[Music] [Music] hey good evening everyone notice of this meeting stay that date place and time has been disseminated as required under the open public meetings act chapter 231 pl1 1975 copies of the agenda are also posted on a city's website at Lyon TV for the public this meeting is now called to order Mr clerk can you please conduct a prayer and flag [Music] salute God God of the universe look th with favor upon these here assembled and bestow thy guidance upon the members of the governing body and their deliberations this we ask in thy name amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indiv liy andice all in the event of an emergency the proper method of exiting the council chambers is through the three doors in the rear of the room occupant should proceed down the staircase out the front door and move away from the area that front steps any member of the public wishing to speak during the public comment session at the end of the meeting please sign in on the white sheets provided in the front of the room with your name and address please turn off all cell phones or place them on vibrate if you must take a call please leave the council chambers to do so Mr clerk can you please call the role Mrs Orman here javic present Caldwell here Mohammed here Rivas present Roman Strano here Armstead here Hudak here Mrs Yus here can we have approval of the minutes of the public uh meeting minutes of April 16 2024 please sure council president I moveed for the approval of the public meeting minutes of April 16th 2024 cross a second second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammed yes Rivas yes Strano yes Armstead yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes okay um I'm going to now call upon mayor Armstead to help me present watches to the employees who have completed 30 years of service in the city of Lyon may you please join me down [Music] there all right [Music] okay it's a great accomplishment for anyone to obtain 30 years in the same position and I have the privilege tonight of first of all starting with mayor Armstead okay he's 30 years of service as a councilman combined as a councilman and mayor so mayor Armstead on behalf of the city council and the residence of Lyon we want to thank you for your continued service to the city your dedication to the residence of the fourth board where you served years as councilman and eventually leading the city as our mayor has been a remarkable Journey the saying if you find a job you love you will never work a day in your life I think sums up your role as a leader in this great city of Lyndon listening to your siblings you have been on a political Journey your entire life wanting to be involved in politics and most of all serving the people the aspect of the job I think was the essential part of your success you are lynon's mayor and most of all we want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts congratulations on your 30-year Milestone and we wish you many many more years [Music] mayor watch you get a you get a watch for third a watch after been here for 30 years what they should have got me is from Just For Men CU this job is this job has get me all this gray hair no it's been it has been a journey um and and like council president yamaka stated uh you know I I've U always aspired to be in politics ever since I was little uh my grandfather was a committee person down on Southwood Avenue I said to myself one day I'm going to be mayor well I used to tell them when I was a kid I'm going to be mayor and then one day we got around to running for mayor I was on jury duty in Elizabeth and I saw a new The Daily Journal and it it showed that our our PR our our prior mayor had been pardoned and I knew right then and there he was going to run again and it was I knew it was going to be my job to get on that ticket and and I did and U and I've been involved ever since and it's been been 30 years and we never had one political fight isn't that something right but but I I love the job I I do love my job um you know I love serving and uh I love being I I love being a able to make a difference and we have made a difference in this town we really have um for those of you who own your property you know you look at your tax bill and we we've made a difference uh and uh we haven't uh stopped in the community um and I think that's a good thing and I hope to well the unfortunate thing is that most of you may have heard by now that I've thrown my hat in the ring uh for the 10th congressional district the Cong the congressman seat Congressman Payne has U passed on so they call that they call that cd10 congressional district 10 so um with any luck hopefully we'll be able to pull that off uh we're going to work hard and try to have try and try to make it happen uh don't worry if I if I get elected and I believe I will be I'll have an office right on Wood Avenue so I can still serve Lyon residence all right so thank you for all for supporting me for All These Years everybody and uh and keeping me here uh it has been truly has been a journey thank you thank you man congratulations we have our superintendent of public Public Works Dave Martinez could not make it this evening but we'll make sure Hees his watch so let's give him a round of applause okay now we have another DPW employee Robin lison can you please come [Applause] forward okay congratulations Rob story yes mayor's going to tell St when you've been when you've been in town as long as we've been in town there's always a story with with every family you know so Robin larsson's brother uh my grandfather had an old Chrysler in the driveway it it wasn't running but the engine was still good and uh somehow her brother got that engine and wound up in his car true story we're kind of like family yep thank you Rob right and we have one of our supervisors Robert Quia you please come [Applause] forward congratulations thank you we appreciate you okay police officer Peter hammer could not be here this evening and we have one more City employee uh John llaca from our bard of Health come [Applause] on thank you congratulations okay can we have one more round of applause for 30 years is a long time to be a one position sure is all right at this time I'd like to call uh councilwoman oron down on the floor to present the resolution declaring the month of May lumus awareness month and also call up Miss Nik small you want read good evening everyone I'd like to read a resolution which I'll be accepting on behalf of Charlotte Adams diak who is a lupus Survivor who lives in my ward whereas lupus is is an unpredictable and misunderstood autoimmune disease which can cause severe damage to the tissue and organs in the body and in some cases death and whereas more than 5 million people worldwide suffer with the devastating effects of this cruel and mysterious disease and each year over 100,000 young women men and children around the world are newly diagnosed with lupus the great majority of whom are women of childbearing age and whereas medical research efforts into lupus and the discovery of safer more effective treatments for luus patients are underfunded in comparison with diseases of comparable magnitude and severity and whereas many Physicians worldwide are unaware of symptoms and health effects of Lupus causing people with lupus to suffer for many years before they obtain a correct diagnosis and medical treatment and whereas there is a deep unmet need worldwide to educate and support individuals and families affected by lupus and whereas there is an urgent need to increase awareness in communities across the US and the globe of the debilitating impacts of Lupus now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and Council of the city of Lyndon that the month of May is hereby designated as Lupus Awareness Month in public and private sector funding for medical research on Lupus targeted education programs for health professionals patients and the public recognition of Lupus as a significant public health issue this is passed on May 21st 2024 signed by Michelle yamus the council president and mayor Derek Armstead and our city clerk and commissioner Joe C bodak I would like to at this time take an opportunity to introduce to everyone theisha um small who has her story to sh share I am not affected by lupus words is not something that is uh uh we can havoc on my body but like I said each one of us probably know some someone somewhere who is suffering from this disease so I would like for her to tell her story she was good evening everyone um I just would like to share my story briefly it's not per se my story but it's a um the story of my sister my sister suffered with lupus for over 15 years um just last year she was um taken because of the disease lupus um she had a strong battle with lupus for long time and I just want to make everyone aware that this is something that is very big but it's kept quiet and I encourage everyone to support the Lupus Foundation in any kind of way and we all need to make awareness of this type of disease and thank you all for having [Applause] me thank you mayor all right at this time I would like to ask Captain Chris Gunther to come forward we're going to present a resolution to Eric thees for the chief's Award of Excellence [Music] good evening on uh May 1st we held our annual award ceremony um and the three uh individuals recognized here tonight uh we recognized about 60 different individuals during that ceremony for their various acts of of Bravery heroism and compassion throughout the year uh the three individuals being recognized tonight stood out um just among the best Among Us so uh we want to recogn them tonight and we thank the mayor and the council for doing so whereas the chief's award for excellence is presented to a civilian non-sworn staff member of the Lyon Police Department who in the course of their duties and responsibilities has demonstrated outstanding professionalism commitment and made a significant positive impact in the services provided by the police department and whereas since joining the lynon police department traffic Bureau in 2015 Eric has consistently and wholeheartedly served our community with dedication enthusiasm and pride and whereas Eric performs whatever tasks are required of him without hesitation routinely accepts responsibilities Beyond those typically associated with his position and proactively seeks out opportunities to provide assistance and whereas Eric has served as a volunteer member of the linen auxiliary police department since 2007 where he continues to serve in a leadership role and whereas Eric is always among the first to volunteer and has repeatedly demonstrated unwavering support for numerous police department and City sponsored events and whereas Eric's positive attitude and team focused approach has made a strong impression on all those with whom he interacts and now therefore be it resolved by the city council and the City of the city of Lyndon recognizes the parking enforcement officer Eric the as the city of lyen police department 2023 Chiefs award for excellence Honore be it further resolved that this resolution be entered in the minutes of the Council of the city of Lyndon and then a copy hereof be appropriately presented to Eric the re in recognition of the forgoing signed uh Michelle yamakas president of council Derek Armstead mayor and attested by Joseph C bodc city [Applause] clerk okay next from our Police Department we'd like to invite Matthew Jones who receiving the award for police officer of the year I'm G I'm G to let the captain do all the reading but I'm just I'm going to say a few words you know until I became mayor I really had no clue as to what goes on in a police