[Music] thanks everybody we up okay are we rolling yes I am making this notice in compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 laws of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting a copy on the bulletin board at bur Hall forwarding a copy to the local source to store Ledger and the home News Tribune and is posting on the burrow website at least 48 hours prior to the meeting this meeting was contained on a list of meetings set by resolution on January 3rd 2024 and as amended by resolution dated March 6 2024 accordingly the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied in regard to this meeting please stand for this salute to the flag I to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and Justice roll call uh mayor Carlovich here councilman Bole here councilman finella councilwoman J danana pno here councilman Morrow here councilman scarice here councilman Zimmerman okay is there a motion to accept and approve the minutes from council meeting of uh June 5th 2024 motion second councilman Bole yes councilwoman janana pno yes councilman moral yes councilman scarice yes okay I have a proclamation for St Teresa's 75th Anniversary I'd like to read is there someone here from the church yes oh great thank you okay whereas the year 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the Church of St Teresa in korth New Jersey which was and continues to be dedicated to the service of God and the Pastoral needs of the Christian faithful and where as in 1949 re Reverend Sylvester R McVey officiated the first mass at the church of St Teresa marking the humble beginnings of this house of God through God's grace devoted Christians continue to gather on Washington Avenue between 22nd and 23rd Street whereas on kwor lands a permanent place of worship open to the faithful which dedicated priests staff a school active in diverse Ministries and the most importantly faithful and generous parishioners who embody the living living body of Christ in our community whereas we give pause honor and praise this day for the deep and abiding Christian commitment to those who in faith begin this work and for all those who have given so unselfishly over the many years to help nurture the growth and meet the needs of our community and whereas it's a pleasure to extend this expression of esteem and best wishes to Pastor Giovani Rizzo and to the Parish Community of this congregation on this Memorial occasion of the 75th Anniversary now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and Council of the bur of kennworth New Jersey urge all ciens of citizens of kennworth and surrounding communities to join in recognition and appreciation for the parishioners past and present of this Congregation of the Church of St Teresa for their faithfulness and Christian contribution to our entire extended community and witness whereof I mayor Linda Carlovich here hunu signed my name and officially caused the Barrow uh seal of cworth to be affixed this 19th day of June 2024 congratulations happy anniversary thank you so much congratulations on behalf of St Teresa uh Church um the 75th Anniversary committee Wanda Paul myself the entire committee we' like to thank um you for your support uh this this last 75 years um we've had a great relationship with our community and we hope that the next 75 years does the same congratulations thank you okay so I have an announcement so this is not just I know this is a council meeting but this is not just any council meeting this is a special council meeting because I uh would like to take a moment here to celebrate and honor an individual whose dedication service and Leadership has profoundly impacted our community it is my honor to recognize our chief Seuss tonight Chief your journey with our Police Department in this community has been nothing nothing short of outstanding over the years you have demonstrated unwavering commitment courage and integrity your career has been a testament to what it means to Serve and Protect with honor and distinction you have led your officers by example instilling in them the values of respect fairness and community service your leadership has not only made our streets safer but it has also built bridges of trust between the police force and everyone that you serve your efforts have ensured that our community remains a place where families feel secure and businesses Thrive the Legacy you leave behind is one of progress compassion and Excellence beyond the badges and Beyond the titles it's your Humanity that I want to celebrate today you've been a mentor a confident and a true friend to me to everyone in this Barrow your kindness your empathy your ability to listen has touched my life very deeply you have shown me the truth that true leadership is about more than Authority it's about service compassion and making a positive difference in the life of others I hope you take with you the knowledge that you have made a lasting impact on myself and on this community your contributions will REM be remembered and cherished for years to come and I'm deeply grateful for your friendship you have truly been such a great role model for me I wish you Joy health and happiness and all your future endeavors may you enjoy this well-deserved time with your beautiful family you're not getting rid of me cuz I'm coming to visit you and I'd like everyone to please uh join me in extended uh extending our warmest gratitude and our warmest wishes to our chief Seuss for happy and fulfilling retirement unless he comes back again time approach the microphone please approach the microphone I was going to have you stand at the microphone while I was saying this but I just want to say um for once speechless uh I blame Angela for this I told right uh that was beautiful and I that means a lot to me just because it's coming from you mayor than and I consider you a dear friend and I want to thank you