this is the city commission meeting Monday March the 11th 2024 it's 5:30 p.m. we'll call the meeting to order uh would you please rise for the invocation and the pledge always a pleasure to be here with you all to recognize um some of our employees in their milestones and that their family members are here as well so we'll get started with the fiveyear awards uh we'd like to recognize Cheyenne Hub with the police department she is an emergency services dispatcher [Applause] too you want to a picture too there he is congratulations next we'd like to recognize our building official Miss Anne Kinsey has been with us for five years yeah [Applause] next we have this gentle public works department been here for 5 years if he's not here he was going to try to be he's working so congratulations Willie next we'll move on to our 20 Year Awards we'd like to recognize Mr James Pew he has been with the city for 20 years and is an electric Senior Systems operator another very familiar face that we see at our meetings Miss Andy pervis city clerk 20 years [Applause] are you make us congratulations next we would like to also recognize another familiar face we see here our finance director Mr Jim Williams with 20 years [Applause] [Applause] congratulations now on to a 30-year award Milestone Miss Tracy Hy she has been with us for 30 years she's our house and Redevelopment [Applause] [Applause] coordinator and we have a 35y year award this evening for Mr Steve Strickland our athletic fields manager in Recreation [Applause] Department children are right behind a heck yeah before Steve runs off I made a city manager of Poa a couple of meetings ago and then it was brought to my attention that I did a FAA so if there's a reason why I don't like people's names or something because like the spaghetti brain of mine will get stuff right but get stuff twisted and so I was actually giving stepen his group accolades for all the hard work and all the stuff they do out of Sleepy Hollow with all the field preparation especially since we had the the uh spring games and all that and I gave Steve's hard work credit to the public works department thank you very much we'll move on now to public this section is reserved for members of the public to bring up matters of concern or opportunities for praise issues brought up will not be discussed in detail at this meeting issues will either be referred to the proper staff or will be scheduled for consideration at a future city commission meeting comments are limited to 3 minutes and if you please give your name and your address when you come before the mic and we'll wait just a second let everybody clear up hang on one second good afternoon commission mayor and uh City staff I'm here uh my name is Rick Roos address is 9455 Silver Lake Drive leberg Florida I'm here on behalf of myself and also the uh residents of the Silver Lake Area I like to I know that I've already forwarded emails to the city but wanted to bring it and make it public record that we are contesting the activity that's going on in the prior golf course with uh regards to the KB Homes subdivision being developed so just want to bring that to the attention of the commission don't know if you're privy to I know you and I have spoke yes and don't know if uh if you've been privy to any emails or uh yes and and we do have a a meeting tomorrow to address that tomorrow yeah yeah Rick I'm pretty sure all your emails have been privy they're on public record okay so if they were head headed to the commission they've all found the commission box okay um I think there's three major issues we need to discuss um just some interpretations of where we're at and what's happened and we've got all that lined out so we'll have that discussion tomorrow okay not I do have Grant lined up oh you do okay Grant will be at the meeting okay as well as the mayor you also have me and Dan and I ask Cliff as well the Public Works director all right perfect and then you're okay with me bringing a videographer yeah you're you're going to take care of that uh well unless you have I mean my my I don't care I'm happy to record the me yeah that's fine that' be great and all I was going to bring a tape recorder okay unless you want to bring a videographer no that's fine if you want to pre staff that's fine okay it won't be staff it'll just we'll get it recorded okay all right excellent if you're okay with that yeah that's fine I'll check with ours and okay I appreciate it thanks looking forward to seeing you tomorrow thank you hello my name is Richard Calvin I'm the director of the Arts Center and on behalf of the of the uh board of directors of the lesburg Center for the Arts I just wanted to thank the commission the city Mr Min and everybody involved for all your help uh with the 47th leberg um push back I understand the weather I understand all that you know thing but we have customers that's um very frustrated um coming is when we have access to the road just different things that we have questions about um that we would like to get answered um some of the business owners are here today um to vce their own concerns as well so um that's all I have I just ask that you just be consider of small business um starting out and just keeping us updated what's going on because we are excited but again it's getting kind of frustrated when it's getting pushed back and then we're finding out from the community um of when the date's going to be what's what so if I didn't make those phone calls um would we have even known what's going on so even know what's going on so um again I just ask that you just reconsider um put some fire up under the um contractors whatever we need to do to get this ball rolling because again we're losing money um so again I just ask that you guys look into that thank you just for the commission's purpose I know we've been through this publicly a few times we've had different meetings and essentially we are trying to visit all the all the businesses which I think we have with periodic updates from Cliff Kelsey in the back his Public Works director and and Mr um John right John Faulkner is our projects manager I always get by the way I always get John and Steve K mixed they even their jobs are similar they even look like I think um but in any case look so here's the the the date there's two dates to keep in mind and this is what we've we we've told different folks throughout the course of this the contraction ual completion date so when we signed an agreement for construction uh with Wharton Smith the contractual completion date is August of 2024 okay that gave them I believe about 365 days to do the project if we come up to that constru contractual completion date and the project is not done we then go into process called liquidated damages typically when we run into a contract that doesn't get completed by the construction deadline contractually contractors always argue and will come up with reasonable excuses of why they didn't meet that deadline for example the first thing they're going to say is we didn't anticipate that the water and sewer lines were located incorrectly well they were so I can tell you right now that if they don't make the August deadline then they're probably going to have some built-in dates to the cont contract because of that so August is the contractual deadline what we have tried to shoot for is a miday completion date so that's about what May June July a so there about three 90 days early my latest update from Public's work was still that may date if Public Works has told you it's slipping into July we'll firm that up I'll go back with with Cliff it's probably due to the relocation of the water sewer Ms I remember that and we've talked about that publicly for the folks here in town or in the in the chambers there that that first big delay was we identified based on our old as built Maps which are accurate but not perfect that the depth of the water in sewer M were deeper than they actually were um so what did that mean when we started digging up and disturbing and talking to your businesses they were higher which meant we have to lower them to build the road with the correct base and those type of things so you that was a delay the delay we still thought you know we're still beating that August deadline so we're still at May if it's different than that I will have Cliff visit all the businesses and we'll do a public notice on that and we'll keep you informed that way be the second thing I would bring up is the commission as well as myself and Cliff we we the disruption and we put out a number of things to try to help with the disruption opon the blue relocation signs the better lighting of the parking lot the waiver of the trash fees and the abeyance of your utility bills to date I don't think anybody's taking advantage of those things but those things are still offered so I'll square up with Cliff I will make sure Cliff stops by your business and get you a personal update okay the lights in the parking lot aren done there's wires like hanging I go there at night but they're not okay I can't I will double check on that permanent lights are not the permanent lights aren't done but the temporary lights are so that's Brad the electric director so we'll follow up on that as well my name is wanaki Miller and um since I'm here I would