31 I'm calling the regular meeting of the lake comoo burrow Council to order please rise for a salute to the flag and a moment of Silent reflection Al to the flag United States of America stand indivisible andice all please remain standing for a moment of Silent reflection thank you Sunshine Law please the adoption of a resolution by the mayor and Council on the third day of January 2023 with which resolution the time the place of agenda in regular meetings commencing with January 3rd for set forth notice was delivered to the par press the co tap into and copy of the notice is posted on the B website and on the bulle board and B all meetings are open to the public thank you roll call please M here here here here here here thank you uh we have no minutes that were given to the council from the last meeting so we will skip that and we will approve those minutes at our n next meeting we will move to reports of committees with starting with councilwoman Al balad Doyle thank you mayor um as far as the recreation department we have some great news we are going out to bid in December for the playground and that means that early 2024 will be able to start working on that other than that all matters in order um yeah just to add to that if you've been down there they started started working on the curves and everything looks great really good um councilman entries thank you mayor uh I just wanted to uh congratulate candid Garden for receiving the 2023 environmental Achievement Award from the association of the uh New Jersey environmental commissions for the patchwork for for wildlife program this is the program that uh John Gibbons was working with the uh the town U environmental commission to create an uh an eco-friendly landscape uh in L come other than that all matters in order thank you very much and congratulations councilman deorro all matters in order thank you councilman Danto uh thank you mayor under um DPW the uh DPW has been hard at work um clearing the brush and leaves that have been left out so as of early this morning everything's clear going into the Thanksgiving holiday um and also a reminder that uh recycling collection was not coming taking place on Thursday for Thanksgiving so next time recycling will be coming around is the following Thursday are we doing brush after this week yes we doing how many more you know two two more other than that all matters are in order thank you councilwoman skull thank you mayor just a reminder that um Saturday is our our tree lighting and small business Saturday event it's from 3:00 to 8:00 um we have lots of great vendors we have a hot chocolate truck we have a beer truck we have um a face painter we have music um and we have our you know of course our our big guest Santa coming at 7 o'clock um right after we light the tree so all are welcome um I hope to see everyone there and then also our Giving Tree is here in the lobby um hopefully everyone um can take a moment to take a tag for a Lomo child in need um I think each tag is noted with the the gender and age of the child um and we just asked for unwrapped gifts back by December 14th um we are also taking wrapping paper and tissue paper tape gift bags um all of that because we um will give the gifts to the families and let them wrap them so um feel free to take a tag um hopefully that that will go and you know I encourage everybody to take a tag for an older child as well not just the little ones um other than that all matters are in order um do we have I know I'm going to put in spot again for dates for holid Holiday decorating contest we do I think it's the 21st it's the Thursday before Christmas um council president Wy all matters in order question well I have a not a question but uh a little history uh during the Depression town the fire company started the uh giving out toys and candy to the kids and they started the depression area and they did it every year up until the end when the fire company was his that's true so every year they used to hand out gifts and and candy and food to kid I think was LE render they did probably over 50 probably more than that probably close to 80 years now were you on that committee when it started yeah I was on the Comm your idea right every time um uh for my report I just want to let everyone know that the benches have arrived uh in total for our Lakefront we received two last week and I think the remaining 10 came in yesterday so if you get down to the lakefront you can see that that is almost the last I think that's the last part of of the puzzle yes we're about to close that project out we're about to close that project out if you do notice we have benches on both sides of the walkway the benches on the lake side of the walkway are actually facing the lake and if you do notice the benches are off center to the concrete pads that they are on and that is so um that are that is ADA Compliant so we can fit a wheelchair next to to the bench uh if if someone so chooses to do so additionally it allows if if no one is using a wheelchair it allows for someone to walk around the bench instead of walking on the grass to get to the front of the bench um also we are uh over the next couple of months we will be transitioning our alert system for our residents back to code red which um was the system that we used prior to going to nixel a very short history on that the burrow of Lake KO um used code red as an alert system for its residents at the same time belmare used the code red as an alert system to their residents at some point along the way belmare changed to nixel um and we were actually alerted to the change um in a very I would say untimely fashion before they were changing we didn't even know that that the change was happening so we went along with the burrow of belmare to their new alert system which was called nixel uh once we started to move into that program and we started to learn a little bit about it it was not very beneficial to our town uh we could not not have our own platform on there we had to go through the bur of belmare for anything we needed if uh belmare residents are getting alerts right now you will also get alerts from belmare I know that they send out a newsletter every month and every time the DPW wants to do something Lake homeo residents get those announcements as well um it's not it's not a huge deal but it's a it's a little bit of a nuisance um so we will be moving back to code red for the bur of Lake Como uh and instructions will follow on how residents can sign up for that we will do um different platforms there will be an app that uh residents can download to their phone and we will push out announcements and alerts through that app to cell phones they can also