##VIDEO ID:pZXF4UUxXx4## M [Music] are guess good evening the time is now 700 p.m. and I'll call to order the town council meeting of Tuesday August 20th tonight um begin the meeting a little bit differently um before we move forward with tonight's meeting we would like to take a moment to remember former Jupiter mayor Robert Bobby cul pepper who passed away this past Tuesday the native of Palm Beach County Bobby called Jupiter his home for much of his life after serving in a US Army in the Korean War he returned home and dedicated his life to Public Service he was the mayor of Jupiter from 1966 to 68 and was a member of the Palm Beach County Commission from 1968 to 1976 Bobby was dedicated to acquiring land for public use and Community Improvement and played an instrumental role in the development of DB Bo Park the West Jupiter Community Center and Riverbend Park much of the public beach access enjoyed by residents and visitors today would not have been possible without Bobby who led the efforts to acquire Beach fund property from Jupiter to Juno Beach in his later life Bobby served as an expert on Jupiter's history and also served as an invaluable source of knowledge for Town staff and all of us uh in the town the town of Jupiter M's Bobby's passing in our thoughts and prayers with his wife of 71 years Anna Lee his sons Michael and John daughter Jennifer and sister Sharon Hagman as well as their spouses during this difficult time with that um you know we'll begin and if those who are able please join me in standing for the invocation followed by moment of silence uh and then the Pledge of Allegiance dear God help bring healing hope compassion and creative new possibilities to our town may you fill us with courage to face discouragement and peace in moments of opposition amen let's have a moment of silence please join me in the pledge pledge allegiance to the flag may we have a roll call please mayor kety here vice mayor sunstrom here councelor Delany here councelor for councelor May here Town manager Kito here Town attorney bar okay uh we begin tonight we have two presentations on the first presentation i' please welcome Donald Barnes chairman of the board who will be given a presentation regarding Jupiter Christian School Foundation scholarship program hey good evening um again my name is Donald Barnes I'm the chairman of the board at jup Christian school and I'm joined here this evening by fellow uh board members uh Kimberly web Lego Wilson Enriquez Chris Dyer and and the president of Jupiter Christian uh School Dr Seth Cohen we want to come here this evening just to um express our gratitude for the partnership that we have with the Jupiter uh police department whenever there's a need uh jpd is quick to respond with the highest Professional Care in order to safeguard the students that God's entrusted us with a jupit Christian School values its partnership with Jupiter police department and is committed to continuing this partnership for years to come part of jcss core values is to make Christian education accessible to our community as Jesus said in Matthew 19:14 let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these as such Jupiter Christian School has dedicated 10% of its financial aid to Jupiter police families starting with the 2025 2026 school year jup Christian School and board of directors are proud to announce the chief David E England scholarship in recognition and appreciation of JC s's ongoing partnership with Jupiter police department and an honor of Chief England service to the Jupiter Community and his Alma moer Jupiter Christian School we truly appreciate your service [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okay moving on um secondly we have a presentation and I'd like to welcome Elizabeth Marin education and Communications manager with Palm Beach County Commission on ethics who will be given a presentation on the annual overview by the Palm Beach County Commission of Ethics good evening mayor vice mayor counselors and members of the public um I'm Elizabeth Martin and thank you for having me out this evening to talk about the commission on ethics our goal is to enhance the Public's trust in government and with that build a culture of eus and pomes county in 2010 the commission on ethics was established as a result of a grand jury recommendation in 2009 following a number of ethical issues in our County some that led to criminal charges we were created to provide oversight transparency and accountability for more than 10,000 elected officials public employees and Advisory board members in the county we service 39 municipalities many of which sign up for this service that just means we administer and enforce the County's ethics laws using the principles of fairness Clarity and Common Sense we also support a culture of Ethics with County government and encourage your civic participation we value honesty integrity and character everyone under our jurisdictions have to take our training as County Employees as well as elected officials to count again our 39 municipalities we also have jurisdiction of lobbyists principles and employers of lobbyists and vendors our commission is independent of any County or municipal government and instead we are governed by a group of five Commissioners members of the community who are chosen by independent groups such as the Hispanic Bar Association in conjunction with the T sorry F Malcolm Cunningham senior Bar Association and the Palm Beach County Bar Association the Palm Beach County Association of chiefs of police the association of certified fraud investigators a Florida Atlantic University ethics Professor along with the league of cities the code of ethics is a 12-page document that creates a back stop to enhance public trust by ensuring that public officials and employees conduct themselves independently and impartially that they do not use their public office for private gain and also that they should disclose voting conflicts most often you hear about gifts and Gifts reporting the key to a very successful Ethics program is education and information as well as prevention that's why I'm here this evening our goal is to to educate the public so that we are who we are and what we do in addition I take care of Outreach education as well as social media likewise I provide training for Community organizations and professional groups our staff is also available to train on ethics in government and you also can peruse our advisory opinion we have more than 570 to date and find answers which should prevent ethical misconduct from becoming criminal misconduct while the commission has statutory Authority as a quasi Judicial Code Enforcement board um to issue letters of reprimand letters of instruction and even fines up to $500 per violation our goal is to mostly educate those under our jurisdiction to prevent those viol viations before they occur our modotto is ask First Act later our advisory opinion gives forms voting conflict forms and outside employment forms as well as complaints are all on our website under the databases tab in closing our code of ethics is designed to further the Public's trust in our local government we can only do our job well with the Public's support in doing so please remember your solemn duty to consider the ethics of your actions so we can all living community that values ethics if you have questions or like to speak with someone in our office we're here to help you can reach us at 561 3551 1915 you can also find us on Facebook or Twitter and our website is Palm Beach County ethics.com thank you thank you uh for that and I just want to assure you that we in the town take quite seriously the code of ethics absolutely I carry around a highlighted copy I appreciate that every council meeting I have it here just keep reminding myself so and that's what we're talking about education and information thank you so much Town Jupiter okay uh with that moving on to Citizen comments do we have any citizen comments no mayor we don't have any okay uh moving to council and we have minutes uh for the August 88th meeting and we have uh minor Corrections on the Das uh if there's no other Corrections I'll take a motion and a second on uh the amended minutes move to approve as amended second motion a second all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries unanimously okay moving on to the consent agenda this is items uh 4 through S on the agenda is there any member of the public that wanted to pull a uh consent agenda item no mayor anybody on the Das wanted to pull an item okay seeing none I'll take a motion in a second on uh approving the consent agenda so moveed second before we uh got a motion in a second and ask the uh Town attorney to read ordinance 1924 and short title an ordinance of the Town Council of the town of Jupiter Florida amending article 3 of chapter 2 of the Jupiter code of ordinances to create new divisions setting forth the department of the Town providing for codification providing for the repeal of laws in Conflict providing for severability providing for an effective date thank you we have a motion in a second uh all favor of the cons approving the consent agenda signify by saying I I I motion carries unanimously moving on to the uh regular agenda uh first or the only topic of discussion is agenda item 8 on the Fire Public Safety structures uh i' call up staff but before we begin um I will be abstaining uh from 8A uh as uh my wife's niece is one of a couple hundred employees for Kaufman Lynn um and U in any event therefore I will be abstaining for the code of ethics and I'll pass the gavel to the vice mayor I will be voting on resolution 10324 and assert tax funds which I don't have any conflicts with understood and with that we'll hear a presentation good afternoon mayor Town Council uh tonight uh you have an item before you is is the proposed fire station design build contract award and so before we start I just want to kind of do a little setup for this right and I came across this quote