##VIDEO ID:5255be33M5A## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e do not know but I didn't stand up that one is BR change it yeah CH that stand do you hear me back there I don't know why they gave me a mic maybe maybe we should get [Music] right this this is spe spe I all righty okay are you ready I need to roll good evening and welcome to the ad hoc committee for the home Ru petition pertaining to the um Lawrence school committee um this special committee was appointed by the the Lawrence city council president javanni Rodriguez today is Wednesday August 7th it is currently 5:46 p.m. members of this ad hoc committee I have to my left City councelor at large Anna Levy to my right senior advisor to Mayor depena Octavian spanner Vice chair of the Lawrence School I always want to say Lawrence uh city council Lawrence school committee Jonathan Guzman member of the school committee sand Sandra we don't have your left Edwards oh sorry about that and school Committee Member and former city councelor Myra ores at this point can we can you please join me in the pledge I pledge Alle to FL of the United States of America and to the stand One Nation andice for all committee members we have one new business uh item for this meeting and it is item 148-149 is for for us to work together the city council uh the mayor's Administration and the school committee to combine the two um proposals that we have we have one proposal from councelor Anna Levy that the mayor um has adopted and then we have a proposal from the school committee um Vice chair Guzman can you confirm whether or not the school committee as a whole has uh adopted this with a form of a vote thank you vice vice chair Infante the school committee did adopt this language as the Lawrence school committee submit uh language on May 1st thank you question uh advisor senior advisor spanner okay the uh This is Where I Need You know you have to keep it yeah the clarification that I need uh on behalf of the mayor's office to my understanding the mayor is the chairperson of the board of the committee correct okay did he call the meeting the meetings are called by the school committee Rules by the city Charter which are every first Wednesday of each month at 700 p.m. in the absence of the mayor the vice chair will Pride the meeting however was the mayor May informed the mayor it is informed of all meetings especially when we submit the agendas to be posted to The Madam CLA specifically this meeting you said all but I mean specifically this meeting all of them specifically because this meeting was a regular meeting of the Lawrence school committee and this was one of the matters that we took on that day in a hyrid meeting okay Madam chair this needs to be confirmed okay advisor Spiner I do have the the email here up I do not see the mayor's name listed in this however um the the purpose of this ad hoc committee each each body of govern of governing committees uh appointed members to represent the city council the mayor and the school committee um the appointees that the mayor selected for this adhoc committee is are included in this in this email so it was in my point of view it was the responsibility of the appointees to let the mayor know that this was happening no I'm not referring to this it means that uh based on this document there was a uh a meeting held correctly uh with the lawren school commit I'm sorry you were you were refering referring to the May 1st um uh Vice chair Guzman can you confirm that the uh mayor depena was informed of the mayor May 1st meeting yes do you have it up there uh it will take me a minute to if the senior advisor would like me to provide fe uh evidence on that I can do that lat can you can you yep please thank you just for the for the record yeah I can I can do that uh not at this moment I would say but I can get that posted and given to for the record F spanner Madam chair I think it would be appropriate for that to be confirmed because I just spoken to the mayor uh in regards to that uh I brought it up uh during the uh public meeting uh city council meeting and I have uh objected to that uh we have spoken with the city attorney as well at that time and they indicated that uh it didn't go as uh the rules uh pertaining to the school committee okay uh Vice chair Guzman thank you Vice chair uh on Wednesday April 24 2024 good afternoon clerk Bernal I hope you're well please find attach the agenda for the Lawrence SCH committee regular meeting which is May 1st 2024 at 700 p.m. and this email is to Eileen bernau at cityof lawrence.com Jennifer Duran the school committee and Brian a depena according to the City attorney uh the mayor was supposed as the chairperson was supposed to call the meeting so for the sake of this meeting okay uh I would like to just uh just let you know shair uh because that was under advice uh advice of the City attorney uh that needs to be confirmed but I'm not going to object to any for this meeting to continue but however I would like to have that on record okay make sure Maria this is on the record thank you so as a point of clarification what my Committee Member or thank you I'm sorry I don't even know how to I Vice councelor Infante how should I address you just counselor vice president whichever I'm not sure counil resp so point of clarification what is being entered into the public record is what are we entering into the public record are we entering that a public uh email of the school committee was had as per the charter and that city clerk Eileen Bernell was notified of our standing meeting that is in the charter is that what we're entering into the public record that sounds a little bit redundant advisor spanner it's procedure so procedurally what you're having us enter into the record is what's already in our public record of being a public meeting that was put up by the city clerk of our standing meeting that is in the charter on the first Wednesday of the month and so that being said procedurally are you trying to undo with this intent every meeting that the school committee has had every first Wednesday of the month that the mayor also chair has been absent for and has not attended or called is that your intent my intent it was The Madam chair is the as I said before and from the record that was the advice and recommendation that was given by the city journey to uh to our so this is uh Maria can we sign correspondence to the City attorney of to come before this ad hoc committee it doesn't seem like it may look like we we're going to schedule a second meeting so for the second meeting can you ask him to to join us please all right so you're welcome for the sake of I I want to remind every every member um this is we're talking about the future of our community the future of our school systems the future of how democracy and governing bodies will move forward um it's imperative that we all work together VI individuals from the the administration individuals from the city council individuals from the school committee advocated for this committee to be created in order for us to move forward so I ask that we use this time wisely that we get work done and be productive um everything else there's a bit of confusion we will send correspondence to the City attorney I will also reach out to the City attorney directly to get clearer answers and and report back to this board um but we have until 650 we have a hard stop at 650 so with that being said um I'm actually going to give the floor now to councelor Levy since she is the main sponsor of one of the proposals and then we're going to go to the vice chair of the school committee um for the second proposal uh and advisor spanner as since the mayor um joined Council Levy uh this will be both of counselors and your time out to speak but councelor Levy you have the floor thank you thank you okay thank you for giving thank you for giving me to the opportunity to speak regarding this proposal as as explained it before there were practically three proposal in front of us on the day that this was discussed so the reason why I submitted this uh home from petition was because I notic it that in the proposal the first proposal submitted to us uh we were trying to abolish the school committee in reality by both so no more school committing by vote as that everybody was supposed to be appointed so um I don't want to continue repeating so that many years ago I just fight too much for having an school committee and by District where everybody had the right to vote and elect a a person who's going to represents you know our children our school and the different District so that happened in the beginning of this uh 202 uh 2001 then everything was approv it uh and I think that we as a voter have the right to decide who is going to be uh the person who's going to represent our people and our children at school so when I saw the the the proposals me I decided to write uh something that I think that is much uh how did I say it's better for everyone so my proposal Contin given the opportunity to be elected the six member for the SCH school committee um so the member of the school committee is going to be elected and also we going to have some appointed person or people who shall be at all time during the 10 of the offing of the lawence resident a distri member may be a vot and lead in in the district that they represent at the time of the election however if a district resign or move out of the district they were elected uh they will be deemed and to have resign and they have to resign the position the resulting of the vacant will be fire by the Laurence city council as outline on the section 5.7 title election in the mayor the mayor Oro Char EST to appoint to the school committee member who reflect the en raor and social economy diversity of the city of allence and E Public School commit so I'm section number four so I think I'm sorry coun Levy I'm being distracted do do we need to take a recess for for a phone call while we're in the middle of an ad hoc committee meeting advisor continue Miss thank you if we could pause all of our phones or excuse ourselves let's give the people the respect that they deserve section three all assisting power and D uh it's going to beeri by the Laing school committee and Char be hence forth byeri by the hybrid elect appointed to the school committee so beside of having the people elected we're going to have some people that is going to be appointed by the mayor okay so on section four we make that the T of the office of the member of the school committee elected or appointed Char be is they put a 40 is two years you see is two it's going to be two but in this is section four in section four yes section 4 a to a of four that they say in there is two years and chat commence at the 7:00 in the evening of the first secular day in January so like it's the same uh we as the city council esta except for the student member the student so so we're going to have an student that is going to be also part of the committee that is going to be elected for one year uh as a part of the of the group the organization and B the organization an officer upon the election on appointment of all of the member the city clar CH administer the o or the office or to the school committee and their charge subscribe in the book by the city clar in accordance with with the appliable lot the school commit Char me at 7:00 in the evening of the first secular day in January and each even number year after a majority of the school committee must be elect have been swor and they have been shall called in ordered by the major in the absence of the major the mayor have the right to appoint whoever that can be said in the uh in the on the committee you know uh and represent practically the mayor so the president of the school committee is the mayor in whatever that he's designed to be at the moment that he canot be present at the meeting I have a question yes the current city the current city Charter states does it states that the vice chair of this committee is elected by the within the board within members of the committee is that yes um m is that's what correct that is correct yes so that would be a charter change as well is this a whole this is all together Charter change and and would that be a separate Council um like meeting decision cuz now we're talking about cuz now you're saying that if the mayor's unavailable he would be he would be the one to appoint someone to represent him however according to our current city Charter the language states that it would be the vice chair of the committee that would then run the meeting and and keep the meeting moving forward if uh the chair who who per our Charter is the mayor of of the City of Lawrence is unavailable um what in here yes it could be it could be some chain you know that the maor if the major canot be present because if you have only the six people you should have like the seven seven people you know to be part of uh of the school committee with the mayor or whoever is the designate by the mayor at the time I can say myself um I I don't agree with with any mayor appointing uh the appointing a dozen KN if the mayor and I'm thinking about the future I'm not I'm not I'm not just thinking about uh present I I feel uncomfortable having giving that power to any mayor to appoint someone if the mayor is unavailable when I think that the process should continue to be that members of the school committee both were hybrid all appointed or all elected whichever route that this body in the in the council and the state decides to to move forward with should have that opportunity to elect their Vice chair just like any other body um governing body of of the city um I think so that this is something that has to be discussed with not just only the mayor but also with the city clear and the uh because this is a Home Room petition when it's been send it to the estate so they also should be that maybe this is part of the of the things that has to be clarified or decided by uh I don't know to where the L no not the L Thea board or or uh uh K I think so that they should review after we make it whatever change I don't know so they has to review it if the at the end has to do whatever decision and whatever that is uh uh the part that they they consider that could be part of this new proposal or this home gr petition Maria can you make a note to send correspond correspondence to our city clerk to double check the city Charter um how is the city Charter going to be affected by this home petition and um for our city Charter do we is is the the law of the members electing their Vice chair if that needs to be honored confirmation of that and can you send that to our our City attorney as well please um so on on section 4 C you know they say okay the school committee Char then elect from its membership by wrong cour vote the vice chair of the school committee a vote of the majority of the members shall beess for the election and no other business order on the school committee has been organized oh I'm sorry can we scratch that because section c I got it you got it yeah I I I moved ahead okay so we do yes yes so we do keep that in in SE we going to yeah we we're going to keep it so yeah y sorry sorry I was mixing nothing nothing is going to be changed the way that is has been managed this y y everything is going to continue you know the same the same way at it is right now or only that the major if the mayor canot assist to a meeting he can designate somebody to be present in his name that's I through you Vice Shar that's fine um Mr I think you know it's 6:07 we only have a couple minutes here and to be Pres this that particular language if you look at it uh you were right on questioning it for the reason that the language on this is that the destiny has the full power as the chair given meaning that if the mayor cannot show up what is the duty of the vice share MH so there's double individ there's two individuals sitting with the same power when one's supposed to pass it to the next if one is not there also um I have so I also have a question um it's the mayor's duty to be to as a voting member if the mayor appoints someone to be present on his behalf I don't I this is just my opinion I don't feel comfortable with a mayor's appointee um voting on behalf of the mayor what I what I have seen in Prior school committee meetings is when a mayor and this and this was under the Rivera Administration and also the vas The Vasquez Administration what I have seen when the former mayors could not attend their chief of staff was there listening in correct me if I'm wrong I don't recall them taking any votes on behalf of the mayor but they were there listening taking notes asking questions and then reporting back to former mayor Rivera former mayor vas Vasquez on what on the activity and the discussions that the school committee had that evening so is that something according to this the present language um there is nothing that directly States uh about voting and and and things like that if um the mayor is unavailable to attend okay so on Section the on section four the president of school committee the mayor of asair of the school committee on Section e on section 4 e they said the major Des president whatever as chair of the school committee CH preed at all meeting of the school committee regulated the proceeding and decid all question of order she he had the same right to vote in every question which come before the school committee as any other member in the event of the as absen of theability of the mayor the the president the vice chair CH I'm sorry councelor Levy this is giving way too much power to the mayor this is not what the language I'm seeing here is is really not a democracy is is not a working a working relationship between the chair and and the vice chair the future Vice chair of of the school committee and again we don't we don't know who who will be the future mayor of our city we don't we don't know how our city is going to look 3 5 10 15 20 30 plus years from now we don't know who we're going to get um so I I feel very uncomfortable giving this much power to the mayor to as as a chair and I and I and I for for this committee and for people watching at home I I I want to specify I am not specifically talking about our current mayor I'm talking about the title mayor in general