you for I said to you before giving me what I consider my dream job I love this town all my heart I love this department and with all due respect to every other Chief in this County you could offer me any chief job in the county I take this one every day and a week and twice on something this has been my dream job the last three three and A2 years have been three and a half of the best years of my life uh it's stressful it's pressure but you know what I wouldn't have it any other way I love this community community and I've said it I'll say it a million times it's a hard time to be a cop but I wouldn't do any other thing I wouldn't go back 30 years and do anything else this is the only job that I would ever take there only two jobs I'd take over this and that's Rockstar andal so uh but from the bottom of my heart mayor I want to thank you you are a dear friend I want to thank the members of council uh for your always for your support this is a this town is special it's special I think that coming that blue line down in mid of Boulevard and I want to thank the other department heads Greg has become a very close friend uh Mark Mike I'm sorry Mike I've known all my life uh we got just great department head Angela has been a treat to work with uh and I said it the other day we are just blessed to have wonderful people who work for this town wonderful people who Steward this town and care for this town and God bless you I I wish you all the best in the future you guys will always be my heart thank you thank youo we're going to miss you I'll miss you guys putting together a photo montage of you getting drenched by the kids every right that's a good idea for Friday now I have something for Friday there you go we n days okay uh Finance report councilman fenestella is absent uh Department of Public Works councilman Bole thank you um the DPW collected and disposed of 246 tons of solid waste for a total cost of $119,000 collected and transported 195 yards of mixed vegetation for a total cost of $438 collected and transported 35 tons of loose combing old recyclables for a cost of $3,293 um the DPW recently received a revenue check for $326 for clothing collect throughout the C burrow during May 2024 thanks to a sponsored clothing recycling program and as always you can go to the burrow website for any DPW information that's it thank you councilman Department of Public Safety councilman Zimmerman is not here uh Planning and Zoning councilman Morrow uh thank you actually question for uh the uh DPW committee last meeting I think we talking two meetings ago we were talking about Recycling and I got a couple calls um I know when one person's out the trucks can't go out have we looked at the routes again cuz people are calling about it and just wondering what what a solution might be go back to single stream what what what have we come up with any [Music] progress cig so I was talking actually just recently very recently day with Angela regarding this we're trying some new methods um to see how we can uh make the route faster back down to one day we can uh there's certain avors I want to address and go over with my committee and uh in meetings before we address the public with it m so okay sure I'll I'll say tight I'll uh we are working hard on it it's it is it is an issue um but I don't have the analysis right now in front of me but the cost savings from going from Dual to single is not something for us to ignore and while I have those numbers I'll address it to my committee first and then you can present at a council meeting sure and you know um we were talking last time about hiring more people so that also is a substantial expense so I would be interested in understanding what we're saving from the single stream from Dual stream uh or if we have to hire somebody else to maintain what would be a greater savings so I would be interested in hearing that so I I'll sit tight um wait to hear what you guys go back with thanks thank you great all right thanks mayor I'll actually get to my report now um I'll keep it quick uh the planning board met last Thursday we had a resident's application to redo the exterior of his home uh over on the South Side by the spaghetti streets there plan looked beautiful uh planning board walked the the resident through the process uh wound up approving all the variances so looking forward to seeing the new home pop up where the old one was uh we've had one since the last meeting one more application deemed complete by our professionals that'll be coming to the board at our next meeting uh and we have about six more going back and forth with the professional so uh still going to churn through them stay busy uh looks like it'll be steady at least from the building department uh they've been very busy with permits and inspection since the last time we talked code enforcement itself has seen a rise in complaints over the last couple weeks 10 over the last 10 days log for the month um they were all things from no permits for pools and fences and sidewalks to Property Maintenance and unregistered cars and driveways so all have been addressed accordingly we did just see a blip though in the last couple weeks uh zoning saw one complaint since the last meeting where uh I believe we had a resident come in and talk about that uh the end game of that was uh an inspection was done uh end result is that the resident has about 10 days uh 12 from the day the inspection was done but 10 from now to bring the property back to the way it was before uh the resident came up to talk about what happened there uh so that's been addressed uh zoning permit applications have been streaming in we've seen 10 so far for the month we've got various things for pools fences decks home editions and AC units um and we also have a uh new business coming to town opening up at 720 Boulevard next to the wizard Auto Body it is going to be called AJ cos excuse