##VIDEO ID:IqlABKt_hyY## oh this is your deal you want [Music] yeah don't know [Music] for anybody so you really want to look [Music] at sign okay I appreciate it Mar how you doing is this aiat version of the [Music] sh yeah okay spe e [Music] she good evening and welcome to the ordinance committee meeting today is Tuesday August 13th 2024 the record reflect that voting members Council Del Rosario and Council fedina Santiago are present and I'm the chair Mark llant pursuing the ordinance committe participation there we go I reminder that persons who would like to listen to view this meeting while in progress May either attend in person at the location above or use any of the following access locations including the Facebook Lauren city council page and the YouTube Lauren city council page would you please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all good evening counselors so um we do have some folks that are here uh what we typically do we got city employees who start their days at 8:30 in the morning I like to get them out of here if we can so if there's no objections uh we do have some city employees 24724 there's no this is on page two under July 16 2024 I like to take them out of order and then after that we'll take the council president go ahead good evening uh budget ordinance committee chair counselor U Mark llant and uh Gregory rosari and also for the Felina councelor fidelina s santiag uh I come before you um under the mayor's request and directive um because he wants to make changes to the title of the grant uh writer position uh that is within the office of Planning and Development uh due to BU budgetary constraints the city is aggressively pursuing funding and address Financial gra Gap gaps across departments here the redefined title of director of project management and development will now oversee all aspects of fund development ensuring proactive pursuit of funding and delivery delivery of projects in a timely manner during one year of having the position of Grant riter because most of the the work was outsourced uh the department was able our disposition was able to generate uh close to $6 million uh saving the city both having to Outsource that doesn't mean that we are not Outsourcing but uh most of the projects uh and grant writing activities has happened within uh the department this position now what is the change is that we're going to work across across different city departments uh so that it could be synchronized and we can also have a com comprehensive oversight of what each one of the Departments and needs are and therefore pursued funds accordingly to just to give you an example if HH Department of HHS is is in need of uh let's say what has happened last year the repairs uh or any programmatic uh uh activities then this position would be working directly in identifying the needs uh on a timely matter um most of the time it's before the budget uh hearing introduce that like what has happened this year without the change but present it to the mayor and the mayor will present it so uh the entire city council plus the mayor is aware of the different needs of the department not only that but also to control if these grants and these funds are being used uh on scheduled so we can guarantee that we're not returning funding that's basically it thank you Mr spanner so we are a bit of a disadvantage this evening I'll be very Frank with you uh what we have before us as a packet this evening is just new materials had we known that we were going to be taking things out of previous tabled matters we probably would have been able to have some of the documentation do you have anything with you this evening that you can share with the committee but do you have the information I do we do not have the information so we're a bit blind at this point just listening to you and that's probably not a good place for us to be okay now I need to say that the Personnel director just informed me that he had a previous commitment uh that was not uh was not previously planned um I can provide you there's a a flowchart and everything that has been presented I do have the documents here great job description as well um I can include memos as well but I think that I can pass this on to you sure why don't we do this um why don't we um why don't we table this you're going to make copies you're going to make copies um I was just going to say we can try to move on with something else while you're doing that but make make the copies yeah make if you don't mind thank you I apologize for that but that was presented to the HR Personnel Department that's okay um why don't we do this for discuss we're I'm looking for a motion to table this matter we're going to prank it back up in the meantime just for the to move on time I'm going to call some other folks here so we at least hear their their points and then we'll come back and have a discussion motion table motion to table motion made by Council Del Rosario seconded by Council Santiago all in favor say I pose no the eyes have council president you're here this evening for any matters yes which matter sir item 368 24 believe the resolution uh regarding the status of the law Development Authority and transfer of the city BR please number five uh three number again 368 368 thank you good council president uh well essentially the the intent of this resolution is to make sure that the city uh take take an opinion and stand in regarding to the resolution I mean uh to the in regarding to the status of the L Development Authority and transfer of the city the city properties uh it's been draft by the City attorney uh and presented to the Council uh for it to potentially be sended to the full Council uh with uh a fair recommendation that's what we're looking for tonight uh the resolution is is is staying the status as as we are at the city of lence right now uh and essentially making letting everybody know everyone knows about about the the current status that uh the the L Development Authority the L development Authority have moved on when it comes to the letter of intents and also the request for proposals um this this resolution what it what it what it takes is to make sure that everybody that is part of the process knows the actual status of those properties those property haven't been transferred um to the lar and the intenses to if anybody's investing any type of funds eventually uh if they if the if that those propert those properties are not aware to those person to those people uh they are very aware that the city have have taken stand through a resolution uh that is been approved by the city council and also an opinion of the city of Ls and that's the whole intense uh the resolution is very clear as of U the current status of that of those properties and the L and we would like to make that as a that public to for the people to know speak Council Santiago as I see in section section three the city council may use the following criteria and the review and how you know we are following those criteria and to send for the full cons well essentially what we what would like to do is to make letting all all be known that this is the process that uh the city council might adopt or might consider um the the review process in any of those properties that if they ended up being transferred to the to the L that anybody that is U trying to uh to bid or to actually put the proposal uh they know that that might that might take place at the at the full Council once we uh we receive any type of information from anybody that is applying yeah mhm right hold okay so essentially tonight we're looking forward to move this resolution to the full Council so we can further um uh discuss this at the full Council level if if possible who would like to make a motion to send to full Cel for favor of recommendation there's a motion is there second see no second the motion fails um so I'm sorry I'm a little distracted I got things coming and all kinds of things happening so I'm I'm going to miss a few of the things that you said here so let me just kind of go over that and I apologize if you've already said it no that's fine um so this essentially this document here is to establish there's a resolution the council says that when there's we're under the Lawrence Redevelopment Authority that we as a city council want to make sure that that the L is aware what our preferences or desires does it go beyond that does it go to not just preferences but also ratification or is this preferences that's something that could be discussed at the full Council level uh at this point at least I'm presenting the the basic information because essentially what might happen is that anybody that is that is putting a document through and putting information together to actually be part of the propos uh the uh the request for proposal that the L currently have uh they are they they know that the city haven't transferred any property to uh to the L and and because it might it might be they might be in the impression that the L already own those properties and uh and and this is to protect the city as well as to protect any type of any person that is currently in the process of uh participating on those are these properties already under jurisdiction of the lra or is this properties that you believe are going to be transferred and if it's transferred is that and this is the leading question that I don't think we've got a resolution to is it a trans I believe that transfer requires city council approval so is this does this have to do with that council president they'll have to deal with the properties that haven that haven't been transfered to the LA so so I know there's a bunch of documents there's a bunch of properties that is in our city council agenda that the proposal is is to transfer that and it's been tabled we haven't moved on it so that's the relationship this resolution is going to send the signal about what the council wants to do regarding all those properties that are currently tabled exactly that's okay just just for the I made the the the motion to send for the favor for full cons to favor of recommendation just for favor of recommendation we are voting for that just for you can also make it as a committee report if you want if you wanted to do that but it's up to you okay it's up to you I would like to to send to request the update and committee report so there is a motion to send this document up to the full Council as a committee report is that is that right yeah is there a second second second discussion Council Del raria thank you to you uh when it comes to all this I me it's where is the city attorney to this uh why he's not here presenting what you say that he wrote those are his words you said at the beginning council president that it was the City attorney that actually drafted he drafted corre this is a draft document so if we have questions for him before we do any voting or moving this forward where where is it to ask him some questions well essentially the as you can see he I I forward the city council the email that he sent to me so that was that no change whatsoever to the document so he definitely drafted that's the first question and uh any type of questions that you may have when it comes to that uh the current status of the uh of the uh of the l properties those are question that can be raised uh definitely but I mean the what the intent of this opinion of the city of lawen opinion through this resolution is to make sure that anybody that is uh participating on the current um on the current request request for proposal that the LR currently have they are aware of the status so in that way we we sending a clear signal as of what is the the current status we have no no property has been transferred uh and that require Border City Council approval and uh and and essentially the the intent of this resolution is to make sure that anybody's is aware of that you speak uh Vice chair Rees uh thank you uh my question is what is the difference because right now when we declare any property is supposed to come from us and also we can do a public hearing our constituent can join with us do any comment or whatever they need or want uh I want to understand what is the difference yes for the record I when somebody do a motion and will not approve it because we need more time to review and and interview the document the essentially uh nothing is changing when it comes to when it comes to the process to transfer any property uh what we want to make sure is that anybody that is currently par participating through the request for proposal that the allw of development actually have um they're aware of the current status what is happening here at the city uh the L have the own uh they did their own letter of intent and also they did the own uh request for proposal so they receiving information uh and then we want to make sure that people that are sending information and intents of of to develop any property that the city owns uh we want to make sure that they know that the process is not just through the L that before that happen the City of Lawrence through the city council need to transfer those property and the city the city council need to vote in favor in favor of those uh if if we want to make sure that anybody that is up there uh sending uh request to the that they know that the process also uh need to be approved by the city council and this is all all this is so it's a it's a it's a city of L's official opinion about the current status of data of the properties that might be transferred to the L and that way we protect it when it comes to any information that goes up there and also uh we also protect anybody that is actually applying to those for any of those properties because based on this information that is going to go up to the public they're going to be aware that the process is what it is okay thank you this is just an opinion council president thank you so it's very clear this is a resolution it's non-binding we we can we can also walk attach an amendment that will cure cancer and have Global Peace and it's not going to mean really much of anything because it's just an opinion it's not really going to have any impact necessarily but it's an opinion of the council having said that though I just want to talken back to what the council from District a was talking about on the section three of review and to me it's a question of timing so the city council may use the following criteria in their review and this is presuming that we already know the L already knows exactly where these Parcels are going and I just I I so for example this is presuming that the L is going to let us know that they have a developer and a proposed developer and I don't know on some of these Parcels they're looking to acquire the parcels and and then I don't know what the timing is at that point when they get the parcels acquired are they then going to go out for an RFP are they then going to I don't even know if they know it when the transfer takes FS that are right now happening um those are fats the L have letter off of intent from developers that's already happened and the LR also have a request for proposal asking people to send proposals those are two FS so this resolution is it so are we going to make part of the resolution just for the parcels that are in question that are tabled because this resolution is going to have a sense of this Council until it's changed when perpetuity right and so so essentially the the intent is to uh anything that is discussed uh for properties that might be transferred to the L have you considered council president because I think the subject of your concerns here is what's currently been discussed and what's currently