I'm making this announcement in compliance with the open public meeting act being chapter 231 Public Law of 1975 was at the state of New Jersey the planning board secretary has prepared a schedule of the meeting of the planning board of the burrow of kennworth for the year 20124 and has posted a true copy of this schedule on the bulletin board located at the front entrance of B Hall and has mailed true copies of this schedule to the local Source in Star Ledger and is maintaining a copy of this schedule in B Hall accordingly the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied in regards to this meeting we stand for pledge of allegiance I PL algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay call [Music] um Mr Ferno here Mr Morrow here Mr David here Mr clti here Mr pantina here Mr mazio here Mr L Mr Sader here Mr D here Mr beluca here Mr D here okay that's done a motion for the approval of the minutes of February 8th motion made by Mr scary second by Mr Mao all in favor all have a that Frank okay I'm going to skip over Communications for a second because I think uh that's going to take a little bit more time than item six uh the resolution application 23005 I I think we're going to have to carry this to our next meeting because of the um uh Kevin what was going on there they didn't give us the proper paperwork or the plan what actually happened cuz I wasn't here for that meeting uh chairman the board required the applicant to remove the side steps right side of the [Music] house they had originally proposed enclosing them and making them part of the house the board said no you can't not only not expand but you got to remove those steps because the board was very concerned about the amount of clearance of width between the property line and the house itself the applicant did submit revised plans they do show the steps uh as they currently exist they do not show them removed so we're waiting on that well they've submitted I guess my guess is they forgot they were supposed to remove them instead of not expanding is so they have not is the applicant is here right if I know it's a little out of the structure would you mind would you guys mind coming up cuz I I would like to talk to you about that real quick I I don't want to carry this if I don't have to I just want to understand you know what's going on so from what we hear tonight is that you guys uh didn't take it off the plan so we still see it on a plan so it's hard to give you a resolution um yeah show them what's going on so the steps are shown on the on the elevation we're also shown on the first [Music] FL still sh there no I do I do recall that the resolution was to create more imperious coverage I think architectual so I've shown the applic pl their PL they uh are you going to remove them Yeah Yeah by all means did you just m take them off the plan I think it was a miscommunication with the architect to be honest yeah I actually didn't closely look at it so that's our our mistake on our end but yeah the idea is to comply with removing them putting LA on so my other I have one more question Nick please you also had something else from the engineer about water management was that addressed the water man yes correct we're they suggested pumps they suggested pumps there's a company called Morgan engineering where the people that were shop Contracting um they still haven't quoted us the proposal for the graving was a graving report and the and the drainage is that part of the resolution yeah yes it is and one of our other options instead of not not acting on this is to act on it they're obviously aware of the water situation with the water pump and the sidey guard you know just the removal of the stairs and the and the and the pantry um we could adopt it those are the conditions that in there they're aware of them and until they like any other applicant until you comply with that with those conditions uh when you do then you get your permits to build so then we don't have to carry it for another month because if they fix this in a couple of days they'll be in compliance with at least that condition how do we get I I love that but how do we get that information to the building department right cuz I'm I'm concerned that if the building department gets these so-called revised plans which still show the steps then we're going to have a conflict between between the resolution and who's going to make sure that the proper one is enforced so I I personally don't want to vote on the resolution until we have revised plans all right well I don't we don't follow it once it leaves here that's right we make a note on the plans for construction not not current or not accurate or awaiting final plans the plans for the permit for the building permit but the resolution for the not enclosing the the stairs that are there they won we could I could sign it we could sign it date it um within a week I mean we also had we travel a lot for business that's why the miscommunication we were out of the country for the past month so that's why when we got back we saw PLS and all this good stuff it was already late technically um but we could sign it endorse it I mean we at the end of the day we won the the perit the occupancy and comp and comp you can't get permits until the conditions are the bottom line I'm sorry no I get it we want to satisfy the board but we want to satisfy our residents as well right Frank would you have I was just going to say what was the specific I'm just trying to call the specific reason we asked them to provide us uh with an interim set to review because usually the processes if there are changes made during the meeting during the application we put together a res uh a checklist of compliance issues and eventually they have to do a um a resolution comp someone reviews it the engineer and the planner and um and then eventually the building department isn't that normal but I'm just but I just I'm not there was a