I'm sorry adequate notes of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to the public laws 1975 said notice was advertised in the Asbury Park Press and the beacon and was posted on the Bolton board showing the time and place of the meeting please rise for the salute to the flag the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all special use permit Rock two adopt event at the Popcorn Park Zoo on 91424 and 91524 move it want me to get the details might as well explain it first a um the popcor Park zo is looking to host a their Rock to adopt event it'll be 2 days the 14th and 15th of September um from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and they're also requesting to post signs across town a week prior to promote their event move second all in favor I motion to adjourn move it second all in favor I I okay Township meeting adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meeting act pursuant to the the public laws of 1975 said notice was advertised in the Asbury Park Press and the beacon and was posted on the Bolton board showing the time in place the meeting please stand for salute and a moment of silence I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation un God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay first reading of ordinance 2024-25 entitled M Massage establishments ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey repealing chapter 234 of the Township Code of the township of lacy entitled massage establishments and issuing refunds for licensing Fe received for the fiscal year of 2024 we are doing this because now the state has um very strict uh licensing for how they monitor um these type of establishments in the town we had our own ordinance in place however the franchise businesses are exempt from that so we aren't going to have the local businesses have to pay the fee if the other businesses are exempt move it second can't do it so Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes Mr Kon yes mayor Juliana yes first reading of ordinance 2024-the County of ocean state of New Jersey amending an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey a fixing and determining the salaries wages and compensation of the officers employees and members of the governing body of the township this is to adjust the uh hourly wages for the part-time and full-time inspectors move it and subcodes because they're two different levels of uh jobs and education requirements so we're separating them out move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliana yes second reading of ordinance 2024-25 to revise certain regulations in coastal and flood zone areas ordinance of the township of lacy county of state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 185 of the Township Code of the township of lacy entitled flood Hazard areas to revise certain regulations in the coastal and flood zone areas second reading open the floor to public comment see motion to close the floor second all in favor I motion on the ordinance move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr doff yes mayor Juliano yes second reading of ordinance an ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a c bank in accordance with njsa 4A 44514 second reading open the floor to public comment see not make a motion to close it second all in favor I motion on the order move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-the the budget to be by title only resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the reading of the budget by title only move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliana yes open the floor to public comment on 2024 Municipal budget before we open the floor I'll just go through and read uh each line here so General Appropriations for municipal purposes is 39,7 66,1 36.3 reserved for uncollected taxes is 1, 15261 18.7 total General Appropriations is $41,250 245 less anticipated revenues is 9,764 764 and the amount to be raised by taxes for support of the municipal budget is 2,527 481 the floor is open for any public comment see none make a motion to close the floor second all in favor I motion on the resolution move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr daos yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 224-1 1119 adopting the municipal budget that's okay sorry all right well oh cuz I opened I'm sorry second reading of ordinance 2024 d8 providing for various Capital Improvements and Acquisitions of various Capital Equipment an ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey providing for ious Capital Improvements and the acquisition of various Capital Equipment appropriating $ 4,251 560 therefore and authorizing the issuance of a $3,778 th000 bonds and notes to finance a portion of the costs thereof authorized in and by the township of lacy in the county of ocean state of New Jersey second reading open the floor to public comment see now make a motion to close second all in favor I motion on the ordinance move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mr yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-25 -121 authorizing amendment to and into local Services agreement for tax collector Services resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the execution of an amendment to the interlocal services agreement with the buau of tuckeron for tax collector Services move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-25 official resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the employment of Mark hibberd as a permanent Plumbing subcode official for the township of lacy move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof Mayor Julian resolution 224-1 123 authorizing the refund of building department fees resolution of the township of Lac County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the refund of a building department fee issued by the Lacy Township Building Department