adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public act pursuit to public laws 1975 said notice was advertised in the Asberry Park Press and the beacon and was posted on the bulletin board showing the time and place of the meeting please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all item number one 2024 budget meeting dates and times first meeting on 2124 all emergency services police and DPW second meeting will be on 22924 we just need to determine what time what time do we doing 5 o' don't we five 4:30 5 o' yeah 4:30 was last year other years we've done five o'clock G to go five let's go five thank you and those two dates are fine with everyone yeah yes yep so I will have uh all the Emergency Services squads there police there DPW and capital projects for the 21 meeting if we need to call anybody back for 229 we will and we'll set up additional meetings if need be if we can finalize it by 229 good thank you second request to post signage for the fish fish Hawks annual flea market uh the fish Hawks organization is looking to post uh lawn signs around town to promote their annual flea market which is taking place on Saturday March 2nd the signs will be posted from February 24th and then they'll remove them within 24 hours after the event has ended so they just need a motion to approve move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes mrov yes Mr Kuro yes mayor julo yes item number three Girl Scouts permission to use deer head Lake parking lot um uh I think this will be their third year where the Girl Scout Troops are us uh looking to use the Deerhead Lake parking lot for their Girl Scout cookie sales so this will be every Saturday and Sunday from 10: a.m. to 4 P.M between February 24th and April 14th can I have a motion to approve move second Mr sorry Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes mrov yes Mr Hera yes may julan yes that's all I have thank you motion to second adequate notice of this meeting has been G given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuit to the public laws of 1975 said notice was advertised in the Asbury Park Press and the beacon and was posted on the bulletin board showing the time and place of the meeting please rise for the salute to the flag and a moment of silence I pled aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all item one resolution 2024-the the tax assessor to filed assessors appeals resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the tax assessor to file an Assessor's appeal to correct certain errors made on assessments for the year 2024 and authorizing the tax assessor as agent in filing Petition of appeals and roll back complaint forms move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kis yes Mr dof yes Mr C yes mayor Juliana yes resolution service charge for the mailing of tax sale notices this is for those that are on the tax sale um they are required to pay for all the costs that are incurred by the township for notifications and Publications so the charge is $25 per each one on the tax sale move it second Mr K yes Mr kis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes mayor Julian yes resolution 20 24-58 adopting a cash management plan for the year 2024 resolution of the town of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey adopting a man a cash management plan for the year 2024 this is done annually it's just the normal course of business second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kenneth yes Mr D yes Mr KOLO yes mayor Julian yes resolution 2024-the of various mult Municipal Employees resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey accepting the retirements of various Municipal Employees move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes mrov yes Mr CA yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 20246 authorizing an exec exection I'm sorry executive of interlocal service agreement sorry resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing an interlocal service agreement with the county of ocean for the child restraint program Grant move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr kov yes Mr CA yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 202 24- 61 cancelling certain tax debit and credit balances resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey cancelling certain tax debit and credit balances under $10 the total for this is $82.4 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kenneth yes mrov yes Mr C yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024 d62 cancelling taxes due to disabled veterans exemptions resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the tax collector to cancel 2023 taxes due on a property granted the 100% disabled veteran exemption and refund the resulting credit balance mov second Mr KIRO yes Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024 63 authorizing the refund of deposit monies resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state New Jersey authorizing the refund of deposits held for the use of Municipal facilities second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes mrov yes Mr Kira yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024 64 authorizing the payment of Township bills resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the payment of Township bills this is in the amount of 6,1 157,158 second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr D yes Mr CA yes mayor Juliana yes monthly reports for the month of December the municipal Clerk's Office colle collected receipts the amount of $1,274 the treasures for the month of December the