number of things that were being revised in the plans that were presented they to provide the attic flooring and so they provided revised plans but left this part of it off I mean the part where they were supposed to take it away so it's still shown that so that's why this time we required revised plans Nick so I agree with Mr REO and I agree with Mr maio and I um in other situations you're right it's all part of resolution compliance now I don't know how Ken work acts on the protocol after it leaves here but in other places um you know that resolution compliance somebody issues a resolution compliance letter when it's all done whether the first revision the ninth revision the 10th revision yeah and then that letter goes to theill Department I don't know how it works here but the building department doesn't give out a permit unless that resolution compliance letter is signed so I don't know is there any interaction between um not us but would be Kevin Andor Harbor as the the people that are signing off on the resolution compliance in the building department or does the building department just really nilly here has some revised plans we we've had in the past we and and correct me if I'm wrong board we have in the past uh adopted the resolution and and also had a condition to that resolution that the applicant would bring a copy get it off to the planner and we would give I don't want to use the word Authority but the Authority for the planner to review that and say yes this complies and they could go ahead and get their permits Am I Wrong Kevin you are correct chair but you could you could just saying you like M regler said you could memorialize the a resolution based on last month's hearing it's just that that's all we're doing we're memorializing we're not giv the building department caveat here knock yourself out they don't get they they don't have resolution compliance until everything is done until the stairs are taken out until the uh the Tre repl I don't know whatever just whatever whatever we talked about may I comment I I from the last um hearing we call that based on the resolution um the board post something in the newspaper which then there's a waiting period for 30 or 40 days 45 days 45 45 days within that way though no permit is issued either way so I would comply with with obviously 45 days revising again the the submission nothing to do with right I mean theoretically you could take 45 days or you could take up to I don't know a year to to the resolution compliance without your your approval being expired something 6 months or months or something like that perod for somebody to go to the board and say you should not have granted this or go to court go to court you can apply for a permit within 45 days you do it at your own risk I don't think this is a risky application in terms of someone appealing and reversing what the board did but um I I don't well got what was what was the did you want to say something if you don't mind sure the applicant in this particular case is the victim of his own steadfastness in that the resolution compliance process is that the resolution is adopted and then the applicant submits their resolution compliance paperwork which goes to the building department and then Harbor and I take a look at it and we sign off and then only after we approve that the conditions have been met are they allowed to issue a okay so they have submitted their revisions hoping that that would help us out in passing the memorialization I'm sure but instead it muddy the waters if they had submitted this we' be at square one that you pass the resolution or you don't um but I think this just money rewards they still have to go through resolution so is there a safeguard to prevent Safeguard is that bur staff will do their Duty as they have sworn of Holden defend okay and if this board wants to uh maybe Kathy get a little tickle reminder for next uh Harbor I can just at least take a look and report back to the board how would that be that would be fine and the applicants are on record is it saying that they're not surprised by these conditions they're aware of them and they're in the process of reming them it's going to be removed right absolutely okay and they will submit I mean I think in the resolution it says that they're going to resubmit plans that depict what the board decided so they have to now resubmit new newer advised plans that show that done okay I mean as long as there's a safe guard I'm and you guys don't have a problem doing that all right thank you very much thank you okay so I'll make a motion to approve the resolution motion made by Mr AO seconded by Mr Bano roll call Mr uh David yes Mr Maro yes Mr pantina yes M Maia yes Mr scary yes Mr Dela yes Mr dun yes beautiful congratulations folks you go okay we're going to go back up to item number five Communications an email was received on 2 26 for request requesting the planning board to undertake a prelim preliminary Redevelopment investigation on 2000 Galloping Hill Road um uh when I got this uh correspondence I immediately asked Kathy to distribute this paperwork right Kathy uh to the board members so we could read it understand it and we could talk about it tonight so Kevin we all we did did all of this we did everything uh that was required from uh the governing body and we see some things here and I need you to maybe Enlighten us on what's going on uh sure chairman uh it might be helpful yeah our board secretary was very helpful to make some copies of some documents for me uh which I'd like to have distributed to the board they explain the Redevelopment process they uh are copy of the resolution that this board can consider as well as drafts of cost proposals so let's we take a look at those for [Music] moment so I give you the packet you pass it down without taking one I had one I got I [Music] got did we get this paper from that tree that was taken down I feel like I'm getting homework