I want to thank everybody for being here today for the January 1st 2024 reorganization meeting adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to public laws 1975 said notice was advertised in the Asbury Park Press and the beacon and was posted on the Bolton board showing the time and place of the meeting please stand for the salute to the flag in a moment of time to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all at this time I would to I would like to invite uh Jack Chelli up to perform the oath of office for committee woman elect Peggy Su Julian yes please and any family members that will be coming to I Juliano to Sol me swear swear that I will Faithfully that I will Fai impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of Township committee women of Township committee women according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability and that I shall and that I shall support I shall support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and I will bear true faith and Allegiance an allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established to the governments established in the united states in the United United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me [Applause] God item number two resolution 20241 resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Amy mcguan as municipal clerk for the township La move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes yes yes at this time it gives me an honor to call up Greg McGuckin to administer the oath of office to Amy [Applause] mcgucken okay I say your name I Amy Gan do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly performed and justly performed of the duties of the office of municipal clerk of the duties of the office of municipal clerk according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability and I will support the Constitution and that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same into the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me [Applause] God great does the next two yes you do the next item number four on the agenda I would like to have a nomination for mayor for the year 2024 I nominate pegu Juliano I'll second that all in favor I and at this time I would like to invite Mr Jack jell up to perform the oath of office for our new mayor yes it is Will swear about a mayor next week those are the best pair of shoes of any mayor just to highlight you know who bought these for me right that husband of mine left hand the right hand the air I state your name I Peggy Sue Juliano do Solly swear do Solly swear that I will perform that I will perform with Fidelity with Fidelity the duty duties of the office the duties of the office to which I have been appointed to which I have been appointed and which I am about to assume of which I am about to assume I do solemnly swear I do solemnly swear support the Constitution of New Jersey support the Constitution of New Jersey and the United States and the United States and to Faithfully perform and to Faithfully perform the duties of the office of Mayor the duties of the office of mayor for the township of lacy for the township of lacy so help me God so help me God congratulations [Music] [Applause] I'd like a nomination for the deputy mayor of 2024 nominate Peter cello second all fav I sorry at this time Mr Chelli can come up to perform the oath of [Laughter] office oh God that that makes yourself in Left Right air I state your name I Peter Cura do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will perform that I will perform with Fidelity with Fidelity the duties of the office the duties of the office to which I have been appointed to which I have been appointed and which I'm about to assume and which I am about to assume I do solemnly swear I do solemnly swear support to support the Constitution of New Jersey the constitution of New Jersey and the United States and the United States and to Faithfully perform the duties of and to Faithfully perform the duties of office of Deputy Mayor office of deputy mayor for the township of lacy for the township of lacy so help me God so help me [Applause] God good job resolution 20 24-2 making various Municipal appointments for 2024 resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey designating various Municipal appointments and assignments for the year 2024 uh chairman Timothy McDonald and co-chairman Mark doff for finance and administration which includes which includes administrator municipal clerk tax collector tax assessor and Treasurer Mr KOLO as chairman and Mrs Juliano as co-chairman for zoning and land use which includes planning board zoning Board of adjust code enforcement and building department chairman Mr Ciro and co-chairman Mr McDonald for Community social Affairs which includes Board of Health and local assistance board chairwoman Mrs Juliano and co-chairman Mr Kennis for Law and Public Safety which includes our Emergency Services municipal court and police department chairman Mr doff and co-chairman Mr McDonald for the Department of Public Works chairman Mr McDonald and co-chairman Mr KIRO for recreation and our liaison for beautification is Mr curo Co liaison Mr Kennis Board of Education liaison is Mr curo co-chairman Mr McDonald Pinelands commission Mr Kennis environmental commission Mr Kennis Library Mr McDonald Municipal Utilities Authority Mr doff and Mrs Juliano Senior Services Mr Ciro and Mrs Giuliano shade tree advisory committee Mr Kennis Municipal Alliance committee Mrs Juliano Mr Ciro American Disability committee Disability Act committee committee Mr curo and Timothy McDonald Solid Waste advisory committee Mr McDonald and Mr doff veterans commission Mr curo and Mr McDonald Lacy 2030 Mr Kennis and Mr McDonald move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Mr C yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024 D3 authorizing the appointment of a Township attorney resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Christopher J Connors of the firm Dy Murphy mcgu and nuli and Connors as legal counsil for the township of lacy move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes Mr KIRO yes mayor Juliana yes thank you resolution 20244 authorizing the appointment of a conflict attorney Township attorney resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Christopher Dy of Dy and Stager as conflict legal Council for the township of lacy move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr doff yes Mr Caro yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-the the appointment of a special legal council resolution in the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of jeene cyani of the firm Rothstein Mandel stom Halm and cypriani as special legal councel for the township of lacy move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dkos yes Mr Kuro yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 202 24-6 authorizing the appointment of a special legal council for the code books resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Lauren Sager of the firm dassian Sager a special legal counsel for the township of lacy move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dios yes Mr Hero yes mayor Juliana yes 20 excuse me resolution 2024 d8 -7 excuse me authorizing the appointment of Labor Council resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of jeene ciani of Rothstein mandal stromm and Cen and Armando Rico of Armando LLC move it Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Mr K yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 202 24-8 authorizing the appoint pointing of an attorney for tax appeals resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Andrea Wyatt for the firm from The Firm of rostin Mandel stromm and Cen as tax appeal attorney move it second Mr kenis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Mr yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the the appointment of a Township engineer resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Millis Looney of Van CLE Engineering Associates LLC as Township engineer move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yeso yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 202 24-10 authorizing the appointment of a prosecutor resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Steven zarski as Township prosecutor and Brian Wilkey and Barry a steber as alternate Township prosecutors move it second Mr canis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr diov yes Mr K yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 224-1 authorizing the appointment of a conflict Township prosecutor resolution of the township of Lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Bonnie R Peterson as conflict prosecutor for the township of lacy move it second Mr canis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Mr P yes may McDonald yes apologies May julo no problem resolution 2024-25 alternate public defenders for the township of lacy move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes mrov yes Mr K yes mayor Julian yes resolution 202 24-13 authorizing the appointing of a conflict public defender resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of deor rump of the law offices of rump law as conflict public defender for the township of lacy move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr diov yes Mr abstain mayor Juliano yes 202 24-14 authorizing the appointment of a Township auditor resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Jerry conned of homman freny and Allison as Township auditor for the township of lacy move it second Mr kenis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr doff yeso yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 202 24-15 authorizing the appointment of a hearing officer resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Bonnie R Peterson and George bachos as hearing officers for for the township of lacy move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes Mr curo yes mayor Juliano yes authorizing the appointment of a bond Council resolution 20246 resolution in Township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the execution of an agreement with Megan Anne Bennett of Dorth Paxton as Bond Council for the township of lacy move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Mr Hero yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 20242 no yes oh 2616 what I am missing a page yeah same thing4 oh resolution 20247 resolution appointing City MD as the township position for the township of lacy resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state New Jersey appointing City MD as the township physician for the township of lacy move it second Mr kenis Mr McDonald yes Mr vov yes Mr C yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the Coast engineer for tax ma maintenance resolution of Township Lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey a contract East Coast engineering for tax m Mr Kenne yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Mr yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 202 24-9 authorizing the appointment of special project Engineers resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing special project Engineers for the township of lacy for the year 2024 this includes Colliers engineering and design the Alamo group Remington and Vernick CME Morgan engineering grait Consulting Group tnm and Associates act engineers and French and pillo move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes yes Mr dof yes Mr cello yes mayor Julian yes resolution 2024 D20 authorizing the appointment of a Township planner hello that's right you're right well we she didn't read yet resolution resolution in s poliy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of John hes of CME and Associates as Township planner for the township of lacing move it Mr Mr Kennis yes Mr mcdonnald yes Mr geov yes Mr yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 24-22 authorizing the appointment of a title search company resolution of Township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract to Mid-State Abstract Company for title work for the township of lacy move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr diov yes Mr K yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024 d23 authorizing the appointment of appraisal companies resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state New Jersey awarding contracts to integr reality resources Coastal New Jersey h J manini and Associates Incorporated an associate appraisal