I'm making this announcement in compliance with the open public meeting act being chapter 231 Public Law of 1975 was at state of New Jersey the planning board secretary has prepared a schedule of the meeting of the planning board of the burrow of kennworth for the year 2024 and posted a true copy of this schedule on the bulletin board located at the front entrance of burrow Hall and has mailed true copies of this schedule to the local source and Star Ledger and is maintaining a copy of this schedule in Bur Hall accordingly the notices of the requirements of the open public meeting act has been satisfied in regard to this meeting can we stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I put Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay roll call Mr pno here Mr Morrow here Mr kenti here Mr scary here Mr DeLuca here Mr Dunn here and Mr pisi here okay uh do we have a motion for the April 11th meeting minutes on move moved by Mr Clemy seconded by Mr scary all in favor why don't you guys come up here what are you doing all the way back there there's two seats right there yeah I mean there's seats up here fellas come on we need help the Cool Cats never said them yeah the cool cats right any Communications Kathy no chairman okay seeing none resolutions luk no resolution so we have some new business the application 24- David spranger 331 coolage Drive block 101 loot uh number eight Mr spranger C no this is good public okay um before we get started do we need to swear us yes why don't we swear Kevin and Christian in with regard to this application do you swear any testimony you may give show you the truth I good that was our board engineer and our board planner um Mr spranger I guess you here uh conducting this whole thing on your own right I my okay how you doing all right so um with this you know the the board a lot of people are sometimes afraid of the board but we're a bunch of nice guys and girls and we're here to help and guide you along as well so any uh thing that Mr O'Brien can do to walk us along with this it'll be uh somewhat of a smooth transition I believe okay appreciate it Mr CH are you if you could raise your right hand please with regard to this application you SAR and the testimony you may give shall be the truth I do all right just for the record again if you can state your name and by your last name David j spranger s p r a n g e r and Mr spranger the applicant and owner of the property coowner of the property I co my wife okay good thank you Mr spranger if you could um this is being recorded and video so if you could speak up and project so when uh the people at home are listening they know exactly what you're trying to do understood all right so where do you want to start sir I prepared a presentation in response to Shamrock Enterprise's planning report okay just would you like to do that now um we can start there or I can give you a rundown of the overall project to be honest let's do that let's go the overall and then we'll go to vide tape okay sounds good uh so the the work that we're presenting to do on the property is to do a renovation of the second floor I currently have a cape cape style house there's an existing uh expansion to the right of the house and on the rear of the house the renovation that we're proposing is to redo the second floor in in order to meet the existing foundations all the way over um it's really an upgrade for Aesthetics it's an upgrade for uh space usable storage um and living space is really we're trying to up um we have a family of five we have three kids one older child but our two little ones are quickly and surely growing bigger um and we're finding that we're getting into some spatial constraints up that um in addition to that I am a disabled veteran um with Marine Corp and some of the elments that I've recovered from that injury have caused me to kind of need some additional stuff um such as larger beds adjustable beds soaking tubs things of that nature which my current structure so is that a short and sweet um this is your show so I believe from what I understand the variances that I'm requesting the board to consider um are in regards to the sidey yard on the we'll call it the right side yard setback um current requirement is a 5T requirement um I have 3 ft currently on the first floor um that's what the existing foundations are that's what the first FL existing is uh we're proposing to extend through to the second floor not looking to overhang just maintain that 3ot set back on the side property um Mr I need to interrupt here one second I should have said this to you earlier we have six planning board members here tonight okay and how many does he need as far as an approval have seven how many seven where's the seven oh Anthony okay you have seven okay you need you need four of the seven you need four of the seven so we don't have a full board so I just wanted to let you know that understood um the second aspect of the request is for the reer setback um we are proposing in ground pool um which will be 3 ft from the property line in W life um one of the considerations that we're opposing is that the town does have a property behind there which is a lot 40 which I'm sure some of the people in this room are familiar with it's property that runs from behind 12 houses up through I believe it's lot 13 where it's up to 37 ft behind my property is 25 ft uh it's unusable property um for the town in sense of access and just for clean use um Adent to that is Cranford AR so there's plenty of open field grass area behind us so that we're not impacting any other neighbors or any adjacent properties okay so if we got I think I'm going to go to video may I interject not not yet not yet excuse me you you excuse me I the only way you could do that is to be sworn in and yeah because we have to know who you are and what you're talking about at this point so we can't just have the gallery doing that okay it's something bad no no let the applicant come on up please complete your testimony and then you can and you'll have a you'll have a turn okay just don't forget what you're going to say she's a photogenic uh you want to go to your videotape is that it I believe that's the way I'd like to proceed okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to move over to the side or shove the lights and um let's see uh what we're going to do hold on let me just move this stuff oh we tested it before the work session hope it Contin slowly brighten up um are these excuse me um you had submitted with your application a number of I gu Aerials I did submit some aerial photos these are incorporated into that there's not going to be any new information even even this um not the family photo that's morethe okay so everything else is we already have start off the everything is on documentation all right thank there's not there's not one new thing that we're going to see here that's not on your plan that you could think of the family but that's really not part the family's okay because they're all cute handsome beautiful Mr Rego may want to enter it as an exhibit just just do it do that all right A1 will be the family photo thinking like I took Google snapshots and response to some of let's turn into an exhibit it's clean okay perhap the entire presentation should be exib we because there's more pictures there's photos throughout this yeah okay A1 will be the the enti packet if you want to call it that of photos okay we're good okay uh so I prepared this in response to Shamar Enterprises planning report um I'm just going of responding to the items that were brought up um that's the best way to move forward with this um so I don't I assume everybody has a copy of that from yesterday's report um this is just a quick jump back for me so the plent comments in regards to number one the applicant should discuss the reason for the addition and discuss what the front of the house will look like what colors will be used and how they will interact with other homes in the street um this is identified as their number one uh as I mentioned earlier in this presentation about the reasons for the addition um I can talk to the color scheme that we are currently providing um through that what we did is we just used some houses in the neighborhood one of these this one specifically is on North 22nd Street um these are the what you call it the general color scheme that we're going with a lighter brown roof uh stage green type siding and off-white Type window Tri um we are looking at stone work on the bottom of the foundation as I'm sure you saw in the zoning plans um it'll be a filled Stone of Earth bones all right the other uh inspiration photo that we're calling it is this one which is demonstrating the wood tones that'll be used on the front of the house at The Gables there's a similar detail on the proposed plans that show that detail just to give you an aesthetic video over any questions on that um number two is how does the proposed porch covered stoop comp with the existing your neighbor neighboring homes uh have covered STS so the answer to this question is simply yes um And in regards to the existing my backward all right so our front entrance so on the left you'll see a photo of our front current stoop it is a existing covered suit um on the right is the proposed Frontage um you'll notice the only change is that the stairs are no longer we're proposing to have them come straight up towards the street as more welcome welcoming and inviting uh versus going the sideways down along the property or the house structure um this is an overhead shot of the plan I included this just to give a demonstration and a visual that blue line represents the existing porch uh the new is superimposed which is the darker lines um you'll see that that porch area is not increasing closer towards the street all right um in regards to the neighboring properties there was a a question that was raised about new neighboring homes have covered Stoops um presented this just so that I have a visual reference um again you'll see 331 is kind of flashing out is here uh 315 coolage 327 328 335 43 and all the stars that are pointed at are all homes with cover porches um on the front of the house tach these are a couple of photos again using Google Images just to give you some visuals uh this is our direct neighbor on the right side as you're looking at the house uh 327 folage it is a cover