Kevin this is where your tree went there here it's [Music] [Applause] [Music] stop guys I just want you to know in the fact you are welcome to stay I just don't you know you can see the whole process I just want you to know that everything has been approved at this point hey L um in the past I wasn't able to vote on certain things because of my status as a council person and vote on it subsequently after the board are we going to run into that here with the Redevelopment plan uh rol is not yeah the the plan's down way down the road the road yeah plan yeah no no you're you're you're good I can act in both capacit yeah I mean you're you're a member of the planning board so appreciate first [Music] p okay I guess everybody has uh copies in front of them and uh Cy do you have the the steps handed out as well yeah yeah that was a her sheet right a single sheet okay so do you have one yes so I should have I think four sheets in front of them the first one we're going to go over is uh kind of where planning board area need a Redevelopment process and then the second [Music] one be the draft resolution which is okay okay C you got the draft resolution resolution 20 2024 B of K County 182 is that M March 14 March 14 copy that it's not that I don't think I have that one I don't have this March 13 I have I have no March March 14 no you didn't distribute should be a planning board resolution dated today I don't have that you're not talking what was left for us no down that's that's backgound yeah this is what the council passed resolution for the council I don't think we have it's a resolution must be out there somewhere we don't have it on this we don't have any up [Music] here well they being cut down anyway so what difference do think no we not on this side thank you I get one get one uh yes this [Music] is thank need two more two more youd yeah everybody is [Music] okay okay so the documents are the first one is 10 steps no we're not in that kind of a meeting tonight number two is a resolution number three is a letter for me to chair Sero St March 13 and of course is another letter to Mr C chair also dated March 13 is is the third one the estimate and the fourth one is the big one yes so number one the um faets uh we received I think about two weeks ago communication through M Masa uh I think it's the 28th or 29th that the fal Council has passed uh a resolution which you also have Happ again right it's resolution [Music] 20242 is passed on the 21st of February which authorizes the planning board to undertake a preliminary study for an area in need to Redevelopment to receive that communication uh under direction from the chair uh I have developed this timeline uh the process so the first item is that this is the entire process for uh an needed Redevelopment to be created by the planning board and by the council and then it goes to fruition in that there's shovels in the ground and building is built so item number one B Council adopts their resolution sends it to us and tells us to do a study number one is done as I uh capitalized afterwards number two planning now this is where we are right now number two and three are where we are at this very moment and uh for those of you who've been on the board a little while you may remember this process from North 26 Street we've got this so at this point U the planning board will pass a resolution and you have a draft in front of you is the next Doc and the document of the resolution rather will authorize the planner to conduct the area in need of Redevelopment preliminary investigation uh known mostly as a study okay once that resolution is passed uh I have written to uh the chairman with a um proposal which tells the board exactly what uh we will be doing under that and then second what it will cost them all together because there's legal engineering and planning in this process uh this is a planning board process as stated under the law and municipal land use law and in the development and Redevelopment law of the state and I'll just site for it's 125 Kevin I think is it in this resolution read all yeah thank you very much that's 40 a for Alpha 12 a for alpha-5 and six uh in the Redevelopment and Housing law and the words that matter are the planning board uh the resolution shall authorize the planning board to undertake a preliminary investigation to determine whether the proposed area is a Redevelopment area according to the criteria set forth in the Redevelopment law such determination shall be made after public notice and public hearing so the next step for this board are to authorize the study um the board has the pertinent information as to what that is going to cost and how it's going to be done as well as a Target date of our June meeting uh so 60 days uh 90 days which is pretty fast and Redevelopment um the other steps that have to be taken after this board reviews the investigation the study at a notic public hearing which I'm anticipating right now is June could be at another time that's up to the board uh then the planning board will either accept the study reject the study or revise the study and they will pass those findings on to the burough Council and at that point the ball game changes and under under step number four Bas F inning for it goes back to the council the council does their steps which is to prepare a Redevelopment plan a plan is a different thing from a study and they will hire a planner or whatever entity they wish to conduct that uh redeveloping plan and plan lays out what will happen in that area of Redevelopment it's kin to a zoning ordinance and that the layout the setbacks to lay out the allowed uses uh what can and cannot happen on that property as well as old Bol requirements and after that the um Redevelopment plan is referred back to the planning board um for a master plan substantial consistency determination in which they find it is or is not compliant with the master plan that's why I have the word