so a few meetings ago we were able to discuss the different phases we've been doing in Burman Park and tonight it's perfect segue because tonight we're going to talk and open about the public comment period comments for the open space gr the open space Grant so just to discuss I hope everyone are I'm sure everyone knows where Burman Park is but it sits in between the railroad and Mar Avenue you have accesses from 18th Avenue to Second Avenue and currently if anyone hasn't been out there I hope you guys you all will go out there there's been a lot of improvements there's a lot more improvements coming maybe if you go next slide so just to discuss a little bit about what it is again where it's located we have a walking path baseball soccer fields do pickle ball course for this project scope for the open space we're talking about doing more sidewalks continuing the path rehabbing the roof structure on The Snack Shack and chain link fences I'm sure the res hear along as a buffer so as you see in this slide uh Drew and the DPW have got a great job of taking out the vegetation that has been along there but due to that vegetation it really has destroyed the fencing so we proposed to have a higher fence currently 6ot a higher fence and some proposed Landscaping just to act as a buffer from the park to the residents that are along that Park next slide please so nothing has been set in stone yet but both of these are non-invasive shrubs there is drainage that runs along that vents but these root structure root system will go in to 24 in really nothing too invasive they're low Ling so it shouldn't be a problem it is something that has to be finalized but that that'll come The Snack Shack is actually in pretty good shape however we do want to do the roof and this would be part of this this application as well along with this excuse me along with this application we'll be doing picnic tables those aren't the exact picnic tables the piic tables and benches along with concrete foundation underneath just to make itas PW maintenance and it's raining for people to sit and utilize next slide please to continue so these are current pictures uh so if you haven't gone out again please do uh the playground has been completed the path has been completed partially up to uh the t-ball field right now part of this application will be to finalize that path continuing just improvements to the park really help bring I think the community together especially it's it's an area that has a lot of space and a lot of green space that has been a little underutilized in the past in my opinion and you know doing these improvements really help please this is just our estimate so again M County open space is matching so for those that don't know that means that anything that the county will uh provide in funds the burrow will have to match so it's just a nice way of putting good faith next slide please timeline we would hope to get this out completed by August August still is realistic but we could say fall 25 the end of the summer have everything planted and then that will allow us to have a good grow season next slide please these are just previous uh previous projects that we've done if you've seen the walking path Long Way Como that include the walking path benches and Landscaping that was a previously funded project of 2020 next slide please just more pictures of that more improvements that we've done this is not MTH County open space um but this is actually a good plug we've done irrigation and Grading that came from the mayor's bash mayor's bash will be July 18th so anyone that can go it really I'm serious it really is no really um this is this shows exactly where that money goes well does so I hope that anyone that can go will be there but so there's more improvements to come like I said said grading irrigation a big problem if you've ever been out any of the residents or Council if it's raining all of that water that had collected is now going out to hpod Brook which is taking water off of 22nd and that's just good for the residents and if you know functionality of the park next slide please uh Burman Park this you've already seen this but the playground was just this last year's cdbg we are at going for another CBG application this year to continue the the improvements but that included the playground and the walking f next slide please U that will be it um so just a little thing I didn't harp on uh few meetings ago we talked about the uh the soccer field improvements we're looking to do pickle ball improvements and to continue the dog park so if there's any questions I would love to take any questions any questions from the council comments anything looks great it really does Drew you want anything so um Sam explained that we had some issues down with so through a grant at samanth our CFO put together we actually did quite a bit of work down there in the baseball field as well as the drainage issue that we had were able address a lot of work out there outside the we already received um and the dugouts we just BPW were able to sample was able the the dugouts you know get rid of them this past week so we're moving forward and you know it's multiple phases I wish I could look fast forward in years it's coming along realistically if the the fundings continue I think the idea Park in a hall will be pretty much complete aside from uh beautification and Landscaping and stuff like that but it is it's coming together so we did we did have a conversation a little while ago about the buffer between the park and the residents sure um it looks like we're settling on a chain Ling fence and and planting so we had talked about a different type of fence possibly so we looked at multiple different types of fence s u sound barriers and and whatnot the the expense and the um the reliability for long term um just wasn't there so we kind of went back to the chain link fence is a barrier but we're focusing on Landscaping as a buffer um we actually move the path about 15t away from the residence so we can get sufficient amount of sufficient room down there for landscaping where if you live on theast west side of Mar Avenue you would be looking right into the park and it would help with the but it's also something that we can add in the future if we need um are we able to have conversations with the environmental commission to make sure that we're planting the right appropriate so I already had a