that drop got adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to public laws 1975 said notice was advertised in the asber Park Press and the beacon and was posted on the bulletin board showing the time and place of the meeting please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pled aliance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all first thing on the agenda tonight is a proclamation for an eagle scout um veric should I have him come stand up here while yes please that would be lovely to stand up there thank you with his very decorated sash really God bless the office of the mayor whereas the rank of eagle Scout is one of the highest honors as a member of the Boy Scouts of America can receive and whereas only 4% of all Boy Scouts reive this honor and whereas the for Nicholas fatate to achieve this rank he organized an eagle scout pasta fundraising dentist to support the Lacy food bank and designed a new sign that was greatly needed whereas Nicolas fat gate his fellow Scouts and the leaders of Boy Scout Troop 56 as well as his family members donated approximately 24 hours to complete this project and whereas Nicholas received donations from signup signs and promotions of Beachwood Silver Cloud Marina pison 9 canvas Reef of foret River Walmart in lenoa Harbor Pepsi in Asbury BJs in Manahawkin DOA Construction in barnegate United iron and mount Vern in New York elrio Plumbing in Jeff Valley New York extreme clean Wash and Lube in Tom's River Robert and Jane McCord Mark Dalton Jim Maguire Tony and Nancy tresy to help fund this project and whereas his efforts have been cited by the president of the United States the governor of New Jersey the state senate the general assembly and the Ocean County Board of Commissioners whereas the mayor and the township commission committee wish to commend and congratulate Nicholas fatate on receiving his high honor and whereas the mayor in the township committee would like the accomplishment and the dedication of this young individual to be an example for all those involved in scouting and thank him for a project well done now therefore I Peggy Sue Juliano mayor of Township of lacy on behalf of myself and the township committee honor Nicholas vgate for his outstanding accomplishment and encourage other Scouts to follow his example congratulations really well deserved well so how many pounds of spaghetti did you make you probably don't want to eat the spaghetti anymore right we went to that you did oh cool uhuh was last year yeah we thank you Nicholas that's a special name to me Nicholas MH the town was nice too we have toay for you so I was there that night it was a great event fantastic event they kept ate way too much I brought my my family and my granddaughter I'm sorry to speak out of goe my granddaughter and the all the scouts just chipped in so great and and he was running the the show he was running the show now the fact that he looks 30y I mean that really that that that really helped but yeah it was fantastic and and congratulations you got a lot of salad on that on that tell tell us what some of those the the badges are tell us what the badges are the hanging ones the hanging ones on the on the here no these are basically Trail medals so I have um the old spash is on the left and then I have the historic Ed birur metal which is not necessarily a trail but we went to gburg a few years ago and then we have this one's good good you remember I just put the coolest looking ones on guess what I don't you they're cool looking that's why that's why they're noticed how many how many mer PS how patches I think I'm at wow that's fantastic that's awesome that is fantastic very nice congratulations mayor do you have something you'd like to say sure mayor thank you um before the meeting started it's for greedy reasons um my daughter seeing socially a an eagle scout who is in at NJIT and she takes me aside and she said you better be nice to him and not scare him away I said well he's bigger than me and she says Dad he's an eagle scout and I said um okay good deal so he's a nice nicest young man I and know when I was mayor I had the honor of going to a Ring of Honor um and I know Mr McDonald will talk more about it his son's an eagle scout and I have such high respect for you guys and uh I'm telling you like I said to your parents make more uh it's wonderful I we need we need more did you see it she said we're done we're done we need more you guys you guys are you the other young people look up to you we need more you and and of course the ladies with the gold Awards so it's it's a great honor um and I wish you the very very best I hope you stay in town and you're we're all proud of you Mr kenas yeah no congratulations it's a quite an accomplishment uh I always want to acknowledge the parents for all their years of hard work too um sure you had a lot of hard work but it's a it's a lot of work getting you to and from uh all the activities you you were involved in so just want to acknowledge your uh true so true you as well how many times you wanted to quit that doesn't happen you got this far keep going M McDonald thank you what was the best trip you took best trip um probably col we went out to Colorado and did the great sandunes National Park oh wow two years ago that probably my favorite of all cool beautiful very nice now what grade are you in I'm in I'm a senior in high school where are you going to school next year I'm not 100% but got into five or six colleges or any stuff very nice that opens the that e and Eagles got will open some doors for you open some doors for you when you decide what you want to do um I can tell you this I was director of recruiting for MetLife all of New Jersey and I remember I got a resume had Eagle Scout on it they got an interview whether they got a hir or not it was a different story but they got they got an interview I'll tell you a quick story about my son he went he decided to go into the air force he was a firefighter any wanted the cross train over into being a special agent which is what he is now but you got to get the commanders approval for that so they set up an interview called me says Dad what do I do I said you put your Blues on Shine Your Shoes you go in there and tell the truth so he goes in there to the commander there was supposed to be a 10-minute meeting 45 minutes later he walked