##VIDEO ID:mkrvJm8JBLI## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e let's go to Har somewhere but I mean it's today 8 20 820 2024 um thank you Jen can I just get a couple of those sheets from you I'm sorry thank you just so you know I talked to Dan mccy today mhm he legitimately sounded like he was going to die he was so sick um what item does he have the 394 it's this one so uh Frank cillo is coming instead it's on your under Budget Finance okay these were the updated sheets budget and finance I'm sure Pages for everybody I'll walk how you doing uh the the what he Pro the water the water what they provid the finance the updated one I'm pretty POS pack okay just 11% it's going to kill me let me get aage what do you have it's dying ready four five we good ni look I like it right in there let's go people which one is that [Music] she she didn't you want to ask he said he wasn't he not a comme thank you you're welcome good good I'm good good good evening and welcome to the uh regular meeting for the LA City Council today is Tuesday August 20 2024 pursuant to chapter 20 of the act of uh 2022 this meeting will be hyrid allowing participation both in person and at the city council chambers as well as remotely the soon link for this meeting was provided to anybody that requested through the city clerk uh and also this meeting is been uh transmitted uh through the laen city council Facebook page as well as the L city council YouTube page uh roll call Madame Clair please councelor Levy sorry pres councelor leant is noted as absent councelor Lan um councel Del Rosario present councelor Santiago present councelor marmo present councel Reyes present Council vice president infon present council president Rodriguez present uh please join me for the for a moment of silence now join me for the pledge of allegion I pledge of ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which stands one nation God indivisible with Li and justice for all all right today there is no minute to be approved and uh we're going to proceed with public participation um we have two people uh that sign up for public participation today the rules are as follow please refer to the council as a whole not to any individual counselor you're going to have two and a half minutes to speak at the two-minute mark You're going to hear a beep indicating that you still have 30 seconds to finish your comments the first person that we have for public participation is H Mali name address for the record please 53 Chester Street good evening honorable members we the citizen thankful to honorable Council and honorable mayor Brian dep Pena for making history by granting contract for Lawrence police officers Union Lawrence Police with the impactable leadership by honorable Chief Bonia doing excellent job to protect our citizen we support laen police officers Union seniors officer Union million thanks to our DPW workers for making lawence a beautiful city we support DPW Union and Leadership Lawrence Inspection Department thank you for excellent job we support Lawrence inspector Union and Leadership we must hire more inspectors Lawrence Public School with impactable leadership honorable RAF moving forward Lawrence teachers thank you for excellent job we support Lawrence teachers union we are grateful to honorable Richard Rodriguez Ada coordinator to create the best accessible environment for our disabled citizen please bring food and donation every every Wednesday to bakley garage to help our homeless we demand the best contract for our awesome firefighters with 3% color raise and Hazard pay Lawrence always is strong Lawrence always unite Lawrence one city under God we are proud to support Lawrence Police Union pray for the safety of all police officers endangering their life every day Lawrence Police Officer thank you for working so hard to making Lawrence a safe City We Stand United in support of your union thank you thank you the next person that we have on the public participation is Richard Rosell Council Rosell name for the record good evening councilors my name is Richard Russell I reside at 34 cross street first I hats off to a city Agency for doing something in a proper manner I.E National Aviation day at Lawrence airport last Saturday the airport director Francisco aren deserves a big pad on the back for a job well done now that the good has been complemented on let's let us start on the oopsies first I make these comments as an individual who's been observing the city council antic since January 2011 and as an individual to the sugarin sum and the displeasure of others having the honor of serving 10 months as a counselor at lodge the last term so I make these comments with a certain degree of expertise at what point has sending agenda items down from the third floor to the council without all the paperwork in the council's package packet become the norm case in Point agenda item 39424 for the demolition of the garage on Florence Street and not knowing who the abut is on Florence Street uh and not knowing who the abut is on the Northerly side of the property is 5 minutes of uh searching the my map website gives me the names of those two ab buts as the mayor and the former District D City councilor onid aino also a gender item 34724 an item to move the grant writer into another job title when asked by several counselors at a committee meeting what the new salary for that position might be they got the answer we're still working on it shouldn't the salary have been included in the councilor's packet I think so and so do a lot of Lawrence voters if memory serves me right the 20 the FY 24 budget the salary for that position was about $49,000 with the individual picking up about a $50,000 stien in the FY 25 budget the salary has become $104,000 God and the powers on the third floor only know what the new salary will be and that the possibility of being able to work from home is almost like hitting the Democratic party salary Lottery as always I thank you for the time thank you so much with all these names are going to be submitted for the record we're going to yes know do you have a public comment public participation or you here for a document okay so later on you're going to hear your document um with that said we're going to uh continue with uh the next item on the agenda which is public hearings we have item 7824 for the in uh install of one s o pole on aurn Street near CH Street and O Street uh number uh 303 43160 uh Madame CLA please read the notice for the record notice is hereby given that the Lawrence city council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday August 20th at 700 p.m. in the council chambers 200 under Common Street Lawrence Mass pursuant to chapter two of the acts of 2023 and in accordance with the recently revised city council rule two this meeting will be hybrid allowing participation both in person and remotely to accommodate any participant with health considerations that prevents them from participating in person to receive access codes for the remote participation please contact the city clerk at eileen. bral cityof lawrence.com 978 620 3230 the meeting may be viewed on Facebook and YouTube the purpose of said hearing is to gather testimony information and public input concerning a petition presented by the Massachusetts electric company doing business as National Grid requesting the City of Lawrence Mass by and through its city council members for permission to locate poles wires and fixtures including any necessary and sustaining and protective fixtures along and across the public ways at one it's install one so poll on a Street near Short Street and Oak Street the reference number is number 303 4311 160 copies of the relevant plans for the above reference petition is on file with the office of the city clerk and may be viewed upon request persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity uh public hearing is now open anybody from the public that wishes to speak uh V 1101 Turnpike Street represent National Grid perfect um you have the floor yes um seeking the council's approval to uh pass the petition to uh install a uh a uh servicing poll on Oak Street in order to accommodate the uh new uh Power that is required for the school going in all right um councelors do you have any questions I hear known thank you so much anybody from the public that wishes to speak with that said uh public hearing is now closed uh councelors what's the motion motion to approve there is a motion on to approve can there is a there is a wave wave 30 there is a petition to wave 30 days it's it's going to wait for 30 days motion to approve and wave 30 days there is a motion uh to approve and wave the 30 days um it's been second discussion there is none all those in favor please say I I hi there sa thank you so much we now we're going to proceed with the committee reports the first committee report that we have is The Bu and finance um The Bu and finance uh reports Madame CL U Madame vice president Infante and chair of the budget and finance committee uh the report for item 38724 thank you council president item 38724 the authorization to expend Grant funds in the amount of 11,00 , 3897 for the FY 24 safe and/or senior safe Grant um was sent up with a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion second there a motion the table prop second discussions council president uh Madame vice president inant thank you we do have the chief here with us this evening he wasn't available uh last during the budget and finance but he did send someone to represent him and I just in case he wanted to add anything oh I typed up what I wanted him to say repres he did a very good job thank you all right any questions for the chief in regard to this item I hear none at this point I call the question Sol please say I I the eyes have it any n the I have it item 38824 m madame Vice inant item 38824 annual fire service charges SL Water and Sewer connection fees was sent up by the uh by the budget and finance committee with a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion uh there is a motion on the table properly second discussions um councilors I wasn't able to be at the budget and finance committee uh due to the fact that I was the inter mayor at that point um I just we just received these updated sheets uh which is updated compared to the one that you provide at the at the budget and finance correct um it's the same as the budget and finance okay do you mind going over for other counselors to make sure that they have it as well as me sure so I'm just going to um the ones that say c attachment a I'm just going to skip over those ones cuz there's a couple documents that go to that but um the first one in line we have the $40 per survey fee so that's um going up by U $15 it was $25 we just put that in line with based on like an hour worth of work um typically the cross connection survey you start at the water meter and you would work your way through the building to every um last faucet or anything in the building that's um connected to the water line so it does take some time and effort for that um we have the updated fog permit application fee um there was no fee before for this um I think it's we need a fee for it we have it in citizen serve now um it's going to help us just you know educate the public better we could use some of the money for flyers and um helping with inspections and things like that um if we move down to the hydrant permit fee um typically we were charging $40 or metered usage um it's not really worth our time to have a contractor use a hydrant for that cost just based on the I'm involved with it so we switched it to $200 plus the metered usage um when we get the meters back they typically only use like $100 to $200 worth of water um so that's why we wanted to have the base fee of $200 for that um the charge of $2,200 that to include the water meter it's a 3-in water meter um with a backflow device um and we give that to the contractor um that's fully refundable once we receive the meter back um that's just in case of theft or loss um they lose it or something to repl so quick question on that uh yes the meter and backflow preventor deposit to 20 uh 2200 that's for the commercial users yes if you need to use a hydren in the city will you need you PL the the the meter and the back flow connected and it costs about $2,200 okay it's a little bit less than and that but we just evened it out um some contractors do have their own meters so we can go and read that but this is fully refundable anyways so they won't lose money on it um we added an $80 per application to review the water and Source service applications um so anybody developing in the city if they present us plans in the department we spend probably you know half hour to an hour reviewing the plans checking the size of the water mains making sure all that's going to actually work um so we think that we we want to have that $80 application fee involved and that would be on citizen serve as well so everything that is on red is a change what was that everything that is on red is a change y question the same um so if you go under the first one Water and Sewer Service connection fees so I have it under this this document here I don't have that shows you at the top the $80 service application fee to start um currently it was zero and then we work our way down when you tap a water main um there's an entrance fee to the system um and that's based on the rate payers improving the system over a period of years this money goes towards Debt Service um any type of um operational cost in the department so if you look under the water domestic slf fire connection fees um the first one in line is $500 for a reconnection to an existing um tap so if the building was caught on fire it was vacant for multiple years they want to reconnect to that service we're charging $500 that's application fee site visit um make a new tie card for that and then as you go down we're going to go for a 1 in Copper it's $1,000 and it goes all the way down to 12 in which would be like ductile iron that's a commercial pipe that's a $4,800 charge to tie in so if you look at the sore it's the same um reconnection so that's a $500 charge for the inspection um and to reconnect to the sore system and then we don't typically have any connections to sewer that are less than 6 in so we go um we start at $2,400 and we go to 4,800 for the 12in connections um you typically wouldn't see like a 12in connection on the sore just because that's basically a sore main so it's not going to be like a service so these