adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to public laws 1975 said notice was advertised in the ASB Park Press and the beacon and was posted on the Bolton board showing the time and place the meeting please rise for the pled to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God with liy and justice for all yes no just first on the agenda is Lacy soccer club permission to post signage uh the Lacy soccer club reached out they are looking to post 10 lawn signs across town to promote their upcoming registration and they will have them removed by March 3rd second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenon yes Mr diov yes Mr yes mayor Juliana yes number two permission to use Bayfront Park for a candle lighting memorial service on 41224 annually we have a resident reach out to us who um looks to host a Candle Memorial ceremony in honor of her cousin who passed away the uh scheduled event is for Friday April 12th at 6:30 and she has a rain date request of April 19th move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr vov yes Mr KIRO yes mayor Juliano yes that's all I have motion to adjourn second all in favor okay Township meeting adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to the public laws of 1975 said notice was advertised in the asbery Park Press and the beacon and was posted on the bulletin board showing the time and place of the meeting please R for salute the flag and a moment of silence I plge algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all before I go start with the um ordinances I just wanted to read this so that everybody's aware on during the next um our next meeting on February 29th I wanted to give plenty of notice we've had to move it from 5:00 to 3:00 which is a budget meeting night just so everybody knows because of conflicting with our schedules just so everybody's aware okay first reading ordinance 202 24-4 authorizing the acceptance of a deed dedication of open space ordinance in the township of Le DC County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the acceptance of a deed of dedication of open space from ARA properties at Paradise Point for Block 265 lot 1.01 in accordance with the local lands and buildings law move it second Mr kenis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr diov yes Mr KIRO yes mayor Juliano yes second reading of ordinance 20124 D3 amending an ordinance determining the sales wages and compensation of the offices employees and members of the governing body of the township of lacy ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey amending an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey of fixing and determining the salaries wages and compensation of the officers employees and members of the governing body of the township of the township second reading open the floor for public comment seeing none make a motion to close it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kenneth yes Mr dof yes Mr Caro yes mayor Juliano yes yes move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kenneth yes Mr doff yes Mr Kira yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the a change order to a contract with Swift and Sun Incorporated resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the execution of an amendment to the contract with Swift and Suns for the Lake barnegate Drive and hannes Street traffic signal and intersection Improvement project move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Mr Kola yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-the resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Linda prola to the municipal Alliance Committee of the township of lacy move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr doff yes Mr KIRO yes mayor Juliana yes resolution authorizing the refund of deposit monies resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the refund of deposit monies held for the use of Municipal facilities move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Mr KIRO yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-the the payment of Township bills resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the payment of Township bills this is in the amount of 1,600 $2.98 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Mr KOLO yes mayor Juliano yes motion to approve caucus minut minute excuse me motion to approve Caucus meeting minutes from February 8th 2024 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr doff yes Mr KOLO yes mayor Juliana yes motion to approve Township meeting minutes from February 8th 2020 24 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes Mr KIRO yes mayor Juliana yes motion to approve the raffle license for Horizon at barnegate Women's Club Lacy a yfl football and cheer and Rotary Club of barate move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr diov yes Mr CA yes mayor Juliana yes and then are we doing that for his okay okay comments from the committee Deputy Mayor would you mind go first thank you so much mayor I appreciate it um I did bring with me tonight uh there was one of the commenters who doesn't appear to be here tonight uh just some of our Lake results to just prove to the gentleman um go to you can see every Lake result going back I think posted up there is until uh back to 2019 um but in I'll leave these I just happened to pull three different months from last last year I'll leave them with it um Miss lay and uh then they can be picked up but listen anytime anyone wants to see any of our lakes that get tested uh and that is including Lake barnegate Bamber Lake uh uh Lake barnegate Middle Beach Bamber Lake West and Forest Row Avenue uh they're all here to take a look at uh in addition I was at the Central Ocean Business Association meeting last Friday morning at uh in Bayville New Jersey it's always well attended uh they are good Advocates of the business Community as I always say no matter what your your issue is uh it's derived from the backs of