adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to the public laws 1975 said notice was advertised in the asbery Park Press and the beacon and was posted on the Bolton board showing the time and place of the meeting please rise for the salutes of the flag I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all hello everybody number one Bond anticipation note sale the township of lacy annually um must authorize their bond anticipation notes for sale in maturity it was May 8th of 24 there's a process uh for the bidding of uh these notes and bonds for agencies and companies to bid on them the total amount of bond anticipation notes that were sold were 15, 21,000 they uh bear an interest rate of 4.5% and CD and Company uh as the nominee for the depository Trust Company in Brooklyn New York is the winning um bidder on on these matters so again we will issue again to sell bonds and notes next um May as we do annually thank you number two Zoning Board of adjustments annual report annually the zoning Board of adjustment is required to submit a report about the actions taken before the board of adjustment um and annually they have submitted the the report that the annual report uh as a 41 of 24 with uh their descriptions of their decisions and variances and conditional uses um for the applications that have been presented before them so they had in the year 2023 56 um applications submitted before them for different various uh variances and conditional uses thank you number three request to post signage for the Relay for Life the Relay for Life of Berkeley and Lecy um is taking place June 15th and 16th so it'll start at 12:00 p.m. and it will carry through to 7:00 a.m. at Veterans Park they've requested to post signs between now and um the end of the event move second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr D yes Deputy Mayor hero yes mayor Julian yes that's all I have I'll take a motion to adjourn move second all in favor hi hi Rush okay adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to the public laws of 1975 said notice was advertised in the Asbury Park Press Beacon and was posted in the bul to board showing the time and place of the meeting please stand for the salute to the flag and a moment of silence I aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation God indivisible Justice for All okay first reading of ordinance 2024-25 entitled Property Maintenance ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 273 of the Township Code of the township of lacy entitled Property Maintenance and establishing new article four entitled lead based paint Hazard inspection requirements for rental dwellings the state um is now requiring that um all municipalities do lead-based paint inspections for all rental units so we're just putting this into our codebook move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes mayor yes mayor Juliano yes second reading of ordinance 2024-the amending an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey of fixing and determining the salaries wages and compensation of the officers employees and members of the governing body of the township this is for our special class 1 2 and three off officers and was mostly done for the um increase in minimum wage move it second second reading open see I'll make a motion to close second all in favor I move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr diov yes Deputy Mayor CA yes mayor Juliana yes second reading of or ordinance 2024-25 ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey amending an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey of fixing and determining the salaries wages and compensation of the officers employees and members of the governing body of the township this is for our Municipal Alliance coordinator second reading open up to the public Tony what you guys one Tony that's on this ordinance only right just just a fast question is this an advertised job this is a this is a or is an appointment she's been here 20 25 years I understand that it's an appointment an annual appointment anual appointment has anybody else ever applied for the position it's not it's not an opening she's we're not so she's appointed and that's it yes until and it's all paid for by grant money okay can the position be challenged in the future by someone who wants the job if that person if there's an opening and there's no reason to not reappoint the individual that is serving in that position or she decides to retire then we would advertise for the job then we would advertise for the job or we may give it to a stien to another employee that may be already helping out and doing the job in another department that has qualifications yeah I know she's been doing it for years and I only had one disagreement with her about 15 years ago but uh now that things are moving along you know I'm wondering who's next and how do you get there I can't answer that until the person vacates the seat okay I don't know who's next like who's next in my seat we don't know until I vacate the seat Well if there's people out there that are interested think about it thank you okay thank you anything else from the public anybody else from the public see n make a motion to close second all in favor I motion on the ordinance move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr Dao yes Deputy Mayor Kira yes mayor Juliana yes second reading of ordinance 2024-the amending an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey of fixing and determining the salaries wages and compensation of the officers employees and members of the governing body of the township this is for our seasonal employees in Recreation and Public Works move it open up to the floor open get a chance open up the floor to any comments see n make a motion to close second all in favor I motion on the ordinance move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennon yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor KOLO yes mayor Juliana yes second reading of ordinance 2024-25 entitled construction codes ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 159 entitled construction codes section 4 entitled adoption of fee schedule to increase the construction Department fees effective July 1st 2024 open up the flo second reading open the floor to public comment need n make a motion to close it second all in favor get it out even if I wanted to move it second second Mr McDonald yes Deputy Mayor Kira yes Mr kenis yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliana yes second reading of ordinance 2024 -5 amending chapter 292 so as to be in compliance with the regulations of the New Jersey Pinel lands commission we're going table yeah