and I just really thought it was pretty interesting it says if you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking eventually you'll make progress so I want you to know that the town of Jupiter is walking down the right path with the creation of the Jupiter fire rescue department and we're making tremendous progress it's uh only been a little bit now a few days over a year since the Town Council voted to create the Jupiter fire rescue Department uh since then Town Council has authorized the purchase of three fire engines a squad fire engine 5T ladder truck or ambulances you've uh designated and approved the Eastern fire station site location hired a fire chief thank you uh hired a deputy fire chief thank you so much uh you've approved the Western fire station site at Sunquest Park and unanimously both the Planning and Zoning commission and the Town Council approved the fire station site plans and so that takes us to The Next Step in our journey and that's uh tonight we're asking you uh to consider and approve a progressive design Bild contract to build your two new fire stations and so I'm going to have Thomas Hernandez Our Town engineer walk you through that process good evening uh Thomas Hernandez director of engineering and Public Works uh so you a little bit of background on how we uh came to uh providing this uh Progressive design build contract for you all tonight um on June 2nd of 2024 the town issued an RFQ uh for qualified design Builders to provide um basically statements of qualifications for completing the design build as well as the construction of this uh of the two fire stations uh on July 23rd uh five sealed statement of qualification packages were provided to the town uh within those statement of qualification packages it had uh what was called our statement of qualifications that included experience of the design build firm so the construction portion of the general contractor as well as the architecture and engineering uh firm it provided experience and background on similar projects which they have performed in the past as well as a a conceptual schedule uh for the uh the actual project itself on August 6 2024 the selection committee met and we compiled our uh technical scores for each of the uh five respondents uh the selection committee determined that Kaufman ly construction uh that their submission was not only responsive but also responsible uh so with that the uh Town staff on the selection committee uh recommended awarding um the contract for the progressive design build to Kaufman L Construction so should uh Town Council uh this evening approve the award of the design the progressive design build contract um that would be the first step and and the many steps for the future um just to give you a little background on a progressive design build uh contract so essentially the the town on through some of the work orders that we had previously approved for some of the fire stations we prepared a design and construction criteria package which gave a very conceptual design um for design Builders to review and go over uh so essentially as a part of a progressive design build project it would be required of the uh awarded contractor or design builder in this case you pick up the design and take it to the 100% portion um and then through the next portion of uh going through the design process the design Builder would also negotiate what's called a guaranteed maximum price with the town and that would be the next phase of what we'll call phase two as a part of the uh what I discussed later in the uh the presentation so with uh phase one beginning uh that would be as I had mentioned previously that's the start of the design the design Builder picking up and taking our design from the current uh Milestone that we're at and bringing it to the 100% phase um as a part of that uh the phase one portion of of our project also that we brought before you tonight has has the design build um for the design build has not only the design itself but also the Demolition and the earthw work for the Pet Place as a part of the the design build contract that's been brought for you tonight um so after September 2nd uh the the uh design Builder would begin working on the design for the overall projects uh and each of the sites and then um on about or excuse me on October 1st uh the P play site they would begin the demolition as well as the back filling at that location and then uh in the fall of 2024 the construction at SZ Park would would begin um at a later Point uh after the design is reached roughly the 60% Milestone uh Town staff would bring back a negotiated uh guaranteed maximum price to Town Council as a part of a supplemental agreement to the actual contract that uh would be awarded um this evening and as a part of that um that would be the remaining portion of the construction so all of the work that would be done at squez Park and all of the remaining work that would take place at the five place would be awarded as a part of that supplemental ingredient and uh we expect that to be later this year um roughly in November time frame but we still have to work out some of the initial schedule uh items with the design Builder the successful design Builder once uh the projects is awarded uh and with all of these things falling in place uh we would have an inservice date of uh spring of 2026 for both uh both sites and uh in conclusion uh Town staff is providing resolution 10624 for the uh consideration from Town Council for the approval of a contract for a progressive design build um with Kaufman Len construction and uh also for uh the Town Council tonight is a resolution 10324 which is for the approval for the use of uh sir tax proceeds for uh the construction of both uh both sites and both fire stations thank you okay let's separate this just into 8A and 8B because we have uh one stepping aside so council do we have any questions on 8A I guess I was trying to look through the presentation or on the document because I know you guys got scored just trying to see how many just so I know experience-wise I know that goes into the score how many fire stations has Kaufman Lind constructed in the past you've uh you've actually got me there that's not the one that I have off the top of my head um I know there caufman ly here Coffman ly is pres can they speak would like just so just for the record I just like to know good evening uh mayor vice mayor council staff uh Ryan Ryder director of government relations for Kaufman Lin construction over the past four years we have completed um and completed four five will be completed I believe the end of end of this quarter okay great thank you okay thank you and any comments one comment um so some of the scores were close did the staff you choose C just with prior history and um excellent service and you know so correct the scores were close uh there was one firm that had a slightly higher technical score uh after we reviewed their information that was uh that was submitted their proposal forms were found to be non-conforming to our um RFQ uh and because of that reason they didn't they were found to be non-responsive plus their bid was higher than what um what was acceptable so was found to be non-responsible okay so for that reason Kaufman ly was the next in line firm with the highest score as well as as I mentioned they had a responsive um package as well as a responsible proposal and there's a good Comfort LEL there with that company so good Comfort level with that company we've dealt with them many times in the past so thank you appreciate it that's a good question I had asked that in one-on ones but it was helpful to have that known for the public all right um can I get a motion for 8 a uh motion to approve uh 10624 second all in favor say I I I I all [Music] opposed motion passes three to zero all right I'm gonna pass this back mayor do I want to do that first all right 8 wasn't speaking uh does council have any questions on resolution 10324 seeing that I'll take a motion to approve resolution 10324 in a second motion to approve resolution 10324 second Motion in a second all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries unanimously okay moving on to Round Table um we're going to be uh having a discussion about Waste Management's proposed residential route change um turn it over to staff all right good evening again Thomas Hernandez director director of engineering at Public Works uh tonight will'll as a part of this round T table we will be discussing uh Waste Management's request uh to a for the town to authorize um a residential change for the routes or excuse me a route change for uh the residential residences within the town so the current contract uh the period of performance for that current contract is March 1st of 23 until September 30th of 2031 uh Waste Management staff currently operate at 6 days per week as a part of that they provide uh garbage um or solid waste pickup uh two times per week uh that are three days apart uh the limits for that that service currently is that it must fit in the uh the current the cart that is offered by the uh town the vegetative waste is picked up two times per week with a limit up to 8 cubic yards per pickup and uh bulk waste which is one time per week uh but can also be Pro it's also provided twice per week in Charter neighborhoods uh there's no limit on the amount of bulk pickup that can be provided and ex and then also as a part of that uh residential customers are allowed to leave up to two cubic yards of what's called uh construction and demolition debris at any given time so as far as uh as far as performance- wise uh at this point uh on March on March 1st 2023 uh to December 20 December 31st 2023 uh the town received 165 jup connect concerns related to waste pickup or Miss pickups and uh on that subsequent year which is the current year uh from January 1st uh 202 24 until August 7th 2024 uh the town received 116 Jupe connect concerns related to miss pickups uh it's important to note that