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moment of silence please join me in the pledge United States may we have roll call please mayor kety here vice mayor Delaney here councelor for here councelor sunstrom here Town manager Kito here assistant Town attorney Brett Lashley here and for the record uh counselor May uh is absent and will not be able to attend this evening and um with that um I begin with the proclamation that'll be presenting to uh Tom Hernandez who's a Palm Beach uh transportation planning agency and advisory committee member and Stephanie thurn who's a Palm Beach transportation and planning agency Vision zero advisory committee chair and with that uh it's a proclamation of town of Jupiter declaring March 2024's bicycle month whereas town of Jupiter residents and visitors engag in bicycling as a viable and environmentally sound form of transportation and an excellent form of phys physical activity and Recreation and whereas the State of Florida recognizes March officially as bicycle month and pal Beach County will recognize it locally whereas Florida bicycle month features a number of Fitness opportunities and events for Riders of all ages to enjoy throughout the month at various parks and locations throughout Palm Beach County and whereas the recognition of Florida bicycle month will raise awareness of bicycling and ultimately promote physical activ and Healthy Lifestyles by elevating bicycling as a more widely accepted choice of Transportation whereas the Palm Beach County Transportation Planning agency plans and recommends projects to make bicycling more accessible and promotes comprehensive Community Education efforts aimed at improving bicycle safety and whereas creating a bicycle friendly Community has been shown to improve citizens Health wellbeing being and quality of life growing the economy of the town of Jupiter attracting tourism dollars improving Traffic Safety supporting student learning outcomes and reducing pollution congestion and wear and tear on our streets and whereas the town of Jupiter has adopted through its comprehensive plan and in coordination with the Palm Beach County Transportation Planning agency a bicycle Transportation master plan to increase the availability and safety of bicycle facilities and whereas through these efforts the town now has over 60 miles of dedicated bicycle and multi-use pass and will continue to promote and seek opportunities to improve upon a connected network of improved bicycle level service and safety now therefore I Jim kety mayor of the town of Jupiter to hereby Proclaim March 24 as bicycle safety a bicycle month with that I'll present it [Music] [Applause] okay uh moving on to Citizen comments this is a time uh this relates to all non-agenda items and are limited to three minutes anyone wishing to speak is asked to State his or her name and address for the record prior to addressing Town Council um I did uh speak to at least one member beforehand and for the round table disc discussion on a strategic plan you know I suggested it may be best to cover the Strategic plan items now under citizen comments due to the format that we discuss them with that do we have any citizen comments non agenda items yes mayor we have several we're going to start with Cindy Lo followed by Bob potluck good evening my name is Cindy L I'm a Jupiter Farms residence my grievances in no dash cams on the police Parts sorry can you pull the mic down can you hear me now no you lean forward I think now yeah oh dear okay I'm not tall enough all right my name is Cindy Loth I'm a Jupiter Farms residence my grievance is the no dash cams on your police cars and the excessive force and jpd's accepted policies and procedures I have finally started to share my story with women within my community about the terror I experienced night of 5 2423 I learned every woman in the room believed they had a right to pull into a safe area in an our instance the CVS on Indiantown Road I feel you have a responsibility to inform your citizens that women do not have a legal protection to drive to a lit area at night even if they are alone and if they choose to do so for their safety they R risk being arrested on an extreme charge of felony fleeing elude guaranteeing a night in jail and a mug shot on the internet perhaps training your officers on women's statistics especially young women on violence and learn to The Compassion needed to be appropriate last in the last meeting we spoke about you spoke about statistics I have some statistics unfortunately I learned one just before coming in here that in the State of Florida is the number three state for sex traffick and then number one in per capita one in five women have been raped in their lifetime up to 65% of those women will learn to manage PTSD that night I didn't panic that night I stayed incredibly calm I kept telling myself do not panic they will hurt you do not panic they want to hurt you I let them touch you I breathe I stay calm speak clearly stay calm four out of 10 rapes will get reported one will get a conviction less than one will have a conviction according to the FBI database nine of those t women will never get Justice my complaint that I filed with jpt was deemed as unfounded that word unfounded was my trigger to fight and overcome my fear to speak here one in seven women have been injured by an intimate partner police officers unfortunately have the highest rate of domestic violence estimated between 28 and 40% those are the same guys that respond to domestic violence calls 81 to 89% of women have experienced sexual assault sexual harassment excuse me or threat of safety in some form or other you hear on those body cams cops laughing fist bumping calling me a girl and a dummy laughing that I stopped at a red light and proceeded at a green light as if I were a joke I still can't wrap my head around what happened that night according to your officer there were plenty of safe places on Indian Town Road so tell me was a safe place under two overpasses next to a gravel pit in front of a 95 or or Turnpike exit or buildings under construction Maybe on the road under construction or over an orange Barrel someone please tell me what the logical explanation of a safe place that some kid gets to Define safety for me I I know my time is up and and I I I think I've laid the foundation I do believe that there's a lot of good officers that are on duty um and this has been very difficult me to for me to Grapple with injustices and also protect the police officer safety um that's all I have this week I'll see you next week thank you Bob potlock can you all hear me my name is Bob polock I live in the island of Abacoa I've been there for 24 years uh a neighbor of mine by the name of Peter Litman told me that you guys are pretty easy to deal with but I don't know it's nice to see what my taxes have done here uh I have two items that I want to cover number one is last Wednesday 150 of our residents around the island went to a meeting at the island of Abacoa at the clubhouse were you there yes that beautiful young lady was there uh it was a session to to learn a little about the proposal of putting in two five fivestory this isn't working anymore two fivestory Town Homes 350 residents when you go into 350 residents that randina wants to do uh that probably equates to close to 600 cars in that Community that's going to be going up and down Parkside uh that to me is is going to be a problem and I don't know what you folks would do with that the second part I have two things the second part is the house next to me is now empty it used to have three cats in it okay it doesn't have three cats in it any long the individual that lived in that used to be my neighbor my neighbor used to have uh any evening we would have happy hour on my porch about two or three nights a week not every time uh and we would talk about what's going on that neighbor was coming home about a month ago down University and he was walking across the street of of uh Parkside getting very very close to once again the the the the uh the golf course he was hit by a car the fell left the woman behind them stopped went over to Tom and he had one more breath before he died so my question to you guys there's a lot of people that run up and down run up and down they ride bikes they walk and they spend a lot of time there when you add 600 cars in addition to what we already have it's going to it's a potential problem that may get some other people either injured or hurt so when you make the decision on whether you're going to allow that to be done I wish you would remember my neighbor who is no longer here who was hit by some idiot because of the traffic that's it thank you very much and my my two friends the mayor and the manager someday you may give Peter Litman a call he could use a little cheering up thank you Steen Erikson good evening m good evening Mr Mayor councel I'm Cen Ericson 2328 South Congress I think it's great that you have recently publicly recognized your Police Department water utilities and other entities for all of your accomplishments in the town I have been waiting however for your recognition of pom County fire rescue station 16 right down the street here in Jupiter in October the Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches awarded station 16 as fire station of the year of the 49 stations in the palach County fire rescue system station 16 had more Cardiac Arrest saves than any other a cardiac arrest save is when a patient has a return of spontaneous circulation known as rasque which is normal heart activity upon delivery to the hospital with the eventual discharge from the hospital station station 16 has had multiple Survivor crew reunions where the cardiac Survivor and family can meet the crew who literally brought them back to life most of you heard Chief coil's statistics report at the Abacoa annual meeting and whether you share that information with your residents is on you but now for those who are listening now this is something you may want to know and these statistics are for Battalion one which serves the town of Jupiter and it's from January to October of 2023 looking at 40 Cardiac Arrest patients in Battalion 1 30% of those patients received Ros compared to the state percentage of 20 and the national of 21 even more impressive is the number of those being resuscitated from cardiac arest and being discharged from the hospital in Battalion one 25 of those 40 Cardiac Arrest patients were discharged the state percent is 8.9 the national percent is 7.6 again ours was 2 25% one step further 12.5% of those patients discharged have no neurological dysfunction whatsoever and are living a fully productive life with family and friends that's 12.5% the state percentage is 5.5 and the national percent is 5.9 Mr Kito can reach out to to acheve Chief Rowley to arrange station 16 crws to be here if you want to congratulate them if you'd like and if you choose not to do this I would submit that that is because you don't want the residents to see what award-winning life-saving Talent will be gone on day one of Jupiter fire department operations this kind of experience training pride and professionalism and expertise takes years to develop and I believe that if your Chief is being honest with you he will tell you the exact same thing you are going to be depriving your residents of a proven chance of surviving a cardiac arrest as well as care in a variety of other emergency situ situations by abandoning A system that has been perfecting its operations for 40 years how do you explain that to the family of a cardiac arrest arrest victim who may very well have had a Fighting Chance of surviving that Cardiac Arrest perhaps it could go something like this our thoughts and prayers are with you but we are going along with a pet project under the guise of saving money in Jupiter's version of the big lie so our condolences practice that speech with your family and see how well that goes over thank you Linda Smith good evening Linda Smith Jupiter Florida it's a beautiful facility I'm here tonight to talk a little bit about the Strategic plan which is later on in the agenda there have been identified four priority initiatives please add after the CRA plan resiliency and climate mitigation not sure what the differences are between the priority initiatives and the Strategic priorities but be that as it may green and blue in Open Spaces is listed either first or second to physical responsibility both of which I think are very important and then we have nine strategic results so not necessarily in order of importance but physic physical responsibility please invest in renewable infrastructure and electric vehicles and charging stations I'm so glad I found the charging stations the existing ones over there in the bushes um accept and Chase all available funds in the inflation reduction Act and the infrastructure investment and jobs act this is basically free money to Jupiter at the cost of writing a grant so it's not really free all new construction and renovation that's being planned should be lead certified invest in energy efficient Construction and Equipment this is physical responsibility not in base code not even for that new fridge that might be getting put into a conference room somewhere nowhere in the organization of Excellence is um the term you know long-term Energy Efficiency I would suggest you add a sustainability director to the mix if you don't have a quaint person who's actually responsible it will be very hard to imp or impossible to develop your sustainability plan which has been on the books for a long time increase increasing Energy Efficiency and native plants will save money and create water conservation programs and saving our aquifer the recreational facility master plan West Jupiter Community Center before you expand into AC spaces may I suggest that you install a roof structure over the basketball courts with you guess it solar panels on the roof for the lighting shade instead of AC maintenance facility and new fire rescue facilities please provide lead construction solar and that new shiny SUV that the fire department will be driving could be electric um I don't think they're going to go a lot of miles before they return back to the station these vehicles can also come with the convenience Outlets capabilities like you see on TV in many pickup trucks if an emergency generator has an issue at startup or during some glitch of a system you can still charge radios until that generator is fixed and protecting local seagrass is great and necessary but you do have to fund it you have to fund the education the buoys and the law enforcement thank you for your time Linda McDermot good evening Linda mcder at 107 chadrick Drive I would just like to recognize uh management staff who took immediate action for Tony Penna and Central the median has now been erased of all the bushes which is a fantastic thing you can now see the smaller cars um accidents I really believe are going to be um prevented from that I really thank you after the meeting that I was at staff came right up to me and to make sure you got the location I I really appreciate that my neighbors noticed it before I did and let me know so on behalf of myself and them that is one issue I'm very happy about um and also again the fire stations um I know things are going along but I'm still very concerned because uh nothing has been said about the fire assessment fee uh that is very instrumental in funding fire that was presented at um how you did the capital planning I really expect the future to show how you are going to uh do the methodology for that um I think you're going to see the expense of it even though you have the ability to do a fire assessment fee it can be very costly if you think that that's going to cover all of the cost so please start looking at that uh you have a great fire chief appointed and I know that he'll look into it but I'm still extremely concerned if the reason was only for dollars it's just not C cut in the mustard for me but that's that issue thank you very [Music] much Dylan newquist go to the other one G wait for her to pass she's passing out um the reports sorry was an instru thank you Stephanie can I get my thank you good evening Town Council um I want to first thank everybody who's already come up here to speak and everyone who will speak to practice your First Amendment right um it's a very important thing to do because there's men and women who serve and fought to preserve that right for us to this very day I'm here in good faith to ask two primary questions that pertain to the funding and priorities mentioned for guiding the decision making of regarding the jfrd town project I'm not here to point fingers nor make