like to call the meeting order please rise for the pledge I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adate not adequate notice of the meeting was advertised in as Park Press and the beacon on January 11th 2024 and by posting this notice in the Fork River and L post office and by following a copy of the notice with the Lacy Township Clerk as required by the open public meeting act roll call Mr Bell here Mrs armado here Mr conned here Mrs Walker here Mrs Mr armado here Mrs Claud here and Mr Peters present all right we're going to go into executive session uh be it resolve that an executive session be convened for the purpose of discussing confidential student matters included but not limited to harassment intimidation and bullying confidential legal matters included including but not limited to the current case load and confidential Personnel matters the subject matter of these discussions will be disclosed to the public when the reason for confidentiality subsides the length of the executive session is estimated to be approximately 60 minutes after which the board shall reconvene and proceed with business at 7:00 p.m. action may be taken motion motion Peters I'll second all in favor okay my apologies uh private session took a long little longer anticipated [Music] um going back we're going to do student representative comment please so our Student Government meeting was on January 8th and we're still planning battle the classes which is going to be the February and 5th to the 9th our theme is still going to be music genres and our spirit days are still going to be February 5th through 9th and then Monday February 5th is our next meeting at this time I'd like to invite Alexander Riley down to the podium with [Applause] me please give another round of applause to his friends and family the unsung hero for the month of January will be Alexander Riley he has been chosen because of his hard work and dedication to both bettering our school as well as the peers around him Alex is a member of the stem program where he has excelled academically so far this year he is kind and helpful to his classmates and teammates Alex is ascribed by those in his classes as enthusiastic helpful and kind outside of lacy he helps the community by being a Boy Scout it is clear from his dedication both to his school and community that he meets all the requirements for being recognized as anung hero [Applause] congratulations nice job that'll be it for us yeah we're good okay next we're going to do a report from the superintendent thank you Mr Peters welcome to the January board meeting thank you Anthony and Charlotte and congratulations to Alexander and his family another round of applause to him all right so earlier today I did send out a communication about tomorrow's weather so uh we are keeping an eye on what's going on I'm getting updates uh pretty pretty regularly so may be an early dismissal it may be um a closure alog together so we're not quite sure yet uh but we will make that decision by 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning so make sure you have your phones on um and we're going to use our normal uh platforms that being an automated call email and remind so more to come on that all right we have a lot of presentations tonight as you know uh December we did not present uh our seniors of the month our staff members of the month um um so uh we're going to ask for your patience and I am going to turn it over to our athletic director uh Miss delvento to start us off with a recognition for athletics if I could just have all [Music] thees we were recognized uh this year for being 44th in the state atic uh I just want to thank my coaches uh a lot of them are not present right now they are we have basketball games going on our gold coaches came in um but I just want to thank my coaches for coming here they work long days they start at 6:00 a.m. uh some night they don't home until 9:00 p.m. but they work hard they're great mentors very dedicated um and I could not have the programs I have without them and I beyond thankful and I just like to thank the super and the board of education for your support in athletics because as you know Athletics is the front porch to the Lac community so thank you so much for everybody and congratulations to all that have been honored tonight thank [Applause] Youk you congratulations thank you excellent recognition congratulations once again to our entire athletic uh Department to all of our coaches and to our athletes because without our athletes we wouldn't have program so kudos to them as well all right Mr King are you ready for seniors of the month all right good evening everyone and I am proud to present here this evening uh this evening is sort of a special evening we have December and January seniors of the month so let's get started with December our first senior of the month that we'll be celebrating is tiar Bray tiar you're here come on down Round of Applause for her family who are in attendance this [Applause] evening hello we're here to celebrate our December seniors of the month our first senior of the month is Tiara BR watch a short video on her accomplishments now hi I'm Tiara and I'm proud to say that I am December senior of the month at Lacy Township High School congratulations Tiara Bray on winning senior of the month congratulations Tiara Bray and being named senior of the month up until junior year I was a part of the softball team and then I became a stem representative for my class and then whenever I get a chance I try and help with volunteering for the student government ever since your freshman year in stem I really didn't know if you and I had a very good report you were quiet reserved I took it as if pretty much standoffish but that really isn't who you are you're a person who Li is so the information take social cues from the environment analyze everything that's around you and then move forward some of my favorite memories would include Junior Prom and then I also really liked painting the parking spots in our school parking lot there are very few people that are as um kind and caring as TR BR I've watched on numerous occasions in my classroom and she's help Up Lift other students who struggling doing their work um she is fantastic at um seeing opposing views and and and providing insight into uh current events and everyday ideas um she's she just is an allaround fantastic student when I'm not working I like to hang out with my friends a lot and then I also try and do volunteering whatever I can at my sister's daycare Tiara BR is welld deserving of this honor she's a fantastic student as a student my Us 2 history honors class she was inquisitive she was a leader uh she was wildly intelligent and and she was able to effectively communicate relevant ideas and Views to the class um I was always excited whenever she walked in she was the first BR person to volunteer um and I'm really really excited for her future After High School I plan to go to college and be a pediatrician so that's a lot of med school but it'll be worth it so congratulations once again Tiara BR and being named senior of the month again Tiara so proud of you congratulations on winning student of the month and I wish you all the best of luck on your future [Applause] endeavors another round of applause our next December student month is our own student representative Anthony ex Anthony come on up our next senior of the month is Anthony erson we'll watch a short video on his accomplishments at this time I'm Anthony Eckerson and I'm proud to be named December's senior of the month here at La tach High School Anthony Eckerson congratulations on earning this month's student of the month congratulations Anthony erson on being named senior of the month a few clubs that I participate in I am I am an active member in the NHS I'm the senior class president in the sgaa I am also on the baseball team for the varsity sports team and I'm also in the select choir and I participate in both the fall and spring productions here at La Township Anthony one of the things that makes you so amazing as an amazing student is that you have such a positive impact on others uh you have been a leader uh in our select choir and again our our theater program and you have really shown and given inspiration to so many other students some of my favorite memories here at Lacy Township is that I always look forward to doing the fall and spring plays I always look forward to also seeing new people during every season that I go through at uh during baseball season and I also enjoy going to select class it's always a great time uh you had such an impact on many many students but one in particular and I would never forget that after the the Run of puffs of our fall play uh this particular student came up to me he said and he said uh Mr O I'm so grateful that Anthony me the audition and I had this experience and and that that experience changed his life forever how amazing how amazing is that you had such an impact on someone outside of school I always look forward to seeing my friends and family when I get home I also look forward to going to baseball practice after school even though sometimes it might be late and I also do enjoy going to work even though my mom may not think so ever since your freshman year I was do something was really special about you one your confidence use that confidence to make sure you are successful in the classroom on the stage or on the field two your loyalty you would never let a classmate down you would never let a teammate down that's something I really admire about you I'm looking to further my academics in computer science and I'm also looking to play division 2 baseball at Holy Family University in the upcoming