me Cosmetology center AJ Cosmetology center uh and that's all I have mayor thank you okay thank you is that um in the LJ building uh not sure yeah I saw them doing work over there yeah where they had that restaurant site that never did it's in there oh okay good so they're actually doing something with the property you know the co- enforcer I just want to uh just take a moment to he really does a great job I just want to like publicly acknowledge that you know he really he's very responsive if I've asked him anything I've asked him he takes care of and it's really he's really an asset to the bar and you know sometimes people behind the scenes don't get the really the accolades they deserve so I I just want to you brought him up tonight I wanted to just say thank you thank youy he's only working 14 hours uh a great job and really packing that schedule and so thank you mayor I'll make sure everybody watches that one last thing there's a behind the Cam's Market there's a dumpster there somebody was complaining like oh what's going on there do have anything do they apply for any permits do they have a permit for the dumpster where's the dumpster in this right in the parking lot in the center of the parking lot not I've heard they post it are they supposed to dumpsters in the senior lot have been a complaint not not this lot so I ask the person came to me and I see it cuz I live there but um I guess it's the market what is the middle I next to it yester all right so you can't miss it but I don't know market right behind it yeah isn't that their property they own that is private Market the market doesn't own a lot no but the the landlord yeah so they're putting it there something's going to go on why El they would need a dumpster I they would need a permit for that yeah you still need a permit the basement if they had the permit would they put it in their window back like the back door or they have to put it onto the uh dumpster itself I only know how that works on the burrow uh lot say behind the senior center where there's designated areas for the dumpsters I'm not sure about in the private lot no this is never there it's usually it's not like for garbage waste this is a construction it's like a 40-footer this that means some kind of construction their own for garbage behind that yeah yeah they had their smaller ones for just their garbage but this is way bigger this is the biggest size can get so check looks like something is about to happen they ripped the part basement oh is that what happened all right there you go maybe I'll check what in the on the perm yeah okay very good okay thank you uh Recreation and fire uh councilman scurries thank you mayor all right start with wreck summer camp begins Monday uh June 24th registrations are still open but will be closing on Friday the 21st of June swim night registrations are still open swim nights are scheduled for the uh 20 uh June 27th and July 25th 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Clark pool moving on to fire department uh fire department grant for $440,000 is being used for turnout gear equipment and as a reminder the uh fire department annual summer carnival is going to be August 12th to 17th um and that's so I have for now um also i' to wish the chief all the best health and uh relaxing fun retirement and welld deserved and thank you for your service it's great to see Hometown people like you said and um it really takes an interest in a town and it shows thank you thank and he's tan too going down the Education Health and Human Services councilwoman gardo P thank you mayor um not too much to report in the uh board of education project still running as planned except for that graduation was gorgeous last it was gorgeous it was gor congratulations to than um and at the same time there was a grand opening of Magny our new uh resident down on michig Avenue beautiful construction Machinery very well attended wonderful um display of machinery and food and drinks and all of that so both were going on at the same time actually they said they knew that you couldn't be there cuz you had to be at the uh graduation um so that's I just wanted to point out how beautiful the field looked and everything for the graduates uh the health department uh they really don't have anything going on I did bring up um the properties that were discussed last council meeting on the Boulevard and on cross street but the health department has no notices from anybody no violations no calls coming in to them um if they did they would have addressed it uh I just wanted to see if they were involved and anything I do notice that they're cleaning up the property on the boulevard it looks really nice um senior picnic we know that was a great success but they got a really nice write up in uh the paper about everybody being there um so uh that was it on there and then the library has many more programs going on in July and August I urge everybody to call the library register they have very limited especially for the kids very limited availability and they do not have board meetings in July and August so I won't be able to relay anything that may be going on there so I really urge everybody to call the library 98276 2451 get the kids registered they do have a lot going on um and I wish pette was here I'll tell you I mean pette um H I'm looking at you thinking of Shirley but I did bring up to Lorraine about partnering a little more with the seniors because they have a lot of programs there that tend to be uh senior driven and with so much going on at the senior center maybe if she could either come over and share information CU there is a lot going on at the library um and that she was telling me that they donate their books to the senior center um but there is a lot more going on as far as uh videos computer usage and audio books so um if you could pass that along that would be great and that's all I