e for for [Music] yeah they never to use the mic well these idiots that do the weddings scool around goes quicker than money I'm just going to [Music] do you know I got two weeks ago I got two weeks ago oh wow for what to go to the hospital a [Music] yeah that's where I always lettuce on everything too tomato tomato Dr I don't I don't like one thing they do go I likees yeah they go up a lot better the uh hamburgers in that you put tomato on they don't Char you love it I went to the market morning I didn't that bought about you I yes y [Music] for for for for think e you e h good to see you nice to see you Ma that makes two [Music] so [Music] I did not get oh my you find let me know [Music] here [Music] [Music] Department Department's [Music] [Music] is it this Saturday are you kidding me is it a July birthday June June kind of if I show up I oh a oh it is is the corner e e e e e e e e e e e e e e how are you guys I'm good and you I'm good when is your due date August oh it's around the corner you're having a boy or girl girl okay A little girl I love girls no cuz there's two there's one over there and there's one over you know how to turn I've never I've never dealt with it but it is did you want me to turn it off cuz you're going to be here I I think I right now I think it's pretty cool in here is off already that one is off okay this one is I will show it off right now okay let's come mens right should I do it with my hands no no it's okay okay we have Ela okay H okay got it this is so formal all right we're commencing tonight's housing committee meeting today is Thursday June 27th 2024 and it is approximately 6:20 p.m. um note this meeting is being conducted as a hybrid meeting you may remotely access the meeting through the digital platforms listed below which is the Facebook Lauren city council page and our YouTube uh Lauren city council page uh pursuant to chapter 20 of the acts of 2022 this meeting of housing committee is being conducted both in person and via remote participation a reminder that persons who would like to listen or view uh this meeting while in progress May either attend in person um or uh use any of the following access locations uh voting members that are present here today uh to my left is our city councelor of District F uh Mar La Plant City councelor of District a fidelina Santiago and to my rights is our city council president and councelor at large uh joavan Rodriguez along with myself your Council um your your uh housing chair Vivian marmel um if we could all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance before we commence today's meeting I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay we don't have any minutes for city council approval so the first item in the agenda under new business is item number 29724 which is the Declaration of property Surplus uh for 389 Water Street map 204 lot 22 and we have our asset officer Charlene pasal to speak on behalf of this item this is good afternoon council members and Madame chair um so this is very straightforward um like you stated um presenting a declaration Surplus for 389 Water Street map 204 lot 22 um it is uh 18,800 Square ft in a residential 3 neighborhood it is a vacant lot of the city um assessed at two uh 22,700 um dollar with a tax rate um that would generate an estimated annual tax of $2,414 so for some time this property hasn't been on tax rols and we're just trying to declare Surplus and move forward with our process um we have received a few interested parties um in the area what I gathered from the administration is that we want to do Youth Development I believe we declared Surplus zero doy Street um which is nearby this property and we want to just redevelop Revitalize that area for Youth Development and that's what we're looking to do uh specifically with this uh property um maybe specific to basketball volleyball tennis we're not too sure it's not a huge area of land but we do want to see some kind of activity going on there okay um are you outside I'm out okay discussion questions no discussions I mean uh through you mad chair so the intents is to develop it as a potential um sport facility uh what was that the the the intent is to develop it as a potential sport facility sport facility yes Youth Development yes and uh this this property is about 17 17 Square ft uh 18,800 so in case that that doesn't go through what is the intent once we de cleare as a second plan second plan for that for for right now we're only going to be receiving applications that are tailored to Youth Development basketball organization so we're not going to move forward with this property unless that's what the intention is behind that application so this is not like to develop housing or anything of that nature and uh so the Youth Development that is intend to be there is that something that the administration already have discussed we have received um several agency that have approached us so we're going to open up the opportunity for them to put in their application and for us to discuss what organization has the best proposal um who may develop it you know the best and how we can actually um create the best tax revenue if that's the case for this particular property so we we haven't discussed specifically who we want there um or we haven't decided because we cannot decide until we've reviewed applications and seeing everyone's application so we will open this and make this public for everyone to um or for those organizations to approach us or every organization to approach us with the same opportunity are organization nonprofit organization or they for-profit organization I have I have met with nonprofit organizations and also for-profit organizations that have approached me about this property so both yes um just to to CL no not to clarify to bring some perspective as of what happened on that lb back then when I joined the council that was a paral that was used by the DPW Department to bring all the um Stones all the trees uh and everything that the city cut around uh all the all of the the leads that were picked up and it was a huge huge huge effort from the the city council the administration to make it to make it to clean it beautiful so to make it like it is right now and to make some years for it so essentially um declaring these properties