[Music] [Music] today is July 25th the time is 6:15 and we are about to call the first board meeting for the school year 2024 2025 in accordance with the open public meeting act chapter 231 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as follows on January 10 2024 notice was sent to the home News Tribune Star Ledger tapa Pinter Lindon Union County local source and Clerk of the municipality by state law there is no smoking permitted in this building at any time in addition to the listed items on this agenda this board of education may discuss and act upon other items not specifically referred to hearing as is allowed at a regularly scheduled monthly meeting under the Sunshine Law roll call Miss Carillo Miss Centron present Mr Dela Cruz here miss Peno present M rosada quesada Pres Miss Thomas present Miss uliss present Miss Armstead present and Dr ber Hammer present approval of minutes motions to approve the minutes of the work session held on June 18th 2024 and the regular meeting held on June 20th 2024 I ask for a motion in a second motion for minutes second roll call Miss Centron yes Mr Dela Cruz yes Miss Peno yes Miss rosada quesada yes Miss Thomas abstain Miss uliss yes Miss Armstead yes and Dr bammer yes at this moment we're going to move on to today is July 25th and a is and a dis first meeting of the 2024 2025 School here I want to thank all of you for being here tonight because we do not have students or parents here I see we have a few this my my I am talking to my board members my partners who are here for the children because we believe in putting Children First to my board members you have proven yourself to be a amazing servant leaders because of your commitment to put in students first for the last three years I have had the opportunity to work with each of you and I will tell you that I believe in you and I'm very very proud of the hard work all of you are doing what amazes me the most is the sacrifice that some of you are making some of you have children who attend the lynon school district and as parents and board members you experience the same parental challenges as other parents but all of you and I mean all of you rise to the occasion all of you have jobs but you make sacrifices and you show up you volunteer your time you leave babies at home to attend board meetings you pay babysitters while you volunteer for free you are true examples of servant leaders as servant leaders you understand that it's not about you it is about putting children first I want to thank all of you for showing up at board meetings at school events at graduations at prompts and other curricular activities without complaining that's servant leadership as we start the new school year our goal should be to improve the emotional and mental health of every employee and student we should continue to empower employees and students to express themselves more Fe freely we should be nurturing to students and staff and accept everyone we should want every employee and student to be successful if we create an environment where everyone feel accepted everyone wins to my follow to my fellow board members I see you to the administrative staff we see you to the board attorney thank you to students parents and the lynon community this board want to let you know that we see and appreciate you and thank you for having us here now you can continue thank you thank you Dr B that was awesome now we're going to move on to comments from the public members of the public Desiring to make a public comment may come forward at this time for those watching online if you wish to make a comment or ask a question sorry please pleas utilize to raise your hand feature on the online meeting platform please begin your comments by stating your name and address individuals are invited to speak on a topic on one Topic at a time and no individual will speak more than once until all individuals so Desiring have spoken once the public is reminded that to ensure the efficient and orderly operations of the meeting members of the public will be limited to speaking on agenda items for three minutes anyone online okay now we're we'll move forward to the superintendent report good evening everyone and board members um great to see you for the start of the 2425 school year our report uh today just captures what's going on in our summer program program right now and how we're getting prepared for next year so in our elementary schools We are continuing with credit recovery and also um stem programs for students our multilingual language Learners they're in programming on our Middle School level again we have credit recovery and the bridge program as well as stem programs through there through our science department at the high school it mirrors the same and I've been around the district and seeing uh the students at work but more importantly the dedicated teachers who are there and ensuring that the students are not in a space where there's a summer slide but more importantly to enrich their experiences today I had the pleasure of attending our stem program at Merc pharmaceutical um company in raway we have sixth seventh and eighth grade students who are in their stem program where they've been working on different science and math projects since uh July 15th it's a 10-day program today they had to go compete against other middle school students from raway uh School District the partnership between Lyon and raway public schools that was created by Merk pharmaceutical company is to be um highly celebrated being on the grounds of murc and seeing their Innovations but more importantly seeing our students interact with scientist and to be exposed to A Whole New World the last part of this is that the challenges of having to compete not only with those from raway but also themselves and what they're thinking and believing that they can achieve and I will say that they were extremely excited I didn't get the results yet of the winner of the competition but I will say that I am thankful that we do have these opportunities for students I'd like to acknowledge we have one senior student Abigail Armstead I shared last month that um she was recognized in an Elks um the Elks Miss New Jersey Elks beauty pageant and it is a pleasure that I am seeing that AB G we all were aware that she has now made it to Nationals and she's going to yes I know her which will be held next month in Florida so we have our district publicist who did interviewed Abigail and I had a chance to speak with her the other day and she said a few things that are key pieces that I believe our youth need to continue to believe and it starts with that she