[Music] [Music] good evening everyone notice of this meeting stated date place and time has been disseminated as required under the open public meeting app chapter 231 pl1 1975 copies of the agenda are also posted on a city's website in Lynden TV for the public this meeting is now called to order Mr clerk can you please conduct your prayer and flag salute god of the universe look thou with favor upon these here assembled and bestow their guidance upon the members of the governing body in their deliberations this we ask in thy name amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all in the event of an emergency the proper method of exiting the council chambers is through the three doors in the rear of the room o occupant should proceed down the staircase out the front door and move away from the area of the front steps any member of the public wishing to speak during the public comment session at the end of the meeting please sign in on the weight sheets provided in the front of the room with your name and address please turn off all cell phones or place them on vibrate if you need to take a call please leave the council chambers to do so Mr clerk can you please call the roll [Music] Mrs Orman here javic present Caldwell here Rivas President Mohammad president Roman here Strano here Armstead here Rodriguez here Hudak here Mrs yides here can we have approval of the public session minutes of May 21st 2024 please yes uh council president I'd like to make a motion that we approve the public meeting minutes of May 21st 2024 can I get a second I second Mrs oron yes javic yes Caldwell yes revas yes Mohammad yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yikas yes okay we're going to have have a presentation from Joshua lisari okay acting director of Lyndon Public Library can you please come forward sure good evening members of the Len city council I am thrilled to be here today to discuss the exciting summer reading programs at the linen Public Library our summer reading programs are designed to engage our community and Foster a love of for reading and learning and participants of all ages I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with an overview of what we have planned for this summer first and foremost participation in our summer reading program is completely free for all interested participants while library cards are reserved for those who live work or go to school in Lyndon everyone is welcome to join our summer events and activities so if anyone has relatives who live in Lyndon but maybe they Al maybe parents live in uh raway or another suring town they are welcome to participate in these programs free of charge I'm also excited to announce that the linen public library now offers a free downloadable app which is available in both the Google Play and Apple Stores this app provides easy access to our library catalog enables users to download ebooks and audiobooks and allows patrons to manage their accounts online so they can renew without having to go into the libr Library if they haven't material checked out or uh calling uh the library they can just do it from their phone so uh a QR code is included on a bookmark that's in the the blue folder I'll show that to you guys so right here so if you already have a library card you can just scan this put in your library card information after you download the app and it'll automatically go right to your account in addition to our library app we have introduced using the beanstack app which families can use to track their reading progress and earn awards at the library this userfriendly app makes it easy for families to stay motivated engaged throughout the summer and information on how to use this app uh is included in this uh pamphlet as well as the laminated bookmark and these materials are also available for pickup at the library our children summer reading program officially kicks off on Wednesday June 26 with a touch of truck event featuring uh both the linen fire department and the police department uh this should I should say that's weather permitting of course and we actually had a conversation with uh one of the Deputy Chiefs of fire dep if it's too hot we might have to cancel since we are in the middle of the heat wave uh however even if that is cancel we will also have face painting and a concert in the library so there's still will be an event on that day uh and our program will conclude on Wednesday August 21st with a visit from a video game truck and another music concert okay between those dates we will have a variety of activities planned including craft workshops engaging guest speakers uh toddler story times and uh this is something new that we're starting this year free academic reading support for Early Elementary School AE children uh we actually hired a local Lynden teacher who also has a tutoring business on the side to help us uh design this program and that program is free of charge the rules for participation in the children's summer reading program are on the last page of the children's event packet so it's this uh packet where it says adventure begins at your library so it's a list of all the events by month and then at the very end of the packet uh we have all the rules uh for the summer reading program so you know please share this with any interested uh family so they can really take advantage of the children summer reading program now for our adult patrons we're going to have a range of enjoyable programs tomorrow we're going to celebrate juneth we are open however we're going to have a performance by a very good actress who's going to uh basically reenact the life of Harry Tubman okay we also have scheduled an author talk an escape room event and a puzzle party so we really hope that people who are older can come to library and also enjoy and all the dates for each of these events is on this uh sheet here I am confident that our summer reading progams will be a hit with the community and contribute to a vibrant and engaging summer at the linen Public Library thank you for your time and continued support for our library and our library programming if you have any questions or need further information I'm happy to provide it I've included uh my business card with each of the folders please reach out to me okay if you want to learn more information if you want to get a tour of the library and see uh some of the improvements that I've authorized with uh my library board since I became interim director in uh July of 2023 uh does anyone have any questions or or comments before I uh yield the floor yes uh let me see I don't know her name offand I can get that for you performed yes she has she performed um as Bessie Coleman um who was uh I think the first African-American female Aviator you're welcome okay right well I don't have a question I just want to thank you for everything that you're doing and the board is doing sure because uh having a library and promoting a library is something that we should all continue to do all right thank you I appreciate that thank you Josh I'm very impressed with the summer reading program especially the tutoring for the uh reading I would also very important I know um before I go I'd also like to thank my staff they're they've been working very hard and I it is my goal to offer excellent customer service to all the patrons who come in the Li and I've been making that clear and I feel that my uh staff has been uh delivering that hey Josh you're welcome Council if I may Josh uh hi pleasure to meet you if you could have that all all these um great Flyers to us digitally I'd like to post them on Facebook for so that the residents especially the six board residents I represent know about these cuz I I didn't know you were doing this oh absolutely so what I can do do you want me to email the the email address on the website yep I can do that tomorrow you can send them to the clerk's office at all the counil members will receive it okay so that might be better just to go right to the clerk yep all right so all yes so all these materials will be uh emailed electronically to the clerk tomorrow morning when I go back to the office and uh he can distribute it to all you guys p are best something that like photos that we can post on Facebook photos that we can post on Facebook I you know a lot of us have pretty large Facebooks at this point that our constituents follow so I think that would be beneficial to you to get your uh programs out to the to the residents okay all right thank you thank you Josh okay we'll now move on to ordinances on hearing beginning with ordinance 6825 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lyon 1999 passed November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and has amended and supplemented section one chapter 3 section 15 entitled skateboard shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced as follows chapter 3 police regulations Section 3-15 lowspeed motorized vehicles bicycles scooters and skateboards okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance okay see none can we have a motion please Madame President I make a motion to move uh ordinance 68- 25 um and ask for a second second Mrs oron yes jav yes calwell yes Rivas yes Mohammed yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yamakas yes ORD 6826 please Bond ordinance providing an appropriation of $110,000 for acquisition of firefighting equipment and personal protective equipment for the fire department and authorizing the issuance of $14,500 bonds or notes of the city for financing part of the