accusations after just reviewing the numbers in my own conclusions I'm concerned and felt these questions should be asked to ensure fiduciary duties servant leadership and transparency can be upheld and performed before I ask these questions I would like to ask if you want to volunteer in the uh in the in the in the the back who here has ever taken out a loan who before taking out that loan knew the interest rate keep your hands raised if you know the interest rate on the bonds for the funding for Jupiter uh fire rescue Department no hands are raised and my mic seems to be cut um this is my first question What are the resp itive interest rates for the 15 and 20e bonds presented on slide eight of the town of Jupiter fire and EMS funding plan presented on January 17th 2023 I provided that slide to you to show where I'm looking um we know nothing about these numbers they don't make mathematical sense without further information and more detailed explanation now based on these PR provided numbers we can solve for the interest rate if my assumption of these numbers is correct then these numbers on slide eight suggest that the interest rate would be less than 1% that's an assumption not stating facts I'm just trying my best to understand so what I did is provided you guys with a graph to show different interest rates to make a comparison on that total cost my second question is about the provid reasons on why this decision was made it's been stated that the repeated it's been repeated that it's been cost and control were the two factors but my question is where does public safety and public opinion support or support factor in that decision those three two things have now been included on your strategic plan presentation later tonight three of the nine priorities are fiscal responsibility safety and town communication if you don't know the interest rate then how do you know the co true cost to facilitate a true comparison before a fiduciary decision and if you don't know the true cost how can you truly have control and if you don't have control how can the public trust you to look out for their Public Safety and if you don't factor in public opinion on such a Monumental shift with the use of reserves for a non-emergency initiative then why should the public trust and have confidence in control over this matter there's been a lot of talk about Public Safety a lot of asks about numbers just want the numbers so I encourage anybody who's watching you know if you're a student of math young or old um you know you might be looking at a variable an X or a y why am I learning this why do I have to solve this well I thought the same thing and maybe one day you have to solve for something for yourself so thank you for your time I appreciate your service um and have a good evening thank [Applause] you Brett Leone good evening mayor vice mayor counsel Town manager Town attorney Deputy town clerk uh wide range of topics tonight try and cover them all in three minutes um something that Mr potluck had mentioned he's a neighbor of mine I've mentioned this in the past before and I've brought this up at a few meetings um lighted sidewalks lighted intersections especially through Abacoa they're pretty dark and actually pulling into town hall off of Military Trail uh it wasn't the sun hadn't yet set and dark enough to where that intersection is pretty dark so right here in front of your own Chambers is a prime example Le um I see in the Strategic initiatives um priority regarding safety I think uh enhancing sidewalk um photometrics is one of those another item quickly um I've brought this up before haven't heard any updates on it but a plaque on this beautiful new building that you all get to sit in we have these meetings your staff gets to um work out of this clean building which I think is fantastic but uh a plaque for those former council members and staff that work to get this um in addition the previous Town Hall um in the chambers had plaques and pictures of of former mayors not sure if those are being refurbished to look a little bit nicer because they've been around for quite a while but it would be nice to to honor those who have sat in y'all's seats um in years past and made a lot of important decisions for this town um another thing quickly uh Chief Mayo few few months ago um you all approve naming the police headquarters police station after him haven't seen any updates on when that um is going to happen when his name will go on that building um housing something Mr Pock mentioned as well I will piggyback off of that um we did have a big meeting councelor sunstrom was there heard the feedback from over a 100 residents uh I know you all had a round table discussing uh some zoning text amendments related to housing and density in the Abacoa Town Center um please listen to the residents so we don't have another instance like we do the fire department where people continually come out and talk to you all about this uh it does impact a large population of your constituents also I know you all are discussing tonight uh and I've looked through the plans I and I've talked with um Mr Bower about it I think the improvements of Roger Dean are fantastic I would ask uh and I'm not sure what the um traffic control situation is for special events and all that but I've driven home for lunch it's taken me well over 30 minutes just to get through Abacoa and I've seen a lot of Jupiter police officers just standing at corners and just telling people to move rather than trying to direct traffic uh one last thing quickly and I'll go over just a couple seconds so I apologize um in your strategic priorities there's a couple items there talking about strong local economy and housing Supply another item you all are talking about tonight is the bioscience um overlay um that committee my understanding has is sunsetting um there's an opportunity for you all to look at some town-owned land to help solve the housing issue that we have in Palm Beach County and in the State of Florida um I think the town can be part of that solution um an issue that we have current that can be addressed through through some discussions and looking at some lands that are available for the town to be a party of that so again thank you you all I know it's a wide variety of topics um and I appreciate y service thank [Applause] you Mna Goldberg my name is Mna Goldberg I live in the martinque community of Abacoa I been in Jupiter since 2003 and I love it and one of the reasons I chose to live in Jupiter and I've spoken to some of you when you've been running for office is because of its small beautiful Florida feel the reason I'm here tonight is because of the three fivestory Apartments proposed for Abaco near the Roger Dean Stadium the last time I was at a council meeting you were debating some buildings that were going to go along the inter Coastal somewhere near the bridge on Indiantown Road and you were saying that those buildings could not be more than three stories high and you would need a waiver for that how are these people proposing three five story buildings you've heard that someone was killed in our community because of the traffic what are you going to do with these people who are going to overun the school systems the and and the look of the community and the whole feel of Jupiter is not five stories that's not who we are we are Beauty we are nature we are happiness to be outside as you were talking this is bicycle month so please if you would please give all your consideration to rejecting this fivestory monstrosity in Abacoa thank you [Applause] senica peraki good evening seni uh West River Drive Jupiter I'm piggybacking on the bicycle month um and I'm here regarding the bicycle safety in Jupiter my first town council meeting actually was in 2019 and it was March and it was bicycle month and um there was a lot of talk about safety and um I still don't see any green paint on Indiantown Road and that's like a minimum that we could have most of the green paint is in Abacoa and um also there's no street sweeping going on really to speak of so a lot of times these cyclist suddenly have to Swerve to avoid objects that are in the bicycle lane and in any case most of the time your save for hopping on the sidewalk unfortunately like on Center Street there's just not enough room to be really safe um great thing to do is to go to RiverBend but again you need a safe passage to go to RiverBend for me the whole idea is to ride my bicycle and not put it on my car and go somewhere so there actually is a way to get to RiverBend along c18 canal um you just need to somehow get under or over the turnpike you can easily get under I95 over there so that's one possibility and I know that it has been talked about um I've talked to some people um the staff in town that it has been discussed and that would be wonderful to just have a way to get there safely um I'm actually I have gone along Indian toown Road myself and I see other cyclists do it too and it's just it's horrible once you get to the turnpike and try to navigate that whole intersection um and then um Also regarding the ebikes um I know I don't personally own an ebike but I know many people who do and they use it for commuting I have neighbors who are retired and they love to go to the beach and just have that opportunity of not having to take the car and again you're taking cars off the road when people have this chance to Bicycle but again they somehow need to do it a little bit safer um some of the ebikes are way too fast and I've heard a lot of complaints about that but not every ebike is fast some of them only have a little Hill assist they have very little assist you don't have to have Assist you can bicycle like a normal person but let's say you're really old now you're really tired it's hot your bicycle can help you get back home um and what else that's pretty much it what happened in kis game with the uh ebike accident where they ended up Banning ebikes was an very unfortunate thing that a 12-year-old on a fast E Bike collided with a bicyclist and she was killed but that was really something that was typical to their Community where they have these ebikes just zooming around and they are very fast and a lot of children on them so there just needs to be regulation about that thank you for your time Andy Weston good evening Andy Weston 949 dolphin said I was going to come back and talk to you about dolphin and I'd like to do that tonight um why don't you just not do it Frank because there's no sense in doing digging up the uh swales and the uh the west side of the road and not completing this road this road needs to be widened you did the work in Elsa way when you did the water line there you paid for everything there uh you've just repaved walks ofe Drive South lockah hatti Drive in front of the elementary school if you hadn't seen it you should look drive down there looks beautiful that's the way the road should look on if you haven't seen it you should go over there and I'm pretty sure that is a Town Road it's not U and so who paid for that and you got a bunch of small houses on there they don't pay the taxes like we do you got on the uh on the west side of the road it's it's the elementary school and the Lodge and they don't pay taxes we pay taxes on dolphin and they're going up and they're going up because the values of the homes are going up and people are buying them we've had more homes sold this year uh the guy on the end of the street that uh he's the winner of the highest tax he's paying 78,000 for last year's taxes and that had no house on it he's building a I'm told an 8,500 ft twostory house literally to the setbacks and uh he SP spending I was told about $6 million so he's possible that he's going to double his tax before he's ever moved in and that's just one house of the 38 that are on the road my neighbor's tax where Tom McCarthy used to live went from $110,000 to $31,000 he just bought that for 1.8 last year so uh don't put this water line in tear up the road the roadway because you're going to take half the roadway while you're doing it and not fix the whole thing and you have not given consideration the fact you're you're adding four feet it's about 750 ft by the time you've done all the 14 cuts of the driveways it's another 750 ft of asphalt that you you would have to 4ot wide have to add and you don't have to add it where the driveway cuts are and so the the price of you replacing the driveway for that2 50 ft you're already paying for that so why not do that with asphalt that's cheaper than what you're going to do to replace those driveways so that's my thoughts for tonight and uh I got a little confused in my presentation on what the uh the treasurers report was for the uh pack it was a total of $214,000 almost a quarter of a million dollars and that was just three months and that's before the legal fees that are going to be acre on this lawsuit and $40 of that came from people the rest of it was from the firemen's Union almost a quarter of a million dollars and they're going to be funding the legal fees for that too so uh I'm not attacking cam I'm just telling you that that is a remarkable number that uh I was stunned and I don't know how cam can um ignore that so thank you very much Kristen Henry good evening mayor and Council Kristen Henry 109 myor away uh this past week there were five posts in 4 days via the town social platforms uh encouraging residents to attend or send input regarding updates to our parks and the Riverwalk the post state things like important Community meetings happening next month where your input is really needed this Workshop will allow residents the opportunity to make their voices heard and the town is updating the CRA plan and wants input from the residents it's great that there is an encouragement from the town to participate in changes that directly impact such a large percentage of residents before decisions are made this is what good local government should always do to instill trust in those they represent in such major changes over the last couple of years there were post encouraging residents to attend discussions regarding the bridge mitigation strategy town enhancement among other things but prior to the August 2023 decision I did not come across a single post encouraging residents to participate in anything to do with the studies or possible changes to our fire services in fact with respect councelor sunstrum on November 17 2022 you posted praising Palm Beach County fire rescue you during your visit with station 16 stating there are certainly something to be thankful for between the initial May 2022 direction for this cpsm study and the August 15th decision there was not a single post regarding anything to do with our Fire Rescue Services the town Times article that came out after the town had just agreed to continue the PM Beach County fire rescue uh inter local agreement talking about the talked about the contract concerning but never specifically discussed separation from the current excellent service but that the town's goal was to continue to provide excellent levels of fire service to the residents on one way or another after the non-agenda vote that blindsided the masses there were six posts on Jupiter fire department creation between the 15th and the 31st of August when residents began to hear about the happenings and came out to share their opinions it was very apparent that Minds had been made up and seemed there was little to no interest in the residents input when the residents asked to have a say in the matter with just a vote it seemed that the town pressed on harder with the agenda we are still asking why is the public input why is public input regarded as important and valued only on select issues and not on one as crucial as our Public Safety Services why has the town continued to spend large sums of tax money when there is a pending lawsuit that has potential to derail or delay the plan is that a fiscally responsible move will the town give us an update on anything going on with the lawsuit and you since you guys cannot Talk Amongst each other though the number of people who have come and spoken have dwindled I can assure you that conversation still goes on they can't show up because they have things to do with their time but people are still very concerned um and confused about why the council has fought so hard to prevent the residents the right to vote in such a and is very much still alive thank you [Applause] okay um moving on to the minutes um Council we have before us the minutes of the February 20th Town council meeting along with some uh requested revisions if there's no further revisions I'll take a motion motion to approve second motion second all in favor signify by saying I I motion