time is 7:30 I will call the regular meeting of the lakeo barel council to order please rise for salute to the flag in a moment of Silent reflection I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for stand naiv andice all please remain standing for a moment of Silent reflection thank you sunshine law please adquate notice of this meeting has been provided for the adoption of a resolution by the mayor and Council on the second day of January 2024 and with resolution the time of place of agenda and regular meetings commencing with January 2nd were set forth notice of seene was delivered to the as par PR the close Star tap into and a copy of the notice was posted on the B webs and on the bulon board in B Hall all meetings are open to public call please council member readyy here here here Deora here here here can I have a motion to approve the minutes from the February 2nd uh sorry February 20th regular meeting sove all in favor I I opposed abstain I abstain I abstain and I have a motion to approve the minutes from the February 26th special meeting motion second all in favor oppose abstain uh we will move to reports of committee starting with councilwoman Al Doyle uh as far as the committee all matters are in order but I did want to take the opportunity to thank the St Patrick's Day uh parade committee the police department and the DPW for all of their hard work for another wonderful St Patrick's parade day um a lot of work goes into that and I wanted you to know that it didn't go unnoticed um and a lot of great um feedback and people felt safe and they were all having a good time so thank you for that also I wanted to say that councilwoman skull and I had the opportunity to go into the elementary school today and we did read Across America with some of the classes um and we had a wonderful time so we were so glad to be a part of that other than that all matters are in order thank you very much councilman ventrice thank you mayor uh I also uh thank everyone who's involved DPW the police department uh the residents uh and everyone else who who helped to make this uh Parade day just uh fantastic um this Saturday the Williamsburg High School School uh for architecture and design students they'll be visiting Lake KO uh from uh 10:00 a.m. to approximately 1:30 uh they're going to be welcomed at that time here at B Hall by the uh environmental committee um and then they're going to do a site visit and see how they can help us out with the Main Street Arboretum uh they were very helpful with the lakefront project also so we're going to take them over there and let them see uh how great that turned out also other than that all matters are in order thank thank you councilman tomorrow um I'm going to ditto everything everybody said about the brain it was phenomenal and everybody did great job the uh uh Chief your team did a great job and the DPW did a great job everybody did a great job it was it was a fun it was I I I was amazed how many people were out there it was incredible uh but from a police perspective Chief is there anything to report all as well and uh everything's good on orang and uh thank you mayor that's all I have for thank you councilman danana uh thank you mayor um I too would like to Echo my uh fellow Council people's statements on the parade and everything that went into that um specifically under my DPW report I would like to thank Drew and the entire DPW staff for all their hard work the days leading up to the parade with their prep and um their hard work on Parade day I think they were out there even before the sun came up getting everything ready and they're long afterwards uh making sure everything's cleaned up so it was a beautiful day for parade and free day for the residents businesses and visitors but it's a lot of work that day for the DPW really appreciate all of our work that thank you Council other than that all matters are in order thank you councilwoman skull thank you mayor well of course I'm going to Echo what everybody else has said and um thank all involved with the parade especially the police um and the DPW and uh the parade committee um the residents that come out it was really a fantastic very memorable um parade given the perfect weather um and then I will also Echo what councilwoman Al badooo said about um going to the school thank you to elementary school for inviting us to participate and read Across America today we got to read to a couple of the classrooms um and it was such a treat to see the kids um other than that all matters are in order thank you council president wiy I guess I had to under the uh an committee uh and it's very soon you're going to see on the website a calendar of events also there's going to be a uh shopping list clothes you can buy and also coaster you can buy for the honey anniversary they will all be on the website hopefully within the next week or so oh that matters in order thank you for my report um uh I got nothing left to say thank you all for your work this weekend it was an amazing weekend it is an unofficial start to our season here in Lake KO and in belmare and if if anybody noticed um I was walking home from the parade and my neighbor crocuses started to bloom on Sunday so it's just kind of a telling day that it's spring has sprung and we are ready to go for the summer season and uh looking forward to all of that but thank you to everyone uh who came out you thank you to to uh the police our EMS our DPW workers who did all of the work up into and including the day of the parade if you notice that we have new banners out on Main Street not only the parade banners but we have our 100th anniversary