taxpayers we know that up here we try to Steward people through the application process we don't just shove an application under a piece of of thick glass and say fill it out write a check we walk people through it we we pride ourselves on that because we want to be fertile ground for business I want to thank publicly the 9th district for advocating for us we're all on emails I'm sure uh about the taking personal exception and petitioning the governor not to raise and punish people who work in this state I'm talking about Mammoth ocean in Middle SEC uh for the uh toll toll raises and I have one final comment I received a text from assemblyman rump a moment ago hope this email finds you well as you know FY 2024 state budget included 20 million for stabilization Aid to help school districts adversely affected with funding formula changes under S2 I'm pleased to inform you the following school districts uh in your legislative district receive stabilization aid grant Lacy Township School District 579 457 there's still $3.5 million short so get on the phone please on advocate for our kids 609 2926 is the governor's office schools need some help uh and that's our future so the the 9th District's been more than above board and working really hard to get and help with this 579 kids still need more money to to uh float these schools and give a decent education that's all my uh comments for this evening thanks mayor thank you committ die off uh no comments this evening thank you Mr McDonald uh yeah um I think last week Deputy Mayor Cella and myself Veronica attended uh met with the school board and I'm going to concur with uh Deputy Mayor cel's remarks tonight because I didn't know about this until he said it 579,000 was it yes sir too little much much too little um if you want to have good school district they got to get the money from in the state that's your money that goes to Trenton that's not coming back here let's understand that real real quick it's not coming back here for whatever reason and it hurts the town it absolutely hurts the town and I I agree with you we got to do something about that um that's all I have thank you thank you Mr Kennis thank you mayor just one item I think it was uh brought up last week about the last meeting at about the police blot um I spoke to the chief today he had a number of Civic groups also um requesting that we start reposting the police blotter so he's going to start running that monthly that's my comment thank you Mr canis that was one of my comments I did speak to the Chief and um he did say that he would work on getting it back the information back out there so um something that's going to be taken care of I want to just take a note and say that tomorrow is a senior luncheon here we have that our Municipal Alliance runs starts at 12:00 uh welcome to the new member that we just signed in tonight tonight I also want to just take a minute and say that it was nice to receive a a compliment from uh someone in our our area that um was helped by both our dispatchers and our Police Department resolve a problem they had and they just took the time to write a nice little note and say that we went the extra mile which is always nice to hear about um our police force here in town also want to take a minute to say that our Rotary Club is uh celebrating 50 years and uh they're going to have a nice event on the 19th of March and so we just real uh real happy for them 50 years is a long time to be as a organization that's a great thing also I'm I'm I'm doing this as something on the side it's not like I'm involved in any of these companies I know someone asked me because I was promoting this other um bagel store that just opened up I just feel like it's our duty up here to let people know when a new business has come to town and um if they come to me and they share their information with me I'm going to share it with you there's another young man that just started a business here it's called prot te tinting he's um in on Main Street over I think behind fuso's uh Deli there I think his business is back there um just it's nice to know these companies are coming into our town and and promoting their business so we're I'm I'm here to help them do that too that's part of our job here too to make sure we get the good little businesses in here and uh share their share the wealth with them too so uh that's all I have I'll open the floor to the public oh come on up Tony Mander Dugout drive it's nice to hear that the Committees are talking to the Chief and want it funny but um just a couple things mayor I like to go over um I I like I was amazed I haven't been in meetings in a long time I think the last time I was here I asked for a Podium and they told me no you can't have one um but I was amazed how the interaction in the meeting but that's for another day as far as my interaction I just sat there and listened because I wasn't going to come up for another five minutes but i' just like to review a couple of things that which stood out to me um I I thought the the police blot incident would be a Simple Thing couple emails back and forth um you would tell me with the chief to tell me to go somewhere or he would do something not that's not how it happened uh the part that bothered me was that I got no response from you which we talked about not the second one the first one I want to make myself clear yeah the part that really bothered me is when you said when you said I said to you I didn't get a response you look down the desk and that scared me because I hope for the town's sake that something big doesn't come across your desk and you have to deal with it that's number one number two is that I think the first thing if you did respond to my email the first email let's forget about the second the first email if you did respond to I think the the reaction you would have had was Tony this is what I said in it but you didn't have that reaction you just looked down the desk and I know who you were