carries unanimously moving on to the consent agenda this is items three four and five on the consent agenda are there any members of the public wishing to pull the consent agenda item yes mayor item five item five uh any member of the council wish to pull uh items three or four I wanted to pull four um so um I'll uh take a motion in a second on the amended consent agenda which is limited to item number three so moved as amended second I would ask uh the town acting Town attorney to read ordinance 924 and short title ordinance number 9-24 an ordinance of the Town Council of the town of Jupiter Florida amending subpart a of chapter 2 article 3 division 2 section 2-19 of the Town town code pertaining to the town's purchasing procedures providing for severability providing for the repeal of laws in Conflict providing for codification and providing for an effective date all in favor uh for ordinance 924 and resolution 2724 signified by saying I I I I motion carries unanimously moving on to public business uh res item four resolution 3224 um I pulled this one um just simply to on the um summary provided to council um on the resolution attached um and by the way um you know I was on the fire science the last I attended both bioscience Advisory board meetings U second to last of which I asked a question about whether there still was an obligation uh required by the state um that they then came back to the representative then came back to us in the last meeting and indicated there was not um you know so with that the uh commission voted to you know U uh close the that the existence of that body um which I supported um it doesn't mean that I don't continue to support that use where we have it and so just referring to the staff report the second page at the very end um we were giving there were some words that uh we may consider to broaden some of the bioscience encouragement protection policy to support report retention of lands for future corporate headquarters use and discourage these lands from being converted to retail commercial residential or other uses not conducive to bioscience of corporate headquarters if it's the town's desire to add corporate headquarters direction should be provided to staff or Round Table can be scheduled so I don't know the uh interest of the council but I just wanted to say on the record you know I'm in favor of that so if there was a majority that would means it would have to come back then we would need a round table if not uh we should probably Round Table it but that's consistent with what uh zoning action we've taken you know for uh bioscience Parcels if you will particularly I you know I guess I I4 so um is are there others in the council that would like staff to follow up on that or and do you think it would be a good thing to do a round table on and I also just want to be careful about corporate headquarters that language we may want to broaden that to you know a major corporate office um of sizable footprint but we we want to be careful with that okay if if it's the majority's will to Round Table I was trying to spare a round table but uh if that's our will then bring it back as a round table I was comfortable with the staff's recommendation corporate headquarters and the bi science I I didn't want to see anything converted to retailing you know I agree with the comment about it the anten of corporate headquarters is not you know a small footprint yeah so I appreciate that uh and that came to mine as well so I'd be favorable of um if you inclined or not um to add that clarification and then they still would have to come back to us I agree with councelor sunstrom on on change slight tweaking of the wordage because corporate headquarters could mean a lot of things corporate headquarters for Amazon could be 2000 acres of land but I don't think that was the intent of this so that minor tweaking I'm good and this is specific to I4 well for staff to bring it back to us I feel comfortable with a quick Round Table it doesn't have to be drawn out but be helpful just to have a better understanding I'm going round I'm fine with that too that's fine bring bring it back it should should be a short one I appreciate you raising that for us to I didn't want to just push this along without um with that I'll no that I was just re reacting staff does this sometimes is they ask us to give policy guidance we could have paid attention to it or not so I appreciate it I take a motion and a second on resolution 3224 so moved second motion a second all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries unanimously moving on to uh item number five approving Amendment two to the lease agreement with elou neighborhood Resource Center um I think that was first pulled by a member of the public yes we have three members of the public wanted to speak okay um first we're going to have Tim St ganga members of council my name is Tim steginga I live at 6168 Eagles Nest Drive here in Jupiter I've been the chair of the board of Soul since 2018 and a resident of Jupiter here since 1999 some of you are familiar with the background and the history of this public private partnership at elou others perhaps less so um elol is called Jupiter's neighborhood Resource Center precisely because it was conceived of and implemented at the behest of the town of Jupiter uh in response to some fairly serious quality of life issues that we faced along Center Street and some other areas in town back in the early 2000s um and we fulfill that mission on Town campus and in a town building because our mission is to improve the quality of life for the community of Jupiter that's built into the mission of the organization we adopted that mission in collaboration with the town of Jupiter and we fulfill it by providing labor education community health food and nutrition and youth services to day laborers and their families here the work that we do every day much like the work that you do and town staff does is designed to promote the priorities of safety a unique small town feel here in Jupiter fiscal responsibility organizational excellence and a strong local economy all things that sound very familiar because they're in your strategic plan um and the great news is that it works I'm always impressed uh looking at those town community surveys of the high levels of scores Jupiter gets in terms of its citizen surveys on quality of life always in the 90% T I'll leave it to our executive director to talk about the specifics and ways that our services uh meet the town's priorities but to sum it up in 2023 we served over 4,000 unduplicated clients at elou with our 12 full-time and 15 part-time staff members 400 volunteers and an annual budget of $1.5 million pumped into the Jupiter economy and those financial figures are multiplied many times over when the value of our services is calculated if you think about the cost costs of potentially renovating buildings and expanding them or even building new ones as you're doing that please also consider the financial benefits that ELO provides to small businesses to homeowners young people seeking their GED parents in the school system people seeking Health legal and service referrals individuals suffering from food insecurity and so many others here in the Jupiter Community this is the final year of my term as the chair chair of the board and it's my sincere hope that in this final year we can work together uh to plan into the future of the town's campus a place for El so I encourage you uh to extend that lease not only to do that today but also to seriously consider the value of a long-term lease for elou that allows us to keep promoting the town's priorities of serving Jupiter residents while also satisfying funding organizations who want to see the town step up so that they can fund el so returning to the citizen survey way while the overall Trends and quality of life have always been high a couple of places are not so high uh the town's received lower ratings for taking care of its vulnerable residents and accepting and welcoming people from diverse backgrounds a commitment to El soul is a commitment to precisely those priorities moving forward and I encourage you to make that commitment I thank you so much for all you do for our community thank you Kathleen wadell good evening um my name is Kathleen wadell and I live at 6502 winding Lake Drive Jupiter Florida my family and I moved to uniquely Jupiter over 30 years ago after retiring from the United States Army I want to first to thank the town of Jupiter the Town Council present and past and the police department for their foresight compassion generosity understanding and support of the needs of our Jupiter Community and El soul I know the primary mission of elou is to improve the quality of life for the community of Jupiter by providing support labor support education uh facilitate finding healthy resources food nutrition and youth services today laborers and their families but ELO Jupiter Resource Center is so much more it provides an opportunity for Jupiter residents to give back to their Community by volunteering in 2022 which was my latest Statistics over 20 na0 volunteers engaged at the re resource center and over 5500 hours were provided on site Jupiter has some residents that are gracefully Aging in their homes and feel safe secure and happy to work with others in need the ages of our clients are diverse so as volunteers we can find our Niche be it with older adults youth that benefit from our skills and talents and clients that are young adults I personally have been able to work with each of these age groups whether teaching English in the hall tutoring pre prek to third grade assisting in the kitchen and with culinary classes I always felt appreciated and respected by the clients the third point I would like to make has to do with Services provided by the clients to employ employers who come to pick up clients at times there may be companies that have come to request help for a special project and they need more hands to do the work during the last hurricane over 100 people came to elor Resource Center looking for help putting up Storm shutters and I will proudly say that the men and women went out into the community and did more than their fair share of safeguarding our community by putting up shutters I personally had a sewer Pike pipe leak due to Roots growing through a pipe joint and although the plumber identified the problem he did not want to dig up the area and cut out the route I was able to get a client to come to my house and handle the problem ELO Resource Center is an asset to uniquely Jupiter and I ask each of you to continue to support the organization with continued lease keep us uniquely Jupiter thank you [Applause] Suzanne Whitbeck good evening mayor kritzky and Town Council Members my name is Suzanne Whitbeck I live at 1304 ocean dun circle and I've been a resident of Jupiter for 30 plus years and for the past six years I've also served as the executive director of Elon I want to thank um Tim and Kathleen who have already spoken and to those who sent in written Communications in support of elol as well as the town and my board of members my volunteers my staff everybody that is involved at elol elol is community we are a true example of what a community can accomplish when it comes together without regards to cultural or socioeconomical differences religious or political beliefs about 20 years ago the town of Jupiter had a problem on its hands as a result of the explosion and growth that was occurring at the time an outdoor chaotic labor market had formed on its streets and residents were complaining the Town Council worked with Community residents Faith congregations the FAU Honors College faculty students and day labors who had organized into a small organization called corn Maya and they came up with a creative solution to the local quality of life issues that the town was facing 18 years ago elol a public private partnership was born and since then we have grown into a full-blown service community service for the town of Jupiter last year as Tim said we served 4,000 over 4,000 people between clients and employers volunteers students elona's programs align with several of the different strategic initiatives that are set forth in the town strategic plan this plan includes important goals and services that serve unique slices of Jupiter's residents like youth athletes nature enthusiasts however it is through El soul that the town is also serving the more vulnerable and underserved slice of our community how does a soul support your the town of Jupiter strategic initiatives one of those is strong local economy ELO provides an organized labor pool to local business communities we educate a Workforce and we provide employment to 27 people unique small town Fielding elol provides access to health services and a space for residents to volunteer efforts that create a sense of community civic pride and neighborliness to support what is uniquely Jupiter we serve as a bridge between the I immigrant community in Jupiter and the broader local residents fiscal responsibility and organizational Excellence through elol the town is providing Human Social Services to its Community without the added cost of staff and expenses it would otherwise incur and safety the relationship between elol and the Jupiter police department has contributed to the development of trust and communication between the community we serve and law enforcement just today we had officer at constantly the jubber police department is is working with us through our Partnerships with more than 10 other nonprofits vulnerable and underserved members of our community are receiving support and one of those one of our strongest and most Valu valued Partnerships is with the jupo police department and their work in crime prevention apprehension Code Compliance and community policing we do this important work because of the partnership we have with you the town by providing us with the physical infrastructure together we are working towards the shared mission of providing exceptional services that add value and improve the quality of life for all of Jupiter I hope that we can continue working towards a long-term partnership thank you that was it on uh public comments uh I'll return to the council um did anybody on the council pull this item um I just have one comment um that U I would uh ask for Council to consider um the prior lease agreement had had an option to extend for five years and while I appreciate some felt uh appropriate to uh reduce that to two years and provide some partnering uh planning between the town and elou I think it's appropriate uh to restore the last three years as an option um at of the Town um you know the lease has and always does and has always had the right of the town to give the tenant at least six month's Advance written notice um so again my ask is just to restore under the term where we would be in tonight we' be acting um to uh extend the lease by two years um to allow the tenant to return complete a strategic facility plan uh but I'd like also if we could if I get a majority to consider to add back the language that upon the option of the Town mutual agreement of the parties the lease may be extended may be amended and extended for up to another 3 years from the date of termination that would apply that would be consistent with the previous uh agreement no that's been deleted and replaced with I don't know if staff wants to comment about this or the town manager but I have a question as well good evening Council uh Nikki Carbono senior director so staff is recommending a 24mon extension of our current contract to allow for ELO to comply with the terms that are currently listed in section four of their agreement um it's the section is the performance standards uh specifically so that they can provide the town with a strategic plan that includes their um funding and Facilities requirements is that answer your question um specifically what Jim was getting that maybe looking at something that was dated that appears under 61 the term but that can be extended five years so the current current lease expires this year and um in the past there was a um that that section was a 5-year extension staff's recommending a to change that to a 24-month extension 24 month for the least extension or 24 months for reporting the data for the least extension because it appears on 61 that it's being extended for five years that's line through yeah so that's the red line of what it had been you may be looking at an older version the 2014 language I am looking old version I guess there any other line throughs that was the only one that's the only line through okay so it's one it's changed from five years to two