conversation with the environmental commission um but there's future conversations to be had and just to just to add nothing um is set in stone necessarily you can alter from the plans with the funding as long as you stay in the same scope so the scope would beer so if you decide hey we'd like to do the slats in or different type of landscaping that that be anything else all right thank you Sam this time I'll open up to anyone from the public who wants to come up have maybe have questions or comments about the workshop item for the presentation we just saw okay seeing none I will close the public portion of the workshop item uh or the workshop agenda and at this time I will call to order the regular meeting of the lake comoo mayor and Council please rise for a salute to the flag and a moment of Silent reflection pledge alance to the flag the United States of America theice please remain standing for a moment of Silent reflection please keep in the thoughts uh in your thoughts the family of Charlotte Nappa who passed away on July 11th Charlotte was a resident of Lake Como in South belmare passed away at 98 years old she was a former tax collector here in the burrow member of our Board of Education and was the clerk for the MTH County Sheriff thank you sunshine please resolution Place agenda me January and into and a copy of the notice posted on the B website and on the bul board in B Hall all meetings public thank you very much roll call please council is not here tonight counc here Council here coun herec here thank you uh can I have a motion to approve the minutes from the May 21st regular meeting second all in favor opposed exensions I have a motion to approve the minutes from the June 3D 100th anniversary commemorative and regular meeting all in favor opposed and no exensions everyone was there um unless you want to obstain we have two items under uh Communications the first we have a letter from the belmare historical society that is in your packet um Amy if you would be so kind dear mayor Kevin Higgin and counc of lakeo officers trustees and members of the Belmar Historical Society send congratulations to our neighbors in lakeo on the celebration of your 100th anniversary we hope you enjoy this year as you look back at the very start of your town and all the proud history you have accomplished our Seaside communities have much in common including the wonderful volunteers that add so much richness to life in our small towns we may be small in size but we are huge in the history of the development of the Jersey Shore so we wish you a very special 100th birthday many more happy years to [Music] comeet thank you that was very nice thank you and we also have a presentation from members of the Jersey Shore running club if you want to come up um and let us know who you are and what you here for sure my name is Vicki cha I was the race director of the lake home spring break 5K that took place on April 27th um we raised a lot of money for our beneficiaries and we are going to present um $1,000 check to Lake homeo Recreation and $1,000 check to Giving Tree that's very nice thank you [Applause] thank you so I appreciate it thank you very much oh thank [Applause] you just very quickly I just want to thank you um and thank you to the Jersey Shore running club for all that they do for Lake Como um we know we host a number of events for Jersey Shore running club in the town and they do everything they can to give back to our town and the citizens um and the kids of our town so thank you very much for everything you do um they are hosting uh or they're running the Lake Como 100th anniversary 5K which is on uh the 21st of September same day as our Lake Como day and just in case there's anybody in the audience that may want to put in a sponsorship for that run there their sponsorship forms on the back table I don't know how they got there but they got there so anybody wants to look at that on the way out that would be nice um thank you very much appreciate it we'll move to reports of committee starting with councilwoman Al ballad will thank you mayor all matters are in order thank you Council ventrice thank you mayor all matters are in order coun Dano thank you mayor all matters are in order councilwoman skull thank you mayor all matters are in order oo look at that all right well I have some things I need to say um I want to first by taking a minute to congratulate our former interro barl clerk Miss Amy bony as she gets embarrassed at the end of the uh the day is here um if you look at your agenda tonight Amy um is going to be hopefully um appointed as our full-time Barrel clerk um this is a position that she has held for the last two years um as our interum barel clerk uh and she's worked very hard and um she has uh been very successful in her in her studies in her testing and all of the stress has gone from all of that uh she's passed her test and um the council is going to appoint her tonight as the burough clerk this is your first job I believe right only job your only job when you came to Lake comoo um so you are you know part of the fabric of this town um we are very happy that you are here we are very happy that you remain here um and we are very happy that you keep this little family together so thank you very much and congratulations you uh we did do a quick update on bman Park if you have not been up there please go check it out uh and if you haven't really figured out what we're doing up there U we are working on several steps and several phases of improving that Park um we have updated the uh the playground uh we are installing pickle ball courts we are moving the old t- ball field uh over a little bit and turning that into a dog park we are increasing the size of the soccer field we are redoing the softball I mean the baseball field that is down there so we are putting a lot of work into that through the town I want to thank uh all of those who have a hand in that uh it's coming along it's going to be beautiful and and like Drew says in three years down down the line I can't wait to see what it looks like um with that the mayor's bash is on July 8th we raise a lot of money at that mayor's bash to benefit I'm sorry July 18th um we do raise a lot of money at that benefit for bman park for the Town recreation um there is um there are posters on the back there with date and time and all of the information that you need if you would like to take one with