##VIDEO ID:e6zsg-fbTOI## e e e e e e e e e e e e I can wiggle a Goode a good meeting foree fore speech spe fore spe for [Applause] [Music] I've been I'm still like trying to figure out like what to do all this what did I just you okay byebye get the get the get the get the okay byebye [Music] hi so we don't have the secet I'm just waiting for I be taking the minutes for us what welcome back counselor I actually don't know cuz we have what is your so how are you here um but what is what is your title again okay we're just waiting for the city clerk who's going to be taking our minutes me how were you oh what a Bab for yeah I think he just got just got I didn't know that this into a to where that's so water are we're waiting on somebody are we waiting can I get my water yep Who stuff is this that was you yes all right for Jonathan my old seat for for for good evening and welcome to the ad hoc committee meeting for the school committee home rule petition today is Thursday August 22 22nd it's now 5:47 p.m. uh voting members we have to my left Deputy superintendent of Lawrence Public Schools Carlos Matos counselor at large Anna Levy Vice chair of the Lawrence school committee Jonathan Guzman Committee Member School Committee Member for liance public schools um Sandra Edwards and school committee member for Lawrence Public Schools Myra Ortiz at this point can you please join me in the pledge flag the United States of America for which stands one nation under God indivisible with li and justice for all a reminder to committee members the person who has the authorization to direct or ask request anything to our secretary is the chair of this committee which is myself um so let's please remember those rules before we start I did speak with the senior advisor Octavian spander last week and I just spoke with him minutes before this me meeting started to confirm the information or the conversation that we had last week at this time mayor depena would like for us to work on the draft um and come to to an agreement on a draft that we cons send to the to the City attorney for the final draft and then to the city council um his only ask is that we allow a representative to be there in his in his position um if he can make a meeting and to have his voting power if he can't be there um that is the only ask that the Administration has directed to me other than that they are leaving it up to us to go through the draft and come up with something that we can send up to the full Council so with that being said Deputy superintendent you weren't here last week is there anything you like to say or anything or you before just before we move on I'm sorry through you point of order um the dep the deputy superintendent cannot be according to the Mass General law in this table in his Capac city as he works for the Lawrence Public Schools he is not a part of the executive committee any longer um even when he was a part of the executive committee there was a conflict of interest um in that space because his future employer was going to be the Lawrence Public School it was to his benefit to not be here at our last meeting so that the work could continue we cannot um do our due diligence and be in good faith and work under Mass General law with an employee of the Lawrence public school being a governing body the only employee that we work um with and works for us is the superintendent thank you and if you would like me to cite it I can I was just going so for the record thank you for screen up cuz I'm a woman of a certain age I need it a little brighter and so we call in this we call the conflict of interest on the Mass General Law chapter 268a where a Public Employee cannot participate in matters where they have financial interest um the financial interest that would be indicative in this space would be he's an employee of the Lawrence Public Schools and anything relating to the Lawrence Public Schools in this matter governing wise would be of benefit thank you madam chair point of order on that one I'm not sure that's accurate I I'm happy to step down but I the governing structure of the school committee does not in any shape manner or form impact uh any financial interest that any employee of the Public School Systems would have um if we could get some sort of ruling just to clear that up I'm happy to do that but um and just to get clarity on the issue because I don't see the direct connection to that to for any employee not just me um so I'm happy to either get clarity on it and if that's the case I'm happy to step down and make sure that sure I can finish reading it completely it says 268 the employee could recuse um should recuse themselves for from any official actions or decisions related to the matter where the conflict exists this means they should not participate in the discussions votes or any other activities related to this matter correct if the conflict exists that's correct through you chair if I me so so hold on so this is when I become frustrated again I wish if there were any questions or or conflict I would have been told ahead of time because we would have prepared for this meeting with the city attorney I see that there is a bookmark so I I see that the school committee did come prepare for for anything that was about to happen we don't have our City attorney here I can call Aras and call him but I can't guarantee that he's going to answer so mam chair I'm happy to whatever expedites the business because I think that this is a very important um meeting and I think this is a very important