##VIDEO ID:JoCVQM2lCNM## awesome good evening everyone um this evening we do not have a flag so we won't stand up for the pledge we usually do it as Spight but since we don't have a flight here this is my preamble to the meeting um so I'm going to go ahead and uh bring the meeting to begin the meeting could you please go through roll call Welcome to the Lawrence liing board meeting thank you thank you thank evening um I'd like to make a motion to approve the meetings from um July 24th 2024 I'll second second yes we don't have any old business or tables matters uh for new business we have the Portuguese American go Holy Ghost fraternity they're applying for a one day alcohol license uh can you please take your name for the record and the reason for the application uh my name is Luc a one day alcohol license with the license thank you commissioner do you have questions no I know about this they're doing this every year and I hope you best like thank you lieutenant no questions captain no questions uh Dr no question made a motion we approve I will second the motion to approve yes yes motion pass congratulations thank you you okay thank you thank you okay the next item on the agenda we have blue Lounge um we have uhb with a dangerous weapon and we have a report so for this process I think what we'll do is um I'll hand over the mic to Lieutenant serlo to tell us a little bit about um the happenings in that evening and then if I have any questions I'll ask you questions and we'll just go down the night cool thank you okay so I'm going to read read from a report written by Officer SM log number 24381 officer smart s States on June 24th 2024 he was called back to the station in regards to assault battery dangerous weapon pass upon arrival I spoke to uh the victim Gutierrez she stated that last night she was at Blue Lounge at around 4500 hours uh left at 12:00 12.5 uh a fight with a female broke out uh the fight was recorded by a patron uh and she noticed the them recording the female fighting grabbed the glass bottle off the counter and threw it at the victim causing a cut on her lip I looked at the victim and she does not she does have a cut on her on her lip the female suspect is a been a female wearing a white shirt and black leggings the victim and her friend Kora do not know who this person is and is a complete stranger to the victim this morning the victim and her friend posted a video of a suspect ring an object at the victim on Instagram to anybody identify who it is uh the victim stated some of the suspects relatives have asked them to take it down and offer to pay them to set up that the victim also feels one person reaching out on Instagram's profile is the suspect uh the video of the suspect from the object uh was able to get a good skill picture of a suspect and that was forwarded for identifications into see we find the suspect was that matter was forwarded to detec further follow not sure where the process thank you um I have a question for in terms of safety are we my question is was when the incident happened is it that the there was a bottle on a table a glass bottle on the table it says it was it was cocon juice not a bot like got can okay thank you okay last time a juice yeah it says a bottle in but uh I'd have to I'm waiting for a video follow up on detectives okay thank you thank you commissioner do you have any questions you have security that night doob Che everybody let me ask the questions answer question uh use the one okay you didn't the doing an investigation right yeah I'm make a motion forget about it I don't see any violation and um I think that what my when my colleague says forget about it I don't think that's the wording that he wants to use I think what he really means is that the safety of our patrons especially the folks that are going to your establishment is extremely import that is why we have these meetings and we take time to do these proceedings to make sure that you are up to date that you're keeping people safe and that you're doing what you can for your business for it to thrive and so people can come and have a good time Etc I really do not under any circumstances want any of the business owners coming before us because we have violent violent things happening in the community I trust what is written in the report uh to be true because it's the only thing I can go on um and because this is essentially your first offense since I mean in this period we we want to make sure that you know that it does matter to us so we're not saying forget about it we don't want you to come back again with another issue what I meant was forget about violation you did everything right um and know support and what you do for a living is not easy so I hope you can Thrive thank you thank you we don't have to make a motion on this thank you okay should we make a motion on this okay okay I understand what's happening the next item on the agenda we have Far restaurant is there anybody here from Far restaurant you're from Joy okay what we'll do is um let's table this matter towards the end of the meeting I'll make a motion to um move item number two to item 12 three item number three can you second thank you the next item on the agenda we have a savior's place with an A and B with danger weapon and similarly to how we just did the first one um I going to pass the mic to cillo and then if we have any questions we'll have a conversation and go down the line thank you lieo I read from the report written by Officer tro report number 2400 3484 he States