want you're awesome I win all right we all good yes call the order this is to advise I see the general public that in compliance with the open public Act Board of Education meeting was advertised in the Asbury Park Press Atlantic City Press and posted at the office of the Board of Education located at 307 fron Road Little Lake Harbor New Jersey and posted at the office of the municipal clerk of little Lake Harbor can I have a roll call vote Please Mr phello yes M Martin here Mr Barry here M zna here M Berber here M lence Dr Snider here you have thank you uh can we all please stand for the the Pledge of Allegiance IED alance to the of the United States of [Music] [Music] America I recommend a motion to approve the agenda can I have a motion motion can I have a second second are there any questions yeah can can we just um can I move to under 10 the school calendar after discussion move that to an action item yes um after discussion we'll put it on an addendum for um at that time okay thank you anyone else okay can I have a all in favor any any [Music] opposed any extensions motion passes okay recommend a motion to approve the following minutes can I have a motion motion can I have a second second are there any questions can I have a vote all in favor I I I any [Music] opposed so any [Music] opposed any extensions toly noted motion passes moving on to our first public comment for agenda items only the Board of Education now welcomes the public to comment on items which are on our agenda tonight community members should first try to resolve their concerns by speaking directly to school administrators before bringing those concerns to the board it may not always be possible or appropriate for the board to directly answer questions during the public public comment period each speaker is allotted a maximum of 3 minutes to make their statement No one may speak more than once on the same topic you're required to give your name and address before speaking please keep your comments respectful and non- defamatory and maintain the level of decorum appropriate for a public meeting reminders may be in the audience would anyone like to speak I was like to give a write amount of Applause okay seeing as there's no one we're going to move on to correspondence um we have the following items for informational purposes um listed uh moving on to 10 um committee reports um board work session um um I will start with my update I don't know if we can put Robert are you able to put the the timeline for our search okay uh let me let's check what the that guys are you able to put the website up on the screen specifically the timeline for the superintendant sir no yeah we are our two best guys here so I personally always have trouble using the doc Cam and switching things so what I just wanted to have put up here is just our search timeline just so that everyone is aware of where we are in the process for um searching for our new superintendent go back up to the image there will be a cck go back up to the image up at the top scroll down a little bit there you go Y and then right there so um so this just shows you where we are in the process our application closing date will be um February 2nd and then we'll be looking at the Slate of candidates and we're going to start our reviews on a Friday February 9th and Saturday February 10th um and then we'll have our board interviews and hopefully we will have someone to appoint by the March meeting okay so this just gives their everyone an idea of the timeline and the process we've already been a receipt of some um applicants and so we'll be reviewing them and taking our time and having some thoughtful discussions um as well okay and so we will keep you updated um at the next board meeting as to where we are our search as well and then one thing I want to take a moment to talk about here quickly is um and I I want to do it here because I think he deserves the uh the time um Joseph zadroga um was recently um he died this weekend um his granddaughter Tyler an went to um George Mitchell and frog pond and um was a classmate of my sons my oldest and um his son had died um due to the effects of 911 he was a first responder and I just want to say what a wonderful man this was and what a great loss it is to his family family the community um he was at you know class parties birthday parties just a very active man who took over for his son who had passed away due to those effects and became an advocate for those responders let me get the name of the law correctly um and so with I'm get the it's called the zadroga act for 911 victims and their families and he was really uh key and vital in that um and with that said also I know that driving here on brogon road um there are signs for 25 miles hour so and it's a school it's a residential if any of you live on that that road let's all just be conscious of that also um given what had happened um in that accident and just some committee updates next week we have do we have transportation uh committee meeting on the 24th and on the 31 um for those who are involved in negotiations we have that meeting as well and of course we have um on the what oh technology cyber security technology I have technology cyber security it's all related really yeah I think the Brader is the technology cyber security is what we can focus it on yes yeah with Laura and P we're going to think about the big picture so that's technology I'm going to use Laura as a okay um and then moving on we have uh draft of the school calendar for discussion is there anything anyone um we posted the original draft um but after comparing our calendar with that of pine lands and um I have some concerns regarding our March conferences um as I understand it and we all know busing is our issue um Pinelands does have half days for our November conferences when we have our students have half days and as I understand it it's not a problem when they have half days and we're in full session the problem comes about when we have a half day and they have a full session so as you can see by um the calendar that we drew up we really limited um the number of half days on our calendar um but we do have parent teacher conferences 3 days in November 19th 20th and 21st which Pinel lands also has half days at that time we have a half day on the 27th proceeding