future in capitals after that cuz that's plan board function and then Council number seven they adopt the plan they oversee the implementation which means if they or um if they are the Redevelopment agency they will hire a redeveloper um they've got the plan in front of them and then when a developer has a site plan they come back to this body for site plan approval which is not part of the Redevelopment process but it's the very last step just like we did with nor 26 Street remember after all was said and done they have to come back here for site plan so those are the planning board functions in an area in need of Redevelopment study um those are your duties and council's duties and other folks duties and that's how the process works so there any questions about the process nice job thank you D thank you very much what's the nature of the study you're just going to basically look at it as a as a blank slate thank you [Music] uh we're going to be looking at the property in terms let me back up when we sit as a planning board and review an application and we have a burden of proof that the applicant has to meet that uh they they they have a hardship based on upon the land or the application advances the purposes of of uh planning and zoning and that it's a better alternative than in Redevelopment there are a list of criteria it's about a dozen and the criteria are listed and some of them could be that the buildings are obsolete or that the uh area is um they used to call poed there's new language these days or that they don't function in accordance with modern economy and they can't be used currently and they need to be either changed or torn down or rebuilt uh also in terms of vacant land and we know in this property there's a lot of vacant land right now that parcel is zone for goic and research as well as a whole host of ancillary functions when we went to mer in the beginning and said tell us all the things you do here including the helicopter P so that we can get it in the rules and make sure that you guys are a self-contained entity well this time around I'm sure they going to tell us what they would like to do for this property but that is more function of the plan helpful in preparing the criteria so that your rep my report to you that you have to judge is did it meet that dozen criteria which means it it qualifies as an area in need of Redevelopment thank you any other questions about the process blue did you want to add anything no no it it um it's fine you covered it including infrastruct if the infrastructure is a certain age yes things like that yeah UMES anybody want to hear the CR here you okay tell you what I will pass them out sub to thee I'll get them out so my understanding from what you just told me is that the governing body said we are asking the planning board the governing body is asking the planning board to do a Redevelopment study requesting us to do a stud okay in order for them to find out for us to report to them if it meets the criteria if it meets the criteria so that's what this board is doing tonight those are your duties under the law okay and this 10 step thing that you put together for us this is the protocol is this this is the protocol for every municipality under the municip municipal land use laws and the criteria for redevelopment correct there are State statutes the Redevelopment Housing law which I just cited as well as the municipal land use law which we are familiar to beat to beat the dead horse if I went to Lyon they would have to follow these same things well you know Nick has his own way do but I want to be clear I want to be clear because you know this would be for non condemnation okay non condemnation I want to be clear okay so now we have in front of us that we have in front of us if I could expain the question for a moment if I may go ahead if you don't follow the procedure what happens is that the entire process from Soup To Nuts from number one to number 10 after this thing is built if some Savvy person is aware that step 2 three step eight step seven was missed there would be a lawsuit and everything goes away and starts over again okay so I guess that's the question okay which I can tell you that working in other municipalities this is what they follow in terms of of the process okay this is this is what's done and and I could say that for the Last 5 Years in London as having having reviewed at least a dozen maybe two dozen Redevelopment plans and uh carried it through fruition of over I don't know 1,500 apartments in The Last 5 Years this is the way it's done so okay so can I pick up items 1 through 10 a little bit all right just so I understand a couple of things so you said the step one the borrow Council adopts a resolution which directs the planning board to undertake this preliminary investigation we here correct we're doing that right we're following resolution of pro okay the planning board authorizes a planner and we're not going to reiterate the whole paragraph okay we understand this is what we have to do we have to get this ball rolling as you went down to 456 you then said at that point after this is given to the governing body after it's approved here or whatever and it goes to the governing body that's when they hire that's when they hire their planner to do the Redevelopment uh uh analysis a planner not their planner a planner they hire a planner right to to do there's a study and then there's a plan okay study sort of like your concept okay and then there's the plan which is we do we do this study once it's determined to be meet the criteria then it's everyone's Off to the Races then the governing body can tell okay we're going to hire some hot shot development uh engineering to do this whatever they want to do I get the process right so what I'm also looking at from the governing body in 20 2482 they already went they already hired people to do this my assumption chairman because we have had no