adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meeting act pursuant to the public laws in 1975 said notice was advertised in the ISB Park Press Beacon was posted on the bulon board showing the time and place of the meeting please rise for the salute to the flag and a moment of silence aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic na Gody and justice for allice usually we do an add-on at the end we're going to do an add-on first oh boy these guys are all fired this is okay whereas the township Committee of and the township Committee of the township Al would like to express special recognition for Miss Veronica lay to honor her distinguished term as municipal clerk for the township of lacy whereas Miss lay began her career in the township of of lacy in 1983 as a recreation counselor and in the Summer Park program and in 1989 she left the recreation department and began working in the clerk's office whereas in 1991 Miss lay became a registered municipal clerk with the state of New Jersey which allowed her to advance from the deputy clerk to the municipal clerk in 1992 whereas Miss lay completed completed exceptional academic achievements while working in the clerk's office that include a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Georgian Court College and a certified public manager certificate C certification from Bry Dickinson University whereas in what little free time her roles as municipal clerk and Township admin laow Miss lay serves as an active member of the Rotary Club of Fork River and commissioner of the Ocean County Board of Health and whereas Miss lay deep knowledge and history of this Township of lacy is unmatched and DET ter historian deserves a spot on the top of her resume and whereas and whereas in there's no debate that Miss lay is a natural born leader who always takes the initiative and pulls pulls all of her puts all of her effort into everything she does whereas throughout her time in in the position municipal clerk there has been nearly 700 meetings of and of those meetings she didn't miss a single one whereas the township meeting will now take a bit longer as they will not be run by Miss Lay's rapid fire speech and we and whereas both employees and residents of the township of lacy are incredibly fortunate to have had Miss L served as municipal clerk and and continue to remain privileged while miss L continues to serve as a Township administrator whereas unlike typical retirement Proclamation this Proclamation is not intended to say goodbye to miss lay but rather I thank you to express sincere appreciation for her dedication to the township and outstanding performance of her duties during her 10 years municip municipal clerk and now therefore I Timothy McDonald mayor of Township Lacy do on behalf of myself the township Comm committee hereby honor Miss Veronica lay I commend her commend her many valuable years of service as municipal clerk thank [Applause] you all right we got and for those of you that don't know this is my thank you obviously we all know who this guy is one that can walk now this is from oh thank you thank you well I'm just G to say a few words and then we can move on this was not supposed to be a tiad meeting I just needed to have closure to a 32-year career here in this position and I'll be moving over to as I call it the penalty box so I just want to thank all of you for making it special today it is Monumental that after 32 years we're switching Clerk here it's um something that goes down in history as I thanked Chris Connor um a few meetings ago he's the one that got me started in this and uh don't blame me and I have to thank him for having the confidence in me to do this and I've always had um the wonderful support of my mother she's the one that I go home and cry the tears and complain and and moan and groan and everything else and then there's my husband always who I kind of probably was harder on him than I am on any other employee here at the township you know it's like your children you expect more out of them I expect more out of him so I just have to thank all of you for this today um I did not expect this I just needed to have closure to do my last meeting it's been 6 months since I sat in a little Hot Seat but I will be still here until who knows when you know I'm not leaving anytime soon so I'm still here to uh you know get that history out of my brain for Amy and the rest of the staff here so we can move on now no we're nowh here but oh great Mr dof would you like to say a few words of course I would Veronica you were there from day one you are have been such a resource to all of us and Lacy Township wouldn't be what it is without you um just just historian leader just just amazing amazing person and and again l t is great and you are one of the main reasons that it is great and without your help we wouldn't be as a chion committee what we were what we are what we will be thank you so much for your service and you can't leave yet fine Deputy Mayor Kennis yeah U this isn't a retirement so that would be that would be much worse so uh no your your deep knowledge of the township is is invaluable and there's no better person that teach any employee that comes along um again I can't say enough about as much as as Veronica knows I I've just as a builder in town and just being involved in in a lot of the township uh just involved in the township as well she's invaluable to me both Prof professionally and as a Township committee person thank you so no tears first of all we're twins today um I just I appreciate and if everybody had her work ethic we'd be very fortunate so we're so lucky to still