Group Incorporated for appraisal work for the township of lacy move it second Mr kis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr diov yes Mr Cara abstain mayor Juliana yes resolution 202 24-24 authorizing the appointment of a public works director resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Robert crasa as director of public works for the township of lacy move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes CA yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing the appointment of a director of Community Development resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state New Jersey appointing Christopher Reed as director of Community Development for the township of lacy move it second Mr kis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr diov yes Mr P yes mayor Julian yes resolution 202 24-26 authorizing the appointment of a recreation director resolution Township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey reappointing James mland as Recreation director for the township of lacy move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr diov yes Mr Hero yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 202 24-27 authorizing the appointments of a municipal Alliance coordinator resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the reappointment of Heather scanland as Municipal Alliance coordinator for the township of lacy move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes Mr P yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 d29 appointing class one special offices resolution of the township of lacy County of o St New Jersey appointing a class one special law enforcement officer this is for the appointment of Tyler Morris move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr diov yes yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 202 24-30 appointing class three special offices resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing class three special Law Enforcement Officers move it check it Mr kis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr G yes Mr CA yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024 D31 appointing school crossing guards resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing school crossing guards for the township of lacy move it second Mr kenis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Mr Hero yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 yes mrov yes Mr Tio yes mayor Julian yes resolution 202 24-33 appointing a representative and an alternate to Municipal Insurance Fund resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Veronica lay as the Township's representative and Linda cavello as the Township's alternate representative to the Ocean County Municipal joint Insurance Fund and the municipal access liability joint Insurance Fund move it Mr kis yes yes Mr dof yes Mr yes yes resolution 2024 34 appointing a representative and an alternate to the Community Development block grant committee resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Linda cavello as the township representative and Veronica lay as the alternate representative to the Community Development block grant committee move it second Mr cannis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr diov yes Mr KOLO yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 202 24-35 appointing the mayor to the planning board resolution of the Township of lacy County of Ocean State of New Jersy New Jersey appointing Peggy Sue Juliano as mayor on the Lacy Township planning board move it second Mr cannis yes Mr mcdonal yes Mr D yes Mr K yes mayor julana yes resolution 202 24-36 appointing a class two member to the planning board resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Christopher Reed as the class tomb member to the Lacy Township planning board move it second Mr kis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Mr yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024 37 appointing a class three member to the planning board resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Steven Kennis as the class three member to the Lacy Township planning board move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Mr K yes mayor Julian yes resolution 202 24-38 appointing a class for member to the planning board resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Dan cortiz as a class form member to the Lacy Township planning board move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes Mr K yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-the reappointing James latell is alternate number one to the Lacy Township planning board move it second Mr kenis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Mr K yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 202 24-40 appointing alternate member number one to the zoning Board of adjustments resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Michael do Santos is alternate number one on the Lacy Township Zoning Board of adjustment move it second Mr kis yes Mr McDonald yes mrov yes Mr K yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 202 4-41 appointing alternate member number two to the Zoning Board of adjustments resolution of the township of Ley County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Brian manua as alternate number two on the Lacy Township zoning Board of adjustments move it second Mr dof yes Mr Kenneth yes Mr McDonald yes Mr Tio yes mayor juli yes resolution 202 24-42 appointing members to The Board of Health resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Lorraine tachio Dr Michael banti and Michael angle as regular members to The Board of Health for the township of lacy move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr D yes Mr K yes Mr MC yes mayor J yes resolution 20244 43 appointing alternate member number one and Alternate member number two to the Board of Health resolution of the township of lacy County of Ocean State appointed Kim Wyland as alternate number one and Sharon McVey Schwarz cop as alternate number two to the Board of Health for the township of lacy move it second Mr kenis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Mr C yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 202 24-44 appointing members to the Ada committee resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing members to the American with Disabilities Act Advisory Board of the township of lacy this includes the appointment of Veronica lay Craig tamalo and Dina Linka move it second Mr cannis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dios yes Mr P yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024 d45 appointing members to the solid waste advisory committee resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing members to the solid waste advisory committee this includes Mr doff Robert krasa Matthew copac Paul Cohen and Jack Noy move it Mr yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Mr K yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 20244 six appointing members to the beautification committee resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing members to the beautification committee this includes Holly Martin Lucille Michelli Jim Baron Patricia Burke Kathy Baron and Robert kosa move it second Mr kis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes Mr KIRO yes mayor Julian yes resolution 20244 appointing members to the senior citizens Recreation committee resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing members to the senior citizen Recreation committee this includes Marie creger Lorraine Egan and Mary mossi move it second Mr canis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr C yes yes may J yes resolution 202 24-48 appointing members to the senior citizens advisory committee resolution in the township FY County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing members to the senior citizen advisory committee this includes Marie ker lorine Egan Mary mosy and Gloria makeup move it second Mr kis yes Mr McDonald mrov yes Mr P yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the appointing members to the veterans commission this includes Bernard Snider Peter borcher Jim Wilson Howard Toms Kenneth Hansen Brian Holt Bernard Novak Tom verza Thomas Patrick Michael Kil Murray Donald Tacho Esley Peters and Jennifer IO move it second Mr kenis Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Mr Hero yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024 D50 appointing members to the municipal Alliance committee resolution of the township FY County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing members to the mun Municipal Alliance committee for the township of lacy this includes Ginger battalia Dorothy bonon Rachel clemer Regina Danza Tom fogner Debbie Smith Patricia Herman Ryan horn Ray meori Mike Koslowski Donna makoy Robin O'Brien Barbara race Georgia Sai Judy sanui Edward scanland Kathy scanland Peggy Snider Laura Timon Colleen tonkovich Joan topping Ellen videll and Karen vincentini move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes Mr K yes may yes resolution 2024-the a temporary budget for 2024 resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey providing for the 2024 temporary operating budget second Mr kis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes Mr KOLO yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024 d52 authorizing the deposit of public funds in New Jersey Banks resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the treasurer to deposit public monies in any Bank savings and loan or trust company having its place of business in the state of New Jersey and which is organized under the laws of the United States or the state of New Jersey move it second Mr kis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Mr KIRO yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the taxes resolution in the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey fixing the rate of interest to be charged on delinquent taxes or assessments move it seconds Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes Mr Caro yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-the and the official newspaper of the township resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey providing dates of the township committee meetings and designating the official newspaper for the year 2024 our meetings will be held on the 2 and fourth Thursday of every month starting at 6 PM with some summer exceptions and meetings as needed our newspapers will be the uh Beacon ASB Park Press and Atlantic City Press mov it second Mr kis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes Mr CA yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024 -55 authorizing the payment of Township bills resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean save New Jersey authorizing the payment of Township bills this is in the amount of $738 54622 move it second Mr kenis yes Mr McDonald yes mrov yes Mr KOLO yes mayor Julian yes I'm now going to open up the floor to public comments anybody that like to speak this is your time otherwise we'll move on mayor if I may yes I appreciate it's great to see everybody happy New Year and thank you for the honor of Ming excuse us one second in case anybody didn't hear who this wonderful gentleman is okay I'm thinking he's going to be our next Governor but that's besides the [Applause] fact very kind mayor we love you here and Lacy really an honor to administer the oal office to you and certainly Peter and uh I know each one of these five C committee men and women personally and you're in good hands um I always find it amazing that uh over 100,000 times over the course of next week this is what will take place across the country and it's the Hallmark of a great Republic the peaceful transition to the new Administration uh but you're in great hands but the mayor and um the township committee will indulge me another reason why I want to speak is because 38 years ago what we done in this Township uh was one of the most distinguished Public Service careers in the history of New Jersey Chris Conor 38 years ago was sworn as a Township committeeman right here in Lacy Township [Music] yes and in eight days that 38 year most distinguished career comes to an end as Chris retires from the New Jersey State Senate and so today was not about saluting Chris but to pray for his wife Dy Chris will now be home at four or five nights every sing Debbie we thank you for all the support and Mak his Public Service POS uh but all joking aside gang We Salute this