##VIDEO ID:Hj8YhoCPbEw## okay good evening I'd like to welcome everybody to the meeting evening to everybody on Zoom um we will begin with uh the Pledge of Allegiance in a moment of silence uh before we stand I just want to say that um I think our moment of silence should be just a reflection on gratitude uh a number of us went to the school ribbon cutting today and it was a tremendous very very deeply satisfying for the community uh and uh I stood there and listening to superintendent suo talk about the the work of the school board the administration and the uh Partners here in the three municipalities uh and it was just a I think a a really really inspirational moment to see that school become something new and promising in uh in really just a I don't know a super wonderful way so um take a moment and just reflect on the Gratitude of our community and the future of our children and their education and all the really good things that we found in store for for our next Generation here in Lambert so R that's all thank you I um start with just a couple of uh things before we go to public comment um the first item on our agenda is the approval of minutes have all the council members read the minutes and subjected and made any that need be made yes okay I have a motion please to approve the June 20th the July 18th and the July 18th close session minutes second all in favor please say I I I thank you carries uh the approval of the administrat reports everyone take a look at the administrative reports yep two things I'll just highlight this month uh we took in $ 22,37 in hotel tax uh last month that's a that's a good number and uh our parking need Revenue was up to almost $50,000 last month $ 49,3 37 which is uh up considerably from uh last year's uh and even in the last couple of months so that's encouraging for the central business syst andle um I'd like to thank all the department heads who submitted their administrative reports lots of good stuff we're going to talk a little bit later just about some uh the work we have an update from Cindy and Lind uh on the landlord registration um which we talked about last month so um we have a motion to accept the uh following administrative reports of the Court's Office Construction office Fire official Municipal Court Police Department tax collector and uh I'll note that the report from public works department was not received sh second all in favor please say I hi hi hi speaking of gratitude Proclamation from Muriel Missour uh who's not here this evening but I will be uh this is uh approved by the council he presenting us to her on the 28th uh for you know celebration and and thanks for all of her incredible work here in this community over an entire well so uh I'm going to read the proclamation uh whereas Muriel mour a lifelong resident of lamberville is retiring from her volunteer activities at the United Centenary Methodist Church and whereas she is the daughter of Fred and N Lewis and the Lewis family fishery part of her herriage fishing for Shad starts when the temperature of the water in the river is about 50 degrees using a 100y year old tradition the team uses a rowboat and Nets that are more than 100 yards long long pull in the Shad from River to shore this fishing tradition is part of Lambert Phil's history and the reason we celebrate the Shad in the Delware River with a spring a festival Every Spring whereas Mrs merser is a retired Elementary School teacher who served 38 years at as a teacher at the lamberville public schools and whereas Muriel resides on Corel Street and is the mother of Steve reserve and Pam Baker grandmother to Andrew and Sarah Baker and great-grandmother to Benjamin Baker and whereas for over 30 years years Muriel served on the Halloween parade committee which was responsible for the planning for planning the annual parade with prizes and refreshments after the grade and whereas Muriel is also a member of the United Centenary Methodist church located on North Union Street in the city of Lambertville where she organized a weekly Community lunch every Wednesday for the last 12 years she taught Vacation Bible School ched the 150th church celebration and served on many committees throughout her tenure now be it therefore resolved by the mayor and city of the council uh mayor and Council of the city of County of Hunan in the state of New Jersey Muriel is hereby acknowledged for her many contributions to her to our community we have further resolve that Saturday August 31st is hereby proclaimed murial Reserve day in the city F any comments from the council before I ask for motion yeah i' just like to say that Mrs mour and my home my children is a a community treasure I look forward to celebrating August 31st as Mrs M deser but she she's just a terrific part of our community thanks for the resolution as uh another council member who sent her child to lberi public school which has been renamed but will always be LPS um I don't think anyone could have sent a child there well Mrs mxer was uh in Scott and not felt her presence and and have her child benefit from her presence all right uh may I have a motion to adopt the proclamation honoring mural observe noting that this will be presented at our picnic on August 28th so Mo second all in favor I all right let's uh before we open it up for public uh participation I just want to um not a couple of things I'm just going to read a couple of uh some brief statements about a couple of things that uh uh may come up this evening uh or or have been questions I think in the public uh recently um so the high school Redevelopment uh tonight the governing body will discuss the planning Board review letter which now includes kenan's response to the recommendations and points deemed inconsistent with lamber master plan following discussion I will ask the council members if they wish to offer any additional amendments to the Redevelopment plan and ordinance and I think it's important to be clear on one point uh uh and this is the first time I've actually been able to kind of say this uh with respected density kaban has informed me that the number of units in the proposed Redevelopment ordinance 200 is non-negotiable um secondly I wanted to speak briefly about Village Apartments 295 Nork Main Street just a little bit of background on this for people who are unfamiliar with uh um uh with this the city's first meeting with the contract purchasers of the village departments took place on January 24 2022 so that was just a couple weeks after I was sworn in site was declared an area in need of Redevelopment in April of 2022 though no Redevelopment plan was ever adopted or has been adopted the city's held meetings with the contract purchaser and reviewed their proposed plans over the last couple of years um at its own expense and as a point of visual reference for the public the city engaged Clark T hints to draft conceptual renderings to show what the existing structures would look like if elevated to the new flood Hazard regulations um these were shown at a public meeting on May 4th 2023 um at that meeting the city planner also presented some general information about the site conditions um the minutes from that meeting if anybody's interested are on available on the city website on June 6th of 2024 the contract purchase presented a new plan to the uh governing body that would remove that from further conversation negotiations with the governing body place them on a track for a planning board application as such neither I nor the council members can meet with them again regarding the proposed plan and while any Redevelopment on the site will trigger the city's mandatory 20% affordable housing set aside I cannot say when such a plan might be submitted and certainly not whether it might be approved um I have kept and will continue to keep the court informed about this sight and Prospect of any future development and I wanted to just also touch Bas uh with everybody about a resolution that's on the consent agenda tonight it's resolution 130 2024 so there was a question that came through on email um I think today or yesterday I just want to clarify we first uh adopted this resolution back in November 2022 um and it's been extended uh repeated and just to avoid any confusion I'm just going to read two two parts of the resolution which I think are are important to understand um whereas on August 18 2022 pursu to resolution 159 2022 the city designated conditional redeveloper as conditional redeveloper of the property for a period commencing upon the adoption of the resolution and ending 90 days from that date or the date of the first meeting of the governing body following the 90th day of the adoption whichever was later to allow the city and the conditional the developer the opportunity to pursue pre-development activities to implement the project including negotiation of Redevelopment agreement and other related actions pre-development predevelopment activities it also oper the execution of a funding agreement to provide um for the funding of a head account and procedures for the pay there there from of money to pay for the city's cause and expenses incurred in undertaking the pre-development activities which as through account uh conditional redeveloper has established with the city and then uh therefore the mayor is at section two the mayor is hereby authorized if necessary to execute any Amendment to the funding agreement with conditional redevelopers to memorialize terms contained therein and form acceptable to the city and in compliation with Council so basically this resolution set up the ability for um the city to enter into a funding agreement with the condition re developer which would allow uh our professionals to uh to provide the city with guidance and advice on on all manner of things at the expense of payal so this is really just about a funding agreement doesn't change the way we do things uh doesn't give me any more power to make decision and it would normally uh everything uh I you as the mayor needs to be approved by the council so I just wanted to clarify that for the public to make sure that everybody understands that this is really just about setting up an estro account um and and making sure that our city professionals are uh we're not doing this on our time so um I just want to clarify that well um and now I'm going to open this up for public participation uh I'm just going to remind everybody what public Council meetings is um members of the public shall provide comment from the designated Podium unless they members unless they reest flexibility and Mobility ma members of the public shall State their name and address uninterrupted remarks and or questions from members of the public should be limited to 3 minutes no C shall address any the council member nor any other person except by permission of the majority of the council um and the chair or the council members may or may not respond to to comments um vindy keeps track of the time she'll give you a 30 second indication when uh you need to sort of wrap up and uh hi there I'm zth O'Brien I live at two Hancock Street for the past few months I have been voicing my concern about the possibility of P contamination at the proposed Redevelopment site due to the techon manufacturing of the tourist Corporation I am here today to report that this is no longer hypothetical last week we learned that our wellwater is contaminated with P many of my neighbors are receiving the same devastating news are water is not safe for consumption we have tested our water over the years but the tests have never included this specific expensive test I am angry and I am frightened to learn that we have been drinking poisoned water for 20 years due to the negligence of not cleaning up the sight of the old dump and the burn down Forest Corporation dumping I urge you to perform upto-date Soil and Water Testing before this site is considered for any type of development and I ask for your support and help the residents of pet Hill pay our taxes just like everyone else we continue to pay taxes even though our properties are now worthless due to well contamination and that is no fault of our own we have a right to clean water thank you I forgot to really prefer that people don't CL there are sometimes people who have different points of view and I can send a message that may be you know I think it's a matter of courtesy so if you could finally um just allow one person to speak at a time um I'd appreciate it uh and I'll the council here a minute to respond uh to this I just want to that thank you for your email today uh obviously this is a serious situation I haven't uh uh Beth just I don't think I've to the council yet but Beth forwarded a copy of the 900 page report from the d uh documenting the entire cleanup and and remedy for Taurus's petroleum hydrocarbon well contamination in town was back to the late 80s into the early 90s that forwarded that document to the city U Clerk and the City attorney for uh full review so thank you for sending me that information uh I have had some further resources provided by the D today um conversation with the sent that out to a couple of people uh here on CL Hill we've also added have we proposed the website yet not yet not yet tomorrow um so um on the on the resident tab on the health and safety um so uh obviously encourage people to be testing their Wells uh there's a variety of information uh about well test private well testing on the city website and um um thank you for for sharing that information thank you for that the tone of your emails always very gracious yeah um just in regard to the P I saw what the department said that had also were gracious enough to copy me on and a lot of the information is for the individual homeowner so I think what's important for us is that if we get tests and we get the number of tests we get into like four five or six is that as a a city we're going to have to perhaps come up with some type of an action plan to address this it's kind of an evolving situation you know and and um having done environmental work and worked at the DP it's something sometimes that today I can't we can't say what it's going to be but I think we as a council are looking to you know follow this and and proceed accordingly as we get into some further uh testing and you know this we get a better idea of what this what this is um right now just don't know what all the answers are but I that it's great everyone is reporting their test results and we have been in contact with the and I think that relationship will strengthen us down yeah and thank you for that councilwoman and and for those people who are having their r t I would certainly encourage you if you if you would consider to share your results uh city um so had two two people share results so yeah wait please sorry we're going to do yeah we'll do one at time please um I would just add that the people that are testing the while make sure that they do test for the pest because as Beth indicated that's not part of the standard test and you know continue to share that information with us and obviously I agree it's a very serious concern jef TI 33 Wilson stre just real quick I wrote that law in 2001 and was there when we made the amendments in 2020 boss and Poland Spring solution is not a solution we have to have a clean up and we have to find the people responsible and hold them accountable and that brings me what I'm talking tonight about the hill um the more we look at it the more that site becomes less viable we have contamination up there we think the PS may have PS may have come from there didn't come from popcorn in the houses we have a landfill that's not defined on how big it is and how much was dumped there and there's no DP reports or analysis of it there's other sites that look very suspicious up there um and and that really concerns me then we have Michaels who been extended to be a redeveloper and their coo C Co coo is under indictment for fraud dealing with uh State credits and they supposed to get credits for hunting the site and you've got the state slopes the traffic flooding how