##VIDEO ID:Lqeqx4WoEXw## [Music] [Music] good evening everyone notice of this meeting stated a date place and time has been disseminated as required under the open public meetings app chapter 231 pl1 1975 copies of the agenda are also posted on the city's website in lyen TV for the public this meeting is called to order Mr clerk can you please conduct a pray and flag salute god of the universe look thou with favor upon these here assembled and bestow thy guidance upon the members of the governing body in their deliberations this we ask in thy name amen I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all okay at this time I'd like to offer our congratulations on behalf of the mayor and the city council to our colleague Alfred Rodriguez on the birth of his son okay um I also want to announce in the event of an emergency the proper method of exiting the council chambers is through the three de doors in the rear of the room occupant should proceed down the staircase out the front door and move away from the area of the front steps any member of the public wishing to speak during the public comment session at the end of the meeting please sign in on the white sheet provided at the front of the room with your name and address for those here wishing to speak on the Green Acres Grant from lowski Park please sign in on the pink sheets again for the grant it's the pink sheets from milowski park for those wishing to speak on the Green Acres Grant for Wilson Park Pond improvements please sign in on the green sheets copies of the informational material relative to the two Grant applications could also be found on the table in the front of the dis for your review please turn off call your cell phones or place them on vibrate if you must take a call please leave the council chamber to do so Mr clerk can you please call a rooll Mrs Orman here javic present Caldwell present Mohammad excused revas here Roman present Strano excused Armstead here Rodriguez excused Hudak here Mrs yamus here can we have approval of the public um session minutes of July 15 2024 please I make a motion council president to um make a uh I make a motion to approve the meeting minutes of July 15th 2024 and ask for a second second Mrs oron here yes javic yes calwell yes revas estain Roman yes Armstead yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes okay um we're going to now move on to the Green Acres um funding for improvements for George El milowski Park okay just a reminder the informational packets in the front of the room here I'm going to call upon at this time our management specialist Keith pressie to present the concept plan and the findings of the impact analysis and mitigation measures section of the environmental impact assessment hey Mr pressie if you would pleas thank you thank you council president good evening council members good evening distinguish guest good evening Lyon residents um the city of Lyon is seeking funding through the state of New Jersey Green Acres Program for improvements to George L macowski Park located at 2100 Beetle place near the beetle place and mes Place intersections in Lyon a little bit about the park the park property is mostly lawn with some trees surrounding the perimeter and some trees within the park there's a recreation building on site in the summer the city operates a Citywide summer camp there for children with special needs at this site Wildlife such as squirrels possum geese and other Regional birds can be found found at this park the property has no exceptional geological topographic or hydrologic characteristics that are of a concern to environmental factors in this project as this project site is located at a fully developed Park the development of macowski Park consist of rehabbing the area to adhere to a fully what we call Jake's law one of the grants that the Green Acres has available for the municipalities is one that's called Jake law Jake law allow us to apply for grant funding that will allow us to turn turn a park into an inclusive playground or site for all those who may be suffering from any physical or any um disabilities this park is is to be totally inclusive it will include what we call Dura floor most of you might see in other parks where you have wood chips and things of that nature this will not uh include that it would be a rubber flooring so that kids can mobilize and navigate the area with any imped without any impediments the installation of the area where the playground equipment will be installed will host only equipment that will be conducive to allow those with disabilities to participate so you will normally you may have um swings that are high or you have steps that are high in this particular Park you will have lower steps you will have lower swings you will have different swings that will allow others to get on and be locked in a little bit more thoroughly the pieces of equipment will include platform slides shading ramps climbers rockers a spinner swings f fitness equipment and of course signage additionally there will be sensory equipment installed for those with specific sensory disabilities so they may use this the objective of this project is to provide fully inclusive Recreation opportunities within the city of of Lindon through the installation of a fully inclusive Park some of the other characteristics of a fully inclusive Park there are six one is the equipment itself must be fully inclusive must be allowable for those with disabilities to use uh second would be the flooring the the the rubberized flooring third you must have at least 20% shading what I've shown what you can see there at the easel is the location of the park I'm going to take a moment to put up the concept plan are that's covering playground equipment it must be covered whether it's natural or it's through uh man-made material but we must have at least 20% shading another one of the characteristics is that the children have a quiet place that they can you know not necessarily if they if they tired of playing or want to be alone there's a quiet area that they can go sit down and relax and rest and one of two of the other items would be fencing so we want to fence the area in so that none of the kids can just uh readily run out of the area so you want to fence it in and lastly but not least is the ability to ambulate throughout the entire area we want to make sure that we have paths that the kids can uh access the park from the parking lot so there will be a path from the parking lot that will lead directly to the playground and then last thing would be the bathrooms you must have bathrooms that are Ada accessible so those are some of the plans that we're looking to do at uh macowski Park are there any questions okay we have uh two people signed up for comments Craig howerin you please come up please state your name and address for the record Craig call 120 Donaldson place one I think it's a great idea I don't have a problem with this it's great to see that the city is spending our tax dollars on something that's going to be beneficial to everybody not just you know so I think this is a great idea thank you thank you okay Miss Pat hero Pat hereo 100 W the Elizabeth Avenue actually as he was talking about this tears are actually coming to my eyes what you don't know is that today earlier today I was listening to focus on the family and today and