I'm talking about the the processes and and governing bodies in general no specific individuals um so yeah so I'm I'm thinking about the future and I I don't I don't feel comfortable giving this much power to to one individual uh advisor spner Madam chair I disagree with your position uh first of all the mayor um is elected by the people correct and uh and the people are expecting that his voice is heard correct and obviously during his absence for whatever reason okay because if if we think the way you you express yourself and I know where you're going however uh to make sure that there's a continuity and flow of business uh if the mayor has any other meetings that are important or even certain emergencies that he needs to attend he or she never thinking about the future thinking about the future he or she then and thank you for the correction that's very good uh I appreciate it then uh the mayor can uh relate his position to whoever he chooses in terms of representing him uh I don't think that that that has or that's detrimental nor given too much power to to the position um he has the right just like for instance I'm here to speak on his behalf uh that he can relate that information to whatever staff member to vote on any items or Express his concerns to the to to the board through through you Vice chair um Vice chair Guzman thank you so one of the things that we want to clarify here is that I I would like to just get another confirmation that this is the proposal that the city council is looking at and then the mayor has Endor that has been proposed by councelor Levy yes that's is the propos that I submitted and that was that was endorsed by the mayor and that was practically accepted by the members of the city council to be presented along with the The Proposal that was submitted by uh the school committee and with thator and through that is for the reason that I I hear what the senior advisor is saying but what we forget is that in this particular proposal the mayor has six appointees each with voting power what we are forgetting is that the individuals within the school committee on this particular proposal have the power of electing a vice chair to represent them and collectively if the chair who is designated by this proposal through a charter gets to be president the school committee decides who they want them to represent them and if that precedent is not available the vice chair who is picked by the school committee Prides those meetings and acts as president or chair until the mayor comes back so providing a des the power essentially is another appointee at that moment are you saying that you want to remove the mayor from the school committee adviser uh I would like to just uh make uh I remember when we presented this before the city council there was one issue that I myself brought to you uh before the city council and in other discussions uh the way this is presented is one one position uh from the uh members that are appointed that we clearly uh I clearly Express the mayor's position that since because we're looking at the future we're looking at the the sustainable uh future uh having someone that doesn't have experience in budget I think uh would not be um at the uh you know benefiting this committee we're talking about a budget of something million and that is a huge budget for Lay people or someone that doesn't understand budget I will ask uh councelor Levy to consider that in your in your that the members one of the members would be someone that does have knowledge and question if there's any uh you know question that the board has that would be in uxa position or a different position of the of the uh superintendent for instance super attendent cannot be no no I mean that when they present the budget and there's discussion concerning the budget that we can have someone that is knowledgeable of of uh managing money that is the only huge concern that I have because this is something as I mentioned during the city council meeting there is no um actual model that we can pinpoint and say based on Research that has worked and this is a unique uh position in which the City of Lawrence is I mean the the the Lawrence uh public school so we have a huge budget without having someone uh with the experience and you know that they can clarify certain things are asked the question regarding uh such a huge budget so typically and I'm I'm talking I'm going so first first and foremost it it wouldn't be adopted in in councilor Levy's proposal because the the purpose of of this is to combine sections of both that we can agree on and propose a a completely new or proposal to the city council so in the new proposal yes we can definitely include us someone with a financial background okay uh for my experience you know G lawence technical school committee is a little bit different but that school committee hires a Treasurer he's actually I believe he has a a law background as well but also has the financial background and he's the one that that um o oversees and talks about the numbers and the budgets and everything and clarifies any Financial questions that school committee members have so that's another thing that and again he is a paid member of the school committee uh for great Lawrence Technical School uh it could be an option for this for for this body moving forward and it's it's a person who's not elected who's not you know who's not elected who's not I mean they're elected by by the school committee the person had to apply and stuff like that but it can get guarantee someone with a background that is not for that is does not come from either parties and is just solely there for school committee Financial purposes and that's called a financial a financial uh Chief Financial Officer right he's just called the well not the duty of the school committee even though in this Committee in this current school committee we have individuals that are managing millions of dollars in budget right with that particular experience but it is the administrator who we hire as the school committee to hire the individual that will manage advice and provide the feedback on what where we should be spending those dollars those tax paying dollars I understand uh the senior advisor's perspective but I I keep bringing back this piece of when we look at this proposal provided by the council woman there are so many sections that contradict themselves sections that do not make sense sections that take and provide Power to other entities it removes the power of the city council to even appoint and I'd like to see if it becomes vacant on the school committee the language that the laen school committee adopted and provided it is precise it provides feedback it brings back the power to the people to the city council in multiple occasions it ensures that in some time we go from an elected hybrid model to a full elected body if there's a particular request that I can make at this table is that we look at the lawen school committee document and hear the guidance and the feedback and the non-negotiables that both the mayor and the senior advisor and the counselor would like to see um uh councelor Levy okay um if you looking on what is the page number two no number two I just mention that it's very highlight recommended that the appointed membersip is no be hiding we are not hiding no one we are appointing people s recommended that the appointed will include professionals from the following FS Finance accounting law Eng generating education law enforcement athletic uh arts and to make to assuring that the AC Academy advancement of the student in overall education system thank you through you committee woman Ortiz and this is not in response to uh to councelor Levy this is in response to um the special advisor and his noted um objection concern around our elected body being of experience um I believe that the city budget is much larger than the school budget and each and every counselor that sits at this table that I'm honored to be at at this moment in time is elected and not elected because they are of any uh experience special interest but because they decided that they were going to represent our city that they wanted to represent their district and it is the Democratic process you do not have to be good enough to be here you are qualified to be here because you were elected by the People by the public and this city council just recently approved a budget that was sent by the mayor correct this body that was elected that is not that are do not hold CFOs or or anything like that because it's not a requirement for exercising your democracy I think it's a falsehood that continues to be put forth about the school committee and its function being less than not trustworthy there's a bias being elevated in this Democratic space advisor chair uh it's about check and balances uh I'm not uh stating that probably one of the members are not there but it is very uh like I I mentioned this is something new to the city I mean to the Lawrence Public Schools who is going to supervise the Lawrence Public Schools and taking the same example of uh of the budget the city budget you have a finance director or a cafo and you have audits that take place what I want to make sure uh that uh the board on behalf of the mayor that if you have people that are experienced even if you have an audit that can uh you know ask the necessary questions for it it's pretty simple we had a school Under receivership of what 13 years there's funding that is always returned given back and we want to make sure that the funding that is being used is for the betterment of this of the school and benefiting the Stu students uh foremost and through you Vice chair Vice chair Gman we want to clarify again that the school committee right in the role of functioning school committee hires the superintendent think about the superintendent as the mayor of the school department and then through that Administration there is a chief financial officer who does that process with a team where audits happen and where this particular body the school committee body has requested the mayor and the city council to sign off for the state auditor to do an audit on law public school system and still today you're unable to deliver so we are doing our due diligence and our work on that so going back uh to the to the financial part to to keep on on track I going to to committee woman Ortiz's point when I chose to run for school committee for G of garence technical school I was 2122 recently graduated from college did not have a financial background but I had common sense and I and I had a college education luckily for me as a new member we did like I mentioned we did have that Treasurer that worked for the school committee that helped and that helped every school committee member um uh understand the school budget and was there to assist every school Committee Member and the chair of the school committee with any Financial questions as well as the Chief Financial Officer of of the the District of the great allance technical school district so there are ways there are options and other communities are already doing it and it's been working for years um to say that to say that a member without a financial background cannot be successful as a school committee member I I I think that's an accurate advisor spanner because I'm I'm living proof that you can be successful without a financial background you do need some common sense you do need an educational background in my opinion um and you need to ask a lot of questions and analyze and you know Etc in order to be a successful whether if it's a a school committee a mayor a a state legislator or a city counselor and that's what makes an individual successful with the passion to serve the community um at this point where it's 630 we have till 6:50 I'm going to move on to the school committee to give them an opportunity to to dissect a bit their proposal uh before M chair I just wanted to make sure that that we express the position but and counselor Levy I did see this that was exactly in this document what we spoke because it's not only the budget uh in the past we had issues uh Madame chair with law enforcement as well and those are concerns that we will always have in in the in you know transforming and during the transition right and it's good to have and I agree with you that doesn't mean but however there must be check and balances and that is the position that was brought before the city council that has been discussed uh with councelor Levy that we thought at that moment and we were in agreement with councelor Levy and I'm happy that you you I didn't see it in the other document but it was specified yes and for to to to clarify for for the those in for individuals watching at home the city council as a whole has not voted nor adopted either of these proposals what the city council did was accept the the com the the process of combining the mayor's proposal and councelor Levy's proposal into one for this ad hoc committee to review in addition to the school committee proposal so I just want to make that clear the city council has not voted on any proposal and at this point I'm going to pass it over to the vice chair of the of the Lawrence school committee Jonathan Guzman and committee members to discuss their their propos mad before I would like Also to clarify on something that is being always ask just because of the sake of time I would like to respect the time back to the school committee it's only 20 minutes that we have left if we have time counselor we'll we'll go we'll go back to your question um Mr Guzman thank you for the time first and for foremost the direction that this outa committee received was to com for each members from each office to come in and come to an agreement on what should be presented to the city council as a whole right that could be combining both the direction here that I think is the best that I looking to an a leving to counselor Levy is to withdraw her home room petition and to adopt the language that the Lawrence school committee has proposed and to integrate the negotiables and non-negotiable at that document if we go through this which we are the proposal that the mayor has adopted it will the the homework petition that the mayor has adopted if it leaves the city it is unfortunate what they will read as legislators when we went through this Pro proposal directly we found so many sections that made no sense or provided uh uh pieces that make us question how is this better than what we have proposed when you look at the 13 members hybrid elected and appointed plus one non voting member and the mayor equaling 14 but only having 13 voting members and one non- voting and when you look at section two it also suggests that the elected student representative representative over oversees the policies budget and superintendent this is the language on this removing the powers from the elected school committee and giving it to a student who is a non voting member right having further language like initiating with membership of elected during the 202 24 2024 a Lawrence municipal election in accordance with the dis District the district and residencies of law which basically is removing the elected school committee currently and going into a new system like if we didn't go through a whole election to be where we are right now using particular language here too which equals until now or until the point under discussion this is the this is mentioned on section three subsection 8 all assisting powers and duties here too right by the use of this word do you provide an opportunity to strip at any moment the school committee of his powers you keep looking at this SE uh this particular proposal section four recommends that you want if you want to be a member to run for 8 years terms as you say two 4 years I know the council woman has clarified that but this is the language in the table currently that was adopted by the executive office subsection C talks about the elected members convening to elect their Vice chair but it does not speak about the appointed members having the authority and it defines it as a separate governing body cuz they are not able to partake in that process because the language is the school committee sh meet at 7:00 in the evening on the first circular day in January in each in each even number year this message says that the elected members are elected every two years so contradicting section 4 section 4 d subsection D says that the mayor or the destine Shall Serve as the chair of the lawence school committee it Destiny does not it should not hold a voting power plus it's not provided in any of the language when Mr Gman to intersect real quick I also just confirmed that former mayor's um former mayor for example Mike Sullivan also when he could not attend school committee meetings he he and his chief of staff who was a nonvoting member um to join the meetings and report back to the mayor to uh what would happen so I just wanted to I just wanted to give an example of a later situation than than the two that that I personally know of but continue please when we go into section five it removes the power of the school committee from hiring the Personnel staff who is to us right not personnel Now who is the superintendent to Us section six removes the power of the city council to appoint an elected seat that becomes bacon in the school committee which is the power right now in Section 8 removes the elected school committee members from their seat un undemocratically when you look at this entire proposal that is at the table from consel Levy and from the mayor's office it is it's an unfortunate document to read not only because of the concerns that I have provided which provides us a feedback that who actually read this and thought about it to a proposal that is being question if we voted on it and if it's legally should be in front of us from the Lawrence school committee who provides every single detail of process that's why I'm asking for the celor to withdraw her homew repk petition adopt the school committee one and start looking at that one from that particular language and be able to have a discussion because if we look at that proposal there's so many concerns that we will take more more than two meetings to figure out is there I want to give an