El e e e e e e e e e e e e e regular meeting of the Carney Board of Education uh for the date June 17th 2024 in accordance with chapter 231 laws of 1975 open public meetings act this meeting is called to order to discuss regular board business please be advised that adequate notice of this meeting was provided to the Jersey journal and the Star Ledger notice of the meeting is filed with the office of the Town Clerk and posted on the district's website can I have a roll call please Dr boy here Mr B here Mr car here misser here Mr Mna here Mrs pedig here Mr Suarez here [Music] mrus will everyone please rise for pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for IT stand one nation [Music] indice okay well usually I do this but I'm looking for a motion to approve the minutes for the regular meeting and the Clos session for May 20th 2024 second I assume no discussion so we'll do a roll call yes yes Mr car yes m l yes Mr M not voting because I Mr P yes Mr yes Mr next is are there any observers who wish to speak on any agenda items seeing none and I don't have any on the sign up sheet we're going to move to committee reports U Mr viscuso for athletics and Student Activities first I would like to [Music] also we have a very good spring card [Music] 12 [Music] [Music] Champions ands [Music] [Music] also for the [Music] [Music] uh next committee report is curriculum instruction Dr Boyd ccul and instruction instruction that June 17 special services has developed in emotional regulation inment class IT addresses the needs of students unable to maintain satisfactory personal relationships tending to unhappiness and depression and well in physical symptoms IPS provide interventions and support a social worker and AIDS are included students will be gradually mainstream they one class of math and English societies are plan of September both we to apply for the CH and goals are Rec motivation Community Cary HED carage College 2 were SCA to Great comprehension of English language arts while content is the same as College PR one pacing is slow more targeted schs book break is a program which students and teachers are enthusiastic about there are 20 minute sessions T [Music] weekly needs personalizing Lear teachers can white to [Music] talk FKS in the library book titles ands are included in this report incoming par have access to the Showcase Video welome first day of school parent orientations and standard times kinderart orientations are being completed and moving up Ceremonies for are scheduled in Saturday times of schools I ready Ela pilot res show teachers and students life and PR by great percentages teachers gain a better understanding needs will monitor progress washingt to school the program Sumer have targeted agam activities and teacher supply list clarifi parent sh okay the next uh committee report is facilities Mr sarez thank you I first all right so this summer we have numerous projects going on Washington School H uh the high school Kary live renovation and third floor bathroom renovation Frank School uh classroom Improvement and the use at the high school gym and schol and next committee is finance M thank you all Mr thank you m b on tonight's agenda we do have a few contract awards for the 24 school year for conru mentioned we also have two Chief frankly Air Conditional project and we also have donations uh the next two committees are negotiations Labor Relations and personnel which is me um and all of my items are on the agenda uh the next committee is policy uh Mr mcken thank you vice president um there's no report the policy didn't me this one okay um we will now uh move to our presentations thank you I would now ask the board to sit in the audience so that we can recognize our re prorities and our spring Sports athes more [Music] [Music] all right good evening we are going to begin with our uh recognition of our enti on behalf of the Board of Education and the parent School District we are pleased to celebrate and honor our esteemed retirees each of these educated individuals has left an indelible mark on our district through their unwavering commitment to education their contributions have shaped the futures of countless students and enrich our community as they embark on this new chapter of their lives we extend our deepest gratitude to them and our heartfelt congratulations for their remarkable service so as I call each entire to be recognized we have a PL and like to take a photo uh the first is Rosanna Alan Mar caran teacher of byol Washington School 29 years service the next is Lor Paso teacher grade 8 m LOL Middle School 26 years of service next is jio teacher of art rank School 25 years to service next is Patricia to Silva teacher grade six sta friend School 11 years of service next is Genie elist par professional Middle School 24 years of service next is Rio teacher School 31 years next Barbara lman par professional Skyler School 15 years of [Music] service Jessica mcms teacher grade s linol Middle School 22 years of Mary Mc teacherart the school 25 years William Mullins teacher of physical education High School Ry par professional party High School 26 years of service Anthony Scara custodian Lincoln Middle School 13 years of service Allison Walters teacher grade one Franklin 35 years of CLE Joanne Weber secretary guidance office Cary High School six years of Serv Glen white and custodian sty School 30 years of [Music] service and last but not least John zman principal Washington School 33 years in Serv recognition of the retirees I'll pass it off to Mr Al our director of for our spring sports athletic recognition thank you very muching everyone I'd like to thank the Board of Education this is s our central office Carney High School administration and staff and the community of Carney for their continued support of our athletic programs and taking the time tonight to recognize our