uh these these numbers do not include requests for carts so in our jup connect uh online system we only have one category for uh items related to trash so we started the service last year in 2023 so the these numbers that are listed here these are the cold down number numbers of if you wrote in as and said you wanted this you wanted the 64 gallon or you wanted the 65 gallon cart size we've pulled out those numbers um so this is just items related to to miss pickups and and other items uh requested um and it's also important to note that uh these numbers do not include calls uh made directly to waste management with that that concludes my portion of the the presentation uh Waste Management also has some slides so I'll get that set up for them and I will allow them to provide their background on on what they're proposing good evening wow what a beautiful facility it's changed over the years as you know moved from the old old town hall where I first started um to to this facility what a transformation um and I have to believe the residents of the town of Jupiter are very proud of this and um Mr Mayor vice mayor uh Council and staff for the record Jeff government Affairs manager for Waste Management WM I stand corrected again a formally Waste Management uh we appear before you this evening um concurrent with staff's presentation we started I think initiating the meetings uh relative to the route change requests almost over a year ago and have uh had numerous meetings updating and uh kind of massaging the request to comply with the agreement and also to uh get feedback along the way so we've had numerous meetings and have and appear before you this evening to kind of present uh the culmination of a lot of kind of back and forth and discussions on the route change so with that I'll run through and is it just up down there we go excellent so um our ask simply is a a route change that would and it's Day Day changes as well but currently we have a Six-Day work week and we're proposing to compress it by one day and that would be the elimination of the Saturday collection that is associated with the Wednesday Saturday collection of of uh and as um Thomas indicated it's twice a week for garbage twice a week for yard weight once a week for recycling and once a week for bulk and other than the charter neighborhoods they receive the twice a week bulk and that will continue on both Wednesday and Saturday under this proposed configuration we do propose the change to be effective on a Monday and the first Monday in October that would align as October 7th um the other change that um occurs is the design a of a universal bulk collection day for Wednesday we feel that's a good approach to the overall collection and addressing of overall bulk item setouts townwide we would scour the town on Wednesday all bulk items would be collected on Wednesdays those items can be and will range from whatever is in container to those that cannot be containerized to the extent that they're exceeding in what we can pick up manually we'll also have clamshell trucks that will put pick up anything that can't be picked up manually on Wednesdays so the entire town will be picked up with both manual and mechanical means on those Wednesdays so those items that don't go in the cart that won't fit we obviously encourage residents to see if they can make them fit in the cart and they'll be picked up either of their two days that will be remaining the twice a week pickup but other than that everything else will be picked up on Wednesdays in terms of bulk and we know kind of the rules for bulk and large yard waste um again as Thomas indicated we pick up to two cubic yards of construction debris and other items that would fall within the characterized construction small do-it-yourself jobs as well and then we're also picking up to 8 cubic yards of large yard waste piles we're not required to pick up piles larger than eight but we don't necessarily measure them and we prefer not to have to come back to pick them up so some of those piles I'm not advertising for them to be larger we do pick those up um so I think the value of this is really we'll not have trucks in neighborhoods on Saturdays Saturdays tend to be those days that are family oriented um yard sales kids on kids on bikes and other things and scooters these days electric scooters for that matter so that would eliminate that um that need to have the trucks in those areas and the only areas again that we'll be servicing on Saturdays would be the charter neighborhoods and all those those pockets of areas that we've identified within the town where where setouts are uh unscheduled and that need to be addressed to maintain the beauty of the town and we've kind of identified those without advertising as well so we address those um delays um all yeah all our routes and how we're shifting our resources to accomplish this is we're adding additional uh trucks to those service days so we'll be adding more resources some people ask about the labor element and that's what we're doing we're just shifting our resources and adding additional trucks to accomplish what we're proposing to do before you move on uh since this really is the essence of uh what you're here to present and get feedback on um and I know you perhaps met with each of us individually I wanted to just pause on this slide and ask my colleagues if they had any questions on the proposed route changes or any other Rel any questions related to that right now no my questions are regarded to jup connect but I can get to that later so I was waiting to the end okay um well hopefully this is no surprise because we did meet f um but I just want to for the record um so because I want to make sure that if we were to agree anything that it's clear in these slides are not the basis for the any agreement because for example in the second bullet you talk about reducing service days from 6 to 5 service days is not a defined term in the contract but operating days is and uh it must remain at six days a week which when we discussed you said it would so I just I don't want to allow we're comment allowing a change in a term that in something that isn't even in the contract and this goes to uh obligations to pick up so uh but we're not we're not I'm sorry to interrupt we're not changing any of the requirements of the agreement no understand okay but but simplistically people may not realize service days are going from six to 5 that's not even in a contract Service days is operating days so they have they have an obligation to continue to have six days of operating days with the town and you're going to do that yeah correct we'll comp we're complying with that correct just want to make that clear yes sir um secondly you know I had expressed concerns about well first of all um you know this is going to be a significant change to Residence very significant um and partly because we're still not yet we're still have partial mechanical trucks wherein Waste Management had been doing on occasion two bulk pickups uh per week because that's the way waste management is but when we go to the full mechanical trucks that's going to come to a dead halt because you don't have the second person on the truck that you know might be picking up stuff so now we're moving the bulk to an entirely different day so it's going to be a while before residents get accustomed you know to changing their habits um so you know communication and how that works so we're going to we're going to be facing bulk trash for those two reasons really you know being out in the curb longer so I just want to emphasize that and the biggest concern I expressed even the bigger concern was the charter neighborhoods which by the way right now the Center Street areas of the charter neighborhoods have a Tuesday and Friday um and so when I had met with Waste Management I'd asked well if everybody gets Wednesday what's the second day and uh so now he answered that the second day for um you know would be Saturday but I had expressed concerns and you haven't offered it yet but you can if you want that uh you know I'm just kind of concerned with the first pickup along Center Street could be the first day of the week is on Wednesday because people have a tendency to put the stuff out over the weekend um and I and I think you had indicated willingness to uh to do something in that I don't want to put words in your mouth is that the case for Center Street we discussed the Center Street area uh being included as part of the charter neighborhoods being and they would get twice a week Wednesday Saturday B collection yes we would include that but um but we've often had uh and I know there's a provision in the contract often we've had bulk on Center Street outside of those days yeah we have a t i typically I guess the concern is that bulk pickup is unsightly you know and in missing days there could be a transition period where the town really is struggling and so we want to make sure that the communication CL plan is Crystal Clear particularly with Center Street because we do struggle with that area um with bulk pickups and so because of the timelines and when we typically see bulk waste on Center Street that's typically put out on the weekend so I guess the concern is that it would wait then until Wednesday and an earlier pickup the previous pickup was Tuesday and so it was you know it it wasn't lingering there and we do get a lot of comments from residents on that area in particular so we are sensitive to being responsive to that concern so I guess you know I'm open you know to being to being flexible but how can we manage that and if we see it's not working well what can we do to make sure that we're responsive to that neighborhood and keeping the town beautiful I'm uh I have our operations manager avidon Bailey here uh assisting me I don't want to overcommit and underd deliver and it's Avon's responsibility uh to assign all the trucks and the vehicles so I'm going to let avidon answer that question thank you thank you Jeff