a all plus we need to have a solid plan what's going to be there so we can uh our effort um is worth it absolutely that was something that bring a lot of attention to people around there a lot of disturbances a lot of illegal dumping and uh and and and that was a lot of few a lot of phone calls from city council uh to the administration to make sure that they clean it up and they make it up to standards so moving forward with our property what means that you know something that is valuable to the community absolutely uh take out there absolutely and I think developing um you know uh towards Youth and sports um brings um a lot of the neighborhood together the kids a place to play I think the closest to this area as far as Parks maybe I mean as close as maybe behind the Bruce schol I think there's a a baseball field there's not really much going on there so I would love to be part of um of of a process that would Revitalize that area and bring some um opportunities for the kids to play and for organizations to actually make the best use of the property we are going to take into consideration nonprofit versus profit making sure that you know we don't make a decision based on who would create the most money for the city but what's the best use of the property and where the best benefit is which um I will make sure that I take into consideration when we reviewing the applications and bring forward to you guys at city council and um you also mentioned another property from around their area y we both of them are going to be under the same idea yeah so the same idea not necessarily the same people are going to manage it we don't really know who um the other property is a property that goes over the 35,000 um which you understand is an RFP process um and if you don't we can go into it a little further um I'm I'm willing to educate everyone on on what I know about the RFP process and I think it's important for all of us to have a good understanding of how that RFP process works but it is over $35,000 so it's going going to go through an RFP process a bidding process um and we're also going to do kind of the same process receive the applications review the best plan the best use um what's going to beautify that area um I think that there's some embarkment and homelessness um things going on back there maybe some illegal activity that we want to get rid of um and I think it would be a great opportunity to kind of work that property and the other property in the same idea yes okay all right never mind um so I I want to make sure that I'm not confusing the two lots cuz I'm very familiar with the area um so 389 water to clarify is right next to the water um Department no no when I say I don't want to confuse it I mean in terms of so you you know how there's sometimes rumors as to like what could potentially is going to be in one lot um so I was primarily focused on on the one the other lot and I just want to make sure I'm not confusing anything they're two separate ones two separate processes and even two different ways to go about them okay so I just want to make sure that the lot that we're um speaking on which is a 389 um that if it's going to I I think it's an amazing idea for it to be geared to a youth uh youth related or Recreational facility uh for the Youth um I want to make sure that so there is no RF RFP process for this specific lot um actually let me just double check the value cuz I may be also going back and forth within the two this actually is also going to be an RFP and I misspoke I apologize so I want to correct that for the record um the assess value is $220,000 so it is over a $35,000 piece of land so we do have to do an RFP process with this property as well okay um thank you for highlighting that for me all right cuz I want to make sure that um like my approval is with the uh it's with the Clause to ensure that it in it's included in the RFP that it has to go to a youth yes related so we're being very specific with these two properties versus maybe other things that we've done in the past or things that we're going to do in the future these two properties are definitely geared towards Youth Development Sports recreation activities okay um is there is there a process well after um the council if they decide to send this up for approval um how how can we continue to engage and and be on top of as to the details and what's what's going to happen with this lot so when we go up to um Council I would be presenting to you guys the actual maybe RFP application maybe some conditions or deed restrictions that we're going to be um setting forth with this particular um uh property this process you we can always be open to discussion we don't have to make decisions on the spot we can use this as a method of you know communicating I'm not sure what we've used in the past I'm not sure if there's a way that we can engage or meet in regards to City properties but something that I can definitely discuss with the administration okay please do so because um I and I I'm going to make the Assumption uh along with uh our council president um we have a specific interest considering that this is our district um so uh to me it's super important considering how we don't have a park um like District D does not necessarily have a playground they either have to go to West Street which is technically in District c um so if there's anything um in a way for me to be more involved with this process I I would love to to do so you know um as long as it's okay with everyone else I mean I would h I'll definitely highlight your interest in knowing a little bit more about the pro about the project or process per se I'm not sure if there's anything that really that we have in place already that obligates us to have to meet or receive any additional input but I will definitely highlight that to the administration that you guys want to be involved in future talks about what's going to happen there I mean the RFP process is going out um you'll be able to it's going to be public for everyone um and you'll be able to see things there and maybe give your input um when that starts and we can always go back and forth okay I just wanted to make sure that um if we are submitting an RFP that um that it's exactly tailored to the discussions that we're having so if we're