years yeah I have a question so performance standards the 4.1 at the very end um and I've read a few of the quarterly reports but it says um that these quarterly reports will include an update on the Strategic plan so not a strategic plan itself but a quarterly update on that strategic plan um including specifically um progress on identifying funding sources Partnerships for Service delivery and the relocation to a permanent location has that I did not see it in the most recent fourth quarterly report have those has that information been reported in previous reports councelor that's been reported sporadically we'll have to go back and pull the data for you I would like to see what reporting has been done on that um because my understanding is that you know in 2004 this was the biggest issue in the town and I'm very grateful to those who are here I think this is a really important cause and important Mission actually brought Tim's book here which is a wonderful resource for those looking to learn more about ELO um I want to say that I um support this Mission and I'm committed to its success um the concern for me is is first understanding this information in the quarterly reports to make sure that we have a understanding of what's been done in the past and what's going forward and the reason is because in 2024 20 years now from that 2004 original discussion a lot has happened including the age of the building the facility and so I understand there will be expensive repairs coming up potential hardening needed um 24 months gives us the time to plan and partner and discuss I understand um the importance of that because you know if we do have a storm or something come up I don't want to be in a position where we're caught by surprise I do want to make make sure that we have plans in place to ensure that everyone is safe and taken care of and that there's resilience there so that was my understanding and my question um and I would look forward to seeing that information in the future couple comments um ELO was um formed before I was on the council and I always thought that you know it was a it was a great remedy to a problem that was sort of out of a Township ships control where we had um you know situations of immigration issues in on a national level that wasn't addressed um I don't think the I am I correct in the original agreement with elou it wasn't wasn't supposed to be a permanent location for the organization correct forther agreement correct so my concerns now was so the buildings probably reach might be reaching its end of its life cycle or a major rehabilitation and that would mean substantial tax fairer funding and subsidies to elol which they they lease the property now for a dollar a year correct that correct it's very low correct yeah um what I would like to see I I I'm comfortable I would never want to give lell six months and say get out I'm comfortable with two-year lease extension but I also wanted from elol I need I would like to see them come up with a a business plan where they can transition to a a separate location um with some guidance and help from the town of jupyter but with other private funding because I don't think it's fair I can't wrap my brain around you know the taxpayers putting we all know what buildings cost these days and it's going to be a substantial amount of money and also what with what we've done with the campus recently and uh future plans for the campus that land to the town's very valuable and and um it may be put to a more proper use down the road so I would I guess my ask would be for the the rep representatives and directors of elou to come up with a business model that we can see so see that they're looking forward to moving on and you know moving to a different location you know same services and all that but maybe transferring Off The Town campus at some point um five years for me is a bit of a stretch I think two years if we have if things happen we could extend it a little bit further I don't want to kick them on the street but I I would like to see a transition in the near future i' like to get staff U just want to bring attention so uh for the the tenant's responsibility has been to keep and maintain the interior of the premises just want to make sure for the record I think is the case that you know El Soul sought grants and replaced the AC system are you aware of that I am or I'd ask elou to answer that um so you know it hasn't been you know they they have been putting something into it I'm I'm I understand I understand I just want to say that in a record so you know this makes sense two-year lease extension a plan we can plan but I don't want anybody to have the perception like they haven't been you know investing because they go and get grants on the inside of the building but again I'm just going to ask and if there's no interest fine but would like to just keep the option in there for up to a three-year renewal we had a fiveyear renewal option left we're going to hold a line on a two-year to come back with that plan but we may get you know two years from now and then I I just said that if if we need to extend another one I I would just and I'm not trying to put on anything negative I think they've done it to job but I just think it's time um that in the near future there should be a transition because we may need that property for in our future plans for the town and the taxpayers that's all nothing negative I appreciate everything else s done I've been over there they do you know they they it was it was a great solution way back when but I think there's a time when we need to have a pivot and move on that's it um I guess this is probably not so much for you but as just for public comments anyway um the property does seem like a mad choice for location is a very expensive piece of property on Indiantown Road and it's on the wrong side of Indiantown Road um I'm not privy to the the um address list of their clients but I supect most of them live on the other side of Riverside Drive I mean of um Indi so it's unfortunate they have to cross Indi toown which is a terrible road to have to cross so I think it would make sense in the long-term strategic role to push it off of Indian toown Road perhaps um closer to the L house or something like that where it's not on such an expensive piece of property but I had I learned something today about the um the the hurricane shutters being put up for people who didn't have the ability that's a fantastic thing for them to be doing for the community and I was unaware of that um I I remember well the problem we had on Center Street and it did cure that problem it flat out cured a problem and rarely do we do something that cures a problem so well but I didn't realize that tangible benefit the town was getting back from those workers doing things like that for the general community and I applaud that I think that's a a great win-win for the town but I don't think the location's the greatest there's many benefits there's no negative I'm not talking about anything negative but it's just it's a point in time make a decision and they can help and I think it it benefits us all for it to be a longterm solution right I agree and a successful one okay um accept a motion motion to approve um item five also leas agreement second motion a second that's uh to approve it with the two-year the twoyear motion a second all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries unanimously moving on to the Reg agenda this is item uh ordin item number six on the agenda ordinance 624 first reading turn it over to staff good evening for the records Scott Thatcher with the planning and zoning department um as you may know the town zoning code exempts uh certain items such as Towers tanks elevator bulkheads Church spires from meeting the town code um in regards to height give it a second in 2021 a zoning text amendment was approved to allow stair towers and Screen rooftop mechanical equipment to be added to the items exempt from the town's height exemptions height limit requirements this was a done to accommodate Beacon pharmaceutical a R&D facility out west of the turnpike that was never built this proposed zoning Town initiated zoning text amendment is to DW an unintended consequence of that zoning text Amendment one example is pursuant to town code in the single family zoning District building Heights are limited to a maximum of two stories or 35 ft which whichever is greater utilizing the new exceptions building permits for single family homes are being submitted to add large rooms that include stairs elevator Landings mechanical rooms and large covered outdoor areas to a third floor Rooftop in a district that only allows two stories I'm attached to the staff report you'll see some examples of uh those building permits and what's been added to the rooftops generally four changes to the code are proposed to address these uh loopholes that are affecting the all zoning districts in the town one is to modify the definition of story and gross floor area and how they are applied two is to to modify the purpose of the development reg exceptions to add an intent that ensures architectural elements that are proposed to be exempt are compatible and do not create an appearance of additional bulken Mass the third item is to clarify that stair towers and screened rooftop mechanical equipment may only exceed the height limit in non-residential and mixed use buildings and to modify the regulations for elevator bulkheads finally the zoning text Amendment includes no exceptions to the height or story exemp regulations for items such as shade structures that exceed the height limit that concludes staff's presentation I'll be happy to answer any questions may have any questions from Council so to clarify this that you're saying that these exceptions will not be allowed in the residential area um some of the some of the regulations so like chimney um you want those to exceed the height limits but staff is trying to modify the regulations so that it doesn't create large bulky additions to the rooftop structure well I see specifically no um elevator Landings no screened in areas corre what you're trying to eliminate is a Widow's watch or a play area up on top of these homes exactly yes and this would do that it would prohibit that correct okay all right thank you any public comment no mayor um I just comment I appreciate uh staff uh the job you did of first of all recognizing there was a well I guess recognizing there was an issue was easy but then uh this is a thorough U way to address the unintended consequences to close loopholes and to add intense so I thank you for for that thorough effort I'm in support um one additional question have any permits been approved that took advantage of this exception in residential areas not that I'm aware of but there are those two permits that are recurrently processing they're processing but none have been approved that allowed this correct what will happen to those two permits what we we're working with both Property Owners to modify their permits um one has not resubmitted and the other one has modified to eliminate everything from the rooftop except still has the stair Tower that's currently Allowed by code all right thank you take a motion a second in ordinance 624 motion to approve as written second motion to second i' ask the acting a town attorney to uh read ordinance 624 and short title ordinance number 6-24 an ordinance of the Town Council of the town of Jupiter Florida amending section 27-1 regarding the definitions of gross floor area and story providing for amendments to section 27- 2304 pertaining to the purpose of the vision providing for amendments to section 27235 pertaining to the development standards for exceptions to the measurement of building Heights providing for severability providing for the repeal of the laws in Conflict providing for codification and providing for an effective date have a motion in a second all in favor signify by saying I I motion carries unanimously moving on to uh agenda item seven resolution 282 2824 this is quasi judicial to members of the C have any expart disclosures I had a phone conversation with George Shanel on 3124 I met with George jel and Mike Bower to review the scope of changes on February 26 none uh this being qua a Judicial hearing I'd ask those uh uh expecting to give a uh expert witness testimony to a stand that be sworn in do you solemnly swear that the testimony you're about to give in this hearing is the whole truth and nothing but the truth with that I'd ask the applicant to make its presentation very good thank you mayor uh vice mayor and council members for the record George gentel with 2 gho Inc Landscape Architects planners we're the agent for uh the owners of Palm Beach County uh and of course uh our great ball teams that are here uh working uh diligently right now in spring training and hopefully you all had an opportunity to attend a game or you will because it's uh it's been great other than Sunday's rain so we saw that but anyway thank you so much for having us here um uh historically the stadium was brought in the first phase of ABAC in 1997 uh we were here uh this summer in August of 23 and you approved the first major renovation uh of the stadium um and in a few minutes um my cohort standing behind me who's uh uh Kurt Bower is going to go over our our plan uh of uh modifications that we're doing that we're um really brought to to light as we looked at the time frame of construction and several other elements of the of the project uh essentially it's a little bit less square footage um not much but a little bit um and we are we worked with your staff diligently and I want to thank your staff uh both the town manager the building department and John Sigler and his staff and and the planning department Garrett Watson for all the uh meetings that they held with us to make this plan um uh come to fruition and uh and bring to you as quickly as we can spring training is very very important here to everybody um I also have here tonight um uh other than Kurt Bower who's not related to Mike Bower the general manager of Roger Dean Stadium uh Tony brell who's here also from the Miami Marlins um and our team is here uh and Mr Mark Taylor who is the representative doing the the construction um management of the project and his staff are here tonight so again thank you um this is the Loc uh basically of as you know of the stadium the area that we are working on which is just uh um adjacent to the town center of Abacoa um uh as I said earlier the stadium was brought here in 1997 uh it's about 90 Acres uh it was the first largest mix use project brought to palach County and maybe even in South Florida um and at that time the first phase was this Stadium which became an integral part of the town of Jupiter as a major sports event area um and uh also um a major item in the Abacoa mix use development um as I said the 90 acres is there in mix use um what I'm going to do now is turn it over to our Architects um Mr Kurt Bower who's the principal Foley Bryant here uh working on the project and he's going to just go over the modifications with you all thank you George so the reason why we're back in front of you guys again um with what we're calling the pivot plan um this slide obviously you see has a lot of text on it I'm going to make it pretty simple um the motivation behind this pivot plan is impact it's a reduction of construction impact on the town it's a reduction of the disruption to baseball with the teams it keeps the teams here in Jupiter so it actually increases the fin Financial impact um and so really we looked at um readdressing the entire project scope how do we reduce the construction schedule how do we reuse the existing clubhouses and how do we make this project an overall win for everybody and really that was the motivation uh with Mark Taylor being brought on board new a new lens to view the project through and that's what I'm about to bring you guys through here um this is a list of the programmatic elements that are in the overall project very similar to what it previously was again the big difference in Delta is that we are keeping the existing clubhouses intact and we are doing two phases of interior renovations to the existing structures instead of demolishing them entirely um just to note one of the previous elements that was causing a lot of construction time was the overhaul of the every utility on the site by keeping the clubhouses intact we don't have to disturb the utility corridors that are behind the clubhouses and going around the the Marlins Clubhouse so we found a way to do this to just instead of having to tear everything up tap in and essentially do Renovations and build new structures for