tomorrow they're having a program about special needs parents and children and their needs and what's amazing is you don't know how many you know if you're an able-bodied person you don't know how many families have special needs childrens and tears have just come to my eyes because this is just so needed in this community and I am just so blessed that you're doing this and that this is going to be a part of our community and I think it's going to be good for the uh people who have autism and also people who are Mobility yes okay absolutely because I have a friend of mine who's an amazing woman um from down in the DC area and she has had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis all her life and she's made be accomplished amazing things and back in the day day they didn't have this so it's good to know that people like her and others will be able to have a park that they can go to I'm just so happy about this thank you thank you hey Mr prey do you want to add anything to their comment yes just just one of the things that she touched on that the park although it's fully inclusive it is also for those who normally you know have uh the normal ability to ulate in place so this way now can be integrated with special needs and those who are not with special needs so okay okay action on this matter will be taken during the resolution portion of our uh meeting agenda so at this time I'm going to ask for a motion to close this uh public hearing can I have a motion please council president i' like to make a motion to close this portion of the meeting and ask for a second please second [Music] Mrs Orman yes javic yes Caldwell Rivas Roman yes Armstead yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes okay now we're going to go go over the Green Acres funding for improvements at Wilson Pond Park Wilson Park okay again there's informational packets in the front of the Das here uh Mr pressie would you please make a presentation on this concept yes thank you council president again the city is seeking funding through the state of New Jersey green ACR programs for the improvements at woodro Wilson Park Pond located at 1100 1198 Summit Terrace near the summit Terrace and Morningside Avenue intersection there on the easel you'll see a picture of the pond sometime ago when they had ation and things were a lot different uh through normal use wear and tear you know the pond itself has taken on some challenges so just to go over a couple things about the pond the pond woodro Wilson Pond is aerated oblong pond with natural Banks the what you see there is is dated is a dated uh Pond I'm sorry I didn't show the coun some years ago some years ago we see uh taking place now but um Wildlife exists in small animals typically found within this fully developed high density residential development such as the squirrels possums raccoons foxes Regional birds and geese Additionally the pond has fish now um we recently had a a workshop there that was hosted by the New Jersey game wildlife and game and during this Workshop we had marine biologist from New Jersey Wildlife come out and give us um an assessment of the pond and they said that our pond was one of the healthiest ponds that they have seen recently how did they judge that because they said fish are growing the fish are growing they're getting larger and they're multiplying so we have a very healthy pond so it's only within our rights to do uh some of the good things that we plan on doing some of the things that we would like to do with the pond are as part of this proposal we would like to evaluate and present pertinent pertinent environmental information necessary to ascertain the stability of the site for the activities we're proposing some of the things that we would like to do is the ation of the pond the Shing up of the embankments of the pond through natural resources more flowers uh putting together what they call sediment uh vegetated sediment um for Bays that will give us a stronger embankment so that people can go uh walk the pond if they're going to fish there it will they will not have to worry about uh the pond given way or the embankment given away that's not an issue now and we don't ever want it to be but this is why we're trying to be proactive with our steps and lastly it will improve the existing fish that we have access to there many people fish there we have a fishing derby we do a weekly fishing program there uh that we have uh quite a few people participating and they catch fish Catch and Release and they have a great time it's just a great passive Park if you haven't been there please go by and visit and you'll see exactly what we're talking about at this time I would like to uh take questions now okay uh on our assigning sheet Mr howerin things come up Craig howerin 120 Donaldson place again I think it's a great idea you know uh my concern is what set what is in the settlement at the bottom of the pond and if there are plans for dredging can the public get access to any chemical analysis that they come up with as to what's in the pond you know based on information that Keith just gave us I would have to say that the pond can't have that much chemical uh problems because the fish are thriving okay I know uh the other thing that concerns me is that believe there's uh some storm drains or whatever that empty into the pond I know uh I think I brought this number up before is that on a city lot roughly 40 by 100 one inch of rain is 15500 gallons that's a lot of water okay is there a plan for overflow from this Pond into something in case there's too much water like what happened in North Jersey this past weekend yeah look I don't want to see any anybody's house get flooded out if we provide more water for the fish to swim in for a while I think they'd love it but I don't think anybody wants this extra water in their basement in their house or anywhere so I mean I again I think it's a great project I think we should proceed with this but my own concern is storm water in and out of the pond and what's in the bottom of this Pond if they're going to dredge it thank you thank you okay Kei yep and Mr hollerin as we mentioned uh with this grant we're going to collect data uh there are two storm drains that empty into storm water drains that empty into the pond you have a great concern there with regard to flooding okay so uh what we're going to do is evaluate what we currently are working with and see what can be done how we can uh mitigate any threats that may exist from um the pond and it's flooding yes sorry council president thank you council president thank you sir uh I just wanted to comment I'm I'm born and raised in that neighborhood um 35 years 36 years uh there was one time I saw that that pond flood it was the largest reign of my lifetime which was hurricane Irene um it did not affect the houses it it got into the street um you know if you're going to make it more flood proof that's great and that's better great for the addit recreation but as for a flooding concern there's a hill there uh and I you know Jen might be Jen might know as well but but you know spent a lot of time in that Park and and I I never saw a flood except for Hurricane Irene it's a 100-year storm that it didn't even get to the houses at that time so I just wanted to add that yeah thank you I appreciate that than you sir thank you all