higher prices are more for like industrial than when they're redeveloping um that type of thing um these Services here based on we did 49 tie-ins last year that's going to give us an additional $50,00 in Revenue if we were charging these prices last year celos any questions in regard to this cons president uh so just for the record not all the feeds are uh uh new charges um so there's one new permit there they're not it's been updated updated they're not updated thank you council president so there's a new charge in the list yeah there is new charges on the list and the other two the other two cheets uh that's including the connection fees for the water and sewer which is at 500 for the reconnection and 1,000 for the connection that's most mostly it for the residential we used to $75 per inch diameter to tie in and then we up the charges to reflect the current um systems um the way the way the system is now and um just roughly I did a comparison so if you were to tie in a 1-in copper and a 6in sore which would basically be for like a single family home um we would charge $3,400 if you went to havil it would be 4,920 and if you went to methan it would be 4,5 $548 cancel any questions in regard to this uh essentially uh I just want to make sure that we we we we bring everything up to the table and I want to since we adding these fees counselors I think that we we sure uh at some point develop some type of uh resource that in case an emergency happen or in case that um there is a a circumstances that it's definitely affecting a member of the community that we have a way to to somehow wave those fees and and if we actually uh agree upon what we can have is somebody that have a truly emergency they can come in front of the council and do the petition but we have to have that on writing we have it have we have to have it there uh as part of the uh the notice if if you're looking for waiver for these fees the city council have to approve it and the mayor need to sign it if it is a truly emergency then that person coming fromont in front of us and perhaps uh do the petition how we can get to that point um if it is a fire uh that they need to reconnect or there is an emergency or there is a situation perhaps I just have an a situation that somebody called me from from South uh and they have to do a new service that they were not aware of if we do that Ser if they do the service they're going to have to uh pay into a a a fee that they were not they were not looking for it perhaps and you very aware of that situation I just want to make sure like if we have something that it could be wave that we can discuss it at this point uh I'm very I'm very in favor of um uh of what we proposed what has been proposed in front of us but we have to have a way to also reconvene at some point if it is an emergency that we truly believe uh is an emergency we can also add that this this fee could be weigh with the super majority vote of the council um six out of nine so I just want to have something there if you guys agree with me uh that we can at some point decide to uh wave it if we have to for for an extreme circumstances council president Council vice president inant thank you quick comment on your suggestion I what I foresee with that I understand that there are there's some major emergencies that that occur and there's there there could be some exception to the rules but what I foresee is is that being taken advantage of um I also foresee every two years say Council changes um sometimes the majority can can can be on one side the other side or whatever the case may be and if it's someone that's friendly with the majority of the counselors or with with any current Administration that's overseeing the city that could not be a good thing um for waivers so I just want to keep that in mind and perhaps with the six Vote or something like that we can remedy that but I I do want to say this publicly so so everyone can can and I definitely understand what what you're coming from but we also need to understand that when we creating a policy is not necessarily for who is in government it's it's for the for unforeseen future that it might something might something like that might happen when it comes to the Sewer I have a situation that um that they those that family need to reconnect to the Sewer they own the sewer and uh and and it was it was a challenge for them because they need to come up with almost $10,000 having those uh some those type of emergencies is like what I'm seeing like it should be a way for those people not necessarily to leave it up to the the administration because it it could be something that is a challenge for them but if they petition in front of us and come in front of us for something like that the at least the city council have a said and I and what I'm saying as suggesting that maybe a super majority of of the council um might have that that that suggestion I just say you know something on writing now will save a a long conversation down the road if the council decide that's that's that's up totally up to you council president yes thank you um I 100% agree with you in terms of extreme um emergencies and I and I do think we should have that in writing but just I wanted we also need to think about all the other possibilities that can happen with this I just wanted to to to make sure that that was out in in the open but I 100% understand and and agree with that example that you just provided of for that family so councelors up to you to the to the sitec counc um council president so who would um who would establish to what these exent circumstances would be cuz that needs to be documented as to you know what would be considered an emergency and um these individuals that are coming before us uh are they going to supply the counselors with supporting documentation um and then who would who would establish what these circumstances are um based on my experience with different cases extreme cases we just have one case that is going to be it's going to be a stream that we're dealing with it right now um they currently in court so for the same situation if a service need to happen I mean I don't think it will be fair for the new the new owner to come up with the money for the connection but those are the type of exception obviously that documentation have to be provided to the council it's going to be up to the council to decide it could be that is that I have seen two three over my 10 years of experience here uh but those are two three exper those are two three experience that I have have and those are things that might happen in the future uh but it's up to the counselors I mean at this point I don't want to hold up the conversation more any longer uh if you guys decide to have something I'm writing that the city council my uh we those Fe for any emergency circumstances we can have an on writing if it's not we we can move forward counil president I I think uh your intentions are great uh but unfortunately I I have to agree with counselor infan we may may be opening the door for others that not necessarily in an emergency so uh I think we should uh vote for what is in front of us and maybe have this conversation in the future I admire your good intention intention but unfortunately I I I think that now we should vote for what we have in front of us um if any other councelors all right at this point I call the question as is all please say any notse I have it thank you thank you um I also have one more Council presid Madame chair from the budget and finance committee C the next item from the budget and finance committee is item 38924 payment of Prior year invoices in the amount of$ 33777 61 from Milton cat and this was brought up to the full council with a favorable recommendation recommendation any question uh okay and that's a you put in that as a formal motion I make that as a formal motion that is a motion on the table properly second discussion I Hear n please say hi hi the I have it U item 3902 24 item 390 d24 authorization to expend Grant funds in the amount of $2 million from the congresswoman Tran Community Project funding for the Mario mispronounce this again uh lessi luchessi luchessi Memorial Bridge was brought to the full council with a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion over the train yeah all right they can I hear a second properly second discussion C president Council Lan in our meeting uh we discuss we asked if the DPW Department had a plan uh for the businesses uh surrounding or around the bridge uh and we ask for um an update from uh DPW right there is any update from the DPW yes good evening um honorable councilors um in fact um I brought um what we have a of a traffic plan for um construction of the lucassi bridge and I would like to handle this um construction plans and um a copy of the construction notifications that we generally distribute to um residents and businesses and um sometimes you know since construction sometimes is on um you know unfor but the future is just unforeseeable because uh there's rain there's um weather conditions that um doesn't permit that we do what we need to do you know on a certain time and then we are getting better on the construction notifications uh especially under this Administration and the um DPW director is really uh on it all the time so um this is a thing that we really do so um the bridge during construction won't be closed completely it will be closed like it's it's just a a a a renovation of a bridge it's not a demolition of the whole Bridge the only demolition that we will see is uh on the sidewalk part of it and then there will be a reinforcement uh of that with uh new rebars and bigger rebars and the project is subdivided in three stages so the first stages will be to repair the sidewalk and then for that one lane of the bridge will be closed so we won't be closing the duck bridge and um so and then the traffic will be diverted to Island Street and then going down to Canal Street coming from the the South part and then going to the South there will always will be uh a way to go to the South to that bridge and then we would like to actually handle there right yeah and sample of construction notifications that we generally do council president so uh the bridge will be closed completely closed only for a weekend just for a weekend one weekend Friday 5:00 till Monday 5 a.m. so that's the only the only um time that the the the bridge is going to be closed and that's because we need to repair some part of the of the deck and uh to do the repaving of the of the bridge and then the other stage is just the barrier um construction uh what you call the railers the rail part of it the the the barriers and that's going to be it so the total timeline for this project would be two months for stage one and then two more months for stage two and actually the weekend that the bridge is going to be closed so we are talking about four month and one weekend if you have any questions please councelor vice president infant thank you my question was answered all right councilors any questions in regard to this specific item I hear none at this point I'll call the question please say have it thank you the administration and thank you the the the the the US Representative Lor Jan and uh and Lily for all the effort and work that you guys have done to get this bridge that it was in so much need of repair uh to get it done well done thank you thank you good next next uh next item from the budget and finance committee item 39124 item 391 d24 the authorization to expend Grant funds in the amount of $100,000 for from the Massachusetts Broadband Institute for digital Equity imple implementation plan was sent with a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion there's a motion on the table please second discussion I hear none all in fav say I have it I 39224 Madame vice president item 32-24 authorization to expend Grant funds in the amount of $ 8,146 with 64 from the Massachusetts dp's recycling dividends program was sent with a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion second there is a motion on the table just for the record uh can I hear us second oh properly second just for the record Cel rosar have recused himself for this item due to a conflict of interest uh counselors any questions in regard to this item I Hear No so at this point I call the questions all those in fav please say I hi haveit it Madame VI pres infant item 39324 item 39324 authorization to expend Grant funds in the amount of $139,800 5 from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health for Massachusetts in motion AC of Transportation safe routs to school and parks and Open Spaces was sent up with a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion there's a motion on the table second properly second discussion I hear none uh at this point I call the questions please say I any N I have item 394 uh 39424 Madame vice president item 3 9424 authorizations to expend funds in the amount of in the amount of 28 86,000 for the mvpc EPA revolving Lo Loan Fund to demolish the Florence Street Garage that is City owned was sent up as a committtee committee report pending um additional information on the cont contaminates of of that area when I make that a formal motion there is a motion to committee report councelors properly second just the committee report any questions question discussion discussion discussion um Madame vice president infant thank you we did request additional information on this item do we have I have a package good evening Octavian spanner advisor to the mayor uh council president um the information that all the information that we had was provided through you through the city clerk uh it includes what I mentioned during the the uh the budget and finance committee that you have the work plan the scope of service everything is included within the documentation and it was provided Council pres any questions sure uh councelor Lon uh I thought that we were going to be able to speak with um Dan McCarthy she's Lon he the McCarthy Reus himself he's sick today he wasn't able to to be here y very sick she's very sick actually think she was very sick but if you have any questions I mean um yes we do we have uh we have that uh Mr Spanish here that he can answer if he's not and then we can we can uh seek for other opinion thank you Cil president so can uh the senior advisor go over of and I know you sent this I just received it received this package uh can you explain to uh what exactly we have in that a field what exactly we have there and I understanding this