appropriation okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance seeing none can we have a motion please yes council president I move to close the public hearing of ordinance number 6826 move for approval and request a second second Mrs Orman yes javic yes yes calwell Rivas yes Mohammed yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yiis yes ordinance 6827 please Bond ordinance providing an appropriation of $38,500 for acquisition of writing W mowers for the Department of Public Works and authorizing the issuance of$ 36,525 bonds or notes of the city for financing part of the appropriation okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance seeing none can we have a motion please council president I move we close the hearing on ordinance 6827 adopted and ask for a second please second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Rivas yes Mohammed yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yikes yes ordinance 6828 please Bond ordinance providing an appropriation of five 5,411 for various Capital Improvements for the division of engineering and authorizing the issuance of 4 million1 $9,450 bonds or notes to finance part of the cost thereof okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance please come [Music] for I'm be be delinquent and not underst you please state your name Virginia Malik B delinquent and not knowing enough about the $5 million but someone from engineering can someone just tell me maybe the top five projects that the $5 million will be spent on Mr Bishop yes ma'am um in a rotating round robin if you will there are roads and resurfacing that happens um not only the top five but probably the top one I so it's mostly resurfacing of roads that is correct ma'am that would include um Milling disposal of the millings some catch Basin work curbs and so forth and not much on sewers or just mostly no also also included in that certainly not the bulk of the 5 million though good thank you yes ma'am okay is there anyone else from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance okay see can we have a motion please council president i' like to make a motion that we close the hearing on 68-20 adopted and ask for a second please second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Caldwell yes revas yes Mohammed yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes ordinance 6829 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance in adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lyndon 1999 pass November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and has amended and supplemented be ordained by the Council of the city of Lyon section one at chap 7 traffic section 7-10 parking prohibited at all times on certain streets shall be and the same is hereby amended as follows 7-10 parking prohibited at all times on certain streets delete Marian Avenue wests side between West blankie excuse me West blankie Street and West Eliz Avenue okay has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance okay seeing none can we have a motion please yes council president I move we close the hearing on ordinance 6829 adopted and ask for a second please second Mrs oron yes javic yes Caldwell yes Rivas yes Mohammed yes Roman yes St yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes or in 6830 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lyon 1999 passed November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and has amended and supplemented be it ordained by the city council of the city of lynon section one that chapter 7 traffic section 7 7-13 parking prohibited for street cleaning and maintenance shall be and the same is hereby amended as follows add Maran Avenue Westside Tuesday from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. location Elizabeth Avenue to blankie Street East um side of Maran Avenue Friday 7: a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Elizabeth Avenue to blankie Street has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance okay seeing none can we have a motion please council president I move we close the hearing on ordinance 6830 adopted and ask for a second please second Mrs oron yes javic yes Caldwell yes revas yes Mohammed yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yikes yes ORD 6 a 31 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lyon 1999 pass November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and as amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of Lyndon section one that chapter 7 traffic shall be in the same as hereby amended as follows chapter 7 traffic 7-33 handycap parking regulations 7 7- 33.1 a handicap parking on street delete 1413 Emma Place 418 West blanky Street which is on the Spruce Street side 2011 West 16 Street Ed 921 East Henry Street 203 West 16th Street 1908 East St George's Avenue 508 Zigler Avenue has the ordinance been properly published and posted yes ma'am has any written communication been received no ma'am is there anyone from the public who wishes to be heard on this ordinance seeing none can we have a motion please council president I move that we close the hearing on ordinance 6831 adopted and ask for a second please second Mrs zman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Rivas yes Mohammed yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yikas yes okay we'll now move on to uh consent agenda items all items listed with Asters are considered to be routine by the city council will be enacted with one motion can we have a motion please on items number one through 7 council president I'd like to uh have a motion for items 1 through 7 on the consent agenda and ask for a second second Mrs oron yes javic yes called well yes Rivas yes Mohammed yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yakis yes okay we're going now move on to reports from the governing body beginning with councilwoman oron in the First Ward thank you council president I'm going to start off with the city of Lyon division of transportation and properties I hereby submit the monthly financial report from the division of transportation and parking for the month of May 2024 this report includes the collection of on and off street parking meters railroad parking lots railroad parking permits and Merchant parking permits the Trenton side collections $2,300 New York side collections $1,156 Railroad Credit Card transaction $ 28,5 49 railroad permits zero railroad mobile payments 2320 parking $1,314 online railroad permits zero parking meter collections $1,686 190 and Merchant permits $83 for a grand total of $ 55,1 39 submitted by Tyrone elg the traffic maintenance supervisor our budget and finance our budget review and finance report um approval is requested for the following Finance actions the payment of bills totaling 3,329 348 $859 bills have been signed by the mayor council president and finance chairwoman and a detailed check register and vouchers are on file in the clerk's office we are in receipt of the investment made by the city treasurer for the month of May at the rate of 4.16% I move for approval and ask for a second second Mrs zman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Ras yes Mohammed yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yames yes okay I just want to start off by saying that this is probably my favorite time of the year as we embark on graduations not only um college and high school but on Middle School students as well over the next couple of days we're going to see a lot of activity in the First Ward particularly down near the athletic field where we're going to be hosting with the Linda Board of Education will be hosting their middle school graduation and also their High School graduation so we just ask that you be patient as you're traveling through that particular area be mindful that we have over 400 graduates for the high school and 300 plus for each one of the middle schools so we're just asking for your patience parking is going to be a little bit crazy but it is a once in A- lifetime occurrence for each one of the students and their families summer is approaching which means once again all these kids will be out riding bikes and just having a good time so we're just going to ask once again please be careful slow down and just be mindful of the students and the children that are going to be out actively enjoying the weather construction um is going on in our community but I would like to make sure that everyone is mindful that we do have an ordinance said state that construction must end at 6:00 p.m I'm beginning to enact on a zero tolerance for that if you're banging roofs or whatever I will have coding construction code come down and issue you a summons I'm not even going to ask for a warning a summons because our residents deserve peace and quiet after a certain time and that is 6:00 we have utility work that's going on on Washington milonia Lorita and it's finally wrapping up we will be finishing up some sidewalks throughout this season and we'll be also doing some of them in the fall so if your sidewalks are raised because of trees please contact me and we can put them on the list to make sure they get done I'm also going to be a stickler this season for Property Maintenance and your grass our community has always been pristine and lynon has always been very very prideful with the way that we looked we now have a lot of people that are moving into homes that don't care about what their property look like but I do so if you decide to let your grass grow too high guess what I will be calling the