thank you let's bow our heads before the Lord loving and gracious God you are indeed The Giver of all good gifts and we come together this day to seek your wisdom your guidance your courage and strength be with this council meeting and help them be wise in their decisions made for the citizens of lake plid and the good of all those who have placed their trust and confidence in them give them insight to lead with integrity and their decisions May reflect what is right and good Lord keep them from shortsightedness help them to make decisions that strive to be the good of all while guarding them from blind self to interest Lord finally dear Lord grant them the humility to always seek your will in all that the council does and says all glory be to you loving God now and forever in Jesus name amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you call the RO mayor Holbrook here council member Royce here council member Wilson here council member ha here okay we'll go to consent agenda a number one a first is the agenda and then B is the approval of the November 13 2023 meeting I'll make a motion we pass uh the consent agenda second okay we have a motion in second any comments from the podium saying none we'll take it the audience all right being none pull the council please council member Wilson yes council member Roy yes council member Hayes yes all right number two c report 2022 2024 correction 2022 2023 I have an error where is that and I'll just say the reports in the packet if you have any questions we'll answer as we go along this is a requirement from the state by March 31st to have an annual report it's already on the website it's already been advertised that it's completed okay if I might Mr Mayor I think it it would be helpful you know for Eva or or Kevin or someone just to take 30 seconds in case the Public's watching and remind them you know kind of how the CRA works and where that Revenue comes from you know that it's not additional tax dollars it's kind of a hold back from the increase of value from the base 2017 value to the current value and in our our early years we didn't have much revenue that came from it but as six seven years has gone by now there is you know what we would consider consider for our small area pretty significant Revenue 150,000 plus or minus dollars and that's why we're starting to see a few more CRA projects is because there is some some funding there um and I just remind everyone that when we put the CRA into place you know we made the decision to use it you know almost exclusively for public infrastructure and and not do any grants like other municipalities or other CR might for individual Property Owners so I think everything I said is relatively accurate but I just I don't want there to be confusion out there as to where that Revenue comes from yeah I think you're correct and hope everybody can hear it's called tax INR financing or funding um so it sets the base rate 2017 when the CRA is created and that's what the county and the city collect for General government from that point on so the CRA is funded from the increase in property value vales from that point so as those properties inside the CRA gain in value that money contributes into the CRA the CRA then is has designated areas that you can spend the money on so you can't spend it on uh employee salaries you can't spend it on the police department you spend that money on specific projects and those are generally infrastructure projects Street lighting beautification those type of projects and that's what the uh you'll see in the next step the capital Improvement plan of the approved projects and uh so in the early years it's not a lot of money it builds over time and it also sunsets after 40 40 years 40 years um it will actually Sunset and then that money goes back unless it's recreated after that so I think that's the coverage as far as the funding on that and then we'll see the projects as part of the uh Capital Improvement plan okay any questions on that any from the audience okay we'll go to Capa Improvement plan FY 23-24 with the town CIP so Capital Improvement plans fairly simple um these were approved by the uh have been approved by the board and uh so the most of these on here Journal Plaza Alleyway um the lake Rashard sidewalks South Oak Street pavement Paving those are all the poos have been issued for those to excavation point um so those projects should happen in the next couple of months I will have a start date middle of next week of when it's going to start so uh anyway but those those are in the works and those are going to happen very soon uh North Main Dow Hall uh we've got the conceptual design from the county they've done the survey they've done the conceptual design they haven't finded finished it yet but they're putting they're working on their quotes That's The Pedestrian Crossing which will actually be just back to the south from the intersection there's an existing sidewalk that comes off of the parking lot our parking lot there so it'll cross a little bit back from the intersection um on on Maine and DOW Hall and so we expect that'll also be in this budget year I think Stewart Park electrical has already been completed no not yet okay uh so Stewart Park electrical is still there and uh and so those are those are kind of where the funds are at this point and then we'll be bringing back uh at the June meeting depending on what happens with uh Bicentennial Park um it's actually for the next meeting but we may come back and ask you for some uh capital investment funds to do some Paving or some area on Bento Park assuming that we acquire that property so