on Monday June 10th 202024 officer tro was assigned to uniform Patrol in Cru of 425 approximately 17 a.m. uh he was dispatched to the area of Xavier at 245 War Street for a well-being check the caller stated there was a fight and they needed help upon arrival he spoke to two males and a worker of the nightclub who stated uh there was a fight however the fight ended and everyone left at this time there was no disturbance and the scene was clear approximately 20 minutes later the officer off the cray was dispatched l g for a male who had sustained the stab room from exes upon his arrival he met with a male who was up and walking to a bed in the Y the male uh victim IA was seen holding his left leg as well as a as hied his shots up and limping as if he had had an injury to that left leg uh I follow the victim and the nurse to his room as the nurse was tending to the victim Stab Wound which could be seen on his mid upper thigh area of his left leg the nurse stated it appeared to be a puncture I asked the victim what occurred he stated that he did not know he should be it should be noted that Samuel appeared to be under the influence of alcohol beverage his speech was slur also to be unfazed by the fact that he had been justment sta the victim stated the only thing he remembered was a crowd began rushing out of xavia and a fight ensued just outside the doorway he stated he was not involved in the fight and at that point he looked down after being bumped into the large crowd caused by the fight and he realized that he had been stabed at this time he began to yell for help I informed the victim uh if he recalls anything from the incident to contact the LA police for further information I returned to xavia C the area for possible weapons blood at the scene but was unsuccessful I will be following up with detectives on this investigation that is a report I just want to note that we've never received any calls from Xavier regarding the fight about that call receive check thank you commission do you have any questions I want to hear from the attorney first please okay thank you m Brian caran on of place with tonight the owner um the commission is obviously very familiar with xavia place uh Mr yal has been in business a long time uh he runs a very active establishment and from time to time things uh happen there I've been before this Commission on some on incidents before um and I know that there's been some incidents recently this year that have resulted in some some punishment um this one here I think uh as I think the commission is well aware um you know we here it's like a court of law you have to have evidence I mean it's got to got to be able to stand up it's you know the abcc requires evidence to be presented and and cases to be proved the courts require that um what you have here is the statement of of a drunk guy who doesn't know what happened um doesn't know where he got stabbed when he got stabbed what he got stabbed with whether it was inside of xavius outside is um you know Mr yal has a full security staff um multiple guys who pays good money for good security it appears that there was an incident at the at the time of closing that they they broke up and they um effectively uh contained and then all of a sudden now this guy is uh showing up at the Lawrence General Hospital doesn't remember what happened but appears to have been suffered some sort of an injury so I don't know what to say Commissioners but uh I I know that um I understand the concept of progressive discipline but but this is just not one of those incidents that I think Mr yal should have to be penalized for uh I don't know what he did wrong here um there have been incidents over the last couple years where people have been shot just outside of establishments and because they were on the street instead of in the parking lot there's nothing that can be done so we don't know what happened here uh how can we hold Mr yal responsible if we don't know what happened I'm done let me put it this way C when I read the report and I see the report says people rushing out of the bar is a fight inside the bar okay that PL fighting the we' had your c c here a couple of times right we talked about last year we told we want to increas the off and I told him then how are we going to increase if you can't control what you have now and we're in the same position again he's not taking care of yeah the guy was drunk way to get the drinks from so I'm not going to say that we just gave him a suspension L and did you serve it or did you feel it no he served it so we got back on this on this again so why don't we just do this something has to be done straight up with this CL we can't have the law police prob go there every Frid Saturday night when I was watching it last year we had 14 different calls to his place for fights outside his place so means fde or just come out so I'll hear from everybody else and I want just say this one thing Mr Mr L is that U Mr yal he would love to have he would love to be able to pay for a detail at the at the close of his business but there's nothing available no he can't find anyone to to take a detail you know why I don't know why I'll tell you it's too dangerous now okay right all right when I was in police I worked every detail I could in the club and I enjoyed it okay guys don't want that they don't want to go home up black d out when I did I hit with portles and everything else okay fair enough thank you um and in terms of your security team have you done anything different with the