fall so congratulations once again Anthony I'm being named senior of the month I'm very proud uh so we have so many things to look forward to this year you are GNA um just do amazing amazing amazing great things so Anthony again once again congratulations and I wish you much success why don't think it's his award believe his family's here in attendance Round of Applause for them as well all right moving on to January seniors of the month our first senior of the month is Isabelle cruso Isabelle come on down Round of Applause for her family who's here as well keep that going on down hello we're here to celebrate January seniors of the month our first senior of the month is Isabelle Caruso we're going to watch a short video on her accomplishments now hi I'm Isabella Caruso and I'm proud to be named January senior of the month at L Township High School congratulations Isabella Caruso for being named senior of the month January 2024 hi Bella congratulations on winning senior of the month at lths I'm involved on the Lacy Varsity softball team and some clubs I'm involved in are Deca f SGA NHS and our Surf Rider Club I couldn't be more proud of Bella for stepping up to the challenge of taking uh a a challenging course like advanced placement psychology uh it isn't always easy uh but she never quits she has a extreme determination and drive to be successful and is not afraid to ask for questions or additional help and that's something I think she should really be proud of I got the pleasure of having Bella in my honors anatomy and physiology class last year um Bella is an incredibly highly motivated student academically but that never let her interfere with how she was socially in class and was always willing to help everybody around her outside of high school I love spending quality time with friends and family being on my boat being in the sun staying active and I especially love being at the beach Bella is so very deserving of this honor because she has an incredible work ethic um she brings uh a really interesting perspective to our discussions and advanced placement psychology and uh she's just a genuine uh pleasure to be around she was consistently like I said super helpful in class really compassionate not just with me as a new teacher newish teacher here but also with all of her classmates she's a student that I've been really honored to keep a relationship with throughout her even her senior year when I don't have her in class she's always a smile in the hallway that I get to see she always comes and checks in on me just to say hi and it honestly really makes my day after high school my plans are to attend a four-year college and achieve a degree in nursing congratulations Belle you really deserve this best of luck to you and all your future endeavors I cannot wait to see where you go congratulations again Bella on the well- earned honor of senior of the month I wish you the best of luck in this rest of your school year and all of your future endeavors all right congratulations Isabelle our next January senior of the month is Matthew gothier on round Applause to him as [Applause] well our next Senor of the month is Matthew gothier here's a short video on his accomplishments I'm M gothier and I'm proud of the name January senior of the month for L time to play congratulations Matthew gotier for being awarded senior of the month January 2024 Matt congratulations on student of the month I can't think of a student more deserving than you at La high school I'm a member of the STEM Academy NHS and the Sur party club and I'm also a captain of the high school wrest team Matt you define what a student athlete is your focus your dedication your hard work uh is something that you bring not only to the classroom but to the wrestling mat some of my favorite memories at the high school are having AP Chemistry with Kyle leard Miss York Kyle really keeps the class entertaining and I also enjoy having weight room after school with the wrestling team in the fall I feel that to built great chemistry with the team uh Matthew is very deserving of the honor of being senior of the month because he has an incredible work ethic he's very diligent uh in his studies uh he's very respectful um a great leader in the classroom uh and outside of the classroom as well well outside of the school I volunteered to the Elks Lodge and the Lac wrestling club and I spent a lot of my time at various wrestling clubs and traveling the country for TN them he was absolutely um a really important part of the class as far as uh having important things to contribute to conversation uh and like I said previously just a great leader um someone for for his classmates to look up to um and just has a wicked sense of humor and is just genuinely genuinely nice to be around my plans after high school are attend the United States Merchant Marine Academy and study Marine engineering Matt you've been a pleasure to have the class over the past four years in the STEM Academy and you're truly a role model and I'm really excited about your journey to the merchant marines and I can't think of someone more deserving of an opportunity like that than someone as great as you once again congratulations to Matthew for being awarded senior of the month for January it's a huge honor that you deserve and um it's just the beginning of many more honors I'm sure you're going to receive once again Matt congratulations best of luck and I look forward to hearing about your [Applause] future right and finally our January vocational senior of the month is Daniel garberson Daniel come on in here Applause and finally our vocational senior of the month is Daniel Gerson and here's his video hi I'm Daniel Gerson and I'm proud to be named January's vocational senior of the month hey Dan congratulations on winning senior of the month congratulations Danny on winning senior of the month I've been involved with a fishing club since freshman year um at that time it was all virtual meetings but since then been planning trips doing different things with people that don't really have the opportunity to get out there and fish Dan every time you come into wood shop you get on to the projects complete them uh add your own flare to it and then jump in helping other people which is what sets you apart from most other students I fish a lot you know not just with the uh fishing club but if I'm not fishing I'm working if I'm not working I'm with the family or the girlfriend and I like to relax a lot as much as I can he always comes in super early and I like to come in early sometimes I'll actually catch him in the parking lot and we'll watch some shows on Netflix together before we come in I would definitely like to stay in the field that I'm in doing hbac I would like to go into tin knocking which is she metal work Danny is a great kid with a wonderful personality and a great sense of humor he is very dedicated to his future and making sure that he is set up for life if I had to choose one thing to say it's my favorite about this High School it would have to be the fishing club because of how involved it is looking at any of the other clubs down to Pine there's not really much that they do even though Danny says some of his words funny I think he'll be very successful in the future and congratulations on winning this honor Dan again congratulations on winning student of the month uh good luck with the rest of the school year I'm sure you're going to make the most of it and I can't wait to see what you do the rest of the year [Applause] congratulations all right that concludes my presentations all right all right another round of applause to our seniors of the month all right we're going to do uh something a little different tonight because we have four four staff members of the month so uh I'm going to ask them I'm going to tell you who they are I'm going to tell you what they do in the district and I'm going to ask them to uh join us up here at the podium so our first staff member of the month is Aaron Bannon who's a special education teacher at Lacy Township High School our second staff member of the month is Nicole Bayer she's a preschool teacher at mil pond she is Anna Maguire she's a custodian at milpond school and our fourth staff member of the month is Franchesca bosi she's a preschool teacher at milpond as well Franchesca here all right I am going to uh read a little something about each of them and then Mr Peters has certificates for you and it wouldn't be a staff member of the month month without a video so hang tight all right Aon Bannon as I said is a special education teacher at Lacy Township High School and the her uh one of her colleagues nominated her said this about her Mrs Bannon has developed an incredible 18 to 21 transitions program in record time I agree it's fantastic her enthusiasm can be seen every day as she celebrates the wins of all of her adult students both in the community workplace and in the classroom congratulations Aaron welld [Applause] deserved our second staff member of the month is Nicole uh Bayer she is our as I said a preschool teacher and her colleague who nominated her said Nicole is an amazing teacher she is calm supportive and genuinely cares for the well-being and education of her little students her little students and her little kids she is definitely one of a kind congratulations to [Applause] Nicole she can't do both our third staff member of the month is Anna Maguire Anna is a dedicated custodian at milpond school and we all know that our schools could not run without our amazing custodians your colleague said this about you Anna Anna is kind and always does what ask her to do without any hesitation she also helps with other tasks that are not on her to-do list she is a can do