the programmatic elements that don't fit in the clubhouses going uh to georg's point this is kind of the Delta of the square footages of what it previously was submitted with all new structures versus what we're doing with the renovations and the Player Development structures so it's a it's a minor Delta in regards the square footage just a minor reduction actually in terms of how much we're building um in area so this aerial view really gives you um the best view to for me to give you kind of that over the overall aerial view of the project and its scope um the components within the stadium those improvements mainly maintain the same intent we're still doing the upgrades for the PDL requirements um we're still doing the renovation and addition to the visitors Clubhouse we're still um and this is all part of a development agreement between JSL and Palm Beach County we've re-vision envisioned the third base fan Zone and so instead of it being kind of an extension of the seating bowl like it was previously done it's actually going to be an open area twostory uh group Zone and so it's it's a new look at The Fan Experience and how we're going to supercharge that at Roger Dean um again on the stadium proper we're still building that same team store that we had presented to you guys with a better kind of curb appeal and the glass and kind of making it to where the public can go buy merchandise still having again improving the the curb appeal of the overall facility the big changes are really in the sense of the clubhouses the clubhouses are staying we're building both um teams a new Player Development building which those house strength and conditioning athletic training certain other programmatic functions um that we've taken out of the club houses and placed in those new structures uh from there the Cardinals were building a batting tunnel for them uh the Marlins were renovating and retrofitting their existing batting tunnel building and then over out at the maintenance building uh we've done a pivot on that as well we're actually doing just a minor interior renovation to the existing structure keeping its integrity and then just building a larger maintenance storage structure that's further off the main road and less visible to anybody from the public so that really kind of sums up the the major difference in regards to less impact on utilities less impact on traffic A reduced construction schedule it's really kind of the way that things are working out it's a win-win for everybody it's a win for the town and it's a win for the teams um here in this uh presentation we've got the paint slides we've already presented this to Abacoa POA it's already been approved and here just kind of going to run through these renderings quickly this is kind of showing the aerial side of gate a we've got the new team store that's going to be there on that edge and you can kind of see in the back the Third Base Bar improvements again on this side um we are doing a call to artists for the art in public places that we're going to look at where that's worked into the stadium uh and The Concourse designs we're working with Palm Beach County on that as we go further in these are the new Player Development structures that we talked about that are behind the existing clubhouses new agility Fields we're maintaining the intent of the development agreement with Palm Beach County as well so there is a community aspect to this for the baseball tournaments and some of the youth uh leagues that come here again showing similar renderings of what this uh what the stadium is going to look like in the future with a modern Fresh coat of paint and an updated color palette that actually helps it blend more into the current uh context of Abacoa and as we go this again is that uh the team store that's out on that gate a side got the high glass on the CLA story bringing in natural light creating a beautiful space for that retail environment again it's going to be something for people to walk by there's a lot of people riding their bicycles happy bicycle month um and also the people that are walking there um just really kind of adds a little bit of a a jewel to that portion of the stadium as we go further around um this is obviously a view from from the field you'll see on that right hand side uh the third base bar area want to get you guys closer up to there so really it's it's a two-story group area there's about 300 ticketed seats we've got a canal levered seating Bowl edge off that second floor there's a food service amenity on on the top floor and the bottom floor lots of fixed seating or free seating with the tables that you see in front there's going to be an area for a band after the game so that instead of people fighting traffic or trying to run out of the game you can actually stay there and enjoy some live music so really kind of re-envisioned and and refresh the approach in terms of the fan amenities and The Fan Experience of the stadium so this rendering here is showing the entry to the existing Cardinals Clubhouse what we've done is just used the existing structure that's there it's in great shape um we worked with some of the existing materials and just reimagined what that Tower element and what that entry feature could be and just gave it a breath of fresh air this rendering here shows the connection points between the existing clubhouses and the new Player Development buildings we had to maintain a 20ft wide emergency access Lane so the reason why you're seeing those higher shaded canopies or those higher canopies there they're 13' 6 High um the fire department can drive their fire truck all the way through there it's stabilized base um and the other side of it what we did was we gleaned from the existing architecture of the existing club houses and stadium and we use that to influence the design of these new structures so those canopy features that you see is actually gleaning from the existing architecture and the design of the existing shade shading components on the first and third base side of the seating bolt so it's a it's a kind of a murmur or an echo of that design element really tying this place together and giving it more of a campus cohesive feeling um this is showing one of the meeting buildings the essentially the dining and meeting building for the for the Cardinals again there's that higher elevated canopy structure connecting um this structure here is the uh Cardinals batting tunnel building this really only the only change from the last time you guys saw this we took two bays out of it reduced it they didn't need eight Lanes they only needed six so we just reduced the building uh this rendering here is of the Miami Marlins Clubhouse again the tower elements existing we just found another way to architecturally emphasize it um and really just give it a a new facelift this is the Marlins Player Development building again similar cohesion in terms of the Aesthetics we're using that red thin brick to match the existing context looking working with the Arches the canopies and then also the higher up canopies over the emergency access drive and last but not least when it comes down to it we need that maintenance facility to keep that entire complex uh looking beautiful so again we're leaving the existing mainten Maintenance building intact doing a minor interior renovation and then building a larger maintenance storage building uh that's a pre-engineered metal building probably 500 feet off the public way as you can see it tucked all the way in the back of that rendering um so it's minimal impact not going to see it from the road and it really just helps make sure that they're able to maintain the facility um at this point here this slide really begins to show what we are anticipating the construction sequencing and how we're starting um looking to start work sometime in October and it'll be minimal work we call it enabling work so that um we can keep and again the whole emphasis behind this pivot plan is keeping baseball in Jupiter so the way that we've done the renovations to the clubhouse is we have to do them in two phases and so it maintains the ability to have that the FSL and the fcl teams here in Jupiter and staying functional this also means for your constituents we're not going to have temporary tents and Facilities built out in the practice fields we were able to get rid of those and keep baseball operational so again less impact to the town more impact for baseball thank you very much I'll turn it back over to George thank you KK um I want to emphasize how great your staff was uh the town manager and the building department the planning and zoning department and actually all theart engineering they worked with us we had meetings every other week uh which was tremendous uh we got this thing worked out it has been a benefit it's a benefit to the residents of Abaco but it's also a benefit to us because we're keeping the teams here um just for the record uh we have we agree with all the conditions in resolution um 2824 which you're hearing tonight um and we're here to answer any of your questions that you might have and again thank you so much [Music] St good evening Council for the record G Watson with Planning and Zoning the Planning and Zoning commission heard this project last month and voted unanimously to support it uh as the applicant noted during their presentation this project represents a slight decrease in square footage of the project that you saw last year that information is more readily available for you on table six page three of the staff report while it's a reduction in that square footage the site plan adds new buildings and the way that the town code reads is anytime there's a new building being added to a property even if it's a reduction in overall square footage that's outside of staff's administrative authority to review so that's why we're back here here in front of you for this plan um many of the previous conditions of approval from last time were addressed with the resubmittal which was a welcome addition and as Mr Bower noted this plan reduces the overall impacts of the project to not only the site keeping baseball operating but also Abacoa as a whole if you'll recall the previous project was shutting down large portions of the parking area while they were trying to remain operational and there were cons some concerns as to how that parking would be managed but now all that aspect of the project as G we had do have a couple one carryover condition related to ADA compliance uh we believe fully that they'll be able to comply with Ada they've made some of those changes already um but it's just assurity to to have a condition to get a letter certifying they meet it um additionally we heard you loud and clear at the last council meeting uh the Central Boulevard safety concern that was brought up uh we are asking the applicant for a plan plan showing the scale of that area and some measurements so that we can continue to coordinate with County engineering uh as well as potentially our Police Department on some safety enhancements for that area making sure that we address that safety concern so we've asked the applicant for a plan and then we'll do that coordination internally as staff to address those issues lastly there's a condition about removing conflicts with utilities which is a new condition as the applicant noted that Corridor was essentially created uh to minimize utility uh work and so there 's a condition in there that just in case something doesn't meet the minimum separation requirement that there's an Indemnity agreement done so we'll be reviewing that more closely is the Civil plans are developed and make sure that we get whatever agreements we need to be able to protect the town's utility department that I'll go ahead and conclude and I'd be happy to answer any questions thank you uh going on to council is there any questions of questions um I do during the construction phase are you planning on keeping all the materials stored um out of sight yeah it we will be on site on their prop on the on theual I mean uh to the best of their ability they will as they're going through it um uh you know there will be some elements that will have to be uh staged in the parking area um when they're off season they're not using the fields um but uh most of it will will be taking place um what I'm getting at is we we've had fire complaints on projects where materials were stored um not right specifically at the site for ease of drops and things of that nature and like to try to minimize that the construction's going to be bad enough we'll we'll keep that in mind as we're going through the uh construction phasing okay another um issue that's important to me is the ADA compliance um is there any change in Ada spaces or did that affect that at all no we actually this pivot plan has um kept the parking lots um pretty much intact and um there were a few elements that the uh Town engineer and the planning staff asked us to look at we've already made some of those revisions to make sure there's accessibility and uh we will have a report to them U with the construction drawings to make sure that we meet all the requirements I'm going to ask a question for cam um the the emergency lanes there for the trucks to go through yes is there spaces down there for them to turn around or do they have to backp back out of those um I there there's full circulation around the stadium itself they should have no issue with that as well as um access into the parking area okay thank you yes uh floor is open for any public comments are there any public comments seeing none um we turn turn to councel uh for comments and motion I just wanted to emphasize that professional baseball's presence in Abacoa in the town is highly valued Mike bar and his team do an excellent job of engaging the community and providing a fun experience uh for patrons um and so we're very grateful I want to emphasize that to the degree we have you know Executives here from professional baseball but uh we you're highly valued and we're glad you're going to continue staying here with that um anybody on the Das have any other comments or I'll take a motion I want just I always appreciate the relationship between town of juper and baseball and like the mayor said here it's it's just a great assets to the community and Abaco was really just built around it so I'm glad you guys got all the worked out the Kinks and saved some money in those um temporary clubhouses and um you know less you know tearing up the utilities and all that and keeping baseball in the town is very important so um and with that I I'd like to motion to approve resolution 2824 oh go ahead um the there's a couple other projects we're looking at that are in the same general area and there's been a great outpouring of concern from residents about traffic and as you heard earlier tonight there's been a fatality a pedestrian fatality um I I've heard of touched upon but I just want to emphasize it again the need to really watch construction trucks and pedestrian mixture this is kind of an un I'm a contractor myself engineering contractor it's an unusual situation where you've got a lot of pedestrian heavy areas so just I implore the the people that are going to be doing this to take extra steps not a typical job extra steps we appreciate those comments and uh I know that the county will be uh ensuring that that is taken care of as well and I wanted to say one final comment um it's not lost on us that the town leaps a lot of uh commercial and monetary benefits from the teams being here and we appreciate that it's not lost on us but we appreciate that thank you thank you for those comments just add one comment um as well uh I think it's a great project I think we're very serious up here but we are truly excited for what you've got coming and really excited about the facelift I do think it's a good fit for Abacoa I do like a lot of the design and I'm looking forward to the rock concerts after the game so thank you so much for coming up here and we look forward to supporting you great and one more thing about the financial benefits of the town it's not the most important thing is it adds to the vibe of Jupiter it's part of the community so and hope it always remain so that's it we had a motion on the floor is there a second Motion in the second uh all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries unanimously mayor vice mayor counselor thank you so much appreciate it thank you moving on to uh the round table agenda item eight and uh those that care to feel free to get up and leave [Music] good evening again Nikki carpenito senior director um we are going to talk about the Strategic plan um this is our proposed OS draft so um just to kind of give