department you know we see police riding up and down the street but you just never know all the things that they're confronted with on a daily basis because I when I became mayor I got a chance to read reports every morning and I tell you uh this is a very very serious job being a police officer and uh each and every day they go they put their lives on the line and they're to be commended for the efforts that they uh put into the job and if you ever notice you very seldom do you hear any anything bad about our Police Department we're not a perfect department but it's very rare that you hear one of our police officers misbehaving or or engaging in any misconduct uh and I'm just very proud to be the mayor of a city with such a great police force and under our Charter oddly enough the mayor is technically in charge of the police department Lyndon is one of three three cities in the whole state with the mayor is in charge of the police department and but I don't get in their way I I tell them I have a hard enough time policing my children I'm not going I'm not going to try to get out here and prove I know more than they know but they do a great job and I'm just so proud of them and congratulations thank [Applause] you no I got to read I didn't I didn't read yet whereas the police officer of the year medal is awarded on an annual basis to the officer who best exemplifies the commitment attitude and values expected of a Lyndon police officer and whereas since joining the Lyndon Police Department in 2005 Matthew has stood out as one of our most capable dedicated and respected police officers and whereas Matthew was assigned to the general assignment detective Bureau in 2017 and he has grown to become one of the most senior competent and suspected detectives in the lynon police department and whereas whether it be a violent crime like armed robbery a tedious detail focused case like fraud or a seemingly smaller case like package theft Matthew's versatility professionalism and attention to detail make him an effective investigator in any case and whereas Matthew's efforts have led to a number of notable arrests over the past year including a robbery investigation in May during which he obtained vital evidence that led to robbery weapons and conspiracy charges matth was also the lead investigator in a July armed robbery investigation that resulted in robbery kidnapping and weapons charges and where as Matthew's dedication to his duties his outstanding teamwork and his commitment to his fellow detectives exemplify the values of Honor resolve and empathy expected of a Lyndon police officer and now therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of Lynden recognizes detective Matthew Jones as the city of linen Police Department's 2023 police officer of the Year award be it further resolve that this resolution be entered into the minutes of the Council of the city of lynon and that the copy hereof be appropriately presented to detective Jones in recognition of the forgoing signed Michelle yakaitis pres president of council mayor Derek Armstead and Joseph St bodek s [Applause] okay next from the police department uh we have um Sergeant Michael Rizzo for the chief's Award of [Applause] leadership whereas the chiefs of Bo for leadership is presented to a superior officer who in the course of their duties has demonstrated outstanding leadership and made a significant positive impact in the services provided by the police department and whereas since joining the police department in 2008 Michael has stood out as one of our most capable dedicated and respected police officers and whereas since his promotion to the rank of Sergeant Michael has continued to excel in his duties and inspired those under his command to do the same whereas in the first half of 2023 the city of lyen faced the concerning surge of violent crime and gun violence and whereas Michael was one of the supervisors called upon to lead a group of officers task with reducing violent crime within the city and whereas Michael sought out ways to make the unit more effective Empower his subordinates and achieve the Department's goals and whereas the crime suppression unit under Michael's leadership was pivotal in the dramatic increase I'm sorry the dramatic reduction and violent crime we celebrated during the second half of 2023 and now therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of Lyndon recognizes Sergeant Michael Rizzo as the city of Lyndon Police Department 2023 Chief's award for leadership Honore be further resolve that this resolution be entered into the minutes of the Council of the city of Lyndon and a copy thereof be appropriately presented to Sergeant Rizo in recognition of the forgoing sign Michelle yamakai is president of council mayor Derek armc and Joseph C bodc City Clerk [Applause] I'd like to call upon Angelo Monaco to please come forward Angelo is receiving an award for the national After School Association 2024 next generation of after school leaders I want to thank you for accomplishing all your accomplishments here for many years mayor when is 30 years here council's been yelling we need after school programs after school programs we never can really seem to kick them off but Angelo you've been very successful and we're very proud of you mayor want to read the [Music] Angelo stepped into this position as if he was doing it his his whole life so let me read the proclamation whereas Angelo Monaco was born and raised in Lyndon New Jersey and attended School number five School number 10 in Lyndon high school and whereas Angelo Monaco graduated from Lyon High School AS Val Victorian of his high school class and whereas Angela Monaco was hired as a teacher of mathematics for lynon public schools at mcmanis Middle School in September 2017 and was Angelo Monaco was appointed as a supervisor of before and after school programs for Lyon Public Schools in February in February of 20123 and whereas the national After School Association is the professional membership Association for people who work with and for youth during out of school time NAA forces positive youth outcomes by supporting developing and advocating for Afterschool professionals and leaders the association is the leading network of out of school time professionals and whereas the national After School Association seeks to highlight leaders who are active in the broader after school Community demonstrate contributions that have started to influence Beyond individual programs to entire organizations and communities are actively engaged in efforts to El to elevate the after school field have a proven passing passion for developing themselves and others and demonstrate persistence in their work to grow as Leaders throughout the next generation of after school leaders recognition and whereas Angela Monaco has met the criteria by Leading the school district's before care after Care Program 21st century Community Learning Center and Lyndon child care center and serving as the president of the of the library board and an executive board member for the lynon Mary youth commission and where is Angela Monaco was nominated by njsc New Jersey's after school and out of school Time Professional Network and a New Jersey Department of Education for the Next Generation after school leaders recognition and whereas over 100 out of school time professionals from across the country were nominated for the next generation of after school leaders recognition and whereas Angelo Monaco was one of 21 out of school time professionals to receive the Next Generation after school recognition and now therefore it be resolved that I Derek Armstead mayor of the city of Lyndon in the state of New Jersey on this 21st day of May 2024 to hereby congratulate Angelo Monaco for being named the next generation of after school leaders by the national After School Association making our school district and the City of Lyndon very proud we thank you for your service to the city of Lyon students staff families and community and assigned by myself mayor Derek Armstead and once again thank you I have a short little story on Angelo here mayor tells his story I'm going to start telling mine Angelo we have many students sitting here this evening Angelo was in two 2011 he graduated my son the Valen Victorian of lynon high school he worked very hard all throughout high school and um leadership clubs all kinds of activities then he started as a math teacher in the lynon public schools he also worked our summer playground programs I saw him first hand in action with that he worked the summer day camp in mcgil for several years so he's worked his way up so hard work and dedication leads to success so keep it up Angela very oh yes and Miss zalinski said tell you she appreciates you okay all right now we have the students y I think they went do their show their research project I don't you first science they have a presentation presentation all right we're GNA honor um the advisers and students of the Lyndon youth enjoy science club but first we're going to ask them to they're going to do a short presentation for everyone this evening so you can come up with the presentation that's it okay right just want to come up do a little comment commentary what set comment yeah [Music] comment before before the students get started I just want to say that um these students did a presentation and my wife came home and she said it was outstanding and she was just so impressed um for what they were involved in and you all too often we hear all these stories we hear the bad stories about what's going on sometimes in schools but I think there's more good a lot more good than there's bad that goes on in our school and I I think we need to recognize our young people uh for doing outstanding work and when I tell you this is outstanding work once you see the presentation you'll you'll realize that that if you are a future we're in pretty good hands okay so okay right our first presenter this evening is Deanna let goair ahead okay thank you good evening everyone all right my name is Diana lcu Flair I am a recent graduate of Lyndon high school and I'm currently a well Rising sophomore at Ruckers University and I just want to first off start by saying thank you to the council and councilwoman Miss Michelle yamakas as well as the mayor mayor Armstead for allowing the club to come today to present and this is just a really great opportunity and I thank you I also want to thank the advisers Miss Nat and Mr mesir um for allowing us to also come and present and to help the functions of the club just a quick backstory um it was last year I wanted to create the club based on the Ruckers youth enjoy science club it's not a club it's more of like an internship um and I kind of went to Mr moner and Miss Nat to help kind of formulate this club and ever since then the club has become something really great for lynon high school and it's also partially funded by the Ruckers Cancer Institute of New Jersey and so the poster that's in the center of the room is my research poster from over the summer where I talk about the functions of p-53 and specifically in mice colon cancer so I know that sounds like really big words but I'm going to break it down so basically p-53 is a tumor suppressor meaning that it puts a break on cancer development when it becomes abnormal then it be then it accelerates cancer development so I kind of study how the accelerated form of P p53 changes in mice so basically p-53 you can study this in either isolated cells on a plate or through animal models and in my research I use mice models so first we kind of breed the mice and we get the normal p-53 and the abnormal p-53 in two different sets of mice and