uh good evening mayor vice mayor council members um we are aware of the situation on Center Street where there is an area where we say legal dumping so we've made some extra efforts or drivers who service that area now they're quite familiar so they do second runs um if they identify something they'll get it over to us and make sure we get some eyes on it so our commitment is to say even though outside of the service day there's something that we will take care of it in that particular area cuz we understand it's on the main uh way where many people the traffic is High um and it does and it will say a lot about the city um so we are aware and that's something we can certainly accommodate and work on and even on Saturdays I know we talk about reducing our footprint um in communities but we do have uh maybe one or two drivers who is committed to if there's something there um that we may miss or it may be placed out after the fact we will get them over there to get it picked [Music] up just for my colleagues you know uh the con in the agreement section 8.3 has a provision um you know she mentioned um illegal dumping the administrator which is uh Mr h and is when there's that they have an obligation to already do that but to the degree you're on the road I really would wanted to get a commitment that if while you're on the road Center Street you see something we don't have to quote unquote call it in because really talking about street that we don't want to be the eyesore that it has been occasionally and it's not we don't think it's asking a lot but we think that needs to be the commitment so I'm hearing it is correct yes we commit would you keep that open open and to other main thorough Affairs if if a situation pops up where Al's hanging out for over a week that you would adjust and take care of that also yes because we over the years okay go I'm sorry goad no I was just goingon to um say that especially during this transition period we're going to be flexible we're going to make sure that if there are areas that need additional attention we'll definitely uh work with your staff and make sure it's taken care of over the years most of the inquiries I get from residents that are confused it's usually about bulk what's the day when are they coming why is that chair been sitting out there for two weeks but I mean things happen and all that so but I've called you personally over the years a bunch of times you've been very responsive especially with issues down on the beach and all that so and I I had a couple points just sort of my dub Hil what the mayor asked this by eliminating the day of Saturday but you you're still going to be operating up because my my concern is you know you could have staffing issues mechanical issues with trucks weather um are you still guaranteeing that by the end of Saturday all the trash bulk everything that should have been picked up that week will be handled absolutely okay and that's that's another benefit of having Saturday for any of those C any of those catchall that we have any issues out there during the week we'll be able to address those on Saturday it gives that opportunity to do that not it's not another it's not another benefit it was the original obligation of the contract that's why we had six operational days I want to make that clear so they always had the obligation um to even though they were only maybe working half day even in the past um to whatever was missed on Friday they got to pick it up on Saturday right and we're fully operational and thank you for bringing that up as well we we pick up commercially our commercial vehicles will be running on Saturday we have hospitals restaurants and all the all the businesses that require pickup so we're operating on Saturday this is a compressed time frame for the residential collection services do you find it more efficient to run on the on a Saturday or a weekday just with parking in neighborhoods traffic Etc what's most efficient that's that's a really good question and I I think we're and why we're even suggesting this is it is industry what and it's about our our employees it's about providing more time for them to it's a work life balance that we're providing to them um we had the thing with Saturday though we do have a compressed time frame on Saturdays because the disposal facility operated by a Solid Waste Authority has shortened hours as well so that kind of so no I I think operating Monday through Friday is is works pretty well we end up with a A lot of that happens on Saturdays too if you think about the neighborhoods people move on Saturdays you got moving trucks they have a lot of services we have service Vehicles we have to deal with on Saturdays but most importantly you know I think it's about families and children and kids in the streets on scooters and things like that it's a safety element as well so having Saturdays and yeah that as I said I don't want to be repetitive it's for our employees as well I've found over the years in my neighborhood uh very narrow streets more parking on the streets because no one's working and you hear the Horn of the of your truck he can't get by because people Park on both sides of the street so very that could be beneficial okay thank you appreciate it thank you um I just on on the topic of uh the charter neighborhoods and bulk waste I do want to just thank you too I know how flexible you've been with some of the pickups and the accomodations for our residents I've had a request from a resident about asking for an extra bin just because she picks up her entire neighborhood on walks I would like a place to put it and you guys accommodated that request so I was really grateful to you for that so thank you very um my question was related to uh the Jupe connect concerns and I'd like to know more about what concerns you're hearing but with regards to missed pickups can you talk to me about what that what that is um how it's coded uh and how you know we can try to address it better in the future absolutely the um when a complaint is called in and there are two act there are two touch points if you will for a for a resident that has a complaint of a mix missed pickup most likely or a bulk item that they need to have removed they'll they'll either go to jup connect they have that availability to do that and enter their information into jup connect or they can call WM call center they can do both um we track both we also monitor Jupiter jup connect excuse me and we pull that information off and enter it into our system our database so any complaint then creates a case that is open and has to be addressed within a time frame certain and before it and then it is closed with a resolution so complaints and any call-ins are managed in that way and I have a slide that I think illustrates that from our perspective but what happens um in the reconciliation of the complaints between J connect and our database is actually it's on us WM monitor you connect we pull as I said all of the input into our database and it's reentered so we're capturing both so at the end of the month and when we submit by Honor before the 15th of every month the complaint log all complaints that were called into either or both are captured on that particular report admittedly there was a time frame earlier this year when our customer service Personnel um went on leave and didn't enter for that period of time the Jupe connect call-ins and those cases called in and that data was not rolled over into our our database and then the report that we then turned back into the town honorable for the 15th didn't capture some of the some of the input from from the jup connect so there was a lapse in that we've addressed it we've also based on some comments made by you all um want to improve upon that format and the database capture so the report we issue to um in this case the contract administrator Thomas um every month um will reflect all of the different types of call-ins so it doesn't look like it's all all lumped into complaints and also part of the agreement complaints are to be validated by the contract administrator on the town's behalf to validate that it was a true complaint that was truly missed so there are a number of ways in which we can refine it and also break out the types of call-ins we just have courtesy calls sometimes the truck hasn't gotten here it hasn't come by to pick up can you look up to see it has did they miss me or are they still yet to come things like that or delivery of U recycling bins as well they call in to request those we enter those into the system and the bins get delivered so but is there room for for improvement in that area absolutely and we're really going to focus on that um because it's really a it it it's really a reflection on both of us on the fact that are we are we conducting ourselves in the manner in which is in the in the contract are we committed plus we can look to see if they trend lines are we getting certain types of complaints bulk um or yard waste things like that is there an issue maybe we're we're not focused on where we should be operationally so I think it's a great tool it's and it's good for compliance as well we certainly don't want to be or put the town in a position where we would be facing any kind of administrative fine so we haven't reached that level we never have we we hopefully and never do so I hope that addressed your answered your question and I I have a couple more slides unless you want to stick on this one I do want to just add to that one there and you know we're not in here in a debate uh we you we had some conversations um I believe that you're not yet in compliant with some of the contract obligations I want to make sure you get there before the transition happens to you know the new routes it's particularly important to manage so there's a dashboard when we get a spike in complaints and they're dealing with those um so I just for my colleagues you know the contract 32.1 point4 and 31 2.1.6 requires you know we have jup connect and