on the tabled matters have you considered just narrowing the scope to just those matters that are currently there because I think in the future whether it's this L A reconfiguration of the lra other they may not be acting in this way and they may be wanting to do something where they don't know who the developer is and so they want to acquire the property they want to go out there and see and then there's other elements that are there I just want to make sure that we have some it's an independent board we want them to have some measure of Freedom so they can do the best job that they can so that's my question uh we can we can subject this opinion to specifically to properties that deal with uh with the uh with the um La development uh Authority asual plan that we adopt in 2016 and so just because I'm not totally fresh on this is the 2016 plan it consists of and I keep going back to this the items that are under tabled matters that are currently and they already have those and so that it so wouldn't it okay if that if that plan change you have to be through a minor or major change right if that plan change this resolution is subject to that specific plan that could be reflected on the resolution as well and the intent of the whole intent of this is to inform anybody that is been part of that process so let's play this out we pass this goes and then it's adopted hypothetically we have things now currently before the council what happens then we well essentially we a few things may happen the first thing that we doing that is our duty to do is to inform and make sure that people are that people have the information through this resolution people going to get informed when you say people who what people anybody our constituents first of all our constituents is is the most important the most important portion they are they are the our bosses second of all anybody that is that have that have present any type of interest to those property is also informed they need to do their du diligence understand but it's it's on our best interest to make sure that anybody from the city have this information when it comes to uh any type of property transfer to the LA because if it is not this a specific process and then we we're going to uh with this is not for the intents of any property but the L because the other properties are been done here at the city council so just for an example and we can we can drill down I don't want to take too much more time on this but we can drill down a little bit Mr spanner here with with more historical information but let's just take one parcel and let's play with so we can talk about rather than these ambiguities let's talk about one parcel I know that there several Parcels that are on there there's the I mean we've got marac paper is marac paper on that list for example okay let's do meramac paper because a lot of us know it's been demolished is right there on the South Canal that is part of that's on the list right that's a table okay let's deal with that let's say we passed this resolution and now we know hypothetically for marac paper what does that mean going forward on that parcel now if this this is in play if you want to start first council president I know that Mr spanner may have some comments so the first thing that we need to make sure is like there is letter of intent for that uh for that parcel currently the second thing is that's check the second thing is that the L have an A a request for proposal that include that parel okay I think that issu request for proposal request for proposal has been issued okay yeah exactly so those two thing already happen Okay the second thing is that people need to know is that those property haven't been transferred yet it hasn't been transferred yet that hasn't happened we haven't we haven't we haven't happened you haven't go through the city council okay so the third thing that need to happen is that when that happened the city council need to be involved of the best use of that property before we transfer the property and we all need to be aware of what might happen there if we agree upon what's what's going to happen there which is basically the the the option that we have as a city council and then we can proceed uh to either transfer the property or not transfer the property to the L if we transfer the property to the L the L have to have we're going to have a specific conditions on those uh that best represent the city of L people from L and then through this resolution what we're doing is making sure that we have a clear path of what might happen happen if you're part of the process of transferring those properties okay if you're part of the process of the request for proposal and if you're part of the process of you might be the candidate that's going to develop that property we are on the same page okay right now it's ambiguous people might know that we have a a a a duty to do if there's no questions I'm going to ask Mr spanner who I think wants to add something Council thank you Council I've been having my hand raised to speak on this sorry I was actually looking at the speaker not at my screen so I apologize do you want to speak now Council vice president if not I'll go M Mr spam yes go ahead if I I me thank you um councelor the plant I let me lower my hand here I originally wasn't I wasn't I'm not here for this um item at all but as I'm listening to this I I do want to remind counselors that when we had our meeting um about the L and the properties uh the City attorney did mention to us about a possibility of an issue or a conflict down the line with the Deeds of these properties if they're with with how the the 2016 um proposal or uh um I forget the The Proposal is is written right now um if there isn't a City Council vote um so what I'm hearing is I believe that the council president is looking to make sure that people um developers um people of interest and any constituents that may ask us questions know that if there isn't a vote um that could that could bring issues of Deeds along uh in the future that then would come back to the city council and the the City of Lawrence I also want to remind because and and and and I mean this with the utmost respect to my colleagues but as I'm listening to to the conversations there are questions um being asked that um I I feel like people some you some people may be maybe um may not remember or acting like they don't remember or Etc uh the conversations that we had uh during the special meeting and when we were all there for that special meeting um I also want to remind uh counselors of this committee that we left off waiting for the L to give us an update from the state as to whether or not uh the transfers of these properties are a minor or major change and I I can only at this point speak for myself but I I have not um received any update on that and I and I haven't heard of any other Council receiving an update on the response of the state um so that's all I wanted to say thank you so much uh councel of the plan for the time thank you vice president Mr Banner well I just wanted to CL clarify I was not going to make any opinions because this is you know your legislative body but it is important to clarify number one the uh we did to confirm uh the council president mentioned that we did Issue a letter of uh a request for letters of interest to find out what's out there if there's an interest for develop uh in Lawrence for developers to redevelop in the city of of Lawrence or to develop these properties the second of all the process that we followed was to issue an RFP uh in the meantime uh which the deadline and it specifically says city-owned property if you look and go on the city website uh yeah you can um identify online right now that is specifically says uh city- owned projects we had a conversation with the Department of of Housing and livable communities we met with secretary Augustus which staff indicating uh several confusions that has been arised during that our meeting with the city council number one uh we are still in the disagreement the position of the L as well as uh with the city uh I need to acknowledge indeed that the uh uh Vice council president uh mentioned that the uh the city attorney's concern at that time regarding the titles of the deeds and the Deeds the clearing of the Deeds um that has been worked on uh by the same city attorney's office uh Mrs uh Miss Susan deari worked on it and now from the the city attorney's office now it's presented to the L for our attorney to verif ver ified so far none of these Pro uh properties have any problems with the title but we want to double check both the city attorney's office as well as um the uh the attorney of the L Mr Brian Corgan uh we did submit a uh a request for minor amendment that was submitted if I'm not mistaken two weeks ago uh for review and to also see uh you know to wait for the comments from the um from the uh the from the state however as uh our City Attorney at that time mentioned the lra is a quasi public entity so whenever you have to dispose of a property that goes it is exempt on the 30b someone may may say yes someone will say no we requested the information uh to the we submitted the information to the ig's office that manages or at least has have oversight or gives um opinions and they referred both uh to the L as well as to the City attorney the information that um and during our conversation with the state they said that that's something that that it's normal um but it's a matter of opinion I believe uh who requested the city council I mean the City attorney to be present um that is your body that would decide whether to do that but we did submit for a minor and um a minor Amendment to the uh uh to the to the urban the current urban renewal plan to include some of the public buildings meaning uh Northern Essex Community College the parking lot the other property is the Buckley garage uh the other property is the parking lot across the street from Tripoli and also the property uh where our current um post offices and we are awaiting a response from them okay counselors um we have heard I think we've got we I I hope all of us have a understand of what this we're voting on this evening I don't we need to move this meeting along if we can so unless it's an earth shattering question or comment I'm going to ask to move the question and the question is sending this up to the full Council as a committee report I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppose no the eyes have it unanimous it's going up to the full Council as a committee report thank you so much all right uh I like to take um come out of recess sorry off the table matter Ms I'm looking for a motion to take uh 347 24 off of table matters that's what we put on just a few minutes ago motion made by the Vice Chair seconded by Council Santiago all in favor say I oppos no the I have it Mr spanner we're back to your document as you can see in a document that we presented to you uh we have the job uh description as well as the organizational Matrix um there were two documents that were submitted to you um and the and this basically explain explains the um what exactly the the mayor is looking at so you have the director of project management and development you see this first page here and then you have the different departments you know we can place all the departments in this document let's I'm going to interrupt and I don't mean to and I just I just want to help me get to where you are which is this and maybe others can benefit from this what we're looking to vote on this evening what this essentially is is creating an ordinance and the ordinance is the director of project development and management that's all this is yes it's a creation of an ordinance that's it correct and this is all the background information and you're explaining why we need this ordinance yes okay good that's I think that's a fundamental basis continue right um and the where you can see that um this position is uh situated right in the middle in the center in which all the Departments that have uh a need for a grant to support the programs or activities or project that would be uh directed or submitted to this um the disposition uh each department would also have someone who would be responsible that would be uh not only coordinating but also it is a requirement from all directors uh that have their technical skills of someone who works in the department to provide the information uh if if it requires uh the director of project management and development to uh prepare a grant or if we can do it in-house or if we have to Outsource but at the same time this position also needs to make sure that any funds that were received by the city would be executed in a timely manner and that the reporting is done accordingly we feel that this currently it this it's disjointed and uh there's a need for not only when we use the the word development is a a more um fancy word and that is understood within the industry but also that these projects are managed properly so our request is tonight for for um for you as a committee to send this as a Rec a favorable recommendation and that we can work essentially uh in a very organized way and coordinated [Applause] way are there any I'm I'm still absorbing this are there any of the councils wish to speak Council delario thank you to you um chair seeing is it's I've been hearing and reading of that we lost money on grants that we didn't use the money that we have to give it back uh this might prevent that also but the question that I have is what what will happen with position like Miss jeer which I think she she does the grants of the police station if I'm not mistaken uh will she still do that and and report to this project management how will that connect what will happen with um well this this position is not going to report for instance at the police department what we're trying to do essentially and and you mentioned one Department that if uh we identify whatever it may be I will give an example body C cameras and we need a grant for it then um they would Express each department like in this case the individual I hate to use you know names but this individual would be responsible for identifying for uh the the need of the police police department and also have someone who is responsible in the police department to provide a technical uh jargon let's use that in order for them to express or Justify the Grant in the meantime the grant the disposition of director of project management and development would make sure that the grants are written on a timely matter that the uh that the documents our required documents are uh that we satisfy all the the required documents and that that the grants are submitted in a timely matter and that in each department we would have someone who is responsible for uh coordinating making sure that the the the funding is used on a timely fashion and that the project is implemented and executed so the community can benefit from the funding do do we lost any Grant do we lost any money yes have do we have amount and specific I don't know the exact amount um uh but we have and because of of lack of coordination we have also received funding that we have not used and some fundings that were not brought to the mayor's attention and if it's not brought to the mayor's attention it's not brought to your attention if there's any specific needs uh within the community thank you Mr chair I'm sorry Mr span did you say that we were applying for grants that we weren't aware of and we were accepting money for Grants yeah not only grants but also donations did did and also donations yes I can be more specific than that well you don't need to be because