you need a motion to carry okay I'll make and then we'll announce the uh date in which you'll um consider it on second reading okay I'll read I just follow what he said ver no problem sorry all right in ordinance of the township ly County of ocean state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 292 of the Township Code entitled storm water regulations for Pineland areas so as to be in compliance with regulations from the New Jersey pinets commission I'll take a motion to carry move it second Deputy Mayor Caro yes Mr Kenneth yes Mr diof yes Mr McDonald yes mayor Juliano yes and this will be carried to when I'm sorry this will be July at the ju July 11th meeting which will be at 6 p.m. here in the municipal building correct yes second reading of ordinance 202 24-16 amending chapter 3 35 so as to be in compliance with the regulations of the New Jersey Pinelands commission an ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 335 of the Township Code entitled zoning so as to be in compliance with the regulations from the New Jersey Pinelands commission I'll take a motion to carry move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr doff yes Deputy Mayor CA yes mayor Juliana yes and this will again be the July 11th meeting at 6 P p.m. in the municipal building resolution 2024-the urging the New Jersey Transit board to appoint a qualified individual from Ocean County in order to assure Fair representation of Ocean County current currently all of the members um are from Morris Union and Essex and middlex County so there's not much representation for the central and southern part of of the state move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor Kolla yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 202 24- 172 supporting the you earned it you keep it act resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey supporting the you earned it you keep it act um there is currently a bill in the House of Representatives it's number 7084 and this would exempt future Social Security future Social Security benefits from federal income tax move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr diov yes Deputy Mayor KOLO yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-25 renewing retail consumption licenses resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey renewing retail consumption licenses in the township of lacy so our annual um renewal for all of our Lor licenses the term is from June 30th um sorry July 1st to June 30th so we are renewing them all this is for our consumption licenses so that includes Captain's in Applebee's ilardo caff's Tavern caff's backyard pinear the Thirsty Piney and the Waterfront move second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor KOLO yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 renewing retail distribution licenses resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey renewing retail distribution licenses in the Township of lacy this is for Spirits Lacy Liquors and Jrs move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr diov yes Deputy Mayor Kera yes mayor Juliana I'll abstain resolution 2024-25 renewing Club licenses resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey renewing Club liquor licenses in the township of lacy this is for the Moose Elks VF W and the Tuna Club move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor KERO yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 approving public display of fireworks resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey approving the public display of the Lacy Township fireworks in accordance with the guidelines of the state division of fire safety we do this annually it's required by the state division of fire safety and our insurance carrier move second Mr McDonald yes Mr kis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor K yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 appointing a part-time clerk for the police department resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Robert D Francesco to the position of part-time clerk for the police department this is due to a retirement second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor Kira yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 20 24- 178 appointing a regular member to the Board of Health resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Kim Wyland as a regular member to the Board of Health we are moving up an alternate due to a resignation move second Mr McDonald yes Mr Canon yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor KERO yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-25 appointing an alternate to the Board of Health resolution in the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Michael trone as alternate number one to the Board of Health for the township of lacy this is to fill that position where we just moved um somewhat up to a regular member move it second Deputy Mayor Caro yes Mr canis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-the a chapter 159 in the municipal budget resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey providing for the insertion of a special item of Revenue and appropriation in the 2024 Municipal budget of the township of LA pursuant to njsa 4A 487 so anytime that there's um anticipated money that or money that you did not anticipate in your Municipal budget you need to do it what's called a chapter 159 um so this one specifically is for the um money that will be transferred to the board of education for use of the local schools that was provided um from the LMU it's in the amount of 400 and 20,000 move it second Mr Kennis yes uh Deputy Mayor Caro yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the a chapter 159 in Municipal budget resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey providing for the insertion of a special item of Revenue and appropriation in the 2024 Municipal budget of the township of lacy pursuant to njsa 4A col 487 this is for the um clean communities grant program in the amount of 99,8 777 6 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor KERO yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-25 in the municipal budget resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey providing for the insertion of a special item of Revenue and appropriation in the 2024 Municipal budget of the township of lacy pursuant to njsa 48 487 this is for the local Recreation Improvement Grant in the amount of 3,000 move second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor KOLO yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the County of ocean state of New Jersey providing for the cancellation of unexpended authorization