this is the Caucus meeting of April 11th 2024 adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meeting fact pursuant to public laws 1975 said notice was advertised in the Asbury Park Press and the beacon and was posted on the Bolton board showing the time and place of the meeting please rise for the Sol flag IED aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible liy andice all just bring mic it's my honor to introduce the rotary is here tonight to make a donation a special donation to our town thank you no no no no no no he doesn't want to take it off take sry they broke the mic last time somebody did we're not going to move around that was weird sorry about that not hearing me right go right ahead y y all right good evening everyone Madame mayor committee members Administration and all of you uh my name is William resido and I'm here uh representing a group of rotarians uh from the foren river rotary um we're very pleased to be here tonight uh to to give a uh uh a check but I I want I'll get to that in a minute because I think there's some things we should mention before appreciate um we can only do these things uh that we do annually uh because of the generosity of the people in the Lacy Community uh they're the ones who come to our functions enable us to raise the money to do the different things that we do that we do do we do do okay that sound great okay all right what I'd like to say um we just finished up yesterday uh going over the um uh scholarship Awards and uh we're going to be meeting on goal annually as we have uh for so many years of giving out uh $20,000 in scholarships isn't that fantastic and that's something we're very proud of doing for the PE kids in the community um there are so many programs that we do we do to raise money we do the um um go for the gold the UT and windfall We Do the doggy Derby we have a bunch of different activities that we do if if we didn't uh do these things in our community to raise the funds we couldn't possibly do and give back to the community all right uh 10 years ago was our 40th anniversary uh and uh the club Gabe and I I'm holding the paper because I get I was told by the group if I get the numbers wrong I have to personally make up the difference so I want to make sure that I do it right um we gave we donated $40,000 at that time to uh upgrade the uh Park Gilly uh the Hebrew Park correct yes uh and that was something that we did uh this year it's our 50th Anniversary 10 years later and uh we're going to be giving a check today for $30,000 to go toward the uh renovation or replacement of the uh digital CL uh sign that's on Manchester hands uh and there's um something else we want to bring up which is very important to us we're going to be giving at the next Board of Ed meeting a $20,000 uh check to uh keep going uh some of the programs that they've initiated as far as mental health programs in the schools wonderful so we feel we feel that that's great um not to prolong it and not to do it like an advertisement but I we encourage people to go to our new website uh foren River and that'll give a list of all the functions we do all the things that we do in the community so I could only list a few in just few minutes I thank you no thank you we really appreciate all of your help and all of your supp I told you you have to bring a check we get picture for I'm standing where I can rotar you come up yes behind us here verica you want me to take it well how are you Jim from the club is going to take it and then I'll have him share it with me you have to get okay then can you get is it good we got to move closer together they can't see me oh you have good ears no it's okay I don't want you to block me good I'm good with it thank you you want to get in she's the spouse of which is just as [Applause] [Music] important over rope with wires didn't have quotes in yet but I write one my I can write it my quote is 33,000 something $392 so I only need 30,000 yeah that's what I understand well I can get or you will you'll be there next Tuesday I'm going to attempt to be okay well if you're there I'm ready to order I said put a sign on there do not touch do you know time and time again stay back 3 ft Len you know if excuse me rotary we'd like to thank you we'd like to thank you you settle down you're a rough Bunch you know I I I I categorize you as The Usual Suspects it's people like you the Elks um the Moose who keep on coming and helping this town ship over and over again and you said it it it's you bring the people of Lac you together you've been a great Organization for as long as I've been here and I how when did the rotary and for River start 50 years ago 50 years yeah well okay well were you paying attention to 1973 was actually okay I think P attention I've been down here for 40 years so yes it's uh an amazing organization some of the same people a lot of new people and it's great thank you for all you do and I look forward to seeing you do more thank you and to think that back in the early 90s um we provide we as in the rotary provided $60,000 towards the playground equipment in Gilly Park and the township match the other 60,000 so you're at 120 and just what a year or two ago we replaced the same playground for $600,000 the price risen Deputy Mayor thank you mayor so Veronica stole a little bit of uh my fire um when my daughter who is an adult now and I'm a little sad about that cuz some of our our great memories were at the park uh that was made possible by our rotary uh when she was a little girl we would put her on the rides in the and you know just play catch and do all the nice things uh but when I was there with then young parents as I'm not young anymore um there was just never uh even a small complaint and we're talking about specifically uh Rotary Park at at Hebrew Park it's a wonderful place for uh young moms and dads uh Guardians to be with their kids uh and so you're not supposed to have favorites if I say I have a favorite in town I get my mailbox full and maybe upset some of our Elks some of our moose um some of our other Civic organizations but you're a fine group of people and uh some of you I know really personally and I know really well you're a value Ed for the town I'm