calling the regular meeting of the late comoo mayor and Council to order please rise for a salute to the flag and a moment of Silent reflection flag United States of America [Music] stand please remain standing for a moment of Silent reflection thank you sunshine law please by the May Council on the second of January 2024 resolution time agenda meeting January roll call to the and a copy of the on the website now all Mee the public roll call please counc here SC here counc is not here is counc Council VRI here here thank you can I have a motion to approve the minutes from our February 6th regular meeting so move second all in favor I uh abstentions opposition moving forward we have no Communications we will go to reports of committee starting with councilwoman alala Doyle thank you mayor all matters are in order thank thank you councilman ventrice thank you mayor all matters are in order thank you councilwoman skull thank you mayor all matters are in WoW council president witty I know that you're not an order I'm not an order okay uh under the honey anniversary committee uh we're going to come out with what we're going to be doing this year to celebrate honey anniversary first of all April 28th at 2:00 it's going to be the k club party for the honey anniversary of the town it's going to be at Joe Surf Shack uh one of our residents in Lake CBO cres her owns little dog she's making a special beer for us that will be served on that day at Joe Surf Shack uh on the 28 at 2 o'cl on June 3r uh we will have a a council meeting will be on June 3r and that will be uh 100 years to the date of our first council meeting in 1924 and that meeting we're going to at be a Monday night at 7:30 we're going to be inviting a lot of the higher up officials from the county and state to attend this meeting uh July 18th is the mayor's bash at uh Bar Anticipation and we're hoping to make that a bigger um one this year and on September 21st is L combo day and we're looking to make that bigger and better I'm planning on having a uh 5K run on September first before St Patty before the lake day and also the pmore police department is going to be sponsoring a fishing contest that morning also now at the lake that's some of the events that we have planned as of right now uh we also have shirts that we're going to be U selling with the honey aniversary logo on them if anybody wants to you can contact Amy at the bur Hall and we're going to buy a stock of them ahead of time so we can sell them at uh at the kickoff and at the mayor's bash and at Lake day other than that matters in order okay thank you very much any questions for council president Wy at this time no okay um thank you very much for my uh report I would like to reference uh an item that we have on our agenda tonight um you will see that we will be offering a resolution to authorize Engineering Services for the potential water sale of our water and sore utilities here in Lake com um this is something that we are investigating at this time and it's something that we've been talking about in this town for about 10 years for those of you that can remember um I know councilwoman alal doy remembers but we had a serious issue with our water infrastructure uh right after Sandy in in Lake comoo where we had a good portion of our town had um Brown bad brackish water um coming out uh into their homes from our water system um it was really determined at that time that it was a product of uh Sandy uh and some of the things that were going on uh in in our area at that time um and we as a town decided that we were going to invest in our water system at that time one of the options we had was either to invest or to sell our water system to uh um to a bidder to a public utility company it's like NJ American water which we do use at that time we had an offer from them to buy our water system that was pretty low um maybe a couple hundred, to purchase we did not find that of value as a town so we decided to invest a couple of million dollars in relining cleaning and reining our water system which solved our problem that we had which was a good thing the bad thing that came out of it is that we pay more money for water in this town than most other towns in the state of New Jersey uh and that is basically paying off the debt that we have um in the loans that we had to take to finance that project we uh part of that plan at the time was to look for alternate sources of water we do have our source from New Jersey American water at this right now we were looking at uh Southern Mammoth Utility Authority as part of the project to to purchase water services from them which would be at a lower rate and then to do so we were going to have to partner with Wall Township because uh we were going to have to the water was going to have to come through Wall Township to Lake coma we had a couple of problems with that scenario one the pipes that were feeding Lake comoo were not large enough coming through Wall Township so we had to wait and rely on them to change the size of their wall water pipes coming down 18th Avenue um which I don't think they have done to this point um up until the last time that I checked they hadn't done so uh and then it turns out that and I don't have the quote on this but it was not going to be as uh less expensive than we thought it was going to be so we're back to really option number one looking into selling our water system so what has changed since the last time uh the Water infrastructure protection Act was passed um sometime after Sandy I don't know exactly when but it was after Sandy and it was uh after we started taking all of the loans out obviously for our water system the water infrastructure protection act provides that uh water companies can purchase um Public Water Systems at a higher value um part of that value is that we have to get our water system assessed um and the first step in doing that is getting an engineer to help with that assessment so this is something that we've been talking about for a couple of years now uh for probably about the last six months councilman danant tuano myself and Mr Heisman have been um and uh Miss Schaefer have been having a conversation about beginning this process or working towards uh fruition in this process uh and this would be the first step in doing so so if you uh are following along with any of our minutes at the last meeting we did appoint a special projects engineer which is CMA and the resolution you have on there tonight is uh authorizing that the services of that engineer for the sale or for the potential sale of our water and sore utilities um so just as a quick recap this is a a start of a process um in that resolution we are going to be appointing if we are going to be appointing CME to begin that process of um assessing and evaluating our water and sore utilities for the possible sale in the future to a uh public order company um I think that was pretty descriptive um any questions on that um other than that all matters are in order so we have a couple things on our agenda tonight um we have four or three licenses a resolution under the consent agenda can I have a motion to oh I'm sorry before we do that I have the motion to open for public comments on new business and consent agenda so move second all in favor I anyone wishing to comment on anything that is listed on our consent agenda or new business can come to the mic and do so now the mic is working right um anyone wishing to speak seeing none I'll take a motion to close so I'll move second all in favor I thank you can I have a motion to