road department collected receipts in the amount of $194 for recycling Commodities and $2,835 for Road opening permits and Truck Parking was $100 municipal court for the month of November collected receipts in the amount of $3,261 and the Community Development Department for the month of December collected receipts the amount of $567 37 motion to accept the reports as read second all in favor I I I motion to approve caucus meet meeting minutes of December 28th 2023 move it second uh Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Mr CA uh December 28th I have to abstain mayor Juliana yes motion to approve Township meeting minutes of December 28 2023 move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Mr abstain mayor Julian yes motion to approve Township meeting minutes of January 1st 2024 move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Mr K yes yes motion to approve raffle license applications for the Lacy Township High School booster Association move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennon yes Mr de yeso yes mayor Juliana yes I'm going all right happy New Year welcome everyone it's good to see all of you here I'd like to read a statement that we um I'd like to read out to you so you can we can talk about this the committee has stated that from the beginning that if the numbers don't work with the budget we would not move forward with the application at this time we have decided not to submit an application to the state of New Jersey under the P3 litigation we have analyzed this for months with JC C and based on the state restrictions with the budget and this cap law the affordability does not work within the 2% cap at this time we will continue to explore variable options to address the need for more space and the indoor recreation center but at this time we will not be submitting a P3 application to the state I'd like to further talk and just say that we have decided to um handle our meetings with five minute inures if you'd like to come up and speak at the microphone that's wonderful but you 5 minutes your time is up we'd like to give everybody an opportunity because people are saying they're not getting an opportunity because some people are up there too long or whatever so we just want to please everybody we want everybody to have an opportunity to speak to us and ask us any questions that they need to ask us so at that at that time I will open the floor to the public Mr please state your name uh Steve barl Fork of River New Jersey um before I get started with my quick five minutes does that include you guys to come back Mr barley just so you know if you don't get everything out that you need to speak come back the same night you can come back up okay okay fair enough yes uh first of all I would like to congratulate you thank you very for your uh new appointment as mayor of lacy Township thank you we the people hope that your appointment will result in a better understanding between our local government and its citizens that the Lacy Township committee will be more straightforward with its citizens on financial transparency more detailed explanations on how and why our tax dollars are being spent I am very pleased that you're making this announcement uh but when you say it is it tabled or it could it come um up again in the future the new complex the new complex well we're not putting the new complex uh completely off the board as they say we're just we we're at this point right now it's not feasible so we decided to just step back from that can I ask you this that when it does become feasible will you have a public hearing and do it and notify us ahead of time instead of how we did it backwards I believe this time yes Mr Broly I will my you heard me before when I wasn't in this position I have said to you that I we did things a little off the yeah I I got to commend you you're the only one out of everyone up there that actually admitted that it might have been done wrong okay okay and I I I I appreciate that and I'm glad that you said that yes so I had a number of questions if the if the complex was going to continue so I'm going to table that for now and I wish the best of luckk you and I want to work with you people as much as I can okay anytime I come to this mic it's about issues it's got nothing to do with anyone's personality or any personal thing between me and any of yous policy that's what I'm arguing okay thank you thank you thank you anyone else like to speak come on Joe foli no address right no Peggy Su mayor Juliano I just want to say congratulations we're very proud to have you and we hope as uh Steve said we see a different um uh agenda um May uh Senator Connors yes ma'am we're going to miss you thank you congratulations on your retirement app and thank you very much for um this I had a lot of questions too and some things to say but I will also table my comments congratulations thank you thank you appreciate it hi my name is Dan kinsky nice to meet you mayor and Council congratulations on your new position thank I was actually a little bit nervous coming up here I like feel like I was making a presentation back in graduate school or something I didn't think it was going to get me but it did um well I I grew up in Whiting I'm born and bred here in Ocean County and I moved to Lacy about 13 years and like anybody who lives in a town and and grows to appreciate it you want it to be successful and you know so that's my interest and why I was looking into what the town was doing with the the new Municipal complex I don't know whether to be um happy that that you guys are tabling it or or not happy you