speaking that we want to see a future you know youth related facility and yet you know we we put out an RFP and somehow can also happen and I want to the lot is being developed for something completely different that that's my main concern and and and I would hope that because I've gotten people or organizations that have come to our offices asking about this particular property for Youth Development let's say the RFP comes out but we get no bites at it right what would happen then so that's a question that I also am going to ask the administration are we going to come back to city council and rediscussed again right or after Declaration of surplus what ends up happening so um the hopes are and this the talk for this property is a Youth Development I just don't know to what extent the the law the ordinances and the charters keep me having to come back to city council okay any further discussions oh councelor the plant thank you mad Madam chair and through you of course um so traditionally what we do is that there's a couple of step process and um the first step is that we declare something Surplus RFP should not be going out until it's declared Surplus and then so it's okay it's okay to craft it it's okay to have drafts it's okay to prepare all those things are are are good things to do um but it's presumptuous at this point to have and I don't think you're doing it but it's presumptuous to send something out because the council may just not approve the Declaration of potentially I doubt that's going to happen exactly so so that's step one and traditionally at that point it's the step two which is what the chair is asking about the chair would like to be able to have some input it's her district and she would like to have some input on that um what happens is that the next phase depending on what it is if and this is a big parcel so it would come before the council again for a disposition right it's a big enough number assess value wise that's going to come back so you're going and that's why I assume RFP because the 30b laws hold me subject to 30 to to the RFP process and so it would be incumbent upon the administration by the way you you're part of so the administration should be working with the District counselor because you're going to want to have the district counselor's vote at the full Council level to support it and so I would think think that you know getting her suggestions would be in incredibly helpful and useful anyway just just some thoughts as we as we I know there's a lot of newness for a lot of us here on this coun Council president's been on the committee for a few years I have as well so we kind of know the the drill just a little bit so uh that's how it traditionally has gone right thank you understood thank you Council the plant um any further discussions before we have a recommendation seeing none um um can I get a recommendation for uh approval to Cal full council with a favorable recommendation so Mo second okay all those in favor say I I I and the eyes have it thank you so much harlene are you going to be here for to discuss the second item um I don't believe the second well I think the second item was not ready um it was my understanding that um Mr McCarthy our lus planner um said I think the out plans were not ready okay so are we tabling this so yes let's table that item um he did call me on that now that I recall motion to table it 2984 second okay uh motion was made to table item 29824 a second made by counselor Santiago all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it thank you so much have a good evening is there nothing we're going to untable all right can I get a motion to adjourn come more thank okay all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it thank you have a good evening guys e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e you ready we're starting now yes sir we going to bang the gavel crank this baby up there's a guy with civilian clothing everybody's got their civilian clothes on impressed you ready ready ready ready same same same place you sit wherever you want to sit there was no there were no uh rules we rless good evening am I supposed to be on video here what was this on earlier just want to say good evening everybody I'm not really starting the meeting yet just good evening oh here we go Bill come on Bill what are you doing to me we're not starting not yet I don't know yeah she might have shut it off sorry ATT I'm under pressure here you have anything to drink no did you eat there I had a couple of snack couple little things are you guys here to talk about the uh what you guys here for I know you here for same same thing yeah you're going to be Ved you're talking against it right out against this proposal against it no be supporting it okay boss good to go thank you sorry start right now we live everything that I say right now is recording andity and how do I know this is working what do I this doesn't look normal to me right it says zoom on there where do I go meetings just got to get in aost right you know how to do that I do no put the audio in and the what am I doing talk to me L I don't know what you guys usually do I don't do anything it's usually boom it's right there and I just uh I don't do anything meetings yeah that's how it is or do I go here what's this this is it right there but this is supposed to be down there yeah as long as we see it right there we're recording it anyway so yeah but okay all right not sure I like this yeah how do I make this bigger double double click wait a second could I have been it nope what is this there oh this is a lot of fun all right he says we're on I don't really need to see it so okay this time this is not a drill good evening and welcome to the ordinance committee meeting today is Thursday June 27 2024 like the record reflect there are voting members to my left for councelor fedelina Santiago going to my right it's councelor Gregory Del Rosario uh pursu to chapter 20 the acts of 2022 this meeting of the ordinance committee is being conducted both in person and via remote participation a reminder that persons who would like to listen to or view this meeting while in progress May attend in person at the location here or use any of the following access location which includes the Facebook laurren city council