is asbesto and yes and let so besides that what do we have in the field that has to be clean okay it's it's not only the field but also the building that needs to be demolished uh to my understanding there are barrels um I'm not quite sure if they contain petroleum uh and they also they have tires on the premise that needs to be disposed of and that's also considered um like hazardous material because there's special ways to dispose of of uh tires and on top of that um FR Franko um economic development director City of Lawrence so in so we're mediation right now we're talking about de demolishing the building you correct where the esees the tires as well as um tubes and pipes and everything that that held previous oils once the building is demolished then we could go in to do testing to see what else any other contaminants that are within the soil itself um furthermore counselor and not to go into much details because that's not our level of expertise but it's within the document uh there's a as I mentioned during the budget bu and and finance committee the state requires a remediation plan which was also submitted in the documentation because when it comes to uh hazardous material uh that's a way that's the way uh that's a requirement by the state for to make sure that the the the property is properly contained and the haard materials are disposed uh according to the law uh so the bit that we uh saw in the last meeting is just for uh and I'm asking questions that I receed so debate that we saw on the budget and finance meeting was for the demolition correct correct and what was the amount council president can you let them respond to my question please thank you excuse me consel president I have the floor no I have I have I have the I have the floor I have theid you don't have the floor now I have the floor you don't have the floor now I have the go I'm responding the questions to you I'm not asking you council president I'm not asking you excuse me you might continue you don't have the floor now counc LAN 280,000 correct 286,000 286,000 and you correct um councelor the this is for the demolition through me please sorry council president thank you um and through you I will give it to you and you C president it is for the this what we're coming for is the demolition of the building not for anything else at this point ccil president can I ask another question give me one second ccon any other information before I I release the floor uh so one of the has um investigation show qu cycle or Ro um Hydro Pro lead detection in the soil so there can you repeat that information again that's going to be the mou slowly um po CTIC aromat um hydrocarbons lead detection in soil and vial um petroleum so these are stuff that's in in this building as well so we haven't gotten into the actual what's in the soil because in order to get what's in the soil the first pace is to demolish the building then we have to do the testing then from the testing is what we could start doing the remediation once we know what what level contaminants are in the soil what needs to be removed from the from the site or what could be CT all right counc counc L you have the floor thank you council president so walk me through the lawn that you are presenting uh in the meeting I think uh we asked if what portion of this loan is supposed to be paid by the city uh and then they mention it a Grant so we are kind of confused so if you can walk me uh explain this loan uh please so this isn't a loan this is a grant all right uh so in the president president on the application can you read the item for me please I don't have it with me you don't have the item no can you provide them the agenda yeah just read it as a chair so the item is item 39424 authorizations to expend funds in the amount of $286,000 from the mvpc EPA EPA revolving Loan Fund not grants fund loan so there's a mixup if it is yeah and unfortunately I don't have those documentation with me okay that was one of the uh question we asked in the budget and finance meeting uh to you Cil president that's why we're asking again cuz you refer guys refer to this the idon as a loan and then as a grant so we are kind of confused we understand the need for the city to clean this site after the demolition takes place but we also I'm concerned about the amount of money that the city has to pay but it's it look like it's a loan a combination from my understanding It's a combination of the loan and a grant so I I think we need clarification [Music] there I know thank you President we have that but it looks like that this it's a combination of both and I I understand that may you may not have all the information that's why I asked for uh mcarthy that's why we asked for him to be present fortunately he's not here and my understanding also that you have a deadline for this is that correct yeah but if we table it now it just touch the project back two weeks yeah we are uh I I know that we would love to have this side clean is a an issue for the neighborhood for the community but also we want to know in reality what will be the commitment for the city if the city council approves this combination of loan in a grant it looks like they you don't have any information for us do not have that information with me um council president and City councilors and I have no problem bringing that back before the city council making sure that you guys are all emailed under response sorry uh for the interrup director uh at this point whether it's a loan and there's a condition of the contract provided to you as well that St stipulates the condition uh when is a revolving Lo own fund it is provided with probably low interest in terms of executing the pro project and in this case is a Brownfield any expenses incurred by the city would be added in the deposition of the property the property would be assessed and if if it it needs to be sold it would be sold with both the expenses that has been acquired by uh the city to clean up the property so the city would get its money back council president C just for the record uh senior advisor can we sell the property as it is or is illegal to sell a property with contamination well the answer is yes you can sell the property as it as is bid it out and let the uh the owners clean it but that's a that's a risk to the community if it's a city if it's a city property it is the responsibility of the city to basically clean it and make sure that there's no spill and it's done correctly right Madame CL um Madame chair Madam vice president Infante can you look at page number two of the agreement very quick council president do I have so just just to clarify a few questions that we have have U I have the same question so on page two there is on Clarity that we can read for the record read it yeah it's it's the rest the reminding is here yeah okay page two subsection one lender agrees to loan to borrow to borrower the sum of $185,000 from bf- 0000 a002 46-0 to be used by the borrower for the property REM remed work subject to the terms and conditions herein subsection two granter agrees to Grant the subgrantee the sum not to exceed 100 $101,000 from bf- a 00246 d0 to be used by the subgrantee for the remediation work in parenthesis the project Grant funds subject to the terms and conditions here in so and then sucession four section B 4 B subsection 4 and then B 4 B the loan shall acue interest at a rate of 3% per animum occurred monthly after 2 years of assurance of the first loan draw down so it is it's clear that we have a loan of $185,000 and then the uh the granter it's going to be for that total it's going to Grant the city $101,000 with a 3% annual interest rate right that's that's what we have counselors so we have a grant of 101 not exceeding $11,000 and a loan for the amount of $185,000 a three an on percentage okay councelors any questions councelor Santiago how much this cost the propi right now the property right now contaminated maybe worth nothing that's the we haven't done the appraisal we'll do the app appraisal uh after the clean up of the property if we do an appraisal now the place is contaminated so the value must be very low how much after that it depends on the the expenses and and the we need to appraise the property before disposing of the property yeah but I would like to approximately no but now we cannot appraise the property because then we're going to do it twice we appraised it before you know we can see how much it's appraised the city has appraised it but uh in reality after the cleanup it's is where we need to appraise the property because then the value is higher and usually uh it is not usually it is Market it should be market rate San yes and I would like to know who made a the decision who made the the diagnosis and another question is about in the lot is just this property is contaminated or there are some more property yes there are a series of properties that we have a list I think it's by through the department of uh OPD office of planning and development that they have a list of all the brown Fields uh that's the term that we use so contaminated sites that needs to be clean this is one of them that has been contaminated for quite some time and then and then who determines it goes by staff recommendation EPA gets inv involved looks at a site they have theep that also is involved and they do their assessment and they give the information back to us as part of the city and then we go for the money whether through Grant or through a revolving Loan Fund yes but I refer in this lot specific because that one is 9 and 11 floring but I would like to know if it around the 9 or 11 if it there us some some another place over there contaminated as well well in the back there if they did a test just for the city property just for the City properties yes for the yeah we don't deal with as a municipality we don't deal with private properties we only deal with City owned uh or city control properties yes if it is really contaminated like that I don't know why they don't put it h the the the material around dangerous or say I didn't see any fencing any fencing and any advice any name about Don't touch don't go don't cross the way nothing about safety well the the property has an x on the pro on the building indicating that it's a contaminated site council president and it's a danger to the public good any other councilors council president Council vice president infant thank you I actually uh through you council president uh just for the record um I confirmed with a fighter fighter what that signage means and it's actually a signage for our fighter fighters if there is a fire they cannot go into that building because it's a danger they could only go in into an unsafe building if there is a life that they need to save so that is what the ex signage um uh stands for and I did confirm this with a with the fighter fighter to ensure that I I was educated on the signages contamination sorry that's part of the danger as well that's part of the danger councelor District D so one of my questions was uh and uh counselor uh Santiago asked it it was in regards to um if the city had a list of other Pro city-owned properties that are considered contaminant which you just said yes do you roughly know how many and how does the city um determine which property um so and I can tell you theet names as well give me one second so I can finish my my thought um how does the city make a determination as to which property is going to uh be the one to to be addressed is there is it a list based on priority based on the level of contamination or is it based on the history of the length of time that it has been discovered of it being contaminated um so we have several sites in in the city that are contaminated and so you have you got um Florence Place benington triangle uh merac paper site tarell Holly Street so these are sites that are highly contaminated so looking at the what the level of contamination what the testing has been done by EPA and d and how we can better move those contaminate um those sites for remediation so it's it's a longly process okay but the question is also but the question was oh you're going to answer it go ahead the question the second part of that question was how does the city make the determination as to which property you're going to address and and decide to demolish based on the list that you just provided so one um is on through the office of plan um the plan director as well as um DP and APA and we look at how we can remediate the properties quickly and and what kind of funding we could get for each particular property so right now what is on the list is um we did marry Mac paper we demolish and we're looking at still characterization of that site um brington triangles next on the list as well as foren place and also counselor um marmel that one of the sorry one of the level of contaminants that the DP and the state look at is the previous use of the property If the previous use of the property represent a a largest contamination for the area they probably have other sorts of funds to mitigate those ones first so and what the city I do and identify is those ones that have that level of contamination and prioritize around that as well so far while I'm being here we have invest uh all the state and the federal government have invest a lot of a lot of money uh at the tber site and at the paper meal based on the previous use at the tber site there was there used to be a a metala there so counc Rio thank you to you council president and how long has this been contaminated or or abandoned because it's it's completely abandoned um I I I a couple of years ago I I went on a walk around that area we went to walk around that area that's when when the fire chief decide or decide not he he advised that that building needed to be demolished so how long hasn't been contaminated and abandon like that over a decade thank you president councelor any other councilors before I go to the second round yes a comment counc councelor L yes I also I just read in the report that you submitted in here that one of the the contamination is that there are some oil tank right in there that has to be removed from the soil that is a very very long long time that's it's been in there because of the use of the land that they had I think so it was a a garage yes just for let you know so we don't know if what kind of oil is still in the tanks or if there's some and through you council president um if there's any leaks in those tanks and if they oo has died into the soil yes so we don't even know what is in