that that general statement is troubling because our ordinances require that any money that the city receives whether it's through grants or donation must be approved by the city council so it's a little alarming to hear that not only is the council not involved even though it's part of our mission and part of our responsibility to accept we accept grants we accept donations that's our job but if the mayor is not doing it that's that's extremely problematic that means somebody's going rogue or more than one or doesn't understand the rules or we can make up whatever excuses we want but that that that's not good um anyway that just caught my attention every system has their deficiencies uh this has been Administration responsibility they take we take it serious and that's why we want to make sure that we have check and balances internally in our departments and that we know that contracts who is responsible for contracts who are responsible for having documentation about the contracts having making sure that funds that are received are being used uh the biggest if you have this number I'm curious and and if you don't we have it in our audit books um which will list or at least give us the which I don't have here uh which has the number of how much money we received in Grants every fiscal year do you have a ballpark number of that you know that's fine uh right now yes um H have am we have received so far or you can give me the fy2 fy2 24 figure you know whatever has been um grants that we received under your effort right that's what we have but that's going to be beyond that right Mr spanner this proposal talks about dhcd I mean the CD cdbg grants as well right right exactly all the grants so we have a centralized person that would have the information so if you're asking me that information now we want to have the to make sure that we do have that information that not only the finance department has it uh but that we know and it's broken down and that not only we have the information on the ground but also that it's expended so we don't lose money lose funding so there I'm from from my observation we have a very well oiled efficient cdbg Grant process part of that's because we've got seasoned veterans who have been working that program for years and can probably do a blindfolded in their sleep and they just they they just know the program inside and out um and I'm just wondering are we treating all grants the same are we are we giving some leeway for for folks who seemly know what they're doing and doing a good job at it I'm I'm just can you help me understand that no no every and you're right we do have uh seasoned people individuals that are working um we wish you know that maybe we can have additional staff but that's not going to solve the problem uh for instance the driving lawence Grant uh the amount of work these individuals are doing is basically two and two and some of the other department including uh mesaris myself we all working for it in a coordinated way however that's only cdbg funding that's through Community Development that doesn't have anything with the police department that doesn't have anything to do with HHS that doesn't have to do with any of our uh the uh um the other uh what do you call it Enterprise uh agencies that we have Library Cemetery uh airports uh we need a and it doesn't apply to let's say other smaller departments DP I mean other departments like DPW veterans Etc this position is just a central uh person or Department person that is responsible for Gathering all the information that exists within the city so so if you are the mayor tomorrow or you are uh a counselor or you are uh a city official or any anyone the public they want to know how much money do we have in Grants and how is it expended with a timeline since the day first day we received the our city council approval the day that we received the Grant and the the time that it has been ex executed or not should be uh we should have control of that as part of an audit and so I okay I'm not going to a lot of this makes sense to me frankly I just whatever it's worth and we don't operate the city we don't on AO we shouldn't be we're all interrelated each agency each department the city council May we're all related and work we all have pieces of the pie so um I see what you're trying to do here it makes sense to me what what's trying to be accomplished here um I'm just looking now I'm just going to look at the the the job the job stuff what's there and this is a very delicate issue because I'm getting hit about the question I'm just about to ask you what's the salary for something like this we are working with Personnel because um the Mr Owens was supposed to be here tonight but unfortunately he had other commitments and that would be another subject that is going to be discussed our c is is out we we have more or less an idea uh uh how much is going to be that would be probably a Schedule C but um that is still under evaluation by the Personnel Department do want speak yes yes uh chair Vice chair go ahead go ahead yeah Mr I have question uh this position has covered some portion to our constituent because sometimes you have constituent and they have some concern about something they need I know the last year we had lot of cons request camer and they stre but was not possible because we don't have enough funding for that I want to see see I want to request uh something to be beneficial to maintain our street safe uh is something to be in charge to this position yes so you're absolutely correct so if we're working for for the police department and let's say there's a specific need need four cameras okay now there's approximately 438 cameras in the city okay but if we need more and those old ones need a repair then automatically we need if we need more money there's an Avenue that we can use in order to apply for these Brands cuz we have CLE allei way close to our conit and sometime we request a camera to put in the alleyway to eliminate the illegal dumping right and sometime uh we want to see what is the function to support our constituency thank you um any other questions I just I'm just looking at what is the requirement to to create an ordinance position so it's under our ordinances a 2.0 4.030 establishments of position by ordinance um so this is all being world this is self-funding we're going to need a two-thirds vote I didn't even know that interesting says no position of employment in the city which is funded partially by City appropriation and partially from funds derived by a grant shall be established fulfilled unless an ordinance creating the position has been passed by the city council by two-thirds vote yeah councel plan we're not asking to we're not asking we're asking tonight to change the title this is already in play this is already in ordinance just changing the title well with the title with a change of title yes we're we're we're asking for that title to be introduced as part of the ordinance so right so we're creating a position we're creating a new ordinance and the ordinance position is this director of project development and management of which there's two pages here that descries the job summary duties responsibilities and qualifications so this is a very vanilla standard creating a new ordinance position do it not all the time but this is nothing unusual here so what I want to make sure is that we're doing it the right way of course and that we have the right stuff before we send it to the full Council and I'm just reading what the requirements are so that we're satisfying that so we don't get we don't get uh questioned later but we didn't do it the right way um so and and just for future reference if we know you're going to be pulling if anybody who who's watching this as well but as a department if you know you're going to be putting something on the agenda it would be helpful to give us a heads up that way we could have the materials here this is tabled matters we don't always have our tabled matter stuff this was tabled from July the 16th so that was last month um it wasn't that long ago but it was last month and we just have our documents for the most recent meeting and that would be helpful uh that way we can prepare a little bit better for this thank you so no position temporary or permanent shall be created in any Department of the city unless the position has been established by ordinance which we're about to do adopted by the council which ordinance shall set out the job description got I think we have that rate of pay and benefits applicable to said position we don't have that I have a question I'm almost done or unless that position is established by City Charter which this is not and unless the provision therefore has been made by means of an original or supplemental appropriation which I don't believe that has happened this section shall apply to all positions anyc departments um Etc um so that I think that's that's the one thing that's just as as we start looking at what we need as a council according to our ordinances that's the one thing that's missing from this it seems like you've got everything else here and I realize that your personnel director had that or has or has or is creating that information but it's not part of our packet here this evening well I was told that it was going to be sent to the Personnel committee for the salary to to for for the salary salary the first it would come to you as a as a ordinance committee then once then it sent to Once approved it was sent to Personnel committee I don't understand that's my understanding that's the reason why I asked that that's that's the prerogative of somebody else I can't explain why that decision was made all I know is what I'm reading in the ordinance and if we're looking to provide a recommendation on an ordinance um it usually this may be a different oneoff usually this is all part of the packet you get the education the the the job description the qualifications and um the duties right yeah um and and that's missing here I I don't anyway I mean what is missing the the the the compensation I'll read it the rate of pay and benefit if it's applicable to the position yeah that's the only thing that is missing because that would be uh Personnel that's right so it's not real well let's I there's a difference of opinion on that I don't know why I went to Personnel I'm sure there's a good reason at least when it was s there but traditionally and typically it's an entire ordinance package comes here and when there's looking to perhaps fund if you're looking to fund the position then it goes there I can go counil Santiago who wishes to speak and I know Council vice president wishes to speak as well but Council Santiago for the record in the last vet all the Consular b a favor to The Bu except two celor Wendy L and me and and The Bu for the mayor ER for the mayor office they have more more than half that the last boy and you request or you are proposed to put in another person you need to you need to to to expain more money than you supposed to to lose because you are you you you say you lost money because of the grand or it's money anyway and for the the the people that are working in the mayor office they cannot do the the they they cannot do the the the job that because the the reason I ask ask you I I think there's a there's a confusion uh this is not a position under the mayor's office this is a current position the the title is changing from grant writer to the director of project management and development it's in the office of planning uh planning and development but not under the mayor's office it is another position no it's not another position we're trying to uh take the grant writer position and make it giving it this title and we don't know how money how much money H this person we will win we wanted to be uh this position is going to fall under the director of office and uh Planning and Development it would be in the same level as the economic development director community development director planning planning director and then you have this position and to request the the the Grant and that's the new position no it's not a new position no we're changing the title of Grant riter to that to to the as the Director of planning I mean project management and development so no position this is not going to be a new position it's just the title is going to change and the responsibilities are going to change a little bit okay just to clarify respectfully but it's not under the mayor's office there's the grant riter position in the ORD and under the charter if I'm not mistaken the grant Rider position is there you still want to speak M no okay uh vice president Fant you wish to speak yes yes thank you um chair of Cl just briefly we did not receive anything U for the Personnel committee on this U so that's just a little mixup right there nor have I been contacted about this uh item I just wanted to clarify that thank you thank you Vice U Madam chair and vice president so there is a a grant writer position ordinance uh counselors that's 27820 um sort of the at the but I'm not sure where this falls under the Matrix of who it reports to um under the direction of the Community Development Department there we go so it's under it's under um CD um that there you go um but I just want to so but I want to be clear we're changing we're not just changing the title we're changing the responsibilities and the duties yes and because of that whatever has happened it needs to have a public hearing on this as well yes okay so that much we're clear so councelor I'm I'm pretty clear I I I don't think that I don't think that not having the information regarding the salary and the compensation is a fatal flaw that prohibits this from going up I think that it is a fatal flaw from us passing it whenever and it should we should have that before public hearing is ordered so that when we publish this it has that information in the public hearing notice so it can be cured but it's up to this committee on how it wishes to proceed do you want to wait here to get this information do you want to send it up and see what happens at the Personnel committee as long as it gets to the full Council before we order a public hearing we might be okay so I'm curious as to how this coun this committee wishes to go Motion to send the full Council refer recommendation to a a public hearing second motion is made to send it up to the full Council of to what a public hearing is from properly second discussion uh to my colleague does he wish to have a caveat on there a condition that that before we order a public hearing that that that they satisfy the the conditions of the compensation I'll would take that for any Amendment so that Amendment then is um before it that's that's the amendment this committee is so that's the that's the amendment so now I'll call any more discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppos no roll call vote Council Vice chair yes councilor uh Council Del Rosario yes councelor Santiago and the chair votes yes it's sent up to the full Council uh to order Republic here and pending the condition thank you my strong encouragement Mr uh Mr spanner Mr spanner Mr spanner my strong encouragement I'm not sure of the personel is meeting uh but uh I would encourage you whoever if if if they are meeting to have that for them I I think it's tomorrow so if you can get that yes I would have and we already discussed that with um with our Personnel uh director super thank you very much Mr spanner thank you good evening um are there any other city employees I see I see clerk Bernell here and then we're going to take the vice president if if there's not okay she were talking about