like to go ahead and just reiterate reiterate what um Nikia miles had said said it's just that um and I'm the owner of Spill the Beans I'm at 406 Pine Street and so you know as she stated is very frustrating when we don't get updates and I'm pretty sure you are aware um that construction has stopped several times and I'm not sure if you are aware of the number of guys that's working um it's typically about four gentlemen so I would like to know do you guys have any plans as far as working with another company to help bring some more people in to get this job done because Pine Street we also bring a National Church here and I'm pretty sure you are aware of that as well Church of God in Christ we we're not even able to bring them to um Pine Street this year because of the construction and we um not only that we bring all these people here on the national level but we they take up many hotels here in the city of leeburg and patronize our businesses and so that's a concern for us as well and Mr fogner he has not yet to call me I called him three Fridays ago um Kevin did take the message and so I was to the point where I wanted to go to um um to the media because that's unacceptable and you know I just feel like fair being fair and being equal and having access where the businesses can have customers to come across as it was um designed or supposed to have happened and that's not have happened I'm pretty sure this would not happen on Main Street so I'm very disappointed again with all due respect I think the city understands where you're at the city has invested now over $5 million into Pine Street doing Capital Improvement projects is hard because of the disruption especially in a business Corridor I think the city has done everything we can to inform folks we've had different I know you disagree with this I know you disagree with this the city's done everything we can tend to inform folks we've had different public meetings we've posted on the website we've posted different advertisements to get the word out about where we're at our apologies if if that's not enough and we'll Endeavor to do better and to make personal contact as far as infrastructure and delays again and and amount of work schedule these are difficult things because we have entered into a contractual agreement with a contractor that says they guarantee that work will be done by a date certain that date certain is August that contract doesn't allow the city to say you've got to have 10 people on the site all day every day that contract says you just have to have this job done by a date certain so we can't dictate ways and means we can dictate making sure things are posted making sure things are up making sure people are notified and and we've done that the frustration is we're affecting your businesses we understand that this project on Pine Street would be no different than how dot would treat a business on us27 and I think the overall investment into the Pine Street Community is a huge one that's getting overlooked understandably so because of the delays so we are not in a position to say contractor you have to keep people on that job so for example when the job went man for a couple of weeks it went manless for a couple of weeks because they were stopped they couldn't work we had to lower water insur remains to do the street project which is going to make your business more hopefully bring in more people boast of the community and not only will we return to business will return to business better than it was before that's the aim that's the purpose of the investment um so again we'll continue to work with the contractor any day before August unfortunately is a day that beats the contractual obligation and until we're up against that contractual date we really can't force the contractor to do anything they have worked with us in good faith the best that I can do is to make sure johon does get out and Cliff does get out and we'll do that if you're concerned financially we've offered incentives to delay and to put off some of your expenses please come and see me about that that was publicized and that was talked about publicly so again we apologize for these delays it will be better when it's done we know there's disruption we've offered ways around that and we will continue to work with the contractor to make sure that we do better than the contractual end date which we're on schedule to do and I was going to add but that's the best we can do there's there's no punitive damage we can take against the contractor until they miss that contractual date okay and I understand about the contractual end dat but do they have different phases where it's actually where someone goes out and assess the work that's being done in different phases there is a because I don't think they're on track as far as that there your opinion and the contractors and Cliff's opinion I'm just saying based on the observation because they're not working your opinion and Cliff's opinion and the contractors opinion are all going to differ the one that is legal and binding is the contractual date and the contractors are within the contractual date okay do we have so we do have a work schedule we're happy to share that with you if you step out and talk to Cliff right there yes Cliff put your hand up again he'll get it to you okay and then also if someone can also walk it with us because there there's definitely yes cuz there's no work being done with four people cliff will get Cliff will talk to you about that too okay and remember the only thing I'll tell you is a lot of work to the naked eye is underground so what to you may look like no work to us is a boatload to work so and it's kind of like when you're building a house you know you're putting in a foundation and you're putting in water pipes and you really don't see anything until the wood starts going up and what we're doing is a street project so 90% of our work unless you're in the road construction business is you're going to think nothing's going on right and I understand that cuz my husband does Construction as well so I'm aware of delays and different things happen so that's a given thank you do we have any more yes sir real quick um John Christian Community Development Corporation we are the owner of most of the buildings on Pine Street um just the city management and the mayor and commission I think U what would really help is a um email list that you can email these business owners and let them know what's going on the same information I think and what happens is they call the CDC I have no idea I can't tell them anything um no one's working in three weeks I can't tell so I call Cliff Cliff tells about the permit so I try to explain that to them um but I think that we just got a simple email um these business owners um if if John goes down and knock on every door Wan key works in Orange County she Orange County Public School teacher she's not there um when John goes so I think the fastest most efficient way is simply get everyone's email and treat as a high priority and simply say this week is what's happening on Pine Street um they're doing this and I think if Cliff John or Warton Smith could just give them update I think that alleviate a lot of the a lot of the problems thank you any other public comment okay we'll move on to item five the consent agenda I have one thing okay please I'm a Lindsay I'm own C Cotton's kitchen you know I do have a business well my business is on Pine Street um originally we we were supposed to have access from the swimming pool over to the businesses that has not happened yet and a lot of our customers are going to The Aquatic Center and we're having like um Nikia said we're having to go out and direct them in even if until there's access from the pool to the businesses can we at least get a L there because we we literally have to go outside and waving around and pointing and doing all of this you know when we we should have access from the pool to the business because that was I remember when we had the meeting at the venician center That was supposed to happen and it would help out a lot it would and that's all I got to say all right any any other public comment that's it okay we'll move on to item five the consent agenda routine items are placed on the consent agenda to expedite the meeting if the commission or staff wish to discuss any item the procedure is as follows one pull the item or items from the consent agenda two vote on remaining items with one roll call vote three discuss each pulled item and vote by roll call are there any items that anyone would like to pull uh C C1 5 C1 yes sir any other items can we get a motion to approve make a motion I'll make a motion to approve all remaining items roll call commission canell yes commission rean yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes mayor bur yes someone please introduce item 5 C1 ask be read by title only resolution of the city Commission of the city of leeburg Florida authorizing the mayor and city clerk to execute an agreement with Florida Department of Transportation shared use non-motorized parentheses Sun Trail program supporting a sun Trails Grant application for design and construction portion of the Tav Le connector Trail and providing an effective date for approval second discussion I pulled this