##VIDEO ID:U567kmPW-eU## [Music] [Music] good evening and welcome to the September 16th City Council meeting if you join me for a moment of silence in the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for stand One Nation God indivisible liy and justice for all okay Mr lovsky roll call please Michelle vul here Luke kellier John burmel Dan Walter here Joshua Lee moving on to item number three citizens comments this is an opportunity for those in the audience to talk to the council for up to three minutes so just come on up and state your name and address to the record uh good afternoon mayor helier and council members uh my name is Howard Schneider I live on Jersey Avenue uh though I think you all know I I'm here so if there's anyone listening uh what I'd like to do is uh remind and invite all of you uh personally uh to participate in the 16th annual community bike ride uh these days uh I think it's no news to anybody we're living in kind of a difficult challenging uh worrying divisive time but what we do in this bike ride is we reach across the aisle well really what I should say for the bike ride is we reach across the trail and uh I know some of you have participated in the past I'm sorry to hear that you're still recovering uh I am too bones yeah I'm still recovering and I'll be around just to help out uh uh just a couple of things to add about the uh ride this year the 18 and A5 mile bike ride will include more miles of Trail than we've included before we have a lot of new trails so we'll be including that and get this we will be including three tunnels during the bike ride for the longer Trail how's that and uh for the family and kids ride uh again uh those Riders will ride along M Lake Maran and back at pioner Park when they're done there'll be a scav scavenger hunt and of course the coloring pages uh for kids to work on if they so choose um so looking to this coming Saturday what do we know uh seems there's a chance to rain but we have never been rained out so uh I'm I'm confident that uh we will do uh uh uh conduct the bike ride as planned even if there are a few drizzles uh at the start uh number of people I'm not going to get into issues of crowd size that's a joke uh but we have I think nearly 30 Riders signed up already so that's a pretty good start so um I expect that excuse me uh we'll have another successful bike ride and here's a flyer part of my show Andel uh uh for this very brief presentation do you have any questions time and location that everyone's meeting oh sure yeah yeah we meet at 9 o' usually take off uh by 9:30 We Gather at pyer Park right here in downtown and as a busy weekend uh after the bike people can buy books uh use books for very cheap prices at our Heritage Library uh participate in the art fair and also pick up some fresh items at the farmers market and very good any questions no thank you Howard appreciate it thanks so much there any other citizens comments okay seeing none moving on to item number four additional agenda information Mr Miller nothing tonight mayor okay um item number five presentations introductions we have two proclamations this evening the first is a proclamation for Lakeville Olympians and I'll turn it over to council member Lee to read the proclamation city of Lakeville Proclamation 2024 Lakeville Olympians whereas the Olympic and Par Olympic movements have contributed to a more peaceful and better World by promoting education through amateur Athletics uniting athletes from numerous countries in Friendly competition and fostering relationships founded on friendship solidarity and fair play and whereas the city of Lakeville proudly promotes Sports amateur athletic activities and supports Olympic and Par Olympic athletes and whereas Reagan Smith Ian seidenfeld and Josh Cino residents of the city of Lakeville proudly represented our community in the 2024 Paris Olympics and Par Olympics and whereas rean Smith brought home Olympic gold in the mixed 4x1 100 meter relay medley relay gold in the women's 4x100 meter medley relay silver in the women's 100 meter backstroke silver in the women's 200 meter backstroke and silver in the women's 200 butterfly in swimming and whereas e Ian seidenfeld earned a par Olympic bronze medal in men's single class 6 table tennis and whereas Josh Cino represented Team USA in the Paro Olympic shot put in 2024 and previously earned a bronze medal in 2020 and whereas the 75,200 businesses of the city of Lakeville Express immense pride in these athletes inspiring achievements and commend their dedication passion and perseverance in representing their city state and Country now therefore uh Mr Luke helier mayor of the city of Lakeville on behalf of the city council hereby commend the outstanding achievements of Regan Smith Ian Ian seidenfeld and Josh Cino we express our deepest appreciation for their hard work and congratulate them on their remarkable accomplishments proclaimed this 16th day of September 2024 great thank you council member Lee then moving on to our next Proclamation um it's for manufacturing month and Miss goodro did you have anything to add okay you do very good good evening mayor members of the council uh Proclamation has been prepared to be read tonight for um to designate October as manufacturing month manufacturing related businesses are one of