never three families living in this property it's probably the largest commercial strip north of newk Avenue excluding Central Avenue on the side streets there's 100 feet of commercial property I mean some of that you're going to be using for a Lobby so that's going to be good yeah one minute to go I'm sorry one minute to go thank you and um there's probably it's it's 25 by 100 so they're using 100% of this and uh on on my onol is probably 20 ft so you have 120 ft of commercial property my main complaint is the number of units could you reduce it down to three or two it was never three residential units and the parking issue if you look at the streets Beach Street Carlton Sherman Place Hutton sisy Lake Street there's over a 100 illegal curb Cuts in Jersey City uh tenants out number residential by 2 to one it's 70% tenant 30% residential and how they're solving the parking problem they're cutting the curb and putting their cars on the sidewalk take a look take a ride down on on Sherman Place five continuous houses cut the curb time's up there's 10 cars on the sidewalk time's up please reduce the number of units thank you gentlemen thank you gent anyone else yes a good maryley capital e n gyen capital l e e I live on 58 Sanford place I'm here tonight because I have a direct sight line sight from my house the side of the house and the front of the house especially on the second floor I see that I can see the building so if you're going to build to fourth story and above what I'm afraid is the lights down by Kennedy and Sanford place they built over four story high nothing on one of my other windows I get the light all night long winter and summer and spring in the winter I get it the worse because the trees don't block the light they have it on 24 hours so that's why I came because I'm worried if it's four story and above I'm I'm even worried about third story but that's legal but four story with the waiver I'm very concerned that for 24 hours I'm going to have some kind of light going on the side of my house and the front of my house okay I have a direct sight so that is my main concern about having five stories and then what he said is correct the parking has horrendous five story five units three bedrooms two bedrooms I mean they're parking all over on the sidewalks we can't walk and I lived there for 40 years in 58 Sanford place I can't be sure but I think it was always one family living up there I can't be for sure because you know I was working so I didn't have time to look around but now that I'm retired I know there's more things you look around look around thank you thank you thank you yes I do my name is Terry Lee l last name the only address 58 sth place the only concern I have is the waiver that you have listed when you sent us the listing saying that any additional renovation does not need to go through the council or anything and I'm just worried if they if we approve if you approve it now so any waiver let's say they want to put another 10 stories on you they'll be able to do it because approv or that's what you say that does mean that I live in Jersey long enough not to believe anything the council says you could believe me it doesn't mean that but but I'm just worried about that waivering I mean we we like your plan we don't disagree with the plan but we are worried about the density because it's so hard for parking in our area I know I know okay thank you thank you so much anyone else I think uh Mr Garber would like to respond to a couple yes please so I can I can do my best so in short um you know it is very difficult to discern how many units we're in here and I I take at face the you know the the folks that have been around for a while but being in this old building and trying to discern where walls were um whether it was legal or not is a whole other question but the way that it's cut up now there were definitely more I I think I believe there were three families in there so that's where my assessment comes from not from a tax record um the other thing is the other thing is the um with the sores um uh the MUA uh is actively looking at this Citywide um on all of our projects there's always some sort of discussion that we're having about this um I I understand that this is larger than what was there I'm also not an engineer but I I can say with some confidence that you know five units is not going to overburden a sour system on on on Manhattan where I know for a fact that there's a larger kind of sore that goes down the hill to Tunnell and Beyond so hopefully that's the case with the lights um we we do um uh hear complaints like that or objections like that from time to time one of the things that you'll see is we don't have a lot of Windows on that upper story um because we are cognizant of that now we obviously have windows are required by code for light and air uh and for egress in some instances and so obviously we're doing that we're also trying to align some of the glazing sensibility with what's below um and I will say that increasingly we do try try to impress upon our clients to have commonality in the window treatment and the shading that happens so that the building is consistent and you're not seeing all sorts of different things through the windows on a kind of handsome or manicured building um that's not something that we can totally control as the architect but I am do it and we certainly can talk with the owner about that I I I would say I've spent a lot of time with the owner now because we've been spending a lot of time haaji from our office has been in this building he practically lives here um so um so I I I I think that the owner has very good intentions in in in doing this and wants to do something wants to give the commercial spaces back to the community and be a good neighbor okay can I have comments from the board questions oh I I have nothing further so I'll turn it over to the board okay thank you do I have any questions comments from the board no can I have um comments from the staff yes let