porch very similar in style to what we're proposing 335 colage is my immediate neighbor to the left um it has a covered porch however no columns but still stairs coming from the front um a couple other homes 328 coolage is diagonally across the street from us um it is a newly renovated home which also has a covered porch 3 363 although the number jumps high it's only six properties away on our property left um and that is a very similar style along with my immediate neighbor um to the style that we're proposing in the pl all right and then some other miscellaneous photos you noted there's quite a few cover pages that are very similar fashion to what we're proposing um there's several more uh just chose to save you the 15 minutes of running through goog um that's our response any questions on questions so ask good appreciate thank you sir uh existing garage extends pass property line and proposed garage conform to accessory building setback please describe how the garage will complement the proposed home in style and color um all wood tones Ching color and trim colors will be identical to the main structure okay uh number four is an identifier which is the property is 50 ft by 112 1/2 ft or 56,000 um sorry 5625 ft um which is larger than the 5,000 ft required for the single home uh residential lots in the R5 just as a note I don't think there's a comment there for that uh to the South or rear of the property is burrow own Lot number 40 which runs East from Arbor Street but is 18 ft wide and 550 ft later to lot 39 in granford um which is behind lot 13 on Co Drive uh where it is at 37 ft uh this is identified in the tax lot which um Mr O'Brien included in his response with the letter um you'll see that property does run for quite a while one thing to note on this which is in we're going to get to it again a minute I believe yeah that's number eight so all stand by for that discussion May Mr spragger maybe we could just go to where there's an actual question so if you wanted to drop down perhaps to uh number eight has there been any progress on the status of lot 40 uh and your property so the current uh issues there current operations of Lot number 40 we inquired when we first bought house in 2015 about what the status of that lot was we received notification from the burrow that there was an intent to sell about 40 that be subdivided submit a certified letter I believe it was called out to be $1,000 per property um at that time we submitted our certified letter to the town with the intended purchase um since then several requests I guess we can say have been made about the status of that lot division from what we understood it had to be subdivided and red divided in order to have each property line up with property lines um and as since we both my neighbors and several others along L 4 have made the same request um from what we have not heard any current status of that um our hope and next expectation is that in the future that will come out um and things will work out in all favors where that property can be purchased and extend that Reet back line I'm sure there's some concerns thank you uh number nine the pool does require fense um sir what what is proposed uh we're proposing a 4 foot chain offense I think 52 in is required for is it 52 52 in shall be 52 it is 52 okay uh where will the pool Mechanicals be located out of 10 uh there's two locations that are proposed uh one is if you corly adjac into the pool um and to the garage on the right side as you're looking at the property plan uh the other is adjacent to the deck where there is a space of the deck away from the property correct it's in the middle of the property okay so between pool garage ta yes okay interor okay uh thank you pool lighting is there any pool lighting proposed uh we are proposing to do underwater LED lighting nothing above nothing above and number 12 survey shows that existing roof from the garage and what's called masas or mask walls what happens to them is part of this renovation okay uh I did include this photo just so you can see a current status of what the backyard looks like I'm as I noted early I'm a little bit of a visual type person um this is that mass wall uh that is scheduled to be removed and replaced with uh dirt and grass replac with what dirt and grass oh okay and the number 13 the concrete pad in the back that's already gone yes sir as is the pl structure noted in number y so uh 14 the plot plan doesn't show a way to access the pool from the back of the deck um so as of right now the current drawing and just bear with me while jump and I use my semi Vision this okay um yeah on the left yep so uh I don't have the ability to zoom good stuff all right I apologize for how small this is but hopefully this is enough um so on the right side of the property is the car way back to the garage yes sir I'm not sure if it's delineated there is a line between the deck and pool and the garage I'm not sure that's driveway okay is it so what I can answer is the driveway currently is identified through here and this dark or light gray line is the edge of the existing driveway that's proposed to be brought back to the edge of the stairs um the constru drawings will show a concrete pad at the base of this there um and that will then turn to grass and for access to the pool access to the okay so people are going to be walking across grass to get the pool which is not ideal for a pool it is it is what it is okay up to you time to put it out yeah I I know we're tight on uh inerface coverage and I don't want to risk any issues and walking across grass isn't the end of the world does your impious cover number on the plan reflect the fact that the driveway is coming to the right uh it does not it actually shows it to the existing one so you've got some SP you do apparently I don't know how much but you've got some room and I presume the driveway is going to be cut back to the front to the front of the garage so that moves so you may want to consider that before the end of the hearing give some thought okay what it be a fair statement to say that if a lot of coverages permit I'll put a side imp you know the pap type impious walkway from point A to point B with a restriction that says m uh cover that's your proposal sure I attest to it gentlemen you need to speak up so we could hear you on the mic and I can't hear you here my apologies number 15 uh no attic plan was provided I presume that it's just storage and or Mechanicals that's correct the attic is storage it is a standard style frame attic um it'll only be used for storage Mechanicals the access to that is through a Scuttle type at and what's the size of the attic is it the same second floor it is it is 1,44 Ft um tapering from zero at the EES to 114 is what the proposed as of right and the same with the basement uh there's some squiggles on the plan but but they're not identified so I presume some stuff is going new stuff is going in stuff exists so with the the zoning drawing so that way you can see what's already documented and not looking at forward documents and this is what you're looking at so this is the layout of our basement I assume those lines are these ones these boxes and the circle plus the wall which is um dashed is that proposed going away uh so okay so I see where you're going this dash line is the line of the 5ot set back which is that that note right here okay and the to the left the utility area is Dash lines so this dash line here no to the left of where is stated is utility area there this dash line is an existing Foundation line which is no longer load bearing which would be REM okay okay so this is an existing space that's already has a concrete floor to it just to make that so that's opened up and the stairways go away and Stairway relocates to this side okay um this Dash box was a discussed proposed slide from the first FL to the basement um we're not sure that that's even going to happen it it's just something to identify where it would transpose between first floor and B okay nothing else is proposed down there no sir the the this Dash box I'll just explain what everything is but this Dash box is the existing utility where the hbac equipment is being proposed to move to here um this circle is as I noted a landing location for that box and this dash line is the existing chimney that's being removed all utilities are going to Europe so what is a little confusing to me and I don't have a plan in front of me because there not too room but when I look at a plan and I see a hash line or a DOA line there's usually a graph on the side that says this is going to be removed but you have do lines all over the plan some are proposed some are removed am I correct yeah I believe there is a legend on this room um that identified the the line weights of what was proposed demo um sorry I'm jumping down to another drawing but uh the intent was to show the like right dashed as your existing to be removed and then your heavyweight lines are your proposing so could you go back to that other illustration in the plan absolutely okay do you can you see that on the plan yes sure I mean you could see the uh let's call it the darker line being proposed all right so that I couldn't see and it wasn't clear which is why I asked what everything meant okay but all those lines as shown there are on the printed plan I got I see I know that they're on the plan but you you could figure out that what is being removed and what is being replaced no I could not which is why have that on the plan yes sir you you follow me Mr spranger if you go to the top right of this page is that the legend that you're looking for or are you looking for something that that is a legion and it says existing wall construction to remain existing construction to be demolished but when I look at that hash line Billy I see them all over and I can't figure out which one is going to be removed and which one is proposed so there should be some type of other illustration whether it's a cloud that says this is going to be removed and something else I I can't see it from here and I don't have the plan in front of me which I read plans every day so that's uh is if it's clear I'm not going to make an issue of it it's not clear no it's not it's a simple it's a simple adjustment and there's Dash lines that I think it'd be easier if everything was labeled the legend does explain a few things but not every okay