the largest sectors of employment in Lakeville and account for over 300 businesses and over 5,500 jobs on October 2nd we will be celebrating our manufacturers at our annual manufacturing appreciation event and this year we are bringing in a special speaker Gary Hefner president of personal Dynamics Consulting who will provide uh really interactive discussion on recruiting and retention of employees and that's all I have very good and I'll have council member burmel read the proclamation thank you city of Lakeville Proclamation 2024 manufacturing month whereas manufacturing is a dynamic and robust industry crucial to the health and strength of Minnesota's diverse economy and whereas the manufacturing industry contributed 57.2 billion to Minnesota's economy in 2023 representing a 12% contribution to the state's gross domestic product and whereas manufactured exports brought $ 22.5 billion into the Minnesota economy in 2023 and whereas workers took home 25.7 billion doar in wages from Minnesota manufacturing jobs in 2023 the second largest total payroll among private sector Industries and whereas Manufacturing in Minnesota pays an average annual wage of $779,000 which is 10% higher than the state's overall average private sector wage and whereas manufacturing provides 325,000 highly skilled well-paying jobs which significantly contribute to Minnesota's High standard of living and economic vitality and whereas Minnesota added about 2,000 net new manufacturing jobs over the year from 2022 to 2023 and whereas manufacturing and related businesses are one of the largest employment sectors in Lakeville and account for over 300 businesses in over 5,500 jobs in our community now therefore the Lakeville city council does hereby proclaimed that the month of October shall be observed as manufacturing month in the city of Lakeville proclaimed the 16th day of September 2024 very good thank you okay moving on to item six our consent agenda oh Excuse me yes uh Mr Miller any items you wanted to highlight thank you mayor and Council just a few items H and I both recommendations from the Arenas board item H is a extended extended warranty agreement for the completion of the new outdoor I sheet um that was the result of some issues that we ran into last year um and those have been rectified and then item I is a naming rights agreement with the line of Health Services they have agreed to contribute $100,000 over 10 years for the naming rights for the outdoor Pavilion and we're very uh thankful for that and then item 6L is a contract for the re remodel of fire station number one this will be similar to the remodel we did at station number four for some short-term improvements to house um our firefighters full-time firefighters will be starting next year okay very good thank you um Council any item for further discussion [Music] or cmer Walter um could we pull item 6 e 6 e okay any others okay can with that I I will take a motion to approve the consent agenda except for item e so moved second there's second any discussion about the consent agenda okay all those in favor say I I I I post okay the consent to agenda except for ordinance or E which is the ordinance establishing term limits for City boards and commissions so we'll take that up now and Council M Walter you wanted to start with any discussion on that uh motion yeah so um thank you Mr Mayor um I just thought we should have further discussion about this um we discussed it at a work session and it would put term limits on um boards and commissions of two consecutive three-year terms uh for uh all except Planning Commission which would be three consecutive terms um and then has some other additional stipulations I just thought we should have more um additional discussion on this and I was apprehensive about it I know at the work session um I I still am um am concerned about it I think um in my view we have the ability as the council to choose um uh whether or not to reappoint someone and and that that ultimately is to me as the term limits um for it and after talking with a number of um members of of people who serve our boards and commissions I think there's some concern there as well so you'd say no change I I I would just vote against it yeah okay any other comments about it yep Michelle um actually I was going to pull it and um and vote against it for um the the reason that it really is up to the council um we do interview everybody that wants to either reapply or apply um and it's really um up to us and future councils to make some of those tough decisions and this would I just don't believe in term limits anyway I think that um things work out the way that they're supposed to and I know that's a little utopian but um it's kind of like having a potluck and all the items just come and you don't have all potato salad but um it all works out and I really think that it's the responsibility of a city council to make those um appointments and hard decisions and this would lessen the hard decision okay is there any other council member yeah I was actually going to pull it too um just the in reading through this I mean we we talked about this at the work session and what we have here is what we did talk about at the work session um but as you read through it a second time and you start looking a couple things um I'm not