right thank you Mr pressy no other questions action on this matter will be taken during the resolution portion of our agenda thank you all thank you I'm going to ask for a motion to close this public hearing please council president I like a motion to close the public hearing portion for the Green Acres funding and ask for a second please second Mrs oron yes javic yes Caldwell yes revas Roman yes Armstead Hudak yes and Mrs yikas yes okay we'll now move on to ordinances on hearing beginning uh we have an ordinance continued from the July 15 2024 meeting ordinance 6835 okay an ordinance of the city Council of Lyndon referring to the planning board for review and comment a Redevelopment plan entitled Redevelopment plan block 587 Lots 610 and 12 and and 22 I'm sorry tremle Point Road pursuant to the local Redevelopment and Housing law njsa 4A Callin 12 A-1 at sequence okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received yes ma'am uh this is from the planning board attorney dear president Yan midus this is to advise city council that the Lynden planning board at a special meeting held on August 13 2024 found that the Redevelopment plan for Block 587 Lots 610 and 22 is substantially consistent with the master plan and further that the planning board unanimously recommended approval of the Redevelopment plan with the exception of offshore wind staging as a principal permitted use paragraph 5 2.1 page 4 which elimination was agreed to by the developer okay Anthony Ronaldo attorney for the planning board thank you Mr bodak all right is there anyone uh from the public that wishes to be heard on this ordinance okay seeing none can we have a motion please council president I can make motion that we adopt ordinance 6835 and ask for a second please second Mrs yes javic yes Caldwell yes Rivas being that this is a continuation for last Monon meeting I will Asain Roman yes Armstead yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes ordinance 6840 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lind in 19 1999 passed November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and as amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of lynon section one that chapter 7 traffic section 11 7-1 stopping or standing prohibited shall be and the same is hereby amended as follows 7- 111.2 stopping or standing prohibited During certain hours on certain streets add East Linden Avenue Southside on Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 pm. location from the East curb line of Southwood Avenue to the West curb line of Clinton Street okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance seeing none can we have a motion please yes council president I'd like to make a motion that we close the hearing on ordinance 68-4 adopted and ask for a second please second Mrs armman yes javic yes Caldwell revas yes Roman yes Armstead yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes okay uh ordinance 6841 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 26 flood damage prevention of an Ord orance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lindon 1999 passed November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and has amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of Lyon section one that chapter 26 flood damage prevention shall be in the same is hereby amended as follows chapter 26 flood damage prevention amend 26-17 storm water control amend section 26-17 storm water control as follows 2617 storm water control okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance seeing none can we have a motion please Madam president I'd like to make a motion to 6841 adopted and respectfully second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Caldwell yes revas Roman yes Armstead yes Hudak yes Mrs yiis yes okay we'll now move on to consent agenda items number uh one through three all items listed with asteris are considered to be routined by the city council and will be enacted with one motion council president I make a motion that we approve uh one two and three uh to close the public hearing ordinance the move approval and request the second second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Caldwell revas yes Roman yes Armstead yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes okay we'll now move on to comments from members of the governing body um starting with Ward one please thank you council president I'm going to start off with my uh city of Lyon division of transportation and properties report I hereby submit the monthly financial report from the division of transportation and parking for the month of July 2024 the report includes the collection of on and off street parking meters railroad parking lots railroad parking permits and Merchant parking permits the Trenton side collections $ 1,64 New York site collections $1,184 Railroad Credit Card trans actions $ 26,7 3222 zero for railroad permits railroad Mobile payment 2320 parking 9,786 75 online railroad parking permits $466 parking meter collections $1,983 Merchant permits $125 for the grand total of $5 55,1 19832 and this is um submitted by Tyrone elg the traffic maintenance supervisor my next report is for the budget review and finance approval is requested for the following Finance actions the payment of bills totaling $2,700,000 63 bills have been signed by the mayor council president and finance chairwoman and a detailed check register and vouchers are on file in the clerk's office we are in receipt of the investment made by the city treasury for the month of July at the rate of 4.24% I move for approval and ask for a second please second Mrs Armon yes javic yes Caldwell yes Rivas yes Roman yes Armstead yes Hudak yes Mrs yakaitis I abstain on the bill list okay go ahead Council woman okay um just a few brief items to just review with um first of all there's going to be the removal of handicap parking spaces throughout the city that are no longer viable if the person has passed or has moved away those handicap parking signs will be removed we just ask your patience and removing them because everyone can't be first so we will get to them throughout the next few months but please rest assure that they will be removed also just wanted to state that it's the end of the summer and in the next few weeks school is going to start we have 6,000 students that are going to be busy walking and catching buses through our Ward we're kindly asking no actually we're kind of like demanding people please slow down and just look out for those buses you're not allowed to pass the flashing red lights and please be conscious of the children that are walking to and from school last but not least my biggest concern in my neighborhood is that we are not the community that we used to be we have a lot of new neighbors that are moving in and I'm just asking the neighbors to please be neighborly and one of those things is just speak to your neighbors keep an eye on what's going on in your neighborhood if you see something say something if you notice that somebody is walking in somebody's backyard and you know that person does not live there you should say something just sitting there and letting a person come into someone's else's backyard and remove items is not the neighborly thing to do we have gotten so far removed from what it's like to care for and take care of one another another