Board of Health yes you will get a warning the first time the second time you'll be receiving a summons so please it doesn't take a lot to keep your grass looking neat your neighbors will appreciate it I will appreciate it and I'm going to hammer this in one time for this month and I will do it again next month please keep your music down you we all live here and we do respect the fact that you would like to enjoy your backyard and your family I get it I do also but you have to also respect the neighbors who live next to you and they do not deserve sub tweeters and woofers and speakers that are 5 feet tall blasting music that you can hear three blocks away it's not fair I'm sorry I don't care who you are I don't care what person in the neighborhood says it's okay there's 50 people that say that it's not okay we have to be mindful of seniors as well as children on the spectrum that do not tolerate that type of noise so just be mindful once again phone calls will be made and you will be issued a warning and then eventually a citation if you not comply with the noise ordinance it should be shut down completely by 10:00 but once again if it is that noisy and you know it's acceptable please keep it down keep it to a minimum I would just like to also just wish everyone a wonderful happy 4th of July as the holiday is approaching be safe be careful and just remember if you're going to use fireworks please do it mindfully and safely have a wonderful summer and a wonderful holiday thank you thank you councilwoman councilman javic yes council president as chairman of the fire committee the fire prevention Bureau collected the following monies during the month of May 2024 a total of 7,349 95 regarding our Linden fire department ambulance billing the amount of $24,995 22 for May 2024 have been added to the total deposits for 2024 totaling $466,900 56 certificates for the month of May 2024 and has issued 150 summonses monthly revenue is as follows building CCO permits and additional permit fees $65,625 zoning $2,450 Court settlements for the month $14,250 uh the reflective total being $82,700 and from the uh Board of Health uh through a grant obtained by the Union County Office of Health Management a countywide health survey has been created a flyer with a QR code for the survey has been added to the Board of Health page of the city website distributed on Board of Health social media and are being distributed at public events by our Outreach staff the results of this survey guides our state mandated Countrywide or countywide Community Health assessment which in turn helps inform our community health Improvement plan both of which are required to be updated every four years the survey is brief and completely Anonymous and is an opportunity for lynon residents to help decide Public Health efforts here in Lyndon and throughout Union County we strongly encourage all lynen residents to have their voices heard in this process by completing the survey the survey is available until June 30th and can be taken in English Spanish polish and Haitian Creo good evening everybody so in the uh second ward we have finished most of the streets that were scheduled uh for repaving by the gas and water company work that was being done and as soon as school is out we will be doing uh thewit Street between Curtis and Elm streets and also West Henry Street scheduled sometime in July will finally be Fuller Road by Super Fresh and by the new Dunkin Donuts in my opinion this street is way overdue and has taken a beaten over the years from the excessive uh truck traffic on it Additionally the Clark property at the corner of Wood Avenue in West Elizabeth Avenue is now cleared and construction should start by the end of this June oh actually the end of this July our Uh Wood Avenue has been getting a new look lately thanks to our Sid special improvement district flowers have been added to the Uptown lamp poles also several more restaurant are now offering outdoor seating and we are also continue our power washing efforts on the down on our Uptown there uh I strongly suggest you please help our small business Community by patronizing all our shops local businesses and eateries they need and deserve our Support also a new ordinance is moving forward um regarding low-speed motorized vehicles bicycles scooters and skateboards please reach out to the city clerk for this information and also it will also appear on our city of L Lindon website I can be reached at 908 494 4608 or email me at B javic Linden DNE jersey.gov on Facebook second more councilman Barry javic and remember to visit our city of Lon website for all additional information and everybody have a great Fourth of July council president and Report thank you councilman councilwoman Coldwell Madam president thank you dear neighbors I want to take a moment to thank everyone who attended our last community meeting in May of 2024 your participation and engagement is what makes our neighborhood strong and vibrant I would also like to extend my gratitude to the lynon police department for their informative session on Public Safety their presence and guidance were was invaluable to us all as we embrace the summer season I kindly ask everyone to please slow down while driving through our neighborhood with children playing outside it is crucial that we remain Vigilant and drive safely to those on scooters please be cautious and courteous to ensure everyone's safety I want to take this opportunity to congratu congratulate the graduating class of 2024 um part particularly proud to share that my son Trevor will be graduating next Tuesday he has made my husband and I incredibly proud Trevor will be attending universal Technical Institute in New Jersey beginning August 2024 and has been awarded multiple scholarships despite the uncertainties in the world today Trevor Has remained focused on his goals and I encourage all graduates to keep their eyes on the prize and remember that you are all winners neighbors if you notice any street lights that are out um if there's any sewer issues you can contact me um my number is 98531 0676 your cooperation and keeping our community well lit and safe is greatly appreciated thank you once again for your continued support and commitment to our neighborhood and let's continue to work together to make our community a wonderful place to live and I want to wish everyone a happy juneth and remember remember councilwoman cwell always follows up and follows through that concludes my report council president thank you councilwoman councilman mohammd good evening counc I especially want to take this opportunity to congratulate those who have graduated from high school even those who might have graduate from drug treatment programs all of those persons are to be commended this is a time of June of commencement and the beginning of of a new period and those who are high school graduates those who are college graduates those who are graduate school gra uh graduates they are to be commended especially our high school students you know uh young people get a real bad rap these days but as a proud father of six children I must tell you is not an easy job nobody gives you a a prize for being a father or a mother but parents should be proud especially proud of those who have graduated from Lyon High School all the schools here in the city of Lyon so I just want to take this opportunity as a council member to congratulate you on making a major journey in your life and I joined you this year when I received my masters of art from the University of Chicago the gram school thank you God bless you and God bless America thank you councilman and congratulations on your degree okay uh councilman Rivas thank you madam uh to my neighbors in the fifth board good evening and to all the citizens in the city of Lyon um summer is here and for many of my neighbors uh that I have had the opportunity to visit them and walk by I I'd like to remind them that uh this is the time when we all do that project that we wanted to do and the time has come summer is the project I want to remind everybody that you have any doubts if you need a license for your construction to please call a construction code I have had many uh of my neighbors coming and ask me hey I'm doing this and I have asked have you have a permit they said no I didn't know that I have to do a permit so if you have any doubts please contact the constru C code office uh it's better to do it the right way as you're doing your projects during the summer times uh I'd like to inform that as well as graduation in the First Ward uh our Ward is going to have graduation of the fifth graders in school number four so I ask our neighbors to please uh make sure that the drivway are not being blocked I know that there is a once a year uh celebration that that happens but we're getting a lot of complaints from the Neighbors in the area school number four that the drivers get blocked every time there is a main event um the area is um not have a lot of parking for all the amount of p uh people that attend these events in regards to the working award uh thanks to the engineering department I have information that there is going to be milling and resurfacing happening between the month the months of July and August on Eng Les Avenue D Avenue Caroline Avenue Alberta Avenue and Fai Avenue there's also going to be resurfacing milling and resurfacing happening on East Baltimore between St George Avenue to deal Avenue and East Baltimore Avenue deal Avenue to East Elizabeth Street there is work gas company work