looking at cuz somebody down there was their fault which to me scary as as as mayor all right the the third thing is the over-the-top reaction you had you said and I'm I'm not going to quote exactly but you said something to the circumstances that what do you want me to do take a patrolman off the uh the route to take care of that I mean that is such an overreaction I'm I'm bringing you this to you the first time and that's your reaction so like I said I'm I hope nothing heavy comes across your desk and you have to deal with it as far as uh the policy this is what I didn't understand you said that only police officers can fill out the police blot that's what you said everybody said that what what amaz me when I was talking about it not anybody up here either agreed or disagreed that they wanted the police bad back not one of you it's it's just amazing that all five of you agreed that the police B not being in there is okay that that part bothered me but I couldn't I got to ask you a question is the police officer to fill out the police B is that law or is that policy well I I believe it's a combination of both to be very very honest because I looked up every possible law people will tell you up here I do my homework I've looked up every law and I could not find a law not only did I do that but I called the Ocean County and they said to me they were going to go look into it and get back to me and we know how that went no one ever got back to me so I really don't think there's a law but uh if there is one I wish somebody would just send it to me I'd really like to look at it can I just interrupt you for one quick second sure hang on there I I'm not understanding I so the point is is and you want to get your point of course about everything I did wrong so that's fine I big girl I can handle that here's my point I took care of it immediately after our last meeting the next morning I was at the chief's office spoke to him handled it as you heard Mr kenis speak it's going to come back on I I I don't know the purpose of this at this point is it just to is it just to just to like slam is that it cuz I I mean that's that's how it's feeling right now I think it was just an overreaction why do you put me on the spot saying do I want a police officer you pointed to the police officer off the patrol I never said that I I never said anything like that okay that and if that doesn't bother you then well that's something another question for you as far as the law like I said if anybody can send that to me I like to see it um is it the mayor or Council are they allowed to look at police reports no none none at all no things that have to be redacted and stuff out of certain reports if you're not personally related words Veronica not one up here has ever looked at a police report I can't answer if they've ever looked at a police report but we as Township employees do not supply police reports to them I didn't say Supply I'm just saying no one has ever gone into the police station and looked at a police report no okay I just want to know if you're able to do it no because then I not with the law not with the laws there are today okay I'm I'm not sure well Chris Chris can uh I guess attest to this but I think it's a it's the chief's discretion whether they want to print a police it's not a law it's the it's the chief's discretion whether they want to put out Spotter and under the chief's Bill of Rights we can't tell the chief what to do I'm just asking you a question because you said that only police officers can fill out the and I just just a question additionally I when I the chief would say it better than I'm going to say it here but there's reasons why um they don't you know that he's only wants to limit it to once a month um uh if if stuff has to get expunged it becomes a problem for him there's other reasons he gave me but that's he you know there's reasons why it's doesn't come out that quickly and why they don't necessarily want to do a police blot but he's going to do it you let me jump in and touch on let me me just address some of the things there's several reasons why you only want a police officer or somebody doing that of of high rank preferably there's ongoing investigations there's things we would never know about um that may be an investigation with the prosecutor's office so you can't put part of a story on there there's things that as you heard administrator lray talk about need to be redacted could involve a minor so there's some very sensitive information on there here I I understand that I'm just trying to clarify it because things were told to me well the mayor said correctly so that a police Poli officer should be doing that I wouldn't feel comfortable if anybody but a police officer I looked it up there's no law I haven't found a law in Ocean County never got back to me so I'm guessing it's policy under the chief's Bill of Rights he he determines what yes the police Bill of Rights he determines how the Departments run and what he puts out there okay so police Bill rights all right and then the other thing is you said it's going to be put out every month monthly what is it month monly monthly I I I don't think that's right for us he had a better reason than I can articulate here but like I said because some stuff has to get expunged uh it's as Peter said that uh uh some of that stuff is uh in review or or under investigation so that that's why some of the reasons he gave me a few reasons the other the other part of that Steve if if if I say residents don't want a Fluff police report police blot uh got a lot of emails back that saying that and you you guys read him I'm sure you and I can put out on another survey for you guys to wake you up a little um they don't want a Fluff one they don't just want to hear about Walmart got know shoplifting they want to know about the the converters that were stolen the houses that were broken into the car and the chief did speak about that wait wait yeah that's