team that you have um in terms of adding folds or change the way you're operating can you ask him inan yes I definitely can um so he's adding more security he says um yeah he's saying he's trying his best and sometimes things just get out of hand and he has a team that's working on and a lot of his issues he's saying is happening outside of his business um he says that he'd like there to be a detail or have like a police cruiser in the area but when the police um come to the area they don't necessarily stay until it's like or the night is would like we love to do that at every at every uh the I don't have ADD I'm going to make a recommendation give a warning but I swear he comes in front of this board again in 6 months it's going to do a 10 suspension you understand and go back our three months I pr explain we understand each other I'll make that a motion and we just give a veral warning I'll second the motion made a motion to yes thank you commission thank you thank you the next item on the agenda we have AFA nightclub we also have an with a dangerous weapon I'm going to ask come on I'm going ask for the police do the report just do about the the hours okay that's everything handle in court so okay so that you have has already been redacted but I'm going to just I'm just going to skip over with your permission to just hit the areas that are involved in this board okay thank you very much so I'm going to read from uh the report written on um report number 2400 479 um on Sunday July 7th 2024 officer Rodriguez sergeant salak and officer G with dispatch to one Mill Street atar nightclub at 411 a.m. the officers had trouble getting into the business we called fire department for assistance with getting in let it be known uh that one mil street is a nightclub Atta whose hours of operation do not exceed 1:00 a.m. on Saturday nights uh like I said upon arrival the officers uh found lock doors they contact the dispatch to request fire to give assistance in their building shly after that just was able to make contact with with uh somebody and make uh contact the building uh the reporting party reported that they were invited to Atta for an after hours party uh by the owner um and video surveillance that was taken from the uh location showed uh in the area of nine to 10 people in The Establishment um after hours we did ask for I believe they've asked for an employees list that wasn't provided I guess some of the people that were there supposedly were employees uh I have not received any employee list I'm not sure Bo has yet either and kind of that's just the general summary of what occurred thank you commissioner there do you have questions I have some questions you know you're not supposed to be in the club after quarter three right 215 every customer is supposed to be out quarter three all everybody's supposed to help you your crew your cleaning crew Everybody you understand that right don't know why you were there at that time this is your third of EV but the first two of uh warnings or something has to happen to you okay um and you never know what's going to happen like in this case right so I'm just going to wait till everybody gets done speaking and I'll thank you commissioner questions nothing to add I'm going to make the motion we should hit you with a two-day suspension um was this the first time we have issues with this establishment being open after hours yes well no matter what um I'll amend it and I'll just I'll dat a one day suspension um but I'm there just seems to be a lot of things happening this is the third hearing that we have with this restaurant um nightclub similarly to the previous person that was here we don't want to show you guys down we want the community to be safe we aware that we are having clear issues with policing because our brothers and sisters in blue don't want to keep putting themselves in arms way so DET telling is not happening it's a whole a whole issue is happening in the community and clubs are not shutting down but you guys like just just through the rules close when you have to close don't get people underage drinking like do what you got to do and then we don't have to keep this is yes this is like I'm laughing about it but it's not funny cuz it's a lot of young people in the community that are going to your establishments so my motion is to suspend you guys for a day close you guys yes I think one dayion plan right now plan tonight right you can't do it tonight how about tomorrow night tomorrow th THS Aug 8 be CL I'm soon IE thank you the next item on the agenda we have theis USA Sports is applying for one day wine in M beverage in South par hello how are you I'm to be right all the time good um can you please tell me your name for the record and the reason for isin Valentine president us sport we got a tournament every year here for the community of T people most and then we're going to celebrate this year again and the level the weak the big tournament again so so we before we we do in U and this side of the park and we changing right now because the situation last year we agree with the J to move to the other side of South law there's a lot of people coming around here the street a lot a lot it's a lot tough for the SE and then we understand that side is more better so the meeting a recommendation J M part can help me with this see thank you commissioner go ahead I have some problems with okay don't get me wrong I think he did a good job last year I don't know had any complaints probably than the year before my problem