so let's just be mindful and let's get back to that regardless of who you are where you come from this is Lyndon and we like to maintain that family and that friendly environment hopefully we've all enjoyed our summer and I look forward to seeing everyone in September enjoy the rest of your summer everybody and have a wonderful wonderful Labor Day week and thank you no end of my report please thank you councilwoman councilman javic yes council president as chairman of the fire committee the fire prevention Bureau collected the following monies during the month of July 2024 a total of $692 91 regarding the Linden fire department ambulance billing the amount of $93,000 3212 cents for July 2024 have been added to the total deposits for 2024 totaling 642 7368 regarding the construction code this department has issued 265 permits and processed 47 certificates and has issued 60 summonses for the month of July 2024 the monthly revenue is as follows building ccoo permits and additional permit fees $57,400 Court settlements for the month $18,900 the reflective total being $592,000 68 at this time I would like to uh read our Personnel agenda number one Board of Health a approve the appointment of Sandra Roman as volunteer registered nurse at various board of health programs at no cost to the city as deemed appropriate by the health officer subject to successful completion of the city's background check B approve the posting for a housing inspector full-time at the salary range of 38,000 to $ 75,4 63 two in the police department a accept the voluntary resignation of Christopher Banks police recruit effective July 16 2024 three the office of construction code a approve the posting of clerk one full-time at the annual salary uh range of $ 37,2 198 to 82,00 $20 B approve the posting of a code enforcement officer full-time at the annual salary of 34,000 at the annual salary of $36,500 to $78,400 for the Department of Community Services a approve the seasonal list on file with this office uh with the office of the clerk five Department of Treasury a approve the extension of the work assignment of Ashley AB got grubs student assistant effective August 24th 2024 at $15.30 per hour not to exceed 19 hours per week six Personnel approve the FMLA NJ FMLA leaves on file in the division of personnel I move for approval and request a second second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Rivas yes r man yes Armstead yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes good evening everybody as a reminder I would like to make our landlords in the city aware of a law that's in effect for lead hazards njac 5- 28a lead based paint inspections in rental dwelling units this has been established through the DCA the Department of Community Affairs and the new law states that certain rental units built before 1978 are required to have an inspection to ask uh to assess for lead hazards this would also apply to residential homes that have been turned into rentals compliance is mandatory with fines up to $1,000 per week anyone with questions uh needing um or needing registration information can call the Board of Health at 908 47484 n an ongoing issue in our city also is uh truck parking on our streets parking staging and repairing are not permitted in addition garbage is always left behind I would like to let the residents know that the police have been Relentless in issuing summons on a regular basis on this uh at this time I just want to wish everyone a safe and happy Labor Day weekend um enjoy what's left of our summer I can be reach at 98494 4608 or email me at B javic at Linden newjersey.gov on Facebook second war councilman Barry javic as always additional information can be found on our city of lynon website council president end of report thank you councilman javic councilwoman Coldwell Madam president thank you greetings Third Ward I hope this message finds you well as we approach the end of the summer I want to remind everyone to stay safe and if you see something say something if you see something report rep it um additionally if you see any of your street lights out please contact me because a uh a lighted environment in our Ward is a safer environment in my role as the chair of it I want to assure you that our cyber security team are working diligently to protect the city's information with continuous training and effective vulnerability management and as the chair of Social Services we remain committed to addressing the ongoing needs of our community um I also want to wish my son a happy birthday he'll be 16 tomorrow and I just want him to know that his mother and father are very proud of him and to keep striving and keep your eye on the prize on a sadder note I also want to send my condolences to miss Rita Ro and family for their loss of her son tril Foster um I want everyone to know that you can contact me at 98531 0676 my email is m Carwell at london-new jersey.gov and remember councilwoman Carwell always follows up and follows through have a great evening thank you madam thank you councilwoman okay councilman revas good evening CZ up Lyndon uh I guess this is the month where all of us are paying attention of our community and the safety of our community if you see something say something if we would have if we would have agree to all of us speak about the same we would have not done it but uh in reality it is true um we live in a community where not only the police and not only everyone out there is needs to be watching out for all of us we need to watch out for ourselves do and need to we need to make sure that we all help each other in order to keep our communities free of crime or free of anything that it will certainly affect our way of ways of life for my neighbors in the fifth work uh you may keep noticing that there are still some roads so that needs to be repaved due to the work that our utility companies have performed throughout the year um we have been working diligently with our engineering department and those roads will be repaved shortly and soon our war will have those uh roads repaid and they will look good as they used to be before um I agree with everybody that summmer is almost over and there is a cold weather coming in a fall coming in and with that students um coming back to school please make sure that we look out for them in our communities please make sure that we we care about them because many of them walk our streets many of them walk our neighborhoods and we need to be very careful and caring about them uh someone else was saying that we need to be patient uh on everything that we need we're here to work for you and when one talking about work sometimes things do not happen one day for another it takes some times but what let's me assure you that we are here working for anything that we can do in order to assist our neighbors out there in our city uh I'd like to also um congratulate all the city workers on the upcoming Labor Day holiday that we're going to celebrate I salute you all like I always do it is due to your hard work that this city continues to move keep moving forward as well as like to salute all of you out in the community who work hard and deserve a day to be recognized of the hard work that you do as always you can reach me at Carlos C Reas Linden nj.gov on the phone number 9878 6017 thank you that concludes my report Madam president