e I hereby call to order the regular meeting of the Kingsburg Board of Education to be held in buer middle school media center adequate notice for this meeting has been mailed to the Asbury Park Press followed with the municipal clerk of Kingsburg posted on District website and posted inside the office of the Kingsburg Board of Education 100 Palmer Place Kingsburg New Jersey on January 6 2024 roll call please Mrs Clayton Mrs friselle here Miss Keller Moran here Mr manowski here Mr kitchen here Mr cook here Mr cisiano here Mr Hoff here miss Ferraro here please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and please remain standing for a moment afterwards I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with li and Justice I wanted us to have a moment of silence for former board member Jim Merkel he was the epitome of Public Service serving not only in the United States Navy the Kingsburg fire department serving as Chief but being a three-time board member thank you no presentations right we're going to move on to the student representative report from buer we have Emily Reyes and Katherine Lindberg these are the current happenings at Joseph R buer Middle School for the month of March of 2024 our softball and baseball teams have had have both had informational meetings and trials have begun for both boys and girls we have buer students who will be participating this Friday evening and Saturday afternoon at the Kingsburg High School's presentation of the Play Once Upon a mattress on March 1 students from Spanish music drama and other various classes went to the count bayy theater to see the production of curtains for kids Ragtime show 13 students were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society on March 5th there was a very nice ceremony led by the adviser Miss Le with both the new members of the previous members in attendance proud parents had an opportunity to take pictures afterwards in the media center last week students had the opportunity to attend the law enforcement club meeting members of the National Junior honors Society participated at the cruso school on March 6th doing read Across America they did an outstanding job setting up for this and also running some of the events the gifted and talented students went to a poetry slam convention at the State Theater in New Brunswick upon their return to the school all the students were commenting on how much they enjoyed this presentation everyone at buer has started their third and last trimester for their Richmond classes for the school year on March 25th the gifted and talented students will be viewing a virtual Workshop in buer on film Productions at the end of next week we're looking forward to spring break we wish everyone a relaxing week as we get ready to start our last three months of school when we return on April 8th thank you thank you to our Boulder student [Applause] representatives from the high school we have Jasmine munz and Gabrielle rera hello and happy see you Patrick's Day we hope everyone enjoyed the spring weather and enjoyed their weekends we' like to thank the Board of Education and all Administration for us to be here tonight as you all know we had just finished our winter sports we just had our winter sports um sport Awards the other day and we just want to congratulate all the winter athletes for a great season now comes the spring the spring season and GL to all the spring athletes we held our Junior informational meeting this meeting helped the Juniors understand and be prepared for senior year thank you to all the parents and guidance for making this a success the junior class will also have their their March Madness tournament this Thursday at 6 p.m. at the high school the middle school and high school will be having their spring musical Once Upon a mattress you can come enjoy the show this Friday at 6:30 and this Saturday at 1:30 and 6:30 lastly we just had our very successful designer bag Bingo night with with also our gift auction last Friday we had a great turnout and thank you to everyone who came out and supported all of our classes we'd also like to thank the board of ed for sponsoring for sponsoring um our B of night and making the night even more of a success thank you thank you to our student representatives in the high school I just want to point out in case of emergency I forgot to mention it before the exits behind you into the side and uh do we have any committee reports from board members Mr cook thank you Mr President the uh Financial meeting was held earlier this evening uh just a couple of two points of discussion was obviously number six on the board secretary support the budget tenative budget uh there will be a further presentation at the next board meeting and then also if anybody has any questions about number 11 uh it's a new local government program that allows us to recuit interest on our capital reserve it's uh positive for the school district great thank you thank you any other Mr M Mr President the uh policy committee met um you'll notice that on your agenda is uh number 16 is the first reading for a number of policies um most of these policies are revisions um especially the equity the education Equity policies uh there was a change in the state law um that changed the list of protected uh people on the law so our policy no longer matched up um to all of those it excluded certain members that were protected um so most of the policy updates are are related to that to making sure that our policy matches the state law protects all the