that I couldn't focus on it uh if there's no objection there's a series of well you tell there's a series of um conflict of interest documents we should have a packet here at our desks here and I believe they start off with 39724 is that right clerk you should have you should all have a little package it's 39724 y 39824 399 24 and 424 got it okay go we have four city employees who um assist us we've had three of them in the past and they work as wardens and it's they're excellent and it's a good um opportunity they all use personal time so it's not it is a conflict that's why we here disclosing it but because they use it personal time it's not on City time that they're doing this um so with your blessing we would like to do that again um document 397 is Jennifer Duran U document 398 is Alyssa coko document 399 is Lisa modang mno I apologize to Lisa for my buter for her name and then for 400 is um okay Adalie Gonzalez um but just like last week we did the senior tax work off people that also needed to do the disclosure because they do two different things um again because they do if you get a paycheck or paid from two different city departments um you have to disclose it and that's basically what they're doing [Applause] uh thank you so U what we could do counselors is that we can go through each one of these um individually they're all the same motion which is to um to send this uh this disclosure up to the full Council um is it a committee report or favorable recommendation H for favorable recomend I don't know what that means in this case okay go ahead yeah if you chose a favorable recommendation we prefer that but if you want to send it as a committee report we'll accept that whatever that's fine okay yeah so um I just have one overall overarching question uh a point on this since you're in charge of our elections in the city um we are we are riant on city employees to help us conduct elections and um it would be better in a perfect world to have less Reliance on public employees and more reliant on the special employees that are not currently public employees and I guess my my thought was my comment would be and my urging and recommendation is let's see if we can reduce that dependency on city employees whether it's here or on boards and commissions of which there's conflicts um and that's that's just a recommendation that I would have for the clerk feel fre to comment respect that comment and I I don't disagree with you I will say Lawrence is unique because we have six precincts each has four some of them have five um polling locations because some have a sub Precinct um so means we have to have fully staffed 24 different precincts and you have to have people that are capable of being a warden you know you have the pole workers and the clerks but a warden who can really manage people be responsible for a tally sheet at the end of the evening it's hard to get people to do that um from the private sector so I do we are grateful that some city employees are willing to do this um we appreciate appreciate the fact that you are willing to um allow them to do it um but I absolutely agree with you and if people have recommendations we almost always have vacancies because you know it's each polling location has three to four people so 24 * 3 to four is like over 120 poll workers that we have to find um so if you ever have recommendations of someone that you think is excellent we would be very open to those suggestions as well okay do you wish to speak Council yes sir yes you and and following up but uh coun plan of CH plan said I was going to ask questions I mean how would we allowing we've been allowing our our city employees to to help and it's great because we need them but I'm afraid also that that the load of work is going to fa on the others they're staying in there in that position the city clear's office is going to the load of work is going to impact them while this persons are out and and that was a question I want to ask I mean who going to replace the employees that are going into work into it's a two day commitment it's a two-day commitment so same as if they took a vacation day um the first day is September 3rd and the second day is November 5th so I agree with you if it was an ongoing thing that was full election season um that would be a real problem but it's literally two days it's one day in September and one day in November so the same people that cover their work um if they took one day off for do whatever personal business they're going to do on their personal day is who would cover their work that day um and I honestly think it might be true for all four of these individuals a lot of the times no one is doing that work and there just twice the work when they get back afterwards um and that's the reality of Municipal life like that's I mean and I appreciate they trying to help it it's great but coming into elections again it's it's been happening every year every year and I see it happen is I see it happen is even when there's not elections that a clerk's office employee goes on and then we pull up something from election to cover there people they are out sometimes I seen it I mean it happens in every every every work that you do or every job right you pull an employee from somewhere to cover this person that it's that it's that is missing a day or have a vacation time so following up the plan says we need to be more proactive and trying to get people from the outside to work and have them work thank you CL okay um with that let's just go through each one of these I'm looking for for a motion uh for document 39724 disclosure of a potential conflict of interest by a city employee Jennifer dur for a motion to send the subs to full councel with a fa recommendation motion made by Council Santiago seconded by the Vice chair discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I oh no no the eyes have it next documents 39824 same disclosure of a potential Conflict for Alisa coko looking for a motion send this up to the full Council motion made by the Vice chair seconded by Council Santiago discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I post no the eyes have it third is the disclosure of a potential conflict of interest by Lisa mugno did I pronounce that correctly I think so okay thank you um looking for a motion same favor recommendation motion made by councelor Vice Chair seconded by Council Santiago discussion C none I'll call the question all in favor say I I Poe no the eyes have it and lastly disclosure of a conflict by Adie Gonzalez say fa recation made by favorable recommendation made by the Vice Chair seconded by councelor Santiago discussion see no discussion will call the question all in favor say I I poos no the eyes have it anything else clerk thank you no we're grateful for your support thank you very much you're welcome all right thank you um next we have um as promised um vice president Infante sorry I was muted thank you uh councelor the plant I'm here for two items um and I don't have uh the agenda in front of me I'm doing some work here but uh one is for uh Beacon a and the other one is for Hamlet Street the ordinance on Hamlet Street I just don't have the the agenda item number in ball park my Madam vice president to when this was introduced like what year I'm sorry what year was this introduced let's start oh no these are new items these are item new business second page what's the number again Maria what's the first and three numbers I'm sorry 402 402 gotcha all right all right what's the other one eagle eyes would spot it all right get to it 380 24 uh that's lenck Street oh no we have Council fante you've got several on here um tonight I'm I'm just here for Beacon a and cam Street that's Beacon AB that's the one councelor infon 384 is that 384 384 384 is one side parking on Beacon AV does that sound right yes correct super so I'm looking to have this sent um to Lawrence Police for review for reviewal um I've been having constituents come to me with concerns about the double parking I know one part of the of beacon beacon AB Loops like a like a u um I know one side of it uh the one that connects with Beacon Street the beginning of it supposed to be one side but we have been seeing um cars parking on both sides and again like throughout the entire street so I'm just looking to get an analysis and a recommendation from Lawrence PD to see if this will help alleviate the traffic and the concerns that constituents have all right looking on document 384 weside Park and on beab looking for a motion to send this to the police department for their reviews there a motion motion to sener Police Department for review motion made by councelor deliv Zar seconded by the Vice chair discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I pose no the eyes have it if there's no objection let's take document 402 24 Hamlet Street Frost School review and updated ordinances times doesn't make any sense but for oneway street oneway street on Hamlet Street Council councelor Infante thank you so I'm I'm actually I'm asking the committee to table this until further notice I am planning a meeting with the with the residents and the school department um to get a better Insight of of the issues and the concerns of that street um after I sent a letter out to res to every resident of that street last week and well myself and odanis Hernandez have realized that depending on where the home of a resident falls on that street uh the the issues or the concerns are very so we just want to get the neighbors Al together to get to get a better understanding and see how we can better um help the situation moving forward and and once we figure that out I will come back in front of this committee um for for this item motion to the table motion made by the Vice Chair seconded by counselor Santiago all in favor say I iose no the eyes have it counselor do you also have other items here do you wish to just go through normally or do it's up to you we can just I I have I'm not prepared I I have to that's fine we'll deal with it I think I'll come back for the next meeting no that's fine I think some of these are just referrals and we we don't you don't need to be here for the referral so we can take care of that if there is something here a little more complex we will table it thank you councelor appreciate it thank you thank you uh thank you so uh counselors we have uh several members this here this evening who wish to speak on a tabled matter it is on page four it's 1824 one way on Orchard Street it's actually put on by counc the council CH Vice chair Selena Reyes if there's no objection let's take that document off of tabled matters um and and just have a discussion on that I I before we um let me set the table and then we've got people here who probably want to speak and we're going to open the we will open the floor so that will happen um a couple things we have a an email from The District counselor let me read that into the record let me see if I can find that quickly I believe we all saw that am I right we all okay good I got it you have it can I read it you're awesome thanks this is from Council NOP that's I want Council Lan's comments go you find right yeah that's her comment there we go that's what I'm looking for thank you counselor uh this is a u an email that we received um from our colleague councelor Wendy Lan de Council the plant hope this message finds you well based on the difficulties faced by the residents of Orchard Street due to the high volume of traffic and parking challenges they are requesting that the street be converted to a one-way Street I've spoken with representatives from the Department of Public Works and they are in favor of making this change if approved by the council hope I can count on your support on this matter thank you for your attention thank you very much counselor so there's that um counselor mentions that she's gotten support from uh the DPW we have not received any official correspondence from DPW just so we're all clear on that um apparently uh in a in a very quick conversation I had earlier this evening um officer CanĂ³ essentially said it's really going to be up to the um to the engineering department for their for their review uh so he's kind of waiting to see what they say but we don't have anything but regardless of that we do have people here who wish to speak and I think they come here and they've sent us emails and I think as a courtesy to them we need to listen so if you're here if if you wish to speak on this matter you have the opportunity now if you would like to if you would like to you don't have to but you can if you want just identify yourself sure what do you got yeah we we did yep there was no objection to that so we're taking it off yep just give your name and address please okay Sandra muan 14 Orchard Street um so yes we are requesting oneway parking oneway travel on uh Orchard Street um the street is actually a block as you know it is formerly known as the historic the uh mechanics historic block and it is literally just one block um we have a lot of traffic two-way traffic we have a lot of unwanted parking on the street there is resident parking only after 6:00 p.m. and there are numerous cars not only from other streets but out of the state New Hampshire and other ways speeding on the street is an issue and we don't have parking for residents one other issue um a lot of the homes those are single family homes Town Homes there is a lot of renting of rooms and when you have five or six people that are in different people in one single family house and they all bring cars with them it makes parking an issue I know me and my son who's here David um we are fearful of even going out at certain times because when we come back we won't have a place to park I we've lived on Orchard Street for over 30 years so we've seen people come and go the street has turned over a lot it's very densely populated they are one two two businesses there's a garage there's a store um there are the um Town Homes we have uh a small apartment building we have a Triple Decker on the street uh there were two empty lots on on our block one is currently under development with Lawrence Community works and they have dedicated parking um but for the residents of the street all the families the 17 units that are Town Homes there's no off street parking so we are reliable on street parking only so this one-way parking is actually a precursor to what we're looking as a second step which is to have angled parking on the street so that we can at least double the parking primarily for the households that have no off street parking first and then we will accommodate and this would be dedicated parking per house okay that would be two um perpendicular parking angle parking per house okay so for residents or landlords some of them uh are not uh individually owned I own my home but there are many um people that live there that don't own they they rent and and unfortunately for the those who have like rented out to five or six people that have five or six cars in order to be fair to everyone on the street so that everyone gets some parking we have to have dedicated parking and that's what we're requesting so thank you so just one thing call let me go with maybe Council Del rosar has the same thing I'm thinking so I'm not going to say it because I've been talking too much go ahead Council delar perhaps you're thinking something thank you I mean what we facing is the same thing that we're facing in every neighborhood it's lack of enforcement um if there already a resident parking only there and she say that it's cars from out ofate uh license plates so that means that we're not enforcing anything on that street so it it I