have you right here with us and I um am so grateful for your support that I've had I would got there if it wasn't for you A lot of times you helped me up so I appreciate that very much for thank you thank you okay couple of things here um we're going to miss her oh the mayor going to miss her sitting next to him you will sorry Peggy not not that's not a slide on Amy it's just that you know Veronica with her history the knowledge of the town would write a little note and send it over to you and you got to turn it and straighten it out um and anybody who knows Veronica knows that this town comes first think of that 700 meetings 700 meetings didn't miss a single one and probably the best one was they were on vacation down at Myrtle Beach we had a meeting Trenton was it you had you had a meeting in Trenton Sten I Steve and I had they had a meeting in Trenton and she flew up from Myrtle Beach just to go to that meeting and turn around and flew back that is dedication now there's probably one other person has more knowledge in this about this town than Veronica and that is our town historian that's John Parker so I think at the next meeting we make Veronica the deputy historian of lacy par Saturday lacast Saturday nobody who knows this town better than those two so while you're going to be down there in the Penalty Box she'll still be guiding us she'll still be yelling at us she'll still she she'll be telling us we're wrong and then she'll go you know you guys are actually right about this so I had nothing but great affirmation for you okay that's all just your collegiality but most importantly your friendship is something that I've always been honored by Veronica um you're just an amazing individual and I can't say enough about you and I'm glad that you know we started on a path together here in Lacy Township and it's just a great place to be so you always be a part of lacy Township and same to Youk all right let's get down to real business now guys too many tears here okay second reading of ordinance 2023 that's 32 of fixing determin determining the salaries and wages and compensation of the Teamsters Union employees in Ord to the township Lacy County o state of New Jersey amending an Ord and titles and ordance of the township of lacy County of O state of New Jersey of fixing and determining the salaries wages and compensations of the officers employees and members of the governing body of the township this is for the Teamsters Union this is for 2024 through 2028 uh there's a 3% raise across the board for those years this is second reading we need to open the floor for public comment any public comments seeing none motion to close the floor move it all in favor I motion on the ordinance move it second Mr Juliano yes Mr Kennis yes Mr diov yes mayor McDonald yes second reading of ordinance 2023 33 authorizing the sale of public land to LFA 3 urban renewal LLC in ordance of Township Lacy County of oan state of New Jersey authorizing the sale public land to uh Lacy Family Apartments phase three urban renewal LLC the designated redeveloper this is for the third phase of the Lacy family apartments that are adjacent to um the Ocean First Bank this land um is has to be turned over to them now um in order for them to start developing that site with an additional 70 units of affordable housing apartments this will conclude our prior round completion but we still have future completion to do for affordable housing second reading open the floor to public comment seeing none motion to close the floor move it sorry motion on the ordinance move it second Mrs Juliano yes Mr kenis yes Mr dof yes mayor McDonald yes resolution 2023 348 authorizing the award of a contract with the community energy agregation program a resolution of Township Lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing an award of Consulting Services contract in connection with the implementation of the township of Lacy's Community energy aggregation program as some of you know for about the past 10 years we have been in a community aggregation program it has expired we did not go out for a new lease because the market for electricity for residential units is not favorable right now but we are looking to go out again in the spring for hopefully a two-year contract where anybody who opts in will be in a community aggregation program through 20 25 um and hopefully to get reduced electricity um to our residential homes motion second Mr Juliano yes Mr kenis yes Mr dof yes Mr McDonald yes resolution 2023 349 awarding the contract for Turf fertilization resolution of Township Lacy County R state of New Jersey awarding a contract to Turf Lawn Care for seasonal Turf fertilization program for the township of lacy this is a contract starting March 1st of 24 and runs through October 31st of 2028 this is um the contract averages about $31,000 a year for a total of $157,450 over the uh fiveyear period motion second M Juliana yes Mr kenon yes Mr dof yes mayor McDonald yes resolution 2023 350 awarding a contract for a seasonal weed control resolution Township Lacy County Russ state of New Jersey a warrian contract to South Jersey weed control Incorporated for seasonal weed control for the township of lacy this is going to South Jersey weed control again this starts March of 2024 runs through October 31st of 28 5year contract with $13,500 a year 67,500 is the contract move it second M Juliana yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes mayor McDonald yes excuse me resolution 2023 351 authorizing the employment of snow season contractor resolution of Township Lacy County Motion state New Jersey authorizing employment of