there at this point Thank You chancelor Vice pres infan thank you quick question these four packets that were submitted the additional information that we asked for I would like to know why these four packets were submitted today at 4:27 p.m. same day not giving us enough time to review these president that was a great question yeah through through through the president uh Vice chair the the the answer is that when this item came before the budget and finance committee um uh staff was uh on vacation then and that's why uh Kenny when he came before you didn't have all the answers then McCarthy came back and was sick at home he came to the office today and I requested him to submit the documentation to the city clerk so thank you unfortunate circumstances it happens usually during summertime thank you Council Council of District deed um VI Marl is there a reason why it's uh it has been identified over a decade ago that this has been contaminated and we just um it's coming before the council now I think we through you council president I think you have a pro proactive Administration is working on this uh I had the same questions with uh contaminated sites it requires money we uh the city didn't have a grant writer the city uh was not proactive back back then because there's many other projects like this that are uh that we're pursuing funding for and uh I think recently not recently as you know we also received a million dollars from uh uh congresswoman Lori Trahan who's coming soon to also look at some of these sites yeah this one in particular councel president your mic can oh yes thank you uh I don't know if if the senior thank you council president through you council president uh I don't know if the senior advisor recall that he mentioned in the budget and finance meeting that this could be um he mentioned that the property could be sold for $286,000 you mentioned that in the budget and finance meeting do you recall that it I gave that as a an estimate but the the actual we need to appraise the property me after after you cons president so you mentioned that amount after cleaning the the property after cleaning the property we need to it depends on the market like those that are familiar with real estate and maybe you do know better than I do you have a property that you might think that it's you know it's worth 286,000 but when it's appraised it's going to be just worth the depending on the contingent upon how the market is it may be 100,000 so we need to appraise the property uh following the process to to have an appraisal identify how much we can sell the property for and the use thank you uh to you councilor President we also ask if there was any and I think you mentioned now that the administration is actively working in places that other uh perhaps other Administration didn't pay much attention uh but you mention so it looks like that this Administration is is looking into a bigger project in that area cuz my understanding is that all properties uh next to this belong to the city so we have two Labs here that actually belong to the St in owner and then in the middle and after that privately owned you have all the properties all the Lots they belong to the city but they are now leased to uh mechanics and other and other businesses and I I I'm not familiar I know this mechanics yeah so all those properties one next to the other they belong to the city so it looks like that the city your department is looking into a bigger project is that accurate I mean obviously is is what is going to add value to the property um it's a and correct me if I'm wrong it's a it's a I2 it's Zone I2 so it's an industrial uh and consider any activities that falls under that category uh is welcomed it's contingent upon uh you know the the RFP process proposal that are submitted true you cons I I I just love when we ask questions and we are giving Cil president do I have floor sure thank you counil president I I I love when we ask questions and and and you choose to give us the the the the walk around uh could it will be nice to hear that yes the city has a potential project there and uh in order to move on we would like to see this property clean CU yes we want to work with you advisor senior advisor but I would I would love to hear that yes it's accurate the city had bigger plans for this uh Lots located in Florence Street thank you any other any other counselors I'll release the flo to pres so I have a few questions Madame Vice pres thank you so I have a few questions Madame vice president about the report that we received first of all the report I think that we should get the report before as councel vice president stated so we can go through um but I mean to me if we have since I have read the report I didn't know how many contaminants there were before but now that I had the report I was reading through and I find that it was a quite significant amount of uh of uh of dominant around the area yeah council president I will repeat our apologies for that uh unfor unfortunately Dan McCarthy uh was the custodian of the information uh at a time of the budget and and finance committee he was not here and I apologize again but unfortunately uh that was the case all right the first thing that I going to they're going to I would like to ask is to provide this to us in digital so we can have it uh not on paper necessarly but if you can send it to us tomorrow um on digital that would be great so the first question that I have is like based on experience that I have on other project that I have different contaminants the first thing we we establish a contract with as a city it should be a licens side professional uh LSP an LSP uh do we have an LSP that is going to represent the city uh when it comes to the removal and the abatement of all those uh all those contaminants I believe I believe and and uh I'm not quite sure but under this case it's uh the the contractor needs to provide a uh uh the LSP for managing this project as part of the requirement uh yeah but I mean they're not going to represent the city though yeah but we do have the P which is a state agency that was going to be involved in monitoring the progress of the project yeah but they also don't represent the city so I think that I mean that I'm telling you because I I've been going through the same issue on my job and the agency is not going to represent the city or any state agency as well that the agency want to make sure that each other agency have the LSB so they can have they can speak about the same language around this around around that and uh the LSP is going to be the professional that actually going to check and make sure that the city is represented for the best interest if you if you don't have that information that's fine we probably have it you probably we probably have an LSP but I mean yes the name the name uh is Adam Roy uh from the novice group so novice this this this group they going to represent the city yes okay all right uh and and uh do we have so basically I'm assuming that they have a plan to monitor the air the existing condition and also while the project is going yes um can we can we have that on writing because I was I don't know probably here but they can can can they point it out where that's going to be on on writing yes as a body you guys can add it in into your into your uh decision resolution tonight uh and submited that would be part of the condition no I mean I'm assuming that they're going to have they have because the abatement process is quite extend it's not just very extensive it requires a work plan it it requires uh uh project manager that works on it uh obviously DP and uh remember we do have uh a working relationship with theep and EPA and they are monitor ing most of the the project all of the projects that we have that are funded through with federal or state dollars so so we have in front of us I mean is the is the is the city agree upon getting this loan and potentially getting all the loans at 3% interest to keep on doing the mitigation for this in the near future because this is might be the the beginning of the mitigation there might be a beginning and we we are not sure but at least we need to start the work because if we have barrels or contamination on on the site we don't want uh percolation so you don't want the uh like you said you know we want to mitigate it as soon as possible because it has been there for a while we don't know the containers that are what they contain or the levels or if there's any leakage so we need to make sure that we start otherwise this place is going to be contaminated for additional years so um because that what I'm what I have seen is that we doing the like a because since we're not clear with the with the plan that we have around the contamination and the mitigation and the abatement of all those contaminants before we do the demo we we jumping into the demo but I'm assuming that it's going to be a lot of mitigation before we do the demo and we don't have that information and and for the best interest of the people around there which is the district that I used to represent and B the Council of marel now represent is is like for the best interest of those people leaving around there that would be a a a good information to have to make sure that they are safe the best answer council president and a good example I can give you is the B the tarell site as well as the paper mail project the project started but they didn't know all the contamination that there was yeah progress in the demolition process because those are questions that we have also asked during the the previous projects it depends when you start clean up then you would identify probably there may or may not be any additional uh contamination on the site yeah but I mean the problem here is that we have a dense area around this site and the other two don't have any anything around basically I can assure you the the EP as you know is not going to let any project happens that is going to affect the neighborhood they're involved in the process like I mentioned before and if they see any and there the reason why I mentioned dur in the budget and finance committee and you have seen it there's a work plan and the work plan needs to to be accurate because exactly uh based on the uh arguments that you're making is within a dense neighborhood uh and like uh the vice uh President also mentioned that you know if it's a it's endangering the lives of of our emergency worker workers imagine the neighborhood because there's uh residential uh properties are buding uh the the property I just just to finalize my comments uh I think that the the the council and the administration around these items need to reconvene uh before the project start not necessarily in this in this uh at this level but to make sure that all the steps are scheduled and and and make sure that we take every step before we we put a foot on the project to do any type of demo because right now we are authorizing the funds but when it comes to the day-to-day operation of the project and the management of the project is going to be on the administration not necessarily on the council uh but we want to make sure like everything is is on the right step before we we do any type of uh mitigation around there that could become a a bigger issue uh council president if you wish you can table this item we can bring it we can bring D we can bring EP EPA here we can bring the uh the uh expert on this these are technical terms that probably you and I or probably you more than I because uh you're more mostly familiar with this and other counselors but if that's what you wish we don't have a problem uh at this point Administration would be happy to bring and clarify all the questions that you may need I I'll at this point I'll U let up I leave it up to the council to make sure that at least we have what we need uh and if the council decide to move forward for u i I also agree with that but I think that for the best interest of the community especially the that den area around there that we should we should have that U every step and a good schedule as of how we're going to proceed thank President we are happy moving forward with all the projects that we have in the city that we can be consistent and do the same thing we will bring the all the experts before you and then that you can you can ask your question thank you councilors any other questions or comments no council Le yes I just hear that is a deadline for for this project to it when it is know specific dead no was oun I believe you just said that it would be two weeks behind schedule if we if we we be two weeks behind schu is not underline motion we have we have to table it that make sure that we cleared it before come in here um which is why I don't have the stuff because I've assumed that we're going to table there but into advisor baners thing we would had I would had the um some of the environmental experts here to answer any other questions that you had um if necessary so we could have also bring them next um next Council Mee if these typ the city council decides to table thank you councelor L you any further questions yes so everything or also depend on how the weather no because for excavation uh it's a it's a day that we cannot do more excavation yeah wi time okay because before the so freezes Mar all right thank you Madame and uh Vice chair Council on so it it looks like the department had a meeting on March 14th March 19 about this project at the I think it was at the library and not don't look at me with that face cuz I have information in front of me so I'm not looking you to the face because I didn't I wasn't there so I couldn't okay well yes so there this there's a package from con oh madame chair my apologies uh but there's a package and to you there's a package with information about the project uh that I can share with all the counselors and with you uh um about the the the Florence Project M and it's and in front of the package that's a day is March the day that I just mentioned uh of this year so what why was that why are why are we getting this information this late senior advisor yeah you C president senior advisor I have the G so it's through me sorry thank you the I don't I'm not familiar with any meeting that took place uh to dispose of a property we need to first of all clean the property identify the contaminants clean the property and dispose of the property through an RFP process we have our City attorney here uh and I will invite him to the City attorney to explain that process so whatever meeting that