advocate you know guys I advocate for Resident parking but we need to be advocating for more enforcement and and that will move I mean I agree with the one way completely I I used to live on Union Street uh before they buil those Decor I mean those home there and then I live in Mechanic Street when it was Mechanic Street back in those days um 30 years ago and it wasn't at many's houses and and and the need of one way it has been always cuz it's from uh what's the name of that street two Union streets so it's only one block Jackson so it's only one block so it's it's it's it's needed and I agree with that but again I don't know what we need to do here as as consuls but we need to have traffic controls more more driving more by the police department needs to enforce all this ordinance that we put an end we are asking and we approve all this ordinance but nobody is enforcing this ordinance so what exactly are we doing then I mean it's we need to we need to enforce those things we need to have the police department and the traffic control to enforce every or most of the ordinance that we approve here and they now being enforced that's that's all I have to say Council Vice chair uh thank you um so I want to mention because for the last couple months we had community meeting at Lawrence Community wall microphone right now uh to facilitate the communication and uh verify what is your concern about the the the parking and also I already presenting to Mr Hen is the he working and find out uh legal language to to to see what we can do to do a a a different uh level for for for bringing the the angle parking in your area I work uh with Dave because he's very dedicated and ke is three but I want to mention that we working with the Lego Department to find out what is the language and what we can do to facilitate more parking to our residents especially in O stre and also we are working to find out what is the more better way to find out to uh resident parking sticker so uh soon as possible we can have another community meeting to bring the information about the resident parking because we're working on the sticker now did you want to speak yes Council Santiago I like to see the people how they how they have determination to do that they I was invited to the meeting last Friday and just one block street and there was almost 20 people there they are they are they are they are supporting the pro the problem sometime you do the meeting and just two or three people assist but you got a good assist last Friday and just H I want to say to follow the the item and to solve the best for your com for your street okay thank you counselor um just a couple of things that are different than what my colleagues have said one is you mentioned um this kind of like parking that that vertical like whatever angle parking in in in the request that you submitted was that part of it because what I what what I want to make sure is that the engineer is looking at that request as opposed to just making it one way which is all this proposal I think is asking for it's not I don't know if it's looking for angle parking would you know Council the engineer is aware aware for this project because we presenting and also I bring the copy we providing uh at the meeting uh but we waiting for the language and also uh what we can do because they also request to uh to have a uh a spe yeah when we decide to do angle uh the proposal also is to be allowed to to have one or two spot for resident or owner from this area so we're looking a little bit more I waiting for the respon for the Mr Hur and also the engineer is aware what is the the project that was that was my question so they are aware of what the request is I don't know if weting the language to put in the agenda I don't know if we are uh if we micromanage how the parking is I just think I and I I've never heard of a proposal so far that I've when I've been on the council I think Congress Street on Tower Hill has got that kind of angle parking going down the hill I don't know of many other streets that have that so and I don't know if the council that preceded me I don't know if the council voted specifically on that or just voted on parking so anyway that's the least important but the one thing that didn't really catch my attention beyond that was the dedicated parking uh I don't know the the I well I understand the rationale for it I get why you would want to do that you only have so many T so many spots and you want to make sure the person who lives here has got two spots there and the person lives here and and I get what you're trying to do what I don't know in 100% cander is the lawfulness of saying this parking space is only for you we don't do that for handicapped parking even though people think it's their parking space I don't know if you can say Billy Jones has two Orchard Street that's Billy Jones's parking spot and that's only Billy Jones can park there nobody else well it's not uh per person this would be per address so my address is 14 so for 14 Orchard Street there would be two dedicated spaces now if I have 10 people in my house that's still just two spaces for that address who parks in the space is not you know I could have me park my son Park as long as it's just per home it's actually per address not per person so it's going to be fascinating I don't know how this is going to end up and 100% cander I don't know how this is going to end up I'll tell you why because when we when we look at residential parking when you go to the police department and you ask for a residential parking sticker all they want to know is do you live on that block mhm or on that street and if you and if you can prove that with an ID license or whatever then they're going to for $2 every year that no one pays you'll get your residential parking a sticker for the year the problem excuse me I don't want to interrupt you but the problem with that is as I said there are some some uh addresses on our street where that single family resident has maybe about 12 people living there and if they each have 12 cars that makes it very unfair for the entire Street you know if you have one block and physically you can only fit X number of cars because the length the size of the car car so is it fair for one house to be able to park five cars when one house can't park one in order to be fair to everyone okay because everyone lives there I I could say I've because I've lived there 30 years I should have just by the fact that I've lived there that long I should have some you know uh heads up to being able to park on the street for someone who just moved in yesterday okay so in order to be fair to everyone on the street per address okay and if your landlord has allowed 10 people to live in one address then it shouldn't be fair that 10 cars can park on the street for one address now I know like you said the police department as long as your address says Orchard Street you can park there but um that's not in reality um a good thing because like you said in a densely populated area you cannot accommodate that kind of um parking for you just can't so I just I just wanted to SP and then excuse me you say some more go right ahead sure show again you mentioned enforcement you know even if we just didn't have the par the cars for people that don't live on the street there my son has called the police department many times and it depends on who comes how they respond one officer he said came saw the New Hampshire play ticketed it was towed the other officer was like well they you know they got a right to I mean it's like a whole bunch of nonsense are you serious don't you see the sign that says resident parking only it's 9:00 they have a New Hampshire plate obviously they don't live here so it's like the enforcement they should be on if it says resident parking they should be riding up and down the street if they see a car that doesn't have that it should automat we shouldn't have to call them but we do yeah so thank you m muan i I just I appreciate your comments here this evening this will not be the last time you'll have an opportunity to speak on this matter if this thing gets to the point uh where there it it it orders a public hearing you and everybody else on that street the people who you want to have parking people who don't want to have parking the people been there for 2 minutes and the people been there for 30 years all have a chance to speak on this matter regardless of how much time they live there there or how many people live in that if they have a driveway or no driveway it that's blind to that so um Council Sano but but but I just want if anybody else is here to speak tonight I don't know if there's much more to say on this I want my colleague to speak first unless you want to let the public speak first and I just we we we we get the point is there anything new anybody wants to say hasn't been addressed this evening feel free to if there is yes sir go right ahead name an address please hery Santiago 12 Berkeley Street I am here to get a permit for the recreational department um for a basketball tournament August 24th so that's fantastic we're talking right now about Orchard Street that's fine we're going to get to you no um we're going to get to you after we dispose of this matter and I appreciate you being here this evening on this matter uh you the floor okay we was talking about the item 1824 and we are concentrated the parking but the item is one way we cannot doesn't Focus the good point the main issues or the the main request is the one way first after we got the one way we can send to the city engineer an update what they doing because they they they said something but we don't have anything in our h p and that's I would like to okay so counselors I think um we have um so it's here uh we do not have the engineering study um we typically need that there needs to be a public hearing we've got people here this evening I'm sure want who want to see movement on it we have one of our colleagues who represents the area who would like to see movement on it I have I'm waiting to hear a motion I'm not going to put my thumb on the scale so is there a motion table move it up to the full Council uh motion to table because we need to uh mention when we submitted the submitted the item we had another engineering and then we need to update the new engineer so we need to give you some spay to they do the Jack and also to receive the uh this report can counc do you want to withraw that the council we can't talk on a tabled matter but do you want to withdraw that for a second so Council delar can say a few words okay thank you councel before we we do table I would I would like to uh follow up with with Council of Santiago says a motion to send um for an update with the engineers so they can get back to us to see where they are working on this one way so even though they is a new engineer I guess right and also we can we we submitted when long time ago I'm assuming so why don't we get an update for the engineering department motion to I mean to get information an update for that first send correspondent to get an update and also we can send the same correspondent to Mr Hen because he's supposed to bringing back some language about this uh this item too what's he what's he what's Mr Hoon supposed to bring to us uh because we mentioned uh we mentioned the different project because they also when they Converse in one weight uh we want to look at what is the language to they had uh in Ango uh spot for day parking and also we presenting the same proposal to the uh to the engineer and also be presenting a the same time to the Mr hurant and he tried to working on a specific language we supposed to have he's working on it yeah oh okay so there's a motion to send correspondence to the city engineer and the City attorney to get us an update on their uh on their engineering legal report is there a motion made by councelor Del Rosario seconded by Council Vice chair this did you mention who made the motion you did um discussion see n this is on the motion to S correspondence all say I I know the eyes have it now do you want to make a motion to table a motion to table motion is made to table by Council Vice chair second to by Council Del Rosario all in favor say I H know the eyes have it let me break this down for the members of the public who probably say what just happened so very succinctly this committee says there is work being made on the engineering study and the engineering report the committee wants to see it we all the committee also understands that the City attorney has been looking at this as well we want to get the city engineer's um report and his uh his language or input on this and then this committee is waiting for that but we want to push this and so we're putting a little fire there to say we want it we want it soon get it to us so that's the reason why we just made that motion but we need to figure that out here and then we will send up up to a full Council but we appreciate a your emails and B your presence here this evening because that I think help us build momentum all right so that's what happened okay so there you go um thank you you folks are here as well right so what items are you here for this evening front row front row yeah what what item so what's what is it oh yeah I think we talked yeah August 25th oh that's right you did you all right okay yeah yeah I did go to Recreation Department This was um good so this was I think at the last meeting hope it's in here Minds with a purpose we saw a proposal and you weren't here so we asked you to show up now I'm got to find it where was the where what was location was where um South Common Park o Connell yeah okay see if we that might be helpful and I know I know that we talked and I know that there was a proposal and I know that the request was that we would table it here because you wanted to change the location change the date the date not the location remained the same yeah the location is the same one of the changes we wanted to make sure that the new date that it was open Andre and you were I I advise you to make sure that you got clearance do you have anything from the um recreation department so I went there and they and they changed the date online and then they said that was good that you guys will receive that change to just come here on Tuesday August 13th let me look some more it's important the reason why we're looking reason why it's important we have a public uh public um meeting laws that require us to we need to have for the public we need to have a document on our agenda so the public knows that we're going to be discussing it correct so we're looking for for it now we have a very long agenda and hopefully with some help it's on here do you know when you first submitted it to us the first time yeah so even month July June July all right I know the first date was scheduled for the last Tuesday yeah counselors I'm not seeing this and that's not good um what what here's my recommendation counselors um they had an original date they wanted to change the date I had a conversation and I just suggested just to make sure keep the same citizen service stuff just make sure you get clearance from the recreation department saying that that new date is free what I'm going to recommend we can't have a debate on it this evening because it's not before us but what we can do is this what we we can do is is put it under old business under um the next city council agenda and then we would someone from this committee will need to we will need to discharge it with six votes uh this is no fault of yours uh discharge it with six votes I can't promise you're going to get six votes I feel pretty good about it so my only