we going to connect the storm order from up there to the town and all these other things that just keep getting longer and longer and now we have Blackman give me 200 units no you're a PL you're you're a governmental MoDOT you're to job is to determine what's right for that site previous administration said 130 or 120 was appropriate the zoning says 84 and they see 200 where is their analysis to show it's not going to cause flooding where is there analysis that won't go down the hill where is there analysis that it won't free up more pollution in fact they're not even charged of the cleanup KOB it's the owner and we don't know what he's going to do and what's been found up there even though there's test Wells so this is the wrong project in the wrong place and you should not be subject to Blackmail meanwhile I been contacted U by Fisherman's part they are looking to build affordable housing they tried many years ago to build affordable housing actually up on the hill they wanted to do 46 units back in the night they want to help the people in this town with affordable housing the house next to me was bought by them and it's rented to a very nice family from W with three kids and they're wonderful people they they they approached me about taking the the exclusion Zone where they want to build their um their their food pantry and expand it to do what I've been saying for a long time you put six units up there in the existing structur there's a beautiful project in warham Massachusetts like that they'd actually like to do more so you should really talk to them because maybe we extended the exemption area a little more instead of six units you could do eight or nine because remember six units there is 30 that's not going on the m and the same thing I would say when we de with affordable housing now that the village departments a buy ride they can go to the planning board at any time they don't need any approvals we should include them in our affordable housing plan and and let the judge not only know includeed along with the c and farm because again talking to them they would partner even with the Habitat for Humanity they want to do it and you know finally I just want to kind of get into that we have a commitment for affordable housing but we have a commitment to the environment we're fled PR own town we're lucky no one's ever di here you build on a mountain you give into to developers and they run the show you don't have a government anymore you don't have a town anymore and people who live in this town will all have to buy and and to me this project was deemed um inconsistent with the master plan there are tremendous amount of problems now it's getting more and they don't even want to negotiate or or listen to the government on you think is best for this town or what's best for that site there's no other there's no other alternative we need to come up with other sites there's two we just I mentioned there's many more and I can come back later and give you three or four other potential T thank you on the council wish to respond I the first I've heard about f mark want to do affordable housing that's very interesting option I mean fisherman Mark has a great reputation in the community and um you know we've had some discussion with them about other things and if they're interested and they're listening you know please reach out and talk to us my name is Larry K I live at five Liberty forville and I'm really to think Council or in consideration for affordable housing because is a problem just worked and worked and worked and it it certainly is one that deserves solution I can't speak to people in this room but I'm sure that there isn't a single person in this room who would say anything contrary to affordable housing so we we're all agreed we got to do this but I I would ask you the council what's in this ordinance so that our mayor can assure residents that appropriate studies for runoff traffic fire safety water supply sewer impacts Etc the things you just heard about we'll hear more about you have will be built into the detailed CLA the next step right the detailed CLA in such a way that necessary remediating components will be negotiated at fund how will we get there because the last line of this line five says that the mayor and council's attorney will be solely responsible for negotiation and when I talked to the mayor about this I was told that you know the next step is a detailed plan and as Jeff has said many times if it's not in the plan you've always is not on for it so we're standing here and over here and there's this isus in between us I don't know how we get there how do we get there we just had a 30 I just had a 30% property tax BMP because of the school board because of the school Finance I voted for it I got to pay it I would love to pay it but the problem is that we're not going to get a vote on this if there are costs that come out of this for all of those impacts that I listed where is the resolution on that where's where where do the citizens go to The Ballot Box and say Yes I want to improve the sewer plant capacity where do we say we want to pay for more security Etc so we would approve not just development but a medical tax bur if we approved in the ordinance as it's written now an unfunded unknown tax bur that's written now and we I asked mayor Andrew how do we know those components to these things that everybody is so concerned about are going to be built into that detailed plan when City's attorney and the mayor are the sole negotiator where are assurances I say we do it how affordable help maybe not this plan maybe not the way it's written now but I got to do it thanks so h a couple of things here I'm G I'm ask Bill to kind of follow up on a point or two the mayor and the attorney do not have soul uh the council has been involved in every single step of this since the since the first meeting with the with the the people who came in okay help me there there's no way in any universe that Mr opal and I would negotiate any of this without full support from the council and stop super important to be clear about that uh that does not happen we work on pride myself on by census and I pride myself that over the two years that we worked on this before we introduced it that the council was able to participate every step of the way every step of way I would not move it forward until everybody was on board with where we were it's very important for me to say again and again this is not some I'm just one F here and I'm the bus driver and that's about it right so you know it's really important for me to say that I would I have too much respect for the people on this dayas who have planning Prof planning experience you know we've been in government for you know been on the on the board for on day after for 18 years we were just incredibly smart and and and Savvy there's no way anything would ever happen without all of us so I'm just G I'm done with making that point because I think I've emphasized it enough so I'm gonna let Bill speak a little bit about just kind of what the nexts are so getting from an ordinance to an agreement right we talked a little bit about this and I think maybe it's just a good moment for you to to highlight kind of the process again yeah I think that was well said just without being boring about it the way the city's for government is set up is that mayor one of his job responsibilities is to negotiate contracts but the only way they effective is the entire Council approves them so I'm I'm with the mayor when we're negotiating but timately it's something you know we represent the interest of the city we bring back to the C and see if they like it if they're going to it we're not at that place yet with this plan um if there is a plan whatever you know there's a plan to be considered an ultimately adoped then you know we we'd get something you know entering agreement with any potential redeveloper and you know that would have some significant I think um environmental requirements in there considering what we already know now about the site what we do previously before some of this newer information came out up there and there was um you know having the land something that's significant requires different Environmental Protection Lang and the City do for a site that didn't have monor contamination so all of those things are being considered I think ultimately you know if there we get to the point where there's going to be an agreement you will all see it on account see they're going have to vote on to approve it so nothing even done Behind Closed do it's just kind of the the way it works the this whole government it's you know negotiation behind the scenes and then when we think we're at we're at a point where we might be ready we Council see say something now your time I'm a huge personal fan professional fan of you and if I came across this casting the sperss about our mayor or anyone here or the or the council I did not but it does say sole authority to negotiate and it doesn't State another T point at which there will be an approvement thanks no no sperss were I just wanted to clarify this we're te here right I and I think we have expressed and I know that I've expressed numerous occasions that the Redevelopment plan has written is unsatisfactory and that we do need guard rails to protect our community and now we are are told that there is no negotiation on the units which really kind of it you know it this is this it wasn't it pro that's a great degree of difficulty but the plan as it is isn't satisfactory there aren't any guard rails we want to protect our community we have issues about storm water we have issues about traffic and a lot of that's come to light about about water quality and the the trash dump up there landfill that hasn't been closed properly and and they're really if and the agreement is a little sketchy on how it's going to go has created problems than when we have first governed so I think that um there are a lot of issues with this plan and we are all tackling them and uh by no means or is it you know a zero some G person but I think we I've been very clear that there we need guard rails and any development that we have in this community and in our ordinances I'd like to just say that uh we share the same Viewpoint many of us on Council that that was just so Council woman's Comm these thoughts um this is we went and introduced this in order to get public input back from us and open the conversation to the public who will ultimately live we will all live with with whatever happens we on the hill and um you know our voting to introduce it was just that we voted to introduce it and since we have done that we have gotten great amount of input on people's concerns about this we've learned uh things that we did not realize because they weren't um sor not I'm going to do flight announcements going to crash we we've we as a council and the residents of the city of lot lot of input on this and your concerns or our concerns and I'm sad to learn that this developer has now put their foot down and said they will not decrease the the the density on this property which as now I am very concerned about and we will deal with that as a counsil at we more but um this is not the pcia that was first thought it would be and the bottom line is I all the years that I've knew you've been trying to come up with a plan that work that's changed several times over different Administration but still we have respons moral responsibility to make sure that people can and for so that that Quest goes on I don't know if it if it's going to go on on that site um as you may all know there is an existing plan in place that was passed in 2020 for 37 units up there 28 of which were for fair share now we've learned that the develop the redevelopers project has been put a stop sign in the way of doing anything up there as far as they're concerned and we know have direct traffic so I I think that that the public and and mayor and Council will will work us through the this may that uh you're we're all going through it together so I thank you for coming and voicing your concerns through past several months on this project and just to know that we are all listening up and thaning for all the comments that you have provided to heart thank you like to Echo Vice support for our fellow council members on this project uh two unit is unsatisfactory not doable don't even at this point I support or I I will would honor the agreement that was that's currently in place I would be open to honoring that um but I'm concerned that this developer has taken a needed or beated kind of uh approach and that's concerning that's concerning tur to me I know it's I that sen is share request this days um you know I I just I I just want to say as far as the comment about tcing dispersions um no offense I take no offense let's put it that way I take no offense I'm here represent the interests of this community and I got a pretty thick skin I worked in it 40 years so um so I I really welcome the feedback even if it's harsh because if you listen sometimes people just need to vent and if you listen you hear you listen to what's underlying the emotion and and that's a good way to move forward so um I also obviously support formable housing and I'm very intrigued by some of the suggestions that have come forward in emails and Podium and I would like to see Way Forward it's some additional opportunities um yeah sure uh so I don't I agree with what the other council members have said about the project um you know with reference to Larry's question about sorry with reference to Larry so reference Larry original question about the the langage re ordinance I mean I read it after we got that email and I'm a lawyer I've been a lawyer for 17 years and I had to read it again it's it's complicated so I certainly understand why people have those questions about that uh but the proposal to continue the designation um is really just to pass along the cost as uh Mr O indicated so uh you know we clearly are concerned trying to do it in the best possible way we can um you know we have an existing plan that um you know as Council Lambert said counc president lbert said you know we hope to honor that existing plan um you know it's a shame that uh it's a developer or might not even developer be the landowner decided 200 units or less and it's you know I hate to use the analogy but I think it's accurate you they putting it under our head said 200 unit are in and that's not how you negotiate and if they want to do something that's not the approach they should hello everyone uh my name's Mike Redmond I live in 23 Perry Street and I just want to say no to this project and the reason is kind of simple it's not a complex reason kot naen uh made your bones building entry level housing that's how they made their bones so it's very p that they don't want to do the affordable housing here that they want to pass it off to the Mich Corporation and I would suggest that they're doing that have separation to protect their brand so a company that built entrylevel housing entry-level towns all over Central Jersey really all over the East Coast doesn't want to build entry level affordable housing they want to pass it off to the mpor and that's kind of the tell I think that the pro problematic there's a lot of space between 137 units in 200 units okay so uh for me it's no thank youo again John counts 14 Handcock Street I think uh what most people are at least I am frustrated with is why was everything thrown on that Hill why was every other possible building site the police station bars I know you guys want it for open space but I believe and maybe the City attorney or somebody else on the board can tell me that the hill behind the school is also slated as open space useful but it is if I remember correctly why are we throwing all our eggs in basket why are we not even concerned and sorry folks I'm not seeing concern out there when four of my neighbors have tested positive for PE which is going to kill people the hill so the next thing you're going to have to put water up in that