man um who's done nothing but serve his community and this region with honor and again with distinction Chris we salute you thank you [Applause] knowing how humble Chris is yeah and he's upset with me but but I did hell with him uh filling potholes keeping the community safe making sure our First Responders can respond as they should um that's really what this Township committee is all about and um I complete confidence a strong opinion the quality of life here in Lacy Township will only improve over the course of the next year under the administration of Peggy Su juliani and in partnership with our four countship committee members congratulations to you all thank you thank thank you come on down Regina just state your name please you could pull the microphone forward thank you you know the oops it's all WRA stff just take it off the right just stand here Regina just sends us on set Drive Sunrise Beach I have a question um can you tell me approximately when the minutes to this meeting might be posted on the website I know it has to be approved at the next meeting but I had to do a lot of Oprah requests this past year because some public documents weren't on the website in a timely manner are you working on updating that it is a process that I'm looking to put in place some things have changed um after meeting minutes are approved it might take us within a business like 5 to 10 days 5 to 10 business days to get them up online so by the end of the month we should have access to these minutes you you can over request them immediately after they are approved I can't guarantee that they'll be right online that next day but we try and get them in within 5 to 10 business days have the 2023 minutes been caught up yet we still have not approved our 2023 minutes from our last meeting but are the all the rest on now I can't say that they're all online at this moment but you can open request them at any point check because I had do a lot of opa requests and I should have been able to just access it online I can absolutely check you can always send op requests and I'll put those ones up as they are available right okay thank you and um what happened to the environmental committee does it still exist or commission whichever you call it questions go to the mayor the mayor can decide answer um we Environ so I mean pretty much exists a name only at this point right right but if you still have people on the roles they you know it still should be mentioned and then um what's that other commission the economic development commission as well again it is it's a commission that exists in name only at this point at this point so right but you wouldn't reup them to make it com uh I have to double check Veronica so over on here what well that those thosee those two commissions have gone dormant so there are no reappointments being made at this time so there's no need to put it on the no if you're not reappointing somebody there's no need to put it on the agenda I thought you had to keep it current thank you thank you is there anybody else from the public that would like to speak come on up up Helen come on up Helen former committee per woman Helen Dela Cruz is coming up here I actually feel so at home in this room that's okay you can hold it you can hold it and standing before you right now brings back cherish cherish memories of Years Gone by mayor I came to say congratulations to you well congratulations to all the appoint appointees and I'm so happy for you but mainly mayor to say congratulations to you thank you mayor Juliano must be smiling from heaven being so proud so happy for his wife I know you'll do excellent I'm so happy that once again we have a woman mayor I know I'm pretty sure that you'll do excellent just like the ones before you mayor dad m eni and mayor lynck I'm the fourth I'm the fourth woman to hold the mayor's position here in Lacy Township so I'm not familiar with the other one but congratulations Mary L Smith was our first female mayor and I believe there's a date on the gavl and she was mayor that year when we had to fight with the cusos over the property west of the Parkway and she broke the gavel and the Caruso replaced it 1970 1970 yes thank you I oh sure I'm so proud of you mayor and if I may just for now just for once and just because I'm talking like a friend to a friend if I may use the word girl yes you can go girl you got it girl I'm so proud of you you are a shiny example and a model to every girl and lazy thank you that anyone can be girl can be mayor president for that matter yep and so as you go through your term I wish you the best as you carry the torch of shining TS of being mayor together with all the qualities that come with it the love and compassion all the fine qualities that a mayor makes that makes a I wish it to you thank you and may God bless you and your family stay healthy will and happy you can do it thank you I'm all for you right and for everybody thank you and congratulations to all the appointees and as always God bless you all our governing body of lazy thank you Happy New Year to everybody Happy New Year to youo thank you than [Applause] since I'm standing up for I'll talk uh I just want to say I'm proud of you and uh filling some big shoes with that I know you more than capable of doing it super excited to see what you got going on for everyone happy New Year and thank you for supporting my mom because uh she's doing a big thing stepping in my Dad's shoes so I'm excited for you thank you big year 2024 thank okay yes Heather come on up I just want to add my congratulations to you Peggy I don't know if everybody here in this room really knows all that you've been involved with through the schools PTA over the years I first met you after your mom joined Marie the alliance and you and Nick actually both were in the trenches with us chaperoning dances in the kitchen in for our our alliance at our our senior lunch and we're happy to have you again and we look forward to working with you another year thank you appreciate [Applause] it dignitary in the room you know let me tell you it's always nice to stand on this side of the Das and not have to sit up there so Peggy you know congratulations uh you know this is a a new era for me starting to refer to as mayor Juliano uh you know you're going