didn't believe that she could but then she said well I can why not and while she does have some fears she's learned areas such as being able to sit up straight and keep a smile on while she's communicating with others because she is being observed with how she stands she looks and even Smiles at all times is becoming part of who she is so she's acknowledged her passion and her purpose and we at Lynden Public Schools we celebrate and we are going to continue to honor and support her on this journey because we believe Nationals or not she is a star and she deserves uh true recognition so congratulations Abigail Armstead another summer program I'd like to speak to is um a nonprofit organization called torch Leadership Academy we had uh received the packet a couple of months ago for students to apply to a free 4-day leadership program at Stockton University where they would stay overnight and they would tackle leadership principles together with a group of about 100 students we had five students accepted into the program I only got the chance to talk to one of our students and I am so excited to say that she is the daughter of our board member Mr uh D La Cruz Kalani De La Cruz was one of the recipients who went to our torch the torch Leadership Academy and during that time time the students were exposed to Visionary leadership ethical leadership inclusion and more importantly to make a positive contribution to society and so our publicist is going to be reaching out to the families to do a story on the students as well because some responses I heard the students were not able to communicate with their parents during the four days they were not able to utilize a cell phone because they were involved in activities from 700 a.m. till 11:00 p.m. and they had to work on Wellness instruction peace personality all facets of leadership so we are thankful that we had uh kaani was there Alexandra Torres was um invited Athos Lima was invited and Xavier Diana so we're proud of all of our students for completing a rigorous application and we look forward to their stories and um job well done lynon public schools and that's our uh my superintendent report oh Mrs B oh wait I'm sorry I forgot last week you remember last week we had um what was it the lynon police department Academy Award um lamari could you talk a little bit about that the Lyndon Police Department the junior Police acad the youth yes they um um they completed the students completed sixth seventh and eighth graders they completed uh a week training of uh bomb squad uh K9 trainings um just overall just the procedures that the police department they showed them um how the tactics and um what they learned and um they were they graduated last week on Friday at um lmpc on John Street it was there and um it was nice the students are really enjoyed it and I was really I had an opportunity to be there and I thought it was amazing and a lot of parents don't even know the opportunities that open the door that that opportunity opened to these students because for example if these students continue down that path they could get with the student Explorer they could their next step is to become student Explorer if you choose to become a student Explorer you could now become a state trooper you could become an FBI agent you could become a police officer because that's the pathway that's the path when you start with this junior l what is it called Lyon Police Department once you start on that path you open up all these different opportunities so I hope we um track these students properly it is my hope Mrs Mrs Perkins that we track these students properly so that we could get them into the Explorer program so that they on the way to if if they choose to have a career in law enforcement all right this is a good this is a good start yes my last thing I forgot um I apologize we we have one retirement and that is Miss Kathleen Burke she started her career as a teacher in 1991 she taught fourth grade fifth grade English as a second language for the last 33 years at schools number six and8 until her retirement in October so we'd like to thank Miss Burke for her time and dedication to our students and families of the Lyndon public schools and behalf of all Educators out there I'd like to just say job well done for the commitment to serve our students have a wonderful time of Peace joy and blessing Miss Burke in your retirement thank you thank you Mrs berkens at this time we're going to move on to the attorney's report thank you um I have one item on the report today we discussed uh for a couple of weeks now if not months um we were in negotiations with the Lea on an agreement that would um allow us to both proceed going forward for this next school year with um outside security options and also um get rid of any disagreements that might have existed regarding our decision to bring in outside security for the second half of this past school year um in exchange for uh compensating some Lea staff members who provide additional services to the burrow so um I think we've discussed this for for quite some time if anyone has any questions I can answer them inside when we go into close session if not I'll ask for a motion um to approve item one on the attorney report respectfully ask for a second second roll call who is the first she did oh I'm sorry uh Miss Centron yes Mr Dela Cruz yes Miss Peno yes Miss rosada quesada yes Miss Thomas yes uh m m yes M Armstead yes and Dr burghammer yes thank you now we're going to move on to the education report okay good evening um before I go on to the education report Miss Annabelle you mind explaining to me um page 11 item 11 um page 16 item 13 and 27 item 31 you can explain to the audience for me what it's about I would appreciate it absolutely thank you so all three of those items are in regards to the Danielson framework for teaching the Danielson framework for teaching is the evaluation tool that's utilized for all certificated staff throughout the school district it's actually a nationally recognized tool that's used in every state and so we've been utilizing the 2013 version Danielson came out recently with an updated version which is more inclusive and identifies uh more best pra additional best practices such as social emotional learning and culturally responsive practices and so we are Danielson the company itself is coming in to train our administrators so that speaks to item number 13 on page 16 they will be training our entire administrative team on August 12th then we have to we had to identify a process to get all of this information to our teachers so that they know what tool they're going