good evening adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to the public laws of 1975 said notice was advertised in the Asberry Park Press and the beacon and was posted on the Bola board showing the time and place of the meeting please rise for the salute to the flag and a moment of silence I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all good first reading of ordinance offices ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey amending an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey of fixing and determining the salaries wages and compensation of officers employees and members of the governing body of the township this is for our class one two and three officers mooving second Mr McDonald yes Mr kennet yes Deputy Mayor KIRO yes mayor Juliano yes first reading of ordinance 2024-25 ordance of fixing and determining salary wages and compensation for the municipal Alliance coordinator ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey amending an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey a fixing and determining the salaries wages and compensation of the officers employees and members of the governing body of the township this is for our Municipal Alliance coordinator move it second Deputy Mayor Kira yes Mr McDonald yes Mr Kenne yes mayor Juliana yes first reading of ordinance 2024-the ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey amending an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey a fixing and determining the salaries wages and compensation of the officers employees and members of the governing body of the township this is for seasonal Recreation employees and um our seasonal employees in DPW I should mention that for these salary ordinances they're all to ad just for that increase in minimum wage move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Deputy Mayor hero yes mayor Juliana yes first reading of ordinance 2024-25 entitled construction codes ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean stadi of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 159 entitled construction codes section 4 entitled adoption of fee schedule to increase the construction Department fees effective July jly 1st 2024 move it oh first reading that to the public first reading oh move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Deputy Mayor Kira yes mayor Juliana yes first reading of ordinance 202 24-15 amending chapter 292 so as to be in compliance with the regulations of the New Jersey pin lands commission an ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 292 of the Township Code entitled storm waterer regul ations for Pinelands areas so as to be in compliance with the regulations from the New Jersey Pinelands commission move it second deput mayor Caro yes Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes mayor Juliana yes first reading of ordinance 202 24-6 amending chapter 335 so as to be in compliance with the regulations of the New Jersey Pinelands commission an ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 335 of the Township Code entitled zoning ask to be in compliance with regulations from the New Jersey Pinelands commission move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Deputy Mayor K yes may J yes resolution 2024-25 accepting the sole bid for the purchase of block 284 a lot one uh 10 110 1 point10 Okay resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey accepting the sole bid submitted for the purchase of block 284 Lot 1 .01 pursuant to resolution 2024 d118 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Deputy Mayor KIRO yes mayor Julian yes resolution 2024 1-144 authorizing the appointment of seasonal employees resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the employment of seasonal employees for the Department of Public Works move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Deputy Mayor KIRO abin mayor Juliana yes work resolution 2024-25 awarding a contract for document Imaging Services resolution in the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract for document Imaging services to Alternative micrographics move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Deputy Mayor Kera yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 awarding a contract for Sunrise Boulevard East and Bob Port Lane Road Improvement projects resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract to Swift and Sun for the Sunrise Boulevard East and Bob cour Lane Road Improvement project move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Deputy Mayor KIRO yes mayor Julian yes resolution 2024-25 awarding a contract for cranberry Hill Phase 1 Road Improvement project resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract to Swift and Sun for the 24 New Jersey DOT Municipal aid grant for the cranberry Hill Phase 1 Road Improvement project move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Deputy Mayor ktoo yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 Ford utility Interceptor vehicles to Winter Ford of Cherry Hill move it second Deputy Mayor Kira yes Mr kenis yes Mr McDonald yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the of police vehicles for the detective Bureau resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state New Jersey awarding a contract for multiple vehicles to herrich Fleet Service for the detective Bureau for the township Lacy Police Department second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Deputy Mayor Caro yes mayor Julian yes resolution 2024-the Vehicles resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract to Elite vehicle solutions for vehicle equipment for multiple police vehicles move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Deputy Mayor KIRO yes mayor Juliana yes resolution sorry that's right resolution of the township of LA county of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract to Motorola Solutions in care of Wireless Communications and electronics for the purchase of radio communication equipment second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor CA yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 oan state of New Jersey awarding a contract to Motorola Solutions and care of Wireless Communications and electronics for the purchase of Eck printers and readers for the new police vehicles moving uh Deputy Mayor hero yes Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dyos yes mayor juli yes resolution 2024-the of antenna radar systems for the police vehicles resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract to stalker radar and car of Applied concepts for four dsr1 antenna radar systems move second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr diov yes Deputy Mayor Cara yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-the of computer equipment for the police department resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract to Dell Technologies for computer equipment for the police department move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Mr Kenne yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor KIRO yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-the of a radar speed trailer resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract for the purchase of a radar speed alert 18 at5 trailer for The Lacy Township Police Department to all Traffic Solutions move it second Mr McDonald yes Deputy Mayor KOLO yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes mayor Julian yes resolution 2024-the Department resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract to air graphics for vehicle wrapping services for the police department move second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor KOLO yes mayor Julian yes resolution 2024-25 Works resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract to Winter Ford for 2024 or newer Ford F250 Super Cab 4x4 LT pickup and one 2024 or newer Ford F550 4x4 regular cab mve second Mr McDonald yes Mr kis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor Kira yes mayor Julian yes resolution 2024-the of a vehicle for code enforcement resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract for the purchase of one 2024 Ford Ranger 4X4 Crew C pickup to All-American Ford for the code enforcement department move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr doff yes Deputy Mayor Kuro yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the of an enclosed trailer for the Department of Public Works resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract to off Shore trailers for the purchase of a Wells Cargo enclosed trailer for the Department of Public Works move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor KOLO yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the of a side bucket for the Department of Public Works resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract to Jesco for the purchase of a side bucket for the John Deere backo for the Department of Public Works move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr doff yes Deputy Mayor KOLO yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 202 24-1 161 awarding a contract for roofing services for 102 Station Drive resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract to LR Watson Sun Roofing and Construction for roof Renovations for the Lacy Township Food Bank building at 102 Station Drive move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes deputy mayor Caro yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-25 d163 awarding a contract for the purchase of replacement pieces for the wibbit inflatable water park resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean stat New Jersey awarding a contract to commercial recreation Specialists for the purchase of replacement pieces for the inflatable water sports park for the township of lacy yeah move it second Mr McDonald yes Deputy Mayor KOLO yes Mr kenis yes Mr daos yes mayor Juliana yes resolution purchase of Mobility mats for the wibbit inflatable water park resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract to the Champs mat system systems for the purchase of Mobility mats for the recreation department for the township of lacy move it second Deputy Mayor Ciro yes Mr Kenneth yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes mayor Julian yes resolution 224-1 165 authorizing the release of performance guarantee for the Road open opening permit 4904 resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the release of a site Improvement performance guarantee posted by Jay Fletcher Kramer and son for Road opening permit number 4904 second Mr cannis yes Mr McDonald yes Deputy Mayor KERO yes Mr diov yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing the cancellation of taxes due for a property acquired by the township resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the tax collector to cancel taxes due for properties acquired by Lacy Township move it second Deputy Mayor KIRO yes Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-the the refund of deposit monies resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the refund of deposits held for the use of Municipal facilities move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor KIRO yes mayor Julian yes resolution 2024 d168 authorizing the payment of Township bills resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the payment of Township bills this is in the amount of 3,265 55336 move it second Mr McDonald yes and I'll abstain on t35 Mr Kennis yes Mr daok yes Deputy Mayor Caro yes mayor Juliana yes motion to approve caucus minute meetings from May 9th 2024 move it second um all in favor I okay motion to approve Township minute meetings from May 9th 2024 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof abstain Deputy Mayor Kuro yes mayor Juliana yes motion to approve executive session meet minute meetings from May 9th 2024 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr D AB Shan Deputy Mayor Kera yes mayor Juliana yes motion to approve an auxiliary membership for the lenoa harbor Volunteer Fire Company for Francis jar Just J I'm sorry I don't mean to rip the kindleberger okay there I said it um move it yes you did suck it Mr Kenne yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Deputy Mayor Caro yes mayor Juliana yes on you have an add- on resolution 2024-the the tax collector to prepare and mail estimated tax bills in accordance with public law 1994 72 move second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mr D yes Deputy Mayor K yes mayor Juliano and the need for the estimated tax bills is because the state has not certified the rate yet because the school has not adopted their budget yet so at this point we're we just are getting things in place in case we have to do estimated bills which it will look like we will do that because we won't have the rate struck by this County and the state before the end of July okay comments from the committee Deputy Mayor thank you mayor uh some brief comments tonight for uh our businesses our emergency service and wreck for business I was at a a meeting with the uh division of Tourism and Business Development so it's been challenged for businesses small and large to hire people young people coming back from school what what have you there's more new LW this year than you can imagine there's loss for 18 year olds 14 to 16 tipped employees 17 year olds it's all different so we're looking out for you we have contact numbers if you have questions uh and they could even help you hire somebody that some people they have some feeder programs websites so I encourage people if somebody wants to call 693 uh 1100 ask for me I'll get you the number I'll provide administrator lay the number uh and what we'll do is we'll we'll have that there the number the name the contact person in the website if the business is needed I want it to be there for them as far as tourism um what's going to happen is there's going to be a World Cup here uh in and people say well it's just going to be New York it's going to be Philadelphia so when the Europeans travel they travel for 3 weeks to a month at a clip there's going to be 46 matches over 3 weeks it's going to have the estimated impact of 10 Super Bowls if you have a rental property you got to get ready because there's going to be people staying here it's going to be an impact on our businesses it's not just going to be New York City and and Philadelphia it's going to be the entire region down to Baltimore so it could be a benefit it could it could be an opportunity for us to participate in that economy uh that comes basically once in a lifetime when we host the last time we hosted I think was in the early 80s in Los Angeles um the recreation as liaison here with commune McDonald I have a small uh update from Mr Wyland every Friday through September 11 to 5: we'll have uh our Farmers Market all kinds of products there including fresh breads artisanal cheeses uh and soaps candles jewelries crystals uh I mean come and take a look it's a great Farmers Market I'm a lot of times I'm at the office there are occasions when I am able to be there and wonderful United Methodist Church and Lacy who hosts it it's right over there in the afternoon on on Fridays take a look at that website especially if you have a child and you want to look at everything from Seniors to school children for the rec department and uh that'll do it my for my comments mayor thank you for the time Mr D so I just want to talk about Memorial Day so I just really quickly looked up Wikipedia Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day the federal holiday United States for honoring and mourning the US military personnel who died while serving in the United States armed forces so on this Memorial Day please remember all those who gave their lives and served our country that's all I have mayor thank you very much you're welcome Mr Kennis thank you mayor uh this week in the Star Ledger I read that wall has settled their um affordable housing obligation so the I get around town a lot I get a lot of um people asking like when the state asks us to do something you know we should say no or or or fight it more and um we generally try and strike the best deal we can at the time um so wall has been um had a obligation back in 2015 of uh 1,250 affordable housing units with a a bonus credit of 313 which brings their total from to 947 this is again from 2015 and they just settled it this week at 947 units so that's pretty much the same amount of units that they've been fighting for for 10 years so that's you have to imagine that's a lot of attorney fees and and planning fees um for 10 years and they ultimately have to do what what they originally were told to do and we usually take the position to strike the best deal we can at the time in order to you know um save the taxpayers money right in addition I also hope everybody has a memori a memorable Memorial Day weekend and please remember the soldiers who are no longer with us um and uh and gave their lives for us that's my comments thank you Mr K Mr M Donald thank you be uh I to went about Memorial there we had the parade starts at 10:00 then there's a memorial service right here in the park uh from M byai I know the police I know the past years it was loud because they're letting traffic go by past few they've been cutting the traffic off and I want to thank them for that um Wednesday the mayor and I had the privilege of attending the Ocean County mayor's breakfast and in there they had a gentleman do you remember his name Joe Joe Joe C Joe thank you Kevin we want to talk about about this um and what's happening with our volunteerism firefighters and I'm not happy about it the apparatus and the the truck fence money and that stuff there's nothing we can do about that that will be dealt with in the future however what they're doing now is putting severe restrictions on these guys it's just not right was it 20 240 hours to get on a truck cabin well they just had graduation Monday night in the academy firefighter one and firefighter 2 it's 400s okay 400 400 hours of training and you're not getting paid before they can get on a truck is is that right Kevin well they pass firefighter one and get a truck but they're requiring firefighter 2 so literally 4 yeah think about that think about that not only that they're pushing the older guys out because they're putting Fitness tests in and come on push-ups carrying a pack of 45 lbs for three miles for under 45 minutes and things like that we're going to lose them we're GNA lose them and 400 some OD hours who's my my son he's 30 years old has a wife and a baby a job I talked to him this morning about it and he's like that I couldn't do that remember I got to get the time to do that so again it's being pushed out because what's happening is they want the volunteers to have the same training as the professionals that are getting paid so guess where we're