is where the location is you're running a party I think over there on the weekend satday and Sunday I think right satday and Sunday they had basketball all the time they would the uh courts they have volleyball with the kids over there right and they're doing the park all over again commission talking there is no basket sign that's you probably talking what Theon has this is the S warant so this is behind so you see the school in the back the corner we we going use the corner to play the people that they not want to drink over there they going to play all Saturday there oh this is this is not on um Osman Street that's what I was told they're going to have they're going to just so for clarification they're going to have they're going to play softball at the oano there'll be no drinking there no drinking nothing at all the drinking will be at the plate at the uh sou East because that area just in the area there is three in the back back by state pool the back okay okay and okay where you going to have the uh we got two Choice and then I don't have two choice you I hope have two Choice One the side is on the you can see the the map over there is when you get through and the right side is a is a long place over there you can put it there also you can have the little store the F provide to us if we got that choice is going to be better we have to open any over there okay you have to have a police sorry also we got we got um like U security guys over there walking around and take care all that nobody get out no get through have like four police officers yeah four police offic know be down to the ballpark with the B like that be no B last year we do honestly last year you can say that we C with even with rent the place on the on the the corner on the field yes remember that last year I heard no complaints so but this one I was told so East meaning the com that's what confus okay I got no problem nope I'm working with the organizer should thank you no questions wish should the best of Lu we can also you can go over there enjoy us okay please please you please no questions I don't have any questions either make a motion I'll sign up a motion thank you than thank you see you the next it on the agenda we have joy and badas is that right do I have [Music] um can you please tell me your name and the for yeah and I want to get the license to open up uh my business um I have a question changing locations no okay commissioner there uh this is the corner Broadway and H or Broadway and Daisy right well W they already functioning is this like a new R what happen with after the pic they didn't I and app this is already in business now right you license every year apply for a license [Music] thank you good evening we familiar with the business we help the applicant when she opened up a while she runs to be business thank you make a motion I'll the motion commiss made a motion to approve license for Jo uh 427 to 435 Second conratulations thank you um the next item on the agenda we have hamburger and those catering who's applying for a common license not ready they're not ready okay table okay table next Mee okay I'd like to make a motion to table this item for next meeting by commission yes thank you the next item on the agenda we have malaya's nightclub who applying for an in increase of Club occupancy from 375 to 500 Soo contacted me he's seeking to increase um the volume of people can his property at um two Newbery Street I did reach out to U ran Melville he he's the head investigator the abcc because I wasn't sure you know how do we increase it and whether or not we had to go to the state he said that first of all if the fire department signs off on it and if the building commission signs off on it um and he doesn't make any alterations at all to the club doesn't change anything it's out of their jurisdiction but still falls on you to decide whether you want to allow the increase so we did research that so the states out of it is my understanding is he's not he's not making any alterations changes of time anything like that other than he is seeking based on the size of the pl to increase the capacity to a total of with Standing Room 510 people and seating 480 and that's up from What's the total right now 378 he does have a lot of space in this particular club and he has run into some evenings have probably too many people convinced he wants to make sure he's doing right so we're asking Bo to consider increasing am and currently the 378 is um standing and sitting stand um I don't have additional questions commissioner have I have a coup questions I'm going to make a motion to table this for next me I want to be able to go in there look at it because I can't say one club lady Xavier just went in there and he had 300 and something people he wanted in and when he shows the diagram look like an empty Hall we got there table pool tables and everything else which doesn't work the time a club has come to us to do it so I want to be able to go in there with fire some have it expected sure and put you on for the next meeting if we can and if everything's okay then we'll approve it sure it's a fav question absolutely thank you you want to S us an appointment to come over thank you good evening I've been working a little bit with mral go to uh on this a little bit that just have a couple questions forever the architect is I'd like to be able to uh let the Building Commissioner Peter plan check just weigh in and make sure it's it's really just a mathematical formula so it is it is what it is