to be trained on what does the new rubric look like so the skip committee excuse me will be uh essentially like a train the trainer model so they will be coming in Danielson again will be coming in to train our skip committee to do a teacher leader training that will be on August 29th in addition to that they will provide monthly follow-up sessions through throughout the school year to check in with the teacher leaders are they understanding the framework do they have any questions are there any challenges that they're encountering and so that speaks to item number 31 on page 27 thank you very much I appreciate that okay um the education Committee of part recommendation of superintendent schools and the assistant superintendent presents the following motion the Lyon board of education for approval I approve item one through 36 I respectfully ask for a second second any discussion roll call Miss Centron yes Mr Dela Cruz yes Miss Peno yes Miss rosada quesada yes Miss Thomas yes Miss uliss yes Miss Armstead yes and Dr B yes thank you at this time we're going to move on to the Personnel report before I read the Personnel report I want to table um item number nine until the August meeting please do I need to make a motion to do so doesn't have I'm sorry would it be possible to do Personnel later on the public hasn't gotten copies of it yet are we going into executive session I don't think we need to no we do need we do need to go into executive session not for the Personnel oh no but well not these Personnel all right okay all right theop okay so we'll okay so we'll go on to the finance report but noted um Ranna that's on page 36 okay thank you all right moving on to the finance report um the finance committee upon recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrative board secretary present the following motions to the lynon board of education for approval I approve items number one through 40 I will ask uh to table 33 CH you said 33 yes it's page 54 33 mates just have a quick question why would we table it uh for further investigation about it okay okay we read it okay you want a motion to want motion to table do we need a motion to table it yeah you would call the motion to table first and then lamari just clarify which one you're tbling because there's two items on 33 so just clarify which one we're tbling um isn't it it's it's would it be 33 um is it a 2 and 33 right yes yes yes the 2 and 33 did you take top one both of them yes I'm sorry first one just table both table both yeah she's a table V okay does does does um JF have to do anything with their web services no that is our notification system that we communicate with no not uh I believe it has to do with our the software to manage our onetoone devices yeah for the for the Apple for our students yes we'll T both for now until we have more information yeah can I have a motion for to table number 33 both items second Miss Centron yes Mr Del Cruz yes P yes M rosada quesada yes Miss Thomas yes M yes tomstead yes and Dr bam yes so you should have to moving on to the finance report have to do the finance read again the finance committee upon recommendations of the superintendent of schools and the business administrative board secretary present the following motions to Lyon board of education for approval items 1 through 40 and table 33 both items second one yeah so 1 to 32 1 to 32 and 34 through 40 yeah second Miss Centron yes Mr Dela Cruz yes Miss Pino yes Miss rosada quesada yes Miss Thomas yes Miss uliss yes Miss Armstead yes and Dr ber yes okay thank you moving on to buildings grounds and security report the buildings grounds and security committee upon recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrative board secretary present the following motions to the Lyon board of education for approval um looking for second for items one and two second I think it's three I'm sorry wow three second any discussion roll call Miss Centron yes Mr Dela Cruz yes Miss Peno yes Miss rosada quesada yes Miss Thomas yes Miss UL yes M Armstead yes Dr ber [Applause] yes okay at this time we're going to move to comments from the public members of the public Desiring to make a public comment may come forward at this time for those watching online if you wish to make a comment or ask a question please utilize a raise your hand feature on the online meeting platform please begin your comments by stating your name and address individuals are invited to speak on one Topic at a time and no individual will speak more than once until all individuals so Desiring have spoken the public is reminded that to ensure the efficient orderly operations of the meeting members of the public will be limited to speaking on items for three minutes I'm I'm sorry M Thomas do we want to hold off on public comment until they the public has the Personnel do we want to want to close I defer that to the board president because there may be items on the agenda that they want to speak about that I guess Miss Miss missen yes we would like to hold off comments from the public until we do the Personnel report okay okay so we took C of new and unfinished business I'm sorry this part I I apologize this portion is non-agenda items correct we already did the agenda items okay I ignore me I'm sorry for the interruption okay so come back I apologize all right turny always getting in the way I forgive you this is summer everybody's home good evening everyone my name is Danny orene uh I reside at 516 Carnegie Street Lyon New Jersey uh I'm here as a mom um I would like to personally thank um Mrs Perkins superintendent Perkins and everyone in the Lyndon Community for supporting Abigail um um Abigail will be representing New Jersey in the uh in Jacksonville Florida um we're so excited um it's been a an experience of a lifetime lots of pressure she's going to be competing with um uh contestants from all over the country and that and I've said that you know Mrs Perkins has been you know um nothing nothing but very supportive um of this journey it's been you know you know as a mom as you know you know we get nervous cuz we have to hand her off to the pageant on the tent and we won't see her until the night uh August 12th the night of the of the of the pageant so it's kind of nerve-wracking but you know having the support of the Lyndon community and the school Community I would like to personally thank um Miss Brady for for being such an inspiration to for Abigail you know she was interviewed and she spoke so highly of you and um Mr Whitmore we have some of the most amazing Educators in our London public school and when I whenever I read and I hear people