headed without a question probably within are pushing the volunteers out that's right it's all about money all about jobs for the union guys it it's we if we had to go to volunteer fire uh paid fire uh firefighters in this town we couldn't afford it we really couldn't afford it it would be a disaster so that that's where we're headed probably 10 15 years down the road maybe faster if the guys get out but that's where we're headed I'm not happy about it um I'm not sure what we can do about it but I want to get involved in that thank you that's all I have mayor I yesy may go right ahead thank you for the added time mayor and I'll just be brief did not know what Mr McDonald was going to talk about tonight but in lock step with that yesterday I was at an event with commissioner Quinn and he's been really above board in his efforts in addressing this and the shortage of volunteers so what he's doing is trying to get with the Ocean County vocational technical school create a type of feeder program it didn't talk specifically about fire and it's in its infancy uh and I don't even know how much it's been discussed but it's it to me on the surface without researching it it's a great idea aidea what it would do is create a feeder Program for Young People once they became of age they would get a lot of dish training by licensed people in The Vocational Technical School they have to be there they're a captive audience anyway going to school learning a trade how to work with their hands if that could work that could really address all the needs in all of our municipalities so I applaud that board of whole whole Board of Commissioners and commissioner SED as well who liaison over there for vocational Tech uh for doing that work so thank you for the extra minute no problem def May um okay so I just wanted to tell you that we had 24 fire calls this month between our for River and our Lanoka Harbor Fire companies again we could not do it without them and they are volunteers and everybody needs to remember that at all times when they've got they're out there with a bucket or they're selling a raffle ticket every one of us should be buying from them and supporting them in any way shape or form that we can I also attended did two career days this week at our elementary schools both Cedar Creek and fora River absolute fun time for me these children in third fourth and fifth grade asked me phenomenal questions I was very impressed for them to ask me the goods the bads of being a mayor and and just it was just really it was really cool to see kids and they weren't pred I asked the teachers if they were prompt with these questions and they said no they just allowed them to ask me so it was is really very special um I did enjoy listening to Joe juip um talk he's the fire chief of excuse me Chief Fire coordinator for the county of ocean very interesting man to talk to very nice to give us the information that we need to hear and pay attention to I also attended an event for the uh US Coast Guard this past weekend at the Elks um of which they were there to promote safety on the boats and um if you wanted to they would go on your boat they offered up services to go on your boat and make sure you have everything that you need on your boat so it was very interesting to be there with them um I went I went to a fundraiser for the food bank that was held over at um Deputy Mayor and I both went to seab breze and went to this fundraiser it's amazing how from all walks of everybody gets involved and they and they had a big GF outing and uh raised a good amount of money for the food bank so another great um um situation um this Monday is the parade at 10:00 um it's a it's it's an important um it's important for people to come out and support it um sometimes we don't have a whole lot of people out there as we do for the Christmas parade and I know um I know the kids enjoy the Christmas parade and I get that but I I really think it's it's important to be out there and support these men and women who um did not come home but came home in their uniforms and um you know it's it's a big thing that we show our love and support for them at all times not just on one day of the year or two days of the year so that's just my thoughts on on Monday's um parade here in town again 10 o'cl and then there'll be a memorial service right out front so I appreciate people coming out that's all I have I'll open up the uh comments from the public come on else um I just wanted to reach out to you and find out how the um adop a highway program was going you said you were going to talk to adopt the highway I didn't speak about the adop L about the litter I didn't do yeah no I didn't similar to an adop a high no we've we've reached out to a couple of the um Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts I've talked to a couple groups like that we're going to combine it with uh Earth Day that's the plan for next year is to put it on on that schedule to so that for safety reasons everybody's more aware of it on on Earth Day so we thought instead of trying to make a separate day we're going to we're going to put it all together on Earth Day that's the plan so just one day a year yes yeah I mean people should be doing it more often than that but you know um trying to get everybody to agree on something is another story so but I did you know reach out to a couple different than you um I was down at the U Bayfront Park Tuesday and um saw the mowing that they did on either side of the pathway and noticed that one of the homes there that has an inground pool I don't know if they did it themselves or if the DPW did it if because the homeowner asked them to while they were there but they went along the path they cut up they did the entire property in front of the person's house that doesn't belong to them it's public property and then went back down and continued to mow along the path obviously I can't answer that right now but I I can check it for you y I don't know if DPW did it because they were asked to by the homeowner or if the homeowner did it themselves but it was not supposed to be done um and then my other question which hasn't been answered yet um regarding the mowing on either side of the path is how are those plants dangerous you keep saying that people are going to trip over them and hurt themselves meanwhile you've got a playground full of equipment and you're concerned about plants well I'll address that may I I'm not done so what I'm not done okay um because you know like I said when when you when all those bushes were cut down along the rock wall that exposed something quite dangerous for children to play on and they could see it now that all the you know the grasses and the bushes were cut down so I just don't understand your reasoning and I'd like to absolutely we as Township leaders have to look at Public Safety when you talk about that Park in particular we went through great expense in that Park if you walk in that park it actually has concussion proof flooring in case a child you you walk on it you bounce on it right remember my daughter was I mean it it's uh so there are safety mechanisms built in before we build anything we talk with our insurers it's called the GIF The Joint Insurance Fund um but I will tell you uh when you have sidewalks like an City Urban suburban area if those sidewalks are not not kept or if there's a 4-in lip because a root is pushing it up and PE somebody Falls it's going to be the town who gets named on things like that and so when we say we have just have to cut it back so that there's a clear path and there's no whether it's sticker bushes or opportunities to catch a baby carriage wheel that's all we're talking about you and I talked off off camera after the meeting last week I thought it was a good conversation I I want to meet I'm glad and so we're agreeing well I heard otherwise though I heard that I was disrespectful to you which I didn't think I was well I did not say that no not you uh well that's so listen everybody's going to say what they're going to say I I I else up here but I didn't appreciate that cuz I felt like I was being respectful to you well I told you why initially it was a little bit hard to take you had a comment last and that was pretty that was a while ago I figured you guys were over it by now but well that's why we do what we do and I I appreciate that accepted but that's why we do what we do we always are looking for safety we do not want to get sued it raises everybody's high water mark and there there's a way we can meet in the middle and have safety have turtles have Flora have fauna and have a recreation place for the town we do it in all our other Parks they're beautiful we cut them we have huge tournaments children love them so we and we go on the advice and consent that Dr hail and other people that are have high academic standard in this field so we're trying to we can't as as mayor says all the time it's a very tough seed she's in it's we're trying to be all things to all people but my first thing and I could have disagreement on my college is safety that's all I have mayor okay I still don't see it but okay um I mean they plants if anything it would cushion a fall okay you know now there's nothing now it's a hard ground and that path is between six and 7 fet wide so you can definitely fit a baby stroller and someone next to it and a dog thank you thank you thank you let me get this gentleman over there first Steve sorry Steve I just want to talk