##VIDEO ID:t7x11XN8cT0## oh we don't need to do the pl ofion yes oh we have to okay wish this is Stephanie's computer [Music] flag United States THS A9 [Music] [Music] com to approve so you have it we have our new business at item 34724 amend uh a n Union classification plan director of the project management and development so we supposed to have here alavian Spencer our senior advisor senior adviser to the mayor Brian depa is he here oh director ons good evening uh counselor Madam chair uh Michael Owens Personnel director for the city um I I did see uh Mr spanner a few minutes ago and he said he was coming down so um but I'm happy to answer uh any any questions or discuss the um submission the request tonight uh [Music] uh actually president the uh yes counselor um the city uh uh first assistant City Attorney Kevin Foley is here from tonight um and can speak to that they did draft um what what y uh for my understanding what was necessary is the D the ordinance have to had to be drafted um and uh city attorney's office did that this afternoon um and and submitted it so um my understanding is that that would have to be added to the agenda sent referred to committee um and be considered by the council um my understanding is what's before the Personnel committee tonight is the um classification of the position to the non-un salary classification plan uh I can yep I can through you yes okay can you tell me a little bit of this non classification plans how do we have the the money available for doing all the increase there uh new salary is there um yes I believe the position has been budgeted um um what we would do what um my role is is to um to evaluate the position determine where it should be placed on the uh classification plan um and uh we I'm sorry what is the name that you mention it's classification it's the non-un classification plan yes but you mention that somebody has that uh is the person in ch or that who's so I I would be responsible for that the person you're going to be responsible for that yep and then the in terms of funding the position the position would have to be budgeted which I believe it has been it has been budgeted for um and maybe Mr spanner can speak uh to that a little more senior advisor committee chair Wendy Lon good evening how you doing City councilors uh the answer is yes to confirm um I've uh met um just met with our cafo and it is confirmed that it it's budgeted yes so this is for director of the project management and development yes correct it's the title change as to okay so that's the position that Mr M have no no no no no this is the the grant writer position requesting is to change the title okay okay so this is the position that we were discussing at the last meeting regarding the change of the ti correct and this time as you may recall uh I believe uh counselor um infant requested uh or asked if the ordinance like customary is prepared by by the uh legal department which it was prepared for your request and also um I think that's what it was missing that it had to come before the it was at the ordinance committee and our it's in Personnel committee as you also requested um senior advisor uh so can you go over the uh the chart that you presented in the last yes as as I mentioned uh before this is not an organizational chart this is a flow chart to give you a better understanding of what this position is going to do with with some of the added uh also responsibility to it um and the flow chart shows the role of this position uh in connection or in relationship with let's say with the other departments um I believe you have um L have a copy of the the flow chart before you second you don't have it there you have in the packet the council should have it yeah but I would like to have a copy I was upstairs and in order to explain it better yeah so you were given three charts and the first chart says flow chart and it's this wide Circle so the white circle shows that each department would have a lead coordinator this is not a position that we're requesting or creating so the reason why we need a lead coordinator is because it's very difficult for a person that writes a grant to have all the expertise in all levels for instance Police Department or fire departments are uh you know um departments that when you write a grant for would require um legal uh I mean police or law enforcement jargon or language in their narratives so it's very difficult for a grant writer to be writing a specific uh uh document in which the lingo or the the language or narrative has to do with with law enforcement So currently you do have a person at um at the department uh the Lawrence Police Department that does that that's Miss sheer so miss Shephard and uh Miss uh re currently are working very well together as well as let's say fire department but you have other departments that you you do need someone just like someone at uh let's say police department or fire department and it's usually someone that is already performing the job so this is not a new position than you and we are notating area Department absolutely not that is not the the the request and that's not the idea we all already have people within each department that can provide the information let's say it's a senior center that needs our HHS uh and the director May appoint any person that is with within her Department to provide the information to the grant uh person thank you yes if and and what about the duties if he they change just the name it is the will be the same duties and what about the salary no the duties are are has been tweaked because there's going to be more responsibilities to the position uh as I mentioned during the previously during the city council I believe during the ordinance committee what we have right now is a disconnect between the grant writer once it's written once the grant is accepted by the city council there's no not so much control there isn't control over what's happening with the funds what we want and that's the reason why we put the title as project manager what does a project manager does in addition development means in other words Grant looking go after fund fund development is to see what happens with the funds like for instance EPA Grant we received the grant there were questions the other day when it was received what happen during the time uh usually we go through a RFP process the start date and the end date and how it's executed now what a project manager also does is to make sure that the whatever timeline that is stipulated uh we are also complying with let's say the the vendor or the department is complying with the with the timeline meaning if it starts in July and needs to end December during the course of let's say October the the uh project manager should be able to say okay the project is is running on on a timely basis or there's a delay why are what are the reasons for the delay and making sure that the funds are being expended before the end of the term and making sure as well that we don't lose funds who will be H doing this the the boss or the supervision the ground writer that is the director of OPD office of Planning and Development that's it's it's within the the the document didn't say anything about the salary the salary I believe um Madam chair if I may through you um the salary the recommended salary would be that would be added to um grade C of the non- classification plan so that would bring it to a range of um 819 to 1248 and how much is the salary the previous name the of the grant the previous position um I I 10 what's that 104 104 can you repeat the the the salary for this position please um the salary for that's the recomend um excuse me just one excuse me just um if I may Madam chair I just want to correct the record if I may the grant writer position was at um uh grade uh e it is at grade e under Community Development that's 546 the range is 546 to 87360 um this new position would a grade c as