and what was the square footage of the basement 960 what lighting is proposed for the front entry uh we're proposing down lights I have okay and the rear will the rear deck be covered no is there any lighting proposed there not at this time okay um and that concludes the questions I had did you want to provide any other information from your presentation I don't have that okay did you want to respond to Mr quo's letter he ra [Music] yes you can go to uh I believe sheet two starting with the uh grading utilities May Mr I'll just I'll just read uh on sheet on page two of my report gring utilities um you're increasing the impervious coverage of the area um was there any thought about putting a seepage pit to kind of reduce the flow uh going offsite uh the original discussion that we had with our design team uh was that we're not increasing our overall footprint L all should be similar um we do have that vast expense of grass behind us uh that run through so outside of just the roof coverage everything else is in the rear of the property if it's required or where does everything kind of drain now right now it drain get down to the surface on the rear of the property like the garage roofs go straight down to the grass um in the rear and then gutters lead on the back side of the house lead out to the grass on the front side of the house go out um are you going to be redoing a lot of uh your roof trains when uh um you could probably do construct a small seat pit um if you want to put something in in either the front or the rear yard and it'll help alleviate you know runoff going off the the property um we can look into it the the concern with the front of the yard and I know one of the comments that you had on the front was to plant a tree along the frontage um the concern that I have with that is is an operational or usage um under the front porch directly down the middle is where our sanitar line runs to the right of that is our gas right that is our work so we start to really encroach in on square foot worry about roots and things like that see Pitch pits I don't think problem I was I was actually going to ask if if I could do that in the backyard and have that run to the back like the back of that the back leaders the rear leaders rear the house leaders garage leaders things of that nature R go that's that's fine so you're saying that a seage pit in the rear of the house is fine he's going to he's going to have a pool back there correct yes and where does what is that water going to do just is there going to be laterals off the SE pit or just dissipate into the ground dissipate into the ground if you want to put maybe a little um uh like casting on top can be plastic in case if it in case if it overflows it could just bubble out and go out towards the rear of the site all right so that's not part of this plan correct that's not and that's something um we need we need to talk about the size where yeah it would have to be it would have to be designed [Music] stre I mean usually we we requested but there is a if there is a concern about a sanitary sewer line I'm willing to be I'm willing to wake that than and U are you doing any um improvements to any of the services leaving your site sanitary water gas during um the curb replacement project that the town did um our sanitary line replac up to approximately halfway up the property okay um we are going to replace that remaining run because as I know it's going to be under the front suit so we don't want any future problems where we have to Pi up PR you're not going to have to open up the road to no Swit okay was that road recently paved 2015 or 16 no wait well it was it was redone in 2015 and then the gas company came in and we did it again few years later and obviously you're okay with getting great improvement from the town absolutely and that's that's all I have that's all you have okay so Mr spranger um you understand that as a variance request from the board you've got to show what's called a a positive and negative Criterion that um got to show the board that there are unique properties um to to your lot um that affect this application so in this case would you talk about would you think that those unique properties [Music] include the fact that you've got this uniquely shaped property you've got all the properties along coolage you have whether by Design or by ignorance have extended their properties into the vacant land behind them um as yours has over the years you didn't get there till 2015 uh would you agree that that's a unique circumstance absolutely and do you think that another unique circumstance is the fact that um in service to your country that um you suffered from that service and that having a house that caters to your abilities is something that advances the good of the birth yes sir would you also think that this application would meet goals of the master plan such as ensuring new residential development is consistent with and compatible to existing neighborhood car yes I do so do you think overall this application uh meets the um objectives of the zoning ordinance the uh goals of the master plan and that this application could be approved I believe it does I have no further questions sh to the board okay um are you finish with your presentation yes sir does anybody from the board want to look at anything else on that okay so why don't we shut that down close this throw the lights on and and we'll have some discussions right Luke [Music] right we're going to provide electronic cop that yes um I think uh if the board wants to hold some of our discussion before what we could do is open the floor to the public and go from there and um I think what we could do is call Mr spranger back up after we have uh heard from the public okay yes sir thank you very much thank you all right someone want to make a motion mot second motion B by Mr Mar seconded by Mr Clemente all in favor all right anyone from the public wishing to speak on this application you can come up now yeah I would like you to state your name and address I've lived 45 years in canorth my daughter was born and raised in canw but I was not and when they spoke about the pool back in the80s the Soros the grandparents everybody lived on the same block so they had a built-in pool in the back cement pool and one section was 4T and the other section was 6 feet and you know they do like take over arm Avenue Landfield land and squ those had corn and like a farm back there back the80s but they moved to freeold then the people that bought the house I don't remember their last name Linda and Andy had the pool for their children and they moved I think I don't know where the heck did those people move to I I don't know if it was New Brunswick's or one of those places cuz there's you know East FRS with whatever and uh so there's always been a pool there and what I'm about to tell Alex David is that they can have excavate like get all that dirt out of there cuz the cement is all there and there's drainage and then all you're doing is like refurbishing and going back to what existed there in the past and they're good neighbors nice people and I'm happy that you know they're going to be able to build and expand and their children will inherit whatever they have beautiful beautiful right yeah it's beautiful story yeah and there's nothing like a man that hugs his wife in the courtroom well I'm a widow so yeah recent Widow wow well thank you very much thank you it's it's nice to hear that the neighbors have support of what what another neighbor is doing so thank you for coming up tonight in the neighborhood I'm not a jealous envious person I have a place here and I have a place in Thomas River and I said Live and Let Live that's and maybe you get to use the pool if it's approved well thank you so very much for coming up do you have anything else no no I know I'm loud I'm sorry no you're not loud you're perfect can you spell her last name can you spell your last name please oh okay it's l u a c s Aces like cardplay for didn't run I don't know why I think I'd like to hang out with you they made me come here right yeah hang out with yeah they made me come herec all right thank you very much anyone else from the public okay seeing no one motion to close Mr scad made the motion to close second by Mr DeLuca all in favor hi hi hi guys uh we need to talk about this a little bit right unless she still wants to talk you want to come up here so um Mr scary so the only way we early place I see them increasing the um property line varing would be in the rear with the pool my brother lives kind of near them and I know the hassle he's been going through for the past two years to build the pool and uh buy the property behind him um it's been you know he was here at a bunch of Council meetings of nothing but a headache for them so that's really we shouldn't be punishing people for you know a town not the lawyers getting involved in kind of making it more of a problem than it needs to be um that property can never be built on built on so it's MH you know and everybody else if you go there has sheds has swing sets have vinyl fences have you know everything on the town property lines already so you know I really don't think we can punish somebody for what our town has not allowed people to do mhm okay I I agree with Mike on that and Mr did address that runoff and disturbances that the setbacks would really be accounting for kind of MOT in the scenario with the Orange Avenue field being back there and then this vacant land so I agree with what you're saying there about where where they're increasing it there's really no Hazard that's good okay anyone else any Mr DeLuca I recall us talking about this property many many years ago yep and uh it is landlock property it is of no use to anybody but the adjacent property owner I believe we determined that years ago if you remember and uh it was supposed to be some formalities and then the Lots were supposed to be made available for purchase how that dissipated I have no idea but I think uh it's it's worth us maybe inquiring about because it is a a benefit to people that live there because they are maintaining it they are maintaining the properties they are utilizing them and they're again of no benefit to anyone but the so uh I I've heard many other residents have the same problem uh I mean at some point I think uh I know I mean I guess the council would