opportunity to uh committee woman Edwards you have not if you have anything you like to share any comments I want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to speak before weour thank you I've been thinking since the very beginning that when we had discussed bringing in city council attorney hotton I believe that that would be a very good idea now a couple of things come to mind the issue of secession I am sure that that is already a legally established principle that we could probably all learn from city council exactly what it is rather than opining here without knowing my second issue is procedurally I wasn't sure what we were going to be doing were we checking um the uh councilwoman Levy's suggestion and then the school committee's suggestion and merging them or since there were issues that arose would we merge them and then would they go through final legal clearance or are we going to adopt them without going through final legal clearance so thank you for asking because I do have a couple of of procedural questions and and that's the direction that I come from thank you advisor span uh Madam chair what I would like to really clarify the mayor has cannot have not adopted anything nothing has been adopted so the language for that it's it's uh it's not correct you know it's uh it's a proposal so we haven't adopt any because city council hasn't adopt it was a proposal that was presented thank you for clarifying that Mr Vice chair Gman thank you for calling for that the language used here on that was that the home roomp petition written by the executive office that got brought to the city council agenda which by the record the school committee had no say nor it was asked before it was put on the agenda so when we want to talk about telling people about meetings that's an example of how the executive office left out the school committee on this process from the beginning when it was asked and presented by the celor the executive office was asked if they approve and would like to withdraw Theirs to keep going with the councelor levy proposal and that was adopted for the matters in the city council agenda so that's where the adoption comes in on my language at the city council level I have the minutes here sure that this is clarify no adoption because that sends out a a very confusing message nothing was adopted it was presented to the city council there was no vote the recommendation was to have this atub committee and we don't like people to twist words so if we're here if we're here with a proposal that was sent to the city council and both both of you are are counselors and know exactly that this has not been adopted by the city council it was a proposal that was submitted by the mayor to the city council for approval and from there you have an app committee to discuss so just um through You by shair give me one second give me one second guys so I have the unofficial meeting notes uh minutes from our meeting of April 30th that and again these are un official but I just want to read something real quick and now I lost it because I was what happened that day during the city council meeting and I quote and I again this is these are unofficial me uh minutes councelor llan then withdrew his motion and made a new motion to reject the mayor's proposal this motion was seconded by councelor Levy a roll call was mentioned was motions and it was unanimously passed Council Le plant then made a motion to amend councilor Levy's proposal to change the composition to be a nine-member body with five elected members three appointed members and the mayor himself and the five elected members would be at at large the rest of the terms governing that proposal would be what was contained in Council Levy's proposal this was seconded by councelor councelor Del Rosario uh and then it was something that I asked that not related to that so just to clarify advisor spor does have you both have a point we have not the city council has not made a final vote on any proposal however the city council did ask the administration that night if they would be okay for us to withdraw the the their proposal to then to then continue with um councelor levies as the proposal of the administration as well and that was what was voted on um everyone agreed and that's in a everyone agreed to it and we moved forward yeah as a proposal as a correct what we through You by share guys okay so this is honestly I and I'm and I'm going to speak with with council president about this there's I'm going to be honest there's better things that I could be doing there's things that all of us could be doing I don't see any of this from this committee anything of this committee moving forward we're focused on bickering on contradicting ourselves and this this and that honestly to become me as a one member of this committee I do agree with with Vice chair Guzman I think the language and in councelor Levy's proposal does not make sense uh most some of it I do think that the school committee proposal is more comprehensive and that is and it's a better base for us to you know pick at remove um add whatever but if if we can't work together there is absolutely no point in having this ad hoc committee there's absolutely no point and I'm not going to waste anyone else's time I'm not going to waste the time of the people at home who deserve for us to be working together because this is just getting ridiculous so each member needs to think are we going to move forward and actually do the work or are we going to continue with with the drama and and if that's the case and I will talk to the council president to eliminate this ad hoc committee Vice chair fonte may I make a suggestion please um yes attorney Edwards thank you I'm going to suggest that perhaps we schedule one more meeting with the sole purpose of going through the school committee's document and maybe using that as the Paradigm that as the model that we would bounce other ideas off of and I think that we should make a a point each individually that that is the sole reason for the meeting that we're not going to get involved in any other outside issues that might be boiling over it seems are you are you proposing that as a formal motion yes is there a second secondly seconded by Committee Member um Miss Ortiz and I'm going to do a roll can Maria can we do a discussion sorry uh Mr Gman to point I want clarification on that motion the motion that the committee woman has mentioned is that this ad committee on a second meeting will take on the language of the lawen school committee as does that mean that this AA committee has is going to adopt the law school committee as the language that we're going to take Maria the motion is and that should and if not I would like to do a further Amendment to that that that committee this that motion is to adopt the Lawrence school committee language as the foundation as a foundation of the discussion for the next meeting to come to a comprehensive analysis and understanding to send up to the city council um councilor love I'm sorry I'm not going to drop this proposal at this point I'm going to continue it with this there's a motion on the floor and there was an amendment and the counselor and the committee woman has not adopted it no proposal I has been adopted right now uh attorney a committee woman I don't know how you want me to address you cuz you're both either one is fine thank you I feel like it's more official with attorney attorney Edwards would you are would you consider adopting uh Mr Guzman's uh amend Amendment yes I would okay so now with the amendment the motion is and we're going then we're going to go back to discussion the motion is to adopt the school committee language as the foundation for the purpose of discussion to then combined or look through add or or subtract language um or processes and just make this into something that we can all agree on moving forward this is not saying that we are actually adopting this as is this is saying that we're going to use this language as a starting point to then look through and see what should be included what should be taken out Etc instead of having two proposals Maria do you have that motion thank you councilor Levy you still have the floor yes uh I'm sorry but I'm not going to drop this proposal I we going to first to look you know and I think so that the point of this meeting was to get at some kind of conern and just to talk and see you know to get an A Middle Point okay on what we're going to take it from one and what we are going to take it from the other one without not making any adoption like we're talking in here right now so at this point I'm not dropping and I do not support what whatever is the the motion at this moment unfortunately this committee cannot work together let's be real this this this is being live streamed we are not working together we're not coming to any census we're not agreeing on anything so it's just Mr Guzman it is just making things more difficult to have two proposals and uh councelor Levy if there's anything in particular in your proposal that you believe should stay on we can add that to the foundation proposal we're not saying that this is the proposal we're saying we what I thought that we we're going to be here just to take it whatever is on the proposal for the school committee whatever it is in the proposal that is been submitted by coun anal like we and that was supported at that point by the administration I asked for the roll call Disc we're still in discussion and and I am the chair of this committee Mr guber remember that please um advisor advisor spanner show provided that we got clarification from the city attorney on procedure okay Maria can you do a roll call please no vot I what was that she voted I oh I heard root [Laughter] time yes yes no yes motion motion carries so for the next meeting we are over time the next meeting we are going to work off of the school committee proposal um again come prepared with advisor spanner please speak to the mayor if there's anything in particular that the mayor wants to make sure that we discuss at this level um same thing with councel Levy and the uh school committee members please come prepared to work because next time I'm not going to entertain this for an hour and a half I'm going to call the meeting either we're here to work or we're not doing this at all and I will make sure and I and the state delegation is looking at this just so you guys know we've been getting questions so if we cannot work together imagine how our school system is going to be in the future it's not about us if the mayor for example if our current mayor gets reelected that's only going to be four for four more years and after that majority of the people are going to be retired it's got it's about me and I'm not like I'm saying you know my future kids and stuff like that and and cuz I'm not I'm not in school right now either so and it's about like for example Mr Guzman's future Generations too like this is this is the work that that we're doing right now and I want every single member of this committee to remember that it's not about it's it's not about anything else so either come prepare to work or I am I am adjourning this meeting we're not going to waste another hour and a half motion to adjourn second all those in favor say I and the eyes have it thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e yes H Che almost month I mean if if it doesn't work doesn't work we have the item here okay a it takes a lot [Music] EX are you ready here good good evening and welcome to the uh laen uh regular meeting for this for the city council today is Wednesday August 7 2024 this meeting was changed the day was changed uh due to the National Night Out that was celebrated last night thank you all that uh participate on the National Night Out thank you to the organizers uh to the neighborhood associations that took part and help out during that uh during uh during this uh a specific event this is a great event for the city of lens to get people together and to help out the community between uh the law enforcement and the uh the people the regular people pursuing to chapter 20 of the act of 2022 this meeting will be hybrid allowing participation both in person and at the city council chambers remotely as well the zoom link uh for this meeting was provided to any anybody that requested through the city clerk this meeting of the L city council is transmitted live uh through Facebook as well as YouTube at the Len city council uh YouTube page and at the L city council uh Facebook page Madame CLA roll call please councelor Levy pres Council lant present Council alzan present Council Del Rosario is noted as absent Council Santiago present councelor marmel present Council Rees present vice president in Fant present council president Rodriguez present uh please join me for a moment of silence please join me for the pledge of allegion pledge of ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic stand one nation only indivisible with and justice for all councilors we have a minute uh to be approved those minutes uh corresponds to July 2nd 2024 can I get a motion to accept this minute as presented so moved second it is been uh um the motion to approve is on the table properly second um any OB ition to this all and please say hi hi hi the I have it uh now we're going to proceed with public participation uh the list was available for anybody that want to speak for two and a half minutes and we have four people that have signed up the rules are as follow you have two and a half minutes to refer uh to the council as a whole to bring anything any concerns related to the city or anybody anything else at the two minutes mark You're going to hear a sounds that is going to uh tell you that two minutes already pass from that you have 30 seconds to complete your comments with that said we're going to proceed with the public participation the first person we have in the list is H Mali name and address for the record refer to the council as a whole not to any individual counselors 53 Chester Street good evening honorable members we the citizen thank ful of this honorable Council and honorable mayor Brian depena for making history by granting contract for Lawrence police officers Union Lawrence Police with the impactable leadership by honorable Chief Bonia doing excellent job to protect our citizen we support Lawrence police officers Union seniors officers Union million thanks to our DPW workers for making Lawrence a beautiful city we support our DPW Union and Leadership Lawrence Inspection Department thank you for excellent job we support Lawrence Inspection Department Union and Leadership we must hire more inspectors Lawrence Public School with the impactable leadership by honorable ra G moving forward Lawrence teacher thank you for excellent job we support Lawrence teachers union please bring food and donation every Wednesday to bakley garage to help our homeless we demand the best contract for our awesome fire fighters with 3% colar ra and has our pay Lawrence always is strong Lawrence always unite Lawrence one city on the go we are proud to support Lawrence Police Union we pray for the safety of all police officers endangering their life every day Lawrence Police Officer thank you for for working so hard to make Lawrence a safe City We Stand United in support of Lawrence Police Union and thank you thank you the next person that we have on the list is Brenda Rosie NE address for the record please Brenda Rousy 127 Chester Street first of all I want to say National was a success um kids had a blast everyone all the pictures I've seen has been great the one thing I looked up National Night Out is the for the community to C to honor the police and the fire and the one thing I noticed that a lot of people weren't thanking our policemen or thanking our firefighters for everything they do every day of the week the minute they put on the uniform they are out there protecting us so I personally want to say thank you to Lawrence fire department and thank you to the Lawrence Police Department for everything you do for our C and also to and thank all the people who donated to all the national nights out thank you for helping us all out thank you thank you the next person that we have on the list uh is Donald Silva name address for the record please thank you to be here um I'm here to represent the veterans of the City of Lawrence and one of the things that we have really come up with is a question as to the dedication of the mark Devin field to David Ortiz field okay I would ask you to postpone this for the simple reason not enough information has been given to you regarding Mark Devin and which you didn't know that Mark Devin is a World War I veteran and also part of beire as a school in uh Lawrence High School he was a coach in basketball baseball football he also went to Holy Cross which he moved out to St anelo in you in um yeah in the midwest upon completing College that's when he went into the service and that was in World War I upon release of AC of Duty one of the greatest athletes of all time recruited him to play in The Professional Football League called The Canton Bulldogs that professional who recruited him was the only American Indian who ever Wun won a gold medal at the Olympics and you know who his name was right he went on to play with him at the bullog and several other teams upon that he finished there and when back to the college to be the coach but his calling was here in Lawrence and he came to Lawrence in 1923 as a teacher coach and he turned out his whole system until 1973 when he died he lived he worked and he sacrificed everything for the City of Lawrence now all those names that you see on the World War II monument and the Korean War monument and some even on the um yeah thank you so much Monument all these students went through his round thank you Mr Silva okay so I would like you to postpone the vote on this and make this the mock devil and comp Le with the David Ortiz field thank you so much Mr Donal Silva the next person that we have on the list is uh councel Roso Richard Russell good evening councilors my name is Richard Russell residing 34 cross street I hope everyone had an enjoyable evening at their local uh National Night Out celebration I as an unwounded veteran must take the the city