32 I will call the Lake Como meeting of the mayor and Council to order please rise for a salute to the flag in a moment of Silent reflection pledge Al to the flag the United States of America to the rep for stands indivisible andice please remain standing for a moment of Silent reflection as you do please keeping your thoughts the family of Matt Sharon who is uh a local member um who passed away last week suddenly he worked in Lake Como as a special police officer many years ago thank you sunshine love please mayoun january4 res place of agenda and regular meetings commencing with January 2 set forth same was delivered to the and tap into and a copy of your notice was posted on the B website and on The Bu board in B Hall all meetings are open to the public thank you roll call please member is not here tonight counc counc here counc here counc VRI here here I have a motion to approve the minut from the March 5th regular meeting move second all in favor I opposed extensions we have no Communications we will start with reports of committee from councilwoman abala Doyle thank you mayor all matters are in order thank you councilman ventri thank you mayor uh the students from the Williamsburg High School of uh art architecture and design visited the burrow uh two weeks ago on Saturday the night and uh there were probably 25 or 30 of them it was quite a showing they um took measurements up and down Main Street to help us with the Arboretum and they went over to the lake front to see how that came out cuz they were pretty helpful in that regard also um during it the uh the principal asked if uh we would consider uh some kind of uh giving them some kind of acknowledgement for their work on the lakeef front with a a plaque for some kind of proclamation or something like that yeah we'll put we'll put definitely put together a proclamation for all their work what was their reaction to the Lateef front they loved it they they had a drone uh a couple of drones taking pictures of it and um they were all very interested it's a real enthusiastic group yeah awesome thank you very much counsilman tomorrow uh all in order other than uh police department anything going on Serge you're on I'm on now you're off hit again there you go there you go uh we've been um enforcing the uh commercial vehicle ordinance in town um I seeing in Lake com the streets do look a lot lot better um and also completing backgrounds for our specialist for the Summers so will be right thank nothing else thank you uh councilman Dano uh thank you mayor all matters are in order you councilwoman skull thank you mayor just I wanted to point out that um there is a Facebook post on our burough page about uh 100 year anniversary of peril so there's an appal sales have in place now um I believe order forms are here at Burl Hall you can take a look at what's available on the website and on Facebook by using the link um but I think you do have to come in to fill out the the form so if you want to wear something festive to our various events which I'll let council president talk about when he gets back um you can can purchase something from here from Bal then that all matters are thank you very much um for my report uh I am happy to say that I was notified today that we have received uh our first installment of uh tax revenue from the state based on the law that we pass a year ago a year and a half ago on um I guess it's a hotel tax really it's a temporary residence tax it was the tax on uh transient rentals that being Airbnb and um other vbo and other um other sites alike um we did see our first Revenue we did get over $5,000 in tax revenue which is nice nice start um but as I said before I think along with enforcement is going to see increase in that tax revenue as well so that's definitely something that we were going to move forward on uh vigorously so is that is that like quarterly half year year for two months was for December and January December 23 and January this year and that I mean that's winter months too yeah so it took a while for them to I guess acknowledge approve the legislation from the town and uh they receive the state receives the tax revenue from the companies uh it off to the to the buyer to the renter uh those those monies and um so they will they send it every two months or do you think they're going to send it quarterly they'll be every month they're just two months behind very interesting so we'll definitely keep an eye on that and keep a tally of what we're what we're seeing it'd be interesting to see what the summer months are compared to the winter months uh other than that all matters are in order I will take a motion to open for public comments on new business new business and consent agenda second favor anyone wishing to speak to anything that is listed on our agenda under the consent agenda or new business only uh can do so now you can come to the mic and we just need your name and address seeing none I'll take a motion to close all in favor I thank you under the consent agenda we have three items can I have a motion to move the consent agenda second uh roll call please soorry yes yes yes yesal yes thank you under new business we have order ordinance 2024-25 two storm water Control Ordinance of the Bly Como whereas the njd amended it storm water management rules to ensure that areas at most significant risk of flooding due to climate change are better defined reconstructed Assets in those areas are designed and constructed using the best available clate form precipitation data whereas ordinance number 20219 56 codified in chapter 19-1 must comply with the amended rules um