have thank you very much councilwoman uh Barrow engineer Mr gallerano okay thank you mayor actually really don't have much um just want to update on the uh Paving project uh Maplewood and Ashwood are pretty much complete uh pav saing is done uh there's still some cleanup work but you know substantially complete uh I think it came out pretty good uh all of the drainage issues on neighorhood that are all resolved um including the Su pump issues Flooding at the at the bottom of the road at the end of the road so uh you know that's all all in good shape so and that's pretty much all I have how was that resolved that was the guy that own the last 20 ft or something yeah well there was there there was one house that had a s that was continuously running for all the time so that was tied into the uh that was tied into the store we put new drainage lines in there so that took care of the the drainage issues on the road we also tied in um the sun pom so that no longer be running down the gutter that'll be now draining into the drainage system which actually connects to an existing Inlet all the way at the end of the road actually off into the grass area which ultimately goes down into the stream so um kind of two were two issues it was a sun pump and then it was just a Road itself had water and nowhere to go so and it was icing the end of the road was just like icing and the winter was like an ice skating ring and the people in the end they couldn't get into their driveway because there was like always ice in front of their driveway so that's all all been corrected so that's great new good uh anything on the Wilshire uh project we got to mess with yeah we're just still tweaking that design um I did speak to the owners and U what it's going to look like we're probably going to move that system over across the street onto their property they said they had no objection to that so that's what we're kind of final finalizing that design and then we'll talk to them again before we actually do anything just to show them what we're doing but uh they were on board with it they said you know whatever it takes to to get it done so that seems like the best solution uh and that's we'll probably pursue so awesome um what about in the back where Penbrook was eroding the guys property is there anything I wasn't familiar with I don't know if that one came across our desk which property was that yeah it was uh P what's the street it's actually it's um it's in flood control might even be on County Land he came in here saying he was he had to move his fence back cuz it kept the roading I know there was an issue about um you know what the EPA will allow you to do or something you know if they had to dredge it or yeah I don't know if that would keep across our desk but I mean if if the the if that's along that same stream um yeah there there is limitation what they can do um even though the streams are roading unless it's threatening like property or you know threaten become like a uh threatening life for you know property DP doesn't really like it to touch it so not not the one that's in between maybe I'm saying that wrong don't go towards it's on it's on the outside of town like we're it's right in front of the Dyke oh when you get towards the county property yes yeah um and again the same rules I mean they're going to have to they have to approach the EP and see what they could do so nothing we can do they have to contact the County or something well if it's on County property yeah they they should contact the county if it's on their property it's going to be their responsibility um and they'll have to contact the EP and see what they can do or not do but if it's our County property then they should contact the County engineer and see if if they'll do something but again it's you know there's limit a lot of limitations what you can do with the BB so if it's out in the woods or something or in the back it's not really threatening anything they they may limit what you can do that's you know again they got to figure out their property or the county property okay thank you Tony okay thank you Tony barl CFO will not see him uh bar ter mayor uh I don't have any report there is a contract that's in the package if anyone had any questions it's the interlocal agreement here to answer that number thank you m administrator um just um you see we did a couple of quick updates the fireworks I did just today I got the permit from the county so you know for the use of Black Brook Park that did come today um there's a couple resolutions in here but I think they're pretty standard if anyone had any questions the Medicare Part B payments which we do semiannually the liquor licenses which are done annually um and that's about it um I will just wanted to point point out I did get a notification from the county regarding the state uh Planning Commission is working on the updating the state plan it happens every so years so many years um and they just at this point asked for a contact if we want to opt in um I did um I did reach out so when I get information from them I will share it but at this point that's kind of all that was okay that's all I have U Angela did you uh figure out the port like how many we need or for the portons that actually was dictated by the county it's based upon the number of people yeah it's the number of people and the number of hours that the event is going to take place so yeah I believe it was six regular and two uh ad wheelchair accessible how much was that have an estimate what that was going to cost just yeah we did get an estimate and it was uh 2500 2500 okay so yeah just C thank you but it wasn't there was not flexibility in the number of uh that we could have yeah they have a formula right number of people it's a big Grid it's based on number of people the number of hours the event is going to be held um so yeah so okay um and Greg is handling