uh the contract allows us to let our residents just use Jupiter connect very clear in there but um Waste Management always had the over overarching obligation uh to have a web-based system that uh that residents can go to and uh then then it's their obligation to incorporate juper Connect into that I've never seen that web based and we're not up here tonight to per se debate it I I'm not sure it exists but I want it to ex um so because I've spot checked um where I know that complaints have been called in and they didn't show up on the list right so I want to make sure we get that cured particularly to be prepared for change right because so that you then will have the dashboard to manage it effectively or if there's a change on a driver or something and there's a spike it should be evident um so I'm I'm just making sure I'm setting up an next expectation here if I could respond to that go ahead okay thank you yes we're well aware of the requirements of the franchise agreement and during the transition period um where were the we were required to uh the timeline for deliverables um and then we had a like a master list of items that we addressed during that period of time and that was one of them we internally discussed with the contractor administer administrator sorry um the redundancy of two web-based uh platforms and that for since the town's web-based jup connect was already in place that it would be redundant in itself to have a secondary one that we'd have to try and uh mesh the two in information bases or databases when in fact we were able to utilize the Jupe connect act as the database that would capture all call-ins and that there wasn't really a need to redundantly add an additional platform in this case a web-based tracking system that was discussed um and it may have been it may have been discussed but as I discuss with you I disagree with that uh uh the contract is clear you have to because it's not our burden and we would have no way of knowing calls that go directly to waste management so J connect will never be all conclusive so why we allowed that the contract required the way your system was supposed to be in place by February 1st 203 I'm not bringing up history other than let's say let's just correct it going forth you need to have the overarching system you're not to my understanding you haven't been issued quarterly reports or annual reports or have you because our administrator hasn't seen them and and just one more comment about the web based um the fact that we are capturing all of the complaints and call-ins through our already existing systems and it's working it's working very well as you know because the performance has been there we don't have a lot of complaints to track and so it see so our we're obviously we're we're uh working under an agreement and uh we signed the agreement and you know but we felt at the time realistically in in reality that it wasn't necessary to have this the second web-based operating system in in somewhat of a conflict and confusion for users as well so this has worked very well the Juke connect is an awesome uh web-based uh program it's worked it's successful so why why try and fix something that's not broken that was really kind of our takeaway from that so in and I and the second piece is the other we also have a working rapport with staff in terms of compliance that they know that um any of the requirements and deliverables of the contract upon request will deliver and have and that the quarterly report we haven't generated that but there is a requirement for the annual report and it is due on December 1st of this year so if it is the intent that we provide the information required certainly will will do so without objection and gladly did you do an annual report last year quarterly report annual you said you one's coming due it's due December 1st of this year what about the one last did you do the one for last year the first annual report based on the contracts due this year December 1st if if may I may have misinterpreted that provision but I thought it said December 1st of 2024 okay well but we'll we'll comply with with with we definitely will comply like we have and we'll continue to well I want to make it clear I'm not trying to be argumentative but we we came to a contract agreement there's certain reasons why these performance metrics are in there um so our town manager Council can see how we're performing I'm telling you I spot audited when uh complaints I know that were turned in and they not in the system so you may have confidence that you're doing great I don't because there seems like there's a gap in the system relying upon Jupiter connect 32.1 point4 clearly establishes you've got that obligation and so as the elected official I'm telling you I don't agree with what had been done in the past that someone waved your obligation um so I'm asking you to fulfill it I'm also asking for quarterly reports which are effectively executive summaries of a 3-month period of time that includes things I think that everybody in the council would like to look at the Town manager to look at so uh those I'm expecting those the fact that maybe the administrator didn't ask for them well you're only going to provide them then ask for when asked for these are significant deliverables so we have confidence that when our residents call in their complaints are being addressed so you know anything that I'm going to agree to tonight is going to be conditioned on the fact that those are provisions of the contract that haven't been filled I want them to fulfill as a precursor to route changes that I know you want to have next slide um as part of the route changes we understand the utmost importance for communic um this isn't the first route change um and hopefully it be the last but um it's so important to communicate with the residents and we've prepared all of the collateral um we sent drafts and provided drafts to staff and received a great deal of feedback and input um there the linkages to the landing pages for on the town's we website um we have two mailers planned the the the first mailer is the brochure on the left um the one you don't the second mailer as required by the not notice uh provision of the agreement as well is to be received uh at least seven days prior and that will be a postcard I brought a sample with me but it's very simple but it says you've got mail and it Rems the uh resident of the changes that are forthcoming um and then we'll have ample social media alerts on all platforms available to the residents uh well prior to the day changes implementation and uh any questions about the uh information to be provided to the residents uh well in advance of the route changes Jeff real quick um I think another a good way to make sure that you're touching as many residents as possible with this route change information um a lot of times you know whether the resident isn't you know checking their mail whatever it may be sometimes they're a lot more closely connected with if they're in an HOA they're a lot more closely connected with their HOA board president whatever it may be and they may have a better way to disseminate information to their residents um I know we have a lot of HOA within the town of Jupiter so I think if we can and I want to say staff has a list of the current presidents and boards and stuff like that within the town another way to communicate um I think would be to get with the HOA presidents or boards and let them know of the changes in their particular neighborhood so that they can also make sure that they're disseminating the information to their residents as well kind of maybe redundant in a good way so if you guys could get with staff and get that list from staff so that way you can communicate directly with the HOAs uh within the town councelor May thank you that's a great suggestion we uh implemented that as well um when we converted and we delivered carts townwide and it it does help because they have their internal obviously Communications whether it email blasts but they have all of their residents as well so we'll be sure to utilize the HOA and the POA uh Master lists and include those on the information thank thank you for that thank you yeah I'd like to add to counselor's make comments um so not too long ago we came out of the confusion period of the the complete the complete you know system change the new bins and all that so now here comes another curveball so you know um it' be great if we can really get the word out quickly and efficiently to the residence that so people absolutely tend to panic over these things right you know they take their garbage very seriously well so used to the days you know it's we get calls when the truck as I said earlier it's late or whatever it's almost like they look out their window so for sure in some instances um we've also employed um although it would have to comply with Town codes but some yard yard signs as well I know people are tired of the yard yard signs with all with the campaigns and everything but and certain instances where their main entrances when you get a great great deal of traffic um yard signs sometimes works work as well just as an accent the more the better any questions so far we've got the postcards and the sample um I actually forwarded all the electronic versions of everything to Thomas um to get his final uh approval I wanted to touch bit this is what I spoke about the uh implementation of our dashboard and how we capture the data internally and so avidon has been working with our internal um tracker and she uh Natasha also does the voice of the customer for the State of Florida but um we're we're developing and finalizing ing a dashboard format for our reporting of our monthly uh monthly Callins I'll call it that because as you can see they're not all complaints and just based on the statistical data captured for this time period we are um fairly confident and comfortable with the the percentage of calls vers versus touch points as a percentage