balances in the general Capital fund um this is just some cleaning up um that the CFO is doing that was uh recommended through our audit so we are canceling unused balances from old Bond ordinances um for projects that came in lower than what we anticipated for Mo second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor Kola yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the the filing of the New Jersey do Municipal Aid Grant application for Southwest barnegate Pines Road Improvement project phase one resolution of the township of LA county of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the filing of an application for state aid to municipalities under the New Jersey Transportation trust fund Authority Act for the Southwest barnegate Pines Street Road Improvement project phase one this is our Priority One so um with the municipal a grant you put in a priority one and a priority two um we are requesting $825,000 for the project move second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor CA yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 20 24-1 185 authorizing The Filling of the New Jersey DOT Municipal Aid Grant application for the cranberry Hill Road Improvement project phase two resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the filing of an application for state aid to municipalities under the New Jersey Transportation trust fund Authority Act for the cranberry Hill Phase 2 Road Improvement project so this is our priority to and we are requesting again 825,000 move second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr D yes Deputy Mayor Kera yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-the the release of Maintenance bonds resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the release of a maintenance Bond posted for the Sunrise Boulevard and First Street Road Improvement project uh the Project's been complete the engineer did the inspection and authorized um the release move it second Mr mcdonal yes Mr Kennis yes Mr diov yes Deputy Mayor KOLO yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the the release of Maintenance Bond resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state New Jersey authorizing the release of a maintenance Bond posted by CJ hes for the Laurel Boulevard Road Improvement project um again the Project's been complete and the engineer did the final did the inspections um and advise the township to release move second Mr McDonald yes Mr kennons yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor CA yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the izing the release of Maintenance Bond resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state New Jersey authorizing the release of a maintenance Bond posted for the Northwest barnegate Pines Phase 2 Road Improvement project again it's been complete the engineer did the inspection and advis the release moving second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes um Mr doff yes Deputy Mayor Kera yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 224-1 189 authorizing the release of a performance bond and a maintenance Bond resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the release of the performance bond and the maintenance bond for the Northeast barnegate Pines Road Improvement project same thing the inspections were done and the engineers authorized the release of the performance and maintenance Bond move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr D Deputy Mayor caraca yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the the release of a performance guarantee resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the release of a performance guarantee posted for the Northwest barnegate Pines phase three Road Improvement project the engineer um did the inspections and recommended the release of the performance bond upon the posting of a one-year maintenance Bond move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kis yes Mr diov yes Deputy Mayor KERO yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-the the release of performance guarantees posted for various Road opening permits resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the release of site Improvement performance guarantees posted for various Road opening permits project coordinator inspected uh and determined that all bonded improvements um have been installed in accordance with the uh approved s move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor Caro yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 release of a performance guarantee resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the release of a performance guarantee for fire and safety services for a pierce enforcer heavy duty rescue pumper for the loka Harbor Fire Company move second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr doff yes Deputy Mayor Kera yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the the release of a coae resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the refund of a preliminary co-op payment fee issued by the township of Township of lacy tax assessor this is refunding the difference between um money that's committed when a developer comes in to do a project and um the money's paid second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor Kera yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 224-1 194 authorizing the placement of a lean on block 168 lock 6 resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey accepting the certification of the director of Public Works concerning the costs incurred in the removal of debris and cleaning up of the property located at block 168 lot lot 16 and authorizing the placement of a lean against said property for said costs this is in the amount of $136.4 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor KOLO yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 20241 19- 195 authorizing the refund of deposit monies resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the refund of deposits held for the use of Municipal facilities move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kis yes Mr doff yes Deputy Mayor Kera yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the the payment of Township bills resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the payment of Township bills this is in the amount of7 million 45,5 34 move it second Mr McDonald yes and I'll abstain on T 0035 Mr kenis yes Mr daos yes Deputy Mayor CA yes mayor Juliana yes monthly reports for the month of May the municipal docks collected receipts in the amount of $1 17,22 for the month of May the municipal clerk's office collected receipts in the amount of $ 34,9 12656 municipal