know because I really never got to understand the project in its entirety okay to be a to be able to say whether or not I was you know and take my opinion and say whether I supported it or not because it was really difficult to figure out what the project was going to entail you know and I I'm someone who realized that you know the you know it could have been a benefit I I but it was very hard for us to evaluate it um I did write a letter to you guys I emailed about a month ago and I it's kind of moot now but those were questions that I had at that time um and I can submit after my comments I can submit uh that letter you know to be part of the comments now in the public meeting but in the middle of this and I know we're tbling that project I I did see the um I did see the proposal that the redacted proposal of what Johnson Controls had submitted which you know it had a a curriculum V and it had you know the front and back page and you know there wasn't really any substance in there I mean I in my opinion I guess the company sent that but it's not a really a redacted version of that document it's an incomplete copy of it because there's no way I could tell what any what the project was going to be but one of the interesting things that I did find in there um was that I I was curious to see what the other subcontractors in there DMR Associates and some of the others the other projects they had done in New Jersey and you know just to see what the what the buildings they built in the project because it was interesting to me so I found DMR you know they built a municipal building in Montgomery Township which is a very nice town and and it was a partnership between the uh Town Municipal complex and they put the library in there and it was a $5 million they got five million from the state's library account I mean obviously it's a much different interest rate environment they had a 30-year loan at 1 and 3/4% difference um but you know I looked at that project and and and the one thing I did want to read and I think you guys would maybe find this interesting and I think the public might um you know see that that was an interesting so it it was a 62,000 squ foot complex I mean it's big in in Montgomery Township we went visited yeah was it nice there they cut the ribbon anyway beautiful so it it looked beautiful um and you know obviously obvious the markets Chang materials costs I totally understand that but what it said in their press release it said you know this 62,500 ft Municipal build building center was created after a unique collaborative approach that included inut input from more than 200 residents in addition to Montgomery Township and Somerset County officials and embrace a contemporary Style with spaces for Community artwork and other historical and cultural uh importance so if they can do that kind of approach to including the community I think we can and maybe you might have you know in the absence of people understanding the need of the project the maybe the value of it they you know can sometimes be opposed to it so I I'm I'm I'm I have an open mind and I just wanted to know that that I'm that I'm you know I'm interested to hear what you guys are putting together when you do okay so thank you very much thank you for your comments appreciate you coming up absolutely thank you anyone else from the public like to come up as long as I'm last because sing get deep in P now go early usually the CL you know I don't know I don't know Barry it's got to go up a little bit Barry Bender lazy Township thank you um just uh first of all we've known each other for a long time congratulations mayor thank you I have to call you mayor now Peggy fine we've made each other for a long time um and happy New Year to everyone um just wanted to talk about the last couple of days uh we've got issues with water because we're on the bay and I think what really we need to look at is how we can help people who live because we're a we're a Bayfront town our our history is is in the bay we just don't want our homes to be in the bay and I think that needs to be a priority above all others as far as things go in the town because these are people's homes that have some of them have been in for generations and I think we need need to make that a priority some conversations bar absolutely you're not ignoring it this wasn't even that big of a of a storm and it every time it gets worse and worse so it's something we need to address appreciate it thank you very much aren't ignoring it okay thanks Barry and you want to come come on my name is Marge Turner and I want to congratulate you all thank you Marge um what I do want to ask though is at the point that we decided that we're not going to go through with this P3 did it cost the township Lacy anything well I I'll I'll put this over to Mr uh kenis because he's been in charge of this whole project I believe we we it's like 240,000 yeah engineering and design fees engine just step one of that contract is what we're obligated for they are gathering the invoices to submit them to us and Gathering all their costs okay I thought that if we hadn't signed an agreement it wasn't going to cost them anything you need to slower well we short people need a little help short but Mighty they say you know I have that problem too so any anytime we you know any anytime any building goes on in town whether we build it or not you have you know you have to hire the engineer to do the work and from time to time um you know plans don't get used um you know you still have to pay the engineer you told them to do the work okay so we went to stage one and that's