happening um in D Avenue and G Garfield Street and we're working with with our engineering department to have all these roads repaved and resurface as quickly as they complete the job in order to have our neighborhood in the conditions that they found them because we want our roads to be in good conditions uh very good uh important information for my neighbors also in the fifth word um the water company is going to be doing um flushing on our system between June 18 through June 28th uh to provide high quality quality of water service so please make sure that if you have not received a message from your water company to pay some attention in the uh during those days they're going to be doing some water work in our W July 4 is coming Jun celebration is tomorrow July 4 is coming the holidays are coming I'd like to recognize all these holidays and I'd like to recognize the hard work that all of our neighbors do out there the hard work that our city officials do please be careful uh high temperatures are happening and stay hydrated be safe God bless you if you want to reach me my phone number is 9087182773 [Music] [Music] uh it was a really good day and I thank you everyone that reached out to me appreciate you I've been collecting a lot of addresses for tree trimming uh over the last few weeks and the work on tree trim trimming will continue to be done I pride of myself over the last couple years on making sure all the trees are trimmed and not hanging too low for when you're going over the sidewalks um and and cutting out the dead ones uh usually by Spring uh but there's a few streets that need some help um and have the trees raised so there that's happening now I appreciate DPW for helping me with that the four-way stop sign was installed last month uh on 13th in Clinton and it's working so far certainly there are people California rolling through the St through the stop signs however the accidents are down clearly um but uh that's what we were looking for so I if accidents were to happen and I've seen videos of accidents of cars getting flipped and and such and if the accidents do happen they'll be at a lower rate of speed um but so far so good uh wood law Stimson East msel Paving and the concrete work on the sidewalks is complete I am happy with the results I have not heard from Bob Sadowski or Diane wilverding who live in the area and uh and would have certainly told me by now uh if if they weren't happy with it so I hope you guys are happy with it and if you think something needs to get done um let me know Bob I tried to get them out for your sidewalks I didn't see it done though so um I'll follow up on that for you I know that you wanted a few of those done uh so thanks for engineering for that and um a lot of the roads are done in the Sixth Ward especially the side road so West msel is certainly next on the list for uh the Sixth Ward uh they did a half of that back in the day and they never did the other half and it needs it so that will certainly be on the top of list going forward I've been trying to work on the train station area uh and the area surrounding it honestly the train station's busier than ever and and it's been a real struggle um to get things done over there due to just available manow um but slowly and surely we are getting uh work done there uh I had Landon police uh put up a sign recently near the train station that just reminded Parkers that the street parking is a two our permit parking Zone which is an ordinance we put in place a few years ago um I live in the busiest part of that zone so I know that it helped however the sign's gone and it seemed kind of back to normal today so uh I've personally seen Gail and Joe out there ticketing in the area uh for the cars that overstay those two hours um trying to avoid our daily parking in our Lots uh so if you're one of them and you don't have a permit please you know get a permit from the linen traffic department ASAP uh so you don't get a ticket because enforcement will happen I nearly got a ticket myself the other day uh I rushed out there as scale was literally ticketing my car so I ran out there and moved the car real quick uh in time so I'm happy the enforcement uh is going to happen it's going to continue wheeler spray park is in full gear on the weekends it will open every day starting June 29th 7 days a week uh the parking is unfortunately inadequate uh we had them at about 25 to 30 spots a few years ago at my request it's still inadequate it's just inadequate because of the popularity of this park they built a beautiful Park and it is busy and I feel bad for the residents on Kennedy that have to deal with the burden of the park being so busy but it should quiet down by July it always does uh so our Lyon DPW at my request had deployed the trash cans outside the park uh they seem to be working to keep the trash off the street for the most part we just have to keep up cleaning them uh so we're going to have to do that after the weekend every every weekend uh and I'm working on some striping and some signage in the Clinton Street Corridor uh East Lyon Avenue uh and and West Lindon Avenue West Lindon Avenue utility work got done uh we don't have a date uh yet for Pleasant Street and West Lindon Avenue to get repaving I was going to ask Jerry if you have any for information regarding the waterw that was down done down there and when we can get our new road back okay councilman um as you know uh this isn't a city project it's a utility project however because these projects affect quality of life uh the mayor and council president and our Council want us to stay on top of the utilities which we've done now specifically with regard to what not only West Lindon Avenue pardon me but Pleasant and Smith and Rebecca uh we had them do a preliminary phase one of a walkth through Thursday afternoon June 13th the second phase of that walkth through on those areas a a specific detailed audit with photographs and so forth half of it was done last Thursday the 13th the second half again on West Lindon Rebecca Pleasant and Smith will take place this Thursday uh the 20th and we requested that they get back to us with start dates by Friday the 28th so we'll be able to get you better information uh when we get our report from them so be confident that we're on them we can only push so far uh but we got their attention council president just to finish real quick with that thought thank you Jerry for that detailed explanation and I'm glad to hear that those meetings are happening I was unaware of that specific meeting from happening so also uh we repaved Rebecca and Smith last year and I promise you that that road will be put back like the day it was made La uh like the day it was done last year concrete uh Paving and all uh so those roads will be perfect I promise you that and West Lyon obviously got eaten up they're they're responsible to redo that road as well I don't have the answer and I'm not sure that Jerry has the answer right now as to what will come of pleasant and West Lind in the parts behind old GM behind Walmart now uh given how much concrete is still there but it is a miserable drive and I hope that the city uh and the water company can put their heads together and fix that once and for all I mean it's it's a multi-million doll project however the road's undrivable um and I hope that we can fix that so I will be here to help uh facilitate that in the process thank you council president okay thank you councilman councilman Strano thank thank you council president I have the Personnel Agenda Report in front of me here uh starting with number one with the police department a is approving the appointment of Christopher Banks police officer recruit at the annual salary of $ 44,1 195 effective July 7th of 2024 and it's subject to the successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements being is approving the appointment of David canid um police officer recruit the annual salary of 44,1 5 effective July 7th 2024 subject to the successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements C is approving the appointment of Nelson Valente a police officer recruit at the annual salary of 44,1 195 effective July 7th 20124 and is subject to the successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements and D is approving the appointment of eolina winki police officer recruit at the annual salary of $ 44,1 195 effective July 7th of 2024 subject to the successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements he approving the transfer of Eric D rice to the position of Public Safety telecommunicator trainee full-time effective J June 18th of 2024 at the annual salary of $45,500 buau Marino parking enforcement officer full-time at the annual salary of $3 37,2 198 effective July 8th of 2024 subject to the successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements two in the office of the construction code a is the to approve the appointment of Marson rudet electrical subcode official full-time effective June 25th 2024 at the annual salary of $85,000 subject to the successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements and that employees granted res residency waiver as well B is approving the posting for a clerk one part-time at the range of $249 per hour to 4361 per hour C is approving the posting for an electrical inspector part-time in the salary range of $39.35 an hour 265 per hour three Department of community services and Public Works a is approving the appointment of mther Joseph labor full-time effective June 19 2024 at the annual