and this is to advise the general public that in compliance with the open public scheding act little Lake Harbor Board of Education caus to be posted at the office of the Board of Education located at 307 Brock Road little paror New Jersey in fact on January 4th 2023 to the Asbury Park Prest Atlantic City Prest into the office of the municipal clerk harmer IM meeting notice setting forth the time date and location of this meeting can I have a roll call please Mr phello here Martin here Mr Barry here mno here M Berber here M sein here Dr Snider here you have qu can you please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance moving on to the approval of the agenda recommend a motion to approve the agenda I have a motion motion have a second are there any questions if not can we have a vote Mr phello yes Miss Martin yes Mr Barry yes M zesn yes M Berber yes m s yes Dr Snider yes motion passes moving on to approval of the minutes recomend a motion to approve the following minutes can I have a motion motion second second are there any questions I have a vote Mr phell yes M Mar yes Mr Barry yes M Lesnar yes Miss Herber yes m s yes Dr Snider yes motion carries okay moving on to public comment one this is for agenda items only the Board of Education now welcomes the public to comment on the items which are in our agenda tonight community members should first try to resolve their concerns by speaking directly the school administrators before bringing those concerns to the board it may not always be possible or appropriate for the board to directly answer questions during the public comment period each speaker is allowed at maximum of 3 minutes to make their statement no speak more than once on the same topic we required to give your name and address before speaking please keep your comments respectful and nonpor and maintain the level of for appropriate for a public meeting where miners may be in the audience would anyone likes is there's no one I'm going to move on to number nine correspondents the following are giving the Justice informational items um correspondence from Mr held facilities manager correspondence from Miss modus Community School enrollment suspension totals and fire emergency drill reports moving on to board work session committee reports um first I'd just like to say that um we had our first uh meeting regarding our search um for a superintendent with Community input and um we had a nice dialogue with the staff and um uh that were present along with board members I would have hoped that you would have had some more community members I everybody feels the same way um but we do have a survey out if you have not completed it and you're watching it from home um the QR code is on our Facebook page yes yes okay um so you can scan that and please we're looking for my my goal would be to have a th respondents maybe I'm a dreamer but okay I'll I'll go to 500 and then we'll work our way up 500 um and but I would like to see as much involvement as possible this is really going to shape our district for the um the next 5 to 10 years and minimum so it's just something that everyone should be involved in um and be uh January reorganization meeting date it's set for January the 4th which is a Thursday do you have a time anyone have a problem I I I'll try to think it 530 does it have to be THS the is that the discre of the board when they'd like to meet could be that Wednesday could be Tuesday does anyone have a DAT reference sure I mean I have to I just I found out I have a meeting that day at 4:00 just literally today don't we normally have our meetings on Tuesdays why is that one on a Thursday cuz that's I guess the second is literally the day after yeah I'm going to vote no on Tuesday the 2 January how about midnight January [Music] 1st can we still keep it earlier then on Wednesday Wednesday yes it is 5:30 on Wednesday January I can do five people want five on that everybody else five I I don't go I'm a college professor I don't go back [Music] until and then um and then the Board of Education meeting dates and I sent an email about this and I Robert are we going to decide on these on that date on the 3D yeah you'll vote on it that night but tonight is just for discussion okay how do you feel about the yes so and I'm going to side with Robert on this because every date that we have to change that's a cost to the district and we have to do it for not one newspaper but two and honestly I did not know this until I had to publish an in the newspaper um and I was shocked at the cost so every time that we change it and say oh can we meet at this time or stand executive so I think those are things that we need to think about if we want to keep executive for an hour at every meeting there's some that we need to be a half hour because we will probably have additional meetings throughout the first order yes for the new superintendent search so we'll probably be having additional meetings that we'll have to post for so really look at those dates between now and the third and then we will all discuss them if there's anything that needs to be changed twe not to mention budget meetings in there as well the the public budget meetings are included in that I mean the committee meetings budget committee but they're not public they're not I I just want to say I personally like having executive just because I feel like we're rushed with 30 minutes and I think we're going to have a lot to talk about with superintendent search and budget and all that I don't know just a thought yeah and I had also said that I you know I I probably have it more non-traditional schedule my schedule set till May and then well till April really May till August I'm flexible and then September I go back to rigid so we can change in the and make them