me share my screen so you can see my report I will be very brief um I just want to first uh talk about two points so as we all know the subject site is in R1 um R1 now permits for residential uses up to sorry for residential uses um also it permits three stories 35 ft as well as something which is unique and I applaud the applicant for taking advantage of this um the first floor commercial provided that the commercial units existed in the 1930s tax assessors photo um is something that was added to the R1 and the applicant has taken advantage of that as this property uh previously was um a mixed use I don't want to take up too much time I do just want to show the board that this is the neighborhood dity map you can see in red these are um lots that are 53 units per acre whereas the R1 now allows for 42 units an acre so there's quite a lot of dense housing apartments in the neighborhood um do you want to quickly go here so it is the opinion of the staff that the proposal advances the following purposes so purpose B to secure safety from flood so the applicant is providing uh five new Street trees where none exist on the Block today um in addition the applicant is installing green roof that covers roughly 745 ft this is combined on the rooftop as well as the roof deck on the top of the first floor um it also promotes purpose e which is to promote the establishment of appropriate population densities um staff feels that the proposed mixed use is appropriate for the lot and the proposed bulk associated with the multif family use as far as a negative criteria the existing nonconformities help validate that this use is not out of character for the neighborhood um The Proposal will restore commercial activity that once existed on Manhattan and montros in the 30s um and it also supports commercial the commercial Corridor which is on Central a JFK and Summit um in terms of the C variance and height the project requires the C variance because it is uh asking for four stories and 41 ft um in in height where the zone now only allows for three stories and 35 ft um however staff believes that the proposal furthers the city master plan by enhancing residential neighborhoods and ensuring the city's available housing is balanced um oh okay all right well okay that's done time to switch to paper um ultimately I did want to show you guys the tax uh card but I did some research and the tax card showed that the property in the 1938 or 1938 um contained six stores on the ground floor as well as two apartments um and that's just a little research I did but other than that staff does recommend approval with conditions outlined in my staff report and I just want to put on the record if you agree to the the conditions that um Maggie sent from HPC uh yes as well as the conditions in the planning memo dated July 12th 2022 thank you okay that's it thank you Francisco so can I have a motion from the board uh Madame Vice chair i' like to make a motion to approve k z22 d 069 as approved I excuse me as presented to the board this evening with conditions may I have a second okay on a motion to approve with conditions commissioner zooki yes commissioner shadid yes commissioner Bole yes commissioner Baron yes commissioner Allen nice deson yes and vice truo yes motion carries all in favor thank you very much thank you everyone good luck okay so it's beautiful okay so the next case is z 224 0016 um 8 Highland Avenue and 8 19 Bergen Avenue applicant is um George Gregory and the attorney is Elmo Cod Mr cowo is from my office uh I'm handling the file tonight busy today you're busy I know you're tired of seeing no it's okay you're good you're good Ron's night there we go goad Mr shagan again this is a notice case we have your notices your affidavit proof of service notice of publication so Iris will mark this is A1 for this application thank you Mr M this is an this is an application that combines two lots one on Highland Avenue and one on Bergen Avenue Lot on Bergen Avenue used to be the Joseph Cooney Insurance Agency which had been there for I bet 50 or 60 years uh it's no longer an operation uh the one the one story Cape House on Highland is a is a one family house uh it is in serious disrepair uh the applicant uh intends to combine the Lots if approved and construct a new building on both of the Lots this application as well uh has had uh meetings with the community associations Mr Garber has handled those meetings I'll let him tell you about it but it's an exciting uh application because it's Lending uh the Bergen square area to a lot more development uh than it has experienced in a very long time so I'd like to turn it over to Mr gorber thank you um Sophia can you project please or Francis sorry so this is another project that has been in our office for uh several years and I'm I'm happy we're actually here tonight with with all of them um so we uh it's on the other screen now but um so it's okay so so um as Mr shaan said this is a uh condition where there are two buildings that are uh adjacent and partially connected that exist not on the corner but around the corner of Highland and Bergen and what's interesting about this I was thinking about this is we you know our office has been involved in you know numerous projects on the Bergen Corridor and we actually did a project just like this on a little bit of a bigger site but same kind of configuration where we had Frontage on Bergen and Frontage in that case on Fairmont and that's the building that exists there now that's called The Fairmont at 720 Bergen uh this is much smaller than that um we're we're the unit count is is much lower but what the lot does is it um it really um is exciting in some ways because it gives us an opportunity to merge between two very different scales and types of building aesthetic and I would say that both are vernacular um but the vernacular on Bergen is quite different than the vernacular on Highland Highland is a much more residential block and you'll see that our elevations on that block