rate of $18 an hour and that's subject to the successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements B is approving the appointment of Junior Antoine labor full-time effective June 19 2024 at the annual rate of $18 an hour subject to the successful completion of the city's pre-employment requirements C is approving the seasonal list that's on file in the clerk's office four in the tax assessor's office a is approving the appointment of Nigel Thompson taxes say their full-time effect of July 1st of 2024 at the annual salary of $100,000 subject to the successful completion of the city's pre pre-employment requirements and five in Personnel is approving the FMLA NJ FL leaves that on file and division of personnel I move for approval request a second second Mrs zon yes javic yes Caldwell yes Rivas yes Mohammed yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yis yes okay I just have a real quick update on our wonderful skate park that is uh finally uh completed um this is on Southwood Avenue right next to Firehouse number four and behind the uh baseball field uh that's on Lower Road um I have to commend our departments public public property um prop public properties and um and our um DPW who um and our engineering department that had to do the finishing touches on the uh the park to get it to the state that it's in now it looks great uh it's currently uh in use um I'm not privy to uh or at least I'm not um justified in saying that it's officially open but but uh we do plan to have some kind of a a ribbon cutting ceremony for the park uh next month and um uh we plan to have some uh events held there in the future we're working on the uh the nuts and bolts of that right now but um it's um great to see that this thing has finally come to completion it took many many years to get this park uh in into the uh state that it's in right now um and going back to um probably 1999 you know that's how long it's been since we tried to get something like this uh finally completed and in the right place where it's not an impact to any uh residents at all um and it's something that others you know people that uh don't engage in team sports um will have an opportunity as individuals to uh participate in and we hope to get some professionals out there as well um maybe uh like I said it may might not happen this year but maybe next year we'll have a nice event uh where we'll really be able to uh showcase our new uh skate park and that concludes my report thank you thank you councilman shano councilman Armand yes thank you uh council president uh first I want to start off I uh the past couple of weeks I've been getting many many calls and a lot of complaints about these uh roads uh that were being Mill and not paved some of these roads were unpaved for a few weeks or so um however thanks to the council president um with her help we have um rectified that problem but for now on when the road is being milled it will be no longer than five days before they pave it and since that time we've got mcgilvery Place uh paved mcus Place South Broad aen Street part of Clen and also Peter Street uh we also have on our list coming up um soon chanler Avenue and Baltimore Avenue by the um uh on the off a chanler Avenue and Baltimore Avenue and also I wanted to uh thank the DPW for doing an outstanding job they cut all the brush that was on East um Baltimore Avenue they cut it all out cleaned it up really nice over there the neighbors were definitely complaining about that and U my short like is very short today and I'm going to um end off with giving you my email address which is Mr Armstead Linden uh- newjersey.gov you can contact me there and you can also call me at 98463 8986 I'd rather you call me because sometimes I'd rather talk to a person so I can understand them better than a letter so please feel free to call me and if I don't answer my call I promise you that you will definitely get a call back from me and that's all I have for today thank you thank you councilman councilman Rodriguez thank you Cosman president good evening all as we enter summer month I want to remind everyone about the importance of keeping our lawn wellmaintained it's an ordinant in our city to keep our grass clipping short and tidy by doing so we contribute all to a cleaner and More Beautiful Community please take care of yourself and stay safe during the heat wave if you have any questions or concern you can reach me at 9 8583 7482 or you can email me at a Rodriguez Linden New Jersey das.gov thank you for your attention and Co cooporation let's keep working together to make lynon a great place to live and have a great Fourth of July thank you that's all thank you councilman councilwoman Hudak thank you so with the summer here the recreation department has many activities for our families and for more information please contact the department or visit their website and I'd like to extend a thank you to our Police Department for responding to the city's numerous noise complaints due to the excessively loud music uh if the quality of life has been infringed upon due to the excess of loud music please call the non-emergency number of the police department at 908 47485 and also please keep the members of the police department who have been called back to service to keep our freedoms in your thoughts the 248th birthday of our nation is right around the corner and we have many residents that have served and are currently serving and the illegal fireworks on the sounds of the holiday of the 4th of July can resemble the sounds of War so please be kind and courteous and fireworks are illegal thank you and that concludes my report thank you councilwoman okay before I turn the mic over to the mayor I just want to mention we have our Heatwave going on right now in the city in the State uh we have the cooling centers throughout the city they are open um we have three of them one is the lyen public library which is located at 31 East Henry Street it's open from Monday to Wednesday from 9:00 am to 900 p.m and Thursday through Saturday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm we also have the JTG Center which is located at 3:30 Helen Street right behind City Hall it's open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and it's closed Saturday and Sunday the last one is the Lyon multi-purpose Center which is located at 10:25 John Street it's open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 pm. okay um as councilwoman Hudak had mentioned we have many programs going on in our uh city with the summer months coming we have the free playground programs which will be opening um that's you can send your children to the park uh they'll be taught some playground games arts and crafts but we also have the summer camps there as well which are on duty where you can send your children with their lunch boxes it's a paid program but there are the free uh playground program so please check out the lyen website which is lyen nj.gov for more information on these Parks I want to make mention also the uh please use the parks but please be aware you know uh their neighborhood playgrounds we have two dog parks in the city the dogs do not belong in the parks with the little kids running around it's just an accident waiting to happen so love dogs but please utilize the dog parks or take them for a walk around the park on the outside perimeters okay also if you'd like to have a Party in the Park please contact our Recreation Department which again is you'll find the information on the website Linden nj.gov permits are required in uh to have a party in the park so you just can't show up at a playground and start setting up steros and grills that's not allowed okay um and we had earlier Joshua from our Lindon Public Library again that summer reading uh program kicks off with a party on June 26 from 1: to 2: pm. and he had mentioned again the uh lynon Adventures read together program they'll have their introduction and assessment on June 27th and I encourage parents to please send your uh children especially if they're struggling in Reading um they will work with them to bring them try to help bring them up to par after postco so many children are struggling reading so this is a great way to have somebody sit with them a lot of times oneon-one to get the reading back up to par okay um congratulations to the class of 2024 uh the mayor's youth commission will be hosting the bash the mayor and his staff have been uh working very hard getting donations to conduct The Bash it's a safe environment for um the graduates after graduation so again thank you to them for that mayor I'll turn the mic over to you now okay thank you council president uh she did report on quite a few things I was going to report on namely the uh cooling centers um just uh special note that while she may have given you times for the cooling center uh if we deem it necessary we will expand those hours uh if we find that um we need to keep them open longer uh so uh and you should look for the that information on tv36 and tv42 and on our website uh if if we would announce it there um second thing I'd like to report on unfortunately there's not too much more to report on uh the untimely passing of um Congressman Donald Payne in the 10th district and which of which lendon is a part of uh has a cated a u a special election um and that election will be July 16th it's very unusual date in the middle of the summer the following cities are involved uh and Union County would be Cranford Garwood Hillside Kenworth and of course parts of lyen uh