that's what we need to know out the first thing that a police officer I would think if if something on my block and I'll say this again if something on my block was a house was broken into I would think the police officer would go door too and ask if I have a ring I like my house so much I put a ring on it that's the The Story Goes but you think you would go door too and ask them I don't want and that's what that's what amazes me that you don't want to give that information out to people but they do do that Tony if there was something in your neighborhood they would come knocking through your door so thank goodness there's nothing going on in your neighborhood but under the chief's Bill of Rights he is not required to put out a so we're getting him to put out a blad I got you you're not getting him I'm getting him to put out no you're not getting him excuse me excuse let me just ask excuse me for one second I got an email from from somebody got a call too that there were and you tell me if it's true I not I don't know if it's true that there were Cadillac uh converters were stolen On lellan and nobody was notified on the Block neighbors told neighbors that now I don't know how true that is that was a while ago I want to say that was last year that was last year and it was in the paper it was in the nobody told the person I'm surprised it was in the paper how do you who was in the as Park I don't want to cut you off you're going to have to I got you I got a second part to this a little math to help you guys with trying to get Mr Man you can come back up okay thank you thank you is there anybody else from the public that would like to speak I just wanted to question um with the Swift and can you move up a little bit to the microphone please to here is that Lake barnegate Drive and Han Street did I hear that was finishing the project and paying the final qu quantities yes okay that was a change order to finish up um the work and to close it out so right now it's illegal for anybody to walk that lives west of Lake Barnette to the rail trail nobody says it's illegal there's no shoulder okay but nobody says it's illegal it's it's it's against the law to work walk where there's no shoulder I'm not aware of any law that says that is that something you're aware of have you got something that says that to us I read that I'll bring in the bring in the information if you like to have yeah but there's no the police officer is not going to issue a summons to somebody who's walking on the shoulder and as I explained to you I think it was the last meeting if not the meeting before there is no additional property there to put a shoulder in without us going through eminent domain and taking people's front yards on both sides of the street we've looked we actually did look into that with our engineering firm and there's no additional right of way there at all okay but the the children so they can still cross even though there's no crossing guard that is something that the school needs to address school you should and they are talking about that so the children only the ages of the children once they're in fifth grade after fifth grade they're on their own you have to speak to the schools to talk to the board of edge about this it's not okay it's very dangerous I know it's their responsibility to to do this okay it's not on us but the the engineer was I think whoever hired the engineer has some responsibility here but but you just heard fortunately nobody's got you know somebody got killed right down the street also on Lake Barnette not far was it hardwood or Westwood somebody got killed at the other light well it wasn't it was yes you recently no but within you know there's still there's I know where the street is I'm asking you the time frame of the the death 19 2019 five years ago yeah oh so all right well our budget meeting is happening now it's something that we can look at on the engineering to whether we well that you'd have to go and acquire property the budg time we can at least discuss it if we is no different than the other I'll tell you this last time we Tred to acquire land over how long did it take us to acquire that land like three or four years three or four years just to acquire the land so so typically just on on an item like this it would it would sort of go through start at DPW so it gets on their list of of projects that's usually how we I we'll bring this up like I said our budget meetings next Thursday okay so it'll be on we'll discuss it um but it usually it helps to get it onto the list that's recommended by the department heads okay one other question I noticed the uh fringes covered on the flag are you now constitutional law instead of Admiral law which what the flag flag back I think it's just the way it was taken off um to be cleaned and I think it's just the way the person put back up thank you for bringing it to our attention Okay so it's Admiral law okay thank you so confused Kevin would you like to come up so confus Kevin flam Bing at Pines uh after discussion at the Republican Club meeting last Tuesday um with the police station and everything and the way the buildings are here I have a plan yep is that like you have a dream y we need a new police station hands down need a new police station so we build a new police station over where you want it Steve so we can tie that property up so they're not building any Apartments over there okay Veronica you said this courtroom is not up to code or today's standards correct the courtrooms the ADA requirements yes great we'll put the new courtroom in the police station get the girl the downstairs leisa's Department move them over in the police station where they belong now this gentleman wouldn't have to walk across over there for the meetings or court or anything be right in the building so now we got an empty police station take the building department put them in the police state oh wait first now we have the this big open room the only ones left