##VIDEO ID:RS7FGLT3HeY## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e that e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Sher Selena Reyes counselors Felina sanago and counselor Gregory Del Rosario pursuant to chapter 20 the acts of 2022 this meeting of the ordinance committee is being conducted both in person and via remote participation a reminder that persons who would like to listen to view or view this meeting all in progress May either attend in person at the location at this location or use any of the following access locations including the Lauren city council Facebook page and the Lawrence city council YouTube page councilors would you please rise from um from the Pledge of Allegiance IED FL States the [Music] indiv thank you counsil as a courtesy to our colleagues we like to get them out and we also like to take city employees out they have a very long day when they show up here tonight so um Council vice president you're here for an item I believe it's the uh the first one as a matter of fact 40324 good evening chair the plant and fellow ordinance council members I'm here for item four what is it 40324 40324 which is the dedication for officer Jacob Essie e who was um killed in the line of duty on June 23rd 1968 um I've recently found out that my predecessor former city council Dave Abdu did submit a Home Room petition to get um officer EC um uh recognized here in the City of Lawrence this was in April 27th of 2021 however it it was paused um so now I'm just here trying to finish the the work that former counselor Dave Abdu was trying to accomplish and I have here officer CI who knows a little bit more about about um of of this of the family and and his legacy and um I'm going to turn it over to him thank you councelors Mr chairman members of the committee uh Thomas cudy Lawrence Police Department uh not to correct my good friend and Council here he was actually um he was on July 13 2022 Governor Baker actually signed the The Home Room petition at the law um so read the wrong dat sorry it's my highlight it's my fault I I'll take I'll be so basically just a long sh of story on in September of 1986 uh um then officer e responded to a call on Crawford Street on the um in the Lawrence Housing Authority was a domestic he encountered the suspect and the the victim of the domestic the suspect overcame him and um basically in Long sh story has pounded his head into the to the Curbing and uh he was never right after that and he passed away from those injuries in 1993 May of 1993 um to a man living or dead to have daughters um is tenacious and is caring and about their father's Legacy the E five five daughters and his wife who still lives on um Steven's AB in South Lawrence the family home actually right next door to uh former counselor Abdu um so this went through as you know many of you I was looking at the home petition today many of you were on the council at the time this approved representative Moran brought it to the state house and Governor Baker signed it into law on July 13th 2022 we were there ceremony former Chief F was there councilor Abdu and the mayor came with his staff and presented a citation that day um that led to getting his name on the National Memorial in Washington in May of 2023 uh that is no small task they're they're very very very strict um for that the criteria and is reviewed and for by virtue of getting on the National Memorial in Washington you then automatically go on the um the State House Memorial right at um right next to between one ash Burton and the State House the the lawen force Memorial and he's been on that too so this is a way of of bringing all of this together back in Lawrence uh his wife's getting up there in years and we'd like to do this while while she's with still with us on a side note as part of the construction of the new police station uh there's going to be the Lawrence Lawrence Police Memorial is going to be relocated there and um it's more so because it's in a beautiful spot now but not a lot of people know where it is but it's going to be relocated there and in relocating it there we're going to not only honor uh officer REI but we're going to the other four law offices that were also given killed to the line of duty um notific you know not um honors and um they're going to be prominently displayed in the the courtyard of the new police station so this is just the um you know basically the culmination of a lot of work like I said Council AB do work very hard on this um a lot of people supported it and including many of you you you counselors present and in past counselors and um I'm happy that councelor Inon is bringing us forward um on the Family's behalf oh I'm sorry we didn't really declar the fam's requesting that it be on the Conor kit in M Veron I know we said the Steven Street area so weren really we hadn't nailed that down yet so so we're asking for your support and um moving it forward to the full Council comments questions motions motion to sent to the full Council favor recommendation second motion made by councelor delario second by Vice chair re discussion um I'm not sure I'll have a chance to speak next Tuesday or next Thursday right we have we're moving it up to date but um Wednesday is it Wednesday or Thursday so I think I think all that is good I the only thing I I'll say this tonight and if I speak next Thursday I will'll say the same thing let's be very careful about how we word um these signs I just I went to one recently it was a it was a train wreck of a sign unfortunately I'm not going to mention the sign um we are the city we're the ones doing this it should be coming from the city and that's the perspective that these signs because they're going to stay there for a while um so um I just hope that we do that one of the things as well with the when you do the signs I'm going to presume this is going to pass cuz we only like you said we had four or five uh he he would have been the Fifth Fifth killed in a line of