Thanksgiving which Pine lands also has and we did not have a half day on the 20th because normally the half day would be on the 23rd preceding Christmas Eve but because the 23rd is a Monday I felt that it was important to give the whole day off so I had not originally put a half day on the calendar but I am asking the board to update that so that we can be um in compliance with finlands and eagleswood who do have a half day on the 20th so that will make sure that the busing situation works um the issue that I have not quite solved and it may I'd like to approve the calendar with the 20th as a half day and I'd like to take away the half day for now on the 12th because no one else has a half day that day because they're not getting out on the 13th um although I know how hectic classrooms become that last week sorry this the 13th of June 13th of June I'm sorry um 13th of June is our last day we have a half day so does pine so does Eagle Eagles would but um they're not getting out until the following week so none of them have a half day the 12 and I really would have liked to have had a half day but unless we can adjust our time we can't have a half day and I'd like to have it simply because I recognize the fact that our students are in their last days of school and we would prefer we know how ansy they're getting and the Waring period has closed so it would be ideal to do that but unless we can adjust our early dismissal time to accommodate the buses getting to Pinelands on time I did speak to Patty so I am looking at that as a possibility um for next year's start and end times on relx fa because not only do we have the problem on the 12 which for now I'd like the board to approve without it being half day and um I will post that the board has a copy of it but I'll post that new calendar on the website tomorrow um I'd like the board on the agendum to approve the calendar as presented with the understanding that there may be slight changes in the future because we have three conference days in March on the 18th 19th and 20th that we need half days for and unless we can adjust our times those three days and the 12th and even the 11th um as a possibility can't be changed so um I again I'm looking at the times but um that's a dilemma because our buing situation so I have a quick question currently for this year we have the half day schedule first spring for parent teacher conferences they're also half days this year for Pinelands correct Notting the busing now this has changed for p well we originally the the calendar as I understand it it was originally approved last year in February had a three-day schedule but one of them was going to fall on the day before a holiday and contractually we cannot keep more teachers for conferences on the day before a holiday so we adjusted that and we still have the half dead because it's the day before a holiday but we don't have conferences so we're only doing two days of conferences but at this time we went back to scheduling three days but neither um well actually eagleswood does have um two of those days as half days but Pine lands is in school those days full time and I just um so what will we be doing about the promotion ceremony if we only have the 13th well the promotion schedule would be on Friday the 13th because we don't have a half day on the 12th so unless we can make the half day on the 12th we would have to move the promotion ceremony to the 13 and currently um we were in contact UM Pine lands is willing to allow us to have our promotion ceremony there but they passed a new um policy in the summer and we're not sure that we can afford the rental um for the space so we may have to move the commotion ceremony back here um Mr Denning was working on pricing out what those quests would be and once we have all that information we'll bring it back um but the way the policy reads it would be an expense that we have not budgeted for is this a policy that's uh been in place for some time I believe it was um adopted last was it last July or August a last August so before we we've had it there before right yes and we've not had how much did it cost us then zero zero zero and now this year it's going to cost us is that what you're saying according to the policy that we were s yes well that's awfully curious is in District not is it why should there be I don't understand why it should be expense it's a taxpayer school right in some cases policies have an allowance for Community you know shared community events like we do with basketball and that but it doesn't seem to have that allowance based on the paperwork that Mr Denning received but again he was trying to figure out what it was before he contacted um Pond LS again and he doesn't know yet with that no he was working on so it's like $50 or something like that no no no no no if it was $50 it wouldn't be problem no and I'm sure that's why their policy they the policy too but that's uh shared services for you H why it didn't work it's unfortunate for the kids here yeah because the sixth graders who will you know suffer and the families but we're going to accommodate the the ceremony and make it just as special we will do the best we can and along with that I don't know did we have it last year Abby maybe you know did we have the inter district field [Music] day for yes so that was something that we had had in the past probably preo which was a nice way to get the mar schools together do you remember I Mr Naz we we didn't we didn't do an district field day but we did do the 67 Dan which say oh yeah it's just another way to get the the kids together [Music] um it's interesting because most of Highlands will be from our district so some of the smaller districts tuckeron eagleswood used to be also Bass River it was a really nice way to get all the kids together to meet other kids um before moving on to finance so something about okay anyone else have anything else that they would um I guess we'll have more to report on our committee next week we meet and I would just add that um if someone would move the approval of the calendar with um as the approved calendar with the recommendation that there may be um changes I'll make that motion so under 13 and then we'll and we'll put it on the agendum We'll add that to the agend and yes as a separate item I'll second that okay um