court for the month of April collected receipts in the amount of $17,542 for the month of May Road opening permits were collected in the amount of $6,185 recycling commodity in the amount of $227 truck parking in the amount of $1,300 Department of Community Development for the month of May collected receipts the amount of 50,62159 motion to approve Township minute meetings from May 23rd 2024 second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr diov yes Deputy Mayor cero yes mayor Juliana yes motion to approve executive session minute meetings from May 23rd 2024 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor collo yes mayor Juliano yes motion to approve membership in the forid river fire company for Charles Brown move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr doff yes Deputy Mayor KERO yes mayor Juliana yes motion to approve exility membership in the L NOA Harbor Fire Company for Jennifer fransky move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kennons yes Mr ROV yes Deputy Mayor Caro yes mayor Juliana yes okay comments from the committee Deputy Mayor thank you mayor for the for the minutes um want to uh start tonight by just saying we notice as soon as you exit here and you go to the right one of our great commercial corridors on County Road 614 or Lacy Road uh is now uh going to be Apartments I would like to have seen a business go there um because it is uh zone for business it's part of it's part of our business Corridor in fact it's quite attractive property for business however these uh COA uh cah Coalition on affordable housing uh requirements come down on all of our municipalities it's interesting if you're a builder and I'm sure Mr Kennis can expand on some of this maybe in his comments uh you have to wait an inordinate amount of time uh if you want uh to build on a waterfront lot uh so or or anything nowadays that would impact any part of of the environment uh yet when we get mandates for COA they seem to go up with with a fair amount of frequency and and quickly um so our Ninth District I often talk about our 9th District but I would mention any District that did this it happened to be the ninth legislative district uh they wanted to see uh in legislation that was just put uh passed uh stricter environmental regulations social impact studies infrastructure studies impacts on our schools where's the extra storm water going because that all seems to get FASTT tracked when you're talking about Coalition on affordable housing I don't think it's fair uh I think if somebody has a single family home they want to build that should be treated with the same um level of interest and eagerness we'll say as uh affordable housing um because it does change things uh and we our feet are held to the fire and we will lose lawsuits if we fight it so I wanted to just bring that up because that's a really nice piece of property over there and now it's been taken from us uh when we talk about item eight uh resolution urging New Jersey Transit board to appoint an individual uh from Ocean County for fair representation that's a huge thing uh I am on the board of Ocean County transportation but we are a small board in comparison to the State Board we need representation on that state board all of us in here have talked ad nauseum about extending uh the roads the infrastructure the widening of Route 9 we need a voice from Ocean County to do that uh and we need that now so I'm hopeful that the Govern Governor is amable to that in the future I have here some uh paperwork from our our director James uh and that's from Recreation uh our current count for uh School uh excuse me for um not School summer camp school's out soon uh is at 300 it's the same as last year price has gone up from 175 225 because our costs have gone up uh but he's pretty much booked out the above waterer water park that we refer to as the wibbit was in the water yesterday uh and it is being fine-tuned uh will be opened for Father's Day and that is a revenue generator for our town so we're we're grateful for that I'll close and thank our administrator publicly Miss lay and our Board of Health uh they were able to uh vaccinate about 128 pets uh free rabies clinic they did that on a Saturday they used their own time to do it uh and that helps uh we talk talk about feral C populations and the like so that's all I have mayor thank you thank you Deputy Mayor Mr D no comments thank you mayor thank you Mr kenis thank you mayor we're on the same wavelength Pete uh so um I a lot of people ask me what um you know uh why is it so much to uh uh build a house and uh they usually point to the cost of materials and the the labor which is of course a big part of it but if you have a normal building lot that's ready to go in in the barnegate Pines it costs anywhere between 20 and 25,000 just to get the permits for it which can also rise to another 5 to 15,000 on top of that if there's certain if you're near the water or you need a variance or uh or the sewer water is not currently existing on your property so it could get fairly expensive just to put a shovel on the ground um on a normal lot um and I'm I'm bringing this up tonight because um uh next week I have a meeting a zoom meeting with the uh d uh to go over or the tree ordinance that they're uh mandating so we're trying there's some changes that we would like to make to it but the the Crux of that is also that's going to cost every everybody in Township that wants to take uh take trees down um add further costs it's another permit another you know length of time to the process um and in addition to that the state is also uh on the uh also wants to have a mandate accessory dwelling units so I always like to point out the hypoc y of the state for those unfamiliar with accessory dwelling units those are the state wants to to alleviate the cost of housing to allow people to put like build a shed in their backyard and use it as housing so I just merely point out the hypocrisy of the state when they sitting there and asking everybody to save trees but by the way if you want to build a shed in your backyard and and House people that's okay so those are my comments thank you Mr canis appreciate it m McDonald thank you m okay um first of all wish all the fathers out there Happy Father's Day a safe one at that um I need to correct pardon me need to correct Deputy uh CT tell here it's 175 for the summer camp until the SE summer camp begins and then it jumps to two two $225 because they got to get this orders in there if there words it cost them more to get other orders in um and you can get them in any any park anywhere you uh you can register at we go cloon Huffy Wallace and Hebrew Park um other