person and goes above and beyond her job responsibilities congratulations Anna and last but not least Franchesca also a preschool teacher at milpond preschool wow all right your colleague said this about you Franchesca Mrs bosi comes to work every day with a positive attitude and ready for the day she shows evidence of excellence in the classroom with student outcomes and with more than positive interactions with her power professionals congratulations W surfed all right Mr Lidle video all right good morning we are here because we're sneaking up on our preschool teacher Nicole berer she has uh been nominated for our staff member of the month for December and we're super excited that we get to surpriser follow [Music] me hi hi I've got a surprise yes congratulations what you're staff member of the month yay deserves it I nominated Nicole Byer um because she is an amazing teacher she's kind she's compassionate she loves what she does um she's patient and uh she's very hardworking she doesn't take days off she doesn't call out sick um and all she wants is the best for her kids so um I think she's wonderful and I'm blessed to uh be her par all right here we are at the high school getting ready to celebrate another staff member of the month let's go inside oh hello everybody hello let me attention real quick every month a staff member is selected as staff member of the month in the entire District so it's best of the best for the month this month's [Music] [Applause] winner all right hello thank you I nominated Aaron Bannon for staff member of the month um Aaron I just have loved working with you these past few years seeing the transformation in our students in a program that did not exist before you stepped into the door to instruct those students has been nothing short of inspiring for me to watch all of the innumerable relationships that you have developed in the community with businesses giving our kids opportunities that are synchronous with what it is that they enjoy doing the book clubs the Lion's Cafe just all the heart and love that you put into this so I just wanted to say congratulations um for so many reasons and More You Deserve staff member of the month all right here we are at Mel Pond this is Mrs danu and we are off to surprise one of our very special staff members of the month Anna Maguire she's one of my custodians she pitches in whenever we need it and I'm so excited for her so are you ready here we go hey [Music] Anna congratulations you're a staff member of the month for milk [Music] P so here you go is so sweet thank you we're so happy to announce that Anna Maguire has been chosen employee of the month for mil Pond um the reason we decided to nominate her is uh she is a custodian here but she's more than a custodian she does so much more and she never she never says no she she's there on the spot um all kinds of things she helps with things um that we're setting up for for programs uh she's just a wonderful person and sometimes we don't even have to finish the sentence she already knows what to do without any questions asked and she's a very caring person and she's awesome she loves these kids and she's really good com she really yes she really loves the children you can see okay it's Mrs Dan who again I feel so honored because this month we get to say a great congratulations to two of my staff members our second is Mrs pososi she's in our preschool uh program and we are headed that way so follow me good morning Mrs pzi how are you I have a surprise for you I do congratulations thank you here can we come in of [Music] course tears don't have tears in your eyes Miss MOSI is amazing in a lot of different ways um I've worked with her now for two years and the dedication to her kids is something that I've never seen before she puts her children in her classroom first she helps everyone her colleagues around her around her yeah she also is very dedicated to her job as well I think the same thing she has a love for her students like they're her own she is a team player we'll give her Paras out to anyone that needs anyone um she is also very loving to her co-workers she cares so much and always is questioning and asking us things about our day she looks to exceed in her job every single day and she looks to make a mil Pond a better place [Applause] takes me a minute okay another round of applause for our staff members of the [Applause] month all right Mr Lidle I believe we have our Lacy now which is a combination of December January yeah okay here we [Music] [Applause] [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] on Me When You're Not [Music] Strong [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay uh we are going to switch gears and talk budget everybody is more than welcome to stay it's an important topic but I know that there are a lot of students in the audience and everybody has to get up early unless there's no school maybe uh so we're going to take a break if you cancel school they could stay in the morning that would be epic nice try I don't know they're canceling all around me so maybe [Music] maybe good night congratulations congratulations [Music] congratulations conratulations congratulations congratulations congratulations good congratul have fun congratulations good enjoy good congratulations is is there son mer Marine also where's he at right thought they were there both in congratulations hey buddy how are you how's it going Miss congratulations huh congrat doing there con okay there you go hey I give full permission if I'm still around Buzz at [Laughter] school congratulations thank you so much con congratulations' [Music] unici com okay okay uh last night we uh presented a progress of district and board goals and a preliminary over review of the uh 2425 school budget Miss Ormsby and I are going to uh do the same thing right now we're going to do an abbreviated version of that um but before I do that I I do have a few comments the first thing is whenever we can share good news uh we do and um part of presenting uh progress on our board and District goals is to talk about academic achievement so on January 12th which was last Friday I received a letter from the Department of Education letting us know that in consultation with Rucker University um they've convened a study entitled The promising practices project and they write in the letter through a quantitative analysis the Rucker's research team identified New Jersey schools with positive student learning outcomes when comparing pre- to post pandemic performance in ela and mathema itics the data analysis concluded that Cedar Creek Elementary School within your District was identified as a positive outlier and so I'm not going to read the entire letter but um I did respond that we would be happy to participate um and learn what data it is that they're um using so that uh we can continue our data harvesting and our plcs and our professional development and learn what are some of the positive things that we've been doing although I can can tell you that we've been working really hard to uh raise our academic achievement and our AP uh successes tell that story our graduation rate tells that story um our performance on the New Jersey student learning standards tell that story and so I'm certain that all of those things are going to have an impact on our rankings both at the elementary and the high school so um more to come on that but um just wanted to share that that bit of a good news uh the second thing is and I'm going to switch gears to budget there has been some misinformation in the community that has confused preschool expansion Aid with the operating budget um and and you know and vice versa so the one thing I want to say is that the regular operating budget cannot be used to fund preschool expansion and preschool expansion cannot be used to fund the operating budget uh the other question that has come up is what happened if and when the uh preschool money ends so of course we don't have a definitive answer on that um however we do know that Governor Murphy has emphasized preschool funding um as a priority since he took office in 2018 and since then over 170 school districts have been awarded preschool including ours um affording countless three and four year olds uh free uh preschool and equality preschool so you know based on all that I've been reading regarding the governor's budget there doesn't appear to be a shift in that regard um but we shall see um and second as much as it pains me to say this the outlook for Lacy's uh 20242 school budget uh does not look much better than it did this time last year um and we're going to highlight uh why that is in the final year of S2 reductions um tonight is going to be again a short presentation uh because there is going to be a lot of discussion and conversation about the budget build for 2425 M be you ready sure okay oh you want talk from here okay sure that works yeah click for you all right's going to do all the things all right so we went through um what a budget calendar looks like and how we actually build the budget um so we start with we start in July with just the that's the opening of our um our current year budget then in August we actually start you I'm actually going to go up the top so in August we actually start preparing for the following year budget prep um it sounds like it's early but we actually have to start talking about the following Year's budget it's usually when I start preparing memos and instructions to the budget managers um to start talking about the following year so September through January uh that's when the board will create the actual budget goals for the following year the budget calendar I start collecting information from the departmental um managers