talk negatively about our our teachers it's really hard they don't know they need to take time you know to get to know our teacher teers and teachers who make magic you're an example you know I'm I'm sure there are many others especially in my department multilingual Department we the best um but I just wanted to personally thank you for all that you do and she will be personally working with Abigail with her performance you know for to get her prepared for August uh the 12 so as you can see she's not this is her time off you know she will be taking on her personal time to work with Abigail her and Mr Whitmore so that she is prepared for August 12 you know this is these are the stories that you don't hear about you don't hear that but anyway I also want to thank the board uh for granting approval to reinstate the World Language student exchange programs at Linton High School our students are excited uh they can't wait I mean I get email EMS and phone calls all the time finally I can tell them yes we can start planning to go to is China uh France Spain Italy so we're really excited I want to thank the board for that and for Mrs Perkins as well for her support and most of you may not realize that this summer we started our summer um ESL bilingual steim program so our multilingual learners they are having an experience of a lifetime uh and learning about Arts science technology so it's really exciting this is something that we wouldn't be able to do without the support of the board and um Mrs Perkins and I know I'm my time is limited but I want to thank everyone for all that you do thank you thank [Applause] you we're not going wait for my friend Claudia just came back from Kenya I did yeah fresh off a flight where else would I go good evening Claudia Dolan uh 1309 Thomas North Brunswick instructional mathematics coach um I just wanted to take a moment to speak on this experience sipon that was approved in tonight's agenda the sipen will benefit High School teachers that are teaching six classes as opposed to five during the upcoming school year the sien comes after years of advocacy from the members of the Lynden Education Association it opens the doors to ensuring that staff members are compensated appropriately for the work they are doing this extra class entails more than just teaching it entails planning grading relationship building and reflecting while it is hard to put a price on this it is a step in the right direction as we move into negotiations I look forward to seeing how the Lindon Education Association and Board of Education can continue to work together towards the best interest of our students thank you [Applause] good evening Tanya Martin Cooper 225 East Curtis Street Lyndon uh president of Lyon Education Association I would also like to thank the board for this agreement between the board and the lynon Education Association as Claudia Dolan has stated it will benefit both the teachers and the students and I am glad to be the president while this is going on and I want to continue to work positively for the best interest of our students thank you you so much for continuously supporting us have a great day [Applause] welcome the Personnel agenda is now on the table for the public hi Donna Hernandez 133 Princeton Road so I did come back um so graduation was a beautiful day it was hot but it was great at least we were able to have it outside um I know you know everyone was trying to find a place in case it rained so I hope that continues you know because with our you know graduating classes getting bigger um you know our gym isn't going to hold everybody so I hope you continue to you know find a place and also if that place can be used if there's another 95° day too um because I'm sure you know we've had several parents family pass out because of the heat um so that's something else to look into having indoor you know for the heat um and also is the the is it student exchange that's coming back or just going to other countries the student Exchange cuz my I have to say my oldest daughter who graduated 2 years ago um we took she took French and we had a French student come um when she was supposed to go to France uh Co hit so she wasn't able to do it but she still keeps in contact UM with her so I always ask her all the time how she's doing you know so hopefully one day you know we'll catch up again and you know and see her but I want to say that is it is a great program um she enjoyed ened it I mean learning different cultures I mean we learned a lot my daughter learned a lot so you know thank you for bringing that back [Applause] thanks good evening Miss Caba we didn't vote on Personnel yet oh sorry she could speak excuse she want to speak she speak oh oh she was going to give her sorry I thought she had a comment about something I'm gonna go gonna send you back there Joe Craig 120 Donaldson Place uh at the Tuesday meeting I brought up an issue about uh a Basement Store room being converted to an office and I I know that the school board and the the administration is going to have this all done under construction code rules and all of that stuff but is it actually going to be a safe place for the employee or employees to be located in case of an emergency we would we would never put our employees any place that that wasn't a safe location and that they would not be able to exit in the event of an emergency every as you said everything that we do will be up to code and regulation what is a law you can't do nothing that's not a law I think that's it I'm just trying to sign in thank you thank you is there anyone online no at this time we're going to move on to new and unfinished business regarding new and unfinished business we have so many great ideas about activities and events we want to do for the year 202 the new school year don't you think Mr Mr um sedia is it possible that we could put all the activities the extracurricular activities a calendar of all the activities that we are planning to do for the year 202 for the next school year 2024 and have PE people start donating you know like you could say well I would love to get to be part of this event can we start donating so that we could start raising money as soon as the school year begins to help help support a lot of the different activities that the students would would like to be part of is it possible for us to do that would it would have to be I would assume some sort of fundraising website to to accept the funds through it um but we could certainly look into that what do you guys think of that doesn't that make sense I remember last year I was out begging for money and I said it got to