Hill where's that coming from the Builder's not doing that he's counting on those Wells out there to do the job he's not paying for it we'll be paying for it again I encourage you guys please remember jge departments put the 20% Bill P into all new construction that was taken off the table by the last Administration for whatever reason I don't know and why you guys aren't jumping up and down about that makes all of us concerned and honestly not trustworthy I want to have trust in my city government so please looking at those things if it's an issue of the court I think I put that in my email you why aren't we going back to the judge and saying hey Rand a problem we need to put a pause on this and we have an extension that's never been brought up in the city emails or anything else it's got to be a pebility now if you want me to call the judge I will but it really comes from a better place coming from you guys don't put my job or your job on me if you want me to do it I will you won't be happy result thank you again I appreciate how difficult all this is but again where we're sitting in the seats they're not looking really favorable on our I'm concerned that even with this PS it's still going get pushed through whether it's 13 thank you thanks John um just a couple of clarifications there uh public water will be uh private water will be brought to the hill the develop moves forward so uh the developers working with violia to bring public water up for the development so they will not be relying on private Wells um we do have an a mandatory 20% set aside in the city it's part of our or part of our fair share settlement so any uh anytime more than five units are built uh 20% is required for affordable housing anything less than units requires a payment to the affordable housing trust fund um I will be councilman Li and I will be meeting with judge Miller and Court Master tomorrow morning at 8:30 so hopefully uh we'll be able to represent the situation ation and the community's interests uh together as a team and uh we'll certainly report back what we can uh when we can so thank you I would just add that your idea about removing the 20% um on I guess the five units or less maybe that was a mistake and maybe that is something we should reconsider um I certainly would be open to that um you know something that I think we need to think about when we're at this stage so I really do about that and and just and I asked and I think in in meeting with the with the judge tomorrow because like I same like I is that that we put our best foot forward in terms of describing the problems that the site um and the issues that have come up and and and raise them to the court in in addition to the know negotiation phase because it's very different when you have somebody who's just saying no they came asking for more and now they don't want to do anything less than more so our situation is not or lack of wanting affordable we have some problems and we also folks that don't want to work with us so it's not on the city's done as far as I it's on there done and we are trying to provide affordable having here we have a new site that's come on board a new site but the village of Partners which has come around again and I found them to be you know they they've been floating around here and coming back to us and I'm very interested in what they're going to propose and I'm very interested in that we're back talking about Habitat for Humanity and that we have nonprofit in this town talking about building housing and that we are very interested in keeping that 20% because when you look at what we did while that was off with um you know what we that the may say you know it's a shame but hindsight's 2020 and um I just were justed to tell the for how hard we're working on this and and the obstacles that we Face especially with this the the landfill which really was downplay for a very long time and even as you know as residents you I always know it's kind of there but you know um it's you know it creates a lot of problems so I they now Miller I don't know if everyone knows by the way judge Miller when he was on the B and he's were fired down he actually handled more Mount moral cases than any other judge in the state of New Jersey um so he is the most experienced judge with dealing with developers and understanding these issues and um you know I also looked at a lot of his cases he's manag and none of those were ones where you're reading about the pay for the judges and telling them to do things and that's because judge Miller does bring people together he's a great mediator um and so I'm looking forward to the conversation with him right there there is one last thing that I just feel comfortable to share sorry I talk but I used to do M moral Master work in the fors and I used to work for a judge at e County called judge of and would bring everyone in the court and he'd say you know what the name of the game is in this and we' all got watch Judo settlement you know and and and it's very important that you know it's not that there isn't this big rock holding over your head of course are reasonable and they expect parties to negotiate and they expect settle for what works for the community and and I have my faith judge that he understands that if I could I could bring another flight the the uh even if the existing plan is implemented we Face the same concerns that we all have about the 200 units so you if if we have someone that's interest we have to do a little bit more of our own investigation and not leave it solely to an applicant because the even though it's what 20% left Happ so to speak or it's still got run off it's still got contaminated site it's still got traffic concerns um um and it's still going to be something that we all have to work through as a council and as residents to uh come out with the best resolution we can for portable outfit uh and we'll you know we'll we'll take it from there the this site has been around easily 20 years 25 years on on having a Redevelopment on that hill and uh this is the closest we've gotten to a real deal and now we find out we're working with someone who doesn't want to us so that's a little sorry but the site has inherit concerns and trou and you know no matter if there another development that wants to do our existing plan we've learned a lot with good plan on how to deal with the small plan so just wanted to verbalize that that less units do solve all of our concerns on that Hill that we've already had opportunity to hear back from you so that's really a conversation for you know some other time if we if we do have a developer coming up and maybe something we would we will talk about internally about whether that site is appropriate going for so um it's one of the verbal the the challenges ahe and it's great to see so many people here and it's also very interesting to hear that U that Fisherman's Mark may want to expand their footprint and we're anxiously I'm anxiously awaiting meting so thank you we have hi I'm 54 hanok Street um somebody said something about a certain number of Wells that test positive did I hear that right I've only I've only heard of two I've only have two residents right but but somebody said there's a certain number then it becomes a real problem sure I I think there's more funding opportunities for the D to help well I just want to know m test were positive I'm say a year ago um so throwing that out did anybody else have a test you did out last week okay here's tested positive about 30 for yeah I mean I I am sure if anyone got tested would test positive I'm sure that um I'm glad to hear that everybody thinks 200 is is too many units because it definitely is um I just feel like the ability to walk to town which was stated would not be there with this development is certainly not in keeping with the values of the town I don't understand that there's people up there who walk to work and if you put affordable housing up there they're going to want to walk walk to work I just don't it seems so strange that that the town would even consider this and and uh the traffic me you're basically not taking what oh taking every house up there and and the water making the houses no value because there's the water is contaminated but if you sick of development especially of that size up there and turn the neighborhood into a ram which is what would happen according to what I heard there there were no plans for traffic no plans for pedestrian nothing it just seemed so odd um uh why can't they make that open space doesn't make that open space I know it's privately owned but um wouldn't it make more sense to put affordable housing where people were already in town and didn't need to drive their car all over the place that would seem to make more sense to me what do I know so that's it um just wanted to really say that my well tested positive also so that's more right sh do you have your reports still you know I I am the only um duplex up on the hill and my the well is on my neighbor's property be share it I would have to ask him for it I know the we had this problem where we weren't getting any water pressure and and I was like what is going on I called a plumber and he went down there and he said there's his filter on there and it was for that and so I know it tested positive because he told me so I didn't saw the report but I know it did so I can't get the report I think it would be helpful anyone who's rented up there the landlord is required to test nobody he's not renting say anybody lives up there who rents their landlord is required to test it yeah I know it's a new rule whatever what are they call Pon okay and so nobody should use tlon pant either yeah okay thank um I'm Susan Mar IDE court and first of all I just want to thank you all I know you're volunteers um and I know you put a lot of time into this and I really appreciate your work you know for all of us um I was starting to feel a little nervous when I heard that um KOB had insisted on 200 units um I was a little concerned that if KOB dialed it back excuse me my voice is failing um that made the deal would go through anyway and I was actually um reassured by councilman segment's um remarks about that maybe no development should go up there um which would certainly be my vote um it seems like those hazards that have been there for so long I'm not really sure how that works like if there's a concern in a town about a private owner having toxins that are affecting other people um I'm not really sure what the law is with regard to can they be held accountable you know for that and for the cleanup on it seems like a public safety issue um and I'm I'm just hoping that um that something will be done about that site not just that there won't be any building there but also that you know get cleaned up um and the other thing is that I'm wondering and you may have already said this so if you did you know forgive me but I'm wondering if um water is going to be made available to the folks who have t Wells and you know um can't drink from their Wells is there anything that the city can do or is there any entity that helps with that is that the is that the end of your questions have I think we want to know which one is to answer them yeah so answer them when you're done so if you're finished you can always come back it's the second my brain all right um B I'm just gonna ask you to talk about the a little bit about the first question obviously I can't hear it so there is the which place um the city doesn't have specific regulations of you know state law there are um Environmental Protection tracks um while Wells you see there there's a link on their website where you can um get some more information about that it's a health tracking information um DB is also working with some owners to install Point entur M systems to filter out P information on that and again it's kind of something we can it's information we can provide but it's kind of on the prop own they got CI obviously we've been looking at this since the issues starting to arise and it's you know some C that concerned about it's just it's kind of the regulatory bodies that are involved they're not at the local level it's the state level there's you know we made some reports to the county as well um they have some you know input on it but um yeah I I I think what the city can do is just encourage people to provide information to us and and we can work we can you know facilitate getting whatever resources are available from the state count to tr out question I'm thinking that if there was something on my property that was causing a hazard to my to other people are you saying there really isn't anything in place that holds me accountable for that for for remedying that I would think that would be like a health and public safety thing I I could be wrong I don't know that sense question um I have to refer back to to what I said I I can't give you specific legal advice on those kind of issues there are you know there's requirements for property their property that but I to P or anything related to Wells it's it's kind of you know the the regulations are based on the private testing act so [Music] it's not silly but it's not really 100% helpful for you but there there's some resources out there I just um difficult for me to talk about different and with uh with respect to public water uh being provided potentially toit um you know that's that that would be something that we would have to talk about that you know there are many different private wells in the city uh and uh you know two of the counts of people live uh you know up on um Cottage Hill where they're made private Wells there is now public water at the corner of Boozer and Island uh and uh the city to my knowledge has not had any conversations about hooking individual residen as up that's a that's a big infrastructure question uh and I think that typically or historically in terms of Public Utilities you know house president and I were just talking the other day about uh hook up of a gas line right she she got several of our neighbors together and um they were able to kind of get gas kind of hooked up because there was you know kind of critical mass for that right so in terms of providing public water should some sort of development go up there I I don't know what that looks like uh you know development would be supplied by public water yeah I'm actually not concerned about any development because that I'm concerned about can home residents yeah I mean that cost you know I'll tell you that um in my conversations with uh um John hummings with K it's going to cost millions and millions of dollars to bring water to the hill um and they don't know what the C is yet but they know that it's going to be incredibly expensive that's one of the biggest uh cost drivers for them um and they don't have the yet but it it millions and millions dollars to bring public water all kinds ofo with lines and water towers and it's not expensive so I actually was talking about like future rather than the larger just I'm his worried about everybody up there and that's all thank you very much Judy B 86 North Union Street I just want to throw line back a little bit kind of to the way we started out there's a certain number of reasons why the answer to this is no don't do it it's this it's the flooding it's the we haven't we aren't prepared with the streets we aren't prepared with item after item we've been talking about little items in there they said 200 we said oh well we don't want 200 but what we don't want 195 we we this is a bad place to do this now I would not necessarily have had the nerve to say that before we knew that the Village Apartments is a very real location now for at least more serious consideration we knew back in the 2018 plan that a few houses on the plet property they didn't interfere with the historic and didn't interfere with some of the other stuff so we have way we know this we have the way to find the units to weave it into the town to not have a highrise that's all the affordable housing up on the hill with the hill flooding and all the things