e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e this is to advise the general public that in compliance with the open public meeting act the L Lake haror Board of Education meeting waser tized in the Asbury Park Press Atlantic City Press and posted in the office of the Board of Education located at 307 frog Road Lake Harbor New Jersey and post at the office of the municipal clerk of little Lake Harbor Mr phell here miss Martin here Mr Baron here M zesn here miss her here Miss Lawrence here Dr Snider here you have a please stand for the pledge of [Music] allegiance of the United States of America and to theic for it stands Nation God indivisible Li and Justice recommend a motion to approve the agenda motion I have a second any questions okay see as there are none all in favor I any exensions or objections moving on to approval of the minutes recommend a motion to accept the following minutes can I have a motion I have a second second are there any questions seeing as there are none can I all in favor any exensions or objections okay motion carries moving on to the first public comment for agenda items only the Board of Education now welcomes the public to comment on items which are on our agenda tonight community members should first try to resolve their concerns by speaking directly to the school administrators before bringing those concerns to the board it may not always be possible or appropriate for the board to directly answer questions during the public comment period each speaker is allotted at maximum three minutes to make their statement No one may speak uh more than once on the same topic you're required to give your name and address before speaking would anyone like to speak [Music] thoughtful okay as there are none we'll move on um we have the following correspondents for informational items and moving on to the board work session um just a couple things I know that um I'll get you it look at those excuse me uh reports from Mr Cole and from Mari but on Mr Cole's report the Hazardous communication training of facility that's training on all the chemicals they use the they learn about the SS's how to read the SS sheet what they need to do in emergency it's basic chemical training so they know not to mix chemicals okay I got the the word communication threw me off I that's what they call it I changed a couple years ago yeah they keep changing it there's like it's been changed a couple times it used to be it's part of right to know right part the right to know program it used to be right and it called something else and it's got it thank you very much yeah it used to be MSDS sheets material safety data sheets now it's SS sheets I have thank you um okay for our board session um we have not discussed yet board goals for the upcoming here and um potentially a board retreat um I don't know if anyone is interested in a board retreat this year or if we would like to um you know brainstorm potential goals um send them you know and I'll formulate a document and then we can de on them at the next meeting are there any thoughts on that you guys would like to do do we have a budget for board retreat well we could just get together but [Music] yes yes that was so the question on the hand is do we have a budget for um I I think there's a small budget to um have some refreshments just like we had okay ex so we can have it here illustrious Media Center we can make it a PO come on I mean we can you know there's enough money in the budget to have Refreshments um so the question is is do you I guess think I don't know if you want to make a decision now or I can send out a poll um see if that's something that we want that's also our chance to meet with administrators um probably be good foret later on as well yeah so what we want to do it at the I guess we have to think about a date getting everybody together right can we do it prior to a [Music] meeting um so when does our next meeting August 20th I believe yes even if it's the same day well for so it would be August 20th I guess we could do it anyone else o00 how much you [Music] think I may have done get a so caregiver for my granddaughter during that month while my daughter okay travels um I'll just have to check and see if my husband take off so at with evening I guess we can do it after our meeting think we have a normal meeting six I don't know obviously we don't know what's going to be on the agenda in August but if that works I know everybody loves late nights um that week too that meeting [Music] yeah I I I know I'm not have availability in September that we do day yeah so I'll put out a survey for a date and then think about what board goals we would like to consider um last year and previous years we um try to attend additional trainings um for master board training which is I think Laura has achieved that so a great job with that um and and things like that we also have New Jersey school board's convention coming up in October um so do you have availability or if you have to request time or if you interested just keep that in mind I believe you're already registered for that but I saw direct yes we are okay so we got the early bird special too anything we can do to save money I'll take it um so just keep those in mind and look out for an email for me and I will um send out some potential needs if you guys have needs that you know are definitely out um let me know we'll try to work around everything I me I know like 6 a.m. meeting 6. meeting is it better to have it before the next meeting we talk about well I I guess this is one thing I guess I haven't discussed with Dr ANZ and I don't want to be on the spot because normally we have District goals correct and so I guess those would be determined before the start of the school year and I guess potentially be discussed I guess on the first day well we have a working a strategic plan too that's in place for five years so that's being implemented I it's not like it's