as long as everything's done right one thing like I don't believe you could use the eress out of the kitchen as a mo means of uh you know getting out as a as a exit and there's lines they have to be you know 32 in and it has to be subtracted so we just have to do the map I like to give the Building Commissioner just look it over but again it's it's a mathematical formula it really is what it is as long as everything checks out and everything's good fit fits the criteria thank you one and you know we spoke also um so uh so the occupancy of 500 that's without you know that's standing room only exactly right so and then so we what we gonna need and you spoke about it you're going to need occupy for standing room only tables and chairs and then if you want to do happen happen yeah I send it to you oh you just send it to me okay I didn't see I see okay it's okay all right okay all right yeah so so so you you know so you have to make sure when when you have your the big parties you know there's no tables you know because like a v a VIP section but you know that all has to be calculated in there and also you know that includes the band you know the AR includes the band The the employee includes everybody like I waitresses bartenders you clean includ your security everybody gets included there so what I'm talking about is when we get there I like I can't tell you what club it was but we got there there was little tables tables all over the place and that affects your occupy and that's why I want to make sure we understand each other and you have room to store the stuff because if you store it someplace inside the place it's taking room away so that's what we have to look at but I have no no problem increasing it after we take a look at just want to make a a point to I I did call Rob shakamon and he gave me the same answer that you got mville so before I second the motion is a consensus it makes sense for us to check it out before and make sure my end is all set it just depends on you guys you want to long as the map the map checks out it's it's out of the building commissioner's book 780 CMR that's where the formula is so he should check it over and the fire department has an interest with the esses we're all for it we just want to check his M and make sure everything's be around y Tom I can meet you C time tomorrow anytime you you tell us what time is good I don't want you to get to ear H any time I'm asking you I'm the other one I'm going to be I'm up 7:00 I'm not I'm not going to ask these guys to be here do order question to the applicant to the chair do you have any big events coming up this weekend will you looking for uh this weekend uh no no not this weekend no okay on Saturday I have like a little together no that you need the increase for then maybe um suggestion maybe we should let the Building Commissioner take a look at the mathematical formula first and make sure everything checks out there what I'm trying to say is I just want to go in there see what's there and then you guys care the map after that sure I'll be available I just want to see what you have there so if I can come back on the 21st if we approve it or not and say you have 35 tables you have to store someplace or something you know I want to have the answers okay I I'll be there at 2:00 okay sounds good I will second the motion to table this on so our commissioner checks it out and until the mathematical what does he say mathematical formula formula won't be here what you can be oh what you going to be my mother birday 80 years old he made it made a motion to table Malay for the August 21st meeting taken by mores yes yesable you're paying him right huh you're pay him no you're paying him he can be here on the I see you tomorrow y okay it I see you guys make sure it's clean I'm working on it okay the next item on the agenda we have we want to have a high school graduation uh High School reunion sorry um yeah 420 at 420 Common Street I don't have questions commissioner that's said what you call that place old the commissary that kitchen yeah yeah the one roling I have no problem no no question Delan good evening I believe this is her second license um one day liquor license we performed an inspection the first time and everything was in order and she she has a nice space thank you no questions thank you I'd like to make a motion to approve this Monday Offa license second to one day LIC for yes yes congratulations okay for one day order order thank you gracias the next item on the agenda we have bomom ice cream I like that name B the Mee is almost over um I hear that the inspection is still pending is that right I have a license uh do we have an inspection date tomorrow tomorrow okay cool um tell us a little bit about your business you're doing great I support you you're going to high school I'm going to college um very cool good you did great thank you have no questions good luck spot you're right next to the Firehouse right there so uh and anything that you need from the fire department let us know we'll help you out we wish you the best of luck no questions good luck is this the one Wason fish today behind the insurance AG I give you I give you a c the for inspection inspection AES once they passe then will pick up I'm very excited for you one of the smartest things I ever did as a young person when I was an emerging adult like your age I bought a home and it was a great investment so I hope you dismisses that it thrives that it helps you build wealth and that you know your speaking skills