okay so I think there's actually and there is over recommended Motion in there and if nobody has any questions yeah recommended action is to move to approve the 23-28 CRA Capital Improvement plan and adopt the town of Le plid 2023 d228 Capital Improvement plan by reference so moved second I've got a motion qu and a second do we have any other further discussion hearing none we'll take it the audience okay seeing none bring it back pull the council council member Roy yes council member Wilson yes council member Hayes yes okay okay and then we have a an ordinance 202 24-1 an ordinance of the town of leak plastic comma Florida comma that's reference that's the town that you just adopted part yeah that was the town's ordinance that we did by reference okay I just didn't know if I needed to read that into the okay all right then we go to the CR projects update pretty much done that which I pretty much just covered so yes okay I guess we'll go on citizens on the agenda is there anyone that would like to talk about any issues around town that they think needs to be addressed I will tell you we are looking at several areas of the road um like uh West Inner Lake just to the west of uh Dain Circle and also out by the stop sign of Lake June point and then also uh Harland Boulevard where almost intersects with 27 the those areas are County Roads we are we are trying to work with the county to see what we can do to get them up to date before we really start to have some serious accidents there because uh they're they're really starting to get pretty bad so okay is there any other business to come before the CRA good meeting ad Jour how do I oh just next one down two a okay I got to find it what are you looking for that's yeah I need to convert over here too it's not why is it way that's consent agenda yeah did you find what you need from counil agend okay oh here okay there we go okay thought it down sorry guys I'm good we're good we're good it's still below that oh is that the one okay yeah I don't like this new system yeah I don't Adobe change he sent me a text he was on the way I know he's been very very busy today I think he's I guess it's like anything else just getting used to it he's coming up he has waiting coming oh there it is well the good thing is he's got a year so for that's like Oh I thought that was this year no you know his daughter's in law school Devil with the tie over you find it they said it's because you ran all good evening I didn't switch it either it was just there just fix's your agenda okay this is all consent agenda right here you don't need to do anything there content agenda a through G okay yeah all right thank you good good evening sir good all right being 544 I'll Now call to order the regular meeting of the Lake plid Town Council and the government center in the beautiful town of Lake plid Florida we've already had our Pledge of Allegiance I'll ask the uh clerk to please call the role mayor hellbrook here council member rice here council member Wilson here council member Hayes here okay this time I'll ask the clerk to do the oath of office for Deborah warley I say your name hi Deborah and Worley swear that I will support protect defend the Constitution and the government of the United States the State of Florida and the town of Lake Classic against all enemies domestic form I do solemnly swear that I will support protect and defend the Constitution and government of the United States the State of Florida and the town of Lake plid against all enemies domestic or foreign that I will bear true Faith loyalty and allegiance to the same and that I am off under the Constitution that I will Faithfully perform all the duties as a council member for the town leg Placid which I am about to enter so help me [Applause] God well I'll go to consent agenda one a through G I'll make a motion we approve consent agenda one second we have a motion a second any discussion from the podium saying none we'll take it to the audience I can't hear you please come [Music] forward my question is does consent one include the minutes of all of the items a through G is that what you're approving right now yes so I have a question on the minutes if I may at the last uh Town council meeting uh that you weren't in attendance there was a walk on item at the end that wasn't part of the uh agenda packet or did the Town Council have documentation for it where there is a grant that's being um submitted to uh Senator Franklin that was due March 1st and it was to give you authorization to sign that Grant uh my question is how much money was the grant for what exactly was the grant for and what conditions uh the town needs to do in order to support that Grant okay yeah did did you sign the grant no Mr Mayor did you sign the grant yeah because I wasn't here no but did you sign the grant it was due by March 1st I don't know I'd have to check Eva I have not re received anything um but I don't believe that because it's in the minutes so it's it's part of the minutes okay you want me to answer the question yeah the deadline was extended the grant has not been filed a preliminary Grant application was submitted no signature was required I believe you had a copy of that how much is the grant for I I don't recall the numbers ma'am the preliminary Grant what you don't I don't recall the numbers ma'am what what specifically is the grant for do you have a copy of it I do not I've asked for one but I don't have one I was in and out of my office today so I might have missed did you email it to me it's aail and it wasn't discussed at the meeting that's why it was not clear how much the grant is what the grant