happening so I just wanted to let's not lose sight of the big picture the big picture is this is a bad idea we got to put our noses to the grindstone and figure the other options which two months ago we didn't have we're talking about things now that we weren't talking about that so please please please don't get sucked into that we can try to make this okay this is all still a bad idea but the alternatives are now very much Within Reach they seem and if the judge hears tomorrow we're trying to work with the 199 instead of 200 tomorrow don't forget we have other Alternatives that people have worked very hard to identify and find and they and they are there so please please look at that thank you a note here we'll continue with public comment but we have a we have a heavy agenda lot of things to consider we will be talking about the planning Board review letter later in the evening um so you know obviously we can we can be here as long as as necessary but I just wanted to I just want to give a little shout out there to um to the fact that um you know we're happy to continue to do this but I just we're be talking about we're going to be talking about a lot of these things uh later on the evening as well at the council level so please thank you I'm Joshua saers 41 North Union Street um I uh want to thank everybody for their work here and I'm glad to hear that everybody's taking the alternate um possibilities seriously and I'm glad to hear that uh a lot of the hard work is being taken very seriously I'm thank everybody here for doing that um I know this been a little fro at times but I think everybody's doing a very good job so thank um I did have one question which maybe you're going to address later and that was dra brought up the last meeting I was at where there was a question about West and well Township actually having some sort of say or control about the water issue on the hill and that there apparently had been no actual I don't know discussion or reaching out to on either side about how that was going to be addressed because it seemed like one of the big issues with flooding in general especially with the possibility of a large development going up there was that West M will actually have a lot of say over how water would be addressed whatever for whether it's uh building or something like that so I was wondering if any progress had happened there if we had anything to say about that as I said again maybe you're going address that later and I apologize to K but that was my question thank you I have not spoken to anybody at West about development yet uh they're still kind of here um and uh you know patients can happen um but they haven't happen yet working through a lot of these complex issues here in Lambertville um I did of the council member committee members up there today at school we had a great conversation and we to talk about St water and other things so there's not a specific conversation about the development in in regards to what what impact would have on obviously had an impact um has okay thank you if I could jum in real quickly it may be a good idea for us to share the information about how many Wells are testing with this chemical in lville and encourage West Sam Township to address the other half of the neighborhood that is in on the hill so maybe we can share that information that's a great idea and I I appreciate you're saying that and thinking about it I'll contact Mayor C on Monday send him all the links encourage him to reach out to his residents there make sure that everybody is in fact soon hi I'll be quick Lauren MCM Washington Street um just in response to the conversation that's been going on around a p on conat Hill um I think you know the the idea that these individual um homeowners are the responsible part parties for this I get it they they have to do their work contacting all the entities but I know that when um Community has been in crisis in the past that there have been some water trucks like out of Folia maybe providing them I don't know how it worked um so that people needed it it was like under I don't know if it was because we were having oiled water ordinance it was after a flood or something like that I just wonder it seems like there's part of our community that's in crisis right now and and if there's any way that we can come together as a community and figure out how to get some water trucks up there the people who are not able to use their water right now so is that a good idea yeah toire violia to inquire violia if they provide that service to be good I also encourage people I donate B water to and you know bring bring out to them as as well right now when we're getting into you know this moving ahead you know great idea but like to get to an area concerned where we can get an investigation go so Cynthia VES um 189 North Union um today I Googled um if other municipalities are pushing back against the mandate that they're all facing to have certain number of affordable housing um and dealing with the same problem that you might have to work with a developer who wants to do many many units much too many and all the kinds of problems that we've been discussing and I found something I just wanted to bring in up to find out if this is something that you feel affects our situation and what it is it's something that um Governor Murphy signed into law last March um it's ways to help municipalities um deal with all these problems that are coming up especially the cost and there's something called the affordable housing trust fund I'm looking at nj.gov right now and it's um something that's now been set up and they have um kind of a subdivision of it called the municipal settlement fund fund and um it says here that this fund will help communities create smaller scale projects that fit into the Landscapes of their neighborhoods and assist municipalities in fulfilling their Court sanctioned affordable housing settlements and it's up to $6 million per project and I'm just thinking um you know as you get into the particulars of certain situations whether it's the you know that what's it village community um negotiation or or just in general if you think that um this supportable um Housing Trust Fund is something that can be of help to all our problems and has it been investigated by um whoever would doing the investigating but $6 million per project you know that that's that's a lot of money and um just thank you sir yeah um I talk to um uh anybody about that I will point out a couple of things here uh uh people will have an affordable housing um informational session on September 9th is that that in the evening we'll be waiting through a lot of kind of History out uh last uh round you know we talking about uh mechanisms and uh funding and everything that need to be thinking about those numbers um I point out that we have Kelly Grant here who's our affordable housing col attorney also who does all of our reporting and who is our Guru with numbers and everything else I follow regularly so I'll the follow conversation with that about about the state trust fund um uh I don't really know much about it um so so I would need to have a conversation so I think that's why one one uh it's great for us to get back with uh nonprofit like habac or Humanity or if Fisherman's more on to build because when you come up with a project and you can apply to the trust fund to to help fund it because a lot of like 100% affordable projects are kind of put put together Patchwork of of funding because not the easiest thing to do but money like that other places there's also money's available through human services to help folks who are involved in and families who have uh Family Care Medicaid to help supplement their housing needs um through um helping to a as well so we got to get that the nonprofits get a concept together to be able to then follow that up that's a great it's it's a great resore yeah so yeah it's all explained on new jersey.gov website we do have two people online okay we'll come here and for the two people who have been patiently waiting online we'll we'll talk to you right after just really quickly I wanted to pass some information for our um this is from Tracy CIO she's the P expert at Delaware netork and she had sent me an email saying that um yes you do have landlords if you're renting landlords legally have to get tested for p um I can send I sent the email to a few people with the actual also Tracy said that what she seen work best is when the town tests to see if they have an area individual we that are impacted and then the town goes to the state to get funded um from there they can get the town would actually or the city and the would uh get this little fund to help cover any cost for remediation and for people to get their Wells they're cleaned or for water filtration something that we should maybe be considering as well and this is comp worked in the past so that information thank you people online and we'll come back how many people do we have online this evening please 28 28 would goad hello can you hear me yeah hi Cindy on 89 North Union Street M um I was very interested in reading the June 6th Clos session uh minutes about the Village Apartments and their potential for development um my question is kind of mundane and legal I'm the minutes of both the closed and open session didn't disclose why this was an exception under the open public meetings Act and why it was held in closed session could someone answer that [Music] I didn't have the city know what was going to be like the specifics of what was going be discussed um probably bit of a different approach previous negotiations with the developer centered around um negotiations for a project I would require the council to approve it so they would decided um designated under the Redevelopment law and when that happens um if the council puts a Redevelopment plan in place there's not one place now but if they do then that will govern the zoning to the site among other things and the city council would then approve a Redevelopment project s the parameters for what's going to be built there and how um so those were all the previous discussions that were held with this particular developer in close session at the June 6 close session um you know city was under the impression that I really can't hear you can you speak more into the microphone there's going to be a continuation of the prior discussions predevelopment so when they came in um they advised the council as they were going through their presentation that what they were going this evening didn't they thought they could build it or they think they could build it as of right and simply just obstain approvals from the planning and res zoning board so once that became apparent there was no need for the council to continue discuss with them so those minutes were made public I think meeting or two um by Council so um I I don't think it's nothing was decided as a result of that there's really no recourse for it um I reiterate when I said if the council knew that they were coming in for something that didn't require a Redevelopment agreement then it would have been an open session meeting or maybe not meeting at all maybe we would have just told them to working their plans and when they're ready submit an application to the plan board so um you know I think it was was just something that um you know didn't didn't come about until after the meeting I C can you hear better now uh a little bit so I what I think you said is one this was a part of a negotiation which I think Cindy what we're saying is that maybe I can say l when when they came in now after uh they began talking um I was immediately concerned that if they were not appropriate for executive session and uh because they were an AC gr developer and they weren't asking they weren't talking about the Redevelopment agreement so as a remedy you know actually we ended had ended the closed session and then made the minutes public as the FR remedy because to so the public would see the discussion because it was a discussion that was not for close session so we Rel so you know kind of like you know bad call that started out as an execu S because there was no explanation that they weren't talking about agreement that was appropriate for second session they started talking about an as right development so okay ended the session and we made the minutes public to remedy yet and uh and that's why we are able now today to talk about 295 North Main Street okay as a as as a as as somebody who's dealt with this a lot um number one you should say what the reason is when you go into close session and in the Clos session minutes and in their public minutes why you're going to in site the exception um and I get what you're saying um so I'm glad that they were made public um it's just you know hearing what everybody's been saying tonight we want to create a very transparent um process so that's that was only my you know again it was a a legal question I was just kind of like okay let me ask that thank you yeah I had made the public um because it was quite disturbing they began talking so and Cindy I'll take a look at that because whenever they go into close session always gives the been public meetings act um recitation for why we go into close session um yeah I yeah it should be specific as to why um typically I mean I know it's just it's one of those things you just say oh we're going into blah blah blah I know um I just I'm just Cur I just wanted to follow through and I I appreciate the response thank you next someone else um excuse me just one second at the very top of the June 6 meeting it says close session of the governing body of the June 6 2024 lamberville city council meeting to discuss issues related to possible litigation and potential contracts pursuant to njsa 10 4-12 B7 so it the citation was there thank you Sean do you want to go ahead sure can you hear me can you hear me again yes yes can you hearo can you hear me yes okay great thank you um Sean Ellis 21 badier Avenue uh just two two things um first of all uh I think there is something that the city can do if illegal dumping is suspected on a property um then uh that is illegal and the police can investigate and um there is there's visible half buried barrels of unmarked uh who knows what on that property I don't know what else is on that property but I think that the city can investigate uh illegal dumping which is is a known has been a known problem up there um and who knows it may even be continuing um so uh that is one action the city can take um I also uh want to encourage uh the council um the governing body to uh vote no on the resolution to extend kavanian um provincial uh as the conditional developer because if they're unwilling to negotiate lower than the 200 units and uh most and the count the entire Council um minus the mayor has uh expressed that they are not interested in that number and um going forward uh why not put it to rest right now and uh vote no on it um I think that would be uh that that would be make everybody a whole lot happier and um settle a lot of nerves uh I also do want to say that um another uh well has been tested and came back with positive posos results um Renee mccormic up on Coral uh lane or uh Coral Street I think um back there so um the number that I've heard now is four and uh I I do want to correct um one of the speakers uh earlier said that there are illnesses and and could be deaths there actually have been deaths from posos related illnesses uh my neighbor two doors down died of pancreatic cancer not very long ago which is very highly correlated with peos exposure um my other neighbors on the other side that her children have practically grown up in Children's Hospital Philadelphia um I have a member of my family who's ill and um my neighbor across the street was in the emergency room several weeks ago with uh for ulcerative colitis which is also highly um uh you know related to F exposure so um I appreciate uh now that um I'm seeing some you know sense of urgency uh about the situation and uh I would ask if you would commit to pursuing