out because the commander was an eagle scout and they sat there and talked about their didn't talk about why you wanted to get out of you know firefighter and go into this they talked about their their their their history with the eagle scout so it will open doors for you and I wish you nothing but the best of luck than well on a personal note I've known this family for years they actually are neighbors of mine and um just a wonderful family and so well raised and it just it's just it's an honor to have you in front of us right now and I'm so proud to know you too Nicholas and and best wishes to you find that school find what you want to do and do it cuz you you're going to accomplish it that's for sure very proud thank you again thank thank you okay item number two special use permit um Beacon Pediatrics is looking to host a ribbon cutting grand opening event on June 2nd um it will be from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. with various vendors um so different tents and tables in the parking lot and they're also seeking permission to put up a promotional sign uh in front of the parking lot can I have a motion move it second all in favor I I okay would you like yes so um as we uh prepare to to uh move forward with our 2024 budget and as we do every year we do an assessment of our fees um that we charge for various different um items and I'm looking at the construction Department fees construction Department in in a town is supposed to be a self-sufficient Town basically the fees that you charge to the users are supposed to cover all the costs and expenses related to running that department we're starting to lag behind and I had Mr Reid and his staff review the fees and do some comparisons to some surrounding municipalities such as Berkeley Toms River and Stafford which we very much aligned with and as you can see from the charts that I provided with all the fees um we are lagging behind and he is making some suggestions on on the various pages to increase some of those fees and I in order to do that we need to adopt an ordinance so I don't know if you guys are ready to say yes for me to create the ordinance or if you want another week or so to look at this I I I think we were on board we had a little bit of a discussion on it before so about increasing the fees so what's everybody's thoughts I'm thinking okay so yep so um between U myself and miss mcgucken and Mr Connors will'll craft an ordinance for a future introduction okay okay our next item is the municipal dock fees okay so so we've been talking all along this year and um some of last year as it relates to the municipal docks um we charge $1,100 per slip for an entire year no matter what size the boat is we've done uh Public Works had made some calls around to the local marinas while some of the marinas um offer a lot more amenities than our Municipal docks you can align ourselves with what the state Marina does the state Marina is currently charging $70 a foot for a boat in those docks obviously we're going to be making an investment in those docks this year so this is one way to start setting some money aside to pay back that investment so while I'm not recommending to go to $70 a foot I am recommending to go to $65 a foot what are we now Veronica 1100 a year oh oh so it's not based on a no it's not based on footage at all so if you have a 20ft boat and I have a 30ft boat we're paying the same amount of money whereas at the marinas and Mr Connor's being owner can tell you that it is usually based by footage and it's still a cheap price am I correct Mr that's correct yes very much so what my question is what's the current occupancy and how much extra will this G we had 82 slips rented last year out of 86 what what did we bring in last year well if it's $1,100 it's on the charts that I provided to you I think ,300 yeah 8,300 how much additional will this bring in they will bring in about 110,000 additional no not additional so another 20 000 30,000 another 30,000 I I have no problem I have no problem got be so again that that is done um by resolution um based on the way it's written in the uh code book we are allowed to adopt changes to the fees for the docks by resolution so we'll have that ready for the next meeting okay that's all I have anything that's it no that's it okay I'll take a motion to adourn move it second all in favor I okay okay adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to the public laws of 1975 said notice was advertised in the Asbury Park Press and the beacon and was posted on the bulletin board showing the time and place of the meeting please rise for the salutes of the flag and a moment of silence pled aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all me okay all right first reading of ordinance 2024-the entitles bingos and Raffles ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey repealing chapter 141 of the Township Code of the township of lacy entitled bengo and Raffles and establishing new chapter 141 entitled bengo and Raffles so as to make certain revisions to the Township Code pertaining to the issuance of Bingo and raffle licenses this will um make the approval of Bingo and raffle licenses internally done through the clerk's office just for a faster process for organizations move it second yep Mr McDonald yes Mr Kon yes Mr D yes Deputy Mayor Kera yes mayor Juliano yes okay second reading of the ordinance 2024-the the acceptance of a dedication of open space ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the acceptance of a deed of dedication of open space from Arya properties at Paradise Point for Block 265 lot 1.01 in accordance with the local local lands and Building Law this is to the requirement from the D for public access for properties um that are adjacent to the waterways can I have see make a motion to close the floor second all in favor I motion on the ordinance second Mr McDonald yes Deputy Mayor curo yes Mr canis yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliano yes resolution bill number four Senate bill number 50 as it relates to the fair housing act resolution of the township of lacy County of otion state of New Jersey opposing assembly bill number four and Senate bill number 50 which proposes to overhaul the fair housing act in a way that imposes unrealistic obligations with unrealistic deadlines based upon difficult