communication other than the resolution I mean nobody sat with us nobody's talked about what's going to happen so my assumption is that they are within the law and theyve hired somebody to do the Redevelopment plan which is subsequent to our action okay well I'm saying is I'm just assuming I have no idea okay I'm just saying is if if that if that's the case the sequence is not following protocol well we don't know what they did well we don't they we're just doing our thing if they had hired a a Redevelopment plan planner that's fine doesn't matter they could have done it you know whenever they wanted to but it has no effect on our actions and has no effect upon the study now they mentioned an entity a pre-qualified plan planning consultant DMR architect I don't know who they are no one from the B has contacted me about them but if they want us to talk to them we'll be happy to talk to them okay so this resolution that I have here from the governing body has nothing to do with what we're doing here tonight well it does it directs you to do the study it directs us to do the study but this is what's on the table tonight our our vote on how we bring this vote am I correct several other items number two number three um are really in Innings uh five and six so if they jump a gun that's up to them that's their problem or responsibility but it has nothing to do with our we do front but I have a question so number two if we're saying that DRM was just higher after we do our study or survey or whatever we're doing right on the planning board but number two is De hereby to assist the planning board it's preliminary investigation no it's up to Kevin Kevin out you know I mean that's the way it reads to me you guys are lawyers and everything you can read better than I can but but the governing body cannot authorize anyone to do the study only the board can so maybe they hire this person to do their Redevelopment plan I don't know I have no knowledge no one has talked to me and frankly chairman I find it shocking that early February Consultants were hired by the governing body this has obviously been in the works for months and we have heard nothing about this until February 28th and all we have is a resolution no one is bothered to say hey this is what's going on this is what you guys need to know to go forward we have nothing so since I have nothing Mr want you involved in the meetings absolutely not Oh I thought the mayor was inviting you excuse me you're interrupting me Mr I I will I'll address you right after that is correct I'll tell you the meeting that I was at sure I'm answering the question so the answer to the question is I don't know who DMR is the council obviously has something to do with them and as part of the study I'm more than happy to talk to them but this clause in this resolution and number three have no bearing whatsoever on this St Mr Rego may wish to no I agree again as as Kevin said before at the appropriate time and it could be now it could be later once once there's a determination by this board that the area meets a criteria and it's sent to the council and if the council says we agree with the planning board then they can hire whoever they need to to come up with a Redevelopment plan on a very large piece of property and if they want to hire Redevelopment Council because at that point you get into Financial issues you get into all kinds of things with with a with a Redevelopment plan I I think um Nick said I know and Lyndon these things can be monsters so we don't get invol we get involved with reviewing the project once it's proposed and they come before us as any normal uh site plan application but that's down the road if the governing body hires people now fine but they don't really put their baseball uniforms on until after we determine that that there's that that property meet meets the criteria so whether they follow the protocol of how you have line aligned this up they could hire the these people at any at any interval at 1 at three at two at five it's it's their prerogative they're the governing body they could do what they want when they want to hire them but it is our job to make sure we do the study and then turn it back it's not their job it's not these Consultants jobs to chime in on whether the property meets the criteria that's up front and then they jump in after okay but since it was mentioned in the council's resolution to us our draft resolution does include uh guidance to the board and to the planner to at least consult these people as they um to answer your question I was president at present I was asked to sit in on a meeting with the council president uh the mayor uh uh some the couple of attorneys only as let's call it somewhat of a liaison to um help the council president and the mayor understand procedures of what was going forward uh however after that meeting I was not invited to any other meeting I didn't know uh what their next step was what they were going to do I could anticipate what it was but any meetings that was together with uh DMR uh any other Harbor consultant or any anybody I was not privy to and almost immediately after those meetings I haven't been here so I've been away for 6 weeks or more and um no I did not attend any of those meetings uh so I had no knowledge that they already hired someone it was brought to my knowledge by Kathy I think on the 28th when uh she asked if I got an email she I was in the British version islands and I said I'm not I'm not looking at emails you know so and uh at that point when I saw what was there I advised Kathy at that point to get us to this point to make sure that the our board has the the documentation to review it to understand it bring it up at our next meeting the mayor then texted me and said to to me we need to get this somewhat fast-tracked and done because of our tax liabilities and things like that and we all know what's going on with that everybody in our in our groups know