e e even um I'd like to call this meeting to order could we please go through roll call thank you very much good evening welcome everyone this is a Lawrence license inor meeting on July 24 5:30 p.m. and here are present commissioner L yes commissioner Morales and the official captain delini and Lieutenant culu welcome all of them thank you thank you um I'd like to make a motion to approve the minutes from July yep July 19th I'll second July 9th no no no one second July 24th July 24th no no no but we have we have today is the four the 24th so I'm approving last last first I'm approving the minutes from our last meeting we don't have minutes okay so I don't have any minutes to approv thank you sorry about that that's I'm like what uh we currently don't have any old business we do not have any tabled matters um the first item on the agenda for new new business we have Timeless headquarters who's applying for a comic Vic license at 511 Broadway Street and they're also applying for outdoor dining if you can please come up okay um could you please state your name um and purpose for application for the record um Steven Lambert Steven great and Evelyn Lambert and you guys have uh have been owners of this business and running it for how long now a year here L okay well I'm glad you guys are coming to get your common big license I don't have any questions at the moment commissioner Le yes do you already have a license now so we had a food permit but it's it's not the vict toeller license the Vic it's not what it's not the vicer I don't know how to the common Vic it's not the common Vic mhm yeah all right um I have no problem with the common Vic lasers I have a problem I think with the patio po Okay the reason why is because across the street from you is White Street Paint right and they have these trucks coming in and cars going left and right to to get uh to get into his business and I can understand you it's a busy street anyways but how's that going to affect you with the trucks coming in to unload the paint and everything if we give you a uh patio there um from what we've seen uh primarily it's usually like the early mornings when they have those deliveries uh so I mean we open at 10 so usually we don't see as much um with open 10 to 7 um so I don't think you know that would affect us much um primarily we just kind of want just a few seats just to have a little more visibility and kind of just have more um attention on our business which is uh smoothies healthy juices and just uh healthy food to provide a healthy option um for people in the city which there kind of is a little bit of a lack of so we kind of want to promote that a little more with some you know coupling brothers and SE like that yeah to attract people especially you know when it's nice out doesn't last long so we like to give him an additional option to another reason to come and visit us all right I thank you lieutenant cillo yeah I mean I don't have a problem with it my only concern would be uh the safety aspect of that especially where it's so busy over there with cars coming in and out so I would I would have to say I mean I have no I'm not opposed to it but you'd have to definitely come up with a safety plan to have either you know barricades or some type of protective uh devices or cones or you know some something along those barriers to protect people sitting in the dining area absolutely so like when we put the application in we had put that the idea is to have the cement barriers um similar to like what we've seen with other businesses mhm okay um Captain delini uh good evening a question to the chair um how come you're not doing it right in front of the business in the parking lot um just because there's I mean we really have like i' say three three parking spots in front of our business that we share and then we share the rest with all the other businesses in that Plaza so I think putting it right in front will deter might deter people from coming into our business because there's no parking we already struggle with parking as it is in that you know that area okay yes as uh Lieutenant collo said as long as it was made safe yeah in that case I'm going to make a motion to we approve it with the stipulations you put the barriers up and take care of it and if you find it to run into a problem with White Street Paint maybe you have to change your hours or okay absolutely thank you one more question for the chair uh and and when you when you're ready to open prior to using the um patio we get a hold of myself and Captain Delany and will'll come over and take a look at it to make sure that it's safe okay sure where can we find your information contact information uh I'll I'll happy to share with you offline okay thank you I'll second the motion commissioner Le I made a motion to approve a common V license for time is uh Timeless headquarter at 511 in Broadway second by commissioner Morales also for the party extension in the same location commissioner leer how do you vote Yes commission Morales how do you vote Yes motion passed congratulations and good luck thank you thank you very much congrats okay um if you guys wanted to stick around to get the Lieutenant's um information right afterwards thank you okay the next item on the agenda we have beraldi Enterprise who's applying for a liquor transfer hello um could you please state your name for the record and uh the reason for the transfer yep uh good afternoon my name's Attorney John meran demakas Law Offices with me is uh Jay Shaw um here on behalf of K Incorporated um Jay and his partner hardik have been into a purchase and sale agreement to buy the um Package Store known as Beacon Hill wine spirits and Gourmet at 282 um mayor Street and we're seeking to transfer the license um from the board tonight and approval of J Shaw as a new manager of record uh once this transaction closes which will be approximately uh 6 to 8 weeks maybe 10 weeks depending on the abcc approval of the uh application um it's a transfer to new business ownership we're not changing the store foot pring or expanding it this this new business ownership Jay will be the manager of record um he is experienced in alcohol sales he's look at tip certified they'll use an ID scanner to help combat underage sales um they'll have two or three additional employees who be tip certified um he worked uh numerous years and his dad's uh uh store in sagus selling beer and wine so he's familiar with the rules um that go along with that um with that any questions the the commission has we we'll take those thank you I don't have any questions at the moment commissioner L you said he worked at his father's store where was his the store sagus beer and wine sagus kristo beer and wine and sagus did we just approved this license recently they haven't even opened yet uh think they have the lady called me that they were working to open the business but we didn't have any uh notification that The Bu business is open I wasn't aware that the current operator wasn't open but it hasn't been open right if you tell me clarification might been open for a short time M and then they closed yeah all right new questions Lieutenant cillo no questions Captain Delany which are the best elect do in business and Lawrence I don't have any further questions I'd like to make a motion to approve this transfer I'll second that commissioner Morales made a motion to approve a transfer license from veraldi Enterprise Inc to Kion Inc second by commissioner Leia commissioner Morales how do you vote Yes commissioner Le how do you vote Yes motion pass congratulations thank you have you're welcome next item on the agenda we have Bongo barring Grill who is applying for a p extension hello I'm Miguel Sereno thank you6 lawence Street um just applying for um the outside potio M thank you commissioner Le do you have questions not really I just want to say that I've known these couples for great amount number of years uh they always run their businesses right so I have no problems with them doing this as long as they go by the rules regulations with the police department and whatever they say as far as the uh boundaries that's awesome Lieutenant serlo I have no issues no questions Captain delini we wish you the best of luck thank you um I don't have any questions the business looks beautiful I probably need to drive down there more often thank you than you go inside I went there one time it's really beautiful inside too yeah I should I'd like to make a motion to appr this SP extension let me think about this now I'll second it Comm moral made a motion to approve Bongos Bing Grill paration second by commission Le commission Morales how do you vote Yes commun how do you vote Yes motion pass congratulations and good luck thank you thank you thank you thank you great um I'd like to our next our next agenda our next meeting will take place on August 7th at 5:30 I'd like to make a motion to ajour this meeting second commission moral made a motion to ajour the meeting second by commissioner Le commission Morales how do you vote Yes commission Le how do you vote Yes meeting a j thank you very much very much for coming [Music] that's