and the setbacks are um uh very much in keeping with the pattern of development that has happened there and on Bergen um we are um much more kind of on the street creating a street wall in Brick masonry and consistent with um the buildings that that that we have there and you can see that we're right adjacent to a very large multif family that you'll see in um in some photos we have had and so the zoning map is here these are both in the R1 and we are one site away from um the old CBD that still exists right at the sort of South edge of of Journal Square but this is this is R1 not historic um but R1 uh nonetheless um we had um two meetings um they were almost a year apart um at the old Bergen Church uh that was organized by the pastor there and they were both attended um equally well by more or less the same folks uh which was great and so uh admittedly that first meeting that we had which was two summers ago at this point um so two years ago basically um you know we hadn't really kind of worked through the elevations yet we were kind of showing some Concepts and we were showing um some density and some setbacks that I think were deemed a little aggressive um and so we listened and we you know we cut that back right and so um we now I think have something that's a little bit more uh as I said um uh uh uh you know uh works well with the the kind of pattern of development on both of these blocks which is kind of quite different uh this is the existing little house that looks totally out of place on Bergen and this is the little house that in my opinion looks out of place on Highland right because it's very small um which is which is kind of interesting now it's the same owner he lives kind of in both of these buildings there is some I I don't exactly know what it is but there is some way to get between them he primarily lives in the smaller structure here um and largely the houses that are on the corner so um basically east of the little house that you see here are medical uses and um it was interesting because there was a time and and this came out in one of the community meetings where we were seeking a potential medical use here and and um one of the community members actually said to mewell why would you bring a Comm a medical use here there are no medical uses here and I walked right outside and there were medical uses right on the corner so um you know there there are some you know there are some things that I think um are clues in the existing fabric um so so what what I'm going to present to you is a building that kind of is an L that is basically three stories on Highland uh that does provide uh for six parking spaces and then a five story configuration on Bergen that I think is in keeping with the brick masonry taller buildings that are on Bergen and we're trying to do it in a way that we kind of weave them together into a single structure which um you know is has its challenges but I I think we have something that that that sort of works so this is the the building uh Frontage on Highland uh this has been a redesigned facade um after receiving some feedback from the community about set back about materials and you can even see from this rendering we now have a setback that is you know plus or minus 10 ft I'll give it to you when I show you the site plan that keeps with the line of buildings that are on Highland so we are um from a from a precedent point of view uh aligned uh with the faces on Highland now the frontage is actually wider than many of the houses so what did we do we split it in two right so instead of making one massive structure we did two two structures that actually have a pitched roof condition to them and the pitched roof is vernacular to the block it it aligns with the sensibilities that you'll see on the Block I have a block elevation while still meeting the setbacks and you know hopefully giving a little bit of a more contemporary flare with some of the larger Windows uh now there is some relief needed here uh we have a front yard setback which um shall match uh the adjacent building and what we have here is um Highland is at um 72 and we do more or less match that Bergen a is zero I should say Highland is 72 to 1611 and that's because our little building is is very deep um in terms of it's setb from the street uh and Bergen is zero so we're matching zero on Bergen and and you'll see in the site plan how we're trying to mitigate the conditions that we see on the block by basically stepping in between um the structures on either side of us um the building height um on the Bergen side is 5 stories and 53 ft I think that's consistent with what's on the Block however that is a um a deviation uh as three stories and 35 ft is permitted in the R1 um the image that I just showed you on the Highland side we do comply we're at 35 ft to the the the middle of the pitched roof which is how we're supposed to uh measure it um and then the maximum permitted density we are proposing nine unit here and that gives us 72 units per acre Miss Gregory is here she will testify again to the sort of Logics behind that um so there are again some deviations here but I would say that it's also a kind of um oddly configured lot that we're trying to kind of merge um some sensibilities on so um proposed design key points the lot area is just under 5500 square feet 5463 the total building area and that's three stories on one side five stories on the other totals 16,266 ft the Bergen avide is 5 stories and 53t 6 in which I think is contextural um and then the Highland side is three stories and 35 ft to the midpoint of that pitched roof which I also think is contextual um we are proposing nine residential uh units that's four one-bedrooms three two-bedrooms and three two-bedroom duplex units I'll show you how those work in the plans uh again elevator is proposed so there is accessibility coming to both of these both of these parts of the building um uh where there wasn't any accessibility in the existing condition um the first floor has uh