personally and professionally grateful for you thank you and God bless you thank you Mr Kennis thank you mayor U yeah I just want to Echo some of the same comments I said we're uh rotary is invaluable to Lacy Township we've always consider you like a partner to the town um the amount of um um things that you've done for the township over the years it's too many to list so uh really thanks for um all the service you guys do I know a lot of the same members that have been there for years so um it's always good to see the same faces so thank you very much Mr McDonald thank you man I have always said that our volunteer organizations uh make this town great um and and you can say who leads the town I don't know but I can tell you there rotary right there they do so much for this town and without your guys' donations and so forth this town is nowhere near what it is today so I thank you and I wish you nothing but the best of luck in the future thank you well I take it personal because I love all of you I see you all the time whether it's at the gym or the restaurant or the donuts or whatever we're doing I I see all of you out there senior lunches you know we you're quite the group and we're we're very fortunate to have you and very fortunate for what you're giving back to this town we're the lucky ones and and there's just you know a thank you just isn't big enough to say it but we do appreciate everything you do and and and thanks for coming here and sharing that check with us I appreciate that so have a great night thank you guys Veronica did you w to have anything else I'm good okay good okay pass rotary president Veron there's several past rotary presidents in the room yes there is yes he was isn't that wonderful y really as distinguished from very good very good you said soon as you said the young word you were trouble Tony I'm just telling you okay thank you Tony want to thank you for thank you very proud of him thank you yes very the funny thing is is I saw him and I said I know who he is and I'm like but I didn't like realize at first that he joined and I said oh isn't that wonderful so now he's involved in yep now now you'll have more reasons to still be around us you can't get away from us that's sure be the president yes before you know it it'll happen that's for sure in two years this is voted in you know what they say don't make eye contact okay don't make eye contact that's for sure not allowed to scratch your head no thanks so much all of you I really appreciate it okay and we have another group here it's called the preferred be Behavioral Health and I'm going to have the deputy mayor introduce both of you to us please mayor thank you very much and uh so tonight I I thought it was important after speaking with the mayor and attending uh the traumatic loss code Coalition School presentation a couple of weeks ago um one of the organizations there one actually the primary organization uh was preferred Behavioral Health so tonight I wanted to afford them a few minutes behind the the microphone they they came here from several towns away they've been Partners in trying to help our schools to have experienced some serious loss our schools have uh so Dr T cakani is the Chief Executive Officer of preferred Behavioral Health um quite frankly Ally one of the most uh credential and impressive people I've ever met uh and I've met a lot of people in public health uh Val ortense is the VP of strategic development Val is here as well and I wanted to have them here tonight to just talk about you know some of the uh items that they're coming across uh in full disclosure I have no uh commercial interest in preferred Behavioral Health uh and that that's fair to say but in speaking with uh the mayor I thought it was important that they' come here tonight especially after uh being part of that important presentation on traumatic loss in our schools we've had some serious tragedies these are extremely licensed and credential people from a a very regulated or organization agency so Dr chalak if you could uh come up to the microphone and speak just for just a couple of minutes on some of the items that you're seeing and some of the services that you may offer than yes yes okay pardon my back everyone good evening um as uty mayor said I'm Dr Tara chalak CEO of preferred Behavioral Health Group and also an alumni of lacy Township High School oh all right thank you a success story um but I'm here tonight to to give my heartfelt sympathy to the township of lacy you've suffered so much tragedy this school year and we feel very privileged to be on the front lines helping the Community Helping families and students we've been able to do that this year through generous funding through the state of New Jersey the Department of Children and Families has awarded us Grant Monies to provide all public schools in Ocean County K through 12 with mental health and Prevention Services the funding is called n4s and we have named our County Compass connecting ocean Mammoth partnership Stu assisting student service is pardon me for not getting that 100% correct but with that funding we are able to support all of your schools at any time so I encourage everyone to visit our website ww. preferred behavioral dorg we have programming at the ready to support all of your students and families and we um also have a program which Valerie ortense my vice president is going to share with you that provides 24hour service 7 days a week 365 days a year and before I have her come up I just want to share that we provide these intensive services to Ocean County to over 2,000 youths per year age 0 to 21 10% of those youths are from Lacy Township and of the calls that we are dispatched for on a monthly basis half are related to Suicide whether it be thoughts plans intentions but this is a serious issue it has only escalated since the pandemic and I just encourage anyone that has children in their lives or parents of children if you notice your children not acting themselves or making comments take them seriously because we take them seriously when they complain of something physical we have to do the same when it's something mental mental and physical health are the same so I thank you for your