working with them to make sure they're there and he worked with the vendors so will they all be set up on in the main parking lot or will there be somewhat in the other parking lot spread out maybe I um I was honestly going to be deferring with Carmen and Mike scary on because of the placement of the fireworks sure that they're far enough away so we don't have to bre landing on them and also with the police department if they can have any insight I'm just going to collaborate with all the department heads are involved so this way we can find the most optimal place to put them based on where was who the place so okay we'll work that out when they get delivered on Friday okay thank you mhm okay thank you yeah Greg is I guess I'll do a little update Greg is also working on getting the fencing put up so his department is doing that we've been working with the chief and the captain um we did get one driver for the senior bus um and uh I spoke to him today about logistics and the captain who had has um kind of a plan for that so then they'll be in touch it is just I want to just note a couple things on that it is not a guaranteed ride there and back cuz he's not we're not take saying okay anyone that got a ride there is I'm respon he is not responsible for saying I'm getting that person back on the way home it is going to be um uh courtesy shuttle rides for anyone who wants a ride to the event from the school and back from the event to the school so if you need a ride make sure you get to that shuttle bus right after the fireworks we are coordinating and confirming the times that first in line the apprach the times that's it last ride um yeah but we're we're working through that we'll try not to leave any men men behind so where are we stopping parking it we're not going to let anybody onl yet what what's the story um I I don't know if you know P Chief I know that uh I think we should encourage as many people to walk and usually people do yeah we we're really going to try to limit the amount of cars in the immediate area black park there we're going to we're going to have stops on all the streets from uh shevan down toward Park okay so we want to encourage as many people as can to park further away and walking we don't we want to keep the mix of cars and civilians to a minimum um so the more people that can walk to this this this thing the better there's not going to be any parking really allowed of than residents anywhere near anywhere near the right so tell people like you said Park in in the the high school and either walk or jump on the shovel bus that's not too uh that's not too bad right we'll have we'll have different Crossing points at 14th Street uh by High School what have you so we'll get people there safer great thank you and home and uh just to touch on what the chief was saying about Crossing um Chief I've been working with somerson County Union County um painting right um they're going to they're in the process currently of repainting that crossball oh okay blackbook Park while on 14th Street that you requested earlier yeah we talked about that for a while so that that should be done hopefully by the end of the week they they had already had it um stenciled out anything like that I think they'll probably ping it tomorrow cuz they left their signs up so they'll get that done at least I don't know about the W line but definitely the crossw G time for the fireworks right all right how long did it last there so much traffic is wore it right out the problem is is that the state mandates that we use waterbased paint on roads nowadays it's thermal paint and thermal is very expensive so waterbased paint can last anywhere from a year to 2 years depending on the the traffic but there's a lot of heavy truck traffic and the tires usually drag behind trailers when they're going around turns and that's a that's a snake turn right there yeah so I was thinking it was it we used to use oilbased or was it what was a long decades Longo but last yes I think it was lead based same thing with asphalt asphalt used to be different too it doesn't last but um thermal is probably the most expensive one out there but expensive for a reason that save us money long run if we did that would i' have to i' have to look into it I've never looked into it before um the county doesn't offer thermal okay um but there is a vendor here in town that does line striping I'm going to reach out to them because we got to also do all of our wos and crosswalks on the rest of our streets too so we're going to work on that this summer while schools out so we can get it done before school starts again yeah so even crunch the numbers see what's better in the long run yeah cuz every 2 years and it sounds like a lot I don't know what they're charging but uh we get maybe 6 years or something maybe 10 years yeah I say one to two years on a heavy traffic Road on a slow Road it'll last about longer yeah depending on traffic okay sounds good thank you so Chief I know there was some concern about the vendors and everything most of them dropped out I saw that yeah it for a bunch of different reasons twin kicks has a tournament the next weekend um the cheer can't do it because of all the graduation parties this this weekend so we're down and thank you Angela she followed up with the county to finish everything get the permits we have one food truck did the did the candy one go through she said she was going to talk to somebody she talk to someone in Westfield the C uh Freeze Drive candy vendor I did not I don't know that one I don't know that one and um PTO Noel and that's it yeah okay no ice cream yeah I just will give a shout out cu a lot of people put in a lot of work uh recently um uh for the fireworks so chief chief Greg Harman uh Mark even on getting this uh agreement worked through um Pat with the vendors there were there was a lot going on to get through what the county