mayor and councel to order it is uh May 21st at 7:30 and we have two agenda on the workshop and the first one would be the Community Development block plan application for public discussion and our engineer is going to to uh fills in on what's we're going to be doing in the future yes sir um I have plan give me one we're going to get up on the screen that also gives me time this is the first time I'll just put this so what you see up on the screen is uh what Drew myself Amy and the rest of the municipality has been working on for a couple years now be so currently we have one project that's been 95% completed that's our playground here two projects that have been awarded through different funding sources that's our pickle ball dog park and tonight we're here to talk about the Community Development block the community block grant is a m County uh Grant opportunity that's funded by Hud and is a nonmatch grant which means that you're able to utilize all the funds given to you for that specific project so for this year comes in byly so you'll have one year on one year off that you can apply you're always asked to continue to be participant that's how they kind of fun work so what we'll be doing this year proposed is upgrade soofer fields we'll be doing improvements to the irrigation moving the socer itself closer to the railroad just to get a little bit more space little function two concrete PLS that'll have compliant bleachers for the children that can be at play or any other event that you might utilize that area with and in addition to that if we have additional funding what we'd like to do is fix up this fence line and Landscaping now I know it's been brought to our attention we do know that drainage structure and system that goes under there currently it's bamboo and brush that will be removed and obiously already has been removed but we'll be digging out completely and put something in that's capable of not intruding into our system and last we would like to just try to do any bit of the asphalt path So currently what we've been able to achieve is the asphalt path being completed to about this plan isn't exact correct it has been shiting a little bit but we would like to finish the PA with this Grand as well all right and that was my obligation I'm here to ask questions comments concerns any comments from the council questions it looks great it really looks great I've been kind of going every couple of days to see what's been going on I'm going start kind of spinning faster once we actually get those two really moving I mean you can see he's already Bea to do some of the and working on out here this year's ttf the transportation trust fund will be doing 22nd and the Finish Mar so that will really be a nice focal point to get you guys into the park and your residence and you're talking about this has been all through funding uh you know grant funding which is really amazing um so you're talking about you know two three years you guys have a bi a great up to dat and can you talk a little bit about um the fact the park is not open yet um because I did have a resident asked when they would be able to use the playground sure and it's in but it's not useful yet so I don't know if anybody had an opportunity to see the playground um the playground we were award that that that that uh that award the brand probably about a year and a half ago right so the playground is actually in it was completed today it is not open because we are rerouting the path and the reason why we're rerouting the path is to give us additional room for the future pickall courts but more importantly is that the residence on Mar Avenue their backyards back right up to the park so there was a lot of overgrowth that we took down so as they're in their backyards they're looking right into the park so the future plan is to regrade this um do a little bit of work to the drainage and then uh replace the fence which is in dis repair as well as um landscaping and Sh rate to give them a blockade and in future we would like to continue that on to the railroad side so you're in the park right now New Jersey Transit last year cut down a lot of the overgrowth which if you're in a park and a train goes by it's right there so it's a it's it's a problem for the the residents people you know the children that play down there I mean basically the playground is backs right up everything backs right up to the railroad track so ideally certainly in future um funding that we replace the whole with Landscaping in the area um and that's one reason why we relocate the area of the path um if you walk through there right now it look kind of looks like a war zone um it's been a work in progress including the baseball field we had a few issues over the last the last year of drainage issues that it also is going to Incorporated with the do funding but I got to tell you the mayor's bash has really helped out on the on the funding because a lot of the money that we use for Grants it it you know we're picking up some slack within within mayor's badge so um that really really helps out for the for a lot of the small stuff we're doing irrigation on infield with the mayor's bash we're doing some Landscaping with the marage p um so it really really helps it really helps out a along the way so it's a work in progress um know we started the project about a year ago know we need c so these are phases and we're going into phase two right now did anybody in the audience have any questions sorry that's okay um this is a question