duty uh it's I think it's powerful if you put a picture of the individual on the sign because over time we tend to forget who these people are trust me when I say that um and so it's important that there's a connection and a pictures are very powerful so that's the one thing I would ask U I think it's great that it's in the intersection that that the vice president and I share uh in that in that neighborhood so I think it's fantastic and um counil I do I do want to point out uh officer CI did mention that to me as I walked in this evening so if I would have known earlier I would have let you know CU I didn't know if we share vice president there is there is absolutely no there is no offense taken on this um I think this is fantastic so and I also Tak the BL you I'll connect with you off offline because I I would like to know about that sign just to make sure that we don't we make we make this sure side right sure so that's it so I think it's fantastic and I hope the family will be here um for that evening of the of that Thursday night yeah I I will I will invite them in absolutely great and can we make sure we have a copy of this in our packet as well is this for us um or you want this back I I I submitted is it our packet I pack it to um the city clerk it is in here we have it sorry we got it I'm so sorry we do have it I'm happy you have it because I don't want to get the city clerk in trouble outstanding if there's no further discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppose no the eyes hav't thank you very much y um we're going to take if there's no objection we do have another city employee here that I would like to get that individual off the clock and back home if there's no objection 40124 on page two this is the name of the park on Canal Street at Oxford paper unofficially called the Oxford Park in honor of Julio Silverio so uh former city councel Julio CIO welcome director good evening um ordinance committee good evening chair Franko economic development director City of Lawrence 360 Marx Street um just in case you don't have it I'm pring for the M loation do we have it the packet [Applause] super is it for all of us y great I got you have one already okay I think we're good okay thank you director why don't you go ahead and give your presentation and and why we should name something after former city councelor Silvia not only is Miss sarel a former city councel she was a former member of The lawence Alliance For Education um licensed as a Property and Casualty and life insurance agent founder of the hulia Consulting agency and travel agency previously licensed as a real estate broker first Latina appointed as justice of the peace for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts M republic since 1980 first Dominican woman elected city counselor for not only the City of Lawrence but for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and and and the United States recent recent a recipient of the tribute to women and business award twice recipient of the Immigrant Learning Center immigrant entrepreneur award Latin Pride award culo dado award served at as a member of the Lawrence um Alliance For Education five years Treasure of the Hispanic week for five years and vice president for one year women's guild at Los trinitario Social Club public relations and coordinator and recipient of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts heroin class of 2022 a recipient of the Eartha Dillinger award by the Lawrence historic um Center served on the board for great um Lawrence General Hospital served on the cath Central Catholic High School Board for four years selected as Dominicana embajadora by the seana cultural Festival dominicano in De Boston it served on the board of Lawrence partnership member of the greater Lawrence Family development charter school and instrumental in the development of the charter School in Lawrence served on the board of Greater Lawrence Foundation named one of the 60 most influential women in am marac Valley awarded the Lawrence award for Dominican women in business in the US by the Association of Dominicana de mueres um empresarias recipient of the Dominican American National Roundtable leadership award recipient of the Dominican ismo award in 2018 a major player in making ESS stre turned back to a two-way street by mayor Sullivan Michael Sullivan that is the most active uh participant and Advocate as a city council to ensure the construction of the new high school at at its present um site so I mean will sario has been a longtime advocate for the City of Lawrence um and inspirational leader in the in the field and two time two Ser two terms on the city council um comments motion CC Del Rosario thank you to you council president uh director how do we in the U how do we pick this um space or this place and and why this park is has been unnamed since it was since its Inception um and I'm just bringing it off the table because I was asked to bring it off the table nobody came down to um represent this particular item and it's very important item as a we are addressing the issue of making sure that we recognizing uh former elected officials and inspirational leaders in the city of of the Lawrence I mean I like I like the fact that it that we are recognizing her once again alive that's one thing that I like I I I love that I I think people should be recognized when they alive and they should see the recognition we shouldn't wait for people to pass away to recognize it that's that's my personal opinion but I mean she's a long resident of my district in District C we have precious land places up there uh Precious Places why once again south lawence the the that area what is being what is being developed not just I mean being developed and I know she has her business right near there but and I understand I mean there's no pressure of and and that's also appreciated that that you did your due diligence to pick the place that we don't have to argue about it basically