that and I said mayor I will do what I can within the limits of the law I need to make sure that every one of our planning board members understands the documents and um for those as he said um Kevin said um for the newer members they don't quite get everything that we need to talk about about the procedures and protocol for us guys that been around for a while uh I remember doing this two or three times now and i' I've taken a couple of classes to understand the the uh protocol however as far as uh tonight goes I wasn't sure on what I was voting on until I heard everything I heard here tonight I had to be clear so I I need to I need we need to process and talk that out so I hope that answers you yes sure Rich thanks you're welcome so let me ask a question um I got to go but I um I like consistency also and I just um so everything that was said the burrow Council pass this resolution resolution 2024 82 which authorizes DMR to go forward through the plan which we know can't happen because it's up to the board to do it not do authorize well it sure does look like it DM is here by authorized to assist the planning board to assist okay not right to study assist yeah I get it but they're kind like directing a um uh a new entity to uh putting somebody on contract to help help us well we don't know that well I know you've got somebody reassume at this moment to Redevelopment plan and they've asked them to assist us which means we can ask them to consult okay so they're asking them to to assist us but meanwhile resolution this one that you passed out which is date of today which we have to memorialize or I guess you can approve it and memorialize the same night uh is memorializing this one no or is it just play on words that it's a resolution of memorialization and you start out as whereas resolution 20 24082 so it sounds like this is memorialized in this one no this directs us to do this it doesn't memorialize this but I'm just saying by by the wording and maybe I'm being too anal but resolution of memorialization you get it I mean we memorialized proove resolution here's what we're doing tonight the governing body has said to us by resolution take a look at the study area and has blocking a lot and see if it meets the criteria for an area devel okay I get that so we've got that this resolution says we got it we understand the property we're going to authorize Shamrock to do this study and that's what we're voting on and and including DMR because they includ DM well we're under no obligation to utilize okay thank you they've authorized us to do this do that it sounds like they're asking us to do that and we're saying in this resolution in number three Kevin can consult he needs to consult okay I wanted that clarification because when I read it it sounded like they were directing us to use DMR and we were and we were and we were kind of going along with change you know I'm just got in item three the words change a little bit where it says the mayor and council president burrow clerk burrow attorney and Redevelopment Council are hereby authorized and directed to take any necessary and appropriate action in connection with the investigation of the uh delated area investigation that only happens if Kevin needs them needs them okay is that okay you know what I'm I'm sorry to be a dead horse but I want to know is that like subject to interpretation again like you know when when and and sorry Lou but when you guys get into a room um you you play pingpong with a lot of words right and what US Layman here have to understand is well when I read this oh my God they're authorizing and directing uh this Nick to tell Frank what to do there way I'm reading it there are certain areas in the council resolution that go beyond the development law um the bottom line is we direct Kevin we directed Shamrock to do this we're going to and Kevin can if he needs to consult with anybody he can consult with anybody whether it's DMR or whatever this makes it sound as though everybody Under the Sun can chip in with our redevelop with our with our um study and it's not the case that's and rather than ask the council to go back and redo their resolution which will take time and what knows we're just basically saying the law says this the resolution says that we're going with the law and it's it's captured in Kevin's in the resolution that we're going to authorize Shamrock I think to do the study and if he needs to talk to somebody he can he can talk to somebody that that's at this point later on okay anybody wants to you know once the areas to cleared in need of Redevelopment then okay the Cuffs are off if the are is well if why I don't I don't know I mean I've not you said once which implies decisions if if if all or part I don't know does all the board members and also um um Billy do we all understand this thorough I'm I'm I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way but I I meant that out of actually respect like as as Council EA's on right so U I want to be sure that we all understand it Mr Dunn I just three questions to CL the um the Redevelopment study as required by law re by law and the the proposed total exensions are incurred by the municipality right by the by the board by the board get invoiced and return right now what can happen in the future depending upon the Redevelopment agreement which is with possible is that the B can be reimbursed for their costs yes getting to that step so that is a function of the council and the redeveloper the r down yeah Mr dun if again if we go through this process one through close to 10 and if there's a redeveloper selected by the governing body uh financially that's a big nut for a developer because there's going to be a lot of money involved in terms of upfront cost reimbursement they're going to be paying for their their own people they're going paying for for burrow members to do uh studies and permitting and all the rest so uh but a redeveloper has