uh home rule petition so if the meeting can continue without me I have no objection I just don't agree with the financial interest Clause at this point I'm going to ask you to recuse yourself Deputy thank you thank you thank you all right moving on moving forward if there's anything that I should know ahead of time so we can properly be prepared for for this meeting please let me know um I actually myself just found out a few minutes ago that the deputy was going to be here but if there's any questions or concerns or anything I would like to know so we can be properly prepared prepared for our meetings as I was saying earlier uh mayor depena uh senior advisor o spanner could not be here this evening um which is why I called him uh few minutes before this meeting to ensure that I had the accurate information so we are here to work um we're here we voted last last meeting to have the school committee proposal as the foundational proposal to work off of um there was some questions on whether or not the school committee officially voted to adopt the language um where I did find the live streamed meeting of the whole school committee and I did see that um that vote took place and it was recorded and it was adopted by the school committee as a whole so at this point I'm going to open the floor to whomever ever has a question comment or suggestion for the proposal that we have in front of us attorney Edwards uh yes good evening um Madam chair I just wanted to say too we certainly had no ill intent and I apologize for that in terms of not letting you know beforehand regarding um our position on the conflict of interest however it was our understanding that city council was going to be present at this meeting tonight based on uh the last meeting it was our understanding that attorney hton I believe city council was going to be available and that we would be discussing the issues but we assure you that'll never happen again so thank you thank you attorney um so if you if what happened last meeting we had questions on the from The Proposal of councelor Levy that then were answered through her subsections um at that point because the proposal was voted down by this by this committee at this point we were all we did not the questions that were originally asked were canceled out which is why I took it when I was asked if we needed the attorney I said no that must have been my misunder understanding thank you if I could propose for tonight since we did go over um committee woman or councilwoman Levy's uh proposal in depth at the last meeting if we might begin with the school committee's proposal yep you may begin or who who's um Mr Guzman to you chair um I think the point of order of this situation is that we um we hope that the party from celor levies tells us what are those non-negotiables and negot from The Proposal of the lawren school committee the lawren school committee has provided a well comprehensive report proposal home rle petition for the consideration of the city council and where it's precise it provides the opportunity for us to have an elected school committee uh provides the opportunity for the mayor to appoint his uh members to the school committee and there's process within that proposal of that appoint body and who will support the mayor on that process and it gives us the opportunity to also go back to a full elected school committee whenin a particular number of years so um I I guess the the the direction that would be my suggestion is to hear what the council woman has looked at our proposal as we did with her proposal and tell us what are those negotiables and non-negotiables as that is this is the platform um that we're looking at right now in consideration thank you Council ly C through you um like I told to you before are we are here just to get like it's just to point you know what are the things that we're going to send it to the attorney to write uh the is proposal for the home R petition so I don't think so that there is so many different between whatever that you are proposing to what I'm proposing for okay so I'm continuing so that's uh in here a we I'm I'm proposing like 40 members okay so that 40 member one of them is going to be part uh from the school uh from the school so one student this is one of the things you know that I'm I'm proposing right now so that six member of the school committee is going to continue be by voting you know it's nothing is going to be changed on that so you're going to be elected the same way that it's been doing for the last 24 years um also I highlight I recommend like so I think that's uh we had in here like the school committee sh me on the 7 o' on the evening or the first secular day but you going to decide I think so that it has to be decided after the election the same way that we met the first and the third Tuesday or each mon so um so you use to me monthly no Mr Gman so our meetings are set by the rules of the school committee which is every first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. okay so it's going to continue practically the same the same way that it is right now there is nothing is going to be change but the major is the one who's going to designate the person who's going to represent hint at each meeting or whatever that he appoints or he's going to be the one who's going to Pride the meeting whatever that he decided so this is part of the section four um e the major de or the president as a chair of the school committee CH or the meeting of the school committee regul the pring and decide