page and the YouTube laurren city council page let the record reflect that Council Vice chair um Selena Reyes is also present would you all please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which to stand one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all looks like we have a very light uh light agenda this evening the first thing we're going to take this evening is the uh if there's no objection because they're here would be document number 23624 which I believe is on page two page yep 23624 uh at your desk you all should have this the actual home rule petition draft counselor Vice chair do you have this it should it's not it's going to be not there do we have an extra copy there Pat you have one okay you got it there you go okay so um we do have a couple of individuals that are here uh who are presuming proponents and advocates for this item uh is there anyone here to do a presentation so the council can more fully understand uh your perspectives please thank you good evening councilors Mike Amano 20 Utah Street I just want to start off by saying I I am a firefighter here in the City of Lawrence but I'm not here on behalf of the Lawrence fire department or on behalf of the firefighters Union um here to speak tonight in support of the ACT establishing credible service for police and firefighters this act would essentially fill some gaps um credible service if you don't know what that is firefighters and police officers are obligated to do 32 to 34 years of service depending on when they get hired the law and some regulations allow firefighters and police officers to buy back or purchase credible service under different circumstances this particular home Ru petition would allow some firefighters who have resered time or on call time time or firefighters who were laid off for a period of time might be for a few months um other firefighters and police officers have worked for other government entities and others were bypassed and their hiring was delayed and all of those four circumstances those police and firefighters who were not contributing to the retirement system would have that opportunity to get credible service and later contribute to the retirement system this of course is uh a big part of um any city employees life to manage their retirement specifically for firefighters and police officers as you know the City of Lawrence is a very very busy city um the unique duties in this city that police and firefighters have U cause things like stress and heart and lung disease there's carcinogens from multiple fires there's high levels of stress from U things like crime or just responding to emergencies on a regular basis with that being said every employee is different uh and some firefighters and police officers will work through their time till 65 years old which is the mandatory retirement age for a firefighter and others may get injured there's a lot of in the line of duty injuries that U these members go through and everyone is individually what something like this would do is allow again a firefighter police officer to manage their time and balance their retirement time with their health and wellness now some might choose it as an option to purchase back this time and others may not want to purchase back the time it's not something that affects every member I think in the Lawrence F Department right now we have about 12 members um that have Reserve time I think only two of which would have time that wasn't already paid for there was about 16 members who were laid off if I have my numbers right about two months to 10 months was the typical period of that layoff time some of which uh some of those firefighters and police officers might have picked up jobs with other other municipalities and stayed there and others might have temporarily stayed there and actually contributed to retirement so the uh this again this home rule petition is it's a a benefit to U I think firefighters and and police officers to really manage their time and their retirement so that they can really live out their career at their Peak so if they're feeling like they can continue on and things are going well then they can um do the best job they can if they feel like they're getting worn down and they need to retire early it gives them that opportunity to retire maybe earlier than they would have if they didn't have the credible service and not have to suffer through something like a in the line of duty injury that might incapacitate them further and might cost both them and the city uh dollars I'm open to any questions again I'm I'm not an expert not speaking of on behalf of the Lawrence fire department or the Union but if if I can contribute in any way to any questions I'd be happy to do so thank you I've got a few did you want to speak officer Cano you don't have to you can if you want that's amazing I just wanted to address uh sure the uh committee and Al the Ence committee and just and I'm going to call you Mr Canó because I think that's probably and so just so because you're not here with your uniform on my name is ableo I do work for the Lawrence police department but I'm not here as uh in that capacity I'm here as a contributing member um and also I wanted to just reflect on the fact that I'm in support of this act because it not only personally affects me uh it's it's a something that I think that's really important to be inclusive and allow everyone to partake and I know that in the past there have been individuals um that have benefit from this uh I for one know an individual that uh was able to do that from uh from the city of quinsey he worked in my capacity at the MBTA and he was able to get a home rule petition and then go to the state legislature and get his time back and I think that uh instead of trying to allow one or two individuals to have that opportunity I think it should be open to everyone I think we all work very hard I think that our our abilities to be able to um contribute and be able to benefit from from an earlier retirement I mean it's done it's it's a very customary thing to do in in government where you can buy back your time the more common known is the military buyback and folks are able to buy them some military time in order to retire earlier so I I just wanted to make reference to that and also