to task for not notifying the public about any sort of flag raising ceremony in the city for the national purple hot day today the the flag is up I look it's up I don't know when it was put up I don't know if there any ceremony but it's a disgrace that we the citizens and the veterans were not notified about it I guess some of the important city officials must have been busy doing some sort of important city business as I look at tonight's agenda I see the topic of child care parking will be addressed I have several concerns about these signs first are these applicants excuse me are these applicants required to have any sort of state or city certifications to be Child Care Centers as a profit making business will they be required to pay any of the costs relative to the cost of publishing the ad for these public hearings didn't the city council last year try to get some sort of ordinance passed to have money-making businesses pay a portion of the cost of the ads I wonder what ever happened to that agender item 33723 didn't that agender item get sent to the third floor for further study in most cases items get buried in a hole in the ground around City Hall legislative items get buried by sending them to the third floor for further study also why should the city bear the cost of these signs lastly why didn't the repaving of havil Street continue to the methan line I could continue on with minor issues but in the interest of keeping this meeting short I will uh keep my comments likewise I appreciate the time to address you thank you this is the last person all these names are going to be submitted for the record uh thank you all that participate at the public participation uh pursuing to the top of the agenda we have no public hearing for tonight uh communication from the mayor City official City attorney that is none uh committee report we have we going straight we go straightforward to the budget and finance committee uh Madame Madame Madame chair from the budget and finance committee reports for item 36024 thank you council president the budget and finance committee met last week and the first item we had was item 3 60-24 the authorization to expend Grant funds in the amount of 250,000 for the safe streets and roads for all uh US Department of Transportation grants and that was brought to us by um Miss Reyes who is a city Grant and this was sent up as a favorable recommendation was and I make that as a formal motion there is a motion on the table uh to accept to to be able to spend the grant for the amount of 250,000 uh it's been properly second discussion Madame shair uh Madame share from The Bu and finance do you mind u u giving us a little bit a little bit of what is what is this about or you want to call the the the person that yeah she's here I will call up Miss Reyes if I don't oh I didn't see her intent is to doing a story do you have do you [Music] have good evening counselors thank you for having me my name is El Alis Reyes hello and just name for the record and and give us a little a little um the Insight of this grant yes uh 3 or the potential Grant 360 marac Street uh yes so the the safe streets and roads for all Grant is a grant through the US Department of Transportation where we will use this These funds to create a planning Grant it's a comprehensive action plan for the entire city of Lawrence the goal is to have a company come and do an assessment of the entire city and identify what they call the high injury networks so with that said they will identify the areas that are that have the highest fatalities the highest crashes conduct an entire um plan and then let's say within that plan they identify x amount of um intersections okay this intersection is going to need a stop sign this other intersection is going to need upgrades in the infrastructure this other intersection is going to need XYZ I'm not an engineer so I wouldn't know what it would say but the plan is to create that to have that comprehensive plan that will put us at the front lines to apply for the following round of the implementation and then after we have the imple uh once we have the plan we submit for the implementation Grant and that's where we can get the funds to implement what the the plan has uh recommended as I mentioned in the previous uh committee uh Springfield received $15 million uh after submitting their plan and so the hope is that this grant can potentially get us something around that depending on what the plan uh reveals for the city of La all right uh councelors any questions in regard to this specific item I I hear knowns at this point I the question fa please say any any any n there I have it thank you so much thank you very much have a good evening all right shair from the finance committee item 36124 thank you council president item 36124 is the approval of a contract of a 5year contract between Lawrence Police Department and Aon Enterprises and the committee sent this up as a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion that is a motion on the table uh properly second discussion I hear none uh any discussion um she here Rose choer here Rosa Cho can I bring up U miss the director shepher to tell you a little bit more about this contract good evening City councils my name is Rosa sheer director support services at Lawrence Police Department just give us an update uh as uh what what is this so the other counselors um also understand what would this cost at the way Finance sure the contract for the um the fiveyear contract that we asking for the uh for the city council to authorize is to um upgrade the uh outloud the iCloud system at the Lawrence Police Department as of right now uh unfortunately we are we are spending extra money to ask for more storage as you know there's a lot of data that needs to be that needs to be Sav in the system and unfortunately the city the data that the the system the city has is not uh doesn't have enough space so so we continually every six to one every six months to one year to keep buying more space with this the new system which is the outloud system we're going to be able to um store as as much that as as possible and even if the contract ended we own the uh uh the right and the property of whatever is in the in the system so essentially the city council is being asked to uh to allow this the the City attorney to or the the administration to sign a contract passing the three years for the int of um going into a system related to uh that storage and that's going to be uh we're going to move forward to the cloud uh system that is going to be storage on Cloud um so any questions in regarding to this all right with that said I'll call the questions all those in favor please say I discussion U Council blent I Just Want to Thank You Mr President I'm sorry about the delay so appreciate the courtesy um this is also in the field of of our information technology director and his staff uh I didn't hear anything in your presentation tonight through you Mr President that the IT director was at all involved in this and I just wanted to make I just is it are we have is the police department in a silo dealing things un unilaterally I mean uh by itself or is it also working with the IT department when it we're talking about things such as storage base for for um for information no we definitely we've been working with the uh cdit department but eventually this system is just going to be just going to be part of this the the Lawrence Police Department it's not going to be part of the the CD self I'm probably going to support this tonight but I would feel a lot better supporting it knowing that the IT director and his team who are are experts on data data security Etc has had a chance to review and understand and say yeah this is a fantastic contract it's a good price and yeah this is the way we go but I'm I'm not hearing that can you vouch for that at all is is he on board on this because he's not here tonight obviously yes they we we are on board from Maro to the uh um um to the um to our on inside it department and the company that we are actually we looking to which is part of the state HRA is a well recognized company that has been used around United States at the same time so they uh they they are uh they work with the iCloud system as well they oversee the body car um uh body uh body cameras for the uh for some of the police officers within the United States did you did I just through you Mr President did I just hear you say that there's going to be body cameras that are going to be as part of this no no the company self they uh they work with body uh body War cameras within it's a Well recognized company and stay and have State uh State contract as well the government contracts well this company yes what what she's saying basically is is is capable of receiving that once if we decide to to go that route and that was a question that it was asked if the IT department was on board and uh reated reiterating of what Cel La plan was saying uh I personally would like well like I want to make sure like uh the IT department is even though they want to they're not going to administrate it but they are aware of how how the system functions that's is that the case yes they they are well aware of the uh of the uh the company and the functions as well are they going to be able to uh in case something happen be able to assist uh the city of lam not the City of Lawrence perhaps elected officials and so far so on uh on this system in case that we ask for an update yes definitely okay they're going to be part of it the IT department is going to be part of it so any questions in regard to these counselors all right at this point I call the questions to extend the contract from 3 years to 5 years for this uh this potential uh all those and fav please say I I any n there I have it item 36224 m madame chair from the finance committee thank you item 362-4671 182 for the fiscal year 2025 safe and successful youth initiative SS Yi grants and was brought to us by director Shephard um the committee voted in in favor of it and I make that as a formal motion there is a motion on the table can you hear a second second properly second uh any questions in regard to this discussion discussion can plan in the future through you Mr President I think it would be helpful as part of the packet and this may have been discussed at the budget committee meeting but just have the list of the identified uh contra EES the folks that are going to be receiving the funds so we have an idea or at least I would have an idea of where that money is going for the grants because you've got several I believe several contractors or vendors that the money would be going to if I understand this grant correctly thank you yeah so far this year we have a presented with one vendor which is cisu the cisu center right only one vendor right I'm sorry only one vendor I'm sorry only one vendor only one vendor which is only one vendor yes is it is it is it a c Center yeah are we going back to the I'm sorry no we we talking about the 761,00 my apolog just only one vendor yeah and that is that's is yes that is cor president shair thank you and I would like to add um just for for the counselor's knowledge we did have the executive director of cisu present at the budget and finance committee and he went through how this grant has previously helped the program and what they're looking to do um with the funding in the future yep any questions in regard and Rel Rel related to this uh at this point I call the questions all and please say I any n the I have it uh item 36324 Madame chair from the B and finance committee thank you item 36324 is the authorization to expend grant grant funds in the amount of 61,000 250 for as an additional SS Yi Grant fund um which is uh sorry I'm I'm getting confused with the with the parenthesis I'm going to skip over that so miss Shephard could uh the committee voted in favor of this and I make that as a formal motion there is a motion on the table can hear a second properly second um any questions any clar on the on the exess on this one um the state besides offering the $761,000 for fy2 they are able to extend uh do a contract Amendment for another 20 $32,500 and 28,000 7750 yes all right and there is an additional 61,2 15,000 for the previous grant that we just discussed any questions in regarding to this I he know so at this point I call the question so please say hi a there I have it um thank you thank you uh now we have the housing committee Madame chair from the uh from the housing committee I 35 I24 through you council president item number 359-2436 we do have our uh Airport Manager uh Francisco Ora to speak on behalf of this item uh but it was uh brought to full Council uh with a favorable recommendation and I submit that to you in the form of a motion second uh we have a uh did you present that as a form of a motion can I hear a second properly second uh discussions on this all right we're going and allow you to U the director from the April or the manager from the April um allow us to give us an update this Francisco Ura 492 Sun Street your Lawrence municipal airport uh we're there's a tenant of the airport who has a lease as looking for an easement to be able to bring some utilities to some future development of of for hangers or hanger complex if you will um this is that information was brought before that housing committee and in that packet and if you have have any other questions happy to answer tonight all right any questions in regarding to this this is a utility eement right correct yes so utility eement allowing utility to go through other properties around the April correct other leases and also General aspects um we will be filing that the tenants will be filing with the reg registry of deeds to be able to place that on file all right any questions in regarding to this I Hear No so at this point I call the question please say the I have it now we're going to go uh with to the budget and finance Mr shair from the budget and finance committee em 32224 ordinance oh sorry ordinance committee uh Council Lan the chair of the uh ordinance committee thank you Mr President uh document number 32224 the chico summer shootout uh on August 23rd 24 was sent up to the full council with a favorable recommendation and to make that in the form of a motion second there's a motion on the table properly second any discussion discussion uh counc thank you is Miss Caro here this evening thank you're here for the you're here for the organization thank you so I um um so do I just speak name name address for the record okay perfect um I'm not miss car I'm her daughter my name is Anita Delgado 31 Sergeant street thank you so what this is is there's there are a there's a basketball tournament that has been taking place on Friday nights yes this is um something in addition to the basketball tournaments they're not coming before the city council for the basketball tournaments they are strictly coming here for an event that gives backpack for kids and they looking to use O'Neal Park for that purpose I have no objections and I'm looking forward to supporting this evening however council president um I just think it's important that I provide a voice on the things that I've been hearing with respect to this and let the organizers be aware through you that I have some concerns with the tournament itself that's not a surprise because I know that the organizers have been working with the city officials Recreation and police department to try to find a way to make this a very safe familyfriendly event um but my concern is that it was rained out last Friday so we haven't had a chance to see the new implementation of the new procedures um this weekend looks like it's going to go um and this is going to be a first opportunity to see what's happening um just I don't want to go into a lot of details except to say no this has no no direct relation to the individuals who are playing or the individuals who are the organizers but rather the individuals who may be coming to watch the who think that this might be an opportunity to do things that um that will will require police resources to maintain safety I'll leave it at that point well taken um you're concerned about it about what might happen yeah so I was going to finish my thought which is this I just want that that this be made known out loud that I've got concerns I got concerns for the people in my district when police resource are being used um beyond the expected Police Department resources for the evening that's going to keep a sector such as mine and I would venture to say others um without the kind of resources police resources that the residents that I represent come to expect and require when they make a phone call or an alert so I just I'm hopeful that this weekend this the first of maybe five or six more Works without any problems that is my sincere hope there's a lot to be proud of when you have world when you have amazing athletes coming here and choosing our city to be a place to Showcase their skills and talents we should be proud of that but we also have a responsibility as well to maintain safety throughout the entire process and frankly that's number one the other stuff is number two the first idea is Public Safety so I just want to make sure I was on the record for saying that council president I appreciate that thank you no problem so I will it's in relation to that uh to the uh C council president no this just just a just a comment uh Council I have the comment about the CH consumers I support the this organization is nonprofit organization they don't receive any any monetary ER anything about and they do it free and they do it for our John H kcks and this is the organization we need more than day and I would like H to express the issues that happen is not with their player is the other constituent and those happen after their activity as well and I support the summer and I think they do a good job thank you council president uh councilor vice president inant thank you and I'll try to keep this brief but I I just want to say that it was refreshing to hear the District counselor of where this event takes place um I I have your mom on social media so i' I've read her frustrations and her frustration around people blaming the actual Organization for things that are are occurring um but I also