question of the order give me one second I'm going you want I can point whatever is the session that Madame chair may I suggest go ahead Mr Gman so uh I want to just bring up again the motion of last time which was to look at the school committee proposal and amend that one and I I think it would be really productive to look at the sections of The Home Room petition for the school committee proposal and obtain amendments from the counselor or any member in this committee to move this quicker this is what we going to do this is what going can I say something before okay go ahead so I think so that at the end we are submitting some points right now and Whatever It Is by that um the City attorney I think that he is the one that should decided you know whatever that is correct or not in that case so we we can propose both of the of the things you you can we can take it like it's okay I am I say you know on section two number on Section section four number six this is what I I'm proposed you can propose the same you know whatever the same section and we they can decide whatever is the the correct one that is not the motion that we have Mr Guzman Council Levy has the floor so Council Levy you're all set yes this is what we're going to do because we're not going to do this back and forth again like did last meeting we are going to go through the the school committee proposal and I believe attorney Edwards was correct we dedicated more than half of the time to councelor Levy's proposal we went through it we asked questions now I even put that proposal behind me because it was voted down we shouldn't we shouldn't even be looking at it we should be working towards this off of this so if a member from the school committee can kindly go through every section so the rest of us can ask questions and propose amendments that we can recommend to the City attorney to put together for the full Council Mr Guzman um through you chair would it be in order to read sections and then ask questions based on those sections I think yep okay that's fine so the petition for the special um lawren act relative to reorganization of the Lawrence school committee section five school committee of the Lawrence administrative code is her be amended uh strike in and replaced by the following section one uh in respective to the section 128 through 138 exclusive of chapter 43 of General law or any general special law suggestion otherwise the current structure of the school committee of the City of Lawrence is already to be reformed as outlined in this provision section two composition eligibility election in terms of office composition there should be a school committee of Lawrence residents composed of 11 members Who oversee the policies budget and superintendent of the Lawrence Public Schools six of these members refer to as District members will be nominated and elected by voters from each of the six districts with one member representing each district one member known as the mayor of the City of Lawrence or Des one member known as the elected student representative must be elected by the students of Lawrence High School campus during in November four members known as temporar appointed members will be chosen by the mayor of Lawrence and confirmed by the Lawrence city council the mayor should appoint school committee members who represent the eth the ethnic racial and socioeconomic diversity of the City of Lawrence and its public school students three other temporarily appointed member should be with a background in education that is not personally employed in Lawrence Public Schools it must be a parent of a student currently enroll in Lawrence Public Schools a former educator of Lawrence Public Schools and an alumni that attended the Lawrence Public Schools during a receivership tenure each member will have full voting rights in the committee except the student representative unless the general law says otherwise any particular questions or uh amendments on that one eligibility a district member must be a voter in live in the district they represent at the time of their election however if a district member moves out of the district they were elected from they will be deemed to have resigned their position the resulting vacancy will then be filled by the Lawrence city council as outlined in section 5.7 titled quote election in term unquote a temporary appointed member is required to be a voter and a resident of the City of Lawrence at the time of their appointment if such a member relocates outside of the City of Lawrence it will be considered as a resignation from their position if a temporarily appointed member cannot complete their term of service any replacement will have the chance to serve the remainder of the term left by the previous temporary member the mayor shall present within 30 days a replacement for the temporarily appointed position to the Lawrence city council for approval in order to fill the vacancy if an appointment hasn't been made after 30 days from the day of resignation the power to fill the vacancy falls to the Lawrence city council to solicit applications and appoint a member for the remainder of the term of office for the vacan seat once a temporary members term ends they will become an at large elected member with a 4-year term starting at 7:00 p.m. on the first non-holiday day in January a student representative who was elected must reside in the City of Lawrence and be a student at the Lawrence High School campus if the student graduates or relocates outside the city it will be