downstairs are is the tax assessor we got a giant room here if any of room is offices are busting out of space put them in here and put the tax assessor in their office only one left is Casey we could probably put him in the uh conference room right back there now everybody's out of the basement got plenty of room for storage for all our records we generate in this building now we take the building department put them in a police station the whole basement's empty so all the paperwork that's storage downstairs don't need and and boom that's taken care of now we got an empty building on Route n put the Vets Works back up on route nine in the building department now we got the the uh uh Food Bank going to spend $100,000 on it let's fix the roof build them a new building a steel one however big it may be 40x 40 60x 60 put that in the back parking lot while we're building that when it's all done they move move all their stuff in there knock that building down just put a patch on a roof you want me do well I mean I'm just hey we're only building one building and then fix this building like and I'm like the the building down at we got a talented group back at Public Works they could do a lot of stuff Renovations in this building they renovated the whole Community Center there's plenty of ideas that's not a bad that's a good idea it's a feasible idea I'll say that um one of our one of the things that our responsibility up here as a governing body is to I think the only responsibility two of them are to plan for the future and manage the budget so I in I don't disagree with anything you said sort of in theory except we're always trying to maximize our budget and by leaving these buildings here any of our commercial property that's all we have left to develop in this town more or less that it's that at some point it still makes the most sense to have these properties back on a tax rle and how much you gonna get for taxes on them Steve we're gonna be 100 million If you bid your whole all said and done at the end close to 100 million how long will it take if if you're going to get the tax money back in in ratables on his property to make the payment on building have at it man go for it but that's not going to happen so the again the point is any money invested in these properties you're getting collecting zero forever and we're still not collecting enough to make the payment on the billing so the tax but I said the point is you'll be getting more than zero that's all that's that's the that's we also just kept the cost down and we're only building one build I said I don't it said it's an option I said much like much like building a whole complex there is an option we're exploring well that's step one what's that you already got your police station over there so maybe in the future when that's paid down you can go build your new POS Mahal Municipal Building said these are all options so we appreciate the thought we'll about all right and then question do we pay Johnson Controls yet yeah I haven't received the bill okay because I mean that would be 300,000 almost 300,000 towards Renovations and upgrades the buildings we be using this year instead of paying them when you do get the bill and uh if I am correct there are no historical buildings registered in L Township right you're right all right well my my my suggestion to the historical society is uh they better get on it better all right because at any given time they can sell that property well they and until that time they need the they need the building department because they need the parking lot there for the museum so my recommendation is to get on it and preserve that building get register at his store I told you thank you have a good night you too anyone else from the public would like to speak good evening uh committee members and Madame mayor and ly citizens um my first question is a business question um for Veronica she may know this do we have a sweep account for the money that you have for your accounts a what a sweep account I have a clearing account and what interest are you being paid on that right now there's never many money in it so we will put in the in the clearing account so tonight's bills that we issued to be paid the money will be moved M into that account tomorrow and then then it's it's it's swept out when the checks are issued I don't know off the top of my head what our interest rate is on any of our accounts it changes quite often right because if you had a sweep account right now clearing sweep is the same thing it's a it's paying 4.70% interest and my C not saying that we're not getting that I yeah I can tell you that so my cousin who's a banker out in Las Vegas and watches these meetings asked me to bring this up and said if you're not doing that you can also do a government repo which is actually playing 5% % and the money can be sweeped like from Friday through Monday you know how that works so since we're in a budget thing he was estimating that we could be making between 7 and $800,000 a year in income just on that so I recommend that you talk to Ocean First I believe that's the bank you were telling me you're dealing with okay and see what you can do with that and if not maybe you should look around at some others I have a whole list that he gave me of banks in New Jersey which could work for us so you know it's about being able to make as much money as we possibly can on the money that we do have which is all of our money so the my to start off my address my big thing here is again I'm going to bring up the code of conduct I've asked for this since December I'm going to keep bringing it up meeting after meeting until somebody finally does something about it okay that's the first thing the second thing is um the mayor asked a very reflective question to me at the last meeting and her question was do do we do anything right but what you should have been asking yourself is this am I doing what the citizens of lacy Township want me