have to approach so last year the they went up for auction and nobody bit on them and we spent money to do that and make the advertisements and then people came back to council meeting talking about it again and there was just a missed window we can why would they V for the lawyers had the protocol lawyers have nothing to do with this and they always seem to be a when they get involved in this I and I'm not not property rights are a serious issue that require lawyers I'm not I'm not argu but it just seems like it it seemed like many years ago it was a cut and tried deal and that it was to be done and now for some reason is just you know want to be continued because I'm sure this is a problem that I don't have an answer for you don't have an answer for yet uh but uh but the funny thing with that is so they were auction off a bunch of the properties they're all about the same width the the house the properties of the houses are on are all about the same width give or take behind my brother's house it happens to be broken up in three individual properties but three houses down it's the width of the whole property but it's one property so they were all up for auction behind my brother's every lot was $4,000 so my brother had three times 4,000 for the same amount of property that the other guy was going to that the minimum bid was 4,000 how many how many actual pieces of property are we are back there do you know it's hard to tell maybe n was subdivided from one long strip okay some of them they were in the past they were purchased by the uh by the homeowners at some point if you go on like the JIS map some own home owners the majority of them aren't and it's just there's garages built on them there's sheds there's if you ever look at the aerial views it's pretty all right uh did you have something to say yes so two things one just a suggestion one a kind request um I would suggest not a chain fence perhaps because you live right behind the school and I'm thinking about someone SC fence easily popping the pools and I there in cars the trees uh I own two homes on to of Court one family since 1948 which one they planted all these trees and I've never had any issues with um SE line obstructions and also sewer insurance is pretty low if you walk around our neighborhood there those trees are all about 70 80 years old and the picture 20 years from now they're all going be gone they're getting Cho down weapon right um it's really going to change our whole neighborhood we talk about SE pitch and stuff all the time to me planting a tree would be nice so just consider planting a tree the best time to plant one was 20 years second best time is today good neighborhood not much of a risk to your what sort of Defense would you recommend back my parents have a they have pool too might Granda but they have a four so you can do a c Stu but it's less less easy to scale is there a 6ot fence now up against the school prop school property there nothing right now it's a 42 in landscaping fence just to keep the kids from running through because the existing fence that was there when we bought the house uh we busted it and was getting very sharp to our kids and because it's not our property we can't take much spent from it so we put Landscaping just to okay um you gentlemen have anything the board May uh wish to consider that uh the B plan should be uh identified and that the seage pit should be added to the pl plan and uh the bo design on the street tree is year okay okay you Echo those words Chris yes see how I got you out of that so I too feel that the uh the um spranger should not suffer because maybe the borrow U didn't uh act quickly or do what they would supposed to to back when and it is there is no one behind you to say that uh you need that 5ot setback and you're at three it's you probably have more setback than anybody any one of us have right so uh I do agree that the the fence should be uh camouflaged somehow if you wanted to uh go from that 48 proposed to the 52 and you could put the slacks in that fence rather than changing the whole uh Motif so somebody can see because it's going to be the newest thing say uh if this is approved that there's a pool there now and I know when I was a little bit uh younger like last year I would probably go and jump into your pool however the underwater light that you talked about the LED it's not an obstruction to anybody it's perfect it's subdued um the imper impervious coverage I I understand what uh Chris was talking about it seems like you got it all covered but I do agree that it should be implemented on the plan about the seepage pit this the size of it and we can make that and we're not uh very big on conditions here at this board level but we could talk about making that a condition of an approval where uh things like that can uh uh like the labeling of the plan to delate what is uh removed and or proposed right and we could do that and um if this is approved you wouldn't have to come back up here as part of the condition you would get those plans over to the engineer and and the um planner for review and I think this board would recognize that by them putting eyes on it that we would be okay with it because they're very very simple adjustments am I correct okay so um with that being said um I would like to see if someone like to make a motion to approve this app M Kevin prior to that if I mayair yeah so during your discussion uh reminded me that uh Mr spranger has discussed adjusting the walkway to the pool and it's impervious cover uh is the board okay with him submitting a new plan showing a walkway to the pool provided it is under the impious cover well based on that that would also be part of the condition I think it would be uh a plus to the plan uh and listen if the board disagrees with me that they would want to see this again and put them all through this again it's two or three very small adjustments I think this could go to our professionals that's why they are professionals and I think we can make this thing work do does this board agree yes sir okay okay and the last it shman is the fence is a little squirrel so what is it the fence is a bit squirrel what are you [Music] nuts what do you mean defens of squarey I'm trying to be photogenic here I like it I like it I have a photogenic memory [Music] there should the applicant put a fence across the back of where the fences currently go legally he can't cuz it's not his property but the code requires a fence to be put in to surround the pool right so I just want to put everybody a notice that we're not quite sure how the zoning officer code official is going to see this um but a 52in fence is required it's been suggested made a vinyl and perhaps Mr quo and I can work with the bureau to try to work out a reasonable place to put it even though it may not be under the jurisdiction of the bur well think you guys could work that out okay right we talking vinyl or slated slated to CH so are are you um sorry are we talking vinyl um or CH slided chain link to avoid kids climbing up you know so you could put the chain link with the uh slats that go in there and then they can't climb it you could also have the decorative slat that looks like tree branch that you know almost like a Christmas tree material that they can't see and it will give you you'll probably like that so there's privacy as well the non the non-climb well non climbable he would have to go down to a 1in fence a 1 in no really a one not 1 in high a 1in fabric okay the 2-in fabric is where they can put their feet in and grab but a 52-in fence anybody who is athletic like myself will just jump over that fence so I I I you know okay if you just work your magic there with the um building department and let's move on okay okay so is there a motion to approve this application based on the conditions set forth one is the 52in high fence from the 48 the others are labeling the plan also size and dimension of the seepage pit low location of same and also labeling the um the different areas of proposed and removal and uh the sidewalk where that's going to go and H what size material being used put it on a plan and part of the condition is that the board would uh accept it going to the planner for the final review and then we could go from there how about the attic for storage and uh and the Mechanicals only that was indicated I I wouldn't put that as part condition do you guys want to put that part out condition no it's not even steps going up to it it's a Scuttle with a ladder so it's a Scuttle right yeah we'll take it out take it out kids might use it for a year or two then they get older and they don't want to climb a lot anymore okay so you heard the um what I had to say and if anybody wants to make that motion based on what I just said let's do it motion made by everybody right motion made by Miss scary seconded by [Music] um who is that Mr dun Mr Dunn I'm sorry Mr Dunn I always do that okay roll call please Mr bno yes Mr Clen yes Mr scary yes Mr DeLuca yes Mr done yes and mrat yes too by the way and Mr Mara congratulations folks great job and a wonderful presentation I have to say it was uh refreshing and absolutely thank you for your service I mean yes sir goes without saying okay thank okay we're going to move on real quick cuz we could close this out before you close your computer any comments for the go to the board all right see you none well actually father gentlemen thank you beautiful Happy Father's Day Billy and to all that was very very nice okay uh is there a motion to open this to the public motion made by Mr KY second by Mr all in favor are you going to get up again you're the public you want to talk anymore no all right a motion to close the meeting made by Mr tomorrow seconded by Mr Dunn all in favor motion to adjourn adjourn adjourn all right everyone um thank you very very much it was a great meeting congratulations so you know what you have to do right Mr sper accordingly the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied in regards to this meeting we stand for pledge of allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay roll [Music] call um mrno here Mr Mor here Mr David here Mr clti here Mr pantina here Mr Mao here Mr Le Mr sary here Mr D here Mr beluca here Mr dun here okay that's done a motion for the approval of the minutes of February 8th motion made by Mr scary second by Mr AO all in favor I how about