considered as has a resignation from their elected position in the event of such a vacancy the student government of Lawrence High School campus has the authority to appoint a student to serve the remaining term within 30 days of the vacancy if no appointment is made after 30 days from the day of resignation the Lawrence school committee assumes the authority to fill the vacant position by soliciting applications Madam chair any questions I have some I do have some questions my first question is under eligibility well not question a comment according to the City of Lawrence ordinance in order to be considered a resident of the City of Lawrence you have to be living in Lawrence for minimum 6 months so I would like to add that exact language as we have it in our ordinance um but that would be because it is ordinance that would be something that the City attorney would do um so I would like to make that as can I make that as a a motion or ask for a motion on that so we can solidify it so Mo motion has been made move by Mr Guzman is there a second second seconded by attorney attorney Edwards discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I I and the eyes have it any any nose okay all right the eyes have it my next question is still under or comment not question still under eligibility it is on this second page where we talk about if the mayor if the mayor um fails to appoint someone or suggest someone within 30 days and it's the city council's um responsibility so that's actually the opposite of what the city council ordinance actually says uh so we need to approve appoint approve and appoint someone within 30 days if the council fails to approve someone within 30 days the mayor then has full full um disclosure capabilities to to um automatically appoint the person that that um that he's trying to or she is trying to um appoint so to reflect again to reflect our actual rules our actual ordinances I I suggest an a motion to amend this paragraph and put in our actual language as f as what the city council follows through you chair Mr Guzman this language reflects the language of what the city council has currently to appoint a member of the Lawrence school committee becoming vacant here we provide that same power to the city council if a appointed position by the mayor becomes vacant so if if a school committee position becomes vacant in the current language the mayor has nothing to do with that proceeding is the city council this is why we provide the Authority for the mayor to have that power to look for a replacement but if within 30 days that does not happen it comes back down it comes to the direction of the city council to make that determination by soliciting application and having an open diog process mhm thank you so what I'm going to do is make a motion or ask for a motion to to confirm that with the city so I have not seen that me person doesn't mean that you're wrong or I was under the assumption that we do everything the same for all boards it could be something different but it's good to cross our tees and Dot our eyes and get over in confirmation from the city attorney as to what the actual ordinance or language is that we should that we should um include in this paragraph so can I have a motion for that so move motion has been made by Mr Guzman is there a second second seconded by attorney Edwards discussion discussion U Miss Ortiz can you clarify the motion the motion the motion is to is to the motion is to send correspondence to the attorney of the city to clarify who is the appointed by the appointed Authority if there's a vacancy at the city at the school committee level no if the vacancy is not filled within the 30-day Mark but this is a temporarily appoint so this is speaking of a temporarily appointed position we and this isn't speaking of an elected School Committee Member this is speaking of I need to breath through this the proposal here is trying to address Theo the original Home Room petition that the mayor put forth through kerus MOS as a compromise in yes having appointed positions on the school committee the language itself is speaking to the designes or the appointees from the mayor's office not the elected school committee in this sentence and therefore seeding the power to the mayor because the ma it was the mayor's appointment whereas I'm an elected official if I'm elected in 2026 again and I hit the lotto and I decide to roll off then the city council would have the 30 days and that's if we adopt that language you may choose chair to in that sentence say no we're going to keep it the same whether it's an appointed school committee position or an elected school committee position so and that's how I was reading it as well so a a school committee an elected individual School Committee Member goes through what we have right now written as as the ordinance of the rules any mayoral appointee goes through the city council process the city council has 30 days to approve if we don't approve anyone if we're still going back and forth automatically the mayor gets to approve that person so can we get clarification please um city clerk from the city attorney whether temp if a temporary appointment falls under the same um ordinance thank you you oh yes uh yes so that is that is the motion that we clear on the motion Okay I accept the amendment all those in favor say I I I I I any knows the eyes have it okay my next question is the next paragraph um if no appoint the last sentence if no appoint appointment is made after 30 days from the date of resonation