you our objectives for this evening um I'm going to go through the slides and explain what staff is proposing as our evolution of our current strategic plan um and then at the end we're just going to ask that you guys give us feedback on if you agree or if you'd like to see any changes um so the first couple of slides of our strategic plan have not changed they're the same they talk about um the purpose the vision mission and our strategic results we have nine um strategic results and um again there's no changes so what I'd like to do is if um Council doesn't have any feedback um on each of the Strategic results um in detail I'd like to jump right into going over the proposed draft if that's okay okay so um staff is proposing I'm sorry you just fli through I just oh um and I'm okay with flipping through because I only had one comment on page seven which was strong local economy and staff asked had in right up here um your staff indicated you know if we have any comments uh to provide them um and this is just the beginning here round table but um on strong local economy um this one that you know these things get in here as a majority and there's one that I didn't think was appropriate and we haven't done it so it's the third Bullet From the last that the community redevelopment agency budget is used to assist businesses within the crra boundary we really haven't done that and I don't feel like we should single out businesses just in the crra boundary so my request is to delete that bullet I'd agree to that that change any other discussions on the Strategic results in detail all right so um staff is proposing to move towards more of um a structured U multi-year strategic plan and we are proposing to work in our strategic uh results in three categories priority strategic initiatives regular strategic initiatives and operational items and the difference between um priority and strategic uh staff has called out um four priority strategic initiatives um and I'll go through those recreation facility master plan maintenance facility item fire rescue strategy and our CRA plan uh these these initiatives have been identified as priority based on the amount of um staff involvement work uh work that's already been completed by staff um funding commitments and the um urgency sense of time for each of those initiatives just before you go on um you know I appreciate staff took a shot at naming what you believe to be the priority strategic initiatives and I appreciate pointing out that Mo a lot of strategic initiatives are multi-year that's always been the case and I don't want to get into debate about which ones are priority tonight I do think Council should have the opportunity after we're done not necessarily tonight but to come back and comment about which ones were designated priorities so rather than kind of debate it as we go through we'll just go through them all if it's okay with my colleagues and then we'll take it as an action item to get back because I see other ones that were missing that I wouldn't want the public to think like these are not priority um so there's a by designating some as a party and not others uh I think would be misinterpreted by the public it could be helpful uh and I'm not sure because I've been pretty pleased with the process but in the past we have done rankings and that's been very helpful to me to understand how my colleagues feel without you know a name but just the general level of support so for example we'll get um they'll be coded so we don't know who said what but if it has a higher score that obviously has a lot of support across the council um and would be a higher priority so potentially after this meeting we could do something like the ranking system again I do I mean I do like the multi-year approach too I I want to make sure that we keep the list from growing too long and not all items are the same um creating a new department is considerably more difficult than other items so just to be mindful exactly so just to be mindful of that as well okay I'll get that and with the hope of not adding too many items for staff to deal with with what's all what's tackling the next few year so right good point okay got it okay so the I'll go through some of the redline changes to the current strategic plan um and if you'd like we can go through all of them we can stop it's totally up to you guys um so as you can see the the first um four items are what staff is proposing as priority um and Recreation master plan the biggest change the only change is to actually complete the Recreation master plan we are in this process staff is working with our consultant so that is underway um the other the new addition on this slide or on this group is um a maintenance facility so staff will be developing a master plan for the town's main maintenance facility property um present a renovation and future use plan to the town's maintenance facility to Town Council um we did receive some feedback on this um to add a couple words um property or site which we can do that if everyone agrees so it would be maintenance facility property SL site at the end um any other feedback on this and I requested that one because they wanted to make sure we're not getting a future use plan for the maintenance facility the plan I know staff intended because you have it in the initiative is it's for the facility property in sight globally as we look at all of our uh locations yeah I have to say that one was a bit of a surprise to me it wasn't on my radar and was put on my radar in this process so I did visit the facility and there are a number of concerns in terms of exposure of our equipment to the elements and trying to preserve the useful life of our investments as a town um in terms of safety of employees and just some of the temperatures that they experience over there and the work that they do um and and the bathroom facilities which we've talked about so that was helpful and will improve quality of life there too I agree with that but I'm sure you probably agree too that we need to watch budget just budget budget budget so important now we've got a lot of money going out now it's a tired facility it's very tired so something needs to be done we're just gon to have to watch the budget like a hog but it's in renovating it's in sync with what we're we're moving forward with also it's necessary and I think that' be cost effective rather than doing or anything like that right right okay I'm good uh the other two items that are listed as priority strategic initiatives are the fire is fire rescue strategy so we have updated this based on where we are currently and we've changed the action plans to reflect those changes so develop operational plans for Staffing facility needs equipment requirement and timeline as well as evaluate station locations and begin the construction the other item that has been updated or evolved is the CRA planed and that has been changed to reflect where we're currently at we're our goal is to adopt a CRA plan Amendment based on where staff is with upcoming public workshops and input sessions I think on that one um I had also given in a comment um and we talked about this on the CR plan amendment I just want to make it very clear and the goal was not just to consider uses uh but to identify Target and desired future uses I mean particularly uh we need to make sure as we finish up the CRA life that those are addressed so I'd like to have those words added okay um next we'll go through uh the Strategic initiatives um as they've evolved again so Municipal complex so this is the complete demolition in phase two of our construction of the Town Hall green um staff will develop design plans to bring to council for approval on for the memorial of the uh former mayor mayor Mary Hinton and then we'll also approve bring for approval and complete the construction of the law enforcement memorial site located at our Jupiter Police Department uh the other updates on this slide regarding the vehicle and pedestrian traffic management and mitigation you'll notice item uh action item number three uh We've updated it based on the work that's currently being done so we'll complete the construction of the Jupiter Beach Road A1A roundabout and then um based on feedback or direction that Council provided a few Council meetings ago complete the construction of 11 pedestrian activated crosswalk signals have a couple couple comments yeah just um you know on the under the municipal complex um I had suggested that we add on in addition to developing a strategy for the Northeast quadrant that we also ought to add in perspective future plans for the Northwest Quadrant um you know we've never had a master plan for the site so to not address the Northwest Quadrant would be a miss missing and I'm talking about we had the item from last year where the town manager is pursuing if we were to realign you know Daniel's way that we have some property there and whatever so let's master plan it right so add uh you know the Northwest Quadrant and then um just I think it's important uh potentially on some of these um just so it's not misunderstood and now I'm going on the vehicle and pedestrian items and some of them legitimately are an annual renewal so on number one complete the annual presentation it was done so I would put in parentheses at the end of that line annual renewal and I submit what that does is uh is we ponder about that as a council and as a result of that we identified that we wanted to do 11 pedestrian activated we we accelerated that so that as annual conversation at a council to council and with Council about priorities you know caus us to take action so I'd like that to be just as a reminder because why is it in there we did it last year well because we get an update every year where is there safety issues what have you um and then um number four and I'll just draw attention for those that don't know but the items that are have the uh one designated to it some years back we added those when it really is beyond what staff by themselves can do and involves Council uh participation um with you know outside other agencies and what have you so um on number four and I think it's a better update then change as it reads encourage fot to fund in advanced to study we did achieve that um in 23 but what we we wanted to say now is encourage fdoc to fund study commment design and construction on Indian toown Road and intersection improvements from Central Boulevard to Maplewood Drive I got and I think I shared this uh an fot study that uh came up with a uh cost cost a conceptual plan that they demonstrated to us was finan was uh beneficial to you know was cost Justified it was enough cost benefit for them to do the project so what I've been taking action on as a as the member on the TPA is okay fot you identified it put it in the budget plan right now they funded it in an out in an oute in year five but as year to year I'm now rather than wait the studies sometimes you have to wait till the study's done to you put it in the plan which means that 5 years from now or four years from now they do the study and it's not in the next 5 years so since they armed us with something that they they came up with that makes sense um we're going to be asking them to kind of plug plug and play all the way through so that's why I want those word changes I don't I don't know where this would go but we did have a conversation during the round table about ebikes and they have come up a number of times and we have talked about the idea or the need for exploring um options for an ordinance is that something that needs to be elevated to this level or is it something that we can do outside of it I don't again wanting to be careful to how many items or where they might go but it seems to be a good fit councelor that seems like a you know given the amount of discussions and work on that we probably could elevate it getting here I agree ebikes are concerned for a lot of citizens I've had a lot of feedback on that are we in any way tracking hotspots in the city or or um pedestrian accidents occur frequently we we do that we do that counselor um as a matter of fact it's not only done through the police department um it's also done with our traffic engineer and the engineering department and so there required to meet regularly but predominantly it's it's done by the police department through the crime analysis programs and that feedback correct okay go ahead and move on to uh the initiative US1 Bridge uh we have added based on discussion at previous Council meetings action plan item number five to develop and plan a public event um to happen during non peak season months to help businesses in that area um so that was the only change here there were were some comments on this item as well when are we getting up non peak season again I'm sorry when are we getting our next non- peak season hopefully soon um there was a um some comments about potentially celebrate celebrate the opening of two um automobile lanes and pedestrian and bicycle pathways on phase one of the new bridge think about this this is extremely significant so I think at Warren saying that because item one we've been monitoring it's working and uh we're going to finally have a pedestrian crossing over that bridge when phase one opens if everybody remembers how it used to be if you death trap death trap right so that is a celebration about Lan that bike Lanes yes separated bike Lanes so it's extraordinary I believe that's in FA the phase one because that's the east side going in um and designated pedestrian and bike on both sides right yeah so we'll only but pedestrian on the east side is the one most logical to be used you know going through from the lighthouse and and so forth um and um I need to check I didn't get a chance to call but they were trending um ahead of schedule with this the incentive in item one and you know last I spoke with them they were trending to complete it around near the end of July to earn the full incentive so uh we'll continue to monitor that as it says here but but uh you know and that's the case so that would be before the next peak season to the comment that uh Council of for made um and uh then I think number four gets deleted uh as a plan um because we're coming up to the Celebration and that'll that'll uh for the most part except for un peak hour two-way bridge will make a big difference to the businesses off hours okay all right um moving on so some more red lines for strategic initiative West Indian toown Road so um we've updated it to reflect um Monitor and provide updates on Project progress completion and funding and then for South Island Way um based on previous Town Council meetings we'll update the action plan to read Town Council to approve design and construction plans so yeah just want to comment one of the members of the public commented about this on uh Public Safety on bike uh the way to go west it's always been take your life at risk but part of this project and um you know Tom can report back to us in a weekly report part of this F project is to provide as my understanding is bike lane uh provisions going you know through the interchange that doesn't exist so we've all probably gotten asked on some regular basis um from you know the the real uh serious bikers uh I know my son-in-law asked me where's the safe way there's none but the project that's underway will help to provide some of that okay uh moving on to safety initiatives so High-Speed Rail we've updated it to collaborate with the FEC and bright line to have safety fencing enhancements incorporated into the project scope and then we've also updated the Public Safety Training Facility um develop a conceptual plan for a public safety training facility um and then staff will conduct an analysis to establish the scope and frequency of training facilities used by the Jupiter Police Department outside of the town and then the potential training needs for Jupiter fire rescue Department there were some comments on this as well um that we've received so um to update item number two under High-Speed Rail um to reflect potentially initiate application for quiet Zone designations to be implemented in phases as safety upgrades by zone are completed so that was one of the one of the feedback we've received and on that one um that was my item but it occurred to me you know when um Town manager at last meeting indicated that um staff was beginning to prepare the application then we had a lively discussion about here up here about quiet zones um what occurred to me afterwards um and I talked to the town manager already um and I'm going to be uh following up with agencies but what occurred to me is that we should whether or not they'll accept it or not we should uh apply for