start earlier but I don't know if we want that for the public like do we want to be consistent have the same start time so that everyone make this is when our board G starts they start at 7:00 with public session every month so that this way they know Tuesday change the day would that make differ for me I've already built my sport my coach so my practices are built around I don't touch Tuesdays I know it's School Board something Wednesday thanks Foria midnight oh I just got that too you know I don't honestly don't think I will love me I don't think it'll make much because my kids don't have transportation so with sports and fun practices pretty much f my time I'm an unpaid Uber driver along with so so what's the question right now do we want to have executive at 6 and public session at 7 like consistently throughout the entire can you make that executive at six yes I I have class people who don't want to go that late right don't look at me I I'll drink my coffee I'm good I just turned to a pumpkin at 8:30 so we get you some 5 Hour Energy um I I I no I think it's fine I just the question was is do we want to change it do we want executive for a full hour which Abby said yes yes and that makes it seven and then the question is do we want all those times to be consistent throughout the whole year or in the summer where do we want to make them start earlier being that people schedule is different or you still want them later because you'll be doing activities during the day and the Sumer January 3rd just yes that's too much Mr bar think hard about it right now no whatever whatever your uh does anyone have anything else they like to discuss committee wise cyber security committee talk about that yes um so we had a cyber security meeting and basically we just talked about different ways that we keep our schools safe uh unfortunately as I read the news more and more school districts are acted so we're trying to come up with a coste effective least intrusive ways to protect our children's data and information uh which I think we'll be having some proposed Solutions in the coming months um we also talk about what other free resources are out there grants uh what organization other government organizations like the FBI cisa which is the cyber security infrastructure Security Agency the New Jersey cyber security Communications integration cell they all have very a lot of free resources that we could use geared specifically towards K through 12 schools uh they realize that this is a big issue so we are trying to do everything we can to keep our kids safe when it comes to online cyber security okay anybody else did anyone was anyone able to attend the New Jersey school board yeah I did I attended the county meeting it was very good they did a um I guess it was the ex executive County Superintendent who's no longer our County Superintendent Charles M but he gave the financial presentation it was very good just in time for Budget season helpful and I would encourage anybody I guess that be attended too I've attained my 10 credit or plus I got a recognition from New Jersey school boards so that's how you get them I guess going into more meetings learning things um with that do we know who our next Super we do not they think they know who the next VA is but they have not made the superintendent nowc in C but um they January is that normal they have a hard they just like she's down Atlantic County so she's covering a lot of that through the St as I guess it's a hard position to okay anyone else have anything they like to add okay if not moving on to the superintendent's report thank you Dr Snider um I just like to mention that this is a busy month for everyone um if you are able to on Thursday night our new before and after care provider gr at school will be here in this room and and we will also be zooming for those people who need to contact virtually they will be answering questions um they've really been working hard with us to try to accommodate our specific needs so um we're excited about them coming on board and then we have holiday concerts um at George Mitchell and frog pond and all types of holiday activ activities in our schools um times and dates can be found on the district website and I'd like to offer a special um thanks to our steam class here the sixth grade steam class and their teacher here at Frog Pond who used the um 3D printer I was going to say this the Lego maker don't ask me why the 3D printer and made us beautiful ornaments you can see Mr phello has a Christmas tree and him has up the Snowman and and they're engraved on the back with frog pond and 2023 and our names so um you should be very proud of the work going on in the building and certainly many thanks to them and um on behalf of all of the administration to wish everybody a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year yeah those ornaments made me feel old because I remember the ornaments from the Kil which I still I hang them on my tree so we still have them so now we're going to 3D printer so I'm going to adjust um okay moving on to board presentations I would like to um on behalf of the board the lake harbor School Board recognize Lisa semler for her service uh as a member of the little Lake Harbor Board of Education in appreciation for your three years of outstanding and dedicated service to the students and staff of the little Lake Harbor Township School District uh with as a word of gratitude those our heeld thanks and appreciation for your service to our community thank you so thank you you're not going to do much you things let me give the fire in fire okay I'm I'm sorry I did when we did the approval of the agenda I did mean to um let the board know that there may be an error in the years of service for the retirement um of um