Rosel Rosel Park and Union Township and Essex County be Codwell East Orange Essex Falls Irvington Montclair Newark orange Verona and West Orange and Hudson County uh it will be Jersey City uh it should be duly noted that uh mayor Derek Armstead is the only candidate in Union County that's on the ballot so um again special election July 16th polls will be open from 6 o'clock uh to 8: pm thank you thank you mayor okay we're now going to move on to resolutions this evening um we have resolutions uh 2024 289 through 2024 3114 can I have a motion please council president I make a motion to pass resolutions 2024 289 through 2024 315 and ask for a second second 314 Mrs yes javic yes Caldwell yes Rivas yes Mohammed yes Roman uh point of I'm not sure if it's point of order but just a clarification 315 is table is not on it was removed thank you uh Then I then yes Strano yes excuse me let me go back to councilman Roman for a second and clarify thank you Jeff sorry everyone the one that was 314 on yesterday's agenda um was removed and what was 315 became 314 I'm sorry I would like to change my vote I'd just like to vote no for 314 there the new 314 thank you um Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yikas yes okay to now move on to ordinances for first reading beginning with ordinance 6832 please and ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 31 zoning of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lindon as amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of Lyndon section one that chapter 31 zoning shall be in the same as hereby amended to read as follows the city planner has recommended changes to the City Zoning schedule and definition of development to clarify that development underground shall not be excluded from the city's building coverage requirements okay can we have a motion for introduction of ordin 6832 please yes council president I move for introduction of ordinance number 6832 and request a second second Mrs oron yes javic yes Caldwell yes Rivas Mohammed yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes ordinance 6833 please Bond ordinance providing an appropriation of $227,500 for acquisition of outcast breath machine for the police department and authorizing the issuance of $ 26,120 bonds or notes of the city for financing part of the appropriation can we have a motion for introduction of ordinance 6833 please thank you council president I'd like to make a motion that we introduce ordinance 6833 and ask for a second please second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Caldwell yes revas yes Mohammed yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes pudak yes Mrs Yus yes ordin 6834 please an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 7 traffic of an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and enacting the revised General ordinances of the city of Lyon 1999 passed November 23rd 1999 and approved November 24th 1999 and is amended and supplemented be it ordained by the Council of the city of Lyndon section one that chapter 7 traffic shall be in the same is hereby amended as follows chapter 7 traffic 7-33 handicap parking regulation 7- 33.1 a handicap parking on street add three chatam place okay can we have a motion for introduction please council president I move we introduce ordinance 68 34 and ask for a second please second second Mrs oron yes javic yes Caldwell revas Mohammed yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yakaitis yes ordinance 6835 please an ordinance of the city council of city of lynon referring to the planning board for review and comment a Redevelopment plan entitled Redevelopment plan block 587 lot 610 and 12 tremle Point Road pursuant to the local Redevelopment and Housing law and JSA uh 40a colon 12 A-1 at sequence okay can we have a motion for introduction please council president I move we introduce ordinance 6835 and ask for a second please second Mrs oron yes javic yes Caldwell yes Rivas yes Mohammed yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes ordinance 6836 please an ordinance authorizing the repeal and deletion of chapter 4 General licensing section 4 colon 41 at sequence establishments that sell electronic smoking devices effective December 31 2024 can we have a motion for introduction please council president I move for introduction of ordinance number 6836 and request a second second Mrs oron yes javic yes cwell Rivas Mohammed yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes ordinance 6837 please ordinance authorizing the acquisition by purchase Endor comination of certain real property designated as block 338 Lots 5 and six on the off IAL tax maps for the purpose of construction of low and moderate income housing pursuant to the New Jersey Fair Housing Act can we have a motion for introduction please council president I move that we introduce ordinance 6837 and ask for a second please second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Caldwell yes Rivas yes Mohammed yes Roman no Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes ordinance 6838 please an ordinance authorizing the acquisition by purchase Andor condemnation of certain real property designated as block 159 Lots 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 on the official tax maps for the purpose of construction low and moderate income housing pursuant to the New Jersey Fair Housing Act okay can we have a motion for introduction please council president I move that we introduce ordinance 6838 and ask for a second please second Mrs oron yes javic yes Caldwell yes revas yes Mohammed yes Roman no Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs Yus yes ordinance 6839 please and a bond ordinance providing an appropriation of $2 million for the acquisition of real property for the purpose of constructing low and moderate income housing for and by the city and authorizing the issuance of $1,950,000 in bonds or notes the city for financing part of the appropriation can we have a motion for introduction please CC president i' like to in I like to move that we introduce 68- 39 and ask for a second please second Mrs Orman yes javic yes Caldwell Rivas yes Mohammed yes Roman no Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs y yes okay we'll now move on to her comments for members of the public in attendance on City business only no personal political or derogatory comments not to exceed three minutes when you come up we ask you to uh state your name and address beginning with Mr howerin Craig heler 120 Donaldson Place uh a couple of things one I didn't notice any personnel report out here on the table for us to read I was wondering has that been changed where they will or will not put that out and the other thing I I I noticed a lot of things in the city starts and end at the council such as Redevelopment uh but I noticed in a fairly short period of time Meridia toe Clark property and uh the area around Nuno on Rosel Street in all these Redevelopment projects you have taken out laundr mats I mean not everybody in the city is fortunate enough to have a washing machine and dryer in their home that they depend on these launder mats not only is it something detrimental for senior citizens which I talked a lot about last month it also affects other people in the city that us these launder mats because they live in apartments that don't have them you know or uh apartment houses that have you know a small number of units in them and they don't provide these services to the tenants so again I urge the SI city council to take this into account when you say look we need Redevelopment in area that's you know that's somewhat of another issue but please take into all the things that are going on with this re Redevelopment if you're taking out already like I said I named three laundromats that are on the Block two of them are gone already one of them is on the Block for another demolition project to be redeveloped again these these things may sound small to the council but they're not to the citizens of lynon we have a great City here let's keep it going but let's think about all the things that add up to all of this okay I believe that's all I had to say outside of Mayor I enjoyed your spot on the New Jersey Spotlight news today thank you thank you Mr howerin and a good point about the laundr mats I have a washing machine but I like to use the big heavy duty for my comforters so thank you it was a mistake by staff all right Personnel report should have been out there one of the employees did not do it so on her desk I'm sure if you contact the clerk's office we can get it to you okay thank you a cop all right um I believe it's Alan gersen [Music] yes your name and address alen gin s Mountain Avenue and uh good evening everyone I wanted to share the results of a survey that speaks to hiring practices for municipal positions okay in January of this year there was a survey sponsored by rume builder.com they surveyed 1,131 sir can you just move the microphone down a little bit sorry so the survey sent out uh contacted 1131 us-based hiring managers and the results were 26% of hiring managers said that they are less likely to move forward with Jewish applicants the top reason for negative bias is belief that Jews have too much power and control 23% of respondents said that they wanted fewer Jews in their industry okay uh Jews are far from perfect I can think of several I'd like to boo in the butt myself if you see something in the Jewish community that is not in the best interests of lynon please call them out don't hesitate