from a child in my house wondering about the soccer park um sounds like it'll be a few years until it's up and running like just reality is so it does take some time so we go in and we apply for this funding now realistically be awarded by most likely the start of this year next year5 from there this is all work that be a lot of stay you're going have someing and irrigation work be which really opens this up hopefully this be up ring by next year the problem council with soccer Feld is it's under siiz it's not regation so I'm not sure if you can see it but dot line is the existing field the red line is regulation so you can see that it's a it's a pretty substantial size difference so um you know we have we utilize a fenc in area for a dog park which is used quite often um and we're actually you can see right here the dog park is going in between the playground and the soccer field and it's it's not a single dog park the plan is to have all dogs and small dogs so you know resident with small dogs can you know have place outside question we get win what is the cost for the next phase for the C so right now we're hoping that we can get the field 1450 thats uswhere you $200,000 so what we always do is apply a little B more get 00,000 it's actually a very nice program kind of work spreading it out as evenly as possible we're hoping that if we get 185,000 that'll be AER field and then everything the last um brand we got for that was was orchestrated by Amy bone and we got and she's also working on this one as well any other questions anybody from the audience have any questions or comments come up to the microphone please say your name and address my licate you know Bob rsby 504 18th Avenue just a quick question um and thank you for bringing up the financial aspect of it um it's a great project wonderful things for the children um just a big picture of what the whole scope of the whole project from beginning to end will cost it's an idea of how much from Grants how much from the mayor's batch how much from um the township itself that's a great question um and we don't we don't what we're getting on the next Grant so um and it all depends on what we can afford right yeah again it's more blue sky so if we were to get $200,000 on a matching Grant then it's a 5050 Grant that's one of three grants that we're applying to so we received um the last Grant was 71,000 zero matching so those are the grants we want we're going for we've had several meetings with Green Acres to trying to get grants but um again they're matching grants and it's you know they're expensive so are these all government grants government agencies yes whether it's countyal about private grants corporate grants um so we have not done any so sitting for corporate unless you have something in mind not off hand I think it's an interestings everybody know what I've seen in the past is just just something like that not something of that such that you could at least have focal wanted to help out I'm I'm I'm thinking back sure Rock grants you know family you know little different scope so just to answer your question part of it like Drew hinted really it's develop block grant so that's every other year M County open space Grant that's every year that's a matching and and historically how much has the main bash obviously said go in a lot of Bo but how much is also is um considered in the process so for my end what we try to do is keep it as even as possible so we're not trying to go over the $200,000 so each that's why you see all the different phases that's not the annual not that's not the budget or is it I think I know where you're going you don't mind so wondering how much of the theual budget so right now we're in the excess of probably around 200,000 with the matching grants um we don't award a grant unless the mayor and Council we already have it approved and budgeted for so our financial team works with us on these grants now if the financial team says we don't have the money to do this then we can't apply for the grant okay so so I guess the answer is that you get $200,000 that would be the highest we've gotten so far okay and that's only for the C is again just thank you thank you thank for your question anybody else make a motion close the public hearing those in favor car thank you I appreciate so now we now we need to vote on this correct yes is that in pardon you the uh phase three of the phase two of the Green Acres uh Community Development block plan application yeah yeah that's what I was going to do yep no problem thank you that's our attorney thanks next thing on the agenda is the proclamation honoring Pastor Randy Smith all right this comes with Bittersweet feelings but um we're just honored and it's been such a pleasure to have you your family in town so just like to present you with the following Proclamation B of Lake comoo Proclamation honoring Pastor Randy Smith whereas Pastor Randy Smith was born in Manhattan but moved early in life to the Chicago suburbs where he graduated from Illinois State University in 1988 with his Bachelor of Science played three interc Colgate Sports Chicago State University in 1994 with his master of arts and weaton college in 2001 master of arts he was a public school educator and coach for football and wrestling for nine years Pastor Randy holds to his credit three times named most influential teacher and was awarded for classroom excellence and kid Advocate and whereas in a Spare Time Pastor Randy enjoys visiting national parks and making videos