then from there we do a treatment called aom DSS and that basically induces cancer or gives cancer into our targeted area of the mouse which I'm studying the colon so it basically promotes and it grows cancer in the colon so I know that sounds kind of scary but for the normal p-53 Gene even after we do this process you'll see that there's not much cancer development because the drug only amplifies what could be there so you see the difference in the abnormal p-53 Gene where there'll be more cancer development because it's just amplifying something that's already there so from that we finish the treatment and we do something called a colonoscopy so basically we would fast the mouse for one day giving them no food but they are able to have water and basically we would do a colonoscopy on the mouse to see the um progress of the tumor development as well as the status of the tissue within the mouse and from there we can kind of see the progress that's happening and kind of see where the tumor development is you can kind of see on the bottom I'm not sure it's kind of hard for people on the sides to see but um you can see the clear difference that the MX with the normal p53 Gene has little to no tumor development and it has healthy surrounding tissue whereas the abnormal p-53 Mouse has a lot more tumors in variety and size and also the tissue surrounding it is also not the best from there we would then extract the colon from the mice and you can kind of see again I'm sorry for people on the sides who may not be able to see the figures as much but basically the normal p-53 Gene miles has a short colid and you can see that there's not very many tumors it's very short Clen and it's very clear so then you can clearly see in the the abnormal p53 mouse that the colon is elongated meaning that it's longer and there's a lot more tumors and it's just not how it should look it's a very clear difference between the two and then from there we would take the colon and we would extract the tumors that we can visibly see with like this very fancy microscope and scissors to cut them out and then from there we would roll up the colon and put it in paraffin basically candle wax from there we would cut the candle wax into like paper thin slices to put on a slide we would then use um a staining technique called h& so basically H stands for hematoxilin and it stains the nucleus of a cell purple I'm pretty sure a lot of people here know what a nucleus of the cell is so I don't have to go into too much depth of it but e also stands for eosin which stains the cytoplasm of the cell pink I also pretty sure that everyone in this room knows what the cytoplasm of a cell is so I don't think I need to go into too much depth there so you can kind of see in the picture it's kind of hard to see from you where you guys are sitting so I apologize from that but basically you're looking for dark purple spots there can be like a light lavender color and that is normal cell tissue but it's when you start to see darker more um isolated cells that are darker purple that basically shows us that that's where cancer is forming on the tissue level and basically this just supports our cause that the mutant p53 or abnormal p-53 Mouse is very different from the normal p-53 and you can really see that the tumor suppressor p53 or normal p-53 prevents cancer a lot better than the abnormal p-53 and from there I'll call on the current president of the Lyndon Youth and joy science club Diego [Applause] [Music] well hello hello everyone my name is Diego SGA uh first I just want to say thank you to our lovely teachers and advisers of the club especially Miss Nat who encouraged me to take part in the Rus program I want to thank our program coordinators that helped me and guided me through my process want to thank my family especially for encouraging me all throughout my academic career and helping me to succeed and I especially want to say thank you to the city council for having us I believe that it's very important to bridge the gap between community and Science and to let the public know what's going on in the science department to make everyone feel at home feel safe going to the doctors and to really help the people because that's what science is ultimately there for with that said I would like to talk a little bit about my research over the summer so I had the absolute honor to work under the head of the pediatric department under Dr Cole um he specialized in pediatric oncology and what that is is Pediatrics as many of you may know has to do with children and oncology is the study of cancer so my department in specific focused on cancer in children and that's where we're going to segue into really what my research was about so my research is focused on con looking at polymorphisms in acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients and what it's going to be referred to as alll and this is the most common type of cancer in patients that we see today this has to do with cancer in the blood and as we know that's very dangerous and from where we started when technology first happened we can now cure 98% of all acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients which is really great you know that's great numbers to see but a big problem with this is these patients that are then being cured are then dealing with other things that they have to do with in life especially cognitive deficits which has to do with working memory hand ey coordination and things of that matter as you can imagine for a cancer patient like a child they went through this long strenuous process of trying to get cured and now as they go through the academic Career Education they're going to deal with all these side effects and things like that that can inhibit their growth and that's really what my research focuses on and what I what I did over the summer is I did a few processes to try and identify a polymorphism in their DNA so essentially what a polymorphism is is like a variant in the DNA all of us here are made of very different genetic codes which makes for our different features it has to do with our organs so DNA is very important and a polymorphism is just a little change in that but what we hypothesize so what we think is that specific polymorphisms could lead to these cognitive deficits in these children so what my research focuses on is identifying which polymorphism leads to these cognitive deficits and the goal is that if we can figure out if a kid has these polymorphisms we can then before we do the treatment or before we give them leukemia therapy we could recommend other treatment methods to try and give them a better quality of life after treatment so there's a bunch of different cancer methods that we could use to treat patients and if we can identify what's the problem we could then help these kids later on in the world and I did these through three different processes and it's a little technical but I'm going to try and break it down how I would very simply so I started off with DNA isolation which as I mentioned previously DNA codes for everything in your body and that's so much different things it has to code for so what I do is I'm isolating a very specific part of the DNA that is important to us so and I do that through a little process at the top it's some cool things I put in some cool chemicals in there I spin it around really fast and I get the specific DNA I'm looking for from then I do a process called PCR polymerous Chain Reaction which is again pretty fancy but essentially what that does is going to take the very specif specific tiny piece of DNA that we have and amplify that exponentially which essentially gives us a lot of our Focus piece of DNA and then from there I do a really cool process called gel electroforesis essentially I'm sure all you guys had Jello before and it's like this special Jello kind of thing that we have and then we run electrical current through the gel which then allows us to identify what polymorphisms are present in these patients and I get all things that I did here was working with real patient samples that means I got to do a clinical trial which is a really big deal especially for a 17-year-old these are things that scientists who have master's degrees doctorates do but because of this program I got the opportunity to do that over the summer because the person in charge of the lab really trusted me and thought that I was passionate about it and I am making an actual difference I'm making an actual difference using the science and that's really what this is about that is what this program is about that's what science is about it's about making a difference in people's lives and the whole purpose of this the whole purpose that we're out here today is to take things that we do in the lab and actually use that to make differences in the world and to bring that out to the community to inform the community and that's really what our program is about the L is we run health fairs and different initiatives to kind of teach students about different various things that go on in the health world because although techn ology keeps advancing science sometimes leaves the people behind and that's really what science is there for and we're here to bridge that Gap and that's really what my research is about thank you guys so much for this opportunity and then if there's any questions that you guys have anything that you want to say I will be more than happy to take them yeah of course do you think yeah of course that is an absolutely great question so currently I am a senior in high school and I'm going on to college I got into some really great programs and um going to University so I have already committed to Stevens in which I got a special scholarship that gives me a complete full ride there yeah it's it's pretty great um it gives me a full ride there along with so many other benefits and a big thing about that too is that it's incorporating science with business because as I'm sure you guys know we have these big Staples of big farmer companies and the goal is not only once I'm able to make a difference but to be able to Market that is very important so that way I can actually make affordable medication for everyone and what this has really been able to do for me is it taught me what it means to really be a scientist it gave me such good EXP exposure before I even graduated high school I got to talk to so many different people and everyone at the Cancer Institute is so amazing and I really tried to be vocal there and everyone was very willing to help and these experiences and I got exposure to so many different fields and really understand the magnitude of Science and the capabilities there and these techniques that I learned the research that I had to put in every day because this is is really technical stuff it's it was hard but it really taught me a lot of things and this was a pivotal point in my academic career and it really pursued me to try and make the change that I want to make in the world and it's going to really help me [Applause] out right we have one more student to come up I don't know if I'm saying this righta or Aida okay she's not going to do yeah we we'll do their proclamations okay okay all right at this time we're going to recognize the advisers and students of the Lyon youth enjoy science clubs deanco Fair Diego Santa RGA AA ois Mercy I don't know if I'm saying that right Kathleen Del Corman Camila rreo Kayla denel Irene MOSI and the advisers of the club Miss pamilia darnon and Mr Tron so okay can you please Tron Mur Mur okay all right can you well come on up and get your proclamations [Applause] we have Diego santria than you Diego I'm impressed you can be my doctor