needed um it really did their requirements kind of changed at the I know last minute and we're so a lot of people kind of jumped through some hoops and so Kudos and thanks to everyone so thank you I just hope they all thanks it's going to be a blast a good time don't no very funny okay is there a motion to accept and approve barel reports motion second all in favor hi sorry um we have one ordinance for final adoption tonight it's ordinance 2024-the 5th 2024 an ordinance amending ordinance number 20247 affecting employment titles salary ranges and Personnel policies for burrow employees of the burrow of kennworth is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 2014-11 motion second all in favor I I does anyone have anything to say on this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward and state your name and address seeing no one is there a motion to close the public hearing and adopt ordinance 20241 Mo motion second roll call uh councilman boil yes councilwoman Jana pno yes councilman moral yes councilman scarice yes uh ordinance 20241 has been adopted is there a motion uh next for Council consideration is a consent agenda is there a motion to approve motion second uh the consent agenda consists of resolutions 204-1439 these resolutions will be approved by one motion all items will be recorded individually in full in the minutes councilman Bole yes councilwoman gardana pno yes councilman moral yes councilman scarice yes okay is there a motion to open the floor to the public motion second all in favor hi hi do anyone have anything to say for the good and wellbeing of cworth please come forward and state your name and [Music] address how you do and govern Rich 2412 I two have some aades that I want to share uh and I know self- phrase things so I'm not talking about myself but I'm Spen about by our planning board and our zoning board uh last night I had the opportunity to also visit magne and the people there just built a magnificent magnificent building uh the planning board picked the um the uh application apart they ask for things that they not only have done remember but they went above and beyond I know I saw Council Mar there as well Mr and um they they took what was an isore and they made it a beautiful place to even though there's heavy machinery there and I took the opportunity to start talking to some of the people that were before us that night and um they had some interesting things to say about korth how they love this community how they're bringing people in and it got me thinking about all the things that the planning board has done over the years like uh these big projects that we have uh put through because they were the right thing to do but it enhances all of our businesses in town by little bits and pieces they're becoming stronger and stronger so the restaurants are doing well they're bringing clients in from all over the world and they're visiting our restaurants and our coffee shops and our ice cream shops you don't see it happening immediately but but it happens and we're star to grow and I took the opportunity to ask a couple of business owners how are they doing these days and they're they're quite happy it it's not a big move it's not a big push but there is something to be said for the growth of K so I wanted to say congratulations and thank you to our planning board and how they put their best fo forward and I think we're making some good uh decisions in our town so that was number one number two my good friend the chief you know years ago many years ago if you asked a little boy or a little girl what you wanted to be that would have been the president of the United States for a police office and that slowly dwindled away after a while for many reasons but I think the police have gotten a bad rap um you know over a period of time but I have to say that the Kenworth Police Department headed up by Chief has always stand stood proud strong and he's a and and and Freddy's a good friend of mine so is his family and the thing that I have to say that really hit me the hardest was my grandson he looks at that guy like he's a God and he is he is he is he goes up to Freddy and he he doesn't realize he's the police chief he thinks he's his friend and that means the world to to a little boy y that means the world to a little boy who is going to tell other little boys about police and what they do how Freddy took them into the jail and close the door allegedly Alle and how that little boy put him in the jail for a couple of moments I I just want to say that's the kind of guy Freddy is and um the people that follow him are the same and and Fred you could to be so messed I know you and I I have a few more drinks down down south but I I want to tell you I I couldn't wait to get up here and and speak to you and on how much you're loved and how much we're going to miss you and I I just I wish you the best in everything that you do I appreciate that right that's all I have got a few times the water [Applause] okay anyone [Music] else is this backwards or like backwards okay I just want to congratulate St teres on the 75th year I've been part of that church since I moved into the uh into kenor um when I was young and we had a new family and this is where we settled um and been a a great place to very Community Wise It's been a great church and I just want to congratulate them also um being on the board of education and a senior and having worked in the Barrow with um Chief Seuss um and the superintendent of schools I had two losses this month it's too much superintendent leing and but I wish them both God speed in and God bless them um and I want to mention I was at the graduation 2020 for graduation of David Bley we had a special guest um Meredith cers who was inducted into the wall of fame um the wall of Honor it's called um she's a peab and awardwinning person um we should be very proud of our school