urgent to have new new goals right I guess traditionally I guess is what I'm saying I that's what we but I that's also a good point we can discuss where we are in our strategic planning um at that meeting to see where we are and where we need to go right anything else so look out for an email and do we have any committee updates yes policy committee we met and I thank um Howard and Alison for meeting and Dr tunz remotely and Mr Green was there uh we met and we reviewed about six policies um I'll just name most of them curriculum content acceptable use of electronic transmission capabilities um the acceptable use is really distinct our district I found out there's no cross reference with st I think that Deanna updated me on that um and then acceptable use of computer network U computers and resources there was a a communication electronic communication between staff members and students um that was Paris and regular staff and we reviewed the transportation student transportation policy um the main reason well we haven't met in quite a while so the main reason was to go over some old policies find out who our review um what our review services are I guess and I did notice a bill for New Jersey school boards on our bills list for like 11,000 plus and I don't know if that includes review but we do pay St review of policies um and what from what I could see on an early review because you guys didn't see this but um SC esate didn't have any really big changes other we're trying to add stiffer language stronger language to protect the kids from any incoming you know would be just um language or images given given what's been going on in the school districts so for instance I'll just give one example curriculum content we wanted to add to that policy the language was recommended that um curricula should not include the following inappropriate content defamatory inaccurate abusive obscene profane sexually oriented images or language threatening offensive harassing or illegal material so stuff like that that just stiffens the language so it makes it clear for everybody um and the same thing with communication between staff and students so we haven't finalized anything and I think I sent everybody the minutes right so we will be um before the next meeting that's the thing I wanted to say I might not be here so September would be ideal to vote on revisions um and we will get those to you in time everybody a time to to read them prior to the September meeting um but it was very productive meeting and I thank everybody who contributed um and the transportation policy we wanted to add some language to that to make two equal payments but that hasn't been finalized yet any any questions from anybody we're also considering a cell phone policy I'll give you an update on that next time thank you what is our current policy school boards is talking about it many schools are implementing it I forget which school is going to be using the bags for their phones yeah there just procedures that go along with it but yeah they're determining that distractability kids are just so distracted having whether they use them for good purpose or not they're just distractions sorry yes I students or staff there are rules for staff as well there'll be one for students one for staff staff we have an electronic communications policy which includes some of that right now and then just one other thing that I have um has communication gone out regarding start times for the fall um right don't believe so uh I'll double check that but I don't believe anything has gone out yet so we'll make sure that goes out early enough off and then one more thing that I I had related to our interim superintendent that I had not relate to um Dr yet that I just remembered um right to school for summer camp is was there any um word that's know I sure about adding an extra week because I believe we end the same we as um for parents so that they have coverage because we really do not have any summer camps in this area I know they're trying to sta it if they can sta it she said they're going to do it okay um that was last week so I can follow up and find out for sure extra because right now it's supposed to finish a yeah that would be great I last year last year excuse me we went that yeah I think even and they started earlier speaking of BR to school um do we get updates I mean there are new vendor for us new employee Essen do we can we get updates on how that's going informally because we don't have you know so informally I have already gotten several updates okay and so I can certainly share that okay great because I know the cost was comparable what we were charging before going to go on but I just want anyone else have anything they'd like to discuss if not moving on to the superintendent report I just wanted to to take a moment to just say I'm so happy to beet you it's been I think 98 since since I started on the first but you know with the holiday and stuff and it's been just yesterday it's been an awesome N9 days just getting just people coming in to say hello people calling dropping in I took a ride over to a walk a walk over or ride over to esy and splash and just walked around got a tour of the building which is great and so just getting to know everybody and and meet with people has been really wonderful so just wanted to say thank you and that so far so good everything really grateful to be here thank you okay we have the following presentations um student safety data system presented by [Music] um good evening everyone um most of you know me I'm Jackie jino director of personel plan evaluation um most of you have seen me present on this before um I am presenting to you our ssds submission number two data and giving you some uh information and details about that as well as our hid grade report back in October I presented to you um the hid grade uh proposal scores that were completed by each school safety and climate team in