Miss Randol um we have her as 31 years of service and she wrote to me today and said she thought it was only 26 so let the record reflect 26 for the voting purposes and then we can always change it if in fact we find out that um we think it may have been something from substituting that pulled over but we're not sure and we didn't find it out until late in the day and um I just want I told her I would make that change all right action items recommend a motion to approve Finance items A8 through F and I have a motion motion have a second second are there any questions no if I can I have recommend a motion so can have a roll call vot sorry ahead Mr phello yes M Mar yes Mr Barry yes mesn yes M Herber yes m s yes Dr Snider yes motion passes recommend a motion to approv facility items A and B can I have a motion motion can I have a second second are there any questions if not have a vote Mr phello yes Miss Mor yes Mr Barry yes M alesn yes M Berber yes M semler yes Dr Snider yes motion carries recommend a motion to approve School business administrators non-personnel items a through F can I have a motion motion can I have a second second are there any questions I just want to say it's very it's great to see every time how generous our um community members are of all the donations and I know it's kind of side but I know that the PTO I wish I had known about it earlier um the project that they had done at the community center collecting donations for families to distribute and if anyone got a chance to see the pictures before and after you saw those right what was there and how much was taken by families in need um it's it will make you start separating now for next year to be a part of it because it really look like a great thing so and so that was the the idea behind that was to um anything that you have extra maybe your kids outgrew their toys and you feel guilty about throwing it away and you want to put it to good use you could drop it off there to uh the next day folks can come in and gift it and shop for free so then you know everyone gets blessed you you free up space at your house someone else gets blessed with a gift and then whatever was left over was donated uh to another organization so none of it went to waste and we had there was a really good turnout and they're definitely going to make it an annual thing so yes you can start cleaning out now um okay um have a roll call vote Please Mr phello yes M Martin yes Mr Barry yes M zeso yes Miss urn yes Miss zler yes Dr Snider yes motion carries recommend a motion to to approve personal items a through K can I have a motion motion I have a second second are there any questions I'll note that I said Randol instead of rudol so I apologize any questions can I have a roll callot Mr vello yes Miss Martin yes Mr bar yes Miss zesn yes Miss Berber yes m SE yes Dr SN yes motion carries recommend a motion to approve superintendent of school's nonpersonal items a through C can I have a motion motion can I have a second are there any questions yeah I have a question about B um so the safe return plan this was something that was developed during Co I think right yes it it it actually has to be renewed every here and actually miss server found something in it that um we'll make an adjustment to it was very minor about masking and I think in the revisions as they were made it was just it was changed in some places and it was missed in something so we'll take care of that so can we table that for now make a motion to table it um so it could be kicked back and it has to be submitted to the state we can make the the um there's testing mandates and things like that in it which is Antiquated it's it's not mandated right but it doesn't matter that it's there it just doesn't apply now do you know what I'm saying like there's certain things that you really should not remove because if we went back into a um if we went back into a pandemic it's all about safe return if you're in that situation so that's why I was up to the Mass piece from what we you sent me I believe should be adjusted and it was adjusted in some places but not in others so we need to approve the plan and you can add to it in the minutes um with minor revision of the masking I'm not comforable that but I will I'll just but it has to go it has to go to the state and once the change is made I'll send it back to you we have a return do you understand what I'm saying the board has to approve it yes the doe mandated one is on the website right yes that's lengthy ones right all this is more like a procedural thing right this is really for our saf return in the event quite honestly it's rather Obsolete and why we're still renewing it is yeah Beyond me but we do what we're told directive from the doe is that what that is yes State Department of Education yeah and the do seen such a small one like this it's it's different any other questions if not have a roll call Mr phello yes M Bart yes Mr bar yes m aded yes M I'll say yes with the exception of B not voting for that since it's not accurate M SE yes Dr SN yes motion carries um are there any new motions or business at this time seeing as there's none moving on to public comment the floor is now open to members of the public Board of Education recognizes the value to public comment on educational issues the board request that each statement made by is limited to 3 minutes as said in policy number 0167 there's a sign and Sheet located at the podium uh please sign in before you speak would anyone like to speak it's a good question how long a gentle pause is all right sure it's the last last time for a whole year till 2024 all right moving on to board Forum anyone I don't I don't needan to look in your direction I I'm going to tell you this story though so when I was observed for