the quiet zones to be implemented in phases as safety upgrades by zone are completed so let me explain what that means uh we were some of us majority were concerned about fences being installed but what occurred to me is you know um there's nothing of concern between Donald Ross and Frederick small there's nothing between Frederick small and Tony Penna that we've asked for anything between the intersections so we what we should ask for maybe this has never been done before but that AC quied Zone and I'm going to refer to it directionally be implemented so I'll call phase one why not already ask that horns um become quiet it Northbound until you get to Tony pen and and then southbound um when you get to Tony pen because uh um this fencing that we're trying to push is north of there so there's no benefit from the horn still going so again this is going to come back to us you know staff can you know think about this and present it but to the degree this was a New Concept I wanted to share why we were doing that um and then you know staff was also taking some uh was initiating getting some noise measurements um as well but that way then there's at least some areas of the town that would get relief from from the quiet zones where the safety improvements for that section have already been completed I think it's a great idea I just hope that given their jurisdiction and their organizational structure how they're managing this project they accept the suggestion well I'm G to I'm going to pursue that with various uh agencies and whatever that's why this one is footnoted with the one but but let's be bold about it right as opposed to hold up all or nothing I mean why is it any different than if we were two small municipalities and we doing part um and in that prepares us for if they if they did the fencing in phases that we could move um and again this is going to come back to us I'm just trying to explain what the concept was here I have a a concern with that do we have any timeline of when the fences would be installed well so it's it's very vague at this point correct I'm going to follow back up what we had the commitment it that's it's always an ongoing situation that we need to decide right but you know the initiative of staff and I appreciate pushed us into let's get an application going well nothing in addition to an application let's say in the application what we're comfortable with you know enacting and that's what we'll do the F and that's going to come back to us so we're not deciding this on the Das right I'm just explaining the words that went in the Strategic plan right that's how we measure success I just want to throw out that my main concern is if the fen is you know just it just you know lingers and they don't get built um around all I hear around town lately is the horns the horns the horns yep people that live along the corridor uh you know I've talked spoken on the phone with them you can't even hear them when the train goes by on the Waterway the beaches it's it's it's almost becom sounds like an urbanized area and we pride ourselves on a small town feel and it doesn't feel like that when you're out and about so I I'm in favor of full boore going quiet zones and then get them in and then keep pushing for the fences because I'm really worried about just waiting for FC to with permission for you know you know installing the fences maintenance none of that's worked out yet so I don't know if you folks are hearing it but I'm hearing around people are really upset about the I'm hearing it which is why I was proposing no I I understand but but also we have a number of avenues that we we'll be exploring staff will and I will uh because there was a federal Grant I mean the federal government government thought this is so important right that half of the fencing only and they would have probably done all of it but for the fact that brightland was already funding the first fave so we're going to pull every chip we can here and ask the uh F you know engineer who lives in uh St Lucy County that covers this area staff knows him very well what can he do to expedite this you know we're talking about a railway that has the highest pedestrian fatality rate in the country I understand but if if we're guaranteed we're gonna get them well I'll follow we'll follow up on that you know what I'm saying right it's just it's really it's an issue out there with the public so I'd like to continue that thought just a little bit and know we're heavily breaking into your slide presentation but I've gotten a tremendous amount of negative feedback on the train horns it's getting worse by the day negative feedback and I would very much like to push to have it um separated from the fencing and for us to go ahead and apply for five zon and it very well could take a long enough period of time where the fening will catch up to it but right now well we are applying well I I don't believe we are fully I have conversation with Town manager today who said we're still waiting for direction from Council guess he's hearing it yeah um just to clarify um mayor we're currently working on the quiet Zone um establishment package to bring back to the Council on March 19th however um if we depending on the direction we get from Council that's for the entire quiet Zone package so um if you would like for us to move forward that decision could be made on the 19th otherwise we could hold that package until um the council decides that they would like us to move forward with it as it relates to the fencing now we did do some preliminary looking into being able to follow up with the mayor's idea about separating our requests uh with the different um quiet zones at different times just some preliminary feedback that we got if if we decide to go down that road we'll have to restart the process for The Quiet Zone application and uh we still need to confirm whether the F would allow quiet Zone at only two Crossing locations for a short distance and so we don't have a commitment on that yet and uh and you know then of course you restart the whole process and then we come back to council for approval for the partial uh agreement so there's still a lot left to do but as it stands now we're planning on as directed by the council to bring uh back the quiet Zone package um on the March 19th meeting understand so that so again separation has being done you've created a package quet Zone package that's independent of fencing well the fencing is our own initiative so yeah so we have basically two options one is the entire package and then the second is if Council decides that you want to separate the separate that out into two different approaches then we'd have to go back and and restart uh the process again it sounds to me mayor that you had in mind to speed this up by breaking it out I wasn't looking to break it out because I in phasing phasing no but I was looking for it to being one application and again I haven't had a chance to get a hold of some of the uh people I need to talk with but um it always has been my understanding that for example bright line uh and its prerogative they're no long would no longer be bound to keep a quiet Zone but could still uh tap the horn if they're concerned from a safety standpoint so it is possible with the record fatality record that knowing the fencing isn't in supported by the federal government when you have 109 mph trains they in fact may not in fact implement the full quiet Zone anyway so I don't want to hold up I wanted to go in and it's kind of more just punt it down the line to the people that have more accountability about should have should have ownership in this you know the federal government and bright line we want to we want to move okay so to clarify this we want the quiet Zone application to go forward but but with the note that what I'm going to support and right now it seems like it may be 22 but I'm not sure where it is but that's next beating is uh I'm not comfortable with uh quiet zones to the north uh at least the area uh Pine Garden South uh that have been a heavily trafficked area going to from public for years including kids and whatever um I'm just not I can't a good conscious do that both as a professional engineer and and a uh and a uh elected official um so but again it'll come to whatever it comes to on the 19th okay majority will decide um but again it occurred to me and staff was also getting noise measurements because I reported that I had to ask bright line where are they within the noise limits and uh they couldn't say what occurred to me is well let's take noise measurements and see if we can find out because I would think there's a spec limit up and lower and if we were to get noise data that would prove to us they're beyond the limit or well above the low end maybe just maybe we could ask that question as well right all questions are worth asking and I think by the way just hypo hypothesizing as an engineer where where you live could be the worst is because the train is as it's changing curving it's sweeping the noise it's wind dependent wind dependent too but but it also may be sweeping as it's because it's directionally out and so as it's turning um but anyway it's wind and humidity so they'll it'll it'll travel F further as you get into the humid season they don't just blow the horn twice at an intersection they play songs through the intersection it's gotten absurd and it is a major decline in quality of life for a lot of citizens when they come when they go across the basc they have to come down to what speed um 55 purely anecdotal but it appears to me that they're in the 50s yeah yeah but there's a there's a federal limit going over the bascules but how I I'm correct right it's about 60 or maybe a little bit below that appears that it's in the 50s but that could be up to 60 it's moving and I've noticed the the gap between when the arms come down and when the train appears is very quick and I suspect that has more to do with accidents than anything else um as we heard from the chief on our last council meeting we've not had any accidents on the trains just two um suicide attempts that they thank goodness stopped but it's a very valid concern problem and and I'm well aware of all the pedestrian crossings that are there but we've yet to have that type of access and I don't mean to imply we should always wait till there's a fatality before we act um but we it seems to me that we're overlooking a very obvious current problem to mitigate a potential future problem it's a very large quality of life issue very very very large and I know you pointed out me May because you know where I live but I've gotten a lot of feedback through the town emails that they take understand we all have we a major problem yep so sorry I didn't do that to you it's okay we stopped your n momentum I would ask I know we're off topic a little bit because it' be March 19th but I'd ask make sure staff comes back and tells us I remember and I've heard members of the public tell me that Riverside Drive Crossing is missing something it's not the same as the others so could staff come back and tell us that if there is something with the um March 19th meeting um missing something mechanical something some feature or something I I recollect hearing this and now members of the public are pointing this out to me so to the degree that's a that's a uh one of the arms I don't I don't remember but I just want to make sure that I'm comfortable that that intersection isn't lacking something okay um moving on to Unique small town fi um there were no changes to these strategic initiatives or action plans we did receive feedback on Pet Place to add some additional language to the first action plan um explore options for future for uses establish targeted future uses um so just wanted to get feedback is adding that EXT those extra few words I think we clearly talked about that so I added that one that it's Our intention to make sure we're establishing targeted future uses and uh you know I've had conversations with uh Palm Beach County about that property commissioner Marino if it was to be a park it's a logical extension to their park system okay moving on to protect uh for protect local seagrass and Loach River um cons the main change um or at it was to consider funding participation going forward um and I know there was some talk some council members wanted some time to consider some of these action items and mold those over so I wanted to give you guys the opportunity um to provide any feedback on protect local seagrass action plans or anything so we have a lot of um different seagrass initiatives we've got the living Shoreline on sish Bay and some of the work um you know has been done separately by Jupiter inent District um the Jupiter Foundation is that work completed with the seagrass information boys have we completed that project or is that ongoing well that was one where I thought the language should read continue collaborations with juper Inland foundation on installation and funding of seagrass buoys period uh because as other areas were to come up um we've got a collaboration going there but but um there's nothing right now but that was that was the intent as we start looking at other areas potentially buoys would go in and um we would conceivably partner with them you make a point about others uh and I guess we probably could update item number two as well um since it's not just you know we have engaged them staff has right could we have one catchall that says collaborate you know with Partners um you know we can name them all in order to leverage resources for seagrass protection and then that broadens the scope somewhat to see what comes up be it um living shorelines or you know I don't know what activities will come up or what opportunities will present themselves but that could be an option I think that's a good suggestion I think that the inet district has already and what staff had recently reported is partnering with us on that so that's that's kind of like fulfilling this engage when it was initiated last year we were like hoping to get their interest we heard that staff had been successful um in getting uh the in the district to pick up the study that we had wanted done and incorporate it into their scope and they were excited about partnering with us on the grants and whatever so yeah I do think that I don't have language but good suggestion to Wordsmith that that makes a lot of sense obviously to unify the effort I think one of the largest detriments to the grass is the dredging it's getting covered by sand and that and a much greater increase in boating traffic which is's not much we could do about that I think we need to be really careful with with Beach restoration that's a huge detriment to the seagrass so it's a very tough thing to balance to you let these condos fall into the ocean or you protect sea grass I say let protect sea grass I don't live on the ocean but you know it's in all honesty it's a problem that we need to mitigate and I don't know whose authority the dredging accomplished under mayor J restores the well JD restores the inlet I which um they Dred out of the inlet and they put it on the beaches and just all comes right back in and they also they also dredge offshore sometimes correct and sometimes to get to that that's where they get some of the beach renourishment it may be the county that does that and sometimes it's truck in there's uh private companies are bringing it I believe J's mission is to keep the inlet open right so that's why they dredge the inlet and then they put the sand on the South Side so it's migrating they're continuing the migration that's why they have a sand pit effectively that um and then they do uh potentially sum up the up the inlet you know to the locky river do think they feel some obligation with that see grass is a tricky thing once it's gone it's gone restoring SE grass is virtually impossible and the inlet a couple years years ago was getting to the point of not being ancable by some not so you know U deep drawing vessels so very much you can stand in the middle of it very detrimental to Snug fishing yeah you got to you got to keep it so it's a tough one that's okay we'll U we'll update action items for the protect local see your ask and bring that back okay um moving on to the other two within green blue and open space protect open spaces and anchored vessels um not much not many changes here we've updated the anchored vessels um to include EXP exploring anchoring limitation areas and staff will bring a report back to you guys for that one um but there weren't any other changes we got a we all probably got it I would imagine but U we got some public comments about the anchored vessel item I'll make sure I forward