was another [Music] discussion not my Madame chair may I you still have the floor yes oh thank you thank you for letting yeah thank you so uh yes there was a meeting and there's a package with information and my understanding that only one person attended the meeting no one from the city was there and they were supposed to be there uh and don't get yourself into more trouble sen your advisor my suggestion is to talk to the person in charge and Community Development could it it happened m it doesn't mean Madame chair that they he needed to be present the meeting happened only one person attended and no officials from the city were there was it I don't know just to clarify because you're putting information out there that uh for the administration is very important so I want to know now if you can provide it I mean you want to give it to the administra administration tomorrow to us I want to know so this is what we're going to do send information to the ad senior advisor for the mayor's knowledge so this is what we're going to do there's already consensus consens consensus around the city council that we do wish to table this councelor lzone can you send those documents to All City Council Members including the administration um the senior advisers the City attorney the mayor and the mayor's chief of staff at this point we're going to go straight into um voting to accept it as a as a committee report can uh all those in favor say I and he knows the eyes have it and at this point I entertain a motion to table motion to table motion made by well I saw councelor De Rosario first stated by C councilor marmel all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it thank you so much thank you motion has been properly tabled now we continue with the agenda uh committee report nothing from housing ordinance committee Madame Vice Madame Vice chair from the ordinance committee Council reges to you councelor president uh ordinance committee 322 d24 H Chico summer sh up August 2012 2024 O'Neal Park s 24 0046 by nil carav favor recommendation pending the a de onop Park but we receive from Recreation Department everything is accept so it's a formal motion second there is a motion on the table to accept um to approve item 32224 properly second discussion uh this this this uh shout out uh or event is going to be for to retribute backpack to the community all and Fa say I I the I have it any n the I have it uh item 37424 Madame V from the uh ordinance committee amend nonunion classification plant uh director of project manager and development uh by Octavian espanel senior advisor to the major ran ATA uh we sending with FV recommendation uh pending with the compensation information all right uh there is an item in front of us which is item 37424 the amend on nonunit classification the director of project management and development uh any Clarity on this coun council president councilor Council of Vice pres inant thank you from the documents that I'm seeing of the from the meeting of the ordinance committee um there's a summary that is titled before we go that way do do you have a motion that's that's that you make that as a form of a motion sorry uh can you hear a second properly second discussion councel inant thank you my apologies I thought it was already already motioned um from my understanding we've already increased the salary for this where for my this this is how my brain is processing it it's just a title change um the way that I'm processing is that there there isn't going to be a change in salary we've already amended the salary when we when we approved the city budget there is nothing else for this position and I just want clarification we have the director the personal director here that he might be able to provide us some clarity on this uh Mich Owens personel director the City of Lawrence um so uh this particular item I don't have too much background on but my understanding is um that the question is about um determining the salary uh the position has already been created and uh in terms of determining the salary the way that would work is that there's a non classification plan which all position excuse me good evening Mr President thank you evening Mr President Michael Owens personel director of the City of Lawrence um as I was saying I don't have uh too much particulars on this uh position or this item but my understanding is the question is uh that we have to determine the salary for the position and uh the way that would work is there is a non-un class classification plan in the city which is in the ordinance um that is for all positions that are nonunion uh it lists the position and uh there is a particular grade that is assigned to that position that would determine the salary okay in order to update in order to uh if if when a position is created that is non-union we would have to amend that non-union classification plan to add that position to that non-un classification plan all right um all right let's go let's go let's let's let's go back because it happened to be that I was here that day um the ground riter position is this is the name the title is been changed to an administrator let's start from there because I mean that's what it happened at the ordinance committee so once that happened also do this change and respons ability exchange together with the uh with the title and is that can you can you go back on that because that was essentially the discussion I explained it during the bud uh during the ordinance committee that this is a position is under uh per the request of the mayor the and the justification or the background is this we uh we have so many grants that are coming to the city but it requires not only a grant writer to write the grants or for the Departments to be directly involved uh in addition to coordination but also to manage these projects to ensure that we do not lose funds uh some departments are overwhelmed uh and there's no sharing of information so let's say tomorrow in the case which has happened the mayor wants to know how many Grand grants we have there's no specific answer or oh there's a there's a there's a grant that we have just like the case like tonight that we're talking about the the brown Fields Grant um but if you have someone who's not only responsible of submitting the the the the grants for the city but also manages the the these projects it takes away certain responsibilities uh or alleviates the responsibility uh and better coordination by one person one focal point in the city that will uh make sure that what grants are necessary for us to apply is the is there matching funds once we receive the funds what are the the requirements what are the deadlines and also to ensure that these projects are executed on a timely matter so that was that's the chart that it was presented at the U at the budget and finance committee correct are they the ordinance committee yes well councelor if we look at the chart that and the organization Matrix that is that is here to me this is not a this is not a a title change this is a department because we reorganizing everything around the position so we have the director of the de the the director of uh project management and development and then we have all the Departments around that now is going to have to when it comes to Grants going to have to speak with this person no it's not a department is the flow is the communication from as you look at the floor the the flow chart all departments respond and provides information to the project management and development person right now that's not how it's working I'm not I'm not saying that this is wrong I'm saying that probably this is not the right way to do it because you have the grand Rider and you want to have that that that person going into this position when he's going to have a change on duties and responsibilities and therefore this is a new position and if it is a new position it should be published posted interviewed and hire that's the process not just changing titles and and be able to transfer one from one side to another side and changing salaries everything that we mention here duties responsibilities uh changing on title and Ching on salaries those are typical characteristic of a new position but we don't want to create a new position in council president but you are creating a new position because you're changing the title you're changing the responsibility you're changing the duties and you're changing the salary Council pres the only thing that you're not changing is the is the is the person well council president respectfully we disagree council president Council thank you and thank you for bringing our attention to these flow charts because now that I'm really looking at these again um I'm noticing other other positions Within These flow charts police lead coordinator fire lead coordinator DPW and ISD lead coordinator it and vet services lead coordinator I don't recall any ordinance we have not approved any of these positions those are not positioned through you uh council president these are not positioned this is requiring that each department based on their technical skills should have someone that works directly with the person that is writing Grant so for instance mention any Department police department if you if you have someone that is going to uh is going to provide the information the grant writer not necessarily would have all the expertise in all the technical uh uh language uh that is necessary to write the grant so your advisor would have someone who would be coordinating I'm going to direct your attention on page two of the second flow chart that I'm looking at now um these lead coordinators are within and remember I I come from the private sector so I've seen a lot of these flowcharts I I know how to properly read them um so I'm seeing these lead coordinators are within the the the circle or the per or or the the the air the the the area the office that would be directed or managed by the director of the project management and development who then will then work with an appointee of each department that is that is represented by these boxes right here so this is so what you what you're what you were just explaining to me you're saying that each department would have a a a lead within the department to work with the grant but this illustration that we have here shows otherwise it shows additional Personnel to then work within inter Department departmental um appointees so what what you explained does not match this illustration that we have here this graph well maybe you're right but this is the situation each department should have have a respons and Page Three reflects that as well with the other additional departments that I mentioned earlier council president the intention is not to create additional positions this is just a flowchart indicating the work relationship between this position and the different departments right now you have a person let's say from all the Departments nobody charge of providing number one the information the need for funding number two also Prov the technical L we call it the to provide the rer with the information what you're seeing this and I I understand that maybe for you it's not clear but each department it shows that each department would have a point person to work with with the uh the project manager and and development that is Illustrated here that they will have a point person that would work with a coordinator that's within the team of the director of project management and development that is what that this is I mean this this is what is showing this I'm not making this up this is what I'm seeing this is how I'm reading it this is what these are these are the Y the yellow individuals these are the people the lead coordinators that are shown that would work within this department the next page each of those will then be be working with another lead person or representative from the inter depart the inter um depart Departments of the of the city and again and then this shows the rest yes this is I I'm not making this up so I I'm reading it I'm seeing it I'm analyzing it this this is this is what is being presented I don't know through you council president I I surely I think it's very clear um I've worked in the private sector as well coming with 36 years of experience uh I not sure so then you would know to not to not try to say otherwise because this I can show this to anyone this this is exactly what what it is and I do not like that you you are you're questioning my ability to read a flowchart Council Council vice president you are one individual I haven't heard it I would like to hear from the rest of the council probably for you and respectfully may not understand something that probably Others May and but I leave it and I say respectfully well I I'll I'll follow up on um on council president Infante that was the first thing I said this is a department it might not it might not be like this put on papers but what we have is is what we have this is a new department and if if a duty change title change responsibility change salary change we shouldn't be dealing with this as a a title change it's a new position that if we agree we you guys can press all the the the administration can present this as as a creation of a new uh position so we can transfer it over to the proper departments and not transfer just to ordinance as a title change and focus around there because title have changed salary have changed duties and responsibility have changed and if we don't post this position we might be missing on hundreds of people that might be able to apply and that's that's not the proper process if they do the change and then we should you should post the position as a new position through you Mr President sure um so when dealing with a nonunion employee you can um reorganize or reclassify that employees job duties or responsibilities and all the things you mentioned um and the person you know because we're we're taking one role in changing title duties and all of those things it's common in a non-union uh position to do that and you can absorb the employee that's currently holding that position into the new position without reposting it um that is a that is a decision that is you know a managerial decision um but legally you can do that in a nonunion uh position um you could also of course um reclassify reorganize that position and post it as a as a new position the question then becomes the person currently holding that position what do you do with them if they're currently in that position and what you