for his YouTube channel currently over 65,000 subscribers managing his grace quotes website exercising going to the beach reading rooting for Chicago sports teams and whereas in 2001 Pastor Randy moved to Lake Cola formerly South Belmar to be the lead pastor of Grace Bible Church then Grace Tabernacle located on the south end of Main Street where he taught Sunday morning sermons and lessons throughout the week counseled taught in their school Ambassador Christian Academy led the entire leadership team wrote curriculum conducted mission trips LED local Retreats and worldwide conferences and whereas during the 23 years that Pastor Randy and his family have lived in Lake coma New Jersey they served the community by participating in several late cleanup events attending the annual Memorial Day service for many years where he gave the opening prayer initiating the National Day of Prayer Bing at burough Hall offering children's Vacation Bible School soccer clinics basketball clinics helping with Hurricane Sandy relief offering financial assistance and opening the church building at no charge to the community whenever it was needed and whereas Pastor Randy's priorities are being a faithful child of God husband to wife Julie and father to his four children haly Kayla Natalie and Shane and whereas the Lord has called Pastor Randy Julie and Shane to return to Michigan to be close to their three daughters and sister who now reside there they will also be able to enjoy spending time with Julie's parents who also are there now therefore be a proclaimed by the mayor and Council of the burrow of lake comoo that Pastor Randy Smith and family will forever be part of the burrow family and may they be blessed with good health and happiness as they embark on their [Applause] Journey I'm going to miss you at the m service I behalf the mayor council little gifts for you going away wow that was that was minute yeah get a picture real quick yeah wow that's uh humbling very humbling to read that and uh very emotional to leave this lady has been a dear sweet sister in the Lord when you see her you see Jesus you know that she is an example of a mature Christian and you have been an encouragement as as the whole Council and I am super grateful on behalf of our family for the 20 three years we lived here in Lake KO our children went to belmare elementary school Communications High School two of them Shane right now was manisan high school and we have had a time of our life raising our children in this amazing town I'm just disappointed that the bman park project is beginning and commencing now upon my departure because we spent hundreds of hours at that place maybe we should stick around a little longer I mean that that's a very memorable place so as it's been said so often it's very Bittersweet for us um we love New Jersey but we do as n mentioned have family in Michigan mainly Julie's family and uh it was it was challenging for them to pull the grandkids away pull us away we'd get back there a couple times a year but um Julie's parents are getting older and we feel we owe it to them to honor her parents to get back and spend the final years together as a family our three daughters have moved out already and uh we're looking forward to rejoining them in about four weeks from now so it's hard to believe uh but uh again just just briefly it was 2001 it was a couple of months before 911 that we arrived so that really rocked our world when we first got here as it did yours um we had that Vision on our heart to come out here and do something for the Lord uh in an amazing way and that was our mission to share the hope and the good news and the love of Jesus Christ and to show it through the love that we gave back to this community and we had uh 2001 to 2010 here in Lake KO and then we basically not that we wanted to leave the town we outgrew the building we were doing three services uh which it was the funeral home now Dynamic has purchased it right uh so we we're doing three services every Sunday morning at that building and we just needed more space and the facility opened up in wall and we've been out in wall again since 2010 but we love you guys uh thank you for loving our family so much and we do hope I didn't forget about you guys back there sorry my back to you the whole time we do hope that we were indeed a blessing a blessing to this this town we will always remember you and we are very grateful for the 23 years that we got to share and do life together so thank you again we see you Monday Monday oh actually you had to bring that up oh man where you go last one she asked me but the mayor of wall beat you for thech how many years I don't want to create any tension between the town this was the first year yeah she yeah so I'm sorry literally at the exact same time all right no problem but if I can get here I'll I'll swing by and just say hi to you guys one more time and goodbye all right good luck to you thank you so much for everything we love you guys thank you for everything thank you so much thank you thank you okay it's now uh 7:53 I to call the regular meeting of the May Council come order pleas stand the flag and remain same for moment time prayer flag United States indice okay law this meeting hased by the ad of resolution by May counil on the january4 which resolution agenda January was delivered to the into and a copy of the no post on the website and on the B board in roll call please here here counc V here counc here also the mayor will be able to make it tonight