time I'm going to pass the mic to my colleague to offer another resource if I can interrupt for just one second just to say how lucky we are to have you coming to our schools during this horrendous time that we've been living through um and we're we're grateful and whether or not the folks out there realize how much you've been at our schools day in and day out from day one um we're very fortunate and we appreciate it very much and we're happy to do it thank you mayor thank you and thank you deputy mayor for having us here and inviting us and for everyone's time and um listening ears so I'll Echo a little bit further what Dr chalak has said that right now more than ever our youth are in need of support and a listening person in their life and preferred is fortunate enough to have many listening years we have 350 staff at our company and the program that uh Dr Chalik con alluded to is mobile response it's called children's mobile response we are the Sole Provider of that in Ocean County so we service the entire County it's funded by DCF and it's a phenomenal program that dispatches crisis response to the home or at a safe location in the community to deescalate any type of Crisis that involves mental health behavioral health and sometimes substance use in the moment and the clinicians go out as a team they either to the home or wherever they're at in the community deescalate and then wrap around services for 8 weeks the entire family so they have free access to mental health support Family Counseling Group services and then a warm handoff to further assistance thereafter if needed so this is a great resource that you can access at any time 247 365 and the number to call to reach them is 877 65 52 7624 thank you very much for having us thank you thank you for being here really appreciate the information is important to be out there and that's why we wanted you here so people know that we here and Lac are struggling along with you and and with the our children and we wanted to make sure that you know it's recognized that we have this help and this opportunity for people to reach out and there's information here that we'll leave at our desks here where our employees and our colleagues are anybody from Town wants to come in and pick it up or look at it or search research the website as our colleagues Dr chalani and Miss ortense have said please feel free to do that uh and just want to say thank you again for work you're doing in our schools appreciate you appreciate it very much thank you yeah preferred Behavioral Health also supplies us with our employee assistance program um and they offer services uh for that as well is that wonderful thank you besides her being an alumni from Lacy her father is a retiree from Lacy is that right yes yes Police Department police department Eddie o was is her father oh yes good well thank you double thank you double thank you that's thank you so much appreciate you thank you safe ride home now okay item number three resolution 202 24-12 resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the convening of an executive session in accordance with the open public meetings act move second second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenon yes Mr gof yes Deputy Mayor CA yes mayor Julian yes motion to adjourn yes moveing second all in favor we need to go to into executive session to discuss a matter that don't you have to what the reasons didn't for matters of personnel contractual matters pending litigation and real estate okay we'll back out we just there might be something we need to add on to the agenda that we have to discuss first Township excuse me Township meeting statement um adequate notice that this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to the public laws of 1975 said notice was advertised in the Asbury Park Press and the beacon and was posted on the bulletin board showing the time and place of the meeting please stand for the salute to the flag and a moment of silence I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all first reading of ordinance Coastal and flood zone areas ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 185 of the Township Code of the township of lacy entitled flood Hazard areas to revise certain regulations in the coastal and flood zone areas move second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mr diov yes Deputy Mayor Kira yes mayor Julian yes resolution 2024 d113 appointing class one special offices resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Madison noon and Joshua Whit Mooney as special on Law Enforcement Officers move it second Deputy Mayor KOLO yes Mr Kennis yes Mr gof yes Mr McDonald yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the supporting the Township's participation in the T-Mobile home Town Grant move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor K yes resolution 2024 115 authorizing the receipt of bids that's why I was resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state New Jersey authorizing the receipt of bids for various equipment and services in accordance with the approved 2024 budget for the township of lacy we'll be going out to bid for Road improvements to Sunrise Boulevard Road improvements for cranberry Hill uh drudging of Stouts Creek and replacement of bulkhead at the South docks move it move it Deputy Mayor Cara yes Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes mrov yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the the refund of deposit monies resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the refund of deposits held for the use of Municipal facilities move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor Kola yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the the payment of Township bills resolution of the township of Lecy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the payment of Township Bills moving second Mr McDonald yes but I'll stand on any bills from tnm Mr cannis yes Mr doff yes Deputy Mayor Kera yes mayor Julian yes this is what the resolution I have an add in an add-on please resolution 20248 resolution in the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the sale of surplus real property by open public auction