because I I I I mean I really wasn't in favor of of of this to start with and when it came up I don't know a year or two ago I I vot I think I voted against it but I I know there's a grant out there that the it's alluding to that I guess that the state's going to provide yes but it's still going to cost us $270,000 of city of leeburg money for a trail that I I I just don't see it's going to be used it's still $270,000 I know it looks good on paper the state's taking care of the Lion Share of this through the grant but still $270,000 of taxpayer money for something I just really do not think's going to be used very often I think that money could be kept and reserved and used for a better purpose to benefit maybe the majority of the the citizens and not a select few that want to ride a bicycle from here to the fairies so I I said I pulled it because I I wanted to put that out there that's that's all I really have any other comment to that other roll call commissioner rean yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner conell no mayor B yes okay so we'll move on to uh public hearings and non- routine items number six uh we have first some second readings uh Grant do we need some swor in yes sir we'll go ahead and get everybody sworn in uh anybody who's here this evening for any of the items on uh for second reading uh this evening if you would please stand and raise your right hand so you can be sworn in do you swear or affirm that I'll testimon you'll give tonight will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth thank you all so we going to do one and [Music] two one and two together can we introduce item 6 A1 and two I'll introduce 6 A1 and two to be read by title only 6 A1 an ordinance amending the future land use map of the comprehensive ensive plan of the city of lebur changing the future land use map designation of certain property containing 464 plus minus Acres from City of lebur neighborhood mixed use to City of lebur estate residential for property J located west of County Road 33 south of Florida's Turnpike and east of County Road 48 lying in section 32 and 33 Township 20 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date 6 A2 an ordinance of the city of lebur Florida changing the zoning on approximately 464 plusus Acres from City lebur PUD to City lebur PUD planned unit development to allow for a residential subdivision for property generally located west of County Road 33 south of Florida's Turnpike and east of County Road 48 lying in sections 32 and 33 Township 20 South Range 24 for East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date Andy you're welcome move for approval all right Dan can you come up thank you Mr Mayor Dan Miller Planning and Zoning um this is for the Banning this project is for the Banning Ranch phase three and four project um it's a request for large scale comp plan resoning for 464 Acres it's generally located west of County Road 33 south of the Florida Turnpike and east of County Road 48 originally this property was one large PUD uh with 1375 residential units on 624 Acres running this is the current subject property and then there was some additional property going back over here to Highway 33 um so the property was was sold it had one PUD on it it was sold and now it's been broken into two puds um one was recently approved under ordinance 2129 which is this area back to the east here that was phase one and two which allowed 278 units on 160 acres and the project before you this evening is phase three and four on 434 Acres uh with 530 units so to sum that up you had originally 13 75 units in one PUD the same property is now broken into two puds with a total of 88 units that is a reduction of 567 units from the original PUD the overall proposal is to go from the large scale comp plan from neighborhood mixed use to estate residential both of those allow a maximum of four units per acre and then a rezoning from the current PUD to from the old PUD to the current one um the specific request again 530 detached lots that on that 434 Acres which is 1.15 gross units per AC units per gross acre uh it's all single family residential development no commercial or industrial uses so the standard prohibited uses are all written into this um it would consist of 50 60 and 70ft wide lots and for all the Lots there are 25t setbacks go requirements for any side setbacks less than 7 and 1/2 ft we have dark sky lighting two trees in each yard architectural standards and two car garages in in addition there's been some additional guest parking provided on the site plan and 35% open space which is it's actually more than the 35 uh 25t buffer surrounding the exterior boundary of the property uh two access points one contiguous to the East and one contiguous to the West 2.43 Acres of recreational areas such as fence playgrounds for children separate dog park areas and other recreational type amenities all other requirements of the Pud or the standard PUD language including protection for Wetlands restrictions on the types of grass so we're not using say St Augustine that uses a lot of water that kind of thing um beyond that it is a standard PUD again the total red uction from the combination of these two from the old PUD reduces it by 567 units and all single family instead of previously there were some Town Homes within there uh beyond that it's the same PUD as you've seen before and uh Mr Mike Ranken of LPG of Mount Dora is here to answer any questions that you may have questions for Dan Dan you said there is access now to the West is that there's access to the West that's going to be pending on what happens to the West okay so these properties back to the West are also under consideration by other developers and they'll have to punch out over here on 33 excuse me is that no that'll be 48 4 I'm sorry 33 is back over here I know and um so this can be built when there's access over here so it's covered okay and then they will have uh access back toward 33 of course as as well okay question Dam with large developments like this are we requiring the developer to put like covered School Bus drop locations we work with the school board and send this information over to them and uh we we suggest them there have been times when they say we don't need them and times when they agree with it so we let the school board make that decision but we're happy to recommend it to them is that passed to the developer that cost that's a cost to the developer yes sir if the school board chooses to to do that in in most of these cases um they will also have to do um mitigated agreement with the school board to fund money for school seats so that's very common as well any other questions for Dan any questions for the [Music] petitioner good evening mayor members of the commission city manager Min and staff as well as guests for the record Michael Ranken land Planning Group 1162 Camp Avenue Mount Dora thank you for the opportunity tonight to speak as Dan uh did a great job in covering the project two things that I just want to make sure uh I reiterate what Mr Miller had mentioned was the contiguous properties will have Ingress egress to it to make sure we have that continuity between developments and this is a reduction in rooftops these are single family homes we meet the uh open space and we fully uh agree with the design standards architectural standards that the city staff had recommended planning zoning staff so I ask you would just simply accept the uh staff report and I will be happy to answer a question you may have thank you any questions for Mike any public comment on this no public comment any other commission comments I do have several I think this is as good a time as any to to start speaking of this I you know there to me there's there's a there's two things you got smart growth and you got out of control growth and I believe we've hit the out of control button I mean with the amount of land that we Annex and rezone every month is tremendous I mean I don't know if anybody's aware do you know that we have over 30,000 over 30,000 Lots on the books that have been approved or not developed yet that's probably more than double the amount of rooftop single family rooftops we have in this city already and we're over double of that already on the books for development you know I I just think we need to take a step back and start thinking about this annexation and resoning we got a tremendous amount of property there's no supply and demand problem there's plenty of property can be developed it's already been approved it's inside the city I think we need to really think about slowing down on this this development I mean we all know that Transportation the roads Lag Way behind the developments and you know you're talking about over 30,000 rooftops I mean we we probably couldn't handle another four or 5,000 th000 rooftops I mean sometimes you try to get to the city of leeburg during the day hey take you 30 minutes to drive a 5 Mile Stretch I mean and you know nothing against fdot or the county but it lags behind the development and when you've got over 30,000 Lots sitting there already on the books I think we really need to really consider maybe not doing all this annexation or rezoning I mean I know I've heard the argument well if we don't do what somebody also Annex it in was my