snow season cont contractors for the Department of Public Works so these are the contractors that come in and assist us if we have snow I'm hoping we don't have snow this is always um you know a problem here but um we've been losing contractors over the years because private industry pays a greater rate per hour than we do but it's going to be rerio chameleo Papa jrc and Sons bunks and bunks also is giving us a single axle motion second Mrs Juliano yes Mr kenis yes Mr dof yes mayor McDonald yes resolution 20 23- 352 authorizing the employment of snow season laborers resolution Township Lacy County B state of New Jersey authorizing the employment of snow season labors for the Department of Public Works these are the young men that work over the summer we bring them back to help us do the heavy lifting in the winter to clean our public properties in our streets and sidewalks second Mrs Juliano yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes mayor McDonald yes resolution 2023 353 authorizing a leave of absence resolution Township LA County Motion state of New Jersey authorizing of leave of absence for Matthew deaney under the Family Medical Leave Act this will run through March 11th as Intermittent Leave motion moov second Mr Juliano yes Mr kenis yes Mr D yes mayor McDonald yes resolution 2023 354 authorizing the appointment of a full-time clerk in the municipal court office resolution of Township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Christiana Court to the permanent full-time position of clerk for the township of lacy Christiana has been serving us in a part-time capacity we had lost somebody due to retirement we tried it part-time and it just wasn't working out there's enough work there to keep her full-time so January she will go full-time move it second Mr Juliano yes Mr kenis yes Mr dof yes mayor McDonald yes and congratulations resolution 2023 355 ratifying the terms of Mo MOA with the Teamsters Local 97 resolution of Township Lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey ratifying the terms of a memorandum of agreement and authorizing the execution of collective negotiation contract with the teamers Local 97 we adopted the salary ordance now we have to ratify the Union contract this is effective January 1st through 24 and runs through December 31st of 28 move it second this Juliano yes Mr kenis yes Mr dof yes mayor McDonald yes resolution 2023 356 authorizing the cancel canceling the balances in the reserve fund resolution of the township Lacy County V state of New Jersey authorizing the cancelling receivable and Reserve balances in the grant fund these are for unexpended um Grant funds for distracted driver Crackdown drive sober and drive sober holiday Crackdown and Municipal Alliance funding from prior years that were unused move it second this Juliano yes Mr Kenneth yes Mr D off yes mayor McDonald yes resolution 2023 357 authorizing the refund of deposit monies resolution of Township Lacy County BR state New Jersey authorizing the refunded deposits held for the use of Municipal facilities move it second Mrs Juliano yes Mr Kenne yes Mr D off yes may McDonald yes resolution 2023 358 the pay authorizing the payment of Township bills resolution of Township LA County otion state of New Jersey authorizing the payment of Township bills the amount of $876,000 30 motion move it second Mr julo yes Mr Kennis yes Mr diov yes mayor McDonald yes motion to approve the township meeting minutes from December 14th 2023 move it second all in favor I I I motion to approve the Caucus meeting minutes from December 14 2023 second all in favor I motion to approve the executive session meeting minutes from December 14 2022 move it second all favor I I motion to approve raffle licenses for lths booster Association to Robert Gallagher charitable found foundation and the Ocean County Foundation of VO vocational and Technical education move it second all in favor I motion to it's like so delayed isn't it I know motion to approve raffle license is amended for the lths booster Association move it second all in favor I all right now we do a little now we're doing a little different here than we normally do uh we're doing some consent agendas this is stuff for next year no it's actually the consent agenda is I've had an opra request for various executive session minutes and over the years we have not approved them so we have to go back and approve the ones that we did not approve so in Guidance with Mr Connor's office we will be doing a consent agenda and um you just would read you know okay and then those that need to abstain but for doctrine of necessity we have to move these along so so obviously you'll vote for them Mr Connors can explain it further if you want further clar adequate explanation obviously uh these are meeting minutes that have many have taken place years ago which members of the governing body are no longer members of the governing body here in some cases there are meetings which only some some of the members of the governing body uh were here obviously the law requires that we adopt uh meeting minutes so in order to do that we rely on What's called the doctrine of necessity so there are cases which because of the number of eligible members to vote we may not have what would ordinarily be a majority and we might be relying Less on that so that's why it's considered a consent agenda if anyone anyone wants to pull a particular matter off we can vote separately on that but they're going to be voted in Mass okay and members know which ones okay who can vote on what all right uh consent Agenda One all matters listed under the heading consent agenda