conjunction with the anti-bullying specialist in each school they met at the team they did a self uh evaluation on how well or not we are um following the law of the anti Bill Rights Act and I presented that in October they were submitted and just letting you know that everything was confirmed and no changes needed to be made those scores are now posted on our district website for everyone to do in regards to the ssps submission this is for the second half of the Year from January to June uh again this is done twice a year it is a state online program called the student safety data system and we have to document a lot of that data in that system everything from our HIIT investigations whether they're confirmed or unfounded progr programs and trainings that we hold any student suspensions whether they're out of school or in school and any incidentes that rise to the level of violence vandalism or substance use this data is submitted for various different um federal and state [Music] requirements so again it's done twice a year from September to December and then again from January to June I already mentioned that we submit all um unfounded or alleged investigations as well as founded one incidences of violent vandalism weapons or substances and again our suspensions and our trainings and programs and all three schools um the data is submitted for so looking at our data in the fra P school there were considered 11 consider total incidences and the state views those incidences as confirmed hibs and any of those that are violent vandalism substance or weapon use or possession so in in Breaking that down L 11 we had nine confirmed HS one act of violence or vandalism one um incident involving a weapon and we had 16 student suspension there were also we have to also report our unfounded um HIIT investigations and at the fraud conol we had six so we did a total of 15 hid investigations in the frond school from January to June six of them were unfounded nine were confirmed there were three instances where um we were possibly going to uh investigate something as a hi and we determined not to that it was either in most cases um there are times where parents will submit an incident twice is a duplicate um so therefore we don't investigate something that's already being investigated or we clearly know that is a a student code of conduct issue in all instances parents are notified that we are investigating it as a code of conduct issue if any information is brought to light during that code of conduct investigation that makes us really evaluate that decision thinking that it might possibly be a bullying incident then we would have opened up a hi investigation but in all three instances they were either duplicates or uh a quote of conduct violation at the Mitchell school there were four inces um in the eyes of the state we had four um confirmed hibs or unfounded hibs there were no incidences of violence vandalism and no student suspensions at the mental school there were two instances there where we did not investigate something as a possible hi and again we investigated it as a code of conduct issue or it was a duplicate at the ECC there were no hi investigations no uh incidences that had to be recorded just a quick question uh the weapons that can be considered anything from like a water bottle to anything definition on that um there is some guidance on that um it isn't a usually a water bottle if a water bottle was used in an act where it caused an injury then yes we could consider it that um but the guidance that they give us relates to guns knives um Weaponry like that something serious excuse me the weapon would be something serious in this case um it was an incident that um a student brought something to school in their backpack um to uh an event in their backpack and um it was the student reported it to us and we had to follow L I don't want to get into too much detail here because I don't want it to identify that [Music] student in regards to some trainings and programs part of your um board approval there's a much more lengthier list in that attachment this is a um a summary of the highlights of our trainings and programs that we conducted from January to June we had several different book studies going on as a district or um staff members at the Early Childhood Center participated in and we have to report on any program or training that's related to student behaviors student morale um the parent uh the home school connection um things of that nature so we also have some behavior management training uh or um faculty meetings and workshops at the Mitchell school I meet with our anti-bullying specialist at least three times a year we meet a lot more than that um our counselors and our nurses had a professional development provided by the St Francis staff our uh Mitchell School administrators had a PBIS training which is positive behavior in schools training and our teacher assistants also were provided um a series of trainings during this time in regards the program we have a lot going on um everything from classroom presentations to different types of parent family engagement activities held at all three schools uh there was a lot of work done with um seal and mindfulness in the ECC and um both Bron and Mitchell and Mitchell did some programming this year with our bus drivers where they would invite bus drivers in so that the students can have some time to get to know their bus drivers a little bit more to doog that relationship between the two and um hopefully improve student behaviors on the bus but a lot of great things going on in our schools and I thank you for your attention and your questions do anyone have any addition I I do the PBIS is that just that George J Mitchell actually uh the PBIS program in some form of capacity is done in all three schools a lot of it is focused on bus behaviors because that is where um most of our incidents of any kind of misbehavior is