to do a fantastic job I know I had the opportunity to serve with each of the your fellow committee members over my time on the committee uh you've got a great team working with you you're going to all do fantastic things for the people here in Lacy Township uh I also had the opportunity to serve with Nikki uh as a committeeman and as as our mayor uh and there's no doubt you've got big shoes to fill but we had the opportunity to work together in a lot of ways when Nikki was the mayor uh he's looking down on you you know happy smiling uh you know is this can't be a better day here in LC Township than seeing you sit in Step into the seat uh on the same note I know Marie's not here today but uh there's nobody in this town that's more proud today than Marie creger uh for what you've accomplished for role that you've given back to this community and I certainly wish you the best anything you need moving forward I'll always be there for you right behind you trying to help you out any way uh on another note Peter same thing as Deputy Mayor you've served in that position many times in the past and I know you're going to do fantastic things moving forward uh you've got a great team up here Veronica you know stepping down as the municipal clerk you know was was a big step for you but I I certainly I see John's doing much better now walking around with after her surgery uh you you have to get make a little bit more time for your family because we're never guaranteed Peggy you know better than anybody we're never guaranteed tomorrow uh so start enjoying life the one thing I got out of today that that uh I I really didn't want to get out of today was the fact that Chris and I are the same age and we're getting goddamn old when you talk about 30 38 years uh you know I mean Chris was involved a lot longer than me I'm doing 25 as of this year and it it goes quick so enjoy every day you're always going to make a difference every decision you make not everyone's going to be happy with but you can still make that decision based upon your heart and what you believe is the best thing to do I wish each and every one of you the very best moving forward into 24 Amy I Amy I just can't believe you're here today getting married two days ago but uh I congratulate you I know you've done great things as as the fill in Clerk and you're going to do great things as a municipal clerk moving forward so to each and every one of you happy New Year uh you I truly wish you best health you know success every way possible but uh I app have a great year thank you very [Music] [Applause] much if seeing none more from the audience seeing none motion to close the floor no no I for you guys oh we got to talk oh okay all CL he was going to try to you got to know Steve Ken he tries to sneak out as fast as he can okay surpris he sitting here so long motion yeah motion to close the floor second I Steve kenis yes would you like first Deputy first they said Deputy last okay so go ahead mayor it's an honor um I just want to Echo some of the same sentiments it's going to be pretty tough act to follow considering I I think I screwed up already when I was getting sworn in uh by Jack Chelli I hugged him and told him I loved him and I did not tell that to my wife if you're all around 421 Brandy Wine later on uh yeah I'll hear it I'll hear some of it so um but uh a wise man once told me always remember to thank your wife that man is a mentor and a friend and a great man in our town uh really Father Figure to me uh commissioner Gary Quinn and he said Peter everybody remember to remember to remember to thank remember to thank your wife and uh so but for uh my wife and my daughter um uh they they've been wonderful so many people in the room our Senator here from the n9th district now uh Carmen Amato I want to recognize him uh to have our Ninth District here uh right on Lacy Road who who do advocate for us uh it is huge they oversee many municipalities Jack Chelli 565 municipalities how many times on January 1st or at our Lacy day or at other events I got this man's back he's a brother to me and I'm going to be supporting him moving forward he came a hair's breath from the governorship uh and uh Jack you're a seatting hall guy and I'd like you even if you're a Ruckers guy so God bless you thanks for being here um so many many people um you know I'll just close comments by saying you know a lot a lot there were a lot of liaison um determinations made made today of different departments and I remember when I was 12 years old and I'll be quick President Reagan got in I was 12 Was 1980 and he told the gentleman standing in front of him you know he pointed to a globe on his desk and he said show me your country just made him an ambassador the man I don't remember the nation I don't remember the man pointed to where he was the Ambassador at President Reagan's Globe at his desk President Reagan said stop right there that's not your country this is your country it starts here first it finishes is first so we all are up here even know we have our liaison designations is we're liaison to the people so I'll tell you people know me up here um I stand up pretty straight I don't like to lay down um if I have to fight I will there's not going to be any Ms from Montville or any Mister from Monmouth who's going to get in front of us on a line in Trenton when we Advocate uh for our town here and our ZIP Cod right here so I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart God bless bless you I'm going to I'm going to stand up straight for you and I know that this lady right here knowing her husband and her family she's going to be wonderful and uh Madame mayor I have your back thank you all and God bless you thank you thank [Applause] you thank you thank you so a lot of things happening here um first and foremost of course uh M re has has taking on the role of full-time administrator and we have a new clerk Amy you did a fantastic job now I want you all to know the dedication of Lecy Township employees I know this woman in all her time never missed a Township committee meeting this woman got married two days ago and she's here just just amazing really amazes me again the dedication and that's what really makes L Township are so great the dedication of our employees Peggy Sue you can going to