is for and then what the conditions the town is obligated to support I don't know want to misspeak okay so I'm reluctant to do that from memory ma'am I'm I'm sorry I didn't hear that I said I'd rather not misspeak would be reluctant to do that from memory and the grant has not been filed but you said something was filed just an application there was a preliminary application it's it's not a formal statement at all not a formal application you know this really isn't part of the minutes it is it is part of the minutes that's no actually it's not ma'am oh actually you can bring up the minutes the minutes are corrected is written okay can you bring up the minutes Eva he my phone I don't have control she's referring to theem motion at the end of the minutes from M last meeting motions correct the government extended the time to file the grant the application has not been filed a pre-application was sent to the congressman the clerk will have it in inbox tomorrow morning so the minutes and maybe they need to be amended I don't know you can says that Mr Harris requested Council approve a Federal Grant application for the septic to sewer the application is due March 1st in addition authorize the mayor to complete the ACT signature to complete the application and the minutes are correct as written because there was no Grant submitted because that was was the deadline at the time the minutes are correct as written okay so your have changed since the minutes so you're saying you have a copy of the preliminary Eva that you can provide I believe Bart did email them to me okay today thank you thank you okay any other comments All hearing none pull the council please council member Wilson yes council member Hayes yes council member Ry yes council member Worley I got you all right there is no consent agenda to so at this time we have the pleasure of having our uh Chamber of Commerce director Mrs Jennifer Bush here who has got a special guest she would like to introduce to everyone good evening it is Jennifer bush with the Lake Placid Chamber of Commerce I just wanted to introduce we have brought back the Miss Lake Placid pageant after a 10-year dorcy we had 10 contestants turn out and over 425 people fill the Genesis Center last a week ago Saturday and we were happy to um Crown Miss Hadley Whitehurst and I just want to give her just a minute so that you all are familiar with her you'll be seeing her around town at events but I'll give her just a minute yes I am Hadley Whitehurst the 2024 Miss Lake Placid I just wanted to thank y'all for having me and I'm excited to see all your faces around town at upcoming events over this next year and thank you and I will tell you she's already doing her job I had the pleasure of being with her at the uh dedication of the hospital a week or so ago and uh that's right the day after the contest so we're we're really proud of you and we look forward to having a great year with you okay there are no public hearings all right Mr attorney you've got anything ever so briefly the um the grant that was just discussed a moment ago was extended the deadline is this coming Friday and I would like the same latitude to allow the mayor to sign off on that Grant it'll actually be submitted electronically so I don't know that there's a signature but I would like his approval so you have an elected official approving it will be for the purpose of extending lines both gravity and low pressure uh where we can do them as well as uh hookup costs uh once the new plant is in Focus rather is constructed okay is there a is there a Dollar figure on the grant or is that still open we don't that's still open the um Congress apparently expects to pay grants out in lumps of 10 to 15 million a year uh in this situation they like to see that you actually use it um and they want to know the total as well well it's easy to come up with a few lines and it really is all just an estimate the uh the sign sence we had in it uh when Joe was here he got the engineers to look at the cost of gravity and low pressure at all of the subdivisions we were looking at of course those numbers have gone up so we'll raise those numbers to a degree and I forget their total the total project will be well over a 100 million over a span of a number of years yes and this is just the application we don't even know if we're going to get it correct and then we still have to accept it if it is in fact granted correct if it's and we'll certainly bring that Grant back to you so you can see it I'll make that motion thank you I second that motion okay got a motion a second any other further discussion on the podium seeing none we'll take it the audience bring it back pull the council please council member Wilson yes council member Hayes yes council member Roy yes council member Worley yes yes thank you anything else sir Kevin do you want me to handle these you might as well start down the list still have a you still have a person to speak he skipped that you have a request to speak right after the no he canceled oh he pulled it yes sorry about that I should have told you okay the next item is to purchase a lift station along the south end of Green Dragon Drive just south of the school it would be from uh smoke land or smoke Groves I forget the uh person it's the same price we paid for other lands along the road uh you can see the rate is 60,000 per acre uh and the price for this parcel would be $3,177 plus closing closing costs and surveys and we are ready to close so I would encourage you to adopt resolution 2014-07 authorizing the mayor to execute and deliver the closing documents and the clerk to pay the money Mr