student athletes the first team I'll be introducing is our boys Tennesse unfortunately Mr soop was unable to make today but I have the honor calling up the members of the bo tennis team the team that finished 88 and you may be thinking why is that special well last year the bo tennis team was 0 and 13 and they embod the characteristics of life skills we're trying to build in our student athletes of perseverance and dedication to your craft to be the best athlete you can be and with that 88 record that was overall in their division they were 62 and that that means a lot for these kids to come back a following year after such a love season last year and making a significant difference so I'd like to call up the members of our boys tennessy putting your hands together starting off with one of our athletes of the month earlier in the year Mr Chris Montesa I got excited I'm sorry let me call up our board members who are part of the athletic committee all all the way on the other side I couldn't see it Mr ruso this is Burke and Mr M just our certificates these fin cont and we have LC Senter Michael was talking a surprise told go to the Netherlands didn't come through but who knows you got two more games you can progress possibly [Music] we have arante and wter Flores Andrew aers Edward Lopez our manager Ty Morales R malen and AA [Applause] and we have our voice tenness trous turn I'd like to call up our coach to introduce members of his team next uh for our softball team Mr [Music] first I like Tok entire atic department for this season uh the board of education for one uh putting together the linoln school team this year which actually out right now celebrating their season and also for allowing us to beach always a great time for us so thank you for that uh this year was a very successful season we were 12 and 8 um we've had um making we've been making stries year in year out we fit some low spots and now we're starting to make that turn back up where we're uh queens of the county so just everyone of us give us another year or two back up there um we have four girls we like to recognize with us here this evening first is a freshman Madison Rodriguez next is juniorista and now uh two of our seniors who will be leading us this year these two uh first let me go back these two uh so they were honorable mention this year for us few seniors that are leaving us we have a total of four S Ryan Stephie nrer andera we all be moving on to bigger and bigger things so we wish you all the best first I like to bring up Stephanie and then last but not least Sarah Sarah and Stephanie were first team All County selection this year have to apologize to Mel next time I'll bring the appuse sign up for our next Co I like to introduce for our track program is Mrs Ken good evening everyone um we're here to celebrate the team so we had [Music] a us um verys were and [Music] that and [Music] very I miss person when I was I know there a lot people Miss but I'm sorry but some up there and I don't see esante she's a junior um she does Sprint row and she scored in the county 100 joh is not here because she's currently at.com student award ceremony anding all you saw on Instagram V [Music] for so keep your have S on she does the 80000 and 3200 she won both the 1600 and the 3200 in the soft champion senior hler 12 member of championship team a little [Music] bitler County and senior Sanz Junior [Music] G senior pisil Cil senior arz senior SOS senior 80000 3200 is a 12 season athlete she is a top student athlete she will be running at on State [Music] 16 and 32 athlete team leader and she will be attending the University of [Music] delen count for the groups 800 12 season athlete um he will be attending University [Music] onor 3200 also Seth and will [Music] 4 to 16 he is the team leader you'll be attending rers University honors medical [Music] program 32 he's a 12 SE athlete [Music] University R impression Lucas qualified for the New Balance Nationals in the Jain and he went to University and is very big it's Runners and throwers from all over the country come to the [Music] [Music] SE multiple events and also qualifi for forent [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] next up I'd like to introduce our head crew coach Mr Brian Kanye welcome and thank you very much foration support Witham um great season like out two two major two major achievements this year two happen we have 52 R uh which was a huge last year uh more than half of our of our current we not so that's really good news good rebound from Co the second thing is that uh we had a yeah we did very well against AR trials in bille defeating them Sly have homew in five of our important races uh in our not our our lightwe for our lightweight double and um our not a safe not a um lightweight [Music] for anyway all those races those great achievement we had last year so i' like to recognize our athletes uh go Daniel D our lightweight and I'm sorry and [Music] our B [Music] michaeler Mara [Music] chal guy for four years Cru and Captain congratulations with you seven SE and [Music] [Music] and J program 4 years congratulations conratulations also the j4 [Music] [Music] Mar m Al [Music] [Music] and like to recognize here we go [Music] [Music] technology is wonderful sometimes is the.com game chers award re what last year she suffered at BC there return better than ever both basketball and TR fantastic next I'd like to call up our Cote for the bo vol team coach Mia [Music] hello everybody I'm coach but I coach here it's my first year here at the program I was a former player here so it's pretty surreal to be up here and you know talk to all you but first I just want to let you guys know I appreciate the support the Board of Education everybody here has a very good supportive staff that help me along the way this year I would like to say this season has pretty successful