in accordance with njsa 4A col 12-13 move second Mr McDonald yes Deputy Mayor Kira yes Mr kenis yes Mr dios yes mayor Juliana yes monthly reports for the month of March the department Community deel Development collected receipts in the amount of $ 37,897 Municipal docks were collected in the amount of $7,550 for the month of March Road opening permits were collected in the amount of $225 recycling commodity in the amount of $1,564 and Municipal truck parking collected in the amount of $10,000 for the public works department Municipal clerk's office collected receipts in the amount of $1,815 for the month of March and the municipal court for the month of Fe collected receips the amount of $1 14,622 60 motion to accept the reports as read move it second all in favor I motion to approve Caucus meeting minutes from March 28th 2024 move it second McDonald yes Mr Kon yes Mr D abstain Mr Hera yes mayor Juliana yes motion to approve Township minute meetings from March 28th 2024 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes jov abstained Deputy Mayor Caro yes mayor Juliana yes motion to approve executive session minute meetings from March 28 2024 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof abstain Deputy Mayor Kira yes mayor Juliana yes okay comments from the committee Deputy Mayor thank you mayor um we saw a presentation tonight I want to commend mayor Juliano for attending um and actually I attended with her she is the mayor and I'm the the uh the number two um at the traumatic loss Coalition for our schools last last uh two weeks ago two weeks ago it was about two weeks ago um you know very necessary and uncomfortable topic but it was very important it was important for the parents that were involved important for the teachers the counselors uh in the old days counselors would help a kid maybe choose a college take the asab uh and going into the military and now it's a plethora of things that uh young people may or may not be dealing with so it's very important to have that uh level of lure there to help uh kids at every every level of our schools um budget pretty much wrapped up I was uh at a uh school board meeting earlier this afternoon um schools are in a tough spot schools are in a very very tough spot I want to commend publicly uh the 9th District uh for their steadfast support in multiple letters they have written that's uh Senator Amato assemblyman rump assemblyman Meyer uh working with and speaking to uh people on this committee uh having meetings with uh different Schoolboard repres representative as well as superintendent Pereira so we're doing the best that we can uh it was very unfair the way our schools have been treated it's the uh largest budget deficit I have ever heard of and I've been here 11 years certainly not a senor senior person in the town uh but on the committee I've cut my teeth pretty well and I I have not heard anything remotely uh like the casm uh you know sometimes there's ways to to make two ends meet and this is uh this is more a Grand Canyon so want to pledge any support we can to our our colleagues on the school board and uh those folks but that's going to be a heavy heavy Road I want to thank publicly again as we all have done recently a few minutes ago our rotary um you know but for them and their efforts we we don't have the things that we have in the town so and happy Easter everyone mayor my comments for this evening thank you Mr dof no comments this evening okay thank you Mr kenis yes I'll be brief as well it was um I was planning on talking about a number of changes that are coming down from the state of New Jersey mandates um they're very discouraging and uh actually don't feel quite like talking about them tonight and I'm just going to leave it that New Jersey has is very un uh unfriendly business climate and there's much too much government in New Jersey that's my comment thank you Mr Ken Mr McDonald thank you mayor um I have been deep into 1040s and W2s and 1099 RS so I uh all I will just say is this your taxes are just money they have to be if you owe money they have to be postmarked if you don't have the time to file them you can always file an extension so that's all I have to say thank you I don't have much myself I just want to remind everybody that this weekend on Saturday first of all we have the Lacy cleanup this young lady that put together a group trying to get everybody out there to do like a cleanup in our our town here which is a wonderful idea appreciate it very much Laura Elizabeth is her name um also on we have uh opening day for girl softball at 10:00 at Gilly Park and 12:00 for the lacy little league over at Clon Park so it's a it's going to be a busy day lots of kids out in the back out lots of families out and about everybody just slow down and then on another note on Saturday J June 8th from 10: to 11: we will have our free rabies clinic here back by the Public Works building just in case anyone is interested other than that I'm going to open up the floor to the public anyone go right ahead J I'm going to ask you not to touch the mic right they don't want us touching the mic you can touch the ball like twist that thing so it'll turn down for you that yeah okay so I'm waiting for not that we don't want to hear you speak it's just it got busted last um Regina desend Su Beach River got got it okay okay um there was a very very interesting discussion disc at the planning board meeting Monday night um so I had a couple of questions but do you know if all the 400 homeowners of the repairi and rights issue were like notified by the Elks eight years ago when they first when they first if I may when we were first notified eight years ago people did know they did know and and so for eight years it's been dormant well it was it comes up and then it goes down and it comes up and then it goes down again I mean I found that to be the most fascinating discussion ever because like had you not heard about it before Mr Senza eight years ago I did but the fascinating part is that no title company and nobody ever researched it to notice that until eight years ago because I had done a similar deed search about Sunrise Beach like 20 years ago and I found out the original deed