of compliance with the overall contract uh but this is just a sample and again we'll work with your staff with Thomas um to U refine the final final product on this then I put this in this is the uh recycle right pledge WM has partnered with the national league of cities and in this case also the Solid Waste Authority of palach County to take the recycle pledge just one more way to kind of heighten our awareness and how important recycling is especially in palich county and as you know the town does benefit from the captured materials it's returned to the town in a revenue sharing form that can be significant so we're always pressing to increase Recycling and diversion rates um as part of our commitment to sustainability and so we are asking all our Municipal customers consider making the pledge going forward and I'll provide uh Thomas with a little bit of information on that and maybe can come back to you or or your environmental U committee the only thing is it ends in SE beginning of September I think uh September 6th so but that's something you can talk about if you want to I think in the past um it's been quite a few years down but you provided the neighborhoods that were doing the most recycling kind of created some competition um so if you're looking for a pledge then can you share that data okay on neighborhoods we did a um that was a special project that that we did uh years ago yep to do a generation study within the within the community within each neighborhood so we did that as kind of that was outside any of our yeah okay whatever whatever data you could provide uh because again it it kind of did create at the time a spirit of at least on the Das here neighborhood neighborhood neighborhood um it was healthy competition yeah if I remember right the shores was leading if you know know so but uh also no you know Waste Management has provided great service over the years and uh we appreciate that and I appreciate that um and um but just so my colleagues know I've always looked and called in if I've seen neighbor complaints um and um and then I've interacted with the public so you know when I've done that it gives me the opportunity then you know to uh to spot check and I'm telling you I don't see it in the system so uh I don't have confidence in the system and I want to get that corrected um I think that I think overall the change that you're looking for which is good for you waste management I think will will work out uh particularly with you know the added attention along you know in the charted neighborhoods you like Center Street uh we have to do that um but um I and I think that and think about this I'm talking on the Das here it's a little over a month um so we can it's predictable by the time you get communication out the first few weeks there's going to be stuff sitting on the street and for several weeks at least until residents realize oh bulk isn't that day anymore it's moved right um I see people that still don't turn the CT in the right direction and uh no no but you know Waste Management isn't fully hasn't fully transitioned to the fully automated truck so even though residents after a year and a half haven't gotten right because they have the Dual truck they're still turning it around and doing it but realize part of the changes they're going to be getting into fully automated truck um and then so that's going to lead to another learning period of of change right to where things are going to be left behind so I'm just a bit concerned about the timing of this but uh I'm I'm glad you brought the uh turning of the cart because as we as we spoke that's just a perfect opportunity for us to uh actually leave a leave behind yeah courtesy um tag so going forward it helps educate the resident on the correct way to point the cart for collection right now it's it doesn't pose that big a problem but we'll have time between and then I have to explain the the fact that the matter is we don't have all the automatic sideloader vehicles in as of yet we we expect them to be in um we expect them to be in around no November but there has been a a supply chain issue to this day especially with this type of type of truck and I believe the manufacturers kind of overcommitted um especially in the compressed natural gas space which is uh in the the type of truck that we require has all has all the bells and whistles safety uh cameras all around sensors um they're they're new fangled uh um not electric yet compressed natural gas but they do have a lot of requirements before the road ready for WM specifications that puts a little additional pressure on the manufacturers but um the type of truck in the collection at this point doesn't you know all the all the cars will be serviced um as as they have been so see no impact will there be an absolute lapse some yeah probably but we minimize it and we've had a lot of experience in these types of changes well and that suggestion we came up with in the parking lot here last time we were chatting because you know they're entitled to go to the fully automated we knew that we went in the contract but but uh I was suggesting it's not a requirement but because they always accommodate well it's easy to accommodate when you have two people on the truck one guy turns it around because he's manually putting it over to a Tipper and he does it manually but so I asked what they can do now is they're going to pick it up while we have the two-person operation but put a tag REM telling the person that it wasn't left in the proper space so that in the proper direction uh so that they're going to be learn you know before it may be left behind right um in any event I'd like to see though um I certainly want to hear from my colleagues here but um I think we need to make sure we have a you know memorandum of understanding here of what is being agreed upon I think we're talking through it I think our town manager and staff can work with you on it if we wind up all agreeing with an effective date whatever we agree to here but I want to make sure it's clear that I want compliance with Section 32 which is customer relations in section 35 which is recordkeeping and Reporting because those are two fundamental requirements we all work you they're your customers they're are customers so nothing should be more important in fulfilling customer relation obligations mayor you just your concerns about the uh the two platforms that we have jup connect and they were supposed to have their own website your concern is they're getting direct complaints we don't see them so we can't react or well I'm I sh I share your concern from a quality standpoint I want to make sure that they know you're not standing up here saying well the counts are low and it may not be complete I agree I agree so we should we look for a way for if they get information outside of the town that goes directly on them they gets it gets pivoted and sent back to us so we get it you're aware of it they're the overarching ones so the fact I think what happened is since we started with Jupiter connect it was easy for them you know staff to think let's gravitate to that but but we're not going to we're not going to have our staff add ones that they have so they take they could take you and it says that in here was set up you know when we entered contract that they have the overarching one I want them to be delivering on that then the quarterly reports are reports that summarize how we're doing right we haven't been getting that uh and um so I just want to make sure we we still a long contract I want to make sure we are correcting the misses I'm talking about them fulfilling obligations at the same time that there're shifting routes and we're probably going to get a spike in complaint so let's make sure there's a system that's overarching and collecting it right we will get a spike in complaints there's no doubt yep but that's it's a it's a pretty big transition but just we just want to make sure we're getting what we basically what we're paying for but I'm emphasizing that because you know I had this conversation Waste Management um I said well we discussed that with you know with the administrator and he agreed we didn't have to do it and I said well that's history I don't want hear that right we're asking and it's in the contract we're not we're not forgiving that we're not going to relieve them of that obligation without getting something right and it's too important to have in there the desired outcome then is to have one set of data because we've got ours they've got theirs let's combine it we can't make decisions without a complete picture so desired outcome how we get there we don't want to confuse residents with too many systems I don't know which ones are facing outward versus facing inward so I'm sensitive to that but I think we're all in agreement then that we want one set of data and then that narrative that comes in quarterly annually just to really capture what maybe the data isn't capturing you know that you're going to be able to interpret better potentially than we are so just yeah the qualitative and the quantitative together that that provision is current is in the contract we have right now that's supposed to be doing so I don't think we necessarily need to add anou to no I'm just saying just summarize because but I just want to make sure staff understands yeah I just want I just want to be able to give WM enough time after tonight's meeting to start their Communications with the residents that the route changes are coming I think potentially we're going to be agreeing in concept to what he said we just want to make sure it's written up so we we don't find six months from now well he thought we didn't we were still waving you know section 32 customer relations obligations or section 35 record keeping keeping and Reporting we're not waving that right um you know I tell you what I've lived I've been in this town for 32 years and I still don't know readily other than Jeff how to get a hold of Waste Management