in my eye I mean I wasn't expecting a lot coming back from this program uh to winning the leag this year you know County semifinal beting two powering teams this year um I thank you all to the supportting the boys this year they really help me along the way so now I just like to acknowledge every single one of them for this big achievement on this year uh first off Yuri do Santos who is not years uh Christopher Del Rosario also David piski who is also not this today G Cova Jonathan orz we Kyle sza Joshua Gutierrez I would also like to acknowledge this player is second Team all County and honorable mention Joshua pza this next player unfortunately cannot be here today but he has re second team on count as welli sophomore Caleb Baptista Junior Denzel hman I will also like to player first year playing with the program and you got our men in the county Jonathan [Music] pillo our manager who is not here today Sharon L per is not here today other manager quada now for our last player I would just like to acknowledge uh coming from coming to this program hearing who I found out going be back in this program it kind of inspired me this season and I'm pretty sure you guys know his story inspires you guys as well not only did he play The Kill record he also got County player the year so that is a huge accomplishment in this County boy volleyball I just want to call him William Will [Music] you sure bro [Music] [Music] [Music] one more saw the boys [Music] and our final our baseball Co [Music] coach I'd like to thank everybody tonight for coming out to start by thanking Mr ala keep cont contract with us South season for with our new school board now but it's like like to thank all the board members um this year was a team uh through the past couple years our record wasn't what we were hoping for we really built and really put in work and ended up going 11 and0 in our division and again it was a total team effort you know we we have everyone from freshman all to seniors putting in the work and guys who got one impa and guys who got 40 imp passs were a part of our season it didn't matter how much time you got it didn't matter how you know you were there you were an intricate part of our team through practice through play through bench through everything and we really utilize everybody and I'm proud of what these gentlemen put out this year uh first sophomore outfielder also received honorable mention Benjamin Wilson another honorable mention freshman infielder predom short stop us and pitcher Julian B Junior outfielder also All County outfielder Jaden Diaz uh he is I did not see him not sure but he was also third base for us and with fall County Third Base edar pz Junior first base Jonah MZ another outfielder sophomore is freshman in fer Ken Jan freshman pitcher Bron Mor senior catcher Jo J senior pitcher first B Emi William mches W freshman infielder Al see senior catcher Victor Hansen senior infielder trade with senior outfielder and a big pitching arm for us Anderson as and last but not least outfielder John thank you very much second [Music] you want to turn one one they just [Music] [Music] put [Music] there that was still on [Music] one more first one more sorry I had to say congratulations of yeah okay next up is the report of the superintendent this inar thank you vice president L I request approval of part one Personnel a through o with the exception of E7 and K5 which will be a separate V and item E12 which will be Val second is there any discussion heing non roll call Bo yes Mr B yes Mr car yes M yes Mr M yes Mr P yes Mr yes mrus I request approval of part one Personnel item E7 some second any discussion roll call yes Mr B not voting to to Mr car yes M yes Mr mcon yes Mrs P yes Mr yes and requesting approval of part one Personnel item K so move second any discussion call Dr boy yes Mr B yes Mr car not voting Mr yes Mr M yes Mrs Pig yes Mr Schwarz yes mrus I requesting approval of part two non-personnel items a through U some second any discussion roll call vo yes Mrs B yes Mr carry yes Miss Lind yes Mr M yes Mr pedig yes Mr Suarez yes Mr that concludes my report thank you vice president next we have the report of the business administrator board secretary Mr F Lind thank you one findings looking for motion a to e and g i second soov second Dr yes Mr B yes Mr carry yes M Linda pson yes Mr Mna yes Mrs pedig yes mrz yes Mr Department of Finance [Music] so move second any discussion call yes m b yes Mr car yes m l yes with the exception of check numbers 18849 and 1 19058 to kendin beler as I have a comp interest Mr M Yes except for any check made out to the contest coration Mr P yes Mr yes [Music] Mr so move second any discussion roll call Dr boy yes Mr B yes Mr carry yes Mr yes yes Mr M yes Mrs P yes Mr yes Mr three personel from A to Z some move second is there any discussion roll call Dr Boy Yes Mrs bur yes m car yes m l yes m m yes Mrs P yes Mr Suarez yes [Music] Mr ask from 81 to 8:15 so moved second any discussion R call yes Mr B yes Mr car yes m yes Mr M yes Mr P yes Mr yes Mr my report of the board attorney Mr Lyon B uh several things were covered in Clos but I do have one resolution for a public session I'd ask the following resolution be uh moved and seconded be it resolved by the Board of Education of the town of party uh that it hereby approves and accepts the terms of the negotiated settlement agreement reached in the case of B P versus the Cary Board of Education which is pending in the New Jersey Division of civil rights so move second is there any any discussion roll call Dr boy yes Mr B yes Mr carry yes M Linder yes Mr M yes Mrs Pig yes mrz yes Mr yes okay is there any new business hearing none are there any observers who would like to be heard at this time seeing none um we close out that portion and we just need a motion to ad second um all those in favor I any opposed orain goodbye good