Public Funding there's are a lot it is very expensive but there are lots of public funds available for this kind of thing we did it on K Hill um in the late 80s with the with uh the sewage um public sewage and we got funding through the federal government we got funding through the state and um so that is uh a possibility as well I'd love to hear a commitment from uh the folks on the board um I'm from the folks on the council to pursue that uh so those are that's my statements thank Youk you um bill can you talk about any enforcement or any investigation of legal buing that the city uh would be permitted to do legal not permitted right the police regulations I believe in the city code have C doing it or I me it would be treated as a criminal case so at least took that route yes um I think the existence of bar know just repeating what was said I I can't attest to what actually the condition of the site I have't been up there but um you know there's certain Property Maintenance um code enforement Type regulations that are ined I don't know if they're applicable for this incident I don't want to speak about knowing it um but you don't know of any kind of retroactive uh sort of ability for the city to just go up and say you know we think there's for this evidence or you know this seems all very pretty ly to me you know it's there are standards in the city code as to how people have to maintain their property and those standards but um I think regard specifically toer I think there's I don't put the language the top of my head but it's you know to to site somebody and then that citation be to that and I don't I don't know if we have to to go down that rate so I understand concern obviously and any sees anything let City knows you know investigate further but I don't you know certain proofs how much we can do retro May um we talked a little bit about funding for sewer up at off on Con and a lot of things in the past have been F funded through HUD and it's a long process for that you go through but often there are things available to you especially for water quality issues and um I'm happy to to take the lead on that if you so you yeah some conversation about it I'll War back at the next council meeting it's complicated and it will take time and it will take Community involvement because you have to have someone pull those in that area they'll want to know income levels all of that but if in the end you end up getting funded it's worth it but but you're going to need to participate and often people will close the door when somebody comes to survey you and they want to know income levels so I just want to throw that out there yeah well everyone knows who you [Music] are you know speaking for myself uh you know it seems like we're just at the very beginning of understanding that there's a significant problem here right so uh we'll do our best to uh to explore all possible options remedies with the council attorney uh potential funding sources uh so uh you know we're committed to health and safety and uh we'll do our best to to make the situation better would it be helpful if we got somebody from the D come to a meeting to meet with residents who are on the hill um check with the D I mean I spoke um the chief uh depy Chief today uh and we didn't talk about anything that we talking about sort of providing resources um so it's a FR and expore um just one comment about um Sean's request about the designation uh you know just because I am planning on voting for that designation that doesn't mean that I'm in favor of this development but if we if we do not vote Yes on that my personal feeling is that sends a very bad message to the judge that we're going to be talking to tomorrow at 9 o' UM about what we want to do for affordable housing so this is just a pass through to have you know continued discussion this does not mean the Redevelopment plan is going to go forward and um you know I just think as an attorney I would just caution everyone uh that do we want to send that message tomorrow um Was the vote sorry we don't we don't do that please um thank you is there anyone else in the room who like to make a comment online okay I have a motion to close the public comment perod please second all in favor please say I we have somebody raise their hand yeah I'm sorry we're going to wait till the second public period at this point the motion's already been carried so moving on to the resolutions andent agenda just GNA make not here resolution number 118 2024 resol column for the library um uh thank you to councilman live for leading the charge to pick out colors that are absolutely fantastic um got them over there somewhere you can probably prop them up somehow um Also I spoke to M today he does now company in the land rable project so fing that M forward um and uh in terms of number 119 2024 this [Music] is art project art um and in order to close out green ankles we need do soil pting there and we need to have all that by year in order to get the $300,000 that's part of the GRE fund that so um that is all I want to say about the resolution if anybody on the council has any resolution please let me uh I just wanted to Bri talk about the library colors um anybody who knows me know I'm terrible of color was not even allow to colors in your house so did not have any bearing pick out C I relied on people that were on the committee and I also want to recognize councilman statement who had previously helped before to try to work with that and you know the ground that they made back then really what me for us to move forward so I did not help they are very nice agenda hear the resolution we were talking about let take it out talk how it again 130 130 130 2024 is that in the cons Senate agenda yes so we just recap where we are individually on that one but take it out and recap very quickly because we did speak about it at length there was a lot of bleeding of the conversation into agenda item pull that also 123 d224 there have been some questions from the public about uh cost in property I don't see it listed in the current version of the um resolution in the agenda so it was taken out so I don't know if we need to pull it out to kind of update the public on where we are okay agenda and then we'll go back to the two P out so um they have a motion to approve the consent agenda with the exception of resolution number 23 and 13 be SE all in favor please say I okay so let's begin with uh res number one two three build please walk us through the changes that we made this afternoon yes so this relates mostly to Calo Park um the city is required to update its Recreation open space inventory to add cavalo Park as part of the grant requirements there was initially reference and then when we when we update the inventory we have to take it in account take into account all um conserned and open space that would go on the on the inventory previously if we hadn't updated already so in the initial draft of this I included uh H part but uh looking back at some of the regulations the council's required to act on that separately so what we'll do what I'll suggest the council do we remove that language part in this resolution this can be considered as is in ter form and then um I will the regulations to fut consideration by the council for a resolution related to that so um right now in this form it's fine we just go a little bit out of order but I should not that over disord so um you know we'll have that for future V session okay any questions from have a motion to adopt resolution number 12324 second say I thank you now we move to resolution number 130 d224 when when do we have to approve this by I think that was a good 13 we're talking about 13 now right yeah we don't have to we don't actually have to approve it tonight uh I put it on the agenda because uh the next council meeting is a work session and Bill won't be here so if there was a question I don't know I don't know if the timing can take to this the second September meeting I what the timing is on this time is actually tomorrow tomorrow if we didn't do it tonight you have to do next based on the terms of the resolution you have to do the next me is voting session right that's why I put it on for tonight so if you want to have someone from Bill's office here during the work session yeah I mean I have a preference to not have you here I mean oh to the council I'm sure the bill will be delighted to be here I think we're at the work session work well it seemed like we really discussed this at length I just wanted to kind of pull it out recap So based on what I heard um councilman Li said that he said two things that were significant to me um number one this just is essentially in place to extend the funding agreement so that the developer continues to fund the costs associated with this property um the second thing is we really don't want to go for the judge and say oh we 86 that that funding agreement it doesn't it doesn't put us in a good light so you know based on those two stipulations you know I feel like I can support this uh resolution um yeah you know um this is I just trying to council president lamber I call her I explained it you know fairly well um I understand when I read it I was like that language but I think that um our attorney can if I can say it in kind of plain speak is that there is no ex no agreement that could be entered into without all the counil Council authorizes the mayor I that couldn't go all go independently of of council action and we really do this so they pay for all the costs to have all and so it's not on our dime that we review the Kum and we we do all these things so they're they're paying for it and that's why we pass this resolution and and and it is not to INF furtherance of the che it's just to set up away for the payment so with that in mind and castle and Li in my experience you don't want to send the judge do miss when we're in the middle of negotiating a horrible housing PL there just this site everything and we're trying to make revisions and do things it's best for all to pass this keep going and I ran out of got there and and then forward with the judge tomorrow in some of the points that we had talked about that we're going to be explaining to him tomorrow about the things that we've uncover by having them the of our professionals looking at it and great FL and your great comments and inut so we are doing this to move us in a safe not to do anything you know because we [Music] I I I uh I U I agree with the way that we're proceeding with this there are things that came up in conversation tonight that we will look into going forward um and um everyone you know it'll be done obviously in public and we'll address those concerns for wrong but but uh I I think that we I'm comfortable to do this knowing that that there there are other ways and other things that we have to consider going forward this project but this is kind of like well times have to re do resolution just so we can uh continue to uh show good faith that you never know somebody may change their mind on the number of units um but and again once again it the the timing of the renewal is a little wacky but uh it is what it is and so I would just uh I would vote to support to support this resolution you know with the understanding that we had a great deal of information shared during the since the beginning of the meeting and so just so the public knows why we're why we're we're doing this when to some it may not make any sense but we have other ways to deal with the other concerns on this project and that doesn't deal with the funding agreement that we're about to uh make a motion on make a motion on I'll make a motion thank you I'll make a motion to adopt resolution number 13224 second all in favor please say I I I thank you car all right uh the bills list expect the council is take a look at the Bills sign the checks today so Cindy uh if there are any questions ask now um all right we have a motion to approve the bill council president remember why see okay um seconded by it was seconded by the council president and I marked that Council and segment has abstained thank you those those who were voting please say hi hi I thank you motion carries ordinances on first reading uh we have the ordinance number 06 2024 that's an ordinance to amend the St water Control Ordinance um so this ordinance we've been working on I don't know five or six months now um and um uh we uh should have had it I think there was a deadline I don't remember what it was anymore but um the deadline was months ago okay so um so we got a number of people this I appreciate everybody who has chipped in Mr T and Comm cool obiously du and um and we also spoke Ken Rogers who offered some good advice on how to incorporate regulations or requirements from dep um so this is a ly ordinance I think it's 60 Pages something like that uh D was kind enough to to send us a memorandum of uh this the the significant the Salient uh changes uh that we're that we making that opposing this ordinance you will know that it's stricter than the state ordinance in several different ways um I don't want to go through all of the points uh uh in the memo I'm happy to send it to anybody who would like to take a look at it um so if you want to look at the memo which kind of breaks down the uh various uh um proposed changes to the boiler PL the state speak never I'll send off you mayor when I um I combine the ordinance with that memor so when it's posted on face on our website it's the the ordinance ver and this is right after but it's all in the same document that's right thank you I appreciate the revised one yeah the revised one right thank you um so question from the council for was here this [Music] evening um yeah I I have a a concern with this of that um there's no about the timing of this because um I really don't I I read your mem thans but in in terms of you know that we're making some decisions on storm water we talked about doing some different things that you know we said we couldn't do but storm water so critical and we're still in the middle of this a discussion with the judge about these sites and Happ plan and I'm not like really sure in my mind that this coordinance is what we would want inserted in any Redevelopment plan or I want to make sure that it's what we would want to do even on 295 North Main Street so I I I I don't know I we're doing you know starting a process that then puts pressure on us then we have a timeline to adopt when we haven't talked about and you know to think it through I think there are too many ramifications for this and um I just don't want to start a clock ticking that then I I'm supposed you I I have to adopt it by a certain time so I'm I'm a little hesitant on making the introduction and because I was reading in your memo and I I know your memo got wee again about that this would be inserted in any Redevelopment so I'm not quite sure that since we don't have a definitive um decision or you know about the site that this is you know like it seems to be work in progress on that I'm not quite sure in a perfect world wor you know or would be the thing that we would want in there so I just feel that since time is on our side and it we're not under the Govern to do this that we take a little bit of time and let the whole let it play out so it works in the B um you know for important building way in here my concern with putting off an ordinance that is well considered and ready to go and something that I think is appropriate to move through is that you know I want to avoid the appearance or the reality that we are uh writing an ordinance specifically around where that would uh that that that that might uh that might be viewed as tail to a Redevelopment plan or a particular development project I think that would be problematic um and uh I'd like to hear bill and I talk a little bit about this but you know I think think for me caution about saying that we're doing an ordinance while we're you know it's hard enough to kind of craft a responsible careful ordinance while we're in conversations with it you know with with the development