e e Mr folks I hereby call order to the regular meeting of the Kingsburg Board of Education to be held in the boulder middle school media center we've moved it to the gym obviously adequate notice for this meeting has been mailed to the Asbury Park Press filed with the municipal clerk of Kingsburg posted on the district website and posted inside the office of the Kingsburg Board of Education 100 Palmer Place Kingsburg New Jersey on January 6th 2024 roll call please Mrs Clayton here Mrs friselle here miss Karan here Mr manowski here Mr kitchen here Mr cook here Mr cisano here Mr Hoff Mr Hoff let me know he might be running a few minutes late Miss Ferrara please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all in case of emergency please take note of the exits behind us and of course the way you came in um we're going to start off with presentations first up we'll have Miss Lopez and Miss Spivey speaking about the gifted and talented programs m f have really brought the vision of the program to life um we're really thankful for the for the wonderful teachers that we have um guiding the program the students and of course the parents um that have really taken the opportunity to have their kids um really strive in [Music] this Dean do we have the presentation first is that okay so I have two of our fifth graders who created their slides about the things that we have done during this school year so I will have them present their slides our third our our g&t classes all went on field trips third grade went to Farm to Table fifth grade went to Liberty Science Center and fourth grade went to info on Fridays we have g& day and it's stem projects and we did an apple stem project that the Apple has to um stand from the desk and see who has the longest from the desk the second one is the snowman project where you had to build snow man from marshmallows and it had to be freestanding and the third one is also an apple stem project we did a lot of activities in GNT and as you can see there's some of them on the screen my favorite one was the Young Writers publication because we all got a chance to get to get published my favorite was circuit when the solar eclipse happened we had special glasses and we put them on plates to cover our eyes and we decorated them and we went outside while the while the solar eclipse was happening and we looked up and saw the solar eclipse [Applause] change uh good evening um it is it's a pleasure to be able to present um the gifted and talented students from wer so the it was a common theme of raising School leaders so in order to present what they did they created a video for you e [Music] welcome back to channel 43 with your latest buer news I'm your Hostess Destiny Catherine Emily Penna we are here here live in Joseph R Boulder Middle School we're here to inform you about the excellent gifted and talented program here at Boulder Middle School these students at the top of their classes these students have what on come [Music] on oh that a good one oh that was a good one that was quite good so then do you want to do the main objective of the program here was to enhance and challenge the minds of students through research projects that were aimed at scholarly Excellence intellectual curiosity and independent in one of the passion projects that these students did was career exploration there was days where you could dress like your profession research project did was a social issues research project where they informed and taught their peers about world issues that is going on some of them were gun riots stereotypes racism abortion and Etc another project that the gifted and talented program partip and T of another project I was participated in was film making there was AI Exploration with endless capabilities to enhance your fil and content a virtual field trip with a music producer and a commercial maker and a film festival a group of 8th grade young ladies won at the film festival with their B video another topic that was researched was poetry students played with words with and magnetic poetry the students also want to see the Mayhem folds and other designs of restaurants they cre a logo floor plan menu commercial and 3D model of the restaurant the last and final project that the student another project that the gied and talented program par of what meteorology was while having their analytical communication and collaboration skills to use another project that the gifted and talented program part in is architecture they completed word problems to brainstorm designs of restaurants they created a logo floor plan menu commercial and 3D model of the restaurant the last and final project that the students participated in was the school spirit project students bring pattering preschool Spirit they created a film proposal and implemented some of their ideas to this school year in the g&t program thanks for tuning in to channel 43 with your latest B news thanks for [Music] [Applause] watching I'm pretty loud so I don't think I need micophone but we also have some awards to give out to both Caruso and buer students so the Caruso students participated in a math competition it is a nationwide math competition with almost 40,000 kids who participated 16,000 of the 40,000 were recognized with honorable mention Additionally the high scorers of each grade level also are recognized with a met so I going to those students now so for honorable mention we have uh Miss Molly oh let me make sure I have Miss Molly we also have Miss marer [Applause] ARA and then the following students won both honorable mention and the high score grade so for fifth grade we have Sophia [Applause] Brier Miss Ali l and for third grade as well as the high score of the class we have Mr Ryan o Conor [Applause] J w [Applause] Happ [Applause] next we'd like to invite Mr bares and Mr November up to present