we start collecting budget information from them we start having the discussions um yeah we'll actually start having these public discussions about the budget in February we actually start preparing the tentative budget for the submission to the board uh the at the oops in February the doe uh there the state actually releases the state aid figures um it usually comes 48 hours after the governor does his budget address last year he kept delaying the budget address so those figures didn't come out until March so March through May is when we'll do the tenative adoption train tenative Budget Transmission to the county office um the county office will approve our tenative budget and then we'll start preparing the final budget and then we have the budget hearing in uh the beginning of May and then we do adopt the actual final budget and that'll get submitted to the county office and the Department of Education July and August all starts all over again so we went over basic budget terms um what a budget is it's a plan uh with you have the Appropriations encumbrances and expenditures of Revenue appropriation is a revenue is revenue budgeted for particular purpose encumbrance is a legal commitment of all or part of an appropriation and an expenditure is part of all or part of an encumbrance and then revenue is the funds that the district expects to receive during the year we went over what is fixed expenses versus variable expenses um oops so fixed expenses are you know any debt any contractual obligations regulatory requirements variable expenses um usually employee wages employee benefits supplies professional development anything that you know we have a little bit of control over so then the actual budget creation it's usually three steps um so we first thing we do is we estimate what our revenue is going to be I can figure out what our tax Lev is going to be because we can only increase a 2% um some other pieces I can estimate what we're going to get State uh state aid right now is questionable we don't know what the S final S2 ruction is going to be then we're look at the Appropriations um for the most part as long as the contracts are settled we know what the salaries are going to be which is our biggest portion of our um budget benefits is another big portion of our budget this year our health and our prescription the contracts that we have they expire June 30th so we're in negotiations for new contracts for our health and subcription um and then we look at the rest of you know rest of the Appropriations um and the next the final thing is our revenues have to equal our Appropriations so this is just we went over an overview of what this year's budget looks like this is what our total revenues are this is a breakdown you can see that the compensation and the benefits is the majority it's almost 87% of our total budget this is a breakdown of our Appropriations by category you see our benefits is 16 million so we went through what the board's role is in building the budget um I won't go through all of this right now um this was more for the board's benefit um we went over S2 again I know we've spoken a lot about this at the meetings um I won't go through all of this again this is more of what we want to highlight this is the net S2 reductions we've had in the past seven well the past six years the seventh year which will be next year is the estimate that we think that they will reduce Us by so we think it'll be a $1.2 million reduction next year um so the total net reduction is about $10 million and the reason why I highlight that it's a Net 10 million doll reduction is because in the next screen I have a I show us the calculation the total state aid numbers from 201819 our state aid was 21,5 56 our state aid this year is 10,470 so our state aid has gone down 11 million in six years um so that's the impact that we've seen from S2 we've had to reduce our staff by 102 positions and we still you can see at the bottom right we still have to contend with our contractual obl obligations that rise above 2% our increase in uh insurance premiums tuition increases Transportation cost increases and inflation so the budget impact what we're estimating our deficit to be for next year is about $6 million and that's before what we're estimating the S2 Cuts today what that consists of is 1.6 million in increase in salaries 1.8 million in an increase in health benefits 350,000 increase in Property and Casualty Insurance and the $2 million loss of Esser because Esser expires September of 2024 so what's next so we're going to talk about staff reductions we're going to have to talk about aggressive negotiations with our health carriers Supply Cuts impacts to Athletics and co-curriculars and line by line analysis for additional reductions and then our plan so we're having regular meetings with the finance committee um and then the entire board we have meetings with Administration uh to address the reductions we're working on um setting up a meeting with Township committee our next finance committee meeting is February 8th we're hoping to have um Township at that meeting uh Vanessa and I are working on a meeting with um 9th legislative district to collaborate uh we will meet with Union representation to talk about the impact and we're also working with um other districts to try to get a meeting with uh Senator Vin goal and that's it okay thank you Mr worby um we are going to post all of our presentations on our uh website and uh we will update the community as uh information becomes available to us and as we make progress uh with the finance committee of the board and by extension uh the full board more to come all right that concludes my comments Mr Peters thank you so much um next we're going to do public comment an audience member wishing to make public comment will raise his or her hand and when called upon State their name address or affiliation and intention to make a statement comments will be addressed to the board president comments will be made at one issue at a time comments will be limited to 5 minutes no audience member shall be recognized twice and so all who have wished to comment have been recognized this portion of the meeting is for public comments only and there will be no questions answered the purpose of this board meeting is to perform our business in public everyone is entitled to a public comment if there is a question for the board there is an established chain of command to follow do we have we have somebody out there they're cold we have anyone for public comment I think the birds birds need to stay yeah please state your name and address please Regina danenza Sunset Drive Sunrise Beach um I do have a question for us about the agenda um on page two item two The Debt Service 1.5 million is that a solar payment I believe it is it's hard to say because we've Consolidated the debt the debt was Consolidated okay because I know there's more time on that and it's usually paid on January 15 that's the only reason I'm okay on January 4th um Mr Peters the Lacy board president announced the formation of an ad hoc referendum committee no members of the public were invited nor appointed this School District wants to upgrade HVAC systems and put AC in the schools two buildings currently have AC and the electric bills are Sky High even with solar assistance if anyone doesn't believe me you may Oprah the school district electric bills anytime in the board's case no oer is necessary of course and I highly recommend all of you take the time to go into the district office and completely review at least one set of Summer electric bills and one set of winter El electric bills see if you can tell without looking at the names which ones have the AC I read the bills almost every month unless I'm away the solar project bond is still being paid for until 2029 and the solar panels are nearing the ends of their useful lifespan this isn't just about upgrading facilities that have long been neglected but if new equipment is installed how does the board plan to pay for the electric needed in perpetuity and how much is currently still due on the solar Bond or if it's a combined Bond now miss Ormsby can we get a number on that next month this is what happened the last time the Boe asked for a $19 million referendum for solar in 2009 the district over bonded by $8 million surely Mrs Walker remembers because she signed it and the district got a reprimand from the New Jersey state controller this report is still online titled is your school district overpaying for architectural services the district was not named but the stats matched and I submitted the inquiry to the state so no one can deny this comp controler alert was indeed about the Lacy solar project borrowed 19.8 million completed job 11.6 million overage 8.2 million simple math to the public please let's not make the same mistake twice a case in point the high school boilers replace just about 3 to four years ago while I was still on the board they were nearly 40 years old we were told they could explode because the district waited so long to replace them every year with the cafr the comprehensive annual financial report a comprehensive multi-year maintenance plan is also required the caveat no one ever follows up on those comprehensive maintenance plans because if they did we wouldn't have been told the boilers were ready to blow up and that's the board job the board members are supposed to provide proper oversight to the district and I don't think proper financial oversight has ever been provided to this District when it comes to maintenance thank you that's my opinion thank you so much for your comments else public comment Mr please state your name and address good evening Gavin Rousy Lacy Township um I