restrictions were on my property even though the build just s to differently write new ones but you know it was almost the same but not exactly and what the issue was when I researched mine was the side setbacks mhm we had we're supposed to be 20 ft apart and we ended up 12T apart so that creates a lot of storm water problems but you know no one's going to move a 100 houses so right but it was just interesting to find out the original deed from 55 did apply to my lot okay so that was like I said the most interesting planning board meeting I'd been to in a long time and then Mr Brady's like we're a land board and you said it too I think Mr kenis what are we doing here discussing water rights and then the de's never checked as everybody did stuff and it's like just I could that's why Mr Kennis and Mr Reed both said so insane I just yeah cannot believe how that happened well anyway so I had to leave the last meeting early and I heard on I watched the YouTube video that um you have pilot funds for um the Cornerstone project the one over here are there any other projects in town that have a pilot I think cornerstone's the only one I'm going to let Mr kenis Hand I I answered that and it's only two so it's cornerstones and then it's the apartment complex Heritage at Lacy on norc Avenue there are no other Pilots or tax abatement programs so Heritage is it every single one of those apartments or just a it's the building so yes it's the building the 100% affordable building oh it is okay that's what I wasn't sure of I thought it was a portion so if it's just those two now are there any other anticipated out of the 486 new homes that are coming in and I believe the Ryan H was part of no it's just Walters and Heritage there's no other ones anticipated while Ryan's has affordable houses they're affordable for sale and they pay their Pro fair share of taxes no pilots and that doesn't apply to our affordable housing units or does it it does apply towards our numbers yes it does okay but it's not on a pilot right okay so it's paying taxes in full yes based on the sale value of the unit so now was there a a total taxes discussed of what the pilot is for Cornerstone and Heritage together I know it's minimal yeah did I said it in the last me I don't have those numbers but I don't know if you have those numbers but you because it comes up all the time and how old is Heritage I think 2005 2006 seab Breeze is oh it's a lot older the Heritage apartments than um Cornerstone Cornerstone was 2017 oh w CB is 990,000 Walters phase one is 47,000 Phase 2 is 33,000 that is minimal what I was going to ask is because you know none of that money goes to the school district and we know what di Straits the school district is in at the current time I was wondering a few F few nickels could be scraped together from the pilot programs and some money be given to the school district I'm not on the board anymore none of them really come here but um when I heard that pilot funds could be given to the school district I think it's time time to maybe give them a we say not to interrupt you but this is from the last meeting I they they send a letter request it somebody from the board request it and then we can't do it for the budget this year our budget's finalized but budget is finalized too L for this year that's my thought and their has to be they would get about 5% of that money about that's what the law says 5% oh my God so again it the the the amount fluctuates a few dollars each that's seriously minimal yeah yes it is even if you multiplied it by several years well I couldn't give them back years that doesn't work that way no it doesn't work rro all right I was just wondering about that because it was mentioned and when I was on the board someone did mention it to me and I told them I didn't know how much exactly and you know I just knew which projects were but that was back in 2015 so that's long water under the bridge okay thank you thank you anyone else from the audience got a gentleman no go ahead sir is he coming are you coming sir he's letting yes he's telling you to go go ahead all right how are you Carol midor from lenoa Harbor the real property in that 118 what's the property block 284 lot 1.01 it's the Community Hall site I'll leave that to the attorney to resolution authorizing the re auction of the property which is located at the corner of Route 9 in Lacy Road wasn't that which is currently under cont a year ago yes you were supposed to announce that before the sale or the auction a year ago let me let me finish I'll explain it to you when the property was originally auctioned there was a resolution solution adopted by the governing body which set forth a minimum bid of $2.5 million it authorized the online sale of the property 2.9 Million 2.5 I think it was was it 2.9 I'm sorry 2.9 okay okay so and it authorize the online sale of the property correct the statute requires that the publication be in a newspaper circulating within the municipality mhm it was done so for the original auction there were no biders at that auction right the auctioneer re auctioned the property and the minimum bid of $2.9 million was not advertised as such and there was a bidder for 1.5 million the governing body awarded a contract to that bidder and it is now under contract however subsequently it was determined that it was not published for the second August auction within the newspaper that the statute requires don't you have to publish before an auction yes can I ask you was that auction or was that auction not a five minute auction with one bit no it was 30 days it was 30 days I have a record that says that I have a record of when it was published and when it was it was 30 days while there was no bidder until the last day right it said the auction opened at 8:30 something and ended at 842 it from deals about the 1.5 no I checked with deals because it was brought up well I I would suggest to you that it's moot I would suggest that it's moot because it wasn't published it was not published before the auction I think it has to be published before okay so it always has to be published before the auction and that's what this resolution would correct now probably will result in a lawsuit from the