be easy Project Graduation it right right Brianna graduation was a it was a little bit rough as far as um asking for money asking for money and so forth but um maybe starting early this way they're prepared yeah so we can hit them more than one time throughout the year it doesn't like we're asking for so much as well as into looking into other things that we need to do well like for example we have Tiger Stadium we should be we should have banners on the Tiger Stadium we should be able to raise $5 $20,000 from all the different stadiums we have the Marys we could be raising money from it for different events the point is um I Heard Miss oen just spoke about China you know trips all these different colleges that our kids should be getting involved in elementary schools there's so much stuff that's going on out there that cost money and we don't have the money to be able to facilitate the stuff that the kids we would like to see happening to our kids we have to find ways to raise money from the from the time school starts right I would absolutely I would suggest I have a little contact that we could possibly have a comedy night I could get some comedians to come out to the high school um Auditorium and we can charge minimal fee and I believe he would donate that time with some comedians and they are semi-professional professional we could do a comedy night at the high school to raise money and they could donate to specific events or whatever but we need yeah he does say will it be only adults or would it be with children so we can possibly do two maybe one with children and then one just adults you know I think okay so John you'd look into that for us right mhm another thing that you know I see that um we we have this all this training for for teachers and um administrators what type of training we have for secretaries custodians hall Hall monitors what type of training we have for them for the school year because you know these like the hall monitors what do we have for that both we can speak to it um I'll start with the hall monitors our district security um director um is meeting with them to conduct professional development with them we also implemented um the Handle With Care program that they'll get professional learning with that um principal koun is a trainer our assistant I'm sorry the director of security is also a trainer and Handle With Care and that helps Bridge the relationship with the hall monitors because after the training they will still be there in the building to help um reiterate any any skills secretaries we've been having in-house training um led by uh seasoned secretaries such as my secretary Donna um as well as um specific areas of Secretarial responsibilities we bring them all in for that training the uni Union County Superintendent office also offers training for secretaries to attend as well as the New Jersey assistant superintendent Association they offer professional learning for them I'm looking into that now um because they have some virtual classes available for that and onsite for our custodians it's with um the training that they go through between their boilers license like they have to ensure that they have that um and and then it's just daily on the job training again I'm going to bring it back to our supervisors who play an active role um Roy and J with making sure that they're carrying out their responsibilities and the last group was did I get I think those were the three three I think that was everything right okay yes I have a question with the hall monitors that you're saying that they're going to receive Handle With Care so they're able to um I guess I don't know if I'm stating this right but physically get involved then if some they see something going on so handle with care is a deescalation program technique that um they're trained in to interact with students if their behaviors are um erratic or impulsive so yes it's it's um multiple names to deescalation training but not physically just deescalate I'm sorry not not like let's say they physically can't just stop a fight let's say for example that's I I can't I didn't go through the training so I can't tell you about the techniques but the goal of the deescalation training is if a student is escalated in a physical manner that they're trained the appropriate way of how to minimize those behaviors of course it would it will tie to fights but exactly what that looks like yeah I'm not the expert in that but we we're looking at trying to videotape these video I mean the trainings as well so there should be an opportunity to to provide the board with a visual of what that looks like yes thank you thank you the next thing I would like to ask Mrs Olene you are very um if I may if I may ask you a question can I Mr darcia can I ask her a question directly you may all right um miss oen one of the things that really concerns me is that we know we have a lot of multilingual Learners right but I am very concerned that we are focused more on children to learn to speak English and we are not focused enough on our our English speaking kids learning as being proficient in a second language before they graduate this is something I believe that we we we are in in globalization right now and it will be advantageous for all our students that graduate should should be proficient in two languages is what is your plan next year to put something in place that when our young kids graduate from school every kid are is proficient in a second language well I had an opportunity to meet it's a very good question you know um I had an opportunity to meet with um Mrs Perkins and I spoke to her about you know the need to I shared with her the research what the research says um and I pointed it out to her that and she was very supportive I pointed out to her that you know what is the purpose of having a world language program in the Middle School when the research tells us if we want our students to be proficient that we need to start at an early age and I shared with her that one of my goals as the Director of multilingual Learners is to expand our word language program at the elementary and she was very supportive and one of the languages that I that I wanted to focus on was you know cuz we already have a Spanish program at the elementary and um and I shared with her that I would like to expand the mandering program at the elementary so as a matter of fact and and I believe it's on the agenda tonight to hire an additional Chinese Mandarin teacher so that we can have um um Mandarin Chinese in school six and school number five I've also been in contact with r University we have a seal by literacy