um but the appearance that we may be tailoring in ordinance to a particular development site for example I think it's problematic so I don't know bill has to say on that yeah I you don't want to do that but the appearance of it is can be concerning it's not automatically concerning but um it can be concerning on me I think that um we're far off from maybe not far that's right phrase but if there's a Redevelopment plan that is eventually agreed upon I think that in its terms City can include the fact that whenever the existing strong water regulations for the city are can be incorporated into that so um I [Music] really whatever City to include in in it mov so um I he that's probably the approach focuses on any potential development related to The High School site and the Redevelopment plan that would government can you uh thank you for that can can can you give me the cliff notes on what you just said because I'm not quite clear of whether you suggest holding it or whe you suggest not only I you vote not me um um I I I think that if if we're looking to implement storm water regulations for the High School site the High School site Redevelopment plan when it's adopted should either have its own storm water regulations spelled out them or make reference to the city existing storm water regulations one or the other I mean okay you you can do that I think the high school those regulations are going to stand on their own I I think that whatever the city decides to do I just you can vot think you can vot on introduce it right but I'm just confused because I thought that D memo suggested that the storm order that the ordinance would be inserted in the Redevelopment plan so I mean we can you can write a Redevelopment plan increas trens it but I you know I just you know can you clarify that please take a minute to answer yeah um no you want pick the microp thank you um I believe that the reference that you're referring to maybe uh poll Point number one which just notes that uh Redevelopment projects they so the state's model ordinance actually looked like it had taken out redeveloped projects and so I wanted to make sure that that was Contin in because the city's current ordinance already has redeveloped projects no and I just wanted to ensure that that language continued into the amended ordinance such the ordinance is in front of you today um because the the model do not appear to have Redevelopment noted so that's what that first PLL it had nothing to do with that this was being done specifically for any type of project um this is actually being done because as the mayor had noted there was actually a deadline put on by D as part of the tier ms4 that they were the city was supposed to have adopted a amended storm water ordinance by was the end of July the exact day was like July 20th um so that part of the reason why we do or are moving on this um because we do want to make sure that DP can't come back and say anything uh because of their deadline thank you so I'll just add I do share the concern Council kinsky had um you know I think we're trying to have a lot of problems here and I think that one um you know to the mayor not wanting the appearance that we're doing this for a certain site I mean everyone knows what happened when I here we have storm water management in town so I don't think anybody would believe that we're doing the ordinance just on one site this is you know we learned a lot and we need to take what we learn and we need to apply to the whole town and there are other major site developments in town too so I I disagree with mayor respectfully about that we you know you look like we're doing it for the High School site no we're doing it because we're concerned about the town and we just you know I myself didn't live in my house for 247 days because we have S Water Management PR so friend wouldn't say that it's related I you know to I disagree this is we're trying to take the approach to you know come up with ordance for the entire town um you know we had the Watershed person come in U which you know cly I thought some of the ideas that they had watered or were good and then you know we having difficulty incorporating some of them so to me maybe this is one we should pull out so um just to respond to that actually I did take a lot of that into account I used New Jersey uh uh future they actually took the model ordinance and they amended it for the future for what they believe to be a lot of the items that are discussed at counc that prior council meeting um so I did actually look that and that is part of how this uh specific ordinance was um amended it was but it doesn't have any everything that the water have the sample one that um he didn't talk about I don't think we had a sample one he talked about some enhanced you know some enhanced measures have a possibility that that no municipality right that's what Jersey Futures was utilizing in their um as a as a prime example one of the main items that he had discussed was got the on-site detention body and that is incorpor into this new plan look if if the concern is meeting the DP deadline want to introduce it okay but I I would one thing to is that can want the public to understand that in any Redevelopment project that we do have we can do some different things than is ordinance number one number two is that if we're going to have a public hearing on it I I think we should make a present a to the community of what this coordinance does it ches some of some of the things we do and in development and and we we should really do a presentation on it and and talk about it and explain it to people um you know I know understand it but we want to understand because it is so significant and we spent months talking about storm water and and after having the blood you know this is one setep of the things that we're talking about to do in our tool box to deal with BL and St water we owe it the FKS to explain it and and have teach it and talk about it and go through steps and be able to have people ask questions and want to ask questions because I'll tell you read so I that we do both of those things I think it would be very um you know educational and I think sometimes we do do ordinances in general we should be doing a bit more of a teaching rather than putting the onus on every once she didn't understand it it's just it's very helpful um okay how about this how about uh first let me just ask you one question so so the ordinance here is considerably stricter I mean how would you classify this ordinance in terms of the state's uh suggested ordinances uh it's definely stricter and states it takes into account a lot of the future regulations that the state is actually I believe they just started um I think they just started this discussions or talks about trying to incorporate a lot of these future uh regulations that they want so this does take those items into account yeah and I think yeah and that's I think explaining those things and the rules that D has just proposed was to go even stricter although they might not be adopted in short order it's just important for folks to understand the magnitude of what's happening what and what the state is thinking about and what else could happen too I mean it's just like we want to do a teach in on affordable housing and affordable housing regulations right which can you know give you a headache this this would be very important too you know and it's like part of our toolbx in terms of also you know understanding our storm water system and it's great we're you know buying camera we're going to have to understand you know not only that but have somebody understand you know talk about capacity and want to change it so great part of the program let's educate everybody on it and and introduce it and get that process going so so before uh yes fine I think um when's our when's our work session I believe it's September F on the spot could you make a September 5th meeting and could we dedicate an hour of that meeting to going through this uh and presenting to the public and the council in more detail verify that I believe should be it is September what yes so if the council's amendable uh we'll have D back on September 5th I uh unless there's concerned about the the content of the ordinance uh at the council level um I still would like to introduce it uh we could do we can do the teaching whatever we're calling it uh on the fifth and then you know there's still concerns about it we can that way we combine it with public hearing we give the opportunity for folks to ask questions would be a separate well what we introduce it or what I care you know just say you know just some public feedback you know because usually we introduce it and we second read it we're G have a public hear comment so so hearing is correctly so we're gonna the public hearing will not be on the fth right yes and then we'll listen and then we'll bring lots of calls ask further questions and then we'll you know we make take the time to go through that and public hearing would be September 19th oh it's not that far there you go so so thank you all right and then that would go so prob yeah yeah yeah yeah and and Doug would you would you be as far as how you're going to supply your information are you going to use the screen you time talking about [Music] that we could talk about that figure out what is the most straightforward Layman sort of approach to explaining the Orin I got a really cool post for PR work if we need anything printed happy to do the new school I hope you pick the colors thank you Doug so um unless there's any further question or concerns oun motion just just one point sorry um the only thing is if we have this public education session there could be feedback that could could require significant change to the ordinance that's always a possibility um so it's kind of like is that a risk we want to take at this point um or do we want to just let it ride and deal with it if that occurs because we if that occurs then have to reintroduce it if there were substance of issues we could carry it on the on the second Bill correct me if I'm wrong but we can advertise a change it's got to be three a minimum of three business days before the meeting meetings not till September 19th gives us time to get advertise any type of change to thein right I would suggest that the with the whatever the changes are proposed that they voted on that night they vot on the Chang that night to incorporate them and then you you just got yourself an invitation to come to the meeting what when you say that night what night handle any changes right confident that we could whatever language so we don't yeah so you're look again um okay okay so that's that's that notes only Cliff Notes all [Music] right so just to reiterate September 5th we'll have an informational session the um public hearing and second meeing is scheduled for September 19th thank you um the valley parking ordinance is not ready so we will bring that in September is that on everybody no it's on okay so we have a little more work okay we have a little bit more work to do you the bill city code uh 2014 chapter adding a section for Valle par so we will um revisions and we'll get we get that off everybody ordinance for second meeting first second meeting ordinance [Music] [Music] um thank you4 reading lville County New Jersey providing for improvement to and for theity management system City appropriating $31,250 therefore authoriz 1245 General notes the city to finance the thing to Pur a video camera to scope our this is just introduced just introduced tonight um great idea you know and you know get it moving yeah all right [Music] at the time the Olympics fighting read September second reading public [Music] hearing so moving on to Second reading ordinances ordinance 13-24 ordinance in city of Lambertville County St of New Jersey amending and supplementing the Lil city code 214 11 fire prevention particle one uniform fire safety standards to establish designated local enfor agency responsible for the enforcement the uniform fire code amending or 7224 to correct clal errors 11-16 annual registration of n00 uses personal property and 11-3 C FSE alarm fire protection system better so this is uh really housekeeping thing second or third time we' had to make some changes to the oraments to correct some some language about or more but less that so um I'm sure probably pry well aware what's going on here [Music] [Music] to adopt ordinance 13224 second meeting gr final approval thank you we now [Music] sorry canis section 16-12 maximum number of permit and [Music] ch-47 to service [Music] commercial explain what's Happening Here the regulation ordinance and the relevant provisions of zoning ordinance the purpose of this ordinance um what super from the C2 allow for it in the nor C3 and South c z um through this basically the there's some language Shen um subsection via C 4073 that's the um C C2 um conditional use language and the only reason it's because the purp of the ordinances to allow um is to remove canis use from the C2 zone so that's why it's been Shen here um that's basically if the so for zoning ordinance there's a requirement that the planning Board review prior to the council adoption the plan board recommended that sh language we added back in I think there was some confusion as to why it's stripping but in any event um the recommendation C consider this tonight as as drafted for the reason that stated um you know adopting this essentially just the restrictions to the SE thank you um public start 2024 [Music] anybody and any further questions ENT 1422 uh ordinance number 16 2024 this an ordinance City landville the County New Jersey provided for various Capal Improvement of and toward the city appropriating 87,000 therefore 14,150 in general the same [Music] Shing Judy GLE 86 Street um I am talking about roll three which is storm water management measures and I just wanted to know for the record is this maintenance and if it's maintenance what will that include what will be the maintenance because it says management measures including but not limited to acquisition of physical measures and Equipment including all work and related materials but I don't know what that means and I know we've talked about maintenance a lot so if you could just clarify that the record so we would know that would be yes um I talk about this I think when we introduced it $100,000 is um SE it was uh included in the bond or specifically to deal with the uh cleaning of um the ditch SL creep behind school which hasn't been cleaned since uh Irene um and it's m so uh we have to prent equipment we don't have Dum serving the debris to designated sites and that kind of thing so the uh $100,000 was was nothing that we put in there more maintenance has been approved by the CFO uh and there is a little bit of flexibility in case there are other stor water you know there are other places where we might use a equipment say the say the video camera comes out to be $150,000 after all you know we've got flexibility here so it's not limited to just cleaning out U the the digine stool if I may so is that the own so all of the other clean all the other storm water things all the other stuff is waiting in line after this behind the school I'm not sure waiting in line $100,000 may take that to just do the and I remember when we talked about this I was hoping that would also be some other maintenance that wasn't just behind school because we have other areas in town where storm water overflows there's stuffff plogging things and everything I was just hop that some of this money would be helping to clean other places certainly available that yes thank you else motion CL please move second all in favor please say I for motion to adop Second reading final approval move all favor please say I I I thank you um and at some point uh probably fairly soon I'll talk to the budget consultant to uh you know once this is once we've gone out uh we we'll provide information about the um the longterm cost of this work that's incorporated into our our debt service Port so um thaten thank