appreciate your time are there any questions by members I do have a question or two but I'll up to the to the committee first if there's any questions you do go ahead Mr Del Rosario thank you when you say I mean I I have a little understanding of it buy back or early retirement if this is say the proove I mean you should be at a minimum age before you apply for retirement it could be I'm in the police force for two years and then I decided I'm tired I'm burned down I want to retired can I buy all that time for my retirement how how how will that work I think in in general there's a vesting period and again I'm not an expert but I know just from being in the department after 10 years I believe it's a vesting period in the retirement most people at least in our departments it might be different in other cities try to make it to the 3234 Mark um many get far and they realize that time is caught up on their bodies uh which is why often we don't think about these things until much later in our career and again um you know that that would be the intent to fill in the Gap something whatever it may be it may be two months two years uh where you could purchase that additional time and get out a little bit earlier as opposed to just pushing yourself beyond the limits when you know that your time is done and you've given everything you have this gives that little extra um option I guess to to again manage your health uh so there was a time several years ago where an an individual came who was injured in the line of duty and looked for some relief and we I heard the story and I thought the story was credible and it was all true um and we went ahead and we passed and we adopted some relief for an individual that went to the state house and then the State House folks said are you sure you want to do this this is going to cost you like hundreds and thousands of dollars over the course of the individual's life and our Retirement Board was scream like why didn't you talk to us before you passed this thing and I made the vow then that something like this happened again for due diligence s and strictly for that I think it's important that before I vote Yes that we do get that information so what is the actual cost what's the projected cost and maybe we say that cost is worth it and maybe we say yeah I know that we're going to be putting more money into somebody's retirement earlier or younger or whatever and yeah it's akin to the military and all the reasons that you've mentioned as to why we should support it but I also think it's important as we start to we as decision makers we decide do we like it there's always a b there's always the pros and the cons and we need to understand what the con is and then we say the con may be too bad much me I'm sorry that that's too much of a neste but the con is okay yeah we it's still worth it we should still we should still pass this thing so for me I would like so a couple of things has this been broached and I we do have the administration and I know it's not a retirement it's a They Don't Really handle the retirement although we do we contribute as a city to the Retirement Board but do they have numbers have you talked to them what the cost might be to us are there anything like that that that we have from Mark markelo for example is there any data or numbers that show what the cost of something like this would be I the answer could be no which is fine if it is yeah I have not spoken with Markell again it's not here on behalf of the administration either I know you're not right right um I think um the the idea is to buy back at a rate that doesn't cost the city money it's buying back at um at the cost of the member to give that member options I just want to contrast this with the situation ation where someone might change their status to an i status and which would increase their um their retirement pension because it would jump it up to say 72% taxfree whatever those terms are again I'm not an expert this is to give additional years but doesn't change it to a u you know injured in the line of duty in fact it does the opposite it would give that the opportunity to retire before it comes to that now some members might actually contribute and I'm sure this has happened before where they bought back veteran time or whatever the case may be and they've stayed 32 years and never had to use that so they've made an additional contribution um they also might have made a contribution and then got injured in the line of duty where that money that they gave meant nothing it was just Money Paid in to buy back time that they never really would have needed so it is it's different I think than maybe the situation we're speaking of but completely Fair uh to to that you know whoever need to vet and make sure that it makes sense to this Council my recommendation counselors is I I I just think we just we should do a little bit more research and I think we should be very focused on where that research goes in section three it talks about the Lawrence retirement system and that's where that's the nut of where this is we do have a retirement system I forget where they're located now but I think we should be my recommendation is that we send a copy of this home rule petition to the Lawrence Retirement Board to their executive director and ask them for their opinion as to what impacts will this have on our retirement in general U and what what that cost would be because that cost is going to then be potentially potentially um been paid out potentially by the city because we're going to have to our our our deficit and our our we are behind the eightball and our retirement as I understand it and we're constantly trying to provide more and more monies into the retirement system to make ourselves whole and we're we're in the deficit at this point so there's some things that play and I just think that before we send this up to the full Council I would like all of our nine colleagues to be able to at least know that and then we have a vote right we decide that whatever the information is so that's my recommendation I'm not sure if that makes any sense or if people support it or not I'll let you decide but that's what I would recommend that we do and that we would send that to the Retirement Board and to the cafo uh so we can get their input