thing I do want to mention is Beach badges available wherever you can find them at the recreation at the at the uh farmers market and at uh Lake barnegate and uh June 27th there is Bingo on the beach at Lake barnegate if you ever not if you been one they're kind of fun if not try it out and Lacy Independence Day is will be Wednesday July 3rd music starts around 7:30 of course the uh fireworks will be at dusk and the rain date for that is July 5th that's all I have mayor thank you very much okay I wanted to give you a report because everybody seems to want to have a lot more information and I'm going to start giving it to you so um as far as fire calls between lenoa Harbor and forkid river we had 50 calls this month that went out I'm going to go back uh a month on our police blotter I wanted to let you know that during the month of April the department logged 5,565 calls to that date of April there were 23,7200 calls made out we have a whole listing here in case anybody needs to know because I know people have asked um about information about where these calls are and all that I'm not going to read you all the boring statistics but they're here in front of me so if anybody needs to know about them I have them here um the other thing I just wanted to mention there's a lot of things that I would like to talk about but I'm just going to because I know I'm going to have some questions from the audience so I'm just going to go just to this right now our firemen here in town again I repeat they are volunteer firemen so two nights and one day a week for the month of June seven of our firemen have to go to a class because the state is changing so many things and I guess what the state is trying to do is eventually make us all pay for firemen is what the eventual plan is obviously it's not happening yet but it's going to down the line so we need to be prepared for that because if we ever have to pay for fire departments forget about that's a whole another ball game so anyhow when you see these firemen whenever you see them thank them because they give up their time and their family time two nights a week Tuesdays and Thursdays and a full day on sday they have to go to classes and re qualify themselves to be able to fight the fires which don't get me wrong is very important I'm not saying that's not important but again they're volunteers so this is time again away from their family and we should always be grateful and thankful that we have them that's all I have to say I open up the floor to the public fony resol right speech um number 20 uh where it says that we canceled unexpended authorization balances and they went back into the general fund no no now where did they go it doesn't go anywhere so what happens when you do a bond ordinance the governing body authorizes us to borrow a million dollars for a project okay we go out to bid for the project the project comes in at 800,000 okay so we only borrow 800,000 so what we're doing is taking the availability of us to be able to borrow the additional 200,000 so it's it's was never money we had it's a wash yes so so we're not we take the authorization to borrow the additional money off the books it's just an accounting cleanup so we never got the million because we didn't borrow the million okay that's what I wasn't sure about if you had the money listen I would love to see the million dollars come back in the general fund but that's not the case we don't have it in the first place I just like to know where money goes that's all um question and this is you were a mayor you were a mayor you're the existing mayor you were a mayor you were a mayor so I hold you all accountable for this if I'm wrong let me know please where can I buy a lacy Beacon oh you have to ask Anette they own they own the paper we don't it according to the Library of Congress it's no longer in existence so when you advertise that this meeting is advertised to the public through the Lacy Beacon since 1984 according to the Library of Congress just be online you're keeping information from the public that's not true it's all online it's all everything's online not the Lacy Beacon well there is no Lacy Beacon because they Chang the beacon it's not there is no Beacon but there's still accepting my ads when we send them to the newspaper under the beacon you send them to the Princeton packet that owns them I don't know who owns them I get bills from some third party country some third party State like in Michigan or something but the point still comes down to I can't access it as a taxpayer for information excuse me don't call excuse we don't call out from the audience please I'm just concerned that you're saying things all of you have I'm holding you accountable I don't want anybody to come back and challenge that everything that's been done since 1984 is invalid under the Sunshine Law I'm not saying that send us a proof of publication saying that they published it we have that from them so that's covering us as far as we're concerned the point is is can the public access it maybe you should rethink where you advertise that's what I'm saying we we will ask the news we will get information for the next because if if the public can't access it for information that you're putting out that's what that's not transparency jump in the advertisements have to be done in accordance with the statutory requirements they are and it's a newspaper that is circulating within the municipality right it's not it's not it's not may not not call out but that's not the only play place of publication right Asbury Park Press is correct but I believe you need to you don't have to publish everything twice no no there are certain you don't need two under the Sunshine Law not for everything well how about for what goes you know the meeting is advertised meeting notice is advertised twice yes you're right the well I'm trying to do is keep you out of real big trouble because I noticed it I looked it up we'll look into it thank you very much thank you good point anyone else from the audience time on your name please my name is an Yoo uh I'm just curious about all the things you've talked about and yet I I guess it was uh last night yesterday the Board of Education tentatively approved their budget and in that budget is a 99.9% increase in taxation I'm going to let you speak go ahead okay for my house that means for the school part only right it's going up $600 I can anticipate at at the very least the municipal and County will raise $200 each I'm looking at a $1,000 paying uh tax increase what are you going to do for all the senior citizens in this town who are going to be struck like by lightning when they get those bills well sir I what I