clear with the uh what we have here and and when it actually starts like it says effective immediately and I'm not clear on whether that means with the current appointments and the previous history or it starts today and somebody that was just appointed this year to the council begins or not the council but a commissioner committee begins their their time clock this year uh that was that was a bit confusing and then the other piece is we can keep somebody on with the unanimous appointment and I think in my mind that did help um with with the question because I agree that it is our responsibility and at some point we just have to make that decision whether it's to take someone off or whether it's to keep somebody on uh but I'm just unclear on the process that that would be because I wouldn't want somebody to be at the end of their time limit and just not reapply um because I don't want to be in a position where I'm asking somebody to please reapply but not asking somebody else who's up to not you know please you know not asking the same question question uh so I I would like to at least see those two things clarified um but I do agree with uh with my colleagues that this is our responsibility but I think if this is worded well uh we can maintain that responsibility uh by uh approving somebody that wouldn't normally be on provided we have some reasons So based on what I'm hearing I would entertain a motion to table this to a future meeting that was acceptable yeah yes I I think I will make that motion because I prefer to work this out further in a work session than than at this meeting um assuming that the having those things clarified would potentially progress this because if if that's if that's not the result of that discussion then we should just vote on it um but if we if there is potential for uh passing this with clarification then I'm certainly in favor of tbling it the biggest thing for me is that process for um the unanimous appointment and and how we assure that if somebody if somebody's interested in maintaining is staying on that they can apply for that and and live that out okay anybody want to make a motion I'll move to table the agenda item to do I need to make a specific date or just future meeting and move to table this item for a future meeting is there a second I'll second that okay all in favor say I I I post okay we will table that motion to a future meeting um moving on to action items 7A ordinance amending title 3 chapter 24 and Title 11 of the city code and summary ordinances for publication and I will turn it over to our community development director miss goodroad good to see you again good evening mayor members of the council um before you this evening is an ordinance that amends um two titles title three chapter 24 cannabis businesses and Title 11 um the zoning ordinance of the city code um so the first part of the ordinance deals with the amendments to tile 3 chapter 24 which provides requirements for cannabis businesses including retail registration requirements the process performance standards um the application um standards as well as the process for temporary cannabis events references are made in the ordinance to Minnesota statutes and applicable State rules um including those that are being prepared by the office of cannabis management those will be wrapped up early in the year um the section was prepared largely based on the ocm model ordinance that's been provided to communities and in consultation with City attorney um the ordinance does include um the registra or um the limit to six of the retail registrations um as was discussed at the July work session and those would be issued um on a date stamped um first come first serve when those licenses um are available um I don't anticipate retail registrations or the dispensaries um operating before um probably summer next year um ocm is still finalizing their rules once that gets into place place um and there is cultivators that are actively working um to have product to sell um all of that needs to happen before um those licenses and City registrations um can come into play the second piece of the ordinance is the zoning portion we've had several conversations about this um we've taken all of those different license types we've um included those into the appropriate zoning districts again generally cultivation manufacturing distribution wholesaler is following with in the industrial districts and the dispensary or retail uses within the retail zoning districts and so this ordinance was based on the table that we shared and discussed at the July work session so nothing has changed from that it's just laid out into the appropriate zoning districts we did create a new chapter 38 which is kind of a catall for these uses that has some minimal performance standards knowing that really it's the ocm rules and the state statute that are going to lay out all the specifics of how these operators are going to have to operate in terms of ventilation security lighting all of those kinds of things we do not want to include those ocm rules into our ordinance we just want to have the appropriate references the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the zoning portion of this at the August 22nd meeting and there is no public comment and the Planning Commission did recommend