Irene MOSI hey Irene how you doing darling and we have um Deanna leair Dr Le flare yes um Kyla Denville you take that one also okay we have Kathleen Del Carman okay you're quite welcome you did a heck of a job um I oh how how you say your name oh Brennan okay I should be able to say that oh Brennan just spelled a little funny that's all um Tristan munder that's you okay that is thank you all right and then we have uh one Pamela not uh the advisor oh you're the advisor okay that's you hello there you're quite welcome you got you've done a fabulous job with these children thank you unbelievable I'd be remiss if I didn't me mention Mr coun is here the principal yes and we also have two board members here Andy pedo Andy pedo and Malaysia Thomas and Kimberly uliss oh okay yes Kimberly eliss didn't see you there we have Annabelle Lewis okay okay Mr W Mr Walker not Johnny Walker Mr Walker so you guys have done a great job I mean I am just I am just blown away with this presentation I really am like I said before uh if this is our future we're in pretty good hands I want you to know yeah you don't you don't have to say just good evening everyone my name is annab Bell Lewis I'm the assistant superintendent for support with Lyon Public Schools it's truly an honor to be here and hear about all the wonderful things that are happening throughout our city most importantly I think proud is an understatement um I'm sitting here listening to the presentations of our amazing students and I love how Diego ended his presentation he said he wants to be the change he wants to see in the world and in fact you all are the change I believe that the cure to cancer is right here in this room um because I am just so blown away by their presentation and their scientific research you make me proud it is an honor to lead this District again thank you to the city council for recognizing our students um and for helping us and partnering us as a school to to just serve the community and provide an excellent education as you can see here so thank you and [Applause] congratulations yeah uh Mr prilla Nan if you can come on over too so we are co-advisor for this club first thank you everyone for having us here today this is a pleasure we have excellent students who have done such a great job with the club we thank our original president indana leco Flair for everything she's done uh Diego of course for taking over I also want to thank uh some special service League members in Kyla Denville and also Irene mosu who have done phenomenal phenomenal in everything and putting together all the different activities for the club the field trips the cancer fairs it's been a pleasure running this club and we thank everyone here thank you thank you so much for this recognition for my students I'm very very proud of them I cannot tell you how proud we are about them we have some wonderful students at lyen high and I want them uh to be seen I want them to be heard I want all of you to be very proud of our Lyndon high school students I want good things from Lyndon coming out I want all to the city of Lyndon to hear good things about Lyndon that's what uh we are here for thank you and one again I also want to thank um rgar Cancer Institute of New Jersey and the R program um and the coordinators from R Miss Cassandra Gabriel is here she's been our biggest support I really want to thank you Cassandra thank you for everything that you have done for us thank you thank you Mr Angelo Monaco going to deliver a message for you this evening good evening everyone um Miss Cindy ainy the supervisor of science the phenomenal supervisor of science unfortunately could not be here tonight and I work very closely with her at the PDC so she asked me to read a statement on her behalf recognizing our amazing science teachers and students for the hard work that they did I am sorry I am unable to be here to celebrate the accomplishments of our committed excellent science department teachers Mr mondesir and Miss Nat rean and their High achieving students I am out of the state attending Science Education professional learning to the teachers thank you and to the students you are the future of Industry research and scientific exploration in our local community nation and globally you are equipped to find the solutions to our world's most pressing problems like climate change disease and sustainable development we are so proud of you and can't wait to see how your next chapters unfold as you lead the charge to improve our society's quality of life through Discovery and invention and I'm going to add a brief comment myself I did not attend the event this year but I did attend last year um and I remember I was so impressed going to the different stations that they had the different research and one of the stations um was sunscreen so um if I remember right the there the skin cancer so there's red and blue beads and then these white beads are supposed to light up when you go out in the sun right so I I still carry this on me on my keychain and I got that from the um the Ruckers cancer research presentation from last year so even though I wasn't there this year great job I'm impressed with the work that you do and um best of luck moving forward thank you congratulations everyone thank you thank you thank you e [Music] once once again everybody you often hear about you of we often hear about the problems but we just don't hear about that good news and that this this is just great news when you see students perform at this level this is amazing so our next Proclamation um will be for ALS known by many as L Garrick's disease uh the proclamation reads as follows whereas am myopic lateral sclerosis ALS known by many as Lugar disease is a progressive fatal neurogenerative disease in which a person's brain loses connection with the muscles slowly taking away their ability to walk talk eat and eventually breathe and whereas every 90 minutes someone is diagnosed with ALS and someone passes away from ALS and whereas on average patients diagnosed with ALS only survive 2 to 5 Years From the time of diagnosis and whereas ALS has no cure and whereas people who have served in the military are more likely to develop ALS and die from the disease than those with no history of military service and whereas securing access to new therapies durable medical equipment and communication Technologies of vital importance to people is of vital importance to people living with ALS and whereas clinical trials play a pivotal role in evaluating new treatments enhancing quality of life and fostering assistance assisted Technologies for those living with ALS and whereas we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Ice Bucket Challenge through a renewed commitment to Galvanize public awareness and support funding leading to significant investments in ALS research and whereas the ALS Association as the largest Phil philanthropic funer of ALS research globally has committed over $154 million to support more than 550 projects across the United States and 18 other countries and whereas our commitment to accelerating the pace of Discovery remains unwavering fueled by the hope that one day LS will be a livable disease for everyone everywhere until we can cure it and whereas ALS Awareness Month increases the Public's awareness of people with ALS dire circumstances and and acknowledges the terrible impact this disease has not only on the person but on his or her family and community and recognizes the research being done to eradicate the disease now therefore I mayor Derek Armstead do hereby Proclaim this month of May 2024 as ALS awareness month I call upon all Americans to join in supporting ALS research advocating for increased funding and standing in solidary with those affected by this relent Relentless disease and assigned by myself mayor Derek Armstead and where are those kids at come on back in here no I I tell you if if ever there's going to be a cure for it children like that will be the ones responsible for so thank you all thank you okay as everyone probably knows by now councilman Armando Medina has resigned as councilman of the ninth ward the Lyon City Democratic Club met on May 7th 2024 and has recommended three individuals to fill the Council seat as per state statute we received a letter um from the committee the individuals are that are recommended are Christopher zansky Alfred Rodriguez and stevenh Michael is there a mo can we have a motion please council president I'd like to make a motion for Alfred Rodriguez and ask for a second can we have second [Music] second can we have a roll call please Mrs Orman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammed yes revas yes Strano yes Armstead yes Hudak yes Mrs yamakas yes okay I'd like to call Alfred Rodriguez up okay um we'd like to also call up Melinda and his son Noah as well as mayor Armstead he's going to be sworn in by our city clerk Joseph vodak who will ad Minister the oath of [Music] office Joseph bodic will be administering the O I mean oath um and alfa's mother and father will be and his sorry where'd she go oh she's filming come on up somebody's GNA you you should hold somebody should hold the Bible for I I do solemnly swear Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the contition of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey constition of the state of that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same I will bear true faith and aliance to the same and to the governments established in the United States the government established in the united St and in this state and in under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform the duties as councilman of the ninth ward perform the duties as counil of the according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] s [Music] [Music] I'm part of the [Laughter] [Music] family conations Council yeah councilman Rodriguez would you like to say a few words when you like yeah hello malfred Rodriguez councilman 94 councilman I'm sorry I'm sorry I want to thank everybody I want to thank the council thank you guys our fabulous mayor mayor Derek alstein we're going to continue the progress we have made in the city and continue keeping it safe and clean and and let's move forward thank you guys okay thank you councilman Rodriguez would you please join us on a Dias welcome nice more [Music] seat okay councilman Rodriguez can you join us here on the Das please okay extreme all right yes all right no problem okay on behalf of council and the mayor we'd like to welcome you councilman Rodriguez and your assignments will be the same as you'll take over the committee assignments previously held by Mr Medina I'll meet with you probably tomorrow all right so I'm sure Duran he'll give a short Report with his phone number so residents of ninth War during our committee reports will be aware so again congratulations councilman Rodriguez okay we're going to move on to ordinance is on hearing beginning with ordinance 6823 [Music] please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lyon 1999 passed November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and has amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council the city of Lyon at section one that traffic chapter 7 traffic shall be and be amended to add a section 7-36 entitled Lynden multi-purpose Center parking lot as follows section one the F the following shall be added uh 7-37 lyen multi-purpose Center parking lot okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance seeing none can we have a motion please yes thank you council president council president I move that we close the hearing on ordinance 6823 adopted and ask for a second please