would Clearly say to you first of all it's not us making that 9.9 I understand that well I I but here's what you could have done there could have been disc discussions with the Board of Education before this there was lots of discussions sir okay and no other Alternatives were possible I find that hard to believe I I wish somebody could come up with a miracle find that hard to what here's What's Happening Here what is it you find hard to believe we have no they have no money so it's the teacher Community versus the taxpayer community no it's not the teacher Community it is when they talk about all the bad things are going to happen it's because they have to lay off so many teachers as if that was a crime the fact of the matter is that for years lazyy School attendants dropped and and forget about the fact that now with prek it's popped up ask yourself where are those kids going when they graduate where are they going how many went to Notre Dame how many went to you know what I'm not impressed by mil okay you're not impressed the fact of the matter is I graduated with my daughter went to Temple okay good my grand my my niece went to Arizona State University my nephew went to Syracuse my old nephew went to Ohio State assess the performance Board of educ you know what I'd rather you just take these assessments over to the Board of Education because it's not we didn't create this okay we as a Township committee did not create this you're going to collect the tax bill I know you have no choice but to give them the money right the fact of the matter is that people when they get that tax bill they're going to look at you I I agree and going to look at you I understand that there's not much we can do about it there is plenty you could have done for months you could have been talking to them we have been talking to them for months okay thank you very much for your comments anyone else from the audience be aware it's a five minute uh limit don't worry less good evening Lacy Citizens first of all last year at a meeting I addressed this body about the money from the MUA that was going to the schools I was told by the then sitting mayor McDonald that it would never happen again I never said that yes you did no I did let's go back and watch the meeting never said I said it was one time deal for this year only that's what I said that's not what you go check the record Tim D I will check the record I so will I that's over okay so that to me is again interference by this body you actually are supporting what's going on over there now if any of you had bothered to go to the meeting on Tuesday night and see the apprehensive horrible Behavior by people who work for that school district when I as a public member and a taxpayer have every right to get up there and speak about issues I've been doing this for 14 years it was disgraceful and so many people there were people here who were at that meeting know exactly what I'm talking about and you're giving that body money and you know what as the gentleman said why are we so worried about saving the jobs of teachers I'm worried about the people in this town who may lose their houses you know what teachers can get a job in another school district there's plenty of jobs right worried about teachers I'm worried about students that's what I'm worried about exactly but you know what my solution is to the problem this is my solution to the problem we should have taken the 2% that were allowed plus whatever extra money the state has given us and let our wonderful superintendent who some people think she wonder I he disrespect to the superintendent some people think she's wonderful doesn't matter I said and let her do her job that she's paid for instead of scaring the public like they do every year when this happens you know what this is this is disgraceful and you people could have done something about it I've been saying this for month you have a lot of influence you could have said this is a noo you basically could have said it but you didn't and I'm sorry madam mayor you are affiliated with the school district May Juliano is my name and um I here's what I'll say to you I'll answer in this way Vanessa came to us and discussed a lot of situations there were five teachers that were tenure teachers 16 years 17 years 19 years 15 15 years and it just made me sick to think they were going to be out of a job okay that's not you know that's your opinion and I'm entitled to mine like you're saying you have an opinion I have an opinion speak so I come back and I discuss it with these my other four members and and this is my time to speak yes but you you asked a question so I'm telling you my response you respond when I'm finished okay maybe I won't even be bothered right don't bother exactly I'm going to tell you do you know how many people who work for corporations and businesses lose their job that are high up there for a number of years it's called life Madam mayor mayor Juliano as you like to be you want me to call you and you know what as a taxpayer the people who were the senior citizens at that meeting were disgraced by the comments that were referred to all of us like we don't care you know what I'm a former educator I mean I know how it works people don't want why haven't you ran from the board and got on the board and done something because you want to know why I've got people on there now and going to get more people on there and you know what I have a voice my voice is very good at what I do right now because I cannot be silenced school board members can't say the things that I can say and I will never allow ever again My First Amendment rights as what they tried to do at that meeting ever let anybody try to cut me off when they let other people before me speak go on and on when it was for their benefit in their agenda it's disgraceful and it will not continue it will not our move movement will continue to get stronger as people are getting educated I posted something on there tonight do you know what they're teaching our kids in schools about binary and the transgender but it's not their fault this is what's coming down from above to be I don't have a problem with this what the problem I have is that the parents the parents should be notified all this information before the classes are given they can basically opt out of it but people don't know yes they sent home a letter they are they notifi stuff they're notified what they can't if they choose to opt out of their child being so don't say they're not being notified they are being I know that but they're not being told like I saw today exactly what they're being taught it was sent in the screenshot I'm I'm in total agreement with you on that