understanding if it's in our isba that that they can't do it anyway unless all 14 jurisdictions and the county agree that the other jurisdiction can take it from us so we're it's not like somewhere down the road we're going to be missing out on some annexation resoning that if we don't do it well Groveland claremont's going to do it well they really can't if they're in our isba so I I really think we really need to consider this and um start slowing down on just handing out these these these annexations resoning puds you know like like Santa wood with the Christmas gifts I mean I I really think we really need to consider this and I wasn't you know I mean I've been thinking about this but I thought well this is I guess the time I mean there's another PUD with what 800 homes I mean actually a decrease I understand I understand it's a decrease but it's also on a PUD as well expire that's why they're back because their PUD that was approved is expired so um like I said I mean I just really think I would really think the commission ought to think about this as whole over 30,000 units on the books over double the amount of single family rooftops we have in the city now I mean how many more are we going to bring in here anyway that's what I had to say Mr maror any other comments any other public comments once again Rick Roos 9455 Silver Lake Drive leeburg I commend Mr connell's comments I mean I mentioned this back in December of 2021 when another project was irresponsibly being developed on 44 with two-way roads that can't support what's already there you know it's time I I mentioned it in on record there's a fine line I make a career out of this 38 years in this business there's a fine line between responsible development and irresponsible development city of leeburg has crossed that line many years ago so once again I commend Mr conell thank you okay any other comments okay so we have can we introduce 6 A1 first to vote Yes separate motions on those yeah 6 A1 move for approval second roll call commissioner Peterson yes commission Barry yes commissioner conell no commissioner rean yes mayor bur yes someone please introduce 6 A2 6 A2 move for approval second roll call commissioner Barry yes commissioner Kell no commissioner rean yes commissioner Peterson yes mayor muray yes thank you mayor and members of the commission thank you someone please introduce 6 A3 683 to be by title only an ordinance of the city of lebur Florida establishing the Dewey Robbins Community Development District pursuant to chapter 190 Florida Statutes providing for authority and power of the district establishing the district providing for the Board of Supervisors of the district providing for the District budget providing for functions of the district providing for miscellaneous provisions and providing an effective date for approval second discussion rollup yes commission conel yes commissioner rean yes commission Peterson yes commission Barry yes mayor BR yes we'll move on to uh first reading of ordinances 6 A1 there's none move to six oh excuse me 6b1 sorry but uh there are none 6C non routine items someone please introduce 6 C1 I'll introduce ask be read by title only resolution of the city Commission of the city of lebur Florida authorizing the mayor and city clerk to execute a property sales contract in order to purchase 120 and 122 West Main Street Leesburg Florida and providing an effective date for approval second discussion uh yes I have numerous things let's talk about this for a few minutes talking about purchasing the Tropic theater for 2 million $395,000 to house potentially the center of the Arts and the melon patch two nonprofit organizations that will pay absolutely zero rent really for $2.4 million you might as well say then part two to this is is we're going to tear down the center of the Arts building I did an inspection on the center of the Arts building this morning I find nothing wrong with that building the sprinkler system is properly tagged up to date which tells me it's functionable the fire alarm system is properly tagged which tells me it's up to date I found nothing wrong with the interior of the building I was informed there's a little bit of a roof leak on one corner of it and there's some water intrusion at the front door well I mean that's a that's a great problem from outside that the concrete could be readjusted so it's not draining into the front door or maybe some weather strippy but it'll cost a tear that a perfectly good building down of $150,000 then we have all kind of stuff stored in there so then we're going to build a building of 450 $50,000 to house the stuff that's in a perfectly good building then we're going to spend $450,000 to do a design Improvement plan of downtown for a total cost of this whole package of 3,445 th000 this is absurd absurd there's nothing wrong with the present building the center the arch is in we don't need a theater building for $2.4 million we don't need to be tearing down a perfectly good building for $150,000 and we don't need to be buy building another building just to house the stuff that's in the building that's currently there I mean this is this is craziness craziness okay so it is your contention that the building is fine I found I found nothing wrong with it Jimmy because that is not put together PowerPoint presentation yeah um so let me share with the commission kind of some of the philosophies behind here um with all due respect to commission commissioner canel's um objection to the project um so an if you'd hit it the the slides so the the next one so the the the cost of the the purchase is $2.4 million that cost comes to us between is the difference between two appraisals which is required by state statutes any purchase over half a million bucks requires two appraisals so that's that's how that the base cost was determined 2.4 middle price of two appraisals from separate certified appraisers the reason to purchase supporting the Arts um currently the leberg center of the arts is I'm going to refer to it what did you refer to the building as you refer to it as the Arts building so Arts building partnership building just so just for commonality and synonyms i' I've always referred to it as the partnership building um so that's what you know that's the other side so the so so there's no confusion the the the purpose is supporting the Arts right now that building used to house the partnership which is passed the Baton to us and and the lesburg Center for the Arts or the arts program um the building is you know I appreciate where commissioner canel is from but the reports that we've gotten is and and this commission has also determined that we wanted to reinvest in this and you've allocated 250 grand for it since I've been here off the cuff um I think back in 15 or 16 we put 50 or 60 Grand in the building to upgrade the electric panels the building went on for some time and then in the past couple years we've received complaints from the Arts facility as well as the partnership before it was defunct that of of all these problems the aesthetic appearance of the outside the roof leaks the walls dripping we've had Wharton Smith go through the number um so long story short whether the building is in tear down condition which probably not uh but in need of some upgrade which probably is um but in any case we'll come back to the the that question momentarily but supporting the Arts is the concept and what we're trying to do is create synergies and move different ways to make other things happen in downtown which this body has said is a priority goal which you established back this past summer melon patch and the Arts are the core of what we do for the Arts and if we can get those facil those organizations in a facility that better supports them and better supports the downtown then our investment is not just Financial it's longterm it's those non-tangible things ways that we can bring people to our downtown which promotes leeburg which promotes local business we want foots on the ground and and part of this body's um job is to think of things that enhance our community and I think that putting the Arts and the melon patch in a facility that represents leberg and those organizations Better accomplishes the building of Commerce boasts on our downtown and supports the Arts um so supporting the Arts supporting downtown Commerce are two primary reasons the third is again we've got a number of downtown issues that we've tackled or G grappled with really for forever for a long time parking is one of them let me so let me remind you of this in July of 20 of 2003 Ron stock wrote a memo to the city commission saying that we should buy that facility for a parking lot and they recommended a transfer of $250,000 from the electric fund to do it that's a partnership building now mind you we we we did this we did this when the parking garage was under construction and in the next few months we passed a $17 million Bond so in 2003 we said we need to knock down this building for a parking lot 10 months later on stock wrote to the city Commission and said we need to keep the building put 80 grand into it and put the partnership there and staff didn't even give you a recommendation and so we bought the facility for a parking lot and then we put the Arts and the partnership in the building so 