order at 602 Sunshine statement this is to advise the general public that in compliance with the open public meetings act little Lake Car Board of Education calls to be posted at the office of the Board of Education located at 307 Bron Road little L cor New Jersey and faxed on December 23rd 2023 to the Atlantic City Press and to the office of the M municipal clerk of Lake haror a meeting notice setting forth the time date and location of this meeting roll call Mr philal here M Martin here Mr Barry here miss LNO here miss Berber here Dr Snider here Miss Lawrence here please stand for the pledge of Alle United [Music] States the election results the annual election of little Lake clber Board of Education was held on Tuesday November 7th 2023 Miss Allison Lawrence was elected to a three-year term you can see the 2024 board member we're going to do the new board member oath I gave Miss Lawrence the oath if she could read it out loud y I could use my gy voice yes I don't really need this I Alison Lawrence do somly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me God I Allison Lawrence do Solly swear or affirm that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of a member of board of el education excuse me I'm not disqualified uh as a voter pursuant to rs19 col 4-1 I am not disqualified due to a conviction of a crime or offense listed in njsa 18a col 12-1 and then I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God that's all three I almost read L and then if you could sign that and return that back to me thank you welcome aboard thank [Applause] you I'm moving on to public comment agenda items only the board of educ ation now welcomes the public to comment on the items which are on our agenda tonight community members should first try to resolve their concerns by speaking directly to school administrators before bringing those concerns to the board it may not always be possible or appropriate for the board to directly answer questions during the public comment period each speaker is allowed at a maximum of three minutes to make their statement No one may speak more than once on the same topic you are required to get your name and address before speaking please keep your comments respectfully and non- defamatory and maintain the level of decorum appropriate for a public meeting where minors May been in the audience anyone like to speak see no one moving on we are going to recommend a motion to appoint the acting board secretary as a temporary chair can I have a motion motion second are there any questions roll call Mr Phil cell yes Miss Martin yes Mr Barry yes M lesno yes Miss Berber yes Dr Snider yes Miss lawren yes motion carries we're going to do nominations for president recommend motion to open the floor for board president nominations motion can I have a motion yeah second second are there any questions no all in favor any opposed motion carries the floor is now open for board president nominations is there a second second anyone else oh I'd like to nominate Laur [Music] arber [Music] second any other nominations okay floor is closed we have two what take okay okay so we're going to recommend motion to to vote on Dr Snyder as board president we're going to take a roll call Dr Snider yes server no Mr Bill cell yes M Martin yes M lesno yes Mr Barry no Miss Lawrence yes [Music] okay okay so we're going to recommend motion to vote on the nomination of Dr Snyder as board president I have a motion second did we just vote on that oh sorry sorry [Music] [Music] [Laughter] welcome congratulations Dr Snider would you like to take over the [Music] meeting you're doing such a great job though not that I need the microphone for the people at home oh that's I forgot about that 10 okay thank you uh moving on now to nomination for vice president recommend a motion to open the floor for vice president nominations can I have a motion motion can I have a second are there any questions um um I'd like to nominate uh Chris vichella for vice [Music] president anyone else um any others okay the floor is now closed uh recommend a motion to vote on the nomination of Chris vello as vice president can I have a motion motion can I have a second second are there any questions or would you like to same your chance no I appreciate the uh denomination thank you very much um you know anybody up here is qualified to be part of the leadership here I think we try to work together as a team the best we can uh we deal with issues as they come along and I think the most important part is communication and as long as we keep the lines of communication open I think we can successfully move forward as a board so I appreciate the opportunity and hopefully vote yes thank you very much thank you can I have a roll call vote Dr Snider yes mber yes Mr Bello yes Miss Martin yes Mr Barry yes missan yes Miss Lawrence yes motion carries congratulations thank you very much congrats um recommend a motion to adopt the code of ethics can I have a motion can I have a second are there any questions okay we're now going to read the code of ethics as a whole um it's resolved by the little a caror board of education to adopt the following 18a 12- 24.1 code of ethics for school board members I need to okay I will so we're all together St rules and [Music] regulations schools changes should be brought only through legal and ethical procedures I will make decisions in terms of children and will seek to develop and maintain schools [Music] [Music] indal and Appraisal and I will polies and plans only [Music] after will carry responsibility [Music] MERS of education and make no personal promises nor take any private action which may compromise the I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interest [Music] groups [Music] of [Music] tool individuals the schools all matter provide accurate information con fellow Bo MERS inter the aspirations of community for schools I [Music] will to chief officer on such complaints at public meetings [Music] solution take a break um okay have have roll call vote now Dr Snider yes Miss server yes Mr phell yes Miss Martin yes Mr Barry yes mesn yes M Lawrence yes motion carries okay um moving on to board work session um committee discussion we do have a transportation committee meeting scheduled for I was just talking about this earlier January 24 January 24 and I do not have off the top of my head when is our next negotiation and that's at 6m yes at 6m and then those of you who are on the negotiation committee no Wednesday janary January 31st at 4:30 at 4:30 okay it would be good for the board negotiations committee to meet prior to then so that they can develop boards asked for wish list [Music] um that's Chris and Pam yes so if you can just let me know when what time is convenient and