move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis Mr dof yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 the refund of a massage license fee resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the refund of a massage establishment license fee issued by the Lacy Township municipal Clerk's Department move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr daos yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing the refund of deposit monies resolution in the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the refund of deposits held for the use of Municipal facilities move second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing the payment of Township bills resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the payment of Township bills this is in the amount of 4,361 18584 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Hennis yes Mr doff yes mayor Juliana yes Tim you need to abstain on that one fer correct correct correct thank you thank you thank you I need to abstain on t uh T 0035 thank you thank you verica no problems motion to approve caucus M meeting minutes from April 11th 2024 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr K yes Mr D yes mayor Juliana yes motion to approve Township minute meetings from April 11th 2024 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliana yes motion to approve executive session minute meetings from April 11th 2024 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr D yes mayor Juliana yes um resolution no okay comments from the committee Mr dof uh all I want to do is congratulate Al clerk um Miss McGuckin she received her Clerk's pin today I thought that I'm sure that was a very proud moment um you remember for your long auspicious Clerk's career and Beyond so congratulations that's all I have thank you very much thank you Mr kenis just briefly um we adopted the budget tonight just want to um thank all the hard work from all the department heads um for you know doing a good job on the budget thank you m McDonald yeah uh I I also want to congratulate Amy on getting pinned today that was good um the budget is the budget it's I think it's a very good budget considering economic situations um and I also want to uh was in the paper the patch Lacy Township is one of the top safest towns in the state of New Jersey I'd like to thank our Police Department for that they do they do an outstanding job that's all I have mayor thank you well I have a couple things so first I just like to remind the public out there A lot of times they I see them asking questions all over social media uh about what's coming up what where should they bring this where should they bring that everyone gets one of these sent to them at home um make use of it because it's got a lot of our information right in there so you you know you really would find out what you need to know so just um just putting that out there as another reminder also um vet works is having a grand reopening on um May the 4th it's a Saturday from 10:00 to 12 uh over there on Station Drive that where they've been relocated and they would love you to stop by and see their place and see how happy they are where they are located so just notifying everyone of that I also was notified by the gas uh New Jersey natural gas just as a reminder to remind people before you do any digging in your yard you should call 811 that is the number because April is National safe digging month and it's just to remind you of that okay and the other night I went to um I don't want to call it an event I want to call it a a training basically yes um brick wall Corporation hosted a multi- agency emergency service training event on the evening of April 25 23rd at their mining operation up in Bamber excellently attended by all three of our fire companies here in town but along with them was Whiting wtown um Bayville I think I've named them all I don't want to forget anybody the Ocean County Sheriff's Department was there the Lacy Police Department was there it was basically for everyone to see what what they've got going on out there which I think is a wonderful thing because it you know keeps us on the up and up what's happening uh it was to educate emergency respondes about the the technology involving compressed natural gas used at the mining operations it was basically a green event if you want to use that expression um it was it was really well attended by our fire departments and again they're volunteers so I'm so grateful that they can take the time with that they have family schedules whether they have children in sports or something going on with their family they were all there and all accounted for and it's a really a proud moment for Lacy Township again as usual with our fire departments um out there learning what what needed to be done in case there ever is an emergency so I just generally want to thank them for for being there and um that's all I have on my comments and I will open the floor to public comment anybody just state your name that's all you have to do hello Crystal conedy from loka Harbor good evening members of the Lacy Township committee my name is Crystal conedy and I am here tonight on behalf of our Union representing the hardworking 28 CWA employees who serve Lacy Township across various departments I've lived in Lacy for 20 years and I've worked for the township for almost 10 thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak on a matter that is of great importance to us a fair contract and compensation for our members our union represents 28 dedicated Professionals of which 23 of them them are women we provide essential services to the residents of lacy Township our members play a vital role in keeping our Township running smoothly however while our town and responsibilities continue to grow our wages have not kept in Pace with the cost of living Basics like food and gas continue to increase in price yet we have seen approximately a 