here is for the camp and Conference Center Line I'm sorry yes ma'am yes I saw that and I the only question I had and it's just a random question that there is another lift station there already so you're going to remove that one and replace it but we're going to keep that land for expansion there I mean where the other the old lift station is we're just going to keep that okay so we're just going to keep that okay Mr Mayor I move approval of resolution 202 24-7 second I'm sorry if Miss Worley's questions were over I apologize if they yeah okay all right we have a motion and a second any further discussion from the podium seeing none we'll take it to the audience all right hearing none we'll bring it back pull the council please council member Royce yes council member Wilson yes council member Hayes yes council member Worley yes okay we'll have to withdraw the next the North Main lift station uh we have not come to price on to terms on price uh with the owner okay some time ago you approved uh purchase of a utility quarter uh that can also be used as a pathway out catfish Creek Drive from Lake June Point entrance uh almost to Lake to catfish Creek um it's up to the point that you have several homes we're not crossing the homes front yards uh we may have those discussions in the next few months um and it does not include um a little bit of land very close to Lake June Point um but we've got permission from that owner to buy that one as well at the same rate uh this would work nicely with the grant the town has to put in a multi-use path uh down that road to the new canal Bridge that's or whatever they're going to do to that brige they're going to do I've heard it's to be renovated I don't know the answer to that yeah I think there's still discussion on that but yes yeah the estimate was 270,000 this is authorizes the mayor when we get the numbers to close up to 300,000 I hope it closer to the 270 I don't know the exact surveyed acreage yet and as I recall Mr if it's all right Mr Mayor if as I right called Mr Harris this is it was important to get this quarter because we do not want to place these utility lines in the very limited right away County RightWay away correct when utility lines go in the right away of another government IE the county state or federal government and that road gets renovated if our utility lines are in the way they get moved at our expense Water and Sewer so that would be devastating um cost-wise so and that road is already very narrow with very narrow right of way so my recommendation is this is a a really good $300,000 expense for a multitude of reasons I should have taken a ride with our utility director before the meeting so I just had two questions um can we go forward with a multi-use path path is it going to are we can we do that before the the lines go in can we do that well the multi-use path isn't funded for another couple of years so it will probably be just after the lines go in I think do you remember the year of funding for that path the path is on their fourth year out so it's actually three and a half from now for the path but either one it doesn't matter which order because it's the multi-use path is 12 foot wide plus four foot buffer on either side still leaves us 10 foot for our utility easements we're designing in the corner I say Corner the side um depending on where you're at on Catfish Creek but let's say the west side for the most part of catfish Creek for the utility line and then the multiuse path to go next to that I think that's a win-win so and then the other question I had was how do we deter determine the cost for that we'll have a survey okay and we think we already do have one but we couldn't find it this afternoon at the last scramble and my apologies okay okay but I think to answer Miss Worley's question we've already negotiated a price per acre it's just correct how many exact acres in parts of Acres correct were purchasing if that was your question Miss Worley yes thank you so this would authorize the purchase at $60,000 per acre same as the other deals we've been making um just minute we have the legal description thank you thank you resolution okay need a motion in a second I'll make the motion I move the Town Council adopt the proposed resolution authorizing the purchase of the catfish Creek 30 foot utility Corridor to be used for water lines Wastewater collection lines lift stations and Pathways second okay we have a motion in a second any further discussion discussion from the podium okay hearing we'll take you to the audience come to come to the mic sir my question is uh please state your name and I'm sorry address jackley 607 sensor Point Boulevard Lake plid Florida uh my question is uh the properties the property that I own we have utility easements and front front back sides you know all over the place right uh why why do you have to purchase this agree uh this land I guess don't don't you normally aren't you normally able to just get a utility easement without having to purchase the land is is it because you're going to put a sidewalk on it or that mean does that make a difference or you know if it's if the lines are under around the the people still have the use of that land other than they can't build a permanent structure on it you know but still it looks like their property and everything and they could use it for other other purposes so can you just clarify why you have to uh purchase it neither side of the road has a subdivision like yours so there's no plat that would set aside utility easements um the road varies in width all the way out it's cobbled together if you will so this is the way we can