the Fe that we PID right now that's that's where're we're at a pause I'll say okay uh in the meantime you mentioned that the building here needs a lot of repairs and things need to be done are we going ahead with the repairs I can't go ahead with the repair unless the get governing body authorizes it during budget process we just don't we don't have like an emergency fund that I can go and put in new windows or new roof it has to be approved by the governing body at budget time all of those things have been included in the budget process for years so if they get uh authorize me to bond for the money we would then make those repairs over the course of you know the months and years ahead okay and you would do it by funding a bond a bond issue yeah yeah we don't have yeah it like in our coffers to go and just I didn't I was questioning how you would raise the money to do that yeah we would bond for the money to do that after we get estimates and then you'd have to go out to bid pay prevailing wage unfortunately to do all of those items okay answered my questions thank you thank you much anyone else from the public oh wait is this a no she's just oh okay I'm sorry you know it's easy for me to hold it um happy New Year New Year to everyone Lacy citizens and our mayor and Council and I would like to first start off by congratulating our new mayor than you uh Madam mayor that's how I will refer to you um so just to be upfront and transparent so the public knows that we are on the hook for $243,000 for a project that did not move forward plus $35,000 for a Engineers study which that money could have been used to replace the windows in this building and other issues that we have so um you know there are issues which Veronica has talked about Windows that need to be replaced and stuff so I guess we could say that this was a a failed waste of taxpayers money and also um you know a lot of people in our community got very upset about this and hopefully through that also had something to do with the reasons why you pulled back on this um the other thing that I wanted to mention too is the meetings being moved to 6 PM I don't know whose idea this was but there are a lot of people in this town who work and they don't get home till after 6:00 p.m. and they would like to be able to come to the meetings we used to have these meetings at 7 p.m. right well I I'll be I'll tell you I'm the person who asked to have a change to six I'm um you know my feeling was is that most of us come home from work and you know it's to then come back out to a meeting at 7 o'clock it's so much easier if we just come right from work and proceed with our next meeting of of our job right but you live locally there are a lot of people that work but we have a very good crowd here tonight for six o'clock well I think we would have had no it's not okay before we go any further I'm just going to say I I there will be no talking from the audience because this is something this is why we're we have changed a lot of policy we had a at the last meeting two meetings ago I should say we had a lot of yelling out from the audience and we have to get back to some kind of uniformity here this this is a meeting and it has to be run properly it's not going to be a a free-for-all okay so if you have something to say you come to the microphone there'll be no yelling or talking from the audience okay just wanted to put that out there okay go right ahead so now I'm going to read a document that's been prepared for me to address to the government body and to the people of our town and I'm going to give a copy to our mayor so that she has it for the record thank you thank you great okay this has to do with the Community Hall and I want the people in our community to understand how that property came to being part part of our community and the and the understanding of the gift that was given to our government body okay so Charles A Smith was born in 1845 in New York City he landed up living here in forkid River he actually landed up being an elder on the township government back in his day between I believe 1882 and 1887 in 1915 Charles A Smith wrote his will in the 13th paragraph he bequested 15,000 to forkid River to build a Community Hall in his name the 22nd paragraph contains a bequ revoke Clause August 30th 1918 Charles A Smith died in forkid River New Jersey September the 10th 1918 the will of Charles Arthur Smith was filed and recorded at the Ocean County surrogate Book 15 page 21 through 52 the 13th I give devise and Beque the sum of $15,000 to George W Roode entrust nevertheless for the following purposes the cost to be erected and maintained in the town of forkid River New Jersey a building to be known as The Charles A Smith Memorial the said building to be used for the benefit of the inhibits of forkid River New Jersey for educational or social purposes the erection and location of the said building to be left to his discretion on September the 13th 1924 Ocean County Deeds book 630 Pages 496 and 497 transferred from the granter William H Penn and wife to grantee George W Roode a deed of conveyance for consideration of $1 and other valuable considerations the lot known as the former corner of lacy in North Main Street Lacy Township 1924 the Charles A Smith Memorial Association was founded there were several Trustees of this nonprofit 1924 Mr Holmes and Mr Vernon Sutton were commissioned to construct the building for $905 on November 24th 1925 the ground was broken September 17th 1926 Community Hall was completed George W Buu trustee issues a declaration of trust filed September 26 1926 Ocean County Clerk