standards this would require us to put in um additional affordable housing in our next round move second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes deputy mayor yes mayor Julian yes resolution 2024-25 47 as it relates to the development of accessory dwelling units resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state New Jersey opposing Senate bill number 2347 concerning the development of accessory dwelling units and related Municipal land use regulations this bill would um propose that accessory dwellings on properties could be rented out second uh Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr diov yes Deputy Mayor Kera yes mayor Julian yes resolution 2024-25 toll hike by the New Jersey Turnpike Authority resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey opposing the March 2024 toll hike by the New Jersey Turnpike Authority move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor KOLO yes mayor jul yes resolution 2024-25 yes Mr taov yes mayor KERO yes with a comment if I could that program stops uh it really helps and to reduce overtime because instead of arresting way out of of some of these situations with folks whose house are are police go to all the time now they're getting help with counseling and medication and special needs so it's it's it's a proactive approach thank you mayor mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the iing the execution of a grant agreement for the municipal Alliance program resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the execution of an agreement with the county of ocean for the municipal Alliance program second Mr McDonald yes Mr canis yes Mr diov yes Deputy Mayor Caro yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024 d94 authorizing the appointment of a plumbing subcode official resolution of the town of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the employment of Michael ilano as a permanent Plumbing subcode official for the township of lacy move it second Mr M Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor K yes mayor Julian yes resolution 202 24-9 authorizing a leave of absence resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing a leave of absence for Joseph pandor move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor KERO yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-the the refund of a performance guarantee for a Road opening permit resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the refund of a performance bond for a Road opening permit move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mr diov yes Deputy Mayor Kira yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024 -97 authorizing the refund of tax overpayment resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the tax collector to refund a tax overpayment move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr diov yes Deputy Mayor Kola yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-the the refund of deposit monies resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the refund of deposits held for the use of Municipal facilities move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kenneth yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor KERO yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-the the payment of Township bills resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the payment of Township bills this is in the amount of 1,985 7558 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor Kola yes mayor Juliana yes monthly reports for the month of February the municipal clerk's office collected receipts in the amount of $1,889 181 we are now also accepting credit cards there just so everybody knows so you can pay for your community hall or garage sale via credit card for the month of January the Municipal Court collected receipts in the amount of $1,395 45 recycling department for the month of February Road opening permits in the amount of $2,430 recycling commodity in the amount amount of $1,325 and the Community Development for the month of February collected receipts the amount of $1,612 motion to accept the reports as read move it second all in favor I motion to approve Caucus meeting minutes from February 22nd 2024 second all in favor I motion to approve Township meeting minutes from February 22nd 2024 second all in favor I I motion to approve executive session minute meeting uh excuse me meeting minutes from February 22nd 2024 second all in favor I motion to approve budget meeting minutes from February 29th 2024 move second all in favor all motion to approve membership to the fork of river Volunteer Fire Company for William Sloan and Richard Jennings Jr second all in favor motion to approve the raffle license for VFW Post 1018 Cedar Creek Elementary PTA I can't say the next word stimus stimus c Optimus International of Long Beach Island and BP OE 2518 Lacy move it second all in favor motion to approve a raffle license Amendment for njsna region 6 move second all in favor I comments from the committee Mr D thank you very much um thanks to Veronica's hard work the township received a $6 million Federal grant to extend Railroad Avenue um thank you um we we've been working very hard over the years to try and build that road the portion that we built so far has been a great help uh um for the traffic on Route 9 North of LA Road um I see it every day uh I travel that road every day I see a lot of people on there I see the traffic that goes up to the light on Lacy Road moving much better because it's it's it's distributed so um hopefully this will help out and uh so I know it's sort hard work so thank you very much uh I wanted to say congratulations to the Bamber Lake Fire Company and L Harbor Fire Company they did apply and receive grants Bamber appli for 20, 633 and got 20,00 and L Harbor applied for $74,000 and got $50,000 that was also with the help of administrator lay so they work together and every little bit helps and I know they'll they'll put that money to use that's all I have mayor thank you very much Deputy Mayor C please yes thank you mayor um I want to open by uh just saying a public condolences to Mayor Juliano for the uh loss of her mother um she's um mayor jul I is a wonderful longtime resident uh who we respect in our town and her mom if you knew her was just beloved always wearing the flag always