obtain the utility easements now rather than wait until platting um it's the only way actually and since we're obtaining and purchasing a utility easement the thought was get it wide enough to make it a nice pathway for folks that like to jog bike and be outside okay I guess thank you okay thank you all right I'll bring it back to the clerk please pull the council council member Wilson yes council member Roy yes council member Hayes yes council member Worley yes okay thank you that takes care of C we'll now go to D okay um so let me pull up the uh so we did a conceptual there was a conceptual done for phase three um let me start back up just a minute we did get notification that we have been approved for the fer app grant for the pickle ball courts in the amount of $200,000 so at the May meeting I'll be going to the [Music] um rpac yes I'm stuck on fer app rpac meeting to uh request the additional funding to complete the pickle ball courts uh if y'all remember there was a conceptual plan that had been done previously that had the ponds taking up most of the boat parking this is a conceptual P this is not done by an engineer uh by our by polston who did the original one this would have to go to polston because these ponds are just put in in a size they're not calculated there's future work that has to be done but I just wanted to find out if conceptually you all agreed with this um and made any comments it provides boat parking parking for the pickle ball courts and the baseball fields uh it does remove a couple of leans relocates or adds a pavilion over by the playground um and then takes out some eucalyptus trees uh which um which are where that one dry Pond is showing so we don't know whether that'll what the sizes were and how they work because that'll be for Poston engineering to determine but if you had any comments or you wanted to see something different than I needed to have that addressed before we went to poulston so this is just kind of a consensus if you want from the board because it's not an actual design but um but I wanted y'all to see it and make comments on it uh it was kind of interesting because I went out there this is 83 spaces of parking I did go out just counting cars that during the little Le games the other night there were 81 cars now a lot of those some of those were parked in the existing uh pond the dry pond that's in front of the small Pavilion U so it will produce more parking than is out there today or typically needed on a uh on a baseball night which is probably the fullest that gets other than Fourth of July fireworks so or it would just cause people to go down the other Road and come in on the west side of the ball fields on the west yeah now is this going to be impervious or is this paved the plan shown is for Paving we may end up with some perious parking based on Pond sizes and how that works but what's shown in the gray is all potential pavement again this is not there's no funding for this anywhere it's just a conceptual so it can go either way depending on Council choices um the roads obviously need to be paved the parking you could do either way and we've got it looks like more boat and vehicles parking than we currently have now the way it's kind of laid out when you start delineating the road right aways into it's more than what generally parks there today only because of you kind of delineate the areas and the spaces you'll have people that take up two or three because of the way they Park their boat okay um in particular so okay thank you Mr McCarthy I'm assuming if we approve moving forward this I mean this could even be phased but then it would give us the we'll get a design that give us the opportunity to go to TDC or other organizations that have money potentially to help in the development and Improvement of our parks and ask them for assistance with this matter correct that's correct that's why I'm kind of looking at it as a phase three once we complete complete the pickle ball courts then we'll be looking at funding for to do the rest of this so really a phase three phase one was the uh the big existing the big Pavilion and some of the drainage that went along with that this is pickle ball quch is phase two and then this parking would be phase three thank you sir so do you need a motion to don't need a mo I think it's just something you can look at and if you want to make suggestions or changes yeah we'd be uh we'd be more willing to look at I personally I think it looks pretty good uh I I think it would help with a lot of the problems they have down there with cars parking Every Which Way but uh that that'll be determined later on well I I I think part of the parking is too it is kind of if you're from that side of town a little more convenient coming down uh down hall to come over and park on that side but because there is a lot of parking over on the other side oh yeah there's a lot of people park over there yeah and that's that's a nice thing you that's where the Overflow can go so okay anyway all right then yeah this will go to polston just so you can get this the this pretty drawing was the uh work of our new town engineer thank you Dennis uh mine would have been on a napkin so but I I wanted to show you that and so there is some the all of the all of the Stalls are to scale and and laid out it's way it makes sense so um so that's it for that the other uh two other items that I had on my uh on my report the uh Lake plasted Police Department um those plans are 75% complete they're on track for for a July um hopefully July bid so that's on track we did receive notice that we did not get the appropriation request for