he has a he's a principal at monre high school and he has an event there that he needs to be at so he here tonight uh any a motion to approve the minutes of May 7th the regular meeting some second all those in favor email to you they weren't no we'll hold it over until the next meeting report of committee uh Council bad doy uh since uh Mr iak did such a great presentation I have nothing further to add thank you thank you CES thank you um the environmental commission had a meeting last Thursday and during the meeting the uh students of the uh Washington High School of uh architecture and design did a presentation by um Zoom of the Main Street Arboretum uh proposal that they've made um and uh it was it was pretty good it was it was very interesting um it laid out a lot of um ideas the entire uh video was about 15 minutes um I was hoping uh we might be able to put that on for a workshop on the June 18th meeting uh I know the uh EC was hoping the uh whole Council would take a look at it um and give some thoughts on it maybe we can do it the meeting after that because June 18th is the uh renewal of the ABC so it may be Tak a longer meeting so we can May to the following meeting any else and that's all I'll manag thank you gotel woman's call thank you all matters are in order under my report I have a few things to uh talk about first of all uh on Monday at 10:00 uh the town will be having a memorial day service down at the lake on North bvar and Fernwood at 10:00 uh open everybody can come and participate in the ceremony uh the under the 100 anniversary committee uh the next meeting which is June 3 which is a Monday we're having a special meeting on Monday it is 100 years to the first date of the first council meeting and that's going to be here on June 3D we're inviting some of the higher up County and state people who attend that meeting uh so hopefully everybody can show up for that uh today I met with the finance committee and to go over the new budget for 2024 which will be introduced at the June June 3rd meeting uh and presim what it looks is that we're in very good shape and we should not see any Major Impact to the residents uh of town uh other than that that's my report for today all the next thing we got is uh open up for public comments on on new business only any emotion second all those in favor Carri anything can come forward and talk about new business only which is on the agenda I appre state your name and your address if you have anything under that later on during the meeting you'll be able to come up and talk about other subjects but this is only regarding what's on the agenda if not I need a motion to close all those in favor I carried okay now in motion to approve the cons Senate uh agenda second second all those in favor those carried okay under new business we have a special event uh for the uh you want to read that um Amy special EV application for theone uh 5K we have it this will be our 10th uh year um don't money to charity uh starts on Saturday April 5th runs from bar back to bar and um last year we had about 300 people it's grown from originally we had like 30 people initially now we're up to 300 so it's growing every year so 5K and also walk anybody have any questions anybody have any questions it's the same route that normally is yeah oh the same route we've been using for years I know couple different ones included them M anybody have any questions I need a motion to approve second all those in favor I Carri okay thank you thank you next we have ordinance 20245 offered by councilwoman thank you so offered ordinance 20 202 24-5 which is an ordinance amending chapter 10 Property Maintenance of the code of the burough of Lake comoo um so there was the legislature of the state of New Jersey um has delegated responsibility to the local government units to adopt regulations designed to promote public health safety and general welfare of its citizenry um so we're going to be updating certain sections of the bureau code regarding the international property maintenance code um and what we are doing is either um in certain sections we are adding to uh the first section we would be referring to uh the most current edition of this maintenance code um in the section SE second section the most current version of the International property maintenance code published by the International Code Council is hereby adopted as the burough of lake comoo property maintenance code um and sub any subsequent supplements or amendments th to or new additions thereof and hereby adopted and made a part hereof as if fully set forth in this article um section B of that is to the extent that any other burrow regulation or ordinance requires more strict standards than exists in the international property maintenance current addition or any subsequent supplements or amendments then the more strict standard shall apply within the bur of Lake okay uh I need a second second okay before we vote I need to open up motion over for public comments this is a second hearing motion to approve open up second all in favor anybody body in the audience have any comments they want to make regarding this ordinance and not any motion to close so second car roll call please yes yes yes yes and next we have ordinance 2024 D 6 uh second reading offered by Council woman skull thank you um so offered ordinance number 20246 ordinance of the Bureau of Lake Como regulating salt storage on privately owned properties whereas the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has