a lot of a residents don't so that's why Jupiter connect is a nice way to do it but you know the communication of who you call has never been good in my opinion when I myself can't even can can you know have to say I don't even know the number can we add that in the in your mail piece maybe you know problems with your pickup whatever please call this number to report it something of that like when you send out those postcards some ads somewhere on there you know during this period if there's any issues questions whatever please call this number is it on on there now or clearly on there okay absolutely great it's a good reminder and I think we have it on our website as well so I remember a neighbor gave me the number when I moved in and that was helpful I also know that I will sometimes put my bin too late and I will miss a pickup and set it up but I've always called in that instance and you guys have been wonderful and responding so I just call Jeff usually first time I put on my bin I walked back into the house and wife said you did you put the hand on the right direction I'm like what are you talking about so after that I remembered yeah and I I will say just you know as far as Miss pickups and stuff like that I've had I've had residents call me and say hey they missed my entire neighborhood and I just go give me a minute and it's a Saturday and I'll call Jeff he'll pick up the phone and then all of a sudden they're calling me going dude what did you do they just got here an hour ago to pick up all our trash I never even call you like two hours ago to complain about it I said I just called Jeff so I I just appreciate your responsiveness whenever you know there's an issue in the town and some people just you know maybe they don't know who to call they don't know the number of Waste Management whatever it is but they know how to get a hold of their council member typically and you know they'll get a hold of me and just call you and you always take care of it so I appreciate that my pleasure we appreciate the obviously our long-standing relationship with the town and the residents as well thank you so much so my takeaway this evening is to go to proceed um as as proposed at this point because I have obviously um counselor um May indicated kind of had hard stops for the printing and The Mailing and things like that so we're we're prepared to move forward with the program as proposed I'm going to say that I'm supporting it hesitatingly because you have to get that Communications out there October 7th is just it's you know six weeks off um you know I would say that um there's you need to be motivated to make sure when you do if it's you know you defer it for a week or two if you feel it's necessary if you haven't gotten a message out um so the burden is going to be on you to timely do it enough um so all of us are not hearing that whoa they missed our bulk pickup so uh we are um absolutely um geared up in terms of resources the communication pieces um all all of the resources we're dedicating to this because we know the importance of this this change um and it's a universal change as well not that it has any that that this is the Lynch pin for the whole but it it pretty much is for all of our changes um going forward I want to say thank you for not overlapping with the start of school and thank you for not overlapping with the holiday season so I think I see some thoughtfulness in that choice of date and I you know with strong communication I think we'll we'll make our way through it thank you yeah I'm good I'm I'm good with it um you know I I'll I'll commit I'll do my best to make sure that I'm communicating with our residents as well from you know my social media whatever it may be just make sure there's extra communication going on out there to to reach the residents cuz I kind of look at it as a partnership you know and uh you know we need to be able to work together with each other so definitely to help make it easier I'll be you know doing my best to communicate the uh the upcoming changes absolutely thank you and we'll I we'll consider any and all other um means of communication as well as as we move closer to the the start date I heard a suggestion that you made that I don't know what's in a communication plan for the signs is that in your communication plan it's a it's one of those thing we didn't commit to it because we've tried it in the past and we don't know the issue with that Mr Mayor is that there's some strict guidelines in terms of yard signs no I understand okay let's just leave it at that and there may be but you'd have to get with staff on that but I'm not I don't have confidence that we're not going to really hit huge Spike and complaints so go go forth but you know there are some neighborhoods or just a sign if it's allowed by the code you know in a prime location would be the most effective way to communicate I believe so you know we're going to give it every effort for sure thank you have a great evening thank you thank you with that uh moving to reports Town attorney thank you mayor uh last Friday um the town argued its motion for summary judgment in regards to the um referendum question and also last Friday the political committee's attorneys argued their motion for leave to amend their mandamus complaint the judge ordered that the parties submit proposed orders on the motion for leave to amend by this Friday August 23 and proposed orders on the town's motion for summary judgment by August 30 uh which is also a Friday and also the Friday of the beginning of a long Labor Day weekend so uh remains to be seen if the judge will be laboring over Labor Day weekend but um whatever time it takes for the judge to reach his decisions will be the time that it takes thank you Town manager thank you mayor um just a couple of quick things first of all again congratulations to Chief England on uh on that scholarship I think it's a you know a great legacy in you know how often does someone get to be the chief of police in the town where they went to school elementary middle school you know and so kudos to him he's had a long great career so congratulations to him again um as you were coming in tonight I'm sure you noticed the fencing going around the Old Town Hall and um you we're uh moving ahead on that project the U this week they'll be removing the Halon systems and you know all the other critical pieces out of there um fpnl power is to be removed on August 28th and the demo of that building will start on August 29 um the events Plaza the wall repair has been completed to the point that all we have left to do is to take uh is to remove the wooden barriers are there Public's work Public Works will be doing that Thomas thank you for all that uh coordination on that as well and then finally the ebike safety campaign that Council um got a presentation from not that long ago during the first three days of schools members of the jpd educated over 130 students from Independence Middle School and Jupiter Middle School on the safe traffic laws while riding ebikes um their ongoing safety campaign obviously is to educate ebike riders in an effort to prevent further injuries within our community so they're doing a great job with that as well and um you know as always the jpd is out there every day and so appreciate their work um that's my report mayor thank you Council may I have nothing to comment on tonight vice mayor I just you know I'm hesitant to talk about this but there has been um and councelor may may want to comment on this too but there's been a lot of um public concern around an issue in Jonathan Dickinson park um which is north of of us and important to us important to this whole area um and it's just it's very upsetting to hear about there are a lot of unknowns uh um I spent the better part of a day trying to understand better with um both representative Snider's office and representative kuso's office um her trying to get the agenda trying to get more details they were also not able to get all the information because I wanted to verify before sharing yeah so you know what we know so far is that there is a meeting in Stewart um it is August 27th a week from today um from 3: to 400 p.m. uh I don't have the agenda I don't have many details I don't have a draft plan um we are still working to get that information I had a call with d today um but the plan or you know and again there's so many unknowns so I'm very hesitant to speak but the idea that's being shared and there were a couple of news articles about this as well is as some of the press work on this item but um that there might be a golf course and proposed for Jonathan Dickinson park potentially with Frontage on Route One and really sensitive environmental land so and historical land just really um so you know it's really concerning it's something I think we should track um I think as we learn more if there is something we can do maybe we could do a letter or write a letter yeah I was I was waiting to get try to figure out what's really going on before I proposed it it was brought to my attention by a mountain bike club that I'm a part of part of a club scrub that operates out of uh Jonathan Dickinson um I spent a lot of time riding my mountain bike up and there in the trails and a big portion of what they're proposing and this had originally been brought back brought up in 2011 um it was quelled down a lot of public outry on it and then but it seems to be uh information coming out that it's being raised again and a big portion of the area pretty much it it would put this golf course over top of the mountain bike trails up against us and I think on the even the other side of us one up against the uh the inter Coastal so um I reached out to John Snider as well uh he's on vacation right now so but he's trying to get more information as well like it's it's no one knows really what's going on um I did hear about that meeting I was planning on attending just to try to gather more information to see really what's what they're actually