the lawren school committee assumes the authority to fill the vacant position by soliciting applications can we I would like that to be clarified who who would the school committee be soliciting applications from the student body teachers how so it it will be the the the school committee will go through always goes through the administration on these proceedings and as the the governing body of Lawrence Public Schools we thought that we will be the best authority to do those proceedings with our students um through the administration okay as every other uh process application so can I have a motion to we have to clarify that yeah to add the following language um hold on let me the Lawrence school committee assumes the authority to fill the vacant position by solid Sol soliciting applications through the lawren Public Schools administration and I'm forgetting what the last thing that you said Mr Guzman through the administration for the process you mean like um so I feel like I I I I see where you're going with this on the authority to fill the vacing position by Sting applications through Lawrence Public Schools administration for the appointment for the student representative appointment for the process selection the student appointment and I think the word student appointment should be there the Lawrence Public Schools administration for the appointment of a Lawrence school committee students representative does that make sense to everyone okay does that make sense to everyone can you say it concurrently yep you let me read the whole thank you the whole paragraph a student representative who is elected must reside in the City of Lawrence and be a student at the Lawrence High School campus if the student graduates or relocates outside the city it will be considered a resonation from their elected position in the event of such vacancy the student government of Lawrence High School campus has the authority to appoint a student to serve the remaining term within 30 days of the vacancy if no appointment is made after 30 days from the date of resonation the Lawrence school committee assumes the authority to fill the vacant position by soliciting applications through the Lawrence Public Schools administration for the appointments of a Lawrence school committee student representative does that make sense to everyone yeah okay yes can I get a motion to add the language to the proposal so moved motion has been made by committee woman Ortiz is there a second second seconded by attorney Edwards discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I any knows the eyes have it and I had one [Applause] more um going to the paragraph of the compos composition four members known as temporary I'm sorry um Madam chair are we still on the same section no no um I mean section two yep SE under section two the first sub bullet um compet uh composition thank you're welcome where it says one member known as the mayor of the City of Lawrence or its doign KN I am okay with honoring the mayor's request of having his desane be his voting representative um if the committee chooses to go that route we do need to make that language clear that they do have the ability to vote on behalf of the mayor Mr Guzman um vice vice chair through you chair uh I Believe on the voting power section we might have to wait onto that section there might be language on that that we might have to uh look at okay amend or add if the group if the if the members so decide okay councilor Levy Yes Man still um I'm going through that one that I submitted on my proposal and like I said we have to look at on the language anyway but I'm still going to um what is the page here the composition you know by 30 member it's going to be like a h a HRI elect the appointed school committee composed of 13 people [Music] Council Levy can you re can you state restate the composition of those 13 individuals yes a 30 member hybrid elected appointed es school committee composed of six elected member by voters from each district six member appointed by the major and one of them is going to be a know uh boarding that is the student and the major of serving as a chair so practically it's going to be four member plus the uh the student and the major is the next uh six member uh and one the one known body member known as the elected student representative must be elected by the student and the major sh appoints a school committee member who represent the ethnic R ratio and socio economic diversity of the City of Lawrence [Music] um hold on one second so it is as you looking on Section uh section two on the no number two it is highlight recommend that the appointed membership will include Prof from the following fears like a finance accounting law engineering education law enforcement atics and art so whatever that represent um the ecy in the city of lawence by assuring the academy Aban of the student and overall education system are you making that as a motion yes I do after the motion is there a second on the motion seeing none motion fails M yes I I don't have nobody who can support me in here because we are not equally in the same in the same labo through you chair I think I speak for give me give me one second uh committee Vice chair lman um I I think I speak through my members and where we it's it's not about not supporting uh the gentle woman it's about the concept of the bill in where her request builts in even 14 number 14 members um body and where it's not should be uneven and where the school committee suggests the 11 right and where