wearing wearing red and um so it was a huge outpouring of affection and I mean you you'd have to look far and wide uh for someone that didn't appreciate Marie creger she was a wonderful wonderful person wonderful person thank you Peter you deserve it um moving on um some people didn't know I uh in the past have sat on our Ocean County Board of Tourism and uh business Direction and development uh so I got a call earlier today I'm pretty excited about it uh want to uh interview uh me so we could talk about the town or talk about whatever is going on and put it on WBLS 1075 so I'll talk with my colleagues and hopefully we can get some I asked Jim for some stats about the wibbit we're still the only place in town uh in this uh County that has the wibbit um we're excited about it because it is a a delve into our tourism and we will do a grand opening over there shortly and we'll have more as that comes um had a really successful meeting uh with u Executives at Ocean County Administrator lay on some road openings so on the county road here 614 Lacy Road there's going to be some some work that gets done where there's pooling where they meet other roads Lake barnegate Drive North uh so that's no Direct Hit to Lacy taxpayers because the when we do pay into the county pot but they will be doing that work um so it was very successful I think administrator Ray would agree it was a good meeting um and then congratulations to the Bamber Lake Fire Department we had their swear in for their executive board and their officers uh last weekend so it's a great honor to be there as well and uh thanks to everyone who was there it's just always a special night and that'll conclude my comments mayor thank you thank you thank you Mr Kennis thank you mayor just a couple items um our tax uh collector has issued her 20 2023 uh Tax Collector's report um it's a you know it's always got uh good information in there our collection rate for the township is 99.45% which is really high so it's a you know a great job for everybody in that department making sure everybody's taxes are paid and for everybody that that are paying their taxes um our budget this year uh tentatively looks like it's going to be about uh $40,100 th000 roughly it's about 100,000 over last year's budget which is actually that's pretty good um and it's uh just want to you know uh just thank all the department heads um even our committee members Veronica Amy everybody that that is inv is heavily involved in in running our budget that's essentially a flat budget that's a um I always said that the town is is well-run financially and it will continue to be so and finally um if just to people weren't aware there's been a lot of comments that's the the property that's just been cleared next door to the municipal building is the our final phase of the Walters homes development that is affordable housing it's our last um uh piece of our last round obligation that was all part of the negotiated settlement with the state on our affordable housing units that we up until I forget the date 2020 I don't remember something like that so the last round obligation so those are my comments thank you m McDonald looks like they stole all I know they stole everything didn't they uh a couple of things here I want to congratulate um our finance department and Veronica lay and the clerks I don't know if you guys saw the paper today Irvington is missing $800,000 out of their budget they have no idea where it went and it could go up to like 3.2 million looking for so we don't have that problem here because the procedures that we put in place monitor this so we get tired of voting on these little bitty things but they have to be done that was one of the things in the article says these guys they're just doing whatever the hell they wanted and not voting on things and and that goes back 15 years so you can imagine the message up there uh so I want to congratulate them on on doing that um normally I don't wander into this area um because they are an elected board it's the only there's only two of us this board and the school board and they've got some major problems um they got hit with three 3.2 million less than they got last year it's not pretty we have to try to help the school district as best we can everybody so I think if you call over to the school to the administrative building there's a letter you can go in and sign it uh fill your name and they'll send an email out to all the people that are involved in this decision the more the better chance we have of rectifying this let me just say this one of the things I've always said if you want to have a great town and I think we do have a great town you got to do four things one you got to pick up the garbage two you got to have a great police department and EMS which we do number three you got to have a good Recreation Department for everybody the seniors the little kids and everything in between and last but not least you got to have a good school system where people want to move into now I know there's some people aren't happy with the schools but it is what we have and we've got to develop it and they can't get better unless they have the money to spend on the kids the teachers and that stuff to do to to to make it better I don't care what anybody says that school's not going away the school year is not going away so we're dealt we have to deal with it and we've got to figure they've got to figure it out so any support we can give the school district we must do can you imagine what would happen if we don't have a school district here suppose that District went away those bonds come to us the aid goes with the kids so we would absorb all that so I hope we would would would do all of that I do want to the tax collecting at 9945 no 94.5 outstanding uh even the senator Connors was like wow just you know just uh the other thing I want to say is we've been getting a lot of emails Veronica's been doing a good job from the state and it seems like all they want is more money from us more money more money more money I was driving down the parkway down to man Hawkin I had to get there and back so the man Hawkin toll is like $2.50 or something like that that or 230 whatever it is that's that's craziness and we the mayor and I Veronica Casey and Rob were at a meeting on Tuesday uh Wednesday yesterday Wednesday Wednesday yesterday