you on your way out um and there's also information on the 100th anniversary 5K and Lake Como day as well um we are moving along with the updated Barrel Hall if you have noticed we have raised the structure of the old first a Building on 18th Avenue and we are planning to relocate the Hall there at some point we are currently in architectural planning stages of that uh and we should be getting updates on those regularly as we move through the summer and the spring uh for those of you that don't know our town has started a street sweeping program uh we have partnered with the county to have one of their street sweepers come into town the first and third Wednesday of the month it's the Wednesday after our Council meetings um we have not instituted any type of ordinance to remove cars from the street during that time because we know how difficult it is to remove cars but we want to spread the word and ask our residents to if they can move their cars off of the street so the street sweeper can come through once the street sweeper comes through we you can put your cars back but if you can get them off the streets or you can move them to different parts of the areas that would be great um the one thing we don't want to see is a car that's parked in the same spot every day and that part of the street just never gets swept or clean so um thank you for that and then our next coffee with the mayor is July 20th uh we had a very well attended and successful coffee with the mayor last Saturday uh and I'm looking forward to coffee with the mayor in July so thank you all very much um for all of those things that you do um with that I will ask for a motion to open for public comments on new business and the consent agenda second all in favor hi um anyone wishing to comment or question anything listed under new business um the ABC Board hearing will have its own open public session so if you would like to talk about anything under new business we can do that now see none um take a motion to close second all in favor I thank you under new business we we have ordinance 20247 offered by councilman danana thank you mayor Soul offered ordinance 20247 is an ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a camp cap Bank um as I mentioned at the last meeting this is a bit of housekeeping item we do every year in connection with the uh budget process to provide additional flexibility in future budget years if necessary thank you uh this is a second reading in public hearing so at this time I will open to anyone from the public that has specific questions on this ordinance seeing none I'll close the public portion and if anybody has a second second roll call please M yes yes yes yes thank you and resolution 202 24-8 n offered by councilwoman SC thank you mayor um can I borrow this I just did something strange to my screen I apologize that's okay all right so before I read this very important um resolution I just wanted to say thank you to Amy bony who's getting appointed as would vote on if she's appointed as our Municipal cler tonight so I couldn't um have you know be reading this without or offering this without saying a few words so um I've worked with Amy for a long time now I've been on Council for this is my 10th year and I've been working um with the town on committees for longer than that um and Amy has been here all that time and she has been a total joy to work with um just just really make you know she has such a good vision for this town she um runs our tourism meetings so beautifully um she and I have worked together on Lake KO day um the Christmas tree lighting for years and she just had this beautiful vision for um small business Saturday that we implemented this year really it was all her um she clearly has this town's best interest at heart uh she's been the liazon to Mommy and Me um these are just the things I'm thinking of off the top of my head she does so much more um but she's been supportive she's a pleasure to work with and we're just so proud of you Amy so congratulations all right without further Ado um so offer resolution 20248 appointment of mus municipal clerk for the buau of Lake cono whereas in accordance with njsa 40a 9133 every municipality in the state of New Jersey is required to have a municipal clerk and where as Amy El bony who has been serving in the capacity of acting burough clerk since April 1st 2022 has successfully obtained her registered municipal clerk certification and meets the qualifications and has agreed to perform the duties of position of municipal clerk and now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council the B Le comoo that Amy El bony RMC is hereby appointed as municipal clerk for the bough Lake Como for a three-year term commencing June 18th 2024 I have a motion do have a second second roll call please yeso yes V yes yes congratulations resolution 202 24-9 offered by councilwoman alala Doyle thank you mayor so offering um Municipal resolution 20 24-9 um this is the resolution for the municipal open Space Program uh that we were referring to in the presentation from Sam avakian um the B Lake Como desires to obtain a County open space trust fund in the amount of $130,000 to fund bman Park improvements um and the total cost of the project including all matching funds is $260,000 thank you just uh just to be specific we know that this is a matching Grant yes right just to the $130,000 will come from the grant another $130,000 will come from the um any questions from the council see none I'll take a second second roll call please yes yes yes yes thank you resolution 20249 offered by councilman danan thank you mayor Soul offer resolution 20249 there a resolution authorizing final change order number two and final closeout payment for Burman park playground improvements under the fiscal year 2023 Community Development block grant uh change order is um modifying the total value of the contract with precise construction to $171,900 224-9229 79 be resolved by the mayor and Council bur Leake comoo that ordinance number 202297 established salary ranges for Municipal Employees and in conformance with that ordinance following salary guide shall be established for the calendar year 2024 for the following certain employees Bas salaries uh uh together with long longevity that will be in effect as of January 1 2024 municipal clerk 888,246 director of Code Enforcement $32,000 salaries of following B employees paid