moving on to the superintendent's report um yes I will um i' would like to um note that um January the school board appreciation month and at this time I'd like to recognize um our seven board members for the work that they do unpaid and the time that they devote to having um things come to a real here in Little Lake Harbor um and if you notice in your um folders I hope you each removed your certificate of appreciation um because the administration and staff are grateful for the support that you have shown us um in the past I'd also like to note that yesterday um school was closed in recognition of the late Dr Martin Luther King our schools took the opportunity to celebrate the life of Dr King during morning announcements as well as through classroom activities that promote awareness of Dr King's role in our country's history and I'd like to thank all of our staff members for the things that they did to encourage our students to learn about our federal holidays um with relation to the on Frog Pond Road which I understand has not been in place for a very long time but um is of great concerned particularly um when we had a a child hit um by a car um thankfully not injured we are we had a meeting with um the town officials and we are going to be promoting ways to encourage safe driving and maintaining the speed living um we are also launching the district's new website on February 1st so I think the entire School Community will be impressed with its new look as well as with the ease of locating important information um I can't help but thank our technology director um and our technology department especially our director Terry moruchi and Crystal berson for the work that they've done to make this reality so on February 1st please be sure to take a look at the district website and finally this evening we are also recognizing the accomplishments of our teachers and Educational Service professionals from our three schools who were recognized as the teacher of the year and the educational Professionals of the year at each of school and at this time um Dr Snider if you join me at the mic we have some [Music] presents [Music] so from Frog Pond Elementary our teacher of the year is Shannon [Applause] CA I'm going to ask that you stay here so we can get a picture and our Educational Service professional of the Year from Frog Pond is Amber [Applause] Cole congratulations from George Mitchell our teacher of the year Jennifer GAA Jennifer could not be with us tonight but I'm going to accept her offer and also from George Mitchell our Educational Services professional of the Year Sandra [Applause] close you can open it I think you'll like them and from um the ECC our teacher of the year Amanda [Applause] Clifton and our Educational Services professional from the e CCC Donna kicha [Applause] sorry I'll take a picture Crystal's there are we in close thank you and [Applause] congratul I don't know if anybody who got their gift opened um but they are specially made to celebrate and we hope it continues the tradition um at this time I'd like to introduce um Mrs tresino who will um have a presentation on the ssds Sy congratulations to our amazing staff evening everyone I'm I'm director of personal planning and evaluation it's tough to get that all out I'm also our district anti buing coordinator and Cho you do this presentation so welcome Mrs Lawrence this is your first time experiencing this um but it's really actually valuable information it gives you an idea of U what's going on in our district so the ssds submission is something that is done twice a year it's a state online program that documents incidents of violence suspension hip investigation and programs and trainings that we conduct in the district this data that is submitted is used for for a wide variety of federal and state different requirements as you can see listed there so these incidents are put into the system twice a year um the first reporting period is September to December and then January to June things that we do put in our um HS whether they are unfounded or founded they're both put in there any incident that rises to the level of violence vandalism or use of weapons or substance is submitted as well as what they call other incidents that lead to the removal of a student which is an in school suspension or an out of school suspension we also have to document our various different trainings and programs that we conduct in the district to really um support our anti-bullying efforts and creating a positive School climate so anything that's related to hibs school climate and cultur social skills Suicide Prevention peer relations building parent School connections um staff morale School morale conflict resolution all those type of things we document and data is submitted for all three of our schools in the district so a little bit of our data and it is an agenda item and it is linked so you can see the um the full report on there so uh reporting out to you at the fron school we had a total of two incidents and according to their Reporting System an incident is a confirmed hi or an incident that rises to the level of violence vandalism substance use or weapon so in the Frog school we had two and both of those happened to be confirmed hibs um and we also had one um unfounded Hib investigation we had zero incidents that Rose to the level of violence or vandalism and we had four student suspension at the Mitch school we did not have any as well as the EC there were no G investigations so um no suspensions no incident that was that level which was really nice um there's also a new item that has to be reported out the state didn't give us too much guidance on this but figure it's a good time to do they just told us we have to report it to the board so I'm including it on our ssds um reporting we have to report out how many times we choose not to uh do a hi investigation it's called a preliminary determination and in the FR school we only did that once so far this year and we don't do it very often but there are times where an incident will be brought to our attention that is clearly not going to fall under um The Hip definition and it's something usually um very clear it might be a neighborhood argument that is actually involving the adults and not the students themselves um and we're not going to handle