about if I may just have you say your name Brian flurry for River what name I'm sorry I missed that FL FL e y okay and I wanted to talk about like the taxes Schoolboard taxes and uh just what I think might be a remedy for that okay if it I I just would like to say you're welcome to talk I'm not going to stop you from talking but I just want you to know anything to do with the school board we don't handle that here I no it's not so much a school board but it's taxes in in general your taxes going tax are going to be coming up okay tell me so I think I have a remedy for to you know for the school for all this short funding that's going on that if it's not addressed is going to raise taxes and I see in the paper 99.9% and stuff like that I just had my taxes I moved into town a couple years ago I just had my taxes go up 50% in town here so uh 50% % I went up and so you know I had low taxes but it went up 50% so uh I could show you I brought my tax my tax things with you if you question that that's what I that's what I said to all right so if you hear me out everything will come together at the end here but it has to do with the the uh the monies that are given out throughout the year so it's we have a RoR University their budget this year was $5.4 million of which New Jersey pays 21.4% or .156 billion in addition New Jersey has given ruter $300 million uh this year in a package for Capital Improvements of which 100 million went to upgrading indoor basketball courts uh and what they called operations 150 went to medical schools and that are being built in New Brunswick and 50 million for what they call a research complex uh complex all of which was reported by ruers um all of which uh is our tax money that's going into there um by the way is reported that ruer Sports lost over $250 million this year and uh they're in debt also added to that $300 million package was $25 million in tax credit breaks uh which is your money my money all of our monies that are going in uh the total this year is over uh 1.5 billion dollars of taxpayer money that the school uh is getting uh and uh they already have a 2 billion doll endowment and if they were to take that $2 billion doll uh endowment and uh at simple interest at 5% this year you got $100 million and I'll get back to all that in a little bit may I just may I just ask you for a question the question would be what does that have to do with our taxes here I'm just I'm going to get to that at the so I'll tell you what it is at the end of this whole thing right here and when I give you a breakdown um if they State we have when you had your taxes go certain schools got funded certain schools got zero and Lacy Township Tom's River everybody in Ocean County in Ocean County basically got negative Okay negative what I'm proposing here is to get the people that were negative and just get them funded up to that zero point not ask confer anything more than that which was over close to $150 million that was a shortfall okay so what I'm proposing is you know uh that if ruter if I just get through this rest part here and then I'll get to that okay two minutes no problem okay uh Rus has approximately 67,2 students of which 18% are out of state or what they call International or out of country which our taxpaying dollars are paying for right okay uh all these numbers I got off of Rutter's website so it can be looked up and I can uh get you get you all copies if you if you'd like Ruckers employees at 28,000 they employ 28,9 employees full and uh full-time and part-time that's almost a 2:1 ratio our schools as we all know that they're cutting back uh teachers and staff and everything uh are way they're around 15 to1 is the ratio right now so like ruter is you know well over that okay now the reason for all this is without the fund without funding ruter uh at least hundred million doar we could save money from the state and the schools and if they take that uh that all those people that were negative would bring them up to zero that $100 million that I brought up earlier on uh that endowment at 5% you know which you know plus minus is just money that ruter isn't going to make this year okay that money all that money that we're going to that the state is already saying that they're going to give you some money and everything it's just ruter being a good neighbor they're take take take but they're not give give give and over the course of the last five years we've given them almost 9 billion in state money and not seen anything back so for that reason uh you know I'm saying it through you people through the people that are here in the audience if you get the word out uh and I'm going to try to uh get the word out to the other towns get the people out you the elected people they see that you're going for you know like to help that way and look into it right and talk to people from other towns that this is a way that uh without taking any money taxpayers money and just what ruter has in their shoe box more or less I wish I wish it was that easy to do I know you wish it was that easy but as elected officials and everybody and everybody like you know elections are coming up through the state and everything else you know they can uh you know oh you're right cuz Ocean County South Jersey we know that uh you know the reasoning we know uh so you get out and vote and but uh that's what I had to say what I would do if I was you was go to the Board of Education meeting bring your plan you know your plan with you there and talk to them okay all right but if the people could spread the word and go from there okay that just one with that one point yep we could alleviate everything and nobody would have to have their taxes raised should reach out to your Governor about that too I'll reach out to your nth District legislators you can St right there on I went down the other day I went down the other day and they were all out so I asked I asked about making an appointment the you know thank you for coming thank you for your time thank you okay with the fire department yes you if you contact your insurance companies can't you have them like show them that you need less of a uh I'm just saying you know like less time for training or can you use the training that you're stateand Mr B anybody else no okay Mr borrow oh now it's not good evening uh Steve Ball foret River um I just want to commend you for the uh Memorial Day uh statements that you all made and it's very important that's right and I think a lot of our history is evaporating before our eyes and young people aren't aware of the suffering and everything that happened in past Generations that's right so anyways I also want to thank the uh Township for providing me quite a few financial documents and not being a financial expert but not being the dumbest guy on the Block I concluded that after looking at some of it that at the end of uh 2023 on the annual debt statement it said that we were in debt 24 million a little bit more than $24 million MH and then on March 27th 2024 for a supplemental debt statement came out with a net debt that added it to make 27 m756 429 however if you look on sheet 9A of the cash reconciliation document on 9A it lists uh 16 bank accounts that the uh Township has and list Banks and amounts supporting cash on deposit and as of December 31st there was $28 million a little bit more in those 16 accounts and I just wanted to not a connection between the debt and what we got in the uh 16 bank accounts and how that reacts to the debt Mr B I'm going to have to allow the township okay administrator to answer that question for you okay if you don't mind well some of those bank accounts are also escrow accounts which are developers put money on file for us to do inspection so there's some of that in there so it's not Township money the escro accounts are not what happen is there a do they differentiate in that which is I I don't think it does if you break if if the accounts get broken down yes you are but you're not privy to those intimate details of those bank accounts in the bank statements so for a developer whether it is Mr Kennis or or yourself or myself and you're doing a project you have to put inspection fees and escrow accounts on file to pay for the planning board the zoning board the inspectors so on and so forth the engineers so a lot of that a portion of that money not a lot a portion of that money is escro accounts so again once the project is done and it's closed out the engineer signs off escrow accounts get returned to the developers okay then on top of that is yes we borrow money to pay for those capital projects as we go along tonight you saw that we did a tremendous amount of spending based on the capital so next year um around May we'll borrow that money because we'll float it for now and then we borrow that money to to bonds for those items we do short-term notes long-term notes most of them are short-term that we try to pay off internally without borrowing the money as time goes on well I did see in another part of the documents uh I think it was the projective interest for 2024 was over $800,000 could be yeah very well okay MH which is great compared to years past believe me we're lucky if we were getting 80,000 in years past well so are you not happy that we're doing that well I'm happy anything that is a positive for the township and the township taxpayers I'm just a little uh I think that there should be more information given out TOS that's just like the with the reading of the