on an hourly basis effective January 1 uh 2024 shall be the administrative casual employee $22 an hour and summer seasonal employe 1750 an hour thank you um just a comment to who's council president is not hear these uh this resolution was vetted by the finance committee um and sent to the council uh do I have a second second call please yes yes yes yes thank you resolution 2024-25 be resolved by the mayor and Council of the burough of lake comoo that the proper officers be directed and auor to make payment from the following accounts current account 2024 $ 35839291 162,163 General Capital account 9,787 Grant fund account $ 26,39 tourism account 2024 $1,483 anniversary account $836 188 and a wire payments 20241 15,381 74 for a grand total of $854 38510 thank you have second second roll call please yes yes yes yes thank you um before we move on just a note for the record I've been informed that Wednesday tomorrow is a County holiday the sweeper will not be in town um but it will be here on Thursday thank you for the record um at this time I will open for public comments it's like a motion to open for public comments sorry so second all in favor any member of the public wishing to comment at this time on any item whatsoever can do so now and come to the mic name address good evening rsby 504 18th Avenue Lake more questions than comments actually I'd like to understand a little bit about how 18th Avenue is patrolled by the the police department I am outside a lot I squ as an Cas in point Thursday I'm sorry last Friday on the 7th of June a car parked on the 18 10:00 in the morning until I left for an appointment I came back at 430 and there was a ticket on it so I mean there was a period of over 6 hours I don't even know if a police car came by to see it but to me that seemed much too long and it's really indicative of what what we've noticed not only myself but other neighbors have commented we seld see police car on 18m which has to be the second most um used Street um so I'd like just to understand how often who should we expect uh a patrol car and what's the purpose of the patrol car sometimes it's just I think heading down um you know the Ocean Avenue and not even slowing them to see if there's anything I just like to understand that a little bit better sure and and I'll comment and then I'll I'll I'll ask the chief to comment I'm not exactly sure if she would comment specifically on where police are at at the time but she could probably give an overview of what patrols are like um I know that I've before the summer I had a uh a conversation with the chief about increasing patrols um and my concern is not necessarily just 18th Avenue but secondary and tertiary streets um I've actually gotten feedback from residents on what I would consider tertiary streets that they've seen more police than they have in the past um that's hiding now they're not hiding there um I know that in the summertime what you should see more of in my opinion and again I'll I'll I'll I'll defer to the chief is you should see more police on bicycles especially on 18th Avenue specials which I do that that only one time have I seen that and that was really during the weekend of okay um I mean I I mean I have seen him and I know that you're there a lot more than I am I do um and I know that there has been uh discussions about getting Patrol out faster on a Friday night at 6 o'cl when cars are supposed to be moving um and we've had that conversation with the chief uh and the chief has passed that on to to um patrols for the police department um so and we've had that conversation um I I believe and I've gotten feedback that I've they that residents have seen more um I'm sorry that you haven't but I'll ask the chief to make a a brief comment on patrols and purpose of patrols and if there is a a time where you should see police officers as compared to others I can say uh most of our squads are we have squads that Patrol the areas uh there's four three or four officers in Patrol vehicles um during a a 12-hour shift they do two two 12 hour shifts 7A to 7 7 to 7A um you know they're covering Belmore and lake comoo so if there's only three guys on and they're going from call to call to call to call you may not see them as much on 18th Avenue because they're responding calls they're not just driving around and and that um our numbers are down as far as our bicycle cops our class two officers uh three four years ago we had about 30 on roster that were uh spread throughout the Two Towns this year we have 14 so on a Friday and Saturday night you're not seeing them as much because there's only 10 of them working at a time so um I mean they're out there um I I pulled the calls Monday morning I can't tell you how many calls how many times we're we're calling in vehicles on 18th Avenue and towing the cars to the point where the tow company can't keep up with us um so that's why you may see them sit there for a while but they are out there doing their job yeah and the foot and bicycle units specifically Tuesday Friday Saturday Sunday we'll be there um I can attest what Chief Scott has said with the summons is written on that area that they are there passes are being made on that street however you guys are aware too it's a difficult Street to navigate busier times but they are there um as specific times that I could tell is I will say one of the problems withs is that tickets are issued by the patrol all at once they go down once every few hours and ticket which is fine but that will create an artificial backlog for the coy so it's kind of what what happens first just seems to me just you know as an interested bystander listening that you don't have enough man power on the streets particularly during the summer um I don't know if anybody's disagreeing with me and I think the first person that's not going to disagree with you is the chief of police that's that's a nationwide problem it's notm that's in every aspect of every unemployment but specifically understand in other aspects of the employment numbers however is there anything shortterm that that you can do um so I don't I don't have an answer for you I don't have a you know a magic a magic answer to solve the problem um we have seen uh we have seen a downtrend in people looking for employment in a lot of different areas uh law enforcement being one of the major ones I believe and you can correct me Chief uh I believe we've seen an increase