I think the the Retirement Board is going to be first but might as well get them to both and then ask them I don't want to keep this on hold ask them to send it to us with in time for our next meeting so that we don't drag this thing out because I know you want to get some some answers that's my that's my thought anybody any other thoughts or so goe Council Vice chair um I want to know is uh good for you guys to W for the the next meeting I'll see you prefer to we can send and request the information and then they send to the full ccil uh I want to hear about that you be good to the next meeting from ordinance or we can send it out uh with the food counil and they can send the the whole information through that I I personally defer to you councils the just to um add maybe a Poss POS inquiry if you're inquiring with the Retirement Board instead of asking what it costs the city I would like to know at what rate of interest or whatever that number may be could we make this work so it costs nothing to the city interesting I any cost for the city's trying to see I mean right now it will be a cost for the city I think there's we don't know I don't think we know yet because I don't even know what the terms are for the buyback right right for the purchase back and then we're talking about what the potential interest is um and we don't know what those numbers are so I think that's why we bring it and I think Mr armano I think your your your thought is a good one what what what is the number where the city is so it's Revenue neutral where there's no cost and it and it that's a great question and I think that if we have a a motion that would be that should be part of our motion to ask that question so the answer to your question it doesn't make a difference so if it doesn't make I think we we're working in good faith I think we would try to get it we wouldn't want to hold it hostage here I don't think that's the intent I do think we should do our work here and then send up to the council once we get the answers rather than having all the stuff at the full Council or else we do everything at the full Council Mr Canó so I I just want to make a an interesting point so uh when when you do retire um there's no give and take with the day that you know our good Lord decides to take us right so let's say in theory that you know you pay into this uh retirement and you have to pay the idea is to pay this in full buy back your time before you can retire so some people may have U two years maybe one year maybe this is too late for some folks which is the case for a lot of folks maybe uh but the idea is to be able to contribute to the time that you served in that capacity or could buy back your time and then be able to benefit from that aspect and hopefully you have a long retirement who knows maybe the day you retire you no longer here the date's never given right but the idea is to be able to uh understand that within the context of our work we do contribute and we try to give the best that we can and we try to uh work at giving giving back to our community and we are hoping that because of all the things that go on in our employment in our work in our line of work um we it's reciprocated as well so uh whatever you think is appropriate uh we'd appreciate um so that we can at least have some idea as to how we can uh balance that scale so it's not not detrimental to the city but a a cost effective me measure so that we can benefit on on both ends right I don't think there's anything that we can do to make it uh 100% but I think that buying back that time that we served in that capacity would would make a difference um and also the retaining of offices because we we're we're at a deficit and anything that we can do to to supplement and give uh validity to the job and to the employment aspect of it will keep and retain officers that are leaving to basically stop the bleed and we just looking for a way that we can we can make this more inclusive versus uh exclusive because I don't think that in the past people have benefited from this and the question not wasn't so much well how much is it going to cost us but uh thank you for the service thank you for being able to uh do what you do day in day out and uh and and consider that an aspect of it thank you so I just I uh the council vice president is is texting me um as we can all see from my computer screen here I've got Zoom issues that I can't fix I don't know how get she really wants to be able to speak she is the sponsor of this matter and I told her that I don't know how to get this thing changed so uh a couple things we can we can go for a brief recess and see if Bill can do some magic but she also says this can you let them know the rest of us I knew that she apologize is trying to make it in person but anyway she's just now able to get home um but because of the technical issues we're facing she's not able to to speak I'm sure she wants to so she wanted to say that so um if you want I can try it for five minutes we can try to see I don't want to have us go into the night here trying to fix the computer issue we can either try to fix it in 5 minutes or we can continue on what are you what are your thoughts we can try to fix looking for a motion motion to recess for five minutes and see if we can fix it motion made seconded all in favor say I I oppose no the isap we'll see if we can fix this thanks report that information us she's listening she said just continue so she's she's hearing everything she [Music] spe it's not going to beasy t period we're just going to continue period thank you for your patience period patience okay where's going looking for a motion to come out of recess so Mo motion made by councelor Vice chair second Ed by councelor Santiago all in favor say I I oppose no the eyes have so council's U uh the vice chair has been very gracious and is allowing us to continue I just don't know how long this is going to take and we got to get other people to show up and it just is it's a little wacky so anyway that being said she's able to listen and that's a good thing so um I'm looking for a motion we've had some good discussions we talked about maybe sending it to the Retirement Board and perhaps the cappo looking to have a what what rate of interest would it be for it to be revenue revenue