minutes tonight you have a number of vehicles you guys are going to uh purchase there's no numbers attached to any of those motions of what you anticipate they're going to cost and what it's going to cost the township taxpayers I just think that you know when it comes to spending any more than a couple thousand that should be noted and there should be more detailed information not that I don't think that any of it is not warranted I think there should be a further accountability with the actual expenditure just like it just says Vehicles well now I'll give you for an instance well can I just interrupt you Qui second Steve when we do our budget meetings in The Bu it's in all in those documents that you get if you come to the budget meetings which we open to the public two of them the public go ahead I know but but I'm saying to you that you're saying that we should be more transparent and I'm saying to you we are transparent that information is in all the budget details that are handed out at our budget meetings it's in the budget document that he was Supply a copy of yes in the capital Improvement fund side of it so if you see that's what you just said now it's in the capital fund I I still believe that you know there should be a presentation especially at meetings like this because they're televised and a lot of senior citizens can't make it or people can't make it for whatever reasons but there should be more financial transparency just like you know say code enforcement what type of vehicle what type of vehicle is Code Enforcement get pickup truck it says a Ford Ranger was that a Ford Ranger she said that who said that did well it's hard to follow Amy because she talks very quick and I didn't catch that SL she was trained she was trained by Veronica well Veronica talks too fast ver she I did not I did not hear that but Ford Ranger that's better than a Ford F she wants to tell you she wants to tell all the resolutions that were read tonight have all of the amounts written in them and they'll be available online tomorrow you can come in and request a copy of them as well again I I don't see the uh uh the need I think this stuff be delivered to the township taxpayers at meetings such as these that we shouldn't have to go and seek documents out and then spend hours trying to figure them out when when a person of knowledge like your Chief Financial Officer the young lady that was here that couldn't tell me whether or not the township was in debt should periodically do a presentation at one of these meetings and say okay we have a debt of 28 8 million we have property like the one thing list property at the bottom and it actually is a over a billion dollars but it doesn't go into detail what that is I just think that an opportunity for the township taxpayers that even back you guys more would be Financial transparency when you're going out if you look at the minutes tonight you're talking about hundreds of thousands God knows how much money yes but not saying that it's not needed no no no and I get but I shouldn't have to be told I got to go to a budget meeting too when some of this stuff could be relayed to the public oh we have a financial uh uh review going to be done three times a year four times a year at the township meeting everything runs through everyone votes yes and we're left in the dark in a way okay can I just interrupt you again excuse me Steve so if I was to read you every one of those um resolutions that we pass along that you have the opportunity to see the moment we pass it it's three pages long I know of what has to be read right so what I'd like to say to you and I and whether you care about this part of it or not is what my point is is that what we do here is completely different than any other town I've been to other Town meetings and they do not even they do not even read resolutions they just well that's wrong then the taxpayers should Revolt there right but what I'm trying to say personally more I don't care what's going on in anywhere Le town but I think we're very transp and comparisons to me don't mean nothing no but I'm telling you we're very transparent okay okay one second well could you be further transparent and have the Chief Financial Officer just give us an overview of the documents I gave you know I I I got of course they're you know they're supplied to the governing body they get copies of those documents and then the final report is the the audit which we we just you know what Steve would you like me to do this I will set up a meeting that you could meet with Linda no may I it's got IIT set up the meeting for what for you to sit there and go over the documents with her so that she could get explain things may I for one second so what so to his point the um can we put the resolutions online prior to us V prior to us vote like to tonight's meeting is there a reason why they can't I'm asking I don't know well we have to put them in a different location than where we're currently putting them but I because I can't put them under the adopted section prior to the meeting because they're not adopted right okay so we can work something figure something out I mean it seems like that would solve some of the problems well the meeting packet that that we suppli to you in advance of the meeting we could probably up load underneath on the calendar where you have the agenda posted we'll just upload the document that you're supplying to that we can do that and all of that information will be in there it's probably a good idea I think that's my opinion yeah so you're saying it's going to be online yes but again it'll be it' be prior to being voted on yeah so so we we give we give the committee members their meeting packets by the close of business on Tuesdays so at and Tuesday evening before we leave we can make sure we post it instead of posting just the agenda we can post the entire packet this is what I got issued today to read over for each one of those resolutions I'll gladly put them online beforehand but they're not cleared at that point because we have not voted on them just I mean you could even state that a resolution has a potential of if approved this resolution has a potential of $80,000 it says the this resolution has a potential of 350,000 okay okay so what we need to do okay is again instead of rushing through voting on them let Amy finish what she's going to say and go through the resolution to be much more detailed SL down and to say those numbers and this way so instead of jumping in and doing motions in seconds let Amy finish the whole thing so she finds the spot in the resolution where she needs to send it if we were cutting her off I apologize I see the numbers here in her has all written down we have all the numbers right you want the numbers and that's fair you're right you know I just you know I'm just trying to think from a re reasonable point of view it's fine Steve we're going to take care of it what about the officer doing an overview the Chief Financial Officer the lady that was here I asked you if you'd like to have a meeting with her why do I have to have a meeting well because you're the one asking the questions you don't because I'm the one that's uh able to go up here you don't think these questions go through these people's minds and our our auditor does the overview of our financial sounding and he supplied the report which I believe he got a copy of the Audi and that talks about our financial stability I I would open up to a meeting but I wouldn't go there by myself I would have to have a couple other people was that possible I'm not going to put her through that either because you weren't nice to her the last time she was here I nice to her when she you need to watch yourself on the camera again yes you know we'll be more than happy to set up a meeting and the mayor and I will be more than happy well you know it's kind of unbelievable but that that the Chief Financial Officer doesn't know if the Township's in debt or not so to me that was a little disrespecting she did not know she didn't have the documents with her to be to give you that she give name on every document yes but she didn't want to give you the wrong number at all so all right so we'll figure that out but we'll have the other stuff on before the next meeting okay okay and a possible meeting yes I'll gladly sit in with you too if you want all right I'll get back with you on it all right get back um you know it was brought up to me about Lacy Township and you know like I said I lived here a long time and I've seen a lot of things um come and go a lot of good things go away a lot of bad things come and all under the uh I guess the foundation of creating more money for the township which really does seem like we need and uh before I get into what I want to say I just want to ask uh the taxes are going up 9% .3% no it's not 99.3% Steve why don't I let you explain how that happens well it's the school's taxes right the school taxes without counting the regular taxes I don't know if again this is not the the meeting for this the school I don't know if the school has finalized their their budget let me finish this the they can go up to 99.9% we'll see if they do so unow do it on the school budget not our budget not the county budget not the library budget let me let me just interject you it was a special bill that was passed by the assembly and the Senate and and the governor signed off on the schools that lost money as we did and the other schools did they