for the kingburg casting crew of Once Upon a mattress evening I'm not certain if this is on but I'm going to Y um I just wanted to present to you some of the students that actually participated with this year's Once Upon a mattress the musical at the high school we also had the middle Boulder Middle School drama club invited to participate with it as well I just wanted to recognize that Jack Black on a little uh I don't know if you see a lot of his presentations but he has he's a commedian that is involved with the Arts and promotion of the Arts and he had a little tidbit um on a uh I'm not even going to say where saving the soul is what he called it and at 14 he mentions that a teacher that that he connected with him through drama and music that inspired him to get out of the rut and just to have fun developing his character as a positive human it broke down the thick barriers that he' created in the walls of his protective shield and he cites that theater fun is a quote communicative fun quote a healing kind of fun quote it's a joy and it builds muscles in my soul art happens here with Josh liscow is now a pbs. app streaming that explains why the Arts are an endless array of thought-provoking Inspirations for you so if you ever get a chance to see what is now being streamed they are educational these students have put together a lot for you um we also wanted to mention that we had gotten two honorable mentions for the count basy Awards it is similar to what the Tony do that have a evaluators coming to 17 different musicals in the Monmouth County as well as nine different plays that are presented of which they nominate four for the charact the title characters what you see best actor best musical so forth and one of the people that was mentioned was from our cast Victor who became an honorable mention for for the presentation for the show that she had done and the second was the uh ladies and waiting which is a group of ladies that were part of the program as well now this show in this production we are not going to be um going to the awards tomorrow because they do have awards that they give out to the students that have been nominated but just getting the recognition of them is really very good so in without further Ado I wanted to let you know that Mr November is going to read off the list of the names of those that have [Applause] participated sorry you just in case you didn't know in the old radio world this is what they would do okay Javon [Applause] B Aubrey Brown [Applause] Abigail [Applause] Brer kayy [Applause] Brier Aaliyah Daniels Kaylee gger [Applause] Kieran [Applause] Hogan Bridget Hernandez missing a few okay Amani Jackson uh Rian crumbine [Applause] Autumn [Applause] lamerson Skyler laery Alex morero Angus murison Violet Rose nunus congratulations let's see siarra Resto Cal Reynolds congratulations Elena [Applause] Sherman Victor squeri congratulations see Alicia Stills Jolie [Applause] Ellie that's not yours here we go this one is yours congratulations you and Angela Zia congratulations Angela for ladies and gentlemen for all the g&t the student awards and the cast and crew we just another big round of applause congratulations all that's fantastic thank you for what you do and the final presentation we have Mr bird reporting on the district HIV grades it's a tough act to follow literally all right um as uh mandated by the state this is our hip grades from last year 2223 as well as our yearly uh data so an overview of Hib again is a gesture written verbal or physical act or electronic communication um based on some sort of characteristic um that substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of school or the rights of other students and a reasonable person should know under circumstances it will have the effect of physically harming a student or damaging the student's property placing a student in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm uh to his or her property or has the effect of insulting demeaning uh any student group or group of students uh and creates a hostile educational environment for the student so our grades for the 2223 year uh under the commissioner's program for determining grade the grade is a raw score of data uh the maximum total each school could get is a 78 the school district's grade and it's a number grade not letter uh is based on an average of all the scores of the schools in the district so this year's hip grades uh by school Joseph cruso School 58 buer School 51 kingburg ELC 53 and Kingsburg High School 68 um it it should be noted that every single one of those schools grades are higher than they were for the 2122 school year um so each School improved the overall district rate again an average of all those grades was a 58 this is uh by school it's the breakdown um these grades are based on the programs that the school uh has the training that the staff gets uh curriculum instruction on Hib the Personnel um the reporting procedures and investigation procedures the Hib reports and then obviously a final school grade again the max was 78 um so this was Kingsburg High School uh that was the data from them Kingsburg Early Learning Center just leave it a second to go through Joseph buer middle school and Caruso School um I want to draw specific attention to the bottom um part of the grade is the number of times a preliminary determination was made that an incident or complate was outside the scope of a definition of Hib um so this would be where a principal can decide not to run an investigation on a claim of HIV if you notice and I'll go back every single one of them is zero um at no point do we take a claim of Hib and say that we're not going to investigate it we investigate each one thoroughly so as part of the anti-bullying bills Bill of Rights um our school diligently implemented the requirements outlined in the ABB um