20 years later we're kind of revisiting you know there's OB there's objectives that we're trying to do to the down and that's the purpose I brought this up there's objectives that we're trying to accomplish one of them is parking we've been talking about parking I know since I've been here and before I've been here parking is has been an issue in December our consultant said that one of our problems with parking is where we invested the parking garage was not an ideal location for for that parking garage it needed to be more Center um I don't know what the number to build that parking garage in today's dollars were but I I guarantee it's 15 million and over to build something like that um that just a wag but parking going back to the 2018 master plan with the pocket park concepts with the Market Street Concepts commissioner reesman brought in more recently the need to get rid of our nonconforming on street parking and then our consultant saying if we use this location we can address these things so there is probably three underlying sub reasons investing in this building not only invests in the Arts but it invests in our downtown next is we have slum and blight issues um with all due respect to melon patch theater and players that building is blight and it's a blight on 12th Street it affects the Baptist Church it lacks parking and we can do better the partnership arts building is blight while maybe it's a doable building it's old it's outdated it's ugly it doesn't represent our downtown well it's blight removing both of those facilities in the future helps move our core downtown forward and even a little bit outstretch of our core downtown with with tackling um the melon patch which you know hopefully will be under contract and purchased removed and a new use plan will shortly be developed for that finally the events division you know that's kind of an ancillary reason but us picking up the Bon of the partnership has necessitated an events division where they're housed now in the partnership building so this would be an easy location for them to relocate into um have touch to downtown and then of course as the commissioner said yeah if we knock down this building that already houses stuff we do have to find another location which will by the way we have another blighted area which is Hall Circle where we literally have a storage shed that's underutilized and if you push on it too hard it's going to fall over so we do have blight issues um and I understand the price tag uh being heavy Anna if you flip to is this affordable is the next question in the 10 years that I've been the city manager um I think it's totally reasonable for people to question Concepts and ideas and is the right plan or is this a bad plan you know I think th those are matters of opinion and as this body when you vote on something and you've you get the majority then that is the that is the accepted consensus of the collective wisdom of the body I think one of the greatest things that we have done is when it has come to general fund projects under my recommendations with you and my leadership with you we have been excellent stewards of the money the definition of excellent Steward of money means we have not issued one single penny of debt on a general fund project right everybody understands a caveat when it comes to the general fund and projects that depend on taxpayer money zero debt has been issued now that hasn't been the case in the past and I'm not saying that those Investments were bad but in the past years we probably spent upwards of 20 to30 million on different projects from the pool to Pine Street to the resource center to the Venetian center with zero debt this is another one of those projects so is it affordable yes is it the priority you want that's for this body to determine because every time we do a project like this we have to allocate our our scarce resources and we have to spend SP them wisely so do we have it is it affordable yes is it something we want to do it's for this body to determine and obviously before tonight we've talked about this since 2003 so how is it affordable right now if you count our available cash I I would point you to these these areas where we have cash allocations the partnership building rehab allocation 243,000 we allocated 7 Grand I think we did a couple of things I couldn't tell you what we spent 7 Grand on but there's still 243 left I think that was an AC windows and windows sealing fixing AC and sealing Windows the remaining American Recovery Act funds are 309,000 the remaining Market Street allocation is 321,000 on that note we went down we allocated I think CRA money kind of didn't like where that design was going covid hit and we stopped so we haven't spent any more of that money um but that money is still available CIP is capital Improvement account interest earnings 441,000 as you know when we accounting wise when we do a capital Improvement project we take money from the general fund and then we have to shift it into the Capital Improvements fund and then we spend it that's kind of the Gatsby rule when that money gets shifted over we may or may not get the project done but that money goes into an account and it earns interest then you can spend it where you see fit so over the years we've generated about $441,000 of Interest monies on CIP projects unspent fiber sale proceeds we still have a million dollars left exactly the $934,000 so when we sold the f system the concept was we were able to cover what the best thing that asset did for us with the right of use for 30 years so now we're maybe in year 23 um but that but we were able to get what we needed out of the fiber by selling it by the by the Perpetual use 30-year deal but then it it lined us with about 8 million bucks of that 8 million bucks we've got one left then there's two two more Revenue sources fiscal year 24 unallocated DST Revenue so when we did the budget this year we knew going into the budget that it was it's just an interesting year we were shifting goals and priorities so we didn't allocate everything from fiscal year 24 so we bring in roughly $25 million a year in DST discretionary sales tax money that's the penny sales tax that we get from the county based on a formula blah blah BL blah blah um the 1.3 end of this year we said we aren't going to spend it we also have some other unspent DST monies 1.6 million um that 1.6 million has accumulated because the our approach since I've been your city manager has been to budget revenues low and spend even less that creates cash how long the time frame EXC me I hate to I just want to interrupt quick question how long of a time frame can you give more of the unallocated can you estimate the 2024 unallocated DST revenue is this fiscal year okay past 12 months that's the 1.6 DST Reserve starts probably by I'm going say roughly 2020 2021 when covid hit we anticipated that covid was going to hurt our DST revenues so when we came in the summer of 20120 to do the budget we were extremely conservative we cut d EST Revenue projections because when we did that budget it was in the time of all the you know closed shop and although we're at free Florida we were you know we were closed for a little while and then we opened up again but that was a lot of uncertainty when we did that budget so we were extremely conservative and and we've kind of kept that approach we've opened it up a little bit but so that so those two together is about almost three million bucks right 2.9 so you put all those numbers together that equ equal $5.1 48 million of money where it doesn't hit is the general fund Reserve so we're still not tapping into general fund Reserve monies and in out years you still have sources primarily the DST revenues that we have so this this is allocating how you can do this without spending one single penny in out years it's all cash it's no debt and I kind of would compare it to when you're in your home budget right you want to make a purchase you want to buy a home you squirrel away money and then when you have what you can afford you go purchase it pay as you go that has been our philosophy in the general fund for the past 10 years um we have not done the old go grab it from the electric fund now we have done that to gas fund and solid waste funds but we endeavored to do that for for different reasons which I won't get into so I appreciate everybody's opinion here as your manager I think that this is a good project for those reasons and as your manager I think this is a priority type item if you agree that it accomplishes those goals of marrying organizations putting a better foot forward investing in downtown helping Commerce get rid of blight tackling other projects then I think this is an expense you want to do and I think you can afford it and it does what it affects then is you know it it uses H obviously half of that $5.4 million roughly that we've identified where you can spend without going to Future monies so how do we do this ly of other things that was in your packet uh that was described and commissioner canel brought up a CCNA moving forward leases with the other associations those are the next steps so I think you can accomplish all of these things things with the monies that we have available before tapping in to allocations that we know that we will have for