want to thank the the the District counselor for you know doing doing his job job as a counselor making and making everyone where the public safety is first but also honoring the the work that you guys have been doing because both both ends it's no secret to the public one you know you guys are doing great but there's also issues that don't involve you guys so I think it was uh very nice to hear the way that that councel the plan put that together all right um the event uh happened on Fridays at District B uh which is right at the O'Neal and on Sundays uh on District F which is at the U at the Oker Park councelor L uh and I understand through you conso president I understand the concern but we also aware that as the conselor lean mentioned that incidents that um it has nothing to do with the tournament itself i a i person support this event I've been supporting this event for years uh since last year and I think what they do in the communi is needed and uh it it's good for the Youth to have this type of event I would love to see more police present but I also understand that the organization doesn't have the need uh to pay for they they don't have the money they they fund raise every week for to have this tournament put together so it's it's done in a weekly basis so hopefully if we can and and I know that uh Nila have been talking to the mayor's office and the police department uh it will be nice to see a collaboration between the police department and we know that they receive funds to uh sponsor other events hopefully if if we can find a way to uh make this collaboration and uh or bring this collaboration into some of the funds that the police department is receiving uh to put together to sponsor basketball events Etc so that's just an idea and I want to put it out there but I do appreciate as a resident as a as a city councelor what you do and hopefully we can find a way to make this tournament more safe uh and thank you for what you do for the community can I yeah and I just want to I just want to um uh just just reiterate some of the counselor's uh concerns yes safety it's the first priority but if you love basketball you got to show up because that's a tough basketball tournament which is if you love if you love basketball straight basketball that's the place to go I enjoy it I went over I definitely enjoy basketball I was inside the court uh enjoying it every place those kids play basketball for real and and having those kids come into lawence to play uh a what it was a traditional culture event in New York back in the 90s uh in the 2000s uh and probably before that it's a culture event uh that for people that love basketball and and I def definitely enjoy it so thank you for bringing that type of experience uh that to the city of L obviously we have kids uh that are trying to make names for themselves MH sometime and not necessarily um uh trying to do good we need to recognize those and help out so we can we can actually make sure that they don't do uh bad things for the for the organization and the event itself so thank you for doing what you're doing I definitely to be there again playing not playing but looking looking at the basketball players those uh 68 67 foot kids crazy tall but I love it so thank you so much for real um it's it's it's a it's a concern that people have it's a an opinion has been expressed you don't have to response to any because we know that we have a plan to be implemented and uh and I hope that everything goes as well so thank you but I just want to express my thank you my name is Marissa Melendez I'm 11 cor Street mein born and raised in Lawrence but I want to commend uh Lieutenant J cillo office uh Chief Bonia in the city um when this league started two years ago we had local teams but we started getting contacts from high school teams in Chelsea in Boston in Brockton who you know North uh Northshore Lowel so they wanted to play here because they heard what the League's about so we have high school teams coming from up from all those different cities we have college hoop guys you see those 67 68 a lot of those players play um different colleges in New England and they come to the city to play so as it started growing yes we encountered crowds showing up but what we've also done is working with with Lieutenant Jay and the chief is that we've implemented um methods to control our fans and our players we control the basketball court people on the outside there are gangs that hang out in the okano we can't control that you go on a Tuesday night those same kids are there they don't just go on Friday night they're there and you see them on their bikes you see them with the ski mask very scary so what we've done is you said it we don't have the money to pay every week we have to raise the money to pay the referees and all that we're not a we're not a nonprofit yet we're looking into that but right now it's a week by week that we raise the money so when Lieutenant Jay said I would like to see four or five police officers doing a detail you know we have to pay these details minimum 360 each five of them you're talking $6 $1,700 it's hard enough to raise a referee's money never mind that so we're we're using our own safety people they can identify us we tell them the color t-shirts we're going to be wearing whether it's hot pink lime green bright yellow we're no longer wearing white so they can identify so if they have to come to the park because there's an incident going on outside the basketball court they can identify they're also using those vans with the video cameras because by putting that that can prevent um people from doing things it could scare tactic but we also have to remember that this city is a densely populated city with too many cars in the city so we were told that the traffic gets congested traffic is congested anytime in the city now with 80,000 cars in the city anytime you're going to find traffic congestion you're going to cross to South Lawrence it takes you a half an hour because that's what the city is about so so he says double parking send a tow truck start Towing those cars and you'll see they won't double Park but we are working very tightly with them we commend them because they're trying to support us they're trying to provide the police support where it's needed whether it's in your District whether it's another District whether it's a community activity they're trying hard but they have limited resources too the community policing only has a day shift they can't work nights so we re that because that's the first thing we said send the community police we don't have anybody at night so the fact that they have to take from one neighborhood to cover another neighborhood it's not because of the crowds we have it's because of the limited resources that the police department has so we have to take that into consideration but please let it know publicly that Chico Summit shootout is very grateful to the support we're getting from the police from the city of of of mayor's office and from everybody who's comes out and watches the game thank you thank you um I'll this time I'll call the questions for the event that is going to happen on August 23rd 2024 all those in favor please say hi hi any n have it thank you so much and um Mr Mr shair from the bo finance committee item 33424 thank you document ordinance committee sorry about that uh this document number 33424 is the naming of the South lawence athletic fields as the David Ortiz athletic complex that was sent up to the full council with a favorable recommendation and make that in the form of a motion there is a motion on the table uh properly second discussion discussion discussion uh so uh hi discussion discussion thank you I just want to um clarify question something earlier by one of the speakers council president uh this these fields are behind the South Florence East field the Devin field Devin is at the high school so it's a completely different area I have that's what I was every amount of respect uh that we should never um move an individual's name uh we've already named something um so I'm I'm happy to report that this proposal does not impact Mark delin field and that remains we might be able to Spruce it up Mark delin field we might be able to have better signage we might be able to do other things to make sure that this individual who did some amazing things back um 100 years ago 80 90 years ago now uh is remembered properly but uh that's not a concern um did just to just to pick it back on what you're saying council plan uh like a month and a half ago before this this proposal was brought up to us U I actually saw the little plaque at the lence high school I took a picture because I was concerned that they was so little that people not able to read it my my my son was playing there and um and I took a picture when I when I was approached uh to actually dedicate the high High School field I was like no I to I have a picture of of the of the previous uh own owner person that was dedicated to so please go over there take a look at what it is and they went over and find it uh and then move it to the sance east so when U the previous comments uh here in public participation come up today it was asking myself like if we are talking about the same feel but obviously you just clarify it thank you thank you for clarifying it I do have more comments but someone from the administration is here I know my colleague also has a comment to make and I'm I I want to reserve my com my final comments last council president Council Lon oh thank you council president I I I was going to ask the same question uh based on the constituent concerned uh I mean Mr celor Le plan answer my question no problem thank you let's let's let's spend the opportunity to uh the deputy chief that is here with us today so good evening counselors thank you for having me here I just for the record a Sana sorry um DPW acting deputy director I'm just here just in case you have any questions um as uh we mentioned um the mayor and counselor that plan is sponsoring as well as the superintendent and it's just to influence our youth and the community to be more involved in sports and um just inspiring um or youth to continue to be more Sports it's something that we show them to be team players to be in leadership and discipline so we just want to continue to influence that within the community and uh councilors it is important to recognize some of the comments that were brought up to uh to the counselors uh What uh this by honoring this person what this person have done for the city of lawence it have done way beyond our borders uh the impact that this person have have uh to the youth to the to the to the war when it comes to baseball it is it is a tremendous and uh and I'm happy and glad that uh we doing this at the city of lence thank you council president councelor vice president in thank you I have a question pertaining to the individual himself um The Legend David Ortiz I know I believe he has a foundation or works with a foundation is there is is is there any require like a requirement that the city is implementing with him to either donate towards our our school department to ensure that these fields are great or or a program is there any is there any relationship or um goal within Mr David Ortiz and the City of Lawrence in order to for him to to get something named after him one of the goals is OB sometimes one of the things that comes up is what he's done for the city and as uh president counselor stated um he's an influence and one of the questions that is asked why he's done but sometimes people cannot do unless you go to them and ask for help so this is one of the reasons why we are bringing him here for him to provide that help that some of our youth would need he does have a foundation it's a health um Health Care Foundation and unless we knock that door and say we need that help they don't know who needs the help so that's the reason why we're um trying to to also influence our youth and know and and bring him to Lawrence in order to get those helps from him thank you but has there been any conversation with him and his team regarding like is is there are are we asking him for example to provide a baseball scholarship for for one of our students like and I'm talking cuz when the whole Nicki Jam thing happened the city of lawence sent sent him gave him a list of promises or requirements including um providing a yearly scholarship for a student to attend Berkeley College or or School Educational um uh institution providing a donation for instr instruments etc etc Etc so I'm asking what what what else I mean it's great that we're naming something after him and I understand the impact and the mod the role model that he is but what what are we going to do to continue to for him to provide or give back to the community to ensure that this naming of of a field actually means something to our kids in our community I'm sure that conversation has been on the table with them uh I'm imagining that that's something that they're working on I don't have the full information to provide you I apologize but if you would like I can follow up and and definitely give you that information thank you I would love that thank you so much thank you any other counselors yeah councelor Santiago with the conversation was talking with my college in conso INF fante I would like to know what benefit the city of Lauren would receive with this H with this uh with this H nameing with didn't name that give the name for the place for the deav ortis place if he will give it the name what we what we supposed to receive our H our city what they supposed to receive we don't we don't have to do anything to ask something after we made the vote because it is the conversation on the table but how we can ask him after we gave the name that's I would like to know before the vote that was that's something that you're going to bring it up as S as councel infant all right councel Rees uh to you Mr President uh I love the project I love the idea because when we uh bring uh the role model for our youth for our children is really important to us for they connecting and Fa it's very important to do that is amazing to stting to have the discussion he started the conversation what they can bring to our community to our youth I think we be a good starting thank you for that thank president counc just to make it clear um it it well it it's it's good to to have this type of project and I think the idea is to create create a relationship with uh Mr Otis but my understanding that he Foundation works with is a health uh Care Foundation and I know that uh for fact that he had helped families from Lawrence that I know also mrtis uh just for the record he had never lived in Lawrence uh and I we know that he's a great uh baseball player not a great role model just to put it out there a base great baseball player and we are grateful for that so um saying the connection with this community I'm assuming is because the Dominicans and the Red Socks fans I'm assuming but let me Mr he doesn't have any connection with the city as had he had never lived here is my understanding yes make things clear listening to my colleagu comments but it will be great to have uh before I'm assuming uh the department has had had this conversation with his foundation uh to know what will the city uh the plan like the the future plan after we name this park after him and I know for the baseball player this is going to be great I'm not a baseball fan I I I don't I'm not but for for the the people that love baseball this is going to be great but it will be good to know what is the city is going to gain uh after uh we name this uh Park uh after hand is the rexal foundation part of this or this is two separate no the uh the r sox Foundation are they involved I believe they are involved and they will uh be here at the nameing yeah I mentioned the rec SS foundations they already here they are present at a Howard Park they're there for every opening and they also sponsor solo leaks they're doing a great job in the city they also are involv in the maintenance of the Howard Park so hopefully what we are getting from the rexus foundation it's something that hopefully we can get from uh David Ortiz Foundation no and and uh councel it is important don't recognize the following um having this type of relationship that's what's going to bring up the difference we have we have we we didn't have the a great relationship with the reor foundation before uh I remember that uh C I mean um former councilor mayor Dan Rea council president he he was he was uh he was building up that relationship for quite some time and that allow us to actually get to this point where we are with the RoR Foundation Council president ccil just a reminder under our rule four Yep this is not this is not the first time tonight about expressing opinions I would just ask the council president to be more mindful of rule four and not express opinions can you read the can you read sure the the opin the paragra because I'm not expressing my opinion I'm following up with the conversation that I have with the councilors the paragraph in in in and that's cited is this the president May Express his opinion on any subject under debate only by leaving the chair and in such cases he shall not resume the chair until the question is pending provided the same is taken previous to adjournment yeah that's when you express your presiding officer however May state facts and Give opinions on questions of order without leaving his place thank you so much well Point well taken that was not I was not expressing my opinion I'm going to keep on talking because the conversation is through the council president uh councelor MMO um just listening to everybody's point of view um I want to make sure that we we are mindful that every time we make a decision that we're not always thinking about what what we're gaining out of it um cuz I'm pretty sure that there's so many parks and Facilities here in the city that are named after people and it's because of the impact that they have made in the city or the impact that it will create uh in the future um so it's not necessarily what the city has gained from that person that they had decided to name the park for um so that that's just something I I want to make sure that um we're