to do or am I doing what I want to do and I think that if you seriously reflect on this question the answer will become glaringly obvious case in point you continue down the path of Johnson Controls debacle knowing you had little to no public support and this was obviously something that you wanted to do and not the citizens of lacy Township quite frankly I don't know of a single solitary Soul who wants to see $243,000 of our hard-earned tax monies being thrown down the toilet to Johnson Controls number two The Community House sale of property obviously you thought this would get all washed under the rug but thanks to the due diligence of citizens of lacy Township many red flag have been raised if you truly cared what the citizens of lacy felt there would have been a serious public discussion about how this property came into the hands of lacy Township and the conditions of this gift and its historical significance if you had you would have received feedback from the public on how they felt about selling this property and having two historic properties bulldozed erasing more of our own Town's history you forgot we the citizens of late Township owned that property just like the 243,000 that was wasted on the failed Johnson Controls Fiasco that money could have gone to good use for the many needs in this town which actually would help the citizens of lacy Township like the fire department and the Emergency Services organizations Etc I just wanted to remind the township committee that when you attack me for questioning the decisions that you are making you're attacking every single member of the taxpaying public who you are elected to serve I was stunned when I watched the meeting on video afterwards with the complete shock of the audience of what had transpired in fact at the moment it happened I was completely taken back I have never once ever attacked any volunteer organization or anything about our community at large when I was being challenged by the mayor my criticisms are strictly concerning this public body who is elected by we the people to serve us the citizens of lacy Township and not the other way around my concerns about overdevelopment and the lack of infrastructure to support it and the traffic are legitimate concerns held by many people in this town you try to say it's all up to the planning board but let's be serious folks you appoint the members of the planning board and really whose bidding bidding are they really doing which makes me ask the question are we truly all in this together in my honest opinion I don't really think so thank you very much Mr Bender high enough I guess it's high enough Barry Bender somewhere in Lacy Township um quick question and then a a comment to be made um young lady came up and made a comment about the traffic signal and was specified a change order to the contract what was the change it was just on sometimes once you go out to the site and you actually like open up the ground and you do the work you know uh you find other things striping of the road was something that was the whole entire Road of hanne street was not initially included in the project so we added that on so it's a monary increase yeah there was an increase in this project yes all right thank you do so there's I need to that to you okay I'll read what's in there it's actually from me to the township of lacy re cease and desist demand members of the Lacy Township committee please cease and assist on any actions regarding the sale of the property presently owned by Lacy Township at the northeast corner of New Jersey State Route 9 in Lacy road which include the historic Warden house and the Charles A Smith Community Hall this property was Beque to the residents of forkid river for their use and enjoyment in the will of the late Charles A Smith in perpetuity and the sale of said property would be in violation of the September 21st 1926 Declaration of trust filed in Ocean County in addition to the March 19th 1934 Township resolution containing the conditions of the deed transfer to Lacy Township prior to conveyance of a dollar agreed upon by Lacy Township and the administrators of the Charles A Smith Memorial committee regarding Mr Smith's gifts to forkid River of the Charles A Smith Community Hall and land the final March 23rd 1934 deed restates the intention of the will as does the court of chancell of New Jersey case number 45- 546 dated July 17th 1919 in the New Jersey title and and guarantee and Trust Company versus Margaret Smith at Al thank you for your attention in the matter and it's signed by me and there's cop copies on on the bottom Mr Bender thank you very much anybody else from the audience that like to speak hi hi Carol middles dorf thank you Madame mayor and committee members and I'm reading it because I always mess up if I don't so last meeting very disparaging remarks were made about Deerhead Lake that I wanted to touch upon it was said that now that people have pools no one's interested in swimming there I completely disagree thank you there are many people in Lacy that don't have pools and back in the 80s when my son was little and my parents were older deer head Lake was a perfect place for all of us to cool off and enjoy a safe fun day free and close to home other than the beach badge I think every effort should be made to reopen the lake for swimming including a comprehensive plan to remove the geese and clean the beach revamping the dam so it maintains healthy water level like it was before it was renovated then include daily testing and lifeguards and you guys can take credit because during your time in office you completely fixed and gave something back to the community that needed and was desperately needed now with the township over 30,000 residents it's time to revitalize our natural re resources and assets as much as the wibbit is a money-making attraction for kids it's not for small kids and others that would like to enjoy a quiet time at the lake thank you thank you