approve the consent agenda so move second second it all in favor I opposed extensions under new business we have ordinance 20241 this is a second reading in public hearing um offered by council president Whitty so of ordinance 2024 d01 ordinance of amending orders 17-1 14.6 of the r Lake development reg regulation this is what we talked about the last meeting regarding drainage and Grading of properties under um construction or new new buildings this is a second reading we've had extensive discussion on this but it is also a public hearing so if anyone wishing to speak to this specific ordinance can come to the mic and do so now okay see none I have a motion do I have a second second roll call please ready yes skull yes yes yes thank you very much the ordinance passes we have resolution 202 24- 49 offered by council president witty so resolution 202 24- 49 resolution authorizing the final change order and supplemental agreement number one for the Landscaping Improvement to Lake G project contract uh Drew you want to give us a little recap on this on the the change order the the closing out of the project oh so this is uh for the lakefront project and so as we came into this project there was a lot of changes um it didn't cost any more money it's just the change orders path was was was actually smaller but we added irrigation down there we added different beds we added more trees we had some tree work that was taken out so a lot of things were done down there the water panel wasn't on there um you know a lot of the um of the benches weren't on there that's how we got the benches so there's a change order but it's not a change order it was the change from the original project there is zero cost on the change order thank you so was just change in substance not in price that's correct questions from the council um and this effectively closes the lakefront project it does uh can I have a second second roll call please ready yes yes yes yes thank you resolution 202 24-50 offered by councilman ventri thank you mayor resolution 202 24-50 uh this is the uh resolution to uh appoint the engineer for the uh purpose the mayor just spoke about whereas by resolution 2024488915 interest of its residents to use C Associates to complete an engineering analysis report in connection with the potential sale of the buroughs water and sewer utilities now therefore be it resolved by the burough Council of the burough Lake comoo County Mama state New Jersey that hereby authorize the CM Associates to perform an engineering analysis and report for the potential sale of the water and sewer Utilities in an amount not to exceed $1,596 do I have a second second roll call please yes yes yes yes thank you resolution 20245 one offered by councilwoman Scott thank you mayor so offered resolution 2024 51 be resolved by the mayor and Council of the B Blake Como that the proper officers be directed and authorized to make payment from the following accounts current account 2023 per attached Bill list $3,233 32 water sewer account 2023 $21.81 2023 total $3,255 13 current account 2024 per attached Bill list $2,357 43 water sewer account 2024 9,373 12 General Capital account $144 tourism account $776 and and then a wire payments 2024 the current account is $410,900 54 and tourism $140 181 for a total in 2024 of 44,600 sorry 84 48,8 16546 thank you I have a second second call please yes yes yes yes thank you at this time we will be um acting as the Alcohol Beverage Control Board uh we have one application in front of us for extension of premises and as soon as I find the beginning of the application um it is for mtav Inc uh trading as M we have repres Representatives can you just come up to the mic and give us your name and address please I'm M you want my U home address yes please 272 wly Road Wall New Jersey thank you 0771 so you have a application in front of the ABC board for an extension of premises for St Patrick's Day Parade correct correct um and this is an application that you have extended in the past correct correct okay um Amy everything is in order with the state inde okay uh can you just give us a quick overview we have some specifics in here but just a quick overview for the record of what um where the extension to premises is going to be um and what it's going to look like and what your activity is going to be for the day uh the extension is going to be the driveway on the south side of the building uh will be serving canned beer and a uh some Taps out there uh we may be having a DJ there'll be pter potties out there there'll be uh security guards the entrance will be from the driveway through the building and the exits will be outside so there'll be one way in one way out and uh we'll be serving uh corn sandwiches and hot dogs and that's it I don't know so uh to get in there is an admission fee there's yes there's going to be an admission fee and there's going to be bracelets be bracelets yes um and you'll have security working the door the the two entrances and exits one there'll be uh six security people there there'll be one at the door one at the exit with the clickers clicking people in clicking people out according to the uh amount of people were allowed to have in there and there'll be four floating security guards make sure there's no problem um you did mention that you may be having a DJ I know in the past there has been some live music as far as somebody playing a guitar or something like that in the past having that this year going be a DJ okay do you have an idea of when that DJ will be out there uh yeah approximately 1:00 till when 1:00 till 7 something like that um Amy do you know if that if that is permissible outside to have the Amplified music off the top of your head okay is a problem what yeah I'm just the only question I have is because I know that it's been an acoustic guitar in the past um and there is well last year we had the same thing we hadide from One S okay we had a band inside this year we're not having a band inside we were just going to have the DJ outside and Irish music on the inside of the building with the sound system well I'm sure there's no problem we'll just we'll double check especially since it's it's ending at 7: and I'm I'm usually answer before that questions from the council um Drew do we get any feedback from the chief at all um other than the security which he just addressed and um um she did mention about the live music but it wasn't on your application so is not going to be live this year you're going to have a DJ we're going to have a DJ no that wasn't on your application so I told her no so I'll do DJ's gonna be Irish music get disco crazy stuff disco gonna the the IR well you have Irish Disco okay how about rock and roll all right okay um do I have a motion from the council make a motion we approve the application okay um I'm just going to um add for the record that uh after Drew talks with the chief um if we have to update the application with um a DJ we can do that but we are in agreement that um that it's permissible um especially if it was on the application for last year do I have a second second roll call please M wity yes yes yes yes okay the application is approved thank you very much good luck thank you we'll see you on uh Sunday the 3 okay all right at this time I'll take a motion to open for public comments good job sub motion second all in favor anyone wishing to come to the mic for any comments do so now anything seeing none I'll take a motion to close so move all in favor I thank you next meeting I have motion to adjourn all in favor I we jour