banners that were put up the week prior to the parade they will remain up for uh an extended period of time probably the remainder of the year and along with other banners that will go up and come down throughout the year so thank you all for that please keep an eye out for our 100th anniversary events that are coming up in the next few months um the first one uh is April 28th it will be at Joe's surfshack and it will be a kickoff dinner uh kickoff uh afternoon on a Sunday um and that is the day will they will release the uh fed beer that is being grooved for Lake coma 1924 beer so um should be a good day so look forward to that and other than that that all matters are in order uh at this time I'll take a motion to open for public comments on new business and the consent agenda all in favor opposed anyone wishing to uh speak to anything on the agenda can come to the mic and do so now there are three things on the new business seeing none I'll take a motion to close so move second all in favor under new business we have resolution by councilman ventri thank you mayor so offer resolution 202454 appointing Lake comoo clean committee's coordinator it resolved that at the recommendation of uh mayor Kim G Higgins and Council has appointed Donald Brun to the position of Lake Como clean committee coordinator for the burrow of Lake KO commencing March 5 2024 terminating December 31 2024 thank you I have a motion any questions second second uh roll call pleas please Council yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you resolution passes resolution 2024-25 be resolved by the mayor and Council of the bar Lomo that the proper officers be directed and authorized to make payment from the following accounts from the water and sewer account 2023 total $2,936 from the current account 224 $4,475 from the water and sewer account 2024 $ 5,796 the dog license account $36 in the general Capital account $622 7694 the tourism account $282 AC wire payments from the current account $ 33184 39 from the water account $5 52337 a total 33430 thank just to look at something okay um I have a motion do I have a second second call please yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you resolution 202 24- 56 offered by council president R so resolution 20245 be resolv by the May Cil Bar Lake that the officers be directed to L the following current account gas $82.4 second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes thank you at this time I take a motion to open for public comments second all in favor anyone wish to speak um or comments for the council can come to the mic and do so now name and address please sir yes sir Mike Bryant 1706 East Street Lake um on behalf of Chip Kau and the prade committee and the executive board uh we want to thank the mayor and councel for all that they did to make the 51st annual St Patrick's Day Parade a big hit we had close to 200,000 people in town there was a little problem with the cell phones because we had so many people in town but we got through that and U it's only because of your help that you know this is able to come off you know when you take take a look at having 200,000 people in town 600 6,500 Marchers 26 marching bands in coordination with uh Sheriff golden and the people in the county that helped through this the lead that team Scott and her team down there you know everything came together we had a wonderful parade and we were blessed by the weather it was actually too hot after you started marching uh but we've already started working on next Year's parade and we want every year we try try to improve and make it even better uh but this is a big hit for all the businesses in town this is for many of the businesses the biggest day of the year for them because they still outside on the sidewalks they have events of Their Own and it just brings everybody together but so if you can thank your officers uh Chief we'd appreciate that a special thanks to the DPW who was running around picking up stuff as the neighbors decided to do their spring cleaning on Friday cing mattresses and box springs and stuff out of the street they got all that out we had EMS fire and all of those people in place and we thank them because a lot of them it's parade season there's 26 parades in the state of New Jersey and this is the biggest parade in the state of New Jersey so we're very proud of what we do that was nice that you guys were moved up meeting the team and uh until next year thank you very much we hope we can put it together like we did this year just one reminder on March 16th U I know there'll be an alert going out that's the Kilt run we look forward to having about 800 people in kilts that shouldn't be wearing Kilts running the streets of like comoo but it's a good day and uh we'll get through that for my my own personal note uh I want to say thank you for the leadership for inviting the past elected regardless of party affiliation whatever it was good to see Scott R uh Jack Ruther Joe Quinn and people and keep them in mind because they do want to go forward and be a part of the 100e celebration so very on the bottom of our hearts mayor thank you very much counc we really appreciate it thank you and thank you Mike for representing Lake KO on the uh parade committee um as many of us know as all of us know that Mike is our representative to the to the committee and speaks um and works for us so thank you Mike anyone else wishing to speak seeing none I'll take a motion to close so move second all in favor I next meeting meeting Tuesday March 19 Mee 7:30. Workshop meeting meeting me can I have a motion to adjourn second second all in favor iour you