1243 next is prayer prayer pledge by m p plge by m let's pray him and father thank you God for the opportunity to be here tonight thank you God for the opportunity for leadership God we pray for wisdom and discernment for our board uh for our parents for our staff gu for our homes God we pray Lord that you'd we'd be led of you tonight thank you God for the opportunity take care of this business for the month Lord we thank you for all the good things going on in school district father we pray God that our kids and parents have a safe spring break next week father and pray that have and the staff would be a good time of relaxation and rest and father we just pray you bless our time and fellowship tonight Jesus name amen amen United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation indice all recogition I think have any next item three comment have any right along to item four thank Mr chair uh just two items tonight not many number one U y'all heard already I sent out an email and sent out a a parent Square about our $985,000 appropriation request that was granted in the state budget very Pi about that uh that's a big deal um there was some other things in other counties that got asked for and they did not get funded uh so we were very blessed to do that I want to thank publicly on the record Jason CH uh Senator Corey Simon if they if they don't attach out you know bills to it and get a bill number it doesn't happen um but they did they got that took care of I want to also say Patrick Bale our lobbyist was very instrumental uh initially we were in the Senate not in the house yet but there was Patrick was working at the whole time and said that will be corrected during committee time and just like he said it happened just like that and then that was assigned the bill number so it worked out really really good but also want to thank y'all for allowing us to pursue that we've been talking about it for a long time dating back my time this this will be the funds you know think the scripture says you know man ain't very wise if he starts building a house and don't have enough money to finish it you know and so we want to be wise and finishing this even though we've had some funds come in for different things that we we put a little bit of money in you know back in the fall we put some metal and some new wood some doors and stuff like that try to secure it um we we this right here the P so we're excited about that um so in saying that Kevin and I met with Co pepper last Friday over at the high school met with u the leadership met the coach tranquil we invited Mason kver who's the Bulldog Club President we want to keep a really open line of communication you know sometimes just playing a little offense on making sure that we're all on the same page keeps uh sometimes the rumors that you know down to a mimal you're not going to always stop that but we want good information accurate information to go out on what we're doing time frames are doing now uh right now electricity is is is almost the number one priority we do have water already there uh didn't realize how good a service we had to they dug down and found it and so that water is there but you got to have water electricity to really move forward on something like that and that electricity is a really big budget I shared a little bit with boo prior to the meeting just how much I mean it's well over $100,000 plus u and and it just has to be done so a lot of all that will obviously be underground so we want to try to move forward with that and uh so you know right now we we could possibly cover some of that with new market tax credit money that we have until we can get get reimbursed for some of that we'll talk about budgets to make sure we don't overextend oursel or we don't take anything away that that's needed here because this is obviously a a luxury not not a necessity right the second we want to make sure we get it done but we don't want to uh we don't want to rob Peter to pay Paul so to speak softball Fieldhouse construction has continued there's a a pretty good little break before the next home game uh I was out there this morning morning I went back this afternoon they have they P concrete today uh so there's concrete all behind the back stop uh they've raised everything's being raised up that's part of what we're trying to use some of the extra money for to help out with flooding and uh hopefully longterm the field will get raised up as well uh they've got some drains in there they've worked on the inside uh they've got floor Coatings first round and there the guy was working on that when I left a while ago so I hope to have some wood metal later this week the guy who's doing the inside ceiling will be doing the outside metal as well so excited about how that's coming together looks really really good uh number four uh there will be a representative from Governor des's office Eric dellenbach will be at City Hall tomorrow at 10: a.m. if you would like to stop by this is a we've been invited to be a part of it's called Liberty County faith and Community leaders meeting uh I'm not exactly sure what all they'll do but we've been I've been invited so I want to be a part of that anything with the governor's office I feel like we need to be there so I'll be there at City Hall tomorrow at 10: um clerk Stanley uh Hannah Daniel and Hannah both and I will be headed to the D DP I thought this was last week and it was actually it's actually tomor um if you remember we just the county to a a private landowner in Liberty County just sold about I think 13,000 acres big it might have been more might have been closer anyway when that money comes off we've had these discussions so much but when when that money comes out I mean that land comes off to tax roll and state takes it over well what it does it do to our tax Bas so it lowers it so uh Daniel has been very instrumental and us getting some pilt money payment in Le of taxes what filt said we get filt money for the federal land atlet Cola National Forest um we also get State buil money so Melanie and Daniel n and clerk's office and uh Marie Goodman we got to look and and they had not paid us pil State pil money so we got I don't even know if you remember how much we got put put you on the spot it might have been 70 80,000 it was a lot of money and and we wouldn't have got it this land sale caused us to start asking so what we're so when they when they take money and they start doing this it all goes through D so what we're going to do is on this new new plot that's now been taken off the road what can we what what what their what's the state's obligation for us if they're going to if if they're going to let um U FWC manage it or you know they if they're going to make it management area if they're going to make it whatever kind of recreation make it that and they charge admission they charge some kind of quota fees or all that what what's the cut for us it's it's been taken off the tax roll it may not seem like a whole lot per year but it adds up because we don't get those tax dollars so that's our meeting tomorrow we'll be at the uh uh Commonwealth building there at 4:00 tomorrow in palasse um spring break next week uh looking forward to everybody having some time off and hope hope everybody has a saf week uh April 29th which is Good Friday the the Friday before Easter kids are out of school but we do have a professional development day and Mandy sent out some emails communicate principles making sure that they there's some good PD days for them we we try to get enough of those in where teachers who are trying to get points for their