that Frank okay I'm going to skip over Communications for a second because I think uh that's going to take a little bit more time than item six uh the resolution application 23005 I I think we're going to have to carry this to our next meeting because of the um uh Kevin what was going on there they didn't give us the proper paperwork or the plan what actually have because I wasn't here for that meeting uh chairman the board requires the applicant to remove the side steps the right side of the [Music] house they had originally proposed enclosing them and making them part of the house the board said no you can't not only not expand but you got to remove those steps because the board was very concerned about the amount of clearance of width between the property line and the house itself the applicant did submit revised plans prepared a scheduled the meeting of the planning board of the burrow of kennworth for the year 2024 and posted a true copy of this schedule on the bullet board located at the front entrance of burrow Hall and has mailed true copies of this schedule to the local source and Star Ledger and is maintaining a copy of this schedule in Bur Hall accordingly the notices of the requirements of the open public meeting act has been satisfied in regard to this meeting can we stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay roll call Mr berno here Mr Morrow here Mr kenti here Mr scary here Mr DeLuca here Mr Dunn here and Mr pesi here okay uh do we have a motion for the April 11th meeting minutes move moved by Mr clementy seconded by Mr scary all in favor why don't you guys come up here what are you doing all the way back there there's two seats right there yeah I mean there's seats up here fellas come on we need help the Cool Cats never said them yeah the cool cats right any Communications Kathy no chairman okay seeing none resolutions luk no resolu so we have some new business the application 24- David spranger 331 coolage Drive block 101 lock uh number eight Mr Springer Kathy how no this is good publication okay um before we get started do we need to swear us yes why don't we swear Kevin and Christian in with regard to this application do you swear any testimony you may give show you the truth I do good that was our boy engineer and board [Music] plan um Mr spranger I guess you are here uh conducting this whole thing on your own right I am my White House okay how you doing all right so um with this you know the the board a lot of people are sometimes afraid of the board but we're a bunch of nice guys and girls and we're here to help and guide you along as well so any uh thing that Mr O'Brien can do to walk us along with this it'll be uh somewhat of a smooth transition I believe okay appreciate it Mr are you if you could raise your right hand [Music] please with regard to this application you swear the testimony you may give shall be the truth I do all right just for the record again if you can state your name and by your last name David j spranger s p r a n and Mr spranger the applicant and owner of the property co-owner of the property I co-owner my wife okay thank you Mr spranger if you could um this is being recorded and video so if you could speak up and project so when uh the people at home are listening they will know exactly what you're trying to do understood all right so where do you want to start [Music] sir I prepared a presentation in response to Shamar Enterprise's planning report okay just in would you like to do that now um we can start there or I can give you a rundown of the overall project to be honest let's do that let's go do the overall and then we'll go to the video tape okay sounds good uh so the the work that we're presenting to do on the property is to do a renovation of the second floor uh currently avocate cap style house there's an existing uh expansion to the right of the house and on the rear of the house the renovation that we're proposing is to redo the second floor in in order to meet the existing foundations all the way over um it's really an upgrade for Aesthetics it's an upgrade for uh space usable storage um and living space it's really we're trying um we have a family of five with three kids one older child but our two little ones are quickly and maturely growing bigger um and we're finding that we're getting into some spal constraints of that um in addition to that I am a disabled veteran um with Marine Corp and some of the ailments that I've recovered from that injury have caused me to kind of need some additional stuff um such as larger beds adjustable beds soaking toes things of that nature which my current [Music] structure so is that a short and sweet um this is your show so I believe from what I understand the Varian is that I'm requesting the board to consider um are in regards to the side yard on the we'll call it the right side yard setback um current requirement is a 5T requirement um I have 3 ft currently on the first floor um that's what the existing foundations are that's what the first floor existing is uh we're proposing to extend that through to the second floor not looking to overhang just maintain that three fo set back on the side proper um Mr SP I need to interrupt you one second I should have said this to you earlier we have six planning board members here tonight okay and how many does he need as far as an approval have seven how many seven where's the seven oh Anthony okay you have seven okay you need four of the seven you need four of the seven so we don't have a full board so I just wanted to let you know that underst um the second aspect of the request is for the rear setback um we are proposing in ground pool um which will be 3 ft from the property line and will um one of the considerations that we're opposing is that the town does have a property behind there which is a lot 40 which I'm sure some of the people in this room are familiar with it's property that runs from uh behind 12 houses up through I believe it's lot 13 where it's up to 37 ft behind my property is 25 ft uh it's unusable property um for the town and sense of access and just for complan use um adjacent to that is Cranford orange school so there's plenty of open field grass area behind us uh so that we're not impacting any other neighbors or any Adent properties okay so we I think I'm going to go to the video may I inter not not yet not yet excuse me you you excuse me the only way you could do that is to be sworn in and SW yeah because we have to know who you are and what you're talking about at this point so we can't just have the gallery doing that okay it's nothing bad no no oh let the applicant come on up complete complete the testimony and then you can and you'll have you'll have a turn okay just don't forget what you're going to say she's a photo uh you want to go to your videotape is that it I believe that's the way I'd like to proceed okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to move over to the side we sh the lights and um let's see uh what we're going to do hold on let me just move this up Ted it before the work sessions continues SL like right now um are these excuse me um you had submitted with your application a number of I gu Aerials I did submit some aerial photos these are incorporated into that there's not going to be any new information even even this um not the family that's moreth okay so everything else is we already have so I don't have to mark everything is on documentation all right thank there's not there's not one new thing that we're going to see here that's on not on your plan that you could think of the family but that's really not part the family's okay because they're all cute handsome beautiful Mr Reg may want to enter it as an exhibit just just do do that all A1 will be the family photo I'm thinking about like I took Google snapshots and response to Let's enter into an exhibit it's clean okay the entire presentation should be an exhibit we have because there's more pictures there's photos throughout this A1 will be the the en packet if you want to call it that of photos okay we're good okay uh so I prepared this in response to Shamar Enterprises planning report um I'm just kind of responding to the items that were brought up um that's the best way Tove forward with this um so I don't I assume everybody has a copy of that from yesterday's report um all right this is just a quick jump back for me so the pent comments in regards to number one the applicant should discuss the reason for the addition and discuss what the front of the house will look like what colors will be used and how they will interact with other homes in the street um this was identified as their number one uh as I mentioned earlier in this presentation about the reasons for the addition um I can talk to the color scheme that we are currently providing um through that what we did is we just used some houses in the neighborhood one of these this one specifically is on North 22nd Street um these are the what you call it the general color scheme that we're going with a lighter brown roof uh sage green type siding and off-white Type window trim um we are looking at Stone work on the bottom of the foundation as I'm sure you saw in the zoning plans um it'll be a filled Stone of Earth Tes all right the other uh inspiration photo that we're calling it is this one which is demonstrating the wood tones that'll be used on the front of the house at The Gables there's a similar detail on the proposed plans that show that detail just to give you an aesthetic visual any questions on [Music] that um number two is how does proposed porch covered stoop compare with the existing the neighbor neighboring homes uh have covered suits so the answer to this question is simply yes um And in regards to the existing my my backwards all right so our front entrance so on the left you'll see a photo of our front current stoop it is an existing covered stoop um on the right is the proposed Frontage um you'll notice the only change is that the stairs are no longer we're proposing to have them come straight up towards the street as more welcome welcoming and inviting versus going sideways down along the property for the house structure um this is an overhead shot of the plan I included this just to give a demonstration and a visual that blue line represents the existing porch uh the new is superimposed which is the darker lines um you'll see that that porch