concern is is August 25th what the next meeting be before that yes the next meeting is next two Tuesday okay so August 20th right so I would so I would encourage you to come back on on on the 20th do I need to go back to the recreation department and don't what I would what I would do is this what I would do is this I would ask to get a paper copy of that just in case this whole thing falls under the cracks in a ridiculous place if you've got a paper copy with and also their emails saying that that date is good mhm bring that because even if we don't get it in our packets in time you've got it okay and then you say I've got a copy and then we going do a fire drill here make copies and everybody will have it and then we can move on with it so that's that's the best I can do tonight let me apologize as a chair that it's not on this agenda it should be on the agenda and it's not and I can't explain why it's not there I can't tell you why so but so um where where can I find that email address to email them I'm sorry the email address you mentioned to to send them an email and just have that just in case so no I no what I would suggest to you is this is that you said you already had the citizen serve document y get that printed hard copy mhm um and get something from the recreation department written I it could be an email okay something that says Adalie Gonzalez says that that they or whoever is there the person there says that it's available mhm there's no conflicts so you can get the park and just have that written down somewhere for that date okay and then you have that hopefully um we'll get it electronically and it'll be in our packet under old business all right does that make sense yeah so I'll just print out that citizen serve go to them and get a hard cop or email them and get that as well and then come back to 20 yeah you yeah just get an email from from them you can email Adalie Gonzalez the recreation director you can meil him and say can you send me an okay on that maybe he's already sent it to you what just print out what you have if he's already giv you the okay on the letter that's good all all we all we want to do is just is so the nine of us have a copy saying yeah we' got it you're all set that's all all right and it usually it's not done like this usually we have it here we this is the fourth year I I do this tournament so it's usually like you know like pretty simple but yeah I'm sorry it wasn't on your agenda today well it's not your fault for that so uh we but we appreciate your understanding it means a lot to us so thank you definitely and um i' invite you back on the 20th cuz there may be some questions and I want you to be here to answer them all right thank much all right you got it um all right the next item 366 366 uh there's no objection 36624 family gathering September 1st 2024 at sto park I think I know do hi hi good night I'm Francis work ining for 20 year and I want to permit to use part for have family reunion family and friend reunion uhhuh okay I'm just checking um the most important 360 what number is it [Music] 366 did you go through citizens Ser I believe you probably did I'm installing for time looking for it yes you did the most important one out of all these things um is the and your current on your taxes I hope to 10 don't we don't charge for this that's crazy that's a good no it's not someone's got to pay the employees to clean it up afterwards did you go to the recreation department at all have you gotten clearance is there yeah they did where did they say my sister-in-law can you repeat please her sister-in-law my sister-in-law did it it went to Recreation and she work right now and said there's no conflict yeah on that date that's a problem right there they owe money I'm not going to vote for it um one of the things that that we have done and it's not often that we have private individuals usually it's nonprofits that come in to do this kind of stuff um but we um one of the Departments has recommended that we deny this and uh um who's the applicant who's this the specific applicant you are the specific applicant umu what I would do there was a bit of a blemish on this and you would need to have it clarified I think and that is um talk to the water and sewer they think there's outstanding an outstanding bill if you can clear that up that would be I think helpful um so that's that's what we see right here so so yeah please please talk to them and get that cured fixed that problem um so that the the council knows that there's all everything has been satisfied so is that am I making sense yeah yeah my sister know more than me about this because she make it and all the and she sent me to explain to do what are we going to do as the family okay do you understand what I'm saying yes okay MH your activity will be on September 1 September 1st and that's not enough day if you we I would like to send to the full conso but they have to prove the the two things yeah the SE the in the pay they have to do because so yeah so I think think that what the counselor suggesting and I I happen to agree with her is that um two things have to happen we just wanted some sort of you got to you got to cure you got to fix you got to pay whoever it is finish that water and sewer bill it's got to be paid so pay that and then that's one and then we need to see proof of that we need to see something from the water department saying that that you're clear that you're clear there's no no money owed to the city that's number one number two something from the recreation Department saying yes that is free and clear I know you got a verbal okay if you have something in writing they have they written they I in the phone I'm sorry I have it in the phone the on the phone you got it yes okay we're not there yet with voice messages on the council but if you can get something written like from them just saying that that date a simple email saying that you're the applicant and there's no conflict for the hours that you're looking for the hours are what to 10 p.m. wow okay the long day that is a very long day one that I had that phone no that's the I saw right you you have 10 to 10 is that is that accurate till 10 at night do you have speakers may I what well do you have speakers music oh loud speakers yeah this is your District you're going to get the phone calls if it's live but okay um we know that we can that I L Music you're going to have food trucks there mhm okay wow and you're selling items oh at the food at the food trucks okay okay if the council approves this I may not be here to to make this comment but if the council if we send this up to the full Council which I suspect that's where we're going um you know responsibility of course to I say this to everybody so just not you everybody be mindful of your neighbors your M the whatever you're generating especially in when it gets dark out things get louder it seems right so be mindful of the people who live near near there in storeo park that they've got a they have a right to have quiet and peace and enjoyment of their property as well so be mindful of them and then of course please obviously whatever put get the the condition of the park in the same condition or better than how you found it so we ask you to clean that stuff up um um I must I must remind you as well there's no public drinking in Mar Parks have we don't want to have okay just let just a reminder that I'm not saying you're going to I just feel like I had to say that I know right am I missing anything what what I wanted to say is also to keep in mind there's basketball courts there and there's kids that going to be may may be playing basketball so even though you have the permit to be doing your activity they will be allowed to use the basketball court so keep that in mind um because you have the permit you can kick them out of the basketball court if they playing basketball they playing in the park um just keep that in mind okay we want to make it Domino something some car something like you do I don't know if going to do that okay so I'm looking for a motion help to send the F Cel and to present the the recreation department a permit MH and and the bill you have to pay with the SE water SE right provide provide water things people recommendation and cleaning the yeah part after favorable recommendation yeah so a motion has been made to send this up to the full council with a favorable recommendation pending pending um um written correspondence from the Water and Sewer Department saying that the bills have been paid and that um and that the recreation department has that this there's no conflicts it's been properly seconded by Council Del Rosario any further discussion seeing none I'll call the question all in favor say iose no the eyes haven't next meeting is Tuesday there you go so you got five days to fix all that get busy all right who else is here oh hi well I'm trying to get people off the door they' been here hi hello good night um good night yeah it's already night time your name please so my name is jahia I'm the founder and the organiz ER the president the official president for Hashem Corporation um Hashem Corporation is a nonprofit organization that is in charge and it's uh entitled to try to solve the needs that the Latino de Community has in the Mary ma Valley okay so what the very first step here is to figure out where what is the item on our agenda do you know the number or what is it called anybody else know what it is she don't have any item in the agenda because she's confused for the full Cil meeting when she tried to have the two minute with speaking about her project uh and she presenting today we can't um we can't take any action that that much is clear we can't vote on anything there's nothing on the agenda no all I want is just to present it for farther um collaborations as a bender or if there is any further collaboration for you guys to know who is the presenter who is the president of the organization and what does the organization do so if there no objection here's what we can allow but if a council has an objection I need to hear that there will be no questions keep it brief there's no there's no uh deliberation among the Council on what it is you're just going to tell us whatever is you're going to tell us but we're not going to deliberate and we're not taking any votes okay are we clear of course you got 2 minutes go for it right okay so Hashem Corporation is an organization that arises for the need of accommodations and access and also for the challenge of adaptation that the de Latino Community faces here in lawence um therefore I would also like to just uh use my other minute to say it in Spanish as there is some um Hispanic speakers as well in the community we're all here we all spoke we all we all heard you so you're addressing the city council and so we all got what you had to say unless somebody wants to have it done in a different language which is but the purpose of this meeting is for you to talk to us and I think we all got what you want to say did you want to expand some more on that that's basically it okay thank you very much no problem thank you UMC I brought some information we'll take it yeah we'll take it sure thank you okay let's go back to the top 36424 softball tournament August there's nobody else here right con I can't see okay thank you here you go thank you wow okay softball tournament August 31st 2024 sept and September 1st at o Park they're not here why aren't people here counselors that's first I know I'm presuming that I know Teresa is out this week but I'm presuming phone calls were made by her I I well go ahead I mean I was talking with somebody is in the agenda and nobody call oh this is this is important this is a big one yeah um this is yeah please call because this is actually not because it's my district but they're doing something much bigger that's very unusual and it's yeah so if the paperwor is an order I don't know if you haven't checked if the paperwor is order I I'll get some information all right so we're not going to deal with this we we'll put this aside for right now we move to the next one no no um Diego family sports day so Council let me let's let's just ask this question to all of us historically or traditionally if somebody's looking to get a permit before the council we asked them to attend this meeting so that we can for a few reasons answer questions MH and then you know we can have a bit of a dialogue with the applicant that's traditionally how we do it and traditionally and if they're not here we have tabled these matters if um and the person with the institutional memory at least recently is you Vice chair is that am I speaking correctly or is that incorrect is that correct okay and I and it puts us as a group in a very difficult position because we want to say yes to everybody who comes before us for a permit we want to give that but like we just saw in last one we saw that there were some issues right and they showed up this is 365 you want to call them too yeah he did he went to call this person oh first one the 64 you want make me call you want make we got to make a motion to recess hold on is there a motion to recess so Move Motion made say all in favor say I know the I have a short recess go ahead okay 367 has the same e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e that would have come out of Recess seconded by the Vice chair all in favor say I H know the eyes have it okay we're back so um document number 36424 this is a softball tournament on August 31st and September 1st at oconnell Park fields one and two Mr Balon welcome thank you so this is something new yet old so old because you've been doing this for years new because you got a new venue a new location you're looking to do it so what You' got the floor go what why why why are you doing at o Connell as opposed to the O'Neal oh because they got 16 teams there there many team play that day so we going use the the corner just uh Saturday Sunday is the final so we don't need the the SP and then we move to the other side because it is more recommendation for the city especially when all everybody is around U on the on those part over here is a it's a it's a tough traffic and we have to be part of the the community and and get better and better and better all the time sure let me talk on behalf of the community let me say this so you're going to be in a residential area you've got Salem Street and you got Osa Street where there are homes there and and the community there has two significant concerns Community is concerned about U loud loudness and so this is a pretty I've seen the I've seen the event at O'Neal it's rocking and rolling it is a party it is fun and it's uh everybody wants to be there right yep but we also need to almost like read the room know where you are this is not the O'Neal this is a place where people live as well and so we have to be mindful of that to having a tournament there it's going to be mindful this is this is a place where we want you to have a successful tournament and have fun but there's people who live around that's number one number two um the parking is what the parking is so much the we're going to use all all the corner just for players I mean they're going to play soall they're not going to dring any over there they don't have any music about because the real real Cent like the real place we going use everything is the the uh South East a School South Florence East yeah South lorence East that's the play we going to do everything like alcohol uh per we got everything for for that area specific and the other and in the corner we just going to play that's it so I'm sorry so um let's focus on one thing at a time you mentioned South