thank you councilman councilman Roman thank you council president in Li of my normal sixth W report um I have some news that I wanted to share uh and I wanted you to hear it from me first after deep thought and reflection I wanted to let you know that I'm choosing today and right now to begin the transition off of city council over the coming months I will work with mayor Armstead who's the Linden Democratic chair and the Linden Democratic committee as a whole to pick a replace bement that will care for the Six Word Community as I have you know I started this journey when I began to attend City Council meetings back in 2010 standing at that Podium and you know seven years after that I ended up on Council for seven years and through that all I always fought for a better lynon uh for everyone and over the last seven years I have met and earned the votes of thousands of people uh residents who have lived in this neighborhood for over 70 years who built their homes uh and people who literally just moved in uh and they've all become part of my family uh you know over the last 34 years there's only been three six Bo councilmen and I'm proud to stand in the company of both Charlie crane Bob Sadowski and those who served this community before me last week I received a phone call from a six W resident who has lived here his entire life and he was moving to his retirement home however he lived here for 80 years and he told me that I was the best counsilman he ever had words like that make everything that we went through up here worth [Music] it together we have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for charity to there we staged cleanups donation drives especially through covid we did uh covid vaccine clinics testing centers um together we built a an amazing Facebook group with hundreds of six wers in it um residents in the six Ward from every single street that works as a de facto six Ward virtual community uh neighborhood watch and it works flawlessly we hosted numerous six W Community meetings put police on our streets pass ordinances to better our community we wage through historic Waters together in Ida uh sacrificing our time and effort to help the neediest in our community and we made improvements to our parks and streets alike always working together as a family we are we accomplished a lot and there's still more to do I look forward to spending my final months in councel passing ordinances that the six words still need preparing the neighborhood for this transition making sure our eyes are dotted and our tees are crossed to our six to the six wers uh it's been an honor to serve you it's been an honor of my life thank you for trusting me to serve you thank you for allowing me to be your voice thank you for taking a chance on a young Scrappy kid all the way down on column G all the way at the bottom of your ballot uh thank you for overwhelmingly reelecting me during two contested elections uh that were very stressful uh over the last two terms we didn't always agree but I made sure that I was always honest with you and most importantly I always answered the call your support then and now leaves me eternally grateful thank you to everyone who else who got me through this journey uh from our staff to other politicians to our council members I didn't always take the right steps I think we all know that but uh your assistance your respect and your criticism helped me grow as a person and a leader in this community this journey was fun and crazy and sometimes extremely difficult but uh all of that helped me grow into the man I am today this is not goodbye I'm born and raised in the city I will still be around in fact I can't wait to tell you about the next chapter of my journey I'll still visit this chamber and keep you all on your toes from time to time but for now I need to worry about the safety and health of my family moving forward my most important job my most important title will be dad and husband and son and brother I look forward to having the privacy in the time to dedicate in the service of my family and in the same loving manner that I serve this six board Community thank you six board and thank you thank you council president concludes my report thank you councilman Roman and anything we could do to support you in your transition please let us know we wish you well there's some big shoes to fill he for six War okay councilman Armstead um yes um real um short I that just threw me full a loop right there yeah it really did um listen um wherever your endeavors take you um may God be with you all the way yeah you you're my type of guy somebody that says what he means says what he feels whether you're wrong or right you have a feeling and I really like that about you and you are going to be messed up here and I'm new here and I'm feeling a little bit of the sadness okay um on to my report I don't have really too much to say about the eighth Ward but I would uh like to let you guys know about um event that we had on August the 10th we had our community Day event it was outstanding I mean really really outstanding so I'd like to thank Kyle Smith and Felicia Smith for hosting this event for us I also like to thank the recreation program coordinator who did an outstanding job Sandy Jackson uh she needs to be applauded for the job that she did getting this thing together for us and of course uh Mr pressy you're always on point when it comes time to doing something as far as the recreation and the parks and we appreciate everything that you have done to make our programs over there success and we're looking forward for our 7th one next year um also I'd like to give everybody my phone number once again 98463 8986 you can call me and yes if I don't answer the phone call right away I will call you back I have not missed one call since I've been up here and don't intend to um that's all for my report for today thank you councilman Armstead councilwoman Hudak thank you uh Lyndon has a robust uh senior citizen club that is highly popular and is in demand and uh the senior citizen Club has a very busy calendar of activities for more information please call Recreation at 90847463675645364 [Music] 91 911 vigil which will take place on Wednesday September 11th at 6:30 at the Wanda Green Park on Mac place last year unfortunately we had a cancel due to inclement weather so hopefully this year all will go as planned all are welcome our fifth annual Polish Festival will take place on Wood Avenue on Saturday September 21st from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. please come out enjoy and learn more about the Polish culture and food the rain date is Sunday September 22nd at this time I want to uh acknowledge the annual backpack event that took place yesterday hundreds of smiling faces were seen receiving the backpacks I want to thank our mayor's youth commission our Recreation Department Mr Keith prey and all the uh donors who made this event annual event possible I would be remiss not uh if I didn't mention Sandy Jackson as or Farm said justtin she's doing doing a super job in her capacity as a coordinator getting these events together and all the volunteers who came out to make this EV a success our Police Department our fire department our library uh Board of Education the nurses were there it was like a One-Stop Center so it was really great we were