want to start out by congratulating Mr Bell um a few years ago you put a shed up at my house you did a really great job it was amazing watching how you did that and if you bring that work ethic to the board I think we're going to be in good hands so I I wish you well um I missed a few meetings because I had a cold so I'm turning back to the November meeting where you guys settled uh one of my lawsuits the Oprah case there's some misinformation unfortunately that was circulating from some of the board members namely Mr Pino who's no longer with us um and I'll just kind of give you the the the elevator uh Speech summary on that um the open public records act gives citizens the right to request records and unfortunately the district's response was not um compliant with the law because redactions were made without specifying which one of those exemptions allows uh for those redactions to be made so I requested legal bills they blocked out my name they blocked out a lot of interesting stuff on those legal bills and uh you know I regret that I had to file that lawsuit I'm sorry that it had to come to that but unfortunately when the law is not followed that's the natural consequence that flows so um just to be transparent to the public I did not make any money off that lawsuit the district paid $2,200 in legal fees for my attorneys as soon as we filed the complaint um the district decided to roll over and settle um we kind of hammered out that negotiation for the agreement and I about the unredacted records um I don't view it you know I I I think you should make lemonade from lemons I don't view it as a a frivolous expenditure I view it as uh maybe some some on the job uh professional development because I think we've had a lot better op responses since then so again nothing personal it's just the law um turning to some of the stuff with the referendum I was really shocked to see on number eight on the agenda the vendor for the referendum Financial Services is AA Financial Group if we take a walk down memory lane uh to the solar referendum and the mismanagement of that ACAA was involved with that so you know I have the comproller alert here that Miss danenza was referencing and it's really just shocking to me I mean this document is going to turn 10 years old in March and really my question to this board is what lessons have we learned from this in every instance when either myself Mr bidnick or mza has brought up this issue we've just gotten deflection we've gotten excuses um and I'm going to read some of the key quotes from this from this document um they have found that the school district is one that has having spent more tax dollars than necessary because of poor contract negotiation and limited oversight from public officials so again the definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over and expecting different results and I think the citizens of Lacy have not been given full transparency and a full postmortem on what what went wrong with this and the steps that the district's taking to avoid this mismanagement in the future and it's a legitimate concern because in this report alone it says we paid $3.5 million more in interest on those bonds than we should have we could have bought some HVAC systems with that perhaps um so again you know you're asking a lot from the resident of lacy to put Blind Faith into this process when I think we have 8.2 million reasons to take anything that this board says about bonding and referendums with a giant grain of Sal just my opinion thank you thank you for your comments anybody else good evening Lacy citizens could you please say your name and address please Richard A bidnick thank you sir I would like to congratulate Mr Dan Bell on his excellent success at winning his seat on the board I'm hoping with your spiritual guidance this board might begin to have some Faith especially faith in doing the right thing my address tonight concerns priorities or lack of them I want to go on the record that I am completely opposed to any referendum for upgrades to the AC systems for the schools first of all I don't even know why we are discussing this it is not mandated by the state so as far as I'm concerned it's a nogo when I went to school we did not have any AC whatsoever and I did just fine and so will all of our children it builds character and as I say what does not kill you makes you stronger I have to wonder though are we going to stop Outdoor Sports now during the warmer months of May June and September because the kids might have to sweat it's just ridiculous and just goes to show that this boore does not have its priority straight your children's education is the first and most important and Paramount priority ask this board what they are doing to make the academics of our schools better does anyone really think sinking money into a prek program is going to make your kids academic achievement better the answer is no it's a scheme by the superintendent to try to prop up the sinking numbers of this school district she ultimately is the one to blame for the failing academic student achievement she is after all the academic head of the school district several members of this board think she's wonderful I think not first of all she lacks courage a major component in any good leader and the case in point is this her tactics during Co her allowing this school district masking of your children and her Conan policies during this period had a very negative effect on the students especially the younger ones the test scores don't lie just remind everyone when the super was hiding in her office following her marching orders from the governor I and two current sitting board members and two other members at large from the public were criminally charged Mr Pino the sitting board president at that time filed the charges against us with then sitting boards approval it was done in retaliation for fighting for your kids to breathe fresh air the last time the school board did a referendum this board was severely reprimanded by the state for its over bonding of the solar panel project by 8.2 million these people cannot be trusted with any kind of funding they are not fiscally responsible M Walker was the signer of that solar panel project Bond and she still sits on this body today got to wonder how do these people keep getting elected you claim you will have a $6 million reduction in state aid coming and yet your priority is doing a referendum for air conditioning I guess we all know what this board's priorities are and it certainly is not student achievement because if it was you would have put through reforms many of which I have mentioned many times before the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over over and over again and expecting a different outcome as I like to say follow the money it always leads to the answer and when can I expect that we are going to be number 44 in the state and academics I guess I'll never live to see that and the question is this is the superintendent contract going to be renewed for the students of lacy the parents and the taxpayers gosh I hope not thank you thank you for your comments anybody else for public comment please getting a little workout I got some steps in day please your addressa heatherington court thank you um so I've been coming here for probably maybe not quite two years um but unfortunately the sad Point uh that I need to make is that you guys keep doing the same thing over and over again and it's funny that they said that but it is true I mean you guys are sitting up here talking about what you're going to be cutting but why aren't we maybe going the other way why AR we figuring out why people or why children don't want to come to Lacy or how can we better our education so children do want to stay at Ley there has to be something else other than just the physical stuff the the soccer the football the this or that we have to get back to the basics and the basics is this is supposed to be a school education I feel like we're going Way Off Track Way Off Track now again going back that I have not been here I know I've missed a lot of things but to see those kind of cuts that need to happen there needs to be other proactive ways about it um my last meeting that I attended here um I discussed about the school reading list for the Middle School uh still very upsetting to me and I don't know what if anything has changed but I'm assuming not because Mr zalinsky at that meeting made a comment that he would rather give the books to the kids than them going on the internet uh Dr Pera I'm sorry to say that he is one of your problems and until you remove him from that position things are only going to get worse what happened to letting kids stay young and innocent for as long as they can this is similar to anything in life if it's easy and accessible then there will be more of a chance that that child will try it whether it's drugs sex and heck even Foods there is absolutely no reason why any type of sexuality needs to be taught in or or given as an assignment I appreciate immensely that Cheryl and S all agreed that they do not want these types of books in our school but no one else commented on that and that's appalling to me I would have thought that the entire board would have been on that same page um Kim cl cl clus class I always say it wrong I apologize um you said in the last meeting again this is a few months back that I attended that you appreciated our public comments but not just to share the negative comments but that you would appreciate our feedback and suggestion to fix problems well in this situation the only way to stop this is to bring God back into the school are other than that you're going going to continue down a very slippery slope as