do a fantastic job you already have done a fantastic job in your short time on the committee it's you've just moved right in and Blended right in with the other four of us and you know now for a government we all have an equal voice and you know since Helen deler was was on the committee we haven't had a female voice and it's kind of nice you know it's it's people talk about the boys club but I tell you what it's nice to have a female point of view we're all married and we all look to um our female counterparts um to give us their point of view and and and keep us grounded so you know thank you and and I look forward to great things this year to all of our appointees you sat here and heard the oath of office that Peggy Shu took and Mr Ciro took and you're all going to take Oaths of office listen very carefully it's kind of like the Pledge of Allegiance listen to the words just don't say them and live by them because that's what we do we take an oath of office to serve the residents of lacy Township to the best of our ability and so far and not to disparage any townships we do a pretty good job um we are a shining light in Ocean County and we will continue to be so with the people up here the employees of Lea Township and you fine appointees thank you very much thank you thank you committee tennis thank you mayor uh yeah I'm going to Echo some of the comments as everybody said but I want to thank everyone for coming out today and in particular I want to acknowledge Jack Chelli for coming out um San Greg McGuckin Senator Corman Amato and commissioner Gary Quinn and I also like to uh thank uh Chris Connor for all his years of uh work as as a state senator hopefully he he'll remain our attorney for a long time I want to thank or congratulate Amy mcgucken uh for her uh appointment as clerk um I want to thank Tim for his this past year Tim McDonald uh we served as mayor this past year um it's a lot of work if you're doing the job right it's a lot of time it's more time than people think I always tell everybody it's it's it's generally not what you think there's a lot of time that goes into it so I just want to thank Tim for all the hard work that he did over the years and there's no nobody up here is happier that Peggy is the mayor than me I'm very happy that Peggy is Mayor this year um you know I've gotten to know Peggy really well over last 10 years really but over the last few years since she's been on the committee even better and she stepped into very you know difficult circumstances you know not only with Nick passing but just being you know uh you know to be nominated you know to to run to fill his seat it's very like I it's the same as being mayor it's not easy to be mayor and it's not easy to to run uh to get on a committee so I just uh have a lot of respect for Peggy she's not shy with her opinion and your family should be very proud and so congratulations to you Peggy oh I'm sorry Mr thank you first of all we start with Amy here double congratulations to Amy on her wedding and then uh being appointed to as a municipal clerk and there were times during 2023 and she had just stepped in and Veronica had made the switch she was sitting beside me and those who attended oh God is he okay he has bad knees who attended uh sit him down it's his knees he's had surgery on them so Jesus you all right Joe he's in good hands there with Bob yeah and Sue yeah yeah those who attended some of the meetings in 23 uh they got some little cont tankers I would have to say oh yeah just just a tad just a tad coners and um I leaned over to Amy and I said you still want this job and she said yes she did and I would congratulate her and wish her nothing but the best in both Endeavors thank you now Veronica Mr dof she has not the que Mr D she has not missed a meeting how about 700 meetings as the Lacy clerk she has not missed one dedication her and her husband were down at Myrtle Beach on vacation and Steve was the mayor and they had a very important meeting in Trenton and I said what are you going to do are you going to call in and she said no I'm flying back and we're going to the meeting and I said to her not a problem I think I was a mar I don't know you were just the point person on it and I said not not a problem charge it to the township and she said oh no I won't do that she gave me the number it was a very small number it wasn't going to break it wasn't a couple thousand dollars it was a very small number and Ike said no you need to charge it and she said no of course she didn't listen to me so she so but I I want to thank her for all her reference here as the clerk uh she'll referred to us she can't us as as her boys anymore it's got to be her boys and her daughter right yes my children children children your children so I want to congratulate her um Jack Chelli is a terrible golfer I play golf with Jack a couple times a year and Jack you and I you know that I have a bet and I plan on collecting on that bet and that bet is I'm not going to say who it's with the Jack will be the Republican nominee for the governor in 2025 [Applause] and when you win there's another thing we got to do right that's right get a picture of the that's what we got to do uhwhere we want with some wared guards around us too right I'll drive the car okay all right uh Mr Quinn is in the in the audience tonight uh my former running mate uh Gary can I still call you from time to time now that I'm not the mayor no he's just he Gary's a wealth of knowledge uh and he was very good at calming me down uh because last year was to say it was uh tough uh and contous and challenging it was I don't think there's been a more challenging year that we had um and I would call him maybe on a Friday morning at 8:00 and he would talk me down off the ledge uh because I would be very very upset um so I thank you Gary and look forward to many more phone calls from me um what we got here Chris Conor again what can I say except this I I repeat I'll repeat the story I was down at the leag of municipalities and got invited to a cocktail party and I went to the cocktail party and I was walking around talking to people and I met a Democratic senator we just got talking and he said where are you from I said I'm from Lacy Township and he said Chris Connors I said yes he's our Senator he