would have to do is you'd have to lay off that employee and then they would have to reapply to the new position along with any everyone else in that pool now if the if you know the the person was laid off and previously holding that position they may have you know have have a preference or hiring preference in in that situation that's all managerial decisions that you can make however um you can you can reclassify reorganize the position um and absorb the current person in that position without reposting it it's a managerial decision understood uh councelors any questions councelor I just comment because the director answer my question uh through previous J what I have when they increase responsibility and also when they uh increase uh more responsibility they increase the salary and also sometime when you grow for the position you have sometime they CH uh the title so through my previous jck I had this kind of opportunity to uh grow through different position and they not opening the position they only change the title and and when you have more responsibility absolutely yeah you request more more salary so I want to give you that comments and I ALS I also understand that but I mean uh when we're dealing with public funds is a little tricky and different because we also like in people from getting those opportunities and that could be challenging Court Mr President can I just clarify one thing just about the salary going back to the salary question the comment kind that I kind of opened up with um the salary is you know a separate piece from the position and the duties and the approval of the position itself uh the salary the way that would be determined is you know we do an evaluation based upon the calling center report that was done for the city we do an evaluation based upon the duties responsibility education qualifications of the position we make a recommendation uh for a salary based upon all of that we make that recommendation to the council and we the council would vote on updating the classification plan based upon that recommendation so it is to separate things you know the the ordinance wouldn't be approved cons pres sure no but yeah that's essentially it you are uh thank you yes thank you counil president and I'm here amazed uh of on your explanation but it looks like you don't work you just started working for the C of Lawrence cuz it in this Administration things happen differently so what we see what I'm seeing here is a change of title and then it's going to be a change of salary that's what I'm seeing in front of me so I hope that for from now on things can start moving forward in your way you describe it but uh based on what I seen I have seen is totally different council president C president thank you I'm going my last comment on these flowcharts um I'm I'm disappointed in how this was presented to us because I originally I heard the ordinance meeting and I originally understood um the the the intent or or what we're trying to do here I've personally met with a grant writer 10one many times and I know the hard work that that she puts in um and she's very very very passionate about her job one thing that I asked director Owens and the administration if this I the city is growing and people are becoming overwhel that I 100% understand within our departments if this is the route that we're going I hope that we do it the right way and I hope to see ordinances proposals in the future to to approve these positions and go towards the direction that the city needs to go in order for the city's success thank you and councelors any other questions uh I I happened it happened that I that I agree with with what councelor infant is saying Council vice president Infante I mean I think that we have great opportunity here uh to do the proper then and to create the position and probably uh not necessarily fund the other positions and and keep it until we understand and agree that we can fund it both uh but I think that you know doing it right and doing creating this position accordingly and and allow people to apply to it and uh and I'm pretty sure that the grand Rider that we have just more than capable but doing a right I think it will be the best uh counselors any other questions what is the underline motion uh committe sent it up as a so it was sent to us as a uh with a recommendation and that was presented as a form of a motion and it was second by councelor Santiago it was with a clarification to the salary yeah was with a clarification of the salary um can I make an amendment uh you looking for a friendly Amendment yes council president that's present your for Amendment let's see if it if it get accepted thank you I'm looking to add to the to the motion well how and and perhaps one of my colleagues can help me word this up I want to make sure that whatever vote the vote that we take tonight is strictly for the the change to director project management and development everything else that was presented to us I I don't want I don't want this to slip under the rug I don't because all of this should go through the proper processes as well but I I'm trying to to W it in my head and it's not coming to me so can we motion to table we need let me ask you a quick question um is the salary clarified because that was one of the question that was pending is the salary clar was clarifi at some point no so um the position would be created in ordinance and then from there the salary is determined based upon the non-un classification plan so the Personnel Department I would look at the qualifications the duties all of those things I would try to follow that based upon the Callin Center report which is a study that was done for the city to determine non-un salaries from there the position would be fall within a grade within the non-un classification plan and then we would come before the council to update the non-un classification plan based position perfect so there is there is a some work that need to be done yet when it comes to the salary salary is a separate pie because you be updating the non-un classification plan that is or with the city no problem at this point I'm going to be sending this item 37424 uh to the personal committee so so we can clarify that and work work that portion out and then uh we can see both out here at the full Council okay so moving forward this item has been uh um transfer over or send out to that personal committee thank you thank you so Ian uh 360 36424 Madame Vice pres Madame Vice chair from the U ordinance committee uh to your consel president uh support tournament August 31st 2024 and September 1st 2024 at 10 a.m. to 700 p.m. uh oor Park field 1 and 2 uh a PP 24 000021 was sending with favor recommendation is a formal motion to approve all right there is a there is a motion to approve can hear a second second properly second discussion question I hear none so at this point I call the question so please say hi any have it thank you it's been approved uh it 36624 Madame Vice chair from the vance committee uh family gathering September 1st 24 2024 at 10:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. uh at aoro Park SP 24-0 0051 is by conselor Santiago and deor Rodriguez is a formal motion to approve there is a motion to approve properly second discussion discussion councelor De Rosario um it's it was also pendant information there was a there was a payment due to water and Su and she should have she should have sent it back and I'm hearing on the background that they send a motion to withdraw so if if councelor uh Selena Rees would like to withdraw that and we can place a motion to withdraw by the C Felina Sago you you're not one of the auor no just I sent the information to the applicant that the information we was required and I didn't hear any notice about it so motion to withdraw yes all right motion to withdraw motion to withdraw properly second discussion no no discussion all please say have it um Madame Madame Basher from the ordinance committee uh item uh 36 724 [Music] 2424 from8 a. p.m a. uh can you hear is [Music] that can you hear a second second properly second discussion question uh question ccan just um council president they going to be walking from the uh the common part to Theo part that they're going to be using the side sidewalks okay just just wanted to know that thank you Anna all right thank you any other questions I Hear No so at this point I call the question so pleas have mad from the ordinance committee item 36824 item 36824 the resolution regarding the status of the Lou Development Authority and the transfer of the [Music] properties committee report you're making that as a formal motion to accept the committee report second yes all right there is a motion to accept that as a committee report uh properly second discussion on the committee report I hear no all those in favor to accept the committee report please say I hi any n the I have it uh can hear us can hear a motion councelors now to continue the discussion any motion on the resolution discussion any motions before we have a discussion we need to have a motion oh a motion for motion to approve motion to approve can I hear a second second properly second discussion we have ATT hton here that he can answer any questions that we may have good evening Council just for the record Tim hooton City attorney um many of you I hope you did see I've sent two emails today at the request of the council president to give you an update on what's happened um as you can see the the first thing if you just to go a little background is as you remember the L the last time there was a joint meeting was um sending to the state uh a request to amend the urban renewal program um to add certain other properties uh at that time it was not uh decided whether this would be considered a major change or a minor change um I could I put that letter in from the lr's attorney um in response we just received a letter from the um state which said that they accept that it's a minor change and did allow the L to add the additional properties to the urban renewal program uh the second thing is um I sent you a copy of a letter which each of you was addressed to each of you and email to you not by me but by attorney carrian um which told you what the um L is doing now and what they're currently doing they have a request for proposals out regarding all the lands and uh once they get those in they would like to form a committee a Review Committee as you can see they ask for certain U people to be appointed they ask that the uh Council appoint some people the mayor appoints some people the people at lodge so I've included that in there also uh obviously none of that will be happening until after the September 13th when they are all the requests for proposals are going in so right now um things have moved on um I my position is still the same I think it's even further codified by the fact that we may myself and the lra may have a difference of opinion on whether the urbal renewal program at the time that the city council voted on it uh consisted of a an ascent by the city council I think even if they would even if I would to be wrong on that issue the city council at that time would have no knowledge of the added properties so how could they have voted on properties they didn't even know existed so clearly there is no vote by the city council approving a transfer on that even under the best so this is something the L and the city council going to work out I believe they have to come back to the city council but I think they're making best best efforts right now they're trying to form a committee have everybody get a consensus U take a look cuz I think I know certain counselors on on this board have concerns and they want to make sure that this is very outly open they want to make sure that this is what you know the the people that are bidding we want to know who they are we want to know what the plans are that there's no you not with suggesting this any backro deals but that this all be very out in the open and I I think this committee is the start of that but as at the moment my report to you is that there are no requests to my office to transfer any properties um I have not done any Deeds there is nothing that's happening so I think that this is still in the light and so I guess the the next step is up to the the board what they want to do with the L as far as the appointments to the U that little committee but that's kind of my report it really has nothing to do with your um your your vote tonight more has to do with the the background of what's happening so so now uh T hton now that you have the background given to the uh to the uh to the counselors so let's let's focus on what we have in front of us item 36824 uh the resolution and regard to the status of the lur Development Authority and the transfer of the City properties so you put the this resolution together uh explain to us what this resolution will do uh for the proponent and for the people that are currently um beting on it and and I no again I I speak in a factual manner Sometimes some people take umage with it or don't like it but remember a resolution is just you requesting something it's not law it's not you're not passing an ordinance you're not doing you're just making a resolution much like you have a resolution as that you know the city uh the city should honor someone in the future it it's not binding so what you're trying to do is make the L aware that you're still concerned and that you're going to keep your eye on it I think what you've seen here today is the lra is still keeping their your eye on it and then they're getting you involved on it so I think your resolution if passed um just informs them some more that you know your your belief is that the city council has a lot more to do with these properties needs a lot more information on this property and lets them know that you're still you're still on top of this so that that's what it accomplishes it accomplishes it's a letter so that nobody thinks like you know with many things in the city sometimes people get a little weary a year passes six months nine months passes and people think well they're not interested anymore I think that the purpose of resolution is to say this is a very important issue to the city council and the city council wants the L to know that they're they're still and and and also very quick the the city council is the only one the only body on the city of lens within the city that can execute uh resolutions uh through an official opinion of the city of L not necessarily the city council