by adopting a comprehensive anti-bullying policy part of that policy is uh conducting training sessions for all staff members to ensure um that they have the Knowledge and Skills to identify these behaviors establish a clear reporting procedures and channels for students parents and staff to report bullying implementing proactive measures such as schoolwide awareness campaigns peer mentoring programs and PBIS providing ongoing support and resources for students who have been affected by bullying and then collaborating with parents Community organizations and law enforcement agenc es to address bullying again I I I think it's important to note um Kingsburg School District made zero preliminary determinations last year that means every single case of bullying that was reported to the school district was investigated last year of the 20 nine uh incidents that were reported 11 were found found to be incidences of harassment intimidation and bullying 18 were unfounded in some way this school year to date we've had 35 um reports of potential harassment intimidation bullying nine have been founded 26 were unfounded in some sort of way so to wrap up quickly um these are antib programs this is part of what the grade was based on uh keensburg High School uh we've done a week of respect we have academic Awards Big Brothers Big Sisters pep rallies presentations from outside vendors uh Bulger had a big air BMX show uh social media safety assembly zero conduct celebrations and rewards um and the Y Tri leadership program Caruso uh did a hi parent presentation they had this superh hero super U assembly the lead U assembly and then the week of respect and Titan of the week and then ELC has used the pyamid model of emotional support pushing for pro-social behaviors and then a calming sensory environment these are all anti-bullying programs that factor into the district grade lastly um our consequences or remedial actions that occur if a Hib is founded is student conferencing student counseling ing parent conferencing uh changes of placements changes of seatings monitoring um separating students referrals for therapy and then also detention and suspension these are the district resources again this will be on the district website uh probably tonight or tomorrow uh the district raids are already on the website they were posted last week um for any instances these are who you can reach out to at each individual school or myself at the high school and that is all any questions for anybody no all right thank you thank you Mr [Applause] bird Mr SE I just want to make sure that you've noted Mr Hoff's attendance in his time of arrival yes moving on we're going to go to the student representative reports the Kingsburg uh student represent atives the high school will not be here they're playing a flag game as I believe uh we want to wish them the best of luck and we'll move on to the buer representatives we from Boulder we have Emily Rivera Reyes and Katherine Lindberg current happenings at Joseph R buer middle school May 2024 all the grades in buer Middle School finished the New Jersey student learning assessment state test for language arts Math and Science last week the students all seem to have tried their very best to do well on them our softball and baseball teams have been practicing each day and trying their best at the games all season under the coaching of Mr and Mrs Lee for softball and Mr Adamson for baseball on Tuesday May 7th buer held its annual Spring Concert the students who participated did a very good job on Tuesday May 14th the 8th grade class were on their first of two trips to Medieval Times They were so enthusiastic as they waved their banners and cheered on on the red night everyone said it was a great trip and that they had such a great time this Friday on May 24th B will be hosting a rock on Memorial walk in honor of Mr flipo students and staff will have the opportunity to participate in a walk and activity to remember her a $2 donation will be collected for an art scholarship in Mr flippo's name on Saturday June 1st it will finally be time to attend the much anticipated Butterfield dance with all 124 students inv Ed for an evening of Music fun and good food provided by our PTA June 5th will be the induction ceremony for the triy and band stents also on June 5th will be the annual poetry slam where all the eighth graders are going to be participating they have been working very hard on their poems that they wrote and have a chance to present them in front of their peers the next trip the eighth graders are looking forward to is the annual picnic at Oak Tree Lodge on Thursday June 6th as soon as they get off off the bus they will run to join their friends to participate in a variety of games such as basketball volleyball miniature golf softball soccer and much much more and of course I have fun in the pool as we did last year there'll be a transition Day on June 11th for two grades the fifth grader cuser students will come to buer and the eighth grade buer students will be walking over to the high school both of these grades will get a preview of what student life will be like for them this coming September all grades will be whining down the last month of this school year working hard and staying strong as they look forward to the summer of 2024 thank you thank you very much to our student Representatives you always do such a great job moving forward do we have any committee reports Mr cook thank you Mr kitchen uh yes the financial meeting was held earlier today at 6:30 uh just a few points that were discussed were the upcoming contracts today's agenda the rfps that went out for bid and the current bills list everything seems to be financially sound thank you thank you Mr cook any other committee reports saying none we'll Now open up to the public for questions and comments relating the