second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammed yes revas yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes ordinance 6824 please Bond ordinance amending Bond ordinance 66-48 finally adopted by the city council of the city of Lyon on July 19 2022 providing an additional sum of $350,000 for the city hall Chiller project okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this item whis see done can we have a motion please council president I move we close the hearing on ordinance 68- 24 adopted and ask for a second please second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammed yes Rivas yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez abstain Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes okay we'll now move on to consent agenda items all items listed with asteris are considered to be routined by the city council and will be enacted with one motion there will be no separate discussion on these items unless the council member so request we have items number one through eight tonight can we have a motion please Madame President I'd like to make a motion to approve the consent agenda items 1 through a and respectfully as for second second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Caldwell Mohammed yes revas yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez obain Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes okay i' just like to take a moment to congratulate our two retirees this evening uh laborer from Public Works Dennis machaan and from our tax assessor's office our tax assessor Michael frello has retired um Michael served the city of Lyon uh for many years starting out as assistant tax assessor uh underneath his father before becoming tax assessor we'd like to wish them both uh much wellness and success in their retirements okay we'll now move on to uh reports from the governing body beginning with councilwoman oron the first morning thank you council president I'm going to start off with the budget review and finance report approval is requested for the following Finance actions the payment of bills totaling 2,539 $44.91 bills have been signed by the mayor council president and the finance chairwoman and a detailed check register and vouchers are on file in the city clerk's office we're in receipt of Investments made by the city treasurer for the month of April at the rate of 4 .6% I move for approval and ask for a second please second Mrs oron yes javic yes cwell yes Mohammed yes revas yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez abstain Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes andk councilwoman okay I'm going to now read the department of the division of transportation and properties for May 21st 2024 I hereby submit the monthly financial report for the division of transportation and parking for the month of April 2024 this this report includes the collection of on and off street parking meters railroad parking lots railroad parking permits and Merchant parking permits the T site collection $1,690 New York site collections $1,258 Railroad Credit Card transactions $ 28,33 65 railroad permits zero railroad Mobile payment 2320 parking 9,944 online railroad permits $3,900 parking meter collections $1,329 for a grand total of $ 57,4 15 this is submitted by Tyrone LG the traffic maintenance supervisor now for my ward report report I would just like to start off by saying congratulations to our newly um sworn in councilman Mr Rodriguez welcome to the group welcome to the family um you'll be uh you'll like it and we hope that you um will serve the community uh in the same fashion that we are we just are just welcome you welcoming you um like I said to the fold now I also would like to mention that um there's a lot of construction going on maintenance work with the utility companies please bear with us while the aggravation is going to be shortterm the gains are going to be longterm so please bear with us I also like to um mention that it's that time of year again we have longer days warmer weather and children outside with this comes a great responsibility to those who live in our community and those who live in our Ward first I want to address property maintenance grass garbage and trash hours that I mean first of all hours that are um properties that are not maintained especially those that are um owned by some of the limited liability companies and those that are abandoned or not lived in for several for several months we will make sure that those properties will receive summons for unkept grass and for garbage that's kept out in front of the house sanitation cans please bring them back in when your sanitation has been picked up the recycle cans and Carwood as well it makes our community look terrible when they sit out there for two and three days if you leave bulk items on the curb and it is not your SK scheduled bulk day you will be issued a summon love our city love our first Ward please keep it beautiful and keep it clean also with the summer I like to address noise with the unofficial start of summer residents will be sitting in their backyards I know I sure do I love to enjoy the beautiful time outside with my family let's be mindful of the excessive loud music that we have a tendency to play during the holidays and on the weekends our neighbors deserve respect on the other side let's be gracious to our neighbors who are not violating the noise ordinances and let them and their families even their extended families that come to visit them enjoy their backyards the worst thing in the world to me is someone who complains over children playing outside um because it's just annoying them children are meant to play outside during the summer and then speaking of kids let's be mindful of speeding down our streets we are not the nd500 but some of us seem to think it is with that being said slow down and also so parents please watch your children even a car going at 25 milph can seriously injure your child who's left unattended if he runs in the street or it could even be worse it's frightening to see children who are who look as young as two or three um running around sometimes even in the street who don't have a reasonable or an adult in sight sometimes your 5-year-old is not responsible enough to be watching your three-year-old so please please watch your children lastly with the summer coming comes lot of people walking through our neighborhood while Lyndon M while Lyndon remains a wonderful place to live we know that there's not always wonderful nice people yes even those who don't live here in Lyndon like to lurk through the streets and see just what type of Havoc they can create please lock your car doors put your bikes away your little scooters and your strollers your skateboards don't leave them out for someone else to take I was a victim last week where somebody actually came into my driveway in broad daylight and removed personal property right while we were sitting home unfortunately my cameras didn't pick them up my car actually was blocking the view so if it can happen to me it can happen to anyone just be safe be smart happy Memorial Day enjoy The Unofficial start of summer and enjoy the rest of the Summers that comes also that includes my report council president thank you councilwoman councilman Javin thank you council president as chairman of the fire committee the fire prevention Bureau collected the following monies during the month of April 2024 a total of $1,732 27 regarding our Linden fire uh Department ambulance billing the amount of $ 63,5 3439 for April 2024 having added to the total deposits for 2024 totaling 342,000 $65.95 our construction Code Department has issued 258 permits and processed 55 certificates for the month of April 2024 and has issued 87 Su summonses and monthly re revenue is as follows building and CCO permits $ 54,4 N3 um that includes also additional permit fees zoning $3,100 Court settlements for the month $34,200 the reflective total being 91,8 43 and from the Board of Health just a reminder uh to save this date uh for the 2024 health fair which will be held on Saturday October 12th from 10:00 a.m. to 1 p.m in the school 1 gym uh we welcome the entire Community to attend this free event which will feature local health and wellness business and organizations free health screenings vaccinations and giveaways so please put that on your calendar good evening everyone you may have noticed in the second ward we are in the process of repairing sidewalks if you have a sidewalk that's been disturbed by a city tree please reach out to me so we can get your home on this list uh to repair this for you our next sidewalk repair list uh for the season is going to be at the end of the summer and uh we are also presently doing Paving in our Ward on various streets if you have noticed we have been power washing our lyen uptown area this is just the beginning of enhancements to Wood Avenue thanks to our Sid uh which is our special improvement district and um they've been undertaking this uh with public works and by the way also National Public Works week is right now from May 19th to 25th uh so thank everyone for all they do also please help our Uptown small business Community by patronizing all our shops local businesses and the diverse neth ethnic eateries that we always need uh that always need your support and they deserve it in thinking back U I've lived here most of my life and I have never seen such a better time in this city uh the mayor and Council are delivering on a promise of change that has become very visible in our city and we will continue to deliver to you for the future of Lyndon the other day I attended the Haitian flag raising at City Hall and the festivities that followed at the prominade I was really touched by the immense outpouring of our citizens and Community this is the way lynon was always meant to be I want to thank Danny Armstead for all you do in helping to bring this all together I can be reached at 90849 9 44608 or email me at B javic Linda newjersey.gov on Facebook second word councilman Barry e javic and uh I just want you all to remember that you could visit our city of Lyon website for all additional information council president end the report thank you councilman javic councilwoman cwell thank you madam president I just want to welcome councilman R RZ welcome if you need anything just reach out um good evening their award I hope this message finds you well I'm reaching out to extend a heartfelt invitation to an upcoming community meeting that I believe is crucial for the future of our beloved Third Ward as your councilwoman I am committed to fering open communication and collaboration amongst all residents your input and your invaluable you're invaluable to us as we work together building a strong stronger and more Vibrant Community our community meeting will be on May 28th which is a Tuesday at 6: p.m. so mark it on your calendars at the Columbia Bank room on the third floor at the Lyon Public Library located at 31 East Henry Street dear lynon High School seniors I hope this message finds you in High Spirits and full of excitement for your prom day on behalf of the entire third war Community I want to wish each and every one of you a beautiful and memorable prom day may this evening be everything you expected it to be and more I am particularly excited as my son Trevor Carwell and his friend nman Mcall will be among those attending this special event I know how much this night means to all of you and I hope it is a night filled of joy laughter and cherished memories as you held as you head out to celebrate I urge you to prioritize safety your safety and the safety of our community are of the utmost import importance as the chair