I said previously in my comments my children attend St Joe's and I can tell you firsthand that my kids love love it and they truly adore religion I mean every kid hates sitting in one hour of church but it teaches them discipline and honor they are eager to learn about God and they tell tell the everything about it to me it's opened up a part of their brain that that would have been untapped if they have stayed in the public school and I I will forever be grateful to Richard bidnick for really making me look hard at Lacy school system and challenge me to fight for what I wanted for my children Mr Big gets a lot of really bad rap here and many of you on the board dislike him but in all reality your displeasure is because he holds a mirror to most of you he's telling you all of the poorly managed divisions in our school system and it's tough to hear that they say that criticism is one of the hardest pills to swallow and I agree Mr bidet has also spoken many times about Miss downing's 30-year term here in the board and you were all very quick to stick up for her there's no doubt that she has sacrificed her time and is quite the personal accomplishment but that doesn't make it good for our town and our community Nancy Pelosi held an office for many many years but that does not mean that she performed a great job the bottom line is that there should be term limits on all governing bodies people get comfortable in a position and they don't want change but change is good and it is necessary especially since the world is always evolving I'm sorry but there should be not be anyone who serves as long as Miss Downing end of story lastly Mr Peters you are now a sitting president when I was here last you were the VP now in this in this way I would like to say that the way you've spoken to Residents in the in these past meetings I have attended was nothing but disgraceful and dis disrespectful to not just those that was aimed at but for the rest of us in the room do better Mr because our community deserves it and don't and don't attack people just because because you feel threatened yes you are human and sometimes emotions get the best of us but you also should be held to a higher level of professionalism and quite frankly you lost your temper many times and it was embarrassing to watch now let's see if you have learned anything from your mistakes or will you be blasting me after again in your in your board meeting comments thank you for your comments everybody else for public comment huh okay sounds good next we're going to do board committee reports Mrs Walker every time I say that name I want an ice cream Mrs Walker okay just a second okay so the curriculum uh committee which is comprised of Mrs Amado Mr Bell and myself met with Mr zinsky and after prayer um on January 9th and we discussed um many things one being uh he shared a uh Mr zalinsky shared a copy of the parent handbook that is being developed by the preschool staff the goal of the handbook is to create another layer of communication between parents and the school um we also discussed uh Dr per shared the outline of a possible real estate course for our students the high school business teachers will investigate the possibility of offering it entirely or specific elements that can be incorporated into one of our existing courses unfortunately it looks like that's not going to happen because of money but um it is on the table just to investigate for f for future uh the governor's commission to study effects of social media on youth um was an article back in January 2023 and the committee discussed the formation of this Comm Mission by the governor and how it will affect some of our instruction on social media in the future but we haven't seen any guidelines coming down from the commission as of yet uh Mr zinsky introduced the reduction of required credits to graduate from 1:30 to 1:20 to bring Lacy Township High School in line with the state requirements we also discussed um Dr Pera Shar this a draft parents involved in educ education it's a proposal and it outlines the possibility of parent volunteers that can enter our schools to work with our students on a regular basis The Proposal outlines specific requirements that would have to be met by the parents that would enter our facilities including a background check uh Mr zinsky shared the formal date of our qac visit by the state which I didn't write down do you remember March 27th March 27th they come in to visit we approve the overnight F or will be approving the overnight field trip for Deca um and a field trip to for the AP biology and stem Capstone and also the Lacy Township High School fishing club three trips uh special education we reviewed uh the draft of a possible evaluation form that will be used to evaluate power professionals we received the Challenger winter basketball schedule um and some of this will be reported by other committees there's going Mr zinsky shared that he is working closely with the technology department and the business office to formulate a plan for the onetoone program moving forward intergenerational game day was yesterday uh they met at Fant run and then um that's it thank you and we reviewed the 2024 25 school calendar bless you and that's it the next meeting will be March February 6 February 6 thank you thank you Mr Cony would you like to do policy committee please sure we had our meeting on Wednesday the 10th of January cor before the board office uh myself M CLA Mr Bell and Dr fera um hope policies to review um although Dr provided um an overview of how the uh uh alerts and everything come out um how new policies uh and Dr Pereira shared how uh recognition tonight of uh his delvento the athletes coaches um which was done and then uh reviewed the calendar for 20242 um and then had a uh preliminary overview of the 2425 budget conversation after that um heting was over at 5:30 and the next meeting will be on February the 7th at 4:15 thank you Mr Cony Mr class could you do finance and Facilities please yes uh we had a very lengthy meeting um it was myself Mr armado uh Mr conned Dr Pereira and Miss ornsby uh the first thing we talked about was our stem room project update um it's complete we're just waiting for the furniture to come in now and then we can move the kids in hopefully by the end of the month um the architect did do a walkthrough on Friday um and he did determine um what countertops need to be replaced because they were scratched um when they were being uh put in and the room was getting worked on um the fire alarm update um Mrs Orby um updated the committee on the status the project is also complete the punch list was completed and the engineer um needs to inspect which he's supposed to come back uh next week either Wednesday or Thursday we had a synergistics update um he we we're going to ask them to come and do a presentation for us so we can see how much we've saved over this uh past year we discussed the referendum Miss Orby led a discussion on the status of the referendum committee discussions followed uh Goose droppings we had a complaint um from someone from the community um and a discussion was led um on the droppings on the Walking path um and it's been rectified the doors that at the high school Miss Orby led a discussion uh that two doors needed to be replaced at the high school and they will um be replaced and it's Grant funded vandalism uh Miss Orby led a discussion on the vandalism policy and how we handle charging parents for vandalism uh that's also going to go to policy's going to review that next month I don't think it's been updated since 2005 so we'll take a look at that uh Finance the prek fac facilities Grant Miss Ormsby led a discussion on how we can move forward with this project the committee agreed that we should move forward with this project discussion followed the rod Grant Miss Ormsby led a discussion on how to move forward with these projects the committee also agreed to move forward uh with doing half of the high school roof um 2024 25 budget uh Miss Orby and Dr Pereira led a discussion on the deficit calculation and how we're to address it uh we also discussed question on November ballot U Miss warnsby and uh Dr per led a discussion uh the possibility and implications of putting a question on November ballot to try to increase the tax base and non-resident student tuition rates uh we also had a discussion about that we're going to uh leave the rates alone this year not increase uh transportation we talked about uh bus purchases uh we need to replace two 54 passenger buses and two Vans for the next school year um let's see uh we also discussed the calendar and we are having our next um budget Workshop most likely February 13th and that's open to the public and that that was it thank you so much M CL thank you pray good no comment no comment okay um board member comments I would like to start off with and congratulate all the winners tonight and the teachers and the students for going the extra mile getting student of the month and whatnot and I'd like to start with Mr Connie under board member comments uh congratulations to all five of students staff members um really I think right now um obviously budget kind of hard and that's pretty much it right now but Mr I have got nothing to say m Walker nothing to say Mr Bell your first full meeting do you have anything to say glad to be here um I do thank you for your kind words those that voted for me and uh I will do my best to uh stand for what I said I would do when I got in here so uh thank that and I do want to thank the board they've been great uh trying to catch me up to speed so that's all I have Mr M no comment M Claus no no comment okay that was quick and easy thank you I have no comment either okay