sign up with um landlines if they have landlines and messages can go out we can send out phone calls we can send out text messages um but mostly we'll send out alerts through the app but again we'll probably have more details on that coming next month true um yes or January um as we move forward with that are they going to delete Lake coma residence from the bmar site so I don't have control over that um residents for lakea can actually sign on and remove them El if they don't if they if they decide they don't want the nixel program and just want to stick with code red yeah we'll we'll um there is a way for them to go on the website uh nixel is a very interesting um platform for instance every town between here and where I work I I belong to their nixel system so I get I get updates from freeh hold them and alipin and and all those now it it's very expensive to do that and the nixel system is expensive expensive and would be expensive for us if we continued with them so um we're going back to the code red which is a very similar system um and it would be for L comoo residence only um other than that um I will I will Echo the sentiments of councilwoman skull about The Giving Tree this is always something that is very positive for our families here in Lake KO so please if you uh have the time to stop by please grab one of the tags off of The Giving Tree we appreciate it other than that all matters are in order um at this time I'll take a motion to open for public comments on new business and consent agenda so move all in favor I opposed anyone wishing to speak to anything on the agenda under new business can come to the mic and do so now seeing then I'll take a motion to close second all in favor I under new business we have ordinance offered by council president wiy so offer orders 20232 a B Bonding ordinance amending bonding ordinance number 2 2020 D 953 finally adopted by the burrow Council bur Lake in the county of M state New Jersey on December 18 15 2020 to amend the description of the approvement refer to section there what happened is that this was the bonding orders that would to approve $300,000 to buy the house on 18th day when you next the first dat home but we ended up not buying that house so the money is going to be used to uh demolition of the first a building and also to put another building up in the B yards to house the equipment that was uh being kept in the first aid home also to the other money will be used to uh for the planning engineering cause for laying out the new burrow Hall any have questions from the council there any timeline with that uh is it 20 year no that's not where I was going like when did he get a Demolisher I know that but I'm saying we look in a couple months we look in a year or two years we already have estim back um but once the council does a second reading then we can um Council can decide to go ahead and move forward it could be as early as January yeah curiosity we should build a new building first in Bur in Bur yard the equipment before we to I do have the equipment worked out um so we're good for the the winner um it's not it's not pressing I do have it worked out other other towns to hold some of the equipment that'ss good anything else all right anybody want a second second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes yes hey ordinance 2023-24 D13 is a bond ordinance providing for various Road improvements by in the bleake com in the count County of Mammoth state of New Jersey appropriating $155,000 therefore including a grant received or expected to be received from the New Jersey Department of Transportation in the amount of $767,500 and authorizing the issuance of $272,400 bonds or notes of the borrow to finance part of the cost thereof and this is associated with the uh before projects for improvements on 17th Avenue and maram Avenue um thank you and just to be clear the additional 272 um that is costs for things like engineering costs that are not part of the grants that we received correct okay um any questions from the council do I have a second second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes thank you ordinance passes we have resolution 20234 offered by councilwoman bad doy thank you mayor so offering resolution 2023-the directed and authorized to make payment from the following accounts the current account $336,900 4652 the general Capital account $1,995 the grant fund account $700 the tourism account $1,457 um for the current a wire payments that's $381,500 the water sewer AC wire payments are $513 60 and the a wire payments for tourism are $1 1365 for a total of 8677 I'm sorry 8,677 37 thank you do have a second second roll call please Wy yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you resolution 2023-24 d141 resolution of the burough Lake Como Council executive session whereas the B Council of the bur of Lake com must discuss matters which are not appropriate for discussion in public meetings and whereas the subjects are within the exceptions to the open public meetings act and are permitted to be discussed in closed session pursing 10 JSA 10 col 4-12 smallb and whereas the burrow Council intends to discuss matters that are uh covered by the attorney client privilege the estimated time of the closed session is 30 minutes uh after which the public meeting will continue thank you you have to read that Pete I thought you you had that memorized by now almost I do uh do I have a second a second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you resolution 20231 142 offered by councilman Dano thank you mayor so offered resolution 20231 142 um of lakeo County of Mammoth resolution authorizing Amendment to the 2023 capital budget um so this aligns with the bond ordinance discussed previously um where were're amending the capital budget to include the um dollars for the road improvements the 17th avue margam as well as the demolition of the first aid building and the planning and design work for the building thank you any questions do I have a second second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you at this time I'll take a motion to open for public comments so moved second all in favor I anyone wishing to speak to um any item any comments whatsoever you can do so now seeing none I'll take a motion to close second all in favor I I okay at this time um the bur Council will be going into close session um I don't expect it to be lengthy um and we will report any uh issues that we need to report to the public afterwards if we need to if not we will just be returning to a journ um and I don't expect us to have to report anything out so um we will be using this chamber as our meeting area so thank you all very much and uh