since Co um we so I think we saw a major downturn after covid um but and I'm talking summer I'm talking um specials I'm talking um summer employment I believe we've seen a little bit of an increase since then um So my answer would be time I think the the latest reports that you hear nationally for people looking for young people in particular looking for employment has increased um you I think we've all known that after Co where you see a lot of people thinking they're just going to work from home for the rest of their lives that really hasn't panned out for a lot of them so you see a lot of people joining the workforce again um we can get into a societal discussion about um why people aren't joining law enforcement why people aren't joining law enforcement in the state of New Jersey as compared to other states um but I don't think this is the venue for that conversation um I can tell you that I've reached out to the chief uh with those concerns um I had somebody come up to me the other day and and wanted to oh was that coffee with the mayor and and a Gentleman asked me what the differential was between the time a ticket is written and the time that the tow truck picks up the car and I've said you know I've sat on somebody's front porch and watched it happen immediately where a ticket's written in a car a car gets pulled away and they'll take two cars at a time some of those trucks and then I've seen where there's a car that sits there with a ticket for a couple hours cuz trucks aren't available so it's really it's riding the ticket yeah that that that is the limiting factor I haven't the tow trucks no doubt about that discussion about that but but I I guess from my viewpoint for getting the macro look we looking at Lake coma during the summer for 10 weeks of of needing more support um um when I asked if there's an alternative there were a lot of young people that some type of training I think you could hire just for the summer so we do we do have that program but they're just not applying for the positions there are a lot of young people out there that we can hire for the summer with certain trainings they're special police officers they don't have weapons correct is that a class one class twos um and they have they have certain law enforcement Powers uh but the the um the numbers of young people that are applying for those positions aren't there again I'm have to get my eight grandchildren out seems like you don't want thank you for that um just two more quick questions do we have an ordinance about trucks or even cars for that matter saying without turning them off running on the street idling yes there is I believe a Statewide there's a Statewide um I believe it's a 15minute you can't idle for more than 15 minutes I believe that is a Statewide sometimes 15 minutes when it's parked in front of your house and you have the windows and screen doors open the diesel truck as they run in to get liquor in the store can be a long time that's a big liquor bill if they're in there for for 15 no I'm saying about 15 minutes I'm saying have you been looking at my liquor bills no what kind of truck um so I'll I'll take a look at that don't quote me under 15 minutes I think it's 15 minutes but I could be wrong um but uh but I'll take a look I'm not sure this 7 or somewhere where I was might have been a WWA that do not you can't leave it either your vehicle go into the store I mean to me that would seemly make sense um maybe in a municipality have their own ordinance we can look into it I think the fumes from um the diesel trucks that are left isolated right legally part of our house can be rather overwhelming at times um one other quick comment um on Parkway there seems to be just recently over the past couple of weeks two large commercial vehicles parked on Parkway that are halfway up on onto the sidewalk because two large to you know Park otherwise but they're right on the grass and right at the end of Park and these are new vehic I haven't seen them before but they're there overnight seven days a week now um don't know if that's in per minute it's not well we we the council recently passed a Prohibition for commercial vehicles and vehicles of a certain size to be parked overnight um so I'll ask the chief that controls look at that but but it's again I don't know what the size is but the fact that they're actually halfway up the grassia uh right next to each other as well so I don't know if there's any commonality in that but it's a brand brand new phenomena that's happened about two weeks okay yep thank you thank you Mr R anyone else seeing none I'll take a motion to close second all in favor I I thank you at this time um Council will be sitting as the Alcohol Beverage Control Board local control board hearing resolutions to renew liquor licenses um at this time we will attend to resolution 2024 d94 F Hospitality Group trading as Joe surfshack do we have a representative please come to the mic and your name and address first and foremost congrats Amy well deserved well deser uh my name is Bob FY 649 Holly Hill Drive and Brio thank you um you've received the resolution the new resolution you have not nothing CH from oh okay okay do anything change all right do you have any questions or comments from what you had on your resolution from last year yes sir um uh two questions number seven with the the the litter pickup just want to remind you to remind your people that it's every day um I know that we had a conversation at one point they were doing it Like Mondays and Fridays but we need to have it every day y um I don't know if youve received any I know you've been working with your neighbors with any issues have you received any complaints about no um noise or anything like that Chief do we have any complaints for for Joe's so we ran a report from January 1st of 2023 to um June 3rd of 2024 in that time frame there was 59 calls Joe's um stemming from uh false IDs um which are multiple um summonses issues with that um some disorderly persons one noise call several EMS calls but other than that so one call for noise um so it seems like the other for the other calls they're they're making the call or someone's making the call for any questions from the council um any any questions or comments anything you want to change okay um at this time I will open to the public if anybody wants to be heard or comment on this resolution um specifically this resolution come to