it has more responsibility more duties more qualifications all of those things um so it would go up a couple grades uh to grade C which is 819 to 1248 now the difference in those salaries is because of the complexity between the positions um the the project manager uh position grant writer project manager position um has more responsibility more duties more um qualifications [Music] thank councelor Levy yes through you so you say 819 81.9 819 director Evans um Madam chair if I may through you uh it starts at 819 819 so all if I may uh these positions uh all positions in the city whether they're um Union or non-union they they are on a scale okay um and positions are placed you know on a certain scale so and that is right now is going to be gr C yep gr C which is a scale of 819 to 1248 okay thank you and per per city ordinance a new higher would start at the low point of the scale unless they have certain qualifications they can start at the midpoint of the scale and eventually you max out at that 124 a number Madam chair I'm going to make a motion right now I'm going to make make a motion to send it to the full Council as its committee [Music] Report with a committee report as a committee report as a committee report second by councelor Santiago all in favor say I thank you thank you counil 22 adding the planning director position under the Planning and Development Department May Brian second hi hi yes even is that better all right thank you okay it's on so we were before the ordinance committee with the same document back in June uh this is an old document for 2022 and the and the request was to recreate the position of planning director it's a historical job that been with the city uh more than 30 years um um apparently it was eliminated back um in the uh 2018 uh around that time and the um planning department this Administration asked that that position be resuscitated so that a plan director be back um put back in that position um it was a Class C position along with the other directors out of Planning and Development um it was acted upon by the ordinance committee and allowed on um June 4th it was approved by a full city council uh unanimous vote and on the 5th of J June it was approved by it was signed by the mayor so this has already been acted upon by the ordinance committee and signed by the mayor the position's been created it's been defined it's in the box right now I think there's confusion as whether or not the job was being filled when when a nominee uh is sent down for filling a position it should go to Personnel when a job is being created when a new job is being created added to the ordinance that needs to go to the ordinance committee so it's just a different route and a different avenue so this has been voted upon unanimously the position's being created and really there's no purpose to having it go through the Personnel or a second vote because it would just be duplicating the effort so we're asking that this matter be withdrawn so much I'm sorry are we going to withdraw this that's that's correct okay to withdraw okay okay thank you thank you very much motion to aen hi all right thank you e e e e e e e that spe okay so let's commence tonight's um budget and finance subcommittee meeting today is Thursday August 29th 2024 it is approximately 6:41 p.m. uh note this meeting is being conducted as a hybrid meeting you may remotely access the meeting through the digital platforms uh listed below which is our Facebook Lawrence city council page and our YouTube Lauren city council page uh voting members present today um uh to my left is our city councelor for district B Wendy loon and to my right it is our city council president and councelor at large joavan Rodriguez pursuant to chapter 20 of the acts of 2022 this meeting of budget and finance committee is being conducted both in person and via remote participation a reminded that persons who would like to listen to or view this meeting while in progress May either attend in person at 200 Common Street at our city council chambers um or they may also use any of the following access which I have I'll I'll repeat myself which is our Facebook laen city council page and our YouTube Lauren city council page um before we proceed I would like to stand up um and commence with uh the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay so I see in our um agenda we have minutes for city council for Council approval uh these minutes are dated August 14 of 2024 I'm looking for a recommendation to approve motion to approve second okay uh all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it uh the next item that we have in our agenda is under new business item number four 11124 payment of Prior year bills in the amount of $ 56,7 3.50 uh we do have someone on behalf of our City attorney uh Tim hton if you don't mind um stating your name and your position for the record certainly good evening councilors I'm Kevin Foley I'm the first assistant City attorney for the City of Lawrence uh stepping in for City attorney hooton this evening and as you indicated we are seeking approval of um payment of some prior year invoices that that our office received too late in the process they're all received in June and by then um of course it's uh the freeze is on and it's too late to get a PR uh City attorney hooton has gone through each one of these invoices and um approved that they are indeed U he attested to the fact that they are they are due and payable and so I just ask if you had any questions I could be glad to take it to them I think we provided a cou letter to city council president uh Rodriguez U on this Joan Rodriguez on this a couple of weeks ago but happy to answer any questions there were four outstanding invoices for the total that you indicated counselor okay um discussions any questions just give us a second so we could rev y do you mind for the record going over each one of the invoices um be happy to okay so the first one is for a charm Irwin who's an expert witness in a u litigation called Quirk it's a construction litigation that the city is pursuing uh on the Cane Park project and so uh as I said uh he's our expert in that so his invoices came in I think they actually bounced around here in City Hall and we didn't get them until until June so the total amount is $33,860 [Music] Council on that H Roberts the 177,000 that's the legal councel handling that case that's the third item down on your agenda and then the other two the other two U the first one is um a case involving U an excessive use of force that was brought against the city um and outside Council on that is Brody hadon and kaston uh for for their legal fees in the last one the Jones Court Reporting is a case where our zba was um was sued and they took the deposition of U Dan mccy so that's for the copy of the transcript of his deposition in that case so unfortunately all of these came in in June and so by that time it's too late to for us to do anything else with them so other than to come before the council and ask for their approval okay so once again I'm asking are there any discussions any questions no so I'm looking for a recommendation I'll make a motion to send it to the full Council what a for recommendation second okay so motion was made and it was properly second all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it thank you very much believe all s thank you appreciate your time this evening are there any additional items that need to be removed from tabled matter matters council president were you shaking your head yes oh [Applause] you okay okay please motion second okay all those in favor say I I and the I have it thank you so much good evening thank you very much please drop by and say I'm almost certain the answer I gave you is correct because I saw a bunch of work going on on that but I was not yeah because I was not really involved with that but I think Sue from our office do those rundowns for us for