yesterday uh with a bunch of people from other parts of the town and what they're going to do to try to help on Route n and it's kind of what I thought let's talk about it hopefully some things can come about but it's still a long way away but there is some movement moving and as slow as you get caught in traffic on Route 9 as slow as you go there that's how slow this is going to take it's just going to take years to do but at least there's some movement May that's all I have thank you Mr D well everybody kind of talked about what I was going to talk about but that's okay I um I just want to say that it was my honor to be there at the Ocean County Commissioner's Office to discuss stuff that's going on for Route n and what possibilities there are to come down the line obviously nothing is for tomorrow it's it's it's work it's a work in progress but they do know and we were there in full force letting them know that we need something done so it's not something we're sitting around and neglecting um I know read a lot on I don't answer and respond to it on chatter and Facebook and all that I just wish the people out there with all their questions come here we will give you the answers you want to know instead of guessing at it and saying we're you know this that or the other thing it here's the answer you don't even have to come to our meetings you can just call the office and they'll tell you what's being built over on the empty property or it's get the right information instead of the wrong wrong information so that that all won't spread down the line is is what I'll say um also commissioner Kelly has been moved up to be the uh chairperson for the north Jersey Transportation Planning Authority which is is probably helpful to us in a roundabout way at least it's somebody from our area that knows what's going on on route nine in our County so it's it's good to have him in that position you know I'm happy to have him there hopefully he can get something else done of course we're very proud of the $6 million that we're getting for the extension for the North and South area there on um the railroad right away that's a wonderful thing for us to answer a question that was not only asked here but also emailed to me as far as those barrels that were behind the warden house that's all been removed it was part of the D plan of of they had to check the soil and stuff there so that's why they were there and now they've been moved so that all been taken care of again I'll remind you that on the second Tuesday of the month I the mayor whether it's me or the next mayor down the line we are at the library and we're there to answer questions and just have a conversation with you if you'd like to just meet with me I'm there while I was there this Tuesday night it was the art show for our elementary schools and I'm telling you it just was beautiful the place was was packed between parents and students I it it brings back fond memories CU my daughter and son both did the art thing so I I really enjoyed all of it so um after that I will open up the floor to public comments oh got a gentleman right here I wanted to ask a couple of questions name for the record please I'm sorry your name for the record my name is Neil pero hi Neil um about item number two on your agenda here this second reading of ordinance 2024 d04 okay your question is why do you have to accept that property it was a condition of a land use board approval I'm sorry it was a condition of a land use board approval so when the subdivision application was presented one of the requirements was that they dedicate a certain portion of land which is also in turn a requirement of the Department of Environmental Protection okay I don't think that's my question why did you have to accept that piece of property it is Wetlands you have absolutely no there's going to be an actual park there with a pier and a walkway okay so I I got the map from the tax assessor or tax yes tax assessor Wetlands all over it is being donated for a for public a access to water properties okay the DP it's not Wetlands so let me show you what you gave me I didn't give you anything I didn't say you I you did say you somebody gave it to me I got it from the tax she's highlighted what orange that right so and if you read here what does that say I think it's upside well it's it's considered portion of wetlands but there's actually going to be walking trails in appear that are going to go actually out in the water so I look this is the lot this yes so the walking trails and stuff are all going to go around here around this natural made lake that comes out of the river and then there's going to be a pier that goes out into the forkid river as well I can I interject yes the requirement of the DP is for the protection of wetlands as well because it's an environmentally sensitive area they want it protected and so it would be dedicated ID so the fact that it might be wet is immaterial have you seen the reality of I don't have to see it sir I'm you ask the question the reason why it was accepted is a governing body has to accepted by law it must pass an ordinance to accept the property the property was accepted because it was a requirement of land use board approval the land use board have an office in this building no they meet the first Monday of the month if it's the if it's a zoning board and the second Monday of the month if it's the planning board so I believe that application went before the planning board and it's the second Monday of the month and they meet where right here that but in addition the D is requiring most developers that develop any waterfront property to set aside an easement for Public Access that part I'm not disputing when I went and looked at the property what I thought was I was looking at the property she identified it's going to be nothing but a nuisance for you and whether or not you had a choice to make someone else upgrade it or you're going to spend the money to upgrade it that was really my issue so the developer is putting in the improvements developer making that I didn't know that is that is what's happening yes after you get titled to it no he has to do it as part of his uh bonds the reason why this is the D is doing this for the for the public good they don't want private property owners trying to in Wetlands no they're doing it so the public