occurring it's not solely just bus but a lot lot of our energies goes towards that yeah it's I don't know if anybody else finds it concerning but the the exclusions and they incidences have they are they comparable to last year or can you speak to that they are because I actually we looked at that when I met with our anti-bullying specialist at those meetings we um analyze that data very closely we look at locations we look at grade levels to see if you see any Trends um so last year we had 13 founded hibs and 10 unfounded for a total of 23 investigations amongst all three schools this year we had 27 so it went up by four um it is also something that I attended a training with um njpsa it's a hid law review end of the year synopsis and every single participant there and a lot of them were the anti-bullying coordinators said that their numbers had increased from the previous this year um it felt like because from January to June we were doing so good if you recall from I know if you recall from September to December when I reported I think we had three you know three and we exploded in January February March and then it drastically went down after that and we try to identify why because we want to prevent that in the future um but really first we I have I can make some assumptions you know we're inside more we're not outside um a lot of students are on very good behavior at the beginning of the school year uh we don't have many breaks from January to June so we can make some assumptions on that but overall um throughout the state even the State numbers are reflecting an increase in his investigations founded or unfounded what's your opinion of of the PBIS like heading that you know being proactive in front of it and trying to um um I think re boing good behavior right I think if you're going to have expectations in a school it needs to be consistent and that's what positive behavior in in schools does it identifies expectations it should be everybody should understand and know those expectations so that everyone is on the same page because sometimes you see discrep are differences in classroom to classroom or school to school and you want to keep that language consistent and the expectations consistent um I just wondered because I know there's rallies and you know rewards given out for good behavior do we do that we do we do um I know in um Mitchell School you focus on every single character trait every single month and students are called down um even at the Frog p School uh we solicit donations from local organizations so that we can reward those students um because there are most of our students come to school every single day doing the right thing behaving exactly as we would expect them to behave for children of this age um there's probably that 7% that take up much of our time um so we are hoping that we can swing some of them around and that's our gold thank [Music] [Music] you Jersey Mike's donated um sub coupon waa is phenomenal we really have developed some nice partnership with our local um businesses to help us uh recognized students who are doing the right thing thank [Music] you okay moving on to action items recommended motion to approve Finance items 8 through age I have a motion motion I have a second are there any questions [Music] okay yeah I just I did have a question on the bill flow for the um njsba is that an annual uh Fe for July 16th bills [Music] list that one off ahead of time sounds like an [Music] right I think you answered all my other questions okay on page two yes those are all Annual fees okay 11,000 for the year that I'm just not sure what what we pay them for New Jersey school boards you recall the the part of it part of it is um you recall when last year when the our representative came spoke to us things train things of that nature I guess like marman oversees the superintendent evaluation yeah most times I know the Dos are going up I mean they I heard that they approved a dope [Music] for about those that was it if there's any more questions can i r call Mr pichelli yes M Martin yes Mr Baron yes M [Music] yes yes Miss Lawrence yes Dr steer yes all motions car recommend a motion to approve facilities items A and B can I have a motion can I have a second second are there any questions cable Mr Phil yes M Martin yes Mr bar yes m yes Miss IR yes Miss Lawrence yes Dr Snider yes motion carries recommend a motion to approve School business administrators non-personnel items a through L can I have a [Music] motion second thank you are there any questions I I would just like to start and address the neutr serve um which is a had contracted with neutr serve coming school year and I wanted to take this time to talk about pre- andu lunch um currently I believe or this past year we were about at 46% for reduced free and reduced lunch if we reach a threshold of 50% every student in the school will receive free lunch I really don't know how to make that happen um but if there's anything that we can do to try to reach parents this is like your One Chance in life to to pay it forward like if you're receiving it and you're getting something you're actually giving it to other people as well and inflation has hit all of us and I just remember during Co not having to make lunch that that was nice not having to worry about packing a lunch in the morning or the night before um and things like that so anyone has any ideas staff administrators anyone board members that we can do to try to reach that it's kind of been a line for a while but I saw that we that this close with the numbers of only 4% I really do think that it's hopefully possible for this upcoming school year so what are the requirements just so people at home know it's the in um the income threshold which I do not know the exact income threshold but you um there's a form you fill out how many members are in your household and your income and I do you have to submit someting documents not unless you're