people that are protected under underneath those um there are a couple of other uh changes that were U made that were again recommended or mandated by the state because of changes to law um but specifically speically the student discipline and code of conduct um we made some changes as to um the there's a chart um in our policy we've made it so that that policy is actually in our student handbooks the student handbooks will be getting approved annually by the board um to make sure that we're seeing continuously what the the chart is for discipline and um the other change was specifically was about um Awards and again the main awards that we have that are mandated are our valedictorian our Salud atorium um but then there are other awards that be given Again by basically by the student handbook and by a committee um form with the board of it great thank questions be happy to answer them thank you any others we'll move on oh yeah um is there any comments or questions from the public relating the board agenda items only seeing none we'll move on be it resolved that in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act the kingburg Board of Education shall conduct a closed executive session pursuant to the personnel and legal exceptions prescribed by njsa 10 col 4-12 for the purpose of discussing Personnel it is anticipated that the length of time of this executive session will be 20 minutes and that action will be taken in the in public after the executive session be it further resolved that the minutes of the executive session will be released when the need for confidentiality in accordance with njsa 10 col 4-12 no longer applies I have a motion Ander executive thank you do I have a second Judy sorry I'm Judy and P Patty thank you all in favor I any [Music] opposed e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e can I have a motion to come out of executive please Judy thank you do I have a second Ken sorry I heard him first I think it was Ken roll call all in favor I I any opposed I need a motion for the approval of minutes make motion thank you Mr manowski do I have a second I'll check it thank you Kim roll call Mrs Clayton Mrs friselle yes Miss Kell her Moran yes Mr manowski yes Mr Kitchen yes Mr cook yes Mr cison yes Mr Hoff yes Miss Ferraro yes okay the superintendent of schools recommends positive action on the following items resignation 2425 District professional employment 2425 leave of absence medical leave of absence maternity Child Care revision long-term sub substitute teacher revision 2324 District substitute teacher power professional 2324 District student observation 2324 district and I just want to revise this one um The Internship should read 2425 District spring coaching position refusal of position KHS spring coaching position 2324 buer advisor position KHS Central detention 2324 KHS keensburg after school program volunteer spring 24 after before School academic support teacher school-based Youth Services Program 2324 KHS professional development costing 150 or above 2324 District can I have a motion for the approval of personnel I'll make that motion thank you Ken do I have a second I'll second thank you Judy um any questions comments concerns from fellow board members before we vote none seeing none roll call please Mrs Clayton yes Mrs friselle yes Miss Kell heran yes Mr manowski yes Mr Kitchen yes Mr cook yes Mr cisano yes Mr Hoff yes Miss Ferraro yes policy and regulation policy first reading alert 232 regulation first reading alert 232 can I have a motion for the approv approval of policy and regulation thank you Brooke and can I have a second I'll second thank you Greg any questions comments concerns for fellow board members on this yes uh for General policy died updates 5600 just says student discipline code of conduct M everything else says revised above it Mike I believe that's it's mandatory is the m as opposed to being suggested yeah the M no no what I'm saying is one says revised is it an addition something new which one is it see it says bilingual education revised and say rised 5600 that is revised we we have a current policy in place for 5600 that's being changed and again most of the policy changes part of it is the chart to exclude that so that it's included in our student handbook annually so just add the word revision to that revised we can yes yeah okay okay thank you any other questions comments concerns seeing none roll call vote please Mrs Clayton Mrs friselle yes Miss Kella her Moran yes Mr manowski yes Mr Kitchen yes Mr cook yes Mr cisano yes Mr Hoff yes Miss Ferraro yes okay General District HIV report 2324 keensburg School District annual calendar for 2425 in state class trips 23 24 District donation of 14 pizzas um for the Kingsburg Early Learning Center Don of 25 new and you soccer balls and school hours District 2425 do I have a motion for the approval of general make that motion than you can do I have a second thank you PTY any questions comments concerns for fellow board members yes Mr Hoff number12 why'd you take a letter away I'm just thank you Mr off any any others seeing none roll call vote please Mrs Clayton Mrs friselle yes Miss Karan yes Mr manowski yes Mr Kitchen yes Mr cook yes Mr cisano yes Mr Hoff yes thank you Miss Ferraro yes School business administrator board secretaries report the superintendent of schools recommends positive action on the following items the board's uh board secretary's monthly certification this is to certify that no liem line item has been overexpanded payroll certifications one