the police department the $100,000 appropriation request we are looking at a USDA Rural Development Grant loan and uh to see if we'll qualify for that but we're just literally um just received that notification late last week so now we're looking at this USDA loan see if if we will uh qualify for that so we'll be bringing that back up hopefully at the next meeting um after we done see what the conditions are and whether we meet their requirements for they have three different levels of Grant loan combination based on size of the town which we meet very easily it's under 5,000 then there's some uh poverty levels that where our average income is and that pretty much sets us whether we're 75% 50% or 35% % Grant so we don't have those answers yet and we don't know we haven't contacted USDA yet to see what that process is um I can tell you from experience USDA grants are very um technical in nature as far and a lot of paperwork they make srf funding and this Federal grant that we're working on the 40 million look easy so uh but it is a good program and and it is a funding opportunity so we'll be looking at that um but we are on track with everything on the police department moving forward um just another quick update on the $0 million project March 29th bids are due for at 2m for the wastewater treatment plant and then we'll be uh bringing those bids assuming that we have good qualified bids we'll be bringing the uh a recommendation back to you on April 8th to uh to award that bid and uh for the Wastewater Plant which will then set the stage for the other ones that we can move forward on the uh Lake pled camp and Conference Center is moving forward fairly quickly as far as the installation of the pipe goes we are still waiting on EPA there is a bi American requirement for that we've had five manufacturers that have told us they can't deliver valves in less than 26 weeks and so we've done a waiver request they had to advertise in the Federal Register for 14 days um that timeline ended on Wednesday or Thursday and so if they have any substantial comments then we're supposed to get those and find out where we proceed I think the only thing that would happen there is if they had some other manufacturer that we don't know about and EPA doesn't know about in the United States that can produce those Valves and Supply them to us then we may have somebody else to buy them otherwise I expect the waiver request to be approved so we can get valves ordered um and kind of finish right now they're they're doing pieces along if you go down Lake Drive East they've done pieces and they stop because of where the valves have to go and so they can't complete it it's cost them more money to do it that way but it keeps them on track for the completion of the project so um that's my update unless anybody has any questions okay if I might Mr Mr McCarthy to your knowledge the camp and Conference Center have they they've completed all of what I'm going to call their onsite improvements and so once the public infrastructures in and list stations are built I mean they're ready to go satisfy their consent order with d that's correct all of their lift stations or connections they've got to make final connections once we're upping running then they can make the final connections and and uh uh demolish their septic tanks that are on their site and they have we have we have received um notification that the srf grant was approved for the water line and they have also so we're waiting for the paperwork on that so we can get moving forward to bid the waterline project and they have awarded the contract to do the water lines connecting all of their buildings so that both sides of that are moving forward so if I might Mr Mayor it's it's your expect it is your expectation that most likely by the time the Wastewater lines and lift stations are complete and ready to be put into service a water line would have will be built that will will have been built that will serve their property we will meter off of that in regards to how we calculate their charges is for waste water as well correct yes that's correct okay thank you okay I believe that's all on the agenda uh Deborah we'll go to you first you have any comments I'd like to thank you all for pointing me back onto the council I appreciate the support from you all in the public thank you very much now nothing for me today okay really scary but nothing today Ray well first let me say welcome back miss whle you know I I know Miss Worley has uh always had the best interests of lake plasted in her hearts and I know that you know she always you know has put in good work when she's been on the council so we look forward to that continuing so welcome back Miss Worley thank you very much Charlie welcome board same thing thank you uh I will turn it over you want to give a little talk on the uh new playground equipment Alan keer Public Works director uh at Taylor Park which is in Serenity Village right off of the circle just north of the circle uh we just installed a large uh playground structure uh it is not open just yet we're having the sand delivered tomorrow to give it a safety surfacing but it's expected to be delivered and spread out tomorrow so it will be open starting Wednesday all goes well good that's it's a big Improvement for the town thank you okay U any of our department heads you he we have anything anybody nothing come for councel I will turn it over to our residents there's anyone i' like to say a few words this would be your time okay B none if there's no further business to come before the town of Lake plet meetings adjourn I'm sure it'll lower look where s