the mic seeing none I'll take a motion from the council um to to approve resolution 20249 uh roll call please yes yes yes there uh the next resolution is 202 24-9 five this is Stacy F Star Trading as La Sierra Resturant the just in case anybody doesn't know laer is the business of the Year this year for Como sogr congratulations um so um did you is there any changes Amy to this there's n there's none okay so you are aware of um the license and the conditions on your license all right you have any questions or comments um as far as changes for your license all right issues no issues with that okay chief do we have any considerations for lasierra the same time frame um as Joe's and there was eight calls there not dealing with quality of life issues thank you any questions from the council at this time I'll open to the public for anybody that has questions or comments for this resolution see none I'll Clos and I'll take a motion to approve resolution 202495 so move roll call please yes yes yes yes thank you thanks Kevin appreciate it um we got one more left resolution 202 24-96 um this is the license that you have uh quote unquote in Pocket yes sir all right so with this license we have a um we have a special R ruling 12.39 from the state in where they have to verify that your license is in pocket and give you uh permission really to hold that license for another turn you did check with the state Amy and they responded that everything is in order correct good go all right um any questions or comments on this specific license sir at just to sell okay um and I know that you have it out you have it out for sale correct yes sir okay all right um any questions from the council Chief you have no concerns with this right uh Drew any concerns for the Imp poet license no thank you uh any I'll open it up to anyone from the public on this resolution seeing none of close and I'll ask for a motion to approve resolution 202 24-96 so move second call please yes yes yes yes thank you Kevin have a great night thank you Mr Marin take care all right we have resolution good evening Amy congratulations it's great to have you well been here a long time so I just need your name for the record oh I'm sorry Reginal High 1730 Belmore Boulevard and wal thank you um do you have do have any changes to this resolution no re you know you know the resolution and conditions on the license do you have any questions or comments not this time um Chief do we have any just uh at the same time period there was 262 polls 174 of them were self initiated for uh false IDs um Emergency Medical Services um and there was 11 no calls um just for the record you know um the restrictions on the license about noise about amplification after a certain time outside what's in there yes um so uh and I know that if the police come with an issue of noise that you can be responsive and you can make whatever changes you need to sure we did have a little tweaking issue uh to start the season and uh this time of year you know usually when people have their windows open and you know it's the first couple weeks of the season um with a couple of new texts but management and the texts are under control now okay all right thank you um any questions from the council are you still doing the L Patrol right yes I know you do a lot and I haven't seen the M that's why I was just ask yeah well they're all out of school now you know we're getting out of school now so they been it's been a kind of a you know sporadic as far as our guys being able to get out there but they're doing it okay yeah appreciate um questions from the council I'm sorry any uh at this time I'll open for public comment or question on this seeing none I'll close the public portion and I will entertain a resolution for to pass to approve uh resolution 20249 soov second roll call please yes yes yes yes thank you very much all right uh resolution 202 24-9 di Corporation trading is Weinstein liquers thank you Mr um this is dilay uh this is Weinstein Liquors um this is there's no changes to this license so you understand the conditions that are on it um Chief we have any issues with this resolution uh any questions from the council uh open up to public any questions from the public on this res resolution see n close can I have a motion to approve resolution 20249 second R call please yes yes yes yes um resolution 202499 this is the lake coma wine shop same applicant um is the wine shop open is it open for business or is Itor temporarily closed okay that should that doesn't affect the in any way temporary Clos okay thank you I appreciate it um I think the uh the license is still the same I just want to ensure that you are um continuing with the litter Patrol even though that the establishment is closed all right appreciate it um any issues Chief all right questions from the council all right open it to the public anyone have an issue with this resolution or question for this resolution I'm sorry see n I'll close um and I will entertain a resolution ution to approve resolution 202499 so move second roll call please yes yes yes yes thank you sir have a good night thank you resolution 20241 um this is gr 2 Inc trading as discount wine and liquors good evening everybody thank you kit um this is the same resolution from last year any questions considerations Chief any questions um with with the we had a resident before talking about um cars idling out right and and it's obvious that the the the person lives next to your establishment would you consider possibly maybe putting a sign either in your liquor store or on the door asking cars not to idle while they wait okay all right we would appreciate that all right that would be really really good thank you very much um any questions from the council no any questions I'll open it up to the public any questions for the public all right seeing none um chief that I ask you if there was any issues I'm sorry yes okay thank you seeing none I'll take a motion to approve resolution 20241 100 move roll call please yes yes yes thank you very thank you very much have a good day all right we have resolution 20 24-11 this is Salty's Beach Bar um sir how are you good evening for the record Sam thank you um did you receive the new resolution uh we we have received the new resolution we worked with uh your solicitor's firm to resolve and rep certain language we have a copy of theion that we believe you have a your possession we have