the time is 7:35 I call the regular Council uh regular meeting of the burough mayor and Council to order please rise for a salute to the flag in a moment of Silent reflection I pledge alance to the flag the United States of America stands indivisible andice for all please remain standing for a moment of Silent reflection thank you sunshine La May january23 January roll call please here SC here here yes here here thank you can I have a motion to approve the minutes from the November 8th board meeting move second all in favor I opposed abstentions the minutes are approved and can I have a motion to approve the minutes from the November 21st meeting move second all in favor I opposed extensions yes um this time I will uh move to reports of committee starting with councilwoman alala Doyle thank you mayor all matters are in order thank you councilwoman V I'm sorry councilman ventes thank you mayor that's not an order all matters in order thank you councilman deoro all matters in order thank you councilman dantana thank you mayor just a couple quick reminders the last day for brush pickup is going to be December 19th and the last day for the leaves pi pickup will be December 22nd other than that uh all matters are in order thank you councilwoman skull thank you mayor um so we had a very lovely and successful tree lighting and small business Saturday event on November 25th so just wanted to thank I know it seems like a long time ago long agoo um thank you for coming out for that and helping to make that a big big success we had a number of um wonderful vendors we had live music um beer truck hot chocolate truck lots of great things um so I have a little list here of people to thank um mayor and Council of course thank you um for helping at our t-shirt table um also thank you to Drew Heisman for your contributions and your help that day um thanks to the DPW um without them I mean they're so helpful with the decorations um John Walsh of course our our friend our good friend who had a very important job that day um to hear what all the kids want for Christmas um Justin bran in particular from the DPW because I know that he was um very very instrumental in um that event and getting things decorated and done so thank you Justin and last but never least is Amy bony who without her this event would never have happened this was all her vision um her execution she did a wonderful job tourism was just sort of there to support her but she did amazing so Amy thank you so much um and a little honorable mention to MCC for um providing some great dinner specials for our guests that evening all right I'm not done yet so um reminder that The Giving Tree um looks like our tags are all taken which is fantastic so if you did take a tag um we're collecting those gifts by SE December 14th um we ask that they are unwrapped and that you include the tag that you took um we will also take wrapping paper tissue paper gift bags I believe gift tags maybe too any any and all um the fire truck with Santa on it will be going around on December 13th um if you can have your gifts here by that day that'll be the deadline um I think I believe Santa starts at 4m. that day going around um so drop everything off that day by 4 p.m. make sure those are wrapped with um your name and your child's address child's name and your address clearly identified um and then our holiday lights contest um mayor and Council will be going around on December 21st um to judge the lights I would recommend having your lights on by 5:00 p.m when it gets dark um there are prizes for residents and businesses um so I think that covers all our holiday festivities yay that all matters in order thank you uh council president Woody thank you Mr Mayor I have to say in my 3 sem years on the council thee light was the bestm movies that seems to be a very popular sentiment that matters in order difficult when they didn't have electricity um so uh thank you dog for for my uh for my report tonight um I wanted to provide um some of the residents with uh kind of a year in review of things that this Council has been doing over the past year we've had a very busy year uh and I know that we have one more meeting this this year uh in December but uh when those meetings come close to the holidays you you never know um so I wanted to get my year interview out this year and I just jotted down a few things that this Council and the wonderful people that work here in Le comoo have done for the town and this is just um drop in the bucket really of the things that happen on a daily basis um but we finished up the lake project and if you have not seen the the lakefront please take a moment to take a walk around the lake it looks amazing we've begun the work on bman park on the different projects we have down there and we are continuing with um the discussions and moving forward with the Redevelopment of Main Street we've increased recycling pickup at no cost to the burrow um and now we have recycling every week instead of twice a month uh we no longer require residents to purchase stickers for bulk pickup we've updated the following ordinances chapter 10 tree removal and replacement chapter three prohibiting parking of certain Vehicles chapter nine increasing construction fees chapter 17 removing informal hearings from the planning board chapter 11 increasing fees for rental applications we've introduced and passed a budget that lowered the municipal tax rate again and as a u big thank you to the people that work here in Lake coma we have a total we have we have procured grants for this town this year in a total of $987,000 that's almost a million dollars of of money that we have going into the infrastructure and the well the wellness of this town um that does not come out of the budget so I want to thank everybody for all that we've done um outside of that we've had um we've had great loss in this town and we've had uh some great people join us over the past couple of months and I'm for one I'm looking forward to 2024 to see what this Council and the amazing people that work here can do so I just wanted to take a moment to thank everybody for everything that they've done this year and what we're going to do moving forward so thank you for that also Holly um please give my uh my thank you to the tourism commission and Amy for all that you've done um this year for the events that we've we've had um and that tree lighting was absolutely amazing so thank you um with that we