27.5% decrease in celery over the last 27 years based on years of service we believe it is crucial to address this issue to maintain a motivated and skilled Workforce that can continue providing high quality services our members deserve fair and competitive wages that reflect their skills experience and the value they bring to the township a fair CWA contract will help retain current employees and attract new Talent we request a fair contract with regards to wages to account for inflation this will ensure our employees can maintain their standard of living and support their families we believe our request s are reasonable and essential to the well-being of our employees and the township as a whole Fair compensation leads to a happier and more productive Workforce which ultimately benefits the entire community in closing we are committed to working together with the township to reach an agreement that fairly compensates our members for their hard work and dedication we appreciate your time and consideration in this matter and we look forward to your support in securing a fair contract thank you thank you thank you for your comments is the anyone else from the floor would like to speak come on up was Kathy Manan um I would like to request some enforcement of the speed limit on East Lacy Road um the people I'm telling you they're doing 50 60 M an hour past my house is very dangerous there's no sidewalks there's no shoulder on the road and people are walking their bikes or riding their bikes walking their dogs there's an elderly man who jogs it's it's getting very dangerous I don't see any police presence I'm wondering do they give speeding tickets I don't know I'm sure they I'm sure they I'm sure they give speeding tickets I'm I'm sure they do you know I'll just say this is obviously they're they're not there when that's happening so that you know I will mention it to the chief gladly give him the information they could be there any day of the week anytime Day evening morning any time of the day weekend days weekday okay I will definitely speak to the chief about it thank you for bringing it to my attention um the other thing I'm wondering is if um God forbid the um Community Hall is sold I'm wondering um what the plan is for that traffic light there that would be up to the state do to determine if there's any improvements that need to be made at that traffic light and the county of ocean because it's controlled by those two agencies okay because I do see a lot of people run red lights at that corner yeah lot a lot all right thank you thank you anyone else that like to speak from the audience come on up how are you hey how's it going all right my name is uh Robert Davis I'm from Bamber Lake okay I'm bringing an issue we have a major problem with one of our neighbors they're running a metal fabrication shop in our backyard like right behind us we've notified the town over it the town acknowledges it they've admitted to it they advertise it I think they have a major court date coming up in June and you know I just want to make everybody aware of it yeah aware of what's going on it's they were up to like 26 cars MH at one time and you know the town has stepped in and is pushing it but they still work every single day we we call the cops at least once a week we we could call every day but we don't want to waste the time M appreciate that uh the Ocean County Fire Department issued them a fire permit they have no safe burning habits they've been called multiple times and we just want to know who we're going to call next because you know I should have wrote all this down but it's okay they uh you know we just we don't want to waste nobody's time and we just want to feel like we're getting help too because when a junkyard catches on fire Everything Burns Burns around him and we just want to make sure like you know like somebody has to be responsible if that does happen mhm and Stu are we um Mr are we aware of this we're very aware of it and as he said our code enforcement officer is working on it it's not a fast process unfortunately and we've been doing notices of violation were given I do believe that that individual was supposed to appear in court and he hasn't appeared in court so what happens is a warrant is issued for their arrest and if the cops pull them over if the cops come into inter police offic excuse me come into interaction with them they would call it into headquarters there would be through the dispatch notification would be going oh there's a warrant out for this individual and then they would process him and and arrest him well it hasn't even there court dates in June I think he had two prior court dates for other issues there if I'm not mistaken but yeah he did show up and were and he has been given fines and I you're right he just continues to do what he does and this is where then you would get the attorneys involved if they continue to violate we're doing we're doing the leg work I mean we got we got proof that he's getting uh the town's reaction is there's no proof of money well yeah we have to see money exchange hands on the leg work and we've been sending you guys stuff and it's been going to the prosecutor okay so I just want to make that aware that we're really pushing for it thank you thank you for coming up thank you very much thank you anyone else from the audience seeing none motion to close the floor second one do you have any add-ons just the private resolution and resolution resolution 20241 127 resolution Township poliy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the convening of an executive session in accordance with the open public meetings act to discuss matters of personnel contractual matters pending anticipating litigation and matters of real estate move it it Mr Ken yes Mr McDonald yes Mr daos yes Mr T yes mayor Julian yes motion to adj to motion to move it second I no further business Lind you get to go home you have to St