mindful of I feel like there's certain things where we should take into consideration as to you know what the city will be getting out of it um but then there's certain things where we shouldn't put put monetary on you know we shouldn't be putting things monetary on every single item that comes before us um so again just to briefly reiterate my my point of view is that um this specific naming I I I see it as creating a positive impact and influence for the the Young Generation of uh baseball players and and um the young kids that will be excited and motivated and just naming the park itself that's the impact and the influence and that's what the city is gaining so I feel like sometimes we need to see the gain as not as monetary but as what it would potentially spark in in in our future generation of kids that are playing baseball in that field president thank you C malmore for bringing this point of view um councelor Levy agre with my college that we don't we don't have to doing something just to put like a b any so I think so that bring this is the for the city for our community for our children you know for many I know that many children will like to be a b player in the future and to have this is practically something that I will not mention because I don't I don't want people because I'm people like baseball you know there are somebody like soall or football but are we as a Dom we like baseball and this is something that going to bring we are a baseball train and what we have so this is the Poli I hope that we can name the par on his name and I know that he thank you council president [Laughter] thank you through you council president I I want to clarify my because all these questions started because of my comments and my questions I want to clarify the reason why and it's and I know I said a little bit earlier year but when it took me a year and a half to work with the Niki Jam team and the Latin um Grammys Foundation to bring what we have brought and we're still to this day working working on on that initiative and one of the first things that I was asked by the administration is well what what is he going to provide what's the benefit of this what is he going to give to us um and the reason why I am asking perhaps even a a scholarship a baseball scholarship for for a student of the City of Lawrence because for example I don't know if you guys probably do remember Leon Paulino um who was recruited by the the the Boston Red Sox as a high schooler um he was a little kid from the frost I remember him coming to my house playing with my with my sisters like he's actually visiting this week from Florida and we were hanging out with him Sat you know Saturday so I know that there's great potential and and I understand that just having having a a name after David um or is amazing but also having his impact and his mentorship will be impactful throughout the years for our youth so that's why I'm asking well that's great that we're going to have this but how else are we going to get him involved with with our youth and and councelor I'm pretty sure that that's going to that's going to happen the administration have have those conversations uh throughout because that I'm pretty sure that do the intent having an impact of somebody like may I also add something sure um I went to the frost too I went to that school and sometimes the influence and the impact and the mentorship is not necessarily being there but knowing that you're playing in a field that it's under that person's name sometimes I mean I used to wanted to be like a dancer and look at me where I am now and everything I saw was okay if I dance like her just the name itself is influence and it's mentorship in my opinion thank you're welcome all right councel Lon no no thank you councel president I think that we not asking uh we asking to build a relationship with uh Mr Ortiz there's nothing wrong with that it's part of of of being famous for him and it's part of the city uh it will be nice to see him here maybe once a year uh asking is not going to it's going to bring you a no or yes nothing wrong with that so if DPW I'm assuming they are the ones having this conversation can add an email if possible suggesting that we'll be grateful it will be great for the city to have him here once a year uh because I know he's been helping families especially the Dominican families with uh health issues families from this community so we know that but if we can have a commitment for to have him once a year to to for a clinic hopefully for a baseball clinic with it with the students it will be nice if you say yes great if you say no it's great too that's what I mean when I said what are we going to get back from him uh and I know he's going to get involved cuz uh we know him I mean as a baseball Legend and he likes to get involved especially with uh Red Sox fans and Dominicans so I know he's to say yes thank you Council Lon Council Lan thank you council president so I'm actually intrigued by what the council vice president said um a few minutes ago when she discussed the Nikki Jam situation where there was a a long dialogue and there was um um assurances that were made by the individual by Nikki Jam uh about getting involved in the city and I think a president has already been has already been established now with that and I I think it would in listening to council president our colleague speak on this matter it seems like there's more colleagues who would like to know a little bit more about what impact could Mr Warz have in our city and I know that the councelor to my right has mentioned that that he's been involved in doing some stuff with Healthcare with some Dominican families I'm unaware of that I would like to know more about that I like to know how involved is he I like to know how many people he's impacted I think that's important he may be a little shy he may not want that information to get out I don't know um but as decision makers if that's going to be part of our calculus part of our decision making I think it's important that we know that but I I guess I I'd like to I'd like to um follow through and what the council vice president suggested which is and maybe tailor it in such a way where this is not necessarily a quit proquote but rather an extension of partnership a partnership you know Mr Ortiz the city council is interested in joining a partnership with you do you have an interest in joining us in that partnership uh there's a lot of opportunities here for you to be more involved and we invite you to be more involved we want you to be more involved you can have a tremendous impact with our children who uh and and adults who look up to you in many ways for baseball purposes you're welcome um so I I just I think what I like to do is is to maybe uh wait to see is to offer that kind of letter or memo or invitation and see what the response is I mean naming a field it's a big deal and it's a huge deal we should not and I know we're not we shouldn't be taken to cavalierly we should be very serious about naming something after someone in this particular case the overwhelming overwhelming number of the fields that have been named in our city have been named by either someone who's lived here or someone who has worked here um and I can count maybe maybe on one hand um I can count on one hand the individuals who have never even been in our city or or or have that kind of connection in in actually entering our our city and doing something so but maybe Mr Ortiz is someone that's going to step up and I'd be as a sponsor I I would I would like to know that so if it's okay council president what I'd like to do is make a motion uh that um that we uh that we advise or instruct um and that um that some sort of communication be sent to to Mr Ortiz and his and his organization uh just to to have a better understanding that we are we are a people that are looking for um a more of a relationship and what does that mean to him I'd like to know what that means to him when we say we want to form a relationship and see what he says in a response we're not saying if you do this we do that I just want to know what that means to him and then I'd like to make afterward if I get if I can get a second to that I'd like to make a motion to table to allow that process to to do what it's supposed to do to get that response back so we could feel comfortable about this vote so you're making that as a form made a motion that we sent a correspondence to Mr Ortiz stating the uh a request to enter a partnership and to see in what way we can further a relationship with them is the is the is the correspondent going to go through the mayor's office or through the DPW or I well I I I would leave it to the DPW and I would leave it to the mayor's office who is the to make the determination as to how he wants to assign that the mayor himself can do it he can assign that task to someone on his staff or a or or a department head I don't know but I don't want to micromanage who sends it as long as it's sent out by someone with the authority of the mayor all right there is a properly second for Council from Council Mar discussion Council council president I I thank you Mr lean for your comment but I'm concerned about uh the in this the date for this project do we know what day it is they were planning to do it during the Hispanic um heritage October October just and and I'm going to add uh a suggestion uh yes we want to send a letter but we also as a suggestion uh and I understand what Mr lean councelor lean uh just mentioned but uh it if we can s send a communication that uh uh hopefully we will have we would like to create this relationship uh and we would like to see a b and c but not to put a you know it it should not be it shouldn't look like we are asking um I don't know if I'm explaining myself correctly we would I'm assuming the city wants to honor him with naming this field after hand and that we're building a relationship but we would like to see a commitment um but I hopefully it doesn't see like we are asking for too much from the foundation thank you I don't you will put it in your terms all right let's call let's call this question any questions in regard to the specific specific ORD uh specific motion that it was to send correspondent to the mayor is is it related to the the motion Council leing so I think uh I uh thank you council president and I think that if we delay and we put a motion just to table we're going to delay whatever that we are looking at this moment and the recognition want to be like for the herity in in October it's like this is October and it's going to be more difficult for us to get any respond you know for them to comat or whatever his organization and to decide what we they are going to do so maybe if we postpone and with table we will not be able to see anything by October it is going to be delayed maybe for the by the next I at this point we can send the correspondent we can send everything but at the same time we should not table this Idol and pass no problem councelor well taking it's up to the C it's up to the councelor to vote in favor or against this this specific motion at this point we discussing that uh the specific motion that was in in front of us councel ofing inant thank you um listening to to my colleague councilor Levy and and I want want to say I appreciate councelor of the plant's um gesture but now thinking back to how we did it with Nikki Jam um the council did approve uh the naming of of the music school and and and the signage and everything before he came and it was the day of that the mayor presented him with a for a lack of a better word a contract of a partnership within the city and um and him uh to move forward with and like that included everything that I mentioned prior like the the scholarship and stuff like that so we can do something like that and and you know or we can approve it still and still with with the you know condition with the amendment of still sending out a correspondence or something like that but it it all depends on how the sponsor of of this item feels soing Infante the way we did it with the Niki John that we we work together you you involv me on the project uh because it was in my district we actually um went ahead and approved the corner of uh one corner of Broadway Street uh close to where he used to leave and then we proceed with the potential dedication of the uh of that uh Art Center uh as a second tier of the uh of the project on this case we have have no no potential project in the future we have a f fields that are going to be uh dedicated to a specific person uh Sal de la person for the baseball and it is it is a little Challen a little different uh but I understand everybody's concerned and point of view uh as that's why I'm entertaining because they're in order celor Rees uh thank you uh to you Mr president I want to follow the conversation through my to through our VI president because uh we do this we approve it before to uh when we uh dedicate this corner to Nikki Yang and also uh we starting this conversation after that with Nikki and he was very friendly he offered his commitment I can do a a friendly amendment to my colleague Mr laan to uh approve this item pending this kind of conversation we can start it when we offer this dedication councel councelor reges what we have in front of us is is a a correspondent to be sent to the mayor the approval haven't been we haven't make a determination we can proceed with the approval after we send the correspondence uh but the intent as per council plan is to send correspondent and subsequently put a motion to table the motion to table not necessarily have to go through it's up to the counselors we can proceed with the approval uh and because we have an underly motion okay so I can do motion to table and approve I'm asking no no no I mean no no no because essentially we have this motion right now which is to send correspondent to the mayor and potentially have this conversation as as a potential relationship uh buil up and then eventually we we're going to proceed with the underly motion if it is any other motion and then we'll entertain if if it is in order so at this point I'll call the question to send correspondents to the administration uh to and we can reiterate the motion at this point mad CLA can you read the motion see um the motion is to send correspondence or communication uh sent to Mr Ortiz and his organization um that we're interested in creating a partnership and what does that mean to him is that's basically the that's a very broad yeah it's it's going to be difficult but that does cture the essence of my my motion right this point and asking that the mayor we would we can't force the mayor to do anything but we can ask the mayor to do it unless the count I mean I feel more comfortable if the the mayor whose's office who has a relationship with Mr Ortiz make that request if the mayor is willing to do that if the mayor's unwilling to do that then it's going to if this motion carries it'll have to come from the council yeah as far as I understand councelor the conversation have already and that was part of the conversation originally this conversation I already have already started correct and uh and it's been it's an ongoing conversation that's that's what you say at the beginning and a date that he has um a schedule or yes have put aside for so I think that have doing this is like a is double but I mean we can I it's it's in order we can we can call for the questions whether or not we want to do that to ensure that this is what we're doing and or this is what the desire of the council or we can just proceed with the underline motion uh subsequentially which is to approve any other questions and in regard to the motion all right at this point I'll call the questions all those in favor to send correspondence to the mayor please say I I any names there I have it uh now we're going to proceed with the underline motion which is motion to approve council president unless there is any other motion council president like to for you all right there is any question I'd like to make a motion I haven't made table yet but I'm about to like to make a motion to table this matter to allow the correspondence to go through its process no no wait motion to table it's it's U oversee the underline motion it is up to the counselors to actually uh go with the T table motion at this point uh can I hear a second for that motion for the motion to table counc have a motion to table can I hear a second can I hear a second for the motion to table there is no motion there is no second for the motion to table so motion fails now the underlying motion is motion to approve motion to approve the underline motion is motion to approve that it was originally originally made second and it was already second underline motion which is basically the original motion was to approve oh way back yeah way back so at this point they since there is no other discussion thank you so now I'm in at the midle of a bind um and this is going to be one of the weirdest votes I've ever taken frankly um you sponsored this so pardon me you sponsored this I'm sorry you're part of the sponsorship of this item I'm well aware yeah okay in case you for yeah in case I forgot and it's on the piece of paper no I I'm well aware I am a sponsor of this Motion in case the council president was unclear and this is why this is particularly odd for me I have a very strong spot in my heart for the Youth of our city and having them have especially in my district especially because that's the place that I represent having a ball field that they can take great pride in that they can um that they can learn the skills of teamwork and understand that um that sport in this case baseball can be a pathway to further learning and if we can get more of our children involved in sports that's a good thing that's an excellent thing we get them off the streets we're doing things and and I think that that this could could have that ability I have been consistent in the past regarding the naming of things and the reason why I was interested in hearing more about count the vice president's discussion with Nicki Jam because I thought there may have been a pathway for me to be to final yes on this vote there are three things that I look at when I pull myself back out