doing immunization yesterday um lunch applications could be filled out it was really a topnotch event so again thank you to all our um volunteers I'd like to also congratulate our fourth word councilman who's not who's feeling under the weather he received his master's degree uh recently as well as our ninth word councilman as I mentioned in the beginning of the meeting who uh just became a father he has a new little son so that's why he's not here this evening okay um as many of my colleagues have mentioned school's going to be opening so please be cognizant uh the kids are all excited the first few weeks of school so traffic wise please watch our buses please do not pass them okay um a lot of times I've receive complaints oh the buses are on the corners waiting for the kids the safety of the children are the top priority of the bus drivers the police department you might have to wait a few minutes for the kids to board patiently so please be patient okay if anybody um needs to contact me any issues with the city uh my number is 98494 880 okay we'll now move on to our resolutions for the evening thank okay we have um we have resolutions 2024 340 through 2024 373 can I have a motion please I move for approval of resolution 2024-25 to 2024 372 and ask for a second second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Caldwell Rivas yes Roman pleas excuse Armstead yes Rodriguez I'm sorry buak yes Mrs Yus yes okay we'll now move on to ordinances on introduction standing uh beginning with ordinance 6842 please Bond ordinance providing an appropriation of $29,000 for various Capital Improvements for the division of transportation and properties and authorizing the issuance of $198,500 in bonds or notes of the city for financing part of the appropriation okay can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6842 please council president I'd like to make a motion to introduce ordinance 6842 and ask for a second please second oron yes javic yes Caldwell yes revas yes Armstead yes Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes ordinance 6843 please ordinance providing for residential overnight parking permits okay can we have a motion for introduction please council president I'd like to make a motion to introduce ordinance 68-43 and ask for a second please second Mormon yes javic yes Caldwell Rivas Armstead yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes Ed 6844 please ordinance authorizing an amendment to chapter 27 of the city of Lindon special improvement district Banning outdoor smoking effective December 31st 2024 okay can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6844 please council president I move for introduction of ordinance number 6844 and request second second oron yes javic yes Caldwell yes Rivas yes Armstead no Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes ordinance 6845 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lyon 1999 pass November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and as amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of Lyndon that section one chapter 7 traffic shall be in the same is hereby amended as follows 7-33 handicap parking regulations 7- 33.1 a handicap parking on street is that the removal of handicap parking spots no longer needed okay can we have a motion for introduction please council president I'd like to make a motion to introduce 6845 and ask for a second please second oron yes javic yes Caldwell yes Rivas Armstead yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes ordinance 6846 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 3 police regulations of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lyndon 1999 passed November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and as amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of lynon that chapter 3 police regulations Section 3- 23.2 performance standard shall be in the same as hereby amended hereby amended as follows delete section 323.2 g in its entirety add new section 3- 23.2 G okay can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6846 please council president I'd like to make a motion to introduce ordinance 6846 and Ash for a second please oron yes javic yes Caldwell yes Rivas yes Armstead yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes okay well now move on to comments from members of the public attendance on City business only no Pol no personal political derogatory comments not to exceed three minutes okay we're going to start with Tom Cooney please state your name and address for the record please sir go ahead you got it so there we go okay okay 20 some ET uh hopefully the building department says this isn't going to happen again I complained about the house that they're building next to mine it's supposed to be a single family home with one bedroom one kitchen this thing is like a a hilt and my biggest complaint is it's too close to the property line I felt bad to day it was real hot the guy was put trying to put the siding up and he almost out the window so I let him put a ladder on my property I told him that's it we're done I've had enough this is supposedly window wells you can have all these pictures they got it so close this is the fence that belonged to John you can look at this stuff it's it's it's unreal that's a fire escape if you look at the picture close you'll see two silver knobs on the wh all four of them have fire escapes coming out the window is five or 6 foot tall what are they going to do when it snows and somebody can't get out the only door into the back of that building is up against the other guy's house what's going to happen somebody's going to get in trouble somebody's going to get hurt this is nuts and I complained about it to the building department and the guy said they Chang some kind of law or something but I want to get it on the record so that somebody else would know if you see somebody knocking down a house they gave John $550,000 for his house and knocked it down and put this monstrosity there if they get so close to the property they got to come on my property to do something I told the guy if they come over again I'm calling the cops and having them arrested cuz I've had it the guy one guy told me if you don't like what we're doing Sue me I had another guy tell me that everybody has a price he gave me $740,000 for my house I told him get out of here they're nuts they're out of control and what's going to happen to the source system because most of these houses have five six seven people living there not four or five like it used to be it what's going to happen to the seore system and then all these big apartment buildings they're putting up the seore system in the city was probably put here in the 30s they can't handle us something's got to give and they put an air conditioner these are the pictures of the air conditioner that went up on the roof they had to bring a cran to put it up on the roof and a guy told me you need a permit to put an air conditioner that's already on your property to replace it you need a permit to replace it where's this guy's permit Mr Cy what I going to ask you are you going to stay till the end of the meeting yes I will can you please see councilman javic is chair of uh construction code say to both of us after the meeting we'll get more information from you okay councilman javic no problem okay