fiscal year 25 and at the end of the day I hate to go back to that cliche I haven't said it in a while um but at the end of the day it's really a priority item if you if you feel like this is a worthy project a worthy expenditure then your vote is yes if you think that it's no that we can spend the money in other places better than the votes yes obviously our staff recommendations yeah we think this is a good plan we think it fits with your directives from the directions that you gave us in the in the goal setting session this summer we think it matches with the sessions in the downtown business plan and I think it is Affordable uh yes I I have several things I kind of want to retouch on the city manager brought up um I was making some notes uh um leaks there was a small portion of the the roof that had a leak uh which is easy enough to fix and as far as the the water weeping into some of the walls we have planners that the City built along the exterior walls about 2 and 1/2t block High walls that the City built Planters in uh there's no weat balls in them uh so any water that goes in there from rain has nowhere to to go I mean there there's no way for it to escape so I think that's easy enough to fix put drill some holes in there for the water to go somewhere so it doesn't weep into the building uh we speak about um uh this is for the center of the Arts and the um at what cost to the city as a whole are we going to put into the center of the Arts and the malop patch 35 million it's craziness uh the art building we're talking about um bringing traffic to the downtown well the ARs building's one block off of poundtown I mean I don't know downtown's going to any more traffic whether they're where they're at now or they're in the old Tropic building I I don't believe that holds a lot of water with me um what events and when do we have a a parking problem downtown I keep hearing about parking issues I almost guarantee on any given day you can go to the parking garage and there's probably a few if any putty parking either on the second or the third story of the garage we have parking we don't need to spend this kind of money to develop more parking spaces downtown I mean I don't even know if we have an event that we run out of parking spaces and if we we have a major event most people that have property around Main Street are selling their property out for $10 $15 a car to park in so people can find a place to park if they want to come downtown in special events and on a regular basis I do not believe we have a parking issue as far as the the looks of the partnership building the center of the ARs whatever we want to call this thing I don't know it looks anything different than anything else down downtown I don't know it's blight I don't think it's it's an eyesore I mean a good coat of paint goes a long ways uh so no I do not think it like stands out like a sore thumb down there compared to everything else we have on Main Street as far as the the art the art building again the electric was just redone recently I Believe by Prime electric completely beautiful job I'll gu guarantee that upgrade with all the inside panels the electric metallic tubing and everything else that was put in it's a beautiful job but I guarantee it was not cheap the electri looks perfect we just replaced one or two units a couple years ago on this building if it's such a disaster why are we why have we spent this kind of money into the building and now we're just going to tear it down and the I mean and the other thing is hasn't really been touched on but is the Tropic TurnKey or are we going to spay spend $2.4 million and turn around and find out we got to dump hundreds of thousands more into it to accommodate these two new tenants I mean is it TurnKey ready to go or is it going to cost money to renovate it once we get ownership of it and the last thing I'll I'll leave it at and I won't I mean this is going to be the final thing I won't keep arguing this point is if we've got this kind of money to spend on B Le trails and $3.5 million to have this dream thing happen downtown and all this stuff then I'm going to make motions that's coming up at budget time that we no longer we don't just roll back millage to adjust to the cost of what people's property values have went up to we actually reduce the millage rate significantly because apparently we got more money than we know what to do with thank you sir okay comments some people would call this uh progress um 25 years ago our downtown was it truly was blight I moved here 26 years ago our downtown um was probably 723d empty maybe 75% empty um the majority the major businesses were pawn shops um the city came along and did the Main Street uh design um you know in conjunction with the lesburg partnership and so the city invested in our downtown and as a result the private sector is invested substantially in our downtown our downtown um I brag about it all the time it's it it's continually improved every year we probably wish some of us wish it improve faster over the years but I can say I don't really really remember ever you know going the wrong direction it's continually gone the right direction I'm very proud of that and I think it's time for our city to put money into downtown uh we were moving forward with a downtown master plan uh we were budgeting I can't remember the dollars they were bigger than this um we were responsible we put that money on hold because of co uh the money was spent else spent elsewhere through our town we have spent money all over this town in the five years I've been on the commission I've supported probably every one of them I think that's called progress again investing in our city um but it's time for the city to invest downtown um two years ago I was against knocking the the current partnership building down um I have reassessed it um parking if I believe in the downtown master plan you can help me out here I know it was top three issue I think it was number one uh for the residents of the city on what to how to spend money downtown it was at least one or two you it was ranked first I mean by the resident and these are the residents that came forward and said rank your priorities downtown I'm positive parking was number one or number two um the parking garage we have I remember when they built it I shook my head it was just not a good location for it um people complain about parking I think we do have a parking problem I think and this is a great chance to just do a lot of projects right um um you know I support the Arts I think it's good for downtown I think it will draw people downtown um I'm excited about the parking uh to create more parking in a very central location piggy back off of the study we did downtown we can uh fix other parking problems downtown um I think I think it's just it's a it's a lot of money but it's time for us to invest downtown uh I hope the commission will approve this uh you know this will be big for our downtown and uh if people complain after this about parking they're just gonna have to complain you and um this this this is a good move by our city I'd like to add please Jay um with all due respect you have made some valid points that made me say h you know to think differently I also know that the importance of what we need downtown for as um an Arts Theater I mean we don't have any we can't offer for any type of organization or theater group or paintings or anything to be displayed in our downtown area that would draw in a crowd that would bring people to want to come see it's important it's needed um as many people that are moving and relocating to this area they want arts in the city it's really important um we utilize churches Marson United First Baptist um all we need to to have our City downtown to be an inviting spot for all it needs to be I mean when I say all very diverse opening up for opportunities for job opportunities employment it's a definitely needed I feel um the dollar amount yeah I can question you but if it's definitely laid out in how we just looked at it and went through it's kind of simple on understanding that it's it's going to cost to make sure that we have representation and our city looks like a nice city and inviting I don't know of any place that would be TurnKey ready to go I mean I don't care what you invest in you're always going to have to make some form of changes and it's just understood um you may mention of um the partnership area I can remember going in there look looking and the office was okay but if that's our invent place where we would do business bringing people wanting to come we should be stepping up our scale to say here come in this is what we're looking at this is what we want you to be a part of inviting people to come to our city I just think it would be a really Plus for a change bringing people to the area letting them know that we're not back in I mean we're at 21st century plus moving on and I think this would be our first step so that's my thoughts thank you I mean with all due respect commissioner marry is the center of the art is a block off of Main Street where it's not miles and miles away it's a block off so I don't know about moving at a block is going to make that big a difference one way or the other as far as bringing downtown people they're already there downtown