right who belongs to who who who is nam after it's it's a pretty cool but I'm I'm my question is you know why the place when again near where she lives we have precious land out there that we could we could use to dedicate something like that in North lawence through you um committee chair um and it's also the Gateway of the city so when people coming in through the city of Lawrence off 495 um 23 113 is in the very Gateway of the city so it's actually at the Old Co site just above it so it makes perfect sense and it's as as you were alluded to it's an unnamed Park and who better to to show um the status of the City by recognizing in your words one of our elected our former elected officials one of the most one of the most influential people in the City of Lawrence wild they're still alive Council Vice chair a comments uh what my colleague mentioned uh I believe when we recognize the people alive is amazing but when we take a time to recognize the people working for decades and decades in our community to moving forward is my pleasure to to see Pro later thank you okay any further discussions or emotion motion of Senator full cons favor recommendation second motion made by Council Del Rosario seconded by the Vice chair discussion so I just have I just I think the counselor from District C's comment was outstanding which is I think that it's important to name there needs to be some sort of Nexus some sort of connection between the location of the site versus where that that person has a connection um I I I tend to agree with the counselor that you know I I understand why it's this is selected it's going to be widely traveled and if you're going to honor somebody um you want a lot of people that drive by it that's only half the battle because the other half the battle is reminding people of the story no one knows about camping known no one knows about OK Connell no one knows about a lot of different parks around you we can give them names but at some point it doesn't really make a difference where they are cuz no one's going to remember the story great some of us know the story because we've talked about it a little bit in this Council so we kind of know thankfully but the councils that are going to be sitting here when we're all gone I don't know if they're going to know any who Julio CIO is unless we make something about that so um and I and I think part of the story is having it near a place that there's a connection so I actually agree with that I want to know why the mayor as the mayor sent it down you listed all the different Awards and accolades so clearly it's not like she hasn't received she hasn't received recognition she's got a ton of recognition I mean you you spend a minute reading all those things a lot of people a love her respect her and had while she's clearly alive have given her time uh and make sure that she was prominent we're about to name a park after her as well why why why why is it there's so many other people as well why why counselor silvario I'm going to call her coun I serve with her so I can call her that we can all call her that good um why councilor soar um I could it could be why not but when you look in at and just to answer something that that you said this is a person who's been influential in a lot of things um and leading the way for most of us who who have run after her um as Latinos Dominican pu Rican descent um along with with many others who who pioneered and paved the way to say I mean councelor um the Rio is correct in maybe maybe we should have named something something within her District but to be honest and to me Lawrence is a district um and that represents everybody and she's representing everybody not just from her District but from across the whole city of Lawrence was is somebody I I SED a lot of my way of doing it um doing things I do in the political aspect is making sure that I'm representing everybody um that I represent not just one District not just one city but multiple cities so I cannot see why we Survivor wouldn't be their um that person that we recognized and this particular site is is a very precious site but to something that you said earlier about making sure that we have not just naming the park but putting something there that shows the story the directory of why this person for generations to come after us same thing with with the park campon park as a one of the C methan city councilors is actually a relative for for the family which is something I found out through you um ccil chair right so I've served with 39 different city councilors um over the course of many years um pardon me yes he is I didn't hear what you said and my hearing is lost as well um I I do happen to think that I I don't want to um don't want to be putting people in certain tiers or boxes in the city council here 19 19 years and I served with Council sario and she sat she sat right over there and I remember her I was um I yeah so um 10 terms pardon me 10 terms who yeah yes y I know cuz I counted each picture yeah you need two hands um and I I would say that out of out of my colleagues including the ones that are here today uh council sario is a upper tier counselor I'm not going to start ranking um but she was an individual who um is um she was more than a counselor is what you said earlier so um she was uh an impressive individual whose words were impactful not only when she was in this chamber but outside of the chamber as well I I will defer I will differ with my colleagues who who who take the position and I I respect my colleagues who take this position but I I def I disagree essentially my opinion that um there are things that we can do while someone's alive to provide individuals that recognition and we do that we do things we give them citation give them resolutions we do things like that while they're alive so that we can celebrate them and that we could do it there is something about time if someone is as great as we think that they are then that desire will