area is not increasing closer towards the street all right um and regards to the neighboring properties there was a a question that was raised about do neighboring homes have covered Stoops um presented this just so that I have a visual reference um again you see 331 is kind of flashing out here uh 35 coage 327 328 335 343 and all the stars that are pointed at are all homes with cover porches um on the front of the house Taps these are a couple of photos again using Google Images just to give you some visuals uh this is our direct neighbor on the right side as you're looking at the house uh 327 folage it is a covered porch very similar in style to what we're proposing 335 folage is my immediate neighbor to the left um it has a covered porch however no columns but still stairs coming from the front um a couple other homes 328 coolage is diagonally across the street from us um it is a newly renovated home which also has a covered porch 3 363 although the number jumps high it's only six properties away on our property left um and that is a very similar style along with my immediate neighbor um to the style that we're proposing in the plan all right and then some other miscellaneous photos as you noted there's quite a few covered portages that are very similar fion to what we're proposing um there's several more uh is chose save you the 15 minutes of running through Google um so that's already resp any questions [Music] on question ask at the app uh existing garage extends past property line and proposed garage conform to accessory building setb please describe how the garage will complement the proposed home in style and color um all wood tones shining color and trim colors will be identical to the main structure okay uh number four is an identifier which is the property is 50 ft by 112 1/2 ft or 56,000 sorry 5625 ft um which is larger than the 5,000 ft required for the single home uh residential wats in the R5 just as a note I don't think there's a comment there for that uh to the South or rear of the property is burrow own Lot number 40 which runs East from Arbor Street but is 18 ft wide and 500t 50 ft later to lot 39 in granford um which is behind lot 13 on coolage Drive uh where it is at 37 uh this is identified in the tax lot which um Mr O'Brien included in his response with the letter um you'll see that property does run for quite a while uh one thing to note on this which is is in we're going to get to it again minute I believe yeah that's number eight so I'll stand by for that discussion Mr spragger maybe we could just go to where this an actual question rather than so if you wanted to drop down perhaps to uh number eight has there been any progress on the status of lot 40 uh and your property so the current uh issues there current operations of Lot number 40 we inquired when we first bought T in 2015 about what the status of that lot was we received notification from the buau that there was an intent to sell lot 40 that were going to be subdivided submit a certified letter I believe it was called out to be $1,000 per property um at that time we submitted our CER by letter to the town with the intented purchase um since then several requests I guess we can say have been made about the status of that lock division from what we understood it have to be subdivided and red divided in order to have each property line up with property lines um and as since we both my neighbors and several others along L 40 have made the same request um from what we have not heard any current status of that um our hope and expectation is that in the future that will come now um and things will work out in all favors where that property can be purchased and extend that rear set back on I'm sure there's concerns thank you uh number nine the pool does require fence sir what what is proposed uh we're proposing a 4ot chain Li I think 52 in is required it 52 52 in shall we 52 is 52 okay uh where will the pool mechanicles be located out uh there's two locations that are proposed uh one is if you're correctly adjacent to the pool um and to the garage on the right side as you're looking at the property clim uh the other is adjacent to the deck uh where there is a space of the deck about away from the property correct it's in the middle of the property okay so between pool garage T yes okay interior okay uh thank you pool lighting is there any pool lighting proposed uh we are proposing to do underwater LED lighting nothing above nothing above and number 12 survey shows that existing roof from the garage and what's called Mas or mask walls what happens to them is part of this renovation okay uh I did include this photo just so you can see a current status of what the backyard looks like I'm as I noted ear I'm a little bit of a type person um this is that mass wall uh that is scheduled to be removed and replaced with uh dirt and grass replaced with what dirt and grass oh okay and the number 13 the concrete pad in the back that's already yes sir as is the pl structure noted in yeah so uh 14 the plot plan doesn't show a way to access the pool from the back of the deck um so as of right now the current drawing and just bear with me while I jump and I use my semi division [Music] to um [Music] yeah on the left yep so uh I don't have the ability to zoom that some good stuff all right I apologize for a small this is but hopefully this is enough um would mind so on the right side of the property is the way back to the garage yes sir I'm not sure if it's is delineated there is a line between the deck and pool and the garage I'm not sure that's driveway okay is it so what I can answer is the driveway currently is identified through here and this dark or light gray line is the edge of the existing driveway that's proposed to be brought back to the edge of the stairs um the construction drawings will show a concrete pad at the base of the stair um and that will then turn to grass and for access to the pool access to any okay so people are going to be walking across grass to get the pool which is not ideal for a pool it is it is what it is okay it's up to you time to clear out yeah I I know we're tight on uh impervious coverage and I don't want to risk any issues and walking across grass the end the does your impervious cover number on the plan reflect the fact that the driveway is coming to the right uh it does not it actually shows it to the existing one so you've got some room you do apparently I don't know how much but you've got some room and I presume the driveway is going to be cut back to the to the front of garage so that [Music] removes so you may want to consider that before the end of the hearing give pH okay would it be a fair statement to say that if a lot of coverages perit I'll put a side imper you know the a type impervious walkline from with a restriction that says maintain coverage that your proposal sure I can attest to it gentlemen you need to speak up so we could hear you on the mic and I can't hear you my apologies number 15 no attic plan was provided I presume that it's just storage and or Mechanicals that's correct the attic is storage it is a standard style frame attic um it'll only be used for storage Mechanicals the access to that is through a Scuttle type at CL and what's the size of the attic is it stand second floor it is it is 1244 ft um tapering from zero at the EES to 114 is what the propos [Music] As and the same with the basement uh there's some squiggles on the plan but they're not identified so I presume some stuff is going new stuff is going Inu exists so with the the zoning drawing so that way you can see what's already documented and not looking at forward documents and this is what you're looking at so this is the layout of our basement I assume those lines are these lines these boxes and the circle plus the wall which is um dashed is that proposed going away uh so okay so I see where you're going this dash line is the line of the 5ot setback which is that that note right here okay and the to the left the utility area there Dash lines so this dash line here no to the left of where is stated his utility area there this dash line is an existing Foundation line which is no longer L baring which will be removed okay so this is an existing space that's already has a concrete floor to it just to make that so that's opened up in the stairways go away and steroid relocates to this side um this Dash box was a discuss proposed slide from the first FL to the basement um we're not sure that that's even going to happen it was just something to identify where it would transpose between first floor B nothing else is proposed now no sir the the this Dash box I'll just explain what everything is but this Dash boox is the existing utility where the hbac equipment is being proposed to move to here um this circle is as I noted a landing location for that box and this dash line is the existing chimney that's being removed all utilities are going to direct so what is a little confusing to me and I don't have a plan in front of me because there's not too much room but when I look at a plan and I see a hash line or a DOA line there's usually a graph on the side that says this is going to be removed but you have dat lines all over the plan some are proposed some are removed am I correct uh yeah I believe there is a legend on this FR um that identified the the line weights of what was proposed demo um sorry I'm jumping down to another drawing but uh the intent was to show the light right dashed as you're existing to be removed and then your heavyweight lines are your proposal so could you go back to that other illustration in the plan [Music] absolutely okay can you see that on the plan yes true I mean you could see the uh let's call it the dark a line being proposed all right so that I couldn't see and it wasn't clear which is why I asked what everything meant okay but all those lines as shown there are on the printed plan I gu I see I know that they're on the plan but you you could figure out that what is being removed and what is being replaced I could not which is why so we need to have that on the plan yes sir you you follow me Mr spranger if you go to the top right of this page is that the legend that you're looking for you that that is a legend and it says existing wall construction to remain existing construction to be demolished but when I look at that hash line Billy I see them all over and I