no objection all right no objections to the current resolution and by it with its adoption it will resolve our outstanding litigation issues and I believe those are outlined in the first four paragraphs of that resolution U the the the conditions that we see in the first four are at least are the same as as previously uh the changes in this resolution of litigation really appears in the resolution Clauses by way of the licensing the out okay that's on page page Chief you have a report for salties yes uh same time frame there was 85 calls uh either self initiated or dispatched uh 10 of them were uh Emergency Medical Services and 48 or no complt um we I think the the only um understanding that I would ask for the um the owner is under number two about the doors about having the doors closed at night when there is live bands um this is just a guess on my part um but I have received feedback that when those doors are open at night then the noise is an issue other than that I don't think that there's really much of a complaint no doubt when the doors are open you'll get some transmission I'll discuss all right I appreciate any questions from the council this time we'll open the public anyone from the public wishing to comment please come to the mic sure can I hand you this mayor the document is petition on behalf of the um group over here at 173 through 1719 I'd like to read it aloud there's a number of people have signed it I think there's about 22 in total representing the uh The Villas of lakeo these two gentlemen are here with me from the Villas and I'd like to read this out loud if I could mayor Hagen's ABC Board Lake com Town Council be the undersigned residents of the res of the vill of Lake are writing to formally Lodge a complaint regarding the excessive noise levels emanating from salty speach bar located at 1705 Main Street this ongoing issue is significantly impacting our quality of lives we urge the appropriate authorities to take immediate action to address our concerns so the spe has been a source of continuous loud music excessive motorcycle engines excuse me and Patron particularly during late evening and nighttime hours in violation of noise restriction ordinance 3:15 of the burrow code despite our repeated attempts to address this issue with the management of salty beach park and the Delmar Police Department there has been no noticeable Improvement the excessive noise disrupts our sleep affects daily activities and has become a persistent nuisance we understand the salty Beach bark is a popular venue and contributes to the local economy however the current noise levels We Believe are unacceptable and do not conform to the noise regulations set forth by Lake coma we believe that a balance can be struck Between the Bars operation and the peace and wellbeing of nearby residents we kindly request the following the measures be taken to mitigate the noise problem to enforce noise ordinance 315 require salty speech part Implement sound proofing measures to minimize the noise leakage conduct regular noise level assessments to ensure compliance with local regulations and establish a clear Communication channel between residents and Salty's Beach Bar management to address future noise PLS properly we trust that you will give this matter the attention it deserves and take the necessary actions to minimize the noise levels to an acceptable level thank you for your understanding and cooperation so I want to take the time to say thank you for addressing the issu because I understand you are addressing some of the issues but I hope that you all realize how important it is to us and it's not just one of us it's not just those three it's a majority of the people that live in those residences there so you address it I really appreciate the chief uh because I know she's involved you see and to your group here thank you right I appreciate it thank you anyone else at this time hi Tom Fox across the street I need an address for the record 173 main thank you uh they're bad neighbors they say what they do and they don't do what they are supposed to do and I've been here two years and it doesn't stop doesn't get better uh they do what they want they stay outside when they're supposed to be inside and um you know personally I don't think I'm the only one that's affected by it but um they they're not good neighbors at all thank you anyone else okay at this time I'll close the public portion sir no noises always was an issue in a bar served as a solicitor or representative of a bar in this state where noise hasn't been an issue in some form I just ask your Chief if you have if she has on her Department any certified uh State Certified noise U officers and apparently she doesn't it this point and I don't know whether there any in the mix uh but I will I will say this is that municipalities whose department or whose servicing agencies have certified officers um are better equipped and are better handling uh no issues coming out of bars and I would urge you or the department I know that you're serviced by um elmar right as the department you know I would really urge them to try to get these certified officers because it makes not only your job easier their job easier the neighbor's job easier but also the license EAS because you get the readings from the certified officers at the property lines either 65 DB during the day or after 10:00 50 Deb and you also get point of transmission so you can identify where the issue is um we're mindful I've had discussions with with the licy as it relates to noise we talked earlier mayor about the door and we'll bring it up with them you know people coming and going at a bar and the shore at the end of the night there is going to be no uh I know last year we were here and we discussed posting a signs and there are signs about not idoling those Cycles or ring motorcycles that leaving the property um you know there is certain limits as to what you can do in any business whether I be a Wawa 7-Eleven a gas station or a bar when people come and go you've heard earlier tonight about um an individual who was concerned because of idling diesels outside of the liquor store it of goes territory um and it's uh it's something where everybody has to learn how to get along other um it is something mindful but not with understanding the fact you have certifying officers you do have the ability um to have the officers do investigations you know