it to staff that we take it into account okay okay um moving on to the next two initiatives areas of local importance and the comprehen comprehensive plan revision initiative um you'll uh We've updated it based on the last approval um from Council and for Action Plan number two modify land use zoning designations on key Parcels as identified through last year's year amendments that were approved by Town Council through the future land use map and resoning process did we received um some feedback on this as well just to update number two to reflect and say continue to modify um so wanted to get feedback from everyone for that one of the things that you know when I read the initial and I'm not provide this isn't a negative feedback but you know I feel like so much was accomplished that's a celebration and yet the introduction kind of said well we only completed X we completed a lot more that's why I was just kind of mindful of changing some of these words to not just say modify but continue to modify because it implies there has been a significant ongoing effort and I just want to make sure we're not losing sight of that and recognizing those because we have a road map now they were doing it in 23 um and I appreciate it being recognized that we have to continue that but again that's why I say continue to modify you may say it's small but let's not lose sight of the achievements we've made said change the word modifi to update well no I was saying continue to modify because it's year two at some point we'll finish that item but there's still more to be done yep okay and our last slide are the operational items so these items didn't make it quite to the Strategic initiative they're more just um ID option operational items that were identified by Council um to be considered so Community webcam sustainability plan and the baseball Roger Dean Stadium there there were no changes to the action plans for these items and to make sure everyone's still good with them so that's everything um like I said at the beginning staff's just looking for some guidance um I did hear everyone to say that maybe bringing back a priority assessment or um plan for you guys to kind of Vote or number so if you'd like to do that staff can work on getting something to you guys before the next meeting um but I'd like to make sure everyone's okay with what we've proposed as changes what we've talked about um and if there aren't any updates on the vision mission and strategic results so believe we had consensus on revisions um and would like that that assignment that we prioritize is really outside of the meeting rather than take meeting time so when you do update that then you would share it with us and then just give us each you know some kind of ranking sheet I do think it is helpful to get perspective councelor slstr recommended maybe round this well after the ranking yeah the um the ranking is done with staff kind of electronically so we fell out a survey each of us and then our names are removed but the scores are kind of shared aggregate scores um and we understand which ones are have a lot of support and then we Round Table it looking at those results I think so yeah yeah I it's a great idea okay excellent all right keep some of from spining the wheels a little bit thank you um moving to reports Town attorney um none from Mr be Town manager thank you mayor just a couple of things real quick um you may have heard that the utilities department um did some Outreach to the Chasewood north folks um regarding the um deep well the Deep injection well project we spent a lot of time at their neighborhood meeting the other night it went well I think there's a lot of give and take there and so um we'll be following up with that neighborhood and also um keeping them apprised of the project and you know and helping to manage expectations so among the many topics not only from our our um Town initiative they were also interested in raising the height of the wall that border borders their property which you know we don't have any problems with and then some updating some Landscaping on on their side of the wall as well so um so a lot of good discussions there we we we'll keep working um uh what do you mean for noise they just no uh what we were what they were concerned about is because of the tech technical aspects of the project that there was um a perception that we'd be working 24 hours a day seven days a week and so we had to manage a lot of that and um and so I think I think we we quelled a lot of Fe there so um then um if you noticed in my last Friday report you had the um the CRS the community rating service um program we gave you the annual audit which is required um the biggest takeaway for that the town has been able to retain its CRS class 5 rating which provides the residents uh of Jupiter uh that have flood insurance a 25% reduction in their flood insurance premium so that's a pretty big that's pretty big well that's the utilities folks um out there think they do a great job there I did want to take a couple of personnel notes if I could real quick uh we added another member um to uh the the 20-year Club uh for us Greg delbani at the utility field representative he just got his 20-y Year award so he's in the club 20 now and uh we have quite a few employees that have reached that Mark um and then uh on the other end of the spectrum detective Daniel Hirsch uh retired on February 29th from the Jupiter Police Department uh with over 25 years of service and I can tell you from experience uh she was quite remarkable at what she did and would be a big loss for the department and really quite a remarkable police officer and detective wish her well in her retirement um and then a few other points mayor uh we had the summer camp registration go on this past weekend kudos to Kristen George and the parks and Rex folks put a lot of work into having a plan in place and taking the feedback from last year we've been getting uh overwhelmingly positive remarks about um about the process and working our parents through that whole process and you know I think councelor sunstrom has heard got a few of those as well uh in terms of positive remarks um I'll also tell you that uh we got some good news from our lobbyist thank you to Greenberg torig and Tim Stanfield um it's as of 11:48 this morning the our two items are on the governor's desk I don't know if they'll be signed or not but there's 411,000 in there for webcams and $2.4 million for the Indiantown Road improvements in in large part the expansion um in addition to the projects taking place now to go all the way down to Chasewood so uh so those things are sitting there I'll keep you posted on whether or not they actually get uh approved and then um my last uh item is uh the Dolphin Drive project that you know that um Andy talks to us about regly I'll make sure he's up to speed on this uh that project is going to have to be rebid um the um the company the construction company came back and because of cost uh increases hit us with a pretty a major cost increase on that project I want to say somewhere in the neighborhood of about $400,000 and so we're not honoring that contract we're going to go back out to Bid And so I'll make sure to include Andy um and the Neighbors in that in that process as well and may that was a lot and but that's my report thank you Council sunstrom um a few things uh just quickly a huge kudos to Kristen George and the recreation team uh Camp signups have been difficult for a couple of years uh this was an incredible reception to get emails you know that we're so excited and happy to go go through a camp sign of experience that's three hours long uh something and I think the coffee donuts and music may have helped it was I think of a camp experience for the parents uh for the day they signed up so I just love that and I love what's happening in Recreation I'm also very excited and want to make sure that everyone is aware that may be watching that we do have these public input opportunities and mid-march back to back uh we have on March 13th and March 14th conversations on the CRA which is the area you know around the lighthouse um and future planning for that the CRA plan but also the recre ation master plan that we talked about so playgrounds Trails you name it and Recreation we want to talk about it and we want to hear from you so please consider coming out um bring your kids but it's a good time to learn um more about what we're doing or planning and uh sharing you know what you'd like to see so it's an exciting time um the I just want to make sure actually it came to my mind after the fact but we had talked about the sustainability plan and I remember for a comment we had talked earlier also about a vulnerability assessment and I think there may have been funding for that as well that we may or may not have captured I do want to make sure that that's either part of it or being pursued because that is a vehicle um for future grant funding down the line I know a number of communities are doing it so I just want to check up on that um and may I know she said celebration for the inlet Village um because the completion of the bridge or some portion of the bridge may be open in July so if we time an event for the businesses which will no longer be needed after this opening it could be a celebration so I love that yeah I just want to make sure that we're clear on that and I think that's a great idea um and put two and two together there um and you know projects so you know from cost increases to some of the implementation I know we're hearing Rumblings around town and I know we're going to be looking at our contracts and Contracting process going forward just to make sure that the projects that we have out there are getting done in a timely manner and that's something that we're hearing from residents and we are taking note of and following up on um and um finally you know with resident comments um i' had spoken to Kristen I do hope to speak with you down the line just about the charter Review Committee and some of what we had talked about before but I also want to talk about in terms of you know public notice um and public input we did you know in a negotiation there are you have to be more careful and with sunshine you can't talk about things that are going up for a vote so your hands are tied depending on you know the type of item or the type of vote that comes up but I also want to say in terms of communication what Andy Weston said was true about the political action committee they received something like $215,000 or close to um in funding and that came from a very few number of parties one of which was the firefighters Union but also I think three um two were residents one may not have been a resident so $215,000 um in the community and talking to Residents about you know um we may close stations we may lose you know I don't I've heard all sorts of things and we received a number of phone calls and emails so that was very concerning and I think that people need to know about that it's on our election sections of our website and oh and one more thing um I will not be here at the next meeting so for discussions about bright line just to share perspectives I generally think that I you know it's been hard to understand the timeline with FC and bright line it's been a struggle same with a number of these projects right I think we have an expectation and I had an expectation it would be a reasonable timeline line that we would you know we're towards the end of the process and I was encouraged by that and so I've been supportive of the fencing but if we understand that it's going to be an unreasonable timeline or if it's going to get stuck like we're seeing in some of these other projects you know a fence is a very specific solution so are there other Solutions potentially temporary solutions that could get us through you know with a quiet Zone whether it's signage or jpd or just to be creative in terms of interim Solutions if we have to move forward um in order to to you know serve the greatest number of our residents um I do remember a comment from a resident I think you know one person wrote us through the night like there were it was through the middle of the night there were two or three different emails at 2 a.m. you know 3:00 a.m 4:00 a. talking about you know if I'm a doctor and I'm operating or I'm a parent and so the quality of life does have enormous safety impacts as well um and just something to consider so that's been weighing on me and I think I've separated out as if it's a reasonable time frame with some expectation or understanding of what the next steps are and when they'll be you know that would lead to more support but if if we're going to end up in this we don't know and we're waiting on these other entities for some unspecified amount of time then that's going to be more concerning and I would be more supportive of moving forward I'm worried of the timeline just being out of our control that's my main concern so so um you hit a lot of my points and just want to say I miss the days when my kids are in JTA Sports little boring around here now but anyway that's all I have I hope you're going on a fun vacation but we're going to miss your learned input it's always nice to have you here um I would like to rehash just a little bit the train horn I notice a dead door a horse um can we elevate it to an agenda item I think it's oh it is an agenda that's what's coming back next week it is going to be that's what we just heard that's very good um your input to it would be very important I regret you're not going to be here um any any other considerations you want to give us on how you think you would have voted on these I think You' said it if it's going to be a normal delay then we'd like to press on with quiet zones we really won't have a feel for that I don't think it's I think we have time to get a feel for it there might be more you know known by the next meeting but you know we'll see right that's the biggest concern I have right now is just to keep that pressure on Get These Quiet zones in place and again simultaneously put the fences defenses are be good that's basically it our police uh pulled two people off the track and saved their lives that were going to commit suicide I think the fence would have helped um just a few items ditto um it's just so important ditto um on the summer camp sign up process improvements that's incredible I know our staff always does that um they take lessons learned into account and that was I mean I didn't go to it but uh just reading it uh in the weekly report it was very clear that that was a very thorough uh process enhancement uh for uh families going to sign up so I thank staff for that um by the way what you may have to look forward to is my kids aren't in JTA but my grandkids are so uh um and uh and my my granddaughter is in travel soccer so I get a chance to visit other facilities you know there was a time that we had the top you know uh top uh facilities anywhere and they're dated and that's why we're going through this process of improvement so uh um so as I as I go to other uh areas um seeing where they have improvements and we'll just add those on our list um you know um and just lastly um and again I'm going to forward the email that I think we all got from a resident uh who's always given us um very uh meaningful feedback on uh derli vot boots and Riverwalk and um you know I saw pictures of a section of Riverwalk that has been closed for an extended period and I'm kind of bothered that by that if that in fact is the case so we we'll forward that on but uh you know the River Walk um did everybody see that maybe I see that so you know um that we can't have that um and so I don't know who put barricades across and for what reason U but that Riverwalk is a jewel and uh it needs to be kept open at a very very high priority on that what's that should be able to handle a quick fix on this situations yeah yeah right yeah but it was just I was kind of taken back by residents saying it's been like that for a year or whatever I hope that's an exaggeration but if it's more than a little bit of time it's too much and and then you know along there um Riverwalk is earic boats are are a problem and so I do think uh when when I see the pictures and you know we were talking about taking certain action to remove the uh the landing spot so they get the hint and move on right um so we really need to take action on derli boats it was more multipronged um last we spoke about that so just want to emphasize that but town you know Town manager all forward that email but it was very thoroughly done and and presented in a positive manner as always and with that uh the time is now 9:47 we'll adjourn the meeting