so this will become an official opinion of the City of Lawrence if he passed today so councelors when it comes to item 36824 uh which is the resolution in regard to uh the status of the L and the proper uh the proper process to transfer the properties uh any questions in regard to this um councelor councelor uh marmel so attorney hon um in reading the your your opinion here and I feel like we're just reiterating uh what has been previously discussed but correct me or jog my memory once again it says here the office's opinion in that the transfer to the L although exempt from the requirements of Mass general laws chapter 30b are not exempt from the city's requ uh are not exempt from the city's requirements that all land transfers must be signed by the mayor after approval of the city council Mike Mike correct me if I'm wrong the city council never uh approved and relinquish uh relinquishing um our duties in in that approval have we again my opinion is you have not there are others that hold the opinion that by voting for the urban renewal program which contain those properties that was the ascent of the city council so and and here I am I want to be corrected if I'm wrong you know my my memory if my memory serves me right it has yet come before us to which it has been approved by you know by the city council body where that that decision has been made so honestly I feel like with this item I'm a little confused as to where we stand with these properties well we stand with the properties currently is the city owns these properties the city has done nothing with the properties we the we have um the mayor has allowed the L to go out for requests for proposals on these properties to see if um if there's a better use if they could bring in business if they could bring in uh tax dollars to the city um uh and the lra is doing that uh if I mean this I'm going to make this up from Whole cloth this is completely if the the parking lot next door we put off a request for proposal and someone told you they were going to put a$1 10 million structure there that would help the city may maybe a medical facility something like that that would help the city and it be in the best interest then it would be your at that point they would come to you and say is that something the city wants there or is this is there another use that you want there that that's what this purpose is to see is anybody interested I mean you have some sites like Tom Bell which have a brown fields and and there may may be no interest but I think that's what they're trying to find out right now is there any interest in any of these properties maybe there isn't maybe there is um currently they're for the most part used as parking lots so yep all right councelors at this point if there is no questions I will uh entertain I'll call the questions in regard to item 36824 which is a resolution regarding the status of the L Development Authority uh RFP and the transfer of the City properties uh if it is no questions in regard to these items I'll call the questions all those in favor please say I I any n motion the the motion is to uh approve the resolution in regard to the uh the status of the L Redevelopment Authority rfps and the transfer of the city uh properties this is just for the resolution the resolution in regard the legal opinion of the city of lens in regard to the current status if it is anybody up there being part of the U of the request for proposal thinking that the LR owns those properties we are making sure that they get in those documents and they're clear about the process as of how it's going to be in the future so I I'll repeat the question again all please say I hi any names Rock off for the record please councelor Levy yes councilor llant is noted as absent Council Luzon yes Council Del Rosario yes Council Santiago yes councilor marmel yes Council Ares yes Council vice president Infante yes council president Rodriguez I vote Yes the vote is anonymous thank you very much thank you so much the next item Madame Vice chair from the ordinance committee is item 38124 remove handicap remove handicap parking spay 19 Logan Street by conselor Santiago that's public hearing yes what sending we that's a motion second that's a motion on the table to all the per hearing all in favor properly second discussion all those in favor please say hi hi the I have item 39724 disos disclosure potential Conflict by City employee uh Jennifer Duran assisting C we sending with favor recommendation is a foral motion there is a motion on the table second properly second discussion all those in favor say I hi the I have item 39824 uh disclosure of potential Conflict by employee Alisa coko director of climing analysis uh we sending with favor recommendation is a formal motion there's a motion on the table second properly second discussion I hear none all say item 3994 disclosure of potential Conflict by City employee Lisa monono a program assistant we send it with favor recommendation is a for motion second there's a motion on the table uh properly said second discussion I say item 422 disclosure of potential confing by City employee ad gonzale Recreation director if we send it with favor recommendation is a formal motion second there's a motion on the table properly second discussion all pleasee say I I the councelor that item 424 means that we have deal with 400 items this year so now we're going to the personal committee item 39524 uh the extension of the 9 appointment DPW director Rosana Del Rosario uh we have the DP uh we have the uh director Personnel here with us uh councelor the Rosario have recr himself due to potential conflict of interest yes for the record uh before before before you you you you you I relink the floor to you Madame by share uh Madame Madame shair from the personal committee and vice president Infante thank you council president before we proceed with the items I do want to make my colleagues aware that the the committee report that's included in our packets uh the notes are wrong we did not send either Personnel items as a favorable recommendation so just wanted to make sure that you guys know all right the first item is item President we did ask director Owens a few questions about the prior posting and and if Etc so I'm I'm assuming you have answers for us today I do if I uh May Mr President um Michael Owens Personnel director for the City of Lawrence um thank you for allowing me to come before you on these matters tonight um so I was before the Personnel committee as uh Madam vice president mentioned and um uh the the committee was looking for the prior postings and kind of the history of uh how the positions were posted and whatnot I did provide yesterday to the um uh Madam clerk city clerk um that posting from April 9 April 9th of this year I also provided um the history from the um Civic engage site that we use to post the jobs um there was a posting from March uh 27th uh an initial posting I was we weren't able to retrieve that posting uh we did check with the uh IT director uh Carlos Castile uh to see if we could retrieve that and we could not um but we were able to um retrieve and provide the April 9th posting the reason for that is because um when when the job is posted um it it was posted and then reposted the latest posting is is the only thing that's available from the site so the latest posting replaces the previous posting so we weren't able to retrieve that March 27th uh posting um but um the position was posted there were some questions about uh what was passed an ordinance what versus what was posted uh there were some slight discrepancies between what uh is ordinance and what was posted um so uh we are planning to repost the position uh to match the ordinance uh but I'm before the council tonight to respectfully request extensions of the 90-day appointments um up to another 90 days for both uh Deputy uh Del Rosario and uh Deputy uh Santa Ana um the reason for that is because uh you know uh we we want to continue DPW operations uninterrupted I personally have had the uh privilege to work with both of these deputies directly on Personnel matters and other uh operational matters that kind of come AC across the Personnel Department um and uh I know the work is ongoing I think it would be a detriment to to DBW operations and to the city for that for that work to be un uninterrupted so um I'm before the council asking that those uh temporary appointments be extended on a temporary basis to allow us to properly post the positions and go through any applicants that apply council president vice president inant thank you what is the timeline you have for for the new posting um as soon as possible I I you know with the current workflow of the department we are we are pretty behind in full transparency so uh hopefully within two weeks it's it's not going to be this week um we'd be lucky if we could get it by the end of next week but we do plan on reposting the positions thank you any counselors that have questions on the temporary appointment extension of the temporary appointments for EXT 90 days with a compromise of posting the positions any questions in regard to those to that the specific item we're dealing with item 39524 right um um yes I'm looking for right now so cons vice president is looking for the ordinance in regard to item um um for the DPW uh deputy director I know that we funded at some point and we have the ordinance it's an old old ordinance obviously Council by think I just found it I mean the posting is different than the ordinance they have to match we don't have the posting I I think I just found the order Mr President I um if I could it was the municipal it was previously the municipal services manager position in ordinance the ordinance was amended uh to change it to the DPW director position that was the most significant change as most of the duties remain the same so but that that change was approved yes that was ordinance that in December that was done and so the only discrepancy is slight differences between what was ordinance and what was posted so the proper course forward would be to repost the position to match the ordinance got uh on the ordinance there is no education mentioned right there is there is okay there is a a high school graduate I and that's that's the ordinance that's the ordinance uh coun through you council president I I'm having difficulties with with this because I also worked with these with with two individuals we have before us and they've been doing great um but I also I I always said to myself that I will not let this position um jeopardize my morals and and my values and I know that this position uh the ordinance and the posting was very simplified I have a copy of hold on just one second I have a copy of the posting for the assistant d PW director for the City of Medford the PO and I mean they're they were requiring a b a bachelor's degree in silver engineering or master's degree professional engineering license 10 years of responsible experience and I I don't know why it's similar work I don't know why the City of Lawrence is simplifying this this position uh if I if I may the what you were just reading there was that uh posting in another city I didn't catch the first part City of Medford so basically same same positions is different we call it Deputy DPW director they're calling it assistant DPW director which is the same thing um so that's that's where where I'm having a conflict where I know they're capable but I I I know the work is a lot complex than how we have it presented and um I'm very conflicted so Mr President if I could just follow follow up on that Madam vice president um so totally understand your point um the the real issue is what was ordin you know so uh to to you know to to capture some of uh those duties and qualifications that you know that other cities may have it would require an ordinance change to reflect that thank you so and if I may um you know a lot a lot of that comes from the Department level you know the department level kind of puts forward what they what they want for ordinance changes to reflect the needs of the department um you know going forward I hope the HR department can guide a little more of that excuse me guide some of that and provide some guidance as to best practices around recruiting and qualifications for positions but at this point it's it's at the department level to kind of shape what the position should look like so so uh councilor vice president this is the current posting that is the posting that was yeah that was the latest posting from April 9th okay and uh my coun vice president this is the latest posting do you have that is that can I see the ordinance in the meantime while you're reading this so Mr President if I could just make one other point um the posting actually required a higher level of Education uh than than the ordinance uh the only real discrepancy that pretty much the duties are are there's some slight you know variations as to the wording but the pretty much the duties are the same from the ordinance to the posting the biggest difference there is about the qualifications in terms of uh there's some language in the ordinance about um 5 years increasing experience versus three years increased experience that's in the job posting so that's really the the biggest difference um but guess what I just I just told the council vice president that the ordinance and the and the posting are slightly different so if one way work and the other way is like what we what we agree upon I mean that's something that definitely is is slightly different I se in the post that is a lot more complex than the than the ordinance it's more it's more it's more aligned to the job as as far as the posting the current posting so perhaps that's a while I mean perhaps we can work with with the HR department and the city attorney's office to to amend the ordinance as the intent is to repost this and ensure that um the ordinance reflects how how how we have the job posting yeah I think that because the thing is that's why sometime you cannot just change titles this this uh Municipal service manager is is is like is not the same as the deputy it's it's it's different so all right what's the uh what's the intent here what is the plan what are you planning on doing so Mr President I'm respectfully asking the council to extend uh the appointment of both of these deputies on a temporary basis allow us to reassess make any changes that we need to but again I really want to stress um the importance of continuing the work for the Department I mean