anyone else Linda Miller Lacy Township I agree wholeheartedly with what that uh young lady said um I pass by that Lake every day a couple times a day and there are way too many geese in there and if they keep having children it soon we're not even going to see any water there so um I would appreciate anything not to interrupt you but we have tried so many different times to do so many different things over the last 10 years especially it's become an out of control situation for us to tell you the truth maybe we could borrow some dogs from the Popcorn Park soon good idea that's a great idea okay and last um the last meeting um I was really concerned when um it was uh told how many uh tax bills and water bills are not being paid um in our town so my question is is that on the rise it's low it's extremely low it's low mhm we have like a 99% tax collection rate and we're we have a 99% tax collection rate and the water and sewer is something under the law we're obligated to collect on their behalf it gets turned over to us for delinquency um but yeah it it's very low very very low okay all right I just had asked for the report this time at the end um we switch systems and so it's able to provide us with that type of report that I read okay and you know if you really wanted to get some information on the first Wednesday of the month is the mua's meeting they have an open meeting that you're welcome to come and listen to and you'll see you know they they run a tight ship over there too so you're welcome if I could mayor sure I I just want to reiterate again to and to the uh the commenter that came up prior this is the only municipality the only set of zip codes that has three bathing Beach Lakes we have three in our town almost all of them pass every week between when they're tested weekly between Memorial Day and Labor Day the the uh Deerhead Lake um had many many challenges it was closed more than it was open it would take a virtual Act of God to get the geese out of there the undergrowth to be pulled out it would cost about a million dollars for the dam and Remediation I don't think that's good we talk everybody in here talks about St stewardship of the taxpayer money I would have to disagree with that because we already have three Leakes and all of them except one haven't failed in the entirety of the last season and where the wibbit is was the cleanest of the three so we we've gone above and and Beyond I believe to provide recreational opportunities for people fishing opportunities for people um so I I just stand by the quality of the leaks I know that because I oversee the testing so thank you thank you Deputy Mayor okay well well my question is because there's so many geese and every year there's more geese I don't understand if uh that Deerhead lake is polluted and that water does run into the Middle lake that doesn't I work with an environmental health coordinator who wrote about 12 bullet points down and I and and if if if this progresses the conversation I'm going to have him in here to educate this committee Veronica knows him well she's on the board at the County Board of Health he's a resident of lacy he will come in and he'll speak behind the microphone if I ask him to do it um just for Education sake see I'm I'm here testing what I didn't know what he he knew because he's a registered environmental health specialist um that's a pretty difficult license to get uh so I I look all I could say is we have three wonderful Lakes they're clean they are tested all the time um so there's a there's a lot of issues the undergrowth in there the fact that people feed in there sure you could hire a called geese police that's a boatload of money and they have to come out here all the time and then you have feeders and then there's people that say we can't Addle the eggs so the geese are going to keep being born I don't want to I don't want to go on and on and on about it but we we've we worked hard on this issue thanks mayor thank you may okay and then one other thing about the whip it um I I'm not sure how that came about to be uh when it came out to about to who decided I know it was part of recreation because I've already asked over there when I first saw it I I'm opposed to that only because it isn't for all ages and our children have to pay to go on it and the thing that alarmed me the most was so many buses pull up and children from other towns which I happy they want to come but it's I I wouldn't want to be living on that street where those six or seven buses do come to utilize that with it so I'm just it's it's one of those things that I I think something someone decided and it wasn't put out to we the citizens if that was a good idea it was discussed during budget meetings and you're more than welcome to come to the budget meetings and how many years ago was that can I just six six years ago let me let me just say something re and we have looked into something for the younger kids kids we really have the problem with that Lake and where it is and we can't move to anywhere else is that it it drops off so fast so there's no place that we we've looked at putting it um to the east a little bit or something for the is something for the little kids it it's just too deep at where at that spot is it it is a problem there a problem we're well aware of and every year we do look for solutions for it okay and if if you decide to get something for the younger children I hope it's not quite as unsightly is that plastic or balloon or whatever it is maybe whatever something else I take your time but maybe I'll come back thank you very much thank you anybody else from the public that would like little St again I'm going to bring out my Environ enal hat as an Old Hippie Pete Seager come on Hudson River it got fixed don't ask me how but it means that we really have to work on it and I'm sure there's people in the community that'll help you I'll help you I CLA I cleaned up Brute nine in front of my house I got 10 gallons