asked okay so just a question of you filling it out not you don't have to revise your previous you know re W2s or previous year tax returns um I do believe you have to include a social security number though correct that is correct yeah so Robert you said it was a onepage document front back that's it yeah yes two page back if you don't know if you're eligible can you fill it out and submit it and then they'll tell you if you're eligible or not absolutely so basically everybody in the district can fill it out regardless of whether what they make and then it'll just be sorted out on their end correct correct yes and there used to be a thing that you could just at least turn it in and say and sign it say that you do not qualify like if you know that you don't and you don't want to put your information out there um and you definitely don't qualify you can submit that just so that we would have on record for every student I think that that would give us because do we know what participation Robert 46% 4 46% is the eligibility right but how many people have actually completed on an annual basis doing that I top of my head I so maybe we can figure out how many more people we need to reach I said that was about 50 people right were 50 people roughly away from freeing reduc Lun I think so I think so I'm not but we're very close to receiving we have 46 % uh free free and reduced application if we reach that 50% threshold yes it's it sets us over so we're close we've tried we we sent out letters we call people we put out email bless things like that is it electronically available yes it is it's also electronically available some people automatically qualify uh through um through the county certification you're already receiving uh tanif and stamps we automatically qualify and we receive a download it automatically elects them to receive the free lunch but yes we tried very hard to to reach that 50% threshold and we just haven't got there and and I believe I think esy everyone receives free lunch who's in esy because so many of those kids are yes reduced that's a summer program aued by the state and they reimburse us for the full amount of each each each lunch and and I don't know if this is still the case but if you apply you might be made aware of and you qualify of services that you weren't awar that were out there to help you you might I think they were giving out debit cards or different things for food and things like that so there are more things that could potentially be available and again it helps everyone so and I think it do stay agent economy I think um everyone can benefit from it so okay will be one of our side goals all right uh any other questions on [Music] those and not follow Mr phello yes M Martin yes Mr Barry yes Miss zesn yes M Berber yes M Lawrence yes Dr Snider yes motion carries recommend a motion to approve personal items a through J have a motion Mo have a second are there any questions I just want to comment I'm really happy to see that we're able to transfer [Music] teed I also noted that we have Forum I think speech therapists coming in to help with IEPs and I know that was a big concern when we had budget cuts lot stilles this is just for meetings just service this is just fors I figured that needed [Music] crunch all right other questions Mr phello yes M Mor yes Mr bar yes M yes M Berber yes M Lawrence yes Dr Snider yes motion carries recommend a motion to approve personal item C I have a motion motion I have a second second are there any questions all right um do that pertains to anything from aara which is very possible um can I have a roll call V Mr phello yes M Martin yes Mr Barry yes mesn yes M Herber yes M Lawrence yes Dr Snider yes motion carries recommend a motion to approve the superintendent of school's non-personnel items G to rece can I have a motion motion can I have a second second are there any [Music] questions I just needed to know where the comprehensive uh Equity plan was located this is just an assurance of of submission right yeah they allow you to extend it for a certain number of years and that's what this this is it's just a statement of assurance that we're still doing it but if you haven't receiv received it we will make sure you that do we have our own or is that your J Administrative Code like gu it's all based upon code but every district has their own okay okay thank you any other questions Mr pello yes Miss Martin yes Mr Barry yes M zesn yes M urn yes Miss Lawrence yes Dr Snider yes motion carries um I do not believe there's any new business I really think I would talk much during this meeting but I I know I I mentioned this before what makes you think that what can I say I mentioned this before and I'm sure Dr anunas knows about it um for delegates for the delegate assembly now we had discussed it before no I to my knowledge the last three years no one's ever been offered to do it or ever been represented our board it meets two times a year right at New Jersey school boards and what you do is you vote on their resolutions or you bring a resolution if you wanted to from our board um and I think Robert you had said maybe to wait until January um to make that kind of appointment I'm not sure how the process works but I can ask him about it I believe you have already been appointed to board delegate reting the re I believe so that's that's what I'm okay I don't remember that being agenda I think you were actually congratulations I don't know if I don't know if it I me we had a lot of stuff going on this year but I don't know if it was an actual agenda item I believe when we um formed committees because typically Ved at the meeting certain there nomination for for a delegate as well I don't recall we did that here or not I think go back right I will go look at the minutes I don't recall that way but I do believe that you did sign up for it voluntarily through the board and during committee when President was signing committee