six indoor parking spaces we do have a um um a parking a a transportation engineer here who can speak to that a little bit um six parking spaces trash room residential Lobby and a modest retail 877 Square ft on Bergen so this is another mixed use building given its sighting um the six Park parking spaces are accessed from Highland and we do have bike storage for 18 bikes uh which is I think more than we need to um so here you see the site plan and you can see some of the setback Logics and and so basically I'm going to try to use the mouse let's hope I can get it up there yeah so what you see here is this is the the building that has the medical offices in it you can see the way its bay windows are proud and then you can see the rest of the housing stock on Highland sets back a little bit further so what we did and this was also in consultation with um the pastor and the community at the meetings is we decided to try to average between them right so we actually step back further than the corner but a little bit more proud than the houses down the block so we're setting up a kind of line of sight that is almost like a perspective line of sight right um we have an 11t six front yard setback that we're holding from the sight line um our rear yards are quite generous where we have a 35 foot rear yard that we're showing again with my mouse from the Bergen projection from the Bergen side and then a 24 yard uh foot rear yard setback from the Highland side and you can see that's more or less consistent with the building that's um adjacent to us right um there is sight lighting we're using using actually the same uh sconces that I showed you before um that are um they they project both up and down but not out so they're really nice and then we have some outdoor recessed down lights as well and those are the blue um sort of circles um bike and trash removal you can see how those work and uh this is all out to Highland which is uh where the garage accesses so we thought that that made sense um and there is a proposed basement plan so we do have our bike storage in the basement um 18 spaces are proposed and so that means that the bikes will go up the elevator and out the parking area um which we think is is fine uh there are also building um infrastructure spaces down here mechanical room Plumbing room sprinkler room and so forth which we like doing if we can because you can actually tie in directly at that kind of mua sub uh sub street level um uh our first floor plan and there's a lot here so I'll use the mouse again and try to take you from Highland so we have um a curb cut to go into the driveway so we have an 11' 6 in driveway there will be no cars parked in that driveway by the way it's only for access the rest of that setback is all landscaped with the exception of a paved entry to um to the garage like a a sort of person entry as opposed to the garage entry we have the six parking spaces that you see here so we have the Ada space we have a standard space two standard space three standard space four and then standard spaces five and six there will be EV charging here I don't think we're showing it yet in our plans but that is required in multifamilies and something that we will do um you do see here the setback that we have in the rear corner 24t setback in the rear yard from Highland and a 35 foot setback in the rear yard from Bergen um that is uh pay uh there's some pavement back there for the two parking spaces but the majority of it as you can see is landscaped right um uh we do have some civil plans and we were asked to actually try to determine as part of this um a dimension between um existing trees Center to Center and by our calculation it's 46 feet um so um Sophia we can talk about that one as we as we go on but I just wanted to show that plan um we are proposing here um a potential location for uh the street tree that um so let me let me step back a second there was a comment that um staff would like the street tree to be more centered between the existing trees so we went out and we took a dimension we found that um the dimension between the the existing trees is 46 feet so if we were to evenly distribute um that street tree would be relocated a little bit further to the corner uh we're happy to to do that um so that is some new evidence that um actually just came up at about 3:00 this afternoon so hopefully the board doesn't mind that we're we're showing it as part of our our drawings here um other than that this is all stuff that was submitted uh as you know so on the second floor this is when the residential units start and um you do see that in blue we have this kind of wed shaped hallway um this isn't the most efficient building we've ever designed but at the same time we're we're trying to make use of the the site um so that hallway connects two stairs which you see in Orange as well as the elevator which is the kind of more square shape in Orange and you can see that we have um a one-bedroom two one-bedrooms in the front on Highland that's right here um a two bedroom here and then a two-bedroom back here on Bergen um I failed to mention before I should just go back that we do have I'm going the wrong way um uh the retail space on Bergen which is 87 77 ft I forgot to talk about that before that's right here okay um and then the the the units carry up and so this carries so the third floor more or less matches the second floor there's a little bit and you can even see the way that we're articulating that stepped setback is even happening here so the sort of right side of the building is slightly more proud than the left side of the building so we're actually stepping the building back to two um dimensions um which is important to kind of establish again that Rhythm that we we found on the street um and then the fourth floor plan this is when we're out above the portion of the building on Highland and we're now only on Bergen and you see that we have um the two two-bedroom duplexes that exist here on the fourth floor and go