of garbage by myself if I need to go chase geese give me permission I'll go chase the geese I can get a team of people we can have a coffee clotch we can do anything you want but get us involved the if we want that beach back let's all take it together I I agree with you I'm just saying like there's got to be Solutions and it's it's going to be bigger than all of you not to be controversial but I was the only one here back when we had an initiative to get rid of the geese the only and we we brought in experts the only way to get rid of them is euthanizing them okay and out of the eggs we brought in because you can chase them all you want they come back you can let me explain and I'll give you your time is not coming off so basically we had come up with a with with a plan to euthanize them and the animal rights activists from town and all over I don't know where came here with little geese I mean they they about hung us so we put that aside we tried addling the eggs it didn't help you can get the geese police it doesn't help they come back you have to K them we have a serious problem even on our school property can we all get involved with this project it's the D that makes the rules residents to help do this when they built the D when the state built the D they screwed it up they don't want to fix it and until let's get involved in that let me finish until we can get that water moving faster okay because the geese don't like fast water we get the water moving faster they have to adjust the dam and they're not going to do it they don't want to do it let's have a town hall and let's every you can use everything except the water there's other beaches like that there's Recreation areas that we watch our movies there I would I grew up here the lake was fabulous my recommendation they got rid of the dock doesn't mean that we need do to make it my recomendation was star back in the 80s when my uncle moved down here my parents moved down here I moved down here it was like let's go to Deerhead Lake we had picnics we have familyes it was just a big place to go and now it's just a big mess let's fix it that's my CH start start with the state and the D that's where you have to start that's the challenge I'll take it that that's the challenge we appreciate it thank you anyone else from the public come oh wait the young lady get the young lady did you want to come up ie hi hi good evening I'm Laura Lorton um 317 Elanor Road um there are a few um canisters that were out behind um the warden house and I wasn't quite sure exactly if anybody knew where they came from and what they were doing big maybe 10 gallon canisters yeah three of them barrels a blue are they blue no black um yeah my son saw him and I didn't he didn't he said he didn't touch them but I just was curious if it was something to be worried about I'll have somebody check it out immediately but I didn't know anything about it to be honest with you um I'll get it checked out okay thank you thank you for bringing it to our attention I don't know if it's stuff they haven't removed yet anyone else come up Tony we couldn't keep you down I still live on dig try um part two I know you had a good experience with the chief I know you had a good experience with the chief I want to tell you my experience with the chief I called up the chief's office I left a message and I asked him for two simple numbers the number of Patrol men are people on payroll police officers and the Bas uh basically the number of hours they work a week um I didn't think that was special information so I got a call back from the office a lady and she questioned me about what group or organization I was with I informed her I was uh in town seeking uh to make a presentation I told the only organization I was with is me myself and I um she told me she was going to talk to the Chief and get back you can time it I'm still waiting for the chief to call me back to put in an Oprah request for public documents and ask for specific documents I I figured that was going to be it so what I did I went to the Police website because I know that's up to date and I counted every police officer was there because I wanted to do a little math for you guys so I figur there's 40 officers there 40 hours a week 1,600 hours I went to the website and I hun and peek that's how I did it I did the last police blot it took me roughly over half hour to type everything out so let's use an hour as a base CU they're probably much slower than I am so 16 hours I figure 1% is 16 hours basically if they could do it in four hours we're talking a quarter of a percent of the police payroll and this was probably low because there was only 40 officers up there so I I don't think we're asking too much to do this every week a quarter of a percent is 4 hours now I figured that out if you get a new recruit he makes over 50 something a uh a year I I saw it in the paper I broke it out my Ma's pretty decent it makes 2675 an hour it's a little over $100 to do the basic police blot a week now if you guys don't have that kind of money to inform the residents of this town it that's sad that is really sad and like I said not get a call back just call me back and say you know get lost Tony I I have no problem with that but like I said it's just let me use the word It's s o my wife gave me that one and it seems like that you do it you don't return he does it it it seems like it's a the town the county didn't do it you know just don't answer the call and you're can't can't be wrong thank you is there any else from the public that that would like to speak see n motion to close the floor second all in favor resolution okay sorry resolution 20248 resolution Town County of otion State New Jersey authorizing the convening of an executive session in accordance with the open public meetings Act move it second second Mr kenis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr yes Mr C yes mayor Juliana yes motion move it all in favor no further business we