reports I believe you volunteer for it and president yes my understanding it has to be a v of the full board but I I will check that out if it hasn't I'll check it I'll look at the minut because somebody else can be [Music] interested confidence okay if it if it wasn't officially voted on we'll definitely have a vote ready for August whether you're in attendance or not you made it very appealing though two Saturday meetings I think you know I wouldn't want to take that away from you it's probably like 8 A.M in Trent or something too right it hasn't even been a month you can't afford yet I'll let you know that's you're supposed to plan a trip for your first this way this for all my teachers plan a trip for that first week in September so that this way you don't notice that school is starting in that way it's a nice okay uh moving on to public comment the floor is now open to members of the public the Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues the board requests that each statement made by A purchas Min is limited to 3 minutes is cited in policy number 0167 there is a sign she located on the podium please sign in before you speak would anyone like to [Music] speak I can't hear you at home the [Music] here tonight for the third time to congratulate Dr munis I had the honor of her being um the assistant superintendent when all three of my children went through the Jon Township School District and then I had the honor of being a board of education member while drus was um an assistant superintendent you guys are an excellent hands um she will get you the good time and bad times besides being confident and caring she's also compassionate she will not only be there for your students she will be there for your staff and for your community and congratulations to you guys for choosing a perfect candidate for this District can you just repeat your name for the record Judy C thank you you're welcome can you repeat how good we are and good Lu being thank [Music] you thank you would anyone else like to speak okay seeing as there's no one moving on to board one anyone like to speak go first uh I'd like to Second welcome Dr antunes uh you've been here for the past couple meetings hiding all the way in the back and now you get to sit at the the big table so thank you welcome um Christine if I want to help take part in the free induced Lun campaign I will help uh promote that and we should accomplish that goal this year I I don't see any reason why we can it'll benefit everybody also little L Harver ceg I'm part of that um we're going to have a meeting in August where hopefully Kelly will be in attendance it's a zoom meeting we'll send out information but for special education parents who uh want to know what's going on in the upcoming uh school year regarding the new special education uh policies and procedures and what's going to go on in the classroom we're going to have that informational meeting for for the whole District if you like to attend uh just want to give you a heads up on that and then finally uh Laura I think you're very talkative today because yesterday was your birthday so happy birthday we really appreciate all your service to our board and all the questions that you asked thank [Music] you else speak off [Music] here and thank you [Music] for I just want to say quickly that right in School parent perspective has been been great so far so the summer very impressive outside of the little pink getting started with you know sign up in the process of drop off it's been great my kids love it good [Music] just wanted to welcome you and say we're very happy that you're [Music] here and I just like to remind the board that we're invited to meet with on individual level and I for sign up for thato table are six months and she's like sing as a nurse [Laughter] somewhere um any else I would also like to welcome Dr antunes and I think I prct to do it earlier because I feel like I've known you for so long now because this process it took us so long to get through this point that like you're a natural fixture here so for me um so and then also too I just like to remind anyone interested in the school board um when are those is it July 27th do have right dat July 29th M Monday July 29th July 29th um I find is the deadline to apply I do find it's a great way to learn of what goes into running a school personally I think there's a lot of things that we can say that we did not know before we became a board member and the decisions that have to be made and that things are not as easy or even as black and white um in some cases so if you're interested and you're interested in kids I mean um um and helping kids and helping all kids and I think that's why we're all here um many of us do not have kids in the school district um my youngest is in eighth grade um but caring about kids having lunch I know that even on the Collegiate level food insecurity is a huge problem in our country huge especially college students um and you know my kids laugh about it because I say to them I go thing that I worry about um that you have food because you can't think you can't do other things if you're worried about where your next meal is coming from if you're hungry it affects your focus it affects your ability to excel so for that reason that I'm and also too I would like to help every family because I do been get provides a service so again so July 29th is the last date and Ocean County any Ocean County election County cler Tom and I think that's all I have our next meeting will be on August 20th at 6 o'cl for executive 74 public session and stay tuned for a special meeting for our board retreat thank you board retreat um and everyone enjoy the rest of your summer really really fast as I have college students that are already um getting ready to to go back to so thank you have a good evening and see you next time a motion to adjourn see I'm all out of it all in favor any objections exensions