teaching and I have to I tend to look at the right side of the room so I have to like mentally not to shift to the left so now I'm going to shift to Chris and we start there okay but it's actually I don't know why I do it but I tend to look at one side of the room more than the other and I catch myself so I'm sorry I'll go first because I'll be quick um I just want to say congratulations to the teachers of the year the Educational Service person of the year the support staff person of the year and the custodian person of the year great folks um so welld deserved so congratulations to those those uh individuals we will be recognizing them at the January meeting oh okay great regular meeting okay um and then thank you Thank you Lisa for your service on the board um thank you for your time and commitment to this district and happy holidays and happy New Year gra uh just want to say thank you to whoever made this more specifically you spelled my name right which usually that's the first thing I look at because that's usually incorrect so good job on that Pam and I were talking about how our names are always misspelled always and I as well on the card and the or my name very impressive very impressive so thank you for that um I want to bring attention to miss Patty blood uh last night we had a little L Harbor special education parent advisory group meeting on zoom and Patty was our guest of honor and she spoke for about 15 minutes telling us tell all the parents online about all the great things that were going on in the district and uh after you left we got great feedback uh you were you were entertaining at 8:00 at night uh very informative and just the way you spoke was very very calming and reassuring to the parents that were on there last night knowing that uh their children are in good hands so thank you for coming on last night thank you and Lisa it's been great sitting next to you these past couple months uh I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and uh we really appreciate your service and I taught your one of your girls in eighth grade so now they're going to be graduating I can't believe that but uh hope you guys H have another year so have another year so I'll see them out there at the football games but thank you for your service we really appreciate it yes that was impressed spell last as well that was very exciting and I appreciate this this is a very blown away that this is created on printer so um Lisa thank you so much for your service the one you know I've obviously only got to know you through board stuff but the one thing about you I know is that your girls are your world and your mom first and I think that's something that um resonates with all the people on this board here is we're very family oriented so I appreciate that and I wish you all the best of Lu and Allison we're excited to have you join in a couple weeks and um just wishing everybody a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year so Dr okay I just want to also thank Lisa for your service to get to know that luck in the future I'm sure we'll be watching our and I want to thank all the people out in those seats out there tonight for your continued dedication to come attend these meetings it really helps us encourages us especially when public speaks I enjoy that so happy holidays Merry Christmas to everybody till next year um yes I Lisa it's uh been nice uh serving with you I'll see you in the end of the month when I get my teeth clean um but so every few months I'll see you anyway um even though you proved that we can you know disagree and get along so that's that's great and uh thank you uh I also want to thank my uh fellow uh Brothers and Sisters in Christ and uh wish you all a merry Christmas and I also want to extend a heartfelt uh happy Hanukkah to my Jewish friends also uh I think there's ukah there's a lot we can learn from it we would be look into it you know uh 200 years before Christ was born um the Jews again were being persecuted in terrible ways and the uh macbes uh went against a more dominant and powerful force got caught between the Egyptian and and the Greeks and uh and they were limited to what they could do they couldn't worship and despite the fact that they that they uh were overwhelmed by force they still after a couple years one um and then they restored the temple uh and there was only going to be enough oil to light the candle for one day or miraculously it lasted for for eight days and I appreciate you bearing with me to tell the story because what I get from that is we all face times in our lives that we're uh exposed to forces that we think are overwhelming um but with the help of God God we we can overcome those and we can be triumphant and I also like the the uh analogy of the oil because here we all think that we only have one day left in us but we really have a whole lot more in us than we think and uh so happy H to my Jewish friends and I just board members uh Merry Christmas Happy hon as well all right um thank you that was I enjoy that um um I just want to thank everyone um all of the teachers all of the staff um I know that last week was parent teacher conferences and um everyone has been working very very hard and I'm looking forward to a great 202 24 and to finish out the school year well I guess finish out there to us um uh but to continue on all the work that we've um begun and can't wait to see what things 2024 has in store for us and so that our next meeting will be January 3rd our reorganization meeting at 5:00 pm where we'll be welcoming Miss Lawrence to our board um and we look forward to that and Lisa best of luck um and thank you for your service and have a good evening everyone uh can I have a motion to adjourn motion R second second all in favor any extensions