so they don't have private you know whatever the billionaires of the world gobbling up all the waterfront property and not allowing access for somebody that wants to push out a canoe or a rowboat or something like that that's the IDE that's why they're doing it than all right thank you thank you anyone else I have a couple of questions Regina descends the Sunset Drive Sunrise Beach um items three and four um you did the resolution for the assembly bill and the Senate Bill well I was in Trenton all day Monday nobody had the time to come and give testimony I had to listen to All That testimony and boy there was a lot of people pro and con on both of those bills but I knew it would affect us if it passed so I wish somebody had gone now reg let me stop you right there what me I can't did you go talked to Senator romano and have said to him anytime you need me to testify on anything he let me know if he would let me know I'd have been poor Senator Mar was falling asleep I watch close his eyes his eyes I'm not BL I'm just telling you I volunteered to go a lot of issues I'm just saying some towns did come but you know it's a shame that well CU I had the time I had the time to do that me so I can do it so and I didn't have anything to say on that particular bill I was waiting for 4045 and 29:30 so I just listen to a lot of testimony about that so A few weeks ago there was a lady here that asked me about the bill list for the township committee agenda and I said yeah it used to be post posted on the bulletin board outside Mr Morse who used to sit there 10 12 15 years ago he asked for the bill list to be posted I haven't seen the bill list on the bulletin board Amy did you know we're usually not getting that bill list until almost 4 o' today because it's a it's a preliminary draft Bill list and then IA stick a push pin in it and you put it and I usually email it out to the committee uh A draft copy you know before the meeting right but technically the Public's supposed to be allowed to see it and I'm just looking at a line on an agenda that doesn't help me I need to see something and I just went to look and there's nothing there and it hasn't been there for quite some time you're correct M now in Mr Moss's memory the man who asked you who's long gone could that bill list please be post it again I would really appreciate it um and also my condolences on the loss of your mother I really liked Marie a lot and I'm sorry I was spread very thin this past week and I couldn't get there um I'd also like to thank you and Miss Laray for coming to my ethics hearing on February 14th in Hamilton at the office of administrative law I did appreciate your testimony when the judge asked you under oath on the witness stand did you discuss the case with the other Witnesses on the way to court since you all came in the same car at first you hesitated and then said to the judge yes we all discussed what a waste of time it was to come to court on on Valentine's Day that you had better things to do at home well so did I but I'm not so sure I would have ever told a judge that his job or the case at hand was a waste of time I can't wait for his written decision and he said it's going to take months thank you is there anybody else from the audience that' like to speak want to hand you something first okay hi Jim how are you good and I counted by eight good and I only had eight CS left so worked out thank you I got two oh you got two okay pass it to the next K thank you thank you turn up Jim Lacy I have to do the last name or is that okay uh I was here exactly a year ago if you remember about sure if I can interrupt it can I please have your last name oh hug H or Mr Huge as they call me on the C uh the telemarketers um I wanted to uh I was here a year ago about the the plastic bags that Walmart and shoppr right after they were banned the the shopping bags ones that they had boxes in the Walmart and town here and the shop right and then uh after time went by they removed those boxes but they got rid of the plastic shopping bags but they still have the um these guys here these produce bags which I find all over every parking lot in town and the worst is the people who take one apple and they put it in the here and then they grab the thing off that spinning reel and they have about 10 more bags attached and just when they get to the car they take the Apple out of the thing and they but anyways I was making a lot of phone calls over over the last year to the people who make these who Sher their responsibility to the stores that um that that sell that actually give them out and I actually today believe it or not I I called Walmart uh the corporate and it turns out that there are actually is places that do take these bags because these bags once they go into storm drains as you know they they look like jellyfish to all sorts of marine life they swallow them and then they die so like a few weeks ago there was a Gray Seal washed up in Long the is in the Marine mamal rescue center of course they it was barely alive and they were able to to to rehab it and it about $3,000 for every animal that happens and that's only the ones they find the rest of them are out there they just drowned in but anyways um so that list that I gave you as part of I looked up uh what is it um how to recycle doino and it's how with the with the number to recycle doino and it gives you if you just enter the ZIP code it gives you all the places around here now the Walmart and manah Hawkin has those boxes that take the plastic bags and River there's two Walmarts but for some reason in this town they don't they don't do it I don't know why I don't know who to speak to about that I mean you call I mean I I couldn't believe I got a human on the phone today usually it's an automated system and and at the end they go thank you for your call they just hang up on you so but anyways um that's basically what it is I was looking through the the the Lacy Township recycling they actually have a few businesses listed in there ups for those peanut popcorn things and um and a couple of other but I actually today for the first time found out that Kohl's actually has a box for those bags I had no idea so I was asking that you know I know that the it's pretty inclusive the the the Lacy recycling C uh calendar but if that could be included the the locations of these other