book 717 page 42 for the use of the new building to the Charles A Smith Memorial committee carrying out the intentions of the will of Charles Arthur Smith 13th paragraph which directs that it be used by the residents and inhabitant of forkid river for educational and social purposes the deed was conveyed on September 26th 1926 the transfer from granter George W Roode trustee a deed of convenience for the consideration of $1 one acre and 128,000 of an acre said premises were so conveyed to me and that I hold and will continue to hold the same in trust in accordance with the will of Charles Arthur Smith dated August the 5th of 1915 the land and building was paid by me out of the the trust fund mentioned in the will and the title and the lands are held by me as trustee 1930 George Roode dies his wife Margaret Louise Roode becomes George W's exect in addition to Guardian Trustee of Margaret Carter Smith the paragraph 21 of Charles A will Charles A Smith's will on July 18th 1932 Ocean County Deeds books 924 Pages 178 to 180 transferred from granter Margaret L Roode exeis of the estate of George W Rood trustee to Charles A Smith Memorial Association a deed of conveyance for consideration of $1 with the property forth said October 1932 a will to William Roode for funds for maintenance and insurance in 1932 responds that the executive of the state the New Jersey title guarantee and Trust Company set up the trust fund for Mrs Smith was the first charge against the estate of legacies had to be Abad he included an itemized accounting of the building costs which were $1,467 39 November 1932 Roode responds that there was no money available to draw against for maintenance so March 19th 19434 a resolution of conditions regarding Lacy Township receiving ownership minutes of the Charles A Smith Memorial Association the president Alfred H Grant states that the object of the meeting was to consider a proposal made by the township Committee of lacy Township representing the Village of forkid River to convey with the said Township the premises known as Charles A Smith Memorial Hall and property with the understanding that this property will be put to and kept to the uses directed by Mr swi Smith in his will and appearing that this committee are without the necessary means of income to continued the said Community Hall with accordance with the intent and spirit of the donor therefore the following resolution is presented be it resolved that the proposal of lacy Township be accepted and the trustees of this organization be and they are hereby directed to make and execute to the township Committee of lacy Township a deed of conveyance of the said property known as The Charles A Smith Community Hall with all rights of this Corporation thereon upon condition that the township performed all of the acts and duties required to be formed by the said Charles A Smith under the provisions of his said last will and testament deed conveyed March 23rd 1934 book 955 Pages 150- 152 transferred from granter Charles A Smith Memorial Association to grantee the township of lacy a deed of conveyance for consideration of $1 one acre and 128,000 of an acre sale includes land and the Charles A Smith Community Hall built in 1926 Ocean County records August 27th 1937 a final payment was given to the township for $3,189 71 cents from Charles estate of Charles A Smith New Jersey title grantee and Trust Company to Township of lacy a result of the final distribution of Charles A Smith's estate to beneficiaries upon the death of Margaret Carter Smith October 24th 19767 proclaimed Charles Arthur Smith Day by Lacy mayor Walter Hol original Charles A Smith Memorial Hall dedication plaque was stolen May 31st 1976 the Old Guard donates a new plaque which was rededicated on Memorial Day of 1976 so you want to sell this property which was given to the town by an individual under the said agreement and you basically are breaking this agreement which was supposedly put there the property was given for social and educational purposes for the citizens of our community not to be sold for some private developer to build some other store on the corner there I'm saying and I'm asking you again yes just just one minute Mr bitnik I I was kind enough to allow you the entire time to read everything you needed to read is there a question you want to ask us in reference to this I want you to tell me are you going to follow the instructions of the gift to this town or are you going to break that proposal gift that you took and sell this property because that to me sounds like there could be a legal challenge property has been sold it is under contract and is our opinion that we've abided by the terms of the conveyance the original conveyance and how did you do that sir by selling it transfer the property and the signage of the building instead of the Community Hall that's there now we've redesignated the Char Smith Community Hall at its location but that's not what it states that's your opinion Mr bidnick and we have an opinion from the title company which is issued title insurance that we've abided by all the requirements for transfer okay so then Charles Smith the Charles Smith estate gave $155,000 for the build for a building that would be used for educational Community purposes to be named The Charles Smith bu building we've abided by that but you didn't pay for that it I answer your question you can disagree with me right he built it the estate built it and if someone feels that it's not done properly they can file an action in Superior Court okay okay that's what I'm saying you're basically setting yourself up now because