to have a lot of money on hand you know to to cover all those contingencies so this this thir study is funded by the government and then there has to be a plan put together by someone else that fits within this study both of by the government the usually what the issue is that's come up is that there may be a plan already kind of in place before the studies no no the Redevelopment plan the way it normally works well there's two two scenarios the study area is determined to be to meet the criteria then it goes to the governing body to do what they need to do a lot of governing bodies already have a de and I'm not saying anything out of school a lot of governing bodies already have developers in place uh they'll say look if we do this and if the study comes back in terms of the meets of criteria and if this and if that what do you need from us how would you what do you want to do with the property and there's a meeting of the minds uh as to what the developer needs and what the burrow needs and if they drive then that's what the that's what the Redevelopment plan looks like otherwise a governing body is coming up with a Redevelopment plan that a developer may say I can't I can't do this there's not enough units there's too many IM you know the the uh set backs are too big a good municipality will have someone in the wings and they work with them to come up with a plan that fits everybody so the developer makes a little bit of money the bur or the municipality is happy and there's no surprises a second because he he put a question out there that I don't know if we answered correctly or not correctly or what he wanted to hear I think the question on the table is who pays this planning board budget pays this however the planning board has a budget and we uh we don't know I don't know right now because I haven't seen a report how much is left or how much is in that budget we may not have this money so if we would have if we would have passed this resolution tonight and say okay this is a great idea we kick it back we send it over not kick it back we send it over to the governing body and the governing body says oh they have no money in in the in the in the account we can't do this it stops right there because they cannot go further with a Redevelopment plan without the Redevelopment study did I hit that yep so yes we're paying for this we have to pay for it so every all the teams all the players have to be on the same team and we all have to work together to get this thing done right we can't move forward if the uh governing body balks at what we're trying to do because they gave us a direction this is what we need to do oh we have no money in in the budget we need to find it this was passed by the government body on February 21st and it's March 14th and we're not sure if we have the money in budget I'm not saying we do or don't I don't know what that budget is but if this gets passed tonight we're going to know by tomorrow it's going to be that in regard to the the budget as we're talking about it on the fees are they broken down in any specific Way by hour and hourly rate it just it gives like lump sum numbers so I'm wondering if it anticipates you know 30 hours 40 hours and no anybody who gives you hours on a Redevelopment plan is wasting so how do you anticipate the expense if we don't that's the thing scope the hours and all that well you don't the hours you look at the test and in this particular case you look at 105 Acres you look at 105 Acres of which have developed some of which recently in the last seven or eight years half of it is roughly vacant land uh so you're anticipating in the study how long it's going to take you to how long how much effort to go and it's not got it's time it's really effort to really do this study right uh I've been doing this for years and I can tell you the billing is an art it's not a science as a member of the finance committee I have the bulk at that statement because we do look at hours and R talking about effort that's the rate hours you a not to exceed number so you know you're get so so can I just interject before that goes back and forth too much I didn't see that not sorry that's okay does that was going to bring that up but the other thing is when the DMR or whoever else um started this process did they give a breakdown of hours did they give a lump sum of 1,00 2,500 and that would be almost like the protocol of somebody saying for this job I get this but there's no hours associated with it you know so I don't know if that's what happened or if it doesn't happen but it would follow the protocol yes uh the only thing I can say about DMR is that the council did enter into a contract with them back on February the 7th for the amount of $36,000 it's unclear as to exactly what it was for because the uh contract both authorized professional planning and professional legal services so I'm not quite sure which one they were uh getting and there was a $5,000 override for meetings so that total contract was 41,000 as I said without any communication through this evening my assumption is that's what they're going to pay for redevelopment so it almost follow suit to the way you prepared your document I was just want clarification here tonight I don't want that you know so for clarification yes um okay do by comparison if I may um the less than 4 acre North 26 Street Redevelopment that plan cost to burrow all hold about 13,000 between planning engineering Le okay uh what we're proposing uh is not a lot more for the properties much larger Kevin I have um I know that Nick has to leave soon and I'm I'm not trying to rush this at all but I do want to ask these couple of questions or make these couple of statements before we do anything else we know that we have a hot ticket item here and um as I know you said this is a 90-day process if you were to do this or DMR or Mr scary is it a 90-day process for all of your firms to do something like this can