that they may go ahead and use our online hi submission program to make us aware of an incident but when there something clearly not going to fall under the parameters of the um anti-bullying build Rights Act we determine not to investigate if we if we do um inv invate something as a discipline matter instead of a Hi and then we find out additional information that says maybe there should have been a hi then we will go ahead and conduct a hid investigation um so that will that is something new that is reported out starting last year some of the trainings and programs that we've done in District so far this year and this is just a sampling of it our staff um went through their annual H and qu of conduct train tring our substitute teachers are trained on a monthly basis as they are Bo approved our anti-bullying Specialists have met with me a couple of times already this year uh we also all three the antibullying specialists at all three schools as well as myself attended a um hiid Workshop sponsored by stra es our par professionals um had a really great training this year on deescalation at the beginning of the school year and different strategies related to that and you can see some of the other training that our counselors and other staff members have experienced in regards to programs that we conduct in school we have everything from our school spirit days to having our positive behavior in schools program in all three of our schools Behavior expectations classroom presentation the weeker respect is mandatory that all schools in New Jersey participate in as well as school violence awareness week we also participated in Ro kindness Day activities the e is constantly having parents doing workshops to support them and again this is just a sampling a lot more goes on but we want to give you an idea of what we are doing already um so with that I thank you for your attention and I have a feeling I might have a question like how are those numbers compared to last year I did y last year this time I think we I think we had eight if I recall correctly eight different in we are lower um but we do have some investigations going on right now but you know that's I did JX myself when I reported out on that so hopefully not this year but um I you know we have the staff and it it rages the entire staff administrators teachers par professionals teacher assistants CST members that all work together to build this environment for our students so not only are are our student learning AC but they're learning socially and um the things that we do in this school are all about creating that positive learning environment for them and um you know we have things going on every day to support that so I thank them I thank the board for supporting them and you have any questions I'm here okay I just got a couple quick questions the in September the ABS meeting will that specialist every school in New Jersey has to have an anti-bullying special they're the ones that conduct the investigation and they are mandatory to meet with me throughout the school year uh to review data to talk about different strategies to look for repeat offender students and what we're doing with that a lot of great great I just want to comment that the RBT training it's really great you do a lot and I was just wondering so how is are the workshops with the EC attended B parents compared to those that you have the George mitell or Frog Pond is it is it kind of like the traditional like you have we have more because they're so young and then it decreases like that we see over time or I think it really depends upon the topic um I know there are times where at the E they'll be run they'll run family programs that are really well attended just like the MIT school and the broad school there are times where they play out in freedom field so they're teaching parents how to interact with their kids and teaching children how to interact with each other um those are all well attended um but yeah they they do have a lot of great parent participation um again it depends on the needs um I might be making this up but did you say I feel like you presented last year and there was some sort of link that students could access if they were to report an issue is that is that correct so they if there's like a bullying issue any you can go on to our district website our school website and you can report something anonymously or with your name um 247 um last year we did have some sixth graders I think that's what we were talking about using that a little bit um but we went and with the anti-ban specialist at the FR school we went and spoke to that home room um and that most of our um submissions though are done by adults however the kids actually are very comfortable coming down to um administrative work te you so um they rarely will use that online um they're pretty comfortable seeking out an adult in the school potentially something going on that's good and then the process if there's an investigation that starts there's a process to let the parents know and communicate you know what's going on there's anation going on it might not turn into anything but just so you're aware that we we let the parents know right this it's required by law to inform the parent and the principal will make that contact and that contact is documented a lot of the investigative um part of a investigation actually all of it is very dictated specifically by law we have to have certain things done within hoursin days deping on St last year um I when you presented I think I asked was there a theme amongst all the uh different factions and I believe you said it was appearance y uh is it the same this year and if it is is there anything as parents and as board members anything really do help um yes the general theme that we continue to see is um comments being made to other students about their appearance whether it be um their weight is the number one thing um it can sometimes be a facial feature it could be their clothing that they're wearing but it has to do with appearance and you know you bring up you know it is difficult in today's day and age you know I look at social media I'm sure you do too and we're always commenting on how someone looks um what they're wearing how their dress you know are they skinny are they you know are we using other