program and what we are doing is partnering with them you know so that they can share what what the research says as a matter of fact last year they came in and they videotaped our students who received a seal of B literacy so yes we are focusing on our multilingual Learners because the reality is they are coming in um as a matter of fact we had um there were over like 20 students who registered at the pdrc and 19 of them were multilanguage Learners so it's not that we are um neglecting our English speakers it's just the realities our numbers is growing it's there and we have to tackle uh we have to address the issue this problem you know right now we don't have a choice and this is why we are opening of the multilingual uh Learning Center But to answer your question yes we are in discussion I've been discussing with with Mrs Perkins she's been very supportive and as you could see on the agenda tonight we are expanding our mentoring program at the elementary so we are we are a proactive uh uh department so when issues arise we adjust them right away we're problem solvers so we are um taking the necessary measures to ensure that our um English speakers um Master uh a sec or proficient in the second language and we have and the way that we will measure it is through the Seal of biliteracy at the high school when they take the test so we'll be able to see how many students are multilingual Learners and how many students are English speakers that are attaining the Seal of biliteracy so we all working we've been very active uh putting the plan in place and um so I don't know if you have any more questions but and then plus tonight the fact that we are we we're bringing back the World Language uh uh Exchange program so we all working we all it's it it may not be at the rate that you want that you may want to see but we're taking one step at a time okay thank you I know that's right I know I always have a lot of crazy ideas forgive me okay but I promise you this is my last idea I promise you promise you my only last thing that I would like to see is that during the summer I have and I'm sure all of you guys have the same thing where parents come up to you and ask you if they could get some of jobs all right sometimes I have to go in hiding because I can't answer the question I do not know if we could get a program together together where we could get people who own um businesses in lynon to start hiring our students our 10 grade or 11 graders during the summer so that they could make money during the summer I do not know if we have a program like that if we don't have something I don't not know how it could it's possible but I also think that is something Miss Peno what do you think it's a great idea we want our kids to have all the opportunities that they need to have and this is the best thing for the to start so they can learn to to learn first and foremost to save their money okay and to know how to count their money and to make sure that no one is cheating them because I have heard people say the kids can't do this did you show them how to do it no so we put adults in this in there in there with them so they can know what they're doing so I'm I'm agreeing with you that's a great idea okay okay we done yes um the county this is nothing new the county had a partnership with the the Lyon school district had a partnership with the um schools where they will pay students will come work in the London public school and in the county would would play maybe this is something that we might want to look into and to bring it bring it back up you know which makes sense cuz I know many of my students who participated in that program so perhaps we could bring that back okay thank you that's it I have something um if Mr Garcia if I might a line tell me I'm out line please I have something that's been bothering me um and I've been on a thread of emails with some withdrawals from the school system some kids are being taken out of the school system to be home schooled okay I know of at least three students right now that are being homeschooled have been taken out of the school system and Lyon I find it to be disturbing three kids it's a low number but why are we taking students why are parents making these decisions to take students out okay it's we got to find an underlying there's got to be an underlying problem for the parents to make that decision ision cuz that's a hard decision me as a parent to take my kid out of school to have him homeschooled I believe you're taking out part of the social life out of that kid okay and I know there's been a couple of emails that have been going and I was included on one of the threads I don't know if any other board member was okay I didn't chime in because that's not my spot but it's disturbing to see that were taking kids out to be homeschooled can we try to figure out something or get answers to some parents because I believe some parents AR getting the right answers they looking for to find out why and try to bring these kids back to the school system can I ask you a question I don't understand it is said we're taking them out of school not us the parents parents is taking them out of school I we as parents so we have parents taking the kids out of school because they're having problems in the school that is not being addressed and their concerns and their best way of of it is saying I'm taking my kid out of the school cuz I some of them say they don't feel safe I have a problem with that so we could talk about security concerns and well yeah but it's something else well security concerned that's private but yes so that is concerned three kids out of the school system there may be more that we don't know about that's interesting it is interesting well I'm sure Mrs spin is going to look into that yes yeah I had just one thing quickly I know we had talked about having the new PR person that we hired do a presentation for us but is there a way that we can start like maybe a weekly or um well or a monthly committee and it could be virtual and we can meet on Zoom I don't know who else wants to be a part of that but I know I would like to I'm sure Malaysia given her background would like to um anybody else is welcome to join too but I think that'd be a good way for us to kind of go over like some goal settings and you know um talk about our strategy so it's ongoing and not just this onetime meeting that we have at the beginning of the year so that way we can kind of measure the progress and see what's being done and have you know a set of eyes on it as well is that for the public information officer yeah I want to have a meeting with them