stores maybe because there some of them overlap and other and it's not just the plastic bag some of them take lithium batteries nickel batteries uh uh marine batteries and stuff like that so there is a lot of uh a little bit of overlap but like I said and even cell phones they take and stuff some of them but it would be a good thing if it was maybe listed on the website or you know or on the next the next calendar or something like that because I tell you the truth you know the policy from what I found all year every time I called about they they said just throw them in the garbage and I have about almost a thousand of these things in my garage because I refuse to throw this in the garbage there's no way I'll you know so I was just wondering if you could do that and and that would be a good thing and um I'll look into it for you yeah that's what I heard a year ago you can probably put this link so I'll be back on the anniversary march2 you were here a year ago to tell me about the bags to put it on the calendar no no to about about where to I just said I would look into having it put on the calendar for put on the website too the link to where you got this we could probably link something on from our website that's that the recycle one all you got to do is enter the zip code and it comes up with a whole bunch of there's another recy thing that the county has that you could do the same thing with and tell you what's recyclable what's not yes uh it's all right you're going to self-destruct it's okay you know what it is I when I was a kid in the 70s it was show remember beat the clock and you have to take a straw and blow a pin p sort of like that but I guess my time's up but that's the main thing I we'll work on it we'll work on it thank you thanks a lot thank you thank you is there anyone else from the audience that'd like to speak good good evening mayor Madam mayor and Township committee members um I have here a copy of a letter that uh dasty mcgucken MC Nichols Connors Anthony and Buckley did in response to um Mr Bender CE and desist letter about the um property where the warden house and Community Hall is located and I'm a little confused by this because well I'm not really sure that Mr Dy quite understands all of this um I think Mr Dy indicated that he'd be willing to talk to the person he sent it to yes well I'm going to that would be a good opportunity to see if Mr Dy correctly understood it well why don't I read here what he wrote it sent to you was it sent to you no it wasn't it was given to me to speak on behalf might be one of the reasons why you don't understand it go ahead okay so um effectively he said the deed restrictions said that Mr Smith had gifted property to the township hey that is not pro that is not correct the property was given to the township by the Charles A Smith Association okay so we're starting off right off the bat wrong here and I'm going to explain this to the public because I want the public to understand the will that Mr Smith produced and uh leaving his executer with money $15,000 to build the building that is sitting there right now it was not given to the town it was given to the citizens of our community not to Lacy Township government and then when the building was finished it was dedicated and in there he said I'm giving this building to the Charles A Smith Association a private organization okay so the will terms were fulfilled in 1926 when the building was dedicated has nothing to do with the township committee the problem I have with all of this is the resolution that the government body agreed to when they were taking this property and it says and I would like our attorney to explain to me what this means with the undertaking that the property will be put to and kept what does that mean kept means you keep it right no no that situation not in that context no okay can you explain to me what it means well Mr bidnick I'll tell you what you seem to have a disagreement with the interpretation that's been given by legal council to the tent right there's an individual who suggests that a cease and desist correct we stand behind our opinion that the transfer of that property is legal okay you seem to disagree with the title company of course that doesn't surprise me you disagree with a lot lot of things that professionals have projected but that's your right to do so if anyone feels that this is not proper they can challenge it in a court of law by an injunction yes yes probably would be a good idea to to go a route with that way it also then I I'm not going to answer okay so on top of that it said upon condition that the township committee perform all the acts and duties required to be formed by the said Charles A Smith under the provisions of last Testament so there is obviously a what's the word I want to use a a disagreement about what kept means and if someone gave me something and they said Richard I'm giving you a million dollars under the conditions that you have to keep this what does that mean to you you're going to keep it right are you're not going to you're not going to the agreement is null and void I think anybody with any sort of logic using logical understanding would think that the meaning of this is to actually keep the property now my personal opinion about this apparently the title company right I know what the title company I have read what they said too there's also the idea that even if you legally could get away with something is it morally the right thing to do and do you want to go down as a government body that feels that okay we can take a gift from someone well I think that suffices your answer you say does a governing body want to go down that path we we have we have you have if we don't we'll be sued by the individual that purchased the property well or maybe he'll back out if you finds out there's going to be an injunction and legal action taken right it could end up in courts for a very long time that could be problematic exactly would you want to be involved in something like that I don't think so so my issue about this is again and it's not it's not a battle thing it's really about a moral issue with me okay I mean it's a historical if I know some of you have gone on to the website that has been created on Facebook and you see all the history I I never I actually wasn't even aware Mr B your time is up is is there