you you're welcome uh four Department planning board you um thank amaz person on the planning board she's been very impressed with her she very thoughtful approach to her term she's steing down um and so the way we do this is we move people up through from the all the class four position so we would Michelle Romeo Mich Romeo from alterate [Music] one [Music] and Mr Harris excellent candidate I think strong background in engineering and volunteers like to got the motion to this morning need a motion I um just couple of notes about ongoing projects the bridge is closed tonight 2 to 5: a.m. as they're bringing in part of the walkway um so um the brid commissioner was frustated about that so obviously please know about it make sure everything's happen on our side of the bridge accordingly um the CLG um ordinance that we've been talking about for more than a year now and meeting with this certified local government uh ordinance that will allow us to um kind of refine our ordinance cation um meeting with State uh for two hours in September 24th to go through that ordinance uh sent comments back it's very complicated and complex process um we spent a great of time on this and uh um me with the appropriate people of the state to to make final Visions uh September 24th room lower this week which is very auction I'm very happy room lower you don't have one ever and we have a lot of training of meditation to do yes I think than you guys are there um and been we've been the last I don't know certainly the last couple years has good cooperation from West s we came this recently and we sent the S to do the chi and steel clean up on on hill so um but it's nice to have a boom mow and it only cost $1,500 so thank you to the city for stay aw um yeah super it's a very exciting come in the original box [Music] um the punch list for the North Franklin Street our work is scheduled for this week so we should see everything on North Franklin Street we should see all the striping and the final concrete work and all the things that people have been waiting for SCH for this we I want to a shout out to to Cindy and Lindsay for the teddy was featur in County living was a great event up at the home park lots and lots of people came there were teddy bears there was a I don't know you guys can want to talk about it for minut I'm couldn't be there coming back in town so much fun it was H just a group of volunteers it was lindsy May Bambi uh the bird house right um and Public Works Jess and and Britney um they jumped in and so we kind of turned this into a sustainable Jersey thing in that Britney Public Works collected some recyclables and they had binoculars for the kids to look for bears and um you know Bambi uh reads a story to her granddaughter I think every night so her granddaughter came and there's a nice little parade and the environmental commission I'll let Lindsay talk a little bit about was it Tetra Terra um but we started collecting stuffed animals to recycle and people were dropping off bags of them and they were like brand new so we decided to do a pet adoption and so we must have had like six bags and when only came back with once right it was just just to see these little just so excited and just to be able to use this sding hill in in a different way and honest when we were done you couldn't even tell it was a free event um we all kind of brought little things um to it and um everybody brought a blanket and sat and had dinner while they the kids played with music and and went looking into the woods for bears that was the funniest thing was that they were all going into the wood to look for Bears that's right but Lindsay do talk a little bit about what the environmental kiss is doing with cycling because that all comes into play with this and we'll get some points from sustain New Jersey but it was a group effort there wasn't one person everybody just kind of oh and the library was there and uh they brought a whole bunch of books and they have a digital way of checking out their books it's the mile checkout station so wow yeah yeah it was cool it was just so much fun we're always looking for clever ways to do Recycling and the DPW gals really came through on this one because they made all of their crafts for the kids out of recyclable materials and we were able to do some textile recycling by rehoming all of the animals so it worked out really well you guys are wonderful I got to say when there are Quiet Moments in City Hall this is the kind of sat there play ey and it's great it was I'm so sorry I missed it I was just driving back in Thomas was finishing and it just like a GL so first annual they two they for a porch Fest Event Y um all right trick-or-treating on Tuesday October 20 31st from 6:00 to 8 um road closures from 5: to 9 as we do every year we'll close North Street to button wood that on your calendars um we're just going to talk briefly about the formation possible formation of un affordable housing advisory committee we talked to the council members about this and uh I think that there's pretty pretty strong support uh for a committee um and I think it's know not just something that we can work on in the short term but I think it's really important we're we're really serious about having a long-term commitment uh to to to get more engagement from the community um and to see what we can do with that so um councilman BL has agreed generously to kind of take the r on that um and I think that um unless anybody has anything they specifically want to say I gu I would just say that you know maybe over over the next couple weeks happy to work with you Lauren MCM U has sent some resources to us um certainly I heard from michaelan this week more than have but he's our plan par H uh and they have several communities who do have these kind of committees and may be able to help us provide a little bit of framework and make some suggestions or recommendations about size and about you know what's the best what's the best way is this something that means quarterly month do we have professional sit on these meetings so it's a lot of kind of considerations so um you know unless anybody wants to to say anything else I'll just say that you know I'm happy to work with them to get it up and running um and we're happy to kind of recort on it in early September with sort of what we initially sort of discovered and um we'll kind of take it from there Council want I know this is a discussion but we already talked a little bit about this just also add that I going to look to build to help you know in terms of how this is going to function officially sorry I just gonna put to walk us through how we can uh you know eventually do this in accordance with so hopefully he can give us some advice on that in this next month so yeah um I'd also like to comment that I think this is a really a great effort thank you councilman W for taking the um one thing we've learned in the last uh six weeks is that there's a lot of passion in the community around for passing and I think it's wonderful that we have so many qualified ined energetic and creative people to help us figure out a road map because really that's kind of what we're starting on right a road map not just for now but hopefully you know uh like more strategic plan for how we're going to tackle it and who knows we could be a role model for the rest of the state anyway thank you right um you know I'm GNA sorry go ahead I be pardon it's okay um it's a great idea uh it'll it'll help Focus uh us and the public on ways to creatively be able to provide fair share housing there's been there's been so much um technological progress in prefab in the in the prefab world alone that we may be able to incorporate some of that into uh satisfy our our requirements for be share housing in a and a different way to look at how that is structured manufactured and how that will benefit the community in some way so if we we stop thinking about this and we start thinking about this for rental units you know I I think the option is there to do some really uh high tech um proven uh building ways to provide share housing uh for us and really use whatever technology is up there as far as building and and you and and try to look to states that have been implementing this in a in a in a big way so it's very interesting great all for it time management and I'm gonna jump on morning here for a minute um I just wanted to talk briefly about the landlord registration so we talked about this last month um we're crapping G we we have 80 so CD's I'll let them talk here but I think it's important to know 82 property owners who were filing their landl registration 82 that's a lot of people that's a lot of applications to manage we're down to 69 okay so so um I i' instructed uh the clerk's office that uh people are now registered by September birth we're we're going to send summons complaints to the court we have to start managing this um this is the first time I think we've ever taken this approach but uh I think that I think that we need to get people registered we need to deal with health and safety you know this is also you know going to bring Revenue this is It's a health and safety thing first right we need to get we need we need to get everybody registered and we need to get them on an annual cycle of registering and this is also going to allow us to look at a few properties that have uh not registered in recent years that we're going to be able to inspect um for fire safety issues uh so you know I think this is a good moment for us to be looking at this and really tackling it it's a big job you would believe how much work it is to draft these letters and to keep up with this stuff but I think I think we're we're going to do it this year and I think people are going to get the point and I think that next year is going to be much more straightforward because we're not fooling around as Eugene I read today about one of the old articles I'm so we had 258 properties that we've identified um we started out with uh with more than that um we have 48 that are totally completed they've done everything only 48 out of that um we have 126 who were somewhere in the process they filed their application but maybe they have to let Le paint certification or maybe they didn't do the insurance or maybe they didn't pay their fees um we have 14 uh who have submitted in the portal but have not done anything further um we have 10 from one property owner uh and I'm not going to say his name but I have spoken to him on several occasions and he's picked up paper copies numerous times and has done nothing um uh we have one who can't um issue because of construction issues that are going on so out of that all we have 69 that are getting a very serious letter and the letter is U has a warning in there saying that September 1st or your report date is November I can't remember the November date November 7th um we're working with the court administrator so that we can make sure all this is done that rather smoothly but um you know we said on mailing February 22nd March 23rd May 20th June 18th in the interim we've sent out emails we've made phone calls and um I've talked to a good amount of people who still have not filed so if you look in your meeting folder you'll see there's um an Excel spreadsheet if you know anybody on that please feel free to give them a call because uh I don't want cind I'm not I I don't want to spoil a surprise it depends the judge will said it it's anywhere from2 200 to $2,000 and it's now up to $350 in late fees in registration fees in late fees so and then we will be coming back to you at the September uh work session um to talk a little bit about the lead paint um Lindsay has been really working heavily on that and has found that there are some additional requirements that we need to do and we can do that compiling a company which will make our life a lot easier um but it'll it'll cost a little bit so that and thank you for all your work um our last topic of conversation tonight is just a to T face and and have a conversations the council would like about the uh the plan Board review letter um so plan board obviously know we know this letter came to us um I don't remember the date but since L June uh andan has supplied kind of very responsible to this um if you know maybe just easiest to go down one at a time if there's anything you want to highlight or anything that's an issue for you uh to to to note uh if there's any um possible amendments you care to make to the the re development plan plan of the ordinance this would be the time to to to note those um the only thing that I'm just going to highlight and um is let see it was the te slope ordinance so the for me this the board recommended that the current St standards contained in the Land Development ordinance be incorporated into the amended Redevelopment plan and and I want to explain that at the planning board meeting there was not really uh a into a discussion of why the council uh made allowance for the steep slope uh made allowances to to to alter the Steep slop or right can't get right at 9:30 um and so you know that didn't really get discussed in in detail there and we can talk about that if wants to but I just wanted to note that that um that was something that the council talked about extensively with uh you know with the engineer um and with the attorney and the planner um I just had an initial question because a lot of people have asked me about the planning board letter are we able to post that to the website it's already posted it's already posted and um the KOB response is that something that we are not allowed to no there's this public document I don't remember if it's posted or not but if not we can do that yeah it's I don't believe it is we've had it's not on it's not under the Redevelopment and we I I yeah I had asked about it today yeah I think I mean the minutes are very comprehensive but I don't think but the letter the letter is not on the website okay well we'll get it on the website tomorrow well the the plan board letter is on the website but that is not months I don't know where it is on the website maybe Cindy can direct because I was looking for it and under Redevelopment document it didn't could my conf F yeah well we we also just got this s asking about people were asking now I know I can email to them sure of course no exactly I didn't just I don't want to give them something that wouldn't been no and part of the reason why you know I remember was was just an oversight but they sent it through with draft and took me a day or two to realize that it was it was this is a draft I had to call them I said is this a draft or is this your final this's actually our final so cind removed the draft from it so there's a little bit of a lag and so some of it was just that we didn't get it so if you go to the city's homepage and if you go down um below where the city of lamberville and the uh the the Delaware River is you'll see it says resilience action plan and then below that in green it says LHS Redevelopment plan and ordinance click on that box yeah it takes you to it's the last one that's that's posted um the planning board consistency review letter and tomorrow we we'll um upload K's response so you can take the other one down and put this one up is it as a responsive suggestion that right thing right only responded to things items that had recommendations deed in system okay um that's only thing I wanted to highlight um May I I it's not appropriate but um if if I have a question about that you said something and I don't know what that meant you said um we this might give the there is a reason why we reduce the standard and is there a point at which I can ask that question uh well since You' just asked it I mean if I'm no that's fine um so do you want to just give a quick two two minutes about why we what the conversation was at the Cal level and when we talked about the Steep sub coordinates and why uh these clouds you're going to be able to do it more effectively than I will okay um so part of the discussion for the seep slopes is the fact that up at the the old High