approval unanimously and I stand for any questions okay very good Council any questions or comments I'll just just make one council member vul um you did a fantastic job taking everybody's ideas and putting them in here and um and I had stated at a previous work session that I was not in favor of uh limiting the U number of retail registrations so that is the only reason that I will be voting against this wonderful ordinance except for that one paragraph I don't believe in limiting um the number of businesses I think that again it's one of those things that'll just work itself out and um by limiting it to six and not giving the the opportunity for other businesses when they would call and say I'm thinking about coming to Lake though and then our staff would turn around and say well we're already at 6 discourages them and I realize that the council talked about the fact that they would relook at that if there was demand I'm cautious that that will happen so um I don't know that there'll be more demand than six but I just don't want to see the limit there when it's really um up to the business world to determine if they want to um invest in such a business other comments questions council member Burman I uh I want to compliment you too I've said before this is incredibly complicated and uh there's so many different levels and different types of licenses and sublevels and you've done an excellent job you and your team have done an excellent job of making this understandable and uh I really app appreciate um how you reference the ocm rules versus adopting them into our ordinance because last thing we need to do is is be changing this ordinance every time those regulations change because this is uh we're just getting started here um I want to clarify I have one question and I want to see if this is still because a while back I had heard in terms of the number of businesses it's not just what we designate but are we also tied in with the number in Dakota County to um that if there's a certain limit reached we would be telling people no anyway there is a county yeah so there's an overall County you know it's the one per 125 so that trickles down to the county as well as the city and my understanding and correct me if I misspeak on this one because I'm not exactly sure I'm 100% sure but if the county were to reach the maximum before or we did then we could potentially deny that's my understanding I don't think that's going to happen we're a very very large County um but if that were to happen so if enough other communities did not cap then it could potentially happen um I've been having a lot of conversations with my peers in a lot of communities and actually industry professionals want to see initially a cap I think part of that is some of those folks that are making those recommendations want to see somewhat of a a controlled flood um we know there's going to be a lot of interest um that's what they're saying some communities are considering a cap they might be going a couple over you know we're six go up to eight and then some communities are dialing in even more and separating the dispensaries from thees um the micro business because that can that takes a retail license as well I think having it as a straight cap keeping it simple is a little easier for us to administer um but I hope that answers your question it it does and if I could add one thing I do suspect I will be back here um even though we are referencing ocm rules and state statute things are just going to come out and as we are working through things I suspect we might find something like oh we really should tweak this to make this a little bit more clear we talked about this numerous times when we are going back and forth with this draft that this is probably not the last time you're going to see this okay yeah thank you other comments questions I just said one comment um well a couple I guess but just comments one thank you for putting this together we've spent many of conversations about this and just a reminder to you know citizens of Lakeville this is a rule that was established by the state legislature and basically allowed cities to do some minimal zoning uh and some registration so we're just trying to adapt to City rule we weren't necessarily out seeking this but this is what we have to do so with that I will take a motion to uh on the ordinance Amendment Joshua move to approve an ordinance amending titles three and 11 of the city code and a summary ordinance for publication okay is there a second second any further discussion okay yeah sorry okay uh and with that roll call please Michelle vul no Luke helier hi vermal hi Dan Walter hi joshu Will Le I very good it passes thank you again are you staying up here or we going to have the applicant for the next okay we'll move on to uh 7B Lord of Life Church comprehensive plan Amendment and I think I'll turn it over to Pastor Jam Jamie Thompson okay just want to make sure I have a list of a couple people here I wanted I just want to make sure I knew who was going to present so you are right on mayor good evening mayor council members uh members of the city staff and citizens of Lakeville thanks for hearing us in this opportunity before you this evening and uh another opportunity for Lord of Life Lutheran Church to serve our community I I