talking about here so um it was one of those things where the management plan for Jonathan Dickinson doesn't include anything like that and then all of a sudden last night they dropped this you know uh Recreation thing that they're trying to do for all the state parks and there's actually so Tuesday they have a meeting from 3 to 4: in Stewart but at the same time they're having nine other meetings throughout the State of Florida for the different parks that this updated plan's going to affect um so it's kind of it was very concerning it was weird how it's being done in my opinion um and not a whole lot of information being given to the public before this meeting has taken place and it's seemed like it's being thrown through very quickly um so yeah I I share the concern I've posted about it on social media just you know same thing I'm trying to get more information right now this is obviously I'm hearing what's going on and as soon as the information becomes available I'll share it um but once it does I think as the vice mayor said I think a letter uh to the necessary parties would be um I'll support it basically saying you know we don't support doing anything of that nature to a state park so all state-owned land yeah there state-owned parks um the idea was to explore recreational opportunities on state own on state own parks with pickle ball with golf with other with other items so where did this decree filter down from so there was an announcement on Twitter from D announcing this I think it was yesterday um but you know it's still developing it is frustrating that there's so little information that there is no draft plan available because in that vacuum you know the vacuum gets filled with all of our assumptions and concerns and so it would almost be better to just have something out there to digest well then you have the Hysteria you know social media and people are panicking and I don't blame them when you don't have something to work with right yeah so um you know we're all trying to get information I know that the state Senator's office has also been they reached out to them uh rep representative mask so everyone's on Deck but I think everyone's just trying to get more information we're all in the same place so as it comes out if it does become you know I'd like to ask um as information comes out you I'd love to work with staff and given the time given that this meeting is 7 days from today you know if there is an opportunity to draft a letter um you know talking about protection for environmentally sensitive lands we want to have full context full information before doing anything like that I want to be really careful but um it's something we could explore over time I want to just pitch that there I think from what from what I've heard just tonight on the Das here um you know while I don't M mountain bike and family members that do let's call it Florida mountains bikes biking you can get going really fast on those tra no understand that I should have family members that do it right would have been injured doing it but just kind of hard it's more Trail writing I guess you could call it but uh but no I know that uh that's a coveted area in other parts of the state so uh uh I would hope you're the one um coun May that indicated may be in the same location well I would hope you're not removing an amenity that's been you know finally used you know to create a new one right yeah it's different if there was a a park that I'm not even saying that that I'm supportive of that it's different right if they're they're removing something that's has been an amenity that public has been enjoying well the craziest part about it because I saw the map where they were proposing to do it and um and I don't know if it's an old map or new map like I said not a whole lot of information but the the trails there is called the camp Murphy mountain bike trails that's where Camp Murphy was and the bunkers are still there and it's historically significant cuz they're they're actually kind of protected because it's all you can do is walk or ride a bike over top of it it's not you know but the the bunkers are there and uh it's pretty cool to be like riding around and you're riding over a structure and you're like what is this and you don't realize that the structure goes about 20 ft underground and that's where all the bunkers and stuff were all the the the soldiers and stuff like that were training when they were tracking the submarines and stuff out off the coast so it's pretty historically significant so I was very confused as to why they and what they could even conceive as to removing something like that so maybe not even realize it if this was an initiative Statewide of Gee let's find a place to put gol you know courses if you will which seems crazy since that we've been losing gol courses but but in any event thank you for sharing that help share we'll help we'll help them understand how important this area is to all of us and that group I mean I looked at it the Facebook group had 500 last night when I joined it it's like 2.6 th000 4.5 th000 people right now so um it clearly is important to a lot of us concerning I'm sure oh it's very it's very concerning you know we have these national parks why would you you know we have you know industrialization industrialization pavement development everywhere why would we touch the parks but what do I know I don't I don't get it anyway just one thing um sad to hear about the passing of for mayor cul pepper um when I first got on the council we were at some public event and he came up and introduced himself and wish me luck and you know I'm going to keep an eye on you that kind of thing and uh it seemed every time we were he would show up he'd come over and say hi and one maybe a year or two later he said I think you're doing a good job I appreciate it and that felt good from a guy like that that had all that experience and knowhow and uh just we lost a good one and really nice guy yep um just uh two quick items number one you know last night the chamber H held an event that I think others on the Das were had maybe planned to go and to the degree they're going to um it was different than I had expected it so I did attend uh the chamber invited elected officials from the 10 North County municipalities what they did is they put us in four groups in the groups rotated through four separate Roundtable discussions it was a really interesting format I thought it was going to be you know in interaction with the chamber but they really did it um as you know as an investment in local government collaborations an exchange of best practic so I um I do think that uh you know I wanted to make sure I was sharing that um they had a facilitator at each of the tables and you just we were signed a group and you went around um and it's interesting um we have so many opportunities to uh we do have different opportunities as elected officials but um to uh collaborate each one of us do it in our own way uh what I found most you know I had the benefit of being long tenured elected official but um many um had no idea how to um and somewh you know second third term if you will so uh I just thought it was a positive that the chamber was truly just invest investing in something that you know I thanked them afterwards for doing that so I think they were going to do it again they saw saw the success of it and I just wanted to make sure my colleagues here know that you know if they do it because maybe they were talking about maybe another one in three months uh that you know what the event was because uh I wasn't expecting that I thought there was going to be interaction between elected official and chamber members and that was not it it really was an investment you know for for us so I appreciated that and then lastly just in a weekly report uh this is a requested Town manager could you just uh share with the council sections 32 and 35 of the waste management agreement so they understand specifically you know what we haven't been getting that and you so you would understand potentially better how you would feel comfortable if we were getting it and I just want to make sure that because I I mean I met several times and I keep getting this push back that well it was agreed we don't have to do it no it wasn't if it was agreed we were weighing in and that's what I want my colleagues to see what those requirements are they were never really waved um we just it wasn't enforced but uh but any I'll just leave it at that we'll include it in those are short reads you know it's two sections but you know one is customer relations is that not important to us I mean I know Council May says I get calls too from residents but they shouldn't have to go to for us right should be an easy way they can get it taken care of um and then the other one is recordkeeping and Reporting you know we should be getting you know summaries of of that I don't know how you manage a contract without getting that but thank you are you uh I guess younger council members or newer council members in my tenure here the mayor has been a stickler for like uh developers you know we pass up Public public benefit you and give me any credit I've learned from him he gets it he makes sure he get it and so this is a similar type so he reads the details and he he makes sure we're getting what we paid for so I have to share this quote because I knew someone that the mayor worked with a while ago and I remember asking about this after noticing that he was detail oriented and this um this former employee with FPL orxa said he would pull with tweezers a single few words from a 100 page 200 Page cont contract and just hold them to it and he never lost but when you uh when you read it you're going to real you're going to agree that no we need that right so it isn't me being you know picky we're complimenting you no it's it's good new YK exactly all right you're on the side of the taxpayers put it that way okay the time is now 8:38 and we'll join the meeting the e