board agenda items only seeing none we'll close that portion be it resolved that in accordance with provisions of the open public meetings Act the Kingsburg Board of Education shall conduct a closed executive session pursuant to the personnel and legal exceptions prescribed by njsa 10 col 4-12 for the purpose of discussing legal it is anticipated that the length of the executive session will be 30 minutes and that action will be taken in the public after the executive session be it further resolved that the minutes of the executive session will be released when the need for confidentiality in accordance with NJ sa 10 col 4-12 no longer applies do I have a motion enter executive thank you Judy do I have a second thank you paty all in favor I any opposed e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e need a motion to come out of executive please Patty thank you do I have a second I a second Ken thank you all in favor I any opposed next on the approval of minutes for the regular meeting on May 3rd 2024 and the executive session as well Judy thank you do I have a second thank you Mike Mike roll call vote Mrs Clayton yes Mrs friselle Miss Kell her Moran yes Mr manowski yes however I stain to the minutes of the executive session okay Mr Kitchen yes Mr cook yes Mr cisano abstained Mr Hoff Miss Ferrara thank you superintendent of schools recommends positive action on the following items under personnel number one retirement number two resignation number three Reemployment of professional personnel number four Reemployment of personnel administrators number five Reemployment of personnel nonprofessional number six professional employment for 24 and 5 number seven no step increase 2425 number eight leave of absence Medical number nine long-term substitute teacher revision number 10 internship number 11 Orton gillahan imse comprehensive plus training Caruso number 12 Caruso summer uh I'm sorry Kingsburg High School summer program number 13 Kingsburg summer program for Joseph C Caruso school and Joseph R Boulder Middle School number 14 Kingsburg summer program Joseph r b b middle school and Joseph C Caruso School Number 15 kingburg summer program kingburg High School number 16 Kingsburg summer program substitutes for the district number 17 Kingsburg preschool summer program 18 summer program site coordinator 19 Kingsburg extended school year and 20 curriculum writing K through 12 English language arts revision math curriculum oh no sorry I'm still gone 21 revisions professional development costing $150 or above and that's it do I have a motion for the approval of personnel I'll make that motion Mr good thank you do I have a second I'll second thank you Mr any questions comments concerns from fellow board members Mr M I have uh just one question on number 11 the comprehensive Plus or morphology plus can you just explain what those are what the differences are why it's possibly two different programs is the or just because they may choose to qualify or do take one training instead of the other or possibly both is that so most of our staff currently right now thank you any El seeing none roll call vote please Mrs Clayton yes Mrs friselle yes Miss Kell Moran Mr manowski yes however sorry Mr you're have bear with me um on number four I abstain uh to all names uh number 18 I abstain to the second name on number 20 for elementary math the eighth name eighth name eighth name yes number 20 in Middle School uh number 20 Ela the fourth name and on math the second name happy to repeat that if you need to okay I think I got it thank you Mr Kitchen yes Mr cook yes Mr cisiano yes Mr Hoff yes but on page five ex the fifth name down Iain everything else yes and thank you okay Miss Ferraro yes put on page uh number five I have saying on the fourth and fifth name okay thank you under policy the second reading for field trips do I have a motion for approval of policy and regulation motion Mel thank you do I have a second second Mr manowski thank you any questions comments concerns Federal board members saying none roll call vote please Mrs Clayton yes Mrs friselle yes Miss Kell Moran yes Mr manowski yes Mr Kitchen yes Mr cook yes Mr cisiano yes Mr Hoff yes Miss Ferraro yes and under General number 23 District HIV report 24 Community reporting of HIV grades 25 is the 2425 Visiting Nurses Association do I have a motion for the approval General I'll make that motion that you can do I have a second any questions comments concerns fellow board members sorry Mr K I step one quick question sorry maybe I should have brought this up to Mr bird during the presentation um I saw on Facebook once that our funding is associated with Hib is there any truth at all to that do we lose school funding if we report or don't report anything or maybe the administration ort that so just in case so it's that was a no just so it's so there's no tie in we have no incentive to under report and in fact we actually looked at all thank you any others seeing none roll call vote please Mrs Clayton yes Mrs friselle yes M Kell Moran Mr manowski yes Mr Kitchen yes Mr cook yes Mr cisano yes Mr Hof yes m yes School business administrator board secretary report the superintendent of schools recommends positive action on the following items board secretary's monthly certification this certifies that no line item has been overe expended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year payroll certifications for April 15th and April 30th number one receipt and acceptance of the March board secretary's report number two approve appropriation transfers number three approve bills list number four approve home instruction for 2324 number five approve added District tuition number six approve mckenny vento tuition number seven appointment of the public school auditor for 2425 number eight approve attendance at the njsba workshop for 2425 number