of it um I want to address the cyber security in line with the commitment to ensuring robust security members uh measures the city's it department is actively engaging in several projects aimed at enhancing cyber security ongoing initiatives focused on password management contextual based awareness and utilization of crowd strike um passwords in a world where our cyber threats Loom large and secur security breaches are constant a constant concern the tireless dedication and expertise of our it professionals have been nothing but short of Exemplar their efforts not only protect the city's digital assets but also upholds the trust of our community as the local assistance chair it gives me great pleasure to address the invaluable Services we provide to our community our aim is to provide a safety net for those facing difficult circumstances ensuring that no no one in our community is Left Behind I am proud to announce that as of today we are currently serving 26 clients with various forms of assistance and I'm pleased to report that we have received 13 applicants for assistance today together we can make a difference in the lives of those around us and build a stronger more resilient Community for all you can apply for benefits online at https backmy New Jersey help.gov backhome or reach out to 211 for further assistance and I want to wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day you can reach me at 98531 0676 my email is mwell london-new jersey.gov and Madam president that concludes my my report thank you councilwoman councilman mohamd good evening welcome to uh councilman Alfred it's good to have to have a person another Alfred here I'm sure you're going to be an excellent person council person we all got spring fever and look forward to the arrival of Summer I like to think the multi- divisions within our Departments of community services for their continuous report in our efforts rather in our Awards also the division of transportation and property for creating a wonderful community garden space inside MLK Park the parks measures 40 ft by 40 ft half will be planted by some volunteers coordinated by the teachers of the Board of Education and the other half will be planted maintained and harvested by interested members of our community please continue to call or write me with any question or concerns regarding our neighborhood I can reach at 98463 4843 wishing all a Happy Memorial Day let us remember our veterans and let us also remember those who are suffering from mental health issue and let them know that they're calling 211 those services are available thank you council president thank you councilman councilman revas good evening uh citizens of Lyndon Madame President thank you for the opportunity I'd like to start my report uh bringing some news from the board of ucation in my capacity as a lean uh from the city to the board of ucation I'd like to inform that um the Board of Education celebrated uh Teacher Appreciation Week um from the years that I've been living in lynon and that I had my children attending the lynen schools I'd like to um say thank you for the communication that we receive as a parent I received lots of communication not only for the superintendent from for everything that is happening around the schools and that makes me really proud that they keeping keeping us informed as well as they celebrated Teachers Appreciation week and we um thank all of them for promoting the students academies at the social emotional well-being of our students they recognize in our school our School nurses they also play a a great role on a vital role I will say on keeping our students healthy and supported our schools uh especially our high schools uh schools uh went through the uh njsla testing and I I was very impressed how the uh School Board together with authorities and many leaders of the community uh created a video in order to provide some support to their students U many of us know that even though if we may know the assignment some of us gets gets very nervous when we taking test the idea was to make sure that they knew that uh we had their bag and that they we knew that they have learned in the in their classrooms and they just because they're in front of a test will not means that they are do not know the assignments or the material that they needed to be tested on um also the uh School Board like to make all of citizens know that the approach that there is a warming weather approaching therefore there are continue to do some uh repairs and uh on non air conditioning areas so we they asked the parents for the childrens to address comfortably to go to a school but making sure that they always address to the dress code and the uh code of conduct in their schools as I was referring before I was very pleased of the communication that we receive from our school district if you're a parent and you have a CH a child on the schools you could attest of what I'm I'm saying through your email accounts I also like to recognize the great uh relationship that our school system has with the city especially with our Recreations department there is a lot of information that has been shared to parents about the activities that the re Recreation departments at the school work together in order to hold it for for the citizens of lynon um I receiveda emails in regards to uh the schs drama club uh having a presentation of Cinderella Jud Edition on June 6 and 7 at the Middle School auditorium there's always um great to support the Arts um and also in collaboration with the uh recreation department will receive information about a lynen United soccer tryouts on May 22nd 27 and 29 so it is important that if you have any of your children like the sport Sports they can try that uh they can try the U tryy outs for for this sport for soccer and last but not least I also like to recognize that throughout the communication we received um they are um advising parents of students of the seventh and eighth grade to they're interested to join the 2024 unior fire academy registrations are still available uh if you want to uh be involved on what the board of educations and the great job that they're doing for children and for the city we invite you to be present at the meetings the next meeting is going to be next Tuesday um sorry I need class is at 28th at 6 pm and then the regular meeting will take place on the uh May 30th Thursday same time at 6 PM uh by school one uh Auditorium in regards to my word uh neighbors and I know I have been receiving a lot of calls for many of the parents interested in the summer job opportunities that the City offers for students I'm still collecting the names and it's going to be very difficult to try to make decisions among all the uh neighbors that they have called me recommending their children um there are some uh limited numbers of students that we might be able to hire but I assure everyone that I'm trying to make the best decisions uh that I can in order to choose the names that I will be submitted to the city this week I also like to uh keep thanking all of you for your patience I know that many of the utility companies have continued to do work our on the neighborhoods and then you can see that our roads needs to be repaved I have been in contact with the engineering department and they are going to happen all these utilities companies are going to leave our our roads in a good standing so we can embellish our neighborhoods last and not least I'd like to keep reminding you that you can contact me at 908 718 7609 or Reas Linden nj.gov Madam president that concludes my report thank you [Music] councilman Council manano okay time for some speed reading here uh confidential Personnel report number one in the treasury Department approving the appointment of Ava figuro U student intern July 11 2024 to September 10 2024 not to exceed 35 hours per week at the rate of $173 per hour B is amending the title of Isabella Gonzalez to student intern at a rate of $713 per hour two in the police department a approving the appointment of Ruben Israel parking enforcement officer full-time effective May 22nd 2024 at the annual salary of $ 37,2 198 subject to the successful completion of the city's preemployment requirements B is approving the appointment of uh Jordan L this unpaid student intern from May 22nd 2024 to September 30th 2024 not to exceed 35 hours per week C is accept voluntary resignation of R Vasquez Public Safety telecommunicator effect of May 20th 24 D is approving the appointment of R NES Vasquez Public Safety telecommunicator per DM at the rate of 252 25,27 cents per hour affected May 21st 2024 e is approve approval to post for the position of a public safety telecommunicator full-time at the annual salary of $43,000 a year three in the ipal Court approving the appointment of Latoya boy Deputy Municipal Court Administrator full-time at the salary of $75,000 effective May 22 2024 B is approving the appointment of Marquita Johnson uh Deputy Municipal Court Administrator full-time at the salary of $75,000 effective June 3rd 2024 subject to the successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements Miss Johnson is granted a residency waiver C is approving the appointment of Ginger Cortez temporary clerk not to exceed 6 months part-time effective May 22nd 2024 not to exceed 20 hours per week at the rate of $20 49 per hour subject to the successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements the is approving the appointment of Garett Brown as a tempering Municipal Court attendant assigned to n Court effective May 8th 2024 at the rate of $20 per hour not to exceed 20 hours per week and is subject to successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements he is approving the appointment of bson Marcia Bergos clerk won full-time at the annual salary of $ 37,2 198 effective May 29 2024 subject to the successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements after approving the appointment of Raya paage clerk M full-time at the annual salary of $ 37,2 198 effective June 3rd 2024 subject to the successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements G is approving the appointment of Dana princip clerk one full-time at the annual salary of $ 37,2 198 effective June 5th 2024 subject to the successful completion of the city pre-employment requirements H is approving the appointment of Shakira gray clerk one full-time at the annual salary of $ 37298 effect of July 1st 2024 subject to the successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements for and the Board of Health approving the appointment of Hannah Beckle public health nurse from fulltime at the salary of $84,500 and that's effective May 22nd 2024 five is in the Department of Community Services approving the seasonal list that's on fil under the clerk's office uh in the division of engineering a is approving the appointment of Olivia pulco student assistant for May 22nd 2024 to September 22nd 2024 not to exceed 35 hours per week at the rate of $15.13 per hour B is approving the appointment of Tyrone Hamilton a student intern from May 22nd 2024 to September 22nd 2024 not to exceed 345 hours a week at the rate of $173 per hour in the division of Public Works approving the posting of three labor positions full-time at the uh at the annual rate of $18 per hour to 37 $34.39 per hour B is approving the resignation and good standing of Shan re cinis to labor effective June 3rd of 2024 six in the recreation department uh division approving the seasonal list on file in the clerk's office and seven is the Personnel Department approving the FMLA and the njfla leaves on file in the division of personnel um move for approval and ask for a second