Florence e school that's a different place that's not the oconnell that's a different location is it do we have we use the both place is that is that is that part of the permit because that's a city-owned property that we would we would have jurisdiction over that as well did you get is that part of your application yep it is okay yep South Florence East is it's just not it's not in the title that's why I'm asking you got and now I see South Florence East one and two Fields you're looking at oconnell the entire park where in the oconnell are you looking the whole the whole oconnell the the both both field yeah we're going to play sat new Saturday okay so you're going to have both fields at the oconnell and two fields at South Florence East exactly got it it's on here good okay um you're going to have liquor yep talk to me about that where when we uh I was on the meeting last uh last week and they were approving because uh there there was approved and we got deal to use to the the the little place over there the little cafeteria got there where is this is oh this is the concession s you're talking about at the at the South Florence East yes we're going use that that that area over there to sell it alcohol even inside or outside we're going to put like a a little car how you say this in English like pass like a little u a house outside M what a t okay yeah and we're going to use the the ARA specifically because like everybody come through we see who come through we not alcohol allow so just we we want only want to sell an inar so nobody can go out and in with nothing aloh on hands so we everybody going to be concentrate inside with the Poli we got four police over there too we got a a security also from from the group and uh another group of people like call they call uh capan capan yeah they come through the chaplain the chap they'll be there too they wear a uniform and they pray it's all good right it's all good all right just checking okay so um I think you got the approval you got the approval from the licensing board as well okay so that's happening and that again you're going to be at the you're going to be on the fields the upper Fields not the lower Fields uh we're going to South East we're going to use the the end one the low the the big one the B the on the on the back and the top on the first one on the top the small one so when you say the back going down the car path near the river there yeah you're going to use that mhm okay he a better he better place it's nice got it's big not up top down below what's going to be down there one the the the first one this is a small one and the the two field the big one the small one the top and there's big one on the bottom the big one on the bottom that's used for is that where your kids play that's where they have the football that they have their yep okay I mean there's a diamond what there's a diamond there but hasn't been used right right right yep okay so um I will in all cander um I'm concerned about this is because i' I understand why the O'Neal was a a decent place for this but we can't bring the O'Neal here as I think I've already mentioned that you can't you have to modify that what I mean by modifying it have your games don't modify that have the games do the stuff but modify modify the the music The Sounds because you have to be good neighbors with the people who live there I represent those people they deserve to have a decent place and a decent afternoon um they just deserve it right so um I'm asking you to be mindful of that the wild card here is the alcohol we all know what happens it's a good time inhibitions get loosened when there's if it's a hot day especially things happen so we are I know you got police there but we have to also be mindful of that we're adding an element that sometimes makes keeping control a little more challenging I'm not saying you can't do it it just adds Challenge and so I'm going to support this at this meeting here this evening however I'm going to be ve I'm going to be listening to what the folks in that area have to say um I'm essentially going to give it a shot and to see how well you're able to conduct that there um if you decide to do it again we'll see how this year Works um so I'm going to support it this year and we'll see how it goes if you decide to do it again next year it'll be based on how this year goes yeah thank you but also remember that this is not our first time we do this for many years people always come the same people come the same the same people all the time this is a different location but I know last year we got aloh on the other side where the on the other side and uh we rent the place and we got aloh on that side and and nothing happened where over here in the Hayden scoffield o call the o yeah O'Neal yeah at the high schoolfield O'Neal sure okay yeah so just let you know again everybody come the same people come the people enjoy don't worry about and the other thing too is I ask every I tell everybody not only the noise but make sure the place is in in the same or better than how you found it oh of course um so the clean up and all that Stu also we pay for people clean everything there and they sure we have in some case that anything Brook they we got it for this to also I'm sorry they that we have the insurance yeah for every for for everything any damage anything that happen they got to cover okay I got everything set it up okay now I know this is not your first rodeo I know how many years have you been doing this eight nine years eight or nine years okay um all right because we have an understanding I understand where you're coming from you understand where I'm coming from we have an understanding welcome perfect perfect all right looking for questions comments or motion just everybody invited to go over there thank you for support to and and come to enjoy us okay yes I want to congratulate you because it's not easy to mon in an big event like this and this H have to recog you we have to recognize people like you doing something great for our community thank you thank you that's that's the job motion to send with fav recommendation second motion made by the Vice chair second by councilor Del Rosario discussion see none all in favor say I I no the I have it please come on Tuesday Tuesday 20th what time 7 7 got it thank you all right good to see you who's next you have another participants I don't see anybody are they the flag I don't know I don't think so I didn't the flag from us no I think I think you're right I don't see them I don't see them you want to check in that with Bill or John see if uh and just see if they're on there and I'm just not seeing it [Music] so we are one of the applicants is supposed to be joining us via Zoom um I'm not seeing them so counselor the vice chair is checking to see if uh if it's a communication issue and I I do really mean counsel we we do need to figure out as a group what we're doing regarding um folks who don't show up to this to this meeting what we do it's easy when the thing is a month away and there's no problems but the challenge is when they're looking to get something and it's we got to pass it in time for the next meeting all of us are put under the gun we fill a bit of the squeeze right so I'm curious as to see how you feel about that so I believe that we don't talk to the participant until they come here so while they fell out trying to get a permit somebody have to tell him this is the step to do I mean according to Delvin Valentine he was confused he thought by going to the licensing board and getting approv the licensing board which already approved so it so I don't know if Recreation or or or citizens serve need to let them know that this is a step to take and then you need to show up but okay the answer who want me to sh but she said she don't see any communication to be today and she have new phone and she tried to connect it soon but she canot okay she's in the Island 3 367 367 I call her okay uh if there's no objection let's take 367 because that individual is here miss Javier yes come on how are you I'm doing well thank you it's good to see you again nice to see you too so you have an item that you want to do on August 24th that's coming quick all right M so um we just want to make sure that we have all your stuff on here this is um what's the name of the organ you're the you are change Ministry right are you the applicant or is your organization the applicant that is the organization okay change Ministry so I I I'm the one that applied in behalf of just and just in the future to protect you you've got your name as the organization your name as the applicant uh you may want to have the name of the organization the nonprofit be the uh be that because when they do a run of stuff the nonprofit I'm sure is probably caught up on taxes and fees I did that and I even had to put in there my um the pro of the 501c3 okay I uploaded it and everything no I believe that I'm just saying that in the document itself it's a small thing but it's it's it's I'm just giving you a helpful pointer it won't stop this from going forward I'm just helping you out that when you when you put the applicant down is it the organizations is the applicant or is it you and I know that all one it's the organization but it asks for the contact person so and that's fine but the applicant has you as the applicant not the organization that's my it's a Nuance but I want you to understand that Nuance in case it helps you out in the in the big in the bigger picture it may not have any impact but it could okay so are you clear for the date scarito park on the 24th Recreation said yes they're free let me take a look I can never find where is that it can be a little confusing do you want me to explain what the activity is sure we it it's that's less important to us we just want to make because as long as you get everything squared up we may want to learn because we're curious but we don't need to know necessarily okay and you got clearance from um from Recreation that this there's no conflict as scarito I I can't imagine that there is but yeah they say that that Park is not used so we but I do have like it it was really different this year because I'm used to coming here you know that I come here for yeah any permit that I ask for but this time around I went to Recreation and when I went there um they told me that they they have this permit which was written down and they gave me the okay to use it I have it at home I was on my way back from New Hampshire and I thought of was just dropping by here because I didn't want to just come forward like being irresponsible I did not know that this was coming here today I like I didn't I usually receive a call and they tell me oh you're on the agenda for such and such a day and stuff but I didn't really get any calls um but they did give me permission to use it as a matter of fact I spoke to um also I only filled this out because I I stage I'm like all these years I've done it this way so let me fill out the the citizen Ser which is very confusing I heard you talking a little bit about it which is very confusing but I did it mainly because I want I needed permission to also use um speakers and this it's everything is totally different these days you can't go to the police and get permit for that anymore so they said you have to go under citizen serve in order to get that so I did and I haven't had any response like if I going in there there's like no update or anything like that um thankfully on National Night Out I was able to see um J cell um I was able to see the recreation director because I first went to the first channel which was Martha and I know she's out for this month so it was really like a lot of roadblox but what we're doing is um overdose awareness day is August 31st first so my main um concern for getting the permit was really like at the park here to allow us to use the common Park just to plant some Flags there which Recreation loated um so we're going to start there and then we're doing a March which is going to be on the sidewalk and we're you know going to be going around the the city on the sidewalk walking with the recovery community and just people in general faith-based Community with you know with working as a team and then we are going to end up in scarito park where we're going to celebrate because it's um Rec um it is also substance uh substance abuse um prevention month celebrating recovery so we'll be celebrating over there scarito park has been one of our parks that unfortunately has been pretty abandoned um has had negative activities there and we really want to bring something positive forward to that to that community and to the kids especially okay so this is a this is a two ver so you need really permission for Campo and scarito so because you're assembling at Campo that's your starting off part so you need a permit to and it's only going to be in the morning starting at 8:00 right so you'll need and you won't be there for long right how long are you going to be at campaign like an hour We're actually we're asking people to come there at 10: okay coming there at 10: just to kind of put the flags down and then after we put the flags we line up and we start marching I understand there's another activity the what is it daddy daddy day or something like that right they're going to be there I think at 1:00 or 12 something around that end so and that and that's why it's important so we just need to make sure that that cuz we we rely on the recreation department who's got jurisdiction over our parks to make sure that there's no conflicts that the DAT day groups got they're not going to be impacted and then you're not going to be impacted but they got here first so they've got first dibs and then you're if if there's a spot that's not necessarily next to them but it gives you some space then then that's okay but we need to get from Recreation that that space that you're looking for at the Campa own is good and that's not going to have a conflict so we are going to need to see two things we need to see an okay written somehow I don't care how email something written from Adalie saying that the campign camping new park common from 8 to 8 to what 10 11 how much how long you going to be there at the park at this park here we're technically using it's like the part of the park that's facing here we're not using the center at all sure um it's going to be we're lining people up at 10: it's just like a something um that's going to take us maybe I'm talking 20 minutes or so should be done by 11 yeah is that sound is that a fair thing so what we need what we need then is is something from the recreation department saying that you have this right in front of City Hall just in front of city hall because the D are that or Day stuff is to is by the by the circle yeah um and you're just going to be here so we need to see that and they and they know that so that and then scarito Park which I'm sure there's no conflicts there but it's our practice to see that so our colleagues can see does that make sense of course okay so that's what we're looking for you if you can get that to us um prior to the next meeting on Tuesday and just get something written that would be helpful that's it for questions comments motions and of course the same thing um the noise um be mindful of where you are I don't you know you're going to be marching down the the sidewalk that's not our jurisic it's the police department's jurisdiction so that's not us um but be mindful of where you're walking uh with the noise and then of course make leave the place either as you saw it or better than what you saw it when you when you leave either the the Campo and or scarito good Ahad motions