terms to describe people and unfortunately that cares over into school um so a lot of our efforts are always focused on that um it would be very helpful if you know society and this is not a m leg issue this is a worldwide issue it would be night that people did look at people for their character and not by anything which is ironic because we just said one through King Jud your character agre and unfortunately we had similar issues at my son school I I don't think it's it's not isolated incident to little it's the age the ER the time that they're living in unfortunately and it's our job to correct that to make them aware of um the effects of what they're saying and doing um and letting you know know if it continues there's consequences to that too so um a lot of what we're doing is you know teaching every single day in our classroom how we treat each other and for the most part we're doing a great job but there are times we need to address that behavior Jackie thank you so much that was a very informative presentation and um I just know that many of your cell phones went off while Jackie was presenting that our announcement that we will have a delayed opening tomorrow due to anticipated icy conditions and um you know we know that just went out so all that f um I think I see some of the kids out there you're so up that right um and then just before I think um you're going to see but I just want to I skipped over the resolution for school board um appreciation week and um the school board reg resolution um which if board's pleasure I will read quickly into the record and then I would ask approve it yes um resolve that the Board of Education approve the school board recognition of um resolution whereas the New Jersey school boards Association has declared January 2024 to the school board recognition month a time when all residents can acknowledge the contributions made by our local school board members and whereas the little like haror board of education is one of 581 local school boards in New Jersey with which sets policies and overseas operations for public school districts and whereas the little Ed Board of Education Embraces the goal of high quality education for all New Jersey public school students and whereas the New Jersey local school boards help determine the educational goals for approximately 1.4 million children in Pre kindergarten through 12th grade and whereas New Jersey's 5,000 and local school board members who receive no remuneration for their services act as advocates for public school students as they work with administrators teachers and parents for the betterment of public education and whereas School boards strive to provide the resources necessary to meet the needs of all students including those with special needs and whereas Boards of Education provide accountability to the public they communicate the needs of the school district to the public public and they convey cons convey to school administrators The public's expectations for the schools and whereas New Jersey can take pride in its schools which rank among the nation's best in key achievement inators such as the national assessment of the educational progress scores and the preparation for college to advance placement offerings and sat assessments now therefore be it resolved that the little a Harbor board of education does hereby recognize the services of local school board members throughout New Jersey as we joined Community Statewide in observing January 2024 as school board recognition month and be it further resolved that the Little Egg Harbor Board of Education urges all New Jersey citizens to work with their local Boards of education and public school stamp toward the achievement of our children's education it's a resolution can I have a a first motion to approve have a second um all in favor I any exensions any objections and again thank you all for your service thank you um at this time I'd like to just give a pause a minute or two this you are all welcome to stay until the end of our meeting but for those of you who received Awards if you would like to go home and celebrate with your families um you're welcome to do so at this time give everyone a minute two just be careful yes congratulations I it's going to be a busy weather week anyway apparently on Friday to okay all right moving on to action items recommend a motion to approve Finance items a through F can I have a motion have a second second are there any questions no questions no okay uh C Mr filella yes M Martin yes Mr Barry yes mnar yes but I need to abstain from one a please M Berber yes Miss Lawrence yes Dr Snider yes motion carries okay recommend a motion to approve facility items a through b can I have a motion motion can I have a second second are there any questions um if not can I have um I I can't have a roll call vote Mr phello yes M Martin yes Mr Barry yes M zno yes M yes Miss Lawrence yes Dr Snider yes motion carries uh recommend a motion to approve School business administrators non-personnel items a through H can I have a motion motion can I have a second second are there any questions it's nice to see there's still world world book encyclopedias that's exactly what my eyes just went to when I was a kid that was like the thing that I wanted to have in my house above everything else was my own personal set of encyclopedias which I did get and you read them all right yeah um and I'm always very happy to see all the donations that we receive from our community it's just it's very heartwarming um to see that any other questions coms okay now can we have a roll call vote Mr filella yes Miss Martin yes Mr Barry yes mes yes M Herber yes M Lawrence yes Dr Snyder yes motion carries okay recommend a motion to approve Personnel items a through I can I have a motion motion can I have second second are there any questions if not can um I have a roll call V Mr phell yes Miss Martin yes Mr Barry yes M zeso yes M Berber yes M Lawrence yes yes Dr Snider yes motion carries recommend a motion to approve superintendent of school's non-personnel items 8 through b can I have a motion motion can I have a second second are there any questions can I have uh roll call please Mr phello yes M Mar um yes but I need to abstain from 2B new business I'm sorry did you get me Robert taking okay sorry Mr Barry yes Miss zeso