be there even after they pass and if you give them a few years it'll still be there because their contributions are so significant that it'll it it will it won't quickly be forgotten I'm not talking 20 years from now but if that someone is that outstanding it would be but a few years so I I I I'm I'm I'm one that does not particularly like going down the direction because what happens is that we are going to there's a lot of pressure I mean we all know great people or people we think are great and the the the time does not necessarily provide that same op optic maybe councelor Silvio is different um we don't do a lot who are alive and I think there's a good reason for that people around this table for many years have decided not to do that I um and I realize that things change right and so maybe our thinking has changed now um I'm not I'm not I'm of the mind that says that if someone is that fantastic and deserving of that that doesn't leave that doesn't leave and that story will remain as a matter of fact it'll be powerful as well so I just I'm concerned about where this is going I happen to think that Council Silvia frankly while I know her is an excellent choice an excellent choice but and um but I'm just concerned about how we're going down this road if we don't have and and somebody says to me counselor if you feel so strongly about that why don't you put some criteria on there I don't put the criteria on that I'm curious as to why the mayor sent this down what his criteria is but the reason why is because I think that this group here 50 not 50 years ago but 40 years ago had a certain mindset this group 20 years ago had a certain mindset this group today has a certain mindset and the group 20 years from now it may have a different mindset than what we have here today and we need to have that we don't I think we should all have if these counselors feel so strongly then they should be able to go ahead and vote Yes and have that if they want to give it everybody who's alive today that live on whatever whatever the criteria they is but the criteria has changed because it's deeply personal and it should be because what who I think is a fantastic person over the course of life may be different from someone else and I don't want to micro I don't want to create an ordinance that micromanages that cuz I think I think that ties our hands up on this Council and succeeding councils and I don't want to do that so anyway that's my soapbox comment on that and I respect everybody's opinion feel free to differ and this is feel free to differ if you want to say something in opposition go right ahead no no Chad I and and and sometimes I I do agree with you and I respect yeah what you bringing to the table and and and and like you said time change but there saying people let's say they has inspired us so much like jul sario like like like a lot of people they are there but it's it's at point in time you say time is the time and I agree this is the time to bring her over and and and give her piece of a land basically name a piece of lawence which you have gave so much like a lot of people the loss of life fighting for us and we feel you know entitled to recognize those people I mean but I agree totally agree with what you're saying but like you said time is changing but that doesn't mean that anybody that it's alive and and and it's going to come up and we're going to recognize a person just because so it has to have a track to me has to have this track Like Julia does Isabel Melendez did it you know and we did it for Isabel m those are people that maybe for us Hispanic people they they made a difference for us and that's why maybe we here they opened the path for us to be here and I think it's time to recognize these people I remember the time 30 years ago when you used to step in a city hall and when you say hello they send you to go get isab Melendez because nobody could translate so that 30 years after that if I have a chance to recognize the other melas I'm going to push it for do it you know Julia Silo decided to run in in in in a place where where it wasn't it was not impossible but it was hard to get in as atino woman and and she did it and and that's impit again that opened the path any to me to be here he probably she we didn't do it that back in those days I wouldn't be here at this time and and some of us but I mean but I agree with your comments and I and and nothing to disagree on it's just like you say different times but we're not going to go the wrong path with that and I think that the administration and also you director should be looking on a park near uh South Lawrence where where where our chair and as council president living before he passed if he ever retires we should Grant it a you know a park on his name because he deserve it 20 years in here and and doing well and still laughing you see it it's it's it's he has a track record he is a history book He's a history book and that needs to be eventually recognized even if he's still on the city Consul I mean when you have a question of any our veterans if you go to Mark he has the answer cul the plan has the answer so we need to be looking for a place CU I don't want to recognize M plan on this SE no he shouldn't have a park on this se he should have a park near his house when he has his place eventually before he pass hopefully he last a 100 more years we want to be a part of the whole project to make sure he receive the best area in South we has especially exactly exactly so we be in favor to working on that but when we mention and go back it again we what is that mean to to do the for juliao is it's not because she was a a a a coner uh and represent our our community is more than that well my colleague mention is working high and different time and also uh woman improve in in different capacity to uh do different kind of business in our community and and developing different opportunity to our people too so but we we are in favor to start the project to