we going to go into the agenda start Reise correct M all right here we go we have uh meeting minutes A1 page two do I have a motion move second oh roll call please oh any discussion on the minutes roll call Mr Bell I'll abstain on the December one was not presid thank you Mrs armato otherwise yes yes Mr conned he to abstain on December as I was not here but yes on January thank you Mrs Walker yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes and Mr Peters yes next we have page two A2 list of the bills can I have a motion please motion I'll second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs arm yes Mr conned yes but I need to help stand on yours number 95 3814 and my employer 289 299 and 28330 thank you thank you Mrs Walker uh yes except I'm abstaining on Bill number 95046 they were due to conflict thank you Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes and Mr Peters yes same on 211 210 ocvts please thank you next we have transfers page 2 and three A3 to A5 can I have a motion please move second good roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conedy yes Mrs Walker yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes thank you next we have Pages 3 through five Finance facilities A6 through a12 can I have a motion can I ask a question please Mr Peters sure uh H seven the architect Services um I know we were waiting on some more information can that be tabled till next month I would like to make a motion get that if you to table I mean you could do it a couple ways I mean the the most proper way under Robert's Rules is you moved them and you should second them and then a motion to table would be a secondary motion while the once those are appended so if you want to do it that could you repeat that one more time please yeah sure so I I think you called for a motion for A6 through a12 and if that's moved and seconded then a motion to table any one of those would be in order gotcha okay so let's go back to that and follow the attorney's advice we're going to uh make a motion from A6 to a12 do we have a motion so we're voting on six 7 8 9 10 11 12 yes well you're just moving it and seconding it now okay I'm confused yeah I don't you mean because if we motion it and then we second it and then we vote on all those particulars well you you won't be voting you move it and second it and then it's Up For Debate and when there's a discussion that's when a motion to table would be the first motion second motion then I'll have a question for debate correct can I have a motion I'll make a motion I'll second okay now if there's any discussion and if anyone wants to table any one of those now that would be in order any discussion on the motion Mr President yes like to make a motion that we table number seven hope we could get further information on the architect I'd like to know why because yesterday our board president board vice president had a discussion with the architect and I don't know what more information we need to find out I'd like to answer that question yeah that's why I asked uh Miss CL I did have a long meeting with the architect there was numerous request asked prior to the meeting that was not given to us there was a number of questions that were not asked given to us and we felt that um making a decision such a big decision in less than 24 hours notice what I'm requesting is that the architect do a presentation to the facilities meeting also not only us so we have a longer time to to discuss um different options for that we had numerous requests if we continue to use him to move forward that we have a chance to actually discuss and uh that's why we're asking for one more month to table this to get do some do diligence and get some more research and what kind of due diligence I'm sorry I interrupted your sure not a problem yeah absolutely um the biggest concern we had was uh the past stem room that happened and we were looking to imp implicate more ramif ation this project was supposed to be due to us and completed in September it is still not turned over to our teachers and our staff yet we spent a lot of money on this project a lot of things happened incorrectly not to our satisfacation when we did our walkthroughs up there there was a lot of inconsistency and things and rules that we didn't like and we're looking to find out ways with this architect or another out of time to implicate to hold people accountable for their actions when they come to this District district and they don't comply and follow and do things correctly my forte is in construction I believe from start to finish that this job was not done correctly that's my own opinion but I'd like to do some more research on that and give us a month to next month till we sit back and let him come back with answers I requested certain things at the meeting that were not given to us to make that decision or not properly to use this gentleman continue to use this this gentleman with our projects okay I'm sorry um how long how long has he been our architect I believe eight years years about eight years and now we have to do our due diligence didn't we not do our due diligence when we hired this person or this company I was not part of the board then Mr Rano I'm sorry okay did we have any problems with previously to the stem room yes the fire alarm system the fire alarm systems weren't his fault anybody that's in technology knows that the reason why the Firearms took so long is because China wasn't delivering chips okay so it wasn't his fault that that they took so long to do the fire alarm project so to accuse someone of not doing their job when we're stating that we're doing all the facts and the due diligence and with throwing all these words out is unfair to the vendor now from my experience being a board member now I've heard nothing bad about this person maybe the people who are your sources are not happy because maybe he is holding the contractors accountable for the mess up that they're doing so for instant right I let you finish let me finish sure go ahead how many times do we have to do the count is over they're still not done is that the architect's fault or is it the vendor's fault what's that is it the hired vendor's fault or is it the Architects for I'm going to have to place um I think when they came in they were damaged immediately and at that point there rather than give the vendor four three times to correct them they should have been replaced immediately and we hire the architect to manage that job to take care of that correct but he's not the project manager he's the architect no he is a project manager he's getting paid to manage the GCS that do the job correct he's not the architect he told he told I think we're wasting a lot of time on one project because of whatever reason I don't think it's a valid reason I I I think we've had a good experience with this this company I met him once he was nothing but professional and transparent and the questions that we asked if there is any unprofessionalism on his part this the first time I'm hearing about it um I know this guy to be reputable I know him to be professional I know him to answer questions in its entirety no longer no matter how long it takes to answer the question and now because of a stem room project and a firearm project that we know anybody who's in technology knows that's not his fault that those things took so long to get done Mr M are you done I'm not okay if I was done I would say I'm done sure okay respect so here we are we're tbling something because something that you guys heard that's what was said in the f I heard things that's not how you conduct a business that's not how you run a district on what you heard from your friends or whomever that these people don't want to stand up and say yeah we've had a bad experience with this gentleman if it was a bad experience they should step forward if not we should move forward and stop with this stuff this has been too long now we're talking about an architect he's a good guy does good work I'm done now thank you so much so you're wrong okay and you're saying these guys These Guys these guys I specifically asked for contracts when previous jobs in chronolog order from the stem room back to give the guy a chance to prove himself go back five projects that you've done for this school you you bring in the contract you bring in the start Dee you bring in what the job was at and what the job finished at he did not provide that that's what I asked for did he give you a reason why he didn't provide it yeah he came in and gave us blank contracts for that information and had a written down in pencil on a piece of paper so you question his law your question his that he's not telling the truth yes really why did he so you're you're slandering a company are you going to let me finish now no wait you're slandering a company right now in public calling that company a liar are you going to finish let me finish I let you finish let me finish I did not interrupt you I let you go when you asked for a gentleman for a contract and all the paperwork and how the job went from start to finish and the last five jobs back and he did not provide that in the contract itself it was written on a piece of paper and pencil in front of us I'm not Mr Peters can I jump in for sure I'm sorry I I I think I think this is s can I say something I was at that meeting and um there is nothing personal with him that anybody is attacking prior to the meeting skip asked for specific information at the meeting it was not presented so he's just asking to wait until he gets that information it was said in the meeting that he had the information on the paper and we waited and it was not given so I I was there there was no conflict there was no arguing but the