thank you yeah councilman when you take those pictures also make sure Mark mataco gets them okay okay uh Craig howerin please state your name and address for the record Craig howerin 120 donals and place first of all I'd like to thank everybody that had helped me with some kind of solution for my friend with this car situation but uh as far as the parks and the work at the parks go I think again it's a very good idea I mean that utilizes the parks can't knock that and my only question about uh anything if the citizens of the city have problems with a contractor that an agency of the city uses and there's a lot of complaints about it how do we get rid of this contractor Mr Antonelli we have well uh first of all I I mean be mere speculation on my part to tell you how to get rid of a contractor but obviously there's a contractor hired by the city we do have a contract in place I don't know if it's Road resurfacing or some other type of uh work but uh my first recommendation would be if it's contract or uh overseen by the engineering department then you should interface with engineering again I'm using the example of a road resurfacing project uh that's who I would contact to log your complaints so that uh in this instance for example the city engineer or his design can interface with the contractor with regard to uh the complaints and and what they are so I'm just giving an example uh but obviously if it was something more egregious and problematic again uh someone on the city Side would have to be made aware of these types of issues and then uh based upon that we would uh proceed in a certain direction but we just can't simply get rid of a contractor there is a contract but if they're not performing as required under the contract that's something we could certainly take into consideration thank you I do apologize I know it was a question and we're not supposed to ask questions but again thank you have a good night Mr howerin okay junor Malik virgin Malik Len Road the questions I have pertain to traffic moving so I guess the police department I'm really addressing this too what um a lot of I have a lot of new neighbors and they have children of different ages and now there's bus routes that are going through my neighborhood at all different times like to pick up maybe two year olds five year olds whatever and sometimes they go very fast they may be picking up kids that are actually on my street or they use the um it's a a crossroad between Princeton and Amherst and they just kind of Zoom across I don't know what we can do about this and also I thought May tring taking the license plate but I notice like the license plate of my car will have letters and numbers that I could read but when they're in Hebrew and they are going across I can't even spot I can't even write down what it is so I just like to make the city aware that on my street sometimes people go very fast in these buses and you can't even I find it strange why is it Hebrew why is it not these yellow buses you know whatever you know having numbers that you can read the second thing is I always park my car either in the driveway or usually it's in the garage and you know when you have a lot of people parking in front of you if there's parties I mean that's fine they have that wide open space but what who can I address this to if I see cars that are parking actually right in front of my house and I don't really know who they belong to who do I address that to and if they're there for some new corns are coming there I don't really know who they belong to and they're there like overnight what do I do about this who do I address this to so that's another issue for any comments Chief good evening regarding the buses we've had ongoing over the last several months things have quieted down but we've had complaints about the buses my suggestion is if possible if you can get a bus not the plate number maybe a bus number if sometimes say 135 I'll have a bus if you can get that know then we can we can uh try to make a phone call to the company and address that there we're getting some complaints regarding the cars I mean a public street is a public Street uh if you think a car is unregistered stolen or abandoned call us and we'll certainly come and check the plate uh generally if it's parked less than 48 hours and it's legally parked it's really nothing Police Department can do about it uh it has to be unregistered obviously stolen and if it's left in a spot for several days a week or more then it is uh summonable usually it's over 48 hours we can write write a summons for uh improper parking or over a certain time period I see these are just new cars I don't know who they really belong to and it's just strange like how where they're really parking and with the buses the other thing which I've noticed is that the bus drivers are sometimes and I find it appalling the kids are actually standing so as this bus is zooming in front of me especially when they are older children like maybe I'm not a going to judge of age like six seven 8 n year old they're standing in the row not sitting down and the bus is kind of zipping away so something has to be done about about this and with the cars that are parked they are now habitually showing up there and if I don't know who they belong to I you say it's it's a it's free street parking which I agree but you don't know who it belongs to and there's been some incidents that I've mention this to the council woman council president that certain situations have occurred where I can be just standing in my driveway and some cars kind of pull up and they're doing something that I would find rather unusual it's like late at night and what do I do to address this should I bring this up to the you know the police department if there's something going on suspicious in a vehicle you can call anytime for that we certainly resp suspicious but it's rather unusual the things that are happening if you're not sure you can always call we can check something but again the towing issue is other St if it's legally registered that cars being moved around even if they're people visiting a house not the cars aren't there more than several days or banded that are unregistered it sometimes it's not a lot weakened though and if the cars have an out ofate license and it's been parking there for many many months is there any restriction or any code that if someone is parking their car supposedly living somewhere that they no longer convert from out of state after like 6 months8 months to a New Jersey license there is a stat Shing and that's hard to unless weally go around to see every at state car in the city it's definitely improper and if you have residence here there was a time frame when you have to supposed to re-register your Carter new and do I address that to the police department yeah you can call the traffic Bureau you can call us yes very good okay and one last thing is the person about driving the bus they habitually use um the they're they're driving kids and they're on the cell phone that's the last thing I want to say you miss Malik thank you hey Pat hero pad hero 100 West Elizabeth Avenue um last month I mentioned the problem I had with the statement that has appeared on the city council agenda sometimes repeated by the council president of no personal no political and no derogatory statements the problem