of this to try to make a determination because I've given this an awful lot of thought when we look around our city almost unanimously there's been one or two most very recent actually some either born in our city some either lived in our city or someone has done something that has contributed directly in a substantial way to the residents of our city the first two of those elements are not checked off the third one I'm not there I heard tonight for the first time and I don't know the details because I've made some phone calls I've asked around I've done some due diligence to try to get more information and I haven't heard anything about that I've heard but I want to know more um and so I want to be consistent I don't want to be someone who is out there who um is hypocritical on something I I would like to have some integrity and remain that way with respect to having things that that I mentioned before and I follow through on it and not necessarily put a caveat so I want to be consistent with that I've got I think except for the things we may have discussed previously that as a baseball player Mr Ortiz is an outstanding individual he has a record he's in a Hall of Fame he's an amazing guy and in our city with a tremendously High population of Dominican ancestry that means something and that's important and I get it I totally get that um but I want I look at the three things that I'm look trying to find out regardless of nationality regardless of ethnicity regardless of anything like that I'm a Laurentian first and that's what I look at first so anyway I'm not going to be able to support this motion this evening which is kind of odd frankly but I I think it's worthy of me explaining why it's not because of anything against Mr ores it's not anything against the mayor of the administration I think if this vote passes it's going to be a fantastic things to the people that I represent in my district I'm pretty happy about that but I'm trying to remain some consistent and understanding that this is what these things should be named for laurentians people from Lawrence who have a direct tie in our city thank you first okay yeah all right the council Point well taken councel any councelor M um councelor the plan um I just want to make sure I gained an understanding from what you just stated and um I don't know if I missed it is there an ordinance uh already that exists when it comes to naming a facility or park is there an ordinance in place where it says that uh there are certain requirements no council VI president I mean president I like to answer that question because I think it's a fantastic question that my counselor from District D has asked there is no ordinance on it and I like it that way actually because I'll tell you why there are nine of us I've just articulated what my my standards are for naming of something you other counselors may have different standards I don't want to put my standard for the next city counselor or the Council 20 years from now I wanted to be able to to be to breathe and go to wherever the council at that time is so I believe real strongly about the position that I hold I've seen the record of our city I've seen what we've done in our city and I want to continue doing that there's plenty of really good people that we can honor um and but those that are that's the criteria that I look for all right all right councelors at this point I'll call the questions all those in favor to name of the South L East athletic fields David David this Athletic Complex uh exp sponsor for councel La plant mayor Brian depa and and the director of the DPW uh all those in favor please say I hi and N uh Rollo please um um I'm going start with you I'm ready Council yes councelor marmal yes Council Santiago yes Council Del Rosario is noted as absent Council Lan yes Council l no councelor Levy yes Council vice president Infante yes council president Rodriguez yes motion carries um um Mr chair from the uh ordinance committee item 34124 you want to this one yes counselors before we continue with that um let me take something out of out of new business and uh this item will be going to the ordinance committee but before counselors um I would like to [Music] um councelors we on this item 37824 which is that the install of one sop at alurn Street near the Short Street and Oak Street uh this is the National Grid National Grid item referred to number 303 43160 and this is in relationship to the U Oliver School uh to bring service to to the school what we would like counselors before we send it to the uh to to the budget and to the ordinance committee is to order our public hearing for to be posted and uh here for the next uh city council meeting so councilors uh I would like to uh I would like to ask for motion to our a public hearing to uh for the uh for this item to be uh in front of us next meeting so second there is a motion on the table by councelor Santiago second by councilor person Infante any discussion this is just to order the public hearing at this time I hear known all say I I any names the eyes have it this item 378 will be going to the B to the ordinance committee um thank you now we're going back to the top of the agenda which is the ordinance committee U Mr shair from the ordinance committee item 34124 uh forance committee met for this item which is spigot River cleanup on September 21st 2024 Manchester Street Park the to the full council with a faor recommendation to make that in the form of a motion can we take this it 24 so so yeah so this is a document 34224 with sent the ordinance committee sent this up to full Council recommendation to order public hearing make that in the form of a motion you will be able to this this item in the the previous one that was done for the school right for Oak Street the only one okay yeah you you just said it it was it was on the matters pending public hearing 22 24-24 stall one Jo pole on West Street do you that that's what I'm here for the other one I was here okay I was here for that uh all also to speak for our company first of all Dave bushe National Grid 1101 Turnpike Street North [Music] Andover I understand and you're going to do it next week I understand that but I am also here I was here initially on the matter of uh at the beginning of the agenda yes uh 22424 okay which is the installation on 1j poll on West Street near H H Court correct so do you is this Iran do you have any issues Madame CLA with this item that is U matters that are pending public hearing off the top of my head I don't recall why this public hearing didn't happened so I can look at the folder for you if it's already been ordered as the public hearing I can have it on the 20th also but I I don't have that that wasn't an item for tonight it's pending it's been sitting there for months that's what I was sent here for and then this morning they they told me about Oak Street that's been on the agenda that's the communication that we got okay and about Oak Street until this morning any communication that you got we didn't send you any I don't know when we got the one for West Street but I can see it's on your agenda as a matter of pending public hearing yeah but we don't have it as as a public hearing it's a matter that is spending public hearing so we we're not hearing this today because we were asked to come here for that for that who who sent you the communication for that uh I I'm not the the clerk could answer that I I the clerk gets communication from the city and then brings it to the designers your clerk are clerk our national grade clerk correspondence from you all right no because I mean uh as far as we know our clerk haven't sent communication for that item okay but let's put it in perspective if there is no issues for this public hearing to happen it will be posted for the 20th the our clerk will communicate tomorrow about if it is anything related to this item that wasn't allowed to go through with this one also if there is anything pending or anything related to that's what I would expect them to do yeah okay I mean we don't know anything about this item as of right now but we will let you know tomorrow okay it's not on the on the agenda to be discussed it is not on the agenda to be discussed tonight I was I okay well you get the wrong information and it was not from here yeah I was ready for that I was asked last week to come on this and only because someone corresponded to us I mean do you have the correspond do do you have the correspondence to you so we can we can I don't read what you have our clerk handles that and they bring it to us and we're asked to go to the meeting meetings uh individually so but well unfortunately we don't have a public hearing for this um today if we have no issues uh with with the item we'll post it for for the next meeting if it is any issue we'll let you know tomorrow okay all right thank you so much sounds good thank you all right going on top of the agenda we have item um it on 3 34324 Mr chair from the um ordinance committee 24 is the removal of of handicap parking on havil street that was sent up to the full Council to order a public hearing and make that in the form of a motion there's a motion on the table properly second discussion second for Council of Santiago discussion um there's no discussion all please say I I have it can we get it on three 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 55 356 and 3567 as a block and if councelor have any questions we can uh proceed can we uh can we proceed that with that as a block I make a motion that we proceed as a block as long as we put mention everybody's name sure second there is a motion on the table properly second all of this all those in favor please say I hi I have it Mr chair can you provide us with the name name item by item sure so um I'll say once that the items each of these items are for an individual who is going to be a who is a city special employee meaning except for one uh they work the elections and because of that uh they need to get um they need to disclose to us that to be able to get the senior tax write off program that they need to disclose to us that they also are a special City employee Elizabeth yeah that first individual Elizabeth Byron she's a tutor so the the first one is for 343 34824 disclosure of a special a potential Conflict by special employee Elizabeth Byron she's a school official make that in the form of a motion so do you want to read it all and all the names and then because sure I think that's the only one that's a little bit different okay so let's take that one as a individually and then we the rest of the block there is a motion to uh to approve this disclosure for potential conflict uh conflict and there is been properly said all in favor please say I hi there I have it um it on um 149 and the rest 3494 3504 3514 3524 324 354 24 3552 24 356 24 and finally 35724 as a block all right there is a motion to take all those as a block all those in favor please say I I I the eyes have it now can you read the names please sure this is a disclosure that each one of these individuals work as a special employee on the tax not tax for the um elections um and they work in senior tax wrof program including Shirley D'Angelo Kathleen llume Geraldine mcneel Lorraine Mangin Moren Murphy Linda pulin Patricia riddle Richard uh councelor Richard Russell and Marilyn Tumi to make that in the form of a motion thank you there is a motion on the table properly second any discussion I hear so pleas say there I have it now we're going to go to uh personal committee that is give me one minute personal committee that is no report Public Safety Committee that is no report Committee of the whole that is not report uh now we're going to all business there is nothing on the old business now we're going to table matters councelors there is any table matters that would like to discuss I would like to take iton uh outo table in our order 44423 that ISS the requesting of the voting ID Council Council Ley did we get any correspondence back from that uh from what we said yeah everything was done and you discuss it at the the meeting the last meeting in July correspondence and you put it on table yes we got a correspondent for the City attorney everything was the same and your question was the this was a Home Room petition it continued the say it's a Home Room petition nothing having been changed during the time that the proposal was to meet it and the time that proposal doing councilors there is an i there is a motion to remove this from table um can hear a second second properly second say no no R councelor Levy yes councelor this is to take the item back off the table so Council Levy saying yes council plan yes Council Lon yes Council Del Rosario is noted as absent Council of Santiago no council marmo no council Aras yes Council vice president infon yes council president I voted no so what's the count um five in favor three opposed one absent all right motion carries uh councel leevy you have the floor uh I just I wasn't here at the last meeting when it was discussing and I know that it was stable because they were looking to find out if this is a home run petition or this is something that we are voting as a as a city councilor I think so that this let's let's look at our record what was the discussion before give me one minute I believe that the discussion was if the mayor have a an agreement because this is an a home R petition that's what I think it was but let's take a look at it so that was the correspondent that was sent to the mayor that's why I think that we ask you if we get a correspondent back from the mayor before we discuss it we had talked about um sending this um to the attorney there was some questions about whether five votes were necessary or six votes were necessary I did have some conversations with the attorney about that but I didn't get a formal correspondence back from him on that I think Council plant had asked about that as well um I don't know if you got a response back what was the last vote response the last vote was simply to table the item while we asked for in it was information from the um City attorney because also with the home rule petition the question was um it had to be how many votes from the council and then the mayor would have to sign off as well before it goes to the legislature we just trying to verify they could not come directly from the council has to be the council with the sponsorship of the mayor if it's a home World petition which is this is what this is so essentially we we send correspondent to the mayor or to the attorney not to the May yeah and I don't have an pres do we have a correspondent for the City attorney I do not no I do not so that last thing he sent us was the draft proposal which was just before your last meeting on July 16th but I don't have anything back from him since then I know that we t for a reason yeah and we haven't had that I also think part of the question was about the nature of the IDS um if if you are requiring an ID are you required to provide an ID and also people wanted to hear from Council Levy because it was her item and they wanted to get some background on why she wanted this and none of that was available at the last meeting so those are the main issues that were why it was tabled but also it was with regard to the ID but also um the biggest thing was the questions for the attorney so not going responding from City attorney so counc leing okay um you have the floor yes council president I don't know why there has to be a too much delay working on this since September of the last year I've been putting this item out and every time something that's uh never we got the correct answer or whatever that you know from principal from the atony the City attorney is the person who is supposed to advise or just to let us know what's going on easy I'm very easy so the City attorney is since September it's nothing you know and this is something that has been in here since uh 2011 you know 203 that was approved by all the members of the city council that was not approved by the delegation when but all the people so councelor approve it I'm not trying to the anything different wait what you saying is that back in 2011 the city council and the mayor send out to the legislation to approve this but it was denied that's what you're saying uh I don't think so that it was denied they just only table over there and never discuss it well we haven't have it so it it was not approved let's put it that way was not approved exactly so I just take him out on September of the last year 2023 2023 is was send it to the city atony just to review see there is any chain on the law any chain or any different that has to be uh uh added to this proposal or to this Hong RTI any time that I speak with him he said nothing have been change everything is the same that was no problem at the beginning of the year uh when I spoke with him at the end of the of the year he said that he sent it back to the city CLA and he said you know that anything was okay that it was no problem to bring to the table at the labor of the city council all right Council Le yes you it sounds like you're blaming others because the job haven't been done you brought that up explain to the council and the people from Lawrence and Massachusetts why you want this this is why we having this discussion you have the floor to discuss this I think so yes I think that we should have a ID in the C not just only in the right now we have we have right now I can say you know that was uh submitted that kind of proposal or the home RO petition was submitted on the state of Ohio North Dakota Nebraska Missouri it's so many other state already approv ID and everybody knows why it's most it's better you have an ID when you come to B when I was working when I was working at the city election okay I had a person who came four time to Bow four time to Bow did you report and the last time I discovered this person I brought I called the police and I said this person has been in here Bing for Dy he PE in front of me and he was taken to the jail so and that is not just only the case I can mention so many other cases to help out the discussion that we have here of this petition and this home R petition we have the council have concerns about absentee voting and mail in ballot please explain your points on that