another question that you would like to ask us before I tell you that your time is up no thank Youk you is there anyone else in the audience that would like to speak Mr Bender close back in the I got to say it Barry Bender somewhere in Lacy Township I went to a meeting the other day and I was able to say the old stuff so okay um I just want to thank the senator and your office for responding to my letter um I'm not an attorney I'm not going to question what's in there if we get an attorney at some point then they'll be questioning but I will continue every Endeavor that I can to save the historic buildings that are on that property just to let you know where I am so thank you very much I would encourage you to take the opportunity that Mr dashy accorded you I'll I'll make an appointment thank you just before we close the floor is there anyone else before I speak no either oh sorry go right ahead sorry about that didn't see that little hand up there good evening good evening uh Linda Miller foret River um I'm not real happy about the time change for the meeting um I really think that it's uh detrimental to our our community to me be here by 6 o' I'm wondering if in the future maybe you could consider having start at 7 again uh because you always invite us to to the meetings so that we know what's happening to answer questions and I'm retired but I even have a hard time getting here by 6 so um I'm hoping that you maybe could reconsider a different time I wish I could say yes to you but I doubt that okay it's because I'm trying you know for a lot of reasons it's it's it's more convenient for the gentlemen that hold down jobs that all day long they're at work and they want to just come right here from their job instead of going home and then having to come back out at 7:00 and also for years we had the meetings at 7:00 and we didn't have but three people in the audience for years that's the way it's always been so we moved it up you know to to make it more convenient for everybody we we also have people telling us that they like it because it's earlier that they can get right out from work and come here if they want to so what people are they what people have actually said that well actually there isn't anybody that this is the only time we've been seeing people is in the last month or so a couple months I should say but other than that we couldn't get five people to be out for the meetings and that's why I'm always suggesting instead of talking on the computer to or their phone to come here and ask the questions we have the answers here for their questions I wish I had the time to be on like some people are are on that talking about everything they think they know about and don't know about okay cuz the just the property alone up the street everybody had an opinion about that property but it was it was done almost eight nine years ago that property was taken care of it was the last part of what we have to build we're on contract to do it as they say well so my question is say who is it most convenient for is it most convenient for our governing body or is it most convenient for the town's people who's it really convenient both I think I think it's I think it works both ways to be honest with you okay and for me personally I'm I'm by myself and so when I leave here in the dark I don't truly like going home and being a dark house and dark Street and a dark people leave to live alone and go home that's but that's them I'm trying to make decisions that make things a little bit easier for myself too okay so you really making this for yourself and no this was a unanimous decision that we changed the time unanimous among you absolutely yes and we changed to 6:30 first and we felt still weren't getting anybody out the Ocean County uh keep saying freeh four o' four public meetings area does too the LM meets at six o'clock as well I don't care about that we have the most most people here now yeah but that but that's you know okay is there anybody else in the audience go ahead Jim Jim use Lacy Township I just I forgot to mention uh because years ago the town meetings it was always brought up about the Tipping fees you know like when when when the township brings stuff to the landfill that the recycling lowers our fees and hopefully lowers you know helps taxpayers and things like that yeah because it it's a thing that I used to come here like 10 15 years ago it was always mentioned every week but I haven't heard it in years mentioned that the Tipping fees and so like can encourage people to you know to get I got them in every color very colorful I'm like a magician you know that's pretty good that's pretty good anyways that's my thank you thanks our Saturday the lenoa harbor EMS is having their breakfast with an Easter Bunny if anybody's got Grand children or children that they'd like it runs from 8 to 1 and then also next Tuesday just as a a a big congratulations is out to our rotary of lacy Township they'll be celebrating their 50th Anniversary as a rotary on the 23rd Saturday the 23rd uh a young woman here in our town has put together a plan to get people out to do some Cleanup in Lacy and I'm working with her to get us supplies and stuff like that uh in case you've jumped on board or heard about it um she's put together you know a group of people they all say they're going to do it whether or not they show up or not that's another story but um I'll I'll let you know later if you're looking for her name no okay fck no you were looking at me I thought maybe you want I've been doing it for years well she's trying to make it the day thing get everybody out get everybody out instead of people saying oh did you see how dirty the lake was well why don't you help clean it up it's not like it should it shouldn't be a day that has to be done it should be every day but that's besides the fact um but that's all I have to say so so yeah anybody else from the audience seeing none motion to close the floor second all favor motion resolution 202 24-100 resolution in the township of lacy County of ocean state New Jersey authorizing the convening of an executive session in accordance with the open public meetings act moving second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis Mr dof Mr Hero Deputy sorry Deputy Mayor hero yes mayor Juliano yes motion to ad mov second all in favor I no further business