will move on to the agenda and I will take a motion to open for public comments on new business and the consent agenda so move second all in favor I anyone wishing uh to come to the mic who has comments on anything that is listed under the consent agenda or new business may do so now seeing none I'll take a motion to close so moved second all in favor I thank you um with that we will move on to the agenda I am going to make a slight change to the agenda before we get to new business and the consent agenda we are going to uh open up as the Alcohol Beverage Control Board and we will hear those two applications first um so that first application is for Salty's Beach Bar um uh L l c and that is an application to amend their license um do we have any questions from the council I have one mayor yeah is it AR there pending litigation involved here yeah who's here from salties anybody yeah no uh there is pending litigation and and one of the subjects of the litigation is exactly what they're asking the council to do now and if you're essentially deciding the litigation by by voting the way they want you to um so I'm recommending that you you table it what happened most recently is that the uh office of administrative law the the U the judge has postponed the matter for I think three or four months and so the stay is currently in place which means they can do what they want to do anyway we can't interfere in that unless and until there's a final determination by the oal or by some other court of competent jurisdiction so I think at this juncture the appropriate uh method would be to move to table make motion to move to table that a motion needed or yes motion motions on the table is there any questions from the council okay so ans we're staying this day stay yes well we're not doing doing anything right we're um we're tabling their application to another time okay um I have a motion and I have a second can I have a roll call please council member Winnie yes yes yes Morrow yeah entri yes oil yes thank you um that application is carried over we have uh we have another application for mccan steers and Spirits um we have representation from mcken can you please come to the mic and introduce yourself this is an application to for change of corporate structure an amendment to license evening mayor Barry cook representing the and um can you please tell us a little bit about your application yeah the application it's rather simple uh the first part of it is they want to utilize a new name of Kevin's Irish Pub is that correct yeah Kevin's Irish pub and then the change in the corporate membership is that bill and Fred are both going to be 1% uh 1% members of the Corporation so okay um Council the regulations when did this happen when did they become 1% owners I believe we did it back in August when we filed this was filed and because it's supposed you're supposed to file it within 10 days so it's when when did it get filed Amy I last week that's what I thought we had we had delivered this um back in August so within 10 days of of the stock change yes yes okay and did you publish it it was do we have a copy of the publication I think that was sent in as well you have that okay um and is the chief the chief here in B Police Department have we checked the background of the the two new stockholders there uh the chief could not make it tonight B but as far as I know there was no background application so nothing's been I mean in when there's a change in corporate structure then there should be an investigation to make sure that that was done and filed it with the police department yeah because we don't we don't know so any action the council takes is obviously going to have to be subject to verifying that that's resolved because who knows you guys could be felons that a question so go ahead councelor you can proceed that's that's our the extent of our application so 1% of the corporation the corporation is what M okay so it's still the same Corporation it is Sir okay and Tom owns 98 98% of that and he will continue to do so he will any questions from the council at this time um I would just like it stated for the record that the bar is is not named after the mayor I think that's important to put on the record not what I heard mayor okay um if there's no questions anybody have a motion motion accept as presented with the police investigation mandatory police investigation understood I'll second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you very much application passes thanks for moving us ahead thank you for your time happy holidays yes happy holidays okay at this time we'll move on to our regular um consent agenda uh have a motion to approve the consent agenda so move second all in favor I opposed abstentions thank you under new business we have a couple of special events applications that we were here uh to discuss the first is the belmare I think that's written incorrectly says Belmar Leake Como St Patrick St 100th year anniversary today we're going to switch that um we have a representative Mr Cav can you please come okay uh quick overview for the council um what the U Parade day application entails um basically the same as we've done in the past um we're going to do the lineup around the lake uh all the um walking participants will be along North Boulevard barricaded off um the parade route is going to be down um Main Street as usual uh Spring Lake Side of lake is where all the vehicles come wind up lining up in the floats we merge them at the top down the street it goes do make it sound simple don't I uh do you have to get approval from Spring Lake for that yeah I I got to get approval from both Spring Lake and obviously bmore okay have you done that yet the applications have been turned in I haven't gotten the approvals yet but yes the application been turn so we'll be the first if we approve this we'll be the first town to approve it you'll be the first and do you start in Lake com we start in Lake Como too right yes we start in Lake comoo I wanted on a record what else would you like on the record that the parade is named after the me [Laughter] no uh question any questions from councel um Drew any concerns you're not I just want to point out he's W wearing a l comomo citizen of the Year pullover citizen of the year one nice pullover by the way um and there was nothing from the chief I guess not on the parade no okay all right um if there are no questions I will take a motion make a