neutral a lack of a better phrase and I think we had a discussion whether we should send it up or there uh these are they're proponents but they're not representing their departments they said it didn't make a difference to them which gives us I think some clearance to do our work here without feeling the pressure of having to do everything in front of nine people we can give them a recommendation from from our committee so um I'm looking for I'll throw it out there I can't make the motion I'm looking for motion that we send uh the home rule petition to the Lawrence Retirement Board asking them for a uh for a um for a what's a review or a um help me will you a a what an opinion that's a great word an opinion on on the home rule petition and then number one and number two uh what is the what is the rate of interest uh that it would take to make the proposal I'm going to use the word Revenue neutral so no cost otherwise no cost to the to the city coffers to the to the city is that am I articulating it fairly well if you got or we need to pass the motion and then we do another motion what what did you have in mind of this this is going to be it's going be it can't be my motion but so we want this to be your motion I want to add okay go ahead what do you got motion to send a a committee report to the full cons so with so we certainly could do that there's no pressure from these individuals about that so that's what we're trying to do um it's not for both sides okay we can send it out and we had a conversation with the whole team okay um so I can't make the motion I made the motion to send with the cons pending uh with the whole information so as a motion to to reiterate what I said as part of the motion um and then send this up to opinion an opinion number one and number two the the second aspect of it is how what numbers are required percentage numbers are required to make the so there's no cost to the city rate of interest I would yeah is there a better way of saying that Mr Romano you're the ward Smith in this group I think cost analysis maybe or cost neutral cost neutral for the city so there's no expenditures no expenditure by the city and send this up to the full Council without a recommendation is that is that what you're suggesting so that's so there's the motion coun as well that's part of the motion yes is there there's a second to the motion supposed to come from Retirement Board they can't they're invited to come if they wish uh we're just looking for a paperwork um I I suspect they'll we can offer them the opportunity to come and answer any questions because it it gets a little this is not something that this council is used to discussing unlike housing or something else we're more used to it this is a unique situation so we may have questions at the full Council level so we invite them and if they don't show that's fine but as long as we get something written that's helpful motions have been made second any further discussion on this matter first question councelor Del Rosario just to add on it I I think it's it's this motion is is an okay motion or is a good motion because we tend to hold things here long and and information sometimes tends to not come in on time I know they not in a rush but I I would I would be eager to to hopefully get information soon that we can get up to date and then they got another the shot of all of us all together um nine of us and we not holding anything maybe we get the information that you're looking for and I'm looking for and we're able to get a big boat on it and they can they can go on to the state okay any further discussion see none I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppe no the eyes have it it's unanimous so you know everything I know so we'll see you uh July 2nd is our next our next meeting I don't know if we're gonna that's next that's in five days I honestly don't think I know I mean we got holidays we got vacation I don't think we're going to get a letter back in time at the full Council for July 2nd but you never know maybe we do maybe we do you guys you guys do what they do to us you guys do what they do to us email them it's starting today okay is it is the I I saw earlier thank you guys I saw earlier the council president was here is he still here this evening council president can you hear me not sure if he I saw him in the hall and his item is the first item that's right so that's right full Council without a recommendation and correspondence to July 2nd next Tuesday it sure is we we were U we're moving things quickly okay there you have it all right I don't know the council president is here his that's his item a 305 Lyn Street remove the traffic stady request uh modify parking or make it a one way believe that's one of those things we sent to the police department is that what we do there Vice chair oh he's right here okay let me see what we have here oh we do have a memo council president uh your item is first and as we invite you and any other City councilors to come speak first so this is the document 30524 this is Lyn Street a traffic study request you've placed it on the city council agenda so you have the floor sir well essentially uh there is a configuration on that area that is a little um it's a little confusion for the confusing for the people living around there and uh and I based on analysis that we did back then with Cano and the and the police department um essentially that originally came from uh from Cano from a complaint that he get around there officer Cano a complaint that he got around there we take a we took a look at it and then we decide that the best way to actually change the configuration of that uh of of those of those streets uh let me see one two three four different street around the same area and very very small short Point short u uh land it was to change that to one way uh back then when I submited the first time he went to the police department we never get the recommendation when all the items were withdraw that was one of them I didn't look at it and then um officer Cano was the one um actually asking me again to put it back on the agenda because uh that was some that he get with draw but we didn't have any resolution so essentially U having that analyze um again would be beneficial that item was originally posted on the