approval bills list for February 24 two approve home instruction three approve added District tuition 2324 four approved 2324 nursing Services five approval for Ed data member participation in the educational Cooperative pricing system for the 23 through 25 school year six approve the fiscal year 2425 tenant of budget seven approved preschool expansion Aid paa 2425 eight approved for year 25 New Jersey child assault prevention Grant application for the Early Learning Center nine approv for year 24 Essa Title One SAA Amendment and acceptance 10 approval of date change for the April and June board meetings 11 approve NJ arm Asset Management program do I have a motion for approval of the ba report thank you br I have a second thank you Judy um any questions comments concerns from fellow board members for number five the for number five it says the 23 to 25 school year for that so that's for two years uh we joining for the end of this year June and then from July through June of 25 okay thank you any others see none roll call vote please Mrs Clayton yes Mrs friselle yes Miss Kell Moran yes Mr manowski yes Mr kitchen yes Mr cook yes Mr cisiano yes Mr Hoff yes Miss Ferraro yes uh School business administrator board secretary report addendum bs1 uh approved the receip and acceptance of January board secretary's report bs2 approve appropriation transfers and bs3 approve tuition cost for the 2425 school year do I have a motion to accept the ba is theendum I'll make that motion can I'll do Canen and Patty's the second yeah Patty second um any questions comments concerns for fellow board members on this no seeing none uh roll call vote pleas Mrs Clayton Mrs friselle yes Miss Kell her Moran yes Mr manowski yes Mr Kitchen yes Mr cook yes Mr cisiano yes Mr Hoff yes Miss Ferraro yes thank you we'll now open the meeting to the public for any questions comments relating to additional concerns can just please approach and state your name and address if you have something you'd like to say seeing none we'll close the public section um Mr Hoff you have anything I do thank you Mr President um um we got some things that happened in the scholr America was amazing I found one of my favorite [Music] pictures congratulations ourn studs as as so spring time so good luck to our students in the spring Sports U for those who don't know this Sunday is the St p005 again is bus students thank you Dy you have anything no Judy no Mr mow just a follow Mr said read Across America um Dix did donate a couple things I happen to know the person who does something with the uh read Across America but um other providers just in the community um keensburg Pizza also provided the pizzas that evening and uh car High cafe Bri came and read so it was great to have Community involvement as well just okay what do you got to do to earn the [Laughter] tea broke you have anything so I'll be driving the bus in the parade if anybody does not want to walk more than welcome to join me on the Ken thank you I just wanted to do a big shout out to all the administrators for the budget season uh fiscal responsibilties number one and we have one of the best teams that really work day and night and extra hours just so that they can have the best for the school district so I want to say a big thank you to all of them it's truly a job well done thank you yeah and I just want to touch b a little bit and I you know you read a lot of things or you hear people say a lot that we don't do anything happen at home or somewhere if they're getting woken up in the morning get the hell out of bed or maybe food insecurity or maybe there's something going on in the household maybe they're facing with depression maybe they're a loner and someone needs to say hello or is everything okay but we do have processes we have policies and things that we have to hear to so for people to say that we're not doing anything oh we are so I just want to share that I am proud of what we do I'm proud of our board members and there's a chain of command and I just wanted to make sure that everybody has the facts instead of what's being said Thank you thank you Kim Greg you have anything um yeah Mr President um just to touch uh read Across America was awesome um myself and uh Mr Henry where you are uh literally the Dream Team um we were uh we were we now for real it was great it was a great experience to get to read with him um the superintendent we also got her um in our room as well it was such a fun experience the kids loved it it was such a great turnout um it's always nice to be a part of it every single year um and that's all I have so you at the parade thank you yeah I just wanted to thank all the businesses that have you know donated to the schools for the read Across America for all the things you see we us approving tonight and yet again I just want to extend my condolences to the miracle family really was you know the exact type of person you want to be someone's always willing to go to extra mile I I served briefly on the fire department with him he was always willing to help the younger guys he's great man he literally donated all of his time to his community I think we should all we could all learn a little something from him and I just want to this I see some new faces here I just want to say thank you for coming we always encourage everybody please come to meetings ask questions if you do we appreciate it and on that note I will ask for a motion to adjourn I'll make that motion thank you Ken second Judy Judy Ken Ken got first Judy in favor I any opposed e e e e e