who doesn't sometimes get a bad rap um because we are producing great people so wanted to say that and one last thing the Kenworth seor Club in December will be celebrating 60 years in existence and we will be playing some kind of a very special uh event dinner or lunch or something I want to give a date December 12th will be the date in the process of arranging everything and I hope you'll to support us and be there thank you thank you than you okay anyone else okay seeing no one I'd like a motion to close the floor for public discussion motion second all in favor hi hi does anyone have any other items they'd like to discuss uh yeah I got something uh there was a thing about the parks whether we should close them entirely or istitute a curfew Chief I don't if you had time to think about it I was thinking maybe unattended minors like if a parent brought their kids there that would be okay so I'm thinking it's unattended minors might be PA an issue what do you think so we have an ordinance on the books now at at uh the parks Clos at 9:00 2100 hours uh since we've reopened the parks this week on on Monday uh we've been a lot more stringent about closing the parks down shutting them down at 9:00 I talk to I don't know what I was talking about I think part of the I don't want to call it a problem uh but uh what seems to be driving a lot of this is is the nice basketball court you guys put at it will file it on no good deed goes unpunished you know you try to direct the improve your parks and it seems like that's drawn a lot of the attention and a lot of the problems uh you know we used to let that go it's going to be a hard stop now at 9:00 from this time going forward I think we need to talk about whether what time we end know we talked about the previous meetings what time we going leave the bathrooms open whe whether we want to close them down early lock the bathrooms because we that's where we've got a lot of our damage from uh as far as curfews go I mean that's something for you guys to talk about and and discuss theend miners that's you know I'm old as does nine is nine a good time cuz I think we may need to if that's a time that works for everyone we may need um can it be sundown there's an or there is a place in the that I think will need to be updated there is a spot that reflects seasonal hours right on and then it provides what time of day that would mean two sets of number winter :00 at 5 it's too early because there's soccer practice and all that going on so I think this is something Angela we should get on the agenda because we will have to look at those times again and I and I will definitely do that I just would like again know if we to get a consensus of the times I did get some feedback there were some varying opinions so it wasn't a one so I think will um my biggest opinion is I don't care what time you open and close it but if if children young adults are not going to be respectful they're not going to be respectful at 4 or at 7 and I really think that's the biggest problem like Paulette was saying sometimes the Board of Ed gets a bad rap there's some really great kids that are coming out of rarely high school and um I just think that if you have a few kids that are causing a problem if they are pulled up brought to Justice whatever that sends a bigger message to not just the kids accountability their their families like look at what's going on and that's really the issue you know and it does start with things that are said back and forth to kids and the mean Behavior so I mean I'm in four of I build Parks so to close a park or close a restroom and somebody really has to go speaking from a mature woman's point of view I'm going to find the nearest spot to go and then that's another problem so how do we monitor it to me is more of a more of a uh question can we Engage The Local people that live around there to be eyes and ears go to the school during an assembly and say Hey listen guys we did all this can you join forces with us and and police it yourselves like talk to your friends and say hey cut it out and and don't do things like that and and maybe the peer pressure in a positive way will slowly diminish the adverse Behavior I think that's an excellent idea if you want to maybe take up in the beginning of the school year next year my my SRO is just choose a rock s and I would volunteer to do that I you know maybe yourself her whatever because I'm sure you know councilman teres grew up around my time to tell you when we went to the Parks when we were kids we didn't dare do anything because Ronnie and Miguel were able to dragged my head across the bed and the older kids watched out for us until exact like you said they kind of police themselves and I think we need to get back to that a little bit and I'm not talking about some of the criminal behavior and all that we'll handle that end of it I think it's more of the just the the unruly the meanness the uh language the the kids who will tell a grandmother goes down where her kids screw you we're not getting off the swing right that's the kind of stuff that I think we need some kids to step up and be leaders down there police themselves so I think maybe an assembly in you know in accordance with the school probably be a really good place to start next year so I don't know if there's something that could be done with more police presence during the day and when they see it you know they'll think twice about yeah we do we routin park checks all through the course of the day I know you guys have seen my guys are encouraged to go down to the parks and stop and get out and play basketball with the kids go in the Parks walk engag the kids so and I think that's great even though I saw on Facebook couple people said it wasn't but I disagree I think I think that's Community I think that's the best thing you can do and that's I think the stuff we're going to be doing all