up to the fifth floor so you see that here and then you see the top floor the fifth floor which is the um the Upper Floor of the two-bedroom duplexes where we actually have the bedroom so what you're seeing here is four bedrooms split between two uh duplexes and um we are opting to do solar panels I think this is the first client we've ever actually the second client that we've ever um talked into this um but the the new um uh sustainable regulations do allow for Sol solar panels instead of green roof I'm I'm happy to show uh that we're we're actually contemplating that here there will be um a third party that we will consult in terms of what the array is but the intention is to put them as shown um on the Bergen a side um the Bergen Avenue elevation is fairly simple um it's a a kind of dark base with the brick four stories and we do show plant boxes here um and then black frames around the windows just a a metal frame around the windows um uh fairly narrow elevation um but you do see we do have a fair amount of glazing on that ground ground floor because this will be a retail unit um and again the plant boxes which we think just um so long as they can be maintained will be a nice um aspect uh and then the Highland Avenue elevation this is the rendering that you saw before what we've done is we've kind of subdivided that face into two elevations the one on the right is slightly proud to the one on the left but they do match we get nice big Windows as well as the pitched roof so we do think that contextually this works um and then you see the um the side elevations where this is actually um the side where there's a house immediately next to us but you do see the rear of the portion of the building on Bergen um and then here is the um the side elevation there's a larger building next to us on Bergen and you see the rear of the portion of the building on Highland so you see the way we're terminating that pitched roof on the upper right um just some enlarg details that we've done to show that we're compliant with signage uh we're just showing the building address and generic retail they'll obviously be some name to this for the retail but we uh it will be com U um compliant uh signage uh this is also a fairly complicated building section so we are showing the building section here we do think we can maintain florid to ceiling Heights of 9' 6 in which is we think is really nice uh this is on the Highland side and then uh the Bergen side we're maintaining same and you can see we do have a a slight Canever where we're setting in that retail face so we can pull the building out which will provide um no need for a canopy we'll we'll be providing the shade that way and then finally block elevations um I think these really do um in my mind um convincingly show how the project does successfully mitigate between two different vernaculars you see the building uh on Bergen on the um on the upper left and then our building on Highland Highland on the lower right um Highland by the way does have um some multif family on it and you can see that uh sort of on the lower left um but there really is no um consistent building design on Highland right you have some fairly steep pitched roofs you have some fairly flat pitched roofs you have some bay windows that carry all the way up so it's eclectic I think and I think that what we've done um hopefully mitigates with that while bringing something new um that um that does fit in and that's the goal here and I'll end um with that oh I have some Shadow studies there's that rendering again um the shadow studies um I don't think I have an animation here I do have an animation um you can see our building our building is here on the corner um and there are larger buildings uh further south that are casting a lot more Shadow than our building is casting because of it location on the um north um West corner of um Bergen and Highland we're actually mostly casting Shadows into the street during the um uh you know the darker months of the year so we don't believe that there'll be any um any um impact beyond what is already there and that's what hopefully these these Animation Show and I'll just finish with that rendering again so thank you thank you do you have presentation I have a plan okay and uh I have available the uh our traffic engineer if it's necessary you have any questions I think I'll hold it for last but I'd like to okay here's here's the house the attachments oh okay M Gregory you heard Mr garber's presentation of the evidence that he's presented to the board would you please go through your planning testimony to justify the Varian yes uh for this application we are seeking a D1 use variance as the mixed use building is not a permitted use in the R1 Zone this is also in the R1 Zone like the last application um regarding a use variance we have to prove that the site is particularly suited and we have to distinguish it from other properties in the immediate area um I think we can absolutely do that here as this is a very unique property it is L-shaped it's around a corner lot um so it's definitely a unique property and it is distinguishable from those in the immediate area um so not only do you have to prove that the site is particularly suited but we also have to prove the positive criteria in terms of the promotion of the purposes of municial lus law and also the negative criteria now I do believe that the site is particularly suited because of its l-shape um I believe that uh in terms of this application each Street Frontage contains that different vernacular that Mr Garber talked about um and it is addressed through the proposed design um not only do we have also a number of mixed use buildings and the reason I wanted Mr Garber to keep this up uh on the screen is when you take look at the existing streetcape along Bergen you can see that we do have a number of mixed uses there and a very strong commercial Corridor to the north of our prop of our proposed project um so I do believe that the mixed use building