yes Miss Berber yes M Lawrence yes Dr SN yes motion carries all right uh moving on to new business this is where we'll add our agenda for to approve the school calendar can I have the tentative school calendar for 2024 2025 can I have a motion motion a second are there any questions and this is with the U with the and I will have them posted on the um website first tomorrow and then I will work at dealing with the half days the best possible and bring it back okay um are there any any other questions I don't have a question but I'm happy that it's June 13th that we're getting that earlier than that hopefully there's no snow I agree I think you did a good job with the calendar yeah I I agree I I just always feel that for working parents and that was my issue um as a parent with younger children were the half dayses half dat not that even though these delayed openings throw their own challenge but they're out of your control um unless you know mother nature and have a connection that I don't know about um but there's always more things for kids to do in the summer there's camps different things that if you're working parent that you know your child's doing something constructive things like that so it is I always do find find it um most beneficial and also too after Labor Day it seems like that they lose interest in a lot of ways starts to get sunnier out you mean Memorial [Music] Day to come back tell my first day back of the semester sorry I'm totally off but I'm just happy that we'll be in school a little bit more November agreed in building the calendar I did take into consideration the requests of the board thank you okay uh anyone else if not can we have a roll call vote Mr vichel yes Miss Martin yes Mr Barry yes Miss zeso yes Miss Berber yes M Lawrence yes Dr Snider yes motion carries okay moving on to public comment the floor is now open to members of the public the board education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues the board requests that each statement made by a participant is limited to 3 minutes is cited in policy number 0167 there's a signning sheet located on the podium please sign in before you speak would anyone like to [Music] speak okay seeing as there's no one we'll move on to board for would anyone like to sing anything before we can close out just want to congratulate the teachers of the year the educational Professional Services of the year uh for all our hard work and Barbara Krauss and DE Allen for their 25 and 26 years of service to the district and just one thing about school board uh I guess being Rec um recognition month School Board is an interesting level of government um I've been involved in government politics for like two decades everything from the presidential level all the way down to the municipal level and never uh really got involved in Schoolboard until my kids were in the district and it's really a place that I think you can make a lot of change uh relatively quick uh you have Congress and the president and that takes forever for change but the more local you get the more opportunities you do have for change so if you think things are going well it's a great uh place to get invol involved in help your community and uh it's just something I never was involved with but now that I am I am glad that I am on the school board so and I thank all my colleagues for all the hard work you put in thanks Chris and to Pig it back on that with the resolution that U Patty read the last one I think is more most important to me that the little EG Board of Education urges all New Jersey citizens to work with their local Boards of education and Public School staff toward the advancement of our children's education I think that's I could speak for most of us all of us but that's why we're here and we would you know encourage public [Music] input thanks um I just want to uh say to Mr Nazar and Mr Denny that I don't uh uh you know the end of the year uh service that the uh yes uh promotion ceremony I I don't envy uh your position and all this stuff but we'll try to help you any way we can to try and make this best for the kids and the parents and I'm uh would like to see when you get the numbers in how much that would cost excuse me certainly all right thank you okay um and I would just like to thank everyone um especially my fellow board members we're going to be spending a lot of time together over the next few weeks um so um I I appreciate it and I know it's it's the work is going to be worth it and on you put the work in it's it's a valuable thing that we're going to be able to be a part of and to say that we helped select the next superintendent that will be here for the next four or five years potentially even longer after that so I want to say thank you for that and agreeing to all of those giving up weekends Friday nights I mean we're um and a lot of also those volunteering for the transportation and negotiation and uh the budget meeting which I forgot which is the um believe it's the 6 okay um and I just want to also say thank you to everyone who live streams us um that's involved in that that comes out at night to do that I'm very very grateful for that I think it's very important that the public has the opportunity to watch Us in the event that they can't be here and um I know I usually leave um Faith to Mr Barry but um our church still um live streams our masses on Sunday and it was a really interesting quote in our church bulletin which said check out our human the humility of our humanity and look for some of our fumbles and I thought well what a great thing and the point of you know it is is to reach the most people possible whether it's through faith or through this or getting all the proper information and so I'm very grateful to everyone that's involved in this so thank you very much for continuing to make it possible okay and that's all I have our next board meeting is February get the wrong calendar February 13th at 6 pm. is executive and 6:30 I believe is public session that evening all right no no so 7.m so it's 7 it's 6m executive all right if there's anything else can I have a motion to adjourn can I have a second second uh all in favor I any exensions objections okay if not I will see all of you at our various meetings in the upcoming weeks yes please drive safely um and [Music] have