a lot of research was done all the Deeds have been checked we just read to you exactly the words from the will like to make a motion to close the floor as U the gentleman has exceeded his time move it second second thank you motion close the floor move it any other comments second no committee comments committee comments yes close the floor where are we the floor is closed floor is Deputy Mayor please thank you mayor um I doo want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and I I hope that the uh you know I hope we all resolve to try to get along a little bit better uh this year um I appreciate people coming out um and on the advice of council and the mayor we we did change a couple of things this year after getting input from people that were here and people that weren't here um we don't want to take anyone's comment away uh but there have been extended comments and people as the mayor has uh mentioned uh felt like they had no time for comments um because a lot of the time was co-opted um so we'll move together forward and uh hopefully we'll we'll resolve things that's a coward move you just did you're a coward you really are sir you'll have to leave sir okay Mr yeah thank you so I mean we said what we said things were getting a little bit unruly um towards the last quarter of the year um but I don't think anyone was denied their opportunity to speak uh and everyone had an opportunity to mail in comments and many many people did many comments that we receive on email forwarded by administrator lay so um I don't think anyone could say that they they didn't have Forum I just I just don't think that's accurate so moving on I wanted to and the mayor will elaborate because it's her it's her opportunity to elaborate um I want everyone in the town to know uh that the veterans now are moved into Station Road I'll leave my comments at that um we have made Provisions for them uh for Lacy Township veterans commission vetor uh and any veteran that needs help can go there right off of Route n so I'll conclude my comments with that thanks for the time mayor you're welcome Mr D yes so through this whole process we've said all along that if the numbers didn't make sense uh we wouldn't move forward um and we were gathering information and at at the end at this point in time the numbers didn't make sense so we did exactly what we said we would do uh we listened intently to people who were against some who are for um we Tred to educate as best we can and unfortunately you know our message didn't get across I guess it gets across now that we we care about this Township and we care about the financial stability of the township and we we know that at this point in time based on the cost interest rates and other factors that we could not move forward and we wouldn't um what will happen in the future I don't know but we will make it a point to make sure that everyone is educated and informed um one way or another as many of you know I'm very active on social media I don't shy away from answering any questions I try and be respectful factual and I will continue to do that with that in mind I want to thank Mr McDonald for his time last year as the mayor um was did a well great job as you did previously and I know he's happy to be sitting there um just just listening um mayor Giuliano it's like deja vu all over again um and it kind of rolls off the tongue doesn't it a very easy you know it's a lot easier than mayor McDonald I mean just you know Mary D forget about Ciro that that that Mak TI but Peggy Su um Good Luck uh I know you do a great job we're here for you um congratulations to Amy again congratulations to Veronica again and congratulations to Senator Connors thank you very much Mr kenis thank you mayor okay address some of the topics on the building so currently um under our budgeting with Johnson Controls we're working on a payment to Johnson Controls of about 3.2 million the goal is to get to about 2.7 million um a payment of 3.2 million would equal $434 under a $550,000 assessment um it would you know have if your assessment was around $250,000 and and go up to about $800 if your assessment was $1 million this is for approximately 51,000 ft building a municipal building combined with the police station and a separate indoor Rec Center consisting of approximately 54,000 sare ft the indoor re Center would contain a 100 by 100 turf field and a gym with one regulation siiz basketball court subdividable into two smaller Courts Plus classrooms sitting between the two buildings would be a great lawn not unlike something You' see at a college campus or like our Jones Road field although better maintained the reason why we chose P3 uh is because P3 is the best way to finance and construct the project like this due to the scale there's more risk and onus on the developer in this scenario to perform doing a traditional design build which is what we normally do in a Township puts a lot of pressure on the township to avoid overruns and design flaws the current location of the town hall and police station if left as is results in a yearly loss of about $236,000 in property taxes the estimated assessment for this property if developed is derived by splitting the assessments of the current Walters Apartments which is $12 million and the Wawa shopping center next door about $4 million that's about $1 million every four years money that should be going to offset costs both to our budget and more importantly to the school's budget all my numbers have been verified through the tax assessor's office no further comments thank you Mr K Mr McDonald thanks um first I want to