is warranted in this location particularly for the fact that it is closer to the other corner where often you do find mixed use buildings um and you know sorry to refer to our last application at 59 Mont Rose but obviously you could see that corner building it served its purpose as mixed use because there was commercial on the first floor and residential above um and the fact that we're so close to the corner I think that we're reflecting kind of that same condition uh the next variance that we need we also need a density variance for this particular application um again in the R1 Zone 42 dwelling units is permitted per acre uh we are proposing 72 um when you take a look at uh the density analysis that is contained in your plannner report uh you will find that the majority of the densities are over 200 in fact one is 491 units per acre on Bergen Avenue a29 Bergen Avenue uh the average of all of these is actually 238 so we're well below that uh we are not asking for some kind of crazy density and Mr Garber did indicate that we met with the community and we were proposing a larger building but we've scaled that down uh so we do believe that we fit within the area and we think that density is also warranted this is a 10-minute walk from Journal Square and right on Bergen are New Jersey Transit routes 880 and 87 so there is a public transit in the area that's available we also need a D6 height variance uh as 35 ft is permitted in the R1 Zone and we are proposing 53 feet along Bergen Avenue um again I feel that this is warranted and I think Mr Garber explained it really well and again if you just take a look at the street streetcape uh the building next to us is really really tall so um and what was there to well what exists today really does not look right along the streetcape because most of the buildings are much taller and the building that's there today is also very much set back so we're improving that condition we're pulling it up and we're really trying to reflect that streetcape so I think that on the Bergen side that height is warranted obviously on the other side we've taken um you know um the liberty of trying fit in with the neighborhood as he discussed we're really we're only three stories on that side and we meet the height requirement um again pictures worth a thousand words that's why I wanted these streetscapes up there uh we also do need a couple of SE your bulk variances uh he did talk about Mr Garber talked about the front yard setback that we're supposed to match the you know the existing buildings on either side however on Highland if we were to actually go to the letter of the law we'd have a building that was on an angle because obviously the the properties on either side of us have differing uh setbacks and so Mr Garber in his design had a very creative solution by stepping back the building so we're addressing it without having an actual angle in front of the building um so I think it meets the intent of what the front yard setback is supposed to be um we also need a c variance for Building height in terms of the number of stories and I would just repeat what I said before about um the height along Bergen Avenue um because when you take a look at at the streetcape I think that this fits better in with the existing vernacular um in terms of special reasons I think we promote a number of the purposes of the municipal land Us Saw uh the first would be purpose a again uh promoting the public health safety morals and general welfare we're essentially taking two buildings that really don't fit in with the vernacular on either block eliminating those and creating some new architecture that really does fit in um to help create I'm sorry to help U I want to say fix the streetcape if you will for these two properties I also believe that we are um promoting purpose H which talks about um encouraging the location and design of Transportation routes which will promote the free flow of traffic while discouraging location of such facilities and roots that result in congestion or blate the reason I say that is is when you take a look at what's there on Bergen now there's I think that you know the one of the guys from before the residents talked about the legal curb Cuts there's a curb cut along the entire length of the property and people are just parking all over the front of that property so now what we're doing is we're eliminating the curb cut we're going to bring back the street parking and we're going to continue that so we're going to have better pestry and safety along Bergen especially for the fact that we do have so much commercial that's located on Bergen so it's absolutely a benefit to this application I also believe that we are promoting purpose eye again desirable visual environment um Mr Garber always does a really good job when he designed his projects to reflect the vernacula that's in the neighborhood um and going forward I don't believe in terms of negative criteria that there's any substantial judgment to the public good by requesting these variances um I believe that there's going to be a significant upgrade not only in Aesthetics but obviously it talked about the traffic safety uh also I don't believe there's any substantial impairment to the intent purpose of the Zone plan and zoning ordinance um similar to the last application I believe we meet the purpose of the R1 Zone which oop sorry I hit something uh which is the purpose of this district is to accommodate existing housing encourage compatible infill I believe this is compatible infill preserve the streetscape not only preserving it I think we're enhancing the streetscape um so I believe that's what we're doing here um and in terms of a use variance we're supposed to reconcile the emission of the use from the Zone um so I understand that typically you know mixed use buildings are not looked for in an R1 Zone because that's your lowest Zone um ever given the location of this particular piece of the property the fact that it's so unique and that L-shaped