individual who bid on it last we're re advertising and we're republishing and we're re auctioning it okay so it's going through a new advertisement the gov deal website screenshot taken in October says the auction was exactly five minutes with one bidder it really wasn't it wasn't cuz that's what the say it's it's mood go back out and publish I'm going to go on to a different topic which is why I stood up um the Lacy Historical Society is holding a fundraiser and the joy of Angels Thrift Shop on Saturday May 4th everything that they're selling that day the 50% of the proceeds will be going to the Lacy historical society and I would love it if everybody participated and it's a fun day and it's a good cause and it would be great so that's May 4th between 10: and 400 p.m. at the joy of Angels Thrift Shop thank you anyone else from the audience just your name please Michael D George hi so just so you guys know I am the person that you're speaking about regarding the bid um I purchased this property in nothing but good faith a year ago um I've spent hundreds of thousands of dollarss and now I'm in a position where you guys are taking the property away from me after nine months I can't even really grasp it because I was in an understanding that this is the exact reason that we have contracts and that I was protected by a Township contract there was a resolution read last summer there was an adoption of the ordinance read last summer should be excuse me can I ask you Mr Excuse me for a second Mr you need to address us not the audience I apologize the the resolution was read last summer the adoption was read last summer no one came out to fight this in any way seemingly nine months later after I had spent my life savings just so everyone knows I'm not a big developer I own a small real estate firm in Tom's River uh after putting everything I could into this development and getting to a point where I had signed a deal with the potential tenant and was making an application to the township all of the sudden at that point you guys had said to me that there was a clerical error so when my question question is is when the property goes back to Bid And there are you know uh someone had said to me months ago someone who I trust very much in this town a great guy had said you know when you have your tenant make sure you keep it to yourself because there's a lot of powerful people in this town and when they realize that you have something good I wouldn't put it past anyone to try and get it taken away away from you and I kind of laughed at it and said this is what I have a contract that's impossible I obviously I gave the town $50,000 of nonrefundable money and loow and behold no one came out to to to fight the resolution no one came out to fight the adoption months went by and it wasn't until that I had brought a tenant event about that these issues started to arise whether it was wanting to save the house that was on the property which I was willing to work with anyone in regards to moving it Miss Veronica can tell you that I had made numerous attempts to try and move the the home if we could put it in the library property behind there from a construction standpoint I know physically I could make that happen but I got to this point and wasn't even afforded that option because of a clerical error and my question is now I have done a Year's worth of work spent countless amounts of money and created value in this property by bringing a tenant and signing a tenant so now when the town puts it up for rebids and makes money off of this clerical error how is that legal that you guys are able to then you couldn't get at 2.9 Million I looked at it and I and it wasn't worth any I couldn't I couldn't make anything possibly work when it was put out for a million and a half and just in regards to the notices I actually found the the property on which is open to the public it was listed on the multiple listing site for 106 days it was on the government deal site for over 86 days it was very well noticed in regards to the resolutions it really is something that I can't grasp that this can be done to me at this point and I'm basically being told to go kick rocks and I just want to know with this all being done and me doing all that increasing the value the township could not get that number at first but now that there's other biders that are going to get involved and bid this higher knowing that other people are interested in it I just want to know what happens when the township has a has a financial windfall from it at my detriment Mr Connors can you tell me I'll wait until after you're done with all is that the only question you have I mean again I really would just I want to submit my contract to you guys just so it's on the record that I have a formal contract would you let Mr Conor speak to you I can well I devise the government body to be honest with you it really was disheartening Mr McDonald Mr K you both know that I I was had nothing but good faith to this Township I grew up in this area my mother lived on Sunset Avenue I I I started this process in a way that was how could I help the town and this is the reciprocation that I got so in general it being disconcerting that I was told this two weeks ago and before Mr Connors could even get back to me it was put on this agenda an ad was done a date was set for the new auction without even letting me as the person who has a contract know of that so that seems a little strange and again the fact that all of these issues came up and then I started getting Anonymous violations from the D I had the Ocean County Health commissioner she can tell you that the Ocean County Health commissioner came after me because there was a barrel of dirt on the property but we had a we had a resident complain about it so we had to answer to that sure but it but it there was nothing contaminated we told the people that you can't have a barrel of dirt on the property but I had they said that there were multiple complaints against me anonymously to the Environmental Protection so the state got involved the Ocean County Health commissioner got involved it very much felt like I was being squeezed to get out of this deal where like I said I felt like