conditioned renewal of the storm water discharge Master permit on the adoption of a privately owned salt storage ordinance and whereas the burough engineer recommends the renewal of the permit and Adoption of this ordinance Dan a second second okay any motion to open up a publica comments uh any comments from the regarding this ordinance if not any motion to close so move second car one call please yes yes yes yes next we have resolution 24 204-8110 the following accounts current account 2023 $2,226 current account 2024 4,468 55 water sewer account 2024 $1,353 30 General Capital account $216 tour tourism account $410 198 a wire payments $4 49,99 for a total of $437,500 [Music] and to impose Municipal lean whereas the B Leake comoo incurred an expense in the year 2024 against the owner of property located at 42316 Avenue uh and the borrow tax map of block one blot 22 for failure of the property owner to comply with the municipal ordinance concerning the condition of the property and whereas the relevant statute authorized the GLE com to place a lean on the subject property for the work completed upon review of the certification of the officer in charge thereof a list of the work totals uh $1,188 that was prepared by the Department of Public Works and the governing body has reviewed the list and determined the cost to be reasonable and appropriate for the services rendered and uh pursuant to the municipal ordinance the property owner is in violation of the section and subjects penalties under Municipal ordinance section 1-5 now therefore be resolved by the mayor and Council of bur Blake homeo and County of that the governing body has reviewed the attach list of work completed by the public works department which list is made a part of this resolution and that the governing body does hereby certify that the costs associated for the respective work are reasonable in property and that the work completed was to protect the Public's Health welfare and safety um be further resolve the tax collector will be directed to place a lean on this property in the amount of $118 as a lean and tax upon the real estate to be added to and be part of ta is next to be L and assess there on and enforce Collective interest second second roll call yes yes yes yes next we have resolution 224-8326 which is a resolution to establish a petty cash account for the bough of L Como in Mammoth County for administration depart department and resend current burough clerk petty cash um so we're establishing a petty cash fund for the municipality by application and resolution um it is the desire of the burrow Council and the bur of lakeo in the county of Mammoth to establish such a fund for the administration department in the amount of $500 uh the custodian for this fund is Samantha Waters who is bonded for the amount of $1 million uh such custodian shall maintain records for this Fund in a manner conductive conducive to proper accounting and auditing procedures um therefore be it resolved that the buau of Council of the Bureau of Lake Como hereby authorized such action that two copies of this resolution be filed with the division of local government services um and New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for approval any questions I a second second loc call yes yes VRI yes alad yes then we got resolution 2024 the 84 offered by councilman V re thank you so offer resolution 20244 resolution of the B of Lake Como Council executive sessions whereas B Council of B Lake Como must discuss matters which are not appropriate for discussion in public meeting and the subjects uh within the exceptions to be open public meetings act and are permitted to be discussed session whereas the burrow Council intends to discuss matters uh of shared services and pending litigation the length of this session is estimated to be 30 minutes after which uh the public meeting shall reconvene an action may be taken um and the guard Council will be set post session for only this up second Al I mean call yes yes yes yes do we have a a resolution for the community Lo B you do not do not the application has to be you're just voting on what the town's applying right got that got it uh you want to do a roll call on that offer you want to make make an offer that I'll offer I know I know how we made the motion I'll offer second uh roll call please yes yes yes yes uh next we have any motion to open up for public comments on any on all subjects mov second all those in favor I I anybody can come forward now and any comments you want to make vote first reate your name and your address please my name is Zack Clinton and I live at 3171 16th Avenue uh I'm a freshman at mass and a boy scout from CH 31 which is in Spring Lake um I'm a newly achieved uh Eagle Scout and tonight I'm here to share with you that upon achieving Eagle Scout I learned that other buroughs have an eagle black in their burrow Hall where uh past and current or newly achieved Eagle Scouts get their names on the um when my mom called the burrow of Lake comoo uh we do not have uh such a plaque so um the mayor of spring link sent us a photo of the black um burall May arage sure thank you very much first of all I want to congratulate you on becoming an eagle scout I know was very hard I've been I was Boy scow in my day and uh I only got the first class but you know congratulations uh I think this is something we can look at and and take care of it and get one for they come up um Council there's just a few more points if he could quickly make that might help