can't figure out which one is going to be removed and which one is proposed so there should be some type of other illustration whether it's a cloud that says this is going to be removed than something else I I can't see it from here and I don't have the plan in front of me which I read plans every day so that's uh is if it's clear I'm not going to make an issue of it it's not clear no it's not it's a simple it's a simple adjustment and there's Dash lines that I think it' be easier if everything was labeled the legend does explain a few things but not every [Music] okay and what was the square footage of the basement 960 what lighting is proposed for the front entry uh we're proposing downs and the rear will the rear deck be covered no is there any lighting proposed there not at this time okay um and that concludes the questions I had did you want to provide any other information from your presentation I don't have that need I'm sorry okay did you want to respond to Mr quo's letter yes [Music] you can go to uh I believe sheet two starting with the uh grading [Music] utilities Mr I'll just I'll just read uh on sheet on page two of my report grading utilities um you're increasing the impervious coverage of the area um was there any thought about putting a seage pit to kind of reduce the flow uh going off site the original discussion that we had with our design team uh was that we're not increasing our overall footprint the be similar um we do have that vast expense of grass behind us that would run through so outside of just the roof coverage everything else is in the property if it's required or re or does everything kind of drain now right now it drink get down to the surface on the rear of the property like the garage roofs go straight down to the grass um in the rear and then gutters lead on the back side of the house lead out to the grass on the front side of the house go out um are you going to be redoing a lot of uh your roof trains when uh um you could probably do construct a small seat pit um if you want to put something in in either the front or the rear yard and it'll help alleviate you know runoff going off the property um we can look into it the the concern with the front of the yard and I know one of the comments that you had on the front was to plant the tree along the frontage um the concern that I have with that is is an operational or usage um under the front porch directly down in the middle is where our sanitary line runs to the right of that is our gas m to the right of that is our water start to really encroach in on the square foot they worry about roots and things like that see pits I don't think be a problem I was I was actually going to ask if if I could do that in the backyard and have that run to the back like the back of that the back leaders the re leaders re the house leaders garage leaders things of that nature RIT that's that's fine so you're saying that a seage pit in the rear of the house is fine he's going to he's going to have a pool back there correct yes and where do what is that water going to do just is there going to be laterals off the sea pit or just dissipate into the ground dissipate into the ground if you want to put maybe a little um uh like casting on top you can even be plastic in case of it in case if it overflows it can just bubble out and go out towards the a site okay so that's not part of this plan correct yeah that's not and that's something um we need we need to talk about the size yeah where yeah it would have to be it would have to be [Music] designed [Music] Tre I mean usually we we requested by the there is a if there is a concern about a sanitary sewer line I'm willing to be I'm willing to wave that thank you and uh are you doing any um improvements to any of the services leaving your site sanitary water gas during um the curb replacement project that the town did um our sanitary line was replaced up to approximately halfway over the property okay um we are going to replace that remaining run because as I know it's going to be under the front St so we don't want any future problems where have to Pi you're not going to have to open up the road to no sir was that road recently paved 2015 or 16 no wait well it was it was redone in 2015 and then the gas company came in and he did it a few years later uh and obviously you're okay with getting great PR from the town absolutely and that's that's all I have that's all you have okay so Mr spranger um you understand that as a variance request from the board you've got to show what's called a a positive and negative Criterion that um you got to show the bo that there are unique properties um to your lot um that affect this application so in this case would you talk about would you think that those unique properties include the fact that you've got this uniquely shaped property you've got all the properties along coolage who have whether by Design or by ignorance have extended their properties into the vacant land behind them um as yours has over the years you didn't get there till 2015 would you agree that that's a unique circumstance absolutely and you I think that another unique circumstance is the fact that um in service to your country that um you suffered from that service and that having a house that caters to your abilities is something that advances the good of the birth yes sir would you also think that this application would meet goals of the master plan such as uring new resident development is consistent with and compatible to existing neighborhood care yes I do so do you think overall this application uh meets the um objectives of the zoning ordinance the uh goals of the master plan and that how this application could be improved I believe it does I have no further questions chair to the okay um are you finish with your presentation yes sir does anybody from the board want to look at anything else on there okay so why don't we shut that down close this throw the lights on and and we'll have some discussions right luk [Music] right provide that yes um I think uh if the board wants to hold some of our discussion before what we can do is open the floor to the public and go from there and um I think what we could do is call Mr spranger back up after we have uh heard from the public okay yes sir thank you very much thank you all right someone want to make a motion mot motion B by Mr Mar seconded by Mr Clemente all in favor all right anyone from the public wishing to speak on this application you can come up now May yeah I would like you to state your name and address races I've lived 45 years in korth my daughter was born and raised in korth but I was not cover and when they spoke about the pool back in the 80s the SOS the grandparents everybody lived on the same block so they had a built-in pool in the back cement pool and one section was 4T and the other section was 6 feet and you know they do like take over AR Avenue Landfield land and the S those had corn and like a farm back there back in the 80s but they moved to freeold then the people that bought the house I don't remember their last name Linda and Andy had the pool for their children and they moved I think I don't know where the heck did those people move to I I don't know if it was New Brunswick or one of those places cuz there's you know East Bruns with whatever and uh so there's always been a pool there and what I going to tell Alex David is that they can have excavate like get all that dirt out of there cuz the cement is all there and there's drainage and then all you're doing is like refurbishing and going back back to what existed there in the [Music] past and they're good neighbors nice people and I'm happy that you know they're going to be able to build and expand and their children will inherit whatever they have beautiful beautiful right yeah it's beautiful story yeah and there's nothing like a man that hugs his wife in the court room well I'm a widow so yeah recent wow well thank you very much thank you it's it's nice to hear that the neighbors have support of what what another neighbor is doing so thank you for coming up T neighborhood I'm not a jealous envious person I have a place here and I have a place in Thomas River and I said Live and Let Live you that's and maybe you get to use the pool if it's approved well thank you so very much for coming up do you have anything else no no okay I know I'm loud I'm sorry no you're not loud you're perfect can you spell her last name can you spell your last name please oh okay it's l u a c s Aces like card play for AC run me I don't know why I think I'd like to hang out with you they come here right hang out with yeah they baby here Africa all right thank you very much anyone else from the public okay seeing no one motion to close Mr scary made the motion to close second by Mr DeLuca all in favor hi hi guys uh we need to talk about this a little bit right unless she still wants to talk you want to come up here um Mr scary so the only way we're early placed I see them increasing the um property line varant would be in the rear with the pool my brother lives kind of near them and I know the hassle he's been going through for the past two years to build the pool and uh buy the property behind him um it's been you know he was here at a bunch of Council meetings of nothing but a headache for him so that's really we shouldn't be punishing people for you know a town notot the lawyers getting involved in kind of making it more of a problem than it needs to be um that property can never be built on built on so it's mhm you know and everybody else if you go there has sheds has swing sets have vinyl fences have you know everything on the town property lines already so you know I really don't think we can punish somebody for what our town has not allowed people to do MH okay I I'd agree with Mike on that and Mr sper did address that runoff and disturbances that the setbacks would really be accounting for kind of motting the scenario with the orang field being back there and then this vacant land so I agree with what you're saying there about where where they're increasing and there's really no Hazard that's good okay anyone else any Mr DeLuca I recall us talking about this property many many years ago yep and uh it is landlock property it is of no use to anybody but the adjacent property owner I believe we determined that years ago you remember and uh it was supposed to be