comments s for send for favor recommendation for favor recomendation to with the with the condition that they provides written documentation for recreation with that condition okay motion's been properly made by Council Santiago seconded by the Vice chair discussion C I'll call the question all in favor say iOS no the I sa thank you for coming down thank you Al I would come back on Tuesday on Tuesday yeah I will all right you super a volleyball what did we lose her we lost her okay she can come back um the family gathering we've done that overdose done that child care parking looking uh for document 36924 Child Care parking at 38 Cornish Street second floor looking to a recommendation to send that to the police department it's our first one right yes um motion made by the Vice Chair seconded by whom any seconds I have this question we can do in Block well first of all we don't even have a second of this there's a second okay motion been made in second a discussion councelor Santiago yeah when you put it the parking in child in the child care the parking is only in front of the child care for them for all day or any specific H citation because just a Char per parking um so you sh uh we had the whole language for the last meeting is with a specific time when the uh family child care educated needed is a discretion with the officer and he decides if allow or not but we had the whole language we had a specific time is to pick up and drop up pick up and drop up yes early in the morning he asked school or whatever they needed yes but the the spot will be the the signning request will family child care educated he is supposed to be in front the business when the provider request a sign is supposed to put it in front the house because the reason they request it because the street is very congesting they want to have a spay when the boo coming to pick up or drop off but that's the reason they supposed to pay for that that's the paring uh we don't use we don't use that language with the motion and the proposal maybe we you want to looking on that we can do another uh suggestion but when we provide a sign for any kind of business and lence we don't request any kind of payment we provide the 15 minute uh sign we provide the handicap sign and we don't request any uh payment back and the a small business or restaurant they also uh do profit and we're not requesting about that so we follow the same regulation with another sign we require yes I I ask because I have some constitute and they H request me about H parking for for Bodega for uh another business but they have just 15 minute parking they don't have all day all week but doesn't say just for clarification it's not for all day it's uh 8 in the morning to tonight I don't have the language in front of me right now but it's not for the whole day celor uh Santiago that's why I ask the time yeah the time was provided for the last meeting in the whole packet in the whole language uh I don't have the language with me because now we try to approve the sign not to discuss the language language okay I think that I think when we had the language for any particular item we request uh is the language be under the officer the officer visiting the business and through this conversation they had the discretion to approve or not approve because we are very specific in the language see the person her driveway or have enough space they not allowed to to have the sign so is the same regulation we have with another sign with the people request is they requesting uh we send to the officer the officer go and visit in the space uh and then they had the discretion to approve or not approve or they give you the recommendation or not I would like to to request before approve that's why ch so I just just I'm going get you Mr Del you you will get the floor immediately after I say this so I think that there's a motion or I expect there is there a motion right now on the floor yes motion to approve there's no no there moot to to Police Department that's that's the motion and then and then was that second it or not that was second it right okay Council Del Rosario I think it's a little confusion with with celor Santiago this is not a permanent parking for anybody to park it's just drop off it's like like a school bus for 2 hours you go drop off the kids it's not a particular parking spot for the business um they need to be there let's just pick up and drop off there's some places that we have a school bus going for two hours drop off the kids and then during those two hours in the morning nobody could park there just 2 hours in the morning and then comes the afternoon and it's just 2 hours in the afternoon according to the police when they decide to pick up the kids and then that parking spot is open to anybody else so it's just during those operation hours which the police department is the one that's going to say if they could approve it or not so that's there just a confusion it's not like a like a regular Vega that is 15 20 minutes or half an hour it's just like a school bus drop off for 2 hours in the morning they say from 8 to 10 drop off and then anybody can use the parking spot and then in the afternoon it's another two hours where people will pay up and then after that anybody can park in that spot so they don't take the whole spot for the whole day okay Council Santiago and then councel Vice chair yes I want to say thank you for the clarification that's my first question I asked about the time yeah but the time is not putting in the agenda because the time is coming back for the next committee when the officer do the recommendation and they explain to the offices what ti they needed that is the reason it's not in the agenda when the people apply okay I so I was with you and then I lost you so I I thought that when we passed the ordinance we we passed it where there was already a time already set up 1 hour in the morning 1 hour in the afternoon was that prescribed or no uh when I know you don't know the hours but I thought there was one there's one hour in the morning one hour in the evening but it could be could it change does every if we were to pass this and the police department comes the for it' be like 7 to 8 I'm just going to number 8 to 9:00 in the morning and then 2 to 3 in the afternoon I'm not sure if those the right hours but that's going to be the hours for all of them 8 to 9 to 2 to three for all of them yes so it's standard it's going to be a standard number a standard number so it couldn't be 8 to9 for one group and 9 to 10 for another it's going to be the same number it's the same number but drop off and pick up yes but okay uh we don't put the whole information there because the office need to visit in the the request and then he identify is approve or he do the recommendation why yes and why not but the ordinance is 8 to9 what I don't know the number the ording is the ordinance yeah three and also DPW is requesting two times to be uniform that way we only have one s sign so that's that's going to be uniform for everybody okay I think I'm clear counselor we all are we all set on okay so there's a motion to send to the police department any further discussion see and I'll call the question all in favor say iose no the I have it all right that's the first one the other one should go very smooth I think 37024 childcare Park in a 106 berkly looking to send that to the police department for review so Move Motion made by Council Del Rosario seconded by councelor Santiago discussion see none I'll call the question all in favor say I I post no the eyes have it 371 Child Care parking 112 Park Street first first floor I guess that's important first floor looking for a motion motion motion by the Vice Chair seconded by councilor the Del rosaro discussion see none I'll call the question all in favor say I I Police Department police department police department all of them yes I I I I confused Police Department I sent to the police department okay Police Department is the motion for thre for all of these 37224 childcare Park in 59 Fern Street send to favor recommendation and police department a police department right Police Department motion to send to the police Department by Council Santiago seconded by by Council Del Rosario discussion c n I'll call the question all in favor say I iOS no the eyes haveit childcare Park in 245 Bruce Street first floor looking for a motion motion to send to Police Department police department a motion made to the send of the police department by Council Santiago is there a second second seconded by the Vice chair discussion see none I'll call the question all in favor say I hi the eyes have a child care parking 105 Park Street looking for a motion motion to send of the police department second motion made by councelor Del Rosario seconded by the Vice chair discussion see none I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppos no the eyes have it last one on this realm is 37524 childcare parking 111 Saratoga Street second floor you're for a motion the police department all right uh councelor Del Rosario seconded by councelor Santiago all in favor say I oos no the guys have it oh we have one more uh 37724 childcare parking at 205 Ferry Street motion of C Police Department motion made by Council delario seconded by the Vice chair discussion see call police the all in favor say I I post no the I have a yes Mar what say it again I miss [Applause] one we don't have it oh good call okay that's not fatal we just got to make sure we get the right it's all on there just the wrong number um 37624 that's a ministerial era that will be corrected going forward I hope um Child Care parking at 113 Saratoga Street looking for a motion motion of sen Police Department second motion made by Council Del Rosario seconded by Council uh Vice chair discussion C9 I'll call the question all in favor say I I pose no the I have it so just as a just as a reminder that number was blank on there but it should have read 37624 okay 37824 install one J poll on Auburn Street um National National Grid so um remind me again do we ask them to show up to these things they usually do show up what are we doing are we tabling are we sending it up what are we doing looking for a motion motion to sen full counil favor recommendation motion made by Council delario seconded by the share discussion C I'll call the question all in favor say I I no the ice have it order public hearing to the full Council favorable uh 37924 handicapped parking space at 46 Kendall Street looking at send that to the police department for review so Move Motion made by Council Del Rosario seconded by the Vice chair discussion c n I'll call the question all in favor say I no the ice have it how do this sneak in child care parking 7 lenck Street looking for a motion to send this to the police department so motion made by the Vice Chair seconded by Council Santiago discussion see I'll call the question all in favor say I potion of the ice have it uh 38124 remove handicap parking space in 19 Logan Street put on by councelor Santiago motion to send to the police department no city engineer no um I'm always a little dicey on this one do we send this to the police department or do we just send it up for the public hearing right away do they have evidence they anymore do they what do they say in their letter address they say that they live there what do they say what number is 381 381 381 so this is your District right yes so um so do you recall in the past under the Estella Rees regime did they send this to the police department usually or did they just send this to the full Council to order public hearing uh to remove we ordering a public hearing to remove that's s go ahead what did we do what did we do back then uh normally when we remove the uh handic sign uh we order a public hearing sure do we send it to the police department before doing that or we just order send it to the full counsil to order public hearing what do we do you recall what we did in the ordinance committee uh we also I think same with the police department and also order our public he we send them to the full Council to order a public hear so we don't go to the police we go right to the full Council we I think we go right to the full C I guess okay so there you go um so what's your motion to recommendation and to order public hearing and Order public hearing motion made order public hearing is there a second second Council delario discussion see none I'll call the question all in favor say I I pose no the eyes have it uh 38224 stop sign East hav Street looking for a motion to send this to the police department for review motion made by councilor Santiago seconded by Council Del Rosario discussion see I'll call the question all in favor say I I pose no the eyes have it uh 3832 24 no parking Canton Street on right side by counc Santiago engineer you motion to send to Police Department engineer okay motion made is there a second second second by councelor Del Rosario discussion see none I'll call the question all in favor say I know the eyes have it Beacon we done handicap parking space at 3 this is 38524 at 48 saund Street looking for motion to send us to the police department pling for review so motion made by Council Santiago seconded by Council Del Rosario discussion see n I'll call the question all in favor say I posos no the eyes have it 386 24 handicapped parking space 171 Garden Street I'm going to send this to the police department there a motion motion ma there a second second second by Council Del Rosario all discussion hearing none all in favor say I I OPP no the eyes have it okay we did all the disclosures that was it is that it what' I miss 401 oh 401 [Music] uh 4124 is the name of Park uh on Canal Street as the Oxford paper mill officially known as Oxford Park as Julio Silvio Park um there's nobody here we have no documentation I we I think we all know the individual but we've got nothing on this at all if I was King and I'm not King I would table this thing and I would say you know something motion to send correspondent to the mayor's office and say why we should do this sell it to us at least play the game sell it to us mean we need documentation to follow up and then motion to Table after that motion to send a letter to the mayor's office and to to get documentation and support of this proposal is that right correct and we are also asking them to show up or just is that is that all you're looking for please we need somebody requesting that someone from the mayor's office attend the next ordinance committee meeting that's the motion is there a second seconded by counselor Vice chair Reyes discussion see call the question all in favor say I I the I have it motion to table motion to table Council delar was seconded by the Vice chair no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I hose no the eyes have it is that it folks um before we before we makes a motion to adjourn I'm going to be a little scarce for the next couple of weeks so I um am asking um I won't be able to go to our normal Tuesday meeting uh or an ordinance the week after next and but I would be available on Monday so um I don't need to be we have a very capable Vice chair who I'm sure is capable of handling you don't need me here but if you want me here I'm only available on Monday yeah we can move into Monday we do it on Monday Monday Monday meeting M Monday okay so that's well so when you when they ask for the meeting next Tuesday we can just say Monday for us 7 o'clock or something okay looking for a motion to adjourn motion to adour motion made by Council sanago seconded by councelor Del Rosario discussion Hearing in all favor say I post the eyes have it everybody's racing out the door I will not be