summer and and we'll go from there yeah you say they're local kids CU there some dispute between if they're out of town or kid depending on the email you read we have any idea do we actually there are some out of town kids I'm not going to blame all the problems on out of town kids fights we had two weeks ago we're all we Town Kor kidsor kids so I'm not going to blame all the bad behavior on out of town it's there's there's a lot of bad behavior in the world heory now I think people have forgotten how to be kind and courteous to each other and I'm not sure how we we get that back but I think a lot of it starts in home starts in in paring and reminding kids what's expected of them you know taking some pride in in our town and in our parks and then these you got pride of beautiful parks for these kids take pride in them and and tell them what you know what we expect of them we we have the tools available so you officers the I know they used to take you they would at least bring you home maybe not to headquarters but you know if there was unruly um are they allowed to do that is it I don't know if you needed any assistance so if they saw something they bring bring this kid back to their house and say hey a Station House adjustment which is basically in Li of formal punishment uh it's just taking them home if the kids's receptive to constructive criticism as it may be to Station House adjustment and we can we can have them wash or have clean the parks if we catch somebody do a graffiti oh will be clean that Graffiti Off to maybe repainting the walls what have you well that's a really good idea you know something something along those I was actually just thinking of bringing them home I remember if you brought home but theop brought you home that was like everybody but that's even better I like what you had to say I mean if that hope that's not the case but if is yeah I was just thinking make sure you want to make sure you have whatever tools you need yeah so did we answer your question we still do need to update it because it has to be in line with our signage the ordinance has to be in line and it gives the Poli going to bring that up as to what kind of we need appropriate sign as to what you know what want to say and do so whatever the times are that you want and and I I don't disagree with anything you said but I think that the code needs to be inine with the signs and then if you need to enforce it you know hopefully it doesn't get that but it gives the police also kind of the backbone to do something if they need to what was it Cur the current the times right now are from Sunset to 6:00 a.m. they're closed but during certain months so in January February uh March October November and December it's 5:00 p.m. in the other months April April through SE September it's 7:30 p.m. so I think we should update this to whatever times everyone agrees I didn't get a consensus it's a quick and easy ordinance change but I think when we know what it is that we can have the right signs in line and then everybody's on the same page okay um and it's not meant to try and close them earlyer it's it's not it's whatever the time is it's just that it's you hard to have yeah and it really all has to be in line cuz there are some signs that said 9:00 there were some that don't have a sign and we wanted to kind of get it all okay um so the bathrooms are like impossible because as soon as you close the bathrooms then a grandparent calls up and says I had a 5-year-old kid during the day while the kids were in school right now I lock 16 Street unless there's an event Street yeah and and they are all going to get um the automated locks so Demario has them you said you lock 16th Street you you do that it's not the rec director there soccer or something like that it's not the rec director well the BS are I thought DPW did it yeah and I'm I'm going to stop you for a second cuz no what we're doing is and they will be controlled by um public works so right now Demario has the automated locks they're on a timer we are working on six I don't know the latest on it and I don't mean to put you on this SP but we talked about getting they are coming for 16th Street as well po has been created and sent out great cuz I Parts come so with some of the stuff going on it did get moved up in priority Greg and I talked about it a little bit ago so that's happening that'll add some structure and then what happens is and we discussed this with um the rec department so what's going to happen is they're going to have set hours if there are certain events that will need them open at different points then that'll be coordinated and the timing gets adjusted it's very easy to do so um we'll kind of work through that so I think five and 7 5 in the winter and 7:30 in the summer is good in the winter it can't work cuz they do soccer practice in the late home I think that this yeah but I think this is more for the playground it's the park it's the whole the actually the way it's worded don't have any make an exception for organized yeah yeah Clos to General Public so yeah maybe we can do that kind of thing so but by townwide or Town sponsored events Can it can be open except sponsored events that's a that's a good option if you want to do that is it the lighting is so good the soccer sports programs are townwide and they are what' you say you don't have to post that on the sign you just have to no just that's what I mean right yeah yeah okay there lighting that good you can play a night game basically there's so much lighting right at 16th Street that's a good okay so that so they have like yeah we got plenty can keep playing I if you want to that's a good solution [Music] actually okay okay anything else I guess we'll work on it work times okay there's nothing else uh can I have a motion to adjourn make motion well do I have a second did I get a second second all in favor [Music] sh [Music]