know that uh I've been encouraged to maybe share just a little context of what brings us to the this and what brings me to this um so for those that have never met me and I my apologies to most of you cuz I I'm not sure that I've met many of you this will be my 30th fall in Lakeville on the Eastern side um I was appointed back in 1994 to start Lord of Life Lutheran Church on the northern part of Farmington the Eastern edge of Lakeville the southern tips of Rosemont Apple Valley I was ordained in ' 89 served 5 years in Woodburry while it was going through some very um quick growth there as well and then I was appointed here back in 1999 we closed on the purchase of 15 Acres at our current site which is known as 16200 DOD Lane Lakeville one of the reasons we bought 15 Acres at the time was we wanted to be Forward Thinking looking into the future we wanted enough buildable acreage which we mapped out as 10 buildable acres for our future what you see is a 10 10,000 ft footprint for an additional phases of two and three phases to take us to as many as 30 uh 5,000 plus square fet one of the reasons we bought the 15 for the 10 buildable was our eastern boundary at the time was a designated DNR protected water course 300t Shoreland ordinance meaning that we could only use 25% of the acreage within that for building or parking any impervious kinds of surfaces we went through what a lot of people went through we went through a lot of trajectory on the incline and then the financial crunch hit us quickly in 2010 2011 2012 flattened us out then covid flattened us out a little bit more likewise we had the opportunity to do some further research on our land the DNR protected water course has been lifted and released the gentleman that's going to speak after me Matt frisbee of of frisbee Properties LLC is the designer the architect of our building he and I started working along with our land team and Frank Dempsey here on staff looking at options just a year ago for our property Matt has done incredible um work in other communities as well as Lakeville in developments and when we asked him to work with us approaching the city staff we wanted to look at what options might be before us and Frank let us know that one option might be the one you're hearing about and when that became an option Matt frisbee pulled us aside and said Jamie is it okay if I don't consult with Lord of Life on this but I become the buyer and the developer on this project and product and we said we can't think of anybody that we trust more we made it very clear to Matt that this was an asset in the church's care and and we were going to leverage it and protect it the best we could and he applauded that and said he would expect nothing less and he would do the same on his side so we've partnered on this we see ourselves as a team Matt Frisbee and Lord of Life coming to you in the future looking at phases two and three but tonight we're here for this resoning application and so we appreciate your time on this again the staff's been incredible Through The Years so accessible so available uh Tina came and approached me and introduced herself to me at the Planning Commission meeting just a week and a half ago and said she'd be here tonight and she was the first one to greet me um in the entry and say welcome Jamie and again whatever we can do let us know so again if there's any questions for us please let us know but I'm going to bring up Matt and let him take it from there so thank you very good thank you good evening good evening thanks Jamie and thanks for allowing us to be here tonight I'm Matt Frisbee with frisbee properties and uh we have the I believe the site plan is part of your packet there and I I know we're going to go through that but just real quickly we feel this is a great infield site everything's been built around this area over the last oh let's say 15 plus years uh with Dr Horton filling in around the multif family round so this is a pocket that sits there that I think has a good buffer there there's a a large storm water retention Pond to the South that separates us from that development a lot of those houses are two to three stories to the South there's multif family uh to the east there with that buffer of the drainage that uh pastor had mentioned and then of course the road of DOD lane and then up to the church the other way so it's it's a nice pocket with a good uh arrangement with a buffer around it that we feel it's a good infill what we're proposing is it's a one-story look it's actually a partial twostory with a bonus room in the trust space but we try to keep these very low um so they fit well within the surroundings they're not an isore we really work on the pedestrian traffic through these neighborhoods and then and we're okay with there's 24 units so 20 of them are three-bedroom two-car garage and four of them are two or two-bedrooms still with two-car garage and uh Twin Homes in there the common space uh one time we did brainstorm on a community building you know what could it be and as we've kind of settled on more of a pavilion uh outdoor area with a pickle ball court and that would be kind of the community area for Gardens and things like that also in connection with the church so I'll let uh I'll let the city go through the presentation and we'll be available