agenda probably like two years ago and um nothing happened thank you council president so in the letter that was given to us by Officer Canó one two 3 four on the fourth par this is what He suggests he goes I do recommend this request be forwarded for a traffic study and review by the city engineer and DPW director for their assessments and recommendations so that was the recommendation by Officer Canó that U uh that we that we that we do our due diligence and we do that recommendation so um so is that something that's that's a new recommendation or that was the one that he sent back then when I made originally no this is the this is a recent one uh because in the last paragraph say our visit's location on March 12th 2023 and January 3rd 2024 so this is a 2024 memo that we're receiving from him yeah that's fine that's that's that's uh that's something that is doable if you I send it over to to the city engineer okay so there we go so counselors I I see that he also says on this last paragraph I am resubmitting this request of the city engineer and DPW director so he's already done that but I don't think it hurts us to give the Committees for force and Authority saying we're looking at this as well and we also not only do we want the police officer to look at it we want we want you to look at this so I'm looking for a motion that we send this document to the to the city engineer and DPW director for their assessment and recommendation so motion made by councelor Santiago seconded by the Vice chair discussion see no discussion I'll call the question in all in favor say I iOS no the eyes have it council president since you're here is there any other matters you should take off the agenda uh not at this meeting but I promise that I'm going to come back with a list of all things thank you for your attend here this evening sir thank you the next document is 30624 remove handicap parking space at 32 Lawrence Street make a motion that we send this to the police department for their review motion made by councelor Santiago is there a second seconded by Council Del Rosario discussion see no discussion call the question all in favor say I I oppose no the eyes have it next document is 30724 handicap parking at 177 and one 19 I'm sorry 177 179 Bailey Street I ask that this be sent to the police department for their recommendation and review is there a motion six motion made by Council delario seconded by councelor Santiago discuss see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppos no the eyes have it document 30824 Magnolia Street uh one way this is put on by Council Del Rosario the mayor and DPW Jorge haime um counselor what do you want please police motion send police motion made by Council delar seconded by the Vice chair discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppe no the eyes have it document 30924 creation of a four-way stop at Allon Street and delb councelor Santiago this is yours yes are you requesting that we send this to the police I presume the police department for favor recommendation for the recommendation motion has been made by Council Santiago seconded by Council Del Rosario discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppose no the have it 31024 Saratoga Street uh one way and this is put on by councelor Luzon um same thing looking for a motion to send this to the police department for their recommendation motion made by councelor Santiago second seconded by councelor Del Rosario discussion discussion discussion councilor Del Rosario I would assume that this is by the Portuguese club which is uh I don't know the number there cuz Saratoga Street is a one way street going up um but I will assume it's between I don't know the name of that street it's on two Saratoga Street it says number two sarog yeah that's what it that's what the Portuguese okay problem uh so motion been made properly second and there's discussion Council Vice chair I'm having Amnesia again um when we have one-way streets we send them to the police department do we also send those to the and the DPW as well for the oneway streets yes we should we should so we may have to go back on the Magnolia Street one um CU we didn't do that um so will you amend the motion to send this to the DPW and city engineer for their review yes okay so the motion's been amended on if there no further discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I H know the eyes have it counselors uh i' like to go back if we can just based on the fact that 1308 which is yours 24 Magnolia Street is a one-way Street um I'd like to um I'd like to have a motion to reconsider motion made by Council Del r a motion to reconsider Z second second by councel Santiago all in favor say I oppos no the eyes have it looking for a new motion motion to sent to the police department and also the city air motion has been made this is what the motion is now to send to the police department and the city engineer DPW for the two departments for their review motion made seconded all in favor say I I hose know the eyes have it all right thanks for correcting that 311 okay another one way street councelor counselor Del uh World Street One Way Council delario and others go ahead counselor Department DPW and city engineer second motion made by Council Del Rosario seconded by Council Council Vice chair discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I oppe no the eyes have it uh 3112 I'm sorry 31224 is handicapped parking at 25 board Street Luke going to send this to the to the uh police department for their reviews there a motion motion made counselor Santiago seconded by the Vice chair discussion see n I'll call the question all in favor say I oppe no the eyes have it um last one is 33 31324 is it Holton or Holt Street Holton Holton Street One Way Council delario to uh the police department city engineer and the DPW for second motion made and seconded by the Vice chair discussion no see none I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppe no the eyes have it councils are there are there any other matters um before us this evening that you wish to take off the table motion to adjourn second motion made by Council delario to adjourn seconded by Council Vice chair Reyes discussion see none I'll call the question all in favor say IE no the I is that yours yeah e