monthly um just to kind of touch base they can go over what their plans are for the month or what their plans are for the the following month um and just we can kind of level set and are you going to Speare ahead that committee scene that you bring up the that was that was the intent I already said that I that was the intent yeah if you bring it up then you should order it right yeah but I think it needs to it should be led by the um our public relations officer and then I will be the liaison for for the board and like I I said whoever else is interested in joining you're more than happy to attend with me you could treat it as another committee meeting so added to our Wednesday agenda but I think just because we already have so many meetings on that day we can make it a virtual one it doesn't necessarily have to be on that day cuz I know we already yeah but if you guys want to do that I would recommend you tap in you get more involved with the state legislator meetings that you guys supposed to start attending the the Union County meeting that you start attending because we want to be able to not only to expose yourself properly there's a representative of the board that's supposed to be you go to the Union County board meeting and you were interested in becoming in the state legislature where the board also has representation so we need to tap into all those different um all those different opportunities that are available to us so that we could do it right okay all right uh I was going to bring up um just to piggy back off of what Mrs Hernandez mentioned about locking in a location for the graduation if we could add that and look into it um start now because it was probably booked up um I also wanted to just talk to the um the board members about uniforms in the district thoughts and feelings on that from elementary up to the high school what are your do you have any thoughts on that I agree on uniforms I'm sorry I like the uniform idea you would like that you like the idea I my only commentary is with us implementing something new again it just goes back to the followup like we imple we tried uniforms one year I I think I was in high school when we tried it and then we it was something that was supposed to be enforced and then I think like halfway into the school year we realized there was no repercussions and then we just stopped wearing our uniforms so I just want us to be a little bit more strategic with some of these things that we're going to start implementing with these students because I think it kind of sets a precedent that we're not we're just doing stuff just to do it I think if we're going to do it we need to map out what the game plan is what the repercussions are who's going to be responsible for carrying out the repercussions and then um you know really be strategic because I don't want the students to keep feeling like we're just trying to add you know more rules and restrictions and then at like a couple months they're not going to they're it's going to it's going to set a tone that we're not be we're not serious as a board or as a district with some of the things that we're adding so I'm not against it just want us to really map it out and be very thorough with how we're going to implement it if we are going to do it I think a very thorough approach would definitely help guide that not thinking about it for this school year but just something to have on the radar so uh a strategic plan for that would be interesting to see I just wanted to hear your thoughts on that well I think that if we want to start that the first way we have to start it because of the fact is a parent is involved it start with a parent survey because they're the one who have to determine whether they want the children to wear uniforms or not so if it's something we want to do we got to do a pental survey and if they're in it then we could win it may have to be in it for I agree um I'm going to go back when we did have the uniform when we implemented I think it Miss Perkins was principal in school 6 how did we how did it go about that it got approved and then we were strong on it with the uniforms we were very good and then out of the blue one board decided no more uniforms because the child didn't want the uniforms so this is why the uniforms went up to the side okay so I believe we did implement it and we were good okay then because of the discretion of the board at one point or another they voted it down and that's where the uniforms went to the Wayside okay so yes I agree with Brianna yes I agree with uniforms okay but if we're going to talk about it I would say to start the year 2025 26 so we have a whole year to plan it out and enforce it and if it takes a survey the parents say no then we're going to have to listen to the parents because they're going to say no Mrs bins yes um I was an administrator um when our district did Implement uniforms and I will say from the role it um as in from an administrative side it took almost two years of planning before it could get implemented because the survey has to go to all education stakeholders then we have to evaluate that data to see if there's any additional surveys then we have to look at what the cost is associated to ensure that we're we're able and then the community so there's a a big chunks that a process that um we can begin that process because that's new business and you will like okay but thank you not impossible so thanks for the Insight I just wanted to get that from you guys um anything else I have one thing um as far as like the security measure you know how I feel about security um would we be able to add security committee meeting um once a month and be able to uh meet with Keith Asen who's the director and the of security this way he can update the board on um all security measurements what's going on can we do that can we add that on please as one of the Committees quick question are we going back to committee meetings in September so if we are we could invite on buildings and grounds because that's part of the buildings and grounds once a month I think that's kind of too much maybe once every two months or three months you know how many things happen in in one month and we meet once a month anyways for committee meetings so I don't understand why this would well whoever is in charge who's in charge of I agree all right okay so you're baby yep oh go so it's going to be a great idea securing the security of the kids and if something is happening it could be address right away I think it's a great idea thank you yeah I'm with that I have one more question I mean a question do we have to have meetings