certification get those in during the regular school day and they have to do that outside of school day and lastly I think she's not here but want to congratulate Miss Jody on her new son-in-law and U I saw pictures of their wedding and she she I put a picture on my Monday message I thought that was a precious precious picture so Jody congratulations on on your uh daughter's nuts so Mr chair that's all I got right along it a motion to approve addition correction to send item 8 B and C motion Mr secary any discussion all fav say iOS motion Carri next Item B a motion to approve to add emergency item 10 A and B have a motion Mo secary second second any discussion all fa say I any oppos motion carried next item six a motion to approve the agenda for March 12th 2024 motion second second sing discussion all in favor say I oppose motion carries next item seven need a motion to approve February 13th 2024 regular meeting minut have a motion motion Mo Mr Mo second second second sary any discussion all favor say any oppos motion Carri next item eight then a motion to approve the following uh February 2024 Financial reports and transactions principal report financial statements had budg Bill and payroll I have a motion Mo motion second secondary any discussion all in favor say I anyos motion carries next Item B need a motion to approve March 2024 personel consent table with addition and Corrections have a motion s second second second Mr mois any discussion all favor say any oppos motion Carri next item six need a motion to approve March 2024 update sub list with ADD additions and Corrections out of motion second Mo any discussion all in favor say I any oos motion carries that's item D need a motion to approve March 2024 update supplement Bill have a motion Mo Mr second discussion all say I oppos motion carries next item nine item eight need a motion to approve superintendent tribal expenditure in the amount of $723 for attendance to the fads 2024 spring Leadership Conference in Orlando Florida April the 3 through the 5th a motion M second Mr any discussion all say I any oppose motion Carri B need a motion to approve Mand of understanding between this billage Incorporated in Li County school board for the implementation of prevention programming services for the 23 24 school year have a motion Mo second sleary any discussion all favor say I iose motion carry next item see need a motion to approve IDE Part B K 12 entitlement F fdoe project award notification or program period at 7 1st through 2023 through 6 30 of 2024 I have a motion Mo secary have a second second second Mr Mo any discussion all fav say I no any oppos no motion Carri next Item B need a motion to approve updated Le the county school district oranization have a motion Mo second second sary any discussion yeah when everybody get a copy of this out there Betty or all the teachers all St or this organization start does everybody get we we we made the what we I think we changed the some of the finance that CH that the changes that we made here um I know we send it out at the beginning of the year yeah we so for new teachers too when we create their like welcome packet organizational packet finder we put that in there too so they have that um it's not in the employee handbook it could possibly well I mean it includes the you know under and everything I just wonder some some had seen one or Not There was an old one I created this one so everybody everybody in the school system pretty much administrator teacher they're going to get a copy of this or get one off the look at it you sent it out an email just so you wouldn't get you don't have my bus just a don't have it D you know that don't there people that don't work at schools we make sure get yeah made a motion to accept public testimony and review policy 5630 for and use of reasonable for and it restraints I have a motion motion second s yes time we're open public comment anybody like to comment on Mr chairman since since we have no public comment um if you want to make changes to this policy the wants maintainment policy as written I Rec you take action andt anybody see anything they think we might your thoughts on that I I put it out there to be read adopted and prove it as previously put in policy this time we have a motion to reopt it Mo second second M single any discussion all fav say I any oppos motion carries next item 10 emergency item item 8 need a motion approved letter of agreement between power buying group and the Liberty County School District for the 24 25 school year have motion motion secary second second second Mr Mo any discussion all favor say I any oppos motion carries that I B need a motion to approve the 20 24 25 annual F fsba renewal dues to be affected the 7th 1st to 24th through the 63 25 have a motion single any discussion all say I no anyos no she carries next Le board poliy it we have any next board member board just one quick thing I know we got finally got a pickup truck over here but have we ordered sermons about see put it on the I cannot I know we have discussed we it needs to be done we are we are working on okay yeah we we I thought I had glass packs on we got come there realize it needs that so we paid $1,500 yeah we will yeah it does it's good looking it drives good driv I mean other than the my I don't think you can beat yeah it was good I think it good purchase can't hard buy much all I got everybody enj spring break get you like to say anything I'm good same I know you got something what Mr Mo just going ask Kevin how we looking we still looking good on and all [Music] everything know we have change General upep had tear up just little care start I make everybody understand spring break the time to spend you know safely and with your friends and family hope everybody can return safely to be ready to finish the school year 13 cling comments aoun see you there um if anybody wants to do a live 4our ethic Sunshine training I I am doing one with another attorney on April 11th which is a Thursday at 10: a.m. um at the Veterans Memorial Civic Center the board of County Commissioners wanted to get a live training this year and fact Ur want we'll be kind of um putting in a few HR items I think the training going team with that attorney but if you want to come let me know in the next couple days because we're GNA have lunch and so I'll order lunch [Music] starts okay yeah a couple days and then what it's on Thursday Thursday yeah timing's not great in the middle of a Thursday You're Gonna Come okay good what would we be eating yeah do my to be there okay yeah I'll be there too about did yeah so reality fairy Thursday at Credit Union I I'll and I should have already sent something out on that um our our credit union is just phenomenal and so at high school they do an event where they set up scenarios and stuff that's kind of real live scenarios with different things that involves Financial uh U decision making all manner of stuff so uh Thursday if you got some time I don't know what time that starts Tim and Eric's not here but I'll I'll send that out an email tomorrow morning it's a neat little thing that they get to do on Thursday so uh it's it's really good so encourage you to come out at you can I think is also they have an A oh yeah a celebration at toer as well they going to have they going to start pretty early on it's going to be like carnival set up they got a bunch of fls and stuff is that Thursday as well Thursday as well yeah a school so I got one last thing Friday we'll be doing a PL down at River Bo Melby okay anybody can come by and get a plate please when do that do this Friday a motion to