and addressing two sides and the fact that while we might have a mixed use building but Highland really looks like it's two single family homes so I think this is a really creative solution to kind of an awkward lot that is absolutely going to strengthen the character of this neighborhood um so with that said I think we meet both the positive and the negative criteria for the granting of the variances okay thank you thank you thank you okay uh at this time I'd like to call the traffic consultant because at one of the neighborhood meetings they did request the traffic consultant and I'd like to put his testimony on the record okay thank you Mr kin I do Lee middle initial D is and Daniel kleene kle i n I'm professional engineer in the state of New Jersey we recognize your expertise you've been here it's been a while since I've been here I've been here but not necessarily up here to Tes happens uh so I prepared a uh traffic report traffic engineering evaluation report thank you and is dated June 2 4 2024 uh we did the trip generation calculations for the nine units and the 877 ft of retail space uh we're looking at two vehicular trips in the morning peak hour for the nine units and two vehicular trips for the uh retail in the morning peak hour for a total of four trips uh in the evening peak hour uh three trips for the residential units and six trips for the retail uh because it's a small ret retail it's going to be mostly uh passby trips people walking along Bergen Avenue stopping in at the shop um we also looked at the parking even though we don't require parking we've proposing uh six parking spaces for nine units uh we have a total of 14 parking spaces I look at the Institute of Transportation Engineers parking generation sixth edition and in it we look at midrise apartments within a half a mile of mass transit a half mile of Journal Square and we look at 14 bedroom units we're expecting an average of six parked cars in the overnight hours and the 85th percentile is nine cars and as you heard Miss Gregory say we're taking away the driveway on Bergen Avenue which is quite a wide driveway and in my estimation I think we'll be able to get at least two cars on street so we're adding two on street parking spaces and providing six on-site parking spaces for a total of eight and the 85th percentile Peak parking demand is nine so we're very close to that number and we're above the average uh we're proposing 9t X 18t parking spaces 22t wide two-way Drive aisles and as you heard our driveway and garage door opening is less than 12 feet wide which will be adequate for such a low generator of traffic if somebody's trying to come in and somebody's trying to come out the person coming out can wait inside while a car enters and vice versa so it's it's not going to be an issue with that and uh yeah so in my estimate there won't be a an impact to traffic or to parking in the neighborhood based on what we're proposing here nine units six parking spaces adding some parking to the street the retail will be mostly if not all uh walking traffic along Bergen Avenue and the vehicle trips will be very low during the peak hours I just there was one thing I did not notice uh the entrance for The Barking Lot is it from Highland or on Highland yes okay because if if you're going to go from Bergen come back to Bergen because it's one way street right right no it's a it's a entrance and exit on Highland yes okay thank you we're good thank you thank you I have no further Witnesses okay so can I have any comments questions from the board board member it's not really a question oh I'm sorry I'm sorry the public I forgot thank you okay John excuse me John hanac okay um got a lot to go over here so I'm GNA try to go through this quick um the last community meeting uh there were adjustments discussed but it would have been nice for another community meeting to review this as opposed to hearing it here um also the feedback on the project as a whole was mixed there definitely was not overwhelming support for this project um as a homeowner it's getting more and more frustrating how owners aren't required to demonstrate an inability to develop property under its current zoning instead they shoot for the stars in hopes of having little to zero attendance at these meetings in most cases they succeed because of incredible amount of time it takes to oppose these variances now in the requested Varian I oppose the variances because there's nothing preventing them from developing as of right the neighborhood is already very incredibly congested and adding more density is nothing but detrimental to the neighborhood even with the six parking spots being added to the project it removes parking From the Block yes it adds a spot on Bergen but that spot will be a metered spot it's not a general uh public spot now um from what I've been able to determine with some checking some legal sites that the reasons uh for Dev variances inherently beneficial to the public good uniquely suited and the public will benefit will create a hardship if variance isn't granted for a SE variance SE variances are to address a hardship there's no hardship in building as a right except for possibly only on the set backs also note that this is not one lot this is two lots um it's been described as one L-shaped lot it's two lots so let's make sure that that's clear um I think I heard that um the parking of the parking spots that's going to be in the project is retail parking um that is new based on what was part of the meetings and based on the circumstances above I ask the vote no and the variances this really should be built as a right thank you thank you do we excuse me do we let let's finish with the public and then you can answer their questions please do we have another um any other speaker that would like to comment oh she fell asleep okay she fell asleep okay you can comment yeah I would just say that um uh we do a lot of these Community boards that gentleman was certainly at the community boards and I