I in fact I think I think Magnolia is considered to be part of the downtown to start with as far as the building itself it's perfectly fine there's nothing wrong with the building if if we don't think it's a it's pleasing to the Arts people once they go in there well I can assure you for a fraction of $3.45 million we can make some significant improvements in there to make it look beautiful if that's the concern I just think we're we're we're we're we're going overboard here to try to create something downtown that's really already downtown it's a block away and thearts center of the Arts and so but it's not accommodating well okay but for the $ 3.54 million we're talking about here you can make it very attractive in there with a fraction of that amount of money you can make the most beautiful Art Center in Lake County maybe Central Florida for a fraction of it and you've got parking for the building already so it's not going to overload any additional parking downtown cuz it's it's got its own parking thank you ma'am I think this is exciting for our city I think we as a city we support a lot of things and invest in a lot of different areas around our city whether it be our Sports complexes um our Trails things like that not everybody's into Trails not everybody's into sports complexes some people are into Arts so I think it's exciting that we're diversifying and having that option for our residents to have fun and enjoy our city and I think it's a great thing for our downtown so I'll offer an opinion uh I think uh we can purchase it or we cannot purchase it we don't purchase it what happens to it somebody's going to purchase it and we are probably going to have a purchaser that is a non for-profit would be my guess so are we going to get anything out of that deal anyway no well I will add to this too by purchasing the building you're taking a a a big property value-wise off the tax rle so this is going to be a reoccurring cost on losing avalum tax on this building every single year too so if somebody bought it hopefully they so hopefully somebody buys it they're not non for-profit but the chances of that are slim well I I don't know I mean have no idea I can assure you I don't think anybody's I'm just given my guess exactly my guess is that it'll be a non profit that's located real close to that area that purchases it it is my guess so it's gone anyway um I think I think we have a responsibility just like two of our other Commissioners have mentioned to support the Arts I think we have a current uh theater in the melon patch Players theater that is in in terrible shape uh it supports about 200 seats is that what we said maybe 200 the existing theater in this facility is 250 seats so it's an improvement to an audience already that could come to it uh 250 people on a Saturday night downtown I think the restaurants would benefit I think our downtown benefits by having those things I I'm not I'm not a great fan as of the money I get it it's expensive but but doing things for the city of leeburg that make it better for everybody this is one of those things that will improve the quality of life in lesburg and I support it any other comments are there any public comments I didn't realize I was going to be up here this office tonight I had no idea this was even on the agenda but I have to speak up on this I am the prior owner to the Tropic theater Mr Peterson financed that mortgage for us he struggled to finance it for $250,000 we had to fight tooth and nail to make it happen with us injecting over $150,000 in it at that time has anybody even assessed the building one is how how was it even presented it's not even listed for sale you know and then I know that yeah the other non-for-profit you're talking about is Beacon college and they could certainly use it but in this time the short window um there's three Parcels of property and I've said it for years I agree parking garage was not placed in a in a suitable spot should have been placed between fifth and sixth street city of leeburg currently owns three properties that are bordering that parking lot between fifth and sixth street right now you don't have to tear anything down you got enough land use or land space to build a parking garage there um I'm well well familiar with the in infrastructure of the theater itself 230 seats on theater number two um if it meets all the current requirements that was back in 78 when it was renovated um so you're probably looking at about another million to million and a half at best to rehab the Tropic theater I mean like I said we owned it for years we sold it because it was just a money pit so um who was here back when the Arts Festival was moved to downtown was anybody living in lebur I know you were yeah back in 79 when we moved here remember where it used to be held the Arts Festival every year no in uh Venetian Gardens oh down okay down at the we used to draw about the same crowd as Mount Dora now I mean it it was it was a thing to do and the year they moved to downtown killed the Arts Festival for leeburg and that's when Mount Dora jumped on the opportunity so we have a perfectly beautiful huge what triple the size of what the community center used to be that could house a annual event there for Arts we have a great building on Magnolia that if a parking garage was parked next to it could be rehabbed and for for a lot less money I'll be you know I'll be willing to put in a bid for it um I just think that this once again is just wasteful dollars I mean wasteful dollars and I had to speak up because I you know I used to own the Tropic so I mean gosh I wish I had the money that leurs got to spend cuz it's just it's amazing what's going on here the the current theater our girls perform there at the melon patch I mean a little bit of a little bit of uh touchup there some rehab for a lot less money would make that place a beautiful theater I mean gorgeous theater so that's just my two cents and I hope you all respect that thank you thank [Music] you any other public comment uh my name is Bert bolck I'm a longtime resident of leeburg 126 South 8th Street my family is celebrating their 106th anniversary of being in this community so we've got a lot of experience here um why move the Arts Center to Main Street I'm going to quote from the American Americans for the Arts it was their a six uh summary of the investment in the Arts Community Across the Nation I'll read through it real quick and then we'll cross reference it to Florida I recognize I have limited time uh nationally nonprofit Arts and Cultural section generated $1.7 billion of economic activity in 2022 73.3 billion in spending by the art arts and culture organizations and an additional 78.4 billion in event related expenditures by their audiences the industry supported over 2.6 million jobs and provided $11 billion in personal income to Residents and generated 29.1 billion in tax revenue to local state and federal governments now let's compare that to Florida Florida did a really nice report they extracted it from that specifically for uh the State of Florida uh total spending again 151.90 Bon ion total in total spending for the Arts total jobs created 2.6 million nationally 91 M 270,000 jobs created in the State of Florida personal income 101 billion nationally 3.4 excuse me 3.7 billion dollars of personal income in the State of Florida and individual spending and this is the big number that we need to look at is why it's important to move it downtown on a national basis individual spending this is above and beyond the cost cost of the ticket to get into the event is 38 $384 per person individually above and beyond the cost of the ticket and in Florida it's $44.92 spent above and beyond the cost of the ticket in the downtown that's for food drinks shopping lodging Transportation clothing groceries child care and other items with local Merchants beyond the cost of admission so this is a critical piece of our puzzle I I'll move quickly here um investing in arts and culture attracts new po new populations and businesses to local areas according to research by the Arts Council the industry known to boost tourism both domestically and foreign and moving very quickly Li uh acting studio Chicago says Live Theater helps promote social dis discourse theater is a cultural phenomenon that demands that Society examines itself in the mirror we can study societal problems and attempt to find Solutions coming together as a community to listen to opposing points of view is necessary and we need that more now than ever in our nation thank you any other public [Music] comment evening Elliot Ward Blue Island sportsware um I'd like to thank this board for what you guys are doing the I don't want to say sides or whatever but the different views it it's good to see that being said we have a huge parking problem in this town I'm a business here and uh there's a big parking so anything that's going to help that and bring people downtown that's what we need to do and uh I'm for tearing it down and buying we we need parking definitely need parking short and sweet thank you very much appreciate what you're doing any other comments James HG good we're new restaurant right here on Fifth Street Breakfast at Tiffany's I'll take the Shameless plug um um we're right there right we look at that parking