I was afforded all the rights of a contract and acted in nothing but good faith but now the this happens and based on a clerical error the township could have a winfall of money and I lose all of my money that seemingly seems very other than unethical it it almost seems illegal and I'd like to know why why it was chosen so quick that you had to have this resolution added today so can Mr con answer you please well mayor members of the governing body Mr de George is represented by Council and as such I'm not able to uh speak to Mr de George about this matter uh because there's been an indication that there may be a lawsuit that's involved however I can address the governing body in light of some of the comments that have been made not withstanding Mr George's good Heritage in this community his hard work his good faith in attempting to address issues that might be concern to the residents of tent we cannot ignore the fact that the law is the law and the law is quite clear that on the sale of Municipal property that it's required that it be published in a newspaper circulating within the municipality now it is known the fact that there was a resolution that was adopted by this governing body setting forth a minimum bid of $2.9 million it is also a fact that there was an ordinance that was adopted which would require a publication of that ordinance that authorized the sale it is a fact that there multiple listing services that provided advertisement it is a fact that the auctioneer also advertised but the one advertisement the only advertisement that's required within the statute and the regul ations is that it be published in a newspaper circulated within the municipality um where the property is located and that was not done and if something were to be looked at as being illegal it seems to me that the acknowledgement that the law was not followed but notwithstanding that we would continue with a contract that would otherwise be void as a result of the violation of the law additionally when you take a a publication with a minimum bid of 2.9 Million and without the required publication then sell it for a million and a half I think raises more questions about the fairness of the million a please let him finish I'm just telling the governing body with the facts are and it's my legal advice to this governing body notwithstanding that the contract has been entered into is the fact that the law has to be followed and only a court can determine whether the municipal can proceed with the contract that it has otherwise is again I has advised this governing body Upon A determination and the discovery that the publication was not done appropriately that this is the appropriate action now um the contract U purchaser his attorney will be advised I've had conversations with that attorney the attorney had been advised that the governing body was considering a resolution authorizing another auction the request was made that this governing body delay by two weeks the passage of that resolution I advise the governing body as a responsibility as legal counsel to present anything of opposing legal counsel and the governing body has a resolution and feels that it must act forth with and so that is the reason why any other issues that you have rightfully may have we're going to have to be addressed in another form so and Mr Connor trust me I I respect you and as I do you Mr George you've been this person absolutely wonderful through this process again I'm just it just seems to be that you know it was enough to be like villainized that I that I was trying to take these buildings away that had value to people where I was 100% on board of working something out I I I felt like I did everything possible to benefit the town do something good and make some when no one else wanted those properties for six months when they were just two dilapidated buildings I didn't hear a peep from anybody but the moment I went to go make my applications and people knew that I had a tenant that had a big name well there you next thing you know everything came out of the woodwork and and when in a matter of two weeks we went from me submitting applications to rushing to have this put on this resolution for tonight so once again I just couldn't understand why the rush why the rush to put this out tonight that puts me in an even worse position what I mean giving me nothing of like any like respect of a contract that I have I don't understand it this I don't mean to ignore all that you're saying um but because of legal reasons this cannot be discussed that's that you can't answer that question I I the governing body has been advised based on the facts that but you could have waited why why not why not try and figure out a solution what figuring out a solu solution is the responsibility of legal counsel sure and I have done that and the in my recommendation my advice to the governing body has been given and I stand behind it and there's nobody benefits from delaying what has to be done the township benefits the township benefits financially that's the bottom line is that at my detriment the township will have a greater gain for for for basically ignoring a contract again I thought this was still the United States we had contract law and that these laws were made for a reason for this exact reason that you couldn't have a contract and people just say sorry we're not going to abide by it anymore whether it's a clerical error or whatever it might be I still can't grasp that concept once again I would advise the governing body that contracts are important there are contracts which are void there are contracts which are considered voidable this is what I considered a void contract you cannot violate the law and get Beyond it by simply holding holding the protection of a contract okay because that would throw because it would throw it would throw on on its head turn on its head the bidding laws and the laws of the state of New Jersey simply by entering into a contract and then holding it up and saying it doesn't matter that there's a procedural flaw the only entity the only Authority that can make this call in my view is a court and the ordinance that list the provisions for advertisement also had in