in the summer time oh Lord yes we do meeting do we have to have we do we still have Finance we still have to pay bills and stuff some some boards don't meet in the month of August they'll take one that one month off but but you would have to meet in July just to like pay bills and so can we like talk about that just to have one meeting in July and that's s take August off or do we I'm serious or do we can we because we've been coming you know like I don't I don't know if there's anything urgent that John would need to pay in August but if not I mean oh should we could discuss it prob you know huh I'm just asking okay I just want to because you know y'all want to come y'all don't really want to come here in the hot time right okay it's a good question so you don't know what you don't ask nice and cool in here virt virt I'm not paying attention Okay it's a good question I I just wanted to know that's it and um one more thing me and Miss Annabelle has been getting together with the um mental health and we need to get together and take care of okay and I'm going have one more thing um I met this lady and a Gentleman talking about scholarships do be and um she and the gentleman will come here I get the information and they will start with the younger kids as well as the high school to let them know what the options they have and what's going on and she's willing to help them to get to the next level wherever they stuck at she's going to push him more so I'm going to bring her in if you don't mind for her to talk and let everybody know about the scholarships we started now because they need them now starting from the um the younger age into the high schoolers so they need to so she could teach them how to write and teach them what to do is that okay I think that's great okay all right no problem Miss Lewis can I be involved as well with the mental health please of course abely okay so is that it you're going to go to Personnel now people are waiting anxiously I mean we just wrapped it up Dr B okay now we're moving on to the Personnel report I thought we had to go we don't have to go to the B we don't have to go to close we're doing that after it's not pertaining to the report okay all right um I still need to table um I need to table item number nine so do I need to make a motion to table that yes okay I would like to make a motion to table agenda item number nine the Personnel committee report any discussion roll call I second to table this one here miss Centron yes Mr Dela Cruz yes Miss penino yes Miss rosada quesada yes Miss Thomas yes Miss uliss yes Miss Armstead yes Dr bammer yes the personel committee upon the recommendation of the super intended of schools presents the following motions to the Lyon board of education for approval all appointments and reappointments are contingent upon and may be modified based on student participation and the the district's receipt of sufficient State and school aid and and other Revenue funding I would like to make an a motion to approve items 1-8 and 10 through 34 I respectfully asked for a second questions is discussion roll call Miss Centron yes Mr Dela Cruz yes Miss Peno yes M rosada quesada yes Miss Thomas yes Miss uliss yes Armstead yes Dr bammer yes congratulations all on new hir again congratulations to all of our new hires as um Madam president stated at this time um if there's any administrators here who would like to come up to the podium and share a few words on your appointment you may do so at this time all right all right good evening name I am Dr Asar gabera 24 Jaclyn Court Clifton New Jersey um I just wanted to say I am very excited and I want to thank the Lyndon Board of Education members Community superintendent Perkins and the executive team for recommending me as the principal of school one all right I am profoundly humbled um by the trust you have in me as the leader of this exceptional school I am committed to upholding in the high standards and values that our district represents I look forward to working closely with you and the staff students and the community to Foster an environment of academic excellence and holistic development at school one I am excited about leading our staff and students to Greatness so once again I just want to say thank you and have a great blessed evening [Applause] to good evening everyone I'd like to start by thanking superintendent Perkins Dr Berg Hammer members of the Board of Education and Mr Firestone for giving me this opportunity to be here today my name is Barbara Brady and I have been a health and physical education teacher in the Lyon Public Schools for the past 26 years years I also created the full-time dance program at Lynden High School where I've have taught and directed The Dance Company for the last 25 years I have loved being in the classroom all this time but I'm now ready to do more I am truly grateful to all of you for this opportunity to become the supervisor of health and physical education and medical I'm excited to work alongside the Fantastic administrators in our district and I look forward to guiding my team as they continue to make a difference in the life of a child thank you again again for this opportunity [Applause] okay at this time we're going to call a motion to go into executive session motion to go into executive second second roll call Miss Centron yes Mr Dela Cruz yes Miss Peno yes M rosada kada yes Miss Thomas yes Miss Elise yes Miss Armstead yes Dr burkhammer yes motion to end executive and come back to public second roll call sorry uh Miss Centron yes Mr Del Cruz yes Miss Pino yes M rosada quesada yes Miss Thomas yes Miss uliss yes Miss Armstead yes Dr beram yes at this time we're going to go back to the finance report and revote um Miss Inon okay do I have to read it again sure or just okay I'm just going I'd like to motion uh to amend and approve uh item number 33 but just JF is on page 54 not the app to G again clearly just the Jaa JF um um motion to amend that to approve tonight all right so we have a motion to approve a contract for JF in the amount of 99726 195 to provide one to one manag service correct yes I second ask for a second second do we have to roll call yes roll call uh Miss Centron yes Mr Del Cruz yes Miss Peno yes Mr oada kada yes Miss Thomas yes Miss uliss yes Miss Armstead yes and Dr Burham yes thank you at this time we're going to conclude tonight's meeting I respect ask for a second second uh Miss Centron yes Mr Del Cruz no no I'm kidding yes what happens if we vote no I just went to see the faces Miss Peno yes Miss Ros kada yes Miss Thomas yes Miss ulise yes Miss Armstead yes and Dr bur yes [Music] [Music]