remember having um a nice conversation with him and talking about the project um there were I I don't have the count Mr Kar Ron's um associate has a account and a number of of um of people that attended but I would guess there were somewhere between 20 and 30 people at every Mee at both meetings and uh as I testified before they were largely the same crowd it was largely the same faces that I interacted with at both of those meetings and having done these and sometimes having these go horribly bad um uh I felt very satisfied that there was General agreement in this project uh if there wasn't I would have absolutely called for a third meeting but didn't think it was warranted because there was General agreement to what we proposed okay thank you and the only other excuse me the only other comment that I would make is that the Lots will be Consolidated and we did not want to do that unless this application was approved and I think Mr leagle will agree with that reason yes logic yes okay I have no we have no further thank you do I have comments from actually my question I because I'm trying to visualize this because I drive up Highland like every day because you can't go up zp because it's closed half the time so you're two you're you're going to be two the third house down will be the new on Highland correct I can put it back up if you want to see and then around the back is where your other building is onto Bergen let me show I can show you just to make sure I put my thing away one second I like this architect very nice I don't know do I have information cuz Okay okay so um hopefully that'll come back up um Francisco can you put it back up great so um the site plan that I showed is um you got it second is not a black hole warming up is um is um you see it here so um there is a structure on the corner of Bergen which is currently a medical use and that's this building here okay and that's the building I talked about with the articulated Windows the bay windows our building line starts here and the curb cut to go into the parking is here and the Bergen building is here so there is a it's not a vacant lot it's I think a rear yard Believe It or Not of here right on which is almost ridiculous on such a major street right but there is a tree here that is on um I lost my mouse again uh that is on on um on Bergen so the retail that we're proposing 877 Square ft is here there is no way into our building for the residential units on Burgen there's an egress out to Bergen but that'll be a locked door so it'll you can only push it out so the kind of residential entry the residential access point will be on Highland which is the more residential block so I thought that made sense okay thank you you're welcome okay any more questions no can we have um uh comments from the staff yes um for the most part I agree with the uh testimony that was presented today I would like to add a couple of things one is that Bergen Avenue is identified in the master plan as a neighborhood Hood Corridor and that means that it's a major Street within a neighborhood that has a mixed use character and high higher densities compared to neighboring streets and I think that this project definitely does add to that intent of Bergen a being a neighborhood Corridor not only that but within its surroundings it is surrounded by a couple of different zones which have in fact uh no density requirements and also allows for retail and so not only in the on the block of Bergen Avenue where you can find retail and higher densities but in the surrounding there is also permitted retail and higher densities which means that this project also I believe suits its surroundings and the proposed density also meets uh the intent of the land use principles in the Jersey City master plan and that is one to continue the efforts to enhance residential neighborhoods and two to ensure the city's housing Supply is balanced and meets the needs of all current and future city residents so those points I wanted to add to this other than that planning staff does uh recommend approval of this application okay thank you okay so did you have another comment no I don't okay I I just acknowledge receipt of the planning memo and uh my client has agreed to the terms of the recommendations in the memo all right thank you so can I have a motion please Madam Vice chair like to make a motion to approve kz2 24-16 I presented to the board this evening with conditions thank you may I have a second second on a motion to approve with conditions commissioner zi yes commissioner sadid yes commissioner Bole yes commissioner Baron yes commissioner Allen yes and vice chuo yes motion carries all in favor thank you very much thank you thank you thank you everyone and good night m home and have hot K tea get we have uh just two resolutions to memorialize and then we can have hot tea do you want me toj the meeting first and no the resolution okay so ready Iris have so the first resolution to memorialize is z 2024 d24 it's the Grove Street Hub LLC it was the an approval of a one-year site plan extension that was heard on June 13th of this year uh present on June 13th was uh chairperson Cole Vice chair uh a Royo commissioner zii shadid Bole and Baron and that pass Six in favor none opposed all in favor of memorializing that hi hi the next case this was her July 11th present on July 11th was again uh chairperson Coy Vice chair aoo Commissioners shadid Allen Burns and Baron and this case is z202 4- 0025 Nicholas Schulz and Amy and I can't begin to say the last name uh it was a one another one-year extension uh the address was 250 Barrow Street that oneyear extension was again approved six in favor none opposed all in favor of memorializing that is I and that would end it as far as the resolutions are concerned and I imagine that ends it as far as the meeting is concerned okay can I have a motion to adjourn I make a motion to adjourn you have something else Francisco no okay make a motion to adjourn second say good night everyone thank you