Mr B bck I'm I agree okay but I don't I don't know what you want us to do if we here if we stand here as and not help them in some way why wait wait wait you are separate entities separate why are you here discussing it because you gave money again you took you know I want to tell you something the MUA sent letters out to all of us how contaminated our water was I can tell you they should be spending their money doing this and that was nobody bothered to come to the meeting to get the information on that where was everybody for that meeting when they were all so worried and talking down about our mua where were all so I have never no excuse me I have never it was unfounded accusations that aren't true all unfounded okay right so that's why they sent us all this letter they had to all right so I don't have an issue brought it up I'm I don't have an issue with the MUA this was the first time I've ever gotten a letter like this I tell you a lot of different parents and other people were very upset about it I'm just saying okay you tell me this all the time the problem is it's funny people don't want to speak they're afraid I'm telling you they tell me all the time afraid they are afraid wow a lot of people don't have guts and courage if you don't know our society today is really becoming very weak yes it is but I'm trying to be a role model for a lot of people anyway I'm just I just the other question I have is this did you resolve the issue about the cutting or not to cut have you have you put that meeting together that you've been talking about for the since last October you you know Mr bidnick we have worked on it trying to get all forces in at the same time I'm not going to stand here and go on with you about what we did and what we haven't done we did we made a decision at the last meeting and we took care of what we needed to do oh good thank you very much that's all I wanted to know thank you you're welcome have a nice evening you give me one more minute one more minute I'm going to repeat myself before you speak I think it's very sad I'm sorry as the mayor sitting here I'm sorry I cannot keep my mouth quiet mhm can I ask how old you are here we are here for this town we are here I'm 81 years old just let me finish talking I'm I'm here for this town whatever happens in this town is a reflection on all of us and all of you and all of them out there if we don't help take care of situations and give give a lending hand we are going to continue to suffer and go down the wrong side of the Hill we're on the wrong side of the Hill Lacy's board of education is ranked among the bottom third in the state is it out I want to just ask you one question just one question answer me this do you know that it's not their fault what's happened with the money do you understand that wait but no let talk about the money let's talk about what I just said caused who fault is it that they're down to the bottom third in the state whose fault the I'll tell you whose fault it is when you when you don't have the money to produce the education that you should be producing that can reflect on that my kids were raised here went to a fun that school was in the top 10 when my kids were going to it I would like to meet with you someday in your office I have some stories to tell you that I don't want to discuss in public and I will share things with you $10 million the governor's taken away from us in in Lacy Township okay not this year though everybody's had to say last five years go right ahead everybody's had to say if you give me one minute go right ahead I want I want you to just all to take a step back and look at what's happening here this is by Design so when you step back listen what I'm going to say now school board versus the township committee Township committee versus the people you coming up here talking to this was all by Design I call it blue State Building this this mayor excuse me excuse me not this mayor if you want you said you what do I do what do I do I'm going to tell you letter word it's not the f word it's vote it's vote that Governor out he did this he knew when he gave permission to school boards of the school of of the uh the locations that he screwed that they would they would take the money because they need the money then then he knew this Governor knew that the township people would be upset it would cause angst with these govern with governing bodies it would pit neighbor against neighbor that's what's happening here he caused it it would pit candidates against incumbents it's like the people are asking those questions why do you keep pouring money into a failing system A system that is not on the incline it's on the decline now look there could be a lot of reasons personally if I could just extend myself I said how old I was when I went to school School a long time ago the number 40 kids in the class was not unusual this was common High School grade school I had over 40 kids in my classes but you know what when the teacher said left nobody questioned the teacher you know what you know the sad part about that as a person who works in the school system when we say left and they don't go left we get in trouble for making them go left okay I'm I I agree with you but this is not something that happened overnight no the system has gone downhill this has been for a long long time the point is there have to be steps taken to address it well it's like people say all the time they don't know what like I'll I'll just use Vanessa Pier as an example I'll say this about her every whether you like her or don't like her agree with her or don't agree has nothing to do feelings one way or the other I don't particularly blame her she's been out to Trenton over 20 times standing there talking and fighting for to get something done here for our Township okay she has to Mo she has to get out and bring the PE the parents to her she has to be able to get it's just like a politician she has to get the voters on her team to support her and that teaching staff to elevate the schools that's not happening they're missing the boat have you been to the school board meetings yes and have you spoken just like this I speak to certain members of have you got up and spoken public to the school board member yes I did in fact when he alluded okay so you spoke to and you said the same was talking about yes same things to them yes okay and what the response was okay okay well it's like app understand I'm trying to I'm the fish trying to go Upstream right we can't I don't have let's say a thousand people behind me who will vote a certain way to get your attention I don't so I'm a nobody all I'm saying to you is I'm not stupid I see what's happening