find out the path to our College uh in District no um but thank you um the body is still warm let's not uh yeah that's and you're absolutely 100% correct I mean one of the few people that you go to and you ask for comment um any questions she's they have open arms ready to answer um just a district F committee man our Bible Bible let's Fus let let's focus on Council Silvio this is about counc sario please let's let's not get off topics so um anyway I'm flustered so let's um there's a motion on the floor it's been properly second I'm hopeful that if if this thing gets to the full Council for the next Thursday that the family will be here uh it's because of the election we'll be here and uh how strong Council Del are you I know that this is on here for the Oxford paper site do you have a site in your mind that you think is a better site for her take it through you not top of my head but I know that it's I mean we have fields and stuff in Tower Hill area uh to me it could be a better fitting but if I mean this is where the administration wants to recommend what they will recommend me they already did the work when it comes to the land I don't want to prolong searching for something else if they already have it okay well go ahead you wanted the family here for the next meeting I I I suspect that this is I'm I'm not exactly a Carnac the read the future here but I I suspect if it comes out of here and it goes to the full Council I don't see there's going to be anybody voting against it so I suspect that it would be worth um their while to be here I would think okay it would make all the sense in the world because and I think it's important I think and I think that you should submit what you have there and as someone who's gone through the records to try to find the stories about the people who we've named things for it is so so helpful when I've come across their stories and recently um it's been there's not been a lot of stuff written about the people we've been honoring and I think that that while it doesn't make a difference today or tomorrow I think it makes a difference in the future when someone says who's this Silvio person and what's the deal there you know and then they can go into our records and say okay well this is all the stuff this is the reason why the city council decided and this mayor decided to do it and I think that's important because we're all going to be gone and there's a lot of stuff that's going to still be around and we're not going to be around to be able to Shepherd people to why we think that this person was so good anyway can you so can you send just put some stuff for the record whether it's that sheet and I hope that there's more I would hope that when people speak on at that Thursday that they can speak about some stories about about the counselor and and and why because we like we like stories and she's got a lot so why does the mayor out of all the stories that are out there he he his name's on this why does he want her name there and he don't save it for the ribbon cutting or for the dedication he should say it here as well anyway motion been made and seconded if there's no further discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I post no the eyes have it thank you director thank you you're welcome see you guys next it's Thursday yes sir I think Wednesday I is it I thought it was Thursday the fifth is a thursdayth is th the 5ifth is a Thursday okay so yeah that's what I thought I read good night good night thank you director um you know I so I I should have said this and I think Bill just texted me this and I'm going to take this I know this there's nothing on here but I think it's important that we say this we did name and provide something at this at the veteran Stadium uh for someone who re who died several years ago now the 2000 three three years ago um Joan Rosario picardo who gave her life uh in Afghanistan and we have a mural uh at the stadium uh that is was dedicated to in a beautiful ceremony um I think it's been two years now um I just and it's important I think I think the anniversary date is like either today or right around this time um so I just wanted to make sure that we don't forget her story of sacrifice as we talked about earlier um thanks Bill for uh making sure we were aware of that that's it thank you um if there's no objections I like to move to document 40524 which is the uh help me with this celebration the month of the Bible awesome give us your name and address and why are and what you're looking for which I think is evening God bless you all my name is Maria fva live in 308 Lowel Street Lawrence Mass but I attend at the congregation Methodist 42 Park Street Lawrence Massachusetts and I'm here in representation of the church I go to uh we are requesting a special event permission or permit for month of the Bible celebration uh with theia Methodist which is Christian Methodist Church with the support of amdal the associations of pastors and other congregations of the City of Lawrence will want to celebrate the Day the month of the Bible and we will want uh per permission or authorization to raise a flag on September 12th 2024 at 10: a.m. and we also are requesting a permission for a march on Saturday 928 2024 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. to close the event of the celebration we will want to March the park the campon park here on um common Hil Jackson and Lawrence Street uh we want to walk around the park um with the different group of churches with banners and flags um every church will that will be participating we will leave their Temple wherever they are located at in the around the city and we will meet at the park at the campon park and then from there we will distribute depending how many churches will participate to be on the perimeter of the park either every corner and probably covering the center of the park um reading the Bible reading one of the Psalms of the Bible at the different location that we will be