hers suggests 14 people um one without non voting power which makes it 13 but we believe that how it was broken gives enough it breaks down power within appointment and elected individuals Mr Gman Mar it's like it's going to be practically 30 member like you say and one doesn't have the power to [Music] vote okay demotion failed um I have a question about the background of the of the tempor minutes okay of the are we going to have cor Madame clerk councelor Levy did inform me prior to this meeting that she she needed to leave within an hour so are we going to have Quorum if she yeah this um it does it um this is a ad hoc committee which is different than a typical committee an ad hoc committee is an advisory body so one of you could be like you needs to be published in um posted like any other public meeting but if you're having a meeting the Quorum issue um isn't so much of a factor because it's an ad hoc committee as opposed to a traditional body um everyone is in invited to participate people can choose not to so that's why the the number of form isn't the same with the ad hoc body as it is with the traditional body because it's an invitation people can refuse an invitation you know so if the council needs to lead and you choose to keep working you you can definitely do that okay thank you thank you so the requirements of the temporarily appointed members um she have one shall have a background in education who is not presently employed by Lawrence Public Schools uh that is a that's part of the the laws so I just want to make that clear uh one should be a parent of a student currently enrolled in lence public schools a former educator of the Lawrence Public Schools and and an alumni going back to the same to the same concern we had the first meeting do these requirements limit the pool um of potential temporary um appointees because people can still have you know the background or or the ability to be a school committee member without necessarily having the educational background to you chair uh Mr Guzman that particular language or composition of what members temporary members can bring to the table came from further language that we propos on Section Five of the provision that creates a working group uh that is assembled as a nominating panel and looking at the individuals that we have suggested of who should be on those panels uh one individual who shall be selected by the LPS joint parent teacher organization one individual who shall be selected by the Lawrence education Justice Alliance One individual who should be selected by the LPS special education parent advisory counil one individual who should be selected by the LPS English learner parent advisory counil one individual who should be selected by the Lawrence teacher Union one individual individual in Lawrence Public School who should be selected by the Lawrence Association of school administrators and supervisors one city counselor should be selected by the Lawrence city council one school committee members should be selected by the uh Lawrence school committee the mayor or the S should be served as a member based on the individuals that were going to be at that table uh we drafted three particular categories based on feedback that we got from members of the community and stakeholders and we put them here up for consideration all thank you Mr councel Levy so what about if those organization do not want to appoint to participate and send somebody uh to the committee is there an answer for that Mr Gman in the event that a nominator to the panel fails to submit a recommendation uh the recommendation we did not put language for that as the tenure so what we put on language was the tenure of the members of the nominating panel shall extend until such time of the temporary appointment member transition to an En large Committee Member should any member be incapable of fulfilling their obligation the individual entity responsible for their selection should appoint a replacement to fulfill the remainder of the UN um unexpired term in the event that a nominator to the panel fails to submit a recommendation to the appointed to the mayor within a period of 30 days the mayor should on their behalf propose an appointee to be to the respective category such a nomination must be received confirmed by the lawence city council so we do have language in case one of those members do not appoint uh the authority goes back to the mayor and the city council through you madam chair does I answer your question councel lovey yes um May Council has how long is that that the person is going to be uh the temporary on the committee uh the tenure of the member of the nominating panel should extend until such time as a temporary appoint the member transition to an a large Committee Member uh that is other particular language that aligns with the term limits of the temporary appointed which is 4 years 4 years years four year okay so practically two Tims depend there there I get I get your point on on that one but there's no terms it's four years based on the appointment on when this becomes enacted that make sense so when it when this becomes law mhm and the board get formalized for nominations to be submitted to the mayor for his consideration and then to the city council and the person that that committee will be established for four years because that's the term of that temporary appointed committee members after they become at large members elected which there's a process for that here there's no need for that nominating panel any longer