I arrange to meet with you I have a pretty open schedule next week just due to my semester doesn't begin until after sure until after uh next week yeah of course I say that and then I have kids that have doctor appointments but I Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon yeah I could do Tuesday afternoon can you do what Tu um meeting what you say I went youday um it would have to be later as a dentist you know what let's do sorry let's do Tuesday the 9th at 2 o' 2 [Music] o' night 3: right is early after like 4:30 4:30 I go to sleep early uh 5:00 Tuesday Tuesday the 9 at 5 is that work for you or 4:30 I can do Tuesday the 9th did 43 now I can make it by the skin of my teeth at okay five seconds okay yeah okay I have I still have teenage drivers home what are we going to be in your office P I'm sorry the office my office Tuesday the 9th at 5 5 okay yeah that's perfect I just want to make sure I have the corre time in my [Music] calendar okay and um so those two um board meeting date has everyone had a chance to look at those I am again only because I've actually had to publish purchase an ad in a newspaper I know how costly they are and I'm assuming that if the district just publishes it once in January we're done for the whole year it's one cost versus each time that we have to do it um as I said I I could make and I know that people prer a little earlier um like I stuck through six through April but like May June July and August I could do earlier executive start if you wanted to change it up unless you want to keep it consistent for the public I thought we were supposed to keep it consistent better I mean some of them aren't so some of them already are 6:30 vers 7 isn't that when we have the children presenting their children are coming in I believe it's March um and June and then November right so we shorten the executive on those right okay this all right um moving on to 13 um is the monthly meetings are being discussed resolved at the little L Harbor Board of Education to designate that the regular monthly meetings of the Board of Education you know the scheduled Below in the multi-purpose room located in the Frog Elementary School the meetings will begin with executive session followed by the public session as per the following schedule can I have a motion Mo can I have a second are there any questions okay um have a roll Co Dr Snider yes Miss serber yes Mr pello yes Miss Martin yes Mr Barry yes mesn yes Miss Lawrence yes motion carries um on to open public policy recommend a motion to approve open to the public policy items a through e can I have a motion motion can I have a second are there any questions have a roll call though Dr CER yes Miss erer yes Mr bichell yes Miss Martin yes Mr Barry yes Miss lesnau yes Miss Lawrence yes motion carries um parliamentary procedures resolved by the L parer Board of Education to adopt Roberts supporters no okay let's give all those that was my 12th through 18 sorry 15 15 15 it's right before number [Music] 15 sorry recommend a motion to approve items 15 through 23 can have a motion motion can I have a second second are there any questions Laura was that address the $50,000 that you asked yes yes yes budgeted but not utilized to that extent answered that it's there for purposes if something came up that we were sending someone somewhere nationally and needed but all of the um expenses are you know reviewed and approved first by the super and the business and administrator before they brought to the board and the board can always V I just also want to mention the Omni I know you uh had said the Omni Financial Group the contract still has Nick Brown's name on it and the email so i' just like to see that updated that we can I believe the email was already updated with om but the contract is the original contract and it's intivity unless we cancel it in 201 right yeah okay thank you anyone else the um conno laog contract we did that in the summer right so that's just listed here we're that's already active so we'll vote again on that in July the reor being in January you appoint then any changes that you make I have seen that one District does reor in July used to be done in May it used to always be done the word C were in April so reor was in May but when they changed it to November came the okay anyone else have a roll call vote Dr Snider yes the server yes Mr phello yes Miss Martin yes Mr Barry yes Miss lesnau um yes but I have to obain on 22 pleased Miss Lawrence yes motion carries okay moving on to public comment the floor is now open to members of the public the Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues the board requests that each statement made by a participant is the to 3 minutes as cited in policy number 0167 there's a sign in sheet located on the podium please sign in before to speak anyone like speak okay seeing as there's no one I will move on to board Forum I just want to say one thing that I forgot to mention in the board work session and it's Roberts not I think that me off bit um budget committee anyone like to volunteer two volunteers for [Music] the sorry um okay you only need two Abby raised your hand well I I'll be on it oh that's you um anyone else like to speak sure um congratulations Christine on the your presidency um Laura you did you're an excellent board member as well you made a good president as well I think everybody works together as a team and that's the goal um cuz one voice you know doesn't mean anything we all have to at least come to the majority so we love communicating Allison congratulations and joining the board we got a lot of great things going on uh we're lucky to have Patty here at this time helping to guide the ship and uh you know I just want to congratulate you and just the board hopefully we get a lot of things done this year um Abby and I now have a year under our belts we have a little bit more experience and uh hopefully we can make the most of it and just welcome back everybody in school and let's finish strong I just like welcome Alison congratulations also too I'm going to get a jump on it and remember to do your governance training when you receive those emails and you'll also be receiving is it the ethics or the disclosure ethics disclosures so if you get more than you'll get more frequent emails the longer that you um wait to do them so just keep that in mind and I want to welcome everyone back and hopefully it's been a calm week back smooth transition from break yeah um and um no one has anything else i' like to make a to move into executive session my second are there any questions um and can I have a roll call Dr sneer yes Miss server yes Mr bichell yes Miss Martin yes Mr Barry yes Miss lesno yes Miss Lawrence yes motion carries yes I'll take your fers