second Mrs Orma yes jic yes Caldwell yes Mohammed yes Rivas yes stranana yes Armstead yes Rodriguez I abstain Hudak yes Mrs yamakas yes go ahead and Council M thank you um and I want to congratulate Mike franela who been here as long as I think the mayor and I have both been here U on his uh uh recent retire well his retirement effective June 1st I think soon first right yeah but anyway uh and and also to Dennis P Chopin on their retirements uh congratulations to both fellow and wish them well in their future and have a wonderful wonderful long uh enjoyment in your retirement um as U my colleague from the second ward and my co- committee person on Public Works had mentioned this week is the National Public Works week um obviously this you know Public Works divisions don't get the accolades that you hear from everybody else but most people don't realize that DPW workers are First Responders they respond to emergencies just like the fire department and the police departments do not to take anything away from them but uh they will also provide a lot of our OEM people that go out there and do a lot of that emergency work that's required of people that otherwise wouldn't be there uh and unfortunately due to illness of our um uh U divion director in our department too we usually have a couple trucks parked out in front City Hall and uh we usually have a banner up but uh uh that didn't happen but absent that Misfortune I want to personally thank those employees and our DPW for their enduring service their commitment and I want all them to know that without their dedication and the performance the city would not continue to function they are an intricate part of how our city works as our council president can attest um also um I want to welcome our new councilman Alfred Rodriguez it's a pleasure to have you here and I just want to know if I can call you A-Rod beat you and I just want you to know that we do serious work here but we do not lose our sense of humor and uh so so relax a little okay thank you that's in my report thank you councilman councilman Armstead uh yes thank you council president um I just wanted to start off by uh first saying um there was a time where um when I wasn't sitting here and I wanted to sit here in this seat I wanted to be a part of this team because I've seen something so special in the people that are sitting up here and I want to congratulate you I was also going to say welcome to the team A-Rod all right um I was really impressed today first of all by these kids out here they um really I mean really impressed me and it shows me that when people say Lyndon is going down or you you have your naysayers these kids show you that Lyon is going up these kids were so impressive today and I just can't get these kids off of my mind the way that they presented thems up here and they are to be congratulated for what they are doing um and the 30-year workers congratulations to you guys as well it's hard to work on somebody's job after 30 years after 30 days I'm I'm ready to strangle my boss so I definitely understand uh how hard it is to do what you guys doing and you are to be commended I'm going to go on with a with a short report uh for the eighth Ward uh we have some roads being paved uh South Broad um Ogden mcgilvery and part of MCAS now I do have some people on the other side of the eighth Ward that are asking about chanler Avenue Baltimore Avenue I'm just asking you guys to be patient um we're we're going to make it happen it's everything is in a matter of time and basically that's all that I have for my report uh this week um that's it for me council president okay thank you councilman councilman Ron RZ good evening all I want to thank the council team for all their support all the help I'm excited to be here I'm sorry I'm a little nervous um I can't wait to see what we could do you guys could reach me at 9 I'm sorry yes you can reach me at 908 583 7482 and that concludes my report thank you councilman Rodriguez and welcome to the team okay councilwoman Hudak thank you um our summer concert series is beginning so look at the city of lindon's website for all the list of the events and this weekend is Memorial day which is a solemn occasion and I ask you to remember those that have made the ultimate sacrifice and pay tribute to the Millions who have are and will be serving we share a profound respect to those men and women who without counting the cost gave their all in service for our country so with our deepest gratitude we thank you God bless the fallen and God bless America and that concludes my report thank you councilwoman um for my report I want to mention on Monday Memorial Day um the uh veterans will be going around to all the memorials in the city of Lyon beginning at 8:30 um amm so we ask uh all residents to please try to go to your local monument and show your appreciation for those who made the ultimate sacrifice okay I'd like to also extend a thank you to my eighth word neighbor Al sheski for planting flowers at the eighth word monument which is located on the south corner of South Park and grer Avenue this is a task that Al does every year just to being a good neighbor and he assures that the monument is always clean and well kept thank you aleski for being such a good neighbor um and like I said again Monday please try to make it to your local Monument we have many throughout the city and the veterans would appreciate seeing you there okay I'd like to also acknowledge the fire department and Board of Health for their annual reports that they submitted to council the Board of Health in particular I want to make mention of Amy paluso and her team took on a task of working with our city clerk's office to update eliminate Antiquated ordinances and to ensure our ordinances are all up to date and correct this was a long tedious task and we thank her her department and a clerk's office okay and I would like to also welcome councilman r bring us once again anything you need please reach out to me okay I'm here to help all right if any residents have any questions or need any assistance my number is 98494 0880 Mayor Armstead um had another commitment tonight so he will not be giv a report tonight so we're going to be moving on to our resolution but before we go there I just want a little housekeeping note we had some new faces here this evening anyone who wishes to speak to on our public comment portion please sign in in a white sheet and in front of the Das here okay well now move on to our resolutions um beginning with uh resolu we have resolution 229 through 288 okay Council president yes can we have a motion yes I would like to move resolutions number 2024 or 2020 24- 229 through 2024 288 and I request a second second second Mrs oron I abstain on 2024-25 and yes to everything else javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammed yes Rivas I stain in resolution 238 and I vote no in 266 and in [Music] 287 to the rest what's the other one 287 and you're voting yes to the rest yes to the rest yes yes sir thank you sir Strano uh yes to all abstain on 268 Armstead yes to all Rodriguez I abstain Hudak yes Mrs yamakas yes to all but I abstain on resolutions 233 and 267 okay I'm going to now move on to our ordinances uh for first [Music] reading beginning with ordinance 682 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lindon 1999 pass November 23rd 1999 and approv November 24th 1999 and as amended and supplemented section 1 chapter 3 section 15 entitled skateboards shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced as follows chapter 3 police regulations 3-15 low-speed motorized vehicles by bicycles scooters and skateboards okay can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6825 please Madam president I'll make a motion to move ordinance 68- 25 and ask for a second second oron yes javic yes calwell yes Mohammad yes Rivas yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez I abstain Hudak yes Mrs yamakas yes ordinance 6826 please Bond ordinance providing an appropriation of $110,000 for the acquisition of firefighting equipment and personal protective equipment for the fire department and authorizing the issuance of $14,500 and bonds or notes of the city for financing part of the appropriation can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6826 please council president I move for introduction of ordinance number 6826 and request was a second second Orman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Mohammad yes Rivas yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez I abstain Huda yes Mrs yames yes ordinance 6827 please Bond ordinance providing an appropriation of $38,500 for the acquisition of writing lawnmowers for the division of Public Works and authorizing the issuance of $ 36,5 se5 in bonds or notes of the city for financing part of the appropriation can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6827 please council president I'd like to make a motion to introduce ordinance 6827 and ask for a second please second yes javic yes calwell yes Mohammad yes Rivas yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez I abstain Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes ordinance 6828 please Bond ordinance providing an appropriation of $ 5,411 for various Capital Improvements of the division of engineering and authorizing the issuance of $ 4,194 in bonds or notes to finance part of the cost thereof can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6828 please council president I'd like to make a motion to introduce ordinance 6828 and ask for a second please second oron yes javic yes calwell yes Mohammad yes yes Rivas yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez I abstain Hudak yes Mrs yames yes ordinance 6829 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lyon 1999 pass November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and as amended and supplemented be it Ed by the Council of the city of Lyndon section one that chapter 7 traffic section 7-10 parking prohibited at all times on certain streets shall be in the same is hereby amended as follows 7-10 parking prohibited at all times on certain streets delete Marian Avenue on the West Side between West blankie Street and West Elizabeth Avenue hey can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6829 please council president I'd like a mo make to make a motion to introduce ordinance 6829 and ask for a second please second oron yes javic yes calwell yes Mohamad yes Rivas yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez I abstain Huda yes Mrs yakes yes ordinance 6830 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lindon in 1999 P November nober 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and as amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of Lindon that's section one chapter 7 traffic section 7-13 parking prohibited for street cleaning and maintenance shall be and the same as hereby amended as follows ad Maran Avenue West Side on Tuesdays from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. from Elizabeth Avenue to blankie Street Maran Avenue East Side on Friday 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Elizabeth Avenue to blankie Street okay can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6830 please council president I'd like to make a motion to introduce ordinance 6830 and ask for a second please second oron yes javic yes calwell yes Mohammed yes Rivas yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez I obain Huda yes Mrs yames yes ordinance 6831 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lyndon 1999 pass November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and as amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of