and we appreciate that we appreciate it we can't keep on with a board of education that does not succeed they continue to have a failing report card you can't keep feeding the money because we can't afford it we the people especially people in my condition who's on Medicare or pension Social Security there's no way I can run it I took a part-time job just so I could cope with these Rising costs at my age I have to do that thank you I appreciate your comments anyone else from the public that would like to speak yes good evening Linda Miller 1933 Glenn Oak Drive okay I was at the Schoolboard meeting when I left there I Linda may I just ask you is there anything that you're talking to us about in reference to that cuz I don't I don't really want to talk about the school board meeting I know you know okay so I won't I have to tell you about the Schoolboard meeting well I really don't want because that's the school board okay it it's really not I know but you but you as a committee um have authorized the money from the MUA to the school yes now that connects us even though it connects us to helping their budget That's All Connect well I don't think you should be helping their budget either because I agree with whatever this gentleman said he was also at the school board meeting because the quality of the teachers uh if you saw them in action you would say wow these kid these teachers are teaching our children first of all um I don't know if it was a teacher but she seemed to be in the side of the school system actually said and pointed actually pretty much to uh Richard myself because we were sitting in a one area you do not care about our children so we do not care about you and that's what they said I wasn't going to get up and say anything but when I heard that I was like this is a poly number one and I'll say it here I said it there our children is our future and the children uh in the schools now are being denied a a a better education if we're number like three from the bottom and we used to be three from the top there's something majorly wrong there and I can honestly say a lot of it is is the um employees the teachers I disagree with you but go ahead well um Mr bidnick was talking and um they didn't want to hear what he had to say um they started beating on the desk and sh I have no control over what went on at the board of UC control over them and we didn't have any control over them either but these are the people that are teaching our children and they're supposed to be setting a good example not uh pounding on tables and and yelling stop stop it it it was deplorable I I I left there and I I was wasn't angry I was like I'm still upset you can hear it in my voice it it's something needs to be done in that school system not just give the money thank you thank you thank you would anyone else like to speak yes Barry I'm going to speak about something else we I'm going to start with um the political system that we live in that politicians can play games with people's with children's education is appalling and we need to change the system okay because it happens on both sides yes I would disagree with you but well you can disagree as much as you want go ahead Relay for Life is Saturday yes hope to see some of you there um I'm understanding the weather is not going to get real hot till Monday I'm hoping Crossing but uh we start up the Survivor lunch and if you know any survivors that haven't registered with us and I'm understanding there's problems with the website registering so if you're a Survivor and you see this on TV please come out at noon and join us at the we'd love to see you there Senator Harry I'll be out of state unfortunately my son's treating me to a baseball game Cool all right well enjoy the baseball game as a two-time cancer survivor I appreciate everything you do thanks very much but any survivors out there if you know any survivors please invite them to come at noon forkid River butcher has helped us for years and years and years they Supply really wonderful lunch and then the opening ceremon money starts at 2:00 so everybody's welcome thanks very much thank you Barry anyone else like to speak from the audience seeing none motion to close the floor second all in favor I I have one comment may I yes Steve go ahead I just want yeah I just want to uh just some notes on on T on tonight's meeting the um so we don't have any purview or very little purview over the school board we could sit there and go tit Fort for them but uh that wouldn't do anything for example we reciprocate services between them I don't think anybody here would like it if the schools charge us rent for holding our fireworks display there so when we authorize use of mua money which we're allowed to do it's perfect perfectly reasonable for if they ask for help we give it to them they're essentially a t the MUA is a taxing Authority much like the schools and much like the township they're all we're all in the same boat they all collect taxes we can argue about where the money's going but the the end of the day they're all taxes so to me it doesn't matter how much money the MUA is giving them as long as mua can meet their obligations um but and uh unless you're sitting in the in the finance meetings in the back room you do not know how their finances run nobody in this room really knows what goes on on our finance meetings yes we hold budget meetings in public we'll answer any questions anybody wants but until you know like how all the pieces fit together in in on in private meetings you don't understand where the individual members uh are coming from on their votes um and finally since we do not have have accent we do not control their their their finances the schools um we control our finances and I said this for a many times Lacy Township has been very well run it's been very well run for 30 years and the 11 years that I've been on this board I is we've been extremely fiscal responsible and I put our record up with anybody's record um the town has flourished since like I said for 30 years and it will continue to do so those are my comments thank you Mr kenis thank you I have one more resolution yes resolution 20241 197 resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the convening of an executive session in accordance with the open public meetings act to discuss matters of personnel contractual matters pending anticipated litigation and matters of real estate move it move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor Tera yes mayor Julian yes motion to motion to adjourn move it second all in favor I no further business we are back here on July 11th we are on summer race break and we only have one meeting a month now