because that's why the conversation or vote was then taken and it was stable so please allow us understand your point about the item okay I think so that this is something that we should have ID not just only because you want me to explain but this is how the attorney can address us and say okay what is going to happen doing this or doing that so see this is the case when you go let me tell you something you go to Social Security and they the first thing that they are give me your a you go to see a doctor and they it doesn't matter your age they say I need an ID so everybody I think so that everybody had ID we had election not too long ago from uh Dominican Republic in here we have how many table do we have councel re about you allowed to respond okay and everybody show counc Ley we want to hear you how we're going to be dealing with absentee ballots and the mailing ballots that's why we wait uh on table this you you took this out of table yes please provide us with those answer because in that way you actually educate the council and we can proceed with the vote if we take a vote otherwise why we ontable this if you don't have those answers you Mr President no let me let me hear M okay councelor Rees you have the floor uh uh councelor can you explain what is the the the em in the agenda why you think is important to us in our community to present an ID at the moment we go to vote because that's thank way going to a way that we can be recognized that we are the person who say that it's going that is there are so many people in here that going to at one time we have to clean the Le from people who already been dead the Day all right councelor Levy give me one minute Madame cler uh can you explain a little bit about around the list as of how this how this work every time that you guys need to clean it for the purpose of the discussion Council Le just brought that up so when we clean the list we have to do it with the authorization from the Commonwealth from the state so um there are instances when we know someone is deceased and we want to take their name off the list we have to wait for the state to I'm sorry we have to wait for the state to tell us that it's they we don't change the voting list without authorization from the Commonwealth so we don't add voters or take voters off without especially with the deceased instance we've had people that we know are deceased we're waiting for the state to tell us we can ask ask the state hey we know this person is deceased can you help us process it but we that doesn't get initiated downstairs it gets initiated at one ash Burton Place in Boston yes I understand that we have to I'm sorry council president through you I know that we has to wait for uh the Secretary of say at just to let it know when we has to clean the Leist but sometime people take it Advantage okay that they know that the person pass away and they come and vote with the name of the person before this person is being taken off from the list how long does it take is I'm sorry uh that's a that's a felony actually when somebody voted that's is a felony that's actually actually an state law that actually brought people to jail when they vote for someone else or when they not allowed to vote CC president I'm telling you that when I was working yes when I was working okay I'm Mary imul one person came four time to vote with different name on the last time I identified the guy you know when he came and I say you have been in here for this is your fourth time coming to vote counc leing U I understand you're concern a lot of concerns throughout the state of massachusett with the current a lot of concern Levy for the sake of the discussion that is concerns and we understand and that is that is that this is an state law it's it's not a local law uh we we don't why pres that's is why it's a home wrong petition that I know that the has to approve we are only putting a little piece you know and try to make something and chain a little bit and make it this thing more eligible that people can trust on in our voting in our election division um to put it in perspective a statistic wise how do you know how many cities and town cities and town in the state of massachusett have adop this law yes so as far as I know nobody have been adopted on the estate we can be we can be the first one who can adopt it I went to a meeting I I went just went to a meeting to your um on this three app and the first thing that they told me in last year you know oh I he that you want to have an ID and we all agree do you need us to take a signature uh to support you so I think so if we put it on the ballot more than 90% of the people are going to agree to have ID uh to vote so you're saying that uh if if if this goes on the ballot uh as a yes or no in the City of Lawrence people will vote in favor of it yes and uh will you consider have you considered that yes okay Council problem Council Maro okay uh through you council president in our last meeting when we discussed this item um some of us are uh some of us have expressed being in favor of this um when you're physically going in to to cast your vote um providing an ID I think in this meeting um and the reason why it was tabled uh councelor Levy you are still failing to to provide explanation as to what some of the challenges that we had previously asked and this is the whole point of why this meeting is taking you know this item is being discussed right now is how is those challenges um providing an ID for an absentee ballot and a mailin ballot how what what is the solution that you uh are you providing or how do you see that process being you know taking place with this uh with this with these changes that you are proposing councelors if if there is no answer to those I'll call the question and then and then we can proceed there is any questions in regarding to uh uh the on theine motion what is the underly motion Madame cler um it came up as a committee report so there's not an underlying motion all right there is no underly motion the committee report was a approv right and then there is no underline motions councelor what is the motion motion to table motion to act second there is a motion to table no discussion on the table matters all those in favor please say I I I the any Nays no R call please um councilor Rees yes councelor marmel yes councelor Santiago yes Council Rosario is noted as absent Council Lon yes Council lant yes Council Levy no council vice president Infante yes council president Rodriguez vote Yes motion carries any other matters council president any other matters from the table matters council president council president Infante thank you I would like to untable item number 466 d23 replace plaques on Monument at Tumi fountain in Isabel m this park from former councelor what's the item number it's right under the voting ID item 466 d23 I got you right there thank you this is the replace box of Monument of tuming uh fonts and Isabel Mel the spark it was brought together to us uh by councelor former councelor Rosell uh can M there is any motions to untable this there is a motion on the table properly second uh discussion there's no discussion VI president thank you council president I would like to make a motion to send correspondence an official correspondence to DPW to ensure that these plaques get replaced as the commitment was that that the revisions for these plaques will take place after the fiscal year 25 budget was um uh was approved there is a motion to send respondent to the mayor um properly second Santiago Santiago you second properly second discussion discussion councel inant thank you quickly uh for our new members the reason why this was brought up was because um mayor depas and the DP I believe one of them the DPW director's names was a lot larger than the actual individuals that that these areas are being named after um the mayor did agree to to fix it and and he did he did um that he was very very good with us on that and so that the DPW director all right I remember also councelor vice president inant that he was uh waiting for that uh for the for the new budget to go through we just we already proved it so that that went through so uh all those in favor to send correspondence to the mayor please say it was to DPW and to DPW uh any Nam guys have it uh any other um the table matters that we would like to discuss today all right um I'm going to no next meeting um all right we going to uh new business item 36424 which is the softball tournament on August 31st 2024 and September 1st 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at corner Park field one and two um it was together by dein Valentine this is going to go to the ordinance committee item 36524 me it 36524 Dio famili sport day volleyball on August 31st uh at the Howard Park uh this is going to the ordinance committee item 36624 family gathering September 1st uh at the too drive at the too Park at the sto Park it's going to go to it's going to go to the ordinance committee I'm sorry I was long day today item 360 3672 24 uh Celebrate Recovery month and overdose awarness event on August 24th uh at the common to Scaro Park uh this is going to uh this is going to the ordinance committee item 36824 which is the resolution regarding the status of the L Redevelopment Authority in transfer of the properties uh council president joavan Rodriguez uh I referred I will refer but councelors before we refer this item to any committee uh you you receive correspondence uh early today around uh this specific resolution the intent of this resolution is to update everybody that is been part of the U L's um request for proposals that is been going out uh as we speak the reason why I'm putting this up is because I want to make everybody aware of of of of the status of the L and the and the the transfer of those properties if you believe that this should be taken as an emergency uh and adopt this resolution with the information to be provided to the public since this is going on right now I'll will entertain any particular motions around this if it's not I will refer to the uh to the regular um committees councelors uh are you entertaining any are you interested on of of of entertaining this is an emergency or prefer to send it to committee send to committee any other consors it's an emergency it's it's the request for proposal currently is been going on at the L what we're trying to do with this is to update anybody that would like to put a proposal up there uh through this resolution uh which is an official opinion of the City of Lawrence um what I'm scared of is that by the time that we approve this the request for proposal it's already gone and people that have spent thousand of dollars thinking like we have uh already transferred those properties to the late they're doing that um and that's basically why the intent of this resolution is to me it is an emergency because that uh it is it is it is something that is going on and people are doing those uh sending those uh or participating on those request for proposal without the status of that of those properties currently so if it's not I'll move forward um and send it to the ordinance committee councelors what's their desire ordinance committee could you repeat your question council president because I think this item should be under Economic Development no the intent of this item is to just provide an opinion of the city council which it will become uh through a resolution and an official opinion of the city of lawence um to send uh to be discussed now today with the information that I sent early today if it's not we'll send it to uh we refer to the ordinance committee all right we'll refer this item to the ordinance committee uh item 36924 which which is the child care uh parking uh 38 carers Street uh this is going to the ordinance committee item 37024 with this CH care parking at 106 Barley Street this is going to the ordinance committee item 371 U 24 which is a childcare parking uh this is going to be on 112 uh parking Street uh this is going to the ordinance committee item 37224 which is a CH parking at 15 First Street this is going to the ordinance committee item 3732 24 which is a cha parking uh 2 245 Bru Street uh this is going to the ordinance committee item 37424 which is a chal parking at one 105 parking Street Park Street this is going to the ordinance committee item 37524 which is child parking and 111 satatoga Street this is going to the ordance committee item 37624 which is child care parking at 113 satatoga Street this is going to the ordinance committee uh I on 37724 which is child care parking at 20 205 fav Street uh this is going to the ordinance committee CC leby let me ask you a question oh she's gone did you call everybody or or did you just put it because somebody have a daycare and through you uh Mr President uh this item go to the ordinance committee we can review and follow the information through our committee we I already said it to the committee I just wondering if if canel put it without the proper contact because it was too many you know it's the item there and we have a h it been sended to the committee we we have the H list through the last year we waiting for this ordinance that is the reason we have a couple uh in the Le I understand I referred to committee and the question was referred to councel Levy item 340 37924 which is handicap parking at 40 uh 46 Kendall Street uh this is going to the ordinance committee item 38024 Char parking 7 L Street uh this is going to the ordinance committee item 38124 remove handicap parking from uh 19 Logan Street this is going to go to the ordinance committee item uh 38224 a stop sign on East H Street corner of aen Street this is going to the ordinance committee item 383 uh 24 no parking on counton street one of the right side uh this is going to the ordinance committee item 3842 24 one side parking of Bon uh Avenue uh this is going to the ordinance committee item 38524 which is handicap parking space at 48 sander Street uh this is going to the ordinance committee item 38624 handicap parking at 171 Garden Street this is going to the ordinance committee item 38724 authorization to spend Grant of $1,389 9.70 uh for the fiscal year 2024 safe and Senior safe Grant this is going to The Bu finance committee item 38824 annual annual fire service charges uh water and sore uh connection fees this is going to the buget and finance committee item 38924 payment prior years uh invoice for the amount of $3,377 61 this is going to the B finance committee item 3924 which is the authorization to spine Grant funds of $2 million congresswoman L toand uh Community Project funding this is going to The Bu and finance committee authorization to spend Grant of $100,000 uh Broadband Institute for digital uh equity implementation plans this is going to the B finance committee item um 39224 which is the the authorization spend Grant funds for the amount of 8,146 64 Mass DP recycling division program this is going to The Bu and finance committee uh 39324 with which is the authorization to spend Grant of for the amount of 139,900 from Mass uh Department of Public Health uh this is going to the budget and finance committee item 39424 which is the authorization to SP funds of $286,000 uh from MB mbpc EP EP a EPA uh rebling nons funds uh this is going to the U Bay finance committee it on uh uh 39524 which is this uh extension uh of the 90 days ex uh appointment for the DPW uh Deputy directors Rosana De Rosario this is going to the personal committee item 39624 which is the extension of the 90 90 days appointment uh DPW uh DPW DPW deputy chief not director deputy chief Ida Santana sent us the previous item this is going to the to the personal committee councelors those two items are going to go um they're asking to expend the 90 days uh the 90 days appointment for the intention and U and the reason uh of of starting the process of uh posting the job interviewing for the job and subsequentially uh hiring somebody for the job in the meantime they're expanding the 90 days appointments that was the information we got it on 39 724 the disclosure of potential conflict uh Conflict by the city employee Jennifer Duran uh this is going to the ordinance committee uh item 39824 the disclosure of potential conflict of uh city employees Alisa coko uh this is going to the ordinance committee item 3992 24 the disclosure of potential conflict of of city of conflict conflict for city employees uh Lisa madno this is going to the uh ordinance committee item 424 the disos the potential conflict of uh Conflict by city employees Ed Gonzalez this is going to the ordinance committing item 3 40124 name name Park located at the Canal Street at and at oord P Mill and officially call Oxford Park to Julia Silo uh this is going to uh the ordinance committee uh item 4022 24 hle Street FR review of the update ordinance times for uh oneway uh Council as presentent Infante uh have filed this item late for that we need a motion to add this item to the agenda as a late file councelors uh can I get a motion to uh add this to the agenda there is a motion on the table properly second discussion I hear none at this point all those in favor please say I hi need uh we need six votes for these seven for seven votes for the lay file um take a and we all take a roll call for these Council Levy is noted as absent Council plant yes Council Lan yes Council Del Rosario is noted as absent Council Santiago yes Council marmel yes Council Rees yes Council vice president in fonte yes council president Rodriguez yes motion carries councelors any other items that we would like to discuss tonight refer that to the ordinance committee oh yeah we need going to refer that to the ordinance committee last item that was added to the agenda item 40224 H Street uh FR School review and update the ordinance time uh this is going to the ordinance committee councilors can I get a motion to oh sorry committees uh ordinance committee Tuesday 7 Tuesday at 7 uh budget and finance committee Wednesday at 7 there is any other Comm any other committee that would like to that to Personnel will be Wednesday at 6 all right any other committee that would like to meet all right at this time um councilors all the committee have been assigned can I go on motion toj there's a motion toj prop second say guys have it thank you councelors e