okay speak to them let them know what they're doing wrong tell them why don't lurk in the shadows okay inciting inspiring hatred that just gets innocent people hurt in January January 9th of this year at Columbia High School in Maplewood one student turned to the other and said I can't wait to smack that Jew in the face this was a couple of weeks after swastikas appeared in the bathrooms okay so if you have a gripe discuss it with the Jewish community don't hesitate okay don't lurk in the shadows that just gets innocent people hurt and propagates hate thank you thank you for your comment sir okay Pat hero pleas state your name and address pat pat hero 100 West Elizabeth Avenue um while on June 21st the state is celebrating juneth and I will be also I also would like us to in our celebration pause for just a moment and remember that on June 21st 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the deaths of an African-American young man James Cheney Jewish American Andrew Goodman and Jewish American Michael schwarner maybe you remember Freedom Summer in Mississippi these men were workers in the civil rights movement and went to Mississippi to register voters 20 black Mississippi churches were also burned that year Freedom isn't free let's remember the sacrifice these men made I'm thankful that I grew up in lynon because I was brought up to respect people of all backgrounds and associated with people who had different ethnic groups different religions different colors we all got along we learned with each other and from each other that's why I was so surprised at mayor armstead's comment which he is apologize for and I will not repeat here he's lived in lynon for so long and I hoped he would appreciate the diversity of the community he supports lynon first the Orthodox Jewish Community who lives in lynon and other places has every right to be considered for employment as well as anyone else who meets the job qualifications in a time when religious persecution and anti-Semitism is on the rise in our country and around the world we must rise up and remember that our country was founded on the principles of religious liberty and stand with those who exercise the rights our country was founded upon as religious freedom scholar Charles Hayes says religious freedom as a legal right means little unless people of all religions are safe to practice their faith wear their religious GB speak their truth and in other ways follow their conscience without fear of discrimination persecution or violence Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence said that the Constitutional freed freedom of religion the most inalienable and sacred of all human rights I close with some words from Sojourner Truth Truth is powerful and it prevails thank you for your time thank you Miss hero John kazer John ker 23 West Mel Avenue hi everybody everybody's here today it's nice to see everyone oh like my curls forgot my big hat um you know I don't even really think the article was so much to do with that that was just used to uh for sensationalize it was really to do with the whole uh Board of Ed president and the superintendent saying to hire Haitians and African-Americans um so hopefully we get to the bottom of that we're in a big lawsuit right now um I always end with a quote today I'm going to start with a quote my quote's by my councilman John Francis Roman I will continue to fight for the public regardless of what they continue to do to me they meaning you lie to all of you constantly they lie about me try to pay me in a bad light all because they want to silence me for as long as I hold this office I will continue to expose anything that is done by the arms set Administration that is not on the level and trust me this leaves me no shortage of things to discuss with you man I missed that John Roman um I do appreciate you uh voting no for the housing today but you know what I'm talking about when I say uh uh than to discuss today's an anniversary June 18th 2013 11 years uh let's see if anybody remembers this one more time and your vote is my vote is yes Mr President mayor arm said do you remember what that was today is the anniversary of you voting yes for the garbage tax let me say son the garbage tax nobody cares about the garbage tax every time he posts on Facebook he talks about eliminating the garbage tax I promise you no one cares 11 years later about $1 1220 Garb dollar garbage tax that you voted yes for um so I just want everyone to hear that he did vote Yes for that 11 years ago today Quick Check um the air uh the the way they describe it I I really hate the way they describe the the quick check uh development the area was overrun by high crime rates rampant drug activity and prostitution prostitution I've never seen the only prostitution I've seen in this city is is Derek arms said selling his ass to the nearest developer excuse me no derogatory comments I'm sorry no Rosenfeld versus New Jersey I'm allowed to curse and say whatever I like I I uh I know that for a fact okay um I hate having my intelligence insulted um they went further to say that these apartments are specifically designed for singles they are designed apartments for singles and that they're uh to prevent overcrowding in the schools what's going on okay I know I just want to make sure we're all good just please to City business this is this is City business right here um so I would just like to say go to Meridia before or after school and to see the bus the buses dropping the kids off and picking the kids up um I'm friends with the regional manager over there he says it's it's uh there's a very decent amount of kids over there and the overcrowding of schools is is a a major issue um and then they went on to say I don't know if it's his wife or or arm said saying this stuff that uh because the other apartments had zero impact on our schools these apartments are too small to raise a family and most people would not around to raise a family around the Train Station Virginia mall please I'm not done please state your name and address again for the Virginia mikin PE Road also I could just say is Miss oron when you were talking about property I should uh management I should be talking to you about that I just want to give a shout out to the engineering department public works department and the health department for helping to eliminate at least they removed the a fair amount of debris that was in of neighbors's yard that was causing some severe flooding in the backyard to a third to a half of the property I just have to wait until a storm comes to see if that flooding is eliminated but one thing which I do have to say is property management or lack of it is running rampant and I'll be addressing this to to a number of people in the city also I want to thank the police department two weeks ago when my lawn was being cut the grass cutter came running to the front and screaming we found a three maybe 4 foot iguana in my backyard I have a highly um developed backyard with flowers and a lot of vegetation and here was this iguana I don't know how well thank you to the police department for coming to the rescue removing this creature I don't know how or who let that size iguana in my backyard all right or how it got there maybe it just likes all the flowers that I have back there and again I mentioned about the property management which is a serious issue people not really caring about their property and how it impacts your property even though I was told if something grows over to your property when it starts raising up the shingles on your roof and you cut it down what recourse do you have the last question I have and I don't know if I'd be allowed to ask this on 6839 when they talk about real property can someone Define what that real property is this was on the first reading and it was for the purpose of construction of low and moderate income housing so was eminent domain declared for that or instead of saying like real estate what is meant by real property can someone quickly address that Trac so just as a matter of course we just want to make sure that you understand that this is the first reading so it's not um this is on introduction it's not on a hearing but just based on General terminology real property simply means real estate oh real EST that's what it is versus personal property like jewelry all right so the real property but was in terms of acquiring this emminent domain was not declared on any of this property that was purchased or I can't ask that question I have that's not something that's before us today that and I who would I address that to anyhow if I wanted to raise that issue or ask that question in detail the that's number 39 38 39 right okay um I would go to Economic Development or econom Alex lasos on economic development May fair enough thank you reach out to me I'll give you his sure information thank you Miss okay Bob Sadowski bobob please state your name b b turn on your microphone Bob your microphone thank you you're welcome now you could hear me I said it's nice to see you smiling faces and so on um okay first of all with John you had mentioned something I just want to mention that they did the paving and they did a wonderful job good to hear that give him credit for that uh but my old thing is that part of that six W should be one way streets one way was we're lucky you we've had no serious AC it's really lucky okay let's just mention it but John is doing a good job and uh I hope the tree cutters come around thank you sir I'll make sure they go right to seear uh