because members become elected at Large okay so that's is what I say so it's going to be for year practically 2 10 because right now the school committee is every two years now yeah correct um Mar I think that for Clarity on this I prefer because you don't even know also uh Sans also members chain every two year so that should be like every two years instead of four year and anytime that is being a change so I where is this people can stay like if people can stay for if they want to continue for two three period it won't be any any problems so but I think that should be elected for every two alone that uh uh that uh the the c um the school Committee Member chain to they saying at the city council we are uh every two years so the only one that stay for for year is the practically the maor clarification to you shair go ahead Mr Gman the nominating panel is not it's not an elected body it's an appointed Body formalized by the organizations and entities that I mentioned prior they have a 4-year service time in any occasion that a vacancy becomes available the appointing the recommended organization will then provide recommendations to the mayor to appoint um I hear the council woman's response on the twoyear L limits but I think for the competition of appointing the temporary appointed school committee members under the direction of the mayor that is what this got built for and is also language that we kind of grab we grab from the other proposals and redefine to make it more consistent [Music] what don't do give me a I right to be no I have I I have it I I'm trying I'm conflicted I I don't know how I feel about this section um I think having a 11 person committee and then another nine person kind of like a subcommittee um that's is what I I do in any other appointment besides I mean like the police chief that we' requested and stuff like that the mayor has full authority to appoint whomever given the process I I think this is a little assessive and as as members know I don't always agree with our mayor I do have a but I do have a good working relationship with him um I just I I think this is a little assessive and either way whoever the mayor appoints or tries to appoint has to go through the city council process so there is still a a verification confirmation process um that's yeah that's where I'm at with this with this section so M I have another question before I'm leaving coun uh also I can see here that appoint the M it's like a transition to be like a large committee members so I think that this is another thing that has to be uh looked at because right now we are talking just talking from only six member that is going to be elected so all of the other three members that are supposed to be allowed so in case that this happen like us that we had three uh members a large for uh um for our committee uh the it has to be elected through the city or and by voting through you chair to clarify to the councilwoman go ahead the three members are temporary appointed after the four years that they've been selected by language that we again I want to say was good language on the mayor's proposal that we we thought let's take it and let's look at it let's provide amendments so the the own mayor provided language and where he created a committee to do nominations do a nomination panel and seek these appointees for him we thought that was a great idea we created one that resembles education and in in our system provided with community and with Community that's what we did here and going back to that question councilwoman when those three appointing members that have a 4-year term ends those three appointed positions become an elected at large position with the same process as the district members so it's the same process well I think so through you m chair that we need to l look at on that section so uh the way on how these people are going to be elected as we elected the three uh uh person allert in the city council so I still regard whether if fits the mayor's idea the school committee's idea I who whoever I still think this the the nominating panel is excessive especially when there's a whole city council process for any mayoral U appointee that we do work digital digitally I can't even speak um to on that and I I understand what councelor Levy is saying um but I also under I correct me if if I'm wrong school committee this is how I'm reading this for this new transitional school committee period four is it four right four appointees three three appointees three appointees temporary appointees three temporary appes for the two years for four years come the next cycle of election for all of us for school committee um glts School committees uh city council come that time all 11 positions of the school committee will be would be elected positions so transitioning out through you madam chair I've been waiting patiently oh yes sorry yes um I'm not comfortable I I need to I'm not comfortable moving forward with this ad hoc committee with counselor uh Levy uh leaving I don't think the work is going to be equally represented and I want to make a motion to adjourn motion has been made there a second second second by councelor Levy all those in favor say I I I I no roll call CLA can you do a roll call um school committee woman um Ortiz I school committee woman Edwards no school committee member um Guzman no council um councelor Levy yes and Council um Council vice president for the fairness and the transparency of the process I vote Yes I are you voting yes to adjourn yes okay thank you e e e e