thank this committee up here uh last year was tough and each and every one of you had my back and I appreciate appreciate that it wasn't easy up here yeah we didn't maybe we didn't do it the right way but uh we we did it the way I thought it should have been done it's okay um with the tabling of this project I am very concerned with the tax what the tax rates are going to be in the future as Mr Ken just explained those those would be be helping us everybody wants lower taxes or stabilized taxes when you have the amount of land that we have left which is less than 100 acres where a contractor or developer can come in and plop down 60 70 houses that's all we have left so one of two things either we grow or we rot and I'm telling you right now if you look around you go to the towns where they're not developing look and see what the big biggest problems are is their tax rates they're going through the roof the state is pushing multi-unit developments no question about that nobody likes it but that's what the state's pushing so that what's with the developers develop because it's easier to get through the state so we're at a dilemma here right now we have to make some very hard decisions at going forward not the committee the township the people people have got to make a decision do they want the higher taxes okay if not help us develop this town in the right way this project was perfect Mr kenis did an outstanding job he and I worked on it for four years I'm not upset about the fact that we're tabling it because I said from day one if the numbers didn't work we wouldn't do it and we never made a decision on it yes we spent $243,000 well worth it because we've now we now involved with some projects that may help us because of Johnson Controls that's where we are May Julian God bless you best of luck to you thank you that's all I have to say thank you well I'm just going to keep it very light and just let you know some good news because I know there was some conversation out there but our our vet Works has been officially moved over um our DPW did all the transporting for them and helping them load and move everything into their new building it looks great um any of you vets out there that would like to just stop by and see their new building I know they'll officially be there on Monday um will be their first day that they'll be there officially um we're trying to get signage done for them and move ahead with that so everything is done for their building um maybe they don't want me to say this but I'm going to address Mr bidnick as far as his I appreciate your time putting this together Mr bidnick but as the attorney has says we we we go by the book we don't do anything around the book we we were allowed to do this and we did this I'm sorry it doesn't make you happy you know um I I I can see that it annoys you and I you're entitled to that feeling honoring it's honoring the terms of a gift okay I suggest that no one this all right just the floor is closed so let's just keep it that way I'm just just trying to I'm trying to make it better because there's so much hostility and as you can tell we've we've also employed an a police officer to be here in our building now we've never had this for years and years we've never had this and I'm speaking for myself that I felt very uncomfortable in the last couple meetings the way the tone was and the and the the accusations and the the comments so for me personally as a woman I asked my police chief to have a police officer here in the building while I'm here because I did I was very very uncomfortable with a lot of things that were going on at our last couple meetings so I'm asking that we try as human beings I talked about this on January 1st we have to stop the fight we have enough issues in this world that we have to fight okay we are supposed to be a town and and and work together yes we're not perfect we're far from it far from it but we have to work together to get things done we we we're not listen we all live here so we surely won't do things to hurt ourselves in this town okay it it upsets me that people don't see that we're we're not doing anything that we're not supposed to be doing like I like I I get confused by that you you vote us into this position to help run this town and we're put here to make decisions that sometimes maybe you're not going to agree with but that there are decisions that we have to make sometimes they're not easy decisions listen when we get to budgeting it's it's a very difficult time it really is a very whether or not I'm buying another fire truck or you know another ambulance what whatever it is it's it's very difficult it's not easy these sitting up here believe me when I tell you none of you want to be in our footsteps believe me when I tell you because it's not an easy position you don't and and people think it's just a part-time job I haven't stopped since January 1st and I enjoy every minute this is not me saying anything negative I'm enjoying every minute of it because I'm getting to meet more and more people while I'm out and about going to different things but it's it's another job it's a full-time job to be up here and and we're working hard none of us take this lightly I promise you that I wish you all a wonderful New Year be safe going home hopefully our temperatures don't drop down like they're saying and everybody stay warm thank you for coming out appreciate it resol resolution LA county of ocean state New Jersey authorizing the convening of an executive session in accordance with the open public move it Mr Mr K yes Mr May motion to Move It I no further business like