standing and we will not need um the supervision of the police cuz we will have the assistant of the chaplain of the different churches cuz we will be on the sidewalk not on the street um and that's what we were requesting for this evening questions comments motions motion to send to for c for favor recommendation motion has been made second by Council Santiago seconded by the Vice chair discussion so just you want to say something councelor uh through you chair I have raising the flag September 10 you said the 12th September 12th at 10: a.m. is that we have nothing to we have nothing to do with the flag raising that's strictly uh with the mayor's office so you need to There's an actual an application that they can provide for you um and then fill out the application and as long as there's not some other flag being raised on that day um that's between the mayor's office and you so that's y That's why I rais the question because I attend the church and my pastor is actually sitting here and we want to raise the Christian flag and I was going and go through that route I didn't know if and the paperwork was was done that way but yeah we we going jurisdiction over there that's a mayor's office we going on that route so I I'll definitely take it on personal and and trying to get that if if nobody I I express to the pastor if nobody is raising a flag on that day well there's no flag that needs to stand there for those days we might get it so okay okay thank you you're welcome so the uh all we Pro provide permission for is the use of the common okay we don't deal with the sidewalks and we don't deal with the with the streets that's a police department so what you're going to do with the with with those pastors uh that's not a question necessarily for us because the police department has jurisdiction over the streets and the public ways which include sidewalks we just have the park so I will speak to them thank you yeah you need to definitely speak to them because your intention they you need you definitely need to speak with them um I don't know if there's anything else here that is of of Interest the most important thing is is anybody else using a comment that day I'm presuming that you've got clearance from Recreation and that's clear that night or that day I don't see adie's name on here okay so yes that day is available um the sister Grace the one that requested the permit she went to the senior center I guess that's where the recreational department is and they said that they um it was available that day yeah no that's and that's great news I think it's important for us just because I don't want things to be miscommunicated that we get just as a standard procedure that we get something from the recreation saying yes the campign known common is available and it's available for the group and I I'd like to get I think that's important that we make that a standard procedure usually in these applications it would have you know it would have something like approved by somebody in the I don't see that okay they did gave us a permit project um but they ask us to come here as well and they and you're supposed to come here because we're the ones that issue the permit not Recreation so just for the park for camping know we're the ones that this entire Council does that okay so but but what we do is that we as a council what we don't want to do is give four people four organizations that park or the camp any park at the same time because we're going to have Mayhem it's just not going to work out so that's the reason why we as decision makers and we issue the permit we want to know is there anybody else having the permit that day because if that is the case we may not support it but if it's free then we're probably going to say yes to it so that's what we want to know and if it's important for us to have it as a standard procedure not just you but everybody comes that we have something from Recreation saying that so a letter an email I mean we do have this but I don't know how good this is like I don't know can we see that yes I don't know how official this sure mean I'm I'm pretty whose writing is [Music] this door s or maybe 10 I don't know uh want to see this that that's very that's actually somebody giving you uh what to do and that's important to have but that doesn't say that that the common is free so what we would like you've got plenty of time you've got just just have Adie Gonzalez who's a recreation director or somebody from that department send an email to to to to I to the clerk so she puts it in our packet that's probably the way to go okay and if they want to include all the councilors as well I mean that's that's never a problem that's great too okay it's coun it's it's simple tomorrow you go there of the office at the sen Santa yep go back to recreation department and said listen they going to they going to see us on Thursday but they need to make sure that the park is available for us can you guys email them and let them know that's all okay Y and they'll do it and if they can give you a copy of the email just in case we don't get it on time and you have it great exactly that's a great Point counselor that's right right we're all set uh so the Motions been made in proper I any further discussion see to call the question all in favor say I Poe no the I have it so now it's going to be on our agenda for the September 5 okay thank you have a good evening all right is there anybody else here this evening and thanks for coming folks appreciate it all right let's go to the top uh document number four up to the very top document so that was sent to the full Council now we're going to go to the top of the agenda so document 40424 is handicap parking at 117 Oxford Street looking for a motion to send this to the police department for their review so motion made by councilor Santiago seconded by the Vice chair all in favor say I oppose no the eyes have it no that was sent up to the full council with a fable recommendation