information was not given and we asked for it and he said he had it but he did not give it which is interesting to me did he give you a reason why no it went in a circle it just went in a circle what specific information I'm sorry what specific information skip it start date end date and and project I asked for the last five jobs that he completed in chronological order for our district sorry for our weren't you guys on the board though why why don't you guys know that what's that projects he's done the last five you can't go you can't go back 5 years and know exactly how much job cost and what the start date was and what but my point is if there were projects that weren't completed because you know about the stem no no no I didn't say weren completed I said that were completed in the district throughout the district but if you had no problem with five but if you you only have the problem with the stem room and you're going you want five Pro projects that he did in the past if there were no problems in the past you wouldn't you know about them if there were problems in the past you were on the board um not that far back I don't know exactly to the exact perfect timeline if Linda you were on the board do you know of any projects for the last five years oh No in fact I was just going to ask Sharon and Vanessa if you guys ever had do you have problems with him is there a reason why you would hesitate for us to vote Yes for no no and we have five projects we've done in the past two years MH five in the last two years yes were there any issues with those projects no no okay can we can we vote or does everybody have any more comments I am looking for 30 days for this gentleman to present in front of a facility I understand but you need to vote right now you need I didn't say no okay I didn't say no I didn't want to use them I said I wanted to do more I understand you want to table it we have to vote on the table big project coming up I want to make sure I was right person for IT understood but we have to vote right now on the table you still need a second on the table so how will this hold up any plans for the referendum any timeline If We Hold this up because yes it will 30 days will hold us up yes yeah we only have until we have February March April we only have till May to get everything together so we're we're already behind and we need we need this architect to be part of the plan planning M abs for May is what you're saying yes I just want to make sure and yes can I just say something about number eight now I don't I don't know any information honestly about the Financial Group um okay I don't mean to call you yeah I just want to resolve seven okay yeah so there was a motion by Mr conedy to table number seven is there a second second Peters okay I think we had discussion so you could roll call that okay so we're going uh 6 through 12 now correct no this is just on the motion to table number seven so a yes vote would table number seven a no vote would um would would reject the motion to table say that again yes vote with table and no vote would be no table it keeps it on the main vote does everybody understand that understand that you say yes if you want a table number seven vote Yes so table is just for one month table means you're putting it off taking it off the agenda not voting on it tonight you would vote on it next month and that's going to push us back to I push this back mon that's question okay we ready for a roll call ready all right Mr B uh no just Mrs Armada no Mr conned yes Mrs Walker I'm gonna have to vote no sorry Mr armado no Mrs Claus yes and Mr Peters yes right majority is a no so it'll stay on for voting okay so now we're back to the main motion which is numbers 6 through 12 and I think Miss CL wanted to bring up another issue well I mean would it hold us up for number eight if we uh table that no right for one month just so we can look into if there was an issue I don't know yes because I'm working with them as well for financial information I don't know I didn't hear any of this before I mean I don't know this is just new information if there if there is any but I think it should be we've been working with AIA for years as well okay well do you need a motion would anybody else want to table or I mean is this something what are we talking about we're discussion discussion number eight yeah I have a discussion on that one if I if I don't mind um I don't know if Kim said this so I apologize if I'm repeating it if if we do try to table how do you say the company's name Acacia Acacia does that pre does that stop us from moving forward with yeah I've been working with them already to get the bonding information to get our our debt ceiling all right love that any more discussion on number eight any more discussion board members number eight okay so we're going to move forward now through uh A6 through a12 correct yeah that's correct we had the motion we had the second now we need a rule call correct yes correct Ru call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armato yes Mr conned yes but no on number seven please Mrs Walker yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus uh this is 6 through 12 correct okay I'm going to vote Yes on all but seven and8 just because I don't we don't have all the information so you're voting no on number seven and eight correct and Mr Peters yes and no number 17 thank you okay page five tuition a13 can I have a motion please move second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes Mrs Walker yes Mr armad yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes uh what would other be just going to so um n uh A14 we are tabling the calendar there's uh some mistakes in it so we are going to table that do we need a vote on on that no no CU it can it's being administratively removed and it's a ministerial item it's not a substantive issue sure uh page six policies and regulations :15 can I have a motion please roll conned give it roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes Mrs Walker yes Mr armato yes Mrs Claus yes and Mr Peters yes page six hibs a16 A1 17 can I have a motion please I'll move it second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes but I need to abstain on 17 since I was absent Mr Walker yes Mr yes Mrs Claus yes and Mr Peters yes Page Six B donations can I have a motion please motion second rule call Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes thank you Mrs Walker yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes and thank you so much page six program and C uh curriculum I'm sorry can I have a motion please move move second roll call Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes Mrs Walker yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mrs Mr Peters yes page seven professional days workshops and travel can I have a motion please move second we oh I'm sorry are we doing all of all of page seven or we're doing just d right now just d d okay sorry professional days workshops and travel okay sorry we had a first and the second correct yes roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armato yes Mr conedy yes Mrs Walker yes Mr armato yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes page 7 through 10 e certified Personnel E1 to E12 can I have a motion please motion I'll second roll call Mr Bell yes Mrs uh armado yes Mr conedy yes Mrs Walker uh just a second yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes page 10- 15 F non-certified Personnel F1 to F12 all right we have one change um there's an addendum sheet that we uh provided for number four we removed um an employee uh who declined a position can I have uh we make motion yes move as amended second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armato yes Mr conned yes but on number 12 uh employment of substitute supports staff he to abstain on Alice sely please thank you par Mrs Walker uh yes sorry I keep forgetting who that is Mr armato yes Mrs Claus yes and Mr Peters yes okay and we have one walk on okay uh be it resolved that the Lacy Township School District approves the following whereas uh I don't have the student ID number want you have that please do we have a student ID number you can you can add it later and just the the student that which was discussed in executive session okay student as discussed an executive session has been duly noticed and afforded the opportunity to participate in a hearing before the board of education has been afforded certain due process rights and whereas student was advised of their right to appeal to the commissioner of education and whereas student participated in a hearing pursuant to njsa 37 2.4 before the Board of Education which took place on January 18th 2024 and has been afforded certain due process rights whereas the preponderance of the evidence indicated that the student engaged in prohibited contacts that had said Behavior constitutes cause for further discipline now therefore be resolved in accordance with and JSA 18a 375 student will be suspended and placed in an interim alternative placement ending June 30th 20124 be it resolved that the student will be excluded from participating in all Lacy Township School District ex activities and is not permitted on school property or any other school function without prior approval of the superintendent during the uh during that period all right can I have a motion motion motion second rule call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes Mrs Walker yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes and Mr Peters yes to read yeah and then uh we need a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn I'll move second roll call please um all in favor I you have a good night everybody thank you for coming