somebody do it in 30 can somebody do it in 45 no okay it is the process uh it can be done in anybody got conflicting thoughts in my mind anybody can do this with dedication not plus days qualified planner they've done this before similar qualifications but they don't have the 30 25 30 years experience here in the BR okay which is what I have which means that you know where the property is you know it's onest and you don't you know that automatically because you've dealing with this you're not Reinventing the wheel correct so my my key go ahead my my my key concern is that we need I hate to use the word f F Track we need to get this fast trck so we could get to the governing body so they can do what they have to do and we need to get this developer on board for more reasons than just that we want another pretty building someplace we need to get this moving and if you could crunch that number of days down be huge I'd be happy to do that chair yes sir just like concern Kevin don't take this the wrong way but we're trying to get the master plan done and that's going to take a lot of your time and obviously this can both be done in a expedited manner um just the master it's a lot of work that you're going to put on your table right so that it's a legitimate question right so you're absolutely write the master plan I have to do Redevelopment is something I bring a team I've got as I said I've been at this for 40 years I've had a lot of relationships our last Redevelopment plan I brought a team uh and there's a number I mean this is a big undertaking okay and even though 26 I would I did not do myself I bring in expert help okay understand I've got that team prepped over the last few days and hey this is in the works are you around can you work with Mr brings up an excellent point Kevin and that's what we're concerned with because we do have the master plan we do have this we also have your health issues that are going on we want to make sure that your workload is not too heavy and this can get done many hands make lighter work and when you go into the um engineering and the uh legal side who or what have you picked someone have is that something that you could share with us or how are you going to do that I've consulted with Mr Rego as he worked with the board on North 26th Street he was very willing and able to do it again and I have an estimate for his time in that last proposal to you okay uh uh as we know Christian is not in the BBI but some other waren spot I took their numbers from North 26 and I increased them and I made this not to exceed them so that they may come in with a lower numbers okay that was an assumption on my so here we are uh any more questions or anything um one last question fees you mentioned twice now but not to receed is that supposed to be in the letter to the board or is that in the contracts it's in the proposal the other party does anybody other than me see that cuz I it's in the resolution or it's in the the letter on the 13th oh in this letter oh yeah in the March 13th okay long one yeah page three in the long one so we have it okay um I think uh we not exhausted it but we talked it out we have a full understanding and I'm going to ask one more time does anyone not understand what we're voting here tonight and do we need any more clarification a m the public yes I do I do I just want to get this portion okay yes one quick thing is D more Architects we have knowledge of and they are obviously contractor to be involved in this project and they have not made any any attempts to have any contact with any of our professionals here I have had no contact with anyone on those documents I don't know if anybody else has uh so the answer to that is no so I I do professionally know them they are they're from hasb height yeah you they're big redeveloper uh planning and architecture agency they're throughout the state they're very well respected okay I just I'm just concerned it's been a month I mean at some point don't you think that you would have been like hey we could be part of this project we be on the same team and would think somebody they're good for down the road you know okay so can at this we're good can we have someone make a motion to open this to the public so move moveed by Mr David second by Mr are all in favor I anyone from the public wish to speak on this seeing none make a motion to close the public portion of the meeting Mr B by Mr Davis seconded by Mr uh clementy um all in favor okay okay is there a motion can someone make a motion to approve or deny this uh would this be a resolution this resolution uh requesting that the planning board undertake the pre preliminary Redevelopment action to approve the resolution and memorialize it this evening approve and memorialize it this evening with this fee attached anyone willing to make that motion I'll make the motion motion made by Mr maio seconded by Mr Maro roll call please Mr bno yes Mr Mara yes Mr David yes Mr Dand yes Mr K yes Mr yes Mr naio yesy [Music] no Mr scary yes Mr DeLuca yes and Mr D yes okay so moved right everything is great um let's move on to new business any no no no new business um we have you have some new business no no there's a okay um are there any comments for the go to the board the only comment I'll make I think we did a very good job here tonight thank you Kevin for preparing us enlightening us uh putting putting us back on track I think uh I think I really think that the uh governing body are going to be impressed with what we put together here tonight and I I I I think we're going to go off and running so thank you for all your hard work we have a motion open to the public motion motion made by Mr Mar second by Mr pantina all in favor anybody from the public wishing to speak seeing none motion by okay no no that was for the the the the what do you call it so now we're closing by Mr dundo seconded by Mr Mao all in favor okay meeting adjourned there you go thank you e