motion we approve second roll call please Council Wy yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you sir uh the events application is approved um we have three more special events do we have a representative actually chip you're the bump R 5 right you can come back up I can come back up yeah we'll just Dan Dan Dan you come back up too um so we have three applications The Kilt run the Jersey Shore Running Club Lake Como 5K and the belmare 5 Mile Run um chip I'm sorry for the record can you just give your name and address as a representative chip Cavo 1840 uh Fernwood Road Lake comoo New Jersey okay and you were here representing for the parade and also for the Belmore 5 yes and the kill like um and then we have a representative for The Kilt run and for the Lake Como 5 can you give your name and address please CH is still on the Kilt run okay also I'm the kilton the five um Vicki is I'm the race director for okay all right so let's talk about the Kilt run real quick um chip this is something we do every year I believe yes um and this is a little different than all of the other runs correct yes um it is I'm sorry what um we do we do start it a little bit later I believe um because the race course is different it's a lot shorter um and usually we're off the street in like about 40 minutes okay it's only two miles correct yeah if that and you have volunteers working with police yes any questions from the council um and you don't I believe you don't have to get approval from any other towns correct the only one that I always get every year is From the mayor that we don't have to put a special event from mayor of Belmore so we don't have to put a special events application in just to go around the triangle okay and I haven't I I will make sure that I have that before it goes all right any questions from Council I'll take a motion approve it second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes yes okay we'll skip to the Belmar five mile run chip this is a different time this is 8:00 starts at 8:00 we yeah we started I think it was last year the year before a little earlier yes last few years last few years it's been a little earlier any changes this year no this is the same as last year's 8:00 I think it was two years ago we changed it from 8:30 to eight yes you had a um did you have a you had a lot of particip last year correct yeah I don't D you remember what the total number was 2500 was I mean that's a lot more than usual right about the same yeah it's close more we questions motion motion when you approve second roll call please yes call yes yes yes yes all right awesome thank you very much appreciate it um and now we at the application for the Lake Como 5K can you just give your name and address one more time please uh sure my name is Vicki cha and my address is 30 Wilson Avenue manalan New Jersey 07726 can you tell us a little bit about the lake comoo 5K uh the lake comoo 5K has is a pre-existing race We are following mostly the same um race uh area we have applications out also through Spring Lake and Belmar it's the traditional 5K route correct down 16th Avenue no down down Main Street left on North and around the lake PA on the Spring Lake Side come back to North bevard turn around at a and then come back to oh so you won't go okay so it's not the tradition 16 make it easier but we submit it this way that's another run run is down right but don't I mean you have to apply to Belmore for this right yes so why why would you do this route instead of the other route if you have to apply to Belmore no matter what so there were issues last year with casing the lead Runners were having an issue we getting caught up in the back Runners on the path let talk about oh the Spring Lake in the past we were uh under impression that we were be charged to run down 16th Avenue to street so modified the course Lake and now we've modified it again because you have a path we're going to go around the lake which includes a little bit of Belmar on the SP side and they won't charge you for that piece of Belmar no I would speak to joh on if we could do that in the future make it easier but we satisfied with this course we have yeah I mean this this route is better for traffic I know people don't get caught inside the the square yes when you're running down 16th family so that shouldn't really be an issue interesting questions I well if this course works out this may be a new course that we can look at it's a 5k interesting We R this in the past last year take a look at that questions motion please a motion we approve second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes thank you all for your input I also have a donation why don't you tell us a little bit about your donation on behalf of the Jersey Shore running club I have a $800 check for the lake com Giving Tree proceeds from Lake 5K supposed to give those before the application but no um would you mind taking a picture and it's unwrapped um would you mind taking a picture for sure um anybody else want to come down to take the picture I'll take the picture if you'd like me well I want you to somebody be in it yeah I think it should be Amy and Amy you're doing the giving trade yester am done yes Amy you should go I think Amy should go too get the picture want me to come with awesome okay apprciate thanks as usual we'll give it right to thanks guys okay moving on with the agenda we have ordinance 202312 second reading of public hearing offered by council president witty so off like 202312 bar ORD amending bar ORD number 202- 953 adoped by The Bu of council B Lake Donald County of M State Jersey on December 15 2020 to amend the description of the Improvement referred to in section 3A there what happened is that we appropriated 300,000 I believe it was to buy the old first aid building and we're not going to do that any um to buy a house next to the first aid building and we're not buying a house anymore and that money is going to be contribute to demolish of the first aid building and to build another unit in the Barr yard and for Engineering Services and architect services for the new bur homeall this is the second reading so if anyone uh from the public wishes to comment on this specific ordinance they can come to the mic and do so now seeing none I will close the public portion and ask for a second to the motion second roll call please counc yes SC yes yes yes thank you ordinance 2023-24 D13 is a bond ordinance providing for