the provisions electronic advertisement which again I have three different things that show it's been on for hundreds of days before the auction that people saw that it was for that price when the auction was once again I it came to me based on a regular website that everyone can look at so there's nothing that protects me in that end of things that there was electronic notice that can't even be considered and and is there any kind of limitations on appeal periods where as time goes by and so much time and and I I'm relying on you know to my detriment detrimental Reliance on me doing things honestly and spending my life savings and thinking that I'm doing the right thing because I have a contract isn't there a certain period of time that once you can get to that time the appeal can is is looked at in a certain way I mean I understand that this was brought up by email by a resident I I don't know if there are hired people at play that are involved in doing this but I let me just was there any let me let me just say I'm keep let me there's there's there's nothing um in what the governing body is doing um that is attempt to be underhanded or to take advantage of a circumstance we had a conscientious good- minded hardworking citizen who asked for certain documents and but for that we may not have discovered the issue but it came to light and it was presented to me and I had invited the governing body accordingly now Mr de George you're under advice of legal counsel that much I know because I spoke to an individual and you want the phone at the same time who identified yourself as identified himself as your legal counsel and has been representing you up to this point those questions that you've asked and the comments you made are very heartfelt okay believe me I wish that we could proceed forward um but these are questions that you have to get guidance from your legal counil I can only guide the governing body here and that's why I'm not asking for legal advice but certain things you're asking good you're asking good reasonable questions just certain things like why was it rushed to get on today because we have to cure a violation of the law of course but again it was there was no legal council or there was no legal complaint filed was there there is nobody that's served by the delay in time your concern is that others May bid I know that they are now well do you think more time is going to create less biders no no but I'm just saying the the fact that it needed to be rushed to be done today well it giv me no time ADV the governing body and I would suggest that no further comments be made at this point in time thank you thank you I'm waiting for him to sit down so listen I appreciate you guys taking a moment to talk to me I'm sorry if I get a little emotional Mr no we don't feel that way at all I don't you can understand it's something we understand completely Mr you know thank you thank you anyone else from the audience that like to speak fine don't don't touch the mic turn it up it up hopefully that'll work good evening I think you can raise the stand little knob right there just the end where the wire comes in here he comes here he comes you can touch all of this just just raise it up for p it up thank you appreciate [Music] that to s a little bit uh good evening mayor and uh committee members Mr de George um first of all I hope the Lacy Township government will give a year $50,000 back and I just want to say that this is what we would call an illegal sale because it was never authorized and that was the problem and I happen to be the person who happen to find that the resolution for the sale does not exist and as you know you probably have seen that I've been working with the team to try to save this property I do have a problem with why they're putting it up for auction again when there's been public outcry not to sell this property and this is a perfect opportunity for them now to just say you know it's an illegal say we couldn't go through with it which obviously it is and the property needs to stay for the purposes that it was given to the town um keep like to say we can't have conversation going on I understand I understand um I I don't really care how it gets resolved the problem issue is that we have facilities that are owned by public property by the citizens of lacy Township that is Community Hall and the warden house and um there are a team of us who have been working diligently to try to save these properties for the historical significance because there's very little left in this town of any historical significance and yes I do my research and I'm very diligent at doing that I excuse me I just have to tell you Mr J George we can't have you calling out from the audience thank you to answer your question sir as were going through and researching the timeline which we just recently finished I think it was two weeks ago the item was no to then a little more than that time ago I'm sorry it wasn't intentional I don't know you personally I feel terrible about what the situation that you're in that has nothing to do with me and the contract that was done but what I'm saying to you is that if everything had been done properly I guess your sale would have gone through but it didn't go it didn't work out that way I don't know who exactly is to blame for that situation it was you I'll take the blame I'm telling you that okay all right so um that's the situation I would really appreciate if you would um second guess the idea or rethink exactly um actually putting it up for auction again because now we have the opportunity where you can keep the property and that was the plan is that we would hopefully be able to keep this property and maybe turn it around and use it for the thing that we you know maybe we could put um the vet Works back in their building again and maybe Community Hall could be used exactly for what it was meant to be used for anyway I just wanted to clarify that uh sir uh and to for the public to understand what's going on here um and thank you for your time thank you is there anyone else from the public that would like to speak make a motion to close the floor second uh I motion to adjourn move it second all in favor I all right