continue to improve as you go to law school that's pretty incredible you're going to study free law right that's incredible very proud come a represent all these people come in yeah make money that's awesome I'd like to make a motion to approve this I'm very excited for you second good luck congrats to Mom Mom yeah congrats toofe yes as soon you pass the INSP then want an inspection you can come to the office and pick it up your license okay if you wait for me after we finish I can give you a your copy back oh yes I want to wait because I okay you can't sit down we have thank you luck the next item on the agenda we amended um item number two or three three three thank you uh we have um we have a for this okay lieuten evening again everyone I'll read from in report number 2400 75 rep was written on July 7 2024 while on patrol I made I was made aware from another officer that bar restaurant still open at this time uh at this time it was close to 2: a.m. on Saturday the alcohol establishment required to stop serving alcohol at 1:00 a.m. on arrival I observed a group of at least 20 people outside of the business I entered the building and immediately saw uh open bottles of liquor and people drinking from beer botles I approached the bar and asked the bartender who the boss was the bartender identified uh Mr Raymond he said he was I asked him why there were still people drinking in the Box Raymond looked at his watch and said it's only 2:00 I informed Raymond that he should have closed one hour ago Raymond respond responded I thought it was 2:00 I then asked Raymond if he had his license to the business he said yes I then requested to see it as we were waiting to see the license other officers were telling people to put down their glasses to leave I walked outside to call in a license information on Raymond and when I walked back in in people were still drinking from bottle beers and walking out the back door or walking out the door I I made Raymond aware of this I was then approached by Robinson Pi Lise he was the owner or the other owner he then proceeded he then produced a liquor license and and a print a printer on the license a print on the license in the hours of alcohol was serve Saturday from 8: a.m. to 1:00 a.m. uh clearly they were in violation of the service of alcohol while speaking to both men they first said it was okay because the closed they closed the doors in after 1: a.m. which leads me to believe they are unaware of the time of alcohol service we are also stated they had been to classes for the license then they asked for leniency and if they would receive a warning I responded no because this this is a problem with businesses in the city we not following the rules set forward by the Li foreen thank you um commissionary do you have any questions no I just explain my why you were open good evening good evening um you feel comfortable speaking Spanish speak Spanish oh sorry I don't speak he speaks um I wish I am so sorry I was born on the other side of the island my friends I know I know yes yeah otherwise we'd be like family exactly veryy much so uh again the we had that a c a birthday celebration for one of our family so we did close that by one but again it's it's a little bit tough so when when the uh officer stopped by so he still saw the the you know uh so you know open B Because at that time we not doing any or alol at all and then that's why he said okay so we should close you know not supposed to have any B inside and and I said okay I understand that again we're not selling and we're not giv any people alcohol we know the we want to be now you know CL at 1:00 right corre 1:5 everybody's going to be out by quarter two all the 10 minutes the was everything the place has to be empty on Friday it's 215 and quter 3 everybody has to go we understand that now yes so it won't happen again in the future right no we just had a club in here a little while we suspended for a day and I don't want to be Happ I don't want to see that either so I'm going to wish you the best of luck on this okay all right thank you um this is the first here so don't not it happen again one question I didn't get a chance to pass the mic to Captain Del do you have any questions no questions I'm sorry about that no I just want to make him aware he saying he follow he understands the rules but the rules are even though he's not serving alcohol we yes understand people like the commissioner said have to be out of the premises you understand that right doesn't mean it matter that you stop serving the AL called by those time frames on Friday and then on Saturday they have to be off premises family relatives does not matter St okay Lu thank you EXC me did you get a copy the rules and regulations yes you did so you know it's supposed to everybody's supposed to be out a certain time and everything want to make sure pleas no no questions okay thank you thank you motion yes PA St oh yeah okay oh that's the one yeah so the the patio right know they all set it up but there's nothing there are you going to be using the patio or yes I don't know if you saw that uh the contractor just not uh being everything over I don't know if you see they painting and okay okay so you are doing something okay CU if you w then you have to remove it because we don't want them just I understand that we don't want to using the space and you know all right no no problem no problem okay thank you um i' like to make a motion um just to do a have a good day thank you huh oh um I like to make a motion thank you