I have is that the mayor the council president and the members of the city council have all sworn or affirmed to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America there are some in this room who have done the same the greatness of the First Amendment of the US Constitution is among other great rights the provision of freedom of speech and the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances as the Iowa State University website so succinctly put it freedom of speech is the right to articulate opinions and ideas without interference retaliation or punishment from the government there are some limitations on some categories of speech such as child pornography obscenity fraud defamation speech that incites imminent Lawless activity and true threats I believe that no personal no political and no derogatory state statements are far more restrictive to speech than they should be a better response is to encourage public participation with the statement of we welcome your opinions and we're glad to listen to you when people feel heard and listen to they are appreciative the actions the city council take affect the people of lynon you should encourage their participation at City Council meetings not discourage it with statements such as no personal itical or derogatory comments I guess when they say no personal I guess I can't say that I really appreciate the Armstead family personally there's not a member of the Armstead family that I haven't liked and I especially remember a kindness that Danny Armstead showed me 20 years ago that still makes me smile when it comes to Pol politics I guess I can't say to the mayor who sadly isn't here I would have said uh mayor if I could have a few minutes of your time and I would have said that maybe losing the election isn't all bad as my mom once said answered prayer sometimes cause more problems than unanswered prayers and maybe Washington isn't well I'll just say Washington DC is not Lyon New Jersey and I someday I will talk with the mayor about that um and that's a good thing I might add um and the other thing is derogatory comments well actions do speak louder than words sometimes the actions that the city council may take may hurt people sometimes they may get a little upset as long as they're not violent about it and they kind of maintain their decorum I always try to maintain decorum maybe we should let them have their way spe at least have their speech thank you for your time thank you Miss hero John kazor [Music] John kaser 23 West mono Avenue so wow guys remember I came up here November 2019 and I did not say a word for the first time I'm more speechless than that day I'd always love to know what you told her that day too Mr anelli um wow I I don't even know what to say blindsided I had I had stuff to say to the mayor he's not here and now my ex-councilman sneaks out the back door um I'm going to temper my comments we have children here uh I I I don't know I'm gonna I'm gonna say thank you John John was a good councilman John's a great councilman he he did a lot of good for the ward um it was really a shame last year that we I had to run against him you know he had his uh we we talked many many days that it was going to be from him to me and then what did politics do he switched up and uh I had to do what I had to do and what's happening today is what everyone said was going to happen and and we knew it so now the mayor as the head of the democratic committee it's kind of like K Harris right he's she had no votes and she's the Democrat uh presidential candidate and now there's going to be somebody that doesn't get elected and it's going to be another Armstead puppet so it's a sad day but you know what I have to be grateful right for Life next month eight years clean it's over so nothing really matters when it comes down to that um if I was celebrating nine years John would have never been the the councilman um and he just you know he did prove that he might live in the six War but he ain't from the six warb uh but I wish him well I'm always going to have love for for him uh I just can't believe he left before before for uh public comment cuz I would shake his hand um man I don't know we we we'll see where this where this uh goes so like I said I'm uh where where's the mayor I I I missed it I'm sorry he's excused this evening okay he was excused last last night too because La last night you know the backpack thing was disguised as a voter voter registration uh thing so anyway uh that's it take care okay can we have a motion to close the public comment portion of the meeting please council president I'd like to make a motion to close the public portion and ask for a second please second oron yes javic yes Caldwell yes Rivas yes armad yes buak yes Mrs Yas yes okay comments for members of the governing body anyone on the Das wish to speak at this time Council pwell um I just want to wish uh C cman um John Roman Francis um the best on his new chapter um his new Journey um wish him well and I think he did a great job for the people of the six Ward thank you Council woman anyone else wish to speak okay councilman Rivas I'd like to Echo Council mowell I had an opportunity to be next to Council M Roman for a year and a half and this is my first term uh as a councilman and I think believe it or not that I have admire how he has um presenting himself in many many different uh aspects of our our jobs of the responsibilities and duties that we have so I wish him well he caught us by surprise um and I know that we probably going to have to discuss uh the transition as he said and we we are more than happy to help him with the transition and anything that we can do we're always going to be here to support him thank you m thank you councilman javic I also want to Echo that uh wishing John and his family all the best uh that life has to offer him and uh caught me by surprise tonight I didn't expect it but uh I do wish them all the best councilwoman oron likewise the best job and the most important job in this world is being a father and being a husband um I just think it's admirable that he wants to take the time to devote to the little girl that he is the daddy of so um wishing him well and if he is half the father that he always talks about his father was he is going to be amazing thank you C woman well said anyone else okay all right I just would like to reiterate you know the council was taken by surprise tonight we you you know um we're going to make sure it's a smooth transition for him and the Sixth Ward okay um I'd also like to offer um my condolences to the rer family Rita roer on the loss of her son and just follow up wish should everyone a Happy Labor Day weekend you know summer's not over yet we still got through mid September so please enjoy but enjoy safely okay um the next next Council meetings will be as follows Council conference meeting Monday September 16th at 6 p.m. in the council conference room City Hall Council conference meeting Tuesday September 17th at 6 PM in the council conference room City Hall council meeting Tuesday September 17th at 7 pm in the council meeting room these meetings will be held in person can we have a motion to adjourn please council president I like make a motion to adjourn and ask for a second please second hormon yes [Music] yes arm yes yes good evening everybody [Music] [Music]