various Road improvements in the burough of Lomo in the county of Mammoth appropriating $1 1,55 therefore including the grant received or expected to be received from the New Jersey Department of Transportation in the amount of $767,500 and authorizing the issuance of $272,400 in bonds or notes of the burrow to finance part of the cost thereof thank you this is also a second reading and that has a public hearing if there's anyone in the audience that wishes to speak to the specific ordinance they can come to the Mike and do so now see none I will close the public portion and ask for a second to the motion second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes thank you resolution 20231 144 offered by councilwoman skull thank you mayor offering resolution 2023 d144 be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the buau of Lake Como that the proper officers be directed and authorized to make payment from the following accounts the current account $ 33,541 and4 5 Water and Sewer account $45.73 General capital account $2,775 66 and the tourism account $998 37 um for a total of $557 3121 thank you do I have a second second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes yes uh resolution 20231 145 offered by councilwoman alala Doyle thank you mayor so offered resolution 20231 145 be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the burough of Lomo that the proper officers be directed and authorized to make payment from the following account the New Jersey uh New Jersey natural gas company $264 33 have a second second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes thank you resolution 2023-24 resolution of the bur of Lake comoo Council executive sessions whereas the bur Council of the bur of must discuss matters which are not appropriate for discussion public meeting whereas these subjects are within the exceptions of the open public meetings act and are permitted to be discussed in closed session 10 J 10 col 4-12 small B whereas the burrow Council intends to discuss matters that are covered by the attorney client privilege and Propst sessions expected to last not more than 30 minutes thank you I have a motion d a second second roll call please yes yes yes yes thank you resolution 20231 147 offered by councilwoman Al balad Doyle thank you mayor so offered resolution 2023-24 bman Park fence and Dugout replacement under the fiscal year 2023 local Recreation Improvement Grant um the Grant from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs and there were three quotes that were solicited for the project the apparent low quote was received from Thor Construction Group LLC of West Long Branch in the amount of $41,000 I have a question yep what are they doing for $41,000 seems low so to save cost we're leaving the existing poles that are in concrete we're sanding them painting them and where just retting everything you mean the fence well the fence right we put a new fence up but the exist polls which is labor intensive as well as a cost uh to bring the cost down um we're redoing the polls that are there DPW is I guess it's an odd question I'm asking why it's reasonable yeah no that's that's but it's good that you picked that up because that was the intent of the way they did it corre thank you uh do I have a second second roll call please yes yes yes yes yeah yes yes thank you resolution 202348 offered by councilman Dan thank you mayor so offered resolution 2023-24 grass cutting enforcement through tax sale and to impose Municipal lean whereas the burrow has incurred an expense in the year 2023 associated with the property located at 423 16th Avenue uh known in the burough tax map as block 1 lot 22 for failure of the property owner to comply with Municipal ordinance 10-2 concerning the condition of their property whereas a list of said work totaling $979 and 54 cents has been prepared by the Department of Public Works and is attached to this resolution setting forth the total cost incurred by the burrow uh be further resolve that the tax collector be directed to place a lean on 423 16th Avenue block 1 lot 22 in the amount of $979 54 as a lean and tax upon the real estate to be added to and be part of the taxes next to be levied and assessed thereon and enforced and collected with interest by the same officers and in the same manner as other taxes is there a way to solve this problem you're looking at it I mean seriously I live a street I know so we've had in my time here and I'm sure Doug speak of this too we've had situations where residents have not taken care of their property it's not just grass I mean we've had issues where um houses were falling apart and you know the way to solve that problem is create ordinances that allow us to take care of the problem and put the cost back on that which is what we do it is a nice anything else have a second second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you the uh resolution passes at this time I will take a motion to open for public comments so move second all in favor I I anyone wishing to come up for public comments may do so now we need a name and address for the record please good evening Susan turzo 1831 ferwood Road I had spoken to Chief Scott she was going to get with a um you know you have the giving tree and all this and I told her that I have a cruiser that I'd like to donate to a family if one of the kids needed I have all these bicycles and you know for the summer but this one I just don't need it it's in excellent condition and I'm letting you know that if you have someone that could use it I'd like to donate it to them that's awesome thank you yep oh what your mother asked for your mother asked for a three-wheeler at the beach that day which she was looking bit wide she got it for her birthday oh she did wi is electric sure his electric don't tell her that please thank you took it took me eight hours to put her bike together by way she I got she's getting me back for all the bikes that she put together for me there anyone else seeing no one else take a motion to close so move second all in favor I at this time the mayor and Council will go into close session and we will use this chamber for our closed session um and when we return we will return for the uh the um to adjourn the meeting uh if we have anything to report from the closed session we will do so at that time um but I do not anticipate anything to report thank you all very much uh if we don't see you have a happy holiday