will be enacted in one Mo by one Motion in the form listed below there will be no separate discussions of these items if discussion is desired on any item that will be considered separate can I have a motion move it I second doesn't matter doesn't matter this is for doctr of assess sorry that that we all can vote okay so that would be just a motion carry yeah okay then item number 20 yeah consent agenda number two all matters listed under the heading consent agenda will be enacted by one motion and the form listed below there will be no separate discussions of these items if the discussion is desired on any item that will be considered separately I have a motion Mo second okay cons agenda number three all miners listed under the heading of consent agenda will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below there will be no separate discussions of these items if the discussion is desired on any items that will be considered separately can I have a motion move second okay no passes all right now I do have an add- on can you imagine that you got to get back in you don't have that on I just want to clean up some last minute business it's resolution Township LA county of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing execution an amendment to the contract with Earl asphalt company for the Northwest Barnet Pines phase three Road Improvement project which also included Stephanie court so we're closing out this contract and overall the contract saw a decrease in the amount of $ 27,886 and 94 so I just need a motion to be able to um move forward second Mr uh Mrs Juliana yes Mr kenis yes Mr dof yes and mayor McDonald yes that is all I have to add on open the comments from the committee Deputy Mayor no comments what's that no comments thank you thank you J Mr dof no comments I'll save them for January 1 um happy Year to everybody and see you next year okay I'm I'm going to wish everybody a Happy New Year and hope they had a great Christmas and that's it comments from the public the public comments here's of course of course he can never disappoint okay Kev just when you were starting to get back on that list again you chrm it's all about Veronica this I don't know here we go 32 years I remember January 1 when he got sworn in so we may not agree on things and we do agree on things but because I get the way I get my Irish gets up and I will tell you what what's on my mind at that very moment and you've been my friend we've been friends since the only one who known you longer in this room is your mom since we been we went to elementary school together I practically lived at your at your house hanging out with your brother I mean congratulations 32 years and you didn't set a date but I have a date in my head when I'm done working we still may be sitting up at that di together some we'll see Kevin well you already already can figure out what my date is when I'm done I know what your date is so if you're still around you might be I might be sitting up there you may be down in a penalty box but I'll be sitting up there and Amy I wish you the best in your in your future and everybody a Happy New Year thank you thanks Kevin any other comments from the public oh uh oh boy here we go Casey speaking in public no I think it's important um Veronica you know what you mean to everybody here of course you heard all the nice words from the committee and everybody else but this community appreciates you know everything you've done that 1992 date is special for me too because that's when I was introduced to um being an employee of the township and you know we've had a relationship for 30 plus years and it's been fantastic that Proclamation only scratches the surface of what this what this individual knows correct just incredible and I've had a front row seat for 30 plus years to watch you know her uh her Excellence that's the best way to describe it so I appreciate our relationship it's ongoing it hasn't hasn't uh stopped and um um thank you very much and congratulations and Amy um from what I see so far she's going to be a great fit and uh all the luck to you too thank you thank you Casey you mean the world to any other comments from the public oh boy uh oh I know it's rare that a reporter comes but um but I but I had to because Veronica is just a smart classy lady and friendly and so informative and was such a help to me when I during my beak in Asbury Park Press days when I came into Lacy the only thing I knew was that you had a power plant um you know she was always informative and told me a lot that I needed to know to to do a story properly um she did talk very fast though so I was like she still does she's but uh all my best to you and uh I'm glad you you're kind of leaning off doing a transition because she's always kept these guys in line oh yeah so um you know Bob I need to thank you because you've always been very fair to Lacy Township and to myself and you know not always our stories favorable but you've always listen listen to both sides and you've been very fair to us here you thank you always enjoyed Lacy yeah enjoy wonderful Community you know and I'm sure I'll be at times covering here again good good thank [Applause] you any other comments from the public seeing none motion to close the floor move it all in favor I okay we are we do need to go into executive session unless you want to postpone that until January it's just a quicky little thing no let's go in now no I don't no all right no weary all right you heard your orders post resolution to motion to adjourn second all in favor I you are adj no further business no further business see you on January 1st at 12 noon