that one right because we do think that they have it it doesn't matter them just producing it so we did 404 Pat we just did 404 we just did that one yeah please um 40724 lights on Lawrence day DV awareness month not sure what that means what is DV Awareness Month DV don't know anyway um is's nobody here for this so um look it's on October 3rd we'll have another meeting before looking for a motion to table 40724 and invite the sponsor to our next ordinance committee meeting motion made by Council Santiago seconded by the Vice uh Council Del Rosario discussion c n I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppos no the I have it 40824 whose district is this 40 uh uh remove handicap parking at 117 Sterns Avenue me read this hold on oh my goodness think that's myct you may want to read did you read the letter you you may want to [Applause] nothing so this is what happens uh the counselors of the letter that we received from the petitioner um tells the story of of of of of having a um a cordial relationship with with someone who uh is handicapped who has a handicap placard in front of their house um and the person with a handicap placard in front of their house according to this letter uh doesn't utilize the handicap parking but rather parks in the driveway and the individual who would like to see the handicap parking spot removed has been parking in the handicap spot and has been getting tickets and now the person wants to have the handicap parking spot removed so now we are in this really interesting place where I have no idea the actual person who's handicapped is using it or not I have one version of the story we all have one version of the story we don't have the other version there maybe it's another version I don't know and um it's my district is it yours yeah okay um I know my history okay so I I I I don't mean to doubt doubt that you knew that um so counselor I would recom I would did you want to uh did you want to look into into this a little bit more okay I would encourage us to um I mean we can send it to the police department but I I don't know we want to no we don't we I always have a mind do we send police don't be my recomendation in this Cas in the back that would be my recommendation in this case send it back to his police department so they can actually talk to this lady they actually requested it I mean that information is there and they can go back and say do you really do you really need it you don't need it you know that work for you Department people request enough and after that can move forward okay so the motion is by who who's making the motion motion you want to make it to your District make it right go ahead I want to make a motion to send to the police department and for their review for their review and report back to us or something like that sure as soon as possible okay there's a motion made to send the police department for their review and to report back is there a second second second by Council delario discussion second discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppe no the eyes have it all right next document is 40924 handicap parking at 63 Milton Street ccar is that your District no okay I think it did mhm uh so looking for a motion to send this they have a they have a placard so there's that it expires in about a month but they have a placard looking for a motion to send this to the police department for their review so Move Motion made by Council Del Rosario seconded by the council Santiago discussion see none this all in favor say I Police Department 410 [Applause] I'm going to read this in the record I just I just it won't take long I just happen to agree with this individual because we seem to been we seem to we have we have a we have a an issue regarding density in vehicles I'm writing to request assistance in obtaining a handicap parking pole for 31 years I reside at 23 for street without any parking issues however for the past 12 years the street has become increasingly overpopulated leaving myself and others with disability struggling to find parking my neighbors have kindly allowed me to use their driveways but this is no longer an option due to their own parking needs I kindly ask that this letter be considered with urgency to expedite the process of acquiring a designated handicap parking space looking for a motion motion or sent to the police station dep motion sent made to sent to the police department for their review by Council delar seconded by the Vice chair discussion is that your District councelor it is okay all in favor say I iOS no the eyes have it is there any other matters before the council we wish to take off the table this evening we have any oh yeah let's take a look at these we have it in the agenda oh it's a good point well uh in your packets Council thank you Council delar we have uh new police department reports some of them maybe self so let's take a look and see if we can hunt them down and if they are see if we can deal with them first document is 47923 do you have it you do yes where where on the agenda yeah [Applause] four yep if there's no objection we'll take 47923 out of order Council Del Rosario what's your uh this is your District I believe let's read I'm going to haven't ready yet he recommending that we send this to the city engineer yeah then then if I can recommend also then it's being uniform the time um this is a time that it was requested by by the DPW now they're restricting all they redoing the time so it be uniform so 7 to 7 if if they could be reflected 7 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. also there's a park near there did you want to this is going to be tricky but we can do it do you want to make a motion um to send this to the full send it to the police department um I'm trying to think at some point maybe we do it when it gets back at some point just remember that you want to amend this we can amend it here we can amend it the full Council so just remember it' be kind of awkward