had the right to go up to 99.9% tax incre and I'm going to repeat myself as the mayor that we should not be talking about this because it has nothing to do with here well I'm just trying to brace myself for when this hit comes and uh the new uh uh fiscal year for taxes is August yes okay so theoretically no November no the our our Township budget runs from January to December School runs from July to June no he was asking and the first quarter payment yeah that's tax that's for tax billing I'm telling you what our budget that's what he was asking the new tax bills come out in August when we could make I don't want to say a school budget could be on that one it will be the school budget will be on that one that's what I'm waiting for I'm waiting for them to finalize their budget so we can actually print you regular Bills versus estimated bills once we have the true number okay so uh what is it going to be 9.9 don't we don't know has not given us information yet they have to have decision I want to you've over gone your five minutes um is there I'm the only one that gets hit with that all right I had more stuff I more stuff I wanted to say let me just see no no let me see if there's anybody else that wants to speak what's that if there's somebody else that wants to speak and then I'll have you back up I don't know if I have the time for all that come on up [Music] please good evening good evening uh apologies I thought your meeting started at 7 so I'm a little little late um Donna broy forkid River I don't have to give address correct right okay I'm coming here on behalf of the residents on on my street if I don't have to give it um it's Beach Boulevard um and call talking about uh the Bayfront Park and the um the grass situation okay so here's here's the thing Donna is the first name yes um we have had discussion that you haven't been here for to proiv for or unless you're watching on TV that we're trying to set up a meeting and that's what um Chris and Sandra Arnold I think Sandra's been in contact with you right so we're waiting on that we have not gotten dates from the yet we're trying to get a whole lot of everybody here we can have a proper meeting without I understand that but I would like to also give a few points regarding the this the park if I could well you you surely can thank you um as was said in last year's meeting it it all the parks in the township are Jewels right and they are maintained this is a a unique Park it's a unique spot because it's on the bay people come to enjoy the water to enjoy the boats just as I do living there as a as a resident I live in my house full-time 247 and I I enjoy it immensely I'm so disappointed though by how it's looking right now and I'd like to share some of those some of those spots with you um and also just to say when we last left the meeting I understand there's a meeting still to be handled and and on the books but we were told it would be in January so we're all already now mid and and nothing has been mowed and we were told you know it was going to be mowed nothing's been mowed now we're hitting our Turtle season from June through October where it's not going to be mowed again it was just mowed the other day though no not the whole thing only the walkways along with that not the full length of the walkway because the residents at the end who didn't want their lawn mode their their their walkway is still pristine and how they want it how is that safety if they're not being mowed it was mowed all the way up to their property and then around their property it's not moved that's still a safety hazard also in the beginning when you come into your the park entrance that lot the land on the other side of that uh sidewalk has not been mowed I walked it this afternoon and it's not been mowed so if your concern is safety you're not being consistent I don't have any concern about safety that wasn't no that was brought up at one well it might have been brought up by somebody else but I'm saying I that was okay so then may I please just as a resident you should be aware of safety for people walking that that land that sidewalk and it's not being we have concerns because we wanted it to be mowed and maintained but yet we have to listen to what you're doing and say okay there's a meeting coming but the residents at the end they get what they want and they're still on the township property with that sidewalk and that's not been mowed so I thought from the last time yes that we agreed that the people that did not want it mowe were going to put signs up but if you're talking about moving the the uh cutting the land what 2 feet on either side of the sidewalk why do you stop it right there I haven't seen it sry there's only two or three neighbors that did not all the way at the end theend everybody else wanted maintain right also the easement I have an easement to the left of my property line and that is mowed but my question is this it's mowed to a certain point and then it's not mowed from that point to the sidewalk so what's the point of an easement if the residents have to walk through weeds to get from the end of that easement to the sidewalk it it makes no sense to me um also there's a bench on the walkway there are weeds growing through the the bench uh the diamonds that are built in weed weeds are growing through you can't sit there it looks it looks so unkempt and so horrible and you can't sit there because the weeds are going through the bench um the property to my left is an open field right next to the park not modow I've seen I've lived here it'll be four years and all this I've seen residents enjoy that land for picnics throwing balls with their kids um kites having kite you know kites in the sky and all of that throwing baseballs that property is unusable at this point because the weeds the weeds are so high that no one's going to sit there and have a picnic no one's going to sit there and fly a kite no one's going to sit there and throw a ball because the weeds and that hasn't been that hasn't been mowed so the whole idea of a park being familyfriendly that portion of land is unusable and it looks horrible um let me see there was a few other things I wanted to mention uh oh the turtle the turtle holes it may not be a priority to some of us but that's all covered so if there are turtles because our season starts Jan in June the turtles will not be able to get through those Turtle uh tunnels because now they're all covered in Weeds so um I don't understand I mean someone said to me why are you even going to the meeting because nothing's going to get done and I'm representing my neighbors who are like we're not going we're not going and I'm going to be the the voice of the Neighbors on the field on that road who want it and I feel like sometimes why do I even take the time to come when it's just going to fall in deaf ears because certain people apparently have certain things that it seems they you listen to them more perhaps my my opinion um I don't feel like everybody's entitled to an opinion though you know may I please just finish I I'm just sharing with you I'm allowing you to finish I haven't stopped you from finishing I was just saying to you share my feeling yes that you're entitled to your feelings I don't have a problem feelings are even being considered because you're catering to few people you're saying I'm catering to a few flies and birds and this is not dedicated space for a a nature um preserve this is open space It should be usable and friendly for those who want to use it so then I had neighbors calling and complaining that when we cut the grass so low the the geese are in in all invading that property now too so there's no winning but there's geese still coming with long grass but no winning here the other thing is my property line of butts the township property where there's long grass mhm I see people walk their dogs I haven't seen it happen but I've been seeing dog feces in the long grass because no one sees it and it's unkempt and I've picked up two to three times within the past week because no one sees it and they're just allowing their dogs there's trash there's ticks it's just this is not an idea of a jewel in the township and it's really not anything that I feel I would be proud of right now living next to it I just wanted to share my feelings thank you very much thank you yeah and I agree with you Peter please why I'm allowed to say it I know but you just we should be cutting it uh good evening mayor Township committee members of the EXC me Mr P it's a discussion that we have to have privately it shouldn't be in andout C here okay this is not you know one way or the other this is something that has to to our attention so go ahead Mr bnck um good evening first of all I can't believe that we're still talking about the the mowing I mean do you realize that you people look totally inept and the reason why I say this is I came to meetings last year we're talking about the same thing just make a decision ready one way or the other you're not going to be able to please everybody you know that so instead of this going on meeting after meeting I come here for how many months and I listen to the same things you look ridiculous do your job make a decision okay that's the first thing second what Steve said tonight about the resolutions I agree with him 100% the figures that you should have the figures out there for anything that deals with money um we're going to buy we're going to buy four you know new police