therefore be ordained by the burrow Council of the B Lomo uh that chapter 19-1 of the code of the of the B Lomo is hereby repealed in its entirety and replaced with the following and theing details of the ordinance are contained in the the document thank um Drew this was a this was a directive I think from the state correct yes um the U it started several months ago um and we just beting it now recommended by our engineer well is this um how is this affecting the town at this point is there at this point there is no there's no has to be completed by 2026 at the end of 2026 um and some mandated by as well as reced by the and if I'm not mistaken that we've had a lot of Transportation grants over the past couple years that we've included the upgrading of our stor Water Management yes we have and we'll continue to do that and we also received the grant for the uh a ro plan thank you very much any questions from the council I have a motion to have a second second roll call please CC M SC yes yes morial yes yes yes thank you we have ordinance 2024-the thank you mayor so offered ordinance 202 24-3 ordinance amending chapter 16.4 fire inspections fees for non-life hazard use it ordained by the mayor and Council of the Barrow Blake Como the chapter 16.4 of the burrow ordinances be amended as follows uh fire inspection fee for businesses will be $5 fire inspection fee for common areas $100 and fire investigation report will be $12 thank you um this was a recommendation from our fire inspector correct it was any questions from the council I have a motion we have second second please Council M skull yes yes Mor yes MRI yesal yes thank you resolution 202 24-5 7 this is a resolution offered by uh councilman deoro where is the B lake comoo has advertised bids for garbage collection on January 15th the ASB press on January 17th in the stall Ledger the council has received one bid on March 5th 2024 and they'd like to retain the uh Services of Lisa Waste Services of tent Falls for a contract total of $669,000 so this is a five-year contract um just to comment uh and for a little bit more specifics for the council we did receive only one um bid response for this uh it is the current company that we use for Waste Services this contract is significantly higher than the contract that we are currently working under um I did ask uh Mr Heisman to contact the company and ask for a little bit of an explanation if you want to just go into that real quick about what their their increase in their fees are so I did sit down with the the leas of Waste Services to go over the bid itself um the increase is substantial and the reason being is the cost of hospitalization working comp the overall cost of the the equipment has uh has raised dramatically almost double workman's uh workman's comp went up a huge percentage um hospitalization I believe went up over 25% so the overall cost of doing business has gone up he is the he's the only one that bid the the scope of the project um and the reason why I believe is because the you know the it's a small town and it's it's a lot of work for a small town so um after meeting with him and going through the details of the reasons why it was it was a lot higher than was in the past I do understand you know after speaking I think it's you know reasonable what's a lot higher um I'm 60 so the I think the last year the current contract was like 68 69,000 the first Year's 118 was like 32% or something from the last year of the previous contract of the first year of this um in reviewing this and this is you know this is not something that we just glazed over this is this is a a significant increase uh in comparison if we were to the really the only other option we would have would be to bring Waste Management Services back to the town meaning buying a truck um buying um hiring more uh employees uh the cost of the entire 5-year contract would probably be spent in the first two years the cost of a truck today um even a used vehicle is anywhere from 300 $450,000 we don't have a mechanic the maintenance the cost of the Manpower hospitalization Insurance it would be it would be very be tough on a town to actually take that and our our neighboring town I think tried this a couple years ago and then they went back to contract the service who does Belmore use and Belmore actually is the one that tried to do it on their own and um it was not cost effective so is it typical to ask for a 5 contract like would we would it make sense to ask for a 10 year or I agree with you councilwoman they will not do that because they're worried about the cost for the four and five year our specs one out for the alternative oril yeah I think it's it makes more sense for the fiveyear because if you do a threeyear the the the price is there on year four and year five may change up to those three I think they would and I think they increase any other questions or thoughts uh I have a motion do I have a second second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes thank you resolution 2025-the valid doy thank you mayor so offered resolution 202 24-58 which is a resolution for the improvements to Lake KO Municipal open space Grant number 20-07 uh this is a project completion closing statement whereas the mammoth County Board of Commissioners has approved an open space trust fund and established a municipal open space program to provide program Grant funds in connection with Municipal acquisition of lands for County Park recreation conservation and farmland preservation purposes as well as for County Recreation and conservation development and maintenance purposes so whereas