for questions and answers I just have a quick question for you yeah so are the there is there slab or basement or no basements so there slab on grade uh most and everything's accessible too so we do a lot of projects in the senior world and then also in the enabling world like an enabling house so if someone had a special needs uh either child family member or senior uh these will they can adaptable uh right away all the clearance is there no steps not even steps at the front door or even from the garage to it even thresholds are limited so we kind of hit that now this isn't guided for senior but a lot of our stuff is 55 plus but we want to open this up as more for a community and with kind of that construction of no basement then do you have like a room that's reinforced for storm great question and that came up with the Planning Commission and so as we're working on the design typically what we'll do is we'll look at a center core room and in this one we have have either the master closet or some room like that that will provide some additional structure around for storm protection that's a great question and then lastly are they owned or rental these are all owned these are all for sale and and managed by an HOA too okay anybody have any questions before staff report okay thank you okay thank you the gentleman hit on everything that is um important about this project I'll just touch base on really what the action before you tonight is um so the subject property is that at 16200 DOD Lane um the property is currently guided on the land use plan as Public quazi public and they are proposing to have the southern half for the um future residential development to be regid to low and medium low/medium residential from the land use standpoint and then from a zoning standpoint they're currently RS3 and they are proposing because of the two home um or the connected or attached um Town Homes they're proposing rezoning to rst2 so that is the action tonight there's a resolution regarding the comprehensive plan and an ordinance regarding the zoning map um I'll share with you um the site plan that Mr Frisbee has been working through this will then be this action will then be followed with a plary plot application and then final plot application um but you can see the design of the homes um as well as the um kind of common area pickle ball court just south of the parking lot for the church and then some schematics of a project um that's very similar to what they're proposing I believe this one is located in Woodbury and I would stand for any questions oh the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on September 5th prior to that a neighborhood meeting was held and they were able to I think about 20 residents came um with several different questions and they were able to um work through and get all of those answers um from both Frank Dempsey as well as the applicant and then the Planning Commission held its hearing on September 5th 5th and there was no public comment at that meeting and the commission recommended approval okay uh Council any questions or comments council member if we're ready I'd make yeah go ahead I uh move to approve number one a resolution amending a 20 240 comprehensive land use map and two an ordinance amending the zoning map and Adoption of findings of fact for Lord of Life Lutheran Church is there second second okay any further discussion Joshua Council Le all right he uh council member permal beat me to my question um but um just in in terms of acreage and I'm looking at this preliminary uh design are are there any anticipated um exceptions to our normal rules or regulations regarding zoning no spacing with the sidewalks or Street widths or anything like that no okay because I I just want to make sure there's enough acreage being proposed with this to make this a typical Street you'd see in an adjacent neighborhood yep um that is the reason for the rezoning to the rst2 to allow it to fit in this design this kind of layout um this number of lots um so that is the reason for the resoning gotta thank you any other questions okay I just said a comment I appreciate this project I think it fits well in in what is an area where there has not been a lot of development because it's kind of filled up so I think it's great that you can try to fit something else in there and I think it's a product that is sorely needed when you think about what's attainable um this size and and setup is good so I appreciate that uh and with that roll call please Burl I Walter I Lee hi bulk hi helier hi very good congratulations uh moving on to unfinish a new business okay um seeing none announcements the next work session is next Monday September 23rd our next regular city council meeting is October 7th right here at City Hall and this weekend as Mr Schneider said earlier today uh the Art Festival is from 10: a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the 21st and 22nd the community bike ride is on the 21st meeting at 9:00 am at Pioneer Plaza and finally the Heritage uh friends of the Heritage library book sale is the 19th through the 22nd with taking donations through the 18th uh for this weekend and with that I will take a motion to adjourn so moved is there a second second all those in favor say I I I post we're adjourned [Music] [Music] [Music]