if we do it now okay so motion was sent to the city engineer for review second motion made by Council delver's hour second by the Vice chair Reyes discussion Sen no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppose no the eyes have a pat that's 47923 do you have that one okay got it okay no no that's going to the police police police city engineer yep and that remains these items remain tabled it remain staed um 1824 okay if there's no objection we'll take document 18 24 off the table matters seeing none counselor what's your you you want to read it first what's the yeah the motion is to send the city engineer to review there's a motion to send document 1824 to the city engineer for its for their review seconded by Council Del Rosario discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppose no the eyes Havoc Pat did you get that city engineer referral and tabled 3824 same page yes um looking for a motion to send this up to the full council with a favorable recommendation to order a public hearing so more second motion made by counselor by the Vice chair and seconded by Council delario discussion he n I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppos no the eyes have it uh document 2924 uh looking for if there's no objection we'll take this document out of order this is for pardon me I'm looking I should have done the before yes pH three motion of Senator full C with a favor recommendation to order to order the public hearing second do you see it where did you see it oh there it is right here it is motion been properly made and properly seconded made by Council delaro second by Council Santiago discussion see no discussion I'll call the question uh before I call the question counselor yours seem to be in tune with this with what DPW is doing with there is that we 15 minutes 15 so we don't uh so that's fine yeah business request 15 minutes that's okay all in favor say I I oppe no the eyes have it full Council order of public hearing 14024 the same page thank you thank you uh there's no objection we'll take 14024 out of order um Police Department recommends uh to us that we adopt this and Grant it uh is there a this is your District you want to make that motion counselor yes I want to make a motion to send to full Cil for favor recommendation and police department to order public hearing and to order public hearing motion has been made by Council Santiago seconded by Vice chair Reus discussion seeing none I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppose no the I have that's 14024 public hearing 15324 same page motion Senator full councelor with a fav recommendation to a the public hearing second motion made by Council Council Del Rosario second by Vice chair Reyes discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppose no the eyes have it pat that was 15324 15324 okay thank you 2092 24 um if there's no if there's no objection I'll take this document 20924 out of order see no objection I'm looking for a motion motion to send to the engineer for a review and DPW also say um I'm sorry motion was sent to the engine city engineer for review second they go a little further than that council do you want to continue with that or you want to just send there motion to C city engineer the Lawrence fire department light division via City electrition and DPW for the review motion has been made by Council Del Rosario seconded by Council Vice chair Reyes discussion C none I'll call the question all in favor say I I hose no the ice have it pat do you have that one you got all the names of the word that's going to okay do you have this by the way fireart fired apart you have this packet okay good same P same thank you uh if there's no objection we'll take document 24 24724 out of order seeing no objection um looking for a motion motion to send the full councel recommendation order public second you didn't mention going to the city engineer and city engineer first first you want to try that again motion to send to the city engineer motion been made by Council delar to send it to the city engineer is there a second second seconded by the Vice chair discussion you no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say IE no the eyes Havoc got that Pat okay got it not and all this is being tabled that's that's tabled no that one right there is only going to go to the city engineer city engineer that's it just this last one document 247 only the city engineer document 27824 same page same page think got it thank you if there's any is there any objection to take this out of order see no objection it is taken out of out of out of order um looking for a motion motion the full Council fa recommendation order public hearing motion made by Council delario second by Vice chair Reyes discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppose no the eyes have it public hearing Pat on that one uh if there's no objection we'll take document 27924 seeing no objection is now taken out of order um looking for motion to withdraw motion to sen the full C with recommendation to withdraw motion to s to the full council with a recommendation to withdraw has been made and seconded by the Vice chair discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppe no the eyes have it our last one um phas two oh okay if there's if there's no objection we'll take document 325 I'm sorry 32824 out of order see no objection is taken out of order looking for a motion motion of Senator full cons fav recommendation order a public hearing second motion made by uh Council delaro second by councilor Santiago discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppose no the I Senor counc I just want to thank you very much for accomodating my schedule for letting us have the meeting tonight it means a lot to me and I appreciate your courtesy looking for motion to adjourn motion to adjourn motion made by councelor Delver Z second by councelor Santiago discussion see none I'll call the question favor say I I know the I have e