lot every day with live stream uh that that we're talking this next door to that the parking that is behind there if you go down there at let's say 10:30 I'm there every day it's full so to to to say we don't have a parking problem downtown is is really irresponsible I feel um U because if you spend any time downtown you'll realize very quickly there is a major parking problem um downtown uh signage I think would be a big help I don't think sometimes people just don't know where to park uh I know the chief and them have been doing some some uh policing of the three-hour parking that's a huge problem where because there's not other parking for business owners and other people to park they're parking in what we would want people that would come for 3 hours and go downtown and eat eat lunch or spend some money um because there's no other place to park when they they've got to walk six blocks with totes and backpacks and everything to go to work um in their business offices um the current obviously the current um parking garage is way down on the other side where really uh it's Beacon College uh the only real business on that side of town would be roac and Beacon College the Library which I understand that's why we put it there we want to drive people to the library and other public things um have we explored all options other than just tearing down the building I don't disagree with Jay that if it's a good functioning building that can we refab can we refurb it and and use it is there a utilization for getting redesigning it as Miss Barry said and making a very nice events place where people going dang that's in lesburg I've been here since the first grade I was at I've been here a long time um first time downtown leberg res or business owner um so I just I'm really concerned that yes wasteful spending I'm a conservative minded I want to make sure we're saving money and and using taxpayer money correctly but I'm also very much we need to move the city forward um what what blight is yeah that building has so many structural cracks on it I have you know I've been in construction my life it's got a lot of external structural cracks that stair stepping crack down the whole building that's signs of foundational shift which is normal cuz Florida's a beach so which can be fixed um but have we explored an option of maybe partnering with Liv stream and and utilizing the piece of property that's been mentioned that's owned there as well as live stream's parking lot to build a nice parking garage that's partnering with Liv stream to say Hey you know we'll give you guys those Prime parking spots for your guys' places but allowing us uh that's just a suggestion I don't know if that's an Open Door um I'm not in that business so um but have we explored that's would be my question have we explored every other option and is this the best option uh moving forward thank you hang on we got one more comment coming up J hi Dina Simpson renew despa um and Renew Day Spa has been open almost eight years already downtown and we've seen wonderful wonderful improvements in downtown for those of you who don't know I also sit on the board for the art center so if you want to know how this would benefit us as a business downtown um first of all it would be bringing new life into downtown yet again there's been a lot of buildings that have been empty for a very long time there's been a lot of buildings that have been worn and um run down and I really appreciate the commission you guys really trying to improve our downtown um for years I've been on the board now at the Art Center I can't tell you how many times I've mopped up that floor over and over and over again I can't tell you how many times we've had artists that have put their possessions and their beautiful art in our building and as part of being on the art board we sit there and we think okay there's a rainstorm coming in tonight do we have to move that so it doesn't get damaged or it doesn't get ruined and then to see the artists the look on their face when it does turn around and get ruined that hurts my heart because I know someone has put their time time and their effort in that not to mention how does that look like for us being on the board and being those people that are supposed to be responsible and and want to welcome that into our building I understand that art might not be for everybody I understand that Sports might not be for everybody but we have to be inclusive it adds culture to our downtown it doesn't segregate um as far as melon patch I don't know last time some of you have or any of you have been in melon melon patch but my husband years ago was asked to be in a performance in melon patch and we were like where the heck is melon patch are you kidding me and then you sat in there and what did your nose do your nose filled up because the mold and the mildew and everything in the building and that's just an outsider that's not somebody who knows anything about construction it's old it needs to be redone and I'm tired of having painting being looked at as art and theater being looked at his art but not everything being all under one building when we all get along why aren't our art people working on their backdrops and their sets why cuz it's too inconvenient to have it in two separate areas it's just I just want to say just look at the whole picture here and we just need to be inclusive to everybody um as far as the par the parking situation speak on renewed Day Spa um I have clients that will not book their appointments between the hours of 10: and 2 because lunchtime is too stinking busy busy and they can't turn around and they can't get a parking spot good luck trying to find a handicap Park parking spot um has anybody seen when you go into the villages and the businesses downtown what the Sharon puts in and how much money the Sharon to refurbish that whole building when it used to be a church take a look at that thank you any other public comment any other commission comment uh yeah I just want to touch real quick on a couple things that were brought up by the public um we spoke about you know the theater and downtown and how much money the average person spends what have you when they go to a play or something but doesn't Dance Dynamics have theater shows don't they they they bring people downtown already I know but they come down and they you know practice whatever uh I mean you know so you got people downtown already coming to the Tropic uh as far as somebody's getting their painting ruin or whatever I mean that's a new roof I mean that's a lot cheaper than 3.4 million uh and the one gentleman talked about the parking issue and then I think Mr Ros brought up about other options for parking if this one of the if one of the main driving forces here is parking then I think we can find much cheaper options to put to to create another parking space than than to spend $3.5 million to create some additional parking I promise that's it nothing El any other comments roll call commissioner rean yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes Commission canel absolutely not mayor bur yes we'll move on to item seven informational reports we have none City attorney items no reports Mr Mayor thank you city manager items nothing roll call commissioner Peterson nothing tonight commissioner Barry um I would like to thank um um Sandra Wilson housing for her um kindness and experience um work area for this week for I appreciate it yes commiss I think we need to pull 683 again for public comment we in we do if um commissioner canel's not here who was next on the list for roll call Andy you want finish roll call yeah so you want to bring up the CDD under roll yeah I'll bring up the CDD under roll call we need to have public com on that and then I just want to invite everyone out to the shamrockin Fest this weekend it's Friday afternoon and Saturday so come to our downtown and enjoy our downtown thank you so back to the CDD issue um you app you you approve that item but there was a procedural thing Dan uh yes sir the attorney Miss Michelle Roni of qac rock of Tallahassee is here and she reminded me that we need to allow for public comment we went through that one pretty quickly um also wanted to note that we had added some pre-file testimony from The District representative district manager and the Financial Consultant and engineer for the record that just provides support for the statutory F findings in chapter 190 but it is a CDD and it is for uh Dewey Robbins Community Lakewood reserve and Hodes Reserve out on Dewey Robbins that's it standard CDD it'll be our seventh I believe com right do we do we have any public comment on the Community Development District District do they need to [Music] reot I don't why don't you just revote just to avoid any trouble I don't know that it's absolutely necessary with no comment being added but just to make sure there's no trouble let's just go ahead and do that to make sure it's all good maybe a motion in a second so can we get a motion to approve a three so moved second roll call commissioner reesman yes commission Peterson yes commission Barry yes commission conell yes mayor B yes back okay commissioner con oh roll call I think I've said plenty tonight mayor B I have nothing tonight for for German second second we're done thank you