the borrow of Lake Como entered into this Municipal Open Space Program Grant agreement um on July 3rd 2021 it provided us with 20 $200,000 for the improvements to the to Lake KO under application 20-07 the required C that required certain conditions to be met by the burough of Lake comoo prior to receipt of the afor said funds and this is that closing statement to say that that project was completed um and that uh we are providing that information to be able to accept those funds J is there anything else I'm forgetting on that once we submit this then we'll get reimbursed by Grant any other questions have a second second call please yes yes yes yes thank you and I will finalize this by saying well done um on the lakefront Drew I know it's been a um it's been an interesting couple of years but to you and everyone that had anything to do with that Improvement um I continue to get wonderful comments about what it looks like and the use of it and just the change in the overall presence of the town because of so thank you well job well done thank you um we have resolution 2024-25 n this is a resolution awarding a contract for architectural services for new burrow Hall um so as you may recall back in uh November we advertised for proposals um in the ASB Park Press and co-star uh we received eight bids um of the bids received We performed an extensive evaluation process of the five lowest biders uh so Amy Drew and um Matt Mariano from leaching engineering um met and performed uh inperson interviews with the five low bids um in addition to and you you met too right and myself okay sorry and myself I'm sure change yourself uh in addition to the cost uh considerations we did uh reference checks and considered the bidder's qualifications uh completed projects to date uh their organiz ation and the process they go through when uh providing these Services um so ultimately it's our recommendation to award the contract to arari and iino architects in the amount of $170,700 um on the price front they were the middle of the pack they were the third lowest bter um we were impressed by their portfolio of completed projects um their process uh throughout the entirety of the development of New burle U and their technical knowledge throughout the interview process so it's a major step and a major project for the burrow um and selecting the architect is a key First Step here and we think um that this firm is the great partner for us um just a comment from my perspective I was kept arest of this situation and I just want to uh congratulate you and thank you on your followup with these these bid specs and the due diligence that you've done in reviewing and uh investigating the um The Architects that put in for this B know was not easy speak any other comments or questions from the council Drew anything no I just uh I think we did a pretty thorough job thank you Council for going through the process um you know we have one shot to do this dve do I have a second second roll call please counc M call yes yes yes yes yes thank you with that being said we have resolution 20246 also offered by councilman thank you mayor resolution sole offered resolution 20246 this is a resolution awarding a contract for the demolition of loock 31 Lot 25 Lot 25 which is 703 18th Avenue whereas the burrow desires to demolish the property at said uh block and lot for the development of a new burrow Hall and whereas three quotes were solicited for the above referenced project the low quote was received from Greg Lurch demolition Excavating LLC of wall the amount of $39,500 thank you this is the uh former first aid building um that we're talking about question no environmental issues anything else do I have a second second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes thank you resolution 2024-25 be resolved by the mayor and Council of the burough of Lake Como that the proper officers be directed and authorized to make payment from the following accounts Water and Sewer account 2023 $ 6484 current account 2024 $ 343,387 63 dog license account 2024 6840 General Capital account $2,863 125 100th anniversary account $1,987 AC wire payments 2024 current account $ 43,95153 764 tourism $1 14081 for a 2024 total of 55274 196 thank you second second call please M scull yes yes yes yes alador yes thank you resolution 202462 offered by who else coun of Advent mayor uh so off for resolution 202462 resolution of the B of Lake comoo Council executive sessions whereas the B Council of the B of Lake com must discuss matters which are not appropriate for discussion in public meeting and the subjects are with any exceptions to the open public meetings act that are permitted to be discussed in Clos session JSA 412b uh and the our Council intends to discuss matters that fall within the attorney Cent privilege and we'll go into close session uh for up to 30 minutes and then uh reconvene if any action needs to be taken have a second second call please yes yes deor yes yes yes thank you uh we will go into public session after uh our public comments um so can I have a motion to open for public com so move second all in favor I I anyone wishing to come to the mic and have public comments for the council the mayor council can do so now um can speak to anything seeing none take a motion to close so move second all in favor I um so at this time the mayor and Council will go into executive session which we will hold in this room um um so we're going to ask everyone to go we will reconvene after that public session to report out anything that um we may be able to report out during that session but at this time I do not for