some formalities and then the Lots were supposed to be made available for [Music] purchase how that dissipated I have no idea but I think uh it's worth us maybe inquiring about because it is a a benefit to the people that live there because they are maintaining it they are maintaining the properties they are utilizing them and they're again of no benefit to anyone [Music] but so uh and I I've heard many other residents have the same problem I mean at some point I think uh I know I mean I guess the council would have approach so last year the they went up for auction and nobody bid on them and we spent money to do that and make the advertisements and then people came back to the council meeting talking about it again and there was just a mised window we can why would they the lawyers had the protocol lawyers have nothing to do with this and they always seem to be a when they get involved in I'm rights are a serious issue that require lawyers I'm not I'm not arguing but it just seems like it it it seemed like many years ago it was a cut and tried deal and that it was to be done and now for some reason it's just you don't want to be continued because I'm sure this is a problem that I don't have an answer for you don't have an answer for yet uh but uh the funny thing with that is so they were auction off a bunch of the properties they're all about the same width the the house the properties the houses are on all about the same withth give or take behind my brother's house it happens to be broken up in three individual ual properties but three houses down it's the width of the whole property but it's one property so they were all up for auction behind my brother's every lot was $4,000 so my brother had three times 4,000 for the same amount of property that the other guy was going to that the minimum bid was 4,000 how many how many actual pieces of property are we are back there do you know it's hard to eight maybe n it was subdivided from one long okay some of them they were in the past they were purchased by the uh by the homeowners at some point if you go on like the gis map some own home owners the majority of them aren't and it's just there's garages built on them there's sheds there's if you ever look at the aerial views it's pretty all right uh did you have something to say yeah so two things one just a suggestion one a kind request um I would suggest not a chain fence perhaps because you live right behind the school and I'm thinking about some SC F easily po the pools and I there in cars the trees uh I own two homes on two of Court one family since 1948 which the that one that planted all these trees and I've never had any issues with um s line obstructions and also s insurance is pretty low if you walk around our neighborhood there those trees are all about 70 80 years old and if you picture 20 years from now they're all G they're getting shot down weapon right um it's really going to change our whole neighborhood we talk about pites stuff all the time to me planting a tree would be nice so just consider planting a tree the best time to plant one was 20 years ago the second best time is today good uh neighborhood not much of a risk to your what sort of fence would you recommend back my parents have a they have pool to Grand they have so you can do c stuff but it's less less easy to scale is there a 6ft fence now up against the school prop on school property line or there's nothing right now it's a 42 in landscaping fence just to keep the kids from running through because the existing fence that was there when we bought the house uh we did it and was getting very sharp to our kids and because it's not our property we can't for it so we put up a landscaping T just [Music] to okay um you gentlemen have anything the board May uh wish to consider that uh the Bas plan should be uh identified and that the seage pit should be added to the pl plan and uh this island the street tree is to okay okay you Echo those words Chris yes see how I got you added that so I I too feel that the uh the um spranger should not suffer because maybe the burrow U didn't uh act quickly or do what they were supposed to do back when and it is there is no one behind you to say that uh you need that 5 foot set back and you're at three it's you probably have more setback than anybody any one of us have right so uh I do agree that the the fence should be uh camouflaged somehow if you wanted to uh go from that 48 proposed to the 52 and you could put the slats in that fence rather than changing the whole uh Motif so somebody can see because it's going to be the newest thing uh if this is approved that there's a pool there now and I know when I was a little bit uh younger like last year I would probably go and jump into your pool however the underwater light that you talked about the LED it's not an obstruction to anybody it's perfect it's subdued um the imper impervious coverage I I understand what uh Chris was talking about it seems like you got it all covered but I do agree that it should be implemented on the plan about the seepage pit this the size of it and we can make that and we're not uh very big on conditions here at this board level but we could talk about making that a condition of an approval where uh things like that can uh uh like the labeling of the plan to delate what is uh removed and or proposed right and we could do that and um if this is approved you wouldn't have to come back up here as part of the condition you would get those plans over to the engineer and and the um planner for review and I think this board would recognize that by them putting eyes on it that we would be okay with it because they're very very simple adjustments am I correct okay so um with that being said um I would like to see if someone like to make a motion to approve this app Mr Kevin prior to that if I make sure yeah so during your discussion uh reminded me that uh Mr spranger has discussed adjusting the walkway to the pool and it's impervious cover uh is the board okay with him submitting a new plan showing a walkway to the pool provided it is under the Improv well based on that that would also be part of the condition and I think it would be uh a plus to the plan uh and listen if the board disagrees with me that they would want to see this again and put them all through this again it's two or three very small adjustments I think this could go to our professionals that's why they're are professionals and I think we can make this thing work do does this board agree yes sir okay okay and the last item chairman is the fence is a little squirrly the what is it the fence is a bit squirrly what are you nuts what do you mean the fence is squirrly I'm trying to be photogenic here I like it I like it have a photogenic memory [Music] there should the applicant put a fence across the back of where the fences currently go legally he can't cuz it's not his proper but the code requires a fence to be put in to surround the pool right so I just want to put her by a notice that we're not quite sure how the zoning officer code official is going to see this um but a 52in fence is required it's been suggested be made a vinyl and perhaps Mr quo and I can work with the buau to try to work out a reasonable place to put it even though it may not be under the jurisdiction of the bur well I think you guys could work that out okay right we talking vinyl or slated slated to J so are are you um sorry are we talking vinyl um or CH slided chain link to avoid kids climbing up you know so you could put the chain link with the uh slats that go in there and then they can't climb it you could also have the decorative slat that looks like tree branch that you know almost like a Christmas tree material that they can see and it will give you you'll probably like that so there's privacy as well the non the non climbable fence well non climbable he would have to go down to a 1in fence a 1 in no really a one not 1 in high a 1in fabric okay the 2-in fabric is where they can put their feet in and grab but a 52in fence anybody who is atic like myself will just jump over that fence so I I I you know okay if you just work your magic there with the um building department and let's move on okay okay so is there a motion to approve this application based on the conditions set forth one is the 52in high fence from the 48 the others are labeling the plant also size and dimension of the seepage pit the location of same and also labeling the um the different areas of proposed and removal and uh the sidewalk where that's going to go and H what size material being used put it on the plan and part of the condition is that the board would uh accept it going to the planner for the final review and then we could go from there how about the attic for storage and uh and the Mechanicals only that was indic ated I I wouldn't put that as part condition do you guys want to put that part out condition no it's not even steps going up to it it's a Scuttle with a ladder so it's a Scuttle right yeah we'll take it out take it out kids might use it for a year or two then they get older and they don't want to climb a ladder anymore okay so you heard the um what I had to say and if anybody wants to make that motion based on what I just said let's do it motion made by everybody right motion made by Miss scary secreted by um here who is that D Mr Dunn I'm sorry Mr D I always do that okay roll call please Mr bno yes Mr kenti yes Mr scary yes Mr DeLuca yes Mr Dunn yes and Mr deazy conrat yes to by the way and Mr Mara congratulations folks great job and a wonderful presentation I have to say it was uh refreshing and absolutely thank you for your service I mean yes sir goes without saying okay than okay we're going to move on real quick CU we could close this out before you close your computer any comments for the go to the board all right see you none well actually happy Father's Day gentlemen thank you beautiful Happy Father's Day Billy and to allall that was very very nice okay uh is there a motion to open this to the public motion made by Mr KY second by Mr all in favor are you going to get up again you're the public you want to talk anymore no all a motion to close the meeting made by miss tomorrow seconded by Mr Dunn all in favor motion to adjourn adjourn adjourn all right everyone um thank you very very much it was a great meeting congratulations so you know what you have do right Mr Springer