Lyon that section one chapter 7 traffic shall be in the same is hereby amended as follows 7-33 handicap parking regulations 7- 33.1 a handicap parking on street delete 1413 Emma Place 1 space 418 West Blinky Street one space 2011 West 16 Street one space add 921 East Henry Street one space 203 West 16th Street one space 1908 East St George Avenue one space and 508 zler Avenue one space okay can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6831 please council president I'd like to make a motion to introduce ordinance 6831 and ask for a second please second oron yes javic yes Caldwell Mohamad yes Rivas yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez I abstain Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes okay we'll now move on to comments from members of the public in attendance on City business only no personal political or derogatory comments not to exceed 3 minutes please we start off with Mr Craig howerin please state your name and address for the record Craig holler 120 Donaldson place first of all I'd like to thank all our Public Works workers for the fine work that they do and all the people that have reached a 30-year Mark in civil service that's quite an accomplishment okay uh I also would like to thank the fire department for their fine work work at the fire at diar's uh building last night uh there's a couple of things one I'd like to thank Joe bodak for putting up with me giving him an idea to take to the County Commissioners for pedestrian safety when Crossing Ron Road uh the last thing I have is that the city does so much for all our citizens we have all this great stuff for our seniors and our recreation department has all these great programs for seniors but what else can we do we're all heading toward being seniors I don't look at myself as being a senior I'm only 70 so seven and zero is seven so I'm not old enough to drive but what else can the city of Lyndon do for our seniors because everybody sitting up here is all heading to that line that's when are we going to be a senior I don't know what that age it is a starts at 50 somebody else starts at 45 other people start at 100 I don't know what that is but let's try to think of ideas to help our seniors they are the on that helped pay our taxes to get us all where we are today and I have to thank everybody again for the fine work that we're doing and I will keep at it and welcome Miss councilman Rodriguez to our govering body great to have you thank you thank you Mr thank you Mr howerin thank you and I agree with you wholeheartedly about our seniors okay uh now we have Tom Cooney please St your name address 200 suit teris uh the police captain and the fire guy helped me with the thing that I was talking about earlier but uh I'm trying to find out this is a paper from Rosel and it's a zoning commission thing they're changing in this one building it's got nothing to do with Lyon they're changing the front and the back to the property line the house next to mine they keep telling me it's a single family home there's no way this thing is this it's a monster they didn't work on this house for two years so I think they was screwing around with the zoning thing so that nobody would know what's going on if you go in your Sellar you have two Lolly columns or maybe one this house has 12 so don't tell me it's a single family home they haven't fixed the fence my yard is now fallen in their hole four times I've complained about this and nothing gets done nothing I'm totally disgusted this is something you can do where the Delta gas station is in the easy food place there's two cement things to stop people from driving cars on the sidewalk while you're sitting at the light I've watched guys come from the gas station into the easy food place and from the easy food place through the sidewalk around all the gas pumps and make a right hand turn on the S Happ because he didn't want to wait for the light so don't tell me it don't happen I've seen it twice while you're sitting at the light that's about it I'm I'm upset it does bother me I bought this house I wanted to stay here my wife lived in this town her whole life and to me it's it's going downhill it's not what it used to be and that's all I got to say thank you Captain Gunther I'm sure you'll take note of the Delta Gas Station thank you okay Pat hero welcome back pad hero 100 West Elizabeth Avenue first of all congratulations to those who retired and those who served the city of Lyndon for 30 years also it's Public Works week and I said it many years ago and it's never changed DPW you will always be my people now I have here the recreation corner I thought maybe maybe they made a mistake but if you look at the recreation Corner they have St Marx Park if you look at Ninth Ward they have sunyside Park I thought maybe they would recognize the mistake they made nope they didn't same thing in the spring summer Recreation corner so what mistake am I making unfortunately a lot of you weren't here you don't remember but council president Yan midus remembers councilman stranana REM members and if the mayor was here tonight for this portion he would remember too Mrs Dorothy Ford who could forget Mrs Ford in fact on my way here I asked somebody if they knew Mrs Ford of course they knew Mrs Ford because Mrs Ford I could take at least three minutes just like you did I heard the YouTube speech and still not fully give Mrs Ford Credit the same thing with our former mayor Paul workmeister I could take at least three minutes and give him the credit he deserved basically he was only a mayor for one term great job unfortunately he raised the taxes that needed to be done but the people didn't understand they voted him out of office sometimes it costs to do the political right thing but you know what that didn't stop him he would keep coming to this Podium and coming to this Podium and coming to this Podium and making a great deal of sense same way way Mrs Ford often came to this Podium that's how I came to know them few people were more respected in the community in my opinion the Mrs Ford and Mr workmeister so why are we disrespecting them I looked on the website and the general directory Mr workmeister Park is mentioned but Mrs fordge isn't and on the website the house the homepage for the recreation department it still says St Mark's Park and sunny Park so when are we going to correct this and give Mr workmeister former mayor workmeister and Mrs Ford their due and respect if anyone deserves it both of them do we named the park after them two parks after them let's keep their names on the parks instead of the names we have listed on the homepage thank you very much for your time thank you Pat and I could assure you the website tomorrow will be corrected and the next Edition Keith prey our Recreation director is here it's going to be corrected thank you for bringing it to our attention Danny orene she's not here okay Virginia Malik okay not here she left okay John kazor hello hello hello John caser 23 West Mel Avenue um so the mayor wasn't at the meeting last night I walk I get here he leaves uh so again like I said last night 80% of my stuff was about that so I'll keep it light tonight um hopefully he's here when uh sooner than later I got a lot of stuff to talk to him about so uh congratulations Mr Rodriguez I'll be watching you um Good Luck linding guy too I I root for you and um I hope you do a great job hello uh Rodriguez family uh so you named three names uh and you picked Rodriguez I just want to say in the in the spirit of fairness I talked about it last month um you know uh there's going to be two names on that ballot in in uh June or July whatever it is and and it should be three um the other man when you want to step up and and be part of uh the um the community and you have the correct amount of signatures you should be able to be on that ballot you shouldn't be asked threatened told not to be on the ballot um so a lot of people been bringing up the uh flag pole issue outside um about uh hanging um other nations flags on the pole um I wouldn't want to see my Polish flag I wouldn't want to see my Italian flag on the same flag pole as the American flag the Haitian flag actually could should be on its own flag pole it doesn't even have to be lower than the American flag it could be it's supposed to be to the right and it could be the same height as the American flag I'm just uh some some housekeeping things to think about um so I don't know when we went against uh against the the norm there uh I was criticized sir two years ago for bringing up what's going on in Sunnyside all right um a lot of you jumped on me some more than others uh but last night at the city council Caucus meeting there was a a big change in the way a lot of you feel about what is going on uh the thing about it is um they're they're they're tiptoeing now because you can't let let what's happened in the last two three years happen and then go and change the laws because we'll get sued as a city um so it's kind of messed up you know the character of Sunnyside is uh starting to fade and um you're starting to get what looks like Office Buildings but they're actually houses um so uh yeah I guess like I said I have a lot of stuff to talk to about the mayor but uh I was criticized for talking when he's not here to defend himself um so happy Memorial Day take care God bless thank you Mr kaser okay can we have a motion to close the public comment portion of the meeting please second Mrs oron yes javic yes Caldwell Mohamad Rivas Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez I obain Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes okay um comments from members of the governing body does anyone from the governing body wish to speak at this time Council M Str go ahead oh I just want to wish everybody a happy and safe and World Day weekend and just remember what the holiday represents and um happy summer it's coming finally than you hey coun javic yes uh same thing i' would like to wish everybody a happy Memorial Day uh very safe weekend uh and also want to congratulate our newest councilman to the Das thank you anyone else councilman revas thank you Madame President at this time I'd like to say welcome Alfred Beno uh perhaps is I'm going out of out of courtesy to speak in another language but I'm proud that you're part of the Hispanic Community here in Lyon uh the city of linding is a diverse City and I'm I'm really proud that you're part of the Spanish Community representing uh that part of the community here in the city so Al con I also like to take this opportunity that I didn't have a chance to do sometimes I run through the time Madam president but I'd like to uh congratulate everybody that it was 30 years with as a city uh Public Employee here in the city of Lyndon as well as I always do I thank everybody on the city for the hard work that they do without you this city will not be running the way it is thank you have a good Memorial Day everybody and be safe anyone else anyone else okay and once again I just want to also reiterate happy Memorial Day and please come out Monday and support our veterans and their families okay the next council meeting me as follows Council conference meeting Monday June 17th at 6 p.m. in the council conference room council meeting prior to the council meeting Tuesday June 18th at 6 PM in the council conference room council meeting Tuesday June 18th at 700 p.m. in the council chambers these meetings will be held in person can we have a motion to adjourn please motion toour second this zman yes javic yes Caldwell Mohamed Rivas Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes have a good evening everyone [Music] [Music]