personally I've I've worked closely with both of these deputies on Personnel matters I mean we have a matter a very important Personnel matter coming up later this week involving one of these deputies uh who will be representing the department um I don't as councelor lzone pointed out earlier I'm new to the city I'm uh you know I don't have uh you know uh any prior relationships with anyone in the city including these deputies but I can speak to my interactions with them to this point they're incredibly professional they really have quickly picked up Personnel issues um and you know I I've been dealing almost a daily basis with these with these deputies and um you know I can personally vouch for how professional and how um you know um how understood credible they are in those positions um especially on Personnel matters so I want that work to be able to continue yeah um and that's why I'm asking for the extension yeah no problem so we we deal what we're dealing with today is with with one thing the extension of the 90 days and the compromise of changing whatever you need to change to be able to post the positions accordingly we have a compromise uh that is been presented with the intent of uh extending those uh temporary positions for extra 90 days so everybody can be aware in uh what of what we're doing and and and the level of transparency that we're dealing with this issue so at this point I'll will call the questions if it is no other questions I will call the questions about item 395 24 which is the extension of the 90 days appointment for the DPW deputy director rosan De Rosario um any questions on that U I'll at this point I'll call the question solos in favor please say I I any names the eyes have it now we're going to deal with item uh 39724 which is the same situation 39624 the extension of the extension of the 90 days appointment for Aida Santana for am I reading it no no no I'm I'm just letting Madame VI U Madame Vice chair um Stephanie fante and and chair of the personal committee item 39624 extension of 90-day appointment for DPW deputy director Ida Santana this was sent up as a committee report pending additional information um that we just heard so I make that as a formal motion second there is a motion on the table properly second the compromise the same commitment and the same level of transparency as discussed previously any discussions about this I hear no questions all and please say I hi any n there I have it uh motion to approve that was that was not a motion was the committee report oh that was the committee report so there is a motion to approve the extension of the 90 days appointment for Aida Santana any questions I hear no I hear no questions it's been second by councel Rees pleas say hi hi the ice have it um no report from the Safety Committee no report from the committee of the home thank you so much um old business we have at it 3 2024 mine with purpose uh that was originally um out of ordinance um my mind with purpose August 11 2024 at the corner Park uh by JIS Santiago approved on on July 16 2024 and they're now requesting a change of a date for August 205 2024 counselors any questions in regard uh to this we need to we need to this is at thein this came out ordinance committee um it was approved it was approved the ordinance committee so this one doesn't have to be PST from committee they sent it up um the other two need to be P from committee okay so essentially on this item we need to reconsider motion everyone on theiling side so so councelors at this point we're going to have to U suspend the rules to allow to allow the council to reconsider this Boos can I reconsider a vote can I hear a motion to suspend the rules so for a vote reconsideration can hear a second second uh discussion on that uh um on on that motion I Hear n so at this point I call the questions all pleas say I I the I have it now councelors can I hear a motion to reconsider all of the councelors v in favor so anybody can reconsider the vote to be able to have the new date uh for this specific event motion to reconsider there is a motion to reconsider properly second um discussion just to stated for the record M of mind with purpose on August 11 2024 was approved July 16 2024 and they're requesting a new date for 8:25 2024 the council have reconsidered the vote and now we are um in the process of discussing any discussions on this uh if the the author of the of the event if they here if they can explain to us a little more as of what is the event so you can promote it as well so give us a quick update U as of what is it that you guys going to do and and if you guys can invite us we we might might want show up absolutely um name and address for the record please um Ru morio address 37 waren Street um so I'm a local entrepreneur I work with a lot of people um in the community um and I wanted to find a way to give back to the community um so on the date of August 25th 2024 I'm planning on putting together a back to school drive um like get back oh oh this is not this is not yours another item oh all right so M with purpose is not is are they here oh no no no no M with purpose um all right uh there is there is a motion on the table to Recon uh for approval all those in favor please say I there I have it now we have item 36524 which is asking if you could please take this item 4064 all right uh now coun uh since none of the the next the next two item nobody's here so we can deal with this item which is on new business um and for that we going we need to declare this as an emergency and and be able to discuss it at this level so we don't have to and we declares an emergency suspend the rule not to send it to committee and deal with that at the at the full Council level so councelors get for 30624 which is the grb back to school drive on August 25th 2024 from 11 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. um can you get a motion to to declare this as an emergency to be able to discuss it at this level due to the date uh there is a motion to declare this as an emergency properly second discussion I hear none so all say please say I I so councelor now I need to suspend the rules to be able bble to allow us to discuss it at this level can I get a motion to suspend the rules some more second there is a motion to suspend the rules properly second any discussion on the suspension of the rules um I hear no so please say I now counselors we have this item at this level can he a motion to can he a motion to deal with this item motion to approve there is a motion to approve properly second discussion so now we can allow the applicants to give us an um a little bit of background about the item so welcome again and and name man address for the record um rang Moro 37 Warren Street um so I'm planning on putting together um a back to school drive for the City of Lawrence like I said I'm a local entrepreneur I work with a lot of people in the area so I wanted to give back to the city um on August 25th U of this year at the camping in uh Comm stre Park I wanted to do a back to school drive um from 11:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. the mission is going to be to give back to the city to the community assist families that are maybe struggling financially and can't afford to buy school supplies for their kids at the moment um we'll provide we'll be we we will be providing students of all ages with book bags school supplies um we're going to have Barbers there to to give the kids haircuts if approved by the parents um same with braiding we're going to be providing free food um we're going to have a lot of vendors there as well um I have a bank that's going to be uh sponsoring us as well so that's pretty much what the event is going to be about back to school drive so uh counselors um let let me ask you a Qui question you going to have music um if possible if not then no okay so because that require another level of uh of uh approval through the police department members of the uh ordinance committee so you might be able to explain a little bit as of how you guys are dealing with that at the at that level thank you through you council president well what we recommend also is I mean now we dealing here to approve it or deny it so there's there's no way to go back and do this thing but what we recommend on the ordinance committee is if they going to have that speakers make sure that they don't face it to the people and that it's not as loud as it is okay um that's basically the recommendation is but because they did this process there's no process they actually go through the police department on none of that so okay right so make sure that if you have any type of a speaker that you have it towards you not to any individual or to any other group or to the cities or through the uh neighborhoods uh make sure that uh you you have time to clean up before and after uh make sure that everything is it's in peace and quiet make sure that you inform the police that you have you have come to the city council uh and the F that is going to be on the 25th which is down a couple couple of days from today uh that you want to you want to work with them and and uh and make sure that everything is all set on their ends make sure that they know that you're there doing the drive sounds good um any other any any other questions counselors I might have one more question as well um would I be provided with Outlets by any chance uh that's uh no a questions that we don't have on the Comm but I don't know how they get access yeah we we there is outlets at the common okay but we don't know uh what's the process to be able to get those and assuming that you need to contact the DPW Department I have your phone number in your application I'll reach out to you tomorrow follow with you sounds good appreciate it yeah but in case you get a little generator all right councelors any other questions in regard to this this specific IDE and this back back to school uh Drive uh I hear non say hi guys have it thank you next year when you planning on doing that please uh give us a little bit of time so uh we can do it on the proper way sounds good just one month ahead and we'll be good I got you thank you thank you all right counselors uh going back to the old business uh we have two two um uh items at that old business item 36524 l sport day volleyball in August 31st that I believe is at the U at the ordinance committee right that is at the ordinance committee councelors uh for for us to pull it off committee we need six vote so counselors if you guys desire we can uh we can pull it off committee and deal with that since the date is approaching so I entertain a motion on this time some move there is a motion uh on the table to pull it off uh from committee to deal with it out here properly second discussion I hear none so all please say I I there I have it now we have it here at this uh the the full Council level councilors was the motion motion to approve motion to approve U can you hear a second second properly second discussion I he not all please say I I the ice habit item 40124 name of the park relocated at can oord and at o Oxford Paper Mill unofficially called Oxford Park uh to be renamed to julo park by Major uh mayor major Brian Thea uh it is table at the ordinance committee councelors at this point I'll entertain a motion pres yes um it was a request to leave it table they preparing all the paperwork and because we might have um ordinance on Monday that's when they going to present it and on table of there at that level we can leave still still still at the ordinance committee all right so any table matters that we want we wanted to deal with tonight uh I hear no so I go to may I speak sure Madame CL Council I apologize document number 138-736 months but when we actually met to talk about that we realized it was not an ordinance an underlying ordinance the City attorney did provide us with the um ordinance language so before we can fill the position they have you have to order a public hearing to um so this time the City attorney ask if we could please order a public hearing to um post that or you know on the ordinance itself all right this is a a a petition to order a public hearing of on item 13824 we have it at the full Council already so it's a matter of just ordering ordering the public hearing councelor was Aire so move there is a motion to order public hearing on item 13 13824 can you hear a second second properly second discussion I hear known all those in fav to order public heing please say hi hi the I have it so now I go into the new business uh item 30424 the dedication of the uh of Officer Jacob a square Steven Avenue area councelor Stephanie fante and Tom and Tom Curry this is going to the ordinance committee aan a photo 424 handicap parking 10 117 Oxford Street uh this is going to the ordinance committee items 4o 524 celebrating uh deia of the Bible day September 28 2024 uh from 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the compion common this is going to ordinance committee it on 30 40724 light on laen day uh DB Awareness Month uh October 3rd 2024 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the uh the compion common this is going to the ordinance committee item uh 40824 the removal handicap Park and 117 Steven off this is going to the ordinance committee item uh 40924 handicap parking 63 Milton um Milton Street Maria contion this is going to the ordinance committee item 41024 H parking at 23 4 Street this is going to the ordinance committee item 4 11 1124 payment of previous year build of for the amount of 56,7 63.5 um this is going to the B and finance committee um councelor next meetings on Thursday uh Thursday September 5th uh is is a it's going to be an election on the third uh and ordinance is uh is supposed to having on is supposed to happen on the 26th of this month uh so we are not having the meeting on the third instead we're going to have the meeting on the 5ifth which is a Thursday okay counselors so budget and finance committee one meeting for one item 28 Wednesday the 28th at 7 p.m. Wednesday the 28th at 700 p.m. um any housing housing items there is no no no items on the housing committee yes we have something for personnel Madame Madame chair from Personnel Wednesday at 6: p.m. Wednesday the 28th at 6 p.m. yep all right Wednesday the 28th at 6 p.m. uh uh Safety Committee I here none uh Economic Development Committee I here none uh we are all said right ordinance is on Monday August 26 we have I read that yeah yeah I already have that all right anything else councelors any motions I'll stay e