the reason I'm here I didn't even know he was coming is to talk about the Lyndon Public Library uh between my wife and myself uh we've been going to the L mostly her we've been going to the library over 70 years and uh with the new director saw I saw him the other day uh Jos Joshua melissari we talked about different things and he seems to be a person who can lead he's very upcoming he's looking ahead uh he's someone I that you can work with uh when I was a council person I was uh on the board Library board and U dealt with the people in the third floor and the second floor and blah blah blah but what I want to talk about is the people on the first floor the uh I guess the typical librarian uh I go in there about two weeks ago I had a problem they spent the half hour helping me out uh they do that every time then you have the custodians uh they either outside cutting the lawn or they're inside and if you need help they come and they help you it's just a nice atmosphere um but like I said I just wanted to bring it out that I think with him the library will go forward it's it's something that I guess lynon should be proud of but like I said now at the end end of the summer I'm sure there's a lot of people who should be signing up for it you don't know what you're missing so uh just a shout out or whatever you want to call to the library custodians everyone else thank you for the time and it's nice seeing some of your faces some thank you thank you counil thank you Bob thank you as Bob had mentioned there adult uh reading program so we encourage you to use that library but thank you for the shout out I will the next uh Library board meeting Bob I will make sure I mention it to um Library board okay Diane wilberding Diane wolting six Ward um council president didn't we used to be able to ask questions about the um resolutions right after you voted on them before we had changed the council rules oh yeah cuz I had some questions um like the uh those the century safety sticks there was 300 and 301 are those those things that um where it's like my uh Bagel where I go to bagel shop and it's right on the corner and it's xed off and uh I was looking for a camera because they said don't park there don't park there which I didn't and it's like a pole oh that's what that's all right right so you're going to put more other places that's for the same that's a contract for and then I wanted to ask about um lowincome housing which I am at I am for but I didn't understand I guess block 338 that's uh amichi but I didn't know what part of town block 159 there's lot 7 to 12 where um that was going up and like I said I price of Housing and rent I can't believe the price of rent last time I rented don't fall over I paid $650 a month for two-bedroom that was the last time I rent but uh no I wanted to ask about the uh where that was are you allowed to tell me is on St George Avenue by the old post office by the fire house it's the laundr mat and that that whole area right there sorry oh okay okay you don't remember the old big banana I'm sorry what the old big banana and um there's a laundry man in there Kesler not the new one the old one we had the Linda Board of Education renting the proper I know where that is that side well so the Linda Board of Ed isn't going to have that science thing there I don't think they're even renting that anymore okay so you're going to put some there over there by the post office okay okay all right that's all I want to ask about thank you okay can we have a motion to close the public comment portion of the meeting meting please council president I make a motion that we close the public portion and ask for a second please second Mrs yes ja yes bwell moham R yes yes Armstead yes rrig yes yes yes okay comments from members of the governing body did anyone wish to speak okay anyone else okay councilwoman Coldwell will'll begin with you I just want to say congratulations to councilman um Muhammad on his graduation and I want to wish everyone a happy Fourth of July thank you councilwoman okay councilman Mohammad yes I think also I need to study mental health and my next line of study will be psychoanalysis and uh I will be available to assist anyone who's having mental health issues and Recovery issues that recovering from the effects of drugs and as a result of that may cause them to act out in a very rude and uh obnoxious Manner and they're not really responsible for it because of the fact they have mental health issues which I will assist them in getting referral thank you thank you hey councilman Strano yeah I don't uh wish to be repetitious but I also would like to wish everybody a happy and safe Fourth of July and just remember just like any other holidays based on the fact that um we gained our independence I'm not going to do the math 200 how many years ago somebody do that for me 248 okay I'm GNA go with that thank you okay mayor Armstead yes council president um I'd like to make a comment with regards to our housing uh and what we refer to as Workforce housing uh you know it seems to me for years now we've been talking about all the development and not trying to address uh the low to moderate income housing problems that exist so now that we've come up with a plan to address those who are less fortunate uh on Lower incomes I find it very disturbing disheartening that some members of the council would would be against it because they were the same council members who were telling us that all this development we were forcing out those who couldn't afford and and denying them access to affordable housing so just it's kind of mindboggling uh when I see people vote against it now and they were always for it uh the other thing I'd like to talk about is uh all all this talk about you know what allegedly happened and what allegedly was said with regards to certain groups in town uh is is also troubling because um number one anytime there's a lawsuit involved you got a person suing uh Board of Education uh you one should be very mindful of all the things that come out during a lawsuit I mean I mean what does something that the mayor said have to do with a lawsuit with the Board of Education uh and just to clarify things uh as we searched and we did a deep search uh we have we have found that not one person uh from that Community has applied for a job uh in fact we haven't found even for that matter even a Jewish person period who's applied for a job during the time frame uh that he's alleging that this um alleged discrimination has occurred um that we know of uh no no we we did a deep dive on this that we know of so um uh it's pretty disheartening when you see people jump on a bandwagon and they don't have all the facts uh and again the facts of the matter is that we know of there hasn't been one person from the hiic community who applied there hasn't even been one person of Jewish uh origin who's applied for a job uh within the last two years in the Board of Education thank you thank you mayor councilman Roman thank you council president I just want to um I don't want to like sugarcoat it I'm a little bit more direct the mayor was saying I shouldn't vote no against condemning property and forcing the buy basically with those ordinances which are only on introduction so they're coming on hearing next month they passed obviously what they're doing is that we're borrowing money at 4% interest we're borrowing $2 million of your money that you're going to have to pay back plus 4% so that we can literally condemn and take people's property so we can build low-income housing I'm all for low income housing I know a lot of people who need it right now every day someone messaged me saying do you know where I can stay in this export it's too expensive I need help I get it but I'm not for condemning people's property I'm not for forcing development a lot of money is exchanged in hands in those situations and I'm just not about it and I'm going to vote no I don't want anything to do with it thank you council president I appreciate you the fact of the matter is that people who don't reside in this community don't don't understand they don't understand the need of our communities anymore because they certainly don't live here anymore so you don't care about you're basically open about making money off of this at this point he doesn't live here anymore so why would he care about what's going on here who who you going to move on listen I live in Lyndon every night life I better get credit for it council president I got assaulted outside my house the other day Okay the next council meeting will be as follow this isn't the Lyon that we as a coun signed up for councilman now you're going to take people's property so you can make money coun out of here enough okay the next Council meetings will be as follows council meeting Monday July 15th please make note of this at 5:00 p.m. in the council confence room City Hall council meeting Monday July 15th at 700 p.m. in the council chambers City Hall note there is no council meeting on Tuesday July 16th due to the special congressional election being held on that date these meetings will all be held in person I also want to make mention that City Hall will be closed tomorrow June 19th for juneth no no no no June 21st oh June 21st Friday Friday okay correction we're closed June 21st for juneth so that's this Friday coming uh can we have a motion to adjourn please second Mrs Orman yes javic yes baldw well yes Rivas yes Mohammed yes Roman yes Strano yes Armstead yes Rodriguez yes Hudak yes Mrs yamus yes [Music] [Music]