cars it's 400,000 or 300,000 the public should know this and the other thing that he brought up that I totally agree with you need to have the CFO come here once a year and do a presentation just like our school district does I've gone to so many meetings there they're very informative and these are televised so the people who are at home can have a better picture of exactly where and how our money is being spent because it is our money right correct you know everything so I'm leaving I know exactly so the next thing is um the property where Community Hall is it would be nice in the resolution if you had you know if you had said that this is the property that's Community Hall so people know that's the reason why the last time when this was happening we didn't know that that property was being sold and you know it just run through with a block and such number it would be better if you had said that this is the property block and lock and it's known as Community Hall blah blah blah so the people are more aware okay um I want the public to know that there was one bid this the bidder was the same person Mr Michael De George the same person who came to this meeting uh crying to this Township committee about oh how he was going to be losing out hundreds of thousands of dollars and that he was just some smalltime little realtor which he's not I did my research on this and he's not some small time realtor and I just didn't it just seemed like a whole sham but on top top of that um his ex-wife happens to be happened to have worked for the green Title Company how convenient well no because we called the title company when we were doing our research and we spoke to them and when we said when we gave them more documents that they didn't have they said well we're not going to do anything about this because the township committee said it was okay we're just going to put it through well I had news for them a lot of government bodies do things that aren't necessarily above board so I just want you to know this and the other thing I want to go on the record for is I want to know what we're paying for Legal Services like how could this have happened that that resolution was not clear checked by our attorneys before that sale was approved and gone through well the resolution wasn't the issue unfortunately the issue was that the failure to properly notice in the newspaper so that has nothing to do with well no but the government body never did the res solution to authorize the sale for $1.5 million that was not done that that you you are correct correct that is correct and that is the issue how did that happen that the law firm that we're paying mega bucks to didn't over didn't have that information and realize well we're missing this before this sale was even approved the first time so it didn't have to become the Fiasco that it was I as a taxpayer would like an answer to that question because we're paying for these legal fees and they we pay people because we're all human and we make errors I would use a lawyer if I'm doing something with a contract because I want to make sure that what I'm doing is correct so we spend money for lawyers but if we're spending money for lawyers and they're not catching these things and then we get ourselves in a fiasco like we did which was very embarrassing to the township committee bad publicity I mean that you people don't seem to be knowing what you're doing and you know it's just really really bad and quite frankly it does appear as the woman had said in this meeting that you don't care what the people of this town think I mean I know you don't care because you went and continued to sell the property on Community Hall when there's been a big protest about it I I want to ask you Madame mayor when you go to organizations outside of our town and you're representing Lacy Township what do you say to people that to promote our community I say how wonderful a beautiful town that we have and how lucky we are to have this beautiful town that we have okay all right so let's say that okay so do you tell them that we have two lakes that are polluted okay that we can't swim in we have no lakes that are polluted so don't give out misinformation okay then why is the Deerhead Lake closed it's not it's not a bathing Beach location well it used to be we have three well it used to be because we moved it oh you mov we have a wibbit in the lake now that never fails oh okay true all right so we have a nuclear power plant that's in decommission with a whole bunch of spent rods on it which is not a plus for our community right is that I just want to ask you something is that our fa too well that you basically at one point the government body approved that nuclear power plant coming here right right and how long ago was that I don't care excuse me based on the NRC federal government assuring us that they would move the spent fuel out of that location to another location so it's a federal but it was Federal government's failure not our I get it I get it I think it's a plus anyway yeah so do of course what would you do if we didn't have that 11.1 million coming from ETR could you to get R my point my question isn't that we had the nuclear power plant being a problem the problem is the leftover that's the problem okay we we'll agree with you that it's not being moved out of there fast enough it's it's really kind of like an issue we used we used to have a pheasant hunting place here which no longer exists which used to be a draw to our um Community um we have more overdevelopment to our community now we have more traffic on our roads I mean these are the things that I see because I've been here 19 years I came here 19 years ago built my home because it was a safe Community it wasn't overdeveloped um now we have a whole bunch of box stores that were in here which aren't like Nordstroms or Macy's they're Walmart and Home Depot I'm sorry when we promote the town I want to hear things that are amazing what makes Lacy so amazing that a film company would want to come here and do things what are you guys doing because that is your job basically to be making the town a better place and to be promoting it not overdeveloping it in a way where we're going to have more and more traffic and we're still going to have taxes going up I mean it's just you know this is really an issue and um you do need to be a lot more transparent and that goes for everything that you do you are accountable to us the people we pay you a salary to do your job I mean I have a good relationship with Veronica she answers my questions I don't have a problem but I don't know if that's the case for a lot of other people and they don't necessarily feel comfortable and um so I'm asking you again the best way to move forward where you'll have a lot less questions is to be as transparent as possible you voted on a piece of resolution at the last meeting that I spoke out against with which basically was to change a large part of the thing that gives the public the ability to be a window on what you people are doing behind closed doors and signing contracts and such which I took personal offense to because we've used that my group has used that to get information we used it for the Johnson Controls contract I mean if these things are changed it won't give the people the Viewpoint and we need to keep a check on our government because we all know what happens when governments are not checked on we've seen this happen over and over and over again and as far as the one comment that the one individual made here about the schools I don't want to talk about this but he he brought up a question about why the funding is the Way It Is Well I'll explain this to the public in this town the S2 that was passed was um Senator Sweeney's idea it was basically his whole thing was to consolidate school districts and that's exactly in my view what is happening right now he's forcing school districts to have to consolidate and you know what that would be a great thing for all of us because the kids would actually get a much better education I appreciate all your comments Mr bidnick but I'm going I'm going to repeat myself when it comes to the school stuff it really needs to stay at the of education but I he brought up questions here tonight and I don't think the public knows you know how this all happened so I'm trying to explain it anyway I appreciate you giving me the time as always thank you very much thank you anyone else from the public uhoh Here Comes kin noes Kevin he's one of our firemen from forkid River here yes he is yes how push that's why I'm up here that's why I'm up here I hope all five of the committee members are going to go on the comment portion of the O the oosha stuff and everything and voice your opinions on how that is going to impact the taxes here in town because they need to hear from you the committee people that run a town and how it's going to literally you know put the major burden on us yeah you're looking at a couple million dollars just yeah easy when we're doing it now you you give us the equipment and we do the job for free so you know that's that's all go to Bath for us cuz I'm not going down out of fight as an actual site um do we have um there's public comments on the proposed legislation I I I I'll Patrick can probably find the link for us and then post it on website so can also put on the right Kevin I'll get on that yeah cuz this way more people know about it you know they need to hear they just did the