School site there's a lot of manmade slops that exist they were slops created as part of the development that originally existed off that site you mean for the high school for the high school correct the ball fields is an example couple other locations there as well and so uh those were is that we because they're not natural steep slopes we felt that they should be counted uh negatively against them um for that aspect so that was one of the types of Ste slopes that was taken into account that produced um the requirement that they had and then uh the other steam slope reduction was due to storm management and that was be in order to get the size and basin that and because there's nine nine different stor management features I believe total uh proposed for that site and um that was in order to incorporate some of those those features oh okay but the the recommendation from the um planning board was on the 2018 plan lowered the standards of n of the 1995 master plan and those of the Redevelopment plan lowered them even more um because that so you're saying are are they being lowered or are they not it seems to me um the slope um slope limitations should be as stringent as possible and I thought that that's what was being recommended but now I don't know whether you're saying that or not yeah so the what what was being proposed is lower than the 2018 standards that were adopted at that time and that's what the plan board did not like it they they said was not in compliance with the okay good so that's the planning board said no we need it stricter and the bottom line is that they will be stricter well that's up to council to but that's the recommendation okay thank you yeah we're going to hold up on any more questions uh thank you is there a point where we well there there's a public comment period uh Sharon still occurring to yes okay thank you who would like banking with their EGS C do you have uh comments about the review yeah I don't uh you know since we haven't really uh have the opportunity to discuss all of these with the public uh I don't know if there I'm prepared to make any other changes at this point okay um that's pretty much my thoughts on it I mean you called that one of them which was great but I was hoping to have more feedback thank you very much for yours from the public before we moved forward with whatever we going to be moving forward to with the in response to the responses so to speak okay that want tolight um I was personally disappointed with the tone of the response it seemed rather dismissive um and uh given the previous conversation about you know their intractability on the 200 units I I'm not sure like I don't know why we would disavow what our planning board recommends right that's why we have a planning board so those are you know my takeaways from reading it I don't have anything specific I would just I had I didn't read anything that said why what the planning board recommended while what they were proposing was as good better or there was something a Miss with the planning board so so that's kind of what what I was thinking in J yeah um so I went to the plan working I saw obviously was there P their decision I appreciate all the time that they spent I thought they would pharoh and you know again I with a lot of their recommendations um for poal site there I thought they were very fful I thought they analyze all the issues I thought the master plan that's part of the process we're going to we've been working on this for a while but you know until we have the opportunity to go public with it have the planning board go through their review you know it's it's hard to see how projects can end up and that was very helpful to go through that process to have the planning board analyze everything again very thoughtfully uh and you know I think the areas that they highlighted are areas that I think are concerned and um you know need to be addressed in in future proposals well being on the planning board not going to contradict myself at all I think we did a great job thank you thank you mayor but um um just my only one you know it's not an addition because I do think back up a little the um the the one thing that I think we talked about a lot of the board reflected but talk about addition thing just explaining something about the site think the planning board head on to the judge tomorrow so we did not really ever know that much about was this the municipal landfill and we didn't really know how about like the cleanup and how there is though you know there's very little information and so when we're talking about on the site could anyone could lay out a site without you know a a lot more extensive examination and and I mean it's kind of incredulous and that the cleanup you know the responsible party for the cleanup it's not really structured that well it's very loose and uh that I know that was a big concern at the planning board that it doesn't really get to be uh reflected in you know because we had to go through like you know certain parameters but you know it's certainly a a big a big issue I I think that's a was a highlight for me in addition to you know the things that we talked about a lot of the pling storm water you know the traffic you know um you know yeah walkability and Recreation you know and really to dismiss I think Castle president Lambert brought that up to you know that they very much dismissed Recreation that you know the kids were going to go walk over for blocks where they had no interest in in proving the streets at least that they would go to this playground that it's really a work in progress so you know there would have to be a lot for anyone to come build an art to we would want a lot of we want some investment from them too and U I think that sentiment certainly from would be reflected you know in any comments that I had you know going forward anywhere you know especially like the road Network you know maybe it would be a partnership but those are things that you know willingness to um participate and be a part of a community you know is is certainly what we are looking and if I could if I could add that their response to pedet and access um we were at we were all at the discussion about this and the way that it was proposed uh to us was a way that would be would disturb more of the steep slopes to make it handicapped accessible however I'm not quite sure how this happened in Lambert's Hill where there's so not a non-handicapped accessible flight of stairs that goes from CVS area up the hill so you know that was an effort to make that development walkable or accessible to downtown so I I know there was no conversation about that particular the way that that development uh addressed that problem so I think there's still a lot of things that are open that got a hard know at the time that maybe should get a a looked at again about walkability I agree let alone the uh egress in and out of that and the and the the with the panck street and those sidewalks and and you know it's very it wasn't solved in their responses it was said how they couldn't do it was big enough there were Clips or whatever whatever the reason was it wasn't you know there was no effort it it it regurgitated why they can't do it with no options on how they could so that's a concern of thank you thank you there's anything else I'll move on announcements so mentioned already the affordable housing informational session L will look forward to seeing you there Ember 9 7 o' right here in Center um Convenience Center hours are are September 7th and 21st from 9 to no and Wednesday September 18th from 3 to 5 and now we will have our second public participation period same guidelines as before please to the podum mobility she have three minutes state your name and address Council mayor before you go there mayor if you want on the 24th of September for the meeting you're having our historic preservation i' glad I'd glad come actually got Cindy coming thank you well see that I made the most noise about it I kind of like to be there as long as there's not a lot of noise when we adopted it's a lot of work together all right please I'll be very brief because it's been a long day but I just wanted to I've been involved with the T issue for about 14 years and I served on Technical Community drinking order call it it's a terrible chemical there's no safe level EPA when they set their goal is basically they set a goal of an MCL of four parts per trillion that was not based on the cancer risk for EPA it's one in 100,000 for in a jersey it's one in a million that's drink right because based on the the Practical quantitative detection level you what you can what the lads can actually see and what you can actually treat down so you should understand that on the other side because it is such and there's so many different issues I won't go into it but on the other side we have we have wells up there and yes they need to be tested but it's not that you're not going to be able to sell your house it's not that you know everything is going to be terrible what you need is to have Swift action um a r a reverse osis filter with carbon can remove about 999 something per prob get it down below the level um they don't they cost anywhere from 500,000 they cost about $300 a year so that's the temporary fix that can be done but the main thing is to get education to people about getting their well tested and getting the filters in place using bottled waters and you know in Mar had this problem we got the National Guard Mar water Bott so there there things I can be done second piece is that something in fill that called an area imediate environmental concern five walls are tested brings open money out SP at um there's also a lot of money if we when we try to go and do the wells um I mean try to get get rid of the well and bring in water there's a lot of different money because of this special fund that was set up by this Administration from the from the monies that come from suing the makers of of of people sve itself when the manufactur inur just KCK up 350 mil there's also money added federal government what called wh which is the EPA fund for for water infrastructure State revolving fund on and on and on there's also the that directive and a whole range of other things so there's a lot of work but it's not Des dire and there own resources that the water company can get the town can get the other thing I'm going to just mention is that I've been looking for data the private well drinking act private well testing fund is supposed to report every year a d showing where the stuff is if you got rid of it or if you had to put it back at the county you have some of this data and just as I end I heard from a realtor that a well on ctage bu Tes positive for fos from the environmental working group group that I work with that works on U on P there are two Wells up on me on music now also so this could be a bigger problem but the thing is to get the public not to be afraid and just giv course of action and try to get the St in the latter we Act and the more noise we make and the more we put pressure the more we'll get with that and support get my point and now I'm glad I stuck around through this because this where I was trying to get to is all all this that mayor and followup video I'm still totally lost about the whole process here I didn't even know I found time to go look around the city's website to go oh over here theyve posted the followup from the planning board you know and now now the council's going to come looking at that you know I'm fairly interested in this I bet almost no one knows of this process it's going to be the point I was trying to make before what are the touch points what are the when when are you all going to say okay I agree you step take another step forward another step forward because this just says wor um that's frust that's you know the website with oh here's this thanks that the bran to Street um when it comes to testing your well well a normal testing for your weal is about 200 bucks and it tested for 39 compounds having our well tested for peos just for PE BS was $650 for the first round for the first test tomorrow we're being tested the second time not sure what that cost is another 650 a lot people on my hill aren going to be able to afford the test dress and so I'm wondering if there's some sort of State funding County funding something that people can tap into because it it I was really shocked when I got the bill I know be done but it it really did kind of St in tracks so just so you know I know there's been some conversation with the director of Social Services here in town so um um people are in need can contact me and I'll contact the appropriate person Perhaps Perhaps help Sharon War 89 Corel stre very close to Franklin so I look right up at the site and I really only have one question but I thought I should introduce myself bar into the meeting um my question is about finding a letter and basically talking about strive to preserve the natural Scenic historic aesthetic aspects of the community and its environment now my hope is that this prog if plan will never ever ever be um put into what that but um when the term viewshed is used and could somebody Define viewshed for me to look the same or not well I'll tell you this I you shed is when we used to use this at DP and terminology of coastal resources it was that you know that there were certain rights uh that you had associated with your current view ship which was really what you saw um and then so the question was you know back and forth I remember the planning board was what is this going to look like like is our existing viewshed which is if you look from your house or you're standing at S at the you look up what are you going to say you know and that was the you know questions that you know couldn't be answered and that was what the planning board wanted to say was what is it going to do to the existing sh you know just like when uh Lambert H was was said you know what's that going to do to the mountain and you know every time you drive over the pain Bridge you look and you go depending what season it is you know you see it you don't see it right now you don't see it but you're your view shed is almost the same as it was but your view shed changes when you come over the bridge at the B and the winter and all the leaves are off the trees so F okay because my fed right now is lovely and um I would just love to see it stay that way and that lead me is the most one of the most minor of my products I'm not saying that I'm against this product because my view might change but okay I just thought I should introduce myself since I barge middle of the meeting you didn't barge you're absolutely welcome here no I mean my com I know I know thank you um I kof did at some point say that they would be uh doing some modeling which would uh illuminate how the TR the vi shed would be affected they did that they did they sent it you I've never seen they they said like a graph or something that show Tre for those were for the the the the Steep slows the walls so so they did say that they would provide um modeling that would show um what the view how the view would be affected from different points so um we get that far that's that's definitely something that that can be done pretty straightforwardly we did this uh you know I talked earlier about the the U Village department so by Clark hint did this uh just to illustrate what the existing buildings would look like if you brought up to the current flood Hazard uh regulations uh they did some modeling which was presented to the public so that you could see you get a sense I mean it wasn't super sophisticated but you get a sense of what it looked like if you're on nor genius have by o cow or you know coming down 29 from you know from from house so the te it's there soft is there is pretty good and they said that they would do that so I'm just to to say that um is there anyone else in the room who would like to say anything okay is there anyone on public perod second pleas now 955 coming tonight all thank you meeting we'll yeah