nine approve the following 403b providers for 2425 number 10 approval of dental rates for 2425 11 approval of vision rates for 2425 12 approval of health insurance cons consultant Brown and Brown for 2425 13 is a change order to the hbac upgrades at the high school uh this uh change order is included in contract allowance at no additional cost to the district 14 appointment of school board attorney 15 approve uh superintendent of school's contract for the years 24 through 2024 through 2029 16 approve the amendment to the evocate agreement for 2425 17 approve agreement with admen digital curriculum solutions for 2425 18 appointment of general counsel 2425 19 r renewal of food service management company witson for 2425 number 20 receipt of proposals and award of contract for Applied behavioral analysis and behavioral consultant Services RFP number 0125 of 2425 year the awarded vendor is positive behavior supports 21 receipt of proposals and award contract for occupational therapy rfp2 d25 for the 2425 year awarded vendor All Care 22 receipt of proposals and award for contract for Physical Therapy Services RFP number 0325 for the 2425 year awarded vendor All Care number 23 receipt of proposals and award of contract for nursing Services RFP 0425 for the 2425 year awarded vendor Horizon healthc Care staff number 24 approval of the 2425 purchasing manual and number 25 approval of the 2425 standard operating procedures manual do I have a motion for the approval of the business administrator board secretary report motion Greg do I have a second I second thank you K any comments questions concerns and fil Mr Hof uh number eight do we just abstain from our own name that's a question for you our attendance oh Mr Bennett what did we say last year do they have to do they have to on our own names for that for the workshop on the workshop collectively so it's fine it's fine we don't have to say Thank you Mr any other questions comments concerns seeing none roll call vote please Mrs Clayton Mrs felle yes Miss Karan Mr manowski yes however I abstain on number nine and number 15 Mr Kitchen yes Mr cook yes Mr cisano yes Mr Hoff yes but on number eight I abstain from the last name down and on number 15 the rest is yes and thank you Miss Ferrara yes but staying on number 15 okay we'll now open it to the public for any questions or comments or any concerns that they may have seeing you have some seeing none we'll close that portion do you have anything I wanted to congratulate Dy Sheldon on her retirement um I had the pleasure of working with her for many years on the and uh she's going to be truly missed by everybody Mr thank you Mr kitchen I just want to thank to all the presenters tonight it was great to see uh different sides of our school district uh from John's uh Hib report to our uh Once Upon a mattress it was nice to see different aspects of the school district um also want to you know obviously thank our esteemed superintendent on her contract renewal thank you for all you've done for our uh District it's really improving quite a bit and Mr Bennett as well congratulations and thank you for all you do thank you thank you Mr off I do thank you Mr President um what's with the boxes and I thought we won the election the the furniture boxes so we with the grant rece the entire Boulder middle school and pburg high school will be getting all new furniture standing thought I was moving okay um I guess this is our we will not have a meeting before graduation no it's a it's a we like to list our 20 23 24 graduates the best of luck we have some award programs coming up um the kids today get an outstanding job I didn't know I was sitting next to two celebrities good luck to our the people who are retiring and on behalf of the kebur parade committee we would like to of education and the Kaa for participating spring sports are just starting wrap it up the playoffs I believe start soon and congratulations on your new contract we look forward to seeing you in the next five years thank you Mr President that's all I have thank you Patty do you have anything still no good Judy i' just like to congratulate the gifted and talented students the cast of The High School play and I'd also like to acknowledge the students and teachers who are at the Caruso variet show they all did an excellent job Mr Henry thank you Mr M just show me it's hard to believe that we are almost at the end of the year and this is our last board meeting before that wraps up so congratulations to all the graduates look forward to to being a graduation for each of them all the kids that are going to be um promoted the clap outs and all the other events so those are always great at the end of the year like to thank all the presenters it's great to see all the kids here and see all the positive things that are happening and thank everybody who makes that possible from the administration the GI in town teachers the people that involved in the drama clubs and everything else that give their time to to make our school a success thank you um everything they all said um and uh um the uh KHS open mic night is tomorrow at 6 so uh come on out and see some talented kids I just want to you know what everybody else said the kids awards were great the presentations they were fantastic thank you to all our staff for setting these things up we had some of the attendants we've had in a board meeting in a while I every meeting I say please if you have any questions concerns please come speak to us we encourage people to come to the board meetings it's always we're always open to speak to anybody I just want to congratulate all the graduates as this is meetings before they graduate congratulations and best of luck in the future and thank you all for coming do I have a motion to adjourn we'll do Judy first because I heard her then Patty second all in favor I any opposed