education is called to order please be advised that notice of the meeting was approved was provided to the Jersey journal and the Star Ledger notice of the meeting was posted on the district website and filed with the town clerk by letter dated December 1st 2023 roov Dr boy here Mrs bur here miss Lindon feler here Mr M here Mrs pedig here Mr Suarez here Mrs Torres mrus here president here Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all is there any old business we have to do Juan no old business right okay um are there any observers who want to speak on agenda items okay motion to adjourn so move second all in favor goodby meeting is adjourned and we turn it over to the business administrator and board secretary as by law meeting theard of Education party school order please be advised that inance with chapter 231 1975 the meeting act adequate notice of the meeting was provided to the Jersey journal and the St Ledger notice of the meeting was posted on the district website and follow the town by letter dated December 1223 the election results on Tuesday November 7 2023 the annual school election for the Kan School District was held between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 8 pm and as much longer it was necessary to permit all legal voters that then present at the polling places to vote voting was conducted for the election of three members of the board of education for a period of three years and one for a one-year term which will be voted upon the votes were certified by the office of the clerk of Hudson County and the results of the election were as F the candidates for the threeyear terms were Laura pedig received 334 votes Samantha Paris 1,854 votes SJ Z vuso 1,672 votes Matthew T darington 774 votes anahera 85 votes Maria Koto 701 votes and the candidate for a onee term was uh John Cary received 1,723 votes and Smiley Muhammad J received 516 votes so the candidates elected for the three year for the three term for the threeyear terms were Laura pedig Samantha Parris and SJ Z vuso the candidate elected for the oneyear term was John carry a copy of this report will be entered in the official minutes of the board of education so right now we will be doing the the for the four board members Laura Sam Mr vuso uh and John car yeah one where do you want us to if I could have you all just raise your right hand and just repeat after me I do serly swear I should we State our name swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and aliance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the government established in the United States and the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey under the authority of the people under the authority of the people help conratulations [Applause] [Music] right going in you have to go in first there's no room yes you [Music] [Applause] sit it's been a lot longer than that call Dr boy here Mrs bur here Mr Carrie here miss Linda feler here Mr M here Mrs pedig here Mr Suarez here mrus here Mrs Paris here um right now we're looking for a nomination for a more president I'd like to nominate santh Paris second is there anybody else um Ro Cole to vote Samantha Paris as board president Dr Boy Yes Mrs bur yes Mr Cary yes Miss Lind feler yes Mr M yes Mrs pedig gr yes Mr Suarez yes Mr viscuso yes yes thank you okay um next up we need a nomination for vice president I nominate Cecilia okay second so loud Dr Boy Yes Mrs B yes Mr Carrie yes Miss Linda felon yes Mr Mna yes Mrs P yes myself Mr Suarez yes Mr viscuso yes president bar yes are there any observers who want to speak at this time no okay we're going to post pass the resolutions look at for motion to approve number 1 to 18 so move second discussion roll call Dr Boy Yes Mrs Burke yes Mr car yes Miss Lind felon yes Mr mck yes Mrs pedig yes Mr Suarez yes Mr ruso yes president yes Cecilia you should abstain on vote number 16 oh the professional appointments you don't have to tell me apparently I do because I voted yeah I meant to from 16 well I was so excited about being vice president got away got away from me I thought we were going to do them separately that's why V for everyone except I know no I'm going to from okay so we have to do committees so everybody can just hand in their requests and then we'll figure out who's going to be on on what if you can do that by you know the end of this week so that we can figure it out for the next board meeting before committee meetings happen ofs on everybody's desk guys sign okay is there any new business that anybody needs to discuss ju anything else floor uh no I just need to uh poll the board at the end of this meeting uh regarding a possible earlier start start for the January board meeting do that now we can do that now right yeah we can do that now okay so uh 5:00 pm so that we can uh have a presentation on the results of the demographic study that was conducted that works for everyone that will be closed start at 5 instead of 6 is that good for everybody okay looks like it's good for the majority so yeah it's Tuesday because Monday is the holiday you good okay motion to adjourn so