if they're noise violations you have a noise ordinance I don't know whether it's the model ordinance sister I don't know whether it is the model ordinance or not uh you might want to look into if you haven't adopted it to actually adopt the state's model ordinance pretty uh and and then enforce it you know nobody is uh is uh from having ordinances enforced the state lafor no that's true um and I have a few comments to that uh I think the first thing is that um I I would I will have a conversation with the chief about enforc enforcing those restrictions or those conditions and those ordinances um I'll also ask our administrator to look into uh communicating with the county and the state to see if they have a certified um noise officer um that we could uh partner with or we could share services with um probably in more of a timely manner than training a police officer that we have but we will also look into training a police officer for the long term there there is at this point U my recollection is correct there was only one uh investigator at DCA who person okay um and I know that they just finished running a training course for officers I guess about three or four weeks ago in advance of the summer so there are things out of there and I again will reinforce with my on of the conditions we've agree to on the pay us and make sure so I think something you said there kind of um when you talk about get along with each other right I think a lot of the testimony that we heard tonight was that um the neighbors May or might be trying to get along we're trying to ask um and then the feedback we're getting is that your client will say that they're going to do something and not do it so I would just ask what I'm asking to is in the conditions about having two um well established uh workers outside if a line forms if there's people Gathering and trying to limit the amount of noise that they have outside the building one of the conditions we have by way of having two people out but also mayor to your point uh I will discuss with uh with the leny the fact that if neighbors are coming uh to make sure that they have someone that they can speak to so the St know this um I have not my client has not communicated to me that that they've been appro news so I will go back we'll reinforce we'll discuss it and we'll see if we can put some better controls and term in place uh to address the issues um I did have a final point but it is escaping me at this moment any questions for comments from the council I have a minute I'm sorry I closed the public portion at this point well it's disingenuous for him to defend himself sir sir I'm going to I'm going to ask you to stop I'm sorry fair enough um I can see that you're looking at the ordinance right now um we did address the the noise ordance a few uh years ago um and I do believe it's a little bit more strict than the state ordinance but I don't quote me on that um but uh I will follow up with the chief and make sure that that she is enforcing or her patrols are enforcing what they need to to enforce um I would I think it's I think it's a really good idea to identify someone on site at all times who is going to liaz with any neighbors or the police if they have a concern or a question um I have gotten feedback before and I I don't know Captain if you want to add to this about that uh when a police officer is on site that they may have difficulties communicating with staff is that something that I've heard in the past that you know of in the past this establishment yes um Can more in the past they asked to speak with the owner and have been unavailable okay well what time excuse me so so if if we can establish someone on point whether it's a manager or someone in charge um I don't expect the owner to be there 247 um but that there it's communicated that someone should be there to liaz with either of the police department or a neighbor if they have a concern okay anything else you have anything you want to add um so for the record uh after our Our Testimony or after our conversation on the record um you uh you ensure that you will discuss with your client the conditions that are on the resolution absolutely um and um just I do want to add this is what I my point that I forgot to add I'm sorry um I do remember that the um the signs that were added the the no idling signs or the please don't rev your engine signs um I don't know I haven't seen if they are still there can you ask your Cent to make sure that they are still there um inight we'll again and just reinforce with their uh with their staff that is outside in the parking lot to reinforce that message to their patrons absolutely any other questions comments no I'm going to ask again no all right at this time I will ask for a resolution to approve uh I will ask for a motion to approve resolution 202 24-11 so moved second roll call please M SC yes yes yes yes thank you very much thank you folks have a good evening resolution 2024-25 my name is I live at 272 Road um your res your um license and the conditions are the same as they were last year correct all right so you have not received do you have any concerns questions or um issues with the license as it exists um I do I would like to um establish only because on your resolution there are are a couple of paragraphs about using the uh the area in front of the building as outside dining that was added a couple of years ago and we update that every year um that is that has nothing to do with Co regulations that went in that's actually part of the license I understand if there are any other um covid areas in which you are serving or you are working it's a conversation you have with the town um it's actually a conversation with the chief of police and what what is allowed I understand that too the ABC the police department um Chief any concerns or situations from this establishment no they had 59 calls within that time period there's only one no call the rest are self initiated or not quality issues thank any questions from the councel this time I'll open to the public for comments or questions on this application see none I will close um and I will entertain a motion to approve resolution 20241 Z2 so mov second roll call please yes yes yes yes thank you resolution passes thank you very much thank you next meeting next meeting of the mayor and Council tues July me all right uh have a motion to adjourn second all in favor thank