goes we miss him already now this was in October and to me that's the ultimate compliment when you're when you and your opponent says we miss him already not because he C but because he was just a good a damn good senator for Lacy Township and that says a lot and I I think that's the ultimate compliment you can get when your competitor says we miss already and they're happy to get rid of me okay the last one is Peggy Sue um what can I say about Peggy Su she's she's been great uh when you know Steve and I have talked a lot uh about when you first come on board and all of a sudden you get in the back room in the executive session things are flying around and it takes about six months to figure it out it really does because there's so look like we're moving slowly but we're moving pretty quickly hers was about two months bam she was up and running so it's going to be good Peggy you're going to have your hands full because every mayor does but there's no doubt in my mind you were going to be extremely successful and I wish you nothing but the best of luck please don't hesitate to call me and ask for my advice on anything and everything I will call you and I'll tell you what I think sometimes thanks okay and that's all I have thank you thank you so now it's to me so I'm GNA be very good because I'm going to hold it together until I can't hold it together anymore first of all I can't thank you all all the beautiful faces out there my family my friends my co-workers my two God daughters over there with my God God children I just I'm so fortunate to have this amount of people come out and be here to support us we it's a big transition and um there's a lot going on I don't want to ever forget to thank all the dignitaries that are here today too thank you so much for coming and supporting us here in Lacy we appreciate it very much very much um to my to my buddies I call them that's my DPW workers my firemen my police officers I I you held me up during some of the hardest times of my life and it will never ever be forgotten never so I will be I will have your back for always for always here in Lacy Township okay I'm going to try to say I wore this dress it's about 30 years old it represents my mom it was her dress she's home and she's going to she's going to be watching this on video later she couldn't be here she can't walk walk or stand up anymore she's 93 but boy she can still tell it like it is it doesn't matter that she can't walk or stand up anymore she still gives Heather and me and do and Joanne and the girls my girls all a hard time let me tell you she straightens us all out I thank Helen for always visiting her I I appreciate those extra visits Helen she loves talking to you again I'll just repeat that I'm the fourth woman mayor to come into Lacy Township I don't think I would have been here if it wasn't for what was dealt to me but I'm I'm praying and I and I know him I mean I spent 47 years with him so I'm positive he's he's down down there at that Cemetery looking at me when I show up saying it's all right babe you can do this I told you before and he used to say this to me all the time you were meant for this not me this is your thing so we'll see we'll see how this goes you know we're we're we're going to give it a hell of a go that's for sure to my children the love that I have for the two of you just takes over my whole self when I think of everything we've been through but I'm here and I'm going to take care of this responsibility because he would want me to we we brought you into this world world with love and we're going to I'm going to continue to make sure that you both know how much you are loved and I'm so appreciative that you're both here my son traveled in from LA because that's where he lives now my daughter lives up north in Somerville great County up there and uh and her boyfriend Nick is here too and I'm so grateful I I listen if you have nothing else in life honestly if if the if the hardest door gets knocked at you you just have to remember to be grateful for what you have and I am I I I've been dealt but I'm telling you when you have friends and people in your life that keep picking you up no matter what the day or night is there's some days I don't know if I'm going to be able to get up but I make a phone call to some special friends and and they pick me up so I'm I'm grateful for all of you and I'm thankful for all of you so just remember to be grateful and thankful because one never knows how long we are here it's a short ride but I'm going to do my best to make sure that everybody knows I'm carrying on for the Mis and now I'm the M mayor and I appreciate all the support and thank you so very much and may I not forget to say that we are all going to convene down to the Captain's Inn and have a nice lunch and I want all of you to come don't anybody say oh I got to go home no I need you I need you to come on down have a bite to eat and a little drink with us that would be wonderful we've got a lot to do this year we got a lot of things that we have to take care of and so we're going to move on next meeting and get started and I'm grateful for Veronica and Amy these guys don't know what they're in for honestly three women three very boisterous women yep you don't have to egg them off come on man but no it's just it's just I I really mean this is the most important thing you can do for yourself is be grateful and be thankful because otherwise what is there right so just keep doing that keep remembering that it is short but we are living Our Lives I love the both of you love you too love my I love you too please and thank you everybody for being here and you know who I'm talking about thanks so much all of you I appreciate it very [Applause] much I'm just sorry I forgot something very important and I need you to to know this um I wasn't technically supposed to be the mayor this year we we um I I asked a friend who I've made sitting here Mr Kennis it was supposed to be his turn to be mayor and um I said to him because of my mom would you mind because I don't know how long her time is and he said to me don't even have to ask me I it's all yours that's true every year I just you know you just thank you thank you thank you motion to adjourn move it second all in favor I no further [Applause] business