same thing with the changes that they were making to um summer camp programs and everything and it was going to basically cost us hundreds of thousands of more dollars a year to run the summer youth camps um for the children because they were going to take out the word private so then it opened it up to everybody so you would have to have certain levels of um employees you know adult so many adults and then you know your youth that we hire the 16 17 18 you know the college and high school kids would they have to have a ratio of adults uh there so that was going to run us cost and they just suspended that and left the current language in there for this year I don't know if that's going to change in the future but this is what happens if they don't get enough comments to change these things they they're just going to again I hope I hope that each town was represented at the mayor's meeting no different than the affordable housing access dwelling units all of that good because a lot of lot of lot of they don't know what's going on there a lot of fire a lot of fire chiefs were there yeah it was very it was good that um Mr jubert came to that meeting and I'm glad that we were able to coordinate that thank you too for getting himed problem and uh Pete it was 1994 the last time the uh men's World Cup was held in the United States that's did you play in it no didn't I was there I still playing okay that's great and uh the other is the sad part is the US national team most of their games this year are all over on the west coast so we don't get to see them here on the East Coast but the good thing is the finals is in metti so there's 80,000 people going to be sitting in that Stadium plus everybody else is going to be watching y thanks Kevin thank you sir thank you Linda Miller okay um the lake was mentioned Deerhead Lake yes um I drive by there you know that's my main road to go out into Lacy Road uh I noticed tonight you know we had all that rain today yes um and after the rain uh my swimming pool had lots of stuff in it well that lake has more stuff in it today than I've ever seen before and it's not from trees right around there it's from from the water being drained into that Lake from our streets so that happened quite a while ago when those drainage areas would put in so that the water from the streets would run into the lake and I like how you say well we moved the lake you know you move you move the bathing Lake well I don't know it's interesting um probably maybe not everybody here was involved in that but it's interesting how so much money was spent for that parking lot because it was a very busy lake with people being there so what happened with that Lake unfortunately I put that crazy thing the water doesn't run right so and we are looking to change that but there are other priorities that come up you know Paving roads buying equipment and so on and so forth I have reached out um the county is looking for some clean water projects so I've listed about six or seven different clean water projects I did include Deerhead Lake I don't know if the county will give us the money but I'm trying right okay well I thank you for that but it it's a sad thing to rrive by every day and then find it is the geese aren't even there now they like they are having um but the loka harbor EMS is having a fundraiser there at that Lake they're having a bonfire for the children and to do s'mores and stuff I believe June 8th if I'm not mistaken is yes anyone else would you like to sir did you want to speak okay my name is anello Pio I live in forkid River I'm wondering if um I could get a copy of the conditions for the closing on the warden property asn't a copy of the contract I don't necessarily are there condition to accomplish a closing do you mean like what what conditions meaning what they have to do or not do kind of thing whatever whatever you want to call it yes we have like that I don't I don't know if we have I mean there's no I don't think there's any conditions there's no conditions you would ask for the contract and the details would be in the contract like within how many days ask a couple of quick questions sure we have agreed to sell the property yes has title passed yes yes title is PID well not not to the new owner no but we did a we did it before we listed it for sale we did um a title search and and a title policy to you know to track everything down it's up to the buyer if he chooses to do his title search which I'm surely hoping he the condition of the title the title remains in the township correct it's still is okay and you have placed no conditions on this sale in order to go to a Clos if he said tomorrow I want to close you close restrictions yeah we can close tomorrow if we close if the documents are all drawn up and he signs the contract yes you know yes yeah the there's no contingencies on our part for the property you know and none on his part either no well no he uh one of the reasons why it didn't close um prior at the first sale was because he wanted the right to be able to come before the board and get his approvals one he wanted to do his due diligence environmental study title study you know all of those kinds of things try try to find a a a tenant I'm going to say a tenant for the property and then develop all the plans and go before the board okay so that's my point well that's not in writing anywhere okay but so I mean what kind of a sale if he doesn't know what he can do with this property he does know what he can do with this property it's called zoning no no no not what is permitted okay what is feasible given the condition of the property the traffic situation where it's located that's for him to do his due diligence determine that which we had given him in the first contract was it how long is there a time there was a time frame in the first contract for him to do his due diligence what is the time it's the top of my head I don't know yeah okay so would the clerk know but there's a period you the clerk would no if you get a copy of the contract that is is written inside the contract in every standard purchase there's always a contingency or period of time where you can do a due J if you want to go and buy a house you have what's called an inspection period he has the exact same um procedure he has the exact same rights it's a standard sale I'll take a chance is it possible I could get from the clerk a copy of the contract well from the attorney send me an email I'm going to give you my card can you send it to her it's it's so easy for me to go to her office okay if you just transmit I don't care whether you email it okay I can't take an email my computer is not working I need whatever it is four or five sheets of paper he send it to her and she'll print it out for you okay okay so as long as that's Le a week okay one week send it it's open holay seven business days seven business days so if you send if you I'm not going to be here tomorrow I'm leaving the go away I'll get it to them on Monday at the absolute latest so at some point Tuesday or Wednesday Tuesday or Wednesday next week okay very good okay you're going to get it to us probably on Tuesday because Monday you're probably closed right I'm I'm sure Monday you're closed yes so I'd like to chat one second about something I heard from another speaker about automobiles or vehicles that the town ships buying I'm assuming it's because the ones we have are becoming either highly mileage wise or too much to maintain so what is our policy what is your policy to public police taking those Vehicles home every day nope nobody takes them home the only hold on the only people that are entitled to take them home are the police officers when they're um on shift Duty there is no other if I if I were to say there is a DPW truck in front of a house on Sunrise Boulevard every single day for lunch for 12 years so yeah so they're out on a job site they're allowed to and they break for lunch they whatever vehicle they're in every day for 12 years the guy is out it's the same thing well we have lunch hour so if he's out on same Lun hour from4 to 12 to 12:30 you must you must find that a little preposterous no because you're going to lunch so he chooses to go home instead of going out to lunch Kevin where do you go to lunch every day home not every day I but do you take your vehicle that you're working in your Township vehicle most of the time yes there you go sir and he's been here 36 years say if he said three out of five days I would understand that five out of five and not only that employee going on vacation you won't see it it's not I'm sorry that employee goes on vacation next week so you won't see his vehicle yeah okay there are dump trucks there are loaders depending on what he's assigned to that day yes he's got two daughters you can't afford to go out El okay all right very good thank you very much one week I'll stop and see the play thank you that be perfect thank you anyone else like to come up to the microphone and speak see motion to close the floor second all in favor I resolution one more resolution ition 20241 169 resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the convening of an exe executive session in accordance with the open public meetings act to discuss matters of personnel contractual matters pending in anticipated litigation and matters of real estate move it second Mr canis yes Mr McDonald yes mrov yes mayor K yes may julan motion toj move it Mo it all in favor I no further business