the decision maker um so my scout master offer to pay up to $150 for the pl the one that's in the photo is estimated around 275 but there's smaller plaques for you know lesser amounts um and that's it I think I think we can uh we can take care this give it's a few weeks to uh you have excuse me you have name and so we can get the FL made up all right we'll get it we'll get it taken care of thank you for your service thank you [Applause] congratulations anybody else have any comments may I yes your name and address please my name is Scott Anderson of at 17713 Main Street Unit 203 in the Villas and I have a complaint about the noise that Sol Beach for and just want to preest this by saying I did send an email off to Mayor Higgins and he was kind enough to answer my email back and I do know that he spoke to the police chief in Belmar on the issue as well I have two other residents here from the village as well and I think we all share usual concern that is that late at night not all nights but Some Nights the the music is exceptionally loud to the point that can't sleep and I understand that businesses and residents have to coexist and Believe Me by No Way Ma I'm trying to hurt the business owner but they do need to be in compliance what did the mayor send to you on his email the mayor when he replied back to you he replied back to me that he spoke to the police chief and that he advised me to call the Belmore police but I can't imagine myself calling the Belmore police night after night after night when I would recommend dying okay uh June 18 here we having a renewal of all the liquor light systems in town and that's where you can come and voice your comments regarding their that establishment liquor license and then the mayor and Council can take your consideration of what you're saying and all your residents are complaining about we can take that into consideration when we approve their license thank you for that um what's the date of that again is June 18th June 18th at what time 7:30 7:30 and I'd ask the council perhaps if they could just keep it in mind that it's a real issue it's a real concern and uh again I'm not trying to hurt the business owner I don't know I know they own a candle shop next door I know they cleaned the place up they also opened up the door on the side of and they opened up the to the have an outside business now with hundreds of people that migrate there and it's become untolerable and um I app also would talk to the uh police chief also no it' be it'd be appreciated but I to bring it to the council's attention as well as I I did emailed him there and he was kind enough to get back to how you recommend to come to that June 18th meeting definitely will come and I thank you for your time you're welcome thank thank you uh Dave C I'm also I'm 1715 Main Street at the Villas um I also happen to be the HOA president there and my question is more of protocol or process so the frontage uh we own 1713 1717 and 1719 we also own the town homes in the back but that's in the back uh is there anything we can do for the street to the side walk right now it's 11 1719 has gravel or uh those landscaping stones 17 17 and 1713 it's dirt m um I was told I asked I think I spoke to Viva or somebody and I asked I would like to do Riverstone I was told no because it might be a safety hazard there's an ordinance on the book that says what can be uh put there I don't without man not don't know what it is okay but there is an ordinance governing that uh if you want we can get you a copy of that sure yeah that would be great cuz we just want to and she'll get you I know you guys will probably have to you do and that's where I'm questioning the protocol of the process you're respons that the township is responsible for Street and then that about four feet of wide uh where it's just Mulch and then the trees are are planted there and then there's the sidewalk and then there's the the Landscaping against the actual building I believe that's our responsibility is that correct correct okay all right so I I'll be responsible for that but if there's anything that we can possibly do with with the council and with the board to maybe make make the that's the frontage a little bit nicer that would be really appreciated all right we'll take a look at it and you see am you get the ordinance regarding the what you could be put there okay and one one more question regarding 1719 uh the owner of 1719 actually owns both of those units she's a she's a doctor she has complained that um her front door there's a sidewalk there's front door the grading is off and whenever it rains there's a huge puddle of water right at her front door so when visit or when her patients or anybody come in there they have to literally you can't go around because